Dr Mladen ULIĆEVIĆ, redovni profesor, rođen je 14. avgusta 1957 ...

Dr Mladen ULIĆEVIĆ, redovni profesor, rođen je 14. avgusta 1957 ...

Dr Mladen ULIĆEVIĆ, redovni profesor, rođen je 14. avgusta 1957 ...


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<strong>Dr</strong> <strong>Mladen</strong> ULIĆEVIĆ, <strong>redovni</strong> <strong>profesor</strong>, rođen <strong>je</strong> <strong>14.</strong> <strong>avgusta</strong> <strong>1957</strong>.<br />

godine na Cetinju, od oca Arsenija i majke Olge, rođene Borišić.<br />

Osnovnu školu i gimnaziju završio <strong>je</strong> na Cetinju. Na Građevinski fakultet<br />

Univerziteta u Beogradu upisao se 1976. godine, a diplomirao februara<br />

1982. godine. Na istom fakultetu završio <strong>je</strong> postdiplomske studi<strong>je</strong>, sm<strong>je</strong>r<br />

za betonske konstrukci<strong>je</strong> i odbranio magistarski rad maja 1989. godine<br />

pod naslovom Prilog nelinearnoj analizi armiranobetonskih ramovskih<br />

konstrukcija. Doktorsku disertaciju, iz oblasti graničnih stanja armirano-betonskih<br />

konstrukcija, odbranio <strong>je</strong> na Građevinskom fakultetu Univerziteta Crne Gore u Podgorici,<br />

1992. godine.<br />

Po diplomiranju, od 1982. godine radi na Građevinskom fakultetu u Podgorici. Obavljao <strong>je</strong><br />

poslove saradnika na predmetima Građevinski materijali, Betonske konstrukci<strong>je</strong> i Mostovi. U<br />

zvan<strong>je</strong> asistenta-pripravnika za navedenu grupu predmeta izabran <strong>je</strong> 1982. godine, u zvan<strong>je</strong><br />

asistenta 1989. godine, a u zvan<strong>je</strong> docenta na predmetima Betonske konstrukci<strong>je</strong> izabran <strong>je</strong><br />

1993. godine. Za vanrednog <strong>profesor</strong>a na predmetima Teorija betonskih konstrukcija i<br />

Pro<strong>je</strong>ktovan<strong>je</strong> i građen<strong>je</strong> betonskih konstrukcija izabran <strong>je</strong> 1998. godine, a u zvan<strong>je</strong> redovnog<br />

<strong>profesor</strong>a 2003. godine na predmetima Pro<strong>je</strong>ktovan<strong>je</strong> i građen<strong>je</strong> betonskih konstrukcija i<br />

Betonske konstrukci<strong>je</strong> inžen<strong>je</strong>rskih ob<strong>je</strong>kata. U perodu od 2004. do 2009. godine formirao <strong>je</strong> i<br />

držao nastavu iz predmeta Zidane konstrukci<strong>je</strong>. U dosadašn<strong>je</strong>m nastavnom radu bio <strong>je</strong> mentor<br />

i komentor u izradi i odbrani preko 50 diplomskih radova iz oblasti betonskih konstrukcija i<br />

mostova.<br />

Bio šef Katedre za materijale i konstrukci<strong>je</strong> 2004/2005. i šef Sm<strong>je</strong>ra za konstrukci<strong>je</strong> i<br />

zemljotresno inžen<strong>je</strong>rstvo posli<strong>je</strong>diplomskih studija 1999/2005. Građevinskog fakulteta.<br />

Izvodi nastavu na predmetima Pro<strong>je</strong>ktovan<strong>je</strong> i građen<strong>je</strong> betonskih konstrukcija, Betonske<br />

konstrukci<strong>je</strong> inžen<strong>je</strong>rskih ob<strong>je</strong>kata i Zidane konstrukci<strong>je</strong>, na <strong>redovni</strong>m studijama i Seizmička<br />

otpornost konstrukcija i Specijalna poglavlja armirano betonskih konstrukcija na<br />

postdiplomskim studijama. U školskoj 1997/98. godini učestvovao <strong>je</strong> u izvođenju<br />

postdiplomske nastave na Građevinskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu, koja <strong>je</strong><br />

organizovana za strane studente, na predmetu Nelinearna analiza i teorija plastičnosti<br />

betonskih konstrukcija.<br />

Bio <strong>je</strong> član komisija za oc<strong>je</strong>nu i odbranu dvi<strong>je</strong> doktorske disertaci<strong>je</strong> i član komisija za oc<strong>je</strong>nu i<br />

odbranu tri magistarske teze na Građevinskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu i na<br />

Građevinskom fakultetu Univerziteta Crne Gore, pri čemu <strong>je</strong> bio komentor za izradu <strong>je</strong>dne<br />

doktorske disertaci<strong>je</strong> i dvi<strong>je</strong> magistarske teze. Trenutno <strong>je</strong> mentor pri izradi <strong>je</strong>dne doktorske<br />

disertaci<strong>je</strong> i tri magistarske teze na Univerzitetu Crne Gore.<br />

U dosadašn<strong>je</strong>m radu na Građevinskom fakultetu u Podgorici, bio <strong>je</strong> rukovodilac Laboratori<strong>je</strong><br />

za ispitivan<strong>je</strong> materijala i konstrukcija, 1983/98., prodekan za materijalna pitanja, 1990/91.,<br />

prodekan za nastavu, 1994/96., direktor Instituta za zemljotresno inžen<strong>je</strong>rstvo, 1996/98.,<br />

dekan Građevinskog fakulteta, 1998/00., član Vi<strong>je</strong>ća Univerziteta Crne Gore za prirodne i<br />

tehničke nauke, 2006/07., član Senata Univerziteta Crne Gore <strong>je</strong> od 2007. godine.<br />

Uža oblast naučnog interesovanja su granična stanja armiranobetonskih konstrukcija, sa<br />

posebnim razmatran<strong>je</strong>m naponskog stanja smicanja, specijalni betoni visokih performansi,<br />

kao i otpornost konstrukcija u uslovima dejstva zemljotresa.<br />

Autor <strong>je</strong> ili koautor oko 40 naučno-istraživačkih radova iz oblasti građevinskog<br />

konstrukterstva, koji su objavl<strong>je</strong>ni u naučnim časopisima i na domaćim i međunarodnim<br />

naučnim skupovima. Poseban kvalitet objavl<strong>je</strong>nim naučnim radovima donosi čin<strong>je</strong>nica da <strong>je</strong>

većina od njih zasnovana na sopstvenim eksperimentalnim istraživanjima. Koautor <strong>je</strong> četiri<br />

publikaci<strong>je</strong>.<br />

Učestvovao <strong>je</strong> u pro<strong>je</strong>ktovanju, ekspertizama, tehničkoj kontroli investiciono-tehničke dokumentaci<strong>je</strong>,<br />

nadzoru i tehničkim pregledima pri izgradnji složenih građevinskih ob<strong>je</strong>kata,<br />

mostova, stambenih i javnih zgrada i inžen<strong>je</strong>rskih ob<strong>je</strong>kata, koji su, po svojoj prirodi,<br />

zahti<strong>je</strong>vali prim<strong>je</strong>nu savremenih, naučno zasnovanih metoda pro<strong>je</strong>ktovanja, analize i<br />

ispitivanja armiranobetonskih konstrukcija.<br />

Autor, odgovorni pro<strong>je</strong>ktant i/ili pro<strong>je</strong>ktant konstrukci<strong>je</strong> <strong>je</strong> za preko 40 značajnih građevinskih<br />

ob<strong>je</strong>kata, a rukovodilac ekspertskih timova <strong>je</strong> za preko 20 ekspertiza iz oblasti oc<strong>je</strong>ne<br />

kvaliteta ugrađenih materijala i oc<strong>je</strong>ne seizmičke otpornosti posto<strong>je</strong>ćih ob<strong>je</strong>kata.<br />

Ekspert <strong>je</strong> Agenci<strong>je</strong> Crne Gore za prestrukturiran<strong>je</strong> privrede i strana ulaganja i Fonda za<br />

razvoj Crne Gore za pitanja proc<strong>je</strong>ne vri<strong>je</strong>dnosti građevinskih ob<strong>je</strong>kata i krupnih<br />

infrastrukturnih sistema za potrebe transformaci<strong>je</strong> i privatizaci<strong>je</strong> preduzeća.<br />

Član <strong>je</strong> uglednih naučnih i profesionalnih organizacija i ti<strong>je</strong>la, od kojih se mogu izdvojiti:<br />

<strong>redovni</strong> član Akademi<strong>je</strong> inžen<strong>je</strong>rskih nauka Crne Gore; član Odbora za tehničke nauke<br />

Crnogorske akademi<strong>je</strong> nauka i um<strong>je</strong>tnosti; preds<strong>je</strong>dnik Crnogorskog društva građevinskih<br />

konstruktera; predstavnik Crnogorske asocijaci<strong>je</strong> za zemljotresno inžen<strong>je</strong>rstvo u IAEE;<br />

počasni član <strong>Dr</strong>uštva građevinskih konstruktera Makedoni<strong>je</strong>, a pored toga bio <strong>je</strong> član<br />

Komisi<strong>je</strong> za propise iz oblasti betonskih konstrukcija Saveznog zavoda za standardizaciju;<br />

član Glavnog odbora Jugoslovenskog udruženja za zemljotresno inžen<strong>je</strong>rstvo; član Glavnog<br />

odbora Saveza građevinskih inžen<strong>je</strong>ra i tehničara Srbi<strong>je</strong> i Crne Gore; član Upravnog odbora<br />

Inžen<strong>je</strong>rske komore Crne Gore; član Preds<strong>je</strong>dništva <strong>Dr</strong>uštva građevinskih konstruktera Srbi<strong>je</strong><br />

i Crne Gore; član Upravnog odbora Jugoslovenskog društva za ispitivan<strong>je</strong> i istraživan<strong>je</strong><br />

materijala i konstrukcija; član Nadzornog odbora Evropskog sav<strong>je</strong>ta inžen<strong>je</strong>rskih komora;<br />

glavni i odgovorni urednik publikaci<strong>je</strong> “Građevinski kalendar”, kao i član redakcionih odbora<br />

časopisa “Materijali i konstrukci<strong>je</strong>”, JUDIMK, Beograd i “Istraživanja”, Građevinski fakultet,<br />

Podgorica.<br />

Za svoj rad, dobio <strong>je</strong> odgovarajuća priznanja, od kojih treba istaći Plaketu zaslužnog člana<br />

<strong>Dr</strong>uštva građevinskih konstruktera Srbi<strong>je</strong> i Crne Gore; Nagradu oslobođenja Cetinja, za<br />

postignute rezultate u svojoj oblasti, 1975.; Povelju Univerziteta Crne Gore, za doprinos u<br />

razvoju nauke i nastave, 1994.; Decembarsku nagradu grada Podgorice, za postignute<br />

rezultate u nauci, obrazovanju i poseban doprinos u razvoju gradske infrastrukture (mostovi),<br />

2000.; Plaketu Građevinskog fakulteta u Podgorici, za izuzetan doprinos u radu i razvoju<br />

fakulteta, 2000.; Plaketu zaslužnog člana <strong>Dr</strong>uštva građevinskih konstruktera Jugoslavi<strong>je</strong>,<br />

2002.; Pleketu zaslužnog člana Saveza građevinskih inžen<strong>je</strong>ra i tehničara Jugoslavi<strong>je</strong>, 2004.;<br />

Graditeljsku nagradu “CEMEX” za most “Milenijum”, kao najbolju infrastrukturnu građevinu<br />

u Crnoj Gori, 2007.<br />

Ožen<strong>je</strong>n <strong>je</strong>, ima suprugu <strong>Dr</strong>aganu i kćerku Tamaru.<br />

<strong>Mladen</strong> ULIĆEVIĆ, PhD, Full professor, was born on 14 th August <strong>1957</strong> in Cetin<strong>je</strong>. His<br />

father’s name is Arseni<strong>je</strong> and mother’s name is Olga, maiden name Borišić.<br />

He has completed Elementary and High school in Cetin<strong>je</strong>. He enrolled the Faculty of Civil<br />

Engineering, University of Belgrade, in 1976 and graduated in February 1982. He completed<br />

postgraduate studies at the same Faculty, Department for concrete structures and defended his<br />

master’s thesis in May 1989, titled ‘Annex to nonlinear analysis of reinforced concrete frame<br />

structures’. He defended his PhD thesis on limit state of reinforced concrete structures at the<br />

Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Montenegro, in Podgorica, in 1992.

After graduating, since 1982 he has worked at the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Podgorica.<br />

He was the Assistant lecturer for courses Building Materials, Concrete Structures and<br />

Bridges. He was elected probationary Teaching assistant for the specified group of courses in<br />

1982, Teaching assistant in 1989, and Assistant professor of Concrete Structures in 1993. He<br />

was elected Associate professor for courses Theory of concrete structures and Design and<br />

construction of concrete structures in 1998, and Full professor in 2003 for courses Design and<br />

construction of concrete structures and Concrete structures of engineering facilities. In the<br />

period since 2004 until 2009 he formed and held lectures on Masonry structures. In the<br />

previous teaching period he was a mentor and commenter in the development and defense of<br />

over 50 graduate theses in the field of Concrete structures and Bridges.<br />

He was Head of the Department of Materials and Structures in 2004/2005 and Head of<br />

Department for Construction and Earthquake Engineering at postgraduate studies in<br />

1999/2005 at the Faculty of Civil Engineering. He teaches courses on Design and construction<br />

of concrete structures, Concrete structures of engineering facilities and Masonry structures, at<br />

regular studies and Seismic strength of structures and Special sections of reinforced concrete<br />

structures at postgraduate studies. During the school year 1997/98, he held lectures at<br />

postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade, which were<br />

organized for foreign students, for the course on Nonlinear analysis and the theory of<br />

plasticity of concrete structures.<br />

He was a member of commissions for estimation and defense of two PhD dissertations and a<br />

member of commissions for estimation and defense of three master’s theses at the Faculty of<br />

Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade, and at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, University<br />

of Montenegro, where he was commenter for making a PhD dissertation and two master’s<br />

theses. Currently he is a mentor for a PhD dissertation and three master’s theses at the<br />

University of Montenegro.<br />

During the previous work at the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Podgorica, he was a Head of<br />

the Laboratory for testing materials and structures, 1983/98, vice Dean for Material issues,<br />

1990/91, vice Dean for Academic affairs, 1994/96, Director of the Institute of Earthquake<br />

Engineering 1996/98, Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, 1998/00, a member of the<br />

Council of the University of Montenegro on Natural and technical sciences, 2006/07, he is a<br />

member of the Senate of the University of Montenegro since 2007.<br />

The narrow area of his scientific interest are limit states of reinforced concrete structures, with<br />

special consideration of shear stress state, special high-performance concrete, and strength of<br />

structures in earthquake conditions.<br />

He is the author or co-author of about 40 scientific research papers on structural engineering,<br />

which were published in scientific journals and at national and international scientific<br />

meetings. The special quality of published scientific work is supported with the fact that most<br />

of them were based on his experimental research. He is co-author of four publications.<br />

He participated in the design, expertise, technical review of the investment-technical<br />

documentation, supervision and technical inspection during the construction of complex of<br />

buildings, bridges, residential and public buildings and engineering facilities which, by their<br />

nature, required the application of modern, scientifically based methods of design, analyses<br />

and testing of reinforced concrete structures.<br />

He is the author, chief designer and/or structural designer for over 40 major construction<br />

facilities, and the manager of the expert teams for over 20 expertises in the field of quality<br />

assessment of incorporated materials and evaluation of seismic resistance of existing<br />


He is an expert of the Montenegrin Agency for Economic Restructuring and Foreign<br />

Investment and Development Fund of Montenegro for issues of valuation of buildings and<br />

large infrastructure systems for transformation and privatization of companies.<br />

He is a member of prominent scientific and professional organizations and bodies, such as:<br />

regular member of Academy of Engineering Sciences of Montenegro; a member of the Board<br />

of Technical Sciences of Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts; chairman of the<br />

Montenegrin Association of Structural Engineers; a representative of the Montenegrin<br />

Association for Earthquake Engineering in IAEE; honorary member of the Association of<br />

Structural Engineers of Macedonia, and he was a member of the Commission for regulations<br />

on concrete structures of the Federal Bureau of Standards; a member of the Main Board of the<br />

Yugoslav Association for Earthquake Engineering; a member of the Main Board of the<br />

Association of Civil Engineers and Technicians of Serbia and Montenegro; a member of the<br />

Board of Directors of Montenegrin Chamber of Engineers; a member of the Presidency of the<br />

Association of Structural Engineers of Serbia and Montenegro; a member of the Board of<br />

Directors of the Yugoslav Association for Testing Materials and Structures; a member of the<br />

Supervisory Board of the European Council of Engineers Chambers; a chief editor of the<br />

journal ‘Calendar of civil engineering’ and member of editorial board of the journal<br />

‘Materials and structures’, Yugoslav Association for Testing Materials and Structures<br />

(JUDIMK), Belgrade and ‘Researches’ Faculty of Civil Engineering, Podgorica.<br />

He has got many recognitions for his work of which some should be noted: Plaque for<br />

deserving member of the Association of Structural Engineers of Serbia and Montenegro;<br />

Cetin<strong>je</strong> Liberation Award, for achievements in his field, in 1975; The Charter of the<br />

University of Montenegro, for his contribution to the development of science and teaching,<br />

1994; The December award of Podgorica, for the achievements in science, education, and<br />

special contributions to the development of urban infrastructure (bridges), 2000; Plaque of the<br />

Faculty of Civil Engineering in Podgorica, for outstanding contribution in the work and<br />

development of the Faculty, 2000; Plaque for meritorious member of the Association of<br />

Structural Engineers of Yugoslavia, 2002; Plaque for meritorious member of the Association<br />

of Civil Engineers and Technicians of Yugoslavia, 2004; Architectural Award ‘CEMEX’ for<br />

the Bridge ‘Millennium’, as the best infrastructure building in Montenegro, in 2007.<br />

He is married, he has a wife <strong>Dr</strong>agana and a daughter Tamara.

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