Indian Seafood Exports: Issues of Instability, Commodity ...

Indian Seafood Exports: Issues of Instability, Commodity ...

Indian Seafood Exports: Issues of Instability, Commodity ...


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<strong>Indian</strong> <strong>Seafood</strong> <strong>Exports</strong>: <strong>Issues</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Instability</strong>, <strong>Commodity</strong><br />

Concentration and Geographical Spread<br />

C. Sarada, T. Ravisankar, M. Krishnan and C. Anandanarayanan*<br />


Fluctuations in fish production from capture and culture, varlalions 111<br />

lnternat~onal prices. adjustments in exchange rates and finally - the var~ablc values 01'<br />

export earnings are grlm concerns for developing countries <strong>of</strong> South Asia and Soul11<br />

East Asia. Most <strong>of</strong> the developing countries (including India) obtain thu~r niaj~,r<br />

share <strong>of</strong> export earnlngs from selected few items or commodities and the trade is<br />

concentrated with a couple <strong>of</strong> nations. These developing coutitrics as commodity<br />

producers and exporlers have hardly any instruments at their disposal to licdge<br />

ag,ainst the adverse effects <strong>of</strong> instabiltty <strong>of</strong> export earntngs. Managing commodity<br />

prlcu risk and stabilising export earnings are still important policy issues for virtually<br />

all low Income and commodity exporting countrlcs (Pal. 1992).<br />

Imperative effects <strong>of</strong> variability <strong>of</strong> export earnings at the macroeconomic level<br />

are, disruptions in the investment planning process, misallocation ol'rcsou~ccs and<br />

disturbances <strong>of</strong> the internal balance <strong>of</strong> public finances, impacts on tlic ratc <strong>of</strong><br />

domestic savings, increastng internal and external indebtedness and problen~s ill tl~c<br />

balance <strong>of</strong> payments, which might result in unstable earnings and discourage fanners<br />

liom producing for export and can lead to a "further" fall in export earnlngr and gross<br />

National Product (GNP). The export oriented producers who suffer from eartilng<br />

shortfall, will also cut back their consumption, which affects the puhlic finances I'hc<br />

perslstencc <strong>of</strong> abnormally depressed prices globally dur~ng the 1980s has also<br />

resulted in a sharp reduction in the living standards <strong>of</strong> developing coutitries 'l'hu> the<br />

export-earning instability has to be considered as a development probleni becaurc it<br />

dampens the growth rate, particularly as a result <strong>of</strong> its negative effect on product~vity<br />

<strong>of</strong> capital. Considering the strengths <strong>of</strong> <strong>Indian</strong> fisheries sector and steady<br />

development in the past four decades, the causes <strong>of</strong> instabilities in production and<br />

*Sctnl~,t(SS). Smwr Sc~mt~rt. Prtnctpat Sclcntlrl nnd Ilcad, Teehn~eill OWmr, rrspccl~vely boccd 5imre$<br />

Dlvl,lon. Ccnual Inn~lule ol HracktvhwaVr Aquatullurc (CIHAI. It,dunc!l 01 Agrzcullural Rcrcarcb. Chcnsl, -<br />

bO0 028<br />

The avthon .re gatcful to Ihr tchrca for ~aluahlc wggcrllons lurlhcr. Ihc authors arc thankful lri A (I<br />

Ponnlah. Dlnctor. CIRA, Chennsl md P Ravtchandran. Ibvrmcr i)crccliir fir, CIIIA, Chonns~, lhr lhclr<br />



cxpon <strong>of</strong> sealhod assume immense Importance in the ccanamic scenarto <strong>of</strong> India and<br />

hence the present stud> was conducted wlth the follou~ng ohjectivcs: (1) 7'0 compute<br />

concelllralion measures such as commodity concentrdtlon and geographic concentration<br />

coefficients (br lndian seafood exports. (2) lo estimate the ~nstability indices<br />

for seafood exports from India and (3) '1 o determine the s~gnifica~~t factors that aflbct<br />

the instability in xafood exports from lndla<br />

Tlic paper is arranged as fbllows Sectlo11 I1 d~scusses the structure and pattern <strong>of</strong><br />

firlieries dcvelop~nent In lndia durlng the past four decndes The tli~rd rectlon deal,<br />

\*1t11 data and transformation prc~cedl~rcs Sect~on IV descrthcs the theoretical and<br />

computational framework. Sectlon V prcscnts the resullr and thc final sectloll gives a<br />

summary <strong>of</strong> findings and d~scusses pollcy alternat~ves.<br />

With an annual fish production <strong>of</strong> 6 ~n~lll~on cnctrlc tonnes India occupies the<br />

fourth position in fish production and second III aquaculture productio~i globally The<br />

annual domestlc per capita fish availability is 9 kilograms and seafoud cnpurt<br />

earnlngs <strong>of</strong> lndia is consistently over K\ 6,000 crorc* a ycar I:ish cuntrabuter 1.4 per<br />

ccnt <strong>of</strong> gross domest~c prr,doct (Gl)P) i~nd 4 5 per ccnt <strong>of</strong>the agr~cult~lral 601' 'I ill<br />

the close <strong>of</strong> 1960 the ehpOIi ot Illdlan .;eak,od products iilalnly c


export liom a few million US$ in 1961-62 to US$ 1330.76 million in 2003-04.<br />

accounting for approximately 3.32 per cent <strong>of</strong> the total exports from India. During the<br />

eighties, the canned items slowly disappeared and frozen items gained prominence in<br />

India's seafood trade. Amongst the frozen items also, there were changes in the<br />

demand for differentiated products from various countries. While Japan ind~cated<br />

their preference for headless sliell on shrimp, the lJ S.A. demanded peeled shrimp<br />

meat and the European countrtes preferred the IQF shrimp in frozen and cooked<br />

Ibrm. The Europeali market also absorbed the major share <strong>of</strong> cephalopods while<br />

Japdn had taken a small share <strong>of</strong>' it. 'These frozen fish items had greater demand in the<br />

buuth East Astan countries as well as In the M~ddle East In the 1970s. the export was<br />

depend~ny mainly o ~i shrimp hut due to the expon promotional measures, it hecame<br />

possible to d~vrrbify the products In the cighties adding cephalopods (cultlefish, squid<br />

and octopus) and frozen fish (such as pomfiet, rihhon fish. seer fish, mackcrcl. reef<br />

cod. croakers, snapper, etc). While all these items hold good prospects, l~ve fish,<br />

chilled fresh water fish etc arc promising ~tc~ns for the future (Ayyappan and<br />

Krishnan, 2005). Duc lo the introduction <strong>of</strong> scientific shrimp fanning, the export <strong>of</strong><br />

fiozen value added shrlmp continued as the major foreign exchange earner among<br />

seafood products and the volume <strong>of</strong> fiozen shrimp exported during 2003-04 was<br />

1.29.768 metric tonnes (Tahle 2)<br />

111<br />

DATA AN11 Mt I HOPS<br />

The value <strong>of</strong> total seafood cxpons from India from 1981-82 to 2003-04 were<br />

obtained from various issues <strong>of</strong> Hevieus <strong>of</strong> Marrne 1'ruduct.s Erporb published by<br />

Marltie Products txports Development Authority (MPEDA). Cochin. Indla. The data<br />

on shrimp product~on were obtained from MPEDA Data regarding GDP, F~slieries<br />

Gross Doniestic Product (IYGDP) was obtained from Central Statistical<br />

Organisation's web site \\\\I< n11,hpl IC In. GDP excluding Fisher~es (NFCDP) was<br />

coniputed by subtracting FGDP from GDP.<br />

Mr.r~sure.\ oj Co'o,,cw~rrrrlmn<br />

Several concentration measures are ava~lahle In the literature, e.g., Tongan<br />

(1994). Tepegne (2000). Erlat and Akyuz (2001). Campa and Fernandes (2004) used<br />

different measures for different studies. l.he appropriateness <strong>of</strong> a measure depends on<br />

the data on which the estimates are based and with the purpose <strong>of</strong> analysis. ~ h c<br />

present study utilises the most widely employed Gini-Hirschman coefficient <strong>of</strong><br />

concentration, which defines the degree <strong>of</strong> concentration in a country's export as


Where G - Cornnlodity concentratton coeffic~ent (CC)/Geographic concentration<br />

coefficient (GC), X,, - Export earnings <strong>of</strong> commodlt). group i in year titxport<br />

earnings from country i in year t and X, = '1 otal export earnings in year 1.<br />

A varlety <strong>of</strong> instability ind~ces are available in the literature from simple to<br />

complex. The variance <strong>of</strong> expon grov'th 15 the simplest measure <strong>of</strong> export instability.<br />

But &ng tn lluctuat~otls in export volulnes and values, deviations from trend in<br />

exports could be more ideal measure <strong>of</strong> export ~nstability Varlous corrections for<br />

trend are available in the Ilterature, "11,!moving avcragcs, llnear and exponential<br />

trends (Pinsuwana, 1991, Rhat and Nlrmala. 2001. Drvkota, 20041. I:.ach <strong>of</strong> these<br />

methods has its own advantages and d~sadvantages. The present study anenlpts to<br />

compute the <strong>Instability</strong> <strong>of</strong> ehparts hy using the measme, based on the avcrage percent<br />

devlatlon <strong>of</strong> the ohscrved values pmcecd from an exponcntial path (Paudyal, 1988).<br />

'The instability index (11) can he expressed by the formula.<br />

Whcre 11 = <strong>Instability</strong> indcx, Xt = Est~mdtcd trend \aloe, X, = Actual value. X =<br />

Mean <strong>of</strong> the actual valuc.<br />

'The literature on the determinants <strong>of</strong> export instability is well established. The<br />

deternittlants are commodity concentratton (CC), geographical concentration (GC),<br />

the ratio <strong>of</strong> food and raw lnatcrials lo lotal exports, per capita income <strong>of</strong> exporting<br />

country, openness <strong>of</strong> the economy and export shares in world trade, etc. The<br />

empirical evidence on Ihc relationsh~p between these determ~nant~ and export<br />

instability appears inconclusive. Studies like Massell (1970) and O'Brien (1972)<br />

show no significant link between expon instability and its alleged determinants.<br />

However. studies like Paudyal (1988), and Tegegne (2000) showed that these<br />

determinants do affect export ~nstah~lity. The cross-country analysis by earlier studies<br />

implicitly assume a unique relationship between a given ehplanatoV variable and the<br />

degree <strong>of</strong> export instability across the countries. Thus, estimates using cross section<br />

data to find the average relationshtps does not provlde much lnfomation on the

oliaviour <strong>of</strong> producers <strong>of</strong> specific commod~tlcs 111 thc choset~ cuuntrlcs. Only few<br />

studics such as Love (1992). Wilson (1994). Slnha (1999). Tegegne (2000). used time<br />

series analysis on an indwidual country hasis Hut, most <strong>of</strong>the ava~lahlc time series<br />

studies do not address the <strong>Issues</strong> <strong>of</strong> non-statlonary nature <strong>of</strong> data. Hmce it could not<br />

he ruled out that these estilnates are estimated from spurious rcgressioti. Mullor-<br />

Sebast~an (1988) argued that studlcs, which lump together the exports <strong>of</strong> all goods.<br />

are misleading because export instahllity II~ a gtven product is influenced hy the<br />

characteristics <strong>of</strong> the indiv~dual product and degree <strong>of</strong> development <strong>of</strong> the exporting<br />

country. Accordingly. the present study colifi~ie itself to instability in llidia~l seafood<br />

exporl earnings and uses thc tltne serles data after considering the non-statlonary<br />

nature <strong>of</strong>tlic data.<br />

I:arlier statistical cv~denceb conclude that illstability index <strong>of</strong> exports are largcly<br />

associated with the dcgrcc <strong>of</strong> commodity cu~ice~~tration <strong>of</strong> cxports, per capita it~con~c<br />

and with the concentration <strong>of</strong> exportr by eeoeraphical area <strong>of</strong> dest~nation (Paudyal.<br />

1988. Sinha, 1999. 'I egegtle. 2000). I'hus, instahil~ty index <strong>of</strong> seafood ehports<br />

earnings could he expressed as a funct~oti <strong>of</strong> commodity concentratloti (CC).<br />

Geographic Conce~itratiot~ ((iC) and <strong>Instability</strong> ill countp's GDl' ~ h reflects ~ h ~CI.<br />

capita lncomc <strong>of</strong>the chporting country.<br />

IISFFX f(C'C. GC, Il(il)P) .. . (7)<br />

To separate out the effects <strong>of</strong> the fishcries GDP on instability <strong>of</strong> scafood expons<br />

equation 3 is redefined as follows<br />

IISFEX = f (CC. GC, IIFGDP. IINFGDP) .... (4)<br />

Wliere IIFGDP represents lnstabillty index <strong>of</strong> fisheries GDI' and IINFGDP <strong>Instability</strong><br />

index <strong>of</strong>non-fisheries GVP.<br />

'I'egegne (2000) argued that apan from the other key determinants <strong>of</strong> exports<br />

income fluctuations, the relative Importance <strong>of</strong> major commodity, global demand<br />

conditions affecting the major commodity, internal supply condit~oti should also be<br />

considered. Among seafood exports, frozen shrimp is the single largest expon item.<br />

The proportion <strong>of</strong> exports from cultured shrimp production has kept rising, implying<br />

that ally instability caused ill seafood cxports could be mainly due to fluctuations in<br />

the cultured shrimp production Thus to capture the flucluations In seafood exports,<br />

cultured shrimp production is also cons~dercd as one <strong>of</strong> the determinants Thus<br />

equation 4 can he written as<br />



(.'~~mpu/u/ronol Framework<br />

To establish cause and effect relationship between major determinants and<br />

seafood export instabil~ty a double log-linear function is preferred because <strong>of</strong> ease <strong>of</strong><br />

tliterpretation and best lit Thus the long-run seafood export instab~lity function is<br />

specified as follows<br />

liisfex =Pa+ PIIcc+ p,Igc+ p,liifgdpi P, liinfgdp+ p, liishpr+ E , ... .(6)<br />

Where, l = Natural logarithm, ii = <strong>Instability</strong> Index, sfex = <strong>Indian</strong> .seafood exports, cc<br />

.- <strong>Commodity</strong> Concentration, gc = Geographic Concentration, fgdp = Fisheries<br />

GlIP, nfgdp = non-fisheries GDP, shpr = Cultured shrimp production, E, = error<br />

term assumed to be identical and independent and E - N(o,o').<br />

Po, PI. I) ,P, IDd. PI are the coefficients to be estimated.<br />

Estimat~ng long-run relatiollsliip such as in equation (6) is likely to pose some<br />

prohlcms because thc valiables in the analysis typically exhibit multicollinearity and<br />

tion-stationarity. 'Thcsc problenis arc oRcn dealt with by tak~ng first differences <strong>of</strong><br />

the va~iahlcs, before any estimations are done, to mahe the series stationary. This<br />

procedure <strong>of</strong> differencing has a ~najor drawback: 11 eliminates all ~nformation about<br />

the Ikmg run relatiomhip and thcreby only short-run effects was explained (Maddala,<br />

1092). Thus the modelling ol'srafood exports ~nstab~lity should be based on lnethods<br />

which cxplicltl) take the non-stationarity features <strong>of</strong> the data into account. The theory<br />

<strong>of</strong> cointegration techniques and vector error correction lnodels (VECM) addresses<br />

these issues in an efficient and s~gll~ficant manner (Engle and Granger. 1991) which<br />

i~npl~es that cointegration tests are superior when investigating the relationships that<br />

are believed to be <strong>of</strong>a long run nature.<br />

There are several advantages In using VEC'M. I'irstly, the VECM approach treats<br />

the variables as determined wlthin the salne system, without a prim assumptions<br />

about the nature <strong>of</strong> interrelationship. Secondly, it clearly distinguishes between longrun<br />

and short-run effects since both levels and first differences <strong>of</strong> the variables enter<br />

the VECM. Thirdly, the speed <strong>of</strong> adjustment towards the long-run relationship can be<br />

directly estimated. Finally, the VECM has a sound statistical foundation based on the<br />

theory <strong>of</strong> cointegration developed by Engle and Granger (1987). Despite the above<br />

advantages these models can become easily over-parameterised, as each variable is<br />

allowed to affect the other variable at a number <strong>of</strong> lags. The results can also be<br />

sensitive to the chosen lag length, although there are significance tests that can be<br />

used to detennine the appropriate number <strong>of</strong> lags to be chosen. Thus transformation<br />

<strong>of</strong> equation 6 by incorporating error correction (EC) term can be represented as<br />



Aliisfex =~,,+fi,fblcc,., t ~ ,f Alngc,, + fi,f~lliif~d~,,, +p,fAli!nfgdp,,<br />

to, i~ltish~r,, +BECM(-I)+ c,<br />

. . , (7)<br />

Whcre A is the difference operator. ECM(-I) is error-correction term lagged by one<br />

period In the cotntegrating regression, for integrating short term dynamics tn the<br />

long-run seafood export functton, This functlon allows to estimate short-run<br />

relationships betwccn <strong>Instability</strong> index <strong>of</strong> <strong>Indian</strong> seafood exports and its<br />

determinants, e,, the error term follows normal ltidependent and identically<br />

distributed (i.i.d) properties. The coefficient 6 measures the response <strong>of</strong> instability<br />

Index <strong>of</strong> seafood expons In each prriod from the long-ru11 equiltbrium with the<br />

co~ntegration equation normaliscd on ~yfex. The coefficient 6 represents the<br />

propartton <strong>of</strong> the d~sequllihrium in iisfex in one period corrected in the next period 6.<br />

is ehpected to have a negative sign and be statistically significant.<br />

The modelling strategy adopted to estimate VECM involvcs three steps<br />

Step I Tesrjor Srarronorrh<br />

Before conducting cointegration tests, it is necessary to establi5h the univariate<br />

time series properties <strong>of</strong> the variables lo confirm all the variables are non-stationary<br />

and integrated <strong>of</strong> the same order. This is performed by unit-root test, viz., Augmented<br />

Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test. This test fitids out the order <strong>of</strong> integration, which is the<br />

minimal number <strong>of</strong>times a series has to be differenced until 11 becomes stationary.<br />

Step 2: Derermrnal~on <strong>of</strong> Oprimum Lag Lengrh<br />

The cointcgration test is based on vector auto regression and is sensitivc to the<br />

number <strong>of</strong> lags included in the model, therefore first we should determine the optimal<br />

number <strong>of</strong> lags used in the cointegration test One way to determine the number <strong>of</strong><br />

lags is to select the model with minimum information criterion which are based 011<br />

log-likelihood and penalise the inclusion <strong>of</strong> additional regressors (Greene, 1993). The<br />

study utilises Akaike ~nformation criterion (AIC) to choose the optimum lag length<br />

Step:3 Coinregrarion Tesr and VECM<br />

The purpose <strong>of</strong> cointegration test is to determine whether a group <strong>of</strong> nonstationary<br />

series is cointegrated or not. The presence <strong>of</strong> cointegration enables to<br />

form a vector error correction mechanism to analyse both the short and long-run<br />

nlationship among cointegrated series.


'There are a number <strong>of</strong> alternative cointepratlon tests (Engle and Granger 1987;<br />

Stock and Watson. 1993 and Johansen, 1988 and 1995). The common objective <strong>of</strong><br />

these tests is to determine if there exists a long-run relationship among all variables.<br />

Johansen cointegration procedure has properties which are superior to alternative<br />

methods <strong>of</strong> cointegration testing. This method treats all the variables as endogenous<br />

and take care <strong>of</strong> the endogenetty ~rohlem by prov~ding an estimation procedure that<br />

does not require arbitrary cho~ce <strong>of</strong> a variable for normalisation. It also allows tests<br />

for tnultiple cointegrations (Chosh. 2003). Even though this methodology is quite<br />

complex. the underlying inference is straightforward. In order to find the possible<br />

cointegrating vectors the data is div~ded into two groups. the variables in their levels<br />

and thelr first differences, using the technique <strong>of</strong> canonical correlation, the linear<br />

combinations are stationary atid thus so are the cointegrating vectors (Jaffry el al..<br />

1998) The present study empir~cally evaluates cointegration bchveen variables by<br />

utilising MI. method <strong>of</strong> cointegration developed by Sohansen (1988, 1995) and<br />

exlcnded hy Johansen and Juselius (1994).<br />

Ihe ind~vidual variahles uerc processed according to thc neth hods described.<br />

hefore attempting the estimation <strong>of</strong> ~tiodel as detailed in the foregoing sections. The<br />

sumniary statistics are presented in Table 3.<br />


-. --<br />

1981.1991<br />

1991-2MM 1981-2004<br />

Standwd Standard Standard<br />

Vr8tahlc Mean Ikvlrinn Mean Dcv8auon Mran Ilrvm!nn .. .<br />

11) PL_.- a A- 151 (6) (71<br />

CC XI 3hi 5308 70600 1931 75748 6701<br />

1iC hhXV3 1162 $5 041 3 011 60109 1510<br />

IlhrFY 4 113 3 450 30 100 35 843 22491 31022<br />

111 24905 13 381 20013 1 I560 22358 12427<br />

IINI'ODP 0810 0614 11914 IU7IJ 6624 9486<br />

IISHPH I 872 I320 13448 11 884 7912 1 0 3 1 3<br />

<strong>Commodity</strong> concentration reflects the compositton <strong>of</strong> exports. It also ~ndicates<br />

the direction <strong>of</strong> growth in lerms <strong>of</strong> variety, product differentiation and sources <strong>of</strong><br />

value realisation. It is therefore an important parameter to be examined for export<br />

data analysis. For computing commodity concentration (CC), careful selection <strong>of</strong><br />

specific commodities is crucial. As composition <strong>of</strong> <strong>Indian</strong> sea food exports have<br />

changed with the passage <strong>of</strong> time as detailed under Section 11, the items contributing<br />

maximum value were selected. In the early 1970s <strong>Indian</strong> seafood exports basket


contained merely 37 Items (~nclud~ng processed) By 2000. it rose to 141 items<br />

These product forms can be ma~nly categorised into the following: frozen shrimp (6<br />

product forms), frozen fin fish (22). live items (5) chilled items (5), canned items (5)<br />

dried items (30). shell Items (3). cunle fish (13) squid (14). frozen lobster (6) others<br />

(32). t:ven though different product forms are exported from India, the major<br />

commod~ties are frozen shrimp, fro~en fish. frozen cuttle fish, frozen squid which<br />

constitutes nearly 90 per cent <strong>of</strong> the earnings from seafood expons. Hence, these<br />

items arc conridered in the computation <strong>of</strong> commodity concentration and rest were<br />

included as "others". Mean value <strong>of</strong> commodity concentration has decreased<br />

ind~cati~ig the fact that lndia divers~fied her exports geographrcally during the 1990s<br />

as compared to the 1980s since the index value decreased from 81.37 per cent to<br />

70.60 percent (Table 3) The results (not presented here) also ~ndicate a gradual<br />

dccrease In commod~ty concentration from 87.13 per cent in 1981-82 to 68.16 per<br />

cent In 2003-04 which reflects the country's diversifying pr<strong>of</strong>ile <strong>of</strong> exports Th~s is<br />

confirmed by the facl that though the value added portion in seafood exports IS onl:<br />

20 per cent. this segment is increasing at 55 per cent annually, tlowever, major<br />

commodities still ~nake a substantial contribution to the total value realised from<br />

cxports in value terms<br />

Geographic concentration (GC) was computed co~is~dering Japan, USA, and<br />

Western European countries and rest as "others" In splte <strong>of</strong> decrease in GC index<br />

value from 66.89 per cent (1981-91) to 55.04 per cent (1991-2004) ind~cating in<br />

general that thc geographic concct~tratio~~ <strong>of</strong> exports was h~gh. It also meant that the<br />

markets for <strong>Indian</strong> seafood exports remained stable during th~r period. No structural<br />

shift was observed durinp, the period under study. The figures remaining h~ghly<br />

etahle, as can be seen from decrease in standard deviation from 5.46 per cent to 3 5<br />

percent, the country's seafood exports rema~ned stable. Again, looking at the data on<br />

the geographical spread <strong>of</strong> exports, with the ascendancy <strong>of</strong> the Euro, lndia has been<br />

making deeper inroads into the EU markets; 27.42 per cent <strong>of</strong> <strong>Indian</strong> seafood was<br />

exponed to the EU in 2004-05 with 23 37 per cent to the US and 18 per cent to Japan<br />

Us~ng equation 2, the <strong>Indian</strong> seafood export instability was worked out, following<br />

absolute average percentage deviations method <strong>of</strong> the observed values uslng an<br />

exponentla1 path <strong>of</strong> trend values. The mean values <strong>of</strong> ~nstability index <strong>of</strong> seafood<br />

exports were 4.37 per cent during the 1980s and 39.10 per cent during the 1990s,<br />

indicating that the instability in sea food exports has increased over the period <strong>of</strong><br />

time. The potential <strong>of</strong> seafood exports as a source <strong>of</strong> enhanced revenue for propping<br />

up the foreign exchange reserves and the national CDP was discovered only in the<br />

early 1990s. The instabil~ty in the 1990s may be due to the gaps in institutionalising<br />

the growth hhich led to short term fluctuations in the sector (Shanger al., 2001).<br />

The decrease in instability indices <strong>of</strong> fisheries GDP from 24.91 per cent in the<br />

1980s to 20.02 per cent in the 1990s with reduced standard deviation values <strong>of</strong> 13.38<br />

per cent in the 1980s and 11.56 per cent in the 1990s indicate robust growth <strong>of</strong> the<br />

fisheries sector. But the estimates also show that there is a need for stabilising the

24R<br />


growth <strong>of</strong> the sectors w~thin the economy. The value <strong>of</strong> instability indices <strong>of</strong><br />

non-fisheries CiDP increased from 0.81 per cent to 11.95 per cent with its<br />

corresponding standard deviation increas~ng from 0.67 per cent to 10.71 per cent.<br />

<strong>Instability</strong> in growth <strong>of</strong> lead sectors has been attributed to slow growth <strong>of</strong> the<br />

agricultural sector (1.5 per cent) in the current plan period leading to an overall<br />

decline in the perfornlance <strong>of</strong> the economy.<br />

Hefore estimating the relationship hetwecll seafood exports instabil~ty and its<br />

determinants, the integration properties or stationar~fy properties has to be<br />

determined, The unlt root test werc perlnr~ned for all the variahles by employing<br />

ADF test on hotli levels and First d~fferences <strong>of</strong> the variahles. The results presented in<br />

l'able 4 indicate that the AIIF test in levels docs not all,>% for rejecting the null<br />

lhypothcs~s (Ho) hut it can he rejccted at first differences. 'This means that all these<br />

variables are integrated <strong>of</strong> the order onc, i.e. I( 1).<br />

-.-- IAHI 1.4 AII(IMCN'T1 I) IIICKFY IliLi.1 K UNrl ROOTTt'SI KLSULT'1<br />

- . ..- . .- --<br />

1'81111111~1 lcrcli At llnl d~flcren~cs Ilcc~s~on<br />

. -_JPL . 14)<br />

Vrr~shle$ lririr~ -I lui -4 101<br />

(51<br />

!(I)<br />

It / -il 8.16 -4 905 I(!)<br />

ipc -I 283 .5 13R l(ll<br />

12!/gdp -2 922 .5 380 1(1)<br />

-1421 -5216 1111<br />

As mentioned in the methodology, the Johnnsen ~~integration test is sensitive to<br />

lag length. It is essential to identify the appropriate lag length before proceeding for<br />

the co~ntegrat~on test. One <strong>of</strong> the most commonly used procedures to identify the lag<br />

length is to estimate VAR using un-differenced data and compare their AIC (Chin<br />

and Fang, 2003). Bascd on AIC results, optimum lag length indicated is I for the<br />

equation. Since all the variables are I( 1) Johansen multivariate cointegration test was<br />

applied to determine rank <strong>of</strong> impact matrix (n) and estimate the cointegration<br />

equations. An unrestricted intercept and a linear trend in the variables, but not in the<br />

co-integrating vectors enter the system. The results <strong>of</strong> A,,.,, and hmax in Table 5<br />

Indicate that the tank <strong>of</strong> Il can be set to 2 based on A,. statistic at both 5 per cent<br />

and I per cent level <strong>of</strong> significance and L., indicated that there exists one cointegrating<br />

equation at both 5 per cent and I per cent level <strong>of</strong> significance.<br />

Based on the largest Eigen value we considered the first cointegrating equation<br />

and normalised long-run colntegration equation on liisfex variable. The cointegrating<br />

vector corresponding to maximal Eigen value (i e., dominant long run relationship) is<br />

presented as follows.

-<br />


I ra~c 5 per rmt I pcr cca Mux-I IEC~ 5 per ccnl<br />

II~PULCEIC~ Llgon rlaltrlrc crtt~irl crbllcal \lul~slic sr~llc~l l lvr csnt<br />

no ol ('I($1 vnlac h., valuc valur A,. valvr crlllcal valllc<br />

(11 I21 (3) I4l<br />

1% (bl 17) IBl -<br />

Nunc 0937 13q6X V4 15 103 18 58 I2 39 17 45 111<br />

Atinnst 1 0171 77 56 b8q2 7607 309( 3146 3871<br />

Atnli,rl2 II hh3 46 61 4721 $4 46 22 84 2707 32 24<br />

A1moql3 0 66 23 76 QOX 21 65 17 56 21197 2( 52<br />

Almon4 0242 621 1541 2004 qR1 1407 1863<br />

- M -. nmo,l - 5 .. - - 0 -- 018 I -<br />

~<br />

1~7h I1 3811 3 76<br />

6 65 .<br />

Ilh/ex = -15.462' Icc I 4.902' /yct0.03'l,!/grlp t 0.774' l,infgd/~ I 0.610' I,r,\lrpr<br />

(2.214) (I 728) (0 102) (0 093) (0077) .. (10)<br />

lo thc abobe long-rut1 model all coefficients liave the ant~cipated signs indicattng<br />

yc. !i/pf/i,. ~rnfydp arrd mhla. have positwe effect on the tnstahility in cxpons and cc<br />

have negative effect Thus one untt increase in the geographic concentration lndicates<br />

- -<br />

4.9 ltntts incrcasc 111 the tnstahil~t! index <strong>of</strong> lnd~an seafood exports. 1 he lnipact <strong>of</strong><br />

instahilttv doe to non-fiqheries GIN' is more comoared to ~nstah!l~tv In fisher~es GDP<br />

as reflected by the magnitude <strong>of</strong> coeficients. Similarly. instahllity in shrimp<br />

production also has a postttvc Impact on instahtlity tndex<br />

Ilowever, commod~ty concentration appears to have a negative effect on the<br />

instabilih. in seafood exports indtcarina that tf commoditv concentration decreases bv<br />

one unit the instability <strong>of</strong> exports wtll increase by 15.46 tirnea. In this conlext this<br />

may be interpreted as a fall in the proportion <strong>of</strong> high value frozen shrimp in favour <strong>of</strong><br />

lower value items in the composition <strong>of</strong> <strong>Indian</strong> seafood exports ovcr ttme Table 6<br />

provides the shon run coefficiietits <strong>of</strong> the instability equation including errorcorrection<br />

tern.<br />


The international seafood market is governed by both price and non-price factors.<br />

In the post-WTO scheme <strong>of</strong> globalised scenario, product improvement and<br />

diflerentiation is more <strong>of</strong> a norm than an exception. Therefore, the short-term<br />

coefiicients are smaller than their long run counter parts. This suggests that the<br />

impact <strong>of</strong> these variables causing instability in <strong>Indian</strong> seafood exports requires tlme


for adjustment. The est~mated coeffic~ents show that all the var~ables except<br />

instability in cultured shrimp production did not show sign~ficant short-run impact on<br />

~nstab~lity 111 seafood exports. The significance <strong>of</strong> this short run effect is minimised<br />

hy thc error-correction term, whlch is s~pn~ficant with the expected sign and <strong>of</strong> a<br />

fairly larger magniludc. 'l'h~s findlng not only supports the validity <strong>of</strong> long-run<br />

equilibrium relationsh~p among the variables but also indicates that instab~l~ty<br />

scafood exports is sensit~ve and tends to depart from the equilibrium value in the<br />

previous period. Its magnitude indicates that deviation from the long-run 8s adjusted<br />

fairly quickly when 54.6 per cent <strong>of</strong> disequilibrium is recovered in each period. The<br />

results also substantiate the fact that the seafood expon sector I5 responsive to the fast<br />

changing pr<strong>of</strong>ile <strong>of</strong> the market. Conforming to I-lazard Analysis and Critical Control<br />

Points (HACCP) standards, improvcmcnts in processing and packaging standards and<br />

develop~neiit and marketing <strong>of</strong> niche products to select the markets are enabled<br />

quickly in order to take advantage <strong>of</strong> the gains from trade even in the short run (Dey<br />

el ul. 2005).<br />

VI<br />


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