6 linee tematiche inglese - Prix Italia

6 linee tematiche inglese - Prix Italia

6 linee tematiche inglese - Prix Italia


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PRIX ITALIA 2011<br />

Experimenting with Music<br />

More than one hundred miniatures by composers living in Austria – in radio-shows, on<br />

TV, in internet, as in concert-events, choreographic realisations, TV-versions, new<br />

music festival appearances and live-transmission in the program commissioned by "ORF<br />

Radio Symphony Orchestra Vienna", for ORF Radio Österreich. (Miniatures for orchestra<br />

for radio - ORF, Austria). A musical lecture in 40 minutes with live examples played on<br />

the piano in order to explain, and at the same time, entertain music connoisseurs and<br />

novice listeners. Interesting and inventive points of view, philological proficiency without<br />

pedantry, a pleasant presentation of musical didactics in a radio programme. (Tête-à-tête<br />

with music – RAI, Italy). The authors try to answer the question – what is jazz and<br />

improvised music in today’s world Does it carry any values anyone should care about<br />

In the first half of the 20th century, jazz was one of the most popular (and revolutionary)<br />

music genres in the world. Why did it lose its mass popularity Why in despite of that<br />

fact does it still attract brilliant musicians and devoted listeners "An improvisor" is a<br />

story about life with music, dedication and reward. In the words of interviewed<br />

musicians one can see the music shown in a political and social context. But also they<br />

reveal their most intimate artistic experiences and their personal "philosophies of<br />

music". During the programme voices of prominent jazz musicians can be heard, such<br />

as Anthony Braxton, Branford Marsalis and John McLaughlin. (Improvisor – PR,<br />

Poland). I asked the art critic and historian, Serge Fauchereau, ex-curator of Constantin<br />

Brancusi's exhibitions for the Pompidou Centre in Paris, where he felt that Brancusi's<br />

revolutionary creation was more authentic... in Paris, Bucharest or in Targu Jiu<br />

Bucharest has its place in the long journey towards "The Golden Bird", work of the<br />

famous Romanian sculptor and where we can find his fingerprints along with those of<br />

some children in his workshop "Hidden-bird in stone". A radio sound-essay, an exercise<br />

based on imagination for the listeners, who are all invited to touch the "fingerprints" and<br />

listen to the light, glow and brightness. (Brancusi fingerprint – ROR, Rumania). “All of<br />

the music derives from a single simple melody, which I harmonized, and then removed<br />

the melody, leaving a series of chords. I then wrote another simple melody from those<br />

chords, harmonized that melody with a different set of chords, and removed that melody<br />

as well, giving me all of the final musical material. The first electronic section is built<br />

from the last chord of the preceding section, with each individual instrument being run<br />

through a simple granular synthesis program. The second electronic section was made<br />

with two analog oscillators”.(Nearly last breath – CR, Czech Republic). “In creating<br />

D-503, I wanted to produce a utopian environment of sound while stepping into a<br />

"dystopian" world, using excerpts from the work of Yevgeny Zamyatin, "We", the sound<br />

utopia, because a cluster of tones come from instruments not often brought together (be<br />

they baroque, electronic or concrete); samples cut up into a thousand pieces;<br />

compositions for piano and improvisations; hundreds of fragments put back together to<br />

invent an unlikely instrumental ensemble, with a city in the background. Dystopia,<br />

because in Zamyatin's work, written in the 1920's, I can see a world of excessive<br />

surveillance which is becoming a reality before our eyes. However, D-503, the novel's<br />

main character, doesn't give up hope”. (D-503 – SRF, France). Guro-gu’s, "My<br />

neighbourhood orchestra" is composed of kids from families on welfare as well as<br />

multi-cultural families. The purpose of the show was to introduce the orchestra and how<br />

children are learning to respect themselves and hope for the future through musical<br />

achievements. Not only was it meant to cheer the kids, but also to emphasize the<br />

positive influences music and art education programmes can have on social change.(Lee<br />

Hyeon-Woo’s music album – KBS, South Korea).

Redeem Music<br />

Nebojša Ignjatovic, a lecturer at Belgrade’s faculty of music had an accident. He<br />

underwent surgery on his hip and consequently had to walk on crutches for two<br />

months. Looking at this old orthopaedic device – which has remained the same in Serbia<br />

since the First World War – it hit his mind to turn a crutch into a musical instrument.<br />

(Optimism – SBC/RTS, Serbia). "Indian summer" shines a spotlight on the lives of the<br />

aboriginal peoples in Canada through the stories and songs of indigenous musicians.<br />

Music is a way to bring diverse audiences together by giving listeners a common<br />

experience by creating cultural understandings that build bridges between aboriginal<br />

peoples and non-aboriginal Canadians. Billy Joe’s gritty guitar style and compelling<br />

lyrics are the result of the catharses of his childhood traumas and continue to be a part<br />

of his healing journey. (Indian summer: Billy Joe Green sings the residential blues –<br />

CBC/SRC, Canada). "Brothers of Italy" is a program, an event realized for the<br />

celebration of the 150th anniversary of the Unity of Italy. Through a unique<br />

re-interpretation of the <strong>Italia</strong>n national anthem, directed by Giovanni Allevi, the program<br />

retraces the main phases of <strong>Italia</strong>n history, from the Renaissance up to the present,<br />

which have contributed to the affirmation and consolidation of the hymn, not only as the<br />

national song, but also as a means of belonging, identity and historical continuity of our<br />

country. (Brothers of Italy – RAI, Italy). We hear, but can we listen The world is getting<br />

noisier and noisier. Sounds are growing louder, our ears are assaulted by the strident<br />

clang of machines, and the ambient space is filled with grey background hubbub. We<br />

can fill our ears with music anywhere, anytime. With all this going on around us, can we<br />

hear what is worth listening to If we gave ourselves time to listen, what would we hear<br />

The programme explores a world of listening. There is no time to follow every path, but<br />

we can open the door a chink on a world of a myriad sounds with endless ways and<br />

levels of listening (On the art of listening – YLE, Finland). The story about the birth of the<br />

first radio station in this (Southeastern) part of Europe emerges from the documents<br />

found in a family legacy. This documentary takes us from our present time back to 1924<br />

and reconstructs the period along with the political atmosphere and social relations. The<br />

feature plan is based on documents, newspapers and testimonies. The enthusiasm of<br />

people coming from different social and public status (from Doctors of Science to clerks,<br />

from important lawyers and actors to students), underlines that the essence of the "new<br />

electronic media" was recognized from its democracy and its power to unite the peoples<br />

from the most remote geographical points and social differences. (The day for listening –<br />

HRT, Croatia). Who walked from Siberia to the village of Kuorevesi Who murdered<br />

postman Matti Mäkeläinen on the first of October 1867 Who made a folksong out of his<br />

own life Who walked from Siberia through Alaska to Duluth in USA – Janne of Halli!<br />

Facts and stories make him a villain and a hero at the same time. Stories and the person<br />

are fascinating the community while it’s explaining the evil being outside the<br />

community. What makes Janne of Halli unique is the music, which has become part of<br />

Finnish folk tradition, even though it was made by himself while being in prison in the<br />

castle of Häme (in Hämeenlinna). (He must be different- The ballad of a man called Janne<br />

of Halli – YLE, Finland). Kim So-eun, a college girl who thinks classical music is too<br />

boring and difficult, receives an educational album "Listen & lesson: classical music<br />

with commentaries" from her uncle. Through three consecutive episodes, she slowly<br />

learns to love the genre. The first episode introduces music from the "Baroque and<br />

Classical period", while the second introduces the "Romantic period" and the third "Late<br />

Romanticism and 20th century music".While classical masterpieces by such composers<br />

as Bach and Rachmaninoff are introduced throughout the programme, Kim falls asleep<br />

listening to the album she received as a gift. In her dream she comes across major<br />

composers such as Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Wagner and Tchaikovsky, who help<br />


her learn about classical music. (Kim So-eun meets classical music – KBS, South Korea).<br />

We meet the saxophonist Daniel. Naturally he can’t play the trumpet like Chet Baker.<br />

That is precisely the point. Since the time he was thirteen years old and heard Chet<br />

Baker on the radio he has had only one aim in life: to find a tone so pure that no one<br />

knows where it comes from, a moment when the soul falls into place, those few seconds<br />

of happiness. He has sacrificed everything else for this. At the age of thirty five he looks<br />

back: was it worth it (Chet doesn’t play here – NRK, Norway). This is the story about an<br />

instrument that survived centuries in the eternal winter, and how it inspired chamber<br />

music in the Northern Lights Festival, February 2011. In the late 16th century, the<br />

Dutch explorer, Willem Barents went searching for the North-East Passage. He and his<br />

crew got stranded on the archipelago, Novaya Zemlja, in the Arctic Ocean where they<br />

built a provisional cabin. This cabin was left untouched for centuries, until the<br />

Norwegian explorer, Elling Carlsen, discovered it in 1871. Among the interior he found a<br />

flute, a drumstick and a hymnal. The flute has now been reconstructed and has sparked<br />

a concert project. (A flute in the ice – NRK, Norway). The radio feature "Lost wars"<br />

provides an insight into the past and present day life of the Romanian city of Rasnov.<br />

Situated right on the border between Transylvania and the Southern region of Romania,<br />

the ethnic makeup of this community renders it an unique and interesting subject<br />

matter. What started as a light hearted depiction of this colourful and interesting<br />

community, led us to the unveiling of a grimmer reality – a reality replicated everywhere<br />

in contemporary Romania – a reality of a people for whom freedom has still to be won.<br />

(Lost wars – ROR, Rumania). In the 1950's more than 100,000 political prisoners were<br />

imprisoned in communist Czechoslovakia. About 60 Slovak writers found themselves<br />

behind bars. No comprehensive literary study about their tragedy has been published so<br />

far. Ján Bábik decided to fill this gap. He prepared a three-part documentary titled<br />

"Muses Behind Bars", based on sound archive material, memories of imprisoned writers,<br />

their relatives, friends and literary historians.(Muses behind bars - 2nd part - RTVS,<br />

Slovak Republic).<br />

Yesterday’s Fairytale to T oday’s Reality<br />

Adrian Penketh’s vivid 21st-century re-imagining of Honoré Balzac’s classic novel, "La<br />

peau de chagrin", explores the tensions between ruthless self-gratification and power on<br />

the one hand, and thought and knowledge on the other. Relocated to contemporary<br />

London, Rupert is an unemployed investment banker, a victim of the financial crash of<br />

2008. He is distracted from his suicidal despair by a "magic" animal skin which can<br />

grant his every wish. But the skin shrinks with each wish and when it disappears he will<br />

die. This is the story of his efforts to profit from and survive his ownership of the skin.<br />

The production reflects Rupert’s state of mind as he is initially caught up in the noisy<br />

hedonism of the city before escaping to the calm of the country as the skin weaves its<br />

spell. (The wild ass’s skin reloaded – BBC, United Kingdom). "Little Thumb" is a radio<br />

drama based on Charles Perrault's well known story. Little Thumb is a child who lives<br />

with his six brothers in a poverty stricken country always at war. To emigrate to Europe,<br />

he needs money and also needs to be very clever once he arrives in Europe, where he<br />

has to go through bureaucratic procedures to avoid being classified as an "illegal<br />

immigrant" and obtain the refugee status instead. (Little Thumb – Radio 24, Italy).<br />

Contemporary Literature<br />

In "The burial at Thebes", we hear a new translation of Antigone, by Seamus Heaney<br />

who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1995, "for works of lyrical beauty and<br />

ethical depth, which exalt everyday miracles and the living past". The poet’s technical<br />


mastery is evident in his rendering of this ancient drama, beat for beat, and he lends his<br />

voice to the production, as narrator. Under Patrick Mason’s direction, maximum<br />

attention is paid to the rhythm and timing of each word, aiming to faithfully re-voice the<br />

play for a contemporary audience. (The burial at Thebes – RTÉ, Ireland). The specificity<br />

of this radiophonic adaptation of the renowned Doyle’s mystery, "The adventure of the<br />

resident patient", is in conversion of four principal male characters into four female<br />

personalities. In our version of the story, Mrs. Holmes investigates the case of robbery<br />

and betrayal, helped by her friend and assistant, a very charming woman, Dr. Watson.<br />

The adaptation strictly and faithfully follows Doyle’s text, but overthrows the loyalty of a<br />

male cast to an entirely female one with the aim of questioning the (im)possibility of<br />

being an emancipated female detective at the turn of the century. (The adventure of the<br />

resident patient – HRT, Croatia). How can one put Leo Tolstoy’s "War and Peace" on the<br />

radio At first, it seemed an impossible mission. Then suddenly the idea of "Memorable<br />

Scenes" came to mind. Slowly, then at a gallop, because reading War and Peace has<br />

imprinted in the memory of every reader, a memorable scene, several memorable scenes,<br />

as if Tolstoy's narrative strength and drive was precisely to inscribe permanently the<br />

"memorable" as the main character of his novel's incredible appeal. Choices were<br />

necessary in order to realize the two hour and three episode project. It was complicated<br />

and difficult at times to do the cutting. The narrator's voice, the vivid and choral scenes,<br />

the rhythm, the fervor that the book generates coming from Tolstoy's questionings and<br />

the pleasure coming from Tolstoy's readings, had all to be transmitted in its whole also.<br />

(Memorable scenes from "War and Peace" by Leo Tolstoy – SRF, France). "The last tape"<br />

is a radio adaptation of one of the most famous Samuel Beckett’s dramas, "Krapp’s last<br />

tape". The radio production focuses on the verbal layer of text and on the other hand, it<br />

composes sound and musical background that creates an independent plan of thoughts.<br />

For the creators, the main subject of the play is the inability to record memories and<br />

emotions that eventually cease to exist in time, because as a consequence our imperfect<br />

memory can not fully replace the initial experience. (The last tape – RTVS, Slovak<br />

Republic). "Aunt Julia and the scriptwriter", an autobiographical romantic comedy by<br />

Mario Vargas Llosa in a dramatisation by Magnus Berg. Every year, the Radio Theater<br />

especially produces a radio play dedicated to the year’s Nobel Prize winner in literature.<br />

(Aunt Julia and the scriptwriter by Mario Vargas Llosa – SR, Sweden). On the occasion of<br />

the 50th anniversary of the death of the author Willem Elsschot in 2010, Pat Donnez<br />

realized the radio series Zot van Elsschot. Prominent figures from the Flanders and<br />

Holland talk freely about their favourite author. 'In occasione del cinquantenario dalla<br />

morte dello scrittore Willem Elsschot nel 2010, Pat Donnez ha realizzato la serie<br />

radiofonica Zot van Elsschot, in cui personaggi illustri delle Fiandre e dell’Olanda<br />

parlano liberamente del loro scrittore preferito (Mad about Elsschot – VRT, Belgium).<br />

Twenty years ago, Andreas came to Paris to work on his doctorate. In the beginning<br />

everything went smoothly but then his money ran out. Beer was expensive and the<br />

evenings were long. Then Andreas was approached in a bar by a stranger who handed<br />

him 5,000 euros. A chance to start anew, on the condition that after a year he would<br />

have to donate the sum to "Saint Thérèse of Lisieux" in the parisian church of<br />

Sainte-Marie des Batignolles. (Destiny, by all means destiny "The Legend of the Holy<br />

Drinker"– ARD, Germany). The city is infested with plague.A fiery family battle rages<br />

inside the palace while inundation and conflagration ravage the country. Are great<br />

misfortunes and natural disasters the consequence of human failings The story is<br />

inspired by events in the Oresteia. A parallel narrative is told by the child who inhabits<br />

both the past and present. (Dance of the hungry ghosts – ABC, Australia). There is<br />

nothing unusual about an actress being able to act; however, the leading lady in Antonio<br />

Fian's play can do much more. She can neigh, stamp, paw the ground and buck; after<br />

all, that is what she has been engaged to do. A radio production, "Troy for Kids",the aim<br />

is to make classical education palatable for young listeners, using modern language and<br />

methods.. "Hennir" (French: to neigh) is a reflection on theatre, on bourgeois classical<br />


ideals, on unfulfilled desires and the deadly power of the imagination. (Hennir – ORF,<br />

Austria). Set in the contemporary Romania, "Argentina", explores a personal apocalypse,<br />

in which dreams and desire, love and hate, sin and redemption all blend together in one<br />

man’s tragic journey through life. The main character, Vlad The Impeller (the world<br />

famous Bram Stoker`s character) is unconsciously following the destiny of the<br />

Argentinian DJ, Fernando Peña. Society’s values and morals are meaningless to him,<br />

while he endlessly questions himself on his homosexuality and on his cynicism. His<br />

emotions run free, fueling and exhausting him at the same time. (Argentina – ROR,<br />

Rumania). The philosopher Alain feels "burnt out" and leaves Europe for a road trip to<br />

America. On his journey he meets Pete, a young man. Their initial and non-binding<br />

relationship becomes deeper. On their adventurous travel they are joined by a young<br />

man named Donny, who commits suicide on meeting with them. This brutal act results<br />

in Alain’s and Pete’s awakening and drastically finishes their journey. Alain’s character<br />

is inspired by Michel Foucault’s biography and work. His thesis about the end of man<br />

inspired Ravenhill to review the Faust-like myth through the Western philosophy, when<br />

it arrived at the end of the twentieth century. (Faust. Faust is dead – RTVS, Slovak<br />

Republic). Prior to the 2010 Riksdag elections, Marie Lundström, cultural journalist and<br />

literary critic met with leaders and/or representatives of all seven parliamentary parties.<br />

She gave them all the task of reading and interpreting the 1941 poem, "Everyone is a<br />

World", by the famous Swedish poet Gunnar Ekelöf. One poem, seven readers, one from<br />

each parliamentary party... Are their political opinions noticeable in how they read the<br />

poem (Politicians reading poetry - SR, Sweden).<br />

Stories of Women<br />

Emily Dickinson (1830-1856), "the white hermit" from Amherst, the strange poetical<br />

character in 19th century’s New England, is a character in her own dream. In the<br />

monodrama "Emily Dickinson’s last dream", Stamatis Polenakis, the contemporary<br />

Greek playwright, restores her fascinating personality, recreating her with an empathy<br />

going far beyond profound knowledge, intuition and sensitivity. The character of the play<br />

relives her obsessions, her dreams and her guilt, her wishes and unfulfillment, her<br />

happy moments or her unbearable pain, her agonizing fears, all in an unlimited<br />

confession.. (Emily Dickinson's last dream – ROR, Rumania). Four prima donnas from<br />

the 1950's and 60's cast open the doors to the palace of grand emotion: Martha Mödl,<br />

Ljuba Welitsch, Elisabeth Schwarzkopf and Leonie Rysanek. The fifth protagonist in this<br />

ensemble is the narrator himself, the devotee whose perspective, memories, choice of<br />

words and phrasing bring the divas to life. (Prima la donna – ARD, Germany). "From the<br />

darkness" is the story of the life and music of Ina Boyle (1889-1967), the neglected Irish<br />

composer. She spent all her life in the Irish village of Enniskerry, apart from some<br />

studying with Ralph Vaughan Williams in London. She wrote vocal, choral and<br />

orchestral works.Soprano Sonja Keogh, with pianist David Brophy, recorded some of Ina<br />

Boyle’s songs specially for this programme.(From the darkness: composer Ina Boyle –<br />

RTÉ, Ireland). A new opera based on the writings of the 15th-century hermit Suster<br />

Bertken, by the "ASKO/Schönberg Ensemble". When she was about thirty years old, she<br />

had herself locked up in a small brick cell next to the Buurkerk in Utrecht, to spend the<br />

rest of her days in meditation. Her outlook on the world was limited to two tiny windows;<br />

one gave a view to the altar, enabling her to witness the masses that were performed<br />

there, and the other looked out onto the street. Many would come to the recluse with a<br />

request to pray for them, or their family members. She was known for her harsh and<br />

Spartan lifestyle, that went far beyond the already strict rules for those who wished to<br />

devote their lives to God. She was always barefoot, never used any fire, dairy products or<br />

meat, and was dressed in all seasons in a coarse hair cloth and a simple, grey<br />

dress.(Sister Bertha – NPO, Netherlands). This radio play centres around Yerma, a<br />


young woman who hopelessly yearns to become a mother. Her husband Juan is<br />

interested in material wealth, while Yerma believes that not only will an offspring make<br />

her life worth-while but it will continue her life throughout time - the female notion of<br />

the essence of human life against the male principal imposing the obsession with<br />

material (Yerma – SBC/RTS, Serbia). Malcolm McKay’s hard-hitting play centres on a<br />

young woman in therapy after a violent assault. Etian was once called Josie, the<br />

daughter of an ordinary Irish family living in London. That was before she was raped by<br />

an intruder in her flat and began cognitive therapy to help her come to terms with her<br />

ordeal. Soon after her therapist asks her to relive the events, Josie suddenly stops the<br />

therapy, changes her name and enters a convent, choosing to use her experience to help<br />

others rather than to cure herself. (Etian – BBC, United Kingdom). A portrait of the<br />

little-known American songwriter Jessie Mae Robinson who reached the peak of her<br />

success thanks to her numerous folk songs classified in the hit parade of the 50s and<br />

the acknowledgement by her great-niece Malika Elizabeth, a musician herself. Her songs<br />

were sung by some of the leading artists of the day, including Dinah Washington,<br />

T-Bone Walker, Elvis Presley, Muddy Waters, Nina Simone, Johnny Mathis, Sarah<br />

Vaughan, Patti Page, Judy Garland and Bing Crosby.(Mellow Mama - Jessie Mae<br />

Robinson – ABC, Australia).<br />

That instant change in your life<br />

"The watershed" tells of many stories and yet just one. A powerful experience of any kind<br />

may change the direction of a person’s life. We all, so it is said, experience at least one<br />

major crisis such as this during our lifetime. This documentary is made up of the stories<br />

told by people hit by the Asian tsunami of 2004, but without concentrating on the full<br />

story of any one person. More than the giant wave itself it focuses on the time thereafter.<br />

It is about realizing how small we humans are, about understanding the transient<br />

nature of life, about longing, love and death. And finally, every new day is always a new<br />

day. There is always hope, even though this is not immediately evident. (The watershed –<br />

YLE, Finland). A woman and a man, both in their forties, accidentally meet in the<br />

London subway. They knew each other from a "previous life", from a time when they<br />

wouldn't have dreamt of abandoning their homelands, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Who<br />

they are, how they lived their lives in the meantime and whether there was a possibility<br />

of becoming close friends once again are all questions that Darko Lukic, author of this<br />

radio drama, "Please mind the gap", is trying to answer by confronting the two of them in<br />

five different versions of the same situation. (Please mind the gap – HRT, Croatia).<br />

Numbers of people who have been evicted from their apartments by an authorized state<br />

bailiff have doubled in recent years. Being behind with just two months rent could be<br />

enough to be evicted If no money is paid the tenant gets 5 minutes to collect his<br />

belongings before the lock is changed. Max has been a bailiff for almost 38 years. Once a<br />

week he evicts people from their apartments.“ Even though you get tougher during the<br />

years, there are still difficult and desperate evictions. “Of course there are cases you<br />

think about when you get home, that leave you very upset - that is obvious” says Max.<br />

(When the bailiff knocks on the door – DR, Denmark). Has your own past ever hunt you<br />

down It happened, not only figuratively, to the sad heroes of Daniela Fischerová´s<br />

radio drama "Ungrateful Children". Their imaginary twenty year's old counterparts come<br />

to visit them in an old people´s home where they have been spending the rests of their<br />

unsettled lives, to tell themselves, albeit 50 years younger, how they had reflected on<br />

ideals and hopes of their youth, much harder questions than they seem!..... As one of<br />

the character says: "To hope in better future is naive, but only a complete idiot would<br />

hope in better past". (Ungrateful children – CR, Czech Republic). Paris is said to be a<br />

second home for everyone of us - we all carry it within ourselves as a "movable feast", for<br />

it doesn't matter how or when, until we experience it on the spot. This is about two<br />


emarkable stories and the experience of two storytellers: Štefan Bednár, a painter, who<br />

lived and worked in Paris at the beginning of the 1930’s, and Dominik Tatarka, a writer,<br />

who took part in students’ riots in May 1968. The documentary "Paris forever" is a<br />

homage to a city that must merit the love and favours of us all. (Paris forever - feature<br />

from the cycle "Put shoes on and go!" – RTVS, Slovak Republic). Once upon a time there<br />

was a little village with exactly 800 inhabitants. One percent of this number was<br />

accounted by one particular family. The Putz family. Father and Mother Putz had moved<br />

to the sleepy village more than 30 years earlier. In the course of nine years, Mother Putz<br />

bore six daughters. At the tender age of 16 the second born, Claudia, met her fairy-tale<br />

prince at a ball. They lived in concubinage for 11 years until one autumn evening he<br />

proposed to her. Elisabeth Putz, the author and director of this play, is one of the<br />

sisters. For months, she followed the wedding preparations with her microphone, and<br />

out of this created a great, romantic story. (The wedding Scenes from a country event -<br />

ORF, Austria). "The caretaker" tells the story of David James, who was single-handedly<br />

responsible for stealing hundreds of priceless, ancient manuscripts from the Chester<br />

Beatty Library, in what is to date Ireland's largest insider theft from a cultural<br />

institution. The Chester Beatty Library is famous for its rare and beautiful artifacts from<br />

around the world and David James, for over 30 years, curated the world leading Islamic<br />

collection. However, in 1983, he began to steal. Over the next 6 years, he meticulously<br />

covered up his actions. But in 1991, through a series of coincidences, he was found out.<br />

(The caretaker – RTÉ, Ireland). Young Danish nobleman and landowner, Eitel, had been<br />

suffering from a feeling of guilt that his late father had once tortured a peasant to death<br />

over a trivial issue.One day, learning that the grandson of the peasant, Linnert, had<br />

been sentenced to death for murder, Eitel comes up with the idea to plead and have<br />

Linnert’s life spared. On the night of a full moon, Eitel’s wet nurse, who is also Linnert’s<br />

mother, makes a sudden visit with a shocking confession. In an act of revenge against<br />

the landlord who killed the peasant - her father - she had switched Linnert and Eitel<br />

shortly after they were born.This story is presented in the style of a suspenseful<br />

psychodrama, portraying the conscious of guilt of a person born into the noble family of<br />

a landlord entangled with the silent retaliation of the tenant farmer. (Night of the full<br />

moon – NHK, Japan). In autumn 2009, the literary debate in Norway exploded when<br />

author Karl Ove Knausgård published the first of a total of six volumes of his<br />

auto-biographical novel "Min Kamp" (My Battle)(the Norwegian title translates directly<br />

into "Mein Kampf" in German). This extremely disclosing novel series sold a record<br />

number of books and was seen as a ground-breaking work that revoked the novel as<br />

genre. Tonje Aursland was formerly married to author Knausgård and is a central<br />

character in several of his "Min Kamp" books. In the radio documentary "Tonje’s<br />

version", for the first time, she explains what it is like to involuntarily be a character in a<br />

novel and have her life exposed in his books. (Tonje’s version – NRK, Norway). This radio<br />

play is not one with a typical narrative structure. It's a conversation that the main<br />

character and the narrator is having with himself – he is a Member of Parliament, who<br />

was to be one of the passengers travelling by plane with the official delegation of the<br />

Polish President to Smolensk in Russia. The plane crashed just outside the airport, all<br />

passengers were killed. The main character had given his seat on the plane to a<br />

colleague of his, and this is why he is alive. However, when he saw his name on<br />

so-called bar on the television news, in a certain sense, he died that day. (Go around –<br />

PR, Poland). For over 60 years Aleksander Chudek, a Polish fighter-plane ace who did<br />

not come back from a patrol flight over Normandy in June 1945, has been officially<br />

presumed missing. He left his wife and two sons in England and parents and siblings in<br />

Poland. Due to the Iron Curtain in Europe and difficult personal situation connected<br />

with the tragic disappearance of the pilot, the families have not been in touch for many<br />

of years. One day however, a group of people in a French village found the wreck of the<br />

plane, which had fallen on a Norman farm during World War II. An event from the past<br />

shrouded in an aura of mystery and ambiguity has suddenly become topical and started<br />


to affect the lives of the Chudek’s family and other people involved in the search. (The<br />

last flight – PR, Poland).<br />

The Power of Love<br />

In this emotionally wrenching drama we experience several months in the lives of two<br />

young lovers, Vanessa and Yusuf (15 years old). Their problems with school, drugs,<br />

pregnancy and quarrels between the two families. The language remained unchanged<br />

with sometimes unintended poetic passages which remind us of the great love stories<br />

from world literature, e.g. Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet.Through this story of<br />

innocence and despair an image of contemporary Berlin slowly emerges in all its<br />

multicultural complexity. A love story recorded on the tough streets of multicultural<br />

Neukölln in Berlin. (Loverap – ARD, Germany). On a summer evening in a Tokyo<br />

high-rise apartment, former star actress Chizuko Satomura (74) tells her daughter and<br />

personal assistant Natsuko (46) that a friend has offered her a stand-in role in a play. In<br />

tears, Natsuko explains that the play has already finished its run and Chizuko is<br />

suffering from dementia. Reflecting on fond memories of her old house where roses<br />

bloomed in the garden, Chizuko decides to spend the rest of her life playing the part of<br />

Natsuko's mother. Together, the mother and daughter travel towards the serenity that<br />

lies beyond resentment. (A house with roses – NHK, Japan). Modou is a vendor in<br />

Europe and a respected trader in his country. In Italy he sells crafts along the Northern<br />

beaches, but here in Senegal, in his hometown, Louga, he is a boss and commands a<br />

team of his assistants. Aisha, instead is a cultural mediator in Italy, but in Senegal she<br />

is an entrepreneur full of energy and initiative who teaches a group of women in<br />

Khombole the way to enhance economy by converting and manipulating the fruit grown<br />

and harvested in the village. In the meantime, a company of street actors warn the<br />

youngsters in the town of Louga, not to take the long voyage on the rafts that carry<br />

illegal immigrants from Sahel to Europe. The voices of the migrants narrate a great<br />

social transformation that entails Italy and the whole of Europe. (Senegal, Aisha, Modou<br />

and other travels – Radio 24, Italy). Bongchang is tired of his wife’s constant nagging<br />

and spending. Out of frustration and desire to get rid of her, he posts a big ad on<br />

internet: declaring, "Used wife for sale". Forgetting about the ad, Bongchang suddenly<br />

receives an unexpected message from a certain "X-man made in heaven", wanting to buy<br />

his wife. As the conflicts with his wife continue, Bongchang makes the decision to<br />

actually sell her. With $10,000 in hand, Bongchang celebrates the departure of his wife<br />

by throwing a dinner party when he receives a call from his wife’s friend, Yeongran. As<br />

they talk, Bongchang learns things about his wife that he had never known. Regretting<br />

his decision, he looks for his wife and also allows the opportunity to cancel the<br />

transaction done by him. What will be Bongchang’s ultimate fate (Kbs stage - wife for<br />

sale – KBS, South Korea). The story brings together two worlds but also narrates their<br />

disparate cultures: Africa (Burkina Faso) and Europe (Slovenia). Viewed through a<br />

different perspective, the image presented by Africa and Africans is far from<br />

conventional. The male protagonist is an educated, sensitive, and politically aware<br />

young African with his own radio station in Burkina. There he meets a young Slovenian<br />

woman with whom he starts a love affair. After a certain time he travels to Slovenia and<br />

perceives the country from his particular angle. The author of the radio play uses the<br />

intimate world of doubts, contrasts, conflicts, and attractions that come to surface in the<br />

relationship of the young couple to portray the encounter between two diverse cultures.<br />

(Cotton skin – RTVSLO, Slovenia). "Cleansing the soul through fun and games" is a<br />

comic opera on a serious issue: The opera is about a young man who loses his toe-hold<br />

on existence after losing to his brother in croquet, and how he reconciles with his<br />

brother and regains his faith in the meaning of life with the help of love and a toy<br />

cobbler’s bench. The composer calls the work a radio opera, with an unbroken pattern of<br />


narration and music in tight unison, a unique composition that provides an intimate<br />

experience for many lonesome listeners in their little playrooms. (Cleansing the soul<br />

through fun and games – SR, Sweden).<br />

Reality or Fiction<br />

A modern psycho-comedy without a classical drama form combines some characteristics<br />

of Ionesco, and at the same time, exciting power of a "Hollywood" thriller. The idea for<br />

the play came from psychotherapeutic work of Eric Berne. Serbian playwriter Ðjuric<br />

features an absurd and comic game constantly changing situations and relationships,<br />

and when we think that we’ve caught the right end, voilà!... the protagonists have<br />

skillfully and amusingly confused us once again. An interesting play always able to<br />

encourage new productions on television, theatre and radio. (Which play are you in –<br />

RTVSLO, Slovenia). Producer Natalie Kestecher is on a mission to re-unite a vintage<br />

dress with the former Finnish beauty queen from the 1950's or 60's who was its original<br />

owner. During her search she comes across the Kalevala, Finland's national epic and the<br />

story of the Sampo, a magical but undefined treasure. What could possibly connect the<br />

glorious old garment to the mythical Sampo The answer lies buried in this magical,<br />

mystery Finnish tour. (Miss Finland's dress – ABC, Australia). This drama is a story<br />

about the protagonist's encounter with death during his long voyage by train to<br />

Belgrade, where his mother is in critical condition and could worsen tragically. On the<br />

way, the protagonist imagines himself in a train accident in the future and being faced<br />

with numerous passengers' "deaths". Recollections from his past as well as future events<br />

appear and mix in his imagination. So, during his real voyage he experiences the pain<br />

and emotion that he would have to face with his mother on arriving. A real journey,<br />

haunted with the imagination of death, which plays the main role and that<br />

metaphorically represents the journey to the final destination of every living being. (The<br />

voyage – SBC/RTS, Serbia).<br />

Far from the City<br />

Poet James Crowden experiences the wide range of sheep communication at lambing<br />

time in the dead of night, the interaction between ewe and lamb – and birth itself, often<br />

in a sheep shed where up to 1,000 can be lambing at once. In this programme,<br />

interspersed with the noises of sheep, are the voices of shepherds talking to their<br />

animals, calling and counting them in the wide variety of sheep counting systems in use<br />

up and down Britain. (Between the ears: out counting sheep - BBC, United Kingdom). A<br />

month spent among the <strong>Italia</strong>n minor islands. Travelling from the north (Liguria and<br />

Veneto) to the inaccessible Montecristo in Tuscany, then down to Sicily among the<br />

smaller islands of the Aegadian and Aeolian archipelagos. The story’s narration is voiced<br />

by Teresa Mannino, one of Italy’s most popular comedians, who was accompanied by a<br />

small team of Radio2 RAI broadcasters made up of the director, the editor and the sound<br />

engineer. Light equipment was used to go ashore amidst the rocks, onto the fisher boats<br />

and into the houses to record the voices, sounds and history of the islands. Located in<br />

the middle of the sea, where daily newspapers arrive usually after the news has already<br />

been refuted, where there are hardly any cars or ATM's (bancomats). To buy a<br />

washing-machine or give birth, one must go to the mainland. One of the last <strong>Italia</strong>n<br />

prison colonies with its three "residents" is situated on Gorgona Island. Teresa Mannino<br />

visited the island to listen to the prisoners’ stories. (Unappreciated Islands – RAI, Italy).<br />

Topical Stories<br />


This is a story about two men and a little baby ... well, a big baby actually. And the two<br />

men aren’t just any two men. Both of the baby fathers began their lives as girls. Their<br />

journey through conception, pregnancy and childbirth is both exceptional and<br />

mundane, both universal and unique. Although the narrative is familiar, this particular<br />

"birth story" challenges conventional ideas about sex and gender. (The small person<br />

acquisition project – CBC/SRC, Canada). In the mythology and ancient texts of India, the<br />

idea of a third gender has always existed. This radio piece is a poetic encounter with<br />

members of the Hijra community, the sacred trans-sexual community in India.<br />

Translated from Tamil, Kannada, and Hindi, the Hijras' words and texts take us to the<br />

heart of the complex and multiple site of identity. Game of mirrors, sound object in<br />

kaleidoscopic form, on the boundary between documentary and hörspiel, a journey to<br />

the frontier of Gender.. (Hijras diaries-Transgender journal of a Hijra family – SRF,<br />

France). Booze tells four different stories on four different people and whom all have<br />

checked into the rehab center, "Tranegaarden", situated in the countryside.Karen is a 54<br />

year old divorcee and is a schoolteacher. She lives alone in a small row house in Aarhus.<br />

Her daughter, Helen, returns from South Africa and finds Karen drunk at home. Helen<br />

calls Bo, a therapist, who succeeds in luring Karen to check into the Tranegaarden; this<br />

is done by using a bottle of vodka ("Booze" – DR, Denmark). This play consists of two<br />

interwoven stories. The first, relates to a successful couple who are struggling to<br />

conceive a child through IVF; the second is the story of a married couple who are<br />

travelling to Switzerland where assisted suicide is permitted. In this sensitive play, light<br />

is cast upon the human journey for two couples wrestling with very contemporary moral<br />

dilemmas. (Begotten not made – RTÉ, Ireland). Emma has started a new job. Her boss, a<br />

nameless manager, demands that she provide regular accounts of what she does and<br />

how she feels in her life. Although these discussions appear to take the form of friendly<br />

and informal chats, Emma soon realizes that everything within the company is very<br />

strictly regulated. Emma falls in love. She breaks the cardinal rule – no love affairs<br />

between colleagues – and the nightmare begins.Young British playwright Mike Bartlett<br />

describes a simple scenario that takes a delicate issue to extremes. How much can a<br />

company expect from its employees And how much are they prepared to reveal about<br />

themselves. (Contractions – SRG/SSR/IDEE SUISSE, Switzerland). Alan Dein follows<br />

the lives of two brothers, Alex, searching for a fresh start away from London gangs, and<br />

his adoptive brother, JJ, who’s poised for success on the London stage. (Lives in a<br />

landscape: between brothers – BBC, United Kingdom).<br />

Change in Today’s World<br />

Giving out tickets behind the office window on the toll road, working as a stewardess on<br />

an inland flight, scaffolding on a construction sight, for a Dutch person travelling<br />

through the USA, it is surprising to see the amount of elderly people at work, who, in<br />

our country, would have retired long before. In the US, a quarter of women between 65<br />

and 69 years old and one third of the men in this age group all work. (Old America –<br />

NPO, Netherlands). This is a prison with no confining walls, without bars on the<br />

windows and where the inmates are free to come and go as they please, including to the<br />

beach that is part of the premises. The "Casabianda" detention center – an ex-penal<br />

colony located 70 kilometers from Bastia on the eastern coast of Corsica, accommodates<br />

up to 194 inmates, most of whom sentenced for sexual crimes or offenses. This<br />

establishment, the only one of its kind in France, shows that a different sort of prison is<br />

possible. (Beyond the walls – SRF, France). "Kongshavn" is a radio drama like you've<br />

never heard before. It’s fast, it’s hard-boiled, it’s about a political tug of war, prying<br />

media, love and the war in Afghanistan. But above all, it’s about the Ross family. Elise,<br />

is a politician aspiring to be a minister. Her husband, Otto, runs the family recycling<br />

company with a rough hand. Together they have three children: Martin is about to<br />


eturn from Afghanistan after serving six months as a soldier, Victoria is trying to<br />

establish herself in the fashion industry and the youngest, Theis, is a techno-nerd with<br />

scary talents. All of them get caught up in a chain of events over which they have no<br />

control. (Kongshavn (episode 10 of 12) – NRK, Norway). "The silent partner" is a story<br />

about a man who inherits his father's evil and entire kingdom. It is a player's move in a<br />

world of pure psychological power and rhetorics, a world with people who are nothing<br />

but made-up phrases and identities, silent partners in a destruction taking place. The<br />

image of our identity has changed irrevocably, not only on the Internet, which is merely<br />

a wet dream of this change, but our entire economy and communication have been<br />

gathered together under the umbrella of a single truth and single form and turned into a<br />

universal nothingness of bits and shares. (The silent partner – YLE, Finland).<br />

Past War - Present Violence<br />

It is a story of life between kitch and terror, this is the monodrama´s characteristics of<br />

its author, Werner Fritsch. Fritsch found inspiration to do the piece of work in the<br />

memoirs of Emmy, the second wife of Hermann Göring, the notorious Nazi leader. Emmy<br />

portrays with naive sincerity what the life of Nazi prominents in luxurious homes, far<br />

and safe from the front lines and the ordeals of the war was like. She never brought<br />

herself to admit the truth of Nazis´crimes and was never aware of the immensity of its<br />

destruction. (Enigma Emmy Göring – CR, Czech Republic). Between 1943 and 1945,<br />

when <strong>Italia</strong>n Jews started to be deported to Nazi concentration camps, Gino Bartali,<br />

pretending to train on his bike, rode across the Apennines from Gavignana to Assisi. He<br />

had carefully hidden forged documents in the frame of his bicycle; documents which for<br />

many Jews meant to be saved from being captured and deported. (That ride on the road<br />

of the Just - Gino Bartali – RAI, Italy). The comedian Wouter Deprez grew up near Ypres,<br />

West Flanders. White-stoned war cemeteries and the scars of the Great War trenches<br />

were never far away, recollections of the awful slaughter that took place in life of<br />

Wouter’s childhood at the beginning of last century. Wouter Deprez investigates<br />

front-line stories: tales of horror and despair, but also little gems of friendship and<br />

unexpected pleasure. (Jack – VRT, Belgium) September 1939. Warsaw’s zoological<br />

garden comes under heavy German bombardment. Following Poland’s surrender, Lutz<br />

Heck, director of the Berlin zoo and dedicated Nazi, comes to Warsaw to dispatch the<br />

remaining animals to zoos in Germany. Heck also claimed to have revived the extinct<br />

aurochs so as to create an icon for the Third Reich. Even as Heck was emptying the<br />

Warsaw zoo, the zookeepers, Jan and Antonina Zabinski, hid Jews and resistance<br />

fighters in cages for pheasants. The feature re-tells the story with archive recordings as<br />

well as contemporary interviews of those close to the Zabinskis, including their two<br />

surviving children. (Subhumans and super-beasts – PR, Poland). There are around 750<br />

Danish soldiers in Afghanistan. Denmark is responsible for bringing safety to the central<br />

part of the Helmand Province. A column with supplies is leaving the Danish main camp,<br />

Camp Price, in the Helmand Province, for the smaller camp Budwan. Rasmus is driving<br />

the mine trundle, an armored vehicle that clears a track of roadside bombs for the rest<br />

of the column to pass. Roadside bombs – or Improvised Explosive Devices – are the<br />

weapons that severely injure or kill the most soldiers in Afghanistan. But incidents with<br />

roadside bombs rarely receive much attention in the media. (The road side bomb – DR,<br />

Denmark). On the 7th of January 2005, Oury Jalloh, a 37 year old refugee from Sierra<br />

Leone burned to death in police custody in Germany. He was drunk and had been<br />

shackled hand and foot on a fireproof mattress. Two years later, the trial of two on-duty<br />

police officers began at the Dessau Regional Court. After a 59-day trial, the court found<br />


the defendants not guilty in December 2008. "Despite the most intensive efforts", the<br />

court had been unable to explain the death, said the presiding judge. The radio<br />

documentary looks into this case with the help of internal observers and takes us to the<br />

place where it all happened. (Burned alive in police cell no. 5 - The death of the asylum<br />

seeker Oury Jalloh in Dessau, – ARD, Germany). An exclusive reportage, an enquiry<br />

from the core of a new-old forgotten war. We are in Kivu, the Democratic Republic of<br />

Congo. Giampaolo Musumeci and Ugo Borga spoke to the victims of the mass rape of<br />

July, 2010 in the lost village of Ruvungi. Why has the mass rape now become a war<br />

weapon Who is taking profit from that Musumeci and Borga travelled for 12 days on<br />

the most dangerous axis of Congo, between Walikale and Masisi, one of the richest<br />

mining areas of the planet.The two journalists marched for 50 km in the jungle to meet<br />

the general staff of the FDLR, the Democratic forces for the Liberation of Rwanda,<br />

blamed to have caused the massacres, among which the genocide of 94 in Rwanda.. An<br />

exclusive interview on that tragic page in history brings forth a sanguinary picture of<br />

Kivu. A sad contradiction, the authors of the bloody killings were actually those whom<br />

should have protected the population...the government military body. In the meanwhile<br />

the women of Kivu are the main targets and undergo violence. (Congo, the raped Africa –<br />

Radio 24, Italy). On the basis of an exhaustive study of historical sources and<br />

substantial documentary material till now unknown, Dr Miklavž Komelj's book, "How to<br />

Contemplate Partisan Art"(2010), revealed some emotional and ideological sources of<br />

the spontaneous artistic creativity of fighters taking part in the Slovenian and Yugoslav<br />

national liberation movement in World War II. From the extensive material, the most<br />

revealing and meaningful radiophonic cases have been selected for the present<br />

documentary radioplay. (How to contemplate partisan art – RTVSLO, Slovenia).<br />

Amanda's grandmother survived the Holocaust. In this documentary Amanda asks her<br />

grandmother and her mother to speak into the microphone and then uses it herself to<br />

comment on how difficult experiences continue to be passed in a family, from<br />

generation to another. (I call you sometimes – SR, Sweden).<br />

Extraordinary everyday Stories<br />

In this episode of “L’esprit des lieux”, we meet people who every night confront the great<br />

void in its basest form – the space under their bed. What we enjoy throwing under, what<br />

we throw under in desperation, what we stash under, what we know is under, but<br />

mostly, what we fear might be under there. Warning: this programme may contain dust<br />

particles. (The spirit of places (episode: "under the bed"– CBC/SRC, Canada). Sounds of<br />

dissecting instruments, running water in the autopsy room or a children's metallophone<br />

– all of these account for the soundscape of a feature giving a deeper insight in the work<br />

and opinions of Radek, a thirty-eight- year old medical examiner. A long knife enables to<br />

dissect the brain with one clear move only. As Radek has it, a clean cut is more than<br />

necessary in addressing also rather general issues. He criticizes malfunctioning<br />

mechanisms in the society and, figuratively speaking, performs their autopsy. (Clear cut<br />

– CR, Czech Republic). No-one could imagine that a bell is a very sensitive and fragile<br />

object. It is hard to found, it takes a long time before cooling down and it is hard to place<br />

on the bell-tower. It is difficult to harmonize with other bells in order to get a<br />

harmonious chord. It often tolls from one church to another, from one clock to another<br />

till it settles down, because who ordered it doesn’t want it any more. The bell easily<br />

creates harmony with other bells, but it also ruins that harmony. In the blink of an eye<br />

the bell can be removed from the bell-tower or broken with a hammer. It can be easily<br />

founded again and transformed into arms, thus it metamorphoses from a peaceful and<br />

spiritual symbol to a killer. (The deep ut – story about a bell – metamorphosis – SBC/RTS,<br />

Serbia).<br />



PRIX ITALIA 2011<br />

Women and Children, protagonists of small and great stories<br />

A newborn baby was found abandoned and naked in an apartment building on a<br />

Christmas Eve. The baby was covered in amniotic fluid and blood with its umbilical cord<br />

untied. After spending a week in the intensive care unit, hanging between life and death,<br />

the newborn boy was moved to a welfare center and named “Seongtan” which means<br />

Christmas. The news of Seongtan touched the hearts of many people. The center then<br />

receieved many calls for adoption. Seongtan and other babies now called "miracle<br />

babies" because once abandoned, are being adopted thanks to the news spread and the<br />

center. (Christmas miracle – MBC, South Korea) Farewell narrates the story of Lady<br />

Grace Drummond-Hay, the only female passenger on the first journey around the world<br />

of the "Graf Zeppelin" in 1929. Grace writes about her adventures not only in articles<br />

for the Hearst Newspapers, as a reporter, but also in her diary. High in the sky Grace<br />

changes. Her former lover Karl von Wiegand is amongst the other passengers. When the<br />

Zeppelin finally flies over New York, Grace says goodbye to Karl and the lovers lose<br />

touch. Landing in New York she is welcomed like a cinema star. A few weeks later Wall<br />

Street crashed and a dark period in history began. Beautiful use of archival footage of<br />

the Graf Zeppelin itself and scenery filmed during its flights. A romantic story of the<br />

relationship between Grace and Karl von Wiegand. Not one new shot has been made for<br />

this documentary. (Farewell – NPO, Netherlands). On December 14th, 2010, a mother<br />

and a little girl went through the arrival gate at the Incheon International Airport. With<br />

dark skin and curly hair, the mother looked 100 percent foreigner, while the girl looked<br />

somewhat different from her. The child's name is Ji-hyun and was born five years before<br />

from a relationship between a Liberian woman and a Korean man. Ji-hyun had been<br />

missing her father whom she had never seen. After having flown across the globe how<br />

will the encounter between father and child be like, when they meet for the first time<br />

(The day of Ji-hyun’s first meeting with her father – MBC, South Korea).. Farewell<br />

narrates the story of Lady Grace Drummond-Hay, the only female passenger on the first<br />

journey around the world of the "Graf Zeppelin" in 1929. Grace writes about her<br />

adventures not only in articles for the Hearst Newspapers, as a reporter, but also in her<br />

diary. High in the sky Grace changes. Her former lover Karl von Wiegand is amongst the<br />

other passengers. When the Zeppelin finally flies over New York, Grace says goodbye to<br />

Karl and the lovers lose touch. Landing in New York she is welcomed like a cinema star.<br />

A few weeks later Wall Street crashed and a dark period in history began. Beautiful use<br />

of archival footage of the Graf Zeppelin itself and scenery filmed during its flights. A<br />

romantic story of the relationship between Grace and Karl von Wiegand. Not one new<br />

shot has been made for this documentary. (Farewell – NPO, Netherlands). "Tokio baby"<br />

is a story about 15-year-old Saara whose fate is to be stuck on her parents´ farm. She<br />

can only dream of an escape from the idyllic countryside to Animecon, a Japanese<br />

animation and comics festival, when she gets grounded for three days. Hara-kiri!. Saara<br />

is saved from dying of boredom by her imaginary friend Aiko. (Tokio baby – YLE,<br />

Finland). Eun-ha goes to middle school and lives in her aunt’s house without her<br />

parents. When she is upset about her overdue school fee, she experiments a new type of<br />

"voice phishing" which she uses to cheat elderly people living alone to give her money,<br />

by pretending to be their granddaughter. One day, a grandma who lives alone after<br />

losing her little granddaughter in an accident and has only limited time to live due to<br />

cancer receives the first phone call from Eun-ha...(It’s me, grandma – MBC, South<br />

Korea) Swetlana Geier is considered the greatest translator of Russian literature into<br />

German. She has just concluded her lifework for Zurich’s Ammann publishing house –<br />

completing new translations of Dostoyevsky’s five great novels – known as "the five<br />


elephants". Her work is characterized by a great and sensual feeling for language and an<br />

uncompromising respect for the writers she translates. Together with the film director<br />

Vadim Jendreyko, the eighty-five-year old woman is making her first trip from her<br />

chosen home in Germany back to the places of her childhood in the Ukraine. (The<br />

woman with the 5 elephants – ZDF, Germany). A series of short documentaries produced<br />

by the NBC Universal Global Networks <strong>Italia</strong>, to reveal the other side of history - the part<br />

written by women and unveiled by its protagonists: from Lady Diana to Maria Callas,<br />

from Jacqueline Kennedy to Margaret Thatcher. Women of the 1900s who lived their<br />

lives in an extraordinary and intense manner and who were able to get close to the<br />

hearts of people and arouse admiration in all the world. (Great Women – NBC, Italy).<br />

Lionel is an 11-year-old boy who lives happily in Switzerland with his mother and<br />

step-father. During a school trip to the zoo, Lionel is irresistibly attracted to an old lion<br />

lying in a cage. The lion starts to communicate with him and asks him to find a way to<br />

set him free in order to go back to Africa. With the help of his best friend Federico and of<br />

his classmates, Lionel is determined to keep his promise Lionel ( – SRG SSR<br />

Switzerland). Eunjo was far from being loved. Hyoseon was loved by many people but<br />

she endlessly yearns for love after losing her mother at a young age. The two girls grow<br />

up together. They hate each other, they love someone together and feel pain because of<br />

each other. But as the two girls turn into women and love the same man their<br />

differences disappear. This is a fairy tale for women about love and life, told beautifully<br />

by two girls and one man. (Cinderella's stepsister – KBS, South Korea).<br />

Magda Prokopowicz found the first tumor in her breast at 27yrs old. It came as a shock<br />

to her! At about the same time, she suddenly fell for Bartek – the photographer of<br />

numerous ads and films, the rising talent of the Polish school of cinematography. It was<br />

love at first sight! so they got married and decided to do everything to overcome her<br />

illness..(Magda, love & cancer – TVP, Poland).<br />

Anna German had a voice of an angel. Her life was bright, but full of trouble. She sang<br />

like no one did. She was offered huge fees and contracts in the West, but she chose a<br />

small flat in Poland and concerts in the USSR. ‘She was above all this fuss’ – her friends<br />

and fans said. She died young at 46yrs. old... (Anna German. The echo of love – CH1,<br />

Russia). Akito has been the ears and voice of his mother, Reiko, who was born deaf,<br />

Reiko dreams her son will become a professional pianist. One day, Akito meets Izumi, a<br />

deaf girl in a street band. His mother disapproves, fearing Izumi will hinder his success<br />

in ‘a world with sound’. This heart warming tale portrays a tight-knit love between<br />

mother and son and their struggle to grow independent. (Threads of our hearts – NHK,<br />

Japan). Three stories of women pertaining to different ages and social levels who all<br />

meet in this documentary. The fils rouge that links them to one another is a desired or<br />

unwanted “pregnancy”, that brings them to decide upon their own future. (Someone is<br />

still waiting – SBC/RTS, Serbia).<br />

A review of great films in which History has inspired unforgettable and memorable<br />

stories and is presented by exceptional hosts who, from the "Centrale Montemartini in<br />

Rome", where classic and industrial archaeology meet, accompany and uncover the<br />

relationship between reality and cinematographic fiction for its audience. (1 film 1 story –<br />

NBC, Italy). Turning 50yrs.old in a few weeks' time and getting dumped by a husband<br />

who has found a 28-year-old. Capucine, refusing the advances of a fellow lecturer in<br />

corduroy trousers again, signing up in a dating site, making love with total strangers<br />

and at last finding a man you like who takes you to a swingers' club, fainting in the<br />

metro, forgetting the date of your own birthday, having a nightmare about diving into an<br />

empty pool, crying over François Truffaut's, The Soft Skin and running out of<br />

tissues......are all the things that happen. (E-love – ARTE, France). On December 14th,<br />

2010, a mother and a little girl went through the arrival gate at the Incheon<br />

International Airport. With dark skin and curly hair, the mother looked 100 percent<br />

foreigner, while the girl looked somewhat different from her. The child's name is Ji-hyun<br />

and was born five years before from a relationship between a Liberian woman and a<br />


Korean man. Ji-hyun had been missing her father whom she had never seen. After<br />

having flown across the globe how will the encounter between father and child be like,<br />

when they meet for the first time (The day of Ji-hyun’s first meeting with her father –<br />

MBC, South Korea). Eight year old Sasha lives with his grandmother who doesn’t let her<br />

daughter bring up her own son as she considers her daughter licentious. The tyrannical<br />

grandmother and Sasha’s mother literally tear the boy apart. (Bury me behind the<br />

baseboard – CH1, Russia)<br />

Great social inquiries, drugs, organized crime, illegal business and generational<br />

gaps, social problems and internet<br />

Mario (50) and Valter (46) had been living openly as a couple for more than 25 years. The<br />

wish to become parents, to have a family and a child to call their own, came naturally to<br />

them. Both men have always possessed a strong paternal instinct.. Finally, they heard<br />

about "Surrogate Alternatives" This documentary follows Mario and Valter from Italy to<br />

California for a period of one year in their quest to become parents, as they share the<br />

desires, dreams and fears of a gay couple yearning to have a child with us. (Two dads for<br />

David – SRG/SSR, Switzerland). A young woman is found dead and the case is handed<br />

over to detective Moritz Eisner Eisner’s investigations not only confront him with a<br />

family tragedy and a religious façade. Then a second murder in the same pattern casts<br />

the case in a new and disturbing light. The victim is a psychologist who worked at<br />

deprogramming former sect members and who had a very personal reason for her<br />

activities. (Faith, love, death – ORF, Austria).. A global report and a choral document<br />

because it has involved journalists from worldwide. It is produced by TVE and special<br />

correspondents in half the world.What have we examined Basically, that journalism is a<br />

good tool in bad times and that journalism can undermine the power of the corrupt, the<br />

warlords, the mafia ... precisely those who are obsessed with curtailing freedom of<br />

expression.(Damned job – TVE, Spain). At the Saint-Jean Garrison, young recruits of the<br />

Canadian Armed Forces undertake a rigorous forest training exercise. Without really<br />

understanding what drives someone to want to be sent to the front, writer/composer<br />

and singer Vincent Vallières accepts the challenge to reach beyond his prejudices,<br />

meeting the men and women hidden behind weapons and uniforms. (Les Voix Humaines<br />

- Vincent Vallières, the military world – ARTV, Canada). "Like a dolphin" is the story<br />

about Alessandro (Raoul Bova), a champion swimmer who, at the peak of his success<br />

had to stop competitive sport due to health problems. Thanks to his experience in sports<br />

and to his kind human nature he is able to train a group of youngsters who, perhaps<br />

would have all taken other roads without his help, to swim a freestyle relay that changes<br />

their lives (Like a dolphin – RTI, Italy). In early 2011, a wave of anti-government protests<br />

swept through the Middle East, toppling long-standing authoritarian regimes in Tunisia<br />

and Egypt. A major force behind this “revolution” was the young activists who organized<br />

demonstrations using social networking systems such as Facebook and Twitter.<br />

The Internet tools were used to break through strict censorship and spread demands for<br />

the end of the authoritarian regimes. NHK gained exclusive access to the activists during<br />

the height of the protests. (Revolution.com: inside the Middle East uprising – NHK,<br />

Japan). “Prime Time Investigates” exposes the sinister international crime networks that<br />

supply Irish criminal gangs with millions of counterfeit cigarettes smuggled into the<br />

country each year. Reporter Paul Maguire infiltrated the deadly underground network<br />

which stretches from factories in the Far East to market stalls in small Irish towns. He<br />

revealed how Irish smokers in their bid to buy cheap cigarettes are funding crime and<br />

giving millions in profit to dissident terrorist gangs in Ireland. (Prime Time investigates -<br />

Inside Ireland's illegal cigarette trade – RTE, Ireland). Gezim is a mountain boy, born and<br />

raised in the Albanian Alps. Without letting his family know, he secretly leaves his home<br />

and sets out towards Austria, where he settles down in a small town called, Villach, with<br />


the hope of finding a better future for himself. His father, an elderly man who believes in<br />

old fashioned and conservative moral principals, starts out in the search of his son. To<br />

discover whether he reaches his goal, all you've got to do, is to watch the documentary..<br />

(Lost traces –TVSH – Albania).<br />

Denmark is among the European countries that has the highest rate of young people on<br />

drugs like cocaine, amphetamine and ecstasy. 14% of Danes under the age of 35 have<br />

taken drugs.<br />

DR Documentary bring together four young people at a castle to unveil the reasons<br />

behind their abuse.. (100 days without drugs – DR, Denmark). In less than a year<br />

Wikileaks has grown from a rather obscure website to a global political player, shaping<br />

world history and events, by revealing secret documents about war crimes, corporate<br />

corruption and shady political backdoor dealings. Over several months a crew from the<br />

Swedish Television has been following the secretive media network and its work behind<br />

the scenes. The result is a one hour feature documentary that tells the story behind the<br />

story. ).(Wikileaks – The documentary – SVT, Sweden)<br />

History, conflicts, political and economic issues.<br />

The biography of a "Securitate General", one of the most important superior officers of a<br />

communist secret service who had ever deserted to a western country. Mihai Pacepa<br />

entered the General Direction of the People’s Security in 1950. He had a vertiginous<br />

career and in 1972 was the deputy commander of the Direction for External Information.<br />

In July 1978 he ran away to the USA. Due to his confessions, Ceauescu's dictatorship<br />

and the mechanisms of the Securitate became better known. (A General from the East –<br />

RO/TVR, Rumania). This is a work of fiction, inspired from characters and actual facts.<br />

On October 19th 1921, a group of sailors and republican guards led by Corporal Abel<br />

Olímpio scouted the streets of Lisbon in a military truck that became known as the<br />

“Ghost Truck” and killed the heroes of the 1910 Republic revolution: Machado Santos<br />

and Carlos da Maia. Berta Maia, the widow of Carlos da Maia, refuses to accept the<br />

passivity of the courts and against all odds decides to search the truth behind these<br />

violent events.(Bloody night – RTP, Portugal). Post-apocalyptic science fiction. Europe is<br />

in a state of world disruption and only a small part of the continent is inhabited. All<br />

Europe is under incessant radiation bombardment from military satellites which pass all<br />

human control. The only people capable of safely traversing the death zones are the<br />

so-called runners. One of them is just trying to lead a group of people into a new and<br />

safer home. (Runners – CTV, Czech Republic). Former SS-Officer Adolf Eichmann, is in<br />

hiding in Argentina. Lothar Hermann, who has gone blind recognizes Eichmann and<br />

alerts the German State Attorney General, Fritz Bauer, who informs his Israeli<br />

colleagues. In 1960 the Mossad kidnap Eichmann and brings him to Israel, where he is<br />

executed after a public trial. (Eichmann's end - Love, treachery, death – ARD,<br />

Germany). Baghdad, 2004. "Major combat operations" have ended, but the real battle in<br />

the Sunni triangle is just beginning. The situation is steadily deteriorating. During a<br />

24-hour cease-fire, the two journalists Oliver and Ralf join humanitarian worker Kim<br />

and medical doctor Alain Laroche on an expedition into the hot zone. A film about people<br />

going to the limit under the most extreme circumstances to help others. (Cease<br />

Fire-ZDF, Germany). As the financial crisis shakes the capitalism system, this story tells<br />

of the tremendous power of shareholders on work and workers. Our story leads us from<br />

the French-based firm Fenwick, which makes material handling equipment, to the<br />

obscure world of Wall Street finance. (Work sentenced to death 'the dispossessed' – FR3,<br />

France). In Jordan, in the heart of the Middle East, Iraqi, Palestinian and Lebanese<br />

refugees are working on the filming of "Incendies", an adaptation of Wajdi Mouawad’s<br />

play. Whether extras or onlookers, these exiles once experienced scenes very similar to<br />

the ones depicted in Denis Villeneuve’s movie. "Se souvenir des cendres", explores their<br />


views on the vicious war and cycle of violence being recreated before their eyes and by<br />

their own efforts. (Remembering the ashes - Incendies through their eyes – ARTV,<br />

Canada).<br />

The documentary tells the story of the Northern Ireland Troubles through the<br />

unflinching testimonies of two young men who were on opposite sides of that bloody<br />

conflict, the IRA’s Brendan Hughes and the UVF’s David Ervine. Nearly ten years ago<br />

they talked to researchers from the Boston College with the condition that the interviews<br />

would be not be made public unless the interviewees either gave permission or died..<br />

(Voices from the Grave – RTE, Ireland). When Adolf Hitler begins his campaign of<br />

conquest in 1939, most Germans actually don't want war. But Hitler and his<br />

propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels use every tool of propaganda to change their<br />

minds. German pride is invoked to justify the invasion of Poland and France - among<br />

other countries, dark messages of hatred are used to persuade Germans that minorities<br />

should be stripped off of their rights, deported or sent to “detention” camps. (Love, hate<br />

and propaganda - Selling the war – CBC/SRC, Canada). NRK got the unique possibility<br />

to follow a Norwegian activist and family man before, during and after he was onboard<br />

the flotilla to Gaza which was attacked by the Israeli navy in May 2010. Nine activists<br />

were killed and more than 50 activists and soldiers injured in the operation. This<br />

documentary captures the activists' optimism and enthusiasm as they plan the<br />

aid-flotilla. In addition to unique footage from the attack and the ship, we meet wounded<br />

activists and Israeli commandoes afterwards trying to explain the tragedy. (Operation sea<br />

breeze – NRK, Norway). A comedy drama about ambitions and suppressed emotions,<br />

about the hazy border between dreams and reality, about the dream of happiness versus<br />

an organized life, where you can plan for everything, except chance. The series revolves<br />

around the 25 year-old twins, Lykke and Thomas Leth and the Danish pharmaceutical<br />

giant, SanaFortis. The company specializes in the production of psychopharmacological<br />

drugs. Their antidepressant Forticil has ensured blockbuster sales, but the patent is on<br />

the verge of expiring and a replacement is urgently needed. (Happy life – DR, Denmark).<br />

The story of one of the most incredible fabrications in modern history. When an Iraqi<br />

engineer arrives in Germany in 1999 and applies for political asylum, he immediately<br />

starts to give the German Intelligence Service a detailed account of Saddam Hussein’s<br />

weapons of mass destruction. Curveball's accounts became testimonies that helped<br />

justify the war in Iraq. The story of Curveball offers a unique insight into the secret<br />

world of international politics and secret services and reveals how one man’s lies killed<br />

hundreds of thousands of his fellow countrymen. (The man who lied the world into war –<br />

DR, Denmark). Journalist Martin Heylen has taken an in-depth look into the lives of 8<br />

famous Belgians, following them around both during and after working hours. This was<br />

done not in search of some scoop or shocking exposé, but to have a close up of how<br />

these people dealt not only with important questions in life but also with life’s minutiae,<br />

all the trivial things that we all have to deal with sooner or later. (God and everyman –<br />

VRT, Belgium).<br />

Music and Dance<br />

A glowing creation dominated by a white silvery light, but also with powerful questions:<br />

how to reach a human state of euforia without end How to face this quest and vision of<br />

Utopia and yet so hideously eternal, still, deprived of empathy and constantly so bright<br />

and lit up On the notes of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, "Hyhm to Joy" up to Bach's<br />

"Toccata e Fugue in D minor", an enthralling vision of the Ballet that Classica shot at<br />

the Torinodanza Festival. (You para | diso – Classica, Italy). Jordi Savall, one of the<br />

most universal musicians of the world, while developing his great historical work, "The<br />

Borgia Dinasty" and its subsequent premiere in January 2010 (500th anniversary of<br />

Saint Francis Borgia). Jordi Savall has created a great musical piece from the music of<br />


the glorious period of the Borgia family (15th and 16th century, during the Renaissance<br />

period). A very personal investigation of the time, the characters, the musical traditions,<br />

the musical instruments designed during this period and the pieces originally<br />

performed. (Jordi Savall & the Borgia – RTVE, Spain). How can great figures of the<br />

music world get closer to the young or downright to children Perhaps Lorenzo<br />

Cherubini, known as Jovanotti, <strong>Italia</strong>n songwriter loved by thousands of youngsters, has<br />

actually been the right man to mix the soul of Pop music with that of more profound<br />

thematics. At least, we can estimate it by the results of the contagious enthusiasm with<br />

which he launched himself into the "operation Rossini"!!! A bubbly and sparkling "pill"<br />

on the music of Bruno De Franceschi and on the text of Jovanotti. Children who sing,<br />

play and act and have the know how to intrique and attract the public. (Rossini!!! –<br />

Operinafor voices and orchestra – CLASSICA, Italy). A film broadcast live and worldwide,<br />

concieved and produced by Andrea Andermann who, together with the Rai, transmitted<br />

the atmosphere, the evocative power and awesomeness of Giuseppe Verdi's opera from<br />

the exact places and hours of the libretto, respecting the rythm of the story as well as<br />

authentic work of the authors. A film by Marco Bellocchio, with Placido Domingo who for<br />

the first time took the part of Rigoletto. Film making by the Oscar Award Vittorio<br />

Storaro. With the participation of Rai's National Symphony Orchestra conducted by<br />

maestro Zubin Mehta. (Rigoletto in Mantua – RAI, Italy). Filmmaker Beate Thalberg has<br />

crafted a docu-drama based on a little-known source of information about Gustav<br />

Mahler, from the diaries of Natalie Bauer-Lechner, Mahler’s long-time confidante. The<br />

film portraits Mahler’s private and professional life starting from his student years in<br />

Vienna up to his marriage with Alma Schindler. The diaries evoke the man behind the<br />

artist and not only testify Mahler’s erratic character and his disposition but also his<br />

dramatic struggle for recognition as a composer (My time will come - Gustav Mahler as<br />

remembered by Natalie Bauer-Lechner – ORF, Austria). A beautiful, emotive and<br />

evocative piece illustrating the special bond between mother and son. A fully dressed<br />

man is pushed into a swimming pool by his mother. He treats the gesture with<br />

unimportance and starts dancing underwater, always aware that she's watching. After a<br />

while she joins him, and they play out the story of their relationship through the<br />

underwater dance. (Deep end dance – RTE , Ireland).<br />

Sixty years ago young Daniel Barenboim held his first concert at the "Teatro Colón".<br />

Today he returns as "Maestro of the Scala" to his birth city,Bueno Aires. With Giuseppe<br />

Verdi's notes he sets the seal on the tournée that brought the Orchestra and the Choir<br />

of "La Scala Theatre" in Argentina. Historical courses and recurrences that bring to life<br />

the stories of the <strong>Italia</strong>n migrations of half a century to this captivating land of which<br />

the same Barenboim said: "Argentina is the sole <strong>Italia</strong>n country where Spanish is<br />

spoken". (La Scala Theatre at the Teatro Colón - <strong>Italia</strong>ns in Argentina – Classica, Italy).<br />

The life of Luciano Pavarotti through archives footage, interviews and short fiction<br />

movies especially filmed to describe the events linked to the childhood and early youth<br />

of the Maestro. The scenes tell the story of a young Pavarotti and his relationship with<br />

his father Fernando, with his mother who insisted that her son continue his singing<br />

lessons and then his encounter with Beniamino Gigli and his singing teacher Maestro<br />

Arrigo Pola. The documentary-film leads us into the Maestro’s cities, beginning in<br />

Modena, where he was born, lived and where "Pavarotti & Friends" was staged to Reggio<br />

Emilia, where he made his debut in "La Bohème" and all the way to the great<br />

International stages where he performed. (Pavarotti, the voice of angels – RAI, Italy).<br />

"Collegium Vocale Ghent" celebrate their 40th anniversary. Philippe Herreweghe’s choir,<br />

which attained international fame with outstanding Bach performances, and it was<br />

pivotal in the revival process of ancient music. Apart from archive material and<br />

highlights of the past fourty years. We shall witness Collegium Vocale Ghent during<br />

rehearsals in Ghent, as well as at the festivals of Saintes and Toscane. (Collegium Vocale<br />

di Gand: 40years of passion - VRT, Belgium). Music when played by top violinist Janine<br />

Jansen seems to come straight from heaven. A top career, however, needs a lot of hard<br />


work. Even heavenly music is subject to the banalities of the market place. Janine<br />

Jansen lives for her music. Still, there are limits. But where will she draw the line<br />

(Janine - NPO, Netherlands). Antonio Pappano looks at six of Verdi's most famous<br />

works - Nabucco, Rigoletto, Don Carlo, Otello, Falstaff and La Traviata and conducts<br />

them at the Royal Opera House with the super-starry cast of Renée Fleming, Joseph<br />

Calleja and Thomas Hampson. He conducts "Va Pensiero" from Nabucco at a vast<br />

open-air concert in Naples, this chorus was to become a powerful symbol of political<br />

unity for the <strong>Italia</strong>n people. (Opera <strong>Italia</strong> - Viva Verdi – BBC, United Kingdom). Being<br />

able to sing, standing on stage and being cheered by audiences like a famous star<br />

–certainly a dream of many people! The profession of an opera singer can certainly be a<br />

dream job, but singing opera is a high-performance sport. Such prominent artists as<br />

Jonas Kaufmann and Anja Harteros, as well as the Viennese singers doctor Reinhard<br />

Kürsten and music journalist Jürgen Kesting, who ranks as the “Vocal Pope” recount it<br />

like it is. (High-performance sports: singing opera – ARD, Germany). Every night, a father<br />

tells his son a bedtime story to help him fall asleep. As a challenge, the child always<br />

choses the same book, "The Carnival of the Animals" by Camille Saint-Saens. This book<br />

which initially seems a little austere is transformed by the complicity of the father and<br />

his son and becomes animated. A story for the whole family in live caption and<br />

animation. (The carnival of the animals – FR3, France). After the award-winning<br />

productions «La Traviata at Central Station» (2008) und «La Bohème at the Tower Block»<br />

(2009), the Swiss national TV network Schweizer Fernsehen staged an opera in<br />

exceptional settings for the third time. Guiseppe Verdi’s «Aida» was performed on the<br />

banks of the river Rhine around the Mittlere Brücke area in Basel. The ensemble of the<br />

Basel Theater Company and the Basel Symphony Orchestra opened whole new<br />

perspectives on the opera classic. (Aida on the Rhine – SRG SSR, Switzerland).<br />

Acclaimed all over the globe, Cesaria Évora is at present one of the greatest voices in the<br />

"music world". All began at the begining of the 90's in France when Cesaria found<br />

success and became the legendary "barefooted star". But who is Cesaria Évora really<br />

Through the testimonies of people who knew her since she was a young girl and<br />

following Cesaria to Cap-Vert, to Paris, her "second home" and during her tounée in<br />

Israel we gradually get to know her. (Cesária-nha sentimento –RTP, Portugal). In the<br />

summer of 2010 the music world was hit by the sad news of the death of Sir Charles<br />

Mackerras , one of the greatest conductors of the 20th century. He helped the world<br />

discover the greatness of Janáèek’s music and had spread awareness of Czech music<br />

abroad for half a century. It is his merit that Janáèek’s operas became an inseparable<br />

part of the repertoires of all world stages. He had first encountered the music of this<br />

great Czech musician in 1947 during his study sojourn in Prague under conductor<br />

Václav Talich and it was a fateful encounter.. (Sir Charles, thank you, dìkujeme – CTV,<br />

Czech Republic). Ferenc Liszt was nominated President of the Budapest Music Academy<br />

in 1875. Within the ancient and historical walls of the famous building we recall the<br />

music of one of the most famed composers of the 19th century. The accomplished<br />

painist, Gergely Bogànyi accompanies us with his pieces. (Ricordanza – DUNA TV,<br />

Hungary). This special live edition is an act of solidarity with the Japanese people.<br />

Maestro Kent Nagano leads the musicians of Orchestre symphonique de Montréal<br />

through their interpretation of Schubert’s Unfinished Symphony. One of our reporting<br />

teams also travels to Japan to witness firsthand the Japanese mustering their strength,<br />

and yet again to rebuild what lies in ruins along with their sense of hope.(One hour on<br />

earth for Japan – CBC/SRC Canada). The film depicts the life of Django Reinhardt, one<br />

of the best known and most effective Gypsy artists of all times. The genius of a guitarist<br />

was born one hundred years ago in a Sinto Gypsy caravan. With a burnt hand Django<br />

laid down the foundations of playing the modern jazz guitar in the 30s. The style of<br />

music created by him has become a concept of its own all over the world. (Django –MTV,<br />

Hungary). Ever since discovering Andre Mathieu and his work, pianist Alain Lefevre has<br />

been constantly spreading the word about the man and his genius. In this documentary,<br />


Lefevre performs music composed by Mathieu as he explores the dazzling career of this<br />

pianist and composer born in 1929. Mathieu was a child prodigy who began composing<br />

at age four. He died in Montreal in 1968 but his music continues to live on. (Alain<br />

Lefevre signs André Mathieu – CBC/SRC, Canada). Meet Jussi Björling, one of the<br />

greatest singers of our times, on his hundredth anniversary! His children and colleagues<br />

tell the gripping story of a poor orphan boy who was both applauded by the world and<br />

fought hard with his dark forces. Even today, 50 years after his death, he is considered<br />

to be one of the best singers ever. (The Jussi Björling Saga – SVT, Sweden).<br />

Literature, Theatre<br />

In spring 2010 "The Norwegian National Touring Theatre" engaged International director<br />

Stein Winge to stage Eugene O’Neills “Long day's journey into night”. Liv Ullmann, who<br />

currently lives in the US, returned to Norway to play Mary Tyron. This documentary that<br />

follows the trials of the rehearsal time will be her last on stage. At present she is 72<br />

years old. (Rehearsals – Time of trial – NRK, Norway). Alan Bennett’s play "The Habit of<br />

Art" is built around an imagined encounter between the poet W.H. Auden and the<br />

composer Benjamin Britten in Oxford in 1972. In fact, the two men hardly spoke after<br />

their collaboration ended in the 1940s, and Auden said that Britten was the only friend<br />

he had ever lost. "Alan Bennett and The Habit of Art" looks at the extraordinary<br />

relationship between one of England’s finest poet and one of the greatest composers of<br />

the twentieth century. (Alan Bennett and the habit of art – CH4, United Kingdom). They<br />

called her the Hungarian "Villon" after the famous French poet,thief and general<br />

vagabond. She came from the very deep bottom of life and tried to reveal how sad hers<br />

was, but nevertheless life in itself was beautiful. Her name was Éva Tandari, a writer<br />

and a homeless. (Éva Tandari – DUNA TV, Hungary). A monologue by Marco Paolini on<br />

Nazi eugenics. Between 1939 and 1941 in Nazi Germany, before many other brutal<br />

killings, thousands of both physically disabled and mentally disturbed children and<br />

adults were killed, lives deemed "unworthy of being lived." Aktion T4 is the dramatically<br />

effective realization of a proposed elimination of the "different" and "useless". This is a<br />

secret project, achieved by a few people, but in fact carried out under the eyes of<br />

everyone.<br />

(Ausmerzen - Lives unworthy to being lived – LA7, Italy).<br />

Art, cinema and photography<br />

Inside the Vatican there is the whole of Italy, region by region. Required by Pope Gregory<br />

XIII, under the form of fresco, the gallery is made up of 40 maps, painted around 1580<br />

by a team of landscape painters co-ordinated by the geographer Ignazio Danti. Antonio<br />

Paolucci, director of the Vatican Museums, guides us on a real journey into XVIth<br />

Century’s Italy, whose unity had been constituted a long time before Cavour and<br />

Garibaldi played their game and where our country, although politically divided, looks<br />

united by its history, language, religion, and culture. (A journey into 16th century's Italy.<br />

The gallery of maps in the Vatican – TV2000, Italy). The idea for a documentary on Ugo<br />

Tognazzi sprang from the desire to relate to life, loves, passions, successes and<br />

disappointments of a great actor, but also to reveal his hidden, secret aspects and lesser<br />

known works for the first time. Never before has the Tognazzi family permitted the use<br />

of personal photos and behind-the-scenes footage from Ugo’s films to be publicized,<br />

together with material that shows the actor’s private side and his time spent with<br />

friends. The soundtrack is by Sergio Cammariere, and the end credits feature an<br />


unpublished song – dedicated to Ugo - with lyrics by Gianmarco Tognazzi. (Portrait of my<br />

father – La7, Italy). A multicultural magician, an aesthetic perfectionist, sculptor Anish<br />

Kapoor thrives on new artistic and technical challenges, such as his enormous inflatable<br />

structure with which he took over the Grand Palais in Paris at the Monumenta 2011<br />

exhibition.This documentary recounts the world according to Kapoor, via a journey, from<br />

his London studios to the permanent installations of Chicago and Naples, to exhibitions<br />

in Bilbao, Mumbai and Delhi. The artist is given the opportunity to talk personally about<br />

his perpetual quest for new forms, which are always deeply moving. (The world<br />

according to Kapoor – ARTE, France). At age 40, Marc Séguin is considered one of the<br />

most talented painters of his generation. His works have been shown around the world<br />

and collectors impatiently await each new exhibition. A student of Molinari and an<br />

admirer of Riopelle, Séguin paints complex, genre-crossing pieces that never cease to<br />

amaze..(Bull's Eye: a painter on the watch – ARTV, Canada). There was exciting<br />

abundance of cultural diversities in Zagreb during the period between 1961 and 1973.<br />

In this decade Zagreb became an international centre where relevant exhibitions were<br />

held and this particular style in art flourished. The international art movement "New<br />

Tendencies" was founded in Zagreb in 1961 and those who visited and took part at<br />

exhibitions then, are now renowned artists and art theoreticians. Half a century later,<br />

the New Tendencies retrospective was held at one of the largest world centres for art and<br />

media at the ZKM in Karlsruhe. (New tendencies – HRT, Croatia). A documentary film<br />

on Aki Kaurismäki’s, the Finnish prematurely deceased star actor Matti Pellonpää. It<br />

depicts his person, his life and work Persons tell stories about Pellonpää in milieus that<br />

comment and enrich them. The actor himself will be seen in the pictures of the<br />

interviews as a figure following his friends conversations as if from a cloud. One of the<br />

central characteristics of the film is Pellonpää’s warm canine gaze which developed into<br />

the actor’s legendary emblem. (Bohemian eyes – Matti Pellonpää –YLE, Finland). This is<br />

a documentary film on Omer Kaleshi, the Albanian well-known painter. We can discover<br />

a true, sensitive and very talented artist through the wonderful verses that screen-writer<br />

brings forth to us. Our journey starts off from Macedonia, the country where he was<br />

born and raised in, to Istanbul and all the way to Paris, the cities where the famous<br />

painter is infact creating his art. (The root – TVSH, Albania). Ognjan Kozhuharov is a<br />

Bulgarian artist who has been living in Budapest for forty years. His statues ornament<br />

several places in Hungarian cities. In addition to art Ognjan Kozhuharov has also been<br />

outstanding in the field of sport. He has been a trainer and section Head at the Aikido<br />

Association of the Capital and its vicinity. As he says, this sport has similar traits with<br />

art.Together with his wife, Eszter Kneisz, a tapestry artist, they have had several joint<br />

exhibitions. They believe that each others opinion is important and cannot imagine<br />

their daily life without Art. (Cross-Section – MTV, Hungary).<br />

Traditions, folklore, religion<br />

A documentary's depiction of twenty of the most meaningful historical reconstructions of<br />

our country. A television series of TV2000 signed by Pupi Avati to tell its most important<br />

moments, , and to witness its historical value and how it culturally took root into the<br />

country. A pretext to verify to what extent the present is related to the past in handing<br />

down the representation of an event that still identifies a country and its people from<br />

generation to generation. The episode tells how a whole little town of the Venetian<br />

mountains, during the Belle Epoque, destination of kings and queens but now fallen<br />

into oblivion, every two years re-discovers its own identity in the process of remembering<br />

its past by means of a big feast which is closed by a magnificent pageant.(Recoaro Terme,<br />

the call of March – TV2000, Italy). Entering the world of 21st-century Gypsy and<br />

Traveller weddings, where ancient traditions meet modern fashions in an ostentatious<br />

culture clash, "My Big Fat Gypsy" follows four Gypsy and Traveller families on their<br />


wedding days. Brides compete to have the largest dress, but sex before marriage is still a<br />

scandal and divorce is unheard of. The weddings are visual spectacles: girls parade into<br />

church in enormous dresses that sometimes weigh more than the bride herself. (Big fat<br />

gypsy weddings – CH4, United Kingdom) Pastor Lee was both a priest and a doctor by<br />

profession. He sought areas that had been bombed to offer comfort and heal the<br />

wounded. He built a school to rescue children who were being hauled off to war. He<br />

helped them dream of a future and brought music into their lives by creating a brass<br />

band which gave them hope and confidence. When he passed away, the Sudanese felt<br />

great grief for the man who had been like a father to them. (Don't cry for me Sudan –<br />

KBS, North Korea). An archive based docu-film about the most famous street in<br />

Croatia, located in the city of Dubrovnik. This documentary is not only another beautiful<br />

Tv exploration film footage: director and scriptwriter, Hrvoje Juvancic, use archive as a<br />

starting point for investigating contemporary life in Dubrovnik and one of the greatest<br />

problems that every small and ancient town in the world deals with: abandonment of its<br />

inhabitants and becoming an empty tourist facade. (On Stradun – HRT, Croatia). A path<br />

to re-discover the Word through the reflection of Benedict XVI in the time leading to<br />

Easter. “The Holy Week with the Pope. The programme was shot on the background of<br />

the suggestive church of St. Stefano Rotondo in Rome. The actors read selected pages<br />

from “Jesus of Nazareth”, the book by Benedict XVI published by the Vatican Publishing<br />

House. “From the entrance into Jerusalem until the resurrection”, a publishing success<br />

and on the top of the best-sellers list. Directed by Giuseppe Bartolomei and Dario<br />

Giacani. The musical score is taken from Johann Sebastian Bach.(The Holy Week with<br />

the Pope. Selected pages from 'Jesus of Nazareth – TV2000, Italy).<br />

Science, environment<br />

The Arctic is the harshest environment on Earth: little food grows, it’s dark for months<br />

on end, and temperatures stay well below freezing for much of the year. Yet four million<br />

people manage to survive here. Human Planet tells remarkable stories of extraordinary<br />

people who make their homes in nature's deep freeze. Amos and Karl-Frederik are two<br />

protagonists of this episode who set out across the sea ice with their dogs to catch a<br />

real-life sea monster: a Greenland shark! (Human Planet - Arctic: Life in the deep freeze –<br />

BBC, United Kingdom). It was 400 years ago when Galileo Galilei opened the window to<br />

the skies with a telescope. In 1609 Johannes Kepler published his "Astronomia Nova"<br />

and in the process provided us with a new understanding of our solar system. To<br />

commemorate these scientific milestones, the UN declared 2009 the "International Year<br />

of Astronomy". The documentary tells the little known story of the curious relationship<br />

between the two world famous scientists: a parallel tale of admiration and rivalry from a<br />

time when the disciplines of religion, art and science had yet to be separated (When the<br />

sun stands still - Kepler, Galileo and the heavens – ORF, Austria). The memorable<br />

catastrophe in the Chernobyl power plant took place on 26th April 1986 at 1:27 am,<br />

affecting the lives of over 300,000 people in a direct and immediate manner who lived in<br />

the surrounding areas of the then USSR territory. The docu-drama reconstructs the four<br />

days following the disaster from the point of view of the Polish communist political and<br />

military circles, alarmed by the medical scientific center in Warsaw, as well as the<br />

reactions of foreign journalists based in Moscow. (Chernobyl – Four days in April – TVP,<br />

Poland) Stories of war that left deep wounds in the protagonists psyche, obsessive<br />

nightmares, anguish, suicide attempts… during four long years and changing their<br />

lives forever. Men, women, soldiers, reporters, NGO workers, war professionals: nobody<br />

is spared by what the doctors call « post traumatic stress disorder ». A mysterious<br />

sickness, so widespread… and such a taboo.(No visible sign – FR2, France). The Jialasa<br />

village, which lies deep in Tibet's Yarlung Tsangpo canyon, is still in an unexplored<br />

region in China. During the two months of summer when the snows melt, its villagers<br />


put together a transport team of men and horses to get daily necessities for the long<br />

winter. For several days, they risk their lives crossing dizzying cliffs. They must travel<br />

500 kilometers, going up and down cliffs more than 4,000 meters high and along narrow<br />

paths about three feet wide. (Lonely path for survival – NHK, Japan). On October 4th,<br />

2010, the retaining wall of a toxic sludge reservoir at the aluminium factory in Ajka,<br />

Hungary, gave way. Bursting through the 22 meter-high walls, the red mud enveloped<br />

the nearby villages with terrifying speed. The toxic river, at times two meters high,<br />

moved cars, buildings, fences and wherever it flowed across more than 2,400 acres, it<br />

left behind what looked like a Marsian landscape. This was just one of the<br />

environmental time bombs ticking away in Eastern Europe, where the legacy of<br />

post-communism includes hundreds of defunct yet dangerous mines as well as<br />

still-functioning, but outdated industrial sites. (The red sludge and other ticking bombs –<br />

DUNA TV, Hungary). It costs just $2.50 to dump a ton of toxic waste off the coast of<br />

Somalia. It’s the world’s cheapest rubbish dump and a nice little earner for certain<br />

westerners, who would have to pay $1,000 to dump their trash back home. But<br />

hundreds of Somalis are falling ill and poisoned by other peoples’ waste. Who is<br />

dumping this waste in Somali waters Who in Somalia is making money from it Two<br />

<strong>Italia</strong>n journalists have already lost their lives for asking such questions. We re-open the<br />

inquiry. It’s an investigation that leads us into the shady underworlds of the <strong>Italia</strong>n<br />

mafia, Somali pirates and the lethal nuclear waste industry.(Toxic Somalia – ARTE,<br />

France).<br />

Everyday stories and crime news<br />

On August 5th, 2010 in the copper mine of San Josè situated in North Chile, a wall of<br />

the main passage collapses, 33 men remain trapped in the bowels of the earth. On the<br />

22nd of August a sonda reaches the security room.....the men are alive! Two points of<br />

view intertwine: the first, on the surface, that of their families, technicians and the<br />

televisions troupes that shoot the happening, the second, under-ground, and that of the<br />

miners who resist. Two worlds wait and live above and under the mine in San Josè.<br />

(Nothing else – RAI, Italy). Walter Duts, a strange but very nice man, has been living<br />

alone in their family home. Afraid of the outside world he lives in a bubble of peace<br />

allowing only a very limited number of people in. He is friendly and fond of his<br />

neighbours Annie and Mieke. Annie’s daughter, Connie, is also friends with Walter but<br />

her husband Danny, a cop, doesn’t trust the strange man. (Duts: Bulgarian wines – VRT,<br />

Belgium). In "Amsterdam en vele anderen" dozens of other narratives intertwine with<br />

that of Adam and Eva. These stories, with their various characters, describe the tension<br />

between anonymity and intimacy that characterizes life in the city. (A’dam & E.v.a –<br />

NPO, Netherlands). This programme, telling the story of the five young women who were<br />

murdered in Ipswich in the winter of 2006. Directed and shot in a naturalistic style it<br />

blended scenes of the victims’ lives in the weeks leading up to their deaths with news<br />

archive of the actual events as they unfolded. The greatest task facing the programme<br />

makers was to tell the story with truth and compassion whilst always respecting the<br />

victims’ still grieving relatives.(Five Daughters – BBC, United Kingdom). Naked Finnish<br />

men in saunas speak straight from their hearts. In the warmth of rusty stoves they<br />

cleanse themselves both physically and mentally towards the film's deeply emotional<br />

and unforgettable finale. The film travels through Finland joining men of all walks of life<br />

in many different saunas to let us hear their touching stories on love, death, birth and<br />

friendship and about life. (Steam of life –YLE, Finland). The 9A Form was a model class<br />

until its master, the ‘Teacher of the Year’, Anatoly Nosov fell ill. Without his strong hand<br />

the myth of ‘model class’ myth tumbles down, his granddaughter turns out to be almost<br />

the worst pupil of the school, and the new pupil Epifanov makes his classmates behave<br />

insolently. The fixed vision of the class falls in, and no teacher wants to teach in the<br />


class that in a flash has become the school’s problem. (School – CH1, Russia). Two farms<br />

with marvellous thoroughbreds - and two families, competing with each other. Only one<br />

can win .... They and other people around them are grappling with small and great<br />

problems, united by the bond of love for horses. (Sign of the horse - part 6 – The Auction<br />

– CTV, Czech Republic). Gorsky and Lottner are observing the Baltic Sea café following<br />

a tip-off by the arrested Max Weber and promptly land in the raid of the Berlin Federal<br />

State Police Authority, the LKA. Gorsky and Lottner see a man running away. They take<br />

up the chase, capture the man and hand him over to their LKA colleagues. (Face to face<br />

with crime - Part 2: Always one step ahead – ARD, Germany). One heart is the TV<br />

programme to commemorate the victims of the disastrous plane crash in Smolensk,<br />

Russia on April 10, 2010 that killed 95 major Polish political and parliamentary figures,<br />

including the President of Poland – Lech Kaczynski with his wife Maria Kaczyñska. (One<br />

heart – TVP, Poland). It all begins in 2010 with the escape of Tony Roucas alias Crazy<br />

Tony, a big shot hoodlum doing a long stretch, and Kenz, a 20-year-old punk from the<br />

projects. They have to travel together, their getaway mixing two generations, two<br />

methods and it will also make Tony understand how he had lost the woman of his life.<br />

(Tony's revenge – FR2, France). Yanghui, decides to rent out the room on the 2nd floor<br />

in the hopes of earning some extra cash. But she’s on the verge of a nervous breakdown<br />

due to the elderly man suffering from dementia that constantly hassles the new tenants.<br />

On top of that, her husband addicted to internet Korean checkers has no concern for<br />

what’s going on; her son who’s just finished his military service does nothing but play<br />

the guitar all day in the hopes of becoming a rock star and though her eldest has a<br />

steady job and is reliable, concerns are that she may never get married at this rate, all<br />

add to Yanghui’s nerves. (A family's secret – KBS, North Korea).Random, is Debbie<br />

Tucker Green's directorial debut, adapted from her critically acclaimed play at the Royal<br />

Court Theatre. Set over one day, this touching and profound story follows an ordinary<br />

family's daily routine which is shattered by one random act which changes everything.<br />

(Random – CH4, United Kingdom). "Weekend in Brighton" is a character play; it is as<br />

funny as it is tragic and melancholic. Jan leaves Slovenia for London where he earns a<br />

modest living as a greengrocer. His letters to his parents are full of lies about his<br />

success. However, when Jan’s family finally arrives on a visit, the moment of truth<br />

seems inevitable.... Will Jan’s wife Helena be able to forgive him the lies and give him<br />

enough support to reconcile himself with the truth and the pain of failure in front of his<br />

parents (A weekend in Brighton – RTVSLO, Slovenia).This romantic comedy is about<br />

Janne and Pontus, who meet for the first time at a New Year’s party. Accompanied by<br />

fireworks and sizzling champagne, their eyes meet and time stops. It literally says<br />

“schmokk”! love at first sight. Four years later, Janne and Pontus share a flat, but the<br />

initial crush of love is long gone. Now they are more concerned about vacuum cleaning<br />

than about having sex. Is it too late to return like it was before between them (Schmokk<br />

– NRK, Norway). The objective is the need for solace, the search for a smile and the<br />

desire to experience happiness. The atmosphere of the countryside, the farmhouse, the<br />

piety of simplicity embraces the whole film. The vibration, beat and dynamism of the city<br />

distract the mind from obtaining the true road. Only beauty and art can guide you back<br />

on the real track. (Guards of spirits – MTV, Hungary). Since 2001, the TVE family saga<br />

“Remember When”. The series revives the domestic history of Spanish families during<br />

the years of transition towards Democracy and all the enormous social, economic and<br />

political changes they had to face.In this episode we are in 1978. The Alcantara’s,<br />

thanks to a social improvement, leave their old home to start a new life in a wealthier<br />

neighborhood. The first communion of Maria will be the excuse to bring together the<br />

whole family and to strengthen ties with the new neighbors. Confirmation that<br />

Government’s President Suarez will attend the ceremony forces Antonio to suddenly<br />

change plans for the celebration … (Maria's two communions – TVE, Spain). Pontus,<br />

Mats, Olle and David. Four friends through thick and thin, who have known one another<br />

forever. Four friends in their thirties who in different ways start all over with their lives –<br />


just when they thought all choices were made... (Walk the talk – SVT, Sweden)<br />



Category: “Interactive site linked to a radio or television programme”.<br />

“Second screen applications for the programme”<br />

Technical Innovation: multichannel, website in HTML5 works on PC, labtop, tablet and<br />

mobile browsers hosted on a cloud platform (Google Appengine), HTML5 for realtime TV<br />

graphics via node.js. Programme innovation: second screen applications to increase the<br />

live experience of the programme, usage of tablets during broadcast by the live audience,<br />

incorporation of the realtime results via the videowall. VRT – Belgium. “Exile Without<br />

End” Exile Without End, is a Web-documentary in three languages, English, French and<br />

Arab, presenting the life of refugees in Chatila. An interactive map has been developed to<br />

present Chatila. Nine specific places are identified and each of them is developed as a<br />

specific theme. Each place provides videos, portraits and information about the place<br />

itself and its inhabitants. Our site proposes a completely immersive experience by<br />

sound, image and video of fantastic quality. The coverage is not only wide, it is deep. The<br />

viewer is really witnessing life in the camp, as if he were actually walking in the streets.<br />

A blog by each one of the journalists has been on-line while they were in Liban. Pictures,<br />

videos and short text witness their visit and experience there. Viewers have participated<br />

by sending their own comments and testimonies. CBC/SRC - Canada. “Dybbol 1864” In<br />

a spirit of Nationalist arrogance, Denmark in 1864 challenges the union of German<br />

countries. This year "Danish Radio" has decided to re-enact the central battle of Dybbol<br />

by broadcasting live radio coverage as it would have sounded in 1864. The broadcast<br />

was supported by a website with background material on the battle, live blogging,<br />

interactive "news" graphics illustrating the movements of the armies and an interactive<br />

map where users can upload stories of soldiers destinies. This is a very popular feature<br />

illustrating the ongoing interest in the battle and turns the website into important<br />

historical evidence. DR – Denmark. “Aitio” - YLE Areena is the biggest net-tv channel in<br />

Finland. It offers on demand content as well as live broadcasting on web. In YLE we<br />

have developed a concept to support live web broadcasting: this concept is called "Aitio"<br />

(Box seat in English) Aitio creates a unique user experience. It offers live videostream<br />

with chat, facebook and twitter commenting and related content in the same browser<br />

window. The user can watch the show with other users and chat together. YLE's<br />

professionals and journalists can also participate in the discussion.. Opportunities are<br />

countless and our users love the concept. YLE – Finland. “Addicts” Addicts, is a<br />

web-fiction and fictional drama which is thought and written specifically for the Internet.<br />

The story has four main characters and the action of each character is driven by the<br />

addiction in which he is trapped. They all try to rebuild their lives. When someone<br />

proposes the burglary, they are all tempted by the easy money. But what will they<br />

decide Who is really manipulating them Between November 15th and December 16th<br />

2010, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, a new episode is posted on the website.<br />

One episode is composed by 5 sequences (modules). One for each character and one<br />

Custody. The custodies are reflecting the police inquiry of the crime. ARTE – France.<br />

“Alpha 07” The story of “Alpha 0.7” is set in the year 2017: Johanna Berger, 35 years<br />

old, mother of a teenage daughter, fears she is going insane. What she doesn’t know:<br />

There’s a chip planted into her brain. Johanna has become part of a malicious<br />

experiment. She is subject Alpha 0.7.Her new employer, Protecta Society, and the<br />

state-run Pre-Crime-Center NPC are testing novel techniques of brain-manipulation.<br />

Implement brains-canners all over Europe – that’s their plan. And they assure being able<br />

to identify and control the brains of criminals – in order to stop them before they can do<br />

any harm. “Alpha 0.7” is the first multi-platform 360-degrees-project put into practice in<br />

German media. It works through the combination of websites, followed by a tv-series<br />

and radio drama (6 sequels each) - a concept that found remarkable response and has<br />


een received with enthusiasm by users viewers and the press ARD – Germany.<br />

“Universe of the oceans”, based on bestselling author Frank Schätzing's book, "News<br />

from an unknown universe", the TV documentary shows the "History of the Oceans" in<br />

three parts. Spectacular, never-seen-before underwater footage and cutting edge CGI<br />

technology take the viewer to a journey to past, present and future of where life once<br />

may had its origin depicting the latest results of scientific ocean research. Key<br />

application of the cross-media content is the 3-D interactive world depicting five ocean<br />

habitats. on the information, simply use our glossary in alphabetical order. Our goal is<br />

to open people’s minds towards the life in the world’s biggest eco-system, creating<br />

awareness on the human impact and in the best case leading to a change of habits.<br />

ZDF - Germany. “Operation Transformation” Operation Transformation is a unique<br />

cross-media event. Operation Transformation searches to find people who want to lose<br />

weight, get fit and transform themselves. Operation Transformation put out a nationwide<br />

call to find the five new leaders for the 2011 series. They need to be willing to radically<br />

change their eating and exercise habits, and be prepared to inspire listeners and viewers<br />

to follow them on their journey. Over the 8 weeks that the show is aired on TV, covered<br />

on Radio and RTE.ie. The five leaders also inspired thousands of people across the<br />

country to overhaul their own diets and fitness regimes, as the levels of activity on the<br />

online resources certainly proved. The Operation Transformation website has a<br />

dedicated Facebook page that proved to be a valuable resource giving followers the<br />

opportunity of offering advice and support to each other, constant updates from the<br />

leaders, along with tips, and discussions. RTE – Ireland. “<strong>Italia</strong> 150”, is a multimedia<br />

platform “produced in .net” accessing contents through the Internet website, with<br />

dedicated mobile applications, digital TV and social-networks. Its objective is to retrace<br />

the history of Italy during the last 150 years through: videos produced especially for the<br />

event, textual documents, multimedia in-depth reports, detailed information, special<br />

applications and biographies. The system is addressed to the general public, experts,<br />

secondary school teachers and students. Some particularly innovative elements are: the<br />

Risorgimento time-map, interactive games, applications for mobile telephones and<br />

tablets, “live” online connections with integrated chat-lines on Facebook and a format<br />

dedicated to outstanding figures. RAI – Italy. “Life force: evolution never ends”, Life<br />

Force online offers virtual guides through 34 environmental hotspots that are home to<br />

wildlife that makes up 70% of all species facing extinction. These include the six<br />

hotspots covered in the related TV documentaries. The content makes generous use of<br />

NHK’s visual resources, including photographs and videos to describe each location in<br />

clear detail. In-depth content that helps deepen understanding of biodiversity hotspots<br />

is offered on the website in Japanese, English, and French so that more people around<br />

the world can share information about our planet’s environment. Game-like features and<br />

an iPhone application (in Japanese and English) make the various species familiar and<br />

more accessible to a wider audience. NHK – Japan. “Beagle – on the future of species”<br />

Join a unique scientific sailing voyage around the world in the wake of Charles Darwin,<br />

investigating the future of species. Almost 200 years ago, Charles Darwin sailed around<br />

the world on the HMS Beagle, gathering information and inspiration for his<br />

groundbreaking theory of evolution, published in his book, "On the Origin of Species".<br />

What would it be like to take this journey again What would we see if this time we<br />

wouldn't look for the origin, but for the future of species VPRO, NTR and Canvas sailed<br />

around the world on a modern-day Beagle. The magnificent sailing vessel the clipper<br />

Stad Amsterdam was rigged with high-tech media equipment including a tv studio,<br />

satellite dishes and HD-webcams. Our goal with the Beagle crossmedia project: Take<br />

everybody with us on a unique scientific journey. NPO – Netherlands. “Trekant” what<br />

happens when you put three sexually unexperienced young people in an apartment and<br />

give them the task: to expand your sexual horizon. This resulted in a hugely successful<br />

television series and web experience. The series were immensely popular among<br />

Norwegian teenagers and spawned a colossal national debate over sexual education in<br />

Norway. The eight episodes premiered weekly on the website, and during the 28 live

oadcast on TV, the users could chat and interact with the three participants from the<br />

show. All the episodes and content are still available for watching on the website.<br />

Trekant is a enormous success thus “Trekant 2” is now in production. NRK – Norway.<br />

“Mobile website for smartphones - morning show”, we have seen a decline in listening<br />

habits for traditional radio among young people. This is our way of re-inventing radio for<br />

the young audience. So we decided to make the best mobile site for smartphones. To<br />

give the audience the full experience and all the content from the computer website of<br />

the Swedish Radio - in a site specially made for smartphones. With the sound, live<br />

channels, shows and clips, in focus, to go after the young audience.The smartphone<br />

mobile website gives the visitor all the great content from the full version website, in an<br />

easy to use version for smartphones. Visit each and everyone of all the over 500 show<br />

sites, listen to full length shows, clips and read articles, watch pictures, share and<br />

comment. All of the over 40 live channels are available. You get updated and high<br />

quality news, sports and local content. You can also add favourites for easy access to<br />

your preferred channel, show, site or service (traffic, weather, live scores). SR –<br />

Sweden.“ Being Human - Becoming Human” is a cross-platform experience, produced by<br />

Zodiak Active for BBC featuring the successful spin off series, “Becoming Human”. The<br />

Annie Broadcasts, a fictional experience showing what happened to Annie between<br />

series 2 and 3 was released daily over a week . Around Episode 2 of the main TV series<br />

the online drama, “Becoming Human”, was launched. This involved working closely with<br />

script writers to include the character Adam in the main Being Human series and then<br />

pick up his story for Becoming Human. As well as the eight episodes of Becoming<br />

Human, the digital team created a range of daily content so users could play along with<br />

the story and solve the interactive murder mystery. Images, exclusive video, handwritten<br />

notes and a range of other "evidence" was painstakingly created by the team and posted<br />

online. Fans joined in and tried to solve the mystery of who killed Matt with some posts<br />

receiving more than 10000 comments. The online drama was so successful that it was<br />

shown as a 50 minute TV episode on BBC Three and the killer was revealed<br />

simultaneously on TV and online. BBC – United Kingdom.<br />

Category: “Users generated content”<br />

“ABC Pool” , is a social media site where you can share and engage with creative work<br />

and collaborate with the people who make it. Pool breaks down boundaries between<br />

producers and consumers of media, between media professionals and "the former<br />

audience". Pool is run by the Australian public broadcaster - the ABC. Anyone, any age,<br />

anywhere can contribute in all media forms; images, text, audio and video. Two of Pool’s<br />

core principles are: participation and co-creation. ABC Pool is the first UGC site within<br />

the corporation to give life to an authentic community of people who share their own<br />

opinions, work and knowledge through the use of audio, video, images, text and<br />

podcasts. ABC – Australia.“Live Right Now”Canada is facing a health crisis. About a<br />

quarter of the population is obese, half the population is overweight and diabetes rates<br />

are skyrocketing. The core mission of the "Live Right Now" website is to turn the tide on<br />

this crisis by inspiring Canadians to make changes in their own lives. It all started with<br />

a small town in Northern Canada called Taylor, B.C. When local residents pledged to<br />

lead healthier lives on the television show ‘Village on Diet’ in 2011, they helped inspire a<br />

nation. How did this happen The television show was the spark behind an innovative<br />

user-generated community called Live Right Now. The Live Right Now web site is an<br />

extensive social and trans-media experiment powered users. It allows people to directly<br />

participate in what they were seeing on the television show.. CBC/SRC –<br />

Canada.“Fashion in the city” Interactive platform inviting users to upload photos with<br />

their personal creative look. Competition with professional shooting for the winners,<br />

book edition and exhibition. The interactive platform "Fashion and the city" was created<br />

to accompany a special programming week on ARTE with documentaries on famous<br />


creators, like Karl Lagerfeld, Jean Paul Gauthier. The aim was to create the possibility<br />

for the public to participate by sending their photos to show their personal fashion style,<br />

their own street look which is influencing all these famous and known creators. By<br />

making a competition out of it, with a public jury (all the users) and a special ARTE<br />

Fashion Jury, we made this a game and rewarded the best contributions. At the same<br />

time we used the platform to promote and inform about the TV program in a non<br />

institutional, playful way. ARTE – France. “Social King”<br />

Social King is a game show based on the Internet and on new talents emerging on the<br />

web. It is the first authentic <strong>Italia</strong>n live Social TV format. A key feature in the programme<br />

is the interaction with the audience on the official website and the principal social<br />

network pages: starting with the casting of the contestants, continuing with the quizzes<br />

(the spectators can prompt the answers via chat), and ending with the weekly election of<br />

the "Social King", who can be chosen in real time from home by clicking the "I like"<br />

button on the profiles of the competing web stars. There is ongoing interaction with the<br />

audience, on a 7/7 basis, thanks to a dedicated staff, before during and after each<br />

episode; without ever closing down, as in the nature of the Internet. This has made it<br />

possible to build up, in next to no time, a large community of Internet-TV users who are<br />

fans and enthusiasts of the programme. RAI – Italy. “Film It Yourself” Film It Yourself is<br />

the only crowd sourced event video platform that doesn't demand new behaviour or<br />

skills from the public. It only asks to share videos from an event in order to produce a<br />

complete edit of that event instantly. The power of "FIY" lies in the ability to produce<br />

multiple camera registrations from any event where the crowd is prepared to film with a<br />

mobile phone. FIY can sync videos from one event automatically with an accuracy up to<br />

1 fps via a very precise sync technique within its app. Only during start up of the app a<br />

network connection is necessary. During filming the app doesn't need any internet<br />

connection at all. Instead of cutting all the videos into one edit that throws away most of<br />

the content, FIY developed a player that combines up to twelve angles in a multi grid,<br />

where the viewer can choose its own point of view. NPO – Netherlands.“P3 Untouched” is<br />

a website from NRK P3 where Norwegian artists can upload and promote their music for<br />

free. "Urørt" is this and even more...We have re-organized the structure of the site,<br />

making it easier for users to browse and explore new music. The brand new applications<br />

for iPad, iPhone and Android revitalizes the concepts of Urørt. They give the bands and<br />

artists new platforms which move the boundaries for band promoting and user<br />

experience on mobile platforms. The service fits the format in a good way and combines<br />

the best features from competing applications such as Spotify and Wimp.The interface is<br />

well worked out with simple and easy-to-use features, and makes the bands look like<br />

international superstars! NRK – Norway. “BBC Live Page” "The BBC News Live Page" is<br />

an innovative marriage of live television and the latest web technology, offering top-level<br />

journalism, comment and conversation in an original, compelling format. We offer<br />

auto-refreshing text working alongside streaming video as the minute-by-minute twists<br />

and turns of breaking news are consumed. Audience experience of the event, plus mood<br />

and comment is reflected via the best contributions to the BBC’s User Generated<br />

Content hub, plus those on social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook. A "Get in<br />

touch" call to action invites contributions via video, text and picture messages - which<br />

can be fed into the page and paths are offered to the BBC News page on Facebook and<br />

Twitter. BBC – United Kingdom.<br />



“Programmes that effect social change”<br />

Globalization: development, poverty and immigration<br />

The financial and food crises that has been rocking the world since 2008 has had a little<br />

known side effect: it sparked a mad race for control of farmlands all around the planet.<br />

The head of the FAO, Jacques Diouf, recently warned against the "risk of land<br />

neo-colonialism. An inquiry on three continents to tell one and the same story: the story<br />

of this gigantic game of Monopoly, and the terrible consequences it could have if nothing<br />

is done to protect the interests of small farmers and developing countries. (Planet for sale<br />

- ARTE France). For decades, "Microcredit" has been hailed as the number one solution<br />

to eradicate poverty. But is it actually so! A string of interviews with poor people in<br />

Bangladesh, India and Mexico all repeatedly bothered by loan-takers told the same<br />

story: Most of them had numerous loans in NGOs and Micro Finance Institutions, and<br />

many had to sell their own property or take new loans to pay back the old ones. Loans<br />

with interest rates ranging from 30-200%. (The micro debt - DR Denmark).India has<br />

become one of the world’s hot new destinations for the outsourcing of clinical trials<br />

research. The industry there is predicted to be worth billions of euros. "Body hunters"<br />

investigates the ethics and science of this powerful industry by taking India as a case<br />

example and examines whether the pharmaceutical industry is taking chances not only<br />

with the safety of those in India participating in the trials, but also ultimately our safety<br />

back in the West. (Body hunters - ARTE France).The Ministry of Health of<br />

Guinea-Bissau, in partnership with FNUAP implemented a project with the aim to<br />

re-enforce emergency obstetric care in Guinea-Bissau. Maternal mortality, child<br />

mortality, lack of health professionals in the field of obstetrics, degraded infrastructures,<br />

and the lack of equipment and medical supplies, are some of the subjects to be tackled<br />

by the health care workers. (To Give Life without Dying - RTP Portugal). "Mirage" is a<br />

documentary shot in June, 2010 and tells the story of people who are given the chance<br />

to speak out about their feelings, emotions, hardships and the causes which led them to<br />

escape their homes and to leave their loved ones behind. (Mirage – MTV Hungary). Mano<br />

and Sharan, both grown up in Iraq, dream of a new life in Norway and arrive to Oslo<br />

with the help of people smugglers. Sharan gets a residence permit, while Mano is told to<br />

return to Iraq, but chooses to stay as an illegal immigrant. When they are drawn deeper<br />

and deeper into a world of crime in the everyday life of the Norwegians their dreams<br />

disappear in thin air... (Brothers – NRK Norway).<br />

Violence, abuse, crime<br />

A landmark film exploring teenage violence and killings. Harrowing actualities filmed in<br />

the immediate aftermath combines with moving testimony from the spectrum of people<br />

affected in the wake of violent death. An emotional journey that chronicles every<br />

teenager who died as a result of violence in the UK in 2009. (Scenes from a teenage<br />

killing - BBC United Kingdom).This documentary traces the slow development of<br />

Vatican awareness on the gravity regarding the issue on child abuse and tells the story<br />

of Cardinal Ratzinger’s own mistakes in this area when "Prefect of the Congregation of<br />

the Faith" and his struggle to change the opinion within the Vatican to finally make a<br />

policy which addresses the rights of the victim. (Unspeakable crimes – RTE Ireland). An<br />

unflinching look at the revived practice of buying young boys to keep as private dancers<br />

in northern Afghanistan who later become victims of abuse, known as Bacha Bazi<br />

literally "boy play", exploiting the desperation of many poverty stricken children with the<br />

promise of a new life as singers and dancers for former warlords and businessman. They<br />

are traded for sexual favours and subjected to abuse, rape and sometimes even<br />


murder.(The dancing boys of Afghanistan – CH4 United Kingdom). Though<br />

geographically distant, these two realities have a common denominator: "Children", all<br />

victims destined and doomed by a wicked logic that denies and systematically tramples<br />

on their rights. On one hand, the "Democratic Republic of Congo" with its "army" of<br />

child-soldiers, exploited child-workers, victims of hunger and illnesses. On the other<br />

hand, an area of Naples where a similar "army" exists, the young generation of the<br />

“camorra” , criminal clans who dictate law in the entire zone. (Voices from the dark - RAI<br />

Italy). "Scena del crimine", is a film about the influence of the Camorra in the city of<br />

Naples and on its residents. Juvenile prisoners from the "Nisida Prison" show how<br />

difficult it is to escape the control and the attraction of the Camorra. (Scena del crimine -<br />

NPO Netherlands).<br />

Enviromental emergencies<br />

A report on the breakdown and destruction of the Medical Care in the disaster zone,<br />

three weeks after the "Great Eastern Japan Earthquake". The programme examines<br />

what life-giving and vital necessities are required to ease many people's ordeals who<br />

survived the earthquake The massive Tsunami destroyed the foundations of hospitals<br />

and clinics in the area. Surviving doctors and nurses desperately continued to provide<br />

assistance and care in shelters that lacked water and electricity. (After the Tsunami:<br />

medical care amid the ruins – NHK Japan).On October 4th, 2010, the retaining wall of a<br />

toxic sludge reservoir at the aluminum factory in Ajka, Hungary, gave way. Bursting<br />

through the 22 meter-high walls, the red mud enveloped the nearby villages with<br />

terrifying speed. Ten people lost their lives in the disaster, and the highly caustic sludge<br />

caused severe burns on over 120 people. In Eastern Europe, the legacy of<br />

post-communism left hundreds of defunct yet dangerous mines as well as<br />

still-functioning, but outdated industrial sites. Where will the next one explode(The red<br />

sludge and other ticking bombs - Duna TV Hungary). There might be important reserves<br />

of natural gas in the Saint-Lawrence Lowlands of Quebec, as well as in many provinces<br />

and states in North America. But to extract this gas, one must break through and<br />

penetrate the rock underground. The race is on. Shale gas…at what price for the<br />

environment (The shale gas rush- CBC/SRC Canada). A gigantic hole in the ground,<br />

that stretches from horizon to horizon. Gigantic striding excavators devouring the last<br />

remains of the landscape. A documentary portrait of two women playing their personal<br />

game on the chessboard... this is the fate of Horní Jiøetín, the small town endangered by<br />

the extraction of lignite (Coal in the Soul - CTV Czech Republic).<br />

In health and in illness. Medicine and ethnic themes<br />

Since 1998 Switzerland has been the only country in the world that allows foreigners to<br />

commit suicide or undergo mercy killing. "Dignitas" openly defends the right to commit<br />

suicide. This extraordinary film takes us to Germany, Belgium and France where we try<br />

to understand Switzerland’s controversial "death trade". (Dignitas, death on prescription–<br />

SRG SSR Switzerland). “When you think of me, do not be sad” are the lines written by<br />

André Rieder for his own death notice. The 56-year-old has been mentally ill for many<br />

years, and wants to end his life with the help of an assisted suicide organization. A<br />

moving documentary about a man who would rather die than live with mental illness<br />

and the perplexities arisen regarding “mercy killing” in our modern society.. (Death<br />

according to plan – SRG SSR Switzerland.)<br />

Filmed over six months in the country's leading brain injury unit at Addenbrooke's<br />

Hospital, Cambridge this powerful, provocative documentary follows the doctors who<br />

can now interrupt and even reverse the process of death, patients and the families who<br />

are also plunged into the most ethically difficult decision making in modern<br />

medicine.(Between life and death - BBC United Kingdom).A historical exploration on the<br />


scientific ideas of mankind's genetic improvement and evolution. The "projects" that,<br />

were conceived and originated in the USA a century ago and then later continued in Nazi<br />

Germany, are still being carefully studied by scientists today. The story recollects the<br />

shamefully forgotten past, this documentary assembles significant contemporary<br />

controversies: the “in vitro” procedure and its eugenic aspects. (Eugenics – In the name of<br />

progress - TVP Poland).This documentary by Barbara Weissenbeck shows three South<br />

African singers with impressive voices who originate from the townships around Cape<br />

Town. They grew up surrounded by poverty, criminality and hopelessness, but thanks to<br />

their voices, they have carved out a new future for themselves and thus found a means<br />

of escaping their destitution. The film observes the singers not only at rehearsals,<br />

auditions and performances but also provides an intimate glimpse of their everyday<br />

lives. (Singing for life – Voices from the townships – ORF Austria).Twelve hours a day,<br />

every day for at least two years: 6000 verses of the Koran to memorize. This is the<br />

monumental task facing small children at the Hifz-Khana. Many parents are happy to<br />

send their children to this special program of "Madrasa", the Islamic Orthodox School.<br />

The result is a finely-observed, sensitive film about a unique religious practice which<br />

strongly contradicts all notions of a carefree childhood. (Korankinder – the children of the<br />

Koran– ZDF Germany). Ottavia Piccolo interprets Anna Politkovskaja embraces and<br />

takes to heart the message of deep courage of the Russian journalist who, even at the<br />

costs of her life, continues on her road of "truth". Director, Felice Cappa reveals, with<br />

the words of Anna Politkovskaja and the brilliant interpretation of Ottavia Piccolo, the<br />

right of not denying the "Freedom of Speech".. (Blood and snow– RAI Italy).Ilya<br />

Muromets, a major epic hero and an Orthodox saint, was the first to bring glory to the<br />

city of Murom. One thousand years later another hero was born in Murom. As for the<br />

teleportation he would supply it to the whole mankind. His name was Vladimir<br />

Zworykin. He was the founder of the modern television. (Zvorykin. Muromets – CH1<br />

Russia). Frank, "a man who saunters through life" takes an interest in the promises of<br />

Scientology. When he starts taking his wife Gine along with him to his classes, she<br />

starts to invest all her money and time in the Sect. When her dedication starts to "rock<br />

the boat" in her family, especially in her relationship with her daughter Sarah, Frank<br />

decides that he’s had enough! But, he can only watch helplessly as Gine drifts away.<br />

(Till faith do us part - ARD Germany).<br />

Memories of War<br />

A powerful documentary depicting the annihilation of 1.5 million Armenians from 1915<br />

to 1923 and the effects of the Turkish Government's International campaign of genocide<br />

denial on International policy. Award-winning director, Eric Friedler assembles an<br />

impeccable cast, who bring to life the original texts of German and U.S. diplomatic<br />

dispatches and eye-witness accounts, interspersed with never-before-seen footage of the<br />

"Genocide" and its political aftermath. (Aghet – A genocide - ARD Germany).The<br />

documentary focuses on the so-called wild displacement of Germans from former<br />

Czechoslovakia during the period between the end of World War II, in May and the<br />

"Postupimi Conference" in August 1945 with cases which turned into inhuman<br />

massacres This is what also happened in North-Bohemian Postoloprty, where 763<br />

German civilians were shot by soldiers of the Czechoslovak army and the Revolutionary<br />

Guards.<br />

Now for the first time German and Czech witnesses speak in front of a camera about the<br />

massacre that was to have remained a tightly locked and bitter secret for ever.... (Killing<br />

the Czech way - CTV Czech Republic). The Hungarian investigative journalist, Hesna Al<br />

Ghaoui, explores one of the most horrible crimes against humanity in the history of<br />

mankind when Saddam Hussein, the Iraqi dictator launched the first chemical weapon<br />

attack against the innocent people of Halabja and other smaller villages along the<br />


Iranian boarder. this "sweet apple" fragrance managed to deceive the senses of<br />

thousands of Kurdish people. This "sweet apple" fragrance managed to deceive the<br />

senses of thousands of Kurdish people … (Smell of Death - MTV Hungary).Three Poles<br />

serving in the armies of three aggressor countries in Poland: Prussia, Austria, and<br />

Russia, are now fighting each other in the last days of the WWI escape from the<br />

frontline. On their long way to a freed nation, they not only encounter hostile ambushes<br />

and political upheavals, but also the loves of their lives. The series follows one of the<br />

most important periods in the history of Central Europe of the early 20th century, the<br />

struggle for Poland's independence and its aftermath, up to jeopardizing a "march of the<br />

communist revolution" toward the West in 1920. (1920: War & Love – TVP Poland). In<br />

"Songs of War", we explore the extraordinary harmony between music and violence, the<br />

brutal power of African war dances, the ferocity of Maori Hakas, the earth-shattering<br />

roar of US sound guns blasting Metallica at Taliban hideouts. The principle is always the<br />

same: aggressive sounds demoralize the enemy and whip the allies into a frenzy (Songs<br />

of war: music as a weapon - ZDF Germany).<br />


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