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English - CEDAW Southeast Asia

English - CEDAW Southeast Asia


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<strong>CEDAW</strong> and the Law:<br />

Indicator 44<br />

What measures are provided by legislation concerning responsibilities<br />

of embassies abroad for protection of victims of traffickers<br />

Indicator 45<br />

V.4.2.2. Exploitation of Prostitution<br />

Is trafficking an extraditable offense<br />

Indicator 46<br />

Indicator 47<br />

Indicator 48<br />

Indicator 49<br />

Indicator 50<br />

Indicator 51<br />

Indicator 52<br />

Is prostitution considered an offense If yes, how is it committed and<br />

who are considered offenders<br />

Are there sanctions in place<br />

Is sex tourism prohibited<br />

Are there measures required by law to address the needs of women<br />

exploited for prostitution<br />

Is inter-agency cooperation to address prostitution mandated by law Is<br />

there in legislation a clear designation of responsibilities of ministries<br />

and agencies to eliminate prostitution<br />

Are women in prostitution given equal protection of the law in relation to<br />

crimes of rape or sexual assault<br />

Is there legislation to ensure that women in prostitution are given equal<br />

access and benefits to health care, education and other basic services<br />


V.4.3.1 Trafficking<br />

148<br />

The trafficking of women and children is a significant problem in Viet Nam. Women and children<br />

are trafficked both within Viet Nam and internationally for sexual and labour exploitation,<br />

forced marriage, and domestic servitude. 272 It is difficult to get an accurate estimate of the number<br />

of women and children being trafficked. Among the various statistics and information on<br />

trafficked women are as follows. During the last 10 years at least 10,000 Vietnamese women<br />

and children were trafficked to Cambodia and China. 273 A Border Guard Command report indicates<br />

that between 2000 and 2004 the border guard force discovered 196 trafficking cases,<br />

arrested 403 traffickers, uncovered 53 networks of cross-border trafficking in women and children,<br />

rescued 641 women, and coordinated with functional authorities in receiving 3,667 trafficked<br />

Vietnamese women and children. 274 On Viet Nam’s southwestern border with Cambodia,<br />

from 2000 to December 2004, there were 217 cases involving 1,395 women and children who<br />

were trafficked or entered illegally. 275 Women and children were taken to Cambodia to work as<br />

sex workers in restaurant, hotels and brothels, or sold to foreigners for marriage, brokerage or<br />

child adoptions. 276 Along Viet Nam’s northern border with China, from 2000 to December 2004,<br />

2,917 persons were returned by Chinese authorities, of whom 947 had been trafficked and<br />

272<br />

Wells, op. cit., p. 50<br />

273<br />

Ibid., p. 51<br />

274<br />

The Programme of Action against Trafficking in Women and Children from 2005 to 2010, Decision No. 312/2005/QD-<br />

TTG of November 30, 2005 (Programme of Action against Trafficking), Project on Communication and Education in<br />

Communities on Prevention and Combat of Trafficking in Women and Children from 2005 to 2010, Paragraph I.1<br />

275<br />

Ibid.<br />

276<br />

Ibid.<br />

Review of key legal documents and compliance with <strong>CEDAW</strong>

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