WHO monographs on selected medicinal plants - travolekar.ru

WHO monographs on selected medicinal plants - travolekar.ru WHO monographs on selected medicinal plants - travolekar.ru


Cortex Viburni Prunifolii Definition Cortex Viburni Prunifolii consists of the dried root or stem, trunk or root bark of Viburnum prunifolium L. (Caprifoliaceae) (1–3). Synonyms Viburnum pyrifolium Poiret, V. prunifolium var. globosum Nash., V. lentago var. pyrifolium (Poiret) Chapman, V. bushii Ashe, V. prunifolium var. bushii (Ashe) Palmer and Steyermark (3). Selected vernacular names Acerola negra, American sloe, American snowball, Amerikanische Viburnum, Amerikanischer Schneeball, Amerikansk snebolles, baya negra, black haw, black hawthorn, Blommenbladt kvalkved, cramp bark, ploomilehine lodjapuu, sheepberry, sloe, sloe tree, stagberry, stagbush, sweet viburnum, viburno americano, Virginische Schneeball Schneebaum (2–5). Geographical distribution Native to the USA (2–4, 6). Description A shrub or small tree up to 8 m in height. Bark is dark grey, lustrous and flaking. Leaf: deciduous, alternate, broadly elliptic to ovate-oblong, rarely lanceolate, 1.8–6.2 cm (mostly 2.3–4.0 cm) wide, 2.5–9.7 (mostly 3–6) cm long, apex rounded or acute, base obtuse to decurrent, surface membranous or chartaceous, glabrous with stellate hairs along top midrib, and margins serrulate. Petioles 10–12 (occasionally 4–18) mm long, narrowly winged or not. Inflorescence: terminal, many-flowered cyme, flat-topped, 3.5–12 cm across, bracts 5, peduncle up to 11 mm long. Flower: perfect, radially symmetric, spreading to broadly campanulate; sepals and petals 5, each whorl partially fused; corolla white, lobes 2–3 mm long; stamens 5, exerted, anthers yellow; ovary inferior, 3-carpellate with only 1 locule fer- 364

Cortex Viburni Prunifolii tile, uni-ovulate, style short with 3 sessile stigmas. Fruit: drupe globose, blue-black, glaucous, 6–10 mm wide, 7–16 mm long, persistent (3, 6). Plant material of interest: dried stem, trunk and root bark General appearance Stem and trunk bark: irregularly and transversely curved or quilled or cut into irregularly shaped oblong chips of varying sizes (1.5–15 cm in length by 0.5–1.5 cm in diameter, and up to 6 mm in thickness). The outer surface of young bark is silvery grey with raised oval lenticels. The outer bark is usually covered with lichens and mosses. The outer surface of older bark is greyish-brown to black or reddish-brown where the cork has been abraded. When cork is present, usually on older bark, it is divided into irregular oblique, longitudinal, or transverse intersecting fissures. The inner surface is longitudinally striated, pale yellowish to reddish-brown, or pale yellow with reddish-brown blotches and streaks. The fracture is short and uneven showing greyish to blackish outer bark, greenish-brown to reddish-brown middle bark and light brown to whitish inner bark in which scattered groups of pale yellowish stone cells may be discerned with a hand lens (3, 6). Root bark: transversely curved pieces or quills 1.5–10 cm long, up to 2 cm wide and 0.5–4 mm thick. The outer surface is greyish-brown or brownish-red where the cork is missing. The youngest pieces have slight longitudinal wrinkles, older bark has small rounded or oval lenticels and is irregularly wrinkled, fissured and scaly. The inner surface is pale yellowish to reddish-brown with longitudinal striations. The fracture is weak, brittle, short and uneven. The fractured surface shows greyish-brown or dark brown cork, brownish to brownish-red middle bark, and whitish inner bark with a number of pale yellow groups of stone cells visible with a hand lens. Fractured surfaces exhibit numerous minute calcium oxalate crystals that appear as glittering points (3, 6). Organoleptic properties Odour: characteristically pungent, valerian-like; taste: astringent and bitter (3, 6). Microscopic characteristics Stem bark: cork of variable width and composed of usually tangentially elongated cells with suberized to lignified walls. The cork layer consists of reddish-brown polygonal cells. The primary cortex consists of slightly thickened parenchyma cells containing calcium oxalate rosettes (10–20 μm in diameter). Oil droplets are present in the bark of young plants. When 365

Cortex Viburni P<strong>ru</strong>nifolii<br />

Definiti<strong>on</strong><br />

Cortex Viburni P<strong>ru</strong>nifolii c<strong>on</strong>sists of the dried root or stem, t<strong>ru</strong>nk or root<br />

bark of Viburnum p<strong>ru</strong>nifolium L. (Caprifoliaceae) (1–3).<br />

Syn<strong>on</strong>yms<br />

Viburnum pyrifolium Poiret, V. p<strong>ru</strong>nifolium var. globosum Nash., V. lentago<br />

var. pyrifolium (Poiret) Chapman, V. bushii Ashe, V. p<strong>ru</strong>nifolium var.<br />

bushii (Ashe) Palmer and Steyermark (3).<br />

Selected vernacular names<br />

Acerola negra, American sloe, American snowball, Amerikanische Viburnum,<br />

Amerikanischer Schneeball, Amerikansk snebolles, baya negra, black<br />

haw, black hawthorn, Blommenbladt kvalkved, cramp bark, ploomilehine<br />

lodjapuu, sheepberry, sloe, sloe tree, stagberry, stagbush, sweet viburnum,<br />

viburno americano, Virginische Schneeball Schneebaum (2–5).<br />

Geographical distributi<strong>on</strong><br />

Native to the USA (2–4, 6).<br />

Descripti<strong>on</strong><br />

A sh<strong>ru</strong>b or small tree up to 8 m in height. Bark is dark grey, lustrous and<br />

flaking. Leaf: deciduous, alternate, broadly elliptic to ovate-obl<strong>on</strong>g, rarely<br />

lanceolate, 1.8–6.2 cm (mostly 2.3–4.0 cm) wide, 2.5–9.7 (mostly 3–6) cm<br />

l<strong>on</strong>g, apex rounded or acute, base obtuse to decurrent, surface membranous<br />

or chartaceous, glabrous with stellate hairs al<strong>on</strong>g top midrib, and<br />

margins ser<strong>ru</strong>late. Petioles 10–12 (occasi<strong>on</strong>ally 4–18) mm l<strong>on</strong>g, narrowly<br />

winged or not. Inflorescence: terminal, many-flowered cyme, flat-topped,<br />

3.5–12 cm across, bracts 5, peduncle up to 11 mm l<strong>on</strong>g. Flower: perfect,<br />

radially symmetric, spreading to broadly campanulate; sepals and petals 5,<br />

each whorl partially fused; corolla white, lobes 2–3 mm l<strong>on</strong>g; stamens 5,<br />

exerted, anthers yellow; ovary inferior, 3-carpellate with <strong>on</strong>ly 1 locule fer-<br />


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