environmental sciences research institute - University of Ulster

environmental sciences research institute - University of Ulster

environmental sciences research institute - University of Ulster


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archaeological and palaeogeographical studies have established that, since the last Ice Age, significant sea-level rise<br />

has submerged ancient European and North American coastlines. Important technological developments in marine<br />

geophysics and geodynamic modelling have, for the first time, created an opportunity to predict, locate and precisely<br />

map the locations <strong>of</strong> these ancient coastlines.<br />

http://www.science.ulster.ac.uk/cma/slan/<br />


• Colin Breen and Thomas McErlean have been admitted as Fellows <strong>of</strong> the Society <strong>of</strong> Antiquaries (FSA) <strong>of</strong> London.<br />

The Society’s 2,500 Fellows include many distinguished archaeologists and art and architectural historians holding<br />

positions <strong>of</strong> responsibility across the cultural heritage. The Fellowship is international in its reach and its interests are<br />

inclusive <strong>of</strong> all aspects <strong>of</strong> the material past.<br />

• Rory Quinn was awarded a two-year Coracle Fellowship with Memorial <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Newfoundland (Canada)<br />

to enhance and share technological knowledge about mapping and interpreting submerged archaeological sites <strong>of</strong>f the<br />

coasts <strong>of</strong> Newfoundland and Ireland.<br />

• A special issue <strong>of</strong> the journal Historical Archaeology on ‘Maritime Archaeology in Ireland’ edited by Brian<br />

Williams was published in 2007. The 2007 fall issue (Volume 43, No. 3) is resultant from a session on Irish maritime<br />

archaeology at the SHA conference in Quebec in 2000, and includes seven full-length papers from the CMA.<br />

• In 2007, the Journal <strong>of</strong> Archaeological Science released a series <strong>of</strong> three virtual issues which bring together<br />

articles from ‘hot topics’ in the area (DNA/Environmental History/Shipwrecks and Harbours). The special issues on<br />

‘Shipwrecks and Harbours’ contains 24 feature articles from the mid-1980s to present, with three full length papers<br />

from the CMA.<br />

<br />


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