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<strong>THE</strong> <strong>JOURNAL</strong> <strong>OF</strong><br />



Editors-in-Chief<br />

Prof. Dr.<br />

Jean-François Roulet<br />

Escher Str. 9<br />

FL 9494 Schaan, Liechtenstein<br />

Tel: ++423 232 1632<br />

Fax: ++423 239 4632<br />

Mobile phone +41 79 311 4673<br />

E-mail: jfroulet@aol.com<br />

Submit the manuscripts and<br />

illustrations preferably through:<br />

www. manuscriptmanager.com/jadd<br />

Or mail to:<br />

Quintessenz Verlags-GmbH,<br />

Juliane Richter<br />

The Journal of Adhesive Dentistry,<br />

Ifenpfad 2-4, D-12107 Berlin, Germany<br />

Editorial Board<br />

Antonson, S. (USA)<br />

Assmussen, E. (Denmark)<br />

Attal, J.-P. (France)<br />

Bayne, S. (USA)<br />

Blatz, M. (USA)<br />

Blunck, U. (Germany)<br />

Bouillaguet S. (Switzerland)<br />

Brabant, A. (Belgium)<br />

Burrow, M. (Australia)<br />

Burtscher, P. (Liechtenstein)<br />

Carvalho, R. (Brazil)<br />

Cognard, J. (Switzerland)<br />

Creugers, N. (Netherlands)<br />

Davidson, C.L. (Netherlands)<br />

Dejou, J. (France)<br />

Dietschi, D. (Switzerland)<br />

Eliades, G. (Greece)<br />

Erickson, R.L. (USA)<br />

Ferracane, J. (USA)<br />

Ferrari, M. (Italy)<br />

Finger, W. (Germany)<br />

Frankenberger, R. (Germany)<br />

Fuzzi, M. (Italy)<br />

Glantz, P.-O. (Sweden)<br />

Heintze, S. (Liechtenstein)<br />

Hickel, R. (Germany)<br />

Jacobsen, T. (Sweden)<br />

Jahn, K.-R. (Germany)<br />

Janda, R. (Germany)<br />

Kern, M. (Germany)<br />

Kreulen, C. (Netherlands)<br />

Kugel, G. (USA)<br />

Kulmer, S. (Austria)<br />

Kunzelmann, K.-H. (Germany)<br />

Lambrechts, P. (Belgium)<br />

Liebenberg, W. H. (Canada)<br />

Lynch E. (Irland)<br />

Macorra de la, J.C. (Spain)<br />

Matsumura, H. (Japan)<br />

Mehl, A. (Germany)<br />

Momoi, Y. (Japan)<br />

Munksgaard, Ch. (Denmark)<br />

Nakabayashi, N. (Japan)<br />

Navarro, F. (Brazil)<br />

Nikaido, T. (Japan)<br />

Noack, M.J. (Germany)<br />

Özcan, M. (Netherlands)<br />

Pashley, D. H. (USA)<br />

Paul, S. J. (Switzerland)<br />

Perdigao, J. (USA)<br />

Peutzfeld, A. (Denmark)<br />

Powers, J. M. (USA)<br />

Prati, C. (Italy)<br />

Qvist, V. (Denmark)<br />

Ruse, D. (Canada)<br />

Salz, U. (Liechtenstein)<br />

Samama, Y. (France)<br />

Sano, H. (Japan)<br />

Schultz, J. (France)<br />

Senda A. (Japan)<br />

Simonsen, R.J. (USA)<br />

Söderholm, K.-J. (USA)<br />

Spreafico, R. (Italy)<br />

Städtler, P. (Austria)<br />

Suzuki, S. (USA)<br />

Tay, F. (China)<br />

Thompson, V. P. (USA)<br />

Toreskog, S. (Sweden)<br />

Triolo, P. T. (USA)<br />

Tyas, M. J. (Australia)<br />

Vallittu, P. (Finland)<br />

Van Noort, R. (United Kingdom)<br />

Vargas, M. (USA)<br />

Watson, T. (United Kingdom)<br />

Wilson, N. H. F. (United Kingdom)<br />

Statistical Consultant<br />

Fischer T. H. (Germany)<br />

Hopfenmüller, W. (Germany)<br />

ISSN 1461-5185<br />

Prof. Bart Van Meerbeek<br />

Catholic University of Leuven<br />

Department of Conservative Dentistry<br />

Kapucijnenvoer 7<br />

B-3000 Leuven, Belgium<br />

Tel: ++32 16 337587<br />

Fax: ++32 16 332752<br />

E-mail: Bart.Vanmeerbeek@<br />

med.kuleuven.ac.be<br />

The Journal of Adhesive Dentistry publishes scientifically sound articles of interest<br />

to practitioners and researchers in the field of adhesion to hard and soft dental<br />

tissues. Included are clinical and basic science research reports based on original<br />

research in adhesive dentistry and related subjects, review articles on topics<br />

related to adhesive dentistry, as well as invited focus articles with commentaries.<br />

The Journal of Adhesive Dentistry is Indexed in Science Citation Index Expanded,<br />

ISI Alerting Services, and Current Contents/Clinical Medicine.<br />

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