Diego Saez-Gomez

Diego Saez-Gomez Diego Saez-Gomez

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L DARK ENERGY MODEL AND BEHAVIOUR OF ITS FRW SOLUTIONS (1 + x 2n 1 λ = )2 g from (1) can be written x 2n−1 , (17) 1 (2 in + the 2x 2n 1following − 2n) Einsteinian form (though gravity itself is not the where x 1 = R 1 /R c . From the stability condition 0 < Rµ ν − 1 ( Viable ) f(r) gravity m(r = −2) ≤ 1weobtain 2 δν µR = −8πG Tµ(m) ν + T µ(DE) ν (2) 2x 4n 1 − (2n − 1)(2n +4)x 2n 1 +(2n − 1)(2n − 2) ≥ 0 .(18) 1 When n = 1, ≡ F ′ (R)Rµ ν − 1 for example, 2 Some F (R)δν µ + ( we have x 1 ≥ √ 3 and λ ≥ 8 √ 3/9. Under Eq. (18) one ∇ µ ∇ ν can −I. show δµ∇ ν FORMULAE that ρ ∇ ρ) F ′ the condition (4) is satisfied. This situation is similar to the (R) , F(R) ≡ f(R) − R (3) Starobinsky’s model (12), viable see Ref. f(R) [15] gravity for details. models 1 riation We can of Lextend m and the satisfies abovethe twogeneralized models to the conservation more gen-laeral FORMULAE andform the right-hand side of Eq. c 1 Tµ;ν(m) ν =0separately(since ) (3) (R/R satisfythiscondition,too).Thereexistsasubtletyin HS ) n discussed below. f(R) The =R trace − R HS ofc 2 Eq. (R/R (2)reads HS ) n +1 , f(R) =R + Rn (aR n − b) W. Hu and I. Sawicki, Phys. 1+cR n . Rev. D 76 064004 (2007), arXiv:0705.1158[astro-ph] (1) f(R) =R − ξ(R), ξ(0) = 0, ξ(R ≫ R c ) → const. (19) 3∇ µ ∇ µ f ′ − Rf ′ +2f =8πGT m . (4) RThe HS ) n conditions ns (de Sitter ones for R>0) are roots of the algebraic equation Rf ′ =2f. S) n +1 , f(R) (4) =R translate + Rn (aR into n − b) 1+cR n . (1) following3-parametricform: ξ ,R < 1 , ξ ,RR < 0 , for R ≥ R 1 . (20) ( In order to satisfy LGC, we require ( that ξ(R) ) −n approaches aconstantrapidlyasR f(R) =R + λR grows 0 1+ in the R2 R0 2 region− R1) ≫ R c A. Starobinsky, JETP Lett. 86 157 (2007),(5) arXiv:0706.2041 [astro-ph] (such as ξ(R) ≃ constant − (R c /R) 2n discussed above). Another model to meet these requirements is the order of the presently observed ( effective cosmological constant. Thenf(0) = 0 (the appears’ in flat space-time) and Rµ ν ) R =0isalwaysasolutionofEq. (2)intheabsence gative – flat f(R) space-time =R − is λR unstable. c tanh For , |R| ≫ R 0 , (21) S. Tsujikawa, Phys. Rev. D 77 023507 (2008), arXiv:0709.1391[astro-ph] R c f(R) =R − 2Λ(∞) where the highctive cosmological constant is Λ(∞) =λR 0 /2. The equation for de Sitter solutions having 1 where > 0canbewrittenintheform λ and R c are positive constants. A similar model was proposed by Appleby and Battye [16], although it is different from (21) in the sense x 1 (1 + that x 2 λ = 1) ξ(R) n+1 canbenegative for R < In Rsome limit, 2((1+x GR is 2 1 )n+1 recovered, − 1 − (n the +1)x local 2 1 violations ) . are avoided, and the non-linear (6) 1 . In the region R ≫ R c the model (21) part become important for large scales, also avoids matter instabilities...but this kind of models usually cross the phantom barrier, which may lead to themaximal root of Eq. (6). So, instead of specifying λ, onemaytakeanyvalueofx future singularities. 1 rresponding value of λ. It follows from the structure of Eq. (6) that x 1 < 2λ. Thus, the tant at the de Sitter solution Λ(R 1 )=R 1 /4 < Λ(∞). On the other hand, x 1 → 2λ in both 1andx 1 ≫ 1, n fixed. In these cases the Universe evolution becomes indistinguishable odel. S. Nojiri and S.D. Odintsov, Phys. Rev. D 77 026007 (2008), arXiv:0710.1738[hep-th]

3 Cosmological evolution in viable evolution f(R) gravity in viable In this Cosmological section, we explore evolution the cosmological in viable f(R) evolution gravity for the models considered above. For F(R) Inthat thisreason, section, itwe is convenient explore theto cosmological perform a change evolution of variables for the models in the equations considered(2.4), above. consid- For andscalar-tensor a 0 is the value equivalent, of the scale where factor the phase at thespace present willtime be explored. t 0 , such that the current epoch corresponds 3 Cosmological to z = 0 Then, evolution the time derivative in viableis f(R) transformed gravity as d dt = −(1 + z)H d dz , and the first FLRW equation in (2.4) and the continuity equation (2.7) yield, that In this reason, section, H it 2 (z) is we convenient = explore 1 κ 2 the ρ to m (z)+ cosmological R(z)f R − f perform a change evolution + of 3(1 variables for + z)H the 2 in models f RR the R equations (z) considered , (2.4), above. (3.2) For ering the redshift z 3f as that reason, it is convenient R the independent variable 2 instead of the cosmological time t, wherethe considering to perform a change of variables in the equations (2.4), considering the redshift the redshift is defined z as the usual, independent variable instead of the cosmological time t, wherethe Using the redshift isas redshift defined the independent z as as usual, the (1 independent + variable: z)ρ m(z) −variable 3(1 + w m instead of the cosmological time t, wherethe redshift is defined as usual, 1+z = a )ρ m (z) =0, (3.3) 1+z = a 0 1+z = a 0 where now primes denote derivatives with respect to 0the a(t) , a(t) , redshift. Then, the Ricci scalar can (3.1) be rewritten as R =6 2H 2 (z) − (1 + z)H(z)H (z) a(t) , (3.1) and a (3.1) 0 is the value of the scale factor at the present , whiletime the equation t 0 , such that (3.3) the cancurrent be easily epoch solved and corresponds and for a 0 a ais 0 is constant the to value z = the value EoS of 0 Then, the of the parameter scale the factor time scale factor w m , derivative the present is transformed time t 0 , such as d that the current epoch at the present time t 0 , such that the current epoch FLRW equations corresponds corresponds yield: to z = 0 Then, the time derivative is transformed as d dt = −(1 + z)H d dt to z = 0 Then, the time derivative is transformed as d = dt = −(1 −(1 + + z)H d dz , and the first FLRW equation in (2.4) and the continuity equation (2.7) yield, z)H dz d , and the first FLRW equation in (2.4) and ρ(z) the =ρcontinuity 0 (1 + z) 3(1+w equation m) . (2.7) yield, dz ,(3.4) and the first FLRW equation in (2.4) and the continuity equation (2.7) yield, H 2 (z) = 1 κ 2 ρ m (z)+ R(z)f H 2 (z) = 1 κ 2 ρ m (z)+ R(z)f Here ρ 0 is the value H 2 (z) of the = 1 matter κ 2 ρ energy m (z)+ R(z)f R − f density R −atf the + 3(1 present + z)H epoch 2 f RR R R − f + 3(1 + z)H 2 z 3f + 3(1 + z)H 2 f RR R = (z) 0, , which can (3.2) 3f R 2 f RR R (z) , (3.2) be rewritten as ρ 0 = 3 H κ 2 0 2 R 2 (z) , (3.2) 3f Ω0 m. Then, we can fit the current values of the cosmological parameters using the observational R (1 + data z)ρ m(z) 2 (1 + z)ρ [28], −where 3(1 + wH m 0 )ρ= m 100 (z) =0, hkms −1 Mpc −1 with h = (3.3) 0.71 m(z) (1 + z)ρ − 3(1 + w m )ρ m (z) =0, (3.3) where ± 0.03now andprimes the matter denote density, derivatives Ω 0 m =0.27 m(z) with − 3(1 respect ± + 0.04, w m to)ρ while the m (z) redshift. the =0, matter Then, fluid theis Ricci considered scalar (3.3) can where pressureless the where last be rewritten equation now(cold primes can as dark R be denote matter =6 easily derivatives with respect to the redshift. Then, the Ricci scalar can be where rewritten now primes as R denote =6 2Hand solved, 2 (z) baryons), − (1 + z)H(z)H such that (z) w derivatives with respect to the redshift. Then, Ricci scalar can be rewritten as R =6 2H 2 − (1 + z)H(z)H (z) m , = while 0. The the equation (3.2) (3.3) iscan a second be easily order solved differential for a constant equationEoS 2H 2 parameter H(z), so by w m fixing , the (z) − (1 + z)H(z)H (z) initial , whileconditions, the equation the(3.3) corresponding can be easily cosmological solved for evolution a constant can EoS beparameter obtained through w , while the equation (3.3) can be easily m , the Hubble parameter in terms of the redshift for solved both models for a constant considered EoSin parameter previous ρ(z) section, w m =ρ , 0 (1 and + z) explore 3(1+wm) how . the future evolution (with(3.4) −1


(1 + x 2n<br />

1<br />

λ =<br />

)2<br />

g from (1) can be written<br />

x 2n−1<br />

, (17)<br />

1 (2<br />

in<br />

+<br />

the<br />

2x 2n<br />

1following − 2n)<br />

Einsteinian form (though gravity itself is not the<br />

where x 1 = R 1 /R c . From the stability condition 0 <<br />

Rµ ν − 1 (<br />

Viable<br />

)<br />

f(r) gravity<br />

m(r = −2) ≤ 1weobtain<br />

2 δν µR = −8πG Tµ(m) ν + T µ(DE)<br />

ν (2)<br />

2x 4n<br />

1 − (2n − 1)(2n +4)x 2n<br />

1 +(2n − 1)(2n − 2) ≥ 0 .(18)<br />

1<br />

When n = 1,<br />

≡ F ′ (R)Rµ ν − 1 for example,<br />

2<br />

Some F (R)δν µ + ( we have x 1 ≥ √ 3 and<br />

λ ≥ 8 √ 3/9. Under Eq. (18) one<br />

∇ µ ∇ ν can<br />

−I. show<br />

δµ∇ ν FORMULAE that<br />

ρ ∇ ρ) F ′ the condition<br />

(4) is satisfied. This situation is similar to the<br />

(R) , F(R) ≡ f(R) − R (3)<br />

Starobinsky’s model (12),<br />

viable<br />

see Ref.<br />

f(R)<br />

[15]<br />

gravity<br />

for details.<br />

models 1<br />

riation We can of Lextend m and the satisfies abovethe twogeneralized models to the conservation more gen-laeral FORMULAE<br />

andform<br />

the right-hand side of Eq. c 1<br />

Tµ;ν(m) ν =0separately(since<br />

) (3) (R/R satisfythiscondition,too).Thereexistsasubtletyin<br />

HS ) n<br />

discussed below. f(R) The =R trace − R HS ofc 2<br />

Eq. (R/R (2)reads HS ) n +1 , f(R) =R + Rn (aR n − b)<br />

W. Hu and I. Sawicki, Phys.<br />

1+cR n . Rev. D 76 064004 (2007), arXiv:0705.1158[astro-ph]<br />

(1)<br />

f(R) =R − ξ(R), ξ(0) = 0, ξ(R ≫ R c ) → const. (19)<br />

3∇ µ ∇ µ f ′ − Rf ′ +2f =8πGT m . (4)<br />

RThe HS ) n conditions<br />

ns (de Sitter ones for R>0) are roots of the algebraic equation Rf ′ =2f.<br />

S) n +1 , f(R) (4) =R translate + Rn (aR into n − b)<br />

1+cR n . (1)<br />

following3-parametricform:<br />

ξ ,R < 1 , ξ ,RR < 0 , for R ≥ R 1 . (20)<br />

(<br />

In order to satisfy LGC, we require ( that ξ(R) ) −n approaches<br />

aconstantrapidlyasR f(R) =R + λR grows 0 1+ in the R2<br />

R0<br />

2 region− R1)<br />

≫ R c A. Starobinsky, JETP Lett. 86 157 (2007),(5)<br />

arXiv:0706.2041 [astro-ph]<br />

(such as ξ(R) ≃ constant − (R c /R) 2n discussed above).<br />

Another model to meet these requirements is<br />

the order of the presently observed<br />

(<br />

effective cosmological constant. Thenf(0) = 0 (the<br />

appears’ in flat space-time) and Rµ ν ) R =0isalwaysasolutionofEq. (2)intheabsence<br />

gative – flat<br />

f(R)<br />

space-time<br />

=R −<br />

is<br />

λR<br />

unstable. c tanh<br />

For<br />

,<br />

|R| ≫ R 0 ,<br />

(21) S. Tsujikawa, Phys. Rev. D 77 023507 (2008), arXiv:0709.1391[astro-ph]<br />

R c<br />

f(R) =R − 2Λ(∞) where the highctive<br />

cosmological constant is Λ(∞) =λR 0 /2. The equation for de Sitter solutions having<br />

1 where > 0canbewrittenintheform<br />

λ and R c are positive constants. A similar model<br />

was proposed by Appleby and Battye [16], although it is<br />

different from (21) in the sense x 1 (1 + that x 2<br />

λ =<br />

1) ξ(R) n+1 canbenegative<br />

for R < In Rsome limit, 2((1+x GR is 2 1 )n+1 recovered, − 1 − (n the +1)x local 2 1 violations ) . are avoided, and the non-linear (6)<br />

1 . In the region R ≫ R c the model (21)<br />

part become important for large<br />

scales, also avoids matter instabilities...but this kind of models usually cross the phantom barrier, which may lead to<br />

themaximal root of Eq. (6). So, instead of specifying λ, onemaytakeanyvalueofx<br />

future singularities.<br />

1<br />

rresponding value of λ. It follows from the structure of Eq. (6) that x 1 < 2λ. Thus, the<br />

tant at the de Sitter solution Λ(R 1 )=R 1 /4 < Λ(∞). On the other hand, x 1 → 2λ in both<br />

1andx 1 ≫ 1, n fixed. In these cases the Universe evolution becomes indistinguishable<br />

odel.<br />

S. Nojiri and S.D. Odintsov, Phys. Rev. D 77 026007 (2008), arXiv:0710.1738[hep-th]

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