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648 Acta Physiologica Sinica, October 25, 2005, 57 (5): 648-652 http://www.actaps.com.cn Research Paper Inhibitory effect of rhynchophylline on human ether-a-go-go related gene channel GUI Le 1 , LI Zhi-Wang 2 , DU Rong 3 , YUAN Guo-Hui 3 , LI Wei 3 , REN Fa-Xin 3 , LI Jing 3 , YANG Jun-Guo 3,* 1 Department of Cardiology, Affiliated Hospital, Nantong University, Nantong 226000, China; 2 Department of Neurobiology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430030, China; 3 Institute of Cardiovascular Medicine, Union Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430030, China Abstract: We studied the effects of Chinese traditional medicine rhynchophylline (Rhy) on human ether-a-go-go related gene (HERG) channel and characterized the electrophysiological properties of Rhy’s pharmacological effect on HERG channel using Xenopus oocytes. Xenopus oocytes were injected with either 23 nl (5.75 ng) HERG cRNA or 23 nl distilled water. Xenopus oocytes were randomly assigned to receive one of the following different concentrations of Rhy: (1) control, (2)10 µmol/L Rhy, (3)100 µmol/L Rhy, (4) 500 µmol/L Rhy, (5) 1 000 µmol/L Rhy, (6) 10 000 µmol/L Rhy. Cell currents were recorded in oocytes. The peak tail currents of HERG channel were inhibited by Rhy. The inhibition was in a dose-dependent manner [IC 50 =(773.4 ± 42.5) µmol/L]. Experiment with 100 µmol/L Rhy indicated that the degree of HERG blockade showed some voltage dependence (within –40 mV to –20 mV ). Kinetic analyses revealed that Rhy decreased the rate of channel activation. The findings indicate that Rhy inhibits HERG encoded potassium channels. It may underline the molecular mechanism of myocardial electrophysiological characteristics associated with this drug. Key words: HERG; rhynchophylline; oocyte; two-microelectrode voltage clamp human ether-a-go-go 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 3, * 1 226000 2 430030 3 430030 human ether-a-go-go (HERG)cRNA (1) HERG IC 50 (773.4 ± 42.5) µmol/L(2) HERG –20 mV 15% HERG human ether-a-go-go R966 Gouteng is a Chinese traditional medicine which belongs to the plants of Rubinaceae genus. As a Chinese traditional medicine, Gouteng was mainly used to treat ailments of the cardiovascular and central nervous diseases, such as hypertension, convulsions, numbness, and lightheadedness. Rhynchophylline (Rhy) is the primary pharmacological component of Gouteng [1] . The pharmacological actions of Rhy on cardiovascular system were extensively studied. It has been shown that Rhy has protective effect on cardiac arrhythmias. Rhy can delay the atrio-ventricular and the intraventricular conduction. The interval of P- R, P-P, Q-T, and QRS waves are prolonged markedly [2,3] . Some studies indicated that the electrophysiological effects of Rhy result from the blockade of K + channel and L-type Received 2004-09-06 Accepted 2005-07-27 * Corresponding author. Tel: +86-27-85726810; Fax: +86-27-85726810; E-mail: ybemail@163.net

648 Acta Physiologica Sinica, October 25, 2005, 57 (5): 648-652<br />

http://www.actaps.com.cn<br />

Research Paper<br />

Inhibitory effect of rhynchophylline on human ether-a-go-go related gene<br />

channel<br />

GUI Le 1 , LI Zhi-Wang 2 , DU Rong 3 , YUAN Guo-Hui 3 , LI Wei 3 , REN Fa-Xin 3 , LI Jing 3 , YANG Jun-Guo 3,*<br />

1<br />

Department of Cardiology, Affiliated Hospital, Nantong University, Nantong 226000, China; 2 Department of Neurobiology,<br />

Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430030, China; 3 Institute of Cardiovascular Medicine, Union Hospital,<br />

Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430030, China<br />

Abstract: We studied the effects of Chinese traditional medicine rhynchophylline (Rhy) on human ether-a-go-go related gene (HERG)<br />

channel and characterized the electrophysiological properties of Rhy’s pharmacological effect on HERG channel using Xenopus<br />

oocytes. Xenopus oocytes were injected with either 23 nl (5.75 ng) HERG cRNA or 23 nl distilled water. Xenopus oocytes were<br />

randomly assigned to receive one of the following different concentrations of Rhy: (1) control, (2)10 µmol/L Rhy, (3)100 µmol/L Rhy,<br />

(4) 500 µmol/L Rhy, (5) 1 000 µmol/L Rhy, (6) 10 000 µmol/L Rhy. Cell currents were recorded in oocytes. The peak tail currents of<br />

HERG channel were inhibited by Rhy. The inhibition was in a dose-dependent manner [IC 50<br />

=(773.4 ± 42.5) µmol/L]. Experiment with<br />

100 µmol/L Rhy indicated that the degree of HERG blockade showed some voltage dependence (within –40 mV to –20 mV ). Kinetic<br />

analyses revealed that Rhy decreased the rate of channel activation. The findings indicate that Rhy inhibits HERG encoded potassium<br />

channels. It may underline the molecular mechanism of myocardial electrophysiological characteristics associated with this drug.<br />

Key words: HERG; rhynchophylline; oocyte; two-microelectrode voltage clamp<br />

human ether-a-go-go <br />

1 2 3 3 3 3 3 3, *<br />

1<br />

226000 2 430030 3 <br />

430030<br />

human ether-a-go-go (HERG)cRNA <br />

(1) HERG IC 50<br />

(773.4 ± 42.5) µmol/L(2)<br />

HERG –20 mV 15% HERG <br />

<br />

human ether-a-go-go <br />

R966<br />

Gouteng is a Chinese traditional medicine which belongs<br />

to the plants of Rubinaceae genus. As a Chinese traditional<br />

medicine, Gouteng was mainly used to treat ailments of<br />

the cardiovascular and central nervous diseases, such as<br />

hypertension, convulsions, numbness, and lightheadedness.<br />

Rhynchophylline (Rhy) is the primary pharmacological<br />

component of Gouteng [1] . The pharmacological<br />

actions of Rhy on cardiovascular system were extensively<br />

studied. It has been shown that Rhy has protective effect<br />

on cardiac arrhythmias. Rhy can delay the atrio-ventricular<br />

and the intraventricular conduction. The interval of P-<br />

R, P-P, Q-T, and QRS waves are prolonged markedly [2,3] .<br />

Some studies indicated that the electrophysiological effects<br />

of Rhy result from the blockade of K + channel and L-type<br />

Received 2004-09-06 Accepted 2005-07-27<br />

*<br />

Corresponding author. Tel: +86-27-85726810; Fax: +86-27-85726810; E-mail: ybemail@163.net

GUI Le et al: Inhibitory Effect of Rhy on HERG Channel<br />

Ca 2+ channels [4,5] . However, the ionic mechanism of its<br />

antiarrthymic action is not clear. I K1 , I to , I Ks and I Kr are major<br />

components in the process of repolarization, so they<br />

may be important targets for antiarrthymic drug action.<br />

The effect of Rhy on I K1 , I to and I K has been reported, but<br />

I Kr and I Ks has not been studied respectively. So we intend<br />

to investigate the effects of Rhy on I Kr in this study.<br />

Human ether-a-go-go related gene (KCNH2) encodes<br />

the pore-forming subunit of the rapidly activating delayed<br />

I Kr . I Kr is very important for the repolarization phase of the<br />

cardiac action potential [6-8] . A wide range of other therapeutic<br />

agents with diverse chemical structures can also<br />

block the HERG channels [9-11] . So HERG channel is a significant<br />

target for pharmacological management of<br />

antiarrthymias. Understanding the molecular determinants<br />

of the drug action on the HERG channels becomes meaningful<br />

because of these unique pharmacological properties<br />

of the HERG channel.<br />

In order to clarify the pharmacological effect of Rhy on<br />

K + channel, HERG channel (I Kr ) properties were studied<br />

to determine whether Rhy is responsible for the dysfunction<br />

of HERG channel (I Kr ). Heterologous expression system<br />

of Xenopus oocyte was used to examine the channel<br />

properties.<br />


649<br />

1.1 In vitro transcription<br />

The HERG cDNA subcloned into the BamH I-EcoR I site<br />

of pGH19 vector was kindly provided by Dr. WANG Qing<br />

(Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western<br />

Reserve University). HERG cDNA was linearized by<br />

digestion with Not restriction enzyme, and cRNA was<br />

prepared with In Vitro Transcription kit with T7 RNA polymerase<br />

and Cap analog (Ambion, Austin, Tx, USA). cRNA<br />

was dissolved in RNase free H 2 O. The cRNA concentration<br />

was estimated by spectrophotometers (Thermo<br />

Spectronic, USA) and diluted to desired concentration in<br />

RNase free H 2 O before use.<br />

1.2 Oocyte preparation and injection<br />

The investigation conforms to the Guide for the Care and<br />

Use of Laboratory Animals published by the Ministry of<br />

Health of People’s Republic of China (No. 55, 1998). Female<br />

Xenopus laevis frogs were anesthetized by ice for 30<br />

to 60 min. Ovarian lobes were isolated and oocytes were<br />

removed, washed in Ca 2+ -free ND96 solution (mmol/L:<br />

NaCl 96, KCl 2, MgCl 2 1, HEPES 10, Na pyruvate 2.5, pH<br />

7.5 adjusted with NaOH). Stage and Xenopus oocytes<br />

were defolliculated by treatment with 2 mg/ml collagenase<br />

(Sigma Aldrich Co.) for 30 to 60 min, and washed<br />

with Ca 2+ -free ND96 solution. Oocytes were injected with<br />

either 23 nl (5.75 ng) HERG cRNA or 23 nl distilled water<br />

using automatic nanoliter injector (NANOI NJECT ,<br />

Drummond Scientific Company). Injected oocytes were<br />

incubated for 2~3 d at 18 °C in ND96 solution (mmol/L:<br />

NaCl 96, KCl 2, CaCl 2 1.8, MgCl 2 1, HEPES 10, Na pyruvate<br />

2.5, pH 7.5 adjusted with NaoH), supplemented with<br />

penicillin (100 µg/ml) and streptomycin (100 µg/ml).<br />

1.3 Rhy preparation<br />

Rhy was dissolved in distilled water to give a 10 mmol/L<br />

stock solution. Aliquots of stock solution were added to<br />

ND96 solution to give the concentrations referred to in the<br />

figures. The control was the solution of ND96 without<br />

Rhy.<br />

1.4 Electrophysiology recording and data analysis<br />

Membrane currents in Xenopus oocytes were recorded by<br />

two-microelectrode voltage clamp technique with amplifier<br />

TURBO TEC-03X (NPI Electronic GmbH Company,<br />

Germ any) at a temperature of 20~22 °C. Oocytes were<br />

individually assigned into different concentrations of Rhy.<br />

Current injecting electrode and potential measuring electrode<br />

were filled with 3 mol/L KCl. The resistances of these<br />

electrodes were 0.5~2.0 MΩ. The bath solution was connected<br />

to the ground electrically through a low-resistance<br />

agar bridge. Pulse protocols are described in the figure<br />

legends. Only oocytes whose resting potential were around<br />

–40 mV were used. Cell work 5.0, cell work reader 5.0<br />

softwares and Sigmaplot 8.0, Clampfit 8.0 softwares were<br />

used for data acquisition and data analysis respectively.<br />

The data of concentration dependence was analyzed using<br />

the equation: Fraction inhibition = 1– (I Rhy /I control ), and fitted<br />

with the Hill equation: Fraction inhibition = 1/(1+ (IC 50 /<br />

[Rhy]) h ), where I Rhy is the tail currents at – 60 mV after a<br />

depolarization pulse to + 20 mV recorded in different concentrations<br />

(10, 100, 500, 1 000 and 10 000 µmol/L ),<br />

I control is the tail current at –60 mV after a depolarization<br />

pulse to +20 mV recorded in control, [Rhy] is Rhy<br />

concentration, IC 50 is [Rhy] producing half maximal inhibition<br />

of tail currents, h is the Hill coefficient.<br />

The voltage dependence of HERG current activation was<br />

determined for each oocyte by fitting tail current amplitudes<br />

(I tail ) versus test potential to a Boltzmann function in<br />

the following equation: I tail = I tail-max /{1+exp[(V 1/2 -V t )/k]},<br />

where I tail-max is peak I tail , V t is test potential, V 1/2 is the<br />

voltage at which I tail is half of I tail-max , and k is slope factor.<br />

1.5 Statistical analysis

650<br />

All values are expressed as means ± SEM. Differences<br />

within these values were evaluated by ANOVA and t-test.<br />


GUI Le et al: Inhibitory Effect of Rhy on HERG Channel<br />

651<br />

Fig.3. Voltage dependence of Rhy suppression effect. A: I-V relationship<br />

for amplitudes of tail currents recorded during depolarizing<br />

pulses in control (closed circle) and 100 µmol/L Rhy (open circle)<br />

groups. B: Normalized I-V relationships for mean amplitudes of tail<br />

currents in control (closed circle) and in 100 µmol/L Rhy (open<br />

circle) groups. C: Mean level of fractional block [1– (I Rhy /I control )] was<br />

plotted against test pulse voltage.<br />

Rhy group (1 000 µmol/L), the inhibition level of tail current<br />

by Rhy (10 µmol/L) , Rhy (100 µmol/L) and Rhy<br />

(1 000 µmol/L) were (9.5 ± 7.48)%, (16.2 ± 5.87)% and<br />

(72.62 ± 2.30)% (means ±SEM, P

652<br />

about 15% at –20 mV. These findings suggest that Rhy<br />

binds to HERG channels that are in the open state.<br />

This is the first time that the sensitivity of the HERG<br />

channel to Rhy has been demonstrated. It is reasonable to<br />

conclude that action potential prolongation with Rhy is due<br />

to the inhibitory action of Rhy on the HERG channel. Rhy<br />

inhibits HERG channels in a voltage-dependent as well as<br />

dose-dependent manner. The potent inhibition of HERG<br />

channels by Rhy underlies its potential effectiveness against<br />

ventricular tachyarrhythmias in clinical practices.<br />

* * *<br />

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: We thank Dr. WANG Qing<br />

(The Cleveland Clinic Foundation) for the HERG cDNA.<br />


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* * * * * *<br />

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