CHAPTER 1 - Border Roads Organisation

CHAPTER 1 - Border Roads Organisation

CHAPTER 1 - Border Roads Organisation


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4. Inspite of clear policies laid down on the disciplinary powers by the various authorities<br />

in GREF, there appears to be doubt regarding exercising of the powers of the OCs by the Task<br />

Force Commanders under Army Act. The Task Force Commanders can only exercise<br />

disciplinary powers in respect of personnel of their own HQs. They have no jurisdiction<br />

whatever the case may be to try a person under Army Act, of a Unit/Estt which is an<br />

independent establishment authorised /sanctioned, unless and otherwise such persons have been<br />

attached with HQ Task Force for disciplinary purpose by the competent authorities as contained<br />

in HQ DGBR letter No. 695460(P)/DGBR/E1E dated 26 Nov 80 and AI 106/60 and 153/69.<br />

5. The case has been discussed with the JAG Deptt and it has been clarified that the powers<br />

of OC units as defined in sub sec (v) of Sec 3 of the Army Act, 1950, are to be exercised by OC<br />

RCCs and other equal independent units and not by the Task Force Commanders in the normal<br />

course. Whenever for administrative or disciplinary reasons, it is desired/essential that the<br />

individual be tried by the Task Force Commander, then such a person should be attached to HQ<br />

TF for disciplinary purpose by issue of a specific order before initiating the disciplinary action.<br />

This may please be brought to the notice of all Task Force Commanders, and Unit Commanders<br />

to ensure that the cases are dealt with by officers having legal jurisdiction and do not in any way<br />

lead to miscarriage of justice.<br />

6. Vide Para 4 of Dte letter No.70511/DGBR/E2A(T&C) dated 21 Feb 77, it has been<br />

clearly stated that officiating incumbents are not competent to exercise the powers of appointing<br />

authority and hence they do not enjoy the disciplinary powers under CCS (CC&A) Rules 1965.<br />

Hence initiation of any proceedings including suspension by the officiating incumbents become<br />

illegal nullify the entire proceedings for want of jurisdiction. Tn this connection, please refer to<br />

Govt of India, Notification No. F 18(16)/1969 Rectt dated 15 Mar 73 as amended/superseded<br />

vide BRDB Order No. BRDB/13(53)/99-GE-II dt 16 May 2000 read in conjunction with<br />

schedule to CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965. which lays down the disciplinary powers vested in various<br />

authorities while exercising disciplinary powers. As per the delegation of disciplinary Powers<br />

made vide above referred notification, a Task Force Commander of the rank of Col/SE is<br />

competent to impose only minor penalty on Gp „C‟ and „D‟ employees.<br />

7. The proceedings of a Court Martial (other than) Summary Court Martial shall after<br />

promulgation, forwarded to the CE (P) concerned for further action.<br />

8. Summary Court Martial proceedings after having been countersigned by the competent<br />

authority be forwarded to GREF Records office as per Army Rule 146(2) for further action.<br />

9. Since no time limit has been laid down for submission of an appeal against the sentence<br />

awarded by court martial and until AA Sec 164 is suitably amended to provide a statutory time<br />

limit for the exercise of the right of the appeal preferred under the aforesaid AA Section, an<br />

extract from the Summary Court Martial proceedings (IAFD-904) such of conviction by court<br />

martial alongwith the following additional details attested by the Record Office will be<br />

maintained by the record office before these proceedings are destroyed with reference to Army<br />

Rules 146(2) :-<br />

(a)<br />

Plea of the accused<br />


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