Bachelor of Commerce (Digital Marketing) - Postsecondary ...

Bachelor of Commerce (Digital Marketing) - Postsecondary ... Bachelor of Commerce (Digital Marketing) - Postsecondary ...


Those who prefer a college only as a post‐secondary institution for obtaining a degree clearly hold different opinions about a college obtained degree versus a university obtained degree than those prefer a university only. Those who choose college are more likely to prefer the more applied learning approach and are less likely to agree that a university provides a better overall education. Twice as many International Students than students born in Canada are likely to agree that a university provides a better overall education than a college; that being said, only half agree with this statement (52%). They are also more likely to prefer a university degree because it leads to a higher paying salary than a college degree (63% vs. 50% born in Canada). Table 7. Attitudes about a College Degree versus a University Degree by PSE Preference (Top 2 Box %) LKSB Degree Program Feasibility Study • 2011 144

Section 4. Interest in Lawrence Kinlin School of Business Proposed Degrees Prospective Students were provided with a brief description of the four degree programs being proposed by the Lawrence Kinlin School of Business. They were then asked if they were interested in learning more about these programs and to then select up to two programs. Sixty‐seven percent selected to continue on with learning more about the programs. Interest levels in learning more about each of the proposed degree programs were about evenly split (ranging from 41% to 47%). Chart 16 and 17. Interest in Learning about a Degree Program and Type of Program Interested In Of the Prospects who selected up to two programs (n=119): 15% selected Accounting only 6% selected HR Management only 5% selected Marketing only 3% selected Enterprise Management only 16% selected Enterprise Management and Marketing 14% selected Accounting and Enterprise Management 14% selected HR Management and Marketing 13% selected Accounting and HR Management 9% selected HR Management and Enterprise Management 6% selected Accounting and Marketing LKSB Degree Program Feasibility Study • 2011 145

Those who prefer a college only as a post‐secondary institution for obtaining a degree clearly hold<br />

different opinions about a college obtained degree versus a university obtained degree than those<br />

prefer a university only. Those who choose college are more likely to prefer the more applied learning<br />

approach and are less likely to agree that a university provides a better overall education.<br />

Twice as many International Students than students born in Canada are likely to agree that a university<br />

provides a better overall education than a college; that being said, only half agree with this statement<br />

(52%). They are also more likely to prefer a university degree because it leads to a higher paying salary<br />

than a college degree (63% vs. 50% born in Canada).<br />

Table 7. Attitudes about a College Degree versus a University Degree by PSE Preference (Top 2 Box %)<br />

LKSB Degree Program Feasibility Study • 2011<br />


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