WHO monographs on selected medicinal plants - travolekar.ru

WHO monographs on selected medicinal plants - travolekar.ru WHO monographs on selected medicinal plants - travolekar.ru


Cortex Phellodendron Definition Cortex Phellodendron consists of the dried bark of Phellodendron amurense Rupr. or Phellodendron chinense Schneid. (Rutaceae) (1–4). Synonyms No information was found. Selected vernacular names Amur cork tree, amur oak, Amurkorkbaum, amurkortrae, amuuri korgipuu, asiatisk kortrae, Chinese cork tree, cork tree, guan huang bo, huang-bo, huangbai, huangbo, hwangbaek, kihada, korkowiec amurski, obaku, oubaku, Siberian cork tree, sikerpe, sikerpe-ni, whang-byeuk-namoo (5–7). Geographical distribution Found in northern China, Japan, and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and the Republic of Korea (6–8). Description A deciduous tree, 10–15 m high, with grey, deeply fissured, corky bark. Leaves opposite, compound-imparipinnate, reaching a length of 30 cm; leaflets 5–13, ovate to ovate-lanceolate, 5–11 cm long by 2.0–3.8 cm wide, tip acuminate, base broadly cuneate rounded, margin obscurely serrate, the underside grayish green, glabrous. Inflorescence terminal panicles, pubescent 5–7 cm across. Flowers, unisexual, dioecious, 4 mm in diameter, yellowish green, sepals, petals and stamens 5–6. Fruit an oval drupe, 1.0 cm in diameter, becoming black when ripe and containing 5 seeds (6–8). Plant material of interest: dried bark General appearance Flat or rolled semi-tubular pieces of bark, 2–6 mm thick. Outer surface greyish yellow-brown to greyish brown, even or longitudinally furrowed, 244

Cortex Phellodendron with numerous scars of lenticel. Smooth inner surface yellow to dark yellow-brown, with fine vertical lines. Texture light and hard, fracture fibrous and bright yellow (1−4). Organoleptic properties Odour: slight; taste: very bitter, mucilaginous and imparts a yellow colour to the saliva on chewing (1–4). Microscopic characteristics Transverse section reveals a thin yellow outer cortex, scattered with stone cells appearing as yellow-brown dots. The inner cortex is thick, with primary medullary rays expanding its width towards the outer end; the phloem appears as a nearly triangular part between the medullary rays in the secondary cortex, with many medullary rays radiating and gathering at the tip of the triangle. Brown phloem fibre bundles aligned in a tangential direction and crossing over the secondary medullary rays, forming a latticework (2–4). Powdered plant material Bright yellowish to yellow powder, containing fragments of yellow, thickwalled fibrous bundles or isolated fibres; often accompanied by rows of crystal cells; some groups of stone cells together with idioblasts; fragments of parenchyma cells containing starch grains and oil droplets; fragments of medullary ray and phloem; mucilage cells and mucilage masses; numerous solitary crystals of calcium oxalate, 7–20 m in diameter; starch grains; simple grains (2–6 m in diameter) and 2–4 compound grains (2–4). General identity tests Macroscopic and microscopic examinations, microchemical tests, and thin-layer chromatography (1–4). Purity tests Microbiological Tests for specific microorganisms and microbial contamination limits are as described in the ong>WHOong> guidelines for assessing quality of herbal medicines with reference to contaminants and residues (9). Chemical To be established in accordance with national requirements. Foreign organic matter To be established in accordance with national requirements. 245

Cortex Phellodendr<strong>on</strong><br />

Definiti<strong>on</strong><br />

Cortex Phellodendr<strong>on</strong> c<strong>on</strong>sists of the dried bark of Phellodendr<strong>on</strong> amurense<br />

Rupr. or Phellodendr<strong>on</strong> chinense Schneid. (Rutaceae) (1–4).<br />

Syn<strong>on</strong>yms<br />

No informati<strong>on</strong> was found.<br />

Selected vernacular names<br />

Amur cork tree, amur oak, Amurkorkbaum, amurkortrae, amuuri korgipuu,<br />

asiatisk kortrae, Chinese cork tree, cork tree, guan huang bo,<br />

huang-bo, huangbai, huangbo, hwangbaek, kihada, korkowiec amurski,<br />

obaku, oubaku, Siberian cork tree, sikerpe, sikerpe-ni, whang-byeuk-namoo<br />

(5–7).<br />

Geographical distributi<strong>on</strong><br />

Found in northern China, Japan, and the Democratic People’s Republic<br />

of Korea and the Republic of Korea (6–8).<br />

Descripti<strong>on</strong><br />

A deciduous tree, 10–15 m high, with grey, deeply fissured, corky bark.<br />

Leaves opposite, compound-imparipinnate, reaching a length of 30 cm;<br />

leaflets 5–13, ovate to ovate-lanceolate, 5–11 cm l<strong>on</strong>g by 2.0–3.8 cm wide,<br />

tip acuminate, base broadly cuneate rounded, margin obscurely serrate,<br />

the underside grayish green, glabrous. Inflorescence terminal panicles, pubescent<br />

5–7 cm across. Flowers, unisexual, dioecious, 4 mm in diameter,<br />

yellowish green, sepals, petals and stamens 5–6. F<strong>ru</strong>it an oval d<strong>ru</strong>pe, 1.0 cm<br />

in diameter, becoming black when ripe and c<strong>on</strong>taining 5 seeds (6–8).<br />

Plant material of interest: dried bark<br />

General appearance<br />

Flat or rolled semi-tubular pieces of bark, 2–6 mm thick. Outer surface<br />

greyish yellow-brown to greyish brown, even or l<strong>on</strong>gitudinally furrowed,<br />


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