Valsecchi 1918 - Katalog - Kollektion 2014

The Valsecchi 1918 Collection 2014 presents great lamps, small service tables, desks, chairs and a lot more interior design ideas. The Valsecchi 1918 Collection 2014 presents great lamps, small service tables, desks, chairs and a lot more interior design ideas.


womby culla cot design by Anna Valsecchi Una culla musicoterapica pensata per ridurre il trauma da cambiamento ambientale e acustico del post parto, capace di riprodurre il rumore del battito cardiaco mediante tamburi e il vibrato della voce materna mediante corde sonore. L’elemento centrale funziona come cassa di risonanza, mentre i supporti a dondolo garantiscono una sensazione di movimento analoga a quella che il feto percepisce all’interno dell’utero. A music therapy cradle conceived to reduce the post-birth environmental and acoustic change, that can reproduce the sound of the heartbeat through drums and the vibration of the mother’s voice through sound cords. The central element acts as a sound box, whilst the rocking supports guarantee a sensation of movement similar to that perceived by the foetus in the womb. Struttura structure legno laccato lacquered wood Gambe legs multistrato di betulla birch plywood Finitura finish bianco white 80,5 86,5 59 Valsecchi 1918 - Divisione di Valsecchi spa Via Bergamo, 1286 | 24030 Pontida | Bergamo tel +39 035796156 | fax +39 035796072 | 13S1290_Schede10modelli_135x215.indd 16 04/06/13 13:29

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