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<strong>KOPY</strong> <strong>GOLDFIELDS</strong> <strong>AB</strong> <br />

Growing gold explora;on company in gold rich Lena Goldfields in Russia <br />

<strong>Redeye</strong> Seminar, March 20, 2013 <br />

NASDAQ OMX First North: <strong>KOPY</strong>

Disclaimer -­‐ Forward looking statement <br />

Forward Looking Informaon <br />

• This presentaon is for informaonal purposes only and may not be reproduced or distributed to any other person or published, in whole or in part, for any purpose. The informaon contained in this Presentaon is regarded as being <br />

strictly confidenal and shall remain the exclusive property of Kopy Goldfields <strong>AB</strong> (“Company”). Readers are not permiUed to disclose the contents of this Presentaon to any other person without the Company’s prior wriUen <br />

approval. This presentaon does not constute an offer to sell or a solicitaon of an offer to buy any securies of the Company and should not be relied on in connecon with a decision to purchase or subscribe for any such securies. <br />

There are no securies being offered by this presentaon in any jurisdicon. This presentaon contains “forward looking informaon” which may include, but is not limited to, statements with respect to the future financial and <br />

operang performance of the Company, its subsidiaries and affiliated companies, and its mineral projects, the future price of gold, the esmaon of mineral reserves and resources, the realizaon of mineral resource esmates, costs <br />

of producon, capital and exploraon expenditures, costs and ming of the development of new deposits, costs and ming of future exploraon, requirements for addional capital, governmental regulaon of mining operaons and <br />

exploraon operaons, ming and receipt of approvals, licenses, environmental risks, tle disputes or claims, limitaons of insurance coverage and the ming and possible outcome of pending regulatory maUers. O\en, but not <br />

always, forward looking statements can be idenfied by the use of words such as “plans”, “expects”, “is expected”, “budget”, “scheduled”, “esmates”, “forecasts”, “intends”, “ancipates”, or “believes” or variaons (including <br />

negave variaons) of such words and phrases, or state that certain acons, events or results “may”, “could”, “would”, “might” or “will” be taken, occur or be achieved. Forward looking statements involve known and unknown risks, <br />

uncertaines and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company and/or its subsidiaries and/or its affiliated companies to be materially different from any future results, performance <br />

or achievements expressed or implied by the forward looking statements. Such factors include, among others, general business, economic, compeve, polical and social uncertaines; the actual results of current exploraon, mining <br />

and metallurgical acvies; conclusions of economic evaluaons and studies; fluctuaons in the value of the United States dollar relave to the Swedish Kronas and Russian Rubles; changes in project parameters as plans connue to <br />

be refined; future prices of gold; possible variaons of grade or recovery rates: failure of plant, equipment or processes to operate as ancipated; accidents, labor disputes and other risks of the mining industry; polical instability, <br />

insurrecon or war; delays in obtaining governmental approvals or financing or in the compleon of development or construcon acvies. There may be other factors that cause acons, events or results to differ from those <br />

ancipated, esmated or intended. Forward looking statements contained herein are made as of the date of this presentaon and the Company disclaims any obligaon to update any forward looking statements, whether as a result <br />

of new informaon, future events or results or otherwise. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward looking statements due to the inherent uncertainty therein. Except as otherwise expressly required by <br />

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the Company. The informaon and opinion contained in this presentaon are made of the date of this presentaon and are subject to change without noce. <br />

Naonal Instrument NI 43 101 or JORC <br />

• This presentaon is not NI 43 101 or JORC compliant. The economic analysis contained in this presentaon is based Russian C1 to P2 reserves and resources. Investors should be parcularly cauous in relying on P1 and P2 resources. <br />

P1 and P2 resources are considered too geologically speculave to have mining and economic consideraons applied to them and to be categorized as mineral reserves. There is no certainty that the reserves development, producon <br />

and economic forecasts on which the preliminary assessment is based will be realized.. The terms “measured mineral resource”, “indicated mineral resource” and “inferred mineral resource” are Australian mining terms as defined in <br />

accordance with The Code for Reporng of Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves (the "JORC Code") as published by the Australian Joint Ore Reserves CommiUee and are compliant with Australian securies laws. These definions differ <br />

from the definions in Industry Guide 7 (“Industry Guide 7”) under the U.S. Securies Act. Under Industry Guide 7 standards, a “final” or “bankable” feasibility study is required to report reserves, a three year historical average price is <br />

used in any reserve or cash flow analysis to designate reserves and the primary environmental analysis or report must be filed with the appropriate governmental authority. In addion, the terms “mineral resource”, “measured <br />

mineral resource”, “indicated mineral resource” and “inferred mineral resource” are defined in and required to be disclosed by the JORC Code; however, these terms are not defined terms under Industry Guide 7 and are normally not <br />

permiUed to be used in reports filed with the United States Securies and Exchange Commission (“SEC”). Investors are cauoned not to assume that any part or all of mineral deposits in these categories will ever be converted into <br />

reserves. “Inferred mineral resources” have a great amount of uncertainty as to their existence, and great uncertainty as to their economic and legal feasibility. It cannot be assumed that all or any part of an inferred mineral resource <br />

will ever be upgraded to a higher category. Under the Australian rules, esmates of inferred mineral resources may not form the basis of feasibility or pre feasibility studies, except in rare cases. Investors are cauoned not to assume <br />

that all or any part of an inferred mineral resource exists or is economically or legally mineable. Disclosure of “contained kilo tones” in a resource is permiUed disclosure under Australian regulaons; however, the SEC normally only <br />

permits issuers to report Mineralizaon that does not constute “reserves” by SEC standards as in place tonnage and grade without reference to unit measures. <br />

U.S. Securies Law Disclaimer <br />

• Our securies have not been and will not be registered under the United States Securies Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securies Act"), or the securies laws of any state of the United States and, subject to certain excepons, may <br />

not be offered or sold within the United States. Investors resident in the United States will be required to acknowledge that the securies are "restricted securies" within the meaning of Rule 144, and that if in the future an investor <br />

decides to offer, resell, pledge or otherwise transfer any of the securies, it may do so only (a) to the Corporaon; (b) outside the United States in accordance with Rule 904 of Regulaon S under the Securies Act and in compliance <br />

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informaon made public by U.S. companies subject to the reporng and disclosure requirements under the United States federal securies laws and the rules and regulaons there under the Securies Act or any applicable state <br />

securies laws of the United States. <br />

Currency <br />

• Unless otherwise indicated, all dollar values herein are in US Dollars. <br />

NASDAQ OMX First North: <strong>KOPY</strong>

Growing gold explora;on company <br />

• Founded in 2007 to explore gold deposits in <br />

Russia <br />

• 15 gold exploraon properes with mulple <br />

targets covering 2,338 km 2 (233,800 ha) <br />

license area within Lena Goldfields, Irkutsk <br />

region, Russia <br />

• 1.4 Moz JORC bedrock gold resources within Krasny and Kopylovskoye <br />

deposits. Addional Russian historic C2&P1,P2 resources within other <br />

properes <br />

• Eldorado Gold Corporaon -­‐ 29% shareholder <br />

• 45 MUSD invested in exploraon, acquisions and fixed assets since 2007 <br />

• 63 MSEK Market Cap and 4,100 shareholders <br />

• Listed on NASDAQ OMX First North, Sweden (cker <strong>KOPY</strong>)

Lena Goldfield – Unique gold explora;on poten;al <br />

§ Irkutsk region – 530 kOz gold produced in 2011, 70% <br />

alluvial <br />

§ Sukhoy Log deposit (60Moz) – state owned, called for <br />

privazaon <br />

§ Vysochayshy (3 Moz), Verninskoye (5.8 Moz) – under <br />

producon <br />

District Oz Au Produced + Resources Deposit Size <br />

Witwatersrand, S. Africa Largest District + 300M oz 1 -­‐ 20 M oz <br />

Lena Goldfields, Bodaibo +100M oz 100k to 30M oz <br />

Carlin, Nevada +100M oz 100k to ~20M oz <br />

Timmins, Canada ~ 100M oz 100k to ~20M oz <br />

Kalgoorlie, Australia + 100M oz 100k to 50M oz <br />

California +100 M oz Highly variable <br />

NASDAQ OMX First North: <strong>KOPY</strong>

We look for bedrock sources of placer gold <br />

We explore here <br />

Krasny mountain <br />

Logs from 19 th century underground alluvial mining <br />

Alluvial mining around Krasny project <br />

NASDAQ OMX First North: <strong>KOPY</strong>

Russia -­‐ Favorable mining and tax regime <br />

• Favorable taxaon: <br />

– 6 % royalty <br />

– 20 % profit tax <br />

– 13 % flat personnel income tax <br />

• Gold is not “strategic mineral” in Russia: <br />

– 2011 -­‐ 52 % of gold is produced by internaonal <br />

companies <br />

– Top 5 gold producers in Russia: Polyus Gold Int (#1) – <br />

registered in Jersey; Petropavlovsk (#2) – UK; Kinross <br />

Gold (#3) -­‐ Canada, Polimetal (#4) – Jersey; NordGold <br />

(#5) – The Netherlands <br />

• 8-­‐12 months to get producon permits <br />

• 400-­‐500 USD/oz producon cash cost for peers <br />

within the Lena Goldfields <br />

• Qualified and loyal personnel <br />

• Strong support from local authories – Gold mining <br />

is the ONLY industry in Lena Goldfields and crucial <br />

for local employment <br />


Eldorado Gold -­‐ experience and financial stability <br />

• Major owner in Kopy Goldfields with 29% <br />

• Invested 17 MSEK @10 SEK/share + 12 MSEK@12 <br />

SEK/share (at market share price ~7SEK) <br />

• Fast growing mid er Canadian gold producer <br />

listed in Canada, USA and Australia <br />

• Eldorado Gold: <br />

– Market cap – 7 Billion USD <br />

– Producon > 650 kOz/year (at less than 480 USD/Oz) <br />

– 8 mines in operaon: Brazil (1), Turkey (2), China (3), <br />

Greece (2) and several under construcon and <br />

development (China, Greece, Romania) <br />

– 47 MOz gold resources <br />

– 2013 exploraon budget – 99 MUSD <br />

– In December 2011 made acquision of European <br />

Goldfields for 2.5 Billion CAD <br />

– Shareholder in Nordic Mines <br />

• Eldorado is represented by two people on the <br />

Technical CommiUee to evaluate and advise on <br />

exploraon plans, development and acquisions <br />


Krasny project – flag asset of Kopy Goldfields in 2012 <br />

• Ini;al resource es;ma;on – 1.28 Moz Inferred resources JORC (November 23, <br />

2012) for open pit mining <br />

• Mineralizaon is confirmed for 1650 m strike and open along strike and to depth. <br />

Current resource esmaon covers 1300 m along strike. Total strike is possible <br />

for 4 km based on historic geophysical data, recent drilling and area geology (all <br />

extensions are within Krasny license) <br />

• Most significant drill gold intersecons: 38m@3.3g/t (hole#141401), <br />

40m@2.38g/t + 22.4m@1.24g/t (#141413), 43m@2.82g/t + 31m@2.81g/t <br />

(#141419), 23.5m@2.25g/t (#141416), 23.6m@5.28g/t (#141424), 13m@1.79g/t <br />

(#141404), 79m@1.86g/t (#141420). <br />

• Mineralizaon is coming close to surface and outcropping in the Center (Upper <br />

structure) and on the West flank (Lower structure) <br />

• Processing tests results: gravitaon (77% recovery) + flotaon (extra 17%) <br />

• License valid for bedrock gold prospecng, exploraon and producon unl 2035 <br />

with potenal extension. Historic Russian C2+P1 resources of 650kOz@2.67g/t <br />

• Exploraon 2011 -­‐2012: 7 km ground geophysics (IP, Magnec, Resisvity); <br />

1,161m of channel sampling ; 12,803 meters core drilling and assay; Mineralogy <br />

study; Metallurgy preliminary study; Topographic survey 1;2000 scale <br />

NASDAQ OMX First North: <strong>KOPY</strong>

Krasny plan view – 1,650 m strike confirmed <br />

1300 m <br />

16 <br />

1645 m <br />

22 <br />

26 27 <br />

28 32 <br />

35 <br />

31 <br />

45 <br />

1300 m <br />

Total license area-­‐ 31 km2 <br />

NASDAQ OMX First North: <strong>KOPY</strong>

Ресурсы и качество руд месторождения<br />

в зависимости от бортового содержания,<br />

ОК<br />

1.28 Moz -­‐ Krasny ini;al resource es;ma;on <br />

Металл,кг<br />

Ресурсы руды, тыс.т<br />

Среднее содерж.,г/т<br />

60000.00<br />

3.00<br />

50000.00<br />

2.50<br />

ресурсы руды (тыс.т) и металл (кг)<br />

40000.00<br />

30000.00<br />

20000.00<br />

10000.00<br />

Cut off <br />

Ore <br />

Average Au <br />

Au (mOz) <br />

(g/t) Million m3 Million tons grade (g/t) (tons) <br />

2.00<br />

0.20 18.6 48.3 0.94 45.21 1.45 <br />

0.40 14.5 37.8 1.10 41.72 1.34 <br />

0.60 10.9 28.5 1.30 37.09 1.19 <br />

0.80 7.9 20.6 1.54 31.64 1.02 <br />

1.00 6.0 15.6 1.74 27.17 0.87 <br />

1.50<br />

1.20 4.5 11.8 1.95 22.99 0.74 <br />

1.40 3.4 9.0 2.16 19.35 0.62 <br />

1.60 2.5 6.6 2.40 15.77 0.51 <br />

1.80 2.0 5.1 2.61 13.25 0.43 <br />

2.00 1.5 3.8 2.85 10.85 0.35 <br />

1.00<br />

0.50<br />

0.00<br />

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4<br />

борт.сод-е, г/т<br />

0.00<br />

NASDAQ OMX First North: <strong>KOPY</strong>

Explora;on poten;al within Krasny license area <br />

Zones of stretching <br />

and cleavage are <br />

Poten;al traps for <br />

Gold mineraliza;on <br />

NASDAQ OMX First North: <strong>KOPY</strong>

Kopylovskoye and Kavkaz: ready for FS <br />

• Kopylovskoye cluster project <br />

– Area 1.5 km 2 . License valid unl 2020. <br />

– June 2011 -­‐ Inial JORC report by SRK <br />

a\er 6.8 km of RC and core drilling. <br />

117kOz inial I&I resources <br />

– Pilot producon plant (100 kt capacity) <br />

– Negoate JV deal <br />

• Kavkaz cluster project <br />

– Area 4.5 km 2 . License valid unl 2015. <br />

Russian historic reserves C1&C2 <br />

33kOz@9g/t + resources P1 80kOz <br />

– In 2011 drilled 2,550 meters diamond <br />

and RC holes <br />

– Look for JV partner

Recent Acquisi;on: 231 km 2 in February 2012 <br />

• Add 231 km 2 of exploraon properes: <br />

Purpolskaya 150 km 2 + Verkhnyaya Orlovka <br />

81 km 2 <br />

• Roads and other basic infrastructure in place <br />

• Historic exploraon data available <br />

• Purpolskaya license: <br />

– Borders Chertovo Koryto 3 MOz @1,84 g/t M&I <br />

resources owned by Polyus Gold <br />

• Verkhnyaya Orlovka license: <br />

– Borders license of Nord Gold acquired for 10 MUSD <br />

– Borders Karalon-­‐deposit with proven resources <br />

C1+C2 <br />

• Low acquision costs of 1,000 USD and <br />

beneficial license terms <br />

• We plan carrying ground geophysical and <br />

geochemical survey in 2013 <br />

NASDAQ OMX First North: <strong>KOPY</strong>

Recent Acquisi;on: 1,852 km 2 in November 2012 <br />

• November 29, 2012 – won 6 new license <br />

properes in Maly Patom area -­‐ North of Lena <br />

Goldfields: <br />

– Total area – 1,852 km 2 (182,500 ha) <br />

– Total acquision costs – 315 kUSD <br />

– License terms: dra\ licenses for bedrock gold <br />

prospecng, exploraon and producon for 25 <br />

years with potenal extension <br />

• New properes located within the last <br />

unexplored area in the Lena Goldfields – last <br />

prospecng acvies date back to 1970s <br />

• New prospects create blue sky potenal for <br />

Kopy Goldfields as they have geology and rock <br />

similar to Sukhoy Log and carry strong <br />

possibility to host elephant gold deposits <br />

• License exploraon terms are very beneficial <br />

with 5 years le\ for prospecng <br />

• We intend to commence field exploraon <br />

during 2013 <br />

NASDAQ OMX First North: <strong>KOPY</strong>

Targets for 2013 <br />

• Krasny 2013 – proceed with <br />

further exploraon along strike <br />

to esmate full scope of <br />

mineralizaon by summer 2013 <br />

• Krasny 2013 – test other parallel <br />

structures <br />

• Commence exploraon on the <br />

newly acquired properes <br />

• Finalize JV relaons over <br />

Kopylovskoye and Kavkaz <br />

projects and move into <br />


Devoted and growth oriented shareholders <br />

• Major shareholders <br />

– Eldorado Gold Corp 29 % <br />

– KGK Holding 14 % <br />

– UBS AG Clients account 10 % <br />

– Markus Elsässer 6 % <br />

– Commodity Quest 6 % <br />

– Nordnet Pensionsförsäkring 5 % <br />

– S. Petrov & Shimanova 4 % <br />

– Board and Management (excl Petrov) 2 % <br />

– 4,100 retail investors 26 % <br />

• Total number of shareholders 4,100 <br />

• Total number of outstanding shares 22,851,621 <br />

• Total number of outstanding warrants 3,950,668 <br />

– Whereof Board and Management 728,163 <br />

• Total investments 45 MUSD <br />

• Market Cap (February 21 @ 2.86 SEK/share) 10.4 MUSD <br />

• Ticker -­‐ <strong>KOPY</strong> (NASDAQ OMX First North, Sweden)

Experienced Board and Management <br />

Kjell Carlsson, Chairman, MSc (Mechanics), former <br />

director from Sandvik Mining and Atlas Copco. <br />

Holding – 64,000 shares (0.3%) <br />

Markku Mäkelä, prof. Geology. Director at EU Fund <br />

for Natural Resources, Exploraon Manager at <br />

Outokumpu Co. , Heard of Finnish Geological Survey <br />

Mikhail Damrin, CEO Kopy Goldfields , MSc, <br />

MBA. Former top manager from Central Asia <br />

Gold and West Sibirien Resources. Holding – <br />

91,085 shares (0.4%), 230,224 warrants <br />

Tim Carlsson, Ms Business, CFO, former auditor <br />

at KPMG. Holding – 21,000 shares (0.1%), <br />

112,606 warrants <br />

Johan Österling, lawyer, former partner Foyen Law <br />

Firm. Holding – 200,000 shares (0.9%), 25,000 <br />

warrants <br />

Alexander Vamboldt,CEO Kopylovsky OOO and <br />

Producon Director, MSc Mining Engineer <br />

Holding – 108,606 warrants <br />

Sergey Petrov, MSc (Physics), investment banker <br />

from Moscow. Holding – 426,554 shares (1.9%) <br />

Evgeny Boshkov, Chief geologist, PhD geology, <br />

Long experience from exploraon in Africa and <br />

Russia <br />

Holding – 108,606 warrants <br />

Andreas Forssell, Ms Business, CEO Crown Energy. <br />

CEO of Tomsk Refining. Experience from <br />

development in Russia <br />

NASDAQ OMX First North: <strong>KOPY</strong>

Ques;ons <br />

Kopy Goldfields <strong>AB</strong> <br />

Skeppargatan 27, 4th floor, 114 52 Stockholm, Sweden <br />

Mikhail Damrin, CEO, mikhail.damrin@kopygoldfields.com <br />

Tim Carlsson, CFO, ;m.carlsson@kopygoldfields.com <br />

NASDAQ OMX First North: <strong>KOPY</strong>

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