English - CEDAW Southeast Asia

English - CEDAW Southeast Asia

English - CEDAW Southeast Asia


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<strong>CEDAW</strong> and the Law:<br />

(2) Diagnosing to select fetus gender by methods of determination thereof via<br />

symptoms, pulse feeling; blood, gene, amniotic fluid, cell tests; ultrasonics.<br />

(3) Getting rid of fetuses for reason of gender selection by methods of abortion, supply<br />

and use of assorted chemicals, drugs and other measures.<br />

One of the indicators for Objective 3 of the Plan of Action for the Advancement of<br />

Women is the reduction of the proportion of abortions to 25 percent by 2010. The National<br />

Strategy on Reproductive Health Care also has one of its objectives the reduction of unwanted<br />

pregnancies and abortion relation complications. To target adolescents, a Comprehensive<br />

Plan on Protection, Care and Improvement of Reproductive Health for Adolescents and Young<br />

Adults 2006-2010 was introduced that includes improving knowledge and skills of adolescents<br />

and young adults in self-protection and self-care, and expanding access to effective age and<br />

gender aware services to this group.<br />

It has been emphasized by the <strong>CEDAW</strong> Committee that abortion should not be used as<br />

a means of contraception. 619 High rates of abortion are symptomatic of the lack of available<br />

contraception, ineffective or inexistent education on reproductive and sexual health/rights, and<br />

strong preference for sons. These issues must be properly addressed, especially in the light<br />

of health implications for women undergoing repeated abortions.<br />

Recommendations: It is suggested that explicit legal provisions ensure increased<br />

awareness of availability and accessibility to a wide range of contraceptive methods.<br />

Further, both men and women should be targeted family planning by information,<br />

education and communication interventions. Laws must also ensure that post-abortion<br />

health care of good quality is available and accessible.<br />

274<br />

As to sex-selective abortions, although legal provisions already exist prohibiting<br />

it, there is a need to provide further guidelines to ensure its implementation. It is<br />

suggested that a more detailed legal document on sex selection is required in particular<br />

elaborating or supplementing further on the Decree on Population. Some proposals for<br />

possible inclusion in such document or subject to consideration for inclusion are: (a)<br />

a prohibition on any person to conduct or aid in the conduct of sex selection on a<br />

woman or a man or on both or on any tissue, embryo, fluid or gametes derived from<br />

either or both of them. This refers to procedures, tests or prescription aimed at<br />

increasing or ensuring the probability that the embryo will be of a particular sex; (b)<br />

regulation of the sale of ultrasound machine, imaging machines, scanners or other<br />

device capable of detecting the sex of the foetus, to persons, laboratories, clinics, etc.,<br />

unless registered with the appropriate designated agency; (c) the conduct of prenatal<br />

diagnostic techniques must not be used for the purpose of determining the sex of the<br />

foetus. On this note, qualified persons conducting such must record in writing the<br />

reasons behind the conduct of such techniques. Specific guidelines can be provided<br />

on what are the obvious conditions where it is allowable; for example, the pregnant<br />

woman: (i) is aged above 35 years; (ii) has undergone previous abortions, foetal loss or<br />

miscarriage; (iii) has been exposed to harmful or toxic substances; (iv) or her<br />

619<br />

<strong>CEDAW</strong> Concluding Comments on Viet Nam, Paragraph 25<br />

Review of key legal documents and compliance with <strong>CEDAW</strong>

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