English - CEDAW Southeast Asia

English - CEDAW Southeast Asia

English - CEDAW Southeast Asia


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<strong>CEDAW</strong> and the Law:<br />

which have conducted first-instance trials shall have to examine the conditions for non-application<br />

of death penalty, prescribed in Article 35 of the Penal Code. If there are grounds that<br />

the convicts meet the conditions prescribed in Article 35 of the Penal Code, the presidents of<br />

the courts … shall not issue decisions to execute the judgments and report such to the<br />

President of the Supreme People’s Court for consideration and commutation of the death<br />

penalty to life imprisonment for the convicts.” Further, this article provides: “Before executing<br />

women convicts, the judgment-executing councils shall, apart from checking their identity<br />

cards, have to check the documents related to the conditions for non-application of the death<br />

penalty prescribed in Article 35 of the Penal Code.” Finally, Article 259 provides: “Where the<br />

judgment-executing councils detect that the convicts meet the conditions prescribed in Article<br />

35 of the Penal Code, they shall postpone the execution and report such to the presidents of<br />

the courts … for reporting to the President of the Supreme People’s Court for consideration<br />

and commutation of the death penalty to life imprisonment for the convicts.”<br />

Resolution No. 32/1999/QH10 of December 21, 1999 on the Enforcement of the Penal<br />

Code (Resolution on Penal Code) states: “(a) Capital punishment shall not apply when adjudicating<br />

persons who commit offenses for which the capital punishment is done away with by<br />

this Penal Code, to pregnant women, to women who are nursing their children of under 36<br />

months old by the time of committing the offense or being adjudicated; (b) The capital punishment<br />

already handed down to person mentioned in Point a, this Section, but not yet executed,<br />

shall not be enforced and commuted to the highest penalties prescribed by this Penal<br />

Code for such offenses; when the new law provisions still retain the capital punishment, the<br />

capital punishment already handed down to pregnant women or women who are nursing their<br />

children of under 36 months shall be commuted to the life imprisonment.”<br />

Many see this as a form of protective legislation in favor of pregnant women and nursing<br />

mothers and subject to controversy. However, the beneficiary of this special treatment is<br />

not simply the mother, but more importantly the child. By ensuring the non-execution of the<br />

death penalty, the child can be born as well as benefit from breastfeeding.<br />

In some comparative jurisdictions, the death penalty is simply suspended until after the<br />

pregnancy or nursing time. In this case, however, there is commutation to life imprisonment.<br />

With the policies now of encouraging men to participate in the care and rearing of their children,<br />

the fact that there are women who are non-nursing (either due to medical reasons or<br />

not), or the practice of women replacing breast milk with milk substitutes at a period earlier<br />

than 36 months, a continuous review of this legislation is needed.<br />

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Recommendation: A review of Article 35 of the Penal Code and Article 259 of the<br />

Criminal Procedure Code must be initiated regularly concerning the period of nursing<br />

that warrants the commutation of the death penalty. Viet Nam should also review the<br />

possibility of abolishing the death penalty as a whole.<br />

Pregnancy as an extenuating and aggravating circumstance<br />

In addition to being exempted from the death penalty, Article 46 of the Penal Code identifies<br />

pregnancy as a circumstance that extenuates penal liability. On the other hand, Article 48 of<br />

the Penal Code states that offences committed against pregnant women will aggravate penal<br />

liability.<br />

Review of key legal documents and compliance with <strong>CEDAW</strong>

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