English - CEDAW Southeast Asia

English - CEDAW Southeast Asia

English - CEDAW Southeast Asia


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AGAINST WOMEN (<strong>CEDAW</strong>)<br />

III.1 <strong>CEDAW</strong>: BASIC INFORMATION<br />

The Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (<strong>CEDAW</strong>) is<br />

an international treaty. <strong>CEDAW</strong> aims to adopt measures required for the elimination of discrimination<br />

against women in all its forms and manifestations. It was adopted by the United Nations<br />

General Assembly on 18 December 1979 and it entered into force on 3 September 1981. At<br />

present, the <strong>CEDAW</strong> treaty has 185 State Parties. 107 Thus, it is one of the most highly ratified<br />

of the international human rights treaties.<br />

III.1.1 TEXT OF <strong>CEDAW</strong><br />

<strong>CEDAW</strong> is composed of a Preamble and 30 Articles as follows:<br />

Articles 1-5 and 24 refer to general substantive provisions, including a definition of ‘dis<br />

crimination’ and the general obligations of State Parties;<br />

Articles 6-16 refer to specific substantive areas of trafficking and exploitation of pros<br />

titution, political and public life, nationality, education, employment, health care, eco<br />

nomic and social benefits, rural women, equality before the law, and marriage and<br />

family life;<br />

Articles 17-23 provide for the <strong>CEDAW</strong> Committee and reporting procedures;<br />

Articles 25-30 refer to administration, interpretation and other matters.<br />

III.1.2 THE <strong>CEDAW</strong> COMMITTEE<br />

Implementation of <strong>CEDAW</strong> is monitored by the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination<br />

Against Women (<strong>CEDAW</strong> Committee). 108 It is composed of 23 experts from various regions<br />

who are nominated by their respective governments and elected by States Parties for four<br />

years. They serve in their personal capacity. The experts exercise the function of monitoring<br />

by: (a) requiring States Parties to submit reports and engage in a constructive dialogue with<br />

the <strong>CEDAW</strong> Committee; (b) issuing Concluding Comments; and (c) drafting General<br />

Recommendations (GRs).<br />

49<br />


States Parties to <strong>CEDAW</strong> are required to submit an initial report one year after ratifying or<br />

acceding to it, and a periodic report every four years after that. 109 After the submission of its<br />

107<br />

This is as of September 2008<br />

108<br />

<strong>CEDAW</strong>, Article 17(1)<br />

109<br />

Ibid., Article 18<br />

A Gendered and Rights-Based Review of Vietnamese Legal Documents through the Lens of <strong>CEDAW</strong>

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