CHAPTER 1 - Border Roads Organisation

CHAPTER 1 - Border Roads Organisation

CHAPTER 1 - Border Roads Organisation


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<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 1



1. The basic duties of the Officer-In-Charge are given in orders and instructions laid down<br />

by HQ DGBR from time to time.<br />

2. The role of Record Office is summarised below:-<br />

(a)<br />

Maintenance of records of GREF Subordinates.<br />

(b) Under instructions issued from <strong>Border</strong> <strong>Roads</strong> <strong>Organisation</strong>, administration of the<br />

personnel, other than officers of the <strong>Border</strong> <strong>Roads</strong> <strong>Organisation</strong> whose records are<br />

maintained as regards posting, promotion etc.<br />

(c) To keep an upto date records of GREF subordinates of <strong>Border</strong> <strong>Roads</strong><br />

<strong>Organisation</strong> in accordance with current instructions.<br />

(d) To carry out duties as laid down from time to time in connection with pay and<br />

allowances.<br />

(e)<br />

(f)<br />

Issue of medals to entitled personnel<br />

Control of Part II Orders received from the Units.<br />

(g) Issue of internal instructions for guidance of staff employed in the Record Office<br />

and issue of Record Office Instructions to Units.<br />

(h)<br />

(j)<br />

(k)<br />

Disposal of petitions from Ex-GREF personnel.<br />

Allotment of GREF No immediately on recruitment.<br />

Maintenance of Long Roll.<br />

(l) Maintenance of electoral rolls and disposal of ballot papers received from the<br />

Chief Electoral Officer or the Returning Officer.<br />

(m) To maintain close liaison with the PAO(GREF) and ensure expeditious final<br />

settlement of accounts timely.<br />

1<br />



(n) Watch receipt of basic documents from the GREF Centre and expedite the<br />

authorities concerned in case of undue delay.<br />

(o) Thoroughly scrutinise basic documents on receipt from GREF Centre. In case of<br />

discrepancies, action taken to get them rectified in conjunction with the controlling office<br />

or other Competent Authority.<br />

(p) Enter in the Record set of documents and attest all recordable entries pertaining<br />

to personal occurrences published in the unit or Record Office DO Part II.<br />

(q)<br />

Ensure that supporting documents of DO Part II are correctly received.<br />

(r) Raise observations on inaccurate, incomplete and missing DO Part II and<br />

progress rectifications of discrepancies till finally settled.<br />

(s) Prepare and maintain registers and documents required in connection with<br />

promotions, appointments, postings and transfer, courses, electoral rolls, honours and<br />

awards, medals dealt with by the Record Office.<br />

(t) Maintain and keep in safe custody basic and other documents in respect of noneffective<br />

personnel for such periods as are prescribed from time to time.<br />

(u)<br />

Visits to Units of GREF.<br />

Precedence and Authority of Record Office<br />

3. The misunderstanding regarding the duties and responsibilities of Record Office quite<br />

often creates differences of opinion between Record Office and CEs Projects/TF Commanders<br />

particularly regarding postings, promotions and documentation. As a result the smooth and<br />

efficient functioning of the administration of CEs (P)/TFs/Units is thus hampered.<br />

4. To ensure the smooth and efficient administration of the CEs Projects/TFs/Units, it is<br />

imperative for CEs Projects/TFs/Units Commanders to accept and comply with orders,<br />

instructions and circulars issued by the Record Office on record matters without procrastination.<br />

OIC GREF Records is responsible direct to HQ DGBR for all matters connected with Records<br />

and thus functions as the representative of the DGBR. His decisions are final subject only to<br />

they are being reversed on appeal to HQ DGBR on all record matters i.e. Posting, Promotions<br />

and so on.<br />

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Staff of Record Office<br />

5. The Commandant GREF Centre is the ex-officio OIC Records. The Chief Record Officer<br />

is designated as Commanding Officer GREF Records.<br />

(a) Lt Col/ Jt Dir (Adm) - Chief Record Officer/Commanding Officer<br />

(b) Major/SAO - Senior Record Officer<br />

(c) Captain/AO - Record Officer<br />

(d) Subaltern/AAO - Assistant Record Officer<br />

6. Record Office is organised on Groups and Sections basis as under. <strong>Organisation</strong> chart is<br />

at Appendix „A‟.<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

(c)<br />

(d)<br />

Effective Records Group<br />

Coord Adm Group<br />

Non-Effective Records Group<br />

Local Administrative Section<br />

7. Separate letters should be originated for different subjects so that each letter could be<br />

dealt with expeditiously by the appropriate group, section or sub section.<br />

Correspondence to Record Office<br />

8. Correspondence intended for the Record Office will be addressed as under :-<br />

(a) In letters - Record Office „GREF‟<br />

Dighi Camp<br />

Pune-411015<br />

(b) In Telegram - GREF Records, Pune<br />

(c) Email -<br />

9. Units will indicate group and section for whom the particular letter is intended for. List<br />

of subjects being dealt with by each Group/Section is given at Appendix „B‟.<br />

10. It has been seen that the letters on record matters are addressed to GREF Centre which is<br />

incorrect and thus delays the disposal of such letters. Therefore, it is to be ensured that the letters<br />

are correctly addressed.<br />



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Visit by Unit Representatives<br />

11. Intimation of visits by the CEs, TF Commander and OsC Units or his representatives to<br />

the Record Office to settle accumulated important problems which have not been or cannot be<br />

solved satisfactorily by correspondence, may be given well in advance to the Record Office.<br />

12. The personnel coming to GREF Records/PAO GREF on temporary duty should be given<br />

Movement Orders for GREF Centre. In no case they will be given Movement Orders for<br />

PAO(GREF).<br />

Pay Accounts Office<br />

Introduction<br />

13. At present IRLAs of all Supvrs and ORs are maintained by PAO (GREF),<br />

Pune- 411015.<br />

14. The role of the PAO (GREF), Pune-15 is summarised below :-<br />

(a) Maintenance and safe custody of individual ledger accounts of effective as well<br />

as non-effective personnel.<br />

(b) Adjustment of pay and allowances in the IRLAs on the authority of Daily Orders<br />

Part II , acquittance rolls and other credit or debit vouchers.<br />

(c)<br />

(d)<br />

Adjustment of miscellaneous claims submitted by the Record Office or units.<br />

Pre-audit of service gratuity claims, authorisation of their payment.<br />

(e) Reporting of real debit balance cases to the unit of the individuals as well as to<br />

the Records Office.<br />

(f) Submission of quarterly statement of accounts in respect of every effective<br />

individual and disposal of observations made thereon.<br />

(g)<br />

Finalisation of accounts and signing of Last Pay Certificate.<br />

(h) Advising the Record Office on matters affecting pay and allowances of<br />

personnel.<br />

(j) Maintenance of GREF Personnel Provident Fund Accounts of Supvrs and OR<br />

authorising temporary advances, final withdrawals and final settlement thereof at the<br />

time of retirement, discharge and death.<br />

(k)<br />

Recovering Income Tax and transferring it to the Govt of India Account.<br />



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Correspondence with PAO (GREF)<br />

15. All correspondence pertaining the matters mentioned in Para 14 above will be addressed<br />

by units direct to PAO (GREF), Pune and not through the Record Office for final settlement of<br />

accounts.<br />

16. The correct form of address of PAO (GREF) is as under :-<br />

In letters In telegrams Email<br />

PAO (GREF)<br />

Adm Block, 2nd Floor<br />

GREF Centre<br />

Dighi Camp<br />

Pune-411015<br />

PAO (GREF)<br />

Pune-15<br />

17. Correspondence on queries to the PAO (GREF) should be fully supported by facts and<br />

references. Reference of hypothetical cases will be avoided. While referring individual cases<br />

even if previous correspondence have been exchanged, the full particulars, i.e., GS No, Rank,<br />

Name and previous unit if necessary should invariably be furnished to facilitate PAO (GREF) to<br />

trace out the case. Procedure to be adopted by units while making observations to PAO (GREF)<br />

as per instructions given by PAO „GREF‟ from time to time.<br />



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<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 2<br />




Introduction<br />

1. The payment of all personnel of <strong>Border</strong> <strong>Roads</strong> <strong>Organisation</strong> is made from Imprest<br />

Accounts maintained by units. The individual running ledger account (IRLA) in respect of all<br />

personnel is maintained unit-wise by the PAO (GREF).<br />

Responsibility of Paying Officer<br />

2. (a) Disbursing Officers are personally responsible for any breach of orders regarding<br />

payment of advances. Officers making irregular payments are liable for disciplinary<br />

action apart from being called upon to make good the amount, if any, which may prove<br />

irrecoverable. PAO have issued instructions to report selected cases to CEs/Cdrs, units or<br />

higher authorities on receipt of these reports. The authority concerned will take prompt<br />

action to investigate the case thoroughly and pin point the responsibility with a view to<br />

take suitable disciplinary action.<br />

(b) QSA will be the only legal authority for all payments to GREF personnel, based<br />

on IRLA. Making payments which will result in the QSA going into debit balance will<br />

be considered as a lapse and the officer making such payments will be held personally<br />

responsible and will be liable for punishment as awarded by the competent authority.<br />

(c) Cash payment to individuals are made from imprest on Acquittance Rolls (IAFF-<br />

1114), comprehensive instructions for the preparation and disposal of Acquittance Rolls<br />

are printed on the cover of the Acquittance Roll Pad.<br />

Quarterly Statement of Accounts<br />

3. (a) Quarterly statement of accounts of personnel are forwarded regularly by the PAO<br />

(GREF) to the individuals through their units as on 28 or 29 Feb, 31 May, 31 Aug and 30<br />

Nov. The statements give a clear picture of the state of accounts of individuals and their<br />

entitlements. Observation from personnel are also looked into promptly by the PAO<br />

(GREF) also available on BRO site of PAO – www.paogref.org.<br />

(b) In case the individual is posted out to another unit, a nominal roll in respect of<br />

such individuals, indicating the unit to which posted will be submitted to PAO (GREF)<br />

and the statement of accounts forwarded to the new unit by the old unit direct under<br />

information to PAO (GREF). Units should watch receipt of quarterly statement of<br />

accounts in respect of newly posted personnel from their old units. This would be in the<br />

interest of personnel and also help in reducing avoidable complaints between units and<br />

PAO (GREF).<br />

6<br />


Action by Unit on Statements of Account<br />


4. Immediately on receipt of the quarterly statement of accounts from PAO (GREF), the<br />

following action will be taken by the unit :-<br />

(a) The entitlements of the individuals shown in pay book will be compared with<br />

those shown in the statement.<br />

(b) The statement should be checked with the previous one, pay book items (serial<br />

number) which have not been accounted for, excess recoveries/short adjustment of any<br />

nature, should be intimated to the PAO.<br />

(c) The statement will be thoroughly scrutinised and the missing credits/<br />

unauthorised credits/missing debits will be brought to the notice of the PAO.<br />

(d) A rubber stamp as per specimen given below will then be affixed in the Pay book<br />

after the last entry in the cash payment folio of the personal book and completed with the<br />

help of the information available from the statement of account.<br />

Bal Credit/Debit for Q/E _______________Rs ____________<br />

PB Srl No _____________ adjusted.<br />

(e) Credit/Debit balance reflected in the QSA will be entered in the Unit IRLA<br />

Register against every individual and payments regulated accordingly. In case of heavy<br />

debit balance, payments will be strictly regulated till debit is liquidated.<br />

(f)<br />

It will be ensured that the subsequent payments are regulated accordingly.<br />

Observations on the Statement of Accounts<br />

5. (a) Observation, if any, on statement of accounts will be forwarded to Pay Accounts<br />

Office (GREF) within one month on receipt of the statement, otherwise it will be taken<br />

as correct one and the individual is satisfied with his account. In exceptional cases,<br />

where men are unable to raise queries on account of being away from the unit on leave,<br />

duty or in hospital, PAO will be informed of the same.<br />

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(b) The following procedure will be adhered to, for submission of observation :-<br />

(i) Observation will be submitted to PAO (GREF) only after a preliminary<br />

check of the observations raised by individuals by an officer of the unit from the<br />

available documents.<br />

(ii) Each item of observation will be clearly shown and duly supported by<br />

relevant authority, number and date of Part II order.<br />

(iii) The last Part II Order adjusted is quoted in PAO (GREF) letter<br />

accompanying the statement of accounts.<br />

(iv) Statement of accounts will not be returned to PAO (GREF) with<br />

observations.<br />

(c)<br />

In case of any discrepancy between the figures of the IRLA Register and QSA,<br />

the same will be progressed as follows:<br />

(i) The discrepancy is addressed to Dy CDA/PAO (GREF) Pune with a copy<br />

to Jt CDA (BR), Seema Sadak Bhawan, Ring Road, Delhi Cantt, New Delhi-10<br />

for redressal.<br />

(ii) In case no remedial action is taken by PAO (GREF) within 40 days of the<br />

complaint, the matter may be reported to CDA (BR), Seema Sadak Bhawan, Ring<br />

Road, Delhi Cantt, New Delhi-10, under intimation to DDG (Pers) HQ DGBR.<br />

Monthly Regular Payments<br />

6. Monthly Payments should, as a rule, be limited to the entitlement as recorded in the<br />

Personal Book i.e. pay and allowances minus amount of FRMO, contribution towards General<br />

Provident Fund, PLI, other penal deductions awarded, recoveries due to loss statement and<br />

hospital stoppages and so on. Paying Officers are personally responsible to ensure that all<br />

payments are strictly made within the authorised entitlements. Cash payments are normally<br />

made once in a month only.<br />

Debit Cases<br />

7. Payments will immediately be restricted until the debit is fully liquidated.<br />

Payments of Credit Balance<br />

8. (a) Credit balance shown in quarterly statement of account may be paid after<br />

deducting the payments already received by the individuals but not accounted for in the<br />

statements.<br />

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(b) At the time of dispatch, a Supvr/OR, if he has to proceed to another station to join<br />

his unit or centre may be paid second advance, if absolutely necessary, to the minimum<br />

extent, not exceeding the net entitlement of pay and allowances which had accrued for<br />

one month, after deducting the advance, if any paid during the month and taking into<br />

account the debit balance, if any, as reflected by the latest statement of accounts or the<br />

entry in the pay book. Payment of second advance should not normally be made in cases<br />

where admission into and discharge from hospital take place in the same month.<br />

(c) To avoid possibility of erroneous payments, units will ensure that :<br />

(i)<br />

Each claim is preferred in original and once only.<br />

Time barred Claims<br />

(ii) Personal occurrences in respect of allowances which are required to be<br />

claimed on contingent bill are not published in Part II Orders.<br />

9. Personal occurrences pertaining to pay and allowances and claims for allowances for<br />

period more than 12 months antecedent to the date of claim can only be entertained if duly<br />

supported by time waiving certificate of the competent financial authority (CFA).<br />

Cases requiring Audit Ruling<br />

10. The PAO is Pre-clude from giving decision on hypothetical cases wherein specific<br />

instances and difficulties experienced in applying rules and regulations, concerned are not stated.<br />

Therefore while requesting the PAO, for a decision the following requirements should be<br />

fulfilled :-<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

(c)<br />

(d)<br />

Number, rank, name and unit of the individual should be stated.<br />

The exact point of doubt must be specified.<br />

Any known relevant orders which cause doubt will be quoted.<br />

The views of the forwarding authority must accompany.<br />

9<br />



Main causes of Debtor Balance<br />

11. The following are the main cause which lead to debtor balance in the individuals<br />

accounts :-<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

(c)<br />

Payment of heavy cash advance in excess of monthly entitlement.<br />

Leave advance being paid in excess of amount authorised.<br />

Paying of credit balance in excess of amount shown in statement of accounts.<br />

(d) Credit or debit balance shown in the quarterly statements are not entered in the<br />

GREF personal book.<br />

(e) Continuation of FRMO while individual remains on EOL<br />

Method of liquidation of Debtor Balance<br />

12. The following procedure will be adopted to liquidate the debtor balance in IRLA :-<br />

(a) Payment of advance to personnel should be made against their net entitlements in<br />

arrears during the following month.<br />

(b) Net entitlements due to an individual should be worked out by the paying officer<br />

with reference to the immediately preceding quarterly statements of account and<br />

payment restricted to actual credit so worked out and no excess added.<br />

Regularisation of Over Payments<br />

13. (a) PAO (GREF) will inform unit concerned where individual‟s accounts are running<br />

into debit. Action will be taken by all concerned to restrict payments as per existing<br />

instructions. Officer responsible for making over payment may be required to make good<br />

the loss to the State.<br />

(b)<br />

Overpayment may be mainly ascribed to:-<br />

(i) Erroneous/belated publication of personal occurrences in DO Part II<br />

Orders.<br />

(ii) Erroneous adjustment in IRLAs that may go undetected within 12 months<br />

of their admission in audit.<br />



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Procedure to be followed towards recovery/remission of over payments detected within 12<br />

months from the date of admission<br />

14. The PAO will intimate full details of the case to the unit concerned and the proposed<br />

procedure for affecting the recovery thereof, which will normally be by installments, each<br />

installment not exceeding 1/3 rd of the individual‟s monthly emoluments, under FR Part I,<br />

(Revised Edition, 1963) Rule 183. In case the unit/individual desires to put up an appeal to the<br />

CFA under FR Part I Rule 179, the unit will immediately inform the PAO (GREF) accordingly,<br />

with a request if so desired, to withhold recovery pending disposal of the case/final orders of the<br />

CFA. As per the existing orders, the appeal must be preferred within two months, with a copy to<br />

the PAO. The audit office may, if considers the protest reasonable postpone recovery pending<br />

submission of the appeal.<br />

Existing Orders and Instructions on the Subject<br />

15. As regards Pay and Allowances, responsibilities in brief of the following are as under:-<br />

(a) Individual. To ensure that he receives his correct entitlements of pay and<br />

allowances. If he believes that he is receiving either more or less than his entitlements,<br />

he should immediately make a report to his superior officer.<br />

(b)<br />

CEs/Cdrs/OsC<br />

(i) To ensure that all observations connected with non-adjustment of pay and<br />

allowances published in Part II Orders or claimed otherwise, are addressed<br />

direct to Pay Accounts Office. Copies of such communication will not be<br />

endorsed to the Record Office unless specially called for.<br />

(ii) To check the quarterly statement of accounts received from the Pay<br />

Accounts Office with the GREF personal book and record the credit or debit<br />

balance therein. Future payments will be regulated in accordance with the debit<br />

or credit balance recorded.<br />

(c)<br />

Pay Accounts Office<br />

(i) Adjustment of pay and allowances in the IRLAs on the authority of Part II<br />

Orders, acquittance roll and other credit or debit vouchers.<br />

(ii) Submission of quarterly statement of accounts in respect of every<br />

effective individual and disposal of observations made therein.<br />



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16. OsC units will forward observation on quarterly statement of accounts to the PAO. On<br />

receipt of a reply from the PAO, OC unit will inform the individual of the position.<br />

17. With a view to check rising trend of debit balance, PAO will report all serious cases<br />

involving flagrant violation of rules/orders on the subject to HQ DGBR who will investigate<br />

them promptly and scrupulously on an appropriate level and take disciplinary action where<br />

warranted.<br />

Real Debit Balances<br />

18. A “real debit balance” is the balance which is not covered by authorised payment i.e.,<br />

unauthorised/uncontrolled advance paid by a paying officer in contravention of the existing<br />

provisions. It may also be so, due to non receipt, belated receipt or non-adjustment of Part II<br />

Orders/Payment made on acquittance rolls or FRMO or for any other reasons by the PAO. The<br />

subject matter, therefore, calls for urgent remedial measures to be taken at all levels to wipe out<br />

the present state of “Real debit balance cases” and avert their recurrence.<br />

Debit Balance<br />

19. A debit balance as shown in the quarterly statement of accounts (whether it is “real debit<br />

balance” or due to unauthorised payment made) is debit balance.<br />

Publication of Part II Orders<br />

20. Units will publish Part II Orders within 24 hours of its occurrence and forward the same<br />

to PAO/Record Office within the next 24 hours latest, so that the credit notified in Part II<br />

Orders, on account of authorised advances paid, may be adjusted in IRLAs by the PAO and also<br />

the IRLAs in the case of posting/transfer out could be transferred in the same month by the<br />

ledger clerk to another ledger clerk in the PAO.<br />

21. More than one Part II Order may be published in one day, according to necessities but<br />

the serial number of Part II Order will be different. Complete and correct certificates will be<br />

incorporated in Part II Order otherwise the PAO will not accept the Part II Order for want of<br />

required certificates.<br />

22. There are number of individuals out on temporary duty/attachment. Their IRLAs are<br />

maintained in the PAO with the IRLAs of the parent unit. As such the Part II Orders will be<br />

published by the parent unit.<br />

(References-AO 32/80 and PAO GREF No PAO/GREF/Doc Procedure/038 dt<br />

16 Aug 91)<br />



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Miscellaneous Claims<br />

23. Accounts Officers are attached with all the Projects/TFs/Units and various miscellaneous<br />

claims like TA/DA, Ration allowances, Medical re-imbursement etc are being scrutinised and<br />

passed by their offices. The passed claims are paid to individuals at Project/TF level where cash<br />

assignment is operated through Imprest Accounts maintained by them.<br />

Procedure to settle “real debit balance cases” and Complaints<br />

24. If a “real debit balance case” is found to be due to any Part II Orders or their dues having<br />

not been adjusted or on receipt of a complaint from an individual, the OsC Unit will get the case<br />

investigated and then refer each case separately for each individual to the PAO as under :-<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

Minor cases/Minor complaints in the form of ordinary letter.<br />

Complicated cases-As per proforma circulated by PAO in duplicate.<br />



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1. The advances paid shall in no case exceed the net entitlement of the individual.<br />

Advances in excess of net entitlement can be paid only if covered by special rules/orders viz<br />

authorised advances payable on transfer or leave. Credits covered by Part II Orders granting<br />

allowances, City Compensatory allowances, or on receipt of credit intimation from the PAO.<br />

2. Particular care will be taken to ensure that all standing recoveries like GPF fund<br />

subscription, PLI premium, FRMO, CGEGIS, installments of cycle/festival and other types of<br />

authorised advances (e.g. leave advance, advances of pay book) are taken into account in<br />

working out the net entitlements. Special demands (e.g. TA DA/LTC advance, etc) when<br />

intimated, will also likewise be noted in the pay book to ensure their recovery at the time of<br />

making next payment. Omission to do so is one of the chief factors contributing to the<br />

emergence of debit balance in the account of individuals.<br />

3. The entries in the pay book regarding rates of pay and allowances will be checked with<br />

the quarterly statement of accounts and necessary corrections/addition carried out where<br />

necessary. The entries in the credit/debit portions of Part II of the pay book should be an exact<br />

relics of the entries in the IRLA maintained by the PAO. It will be ensured that debit balances<br />

are noted in the pay book promptly and cash issues restricted in all cases, irrespective of the<br />

amount of debtor balance involved. The unit authorities will :-<br />

(a) Note in the pay book, the credit/debit balance shown in statement of accounts just<br />

beneath the entry of the last cash payment in the following manner :-<br />

Bal Credit/Debit for Q/E ____________Rs ___________<br />

PB Srl No ___________ adjusted .<br />

(b) Keep a suitable note in the pay book of the amount due for recovery to ensure<br />

that recoveries are affected by the paying officer at the time of next payment.<br />

4. No Payment shall be made in anticipation of credits. Where the grant of an allowance is<br />

required to be notified in Part II Orders (e.g. HRA allowances, compensatory allowances, etc.),<br />

the allowance shall not be paid unless and until the grant has actually been notified. However, if<br />

a Part II Order is placed under objection by the PAO for one or the other reason and the fact of<br />

the same has been brought to the notice of the unit, the allowance so objected in audit should not<br />

also be paid till the settlement of the objection. An increase in the rate of pay shall like wise be<br />

paid only after publication of necessary Part II Order and noted in the pay book.<br />



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5. When authorised advance are paid, a clear indication of the nature of the advance will be<br />

given in the relevant acquittance rolls. It must be ensured that these advances are recovered<br />

subsequently in the manner prescribed in the rules.<br />

6. Leave advances will not be paid more than ten days before the commencement of leave<br />

and even then, only after ensuring that the leave is not likely to be cancelled. If the leave is<br />

cancelled, the advance paid will be recovered immediately and credited to the Govt. It will be<br />

the responsibility of the OsC Unit to ensure that this is done.<br />

7. Not more than one payment is made to any one on any one date.<br />

8. Identity of individuals is established with reference to identity card and Pay Book before<br />

making any payment.<br />

9. Advance are strictly within the net entitlements as recorded in pay books and not against<br />

any anticipated credits. In the case of men whose accounts are in debit, the scale of restricted<br />

cash issue will be strictly observed.<br />

10. Advance paid are recorded in pay book serially at the time of payment and that each<br />

entry is signed personally by the paying officer.<br />

11. The total amount paid on each acquittance roll is entered in the appropriate place by the<br />

Paying Officer in his own handwriting, both in words and figures, on the spot, in such a way that<br />

any interpolation becomes impossible.<br />

Acquittance Roll<br />

12. (a) Acquittance rolls will be prepared in duplicate only. Separate acquittance rolls<br />

will be prepared in respect of payments made to individuals belonging to different<br />

Units/Formations. An indication will be made at the top of each acquittance roll of the<br />

unit to which the payees belong.<br />

(b) Payee‟s name will be in block capitals and will be in order of GREF Numbers, as<br />

far as possible.<br />

(c) Personal/GS numbers, ranks and name are correctly recorded in acquittance rolls<br />

and correspond with those in pay books.<br />

15<br />



(d) All literate pers sign their name on acquittance rolls in Hindi or in English and,<br />

failing this, in own vernacular, giving their respective GREF numbers in their own<br />

handwriting underneath their signature. Thumb impressions are permitted, where pers<br />

are not able to sign. Signature in vernacular (to be translated into English) and thumb<br />

impressions are to be attested.<br />

(e) Personnel who are unable to sign their name or put their thumb impression due to<br />

physical incapacity are permitted to put their great toe impression on the acquittance rolls<br />

duly attested by the Paying Officer. In case of physically handicapped individuals, who<br />

are unable to sign or put their thumb/great toe impression, the payment may be made<br />

duly witnessed by two other officers.<br />

(f) An advance of pay on an acquittance roll will not be made to an individual until<br />

he has been allotted GREF number.<br />

(g) Paying Officers will invariably sign in full on each sheet of the acquittance rolls,<br />

as provided for in the form. In addition the name of the paying officer should also be<br />

written in block capitals immediately beneath his signature to facilitate easy reference.<br />

(h) Any alternation/change in the acquittance rolls will be authenticated under the<br />

full signature of the paying officer.<br />

(j) Acquittance rolls are sent to the PAO (GREF) by the first working day following<br />

day of payment.<br />

16<br />




1. Quarterly Statement of Accounts of GREF Personnel are regularly forwarded by PAO<br />

(GREF) to the individuals through their respective units. These accounts reflect the position of<br />

last day of Feb May, Aug and Nov each year and generally reaches in the unit one month<br />

thereafter. The statement gives a clear picture of state of account of individuals and their<br />

entitlements. The procedure contained in succeeding paragraphs be adhered to for settlement of<br />

discrepancies.<br />

2. On receipt of the QSA, the units must check its correctness from IRLA register<br />

maintained by them and note down the discrepancies wherever exist. The following points may<br />

also be kept in view while scrutinising QSA :-<br />

(a) Whether entitlements/deductions like GPF, CGEGIS, Leave, CGHS, Licence fee,<br />

Fest Adv, HBA, Motor Car Adv etc, are correctly reflected.<br />

(b) DO Pt II pertaining to Ist two months of the quarter to which the statement of<br />

accounts pertains are adjusted.<br />

(c) DO Pt II pertaining to last month of previous quarter and not found adjusted in<br />

QSA of the current quarter should be adjusted in subsequent QSA.<br />

(d)<br />

Any omission exists in debiting the amount drawn on Acquittance Roll.<br />

3. The QSA then handed over to the individual concerned and details of discrepancies also<br />

reconciled from them. Thereafter, a consolidated statement of item-wise and individual-wise<br />

discrepancies to be prepared and sent to PAO (GREF) in duplicate for their verification and<br />

adjustment of discrepancies in ensuing QSAs. The discrepancy statement will invariably be<br />

supported by connected documents for ready reference and immediate action by PAO. While<br />

corresponding with PAO, do not forget to quote Group and Task No of PAO‟s office dealing<br />

with IRLA account of concerned Unit/Formation alongwith GO/GS No with check digit.<br />

4. Receipt of one copy of discrepancy statement duly endorsed with remarks by PAO office<br />

be watched and a reminder issued after reasonable interval to expedite it. Whenever the same is<br />

received, the adjustment proposed to be watched in subsequent QSAs.<br />

17<br />



Restricting Payment where IRLA in Debit<br />

5. On receipt of QSAs in the unit, the CREDIT/DEBIT balance shown in statement of<br />

account, be noted in Pay Book of the individual and advances regulated accordingly. Debit<br />

balances as shown in QSAs be noted in Pay Book of individual in RED INK and further<br />

payments restricted/stopped till debit balance is completely liquidated. While making payment<br />

of advances after receipt of statement of accounts, the effect of ACRs/FRMOs payment made<br />

after last ACRs/FRMOs included therein be kept in view.<br />

6. Notification of any casualty effecting credit in DO Pt II namely increment, Promotion,<br />

grant of certain allces, should not be taken as amount available for drawal of advance unless it is<br />

approved by PAO and standard deduction etc. updated by competent authorities based on entries<br />

in QSA.<br />

18<br />



<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 3<br />




Introduction<br />

1. To obviate delay in accounting and indentification, GREF Number was introduced in the<br />

<strong>Organisation</strong>. Every individual recruited in the GREF service is allotted GREF number in<br />

numerical order commencing from 000001 based on recruitment date as per information<br />

submitted by GREF Centre.<br />

AIM<br />

2. The aim of this ROI is to streamline the procedure to be followed by all concerned for<br />

allotment of GREF number to the new appointees.<br />

Procedure<br />

3. Allotment of GREF numbers to the new appointees (GREF subordinates) is made by the<br />

GREF Records (ER Group) in numerical order based on recruitment as per information<br />

submitted by GREF Centre (Rtg Section). The detailed instructions for allotment of GREF<br />

number to the new appointees are as given below :-<br />

(a) As soon as a person is appointed by the Appointing Authority (Commandant<br />

GREF Centre), his particulars are submitted to GREF Records on the format as per<br />

Appendix „C‟ in duplicate. The Record Office returns one copy of the format to the<br />

GREF Centre duly allotted with GREF number followed by suffix letter, strictly as per<br />

numerical order, based on the date of appointment of publication of DO Part II as per<br />

format given in the Manual of Documentation-GREF personnel-1985 as amended.<br />

(b) A register for allotment of GREF Number to the new appointees is maintained by<br />

Record Office as per format at Appendix „D‟<br />

(c) GREF number once allotted will be recorded in individual‟s documents and used<br />

in all official correspondence of the individual. It will be ensured by all concerned that<br />

alphabetic suffix with personal number is recorded in all documents.<br />

4. The procedure for allotment of GREF number in respect of serving GREF personnel on<br />

re-appointment and ex-GREF personnel will be as under :-<br />

(a) SERVING GREF PERSONNEL. On re-appointment, they are allowed to<br />

continue the existing GREF number.<br />

19<br />



(b) EX-GREF PERSONNEL. GREF personnel who are re-appointed even after a<br />

break in service, will be allotted the same GREF number, which was allotted earlier to<br />

them, if they disclose their previous GREF service on re-appointment. In case any person<br />

who does not disclose his earlier service rendered by him in GREF, there is no<br />

alternative except to allot him a fresh GREF number.<br />


REDUCTION IN ESTABLISHMENT. If re-instated, they are allotted the same<br />

number.<br />

20<br />



<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 4<br />


Introduction<br />





1. Casualties / accidents are unpredictable specially in an <strong>Organisation</strong> like GREF/BRO<br />

where the employees are posted and deployed at extreme border/far-flung areas of the nation and<br />

their unique functioning. Therefore, it has become inevitable to lay down a uniform procedure of<br />

reporting of such casualties through departmental channel for proper appraisal at various levels<br />

as well as to keep its record.<br />

Aim<br />

2. Aim of this ROI is to lay down the procedure as to how the different type of casualties<br />

are to be reported for immediate action by all concerned<br />

Procedure<br />

3. The following procedure will be strictly followed by all GREF formations/units in<br />

reporting casualties occurring amongst :-<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

(c)<br />

(d)<br />

Army personnel serving with GREF Formation/units.<br />

Personnel directly recruited in GREF.<br />

Personnel on deputation from different deptts.<br />

Casual employees locally recruited/engaged.<br />

4. For the purposes of these instructions casualties are defined as under :-<br />

(a) Physical Casualties:- Physical casualties are those which occur in non-operation<br />

areas where there is no fighting. Such casualties fall into the following categories :-<br />

(i)<br />

(ii)<br />

(iii)<br />

(iv)<br />

(v)<br />

Died or Killed<br />

Seriously or Dangerously ill<br />

Ill<br />

Wounded or injured (including self inflicted)<br />

Missing<br />



21<br />

(b) Battle Casualties. Battle casualties are those sustained in action against<br />

enemy forces. These casualties consist the following :-<br />

(i)<br />

(ii)<br />

(iii)<br />

(iv)<br />

(v)<br />

Killed in action.<br />

Died or wounded or injured (Other than self inflicted)<br />

Wounded or injured (Other than self inflicted).<br />

Missing.<br />

Prisoner of War.<br />

(c) Air Raid Casualties. Air raid casualties are those sustained as a direct result of<br />

enemy raids.<br />

(d) Battle Accidents. Battle accidents are those which take place in operational areas<br />

during the occurrence of fighting but not in proximity to the enemy.<br />

Record Office<br />

5. The term Record Office, wherever it appears in this ROI denotes :-<br />

(a) In respect of civilian officers directly recruited in GREF, the Formations/units<br />

where their service books are maintained.<br />

(b)<br />

(c)<br />

(d)<br />

In respect of Group „C‟ and „D‟ employees, the GREF Records.<br />

In respect of causal employees, the units/formations, who employ them.<br />

In respect of personnel on deputation, the parent department.<br />

General Instructions<br />

6. All casualties will be reported under the appropriate headings. In case of illness, reports<br />

will be made only when such illness consist of exhaustion, neurosis or hysteria.<br />

7. A person will not be reported killed or dead unless his dead body has been recovered or<br />

seen and identified by a reliable witness or there is evidence which conclusively proves that he is<br />

dead.<br />



22<br />

8. Personnel reported missing will be those whose whereabouts cannot be readily<br />

determined due to abnormal circumstances, those involved in action and in encounters with<br />

hostile elements whilst on normal duties, those travelling abroad in a missing aircraft, or those<br />

suspected to have been drowned whose bodies cannot be traced. Persons regarding whom<br />

evidence exist/points to their having deserted will not be reported as missing.<br />

9. The following type of casualties in operation will not be treated as hostile casualties but<br />

as cases of ordinary physical casualties :-<br />

(a) Accidental deaths (other than as provided for in para 8).<br />

(b)<br />

Deaths from self inflicted injuries.<br />

(c) Accidental injuries (other than as provided in para 8).<br />

(d)<br />

Self inflicted injuries.<br />

10. Accidental injuries as sustained in action on or in proximity to the enemy will be treated<br />

as accidental casualties.<br />

11. Accidents occurring in field area where there is no fighting will not be regarded as battle<br />

accidents/casualties.<br />

12. Reports on personnel missing in action will indicate, if possible likely fate i.e. believed<br />

killed, believed prisoner of war or believed drowned.<br />

Procedure for Reporting<br />

13. All casualties including fatal and other occurrences mentioned in Appendix „E‟ will<br />

hereafter be reported by “OP IMMEDIATE” Signal/Telegram within 24 hours of occurrence<br />

direct to BRDB Secretariate by units and formation mentioned therein under intimation to<br />

HQ DGBR, CE Projects, HQ BRTF concerned, GREF Records and PAO (GREF), Pune-<br />

411015. These signals/telegrams should contain full information upto the maximum extent<br />

available .Death casualties in respect of Army Officers will be intimated to Integrated HQ of<br />

MoD (Army), AG‟s Br Org 3 (d) and the Controller of Defence Accounts (Officers) Pune-<br />

411001. Also. death of Army personnel serving on ERE with this <strong>Organisation</strong> will be intimated<br />

to the respective Record Offices and PAO (ORs).<br />

14. The following details will be included in the signal to be sent by unit within 24 hours of<br />

casualty as per ROI ibid :-<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

Fatal casualty<br />

No, Rank, Name, Age and Unit/Formation of the individual<br />



23<br />

(c)<br />

Date of death with exact cause and location of death.<br />

(i)<br />

Natural/Un-natural<br />

(ii) In case of natural death, mention disease and place where died viz<br />

Hospital/Home/Unit lines.<br />

(iii) In case of Un-natural death, it will invariably be mentioned such as<br />

vehicle accident, eqpt accident, slipped, falling stone, slides, injury, falling trees,<br />

suicide, murdered, burnt, drowned – place of bathing or any other<br />

situation/location, poisoning, electric shock, fire accident, rail accident, tribal<br />

attack or missing.<br />

(d)<br />

(e)<br />

(f)<br />

(g)<br />

(h)<br />

(j)<br />

(k)<br />

Date, time & group casualty.<br />

Place, area where casualty occurred.<br />

Cause and brief details.<br />

Name and address of NOK, relation with NOK.<br />

Whether NOK informed or not. If not, reasons for the same.<br />

Name of OC unit and Platoon Cdr.<br />

Whether individual has rendered 179 days service in GREF in case of CPL<br />

(MRW)<br />

Submission of Detailed Report<br />

15. All initial reports by signals/telegrams will be followed by detailed reports in the form of<br />

„OP IMMEDIATE‟ letter. Detailed report on the important occurrence and fatal casualties<br />

shown in the Appendix „F‟, which have already been reported by signals will invariably be<br />

submitted (one copy) to HQ DGBR with a copy to CE Project, HQ BRTF concerned & GREF<br />

Records within 72 hours of the occurrence on the form given at Appendix „G‟. The detailed<br />

report in respect of other casualties not included in Appendix „F‟ will be submitted to HQ<br />

DGBR (one copy), CE Project, HQ BRTF concerned and GREF Records as hither-to-fore. Copy<br />

of detailed report in respect of Army Officers will be endorsed to Integrated HQ of MoD<br />

(Army), AG‟s Br Org 3 (d).<br />

16. Similar report in respect of CPL will also be submitted to HQ DGBR/CEs, BRTFs<br />

respectively.<br />

17. Every death case/casualty is put up to DG. At the end of every month each project will<br />

also send a consolidated list of death cases covering essential info like Number, Rank, Name,<br />

Age, Unit/TF/Formation, date & time of death, exact cause, place of death and brief leading to<br />

death for perusal by DG at a glance. The report should reach DGBR by 10 th of every month.<br />



24<br />

Reporting in respect of Personnel on Dangerously or Seriously Ill List<br />

18. The responsibility for rendering reports in respect of personnel on DI or SI list will rest<br />

with the OC Hospital or Medical unit. He will send reports as under to the units and Record<br />

Office by „OP IMMEDIATE‟ signals :-<br />

(a) Dangerously Ill Cases: Bi-weekly report commencing from the third day<br />

following the date on which the patient was placed on the DI list, confirming that he is<br />

still retained on the list together with brief details of his condition (units to advise NOK<br />

regarding facilities to see the patient).<br />

(b) Seriously Ill Cases : Weekly report will be furnished on the 7 th day following<br />

the day on which the patient is placed on the SI list till he is recovered from the list.<br />

Reporting of Serious Accidents and Incidents of Public Interest<br />

19. Serious accidents involving loss of life are required to be reported. These reports will be<br />

rendered as under :-<br />

(a) Integrated HQ of MoD (Army), AG‟s Branch, DGBR and Records Office<br />

concerned– In respect of Army personnel<br />

(b) DGBR, GREF Records and Units – In respect of GREF personnel and civilians<br />

including deputationists to parent Deptts.<br />

(c)<br />

DGBR and unit concerned – In respect of CPLs of <strong>Border</strong> <strong>Roads</strong> <strong>Organisation</strong>.<br />

(d) Local Police Station – FIR will be lodged in respect of accidental death/missing<br />

of personnel with Local Police Station.<br />

Court of Inquiry<br />

20. Court of Inquiry, where ordered, will be assembled and finalised immediately on the<br />

occurrence of physical casualty. After finalisation, the proceedings will be disposed off<br />

immediately with a copy to GREF Records.<br />



Procedure for intimation to NOK<br />

25<br />

21. In order to avoid delay in informing the next of kin, the Officer Commanding unit will<br />

inform physical casualties and DI/SI list cases direct to Next of Kin by express telegram as per<br />

specimen given below followed by a telephonic message provided that telephone number of<br />

NOK is available on record:-<br />

(a) Specimen Telegram for Reporting Casualties to NOK<br />


Shri/Smt . . . . . . .<br />

(address)<br />

DEEPLY REGRET TO INTIMATE YOUR ……….. (relationship and name)<br />

EXPIRED IN MILITARY/CIVIL HOSPITAL (Place) . . . . . . ON … (date and time)<br />

OF . . . . . . . .(disease) STOP PLEASE ACCEPT SINCERE CONDOLENCE<br />

[UNIT]<br />

(b) Specimen Telegram for Reporting DI List case to NOK where Hospital<br />

Authorities do not know the Address of NOK<br />


Shri/Smt . . . . . .<br />

(address)<br />

REGRET TO INTIMATE YOUR . . . . . . (relationship) . . . . .(number & name)<br />



RAILWAY STATION . . . . . (name of Rly Stn) TO REACH THIS<br />

LOCATION/HOSPITAL . . . . .. . . . .(where the individual is admitted)<br />

[UNIT]<br />



26<br />

(c) EXPRESS<br />

Shri/Smt .. . . .<br />

(address)<br />

REFERENCE OUR TELEGRAM . . . . . (date) STOP YOUR (relationship) . …..<br />

(number and name) SHIFTED TO SERIOUSLY ILL LIST ON …….. (date) STOP<br />


[UNIT]<br />

(d) EXPRESS<br />

Shri/Smt. . . .<br />

(address)<br />


YOUR . . . . . . . (relationship) . . . . . . . (number and name) OUT OF DANGER<br />


[UNIT]<br />

22. In the event of the next of kin being resident within or adjacent to the duty station it will<br />

be the responsibility of the Officer Commanding unit to inform the physical casualty and DI/SI<br />

list cases by the quickest possible means. In the case of personnel on DI or SI lists, the Officer<br />

Commanding unit will ensure that periodical progress reports are sent to the NOK reflecting<br />

each change in condition of the patient.<br />

23. A further communication in the form of a letter will at the first available opportunity, be<br />

addressed to the NOK by the unit giving full information and including details likely to be of<br />

sentimental or humanitarian value. Harrowing details likely to cause mental sufferings to the<br />

NOK will be avoided. Details which are likely to jeopardize security will also not be<br />

communicated.<br />



27<br />

24. No communication will be sent to the NOK or any other relatives by any individual until<br />

complete seven days have elapsed from the date of casualty<br />

Reporting of Physical Casualties in respect of Gorkha Personnel whose NOK are resident<br />

of Nepal<br />

25. The casualty will be reported by telegram to the Military Attache, Indian Embassy<br />

Nepal, Kathmandu, who will communicate the information through wireless to District<br />

Headquarters concerned for transmission to the NOK. NOKs/Military attache may also be<br />

informed telephonically where feasible, provided their telephone numbers are available on<br />

record A copy of the telegram will also be sent by post in confirmation. The NOK will also be<br />

informed as in para 21 by letter in Gorkhali with Devnagri Script. Copy of casualty report will<br />

also be forwarded to the authorities concerned as hither-to-fore.<br />



28<br />

Procedure for Reporting Battle Casualties, Battle Accidents and Air Raid Casualties<br />

26. All battle casualties (all categories of personnel, Military Officers, GREF officers,<br />

JCOs/OR GREF and civilian casual employees) will be reported by OP IMMEDIATE<br />

signal/telegram on the date of occurrence as follows :-<br />

___________________________________________________________________________<br />

Battle casualties Reports to be Reports to be<br />

pertaining to submitted by submitted to<br />

a) Personnel deployed Chief Engineer Project IHQ of MoD(Army) (Org3),<br />

with HQ CE (Project)<br />

Records & DGBR<br />

b) Personnel deployed Commander TF IHQ of MoD(Army) (Org3)<br />

with TF HQ<br />

Records, DGBR, & HQ<br />

CE (P)<br />

c) Personnel deployed Officer Commanding Unit IHQ of MoD(Army) (Org3)<br />

with units<br />

Records, DGBR, HQ CE (P)<br />

& HQ TF<br />

Note :- Report in respect of GREF personnel will also be endorsed to GREF Records.<br />

27. Reports will be compiled upto 0001 hrs daily. Nil reports will not be rendered. Reports<br />

will be given a serial number prefixed by the letter „BC‟ which stands for battle casualties.<br />

Serial number used will be consecutive thus enabling the recipients to ensure that all Battle<br />

Casualty reports are received. Under no circumstances , Battle Casualties serial number will be<br />

used for any other type of casualties.<br />

28. Battle casualty reports will be sent in code as intimated from time to time. In case of<br />

Officers, personal No, Rank and Name and Unit will be shown. In the case of JCOs/OR and<br />

other GREF Personnel bulk number will be given. Full particulars will subsequently be notified<br />

by signal to DGBR and Record Office concerned. In the case of Army personnel casualty reports<br />

on IAFF-3010 and 3011 will be sent subsequently in the normal manner to Record Offices.<br />

Reporting of Battle Accidents<br />

29. Battle accidents will be reported in the same manner as Battle Casualties. Signal reports<br />

pertaining to battle accidents will, however, be prefixed with the words „BA‟ instead of „BC‟<br />

and need not be serially numbered.<br />



Reporting of Air Raid Casualties<br />

29<br />

30. Air Raid casualties will be reported in the same manner as physical casualties. All<br />

reports pertaining to Air Raid casualties will, however, bear the appropriate heading.<br />

Issue of Condolence Letters and Death Certificate<br />

31. In the case of death, the OC of the unit to which the individual belonged will issue a first<br />

letter of condolence to the NOK on behalf of himself and the unit within 48 hours after the<br />

dispatch of official telegram referred to in para 21 (a) above. In the case of physical casualties,<br />

this will be in addition to the letter mentioned in para 23 above as per specimen given below:-<br />

Specimen form of First Letter of Condolence from Officer Commanding<br />

“ I write to express the deep sympathy and condolence of myself and all ranks of this<br />

unit on the sad and untimely death of your …. (relationship) as a result of accident<br />

(modify with the ref to the incident).<br />

Your …. (relationship) was in good health on the morning of .. (date) and was<br />

detailed to carry out a … (nature of duty). He was proceeding from the unit line in a<br />

vehicle which unfortunately was involved in ….. (nature of accident). Your …. was<br />

in the front/rear seat and sustained serious injuries as a result of which he became<br />

unconscious. He was subsequently evacuated to Hospital, where despite all efforts,<br />

he succumbed to injuries at…….... hours following day without regaining<br />

consciousness ( may be amended suitably depending upon the nature of accident etc).<br />

He has displayed good discipline, loyalty and courage during his service with this<br />

unit. His death leaves a gap which will be difficult to fill.<br />

May the God keep his departed soul in peace and may He also give you the<br />

strength to bear this loss bravely”.<br />

Officer Commanding<br />



30<br />

32. A copy of this letter will invariably be endorsed to DGBR/E1C and GREF Records. A<br />

second letter of condolence will be issued as indicated below:-<br />

Personnel on behalf of Letter signed and<br />

Issued by<br />

(a) Personnel directly DGBR OIC GREF Records<br />

recruited in the<br />

GREF other than<br />

Gazetted Officers<br />

(b) GREF Officers DGBR DGBR<br />

and Gazetted Civilian<br />

Officers on deputation<br />

(c) Casual Employees DGBR OC Unit<br />

locally engaged<br />

(d) Army :<br />

(i) Officers COAS, DGBR COAS, DGBR<br />

(ii) JCOs COAS, DGBR AG, CE<br />

(iii) ORs COAS, DGBR Corps/Regt Record<br />

Office, OC Unit<br />

Specimen of Condolence letter in respect of Death as a result of battle Casualties<br />

33.<br />

“ I am directed by the Director General <strong>Border</strong> <strong>Roads</strong> to convey his deep<br />

sympathy and condolence and that of all Officers and personnel of the<br />

<strong>Organisation</strong> on the sad and untimely death of your ….. (relationship) …. (GS NO,<br />

rank and name)<br />

Your …… gave his life in the service of the Motherland. This <strong>Organisation</strong> is<br />

proud of him and his name shall never be forgotten.<br />

In your hour of sorrow, we would like you to know that we share your grief<br />

and are always ready to render you such assistance as may lie in our power”.<br />

OIC GREF Records<br />



31<br />

Specimen Condolence letter in respect of Deaths other than Battle Casualties<br />

Col_______________<br />

Officer-In-Charge<br />

Record Office<br />

General Reserve Engineer Force<br />

Dighi Camp, Pune-411015<br />

1378/ / CAS Dated<br />

Smt………………………………………….…………….<br />

w/o Ex GS …………………… Trade……………………<br />

Late ……………………………………………….………<br />

Vill & PO …………………………………………….…..<br />

Distt: …………………………………………………….<br />

State ……………………..<br />

PIN …………………………<br />

Madam,<br />

1. I, on behalf of the Director General <strong>Border</strong> <strong>Roads</strong> and all ranks of the <strong>Organisation</strong> convey my deep<br />

sorrow, grief and condolence on the sad and untimely demise of your husband GS …………...…. Trade<br />

……………………...Name …………………………………………………………………………………………..<br />

of ………………………………….……..(P)………………………. on ……………………..<br />

2. May the God bless the departed soul with salvation, peace and grant you the courage and strength to bear<br />

this in-compensable loss boldly.<br />

3. A list, containing details of entitlements is enclosed for your information at Page No 8 of the (full form)<br />

form<br />

4. It is for your information that there is a provision for compassionate employment of any one eligible son of<br />

the deceased GREF employee upon whom you are dependent , in Group „C‟ and „D‟ post, provided he meets the<br />

laid down criteria for the same, subject to availability of the vacancy. If the son is not eligible then the unmarried<br />

daughter or yourself, if otherwise meet the laid down criteria, can also be sponsored for compassionate<br />

appointment. There is no provision for compassionate employment to any other member of the family.<br />

5. It is pertinent to mention here that consequent to implementation of Sixth Pay Commission and Govt<br />

Notification issued vide Min of Finance, Department of Expenditure dated 29 Aug 2008, the minimum qualification<br />

for entry in Govt services is 10 th or ITI or equivalent.<br />

6. Further it is mentioned that:-<br />

(a) As per the records available in this Office, the deceased‟s real son(s) is /are aged 19/24 and 19<br />

years. He /One of them is eligible for compassionate ground appointment.<br />

(b) As per the records available in this Office, the deceased‟s real son is 17½ year old and he will<br />

become eligible for compassionate ground appointment after six months. Please forward his application<br />

immediately on his attainment of 18 years of age on __________<br />

(c) As per the records available in this Office the deceased‟s eldest son is less than 17 years old and<br />

hence he is not eligible for compassionate ground appointment. The deceased‟s daughter/one of the<br />

daughter aged. 19/21 and 19 incase she /they are unmarried or yourself are eligible for compassionate<br />

ground appointment.<br />



32<br />

(d) As per the records available in this office, the deceased‟s children are aged less than 17 years and<br />

are not eligible for compassionate ground appointment. You may offer yourself for the same.<br />

(e) As per records available in this office the deceased had no children and you may offer yourself for<br />

compassionate ground appointment.<br />

(f) As per the records available in this office the deceased had no spouse and you can nominate<br />

unmarried brother or sister of the deceased.<br />

7. A prescribed application form (DD Form) is enclosed along with instructions. The same may please be<br />

returned duly completed on the following address:-<br />




PUNE 411015<br />

8. It is to bring to your kind notice that, as per revised Policy/Govt. orders, all compassionate appointment<br />

are to be considered within one year from the date of death/medically boarded out of the GREF employee. It is,<br />

therefore, requested to kindly complete all the formalities with respect to the DD forms attached with this letter and<br />

forward the same duly filled in, to reach GREF Centre (Recruiting Wing) within one year of the date of death along<br />

with the photocopies of educational certificate and other documents.<br />

Yours faithfully,<br />

Copy to :-<br />

1. Unit concerned - (a) Please forward progress report to all<br />

concerned as per HQ DGBR letter No 15176 / Gen /Policy / DGBR /<br />

E1C dated 25/09/1998<br />

2. GREF Centre - for information.<br />

(Rtg Wing )<br />

Internal :-<br />

3. NE & Pension Group - for information.<br />

(b) As per the directions issued vide Dte Fax 261343 / EG2 dated<br />

24 Oct 2008, dependents are liable to lose the opportunity for<br />

compassionate appointment if case is not produced before BOO within<br />

one year. Therefore, amount of terminal benefits and dues paid to<br />

NOK be communicated immediately. OC unit will be fully responsible<br />

for the legal complication if, risen for delay in compassionate<br />

appointment.<br />



33<br />




duZy<br />

izHkkjh vf/kdkjh<br />

vfHkys[k dk;kZy; ßxzsQÞ<br />

fnkh dSaEi<br />

iq.ks & 411 015<br />

Col<br />

Officer-In-Charge<br />

Record Office<br />

General Reserve Engineer Force<br />

Dighi Camp, Pune-411015<br />

1378@ @ds tq] 2009<br />

Jherhs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

ifRu LoxhZ; th,l ------------------------- in ------------------------<br />

LoxhZ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

xzke o iksLV ------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

ftyk --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

jkT; --------------------------------------- fiu ------------------------------------<br />

egksn;@egksn;k]<br />

1 1. eSa egkfuns'kd] lhek lM+d ,oa lkekU; vkjf{kr bathfu;j cy ds lHkh inkf/kdkfj;ksa dh vksj ls vkids th,l------<br />

----------------------- in -------------------------------------------- uke ---------------------------------------tks fd --------------------------------------<br />

¼ifj;kstuk½ ----------------------------es dk;Zjr Fks ds fnukad ------------------------------ dks gq, nq%[kn ,oa vlkef;d fu/ku ij xgjk<br />

'kksd o laosnuk O;Dr djrk gwWA<br />

2 2. bZ'oj ls izkFkZuk gS fd og fnoaxr vkRek dks 'kkfUr iznku djsa rFkk vkidks Hkh bl viqj.kh; {kfr dks /kS;ZiwoZd<br />

lgu djus dh 'kfDr o fgEer nsaA<br />

3. vkidh tks gdnkjh curh gS] mlls lEcfU/kr lkj.kh Mh-Mh QkeZ ds i`"B 08 ij vkids tkudkjh okLrs layXu gSA<br />

4. vkidks tkudkjh nh tkrh gS fd xzsQ ds e`rd deZpkjh ds fdlh ,d iq= dks lewg ^^x**,oa ^^k** esa] tks fd<br />

ljdkj }kjk fofufnZ"V ;ksX;rkvksa dks iw.kZ djrs gksa] dks vuqdEik ds vk/kkj ij] ;fn fjfDr;ka miyC/k gS rks xzsQ esa jkstxkj<br />

nsus dk izko/kku gSS aA ftl ij vki vkfJr gSaA ;fn iq= ;ksX; ugha gS rks ml fLFkfr esa vfookfgr iq=h ]tks ljdkj }kjk fu/kkZfjr<br />

;ksX;rkvksa dks iw.kZ djrs gS] Hkh vuqdEik ds vk/kkj ij jkstxkj ysus ds fy, vkosnu dj ldrs gSaA ifjokj ds vU; fdlh<br />

lnL; dks ukSdjh ds fy, fu;e ugha gS A<br />

5. ;gka ij ;g mYysf[kr djuk vko’;d gS fd NBs osru vk;ksx ds dk;kZfUor gksus vkSj foRr ea=ky;] O;; foHkkx<br />

}kjk tkjh fnukad 29 vxLr 2008 ds ljdkjh vf/klqpuk ds fglkc ls ljdkjh lsok esa HkrhZ ds fy, U;wure ;ksX;rk 10oh<br />

ikl ;k vkbZ-Vh-vkbZ ;k blds led{k gS A<br />

6. iqu% ;g mYysf[kr gS fd &<br />

d- bl dk;kZy; esa miyC/k vfHkys[k ds vuqlkj e`rd ds iq=@iq=ksa dh mez dze’k 19@24 vkSj 19 o"kZ<br />

gSaA og buesa ls ,d iq= vuqdEik vk/kkj ij jkstxkj ds fy, vkosnu dj ldrk gSaA<br />

[k- bl dk;kZy; esa miyC/k vfHkys[k ds vuqlkj e`rd ds iq= dh mez 17½ gSaA vr% og vuqdaEik vk/kkj<br />

ij jkstxkj ds fy, ;ksX; ugha gSA 6 ekg i’pkr vuqdEik vk/kkj ij jkstxkj ds fy, ;ksX; gksxkA vr%<br />

fnukad -------------------------- dks 18 o"kZ iqjs gksrs gh vki rqjaUr jkstxkj ds fy, vkosnu Hkst<br />

ldrh gSA<br />

x- bl dk;kZy; esa miyC/k vfHkys[k ds vuqlkj e`rd ds cMs+ iq= dh mez 17 o"kZ ls de gS]A<br />

ijUrq e`rd ds ifq=;ksa dh mez 19 rFkk 19] 21 o"kZ gSa A ;fn os vfookfgr gS rks og ;k buesa ls ,d iq=h<br />

vuqdEik vk/kkj ij jkstxkj ds fy, vkosnu dj ldrh gSaA vU;Fkk vki vius Lo;a ds jkstxkj ds fy, vkosnu<br />

Hkst ldrh gS A<br />



34<br />

k- bl dk;kZy; esa miyC/k vfHkys[k ds vuqlkj e`rd ds cPpksa dh mez 17 o"kZ ls de gSa rFkk og<br />

vuqdEik vk/kkj ij jkstxkj ds fy, ;ksX; ugha gSaA vr% vki vius Lo;a ds jkstxkj ds fy, vkosnu Hkst<br />

ldrh gSA<br />

M- bl dk;kZy; esa miyC/k vfHkys[k ds vuqlkj e`rd ds cPps ugha gSa A vr% vki vius Lo;a ds<br />

jkstxkj ds fy, vkosnu Hkst ldrh gSA<br />

p- bl dk;kZy; esa miyC/k vfHkys[k ds vuqlkj e`rd dh dksbZ ifr@ifRu ugha gSA vr% vki<br />

muds vfookfgr HkkbZ ;k cgu esa ls ,d dks jkstxkj ds fy, ukekafdr dj ldrs gS A<br />

7. ,d fu/kkZfjr vkosnu Ik= ¿Mh-Mh- QkeZ½ vuqns'kksa ds lkFk layXu gS] bls lHkh laca/kksa esa iw.kZ :Ik ls Hkjdj bl<br />

dk;kZy; ds fuEu irs ij Hkstsa %&<br />

dekUMsUV<br />

xzsQ dsUnz ¿HkrhZ vuqÀ<br />

fnkh dSEi] iq.ks & 411 015<br />

8. vkidks ;g lwfpr fd;k tkrk gS fd cnyh uhfr @ljdkjh vkns’kksa ds vuqlkj] vuqdEik ds vk/kkj ij lHkh<br />

fu;qfDr;ksa ij xzsQ dkfeZd dh e`R;q@LokLF; dkj.kksa ls lsok ls fudkys tkus dh frfFk ls ,d lky ds Hkhrj gh fopkj fd;k<br />

tk,xk A vr% vkilsa vuqjks/k gS fd bl i= ds lkFk lyXu Mh-Mh QkeZ dh lHkh vkSipkfjdrk,a iwjh djsa vkSj QkeZ Hkjdj<br />

'khkz Hksts ftlls og e`R;q dh frfFk ls ,d lky ds vUnj xzsQ dsUnz ¼HkrhZ vuqHkkx½ esa igqap tk, A QkeZ ds lkFk 'kS{kf.kd<br />

;ksX;rk ls lacaf/kr lHkh izek.k i= rFkk vU; nLrkost Hkh layXu djsa A<br />

Hkonh;<br />

izfrfyfi%&<br />

1 lacaf/kr bdkbZ & d- d`Ik;k- fofHkUu nkoksa dh izxfr fjiksVZ lh-l-e- ds i= la-<br />

15176@tu@uhfr@Mh th ch vkj @bZ&1 lh fnukad 25-09-98 ds vk/kkj<br />

ij leLr lacaf/kr dk;kZy;ksa dks HkstsaA<br />

[k- egkfuns’kky; ds QSDl la-261343@bZth&2 fnukad 24 vDVwcj 2008<br />

ds funsZ’kkuqlkj ;fn e`rd ds vkfJr dk izkFkZuk i= ,d o"kZ dh vof/k<br />

ds nkSjku vf/kdkfj;ksa ds cksMZ ds le{k izLrqr ugha fd;k tkrk gSA rks<br />

og vuqdaEik ds vk/kkj ij HkrhZ dk ekSdk [kksa ldrk gSA vr% fudVre<br />

laca/kh dks fofHkUu enksa ds varxZr Hkqxrku dh xbZ /kujk’kh ds ckjsa esa<br />

rqjaUr lwfpr djsa A vuqdEik ds vk/kkj ij fu;qfDr ds ekeys esa nsjh<br />

gksus ls mRiUu oS/kkfud ifjfLFkfr ds fy, ;wfuV deku vf/kdkjh iw.kZ<br />

:i ls ftEesnkj gksxsa A<br />

2 xzSQ dsUnz ¼HkrhZ vuqHkkx½ & LwkpukFkZA<br />

vkUrfjd%&<br />

3- ,u-bZ-vkj ¼isa'ku xzqi ½ & lwpukFkZ A<br />



Death Certificate<br />

35<br />

34. Death certificate in respect of deceased personnel when asked for will be issued by the<br />

following to the NOK only :-<br />

Issuing Authoriy<br />

Accidents and Injuries<br />

GREF Officers - Chief Engineer<br />

GREF Personnel - GREF Records Or Unit<br />

35. With regard to the preparation of injury report in respect of GREF Officers and<br />

personnel, please refer to DGBR letter No 69609/pers-1/654/DGBR dated 31 Dec 62. IAFY-<br />

2006 in respect of Officers/JCOs/OR/GREF personnel will be prepared in quadruplicate<br />

irrespective of the extent of the injury or its ultimate likely effect, and will be distributed as<br />

under :-<br />

Unit - 1 copy<br />

Record Office - 1 copy<br />

BRTF - 1 copy<br />

HQ CE (P) - 1 copy<br />

36. IAFY-2006 will not be prepared in case of injuries sustained in battle casualties, battle<br />

accident, Air Raid casualties and casualties which are immediately fatal.<br />

37. Medical Officer in-Charge of the case will be responsible for initiating and for<br />

completing part-1 and 2 of IAFY-2006. The OC unit will be responsible for ensuring that parts 3<br />

and 4 of the form are completed in accordance with instructions of the form.<br />

38. Part 3 of the form will not contain any statement as to whether or not the injury effect the<br />

future efficiency of the person since this point is irrelevant to the question of attributability to<br />

service.<br />

39. When a injury is of trivial nature, a short statement in Part 4 of the form is sufficient. In<br />

other cases and when a C of I is not considered necessary, statement of the injured person and<br />

any witness will be attached to each copy of the form. Part 1 to 5 of the form will be completed<br />

only in cases occurring in operational or field areas where injuries are, suspected to be self<br />

inflicted.<br />

40. In case of accidents, the DGBR is required to record on part 5 of IAFY-2006 his decision<br />

as to whether or not the disability is attributable to Military, Field or operational service. In this<br />

connection Govt of India, Min of Def letter No. 70507/B2A/BRD/81/Sec/Pen.C dated 26 Nov<br />

62, forwarded under DGBR letter No 70507/E2A/BRD dated 10 Dec 62 refers.<br />



36<br />

Court of Inquiry on Accidental Death or Injury<br />

41. If the medical officer certifies that the injury is of a trivial nature, no C of I need to be<br />

held.<br />

42. A C of I will be held in the following circumstances :-<br />

(a) If the injury is fatal or certified by a medical officer to be of a serious or severe<br />

nature. Where an inquest or police inquiry is held, copy of the report will be attached to<br />

the C of I proceedings.<br />

(b)<br />

injury.<br />

(c)<br />

(d)<br />

If in the opinion of the Commanding Officer, doubt exists as to the cause of<br />

If, for any reason, it is desirable to thoroughly investigate the cause of the injury.<br />

If, the injury was caused through the fault of some other person.<br />

43. C of I held in case of suicide will record their opinion with reason in support, as to the<br />

motive and also where possible the mental conditions of the deceased prior to his death. CTC of<br />

translations of all papers relevant to the case, such as private correspondence of deceased, will<br />

be attached to the proceedings. In all other cases of accidental death or injury, the opinion of the<br />

Court is not essential.<br />

44. In respect of Army personnel the Commanding Officer of the injured person will express<br />

his opinion on the C of I proceedings and submit the same to DGBR through TF/CE, who will<br />

also endorse their opinion thereon. The proceedings will be finalised by DGBR by endorsing his<br />

decision thereon. C of I proceedings in respect of GREF Officers and Personnel will be finalised<br />

by CE concerned.<br />

45. Similarly in C of I proceedings in respect of injuries sustained by Army Officers, the<br />

opinion of the Medical Officer as to the effect of the injury on the injured officer‟s service will<br />

be expressed after the endorsement by DGBR.<br />

Missing Personnel<br />

46. During operation, a proportion of personnel will inevitably be reported missing and some<br />

time must necessarily elapse before information is available as to their fate. It is the duty of any<br />

person who comes into possession of information regarding missing officer and men to bring<br />

this to appropriate authorities without delay. It is also likely that officers and men who are<br />

separated from their units might subsequently be able to join another unit. It will be the<br />

responsibility of the later unit to immediately intimate Integrated HQ of MoD (Army) in respect<br />

of Army personnel and DGBR, CE and Record Office and the parent unit in respect of GREF<br />

Personnel by OP IMMEDIATE signal/ Fax giving full regimental particulars of the individual<br />

concerned. Subsequent information regarding missing personnel i.e. who are killed or confirmed<br />

prisoners or have returned, will be reflected in the battle casualty report.<br />



37<br />

47. Army and GREF personnel may also be reported missing when not in operations due to<br />

various circumstances. A few examples are cited below :-<br />

(a) A person might have drowned in a river and his dead body not recovered or seen<br />

by a reliable witness.<br />

(b) A person might have been on board of an aircraft which is missing and<br />

consequently no trace has been found of him.<br />

(c) A person involved in a skirmish whilst in aid to civil power to maintain internal<br />

security might have been killed but his dead body not recovered or seen by a reliable<br />

witness.<br />

(d) Individual leaves unit/home town to proceed home/rejoin from leave but does not<br />

reach his home town/unit.<br />

(e) Individual moves from one unit to another on temporary duty/attachment/posting<br />

but does not reach the designated destination.<br />

(f)<br />

Individual disappears from the unit lines.<br />

(g) Individual gets killed in a vehicle/work site accident/hostiles/natural calamity but<br />

his mortal remains is not traceable.<br />

Rules for Reporting Personnel Missing<br />

48. The following instructions will be strictly adhered to while reporting personnel as<br />

missing :-<br />

(a) A person will be regarded as missing with effect from the day following that on<br />

which he was last seen, irrespective of the fact came to notice at a later stage on date.<br />

(b) A „missing‟ casualty will not be reported or published until 72 hours from the<br />

date he became missing i.e. 96 hours after he was last seen.<br />

Procedure for Presumption of Death of Missing Personnel<br />

49. The Instructions regarding procedure for presumption of death of missing personnel are<br />

contained in G of I, Min of Def No A/01831/Org3/(RR&C)(i)/ 11420/D(AG-1) dated 14 Sep 64.<br />

The case of GREF personnel will be referred to DGBR for taking up the same with Govt for<br />

orders. In this connection please refer to DGBR letter No. 69569/DGBR/E1C dated 11/18 Feb<br />

1986, 15103/PD/Policy/DGBR/ E1C‟B‟ dated 28 Mar 1994 and 15103/PD/<br />

Policy/DGBR/E1C‟B‟ dated 15 Jul 1997, 15103/PD/POL/DGBR/E1C ‘B’ dated 19 Jan 2000<br />

and 15103/PD/POL/ DGBR/10/E1C ‘B’ dated 13 May 2009.<br />

.<br />



Maintenance of Casualty Registers<br />

50. The following casualty registers in respect of GREF Officers and personnel will be<br />

maintained by all concerned :-<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

(c)<br />

Physical casualty register (non operational areas)<br />

Physical casualty register (Operational areas) – by areas<br />

Battle Casualty Register – by areas<br />

38<br />



51. The responsibility for the same will be as under :-<br />

(a) GREF Officers - DGBR<br />

(b) GREF Personnel - GREF Records<br />

(c) Deputationists and - CE concerned<br />

casual employees<br />

52. These register will contain the following details in respect of all casualties :-<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

(c)<br />

(d)<br />

(e)<br />

(f)<br />

(g)<br />

(h)<br />

(j)<br />

(k)<br />

GS NO, Category, Name<br />

HQ Project<br />

Name of unit<br />

Class and religion<br />

Nature of casualty<br />

Brief details of casualty or causes of death<br />

Date of casualty<br />

Place where casualty occurred<br />

NOK particulars, i.e., name, relationship and full address<br />

Marital status<br />

Authority : HQ DGBR letter No. 69609/C/DGBR/CIE of 25/31 Oct 66,<br />

11313/P/DGBR/E1E dated 04 Dec 71, 11313/P/DGBR/E1E dated 30 May<br />

74, 11313/P/DGBR/169/E1E dated 22 Sep 86 and 69569/PD/DGBR/E1C<br />

dated 04/12 Jun 87.<br />

39<br />



<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 5<br />




Introduction<br />

1. Since the issue of ROI 1/72, Record Office letter No. 0008/555/AR-1 dated 11 Dec 67,<br />

and ROI 3/90 several changes have taken place concerning to the verification of Character and<br />

Antecedents of GREF Personnel (Supervisors and Subordinates).<br />

Aim<br />

2. This ROI is issued to incorporate the changes, amendments and also compile the relevant<br />

information at one place for easy reference and implementation.<br />

General<br />

3. The character and antecedents of newly appointed GREF personnel will be verified as<br />

per instructions contained in DGBR letter No. 67245/DGBR/EG2 dated 26 Aug 66. Verification<br />

roll (IAFX-1152) and two attestation forms as per specimen attached as Appendix „H‟ & „J‟<br />

will be initiated by the enrolling authority immediately after the appointment but not later than a<br />

week. Procedure for verification of character and antecedents and disposal of undesirable<br />

personnel adversely reported by Civil Authorities are given in succeeding paras.<br />

Indian Nationals/Nepalese Domiciles in India<br />

4. Verification rolls will be initiated by Commander GREF Centre in respect of persons<br />

recruited at GREF Centre immediately after recruitment. The verification rolls will be sent to the<br />

concerned District Magistrate /Deputy Commissioner of the Districts, whose particulars have<br />

already been furnished vide Govt of India, Min of Pers QM No. 3/14(S)-Estt(B) (ii) dated<br />

21.10.72, copy circulated to all Projects under DGBR letter No. 67245/DGBR/EG2 dated<br />

12.01.73, by appointing authority with a request to return the same to the Officer-in-Charge,<br />

Record Office (GREF), Dighi Camp, Pune-411015. In no case a reference will be made direct to<br />

the Police Authorities unless such provision exists in a particular State. In this connection this<br />

office letter No. 0008/396/AR-1 dated 04 Mar 66 and 0008/462/AR-1 dated 10 Dec 66 may also<br />

be referred to.<br />

Bhutanese Nationals<br />

5. Personnel of Bhutanese origin whether domiciles in India or in Bhutan, who have been<br />

in India for at least 3 years, will be verified in the normal manner as laid down in Para 3 above.<br />

If the persons have not stayed in India for a period of 03 years, such persons may be considered<br />

for appointment provided they are able to produce character certificate from the Agent for Govt<br />

of Bhutan at Calcutta to show in particular that they have not been criminal in the past.<br />

40<br />



Nepalese National<br />

6. As per Govt order, no offer of appointment can be made to the foreign national including<br />

Nepalese Nationals for whom the issue of the certificate of eligibility is a pre-requisite. In<br />

accordance with orders contained in DOP & AR OM No. 15014/3/(5)/Estt(B) dated 10 May 78,<br />

attached as Appendix „K‟ to this ROI, verification of character and antecedents of Nepalese<br />

Nationals for appointment in the Govt of India is to be made through the District authorities in<br />

India where the individual is temporarily residing and simultaneously an additional reference is<br />

required to be made to the intelligence Bureau through Ministry of Surface Transport alongwith<br />

the attestation form prescribed for the purpose.<br />

Disposal of Verification Roll<br />

7. On completion of verification, the verification roll will be retained with Record set of<br />

documents.<br />

Attestation Forms<br />

8. In addition to the verification rolls, the attestation forms as reproduced in Appendix „H‟<br />

will also be completed alongwith other forms required to be prepared at the time of appointment<br />

of GREF persons. GS No. and date of appointment should invariably be reflected on the top of<br />

the form, since there exists no column for the purpose Orders issued by Min of Home Affairs<br />

and higher authorities from time to time regarding verification of character and antecedents of<br />

candidates for appointment to the post under Central Govt will be strictly followed.<br />

9. According to the instructions contained in HQ DGBR letter No. 67245/DGBR/EG2<br />

dated 13 May 68 addressed to Commander GREF Centre and copy endorsed to all Projects and<br />

this office, character and antecedents of candidates, who are recruited after 01 Apr 68 are to be<br />

verified not only at the home station but also at all places where they have resided for more than<br />

one year within 5 years of the date of enquiry. While initiating verifications roll, the appointing<br />

authority will ascertain from the candidate the complete address of home/places, where he had<br />

resided for more than one year in the preceding five years, and indicate the same under<br />

appropriate columns of verification roll/attestation forms to enable the civil authority to verify<br />

from all the places.<br />

10. Apart from the usual verification of character and antecedents through Distt authorities in<br />

India, a reference should also be made by the appointing authorities to the Intelligence Bureau,<br />

New Delhi together with all the particulars as contained in respect of the period of such stay<br />

abroad, in respect of personnel, who have lived or living abroad as per instructions contained in<br />

Deptt of P & AR OM No. 19011/13/75-Estt dated 15 Apr 76, copy received under HQ DGBR<br />

letter No. 67245/DGBR/EG2(Rtg) dated 09 Dec 85, as clarified vide DGBR letter No.<br />

67245/VER/DGBR/EG2(Rtd) dated 22 Jul 88 both letters reproduced as Appendices „L‟ & „M‟<br />

respectively. The cases for this nature may, therefore, be submitted to this office for further<br />

submission to HQ DGBR.<br />

41<br />



11. CPLs of our <strong>Organisation</strong> are also being recruited in GREF. On initiation of their<br />

verification roll in various cases, the civil authorities are returning the verifications rolls duly<br />

verified for the period upto the stay of the individuals in their District with a point to get the<br />

verification of subsequent period of the present location also. A case was accordingly taken up<br />

with DGBR for clarification as to how to progress/settle such cases as some of the labourers<br />

might have been staying in our organised camp. Clarification issued vide HQ DGBR under their<br />

letter No. 67043-V/DGBR/EG2 (Rtg) dated 22 Dec 87, addressed to this office only, is<br />

reproduced :-<br />

“CPL‟s are not covered by the provision of AA while serving in<br />

GREF. Hence, the verification for the period of CPL service be<br />

done by the Civil police authorities in the area they have resided.<br />

Please also ensure that TF concerned is asked to expedite the<br />

Verification”.<br />

Entries to be Recorded<br />

12. Record Office will inform the Fmn/Units concerned as soon as the individual‟s character<br />

roll duly verified is received from the civil authority/other competent authority. In case any<br />

report is received by the Fmn/Unit from civil authority the same will be sent in original to<br />

Record Office. The unit will publish a Part II order as per serial 23 of specimen-Part II order of<br />

Group II „B‟ of Manual of Documentation “GREF” personnel, 1985. The unit will also make<br />

entries as under on the Top of Outer Sheet/cover of service books and confidential dossiers of<br />

the persons for whom ACRs are initiated :-<br />

“Character verified. Authority Record Office letter No. ______dated______”.<br />

Dated : ___________<br />

OC Unit<br />

Verification of Character and Antecedents of Re-employed personnel<br />

13. In the case of person employed in an office of Central Govt and the interval between the<br />

date of his discharge from his previous service and the date of securing an appointment in the<br />

new office is less than a year, it would be sufficient, if the appointing authority before making<br />

appointment satisfies it in which the candidate was previously employed in accordance with the<br />

instructions contained in Govt of India, Min of Home Affairs OM No. 20/102/47-Estt(8) dated<br />

14-10-47 (copy reproduced as Appendix „N‟) that :-<br />

(a)<br />

that office had verified his character and antecedents and.<br />

(b) his conduct while in employment in that office does not render him unsuitable for<br />

employment under Govt. If however, more than a year has lapsed after the discharge of<br />

the person from his previous service, verification should be carried out in full as<br />

indicated at Para 3 above.<br />

42<br />



14. In the case of ex-servicemen including Ex-GREF personnel seeking re-employment in<br />

GREF within one year from the date of their discharge, they will be appointed only after their<br />

previous service have been verified from the respective Record Office and the reasons for their<br />

discharge and the character assessed at that time are ascertained.<br />

15. In case where the requirement of fresh verification of character and antecedents are<br />

dispensed as per preceding paragraphs, the appointing authority will issue a certificate to this<br />

effect :-<br />

“Certified that requirements of Para 13 & 14 of ROI have been fulfilled<br />

and fresh verification of character and antecedents has been dispensed<br />

with”.<br />

Dated<br />

Signature of appointing auth.<br />

Disposal of undesirable personnel adversely reported by Civil Authority<br />

16. Cases of GREF personnel who are adversely reported upon by the civil authorities, will<br />

be dealt with in accordance with the instructions/procedure contained in Record Office letter No.<br />

0008/555/AR-1 dated 11 Dec 67 and Deptt of pers & AR OM No. 18011/1(5)/75-Estt(B) dated<br />

Aug 75 circulated under HQ DGBR letter No. 67245/DGBR/EG2 dated 05 Nov 75.<br />

17. The pers discharged from service due to adverse police verification, in no circumstances,<br />

be informed of the fact of his having been adversely reported by civil authority. The OsC<br />

Units/Fmn Cdrs are advised to pay personal attention to this requirement.<br />

18. In the event of adverse police report and decision taken on the unsuitability of the<br />

candidate, the service of the individual concerned should be terminated without assigning any<br />

reason as per DGBR letter No. 67245/DGBR/EG2 dated 22 Jan 79.<br />

Progress of Verification Roll<br />

19. Action as per succeeding para will be taken by Record Office and Fmn/Units :-<br />

(a) A register of verification roll will be maintained by Record Office in numerical<br />

orders as being done at present.<br />

(b) In case, verification roll of an individual is not received duly verified from the<br />

civil authorities within two months from the date of its issue, a reminder will be issued<br />

to the civil authority concerned by Record Office and subsequently progressed by the<br />

Fmn/Unit.<br />

43<br />



20. Verification should be completed within 6 months from the date of appointment. In<br />

extreme cases where verification is not possible within the time limit as laid down, it will be<br />

ensured that detailed verification is completed during probationary period. Declaration of<br />

completion of probation and permanency will not be issued unless detailed verification of<br />

character and antecedents is completed.<br />

21. In order to speed up the case/obtain verification roll from civil authorities, GREF<br />

Records will inform the Fmn/Unit to initiate fresh verification roll alongwith attestation form<br />

duly affixed with photograph of the individual, if the same is not received within six months.<br />

The said form will be signed by the OC unit on behalf of enrolling Officer. Another reminder<br />

will also be issued by the Record Office as well as unit concerned to the civil authorities. In<br />

case, no reply is forthcoming, the Chief Engineer will take the following action to progress the<br />

case :-<br />

(a) Approach to DM/DC after one month.<br />

(b) In case of no reply, approach Home Secy with a copy to DM/DC concerned<br />

giving the details of relevant reference.<br />

(c) In case the issue is left unattended the matter may be referred to Chief Secy with<br />

copy to Home Secy, DM/DC concerned.<br />

22. In case correspondence fails to produce desired results, Project should depute, an<br />

officer/responsible person on temporary duty to get the matter finalised. All the outstanding<br />

cases pertaining to one place be got clubbed so that maximum results can be achieved by the<br />

Officer/pers visiting that officials. Sanction from the competent authority may be obtained for<br />

move of Officer/Pers as per normal procedure. Progress will be intimated to DGBR/Record<br />

Office from time to time.<br />

23. Where the verification roll is not received within one year inspite of repeated reminders<br />

to civil authorities, the case will be reported to DGBR by Record Office for taking up the matter<br />

with State Govt concerned.<br />

24. Record Office will furnish a half yearly statement of cases where verification of<br />

character and antecedents have not been completed by above dates in respect of individuals who<br />

have completed more than three months service on 30 Dec/30 Jun so as to reach DGBR by Ist<br />

Feb and Ist Aug each year, as per procedure being followed.<br />

25. Record Office will prepare an additional list, whose character and antecedents have not<br />

been verified for more than two years from the date of appointment showing home address<br />

indicating the name of the Project located nearby so that the Project concerned will be asked by<br />

HQ DGBR to depute an Officer/Supvr for progressing the case till their finalisation as required<br />

vide HQ DGBR letter No. 67245/DGBR/EG2(Retg) dated 11.8.87.<br />

26. Verification roll returned by civil authority unverified for want of complete address/other<br />

details will be sent to unit concerned by Record Office. The unit will ascertain the correct<br />

particulars/details from the individuals and either submit the same duly completed or initiate<br />

fresh verification roll under intimation to GREF Records. Such cases should be personally dealt<br />

with by the Officer Commanding, as undesirable pers may try to linger on the service by giving<br />

incomplete/incorrect information/address repeatedly.<br />

44<br />



27. The appointing authorities will ensure that full and correct information obtained from the<br />

individuals at the time of appointment and recorded in the service documents of the individuals.<br />

The individual should be warned that if they give insufficient/incorrect informations, they will<br />

be liable to be discharged.<br />

28. As per HQ DGBR letter No. 67245/DGBR/EG2 dated 20 Jun 70, case of individuals<br />

whose verification is not completed within the probationary period of 2 years, will be referred to<br />

HQ DGBR by Project through Record Office for consideration of retention of the individuals in<br />

service or otherwise by BRDB depending upon the merit of each case on the recommendation of<br />

CE Project concerned. A consolidated report will be submitted to avoid submission of such<br />

cases to higher authorities in piece-meal, CEs Project will, therefore, forward their<br />

recommendation of cases of such pers for retention in service or otherwise to Record Office, two<br />

months before the individuals complete their probationary period of two years, for referring the<br />

case to DGBR/BRDB as above.<br />

29. Till the detailed verification is completed, the persons concerned should not be entrusted<br />

with work involving handling of classified documents/materials as per instructions contained in<br />

HQ DGBR letter No. 67245/DGBR/EG2 dated 22.1.79.<br />

Standard Form of Covering letter<br />

30. It is noticed that uniform procedure is not being followed while forwarding the<br />

particulars of the candidates to District Authorities for verification of their character and<br />

antecedents. A standard form of covering letter is reproduced at Appendix „O‟ which may be<br />

used by all appointing authorities. One copy of said letter to be kept with Record set of<br />

documents and one copy to be sent to the unit concerned as required vide Govt of India Deptt of<br />

Pers & AR OM No. 18011/1(S)/75-Estt(E) of Aug 75 (Secret), copy circulated vide HQ DGBR<br />

letter No. 67245/DGBR/EG2 of 05.11.75.<br />

Conclusion<br />

31. The importance of proper and timely verification of character and antecedents of GREF<br />

personnel can hardly be over emphasised. It is, therefore, imperative that all correspondence<br />

pertaining to verification of character and antecedents should be accorded priority at all levels.<br />

The verification roll should be prepared carefully and invariably in ink or type written. A slight<br />

omission in recording the correct particulars of the individual and his home address may cause a<br />

lot of avoidable delay and unnecessary correspondence at all levels.<br />

Authority :-<br />

HQ DGBR letter No. 67245/VERPDGER/EG2(Rtg) dated 15.7.88 and even number dated<br />

01.08.88.<br />

45<br />



<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 6<br />


Introduction<br />




1. A Govt servant who is re-employed in a civil service or post before attaining the age of<br />

superannuation and who, before such re-employment, had rendered military service after<br />

attaining the age of eighteen years, may on his confirmation in a civil service or post, opt :-<br />

(a) Either to continue to draw the military pension or retain gratuity received on<br />

discharge from mil service, in which case his former mil service shall not count as<br />

qualifying service<br />

or<br />

(b) To cease to draw his pension and refund the pension already drawn and the value<br />

received for commutation of a part of military pension and the amount of retirement<br />

Gratuity.<br />

2. To count previous military service as qualifying service, in which case the service so<br />

allowed to count shall be restricted to a service within or outside the employee‟s unit or<br />

department in India or elsewhere which is paid from the consolidated fund of India or for which<br />

pensionary contribution has been received by the Govt provided that :-<br />

(a) The pension drawn prior to the date of re-employment shall not be required to be<br />

refunded<br />

(b) The element of pension which was ignored for fixation of his pay including the<br />

element of pension which was not taken into account for fixation pay on re-employment<br />

shall be refunded by him.<br />

(c) The element of pension equivalent of Gratuity including the element of<br />

commuted part of pension, if any, which was taken into account for fixation of pay shall<br />

be set off against the amount of retirement gratuity and the commuted value of pension<br />

and the balance, if any, shall be refunded by him.<br />

3. The Appointing Authority while issuing the orders of appointments should direct the<br />

employee in writing to exercise option within one year of the date of his re-employment.<br />

4. A Govt servant, who opts for clause (b) of Para 1 shall be required to refund the pension,<br />

bonus of gratuity received in respect of his earlier military service, in monthly installments not<br />

exceeding thirty-six in number (however, the position has been changed from 25 Aug 1994 and<br />

necessary amendment is yet to be issued by the Govt), the first instalment beginning from the<br />

month following the month in which he exercised the option. The right to count previous service<br />

as qualifying service shall not revive until the whole amount has been refunded.<br />

46<br />



5. In the case of a Govt servant, who, having elected to refund the pension, bonus or<br />

gratuity, dies before the entire amount is refunded, the unrefunded amount of pension or gratuity<br />

shall be adjusted against the death gratuity which may become payable to his family.<br />

6. When an order is passed under this rule allowing previous military service to count as<br />

part of the service qualifying for civil pension, the order shall be deemed to include the<br />

condonation of interruption in service, if any, in the military service and between the military<br />

and civil services.<br />


7. Re-employed military pensioners should exercise option under Rule 19 (1) within one<br />

year from the date of re-employment as under :-<br />

(a) Under Rule 19 (1) of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972, a Government servant who<br />

is re-employed in a civil service or post is required to give an option at the time of his<br />

confirmation in the civil post whether he would like to get past military service counted<br />

for pension in the civil post or service. The Govt had issued orders vide OM No<br />

38/16/Pension Unit/80 dated 30 Dec 80 allowing the Govt servants to get pension after<br />

completion of twenty years of service either on invalidation or superannuation. In<br />

pursuance of Government decisions on the recommendations of the Fourth Central Pay<br />

Commission, the Government has further decided vide OM NO 2/4/87-PIC dated 14 Apr<br />

87 that a Govt servant will get pension under the CCS (Pension) Rules, either on<br />

superannuation or on invalidation after rendering ten years of temporary service in the<br />

Govt. In view of the relaxation allowed recently to temporary Govt servants, the matter<br />

has been engaging attention of the Govt to allow benefit under Rule 19 (1) of the CCS<br />

(Pension) Rules, 1972, also to Government servants who retire on Superannuation<br />

without confirmation. It has been decided that all those Govt servants who retire on<br />

superannuation or invalidation without confirmation after rendering not less that ten<br />

years of combined military and civil service shall be entitled to the benefit of counting of<br />

service under Rule 19 (1). The provision of Rule 19 (1) may be deemed to have been<br />

modified accordingly.<br />

(b) It has also been decided that a Govt servant applying for counting of service<br />

under Rule 19 (1) may be allowed to exercise option for the same within a period of one<br />

year from the date of joining the civil service or post. The refund of pension, gratuity etc.<br />

already drawn by such Govt servants from the military authorities shall be refunded to<br />

the Govt with interest from the date of their joining the civil service. The rate of interest<br />

would be simple interest at 6% per annum. The other conditions as mentioned under<br />

Rule 19 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, will remain unaltered.<br />

47<br />



(c) In order to facilitate compliance with requirement of exercising option in time, it<br />

has been further decided that the administrative authorities concerned should incorporate<br />

in the order of re-employment itself a clause to the effect that if the re-employed exserviceman<br />

desires to take advantage of the retirement benefits based on combined<br />

military and civil service, he should exercise option within a period of one year from the<br />

date of his re-employment.<br />


8. A Government servant who, prior to his appointment in a civil service or post against<br />

reserved or other permanent vacancy which arose for direct recruitment before the Ist January,<br />

1948, had rendered satisfactory paid whole-time, enlisted or commissioned war service in the<br />

Armed Forces of India or in similar forces of a Commonwealth country during the period from<br />

the 3 rd September, 1939 to the Ist April, 1946, which did not earn a service pension under the<br />

military rules, shall be allowed to count such service, including all kinds of leave on full rates of<br />

pay and sick leave taken during such service, as qualifying service, subject to the following<br />

conditions, namely :-<br />

(a) In the case of a service or post in respect of which a minimum age is fixed for<br />

recruitment, no war service rendered below that age shall count as qualifying service;<br />

(b) No contribution towards or share of pension earned as a result of counting war<br />

service rendered in a force of a Commonwealth country shall be claimed from the<br />

Government of that country;<br />

(c) No refund of bonus or gratuity in respect of war service shall be demanded from<br />

the Government servant concerned.<br />

9. War service rendered by a Government servant who was appointed substantively to a<br />

civil service or post against vacancies which arose after the 31 st December, 1947, shall, subject<br />

to the conditions specified in sub-rule (1), be treated as military service as provided in Rule 19.<br />


10. All leave during service for which leave salary is payable (and all extraordinary leave<br />

granted on medical certificate ) shall count as qualifying service, provided that in the case of<br />

extraordinary leave (other than extraordinary leave granted on medical certificate) the<br />

appointing authority may, at the time of granting such leave, allow the period of that leave to<br />

count as qualifying service if such leave is granted to a Government servant.<br />

48<br />




11. Time passed by a Government servant under suspension pending inquiry into conduct<br />

shall count as qualifying service where, on conclusion of such inquiry, he has been fully<br />

exonerated or the suspension is held to be wholly unjustified; in other cases, the period of<br />

suspension shall not count unless the authority competent to pass orders under the rule<br />

governing such cases expressly declares at the time that it shall count to such extent as the<br />

competent authority may declare.<br />


12. Need for making proper entries for counting of periods of suspension-Rule 23 of the<br />

CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972, requires that in cases other than those in which suspension has been<br />

held to be wholly unjustified, the competent authority should at the appropriate time declare<br />

whether and to what extend the period of suspension will count towards the qualifying service.<br />

Specific entries in this regard in the service book/records will be taken note of at the time of<br />

reckoning qualifying service. In the absence of any specific entry, period of suspension shall be<br />

taken as counting towards the qualifying service.<br />



13. The Staff Side of the Committee of the National Council set up to review the CCS<br />

(CCA) Rules, 1965, had suggested that in cases where a Government servant, against whom an<br />

inquiry has been held for the imposition of a major penalty, is finally awarded only a minor<br />

penalty, the suspension should be considered unjustified and full pay and allowances paid for<br />

suspension period. Government have accepted this suggestion of the Staff Side. Accordingly,<br />

where departmental proceedings against a suspended employee for the imposition of a major<br />

penalty finally end with the imposition of minor penalty, the suspension can be said to be wholly<br />

unjustified in terms of FR 54-B and the employee concerned should, therefore, be paid full pay<br />

and allowances for the period of suspension by passing a suitable order under FR 54-B.<br />

14. These orders are effective from 3 rd December , 1985. Past cases already decided need not<br />

be re-opened.<br />

49<br />




15. Termination of service under temporary services rules or under the term of appointment<br />

for failure to pass prescribed examination, does not entail forfeiture – The Government of India<br />

in consultation with the Ministry of Home Affairs, have held that the termination of service<br />

either under CCS (TS) Rules, 1965 or under the terms of appointment for failure to pass a<br />

prescribed examination does not amount to dismissal or removal within the meaning of Article<br />

418 (a) CSR (Rule 24). A Government servant whose services are not terminated for failure to<br />

pass prescribed examination and who is appointed to another post without any break, will count<br />

his previous service towards leave and pension.<br />


16. A Government servant who is dismissed, removed or compulsorily retired from service,<br />

but is reinstated on appeal or review, is entitled to count his past service as qualifying service.<br />

17. The period or interruption in service between the date of dismissal, removal or<br />

compulsory retirement, as the case may be, and the date of reinstatement, and the period of<br />

suspension, if any, shall not count as qualifying service unless regularised as duty or leave by a<br />

specific order of the authority which passed the order of reinstatement.<br />

50<br />



<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 7<br />



Introduction<br />


1. Any person who absents without permission from duty place or overstays leave granted<br />

to him, is termed as absent without leave. A person who absents himself in a deliberate or<br />

clandestine manner either with the intention of not returning to service or with a view to avoid<br />

GREF service, will be deemed to be a deserter. Whenever a GREF person absents himself<br />

without due authority or deserts the Govt service, it is imperative that prompt and correct action<br />

is taken in accordance with instructions laid down in Army Act Section 106 and Army Rule 183.<br />

Types of Desertion and submission of Desertion Roll<br />

2. Cases of desertion or absence without leave of a person subject to Army Act, will be<br />

reported by an express letter on IAFD-925, on occurrence, by the Officer Commanding unit to<br />

the authorities given at Appendix „P‟ in the following manner :-<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

Individual deserting the service, from unit line – Forthwith.<br />

Overstaying from leave.<br />

When the individual does not rejoin on due date for duty, he will be advised by a<br />

Registered letter with a copy to the NOK advising them to intimate the reasons for<br />

absence. Where the persons have overstayed their leave, the rendition of a desertion<br />

report may be delayed upto a maximum of 14 days at the discretion of the Officer<br />

Commanding the unit. In no case will the desertion report be delayed beyond 14 days.<br />

However, the report may be delayed upto a maximum of 30 days taking into<br />

consideration the deployment of personnel in remote border areas. The application of<br />

desertion roll may also be delayed appropriately in the case of persons who have sought<br />

extension of leave on medical grounds and medical certificates from AMA submitted<br />

alongwith the request. In case of person subject to Nepal, his report will be rendered to<br />

HQ DGBR (E1E Sec) and to other authorities as specified in Appendix „P‟ (Note).<br />

(c)<br />

Personnel who fail to join their new unit on their posting to another Units<br />

Desertion reports in respect of such GREF personnel are required to be initiated<br />

by the receiving units and not by the dispatching units. Accordingly, action to prepare<br />

the loss statement for the kit and adjustment of pay and allowances, including payment<br />

of TA/DA will also be taken by the receiving unit/UA(AO) of that unit. This is however,<br />

subject to receipt of relevant information and documents, like Service documents,<br />

clothing card, pay books containing details of pay and allowances etc. Therefore,<br />

dispatching unit is equally responsible for transmitting the said documents to receiving<br />

unit with utmost speed.<br />



51<br />

(d) In case of desertion with arms, collective desertion with or without arms where it<br />

is considered that desertion are due to subversive activity, initial report of such cases will<br />

invariably be made by signal/Fax and subsequently confirmed by letter.<br />

Security Classification – Desertion Reports<br />

3. Since desertion reports invariably contain the name and location of a deserter‟s unit, it is<br />

essential that such reports bear correct security classification. Reports by Units/Formation in an<br />

operational area will be classified SECRET, all others will be classified “CONFIDENTIAL”. In<br />

order to establish the identity of a deserter or absentee without leave, IAFD-925 containing the<br />

particulars of individual will be authenticated by the Officer Commanding duly affixing the<br />

office stamp of the unit/formation issuing them.<br />

Court of Inquiry and striking of strength<br />

4. If the individual continues to remain absent, a Court of Inquiry will be held after a period<br />

of not less than 30 days from the date of absence to enquire into his absence, and deficiency, if<br />

any, in the property of the Govt. such as arms, ammunition, equipment, clothing and accessories<br />

entrusted to his care. If satisfied with the facts of such absence without due authority or other<br />

sufficient evidence, the court shall declare such absence and the period thereof and the defiance,<br />

if any, the individual will be declared absent without leave with effect from the date on which he<br />

originally absented himself. IAFD-918 will be prepared by the unit on the authority of court of<br />

inquiry proceedings.<br />

NOTE :- The actual date of absence and date on which the court of inquiry is held are to<br />

be excluded for determining the above period of 30 days (AA Sec 106 refers) If the<br />

person declared absent does not afterwards surrender or is not apprehended, he shall, for<br />

the purpose of Army Act, be deemed to be a deserter.<br />

5. The Officer Commanding of the absent person shall enter in the court martial book a<br />

record of the declaration of the court and original proceedings destroyed vide Army Rule<br />

183(3). IAFD-918 (Deserter Declaration Form), copy enclosed as Appendix „P1‟ will be<br />

prepared by OC unit and one copy each will be sent to Commander GREF Centre and OIC<br />

GREF Records. This should be a correct extract from the court martial book and free from<br />

alterations or erasures. For trial of a deserter by Court Martial, a correct extract reproduction of<br />

the declaration entered in the court martial book produced in evidence in IAFD-918, is<br />

admissible and sufficient under AA Sec 91-A(4)(MIML).<br />

6. The following points will be kept in view while submitting IAFD-918 :-<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

The actual value of items found deficient of the deserter will invariably be shown<br />

Date of Court of Inquiry held should be recorded in the form.<br />



52<br />

(c) Date on which kit inventory was taken should be stated. This should normally be<br />

done as soon as it is known that the individual is AWOL/has deserted the service and not<br />

held in abeyance till the Court of Inquiry is assembled.<br />

(d) Rank and name of the Commanding Officer who signed the declaration in the<br />

Court Martial Book should be recorded in the Form.<br />

(e) The copy should be certified as true copy under signature of the Officer having<br />

custody of the original records.<br />

(f) The No and date of unit Part II Order notifying individual‟s desertion/SOS and<br />

taking on attached strength of the unit as deserter will be endorsed on the top of the<br />

deserter declaration form (IAFD-918) in each case before it is sent to GREF Centre and<br />

Record Office.<br />

7. After an absentee is declared deserter, OC Unit/Formation will publish a Part II Order<br />

striking him off the strength of the unit as a deserter from the date of his absence and not from<br />

the date the court of inquiry is held. Although the deserter is SOS of the unit to enable GREF<br />

Centre to take on supernumerary strength, he continues to remain on the attached strength of the<br />

unit as deserter till such time the procedure laid down under Rule 14 of CCS (CC&A) Rule 1965<br />

for his removal in absence from service is completed. It is made clear that a Govt servant who<br />

remains absent un-authorisedly without proper permission should be proceeded against<br />

immediately and this should not be put off till the absence exceeds the limit prescribed in Rule<br />

32 (2) (a) of the CCS (Leave) Rules 1972 subject to fulfilling the other conditions as narrated in<br />

Govt of India‟s instructions (5) below Rule 11 of CCS (CC&A) Rules, 1965. While forwarding<br />

the Annual Desertion Report, which includes cases of affected Officers also, the Projects will<br />

ensure that the statement for every case where action under CCS (CC&A) Rules, 1965 has not<br />

been initiated immediately on issue of apprehension roll is attached with the ibid report. The<br />

report should include the name of the Officers responsible for not initiating action along with<br />

reasons.<br />

8. In the past, it has been noticed that no follow up action has been taken for apprehension<br />

of deserters with the result that the individual remained at large for indefinite period. In some of<br />

the cases, the individual keeps in correspondence, and unit/higher formation keep replying him<br />

to join duty forthwith instead of taking appropriate action to apprehend the individual unless<br />

otherwise in order as per leave rules. Henceforth, the OC Unit/Formation will pursue from<br />

police authorities at District level, the matter should be taken up at higher level, where necessary<br />

with the DIG/IG Police by the TF/CE concerned, so that the individual is arrested and dealt with<br />

under Army Act or under CCS (CC&A) Rules, 1965 as the case may be. Any dilatoriness on the<br />

part of police authorities inspite of above action, should be reported to HQ DGBR.<br />

Recovery of Deserters<br />

9. Units or GREF Centre will ensure that all authorities who have been notified of a<br />

desertion are informed as soon as a deserter returns to his unit, or is apprehended, or is otherwise<br />

removed from the list of deserters.<br />



53<br />



Trial of Deserters<br />

10. Deserters/absentee will be tried by the authorities as under :-<br />

(a) When a deserter surrenders to his Unit/HQ Task Force/HQ CE (P) or to any other<br />

unit within the same Project to which he belongs, he will be tried by the respective<br />

competent authority in the Project. Under no circumstances, will he be sent to GREF<br />

Centre for trial.<br />

(b) When a deserter is apprehended by the police authority, he will be collected by<br />

the respective unit concerned from the police authority, notwithstanding the distance<br />

involved and disciplinary action should be taken by the respective unit/TF/Project<br />

concerned.<br />

(c) When a deserter is apprehended by the police of adjoining areas/Project where<br />

the unit is located, he will be collected by unit concerned and tried by respective Project<br />

authorities.<br />

(d) Cases of desertion involving personnel posted to GREF Centre/Records and new<br />

recruits undergoing training at GREF Centre will be dealt by Commander GREF Centre<br />

Despatch of Escorts<br />

11. In order to avoid wastage of man power and crowding in trains, the strength of escorts<br />

sent to collect deserters will be kept to a minimum. Normally an escort of two, one of whom<br />

might be a NCO/equivalent, will be adequate to collect one man. As far as possible Army<br />

personnel will be sent as escorts.<br />

12. In case/the deserter is supervisory staff he will be collected and tried by the concerned<br />

project. In such case, the Incharge of escort should be a supervisor of the deserter‟s status.<br />

NOTE :- When any intimation is received direct by the GREF Centre regarding arrest of<br />

deserter, the same will be passed to the concerned unit with particulars of the individual<br />

i.e. GREF No, Trade/Category and Name by fastest means to avoid delay in collection of<br />

the deserter.<br />

Payment of TA/DA to Civil Police Parties Deployed to Apprehend/Escort GREF Deserters<br />

13. The police parties who are deployed on duty to apprehend/escort deserters of GREF<br />

employees will be eligible for payment of TA/DA at the rates and under the condtions as<br />

prevailing in the police department. Particulars of the Account Officer of the project to whom<br />

the claims are to be preferred on this account will invariably be shown on the apprehension roll.<br />

54<br />



14. The fact that TA/DA is admissible to police parties deployed on the duty to apprehend/<br />

escort deserters will also be mentioned on each apprehension roll for information and necessary<br />

action of police authorities.<br />

Outstanding Dues<br />

15. A statement of dues outstanding against the deserter will invariably be recorded on the<br />

reverse of deserter declaration form (IAFD-918) when forwarded by unit to GREF Centre. This<br />

statement will include all amounts on account of regimental dues and recoveries outstanding on<br />

any other account including Mess, Canteen and also the amount of Pay & allces due to him<br />

(details of such recoveries will be shown under separate heading). In case this statement is not<br />

recorded, it will be assumed that no dues are outstanding against the deserter. It will be the<br />

responsibility of the OC Unit concerned if subsequently any dues of the Govt comes to light<br />

against the deserter/absentee after he is discharged/dismissed by the competent disciplinary<br />

authority.<br />

Removal of Deserter from Service/Desertion Roll<br />

16. If the deserter does not return to duty or is not apprehended within a reasonable time<br />

after the issue of apprehension roll, disciplinary action should be initiated against him by the<br />

competent authority under Rule 14 of CCS (CC&A) Rules, 1965, and charge sheet served on the<br />

individual at his last known/permanent address on records<br />

17. The entire procedure prescribed in the CCS (CC&A) Rules 1965 including the serving of<br />

“SHOW CAUSE NOTICE”, should be scrupulously followed. Thereafter suitable punishment<br />

may be awarded in terms of Rule 11 CCS (CC&A) Rules, 1965.<br />

18. Procedure for holding ex parte enquiry- whenever an official continues to remain absent<br />

from duty or overstays leave without permission and his movements are not known or he fails to<br />

reply to officials communications, the disciplinary authority may initiate action under Rule 14 of<br />

the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965. In all such case, the Competent Authority should, by a Registered<br />

A.D letter addressed to the official at his last known address, issue a charge-sheet in the form<br />

prescribed for the purpose and call upon the official to submit a written statement of defence<br />

within a reasonable period to be specified by that authority (normally) this should be within 10<br />

days from the date of receipt of charge sheet/delivering the letter). If the letter is received<br />

undelivered or if the letter having been delivered the official does not submit a written statement<br />

of defence on or before the specified date or at a subsequent stage does not appears in person<br />

before the inquiry officer or otherwise, fails or refuses to comply with the provisions of CCS<br />

(CC&A) Rules, 1965, the inquiring authority may hold an ex parte inquiry, duly complying with<br />

the procedures as prescribed in Rule 14 of the CCS (CC&A) Rules, 1965<br />

.<br />



55<br />

Note :- “ It is not a statutory requirement under CCS (CC&A) Rules, 1965 that in all cases,<br />

where it has not been possible to serve the charge sheet etc, through normal channels, a notice<br />

must be published through newspapers. In accordance with the provisions of rule 19 ibid, when<br />

the disciplinary authority is satisfied that it is not reasonably practicable to hold an enquiry due<br />

to the reasons to be recorded in writing, it may consider the circumstances of the case and make<br />

such orders as deemed fit.”<br />

(Auth : HQ DGBR letter No 17017/DGBR/POL/193/A1E dt 24 Dec 2008)<br />

19. In this way, action under Army Act and CCS (CC&A) Rules 1965 can be taken<br />

simultaneously and delay can be avoided by starting action under CCS (CC&A) Rules 1965 well<br />

in time. Once disciplinary action is completed as above and the personnel are finally stuck off<br />

unit‟s strength, the deficiencies will be filled up.<br />

Disposal of Service Documents<br />

20. After the individual has been declared deserter and removed from service after<br />

completion of all formalities as per CCS (CC&A) Rules 1965 and after payment of his dues, if<br />

any like GPF, CGEGIS, Final Pay and Allowances and his documents will be forwarded to<br />

Record Office. The OC unit will make his personal responsibility to ensure that documents are<br />

complete and upto-date in all respects before these are sent to Record Office.<br />

Disposal of Personal Belongings<br />

21. The personal belongings of deserter, after he has been removed from service, be sent to<br />

NOK of the individual through a person of neighbouring area on temp duty after obtaining prior<br />

move sanction from competent authority. Proper receipt of delivery of various items as obtained<br />

from NOK be kept on records.<br />

22. It has been noticed that Units/Formations issuing cancellation letters to the<br />

desertion/apprehension rolls in respect of those personnel who were deserted and subsequently<br />

reported to the unit or removed/dismissed from service completing action as per CCS (CC&A)<br />

Rules, 1965. Such action is legally incorrect. The right course of action in such cases is that a<br />

letter should be addressed to all concerned stating that the individual has since reported to unit<br />

or has been dismissed/removed from service, as the case may be, hence no further action on the<br />

apprehension roll issued vide letter quoted ibid is called for.<br />



56<br />



<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 8<br />




Introduction<br />

1. In accordance with the various rules and regulations the OC unit to which the deceased<br />

belonged, is responsible for the finalisation and disposal of his estate. The estate of deceased<br />

person normally comprises of :-<br />

(a) Movable property in camp or quarters i.e. personal effects and cash, if any left<br />

behind.<br />

(b) Credit balance in the IRLA if any.<br />

(c) Sale proceeds of personal effects, if any.<br />

(d) Realised amount from Banks/Post Offices, if any.<br />

Disposal of Estates by OsC Units<br />

2. These are required to be dealt with and disposed off by the OC Unit if the total value<br />

thereof does not exceed Rs 1,000/- and the claim has been established within 12 months after the<br />

death. Where the amount exceeds Rs 1,000/- or where no claim has been established within one<br />

year from the death, order of Chief Engineer Projects in such cases should be obtained.<br />

Main Cause of Delay in Disposal of Estate<br />

3. It is essential that cases of deceased personnel are disposed of expeditiously in order to<br />

safe guard the interests of beneficiaries. To achieve this aim the following factors will be kept in<br />

view :-<br />

(a) Production of security bond is necessary only in cases when a person has<br />

obtained a succession certificate or any other conclusive legal evidence of title from a<br />

court of law and wishes to take over the estate himself or herself without its being<br />

administered by OC Unit. In actual practice there will hardly be a case to be dealt with<br />

under this sub section. It would not, therefore, be necessary to call for a security bond in<br />

a normal case. This will reduce delay in settlement as it is found that demand for a<br />

security bond has been the main reason for delay in most of the cases.<br />

(b) In view of what is stated in sub para (a) above, it is not necessary to obtain<br />

wishes of the beneficiaries regarding adminstration of estate. All estates should be<br />

disposed off under Section 10 of the Act ibid.<br />

57<br />



(c) If in any case a deceased person has left any WILL, the estate should<br />

straightaway be disposed off in favour of the beneficiary under „WILL‟ if the value<br />

thereof does not exceed Rs 5,000/-.<br />

(d) Bank/Post Office balances of deceased personnel will be released on behalf of<br />

beneficiaries only if they so desire.<br />

(e) If the amount exceed Rs 1,000/- or where a period of 12 months has elapsed and<br />

the claim remains unestablished, it shall be paid under the order of Chief Engineer<br />

Projects.<br />

(f) Nomination regarding heir to estate in the Kindred roll is not a „WILL‟ and the<br />

person nominated therein cannot be treated as the legal beneficiary by virtue of the<br />

nomination.<br />

(g) Realisation of amounts on account of Insurance Policies is not within the scope of<br />

the Act and Rules ibid.<br />

Execution of a WILL by Service personnel for Speedy Disposal of Estates<br />

4. The Kindred Roll maintained in the Service Document of each person is a part of service<br />

records merely for adminstration purposes. As it is not executed in pursuance of any provisions<br />

of Law, it has no legal effect on the disposal of deceased person‟s estate.<br />

5. Although, no one can be compelled to make a „WILL‟ but it is with interest of the person<br />

himself to do so, so that in the event of his death, all his dues and property can be disposed off<br />

expeditiously and according to his own wish. It will also be beneficial for the dependents as it<br />

will save considerable legal formalities and delay which his dependent will have to undergo to<br />

get them completed.<br />

6. All OsC Units are, therefore, advised to ask serving personnel to execute a „WILL‟.<br />

Disposal of Estate of Deceased personnel who leave behind Minor Heir<br />

7. The payment of estates of deceased personnel leaving behind minor heir will be sent by<br />

money order addressed to the beneficiaries. This procedure is based on Rule 264, Posts and<br />

Telegraphs Manual Vol VI Art I. While remitting the money to the minor heir Record Office or<br />

units will explain simultaneously in a letter addressed to the guardian that she/he is competent to<br />

receive the money order on behalf of the minor.<br />

8. Units remitting the money will deal all cases under observation to ensure that there is no<br />

undue delay on the part of Post Offices in delivering the money and returning acknowledgments.<br />

58<br />



<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 9<br />




Introduction<br />

1. GREF Personnel are governed by Central Civil Services (Medical Examination ) Rules<br />

1957. However in view of the role of GREF and deployment pattern of GREF personnel, it is<br />

necessary to lay down a separate medical categorisation policy for them. It is imperative that all<br />

GREF personnel are placed in suitable medical categories as per their medical condition. Since<br />

the GREF personnel are deployed based on their medical categories it is incumbent on them to<br />

report to medical authorities for placement in appropriate medical category after they suffer<br />

from disease/disability.<br />

Aim<br />

2. The aim of these instructions is to lay down a proper medical categorisation policy, as<br />

well as to familiarise all concerned with regard to their responsibilities in the matter of<br />

placement of GREF personnel (Officers and Subordinates) in proper medical categories.<br />

Personnel on deputation will also be covered by this policy. However service Officers and<br />

PBOR serving with BRO will continue to be governed by the policies of their parent<br />

department.<br />

Medical Categories<br />

3. The various medical categories for GREF personnel are given below. These medical<br />

categories are to facilitate deployment of individuals by the administrative authorities and also to<br />

help the individuals to recover from their disease and disabilities :-<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

Category - I (One)<br />

Category - II (Two)<br />

(c) Category - III (Three) Employability restrictions attached<br />

as per Appx „C‟.<br />

(d) Category - IV (Four)<br />

59<br />



Procedure for Categorisation<br />

4. All GREF personnel will report to their Authorised Medical Attendant (AMA), i.e. the<br />

unit medical Officer (UMO), GREF as and when they contract a disease/disability. Where UMO<br />

is not available, the individual will be directed to report to the nearest unit where UMO is<br />

available. Further, in case of stations covered under CGHS, it will be incumbent on the part of<br />

GREF personnel to report to the nearest UMO, GREF for the said purpose.<br />

5. If the AMA/MO feels that the extent of disease/disability requires down grading of<br />

medical category, the individual will be referred to a service specialist (Civil specialist where<br />

there is no service specialist available). Based on the specialist‟s opinion the AMA will<br />

recommend appropriate medical category and arrange holding of the medical board.<br />

6. Individuals requiring time for convalescence on discharge from hospital MSS may, on<br />

their request be sent on any form of leave or on EOL, as authorised, on recommendation of<br />

medical authorities.<br />

Composition of Medical Board<br />

7. Composition of medical boards and procedure for recording/disposal of medical board<br />

proceedings is explained in Appendix „A‟.<br />

Duration of Medical Category<br />

8. An individual will be placed in low medical category (LMC) GREF II/III (Temp) on the<br />

basis of opinion of civil/service specialist for a minimum period of six months, after which he<br />

will be reviewed by the AMA. After six months, if the AMA finds that the individuals physical<br />

condition has improved / deteriorated, he will be referred to a civil/service specialist, who may<br />

recommend upgrading/downgrading. In case the AMA finds that the individual‟s physical<br />

condition has remained static, the AMA may recommend continuance of the same medical<br />

category II/III (Temp) for another six months or place him in permanent medical category. After<br />

12 months, if the individual‟s physical condition is unchanged, he will be placed in LMC GREF<br />

II/III (Permanent) by AMA. LMC GREF II/III (Perm) individuals will be reviewed by AMA<br />

periodically and will be brought before a medical board after every two years. During the two<br />

yearly review if the AMA finds that condition static, he will recommend continuance of same<br />

medical category and hold the medical board on AFMSF-15A. In case the AMA finds<br />

deterioration/improvement he will refer the case to civil/service specialist for their opinion for<br />

treatment/re-categorisation. The AMA may decide appropriate medical category based on the<br />

opinion of civil/services specialist. While the downgrading/upgrading of medical category will<br />

always be based on opinion/recommendation of civil/service specialist during review, the<br />

continuance of LMC pers will be recommended by AMA and a single Offr medical board held<br />

by him.<br />

60<br />



9. No category will be awarded for less than six months at a time, and review will be<br />

carried out only after expiry of six months on due date as per recommendation of medical board.<br />

Temporary medical category will be recommended for a maximum period of 12 months, after<br />

which permanent LMC will be awarded.<br />

Disposal of LMC Personnel<br />

10. On discharge from hospital after placement in a low medical category, GREF personnel<br />

will be disposed of as per procedure explained in Appx „B‟.<br />

Conclusion<br />

11. The above mentioned instructions will come in force with immediate effect and<br />

supercede all previous instructions on the subject. Any doubts in the matter will be referred to<br />

HQ DGBR/Med Dte for clarification .<br />

12. The Projects are advised to disseminate these instructions to the lowest level and advise<br />

GREF Personnel to get themselves place in appropriate medical category based on their medical<br />

condition. Representation against move on posting to HAA/difficult areas will not be<br />

entertained after their posting orders based on their recorded medical categories are issued.<br />

13. The Commanders at level will exercise their authority and ensure implementation of<br />

these instructions.<br />

Authy : HQ DGBR letter No, 70321/DGBR/Med/Stats dated 24 Jan 2005.<br />

61<br />




Appendix „A‟ to HQ DGBR instruction<br />

No.70321/DGBR/Med/Stats dt<br />

28 Sep 2001<br />

Medical Category Composition of Board Approving Auth Remarks/Disposal of Proceedings<br />

1. Officers<br />

(a)Initial category<br />

on AFMSF-15 (in<br />

triplicate)<br />

(b) Re-Categori -<br />

sation on AFMSF<br />

-15A<br />

(in triplicate)<br />

2. Subordinates<br />

(a) Initial category<br />

on AFMSF-15<br />

(in triplicate)<br />

(b) Re-Categiori -<br />

sation on AFMSF<br />

-15A<br />

(in triplicate)<br />

3. All Ranks<br />

(IMB)<br />

Category-IV<br />

on AFMSF-15(In<br />

quadruplicate)<br />


Presiding offr (PO)with one<br />

MO/Dental Officer as<br />

member<br />

-do-<br />

-do-<br />

-do-<br />

(a) Civil Surgeon, Distt<br />

Hospital as PO with 2 MOs<br />

as members.<br />

b) DCMO/DADMS as PO<br />

with 2 MOs as members.<br />

DDG (Med) Medical board will be held after<br />

obtaining opinion of concerned specialist<br />

of service/civil hospital. Based on<br />

opinion of specialist, MO will<br />

recommend appropriate medical<br />

category,after approval of DDG (Med),<br />

one copy of AFMSF-15 will be fwd to<br />

EIA HQ DGBR and one to unit. MO<br />

may seek the advice of DCMO/DADMS<br />

for appropriate medical category.<br />

(i) DCMO/DADMS<br />

Project if PO is<br />

SMO/MO<br />

(ii) DDG (Med) if<br />

PO is DCMO/<br />

DADMS<br />

(i) DCMO/DADMS<br />

Project if PO is<br />

SMO/MO<br />

(ii) DDG (Med) if<br />

PO is DCMO/<br />

DADMS<br />

-do-<br />

After approval, two copies with<br />

connected documents to OC unit and one<br />

copy to GREF Records.<br />

-do-<br />

DDG(Med) After approval original copy with<br />

connected med docus to E1A HQ<br />

DGBR(in case of Officers) and OIC<br />

Records(in case of subordinates) and two<br />

copies to OC Unit.<br />

-do-<br />

Note :- During re-categorisation where upgrading/continuation in the same medical category is<br />

recommended the composition of medical board will be a single medical officer only.<br />

Approving authority will remain as above.<br />

62<br />



Appendix „B‟ to HQ DGBR<br />

Instruction No 70321/DGBR/<br />


28 SEP 2001<br />


S/No Category of Medical Category Disposal<br />

Officers<br />

01. Officers I, II & III To be discharged back to parent unit.<br />

IV (Four)<br />

Officers placed in Category IV will not be invalided<br />

out from GREF service for disability acquired<br />

during his/her service. The Officer who has<br />

acquired disability and is not found suitable for the<br />

post he/she was holding, should be shifted to some<br />

alternate post with the same pay scale & service<br />

benefits. In case it is not possible to adjust him/her<br />

against any post, he/she may be kept on<br />

supernumerary post until a suitable post is available<br />

or he/she attains the age of superannuation,<br />

whichever is earlier. (Auth : Govt of India, Min of<br />

Personnel, P.G. & Pension Deptt of Personnel<br />

Training Om No. 13015/3/2002-Estt(L) dated<br />

19 Jan 2004.<br />

2. Subordinates I, II & III To be discharged back to parent unit.<br />

No patient will be discharged to GREF Centre.<br />

IV (Four)<br />

Subordinates placed in Category IV will not be<br />

invalided out from GREF service for disability<br />

acquired during his/her service. The employee who<br />

has acquired disability and is not found suitable for<br />

the post he/she was holding, should be shifted to<br />

some alternate post with the same pay scale &<br />

service benefits. In case it is not possible to adjust<br />

him/her against any post, he/she may be kept on<br />

supernumerary post until a suitable post is available<br />

or he/she attains the age of superannuation,<br />

whichever is earlier. (Auth : Govt of India, Min of<br />

Personnel, P.G.& Pension Deptt of Personnel<br />

Training OM No. 13015/3/2002-Estt(L) dated 19<br />

Jan 2004.<br />

63<br />



Appendix „C‟<br />



An individual is fit in all respects for general service in any area will be placed in<br />

medical category-I<br />

To determine the exact category applicable, his physical fitness will be assessed<br />

by testing his functional capacity under five factors as follows :-<br />

(a) Psychological (S1) : Can withstand severe mental stress and strain.<br />

(b) Hearing (H1)<br />

: Has excellent hearing with both ears viz with back to<br />

examiner can hear a forced whisper at a distance of 6<br />

Meters with each ear separately.<br />

(c) Appendages (A1) : Has full functional capacity of the limbs.<br />

(d) Physcial (P1)<br />

(e) Eye Sight (E1)<br />

: Has full functional capacity and physical stamina.<br />

: Good Eye sight. May have corrected vision (Myopia or<br />

manifest Hypernetropia not to exceed 7 dioptres).<br />

64<br />




An individual will be placed in medical category II when he has a moderate<br />

degree of disability. It does not interfere with the routine performance of work. Thus the<br />

functional capacity and employability restrictions are given as under :-<br />

Functional Capacity<br />

(a) Psychological (S2) Can withstand moderate stress.<br />

Likelihood of break down under severe stress cannot be<br />

ruled out.<br />

(b) Hearing (H2) With his back to the examiner can<br />

hear conversation at a distance of 6 Meters with one ear<br />

and 3 Meters with the other ear<br />

(c) Appendages (A2)<br />

(i) Upper Limb (A2U) Has slight defect of upper<br />

limb but these in no way incapacitate his routine daily<br />

movements<br />

(ii) Lower Limb (A2L) Has slight defect of locomotion<br />

but these do not incapacitate him from daily<br />

movements<br />

(d) Physical Capacity (P2) Has only mild degree of<br />

disability which does not interfere with performance of<br />

normal work. Suffered from metabolic/ constitutional/<br />

infective disease/operative procedures, but now well<br />

stablised. Can undergo exertion not involving severe<br />

strain.<br />

Employability Restrictions<br />

Fit for duties anywhere<br />

except at isolated garrisons<br />

and sentry duty.<br />

Fit for duties which donot<br />

require acuity of hearing.<br />

Not fit for HAA and ECC<br />

areas.<br />

Not fit for duties in hilly<br />

terrain. HAA and ECC areas<br />

Not fit for duties in hilly<br />

terrain, HAA and ECC<br />

areas.<br />

(e) Eye Sight (E2) Can see for ordinary purposes No restriction<br />

65<br />



3. Category GREF-III Personnel whose defects/disabilities are of a higher degree those<br />

acceptable for category 2 are placed in this category.<br />

The functional capacity and corresponding employability restrictions are as under :-<br />

Functional Capacity<br />

(a) Psychological (S3) Has limited tolerance to stress.<br />

Has recently recovery from acute psychoneurotic or<br />

psychotic states.<br />

(b) Hearing (H3) Partially deaf with both ears. With<br />

his back to the examiner can hear conversion with both<br />

ears at distance of 3 Meters<br />

(c) Appendages (A3)<br />

(i) Upper Limb (A3U) Has major disability or disease<br />

in one area like complete loss of one hand including<br />

fingers.<br />

(ii) Lower Limb (A3L) Has a disease or disability<br />

above knee on one side. Can walk 5 Kms at his own<br />

pace.<br />

(d) Physical Capacity (P3) Has moderate disablement<br />

with limited physical capacity and stamina. Can undergo<br />

exertion not involving severe strain<br />

(e) Eye Sight (E3) Can see only for ordinary purposes<br />

corrected vision with spectacles 6/24 each eye.<br />

Employability Restrictions<br />

Fit for routine duties (except<br />

sentry duty) under<br />

supervison. Not fit for HAA<br />

Fit for routine duties<br />

anywhere not requiring got<br />

hearing standard. Not fit for<br />

sentry duty.<br />

Not fit for HAA and ECC<br />

areas.<br />

Not fit for hilly terrain. HAA<br />

and ECC areas.<br />

Fit for sentry duties in areas<br />

where hospital with<br />

appropriate specialist are<br />

available nearby. Not fit for<br />

hilly terrain, HAA and ECC<br />

areas.<br />

Fit for duties not requiring<br />

good usual acuity.<br />

4. Category GREF-IV Persons considered to be permanently unfit for GREF duties will<br />

be placed under GREF-IV category :-<br />

S4<br />

H4<br />

A4<br />

P4<br />

E4<br />

: Mentally unstable on account of Psychological/Psychiatric disorders.<br />

: Hearing below H3 standards.<br />

: Severe derangement of functional efficiency.<br />

: Gross limitations in physical capacity and stamina.<br />

: Visual acuity below E3 std Bilateral aphakia.<br />

Note :- Some terms used above are amplified.<br />

(a) Hilly terrain : Denotes areas where a person has to negotiate heights which are<br />

likely to aggravate or put to difficulty persons with cardiac respiratory, arthritis or such<br />

disabilities.<br />

(b)<br />

more.<br />

Extreme Cold Climate : Where temperature remain below 7 for 6 months or<br />

66<br />



<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 10<br />



Voluntary Retirement<br />


1. Instructions on voluntary retirement scheme on completion of 20 years service have been<br />

issued vide Govt of India, Min of Home Affairs (Deptt of Pers & AR) No. 25013/7/77-ESTT(A)<br />

dated 26 Aug 77.<br />

2. To streamline the administrative procedure for implementing scheme of voluntary<br />

retirement the necessity of issuing instructions was felt by GREF Records.<br />

3. It has been brought out in Govt orders, the pre-requisite for voluntary retirement after 20<br />

years service is the establishing of the fact of one‟s having actually put in 20 years qualifying<br />

service.<br />

4. Once the Govt employee desires to go on retirement after completion of 20 years<br />

qualifying service under the voluntary retirement scheme, the following action will be<br />

administered :-<br />

(a) Govt servant desirous of going on pension after completion of 20 years service<br />

will submit his request in writing to OC unit.<br />

(b) The unit will bring the unit set of sevice docus upto-date and forward to AO (P)<br />

for the purpose of verifying the fact that the individual has completed 20 years of<br />

qualifying service for pension.<br />

(c) On receipt of confirmation for eligibility of pension from the AOs under<br />

voluntary retirement scheme, an application for voluntary retirement as per Appendix<br />

„Q‟ duly filled with relevant details and signed by the individual will be submitted to the<br />

appointing authority.<br />

(d) On receipt of the application, the OC unit will initiate measures to verify<br />

viz/disciplinary clearance of the applicant.<br />

(e) OC unit will then submit the case to the appointing authority through normal<br />

channel in letter (format attached as Appendix „R‟).<br />

(f) It must be ensured that the application is dealt as “First Sight Dak” so that the<br />

sanction is accorded well within the notice period.<br />

(g) On receipt of Appendix „R‟ by the Competent Appointing Authority, the order<br />

regarding retirement from service under voluntary retirement scheme will be issued.<br />

(h) Sanction form appended with GREF ROI No. 8/73 need not be prepared in case<br />

of voluntary retirement.<br />

67<br />



5. In case of personnel who had ever been serving with other departments on deputation or<br />

lien will be ensured that the leave salary contribution and pension contribution is borne by the<br />

Govt. servant or department before the Govt servant is permitted to proceed on voluntary<br />

retirement.<br />

Authority :- HQ DGBR letter No. 11476/DGBR/E1C dated 13 Feb 1985 and Rule 48 of CCS<br />

(Pension) Rules, 1972.<br />

Suspension<br />

6. The appointing authority or any authority to which it is subordinate or the disciplinary<br />

authority or any other authority empowered in that behalf by the President, by general or special<br />

order, may place a Government servant under suspension :-<br />

(a)<br />

where a disciplinary proceeding against him is contemplated or is pending<br />

or<br />

(b) where, in the opinion of the authority aforesaid, he has engaged himself in<br />

activities prejudicial to the interest of the security of the State<br />

or<br />

(c) Where a case against him in respect of any criminal offence is under<br />

investigation, inquiry or trial.<br />

7. A Government servant shall be deemed to have been placed under suspension by an<br />

order of appointing authority :-<br />

(a) with effect from the date of his detention, if he is detained in custody, whether<br />

on a criminal charge or otherwise, for a period exceeding forty-eight hours.<br />

(b) with effect from the date of his conviction, if, in the event of a conviction for an<br />

offence, he is sentenced to a term of imprisonment exceeding forty-eight hours and is not<br />

forthwith dismissed or removed or compulsorily retired consequent to such conviction.<br />

68<br />



<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 11<br />



Introduction<br />


1. Compilation and recording of information of prescribed froms which affects the GREF<br />

history and accounts of GREF personnel is called documentation. It is used for immediate or<br />

future action by the Record Office, Pay and Account Office or Pension authorities. It is<br />

imperative that full attention to the meticulous details of documentation and accounting is<br />

always paid by staff employed on this important task.<br />

Preparation, Maintenance and Disposal of Service Books ATC-4 GREF Personnel and<br />

Deputationists<br />

2. Service book (ATC-4) of all individuals are prepared by the units where they all initially<br />

posted after appoitment. Units are therefore responsible for the correct maintenanc of service<br />

books (ATC-4). This is an auditable document and will be carefully maintained and kept upto<br />

date at all times. In case of non-availability of Service Books (ATC-4) all records of service will<br />

be entered in Ghost sheet. Specimen of Ghost sheet is attached at Appendix „S‟. All casualties<br />

affecting pay and allowances and service records which are notified in Part II Order will be<br />

recorded in the service books/ghost sheets supported with number of Part II Orders and attested<br />

under signture of an Officer. The following points will be kept in mind while recording the<br />

entries in Ghost Sheets :-<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

(c)<br />

Every Ghost Sheet will bear a page number.<br />

Trade and unit on Ghost Sheet will be written in pencil.<br />

All entries will be recorded date-wise and attested by an Officer, and<br />

(d) Entries regarding change in Kindred Roll, grant of leave will in addition to be<br />

recorded in the main body of Ghost Sheet, also be reflected in Kindred Roll portion and<br />

ATC-4 and Leave Account Form respectively. On availability of Service Book (ATC-4)<br />

all entries recorded in the Ghost Sheet will be transcribed and such Ghost Sheet will still<br />

be kept with the individual‟s documents. All entries will be serially numbered.<br />

3. Unit copies of the following documents will be kept with the Service Books/Ghost<br />

Sheets :-<br />

(a)<br />

Appointment form.<br />

(b)<br />

(c)<br />

Trade Test Sheet.<br />

Medical form, clinical sheets and other medical documents.<br />

69<br />


(d)<br />

(e)<br />

(f)<br />

(g)<br />

(h)<br />

(j)<br />

(k)<br />

(l)<br />

(m)<br />

(n)<br />


Willingness/agreement Certificate.<br />

ATC-2 (Leave Account Form).<br />

Oath affirmation certificate.<br />

Declaration regarding pension.<br />

Declaration of Home/Town for LTC purpose.<br />

Appendix „A‟ to CPRO 65/58 (Plural marriage).<br />

Age exemption certificate in case of re-employed pensioners only.<br />

Nomination for Death-cum-Retirement gratuity.<br />

SC/ST certificate (in case of SC/ST personnel).<br />

CTCs of qualification and experience certificate, Driving Licence.<br />

(o) Appendix „A‟ to HQ DGBR letter No 18130/15/DGBR/E1B dated 10 Dec 69<br />

(option certificate where applicable).<br />

(p) Appendix „B‟ to HQ DGBR letter No 69524/D/DGBR/E1C dated 13 May 70<br />

(declaration of Pmt).<br />

(q)<br />

(r)<br />

(s)<br />

(t)<br />

(u)<br />

(v)<br />

(w)<br />

Pay fixation proforma duly approved by audit/competent authority (i.e<br />

re-appointment/promotion/remustering/reversion etc.<br />

Statement of movable/immovable property.<br />

Photographs (passport size).<br />

Nationality certificate.<br />

Nomination form for payment of pension/GP Fund accumulations.<br />

Nomination of CGEGIS.<br />

Nomination of BRSRF.<br />

70<br />



4. In addition to above, kindred roll/next of kin form as per Appendix „T‟ will be<br />

completed in duplicate, by the appointing authority in respect of personnel appointed in the<br />

GREF. Only one copy of the form will be kept by the unit with the service documents/ghost<br />

sheet and the other copy will be sent to GREF Records.<br />

5. Home/Town address in the kindred roll in respect of Nepal domiciles will be recorded as<br />

per specimen given below :-<br />

GS NO _________Trade__________Name_____________________________________<br />

Village___________Thana_________Teh _____________Zila_____________________<br />

Nepalese Post Office : __________________________________________________<br />

Exchange Post Office : _________________________________________________<br />

Via(India side Post Office) : ____________________________________________<br />

Phone No (If any) ____________________________________________________<br />

6. All casualties regarding marriage, deaths and change of next of kin will be notified in<br />

Unit Part II Orders as per Appendix „U‟ to this ROI and entries recorded in the Kindred Roll and<br />

NOK form duly supported by Part II Order No and attested by an Officer.<br />

7. Service Books in respect of deputationists from Government Department such as<br />

MES/DAD will be maintained by Units/Head of Office where the individuals are serving.<br />

8. It has been seen in the past that units submit Service Documents of non-effective<br />

personnel to GREF Records incomplete and in piecemeal resulting in avoidable correspondence<br />

and in prompt disposal of post-discharge representations from non-effective GREF personnel<br />

and their dependents. Apparently, some units are not clear about correct completion and dispatch<br />

of various documents whose individuals become non-effective. In order to overcome these<br />

difficulties, the documents required by the Record Office, in case of non-effective personnel are<br />

given below to serve as a guide line for units. These documents alongwith those mentioned in<br />

para 3 above, duly completed, should be dispatched by the concerned units immediately after an<br />

individual become non-effective and his accounts are finally settled. A delay report explaining<br />

reasons for non-despatch of Service Documents will be submitted by the units, where documents<br />

cannot be dispatched by the units within three months from the date of discharge of an<br />

individual from service :-<br />

71<br />



(a)<br />

Final casualty regarding death/discharge/dismissal.<br />

(b) A final payment certificate in duplicate showing details of each payment made to<br />

the NOK with date of payment from OsC Units endorsed with the Unit Set of documents<br />

to Records.<br />

(c) Character assessed at the time of discharge should be recorded below the entry of<br />

final payment.<br />

(d) Endorsement regarding verification of „Character and Antecedents‟ on the outer<br />

cover of Service Book/Ghost Sheet.<br />

(e) Endorsement of CDA (P) Allahabad regarding final award of pension is required<br />

to be made available in the NE service documents (ATC-4).<br />

(f) A copy of pension calculation sheet will be kept in Service Documents for<br />

reference.<br />

(g) A copy of sanction for termination of service duly completed should be sent<br />

alongwith the DO Pt II Orders (containing casualty regarding discharge). The original<br />

copy should be sent with ATC-4. The form should be completed in the following respect<br />

:-<br />

(i)<br />

Detailed cause of discharge should be stated.<br />

(ii) Character assessed at the time of discharge should be entered in the<br />

bottom portion of the form.<br />

(iii)<br />

unit.<br />

Date of SOS and Part II Order No should be entered and signed by the OC<br />

(iv) Copy of „Show Cause Notice‟ and its reply should be attached with the<br />

form wherever applicable.<br />

(v) If no „Show Cause Notice‟ was given reasons for not doing so will be<br />

stated in the Recommendation of OC unit.<br />

(h) Copy of Show Cause Notice and its reply where applicable be attached with<br />

sanction for termination of service.<br />

(j)<br />

(k)<br />

(l)<br />

Movement order given at the time of discharge.<br />

AFMSF 15/IAF (Med)-8 in case of discharge on medical grounds.<br />

Medical/clinical documents including X-Ray Reports where applicable.<br />

72<br />



(m) Application form of the individual in case of discharge on compassionate<br />

Grounds.<br />

(n)<br />

Sanction of Competent Authority in case of discharge on adverse police report.<br />

(o) C of I proceedings regarding cause of injury/death where applicable.<br />

(p) Death certificate where applicable.<br />

(q) Deserter declaration form (IAFD-918).<br />

(r) Apprehension roll.<br />

(s) A copy of the letter addressed to all concerned as per Appendix „P‟<br />

(Desertion).<br />

(t) Orders of the competent authority for removal from service where individuals are<br />

deemed to have resigned on expiry of 90 days EOL or other maximum limits.<br />

(u) Copy of discharge certificate to be kept in service documents.<br />

(v)<br />

Complete set of ACRs to be attached with the unit set of service documents.<br />

Transfer of Documents<br />

9. Immediately on arrival of an individual on posting, the receiving unit will ensure that<br />

they receive the documents and these are properly maintained and kept upto-date, from Part II<br />

order entries.<br />

10. The documents will always be sent in sealed cover under Registered letter and<br />

acknowledgement obtained. Whenever documents are dispatched from one unit to another, both<br />

units will check them particularly the ATC-4 and its supporting documents to ensure that these<br />

have been properly maintained/audited and are upto-date in all respects at the time of<br />

dispatch/receipt. All entries in these documents will be made accurately, neatly and attested in<br />

the appropriate columns under the signature of an Officer.<br />

73<br />




Introduction<br />

1. Change of home address, religion, name etc. of a Govt servant can be made at a later<br />

stage. The procedure for changing the same is enumerated in succeeding paragraphs.<br />

Change of Home address/Railway Station for the purpose of LTC<br />

2. Changes in the permanent home address in respect of GREF personnel are to be notified<br />

in Part II Orders. For this purpose sanction of the Competent Auhtority is required to be<br />

obtained before notification of the same in Part II Orders, in accordance with Para 432 and 433<br />

of <strong>Border</strong> <strong>Roads</strong> Regulations. Change of NRS is possible due to reason of happening or closure<br />

of NRS without having any change to permanent HOME or residence (declared) can be notified<br />

in Unit Part II Order after verifiying the facts with the civil authorities.<br />

Auth : G of I, Min of Tpt & Shipping BRDB OM No. F-81(6) 1964-pers/69512/<br />

DGBR/E1C dt 2-5-67, HQ DGBR letter No. 69512/PC-4/DGBR/E1C dt 3-1-68,<br />

69512/PC-4/DGBR/E1C dt 26 May 80 and App 17, CSR Vol II 10 th Edn, Para 1<br />

(4).<br />

Change of Religion-GREF personnel<br />

3. Change in religion in respect of GREF personnel will be notified on the basis of a written<br />

declaration from the individual concerned supported with affidavit duly sworn by him in a Court<br />

and News Paper cuttings to the effect that he has voluntarily changed his religion. Entries in all<br />

the service documents will be changed on the authority of DO Part II notifying the change of<br />

religion. The declaration duly countersigned by the OC Unit will be sent to Record Office<br />

alongwith the DO Part II in which the change of religion is notified for record purpose.<br />

Change of Name : GREF personnel<br />

4. A Government servant wishing to adopt a name or to effect any modification in his<br />

existing name should be asked to adopt the change formally by a deed changing his name<br />

(specimen attached as per Appendix „T-1‟). In order that the execution of the document may not<br />

be in doubt, it is desirable that it should be attested by two witnesses preferably those known to<br />

the Head of the Office in which the Government servant is serving. The execution of deed<br />

should be followed by publication of change in the prominent local newspaper as well as<br />

Gazette of India, publication being undertaken by the Government servant in his own expense in<br />

both cases. For the publication of the advertisement in the Gazette of India, Government servant<br />

should be directed to approach the Manager of Publications, Government of India Publication<br />

Branch, Civil lines, Delhi.<br />

74<br />



5. It is only after the formalities described in foregoing paragraph have been complied with<br />

and satisfactory evidence of identity and execution of the document adduced by the Government<br />

servant that the adoption of the new name or change in the existing name should be recognised<br />

officially, entries should be made in the service documents of the indvidual after notifying the<br />

same in Part II order. The following procedures are to be ensured by the individual and the units<br />

in this regards :-<br />

(a) The changed name of the individual will not be recorded in the documents shown<br />

below but a copy of Part II Order notifying the change will be attached thereto or pasted<br />

in such a way that the original name is clearly visible and not blocked.<br />

(i)<br />

(ii)<br />

(iii)<br />

(iv)<br />

(v)<br />

Appointment form. (BRDB-15 (Revised)<br />

Verification roll (IAFK-1152)<br />

Education Certificates (Civil)<br />

Departmental Courses/qualifications<br />

Papers relating to medals, honors & awards<br />

(b) The change of name will be recorded in the undermentioned documents on the<br />

authority of Part II Orders :-<br />

(i)<br />

(ii)<br />

(vi)<br />

(iv)<br />

Service Book (ATC-4)<br />

AFMSF-2A (Primary Medical Examination report)<br />

Nominations & Declarations<br />

Other service documents i.e Identity Card GREF pay Book etc.<br />

Auth : Government of India‟s decision (1) below Art 26 of CSR Vol 1 (12 th Edition)<br />

Recording of Wife‟s Name in the Service Documents<br />

6. In many cases while submitting declaration after having married a girl of Nepal domicile<br />

the GREF personnel gives the pet name of his wife for publishing the same in Part II Orders<br />

whereas, real name of the wife is recorded in the Citizenship certificate issued by the<br />

Government of Nepal. Thus two different names of the same lady wife are recorded in two<br />

different documents. This leads to complications at a later stage, especially if the individual<br />

predeceases his wife. It has, therefore, been decided that henceforth, as and when a person<br />

marries a Nepal domiciled girl and makes a declaration of his marriage to his OC for publication<br />

of the occurrence in Part II Orders, the declaration should be accompanied by citizenship<br />

certificate of his wife issued by the Government of Nepal.<br />

75<br />



Introduction<br />


1. In accordance with Para 3 of the Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order, 1950 as<br />

amended by the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribe Orders (Amendment) Act, 1956, no<br />

person who professes a religion different from the Hindu or Sikh religion can be deemed to be a<br />

member of Scheduled Castes. However, instances have come to light where scheduled caste<br />

candidates on adopting a religion other than Hinduism and Sikhism, does not intimate the<br />

change in religion to the Appointing/Administrative Authorities and continued<br />

claiming/enjoying concessions/benefits admissible to Schedules Castes. This necessiated<br />

withdrawal retrospectively of the concessions enjoyed by them.<br />

Aim<br />

2. The aim of this ROI is to streamline the procedure to be followed by all concerned so as<br />

to avoid lapses and continue to claim concessions admissible to Schedules Castes.<br />

Procedure<br />

3. The appointing authority in the letter of appointment issued to Schedules Caste<br />

candidates should inform them that they should intimate about any change of their religion to<br />

their Appointing/Administrative Authorities, immediately after such a change. The serving<br />

personnel will also be instructed to intimate the change, if any, in their religion immediately to<br />

their Appointing/administrative authorities.<br />

4. Any change in the religion, will be notified in the Unit Part II Orders and recorded in<br />

service documents of the concerned individual.<br />

Auth :-<br />

Cabinet Secretariat (Department of Personnel) OM No. 13/2/71-Ests (SCT)<br />

dated 10 Sep 71 received under HQ DGBR letter No. 17573/639/DGBR/<br />

Coord dated 11 Apr 73.<br />

76<br />





Introduction<br />

1. As a rule, the crucial date for determining the age limit mentioned in the Recruitment<br />

Rules will in each case be the closing date for receipt of application from candidates in India.<br />

Accordingly the date of birth is recorded in the service documents by the appointing authority on<br />

the basis of documentary evidence as laid down in Art 51 of CSR as under :-<br />

(a) Every person on entering service, shall declare his date of birth which shall not<br />

differ from any declaration expressed or implied or any public purpose entering service<br />

in civilian capacity.<br />

(b) In the case of literate staff, the date of birth shall invariably be supported by<br />

documentary evidence, and be entered in the record of service in the employee‟s own<br />

handwriting. If an employee is a Matriculate or possesses a higher qualification, the date<br />

of birth as recorded in his Matriculation/School Certificate shall be accepted as the date<br />

of his birth.<br />

(c) In the case of illiterate staff, they will be required to produce some documentary<br />

evidence, if available, eg. Horoscope or an extract from the Municipal Birth Register in<br />

support of the date of birth which shall be recorded by a responsible Gazetted Officer<br />

and withnessed by another responsible employee of the installation not below the rank of<br />

supervisor or of equivalent grade. In case no such proof is available the procedure as laid<br />

down in GFR 80 as summarised below will be followed :-<br />

(i) When the year and the month of birth are known but not the exact date the<br />

16 th of that month shall be treated as the date of birth<br />

(ii) When a person entering service is unable to give his date of birth but<br />

gives his age he should be assumed to have completed the stated age on the date<br />

of attestation eg. if a person enters service on Ist January 1987 and if on that date<br />

his age is stated to be 18, his date of birth should be taken as Ist January 1969.<br />

(iii) When the authorities have any doubt about the correctness of the age<br />

stated or evidence produced by the person concerned in support of the age,<br />

medical opinion to assess his age may also be obtained and suitable date of birth<br />

entered in his service record (after taking into account the date stated/evidence<br />

produced by the individual) in the manner prescribed at (b) above.<br />

77<br />



Clarification<br />

2. Inspite of clear rule position, there appears to be wide spread doubt among the various<br />

units about the recording of correct date of birth of an individual in the service documents and<br />

subsequent alteration due to bonafide clerical mistake. Therefore, a growing need has been felt<br />

to issue a concise document for guidance of Units/Projects. On close examination with reference<br />

to the Govt orders, it is found that in all the cases date of birth is correctly recorded at the time<br />

of appointment and no feasible ground is warranted for any change. Therefore, in all cases the<br />

following course of action will be taken :-<br />

(a) If a person is Matriculate/SSLC passed and above, his date of birth recorded in<br />

his Matriculation/SSLC certificate shall be accepted as his date of birth. However, where<br />

the individual did not produce Matriculation/SSLC certificate at the time of his<br />

appointment and was not aware to disclose his exact date of birth before appointing<br />

authority, but produces the same at a later stage, the unit will initiate his case for<br />

alteration of date of birth.<br />

(b) Where the individual is non-matriculate/non-SSLC and his educational<br />

qualification is not recorded in his service documents, the date of birth already declared<br />

by the employee at the time of his appointment will be taken as final and will not be<br />

changed under any circumstances. No cognizance or any request for change of date of<br />

birth made by an employee subsequent to his enrolment in GREF based on educational<br />

certificate upto 9 th class will be taken and cause of these nature shall not be entertained.<br />

(c) Under no circumstances, apparent age assessed by the Medical will be taken into<br />

account where documentary evidence in support of the precise date of birth is available.<br />

As already clarified under para 1 (a) (iii) above, Medical opinion will be resorted only<br />

where all the alternatives brought out under para 1 above have failed. In all such cases,<br />

the date of birth recorded by the Appointing Authority in the service documents of an<br />

employee at the time of his entry into Govt service should be the date of birth as assessed<br />

by the Medical Officer.<br />

(d) Wherever an employee has acquired any educational qualification during his<br />

service career the same will be published and recorded in his service documents on<br />

production of the educational qualification certificate. However, in case of any difference<br />

between the date of birth declared and accepted at the time of initial appointment and<br />

that shown in the educational qualification certificates acquired while in service, the<br />

former will be treated as final and no cognizance of date of birth in the later will be<br />

taken.<br />

78<br />



(e) Notwithstanding the above, where an empoyee who was possessing the<br />

educational qualification certificate at the time of recruitment but due to some<br />

misapprehension or unforeseen circumstances did not disclose the fact earlier, due<br />

weightage should be given to the educational qualification certificate if produced by him<br />

at a later date subsequent to his appointment. Authenticity of such School Leaving<br />

Certificate of upto ninth class shall not be challenged, merely because there is a variation<br />

in the date of birth. For the purpose of affecting change in the date of birth of an<br />

employee subsequent to his recruitment the age/date of birth as recorded in the<br />

Matriculation Certificate. Army Discharge Certificate, extract of birth register etc only to<br />

be relied upon as authentic. Where however, in case of doubt of the authenticity of the<br />

date of birth, it is open to the competent authorities to verify the correctness from the<br />

appropriate civil authority before the change is effected.<br />

Date of Birth<br />

(f) In the case of Ex-servicemen, date of birth recorded in his Army Discharge<br />

Certificate will be taken into account as authentic. Article 356 of CSR refers.<br />

3. The date of birth as recorded in accordance with these rules shall be held to be binding<br />

and no alteration of such date shall be permitted except where prima facie evidence is produced<br />

that the date of birth recorded in service record is incorrect. Where alterations become necessary<br />

due to bonafide clerical error, it shall be open to the Head of the service in the case of Gazetted<br />

Officer and the senior officer of an installation, or any other duly empowered officer, in the case<br />

of non-gazetted employees to cause the date of birth to be altered. All other cases, for change of<br />

the date of birth shall be decided by the Ministry of Surface Tpt (BRDB) in case of Gazetted<br />

Officer and HQ DGBR in case of Group „C‟ and „D‟ employees.<br />

4. The date of birth as recorded at the initial appointment or as altered by the competent<br />

authority in accordance with these orders will be taken as the correct date of birth for counting<br />

previous service if any, for pension, irrespective of date of birth as recorded in documents<br />

relating to such prior service, in those cases in which the earlier service is allowed to count for<br />

pension under Articles 356 of CSR.<br />

5. Requests for change of dates of birth of employees should not be encouraged. Only in<br />

very special cases may be sponsored, provided there is an over whelming evidence to show that<br />

the date of birth recorded in the service records is incorrect. Unless such requests are made<br />

within a reasonable time i.e before completion of probation period or declaration of<br />

quasipermanency which ever is earlier, they shall not be considered. No request for change of<br />

date of birth made about the time of superannuation shall be entertained. Such request should be<br />

supported by satisfactory documentary evidence (such as the Matriculation or equivalent<br />

certificate in original) together with a satisfactory explanation of the circumstance in which the<br />

wrong date came to be entered and statement of any previous attempts made to have the date of<br />

birth amended. It should also be examined whether the Government servant concerned would<br />

79<br />



have been within the age limits prescribed for Government service at the time he entered service<br />

with reference to the difference date later claimed by him. If he would not have been so eligible<br />

it should be examined whether the date actually accepted then was given by him bonafide and<br />

did not give him some advantage in securing admission into service at that time and the change<br />

proposed later on is for bonafide reasons and not merely to gain some fresh advantage.<br />

6. Where it is proved that the date of birth had been falsely stated by an employee to obtain<br />

an advantage otherwise inadmissible, disciplinary action shall be taken against the individual<br />

concerned in addition to effecting the necessary alteration of the date of birth in service records<br />

to conform with evidence found in support of the real date of birth.<br />

7. Where a changed date of birth is ordered no restrospective adjustment of pay and<br />

allowance should be permitted, in other words, the change will be given effect from a<br />

prospective date. This should be made clear in each sanction.<br />

Change of Date of Birth of Children of GREF Personnel<br />

8. The date of birth of childen of serving GREF personnel will not be changed merely to<br />

confirm to the entries of age recorded in School register. In the event of difference between the<br />

date of birth shown in School certificate and that recorded in service documents the former will<br />

be accepted as correct for the purpose of admissibility of Children Education Allowance and no<br />

amendment to the Kindred Roll portion of the service documents need be carried out on this<br />

account.<br />

9. However, as there cannot be two dates of birth for a child and if the GREF personnel<br />

claim the date on School records to be correct then the GREF Pers will be asked to submit a<br />

declaration in writing giving correct date of birth (alongwith authenticated proof of date of birth,<br />

which will be witnessed by two persons and if the same found satisfactory will be countersigned<br />

by the OC Unit). Accordingly, change in date of birth of the child will be notified in DO Part II<br />

and one copy of the same alongwith the declaration will be forwarded to Record Office GREF<br />

which will be kept in the Record set of service documents of the individual concerned.<br />

Recognition of Educational Qualification<br />

10. Matriculation or equivalent is the minimum qualification for certain trades in the GREF<br />

for recruitment. For the purpose of employment to posts under the Central Govt including<br />

Armed Force Education qualifications recognised by the Govt of India as equivalence to<br />

Matriculation examination has to be referred.<br />

80<br />



Bogus Educational Certificate<br />

11. In order to obviate the possibility of person seeking appointment in the GREF on the<br />

basis of bogus educational certificate utmost care will be exercised by all concerned to scrutinise<br />

all educational certificate before these are accepted as genuine ones.<br />

12. A person who is appointed on the strength of a bogus educational certificate will be<br />

deemed to have been irregularly appointed. The OC unit will examine such cases in detail based<br />

on a person‟s length of service, general conduct and usefulness and recommend his<br />

retention/discharge from service.<br />

13. It has been clarified that the individual who produce bogus educational certificate will be<br />

deemed to have committed an offence on the date of production of certificate and not on the date<br />

of its detection. Such individuals have to face disciplinary/administrative action.<br />

Auth : HQ DGBR letter No. 69528/153/DGBR/E1C dated 21 Mar‟ 84.<br />

81<br />




Introduction<br />

1. IRLA system has been introduced in GREF wef Dec 1987 and since then the payment to<br />

GREF pers is made on Acquitance Roll. GREF Personal Book is issued to an individual joining<br />

the Force and contain the details of entitlements of Pay and Allowances and the payment made<br />

to him on various heads.<br />

General<br />

2. An individual to whom the Personal Book has been issued is responsible for its safe<br />

custody. The following instructions be rigidly adhered to :-<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

The Book should be kept under lock and key.<br />

The loss of book be reported to nearest police station and also to Head of Office.<br />

3. The details of entitlement of pay and allces, and payment made must be entered in the<br />

book with the sig of officer at the appropriate place.<br />

4. Each entry in the Cash payment folio of the GREF Personal Book will be given a serial<br />

number by the Officer making the payment. The same series of serial numbers will be continued<br />

in the event of posting/transfer of GREF pers.<br />

5. On receipt of QSA from PAO (GREF), the entries in the Personal Book of the individual<br />

relating to rate of pay and allces and deductions will be carefully checked by unit authorities by<br />

comparing them with the QSA and amended where necessary. A rubber stamp as per specimen<br />

below, will then be affixed in the GREF Pay Book after the last entry in the Cash Payment folio<br />

and complete it with the help of information available from QSA :-<br />

As per QSA for Q/E_______/_________Balance Cr/Dr Rs. _______<br />

PB Srl No. ______________________adjusted.<br />

6. In case where the entitlement and or debit/credit is disputed by the individual,<br />

observation will immediately be made and referred directly to PAO „GREF‟ under intimation to<br />

Record Office. The affixing of the Rubber stamp will be withheld till the observation is settled.<br />

82<br />



7. In the event of cash payment folio of GREF Pay Book being completely used up,<br />

continuation sheets should not be pasted. Instead, a new GREF Pay Book will be taken into use.<br />

8. When a GREF Pay Book is completely utilised and a new one is taken into use, serial<br />

number of Cash Payment entries will start afresh from Srl No 1 and will not be in continuation<br />

of the last entry in the cash payment folio of the completed Personal Book. The serial number of<br />

the cash entry in the cash payment folio will, however, be entered in the cash payment folio of<br />

the new Pay Book. This entry will be made above serial number one of the cash payment being<br />

made in the new Pay Book as under :-<br />

“ Last payment made in the previous pay book was made under<br />

Serial No__________dt___________for Rs. _____________”.<br />

9. The cases where Personal book is issued in replacement of the one which is lost, the<br />

credit/debit balance in respect of the individual will be ascertained from PAO GREF and will be<br />

entered under relevant headings.<br />

10. Personnel Book is a Govt property. In the event of loss of personnel Book, the matter<br />

may be investigated by ordering OMI in order to ascertain the circumstances/reasons leading to<br />

loss and responsibility to be fixed and action envisaged as in the case of loss Identity Card to be<br />

taken by the competent authority meticulously. An amount of Rs. 100/- may be charged as<br />

stationary charges for issuance of new personnel book against lost one.<br />

11. If after the issue of a new Personal Book, the missing Personal Book is found, it will be<br />

marked as “Closed” and forwarded to PAO „GREF”. Under no circumstances will it be taken<br />

into use again.<br />

12. Officers responsible for making payment will carefully check before making payments,<br />

the page number of the cash payment folio as well as the cash payment entries so as to satisfy<br />

themselves that no attempt has been made to remove/substitute any of the pages of GREF Pay<br />

Book, relating to cash payments. The Personal Books will also be checked on an individuals<br />

arrival in a unit and thereafter at regular intervals.<br />

13. The Personal Book should be closed in the event of retirement/death/dismissal and<br />

surrendered to PAO (GREF). The Personal Book from the GREF personnel proceeding on<br />

deputation, will also be withdrawn.<br />



83<br />




Introudction<br />

1. The orders regulating grant of increment are contained in FR (26), FR & SR Part I. The<br />

important points are reproduced here under for guidance at a glance. In the event of doubts FR &<br />

SR may be referred.<br />

General<br />

2. An increment shall ordinarily be drawn as a matter of course unless withheld as a matter<br />

of penalty or otherwise from the Ist of the month in which it falls due except it is withheld as<br />

statutory punishment. If Govt servant is on leave or is availing joining time on the Ist of the<br />

month in which it falls due, the increased pay will be drawn only from the date on which he<br />

resumes duty and not from the Ist of that month. All increment falling after 01-01-2006 will be<br />

drawn from the first of the July month and reckoned for all purpose as normal date of<br />

increment.<br />

3. The following period of service will count for increment under FR 26 :-<br />

(a) All duty in a post on a time scale provided that, for the purpose of arriving at the<br />

date of next increment in that time scale, the total of all such period as do not count for<br />

increment, shall be added to normal date of increment. However in case such period does<br />

not take the date of increment to next month, the increment shall be granted on Ist of<br />

month.<br />

(b)<br />

(c)<br />

Services in another post, other than a post carrying less scale of pay.<br />

All kinds of leave other than EOL on private affairs.<br />

(d) EOL granted on medical certificate and also otherwise then on medical certificate<br />

due to inability to join or rejoin duty on account of civil commotion or for prosecuting<br />

higher scientific and technical studies. Course should be certified to be of definite<br />

advantage to Government from the point of view of public interest. Necessary orders in<br />

such cases have to be obtained from the competent authority.<br />

(e)<br />

Deputation out of India<br />

(f) Foreign Service Subject to the conditions (a) to (d) above<br />

(g)<br />

Joining Time<br />

84<br />



Regulation of Increment during the Course and after expiry of Penalty Period<br />

4. Grant of increment during the course of pendency of disciplinary proceedings and expiry<br />

of penalty imposed against an individual will be regulated in accordance with the instructions<br />

contained in FR 24, 25 and 26.<br />

Advance Increment<br />

5. This increment is granted to the Govt employees by authority competent to create a post<br />

in accordance with the conditions prescribed under the FR 27. In the case of increments granted<br />

in advance, it is the intention that the officer should be entitled to increment in the same manner<br />

as if he had reached his position in the scale in the ordinary course. While granting the<br />

advance/premature increment by the competent authority, no reason for doing so need to assign.<br />

Special Increment (Personal pay) for Undergoing Sterilisation Operation<br />

6. The Central Govt employees, or spouse, who undergo sterilisation operation to observe<br />

„Small Family Planning Scheme‟ after having one/two/three surviving children may be granted a<br />

special increment in the form of personal pay equal to the amount of next increment due at the<br />

time of grant of concession and in case of persons drawing pay at the maximum, the rate of<br />

personal pay would be equal to the amount of increment last drawn which will remain fixed<br />

during the entire service and will not be absorbed in future increase of pay either in the same<br />

post or on promotion to higher posts. The grant of the concession will be subject to the<br />

following conditions :-<br />

(a) In the case of male Govt servant, he should not be over 50 years and his wife<br />

should be between 20 to 45 years of age. A Female employee‟s age should not be over<br />

45 and her husband‟s age not over 50.<br />

(b) The sterilisation operation should be conducted in and the sterilisation certificate<br />

issued by Central Govt Hospital/CGHS/State Govt Hospital/Clinic and voluntary<br />

institution getting grants from the Govt of India/State Government or certificate from the<br />

private medical practitioner/private hospital duly countersigned by a civil<br />

Surgeon/District Medical Officers CGHS/Central Govt Hospital.<br />

Auth : HQ DGBR letter No. 14007/P/Gen/21/DGBR/E1B dt 16 Jul 96.<br />

7. Where both husband and wife are Govt servants, the personal pay (i.e, special increment<br />

under family welfare programme) can be drawn by either husband or the wife and there is no<br />

objection to choice being left to them so that they can choose the higher of two increments<br />

available to them for benefits.<br />

85<br />



8. The benefit of special increment granted for sterilisation operation should be allowed<br />

from the first of the month following the date of sterilisation. Govt of India have also decided on<br />

implementation of Fourth Pay Commission recommendation, that the rate of personal pay in<br />

respect of those Govt employees, who have already in receipt of personal pay prior to 1-1-1986<br />

will be an amount equivalent to the lowest rate of increment in the revised scale corresponding<br />

to the pay scale of the post against which the individual had earned the personal pay in the<br />

prerevised scale of pay wef 01 Jan 1986 the date of implementation of CCS (RP) Rules, 1986.<br />

86<br />



Introduction<br />


1. Record set of service documents of GREF personnel are being maintained by Record<br />

Office Project wise. On SOS/TOS of an individual copies of part II Orders are received and<br />

necessary inter-group transfer of the documents is done. In order to ascertain the correct holding<br />

of personnel upto Unit level and account-for all the dues in/out, a half yearly nominal roll was<br />

introduced vide ROI No. 5/73. Since then lot of changes in office procedure have taken place<br />

and also to obviate the acute problem of shortage of stationery, it is proposed to introduce<br />

rendition of yearly nominal roll instead of half yearly.<br />

Procedure<br />

2. The Fmns/Units will reflect the particulars of all subordinates held on their strength<br />

showing as on 01 Apr in their yearly nominal roll as per specimen attached as Appendix „V‟.<br />

Only one copy of the Nominal Roll will be forwarded to GREF Records with copy to HQ CE<br />

(P)/HQ Task so as to reach by 30 April.<br />

3. All personnel borne on the posted strength of a Fmn/Unit as on 01 Apr irrespective of the<br />

fact whether they are present with the unit or away on leave, duty, absent, deputation or sick in<br />

hospital will be accounted for and included in the report.<br />

4. GREF Personnel posted from one unit to another will be struck off strength of<br />

dispatching unit wef the date of their leaving the unit. Though such personnel will be taken on<br />

strength by the receiving Units from the date they physically report to the new unit for duty, they<br />

will, however be accounted for by the receiving units with effect from the date of SOS by<br />

previous Unit for the purpose of this return accordingly in their yearly nominal roll. Govt of<br />

India, decision No 8 to Article 53 of CSR 12 th Edition refers.<br />

5. A copy of yearly nominal roll will also be sent to PAO GREF for their use.<br />

6. Yearly nominal roll in respect of Army personnel will continue to be forwarded<br />

separately showing position as on 01 Oct to the respective Army Record Offices and PAO (OR)<br />

in terms of AO 411/73 with a copy to GREF Records also to keep the uptodate record of these<br />

personnel posted on ERE as per Manning Policy.<br />

Conclusion<br />

7. OsC units will ensure hundred percent accuracy and correctness in preparation of Yearly<br />

Nominal roll.<br />

87<br />




Introduction<br />

1. Since there is no specific Column provided in the ATC-4 (Service book) of GREF<br />

Personnel, the kindred roll and next of kin form was introduced.<br />

General<br />

2. Kindred roll will be completed in duplicate by the Appointing Authority in respect of<br />

personnel appointed in GREF and one copy of the Kindred roll will be kept by the unit with unit<br />

sets of service documents (Service book) and other copy will be sent to Record Office. All<br />

personal occurrences regarding marriage, death, birth and change of next of kin will be notified<br />

in DO Part II and entered in kindred roll and NOK form duly supported by DO Part II order No<br />

and date duly attested by an officer.<br />

3. Specimen of Kindred roll and NOK form is attached at Appendix „W‟<br />

88<br />




Court Martial Book<br />

1. A portfolio will be kept containing a true copy signed by the OC Unit of the following :-<br />

(a) Every conviction by court martial, every award of forfeiture of seniority,<br />

forfeiture of service for promotion and severe reprimand or reprimand under AA Section<br />

83 and 84, every conviction by the Civil authorities involving imprisonment exceeding<br />

seven days (IAFD-904)<br />

(b) Every declaration of Court of Inquiry held under Army Act section 106<br />

(IAFD-918) (Refer DSR Para 611)<br />

Court Martial Box<br />

2. All holders of the Court-Martial warrants, OsC stations and units will keep a complete<br />

set of the following books and pamphlets duly amended up-to-date in court-martial box for the<br />

use of the Presiding Officers and members of all courts :-<br />

(a) Army Act, 1950.<br />

(b) Army Rules, 1954.<br />

(c) Manual of Military Law, 1983.<br />

(d)<br />

(e)<br />

Notes on Indian Military and Air Force Law.<br />

Regulations for the Army.<br />

(f) Pay and Allowances Regulations for Officer (Army), 1954.<br />

(g) Pay and Allowances Regulations for JCOs/OR and NCsE(Army) 1979.<br />

(h)<br />

(j)<br />

Memorandum on Summary General Courts Martial.<br />

Guide to Summary Court Martial.<br />

(k) Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973.<br />

(l)<br />

The Geeta, The Granth Sahib, The Bible and The Koran<br />

3. In addition to the above, copies of such books, order, instructions and letters on the<br />

subject as and when notified by Army HQ from time to time will also be placed in each Court-<br />

Martial box. (Refer DSR para 612).<br />

89<br />



Introduction<br />


1. In accordance with Rule 21 of Central Civil Service (Conduct) Rules 1964.<br />

(a) No Government servant shall enter into, or contract, a marriage with a person<br />

having a spouse living, and<br />

(b) No Government servant having a spouse living, shall enter into or contract, a<br />

marriage with any person, provided that the Central Government may permit a<br />

Government servant to enter into, or contract, any such marriage as is referred to in<br />

clause (a) or (b) above, if it is satisfied that :-<br />

(i) Such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such<br />

Government servant and the other party to the marriage; and<br />

(ii)<br />

there are other grounds for so doing.<br />

(c) A Government servant, who has married or marries a persons other than of Indian<br />

Nationality shall forthwith intimates the fact to the Government.<br />

Aim<br />

2. Aim of this ROI is to streamline the rule position with regard to plural marriage.<br />

Declaration on Appointment<br />

3. A declaration in writing (specimen attached as Appendix „X‟) will be obtained from all<br />

GREF personnel before they are appointed in GREF as to whether they have more than one wife<br />

living and in the event of declaration in the negative, being found to be incorrect after his<br />

appointment in GREF, he will be liable to be dismissed from service. This declaration/certificate<br />

will be obtained by the appointing authority before the appointment is actually made and filed<br />

with the individual‟s form of appointment.<br />

4. In exceptional cases, however, where the appointment of an individual, having more than<br />

one living wife is recommended on any special grounds, sanction of the Government will be<br />

obtained to exempt such individual from the operation of this rule before the appointment is<br />

actually made. Appointing authority will take up such cases with HQ DGBR through proper<br />

channel.<br />

90<br />



Plural Marriage by Persons in whose case it is Permissible<br />

5. No person subject to the Army Act including Gorkha personnel of Nepalese domicile<br />

whose personal law permits plural marriage and whose previous marriage is subsisting, will<br />

marry again without prior sanction of the Central Government.<br />

6. An individual, may during the life time of his wife, apply for sanction to contract a plural<br />

marriage on any one or more of the following grounds :-<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

(c)<br />

His wife has deserted him and there is sufficient proof of such desertion;<br />

His wife has been medically certified as being insane;<br />

Infidelity of the wife has been proved before a Court of Law;<br />

(d) Any other special circumstances which in the opinion of the Chief Engineer<br />

(Project) concerned would justify contracting a plural marriage.<br />

7. Applications will state the law under which the subsisting marriage was solemnised,<br />

registered or performed and will include the following details applicable :-<br />

(a)<br />

Whether the previous wife will continue to live with the husband;<br />

(b) If the previous wife does not propose to live with the husband, what maintenance<br />

allowance is proposed to be paid and in what manner ;<br />

(c) Name, age and sex of each child by previous marriage and the maintenance<br />

allowance proposed for each in case any such child is to live in custody of the mother.<br />

8. In all cases, the applicant will render a certificate to the effect that he is not a Christian,<br />

Parsi or Jew by religion ; that he had not solemnised or registered his previous marriage under<br />

the Special Marriage Act 1954 and that the Hindu Marriage Act 1955 is not applicable to him.<br />

9. An application which is not recommended by the Commanding Officer and an authority<br />

superior to him need not be sent to HQ DGBR but may be rejected by the CE (Project)<br />

concerned.<br />

10. There is no provision to accord ex-post-facto sanction for plural marriage and for such<br />

cases, action to be taken outright by the administrative authorities. In cases, where it is decided<br />

that administrative action should be taken against the individual his services will be terminated<br />

under order of the Competent Authority.<br />

91<br />



11. In no circumstances will disciplinary action by way of trial by Court Martial or Summary<br />

disposal be taken against an individual who is found to have contravened the provisions of para<br />

5 above. If however, the individual is also found to have committed another offence connected<br />

with his act of contracting a plural marriage, disciplinary action for the connected offence may<br />

be taken and progressed in the normal manner.<br />

Plural Marriage by persons in whose case it is not permissible<br />

12. A plural marriage solemnised, contracted or performed by any such person is null and<br />

void and may, on a petition presented to a Court of Law by either party thereto be so declared by<br />

a decree of nullity. Not only is the plural marriage void but the offence of bigamy is also<br />

committed. This offence is, however, triable only on a complaint made to the civil authority by a<br />

aggrieved party. The punishment for the offence of bigamy is prescribed in Section 494 and 495<br />

of the Indian Penal Code.<br />

13. When it is found, on receipt of a complaint, from any source what-so-ever, that any such<br />

person has gone through a ceremony of plural marriage, no disciplinary action by way of trial by<br />

Court Martial or Summary disposal will be taken against him; but disciplinary proceedings will<br />

be initiated against the deliquent official in terms of CCS (Conduct) Rule 21 and Rule 14 of<br />

CCS (CC&A) Rules 1965 and the case reported to higher authorities in the manner laid down in<br />

para 1 above. In case, where cognizance has been taken by Civil Court of competent jurisdiction,<br />

the matter should be treated as sub-judice and decision of the Court awaited before taking action.<br />

When a person has been convicted of the offence of bigamy or where his marriage has been<br />

declared void by a decree of Court on grounds of plural marriage, action will be taken in terms<br />

of Rule 19 of CCS (CC&A) Rules 1965. No ex-post-facto sanction can be accorded as such<br />

marriage are contrary to the law of the land.<br />

Eligibility for Enrolment/Appointment in GREF<br />

14. No person, who has more than one wife living shall be eligible for appointment in GREF<br />

unless specifically exempted by the Ministry of Surface Transport, <strong>Border</strong> <strong>Roads</strong> Development<br />

Board.<br />

15. The Officer Commanding unit/formation will take action as under in connection with the<br />

disposal of the individual‟s application requesting to contract second marriage during the life<br />

time of his first wife :-<br />

(a) All such application will be addressed by the individual to HQ DGBR through<br />

proper staff channel for obtaining sanction of BRDB.<br />

92<br />



(b) On receipt of the application, the Fmn/Unit will initiate an enquiry to ascertain<br />

the following :-<br />

(i) the admissibility of such marriage under the personal law applicable to the<br />

employee concerned.<br />

(ii) whether sufficient grounds exist for allowing an exception in relaxation of<br />

the Government‟s general policy.<br />

(iii)<br />

(iv)<br />

the genuineness of the grounds given in support of the second marriage.<br />

the views of the first wife where not stated.<br />

(v) whether the arrangements made by the husband for the maintenance of the<br />

first wife are adequate and satisfactory.<br />

(vi) in the case of a joint application, whether the consent given by the wife is<br />

voluntary and of her own free WILL.<br />

(vii) detailed information in consultation with the medical authorities of<br />

alleged sickness of the wife, where this reason has been given in support of the<br />

second marriage.<br />

16. After an inquiry on the above lines, the OsC of the Unit concerned will forward the<br />

application together with all relevant papers (including his report and findings) to HQ DGBR<br />

through normal staff channel for obtaining orders of BRDB.<br />

Dissolution of Marriage<br />

17. As per orders in vogue, marriage once so solemnised can only be annulled by death or<br />

decree of divorce from a Court of Law. In case a lower authority i.e.. Muslim Committee, Sub-<br />

Register, Village Panchayat, Unit (Sangh) etc. issued a divorce certificate and doubt on the<br />

competency, it should be got verified from District Magistrate of the area whether he is entitled<br />

to issue such a certificate and it is legally valid and thereafter necessary Part II orders for<br />

dissolution of marriage will be published by the respective unit as per specimen at Srl No. 6,<br />

Page 86, Manual of Documentation GREF personnel 1985.<br />

Authority : HQ DGBR letter No 67067/Org-2/BRDB-1 dated 25 Jun 64, 11245/6/M(DGBR)/<br />

E1C dated 14/22 Jul 74 and 69546/P/Corres/DGBR/E1E dt 12 Sep 88.<br />

93<br />


Introduction<br />



1. A Board of Officers will be assembled in every Unit/Formations for the purpose<br />

of recommending documents including Part II Orders for destruction. The board will as<br />

far as possible be composed of three officers but a JCO/Supvr or a senior NCO with an<br />

intimate knowledge of records may be detailed as member.<br />

Procedure<br />

2. All DOs Part II will be treated like other pension documents and retained for<br />

twenty five years. In addition, the procedure outlined in pamphlet “Classification and<br />

Handling of Classified Documents” will be followed regarding the destruction of<br />

classified documents.<br />

Auth :<br />

Para 595 (i) of Defence Service Regs (Rev) 1987 and HQ DGBR<br />

letter No. 23076/DGBR/E2A (Procedure) dt 24 Nov 86.<br />

Destruction of Documents of NE Officers and GREF Personnel<br />

3. Service documents (ATC-4) of Govt servant are to be destroyed after 10 years of<br />

the Govt servant ceased to be in service and the ACRs of non effective Govt servants are<br />

to be retained for a period of 5 years after the date of retirement.<br />

4. Obsolete service documents/ACRs of Ex GREF personnel will not be destroyed<br />

without taking clearance from DGBR/E1E section dealing with discipline and Court<br />

cases on service matters and Vigilance Directorate dealing with disciplinary cases. While<br />

asking for the clearance, concerned unit will submit a certificate that the individual is<br />

not involved in any Court case/no representation of the individual is pending for<br />

disposal.<br />

5. Therefore, it is incumbent on part of Unit/Project forwarding the service<br />

documents of non-effective GREF Officers and personnel to GREF Records, to endorse<br />

a certificate on the similar lines on every service documents.<br />

Auth : HQ DGBR letter No. 23076/DGBR/E2A (Procedure) dated 24 Nov 86, Govt of<br />

India, Min of Deptt of pers OM No 51/5/72-Estt(A) dt 20 May 72 & DGBR<br />

letter No. 17101/P/DGBR/E1E of 31 May/28 Jun 91.<br />

94<br />





Introduction<br />

1. GREF personnel holding a permanent post are permitted to proceed on lien to various<br />

Departments (Under Central Govt/State Govt). All such individuals proceed on lien to be<br />

retained in GREF strength on suspended or active till their acquiring a lien on a permanent post<br />

elsewhere outside the cadre or till return to the permanent post which was holding in a<br />

substantive capacity. A Govt servant‟s lien on permanent post shall, however, stand terminated<br />

on his acquiring lien on another permanent post outside the cadre where he is borne.<br />

Aim<br />

2. The aim of the ROI is to streamline the correct procedure to be followed by all concerned<br />

while considerting the case of lien of personnel in the BRO.<br />

Selection<br />

3. Application for taking up appointment in other departments at individual‟s own request<br />

against the paper advertisement are to be recommended and forwarded by the Unit/Task<br />

Force/CE concerned to the departments as per the advertisement. The individuals on selection<br />

are despatched as per the instructions issued by the concerned department. The department<br />

concerned will be intimated about maintenance of lien initially for 2 years and also restriction on<br />

pay. It will be ensured that only permanent employees are allowed to maintain lien. No<br />

personnel are sent on lien to Public Sector Undertakings/Semi Govt Org/Autonomous body or of<br />

the same nature of departments at present. In such departments now individuals can go on<br />

transfer/immediate absorption basis and the Govt servant will be required to give his/her<br />

technical resignation before his/her relief from Govt. The Govt servant may thereafter be<br />

relieved by the respective Min/Deptt/Office to take up appointment in the Public Sector<br />

Undertaking/Autonomous Bodies.<br />

Documentation<br />

4. After the individual moves to the Department, the unit will publish the following<br />

casualty in unit Part II orders :-<br />

“ Struck of Strength to _________ with effect from ___________(FN/AN) and<br />

allowed to maintain lien for initial period of 2 years in the permanent post<br />

in this Department wef __________”.<br />

95<br />



5. The following documents will be forwarded to GREF Records (ER Lien Sec)<br />

immediately by the concerned unit after publication of casualty for further maintenance/follow<br />

up action :-<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

(c)<br />

(d)<br />

(e)<br />

(f)<br />

(g)<br />

Unit set of service documents duly audited/verified by AO concerned.<br />

Copy of appointment letter from the employer.<br />

Copy of movement order.<br />

Undertaking certificate from the individual for maintaining lien.<br />

Copy of Last Pay Certificate.<br />

A copy of Last Pay Certificate is also sent to the employer duly audited.<br />

Original copies of ACR dossier.<br />

6. Records Office has to inform the despatching units to forward following<br />

information/documents/certificates/undertakings and take suitable action on restriction of pay,<br />

payment of leave salary and pension contribution as per rates laid down in Fundamental Rule<br />

116 and 117 :-<br />

(a) Undertaking certificate for maintenance of lien from the employer in case same is<br />

not furnished at the time of moving from unit.<br />

(b) The indl should not be allowed pay exceeding the limits specified in Govt of<br />

India, Min of Finance No F1(II) & III(b)/75 dated 07 Nov 1974 & Govt of India decision<br />

No 2 below Para 3 in Appx „31‟ of CSR Vol-II.<br />

(c) The payment of leave salary and pension contribution either by the<br />

undertaking/<strong>Organisation</strong> or by the Govt servant concerned himself, if applicable. As per<br />

provisions contained under GI D(S) and (6) below Rule 14 of CCS (Pension) Rules,<br />

1972, the allocation of leave salary and pension contribution between Central and State<br />

Government has been dispensed with wef 01-04-1987.<br />

(d) Obtaining consent of this department by the undertaking/autonomous semi Govt<br />

<strong>Organisation</strong> in case they propose to absorb the Govt servant permanently in Public<br />

sector/Autonomous Semi Govt Org prior to completion of two years as it is incumbent<br />

on the employer to consult Record Office/ HQ DGBR before issuing orders of permanent<br />

absorption.<br />

96<br />



(e) Obtain status of the borrowing department i.e.. whether it is Central Govt/State<br />

Govt/Govt of India undertaking/Semi-Govt Org.<br />

(f) On receipt of DO Pt II from units for having been relieved an individual on lien,<br />

record set of service docus are transferred to ER (Lien) Sec by concerned Group and on<br />

getting the docus, name of the indl is entered in lien register.<br />

Extension/Suspension of Lien/Reversion from Lien<br />

7. The lien shall not be granted for more than 2 years initially, but, in exceptional cases<br />

where it would take some time for the other Department/Office to confirm such Government<br />

servants due to the delay in converting temporary post into permanent one, or due to some other<br />

administrative reasons, the pmt Govt servant may be permitted to retain lien in the parent<br />

department/office for one more year. While granting such permission, fresh undertaking for<br />

maintenance of lien on the post in parent department for one year more as prescribed in Govt<br />

decision No 23 under Articles 67 of CSR Vol I (12 th Edition) is to be obtained from the Govt<br />

servant and certificate on the following lines to be obtained from the employer :-<br />

“The individual could not be confirmed __________ in the post of _____________<br />

due some administrative reasons and is likely to be confirmed within a further period<br />

of one year”.<br />

If the application is received for extension of the lien period, duly supported with<br />

individuals undertaking and certificate from present employer the same be processed and<br />

extension is granted for only one year.<br />

8. Even on completion of the extended period of lien, if an individual is not confirmed in<br />

the borrowing Deptt, he be placed under suspended lien wef the date of 4 th year starting, after<br />

obtaining an application from the individual under the provisions of G of I decision No 3 below<br />

Article 89 of CSR Vol I (12 th Edition) in which lien of an indl cannot be terminated till the time<br />

he is confirmed/permanently absorbed in the borrowing deptt. In cases, where extension is not<br />

granted due to one or the other reasons, they can also be placed under suspended lien on<br />

completion of initial lien.<br />

9. In case application is received for reversion, the same be sent immediately to posting<br />

section for issue of posting order.<br />

10. In some cases, the individuals outrightly submit resignation which cannot be accepted<br />

unless they are confirmed in the borrowing deptt. Acceptance of such application may entail<br />

forfeiture of the benefit of past service rendered in GREF which may lead to legal complications<br />

later on.<br />

97<br />



Termination of Lien<br />

11. Six months prior to the completion of lien period, the department where the individual is<br />

serving shall be reminded by GREF Records to forward certificate documents for<br />

extension/reversion/resignation as the case may be and action regarding terminating the<br />

lien/granting extension as applicable will be taken by GREF Records.<br />

Terminal Benefits<br />

12. Consequent on termination of lien of the Govt servant for the purpose of absorption in<br />

Central/State Government/Public Sector/Semi Govt Deptts and Autonomous bodies, the Govt<br />

servant shall be entitled to following terminal benefits :-<br />

(a) When a permanent Govt employee is permanently absorbed in other Central and<br />

State Government Departments no terminal benefits are admissible as the service<br />

rendered with the parent department is considered for pension in Central/State Govt<br />

departments.<br />

(b) In the case of a permanent Govt employee who is absorbed permanently in public<br />

sector, Autonomous Body and Semi Govt department, the pro-rata pension is admissible<br />

after the Govt sanction is accorded after pmt absorption of the individual in such<br />

<strong>Organisation</strong>. In such cases, statement of case alongwith other supporting documents are<br />

to be initiated by the concerned unit in accordance with HQ DGBR letter No.<br />

69564/Lien/Policy/DGBR/EG2 dated 07 Apr 88, and submitted to GREF Records (ER<br />

Lien Sec) through audit channel. On receipt of these papers/documents, the same will be<br />

submitted to HQ DGBR/EG2, duly scrutinised for obtaining the Government sanction.<br />

(c) On termination of lien of the individual held in GREF, the unit last served will be<br />

intimated to take follow up action with regards to transfer/payment of GPF/CGEGIS,<br />

Pay and Allowances etc to the borrowing deptt/concerned indl.<br />

98<br />



13. Some time, personnel on deputation, opt for permanent absorption and in such cases they<br />

are being dealt as lien holders from the date of absorption in the borrowing department.<br />

Auth :-<br />

1. Govt of India decision No 3 below Art 89 of CSR Vol I (12 th edition).<br />

2. Govt of India decision No 23 below Art 67 of CSR Vol-I (12 th edition).<br />

3. Govt of India, Min of pers public Grievance & pensions (Deptt of pension &<br />

P.W.N/Delhi OM No. 4/15/88-P&PW(D) dated 13 Nov 1991).<br />

4. Govt of India, Min of Finance No F1(II) & II (B)/75 dated 7 Nov 1974 & G of I<br />

decision No. 2 below para 3 in Appx 31 of CSR Vol-II.<br />

5. GID (S) and (6) below rule 14 of CCS (pension) Rules, 1972.<br />

6. Record Office letter No. 2051/Policy/ER (Lien) dated 6/11 Feb 84.<br />

7. Govt of India, Min of Pers, Public Grievances & Pension, Deptt of Pension and<br />

Pensioner‟s Welfare New Delhi OM No 4/5/86. & P.W dated 26 May 1986.<br />

8. HQ DGBR letter No 69564/PG-8/DGBR/E1C dated 08 Oct 74.<br />

9. HQ DGBR letter No 69564/Lien/Policy/DGBR/EG2 dt 07 Apr 88.<br />

10. Govt of India, Dept of Pen & Pen. Welfare OM No. 4/42-91/P & PW (D).<br />

99<br />




Introduction<br />

1. Army personnel are being posted to <strong>Border</strong> <strong>Roads</strong> <strong>Organisation</strong> on Extra Regimentally<br />

Employed duty as per manning policy.<br />

Aim<br />

2. Aim of this ROI is to lay down the procedure to be followed on their reversion,<br />

replacement, posting/transfer etc.<br />

Turn over and Replacement<br />

3. Army personnel posted on ERE are required to be turned over on completion of their<br />

normal ERE tenure in GREF in accordance with AO 20/90. In order to ensure timely turn over<br />

of Army personnel on ERE, GREF Record Office will intimate the dates of completion of ERE<br />

tenure to the respective Army Record Offices three months in advance before completion of<br />

their ERE tenure and obtain necessary posting orders. Due to fluid manpower situation in <strong>Border</strong><br />

<strong>Roads</strong> <strong>Organisation</strong>, replacement of Army personnel are not required to be provided<br />

automatically by the respective Regiment/ Corps. Replacement of the individuals concerned will<br />

be demanded by GREF Records where considered necessary, keeping in view of the<br />

manpower position and availability of GREF personnel (in case where Army personnel are<br />

employed against stroke appointment).<br />

Duration of Tenure<br />

4. The normal tenure of JCOs/NCOs and OR on ERE will be three year for units located in<br />

peace area and two years for units located in HAA. The period specified may be extended in<br />

case individual concerned is due for retirement from service within a year. In all such cases,<br />

prior approval of Army Headquarters will be obtained by GREF Records through the respective<br />

Army Records Offices. Such cases will be submitted by HQ (P) concerned four months prior to<br />

the date of completion of normal ERE tenure.<br />

Extension of Tenure<br />

5. No extension of tenure is permissible other than for reasons quoted in para 4 above. In<br />

exceptional circumstances, extension upto a maximum period of one year can be granted by<br />

Officer-in-Charge parent Record Office in two spells, i.e. for six months at a time. Where<br />

extension of tenure is recommended by CE concerned, case may be referred to GREF Records<br />

with full details of the case four months before completion of the ERE tenure. GREF Records<br />

office will take up such cases with respective Army Record Office and obtain necessary<br />

sanction. Risaldar Major/Sub Majors once posted on ERE will normally be allowed to complete<br />

the balance of tenure of appointment in that rank.<br />

100<br />


Premature Reversion to Regimental Duties<br />


6. Premature reversion to Regimental duty before completion of normal tenure on ERE<br />

may be asked on the following grounds :-<br />

(a) Unsuitability : An individual found unsuitable for the specific<br />

appointment to which he is posted may be reverted to regimental duties within three<br />

months of reporting for his duty. Reversion will be carried out with the prior approval of<br />

Officer-in-Charge Records concerned. Relief of personnel reverted will be provided by<br />

the Officer-in-Charge concerned Records.<br />

(b) Discipline grounds : Formation HQ/Unit/Est employing personnel on ERE will<br />

not revert individuals to regimental duties on disciplinary grounds. They will take<br />

appropriate action against such individuals. Except in a very rare case of major<br />

indiscipline, premature reversion on disciplinary grounds will not be ordered. In all such<br />

cases where premature reversion is required, prior approval of parent Directorate Army<br />

HQs will be obtained through GREF Records/DGBR after suitable disciplinary action<br />

has been taken.<br />

(c) Inefficiency : Personnel found inefficient in the duties will be adversely reported<br />

upon by the ERE Fmn/HQs/Unit/Est in the form of special report or interim report to be<br />

recorded with the ACR. In all such cases, specific recommendations will be made in<br />

their report whether the individual is fit for retention in service or not.<br />

(d) Special grounds : Officer-in-Charge Records concerned may revert an<br />

individual prematurely within six months of completion of tenure. Such reversion will be<br />

carried out in consultation with the ERE Unit/Fmn/HQs/Est.<br />

Posting/Transfer on Compassionate Grounds<br />

7. All requests for compassionate postings/transfer of Army personnel on ERE with GREF<br />

Units will be forwarded by the Projects to GREF Record Office alongwith recommendations of<br />

the Chief Engineer concerned on proper proforma introduced by the respective Army Record<br />

Office twice a year during Apr & Oct only. While forwarding such cases to GREF Records, it<br />

will be clearly stated whether replacement is required or not. GREF Records will scrutinise these<br />

cases and take necessary action in consultation with parent Record Office of the individual. Only<br />

those cases where action is required to be taken with Directorate concerned at Army<br />

Headquarters will be forwarded to HQ DGBR by GREF Records Office.<br />

101<br />



Inter Project Adjustment<br />

8. If inter change of posting within Project of JCO/NCO/OR on ERE to a particular unit<br />

become necessary, concerned Army Record Office will be approached for issuing amendment to<br />

original posting order by GREF Records. No internal adjustment will be made by CE Project.<br />

Reliving of Posting Out<br />

9. Personnel provided to Fmn HQ/Unit/Est on ERE must be relieved off their duties within<br />

a period of seven days from the date of arrival of their reliefs.<br />

Posting of pers of Lower Rank<br />

10. Personnel holding rank lower than those authorised for the ERE vacancies will not be<br />

posted. This may, however, be relaxed at the discretion of the concerned Officer-in-Charge<br />

Records except where promotion to the rank of Nb Sub/Ris/Sub is involved.<br />

Auth: HQ DGBR letter No 67022/Gen/DGBR/EG2 dated 28 Jan 87.<br />

102<br />



<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 12<br />




Introduction<br />

1. Consequent upon issue of various orders/instructions pertaining to preparation of<br />

electoral roll in respect of Service Voters, the previous orders/instructions on the subject need<br />

revision with reference to Election Commission New Delhi letter No 24/90/1070 dated 28 Mar<br />

90 and special Army Order 16/S/72.<br />

Aim<br />

2. The aim of this ROI is to streamline and simplify the existing procedure for preparing<br />

Electoral Roll in respect of service voters (GREF pers) and to submit to the concerned Chief<br />

Electoral Officer of the States and procedure for casting votes through postal ballot paper.<br />

General<br />

3. In accordance with Para 2 of Election Commission of India letter No. 24/71 dated 02 Apr<br />

71, all members of General Reserve Engineer Force fall under the category of service voters.<br />

Therefore, the provisions contained in SAO 16/S/72 for registration as a service voter/casting of<br />

vote through postal ballot will also be applicable to GREF personnel.<br />

Eligibility for Registration as a Service Voter<br />

4. A person subject to Army Act is eligible for registration as Service Voter, provided<br />

he is :-<br />

(a) a Citizen of INDIA.<br />

(b) of 18 years of age as on 01 Jan of the year in which electoral roll is prepared<br />

or revised, and<br />

(c) ordinarily resident in the constituency in which but for his service in GREF, he<br />

would have been ordinarily resident. In case of a person whose ordinary place of<br />

residence is in J & K State, he should also be permanent resident of the State, for the<br />

purpose of registration in the electoral rolls for any assembly constituency in the State.<br />

Procedure for Registration<br />

5. Personnel who are eligible to be service voters will submit statement as per Form 2 (in<br />

duplicate) to Record Office for checking the entries made there in and onward submission to the<br />

Chief Electoral Officer of the state concerned. The form as per Form 2 should be sent by a<br />

service voter as soon as he becomes eligible to the Chief Electoral Officer of his State through<br />

his Record Office, Specimen Form 2 is given at Appendix „Y‟.<br />

103<br />



6. It will be ensured by the Formation/Units that the Statements submitted by the Service<br />

Voters are filled in correctly. Essential details viz GREF No, Trade, Name (in full) home<br />

address will be clearly specified. In case of rural areas, full details of village, post office,<br />

Tehsil/Taluk, District, Zilla/Patti, Police Station/Thana will be indicated.In case of Urban/Suburban<br />

areas, details of house No/Street Police Station, Tehsil/Taluk, District will be shown.<br />

Zilla/Patti where applicable will invariably be mentioned in Form 2 under column „locality‟ as<br />

certain Chief Electoral Officers experienced difficulties to ascertain the residence of personnel<br />

where two or more villages are of the similar name. In no case the name of Formation/Unit will<br />

be mentioned in Form 2.<br />

7. The wife of a person, if she is a citizen of India and is not less than 18 years of age<br />

would, and if she be ordinarily residing with him, be eligible to be registered as a voter in the<br />

constituency specified by her husband as per statement furnished by him.<br />

8. As regards persons whose ordinary place of permanent residence is within J&K State, a<br />

statement as per Form 2 in duplication, of J & K Registration of Electoral Rule 1966<br />

(Appendix „Z‟) should also be submitted.<br />

9. Statewise nominal rolls in respect of service voters will be prepared by the<br />

Formations/Units and forwarded to Record Office in triplicate alongwith statements as per Form<br />

2 (in duplicate).<br />

10. Record Office will check the correctness of entries in statement and sort them out<br />

statewise. Both the copies of statements will then be dispatched immediately to the Chief<br />

Electoral Officer of the State concerned (Given at Appendix „AA‟). Record Officer verifying<br />

the statements in Form 2 will sign at appropriate place and will be personally responsible for<br />

correctness of particulars recorded therein.<br />

Despatch of Ballot Papers<br />

11. The Chief Electoral Officer or the Returning Officer of the constituency concerned, as<br />

the case may be, would as soon as the names of candidates contesting are finalised, send a postal<br />

ballot paper alongwith the following forms, by post under certificate of posting in a separate<br />

cover addressed to each elector, care of the Record Office concerned for transmission to the<br />

individual service voters :-<br />

(a) a declaration in Form 13A.<br />

(b) a cover in form 13B.<br />

(c)<br />

a large cover addressed to the Returning Officer in Form 13C and<br />

(d) instructions for the guidance of the electors in Form 13D.<br />

104<br />



12. The Record Office will arrange correct and expeditious re-direction of ballot paper<br />

envelopes received to the individual concerned.<br />

13. As soon as the service voter receives the postal ballot paper, he is to record his vote<br />

thereon in accordance with the directions given in Part I of Form 13D. The ballot paper will then<br />

be secured in the cover in Form 13B. He will then sign a declaration in Form 13 A in the<br />

presence of and have the signature attested by his Commanding Officer or by such other officer<br />

as may be appointed by him. The Ballot paper and the declaration will then be returned to the<br />

Returning Officer in accordance with the instructions contained in Part II of Form 13D so as to<br />

reach him before the date as specified therein. The service voter is not required to affix any<br />

postage stamps on the envelope while returning it to the Returning Officer.<br />

14. OsC units will emphasise the importance to the unit personnel with a view to ensure that<br />

maximum number of personnel are able to exercise their franchise in the General Elections, for<br />

getting themselves registered as service voters.<br />

15. In the absence of a printed form, typed or cyclostyled form can be used, but it must<br />

conform to the printed form in every respect.<br />

105<br />



<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 13<br />


Introduction<br />



1. Central Govt Employees Group Insurance Scheme came into force wef 01 Jan 1982. The<br />

scheme is at a low cost, wholly contributory and self financing.<br />

Aim<br />

2. The aim of this ROI is to streamline the procedure for affecting recoveries/contribution<br />

received from the employees and payment in the event of death of an employee while in service<br />

or to pay lump-sum payment on retirement.<br />

Applicability<br />

3. The scheme has been made applicable to all Central Govt Employees except the Armed<br />

Forces and Para Military Force who have already a scheme of their own. Contract employees,<br />

persons on deputation from State Govt, Public Sector undertakings, or other Autonomous<br />

<strong>Organisation</strong>, casual labours etc. are not covered by this scheme.<br />

Members<br />

4. The scheme has been made compulsory for all employees who entered the Govt service<br />

after 01 Nov 1980. The employees who were already in Central Govt service prior to 01 Nov<br />

1980 had been given option either to join the scheme or to opt to remain out of the scheme.<br />

Subscription<br />

5. The subscription for the scheme @ Rs 15/- per month for Group „D‟ employees and Rs<br />

30/- per month for Group „C‟employees and Rs 60/- pm for Gp „B‟ & Rs 120/- Pm for Gp „A‟<br />

officials is recovered through IRLAs maintained by PAO GREF. In the event of regular<br />

promotion of an employee from one Group to another the subscription shall be raised<br />

accordingly from the next anniversary of the scheme i.e. Ist Jan of next year. He shall continue<br />

to be covered for insurance for the same amount for which he was eligible before such<br />

promotion.<br />

106<br />



6. Monthly subscription and amount of Insurance cover:-<br />

Group to<br />

which the<br />

employ<br />

belongs<br />

(A) For those who<br />

subscribed at old rates<br />

Rate of<br />

Subscription<br />

(Rs.)<br />

Amount of<br />

Insurance<br />

cover<br />

(Rs.)<br />

(B) For those who subscribe at the revised rates<br />

Before enrolment<br />

as a member<br />

(Rs.)<br />

Rate of subscription<br />

After enrolment<br />

as a member<br />

(Rs.)<br />

Amount<br />

of<br />

Insurance<br />

cover<br />

(Rs.)<br />

„A‟ 80 80,000 40 120 1,20,000<br />

„B‟ 40 40,000 20 60 60,000<br />

„C‟ 20 20,000 10 30 30,000<br />

„D‟ 10 10,000 5 15 15,000<br />

6 (a) A. Applicable to all employees who were members of the scheme on 31 -1-89 and<br />

have opted to continue to subscribe at the old rates.<br />

B. Applicable to all employees who were members of the scheme on 31-1-89 and<br />

have opted to subscribe at the revised rate with effect from 1-1-90 and to those who<br />

joined service on or after 1-2-1989.<br />

The Group to which an employee belongs will be determined wrt the post held by him on<br />

a regular basis on the 1 st January.<br />

Insurance Fund and Insurance Cover<br />

7. In order to provide an insurance cover to each member of the scheme portion of the<br />

subscription shall be credited to Insurance Fund to be held in public Account of the Central<br />

Govt. It will be paid to the families of those employees who unfortunately die, due to any cause<br />

while in Central Govt service. The positive and negative balance under the Insurance Fund shall<br />

be credited/debited with the amount of interest calculated at the prevailing rate of interest on the<br />

post office Saving bank deposit.<br />

Savings Fund<br />

8. The balance of the subscription shall be credited to a saving fund which will be held in<br />

the public account of Central Govt. The total accumulation of the savings together with the<br />

interest thereon will be paid to the members on their retirement/cessation of employment with<br />

the Central Govt or to their families on their death while on service. In the case of death of a<br />

member the payment of the amount of insurance will be in addition to payment of saving Fund.<br />

The positive balance under the savings fund will be credited with the amount of interest<br />



calculated at the rate of interest notified by the Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic<br />

Affairs, for the purpose.<br />

Recovery of Subscription<br />

9. The subscription of a member for a month shall fall due at the commencement of the<br />

normal working hour of the first day of a month. Subscription for a month shall be recovered by<br />

deduction from the salary of the employees for that month. The subscription shall be recovered<br />

every month including the month in which the employees ceases to be in employment. However,<br />

an employee entering into service in a month other than January will subscribe 30%<br />

of the subscription rate being the premium towards insurance cover till the end of that year and<br />

wef January in full rate.<br />

107<br />

Financing of subscription from General Provident Fund<br />

10. It will not ordinarily be permissible to finance the scheme from the General Provident<br />

Fund. However, if at any stage the position of a member does not permit him to subscribe<br />

towards the scheme and to the General Provident Fund at the same time, he may be permitted to<br />

make a non refundable withdrawal from the General Provident Fund subscription paid for the<br />

scheme.<br />

Payment from Insurance Fund/Saving Fund<br />

11. If an employee retires on attaining the age of superannuation or otherwise ceases to be in<br />

Central Govt Service and his service records disclose that he has been a member of the Scheme<br />

the Head of the Office shall issue a sanction for the payment after obtaining a simple application<br />

in Form No 4.<br />

12. If an employee dies while in service, the head of the office shall address the<br />

nominee(s)/heir(s) of the deceased in Form No 5 to submit application on Form No 6 and on<br />

receipt thereof, shall issue a sanction for the payment.<br />

13. The amount payable to the nominee(s)/heir(s) of an employee will be the amount of<br />

insurance appropriate to his group and the amount payable to the nominee/heir of a member who<br />

dies in service shall be :-<br />

(a)<br />

the amount of insurance of the appropriate Group, plus<br />

(b) the amount due to him put in the saving fund for the entire period of his<br />

membership in the lowest group, and<br />

(c) the amount due to him for the additional units by which his subscription was<br />

raised on each occasion of appointment/promotion to higher group.<br />



(d) The amount payable to an employee who ceases to be in Central Govt<br />

Employment shall be :-<br />

(i) the amount due to him out of the Savings Fund for the entire period of his<br />

membership in the lowest group and<br />

(ii) the amount due to him for the additional units by which his subscription<br />

was raised on each occasion due to appointment/promotion to a higher group.<br />

108<br />



Withdrawal from Insurance Fund/Saving Fund<br />

14. It will not be permissible for any member of the scheme to withdraw any amount out of<br />

the Insurance Fund to which he has been subscribing or the Savings Fund.<br />

Loans/Advances from the Insurance/Saving Fund<br />

15. No loan or advance shall be paid to any member from or against the Insurance/Savings<br />

Fund.<br />

Utilisation of accumulation in Insurance/Savings Funds<br />

16. The accumulations in the Insurance/Savings Fund shall be at the disposal of the Central<br />

Govt. Since the scheme is self financing and self supporting the bulk of these funds are proposed<br />

to be utilised for ownership housing and other schemes for the benefits of the members of the<br />

scheme.<br />

Action of notification of the „Scheme‟<br />

17. The Head of the Office shall supply to the Drawing and Disbursing Officer, names,<br />

groups, date of birth and date of appointment of pers who may be appointed to any post under<br />

the Central Govt during the preceeding month and who would be eligible to be the member of<br />

the Scheme by 10 th of every month following the month in which the „Scheme‟ is notified.<br />

Action of the „Scheme‟ coming into force<br />

18. The Head of the office shall supply to the Drawing and Disbursing Officer, the name, the<br />

Group, date of birth of every employee who has been in the Central Govt service on the date of<br />

the „Scheme‟ is notified but has not opted out of the „Scheme‟ by 10 th of every month in which<br />

the Scheme comes into force. Every member of the „Scheme shall be informed in Form 1, the<br />

date of his enrolment, the subscription to be deducted and the benefits to which he would be<br />

eligible. On his regular promotion from one Group to another, he will be similarly informed in<br />

Form 2.<br />

19. The option exercised by the „employees‟ who are already in Central Govt Service on the<br />

date of the „Scheme‟ is notified shall be in Form No 3 and will be pasted in the service book of<br />

the individual.<br />

Register of member<br />

20. The Head of the Office shall maintain Group-wise register of members in Form No 9 and<br />

keep upto-date. The register will be sent to the DDO once a year to check the appropriate<br />

subscription being recovered from the members.<br />

109<br />



Nomination<br />

21. The Head of the Office shall obtain a Nomination from every Govt Servant who is a<br />

member of the Scheme conferring on one or more persons, the right to receive the amount<br />

payable under the Scheme in the event of his death before attaining the age of superannuation.<br />

22. If a member of the Scheme has a family at the time of making nomination, he shall make<br />

such nomination only in favour of the member of his family. For this purpose family will have<br />

the same meaning as in the case of General Provident Fund Rules 1960.<br />

23. If a member of the scheme nominates more than one person he should specify in the<br />

nomination „it self‟ the amount of share payable to each nominee in such a manner to cover the<br />

whole of the amount payable under the Scheme failing which the amount will be equally<br />

distributed among all the nominees.<br />

24. The nomination shall be made in Form No 7 or Form No 8 as is appropriate in the<br />

circumstances. The nomination can be cancelled at any time by the member by sending a notice<br />

to the Head of the Office alongwith a fresh nomination.<br />

25. The nomination received from the member shall be countersigned by the Head of the<br />

Office and pasted on their service documents. The Head of the Office shall also make an entry in<br />

his service documents that the nomination has been duly received.<br />

Government of India Form 1<br />

Ministry of<br />

Department/office Dated . . . . . .<br />


Shri . . . . . . . . a Group . . . . . . . employee has been enrolled as a member of<br />

the Central Govt Employee‟s Group Insurance Scheme, 1980 wef . .. . .. . . His<br />

monthly subscription of Rs . . . . . . (Rupees . . . . . . . ) shall be deducted from his<br />

salary/wages commencing from the month of . . . . . . . . . and he will be eligible to<br />

the benefits of the scheme appropriate to Group . . . . . . wef . . . . . .<br />

To ( )<br />

Shri*<br />

Head of Office<br />

*Name and designation of the employee<br />

110<br />



Government of India Form 2<br />

Department/office Dated . . . . . .<br />


Shri . . . . . . . . has been promoted on regular basis, from Group . . . . . . to<br />

Group . .. . . . . wef . . . . His monthly subscription for the Central Govt<br />

Employees‟ Group Insurance Scheme, 1980 shall be raised from Rs . . . . . to Rs .<br />

. . . from the month of . . . and he will be eligible to the benefits of the scheme<br />

appropriate to Group . . . . . . wef . . . . . .<br />

To ( )<br />

Shri*<br />

Head of Office<br />

*Name and designation of the employee<br />

Form 3<br />

To<br />

(Head of Office)<br />

Sir,<br />

I have read and understood/I have been explained the details of the new<br />

Central Government Employees‟ Group Insurance Scheme 1980, I opt to remain<br />

out side this new Scheme<br />

Place :<br />

Date :<br />

Yours faithfully<br />

Name and designation of the emloyee<br />

111<br />



To<br />

Form 4<br />




Sir,<br />

I have been a member of the Central Government Employees‟ Group<br />

Insurance Scheme, 1980 since……….** I have retired from service after attaining<br />

the age of . . . years/I have ceased to be in employment with the Central<br />

Government wef . . . . . . I was holding the post of Government. I request that the<br />

amount due to me under the Central Government Employees‟ Group Insurance<br />

Scheme may be paid to me.<br />

Yours faithfully,<br />

*Designation and address of the Head of Office<br />

**Month and year of becoming a member of the scheme may be indicated here.<br />

No………<br />

Ministry of<br />

Department of<br />

Office of<br />

Form 5<br />

Dated ……..<br />

To<br />

*<br />



Dear Sir/Madam,<br />

I am directed to state that the late Shri . . . . . . . . has nominted you<br />

for payment of full/……. Percent amount due under the Central<br />

Government Employees‟ Group Insurance Scheme, 1980. You are,<br />

therefore, requested, to submit an application in the enclosed Form No 6,<br />

for arranging payment.<br />

*Name and address of the nominee<br />

Yours faithfully,<br />

112<br />



To :<br />

*The<br />

Form 6<br />

Sir,<br />


LATE SHRI . . . . . …………… UNDER THE CENTRAL<br />


SCHEME 1980<br />

With reference to your letter No . . . . . . dated . . . . I, hereby reqest that the<br />

full/ . . . . . . percent of amount due to late Shri .. . . . . . . under the Central<br />

Government employees‟ Group Insurance Scheme may be paid to me.<br />

Yours faithfully,<br />

*Name and address of the office where Form No 5 is received.<br />

113<br />



Form 7<br />

Nomination for benefits under the Central Government Employees,<br />

Group Insurance Scheme 1980<br />

(When the Govt servant has no family and wishes to nominate one person or more than one<br />

person).<br />

I having no family, hereby, nominate the person/persons mentioned below and confer on<br />

him/them the rights to receive to the extent specified below and amount that may be sanctioned<br />

by Central Government under the Central Government Employees‟ Group Insurance Scheme<br />

1980 in the event of my death while in service or which having become payable on my attaining<br />

the age of superannuation may remain unpaid at my death.<br />

*Share of<br />

the amount<br />

to be paid<br />

to each<br />

Contigencies**<br />

on the happening<br />

of which the<br />

nomination shall<br />

become invalid<br />

Name, Address and relationship<br />

of the person, if any, to whom<br />

the right of the nominee shall<br />

pass in the event of his<br />

predeceasing the Govt servant<br />

Dated,<br />

this………….. day of, …………….. 20 ……. at ……………………………..<br />

Two witnesses to signature<br />

1.<br />

2. Signature of the Govt. servant<br />

NB. The Govt servant should draw a line across the blank space below his last entry to<br />

prevent the insertion of any names after he has signed.<br />

* This column should be filled in so as to cover the whole amount that may be<br />

payable under the insurance scheme.<br />

** Where a Govt servant who has no family makes the nomination, he shall specify<br />

in this column that the nomination shall become invalid in the event of his<br />

subsequently acquiring a family.<br />

114<br />



Form 8<br />

Nomination for benefit under the Central Govt Employees‟ Group Insurance scheme 1980<br />

(When the Govt servant has a family and wishes to nominate one memer or more than one<br />

member thereof)<br />

I hereby nominate the person (s) mentioned below who is/are members (s) of my family and<br />

confer on him/them the right to receive the extent specified below any amount that may be<br />

sanctioned by the Central Govt under the Central Govt Employees‟ Group Insurance Scheme<br />

1980 in the event of my death while in service or which having become payable on my attaining<br />

the age of superannuation may remain unpaid at my death.<br />

Name and<br />

address of the<br />

nominee/<br />

nominees<br />

Relationship<br />

with Govt<br />

servant<br />

Age*<br />

Share to be<br />

paid to<br />

each<br />

Contingencies on<br />

the happening of<br />

/which the<br />

nomination shall<br />

become<br />

invalid<br />

Name, address and<br />

relationship<br />

of the person if any<br />

to whom,<br />

the right of the<br />

nominee pass<br />

in the event of his<br />

predeceasing the<br />

Govt servant<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

3.<br />

NB :<br />

The Govt servant should draw line across the blank space below his last entry to prevent<br />

insertion of any names after he has Signed.<br />

Dated this . . . . day of . . . . 20 . . . . . . at . . . . . . .<br />

Signature of two witnesses<br />

1.<br />

2. Signature of the Govt servant<br />

*This column should be filled in so as to cover the whole amount that may be payable under the<br />

Insurance Scheme.<br />

115<br />



Form No. 9<br />



Group<br />

Section 1 : Particulars of employees subscribing to the Insurance fund only<br />

Sl<br />

No<br />

Name Designation Date<br />

of<br />

birth<br />

Date<br />

of<br />

apptt<br />

Date of<br />

Commencement<br />

of subscription<br />

Date of<br />

promotion<br />

to<br />

higher<br />

Gp/date<br />

of transfer<br />

to other<br />

Deptt<br />

Date<br />

of<br />

death<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9<br />

Remarks<br />

Section II. Particulars of employees subscribing to both Insurance Fund and saving fund<br />

S/No Name Designation<br />

Dt of<br />

birth<br />

Dt of<br />

Apptt<br />

Dt of<br />

Commencement<br />

of subscription<br />

Dt of<br />

Promotion<br />

to<br />

higher<br />

Gp/dt of<br />

transfer<br />

to other<br />

govt<br />

dept<br />

Dt of<br />

cessation<br />

of<br />

membership<br />

and<br />

reasons<br />

therefore<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9<br />

Remarks<br />

116<br />



<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 14<br />



Introduction<br />


1. GREF personnel are governed under CCS (Leave) Rules 1972.<br />

2. Leave cannot be claimed as a matter of right. When exigencies of public service so<br />

require, leave of any kind may be refused or revoked by the authority competent to grant it, but,<br />

it shall not be open to that authority to alter the kind of leave due and applied for except at the<br />

written request of Govt servant.<br />

Kind of Leave Due And Admissible<br />

Earned Leave<br />

3. The leave account of every person who is serving in the department shall be credited in<br />

advance in two instalments of 15 days each on Ist day of Jan and Jul of every calendar year. The<br />

earned leave at credit allowed to be so credited shall not exceed 300 days.<br />

4. Earned leave shall be credited to leave account of a Government servant at two and half<br />

days for each completed calendar month of service which he is likely to render in a half year in<br />

which he is appointed/retired.<br />

5. If a Govt servant has availed EOL in the half year, the credit to be afforded to his leave<br />

account at the commencement of next half year shall be reduced by 1/10 th of the period of such<br />

leave subject to maximum 15 days.<br />

Half Pay Leave<br />

6. Half Pay Leave account of every Govt servant shall be credited with half pay leave in<br />

advance in two instalments of 10 days each on the Ist Jan and Jul of every calendar year.<br />

7. The leave shall be credited to said leave account at the rate of 5/3 days for each calendar<br />

month of service which he is likely to render in the half year of the calendar year in which he is<br />

appointed/retired.<br />

Commutted Leave<br />

8. Commuted leave not exceeding half the amount of half pay leave due, may be granted on<br />

medical certificate to a Govt servant subject to :-<br />

(a) The Authority Competent to grant leave is satisfied that there is reasonable<br />

prospect of Govt servant returning to duty on its expiry.<br />

(b) When commuted leave is granted, twice the amount of such leave shall be<br />

debited to the half pay leave account.<br />

117<br />



Leave Not Due<br />

9. Leave not due may be granted to a Govt servant in permanent employment limited to a<br />

maximum of 360 days during the entire service when there is no HPL at credit and requests for<br />

grant of leave not due on medical certificate subject to :-<br />

(a) The authority competent to grant leave is satisfied that there is reasonable<br />

prospect of Govt servant returning to duty on its expiry.<br />

(d)<br />

Leave not due shall be limited to the half pay leave he is likely to earn thereafter.<br />

(e) Leave not due shall be debited against half pay leave the Govt servant may earn<br />

subsequently.<br />

10. Temporary officials with minimum of one year service and suffering from TB, Leaprosy,<br />

Cancer or Mental ailments may also be granted leave not due.<br />

Extra Ordinary Leave<br />

11. EOL may be granted to a Govt servant in special circumstances:-<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

EOL.<br />

Special Kinds of Leave<br />

When no other leave is admissible.<br />

When other leave admissible but Govt servant applies in writing for grant of<br />

12. Maternity Leave/Child care Leave<br />

(a) A female Govt servant with less than two surviving children may be granted<br />

maternity leave by authority competent to grant leave for a period of 180 days from date<br />

of its commencement. During such period she shall be paid leave salary equal to the pay<br />

drawn immediately before proceeding on leave. Maternity leave may be combined with<br />

leave of any other kind. Maternity leave shall not be debited against the leave account.<br />

Maximum 180 days twice in service can be granted to a female Govt. servant.<br />

(b) Leave of the kind due and admissible (including commuted leave for a period not<br />

exceeding 60 days and leave not due that can be granted in continuation with Maternity<br />

leave provided in rule 43 (4)(b) shall be increased to 2 years.<br />

(c) Women employees having minor children may be granted Child care Leave by an<br />

authority competent to grant leave, for a maximum period of 2 years (ie. 730 days)<br />

during their entire service for taking care of up to two children whether for rearing or to<br />

look after any of their needs like examination, sickness etc. Child care leave shall not be<br />

admissible if the child is eighteen years of age or older. During the period of such leave,<br />

the women employees shall be paid leave salary equal to the pay drawn immediately<br />

before proceeding on leave. It may be availed of in more than one spell. Child care leave<br />

shall not be debited against the leave account. Child care lave may also be allowed for<br />

the 3rd year as leave not due (without production of medical certificate). It may be<br />

combined with leave of the kind due and admissible.<br />


Paternity Leave<br />


13. Granted to male employees with less than two children during the confinement of their<br />

wives (maximum 15 days).<br />

Special Disability Leave For Accidental Injury<br />

14. Govt servant who is disabled by injury accidentally incurred in, or in consequence of the<br />

due performance of his official duties or in consequence of his official position or by illness<br />

incurred in the performance of any particular duty, which has the effect of increasing his liability<br />

to illness or injury beyond the ordinary risk attaching to civil post which he holds. The grant of<br />

special disability leave in such case shall be subject to further conditions :-<br />

(a) that the disability, if due to disease, must be certified by an Authorised Medical<br />

Attendant to be directly due to the performance of the particular duty.<br />

118<br />

(b) that, if the Government servant has contracted such disability during service<br />

otherwise than with a military force, it must be in the opinion of the authority competent<br />

to sanction leave, exceptional in character, and<br />

(c) that the period of absence recommended by an Authorised Medical Attendant<br />

may be covered in part, by leave under this rule and in part by any other kind of leave,<br />

and that the amount of special disability leave granted on leave salary equal to that<br />

admissible on earned leave shall not exceed 120 days.<br />

Hospital Leave<br />

15. The authority competent to grant leave, may grant hospital leave to :-<br />

(a)<br />

Group „D‟ Govt servants,<br />

(b) Such Gp „C‟ Govt servant whose duties involve the handling of dangerous<br />

machinery, explosive materials, poisonous drugs and the like, or the performance of<br />

hazardous tasks.<br />

While under medical treatment in hospital or otherwise for illness or injury if such illness<br />

or injury is directly due to risks incurred in the course of officials duties.<br />

16. Hospital leave shall be granted on production of medical certificate from an Authorised<br />

Medical Attendant and will not be debited against leave account. Hospital leave may be<br />

combined with any kind of leave which may be admissible provided the total period of leave,<br />

after such combination does not exceed 28 months.<br />

Casual Leave<br />

17. Casual leave is not a recognised leave and is not subject to any rules made by the Govt of<br />

India. An official on casual leave is not treated as absent from duty and his pay is not<br />

intermitted.<br />

18. Casual leave can be combined with special casual leave but not with any other kinds of<br />

leave. It cannot be combined with joining time. Sundays and public holidays/restricted<br />

holidays/weekly off can be prefixed/suffixed to casual leave.<br />



19. Sunday/Holidays falling during a period of Casual Leave are not counted as part of<br />

casual leave. Casual Leave can be taken for half day also. LTC can be availed during casual<br />

leave. 12 days casual leave is entitled during one calendar year.<br />

Absence after Expiry of Leave<br />

20. A Govt servant who remains absent after the expiry of leave, is not entitled to leave<br />

salary for the period of such absence unless the authority competent to grant leave extends the<br />

leave. The period of such absence shall be debited against his leave account as though it were<br />

half pay leave to the extent such leave is due. The period is excess of such leave due being<br />

treated as Extra Ordinary leave.<br />

21. Wilful absence from duty after the expiry of leave renders a Government servant liable to<br />

disciplinary action.<br />

119<br />

Action For Unauthorised Absence From Duty Or Overstayal of Leave<br />

22. Following decision/action will be taken :-<br />

(a) When a temporary Govt servant requests for leave in excess of limits prescribed<br />

under Rule 32 of Central Civil Service (Leave) Rule 1972 under the exceptional<br />

circumstances, the leave sanctioning authority can take a decision to grant further leave<br />

in excess of the limits.<br />

(b) When a temporary Govt servant applies for leave beyond the prescribed limit of<br />

extraordinary leave and the leave sanctioning authority is not satisfied with the<br />

genuineness of grounds on which further leave has been applied for, nor he considers the<br />

grounds as exceptional, the leave cannot be granted. In this case the Govt servant should<br />

be asked to rejoin duty within a specified date failing which he will render himself liable<br />

for disciplinary action. Disobedience of orders would afford good and sufficient reasons<br />

for initiating disciplinary action under CCA (CCA) Rules 1965. If he rejoins duty within<br />

the specified date, he may be taken back into service and the period of absence not<br />

covered by leave be treated as overstayal and dealt with in accordance with the orders for<br />

regularisation of overstayal of leave.<br />

Auth : CCS (Leave) Rules 1972<br />

Encashment of Earned Leave alongwith LTC<br />

23. A Central Govt employee can encash 10 days Earned Leave while availing LTC and<br />

during entire service, he can encash 60 days EL which will not be deducted from the encashment<br />

of EL while proceeding on retirement. This order shall take effect from 01 Sep 2008.<br />

120<br />


<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 15


General<br />


1. Like Armed Forces and personnel of other Deptts, GREF pers are also granted<br />

gallantry awards and awards for Jeevan Raksha Padak series. The details of various awards<br />

including brief act of eligibility are contained in Appendix „AB‟. Service officers servings in<br />

BRO are also recommended for awards following ACR and command channels.<br />

2. The awardees of Kirti Chakra and Shaurya Chakra are granted on the eve of Republic<br />

Day or Independence Day. These carry monetary allowance of Rs. 1050/- pm (Rs. 2100/-pm<br />

enhanced wef 26 Jan 1999) and 750/-pm (Rs. 1500/- pm enhanced wef 26 Jan 1999)<br />

respectively which may be claimed by publishing necessary DO Pt II for serving personnel.<br />

Besides, the following ex gratia grant is also by the State Government:-<br />

Sl Award/Name of Decoration Cash<br />

Award<br />

(a)<br />


Monetary Grant in<br />

lieu of land (c)<br />

Annuity<br />

(b)<br />

1 Param Vir Chakra 22500/- 150000/- 1000<br />

2 Maha Vir Chakra 15000/- 100000/- 400/-<br />

3 Vir Chakra 7000/- 50000/- 300/-<br />

4 Ashok Chakra 20000/- 125000/- 600/-<br />

5 Kirti Chakra 12000/- 75000/- 350/-<br />

6 Shaurya Chakra 5000/- 40000/- 250/-<br />

7 Sarvottam YUdh Seva Medal 17000/- 110000/- 600/-<br />

8 Uttam Yudh Seva Medal 10000/- 65000/- 350/-<br />

9 Yudh Seva Medal 4000/- 30000/- 250/-<br />

10 Sena/Nao Sena/Vayu Sena 3000/- 20000/- 250/-<br />

Medal<br />

11 Mention in Despatch 2000/- 10000/- 150/-<br />

12 PVSM 15000/- 100000/- 400/-<br />

13 AVSM 7000/- 50000/- 300/-<br />



14 VSM 3000/- 20000/- 250/-<br />

Sl Award/Name of Decoration Cash<br />

Award<br />

(a)<br />


Monetary Grant<br />

in lieu of land (c)<br />

Annuity<br />

(b)<br />

1 Param Vir Chakra 22500/- 150000/- 1000/-<br />

2 Maha Vir Chakra 15000/- 100000/- 400/-<br />

3 Vir Chakra 7000/- 50000/- 300/-<br />

4 Ashok Chakra 20000/- 125000/- 800/-<br />

5 Kirti Chakra 12000/- 75000/- 350/-<br />

6 Shaurya Chakra 5000/- 40000/- 250/-<br />

7 Sarvottam YUdh Seva Medal 17000/- 100000/- 600/-<br />

8 Uttam Yudh Seva Medal 10000/- 65000/- 350/-<br />

9 Yudh Seva Medal 4000/- 30000/- 250/-<br />

10 Sena/Nao Sena/Vayu Sena Medal 3000/- 20000/- 250/-<br />

11 Mention in Despatch 2000/- 10000/- 150/-<br />

12 PVSM 15000/- 100000/- 400/-<br />

13 AVSM 7000/- 50000/- 300/-<br />

14 VSM 3000/- 20000/- 250/-<br />

Sl Award/Name of Decoration Cash Award<br />

(a)<br />

ASSAM<br />

Monetary Grant in<br />

lieu of land (c)<br />

Annuity<br />

(b)<br />

1 Param Vir Chakra 22500/- 150000/- 1000/-<br />

2 Maha Vir Chakra 15000/- 100000/- 400/-<br />



3 Vir Chakra 7000/- 50000/- 300/-<br />

4 Ashok Chakra 20000/- 125000/- 800/-<br />

5 Kirti Chakra 12000/- 75000/- 350/-<br />

6 Shaurya Chakra 5000/- 40000/- 250/-<br />

7 Sarvottam YUdh Seva Medal 17000/- 110000/- 600/-<br />

8 Uttam Yudh Seva Medal 10000/- 65000/- 350/-<br />

9 Yudh Seva Medal 4000/- 30000/- 250/-<br />

10 Sena/Nao Sena/Vayu Sena Medal 3000/- 20000/- 250/-<br />

11 Mention in Despatch 2000/- 10000/- 150/-<br />

12 PVSM 15000/- 100000/- 400/-<br />

13 AVSM 7000/- 50000/- 300/-<br />

14 VSM 3000/- 20000/- 250/-<br />

Sl Award/Name of Decoration Cash Award<br />

(a)<br />

Monetary Grant<br />

in lieu of land (c)<br />

Annuity<br />

(b)<br />

BIHAR<br />

1 Param Vir Chakra 22500/- 150000/- 1000/-<br />

2 Maha Vir Chakra 15000/- 100000/- 400/-<br />

3 Vir Chakra 7000/- 50000/- 300/-<br />

4 Ashok Chakra 20000/- 125000/- 800/-<br />

5 Kirti Chakra 12000/- 75000/- 350/-<br />

6 Shaurya Chakra 5000/- 40000/- 250/-<br />

7 Sarvottam YUdh Seva Medal 17000/- 110000/- 600/-<br />

8 Uttam Yudh Seva Medal 10000/- 65000/- 350/-<br />



9 Yudh Seva Medal 4000/- 30000/- 250/-<br />

10 Sena/Nao Sena/Vayu Sena Medal 3000/- 20000/- 250/-<br />

11 Mention in Despatch 2000/- 10000/- 150/-<br />

12 PVSM 15000/- 100000/- 400/-<br />

13 AVSM 7000/- 50000/- 300/-<br />

14 VSM 3000/- 20000/- 250/-<br />

Sl Award/Name of Decoration Cash Award<br />

(a)<br />


Monetary Grant<br />

in lieu of land (c)<br />

Annuity<br />

(b)<br />

1 Param Vir Chakra 25000/- 75000/- -<br />

2 Maha Vir Chakra 15000/- 50000/- -<br />

3 Vir Chakra 10000/- 25000/- -<br />

4 Ashok Chakra 25000/- 50000/- -<br />

5 Kirti Chakra 15000/- 40000/- -<br />

6 Shaurya Chakra 5000/- 20000/- -<br />

7 Sarvottam YUdh Seva Medal 15000/- - -<br />

8 Uttam Yudh Seva Medal 10000/- - -<br />

9 Yudh Seva Medal 5000/- - -<br />

10 Sena/Nao Sena/Vayu Sena Medal 5000/- - -<br />

11 Mention in Despatch - - -<br />

12 PVSM - - -<br />

13 AVSM - - -<br />

14 VSM - - -<br />



Sl Award/Name of Decoration Cash Award<br />

(a)<br />

GOA<br />

Monetary Grant<br />

in lieu of land (c)<br />

Annuity<br />

(b)<br />

1 Param Vir Chakra 22500/- 150000/- 1200/-<br />

2 Maha Vir Chakra 15000/- 100000/- -<br />

3 Vir Chakra 7000/- 50000/- -<br />

4 Ashok Chakra 20000/- 125000/- -<br />

5 Kirti Chakra 12000/- 75000/- -<br />

6 Shaurya Chakra 5000/- 40000/- -<br />

7 Sarvottam YUdh Seva Medal 17000/- 110000/- -<br />

8 Uttam Yudh Seva Medal 10000/- 65000/- -<br />

9 Yudh Seva Medal 4000/- 30000/- -<br />

10 Sena/Nao Sena/Vayu Sena Medal 3000/- 20000/- -<br />

11 Mention in Despatch 2000/- 10000/- -<br />

12 PVSM 15000/- 100000/- -<br />

13 AVSM 7000/- 50000/- -<br />

14 VSM 3000/- 20000/- -<br />

Sl Award/Name of Decoration Cash Award<br />

(a)<br />

GUJRAT<br />

Monetary Grant<br />

in lieu of land (c)<br />

Annuity<br />

(b)<br />

1 Param Vir Chakra 22500/- - 500/- (FOR 30<br />

YRS)<br />

2 Maha Vir Chakra 15000/- - -<br />



3 Vir Chakra 7000/- - -<br />

4 Ashok Chakra 20000/- - -<br />

5 Kirti Chakra 12000/- - -<br />

6 Shaurya Chakra 5000/- - -<br />

7 Sarvottam YUdh Seva Medal 17000/- - -<br />

8 Uttam Yudh Seva Medal 10000/- - -<br />

9 Yudh Seva Medal 4000/- - -<br />

10 Sena/Nao Sena/Vayu Sena Medal 3000/- - -<br />

11 Mention in Despatch 2000/- - -<br />

12 PVSM 15000/- - -<br />

13 AVSM 7000/- - -<br />

14 VSM 3000/- - -<br />

Sl Award/Name of Decoration Cash Award<br />

(a)<br />

Monetary Grant<br />

in lieu of land (c)<br />

Annuity<br />

(b)<br />

HARYANA (For all operations on & after 15 Aug 1947)<br />

1 Param Vir Chakra 22500/- 150000/- 3000/- (wef<br />

15.9.95)<br />

2 Maha Vir Chakra 15000/- 100000/- 1200/- (wef<br />

15.9.95)<br />

3 Vir Chakra 7000/- 50000/- 900 (wef<br />

15.9.95)<br />

4 Ashok Chakra 12000/- 100000/- -<br />

5 Kirti Chakra 5000/- 50000/- -<br />

6 Shaurya Chakra 3500/- 30000/- -<br />

7 Sena/Nao Sena/Vayu Sena Medal 3000/- 20000/- -<br />



8 Mention in Despatch 2000/- 10000/- -<br />

9 PVSM 15000/- - -<br />

Sl Award/Name of Decoration Cash Award<br />

(a)<br />

HARYANA (For all operations on & after 1 st july 1985)<br />

Monetary<br />

Grant in lieu of<br />

land (c)<br />

Annuity<br />

(b)<br />

1 Ashok Chakra 20000/- 100000/- 2400/- (wef<br />

9.1.97)<br />

2 Kirti Chakra 12000/- 50000/- 900/- (wef<br />

9.1.97)<br />

3 Shaurya Chakra 5000/- 30000/- 600/- (wef<br />

9.1.97)<br />

4 Sarvottam YUdh Seva Medal 17000/- 110000/- 2300/- (wef<br />

9.1.97)<br />

5 Uttam Yudh Seva Medal 10000/- 65000/- 2100/- (wef<br />

9.1.97)<br />

6 Yudh Seva Medal 6000/- 30000/- 1900/- (wef<br />

9.1.97)<br />

7 Sena/Nao Sena/Vayu Sena Medal 3000/- 20000/- 600/- (wef<br />

9.1.97)<br />

8 Mention in Despatch 3000/- 10000/- 300/-<br />

9 PVSM 15000/- 100000/- 2400/-<br />

Sl Award/Name of Decoration Cash Award<br />

(a)<br />


Monetary Grant<br />

in lieu of land (c)<br />

Annuity<br />

(b)<br />



1 Param Vir Chakra 22500/- 150000/- 4500/-<br />

2 Maha Vir Chakra 15000/- 100000/- 3600/-<br />

3 Vir Chakra 7000/- 50000/- 2700/-<br />

4 Ashok Chakra 20000/- 125000/- 4000/-<br />

5 Kirti Chakra 12000/- 75000/- 3300/-<br />

6 Shaurya Chakra 5000/- 40000/- 2400/-<br />

7 Sarvottam YUdh Seva Medal 17000/- 110000/- 1500/-<br />

8 Uttam Yudh Seva Medal 10000/- 65000/- 1500/-<br />

9 Yudh Seva Medal 4000/- 30000/- 1500/-<br />

10 Sena/Nao Sena/Vayu Sena Medal 3000/- 20000/- 1500/-<br />

11 Mention in Despatch 2000/- 10000/- 1500/-<br />

12 PVSM 15000/- 100000/- 2700/-<br />

13 AVSM 7000/- 50000/- 2400/-<br />

14 VSM 3000/- 30000/- 2100/-<br />

Sl Award/Name of Decoration Cash Award<br />

(a)<br />

Monetary Grant<br />

in lieu of land (c)<br />

Annuity<br />

(b)<br />

HIMACHAL PRADESH - Revised rates as given below applicable to previous awardees with<br />

effect with from 01.04.2006 (Authy Govt of Himachal Pradesh letter GAD-E(F) 4-2/2002-II<br />

dated 15.5.2006):-<br />

PVC 2500000/- - 125000/-<br />

AC 2500000/- - 100000/-<br />

MVC 1500000/- - 100000/-<br />

KC 1500000/- - 100000/-<br />

Vr C 1000000/- - 50000/-<br />



SC 1000000/- - 50000/-<br />

SM/Nao SM/Vayu SM - - 3000/-<br />

Mention-in-Despatches - - 3000/-<br />

SYSM - - 3000/-<br />

UYSM - - 3000/-<br />

YSM - - 3000/-<br />

PVSM - - 5400/-<br />

AVSM - - 4800/-<br />

VSM - - 3000/-<br />

Sl Award/Name of Decoration Cash Award<br />

(a)<br />


Monetary Grant<br />

in lieu of land (c)<br />

Annuity<br />

(b)<br />

1 Param Vir Chakra 22500/- 150000/- 1000/-<br />

2 Maha Vir Chakra 15000/- 100000/- 400/-<br />

3 Vir Chakra 7000/- 50000/- 300/-<br />

4 Ashok Chakra 20000/- 125000/- 800/-<br />

5 Kirti Chakra 12000/- 75000/- 350/-<br />

6 Shaurya Chakra 5000/- 40000/- 250/-<br />

7 Sarvottam YUdh Seva Medal 17000/- 110000/- 600/-<br />

8 Uttam Yudh Seva Medal 10000/- 65000/- 350/-<br />

9 Yudh Seva Medal 4000/- 30000/- 250/-<br />

10 Sena/Nao Sena/Vayu Sena Medal 3000/- 20000/- 250/-<br />

11 Mention in Despatch 2000/- 10000/- 150/-<br />



12 PVSM 15000/- 100000/- 400/-<br />

13 AVSM 7000/- 50000/- 300/-<br />

14 VSM 3000/- 20000/- 200/-<br />

Sl Award/Name of Decoration Cash Award<br />

(a)<br />


Monetary Grant<br />

in lieu of land (c)<br />

Annuity<br />

(b)<br />

1 Param Vir Chakra 22500/- 150000/- 1000/-<br />

2 Maha Vir Chakra 15000/- 100000/- 400/-<br />

3 Vir Chakra 7000/- 50000/- 300/-<br />

4 Ashok Chakra 20000/- 125000/- 800/-<br />

5 Kirti Chakra 12000/- 75000/- 350/-<br />

6 Shaurya Chakra 5000/- 40000/- 250/-<br />

7 Sarvottam YUdh Seva Medal 17000/- 110000/- 600/-<br />

8 Uttam Yudh Seva Medal 10000/- 65000/- 350/-<br />

9 Yudh Seva Medal 4000/- 30000/- 250/-<br />

10 Sena/Nao Sena/Vayu Sena Medal 3000/- 20000/- 250/-<br />

11 Mention in Despatch 2000/- 10000/- 150/-<br />

12 PVSM 15000/- 100000/- 400/-<br />

13 AVSM 7000/- 50000/- 300/-<br />

14 VSM 3000/- 10000/- 250/-<br />

Sl Award/Name of Decoration Cash Award<br />

(a)<br />


Monetary Grant<br />

in lieu of land (c)<br />

Annuity<br />

(b)<br />



1 Param Vir Chakra 22500/- 150000/- 1000/-<br />

2 Maha Vir Chakra 15000/- 100000/- 400/-<br />

3 Vir Chakra 7000/- 50000/- 300/-<br />

4 Ashok Chakra 20000/- 125000/- 800/-<br />

5 Kirti Chakra 12000/- 75000/- 350/-<br />

6 Shaurya Chakra 5000/- 40000/- 250/-<br />

7 Sarvottam YUdh Seva Medal 17000/- 110000/- 600/-<br />

8 Uttam Yudh Seva Medal 10000/- 65000/- 350/-<br />

9 Yudh Seva Medal 4000/- 30000/- 250/-<br />

10 Sena/Nao Sena/Vayu Sena Medal 3000/- 20000/- 250/-<br />

11 Mention in Despatch 2000/- 10000/- 150/-<br />

12 PVSM 15000/- 115000/- 400/-<br />

13 AVSM 7000/- 50000/- 300/-<br />

14 VSM 3000/- 20000/- 250/-<br />

Sl Award/Name of Decoration Cash Award<br />

(a)<br />

KERALA<br />

Monetary Grant<br />

in lieu of land (c)<br />

Annuity<br />

(b)<br />

1 Param Vir Chakra 28125/- 165000/- 1100/-<br />

2 Maha Vir Chakra 18750/- 110000/- 660/-<br />

3 Vir Chakra 8750/- 55000/- 330/-<br />

4 Ashok Chakra 25000/- 137500/- 880/-<br />

5 Kirti Chakra 15000/- 82500/- 385/-<br />

6 Shaurya Chakra 6250/- 55000/- 330/-<br />



7 Sarvottam YUdh Seva Medal 21250/- 121000/- 660/-<br />

8 Uttam Yudh Seva Medal 12500/- 71500/- 385/-<br />

9 Yudh Seva Medal 5000/- 33000/- 275/-<br />

10 Sena/Nao Sena/Vayu Sena Medal 3750/- 22000/- 275/-<br />

11 Mention in Despatch 2500/- 11000/- 165/-<br />

12 PVSM - - -<br />

13 AVSM - - -<br />

14 VSM - - -<br />

Sl Award/Name of Decoration Cash Award<br />

(a)<br />


Monetary Grant<br />

in lieu of land (c)<br />

Annuity<br />

(b)<br />

1 Param Vir Chakra 22500/- 150000/- -<br />

2 Maha Vir Chakra 15000/- 100000/- -<br />

3 Vir Chakra 7000/- 50000/- -<br />

4 Ashok Chakra 20000/- 125000/- -<br />

5 Kirti Chakra 12000/- 75000/- -<br />

6 Shaurya Chakra 5000/- 40000/- -<br />

7 Sarvottam YUdh Seva Medal 17000/- 110000/- -<br />

8 Uttam Yudh Seva Medal 10000/- 65000/- -<br />

9 Yudh Seva Medal 4000/- 30000/- -<br />

10 Sena/Nao Sena/Vayu Sena Medal 3000/- 20000/- -<br />

11 Mention in Despatch 2000/- 10000/- -<br />

12 PVSM - - -<br />

13 AVSM - - -<br />

14 VSM - - -<br />

Sl Award/Name of Decoration Cash Award<br />

(a)<br />


Monetary Grant<br />

in lieu of land (c)<br />

Annuity<br />

(b)<br />

1 Param Vir Chakra 22500/- 150000/- Rs. 1000/-pm for<br />



2 Maha Vir Chakra 15000/- 100000/- posthumously<br />

3 Vir Chakra 7000/- 50000/- awardees wef<br />

4 Ashok Chakra 20000/- 125000/- 20.11.1990.<br />

5 Kirti Chakra 12000/- 75000/-<br />

6 Shaurya Chakra 5000/- 40000/-<br />

7 Sarvottam YUdh Seva Medal 17000/- 110000/- -<br />

8 Uttam Yudh Seva Medal 10000/- 65000/- -<br />

9 Yudh Seva Medal 4000/- 30000/- -<br />

10 Sena/Nao Sena/Vayu Sena Medal 3000/- 20000/- -<br />

11 Mention in Despatch 2000/- 10000/- -<br />

12 PVSM 15000/- 100000/- -<br />

13 AVSM 7000/- 50000/- -<br />

14 VSM 3000/- 20000/- -<br />

Sl Award/Name of Decoration Cash Award<br />

(a)<br />


Monetary Grant<br />

in lieu of land (c)<br />

Annuity<br />

(b)<br />

1 Param Vir Chakra 22500/- - -<br />

2 Maha Vir Chakra 15000/- - -<br />

3 Vir Chakra 7000/- - -<br />

4 Ashok Chakra 20000/- - -<br />

5 Kirti Chakra 12000/- - -<br />

6 Shaurya Chakra 5000/- - -<br />

7 Sarvottam YUdh Seva Medal 17000/- - -<br />

8 Uttam Yudh Seva Medal 10000/- - -<br />

9 Yudh Seva Medal 4000/- - -<br />

10 Sena/Nao Sena/Vayu Sena Medal 3000/- - -<br />

11 Mention in Despatch 2000/- - -<br />

12 PVSM 15000/- - -<br />

13 AVSM 7000/- - -<br />

14 VSM 3000/- - -<br />

Sl Award/Name of Decoration Cash Award<br />

(a)<br />

Monetary Grant<br />

in lieu of land<br />

(c)<br />


1 Param Vir Chakra 22500/- - -<br />

2 Maha Vir Chakra 15000/- - -<br />

3 Vir Chakra 7000/- - -<br />

Annuity<br />

(b)<br />



4 Ashok Chakra 20000/- - 180/- PM<br />

Monetary allce<br />

5 Kirti Chakra 12000/- - 140/- pm<br />

–do-<br />

6 Shaurya Chakra 5000/- - 100/- pm<br />

–do-<br />

7 Sarvottam YUdh Seva Medal 17000/- - -<br />

8 Uttam Yudh Seva Medal 10000/- - -<br />

9 Yudh Seva Medal 4000/- - -<br />

10 Sena/Nao Sena/Vayu Sena Medal 3000/- - -<br />

11 Mention in Despatch 2000/- - -<br />

12 PVSM 15000/- - -<br />

13 AVSM 7000/- - -<br />

14 VSM 3000/- - -<br />

Sl Award/Name of Decoration Cash Award<br />

(a)<br />

Monetary Grant<br />

in lieu of land (c)<br />

Annuity<br />

(b)<br />


1 Param Vir Chakra 50000/- 200000/- 3000/-<br />

2 Maha Vir Chakra 30000/- 125000/- 1500/-<br />

3 Vir Chakra 15000/- 80000/- 1000/-<br />

4 Ashok Chakra 40000/- 150000/- 2500/-<br />

5 Kirti Chakra 25000/- 100000/- 1000/-<br />

6 Shaurya Chakra 10000/- 70000/- 1000/-<br />

7 Sarvottam YUdh Seva Medal 30000/- 125000/- 2000/-<br />

8 Uttam Yudh Seva Medal 20000/- 85000/- 1000/-<br />

9 Yudh Seva Medal 10000/- 70000/- 1000/-<br />

10 Sena/Nao Sena/Vayu Sena Medal 6000/- 50000/- 1000/-<br />

11 Mention in Despatch 5000/- 25000/- 1000/-<br />

12 PVSM 30000/- 125000/- 1500/-<br />

13 AVSM 15000/- 80000/- 1000/-<br />

14 VSM 6000/- 50000/- 1000/-<br />

Sl Award/Name of Decoration Cash Award<br />

(a)<br />

ORISSA<br />

1 Param Vir Chakra 22500/- (20000/-<br />

Posthumously)<br />

Monetary Grant<br />

in lieu of land<br />

(c)<br />

Annuity<br />

(b)<br />

45/- pm 75/- pm<br />

(widow)<br />

2 Maha Vir Chakra 15000/- - 40/- pm<br />

(widow)<br />



3 Vir Chakra 7000/- (10000/- - 45/- pm<br />

Posthumously)<br />

(widow)<br />

4 Ashok Chakra 20000/- - -<br />

5 Kirti Chakra 12000/- - -<br />

6 Shaurya Chakra 5000/- - -<br />

7 17000/- 17000/- - -<br />

8 Uttam Yudh Seva Medal 10000/- - -<br />

9 Yudh Seva Medal 4000/- - -<br />

10 Sena/Nao Sena/Vayu Sena 3000/- - -<br />

Medal<br />

11 Mention in Despatch 2000/- - -<br />

12 PVSM 15000/- - -<br />

13 AVSM 7000/- - -<br />

14 VSM 3000/- - -<br />

Sl Award/Name of Decoration Cash Award<br />

(a)<br />

Monetary Grant<br />

in lieu of land<br />

(c)<br />

Annuity<br />

(b)<br />

PUNJAB<br />

1 Param Vir Chakra 2500000/- 12500/-<br />

2 Maha Vir Chakra 1500000/- 9500/-<br />

3 Vir Chakra 1000000/- 5500/-<br />

4 Ashok Chakra 2500000/- 10000/-<br />

5 Kirti Chakra 1500000/- 7500/-<br />

6 Shaurya Chakra 1000000/- 3500/-<br />

7 Sarvottam YUdh Seva Medal 17000/- 110000/- 100/-<br />

8 Uttam Yudh Seva Medal 10000/- 65000/- 100/-<br />

9 Yudh Seva Medal 4000/- 30000/- 100/-<br />

10 Sena/Nao Sena/Vayu Sena Medal 500000/- 2000/-<br />

11 Mention in Despatch 2000/- 10000/- 100/-<br />

12 PVSM 15000/- 100000/- 200/-<br />

13 AVSM 7000/- 50000/- 175/-<br />

14 VSM 3000/- 20000/- 150/-<br />

Sl Award/Name of Decoration Cash Award<br />

(a)<br />


Monetary Grant<br />

in lieu of land (c)<br />

Annuity<br />

(b)<br />



1 Param Vir Chakra 22500/- 25 BIGHAS Irr.<br />

Or 50 bighas<br />

Unirr.<br />

-<br />

2 Maha Vir Chakra 15000/- -do- -<br />

3 Vir Chakra 7000/- -do- -<br />

4 Ashok Chakra 20000/- -do- -<br />

5 Kirti Chakra 12000/- -do- -<br />

6 Shaurya Chakra 5000/- -do- -<br />

7 Sarvottam YUdh Seva Medal 17000/- -do- -<br />

8 Uttam Yudh Seva Medal 10000/- -do- -<br />

9 Yudh Seva Medal 4000/- -do- -<br />

10 Sena/Nao Sena/Vayu Sena 3000/- 2000/- in lieu -<br />

Medal<br />

land<br />

11 Mention in Despatch - - -<br />

12 PVSM - - -<br />

13 AVSM - - -<br />

14 VSM - - -<br />

Sl Award/Name of Decoration Cash Award<br />

(a)<br />


Monetary Grant<br />

in lieu of land (c)<br />

Annuity<br />

(b)<br />

SIKKIM<br />

1 Param Vir Chakra 22500/- 150000/- 1000/-<br />

2 Maha Vir Chakra 15000/- 100000/- 400/-<br />

3 Vir Chakra 7000/- 50000/- 300/-<br />

4 Ashok Chakra 20000/- 125000/- 800/-<br />

5 Kirti Chakra 12000/- 75000/- 350/-<br />

6 Shaurya Chakra 5000/- 40000/- 250/-<br />

7 Sarvottam YUdh Seva Medal 17000/- 110000/- 600/-<br />

8 Uttam Yudh Seva Medal 10000/- 65000/- 350/-<br />

9 Yudh Seva Medal 4000/- 30000/- 250/-<br />

10 Sena/Nao Sena/Vayu Sena Medal 3000/- 20000/- 250/-


11 Mention in Despatch 2000/- 10000/- 150/-<br />

12 PVSM 15000/- 100000/- 400/-<br />

13 AVSM 7000/- 50000/- 300/-<br />

14 VSM 3000/- 20000/- 250/-<br />

Sl Award/Name of Decoration Cash Award<br />

(a)<br />


Monetary Grant<br />

in lieu of land (c)<br />

Annuity<br />

(b)<br />

1 Param Vir Chakra 22500/- - -<br />

2 Maha Vir Chakra 15000/- - -<br />

3 Vir Chakra 7000/- - -<br />

4 Ashok Chakra 20000/- - -<br />

5 Kirti Chakra 12000/- - -<br />

6 Shaurya Chakra 5000/- - -<br />

7 Sarvottam YUdh Seva Medal 17000/- WEF Oct 1990<br />

8 Uttam Yudh Seva Medal 10000/-<br />

9 Yudh Seva Medal 4000/-<br />

10 Sena/Nao Sena/Vayu Sena 3000/- - -<br />

Medal<br />

11 Mention in Despatch 2000/- - -<br />

12 PVSM 15000/- - -<br />

13 AVSM 7000/- - -<br />

14 VSM 3000/- - -<br />

Sl Award/Name of Decoration Cash Award<br />

(a)<br />


Monetary Grant<br />

in lieu of land (c)<br />

Annuity<br />

(b)<br />



1 Param Vir Chakra 22500/- Land will be -<br />

allotted to<br />

2 Maha Vir Chakra 15000/-<br />

Gallantry<br />

Awardees as per<br />

allotment of land<br />

rules.<br />

-<br />

3 Vir Chakra 7000/- -<br />

4 Ashok Chakra 20000/- -<br />

5 Kirti Chakra 12000/- -<br />

6 Shaurya Chakra 5000/- -<br />

7 Sarvottam YUdh Seva Medal 17000/- -<br />

8 Uttam Yudh Seva Medal 10000/- -<br />

9 Yudh Seva Medal 4000/- -<br />

10 Sena/Nao Sena/Vayu Sena 3000/- -<br />

Medal<br />

11 Mention in Despatch 2000/- -<br />

12 PVSM 15000/- -<br />

13 AVSM 7000/- -<br />

14 VSM 3000/- -<br />

Sl Award/Name of Decoration Cash Award<br />

(a)<br />


Monetary Grant<br />

in lieu of land (c)<br />

Annuity<br />

(b)<br />

1 Param Vir Chakra 200000/- WEF 7.11.92 1000/-<br />

2 Maha Vir Chakra 125000/- 400/-<br />

3 Vir Chakra 50000/- Rs.57,000/- wef 300/-<br />

3.4.94<br />

4 Ashok Chakra 25,00,000/- - 120000/-<br />

5 Kirti Chakra 15,00,000/- Wef 6.5.99 100000/-<br />



6 Shaurya Chakra 10,00,000/- - 50000/-<br />

7 Sarvottam YUdh Seva 125000/- - 150/-<br />

Medal<br />

8 Uttam Yudh Seva Medal 75000/- - 100/-<br />

9 Yudh Seva Medal 35000/- - 100/-<br />

10 Sena/Nao Sena/Vayu Sena 3000/- - 100/-<br />

Medal<br />

11 Mention in Despatch 2000/- - 50/-<br />

12 PVSM 15000/- - 400/-<br />

13 AVSM 7000/- Wef 18.12.92 300/-<br />

14 VSM 3000/- - 200/-<br />

Sl Award/Name of Decoration Cash Award<br />

(a)<br />

Monetary Grant<br />

in lieu of land (c)<br />

Annuity<br />

(b)<br />


1 Param Vir Chakra 200000/- - 1000/-<br />

2 Maha Vir Chakra 125000/- - 400/-<br />

3 Vir Chakra 50000/- - 300/-<br />

4 Ashok Chakra 40000/- - 400/-<br />

5 Kirti Chakra 25000/- - 300/-<br />

6 Shaurya Chakra 1000000/- wef - 50000/- wef<br />

27.11.07<br />

27.11.07<br />

7 Sarvottam YUdh Seva Medal 125000/- - 150/-<br />

8 Uttam Yudh Seva Medal 75000/- - 100/-<br />

9 Yudh Seva Medal 35000/- - 100/-<br />

10 Sena/Nao Sena/Vayu Sena<br />

Medal<br />

3000/- - 100/-<br />



11 Mention in Despatch 2000/- - 50/-<br />

12 PVSM 15000/- - 400/-<br />

13 AVSM 7000/- - 300/-<br />

14 VSM 3000/- - 200/-<br />

Sl Award/Name of Decoration Cash Award<br />

(a)<br />


Monetary Grant<br />

in lieu of land (c)<br />

Annuity<br />

(b)<br />

1 Param Vir Chakra 22500/- 150000/- 9500/-<br />

2 Maha Vir Chakra 15000/- 100000/- 3800/-<br />

3 Vir Chakra 7000/- 50000/- 2850/-<br />

4 Ashok Chakra 20000/- 125000/- 7600/-<br />

5 Kirti Chakra 12000/- 75000/- 3325/-<br />

6 Shaurya Chakra 5000/- 40000/- 2375/-<br />

7 Sarvottam YUdh Seva Medal 17000/- 110000/- 5700/-<br />

8 Uttam Yudh Seva Medal 10000/- 65000/- 3325/-<br />

9 Yudh Seva Medal 4000/- 30000/- 2375/-<br />

10 Sena/Nao Sena/Vayu Sena 3000/- 20000/- 2375/-<br />

Medal<br />

11 Mention in Despatch 2000/- 10000/- 1425/-<br />

12 PVSM 15000/- 100000/- 3800/-<br />

13 AVSM 7000/- 50000/- 2850/-<br />

14 VSM 3000/- 20000/- 2375/-<br />



Sl Award/Name of Decoration Cash Award<br />

(a)<br />

A & N ISLANDS<br />

Monetary Grant<br />

in lieu of land (c)<br />

Annuity<br />

(b)<br />

1 Param Vir Chakra 22500/- - -<br />

2 Maha Vir Chakra 15000/- - -<br />

3 Vir Chakra 7000/- - -<br />

4 Ashok Chakra 20000/- - -<br />

5 Kirti Chakra 12000/- - -<br />

6 Shaurya Chakra 5000/- - -<br />

7 Sarvottam YUdh Seva 17000/- - -<br />

Medal<br />

8 Uttam Yudh Seva Medal 10000/- - -<br />

9 Yudh Seva Medal 4000/- - -<br />

10 Sena/Nao Sena/Vayu Sena 3000/- - -<br />

Medal<br />

11 Mention in Despatch 2000/- - -<br />

12 PVSM 15000/- - -<br />

13 AVSM 7000/- - -<br />

14 VSM 3000/- - -<br />

Sl Award/Name of Decoration Cash Award<br />

(a)<br />


Monetary Grant<br />

in lieu of land (c)<br />

Annuity<br />

(b)<br />

1 Param Vir Chakra 22500/- 150000/- 350/-<br />

2 Maha Vir Chakra 15000/- 100000/- 275/-<br />

3 Vir Chakra 7000/- 50000/- 200/-<br />

4 Ashok Chakra 20000/- 125000/- 325/-<br />

5 Kirti Chakra 12000/- 75000/- 250/-<br />

6 Shaurya Chakra 5000/- 40000/- 175/-<br />



7 Sarvottam YUdh Seva Medal 17000/- 110000/- 100/-<br />

8 Uttam Yudh Seva Medal 10000/- 65000/- 100/-<br />

9 Yudh Seva Medal 4000/- 30000/- 100<br />

10 Sena/Nao Sena/Vayu Sena Medal 3000/- 20000/- 100/-<br />

11 Mention in Despatch 2000/- 10000/- 100/-<br />

12 PVSM 15000/- 100000/- 200/-<br />

13 AVSM 7000/- 50000/- 175/-<br />

14 VSM 3000/- 20000/- 150/-<br />

Sl Award/Name of Decoration Cash Award<br />

(a)<br />

Monetary Grant<br />

in lieu of land (c)<br />

Annuity<br />

(b)<br />

DELHI<br />

1 Param Vir Chakra 2500000/- - -<br />

2 Maha Vir Chakra 1500000/- - 120000/-<br />

3 Vir Chakra 1000000/- - 60000/-<br />

4 Ashok Chakra 2500000/- - -<br />

5 Kirti Chakra 1500000/- - 96000/-<br />

6 Shaurya Chakra 1000000/- - 48000/-<br />

7 Sarvottam YUdh Seva Medal 127000/- - 5700/-<br />

8 Uttam Yudh Seva Medal 75000/- - 2500/-<br />

9 Yudh Seva Medal 34000/- - 2500/-<br />

10 Sena/Nao Sena/Vayu Sena 500000/- - 24000/-<br />

Medal<br />

11 Mention in Despatch 12000/- - 500/-<br />

12 PVSM 115000/- - -<br />

13 AVSM 57000/- - -<br />

14 VSM 23000/- - -<br />

Sl Award/Name of Decoration Cash Award<br />

(a)<br />


Monetary Grant<br />

in lieu of land (c)<br />

Annuity<br />

(b)<br />

3. The awards on accounts of Sarvottam Jeevan Raksha Padak, Uttam Jeevan Raksha<br />

Padak & Jeevan Raksha Padak were sanctioned vide Govt of India, Min of Home Affair letter<br />

No 17/8/92-Public dated 05/12 Nov 1992 revised time to time. The recipients of these series<br />

awards will get monetary grant of Rs. 75,000/-, Rs. 45,000/- and Rs. 30,000/- respectively. In<br />



respect of a bar to an award i.e. when the award is repeated, the monetary grant will be 50% of<br />

the amount specified above in respect of that award.<br />

122<br />



4. The awards on accounts of Sarvottam Jeevan Raksha Padak, Uttam Jeevan Raksha<br />

Padak & Jeevan Raksha Padak were sanctioned vide Govt of India, Min of Home Affair letter<br />

No 17/8/92-Public dated 05/12 Nov 1992 revised time to time. The recipients of these series<br />

awards will get monetary grant of Rs. 75,000/-, Rs. 45,000/- and Rs. 30,000/- respectively. In<br />

respect of a bar to an award i.e. when the award is repeated, the monetary grant will be 50% of<br />

the amount specified above in respect of that award.<br />

a) Name of the recipient of Gallantry Award (In block letters)<br />

b) Residential Address<br />

c) Attested copy of citation/Gazette of India Notification of the Gallantry Award.<br />

d) Attested copy of pension payment order should also be enclosed alongwith photo<br />

identity card in the case of widows of posthumous winners of Gallantry award. Indian<br />

Airlines offers 75% on the Normal Economy class INR Fare to the recipients of Param<br />

Vir Chakra, Ashok Chakra, Maha Vir Chakra and Kirti Chakra awards.<br />

5. Certain cash awards have been sanctioned by Govt on India, Min of Surf Tpt, BRDB<br />

vide their letter No. F.1 (13) BRDB/67 dated 30 Mar 1970 and F.152 (2)/1988- Pers /PC-<br />

69639/2/ DGB R/E1D dated 23 Jan 1989, as amended from time to time. The rates are as<br />

under :-<br />

(A) Cash awards for outstanding inventions and suggestions .<br />

(i) Chief Engineer - Not more than one cash award per<br />

Project, each upto Rs 250/- per year.<br />

(ii) DGBR - Not more than 7 cash awards per<br />

year, upto Rs 350/- each.<br />

(iii) A Committee (BRDB) - Not more than 2 cash awards per<br />

year, Upto Rs 4000/- each.<br />

(B) Cash Awards for Outstanding and Meritorious work in relation to specific<br />

tasks.<br />

(i) DGBR - 7 Awards per year @ Rs 250/- each.<br />

These will be for the entire GREF.<br />

(ii) Chief Engineer - Not more than 25 awards for all Project<br />

Chief Engineers per year, Rs 175/- each.<br />

(iii) Task Force Cdr - Not more than 50 awards for all Task<br />

Forces per year, upto Rs 100/- each.<br />

(iv) OC Base Workshops - Not more than 4 awards for both the Base<br />



Workshops per year upto Rs 100/- each<br />

(C)<br />

Efficiency Shield<br />

DGBR will award the shield to the Task Force after judging the performance on the<br />

basis of norms to be laid down by him<br />

123<br />

(D)<br />

Cash award for incentives for economy in POL consumption<br />

(i) Chief Engineer - Two cash awards per annum as under<br />

(aa) First Prize of Rs 1000/-<br />

(ab) Second Prize of Rs 500/-<br />

(ii) Govt - For BRO as a whole two cash awards per<br />

annum as under :-<br />

(aa) First Prize of Rs 3000/-<br />

(ab) Second Prize Rs 1500/-<br />

Procedure<br />

6. The detailed instructions for submission of recommendations for Gallantry and<br />

Distinguished service awards are contained in AO 59/79 as amplified vide Army HQ letter No<br />

30397/M5(X) dated 16 May 84, even No of dated 30 Mar 88 and even No of dated 20 Feb 95<br />

and clarifications given from time to time. Some of the points to be observed in submission of<br />

cases are reiterated below : -<br />

(a) Recommendations for awards should be initiated on IAFZ- 3046 Appendix „A‟<br />

to AO/ 59/79 (copy att as Appendix „AC‟ ) by the Officer Commanding (or by the next<br />

superior officer, when the Officer Commanding himself is recommended for an award)<br />

immediately after qualifying act of gallantary or distinguished service of human nature<br />

occurs. These recommendations in octuplicate on presentable thick paper appropriate<br />

for preservation for atleast 10 years or more should be forwarded without delay through<br />

normal channel so as to reach Dte within three months of the qualifying act alongwith a<br />

certificate that the officers / individuals recommended are not involved in any<br />

disciplinary / vigilance case or have not earned any adverse report or have not been<br />

given any adverse report or have not been given any displeasure or censure or any<br />

punishment in Court Martial proceedings or through administrative action. In respect<br />



recommendations for distinguished service awards, an indication to the effect whether<br />

or not the officers / pers recommended had been superseded to the next higher ranks<br />

should be given. In the case of an individual recommended gets involved in a<br />

disciplinary/ vigilance case subsequent to the initiation of the recommendations, Officer<br />

Commanding should report the fact to HQ DGBR through normal channel immediately<br />

by signal. The recommendations will be screened thoroughly at all levels before putting<br />

them uptodate. No deserving cases should however, be left out merely because the<br />

recommendations could not be submitted within the stipulated period. In such cases<br />

reasons for delay in submitting the recommendation will be given.<br />

124<br />



(b) Since each case is routed through Sectt BRDB, it should be ensured that<br />

intermediate auth should forward the same within a period of 21 days.<br />

(c) Recommendations for gallantry awards as distinct from distinguished service<br />

award should be assessed by forwarding authorities for grant as an immediate gallantry<br />

awards based on the merit of the act.<br />

(d) The gallantry awards and sena medal for gallantry are to be announced twice a<br />

year i.e. on the Independence Day and the Republic Day every year. It is therefore,<br />

imperative that the recommendations for above awards may be submitted so as to reach<br />

Dte by 15 Feb and 15 Jun each year for announcement on Independence Day and<br />

Republic Day respectively.<br />

(e) The distinguished service awards and sena medal series of awards for devotion<br />

of duty will continue to be announced once a year on the Republic Day. Therefore,<br />

recommendations may be submitted to reach Dte by 15 Jun every year.<br />

(f) A special recommendations for gallantry awards will be considered by HQ<br />

DGBR by 15 Feb and 10 Jul each year for announcement on Independence Day and<br />

Republic Day respectively as per revised cut off dates which will cover the period from<br />

01 Jul to Jan of current year for Independence Day awards and from Feb to Jun of the<br />

preceding year for Republic Day awards.<br />

(g) Utmost care and discretion should be exercised in preparation of citations. In<br />

case of recommendations for distinguished service awards, the citation will reflect the<br />

entire service career of the officers/ personnel. Effective date of the award should<br />

invariably be indicated in the margin of citation. However, any specified act or period of<br />

the career may be highlighted, if necessary, giving all the details. In case where, the<br />

personnel are recommended for gallantry or distinguished service awards for a particular<br />

act, a reference to the sitrep which had been initiated, should invariably be made . In this<br />

manner the act of bravery/valour of the person recommended may be verified for its<br />

correctness at the time of consideration by the honours and awards committee. For<br />

instance, in the insurgents will be necessarily brought out in the citation and the details<br />

of weapons or ammunitions recovered from them should also be given<br />

(h) As per the format prescribed vide Appx „A‟ to AO 59/79, the date of retirement<br />

of the officers/personnel is indicated in column 4 only in case officers/personnel<br />

recommended for distinguished service award. However, the date of retirement will be<br />

indicated in all cases including recommendations for gallantry awards.<br />

125<br />



(j) Recommendation will continue to be submitted in 8 complete sets as prescribed.<br />

As far as possible, a citation should not exceed 200 words and also include therein the<br />

award recommended. It would be worded in a manner which highlights the main events<br />

in a chronological reference and verbosity should be invariably avoided. If however,<br />

some additional information is to be given to establish facts or highlight aspects<br />

mentioned in the recommendation they may be incorporated as an appendix to the<br />

citation.<br />

(k) If personnel recommended for award are likely to retire from service before the<br />

announcement of the award, their post retirement address should invariably be<br />

mentioned.<br />

(l) Since telegrams are required to be sent to the awardees, the telegraphic address<br />

of the individual may also be sent alongwith the citation.<br />

(m) Number, Rank, Full Name, Unit/project and address of the individual should be<br />

indicated correctly. Initials will not be used. In the citation for all the awards, full name<br />

of the individual should be given in Hindi and English.<br />

(n) In the case of personnel recommended for posthumous awards, the full name and<br />

address of the NOK should be indicated clearly.<br />

(o) The place and date of action would be indicated clearly in the body of the<br />

citation.<br />

(p) If more than one individual engaged in one and the same action are<br />

recommended for an award, the date of performance of the qualifying act/or the period<br />

covered by their citation should not vary. Separate citation/recommendation is required<br />

for each individual.<br />

(q) If an individual has previously received an award, details of the same should be<br />

indicated quoting authority in support against serial 11 of the form IAFZ-3046.<br />

(r) Citation should be worded clearly and correctly and should bring out clearly the<br />

importance of the act of gallantry or service rendered and should confirm to the nature<br />

and degree of award recommended.<br />

(s) In the case of Jeevan Raksha Padak series, the initiating officer must bring out in<br />

the citations the fact that the individual performed the act of human nature voluntarily<br />

and not during the course of his normal duty. Nature of the act for which the<br />

recommendation is made and date of performance of the act will be indicated in the<br />

citation.<br />

(t)<br />

There should be no duplicacy.<br />

126<br />



7. On announcement of awards, congratulatory telegrams from the Defence Secy and DO<br />

letters from DGBR are sent to the awardees. Once a year, defence investiture ceremony for the<br />

presentation of gallantry awards and distinguished service awards both the occasions will be<br />

held in Rastrapati Bhavan, thereafter .<br />

8 The awardees will neither wear the ribbon nor any other insignias of the award being<br />

presented to them at the investiture.<br />

9 Dress for next-of-kin of awardees and civilian guests will be appropriate formal dress.<br />

10 Retired personnel will not wear formation sign.<br />

Growth and Dressing Hair<br />

11. The personnel should observe the following rules:-<br />

(a) Non-Sikh Personnel. The hair of the head will be kept short. The chin and the<br />

underlip will be shaved whisker and moustaches, if worn, will be of moderate length.<br />

(b)<br />

Sikh Personnel. They will draw up their hair and beard properly.<br />

12. As per Govt of India, Min of Defence Memo No.3(1)/89/D (Ceremonial) dated 07 Nov<br />

89, the recipients of the awards mentioned above are entitled to the following for investiture:-<br />

(a)<br />

Travelling Allowance<br />

(i) Journey by Air. The recipients, serving as well as retired personnel<br />

irrespective of rank or the next of kin in the case of posthumous awardees and<br />

their entitled guests will be entitled to travel by air from the nearest Air Port to<br />

Delhi and back.<br />

(ii) Journey by Rail. The recipients and their entitled guests traveling by<br />

train will be entitled to travel by the highest class available on the Railway Line<br />

or the class by which the journey is actually performed, whichever is less. If the<br />

journey between the places connected by Rail is performed by road, only the<br />

actual expenses restricted to Rail Fare admissible, will be allowed<br />

(iii) Journey by Road : The recipients and their entitled guests performing<br />

journeys by road either by private vehicle or taxi between places not connected<br />

by Rail will be entitled to road mileage at the rates notified by the concerned<br />

Directorate of transport for Taxis for one full Taxi, if the recipients and their<br />

entitled guests are traveling from same destination or one full taxi each if<br />

traveling from separate destinations or the actual expenditure whichever is less.<br />

Note<br />

1. Journey by Rail will be performed by warrant, where free warrant is<br />

admissible and where it is not, recipients/guests will be entitled to<br />

re-imbursement of actual fare each way.<br />



2. Recipients of the award can move the entitled guest(s) at Government expense<br />

from any place in India irrespective of place of duty of the awardee<br />

127<br />

(b) Entitlement for expenditure during journey by Rail :-<br />

(i) Allowance : Serving as well as retired personnel irrespective of rank or the<br />

next of kin in case of posthumous awardees traveling by Rail and their entitled<br />

guests will be entitled Rs. 150/- as incidental expenditure for each day of<br />

journey. If the journey does not cover a full day, 12 hours or more spent on the<br />

journey on any day will qualify for full allowance and less than U on any day,<br />

will qualify for an allowance of Rs. 75/-.an allowance of Rs. 30/-<br />

.<br />

(c)<br />

(ii) Out of Pocket Allowance : Each recipient whether coming from outside or<br />

residing in Delhi will be allowed a total amount of Rs. 900/- or out of Pocket<br />

expenses for his/her entire period of stay. Guests will not be allowed out of<br />

Pocket expenses or road Mileage.<br />

Guests of recipients/Next of Kin<br />

Each Awardee/next of kin will be entitled to bring at Govt. expenses:-<br />

(i) Two personnel guests for the award of Param Vir Chakra and Ashok<br />

Chakra.<br />

(ii) One personal guest for awards other than Param Vir Chakra and Ashok<br />

Chakra.<br />

.<br />

(d) Boarding and lodging in Delhi : Arrangements for Boarding and lodging of the<br />

recipients and their entitled guests who are coming from outside Delhi to attend the<br />

investiture ceremony will be made by the HQ DGBR for four days for the investiture at<br />

Rashtrapati Bhawan and six days in case of special investiture held at Rajpath on 26 th<br />

January. The arrangements may be made at any ITDC hotel subject to the condition that<br />

the tariff of a double bed room does not exceed by more than 20% of the normal tariff of<br />

Hotel Janpath. The period of board and lodging will cover the day of rehearsal and the<br />

day of the investiture ceremony and the day preceding the day of rehearsal and the day<br />

following the day of investiture<br />

(e) Military/BRO escort for recipients of posthumous awards<br />

In case of posthumous awards for gallantry for Gazetted Officers, one Officer<br />

from the unit/Project concerned and in the case of other ranks of BRO, Senior<br />

Supervisor be invited/detailed for Investiture Ceremony to escort the next-of-kin of the<br />

recipients. However, this escort would be provided only if the award was won for an act<br />

of gallantry performed in the course of Govt. duty. The Officer/Supervisor, as the case<br />

may be, would be treated as on temporary duty. No escort will be provided for next-of-<br />



kin of recipients of awards other than gallantry awards. The stay of BRO escorts in the<br />

capital will be restricted to the period of stay allowed to recipients.<br />

.<br />

(f) Mode of payment of TA/DA to awardees<br />

The following procedure will be adopted by the units/formation concerned, with regard<br />

to the settlement of TA/DA claims in respect of their awardees:-<br />

i) Serving Officers/Other personnel<br />

Serving Officers/personnel who are normally eligible to travel on<br />

warrants/cash TA basis, will be paid advance TA/DA by the unit/formation in<br />

which the recipients is serving. The final claims will be adjusted on return of the<br />

officer/personnel to the duty station<br />

ii) Retired Officers/personnel and NOK:-<br />

In the case of ex GREF Officers/personnel of posthumous awards (of all<br />

ranks) who are eligible to travel on cash TA basis, where the cost of one way<br />

journey exceeds Rs. 50.00 advance will be paid by HQ DGBR or nearest Project<br />

Chief Engineer as the case may be. Similarly, advance would also be payable in<br />

respect of the entitled guests or recipients.<br />

iii) On arrival in Delhi, the HQ DGBR will make the payment to the individuals<br />

in full settlement of their entitlement minus advance paid, if any, which will be<br />

reimbursed or adjusted under normal rules. The claims will be forwarded to CDA<br />

(BR) for necessary post audit.<br />

Note :<br />

1. No advance will be paid if the cost of journey is less than Rs. 50/-.<br />

2. The fare for return journey will be paid according to the class of accommodation in<br />

which they intend to travel subject to the entitlement.<br />

13. The expenditure involved in respect of all the recipients (both official and non-officials)<br />

will be debitable to the concerned Projects where the awardees are presently serving.<br />

.<br />

14. On publication of the Govt. of India Gazette Notification notifying the awards, HQ<br />

DGBR will arrange to send copy of the notification to the Projects for handing over to the<br />

awardees and preferring the claims etc.<br />

15. Following actions at project level will be taken on priority:-<br />

(a) The awardee be advised to reach Delhi for Investiture Ceremony clear 02 (Two)<br />

days before.<br />



128<br />

(b) The awardees should arrange a set of good uniform for the investiture ceremony.<br />

They will neither wear the ribbon nor any other insignia of the award being<br />

presented to them at the investiture ceremony. The dress for the awardees (for both<br />

rehearsal and investiture), their guests and other spectators will be as under :-<br />

i) GREF Officers/Pers/Army Officers/Pers :- Summer dress as per dress<br />

regulations issued vide this Dte letter NO. 67104/DGBR/EG-1 dated 02/23 Dec<br />

87, 16901/Investiture/DGBR/E1D dated 31 Mar 93 and<br />

16901/Investiture/DGBR/E1D dated 07 Apr 93 in respect of GREF<br />

Officers/Personnel and in respect of Army Offiers/Personnel Army Regulations.<br />

ii) Retired officers/personnel attending investiture ceremony are allowed to wear<br />

prescribed uniform for GREF service personnel. However, they will not wear<br />

formation signs:-<br />

(iii) Next of kin of awardees and civilian guests : Appropriate formal dress.<br />

(c) The details as per Appendices ‘A’ and ‘B’ be obtained in respect of the awardees<br />

of Shaurya Chakra including the guest (s) and forwarded to HQ DGBR DGBR/E1D Sec<br />

immediately for co-ordination of arrangements.<br />

.<br />

(d) In case of posthumous awardees, Projects should send responsible representative<br />

on temporary duty to the place where the NOK is residing and brief the NOK suitably.<br />

The same representative will also report to this DGBR Coord clear 4 days before the<br />

date of fixed for investiture ceremony, on temporary duty. He will be available at the<br />

Railway Station/Bus Stand. Air Port well before the arrival of NOK and receive the<br />

NOK at Railway Station/Bus Stand/Air Port.<br />

.<br />

(e) The representative of the units moving to the present address of posthumous<br />

awardees should hand over the amount in cash as advance not exceeding one single fare<br />

for to and fro journey for one individual of the appropriate class if the awardee is<br />

participating in the investiture ceremony and intimate the details of advance to HQ<br />

DGBR and to the respective TF/Project Headquarter.<br />

(f) Format as at Appendix „C‟ and „E‟ be got completed from the NOK and<br />

submitted to HQ DGBR by the representative well in time.<br />



129<br />

(g) The latest details as per Appendix „D‟ of all dues of the posthumous awardees<br />

be forwarded in triplicate to reach HQ DGBR (DGBR/E1D & HQ DGBR/E1C)<br />

immediately. Chief Engineer Project must ensure that all the dues of posthumous<br />

awardees are paid before the investiture ceremony. If necessary, they may detail an<br />

Officer/Supervisor on ty duty for liaison with respective Offices for expediting<br />


date be intimated to HQ DGBR.<br />

16. Immediately on arrival at Delhi/New Delhi, the awardees/NOKs should contact the<br />

Liaison Officer of HQ DGBR in the office of RTO at the Railway Station/Announcement<br />

Counter at the Air Port, Inquiry Office at the Inter-State-Bus Terminal and find out the details of<br />

their accommodation. The awardee/NOK on arrival at Delhi should also ring up on Telephone<br />

Nos. 25686860 or 25686867 or 25686869 and intimate their arrival<br />

.<br />

17. The awardees on arrival at Delhi/New Delhi may also contact HQ DGBR Reception at<br />

Seema Sadak Bhawan, Ring Road, Delhi Cantt, New Delhi-110010 on Telephone No<br />

25686002/25686869.<br />

.<br />

18. The details of disciplinary/Vig cases, if any pending against the awardee in service<br />

will be intimated to this Dte immediately.<br />

Those awardees who do not attend the Investiture Ceremony on the date so fixed for<br />

investiture ceremony will not be called again for any subsequent investiture. Their medals will<br />

be sent to them by post in due course.<br />

19 Attendance at the occasion by all awardees and other invitees is obligatory.<br />

20. There is no comments regarding medals/stars and clasps as the same is not dealt by this<br />

section.<br />



130<br />



Introduction<br />


1. Medals /stars and clasps are awarded to personnel of <strong>Border</strong> <strong>Roads</strong> <strong>Organisation</strong> for the<br />

service rendered in specific areas/period. Applicability conditions for the award of various<br />

medals /stars and clasps to GREF personnel already published in various ROIs need further<br />

consolidation regarding claiming, accounting and displaying of medals.<br />

Eligibility<br />

2. GREF Personnel are eligible for the award of the following medals /stars and clasps at<br />

present :-<br />

S/No Name of Medals /Stars claps Authority<br />

01 Samanya Seva Medal -1965 with<br />

Clasps Mizoram / Nagland<br />

Ceremonials & Welfare Dte/CA2 AG‟S Branch<br />

Army HQ letter No 0052/AG/CW/2 dated 27<br />

May 81 and A1 26/81.<br />

02 Videsh Seva Medals with Clasp<br />

Bhutan<br />

A1 51/73,145/70, HQ DGBR letter No<br />

1130/P/DGBR/E1E dated 24 Oct 75 and<br />

11308/P/DGBR/E1E dated 18 Apr 78.<br />

03 Sainya Seva Medal with Clasp A1 51/73 and DGBR letter No<br />

Andaman & Nicobar<br />

11308/DGBR/(P)/E1E dated 30.6.79/10.7.79.<br />

04 Samar Seva Star 1965 A1 96/68, HQ DGBR letter No<br />

11308/DGBR/E1E dated 10.07.68 & AG‟s<br />

Branch Army HQ letter No A/15239/AG/PS5 (b)<br />

dated 07 Aug 69.<br />

05 Sangram Medal A1 27/74, Army HQ AG‟s Branch letter No<br />

06 Poorvi Star<br />

A/42154/AG/PS5 (b) dated 31 Jan 73, HQ DGBR<br />

07 Paschimi Star<br />

letter No.11308/DGBR/E1E dated 26/28 Sep 72<br />

08 Wound Medal<br />

and 11308/DGBR/E1E dated 02 Mar 1974.<br />

09 25 th Indian Independence<br />

Anniversary Medal<br />

10 50 th Indian Independence<br />

Anniversary Medal<br />

11 Uchh Tungta Medal<br />

(High Altitude Medal )<br />

A1 27/74, HQ DGBR letter No 22308 (B)<br />

DGBR/E1E dated 30 Jun 79 and<br />

11308/DGBR/E1E dated 10 Sep 79<br />

Presidents Secretariat Notification No 87- pres<br />

/98 dated 24 July 1998 and HQ DGBR letter No<br />

11544/DGBR/30/T&C dated 26 Mar 1999.<br />

President‟s Sectt Notification No 72- pers /76<br />

dated 12 Sep 86 and HQ DGBR letter No<br />

11308/P/DGBR /E1E dated 09 Mar 87.<br />

131<br />



S/No Name of Medals /Stars claps Authority<br />

12 Videsh Seva Medal with Clasp Sri<br />

Lanka<br />

President‟s Sectt Notification No 66-pres/89<br />

dated 20 Jul 1989 and HQ DGBR No<br />

16907/DGBR/E1D dated 23 Feb 1990.<br />

13 Special Service Medal with clasp<br />

Sri Lanka<br />

President‟s Sectt Notification No 65- pres/89<br />

dated 20 July 1989 and HQ DGBR No<br />

16907/DGBR/E1D dated 23 Feb 1990.<br />

14 10 years long service medals President‟s Sectt Notification No 75- Pers/2001<br />

15 20 years long service medals dated 26 April 2001<br />

16 30 years long service medals<br />

17. OP Vijay medals and<br />


President‟s Secretariat notification No. 115- Pers<br />

/2001 dated 20 Aug 2001 and HQ DGBR letter<br />

No. 16907/P/DGBR/110/E1D dated 09 Aug 2002<br />

and 16903 /H&A /DGBR/POL/17/E1D dated 03<br />

Mar 2003.<br />

3. Qualification for Award<br />

(a) Samanya Seva Medal 1965 with Clasp Mizoram and Nagaland. As per<br />

AI 26/81, personnel who are already in possession of GS Medal 1947 and have become<br />

eligible for clasps „Mizo Hill‟ between 01 Jan 68 to 31 May 73 will be issued with<br />

Samanya Seva Medal 1965 with clasp Mizoram with an appropriate ribbon. AI 30/81<br />

refers.<br />

(b) Videsh Seva Medal wth clasp Bhutan . The following categories of personnel<br />

are entitled the medal :-<br />

(i) A person who served on the effective strength of Army Team in Bhutan<br />

between 27 May 1961 and 22 Sep 61.<br />

(ii) A person , who has served for not less than 180 days continuously on the<br />

effective strength of the Indian military Training Team in Bhutan commencing<br />

from 27 Aug 62 and there after,<br />

(iii) A person who has served for not less than 180 days continuously on the<br />

effective strength of a unit or formation employed on the construction of roads in<br />

Bhutan commencing from 08 Apr 61 or thereafter .<br />

132<br />



(c) Sainya Seva Medal with Clasp Andaman & Nicobar . The following<br />

categories of personnel are entitled the medal :-<br />

(i) A person who has completed an aggregate of one year service on the<br />

effective strength of Formation/ unit located in the geographical limit of<br />

ANDAMAN & NICOBAR from 20 May 56 or thereafter.<br />

(ii) A member of the ejection crew of Air Dispatch units and personnel<br />

borne on the effective strength of Army Air Transport <strong>Organisation</strong>, Rear Air<br />

Field Supply <strong>Organisation</strong>. Air dispatch units and air observation posts units,<br />

who has carried out a minimum of 10 sorties or 40 hours of flying commencing<br />

from 20 May 1956 or thereafter on the transport support role in the geographical<br />

limits of ANDAMAN & NICOBAR.<br />

(d) Samar Seva Star 1965. Personnel who rendered at least 10 days active<br />

service between 5.8.65 and 25.1.66 in a Fmn/Unit operating or located in qualifying area<br />

and minimum one day in battle zone are eligible. The following categories of personnel<br />

are entitled for the award :-<br />

(i) Those, who were borne on unit establishments of the armed forces and<br />

functioned as part of such forces in the battle zones/qualifying areas.<br />

(ii) Those who did not form part of the above forces but carried out similar<br />

functions with the armed forces in the battle zones/ qualifying areas.<br />

(iii) Those who relieved units of the armed forces to take up more active<br />

functions in the operations and for construction and repairs of road/air field battle<br />

zones/ qualifying area.<br />

(iv) Those who manned essential service towards maintenance of lines of<br />

communication, law and order, transport, medical/ nursing services, fire<br />

services and so in the battle zones/ qualifying areas.<br />

(v) Those, who actively assisted the troops by acting as guides, informers<br />

and rendered assistance in the battle/zones/qualifying areas by helping in<br />

locating and apprehending infiltrators, paratroopers, spies and so on.<br />

(vi) Those who actively assisted the troops as truck dvrs/ cleaners and<br />

laboures/ porters to transport defence personnel and stores to forward areas.<br />

133<br />



(e) Sangram Medal :- The following categories of pers, who were borne on<br />

the effective strength of the following forces on 3 rd December, 1971 to 20 th Dec 1972<br />

( both days inclusive ) :-<br />

(i) All ranks of the Army, the Navy, the Air Force , or any of the Reserve<br />

Forces of Territorial Army, J &K Militia and of any other armed forces of the<br />

union.<br />

(ii) All ranks of the Railway Portection Forces, Police Forces, Home Guards,<br />

Civil Defence <strong>Organisation</strong> and any other <strong>Organisation</strong> specified by Government<br />

when deployed in operation areas, Viz, J & K, Punjab, Gujarat, Rajasthan, West<br />

Bengal ,Assam, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Tripura and members of any or all the<br />

aforesaid <strong>Organisation</strong>s deployed in such other areas as may be specified by<br />

Government , and ;<br />

(iii) Civilian of either sex serving regularly or temporarily under the orders/<br />

directions or supervision of the above mentioned Forces in operational areas.<br />

(f) Poorvi Star : - The medal shall be awarded to all personnel of the following<br />

forces, who participated in the operations in and around Bangladesh on the ground, on<br />

the sea or in the Air from 03 Dec 71 to 16 Dec 71 (in battle zone ) and from 25 Mar 71<br />

to 25 Mar 72 ( in qualifying areas) it shall be a minimum of ten days or one operational<br />

sortie or total of three flying hours as member of crew :-<br />

(i) All ranks of the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, or any of the Reserve<br />

Force or the Territorial Army and J & K Militia and of any other forces of the<br />

Union.<br />

(ii) All ranks of the Railway Protection forces, Police Forces, Home Guards<br />

Civil Defence <strong>Organisation</strong> and any other <strong>Organisation</strong> specified by Government<br />

(iii) Civilians of either sex serving regularly or temporarily under the orders/<br />

directions or supervision of the above mentioned forces.<br />

(g) Paschimi Star :- The medal shall be awarded to all personnel of the following<br />

forces, who participated in the operations against Pakistan Forces in an around the<br />

western border of India on the ground, on the sea or in the Air. The minimum<br />

qualifying service shall be one day in the battle zone or one operational sortie. In the<br />

qualifying areas it shall be minimum of 10 days service or one operational sortie or a<br />

total of 3 flying hours as members of crew from 03 Dec 71 to 20 Dec 72 ( both days<br />

inclusive ).<br />

(i) All ranks of the army , the navy and the Air Forces, or any of the reserve<br />

forces, or the Territorial Army, J & K Militia and of any Armed Forces of the<br />

Union.<br />

134<br />



(ii) All ranks of the Railway Protection Force, Police forces, Home guards,<br />

Civil Defence <strong>Organisation</strong>s and any other <strong>Organisation</strong> specified by Govt. and,<br />

(iii) Civilians of either sex serving regularly or temporarily under the orders/<br />

directions or supervision of the above mentioned forces.<br />

(h) Wound Medal : - The medal shall be awarded to the following categories of<br />

personnel, who sustained/ sustain wounds as a result of direct enemy action in any type<br />

of operations or counter insurgency operations. This will take effect from the 15 th<br />

August 1947 :-<br />

(i) All ranks of the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, or any of the Reserve<br />

Forces, Territorial Army, J & K Militia and other Armed Forces of the Union.<br />

(ii) All ranks of Railway Protection Force, Police Forces, Home Guards,<br />

Civil Defence <strong>Organisation</strong> and any other <strong>Organisation</strong> specified by<br />

Government.<br />

(j) 25 th Independence anniversary medal :- The medal shall be awarded to the<br />

personnel of the following forces who were borne on the effective strength on the 15 th<br />

August, 1972 :-<br />

(i) All ranks of the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, or any other Reserve<br />

Force, Territorial army, J & K Militia and any other Armed Forces of the Union.<br />

(ii) All ranks of Railways Protection Force, Police Force, Home Guards,<br />

Civil Defence <strong>Organisation</strong>, National Cadet Corps Commissioned Officers, who<br />

were subject to the National Cadet Corps Act and any other <strong>Organisation</strong><br />

specified by Government.<br />

(k) 50 th Anniversary of Indian Independence medals :- The medals shall be<br />

awarded to the personnel of the following forces who were borne on the effective<br />

strength or on the 15 th August 1997:-<br />

(i) All ranks of the Army, the Navy, the Air Force and other Reserve Force,<br />

Territorial Army and any other armed forces of the Union.<br />

(ii) All ranks of the Railway protection Force, police Forces, personnel of<br />

central police <strong>Organisation</strong>s including paramilitary Forces, Home Guards, civil<br />

Defence organisation, fire services and any other organisation specified by the<br />

Government .<br />

135<br />



(l) Uchh Tungta Medal ( High Altitude Medal ) :- The conditions of eligibility<br />

for the award shall be as follows :-<br />

(i) Personnel, who have been detailed for duties connected with the defence<br />

of the border and who have completed an aggregate service of 180 days during<br />

first spell of tenure on the active strength of a unit/ formation in the areas where<br />

high altitude allowance is admissible commencing form 1 st Apr 1984.<br />

(ii) Air crew personnel and personnel of ejection crew of Air maintenance<br />

Units, who carried out a minimum of 10 sorties or 40 hours of flying or transport<br />

roles from 1 st Apr, 1984.<br />

(m) Videsh Seva Medal with clasp Sri Lanka :- The following personnel will be<br />

eligible to this award wef 28 Jul 87 for recognition of their service with IPKF in „‟ OP<br />

PAWAN‟‟ in Sri Lanka :-<br />

(i) A person who has completed an aggregate service of 90 days in<br />

qualifying area.<br />

(ii) All recipients of gallantry award of service in qualifying area irrespective<br />

of time limit.<br />

(iii) A person who died in service or was evacuated as a result of wounds or<br />

the disabilities attributable to service in the qualifying area irrespective of time<br />

limit. Publication of Part II order for Medals shown in Para 2.<br />

(n) OP Vijay Medal :- The medal shall be awarded to the personnel of the<br />

following forces :-<br />

(i) Awarded to all categories of personnel who were borne on the effective<br />

strength of the Army, Navy and Air forces and were mobilised/ deployed<br />

/involved in planning and conduct of operations at various Headquarters in<br />

support of OP VIJAY. Air force personnel located at Srinagar, Avantipur, Leh,<br />

Thoise and Kargil will also be eligible for „ OP VIJAY Medal‟.<br />

(ii) All ranks of the para military Forces, Central police Forces, Railway<br />

protection Force, J & K state police Force, Home Guards, Civil defence<br />

organisation and any other organisation specified by Government when<br />

deployed in operational areas , viz., J & K, Punjab, Gujarat and Rajasthan and<br />

other areas in the Western and Southern theatres and members if any of all the<br />

aforesaid <strong>Organisation</strong>s deployed in such other areas as may be specified by<br />

Government, and<br />

(iii) Civilians of either sex serving regularly or temporarily under the orders/<br />

directions or supervision of the above mentioned forces in operation areas.<br />

136<br />



(o) OP Vijay Star :- The star is awarded to all personnel of the following forces<br />

who participated in operations in and around Kargil on the ground, or in the air. The<br />

minimum qualifying service shall be one day in the Battle zone/Air Fields or one<br />

operational sortie or total of three flying hrs as members of a crew in the battle zone:-<br />

(i) All ranks of the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, any of the Reserve<br />

Forces, the Territorial Army and any other armed forces of the union.<br />

(ii) All ranks of the Para military force, central police <strong>Organisation</strong>s and<br />

police forces which participated in operations under command of the Army or in<br />

support of the Army in OP VIJAY.<br />

4. After scrutinising the eligibility, the unit will publish the Part II Orders within two<br />

months of publication of entitlement by the Government for grant of awards of medals /<br />

star/clasp in respect of those personnel, who were on its effective strength when the award was<br />

earned. In case of disbanded unit , this responsibility will devolve on the successor units.<br />

5. The formations/ Units will further ensure that these casualties are published and medal<br />

roll forwarded to GREF Records within a maximum period of 06 months from the date of<br />

authorisation of the awards.<br />

Submission of Medal Rolls<br />

6. Immediately after publication of the part II Orders, medal rolls as per specimen given in<br />

Appendix „AE‟ in respect of GREF officers will be submitted to HQ DGBR E1D and in<br />

respect of GREF Personnel to GREF Records through Project concerned in triplicate<br />

expeditiously but not later than three months from the date of publication of Part II orders.<br />

While forwarding the medal rolls the following aspects may be checked by project HQ / Units:-<br />

(a) Medal roll are submitted in bulk for the entire eligible personnel of all the units<br />

in the Project instead of submitting in piecemeal. All such claims must be made<br />

within 06 months of publications of the authorisation by the Government.<br />

(b) GO Number/GREF Number, trade and Name are typed in numerical order<br />

correctly as per service documents.<br />

(d)<br />

All columns of medal roll (forms ) are to be filled in properly.<br />

137<br />



(d) Alterations /cuttings/deletions should be attested by the officer who signed the<br />

certificates.<br />

(e)<br />

Each sheet of medal roll should not contain more than 10 names.<br />

(f) Medal rolls should be typed in double space neatly avoiding<br />

cuttings/overwriting.<br />

(g) In the forwarding memo by the projects, a certificate to the effect that medal rolls<br />

have been checked from the records held and found correct to avoid duplication should<br />

be give invariably.<br />

Receipt and Disposal of Medals /Stars/Clasps<br />

7. Medals /Stars/Claps in respect of GREF offr will be issued by the Ministry of Defence<br />

(D)/Medals), after scrutinising the medals rolls to HQ DGBR and GREF Records ( Medal Sec )<br />

in respect of GREF Personnel duly punched. On receipt, the Medals/Stars/Clasps will be<br />

accounted for in the Central Ledger maintained in GREF Records (Medal Sec).<br />

8. Medals section of GREF Records will sort out the Medals /Stars/Clasp and send the<br />

same to the Project/Unit concerned for handing over to the personnel concerned. Project HQrs,<br />

Formations /Units will accept the issue voucher sent by GREF Records.<br />

9. Medals in respect of non effective GREF Personnel will be sent to the personnel at their<br />

home address by GREF Records.<br />

10. Medals /Stars/Clasps in respect of non effective GREF Officers promoted from<br />

subordinates will be sent to the officers at their home address by the Projects/Units who have<br />

claimed the same. In this connection Officer‟s/ NOK‟s address, if any required, will be<br />

obtained from HQ DGBR (E1D). The medals/Stars/Clasps which cannot be disposed off by any<br />

means will be sent to HQ DGBR (E1D) duly supported with the nominal roll of such officers in<br />

quadruplicate for further disposal after obtaining clearance from HQ DGBR (E1D).<br />

Accounting of Medals /Stars/Clasp<br />

11. A separate ledger will be opened in Projects/TFs/Units for accounting of the<br />

Medals/Stars and produced to the audit authorities on demand for audit verification as being<br />

done in other accountable stores. Proper receipt/issue/expense voucher in support of the<br />

transactions will be prepared and kept on record.<br />

Wearing of Medals /Ribbons<br />

12. Medals / Ribbons as applicable above will be worn strictly as per precedence given in<br />

the Presidents Secretariat notification No.75 Pers/7001/dated 26 Apr 2001 copy circulated vide<br />

HQ DGBR letter No. 16901/Policy/DGBR/97/E1D dated 08 Jun 2001.<br />

138<br />



Wearing of 10,20 and 30 Years Long Service Medals by GREF Personnel.<br />

13. Occurrence for award of the following medals are based on length of service:-<br />

(a) 10 Years Long Service Medals.<br />

(b) 20 Years Long Service Medals.<br />

(c) 30 Years Long Service Medals.<br />

The above medals are to be awarded to all categories of GREF on completion of 10<br />

years, 20 years and 30 years unblemished service. “ Dus Varsha Dirgha Seva Medal ( 10 years<br />

long Service medals ), “ Bees Varsha Dirgha Seva Medal “(20 years Long Service Medals)<br />

and “Tees Varsha Dirgha Seva Medals “(30 Years Long Service Medals).<br />

Wearing of Ribbons and Documentation<br />

14. The unit concerned will publish the casualty of award of medals and individual will be<br />

permitted to wear the ribbon.<br />

Issue of Ribbons<br />

15. The requisites ribbons will be procured under own arrangement by the individuals.<br />

Design of Ribbons<br />

16. Design of all 3 ribbons is identical. Ribbon is in silk and 32 mm in width. Each ribbon<br />

will have five white bands with the background colour navy blue, army red and viridian green<br />

for 30 years, 20 years and 10 years service medals respectively.<br />

Seniority of Medals<br />

17. These ribbons when worn with other ribbons will be junior most. Order of seniority of<br />

these ribbons amongst themselves will be 30 years, 20 years and 10 years long service medals<br />

respectively.<br />

Auth :- BROO No 5/90 dt 29 Nov 1990.<br />

139<br />



<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 16<br />





Introduction<br />

1. Of late, it has been noted that GREF units are not fully aware of various instructions on<br />

reservation and concession provided to SC/ST communities. Therefore, a growing need has<br />

been felt to compile and upto-date all relevant instructions concerning to these communities.<br />

Aim<br />

2. This ROI is issued with a view to enhancing the usefulness of these instructions, various<br />

Government letters on the subject have been reproduced to make it more convenient for the staff<br />

to make quick reference and take correct decisions.<br />

General<br />

3. Any of the following certificates may be accepted by the appointing authority as<br />

sufficient proof in support of candidate‟s claims as belonging to the Scheduled Caste or<br />

Scheduled Tribes :-<br />

(a) Matriculation or School leaving certificate or the birth certificate giving the caste<br />

or Community of the candidate and place of residence.<br />

(b) A certificate in the form given in Appendix „AF‟ issued by one of the authorities<br />

listed as under vide Min of Home Affairs OM No. 13/2/57 SCT (I) dated 25 May 60 and<br />

Deptt of personnel & AR letter No. 36012/6/76-Estt (SCT) dated 20-10-77.<br />

(i) District Magistrate/Additional District Magistrate/Collector/Deputy<br />

Commissioner/Additional Deputy Commissioner/Deputy Collector/Ist Class<br />

Stipendary Magistrate/City Magistrate/Sub Divisional Magistrate (not below the<br />

rank of Ist class Stipendary Magistrate)/Taluka Magistrate/Executive<br />

Magistrate/Extra Assistant Commissioner.<br />

(ii) Chief Presidency Magistrate/Additional Presidency<br />

Magistrate/Presidency Magistrate.<br />

(iii)<br />

Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tehsildar.<br />

(iv) Sub-Divisional Officer of the area where the candidate and/or his family<br />

normally resides.<br />

(v) Administrator/Secretary to Administrator/Development Officer<br />

(Lakshadeep Islands).<br />

140<br />



4. Where a candidate belonging to a Scheduled Caste or Schedules Tribe is unable to<br />

produce a certificate from any of the prescribed authorities, he may be appointed provisionally<br />

on the basis of whatever, prima-facie proof he is able to produce in support of his claim subject<br />

to his furnishing the prescribed certificate within a reasonable time or if there is genuine<br />

difficulty in his obtaining a certificate, the appointing authority should itself verify this claim<br />

through the District Magistrate concerned.<br />

5. An appointing authority may, if it considers necessary for any reason, verify the claim of<br />

a candidate through the District Magistrate of the place where the candidate and/or his family<br />

ordinarily resides. If after appointment in any particular case, the verification reveals that the<br />

candidate‟s claim was false, his service may be terminated in accordance with the relevant<br />

rules/orders.<br />

6. However, where the individual claims to be SC/ST after joining service, his caste<br />

certificate issued by the Civil authorities will be sent to GREF Records for verification of its<br />

correctness. Casualty will be published on confirmation from GREF Records.<br />

7. Statewise list of SC/ST recognised in various states is also attached as Appendix „AG‟.<br />

8. As per Govt of India, Deptt of personnel & Training OM No 36012/52/93-Estt(SCT) dt<br />

13-1-95, the reservation for OBCs is applicable to Civil posts and services under the Govt of<br />

India to be filled through direct recruitment. Similar instructions in respect of Public Sector<br />

undertaking and Financial Institutions including the Public Sector Banks were issued by the<br />

Dept of Public Enterprise and the Ministry of Finance respectively. The above said instructions<br />

relating to reservations for OBC have been extended to autonomous bodies, statutory and Semi<br />

Government bodies and voluntary agencies receiving grants from Government. (Copy of above<br />

letter enclosed).<br />

9. As per Govt of India, Min of personnel, Public Grievances and pension OM No<br />

42014/10/94-Estt(SCT) dt 13-10-94 regarding the reservation for OBCs, relaxation of standard<br />

may be provided to OBC candidates as in the case of SC/ST candidates in respect of written<br />

examination and interview, in order to fulfill the quota earmarked to OBCs.<br />

10. Copies of following letters are reproduced for strict compliance :-<br />

(a) Govt of India, Deptt of personnel & Trg OM No 36012/52/93-Estt (SCT) dt<br />

13.1.95.<br />

(b) Govt of India, Min of personal, Public Grievances and pension OM No<br />

42014/10/94-Estt(SCT) dt 13-10-94 all ministries No. 36012/52/93-Estt(SCT)<br />

Department of Personnel & Training Estt (SCT) Section New Delhi the 13 th Jan 1995.<br />

141<br />




Subject :<br />

Reservation of Other Backward Classes In Civil Services and Posts<br />

Under Government of India<br />

1. The undersigned is directed to say that in accordance with the instructrions contained in<br />

this Department‟s O.M. dated 8-9-93, the reservation for OBCs is applicable to Civil posts and<br />

service under the Government of India to be filled through direct recruitment. Similar<br />

instructions in respect of Public Sector Undertakings and Financial Institutions including the<br />

Public Sector Banks were issued by the Department of Public Enterprises and the Ministry of<br />

Finance respectively.<br />

2. The above said instructions relating to reservations for OBCs have been extended to<br />

autonomous bodies, statutory and semi-Government bodies and voluntary agencies receiving<br />

grants from Government.<br />

(Hindi version will follow)<br />

Sd/<br />

(M Venkataraman)<br />

Under Secretary to the Government of India<br />

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

No 42014/10/93-Estt. (SCT)<br />

Government of India<br />

Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances And Pensions<br />

(Department of Personnel & Training)<br />

New Delhi,<br />

Dated the 13 Oct 1994<br />


Subject :<br />

Reservation for Other Backward Classes.<br />

The undersigned is directed to refer to paragraph 4 of O.M. No 36012/22/93-Estt. (SCT)<br />

dated 22.10.1993 and subsequent clarificatory OM No. 36012/22/93-Estt. (SCT) dated 3.2.1994<br />

on the above subject and to say that in respect of written examinations and interview, in order to<br />

fulfil the quota earmarked to OBCs, relaxation of standards may be provided to OBC candidates<br />

as in the case of SC/ST candidates.<br />

(Hindi version will follow )<br />

Sd/ xxxxxxx<br />


Under Secretary to the Governmen t of India<br />

142<br />



Copy of Ministry of Home Affairs OM No 42/34/52, NGS dated 17 th April 1953 to all<br />

Ministries etc.<br />

The undersigned is directed to say that complaints have been received from some<br />

Scheduled Caste candidates that on their selection for appointment in the Office of the<br />

Government of India, they are asked to produce certificate from the District Magistrates of their<br />

respective districts testifying that they belong to Scheduled Castes and that they are not allowed<br />

to join their appointment till they produce such certificate. As it takes quite a long time for the<br />

candidates to obtain the requisite certificates, they remain unemployed for considerable periods<br />

and are thus subjected to unnecessary hardship.<br />

In this connection, attention is invited to para 5 (7) of the Ministry of Home Affairs<br />

Office Memorandum No 42/21/49-NGS dated 28 th January, 1952 as amended by Office<br />

memorandum No. 42/22/51-NGS dt the 09 th April 1952. From which it is clear that it is the<br />

duty of the appointing authority to verify the claims of the candidates for employment to be<br />

treated as belonging to Scheduled castes or Scheduled Tribes through the District Magistrates<br />

of the places where such candidates and/or their families ordinarily resides and that the<br />

certificates signed by Gazetted Officers and countersigned by the District Magistrates concerned<br />

of those issued by the Sub Divisional Officers have been prescribed only as alternatives. It is,<br />

therefore, requested that where candidates claiming to belong to Scheduled Castes or Scheduled<br />

Tribes are unable to produce one of the certificates mentioned in para 5 (7) of the Ministry of<br />

Home Affairs Office Memorandum No 42/21/49-NGS dated 28 th January, 1952 and in Office<br />

Memorandum No 42/21/51-NGS dated 09 th April, 1952, referred to above, they should be<br />

appointed provisionally on the basis of whatever prima facie evidence they are able to produce<br />

in support of their claim to be belonging to scheduled caste or scheduled tribes and that such<br />

claim should then be verified through the District Magistrates of the place where they and/or<br />

their families are ordinarily resident in the prescribed manner. If in any particular case the<br />

verification reveals that the candidates‟s claim is false, his service should be terminated.<br />

It is requested that the position stated above may be brought to the notice of all<br />

appointing authorities under the control of the Ministry of Finance etc.<br />

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Copy of Deptt of Personnel & AR letter No. 36012/676-Estt. (SCT), dated 29.10.77,<br />

to all State Governments and Union Territories.<br />

I am directed to refer to this Department‟s letter No. 13/2/74-Estt(SCT), dated 12 th<br />

August, 1976 on the subject noted above and to say that the form of Caste Certificate enclosed<br />

with the aforesaid letter has been further revised consequent upon coming into force of the<br />

Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act 1976. A copy of the revised<br />

form is enclosed, I am to request that the revised form of certificate may please be brought to<br />

the notice of the authorities under the State Government/Union Territories who are empowered<br />

to issue such certificates.<br />

143<br />



DP & AR OM No 36011/16/80-Estt (SCT) dt. 27.2.81<br />

Subject: Descheduling of Caste of a Scheduled Caste Person after his initial appointment<br />

in question of Verification of a Caste at the time of making subsequent<br />

promotions<br />

With reference to the above subject, the undersigned is directed to say that instances<br />

have come to the notice of the Government where a Scheduled Caste person whose caste has<br />

been de-scheduled long ago was promoted against a reserved vacancy though he no longer was<br />

a member of the Scheduled Caste. Instances have also come to the notice of the Government<br />

where a person professing a religion other than the Hindus and Sikhs, was appointed against a<br />

Scheduled Caste vacancy though the fact of his belonging to any other religion other than<br />

Hindus and Sikhs did not entitle him to claim the benefits of being Scheduled Caste.<br />

Obviously, these have occurred due to the appointing authorities not scrutinising the caste<br />

certificate of the persons to be appointed or promoted.<br />

It has not been decided that the appointing authorities should verify the caste status of<br />

Scheduled Caste/Tribe officer at the time of initial appointment and promotion against a<br />

vacancy reserved for Scheduled Caste/Tribe. For this purpose, the caste and the community to<br />

which a SC/ST person belongs, his place of residence and the name of the State, should be<br />

pasted on the top of the service book, personal file or any other relevant document covering its<br />

employee to facilitate such verification. It may be mentioned that a Scheduled Caste person,<br />

whose caste been de-scheduled after his initial appointment as a scheduled caste is no longer<br />

entitled to enjoy the benefit of reservation in promotions. This verification of caste-status at<br />

every important upturn of employees career is necessary so that the benefit of reservation and<br />

other scheme of concessions etc. meant for SC/ST should go only to the rightful claimants and<br />

not those who become dis-entitled to them.<br />

Min of Finance etc. are requested to bring the above position to the notice of all attached<br />

and subordinates under them.<br />

Copy of Ministry of Home Affairs letter No 35/1/72-RU(SCT), VO, dated 2 nd May 1975<br />

to all State Government and Union Territory Administrations.<br />

I am directed to state that complaints are often received that Scheduled Caste and<br />

Scheduled Tribes certificates are given to persons who do not in fact belong to a Scheduled<br />

caste or Scheduled tribes. It is necessary, therefore, that the certificate issuing authorities should<br />

make a proper verification before they actually issue such a certificates.<br />

In this connection a set of points which should be taken into account are enclosed for the<br />

guidance of those empowered to issue Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Certificates. It is<br />

requested that these instructions may be circulated amongst them.<br />

144<br />



Where a person claims to belong to a Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe by<br />

birth it could be verified :-<br />

(i) That the person and his parents actually belong to the community<br />

claimed.<br />

(ii) that this community is included in the presidential Orders specifying the<br />

Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribe in relation to the concerned state;<br />

(iii) that the person belongs to that State and to the area within that state in<br />

respect of which the community has been scheduled,<br />

(iv) If the person claims to be a Scheduled caste, he should profess either the<br />

Hindu or the Sikh religion,<br />

(v)<br />

if the poerson claims to be Scheduled Tribe, he may profess any religion.<br />

2. Cases of Migration:<br />

(i) Where a person migrated from the portion of the state in respect of which<br />

his community is scheduled to another part of the same state in respect of which<br />

his community is not scheduled, he will continue to deem to be the member of<br />

the Scheduled Caste or the Schedule Tribe, as the case may be, in relation to that<br />

State.<br />

(ii) Where a person is migrated from one state to another he can claim to belong<br />

Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe only in relation to the State to which he<br />

originally belonged and not in respect of the State to which he has migrated.<br />

3. Claims through marriage<br />

(i) the guiding principle is that no person who was not a Scheduled Caste or<br />

a Schedule tribe by birth will deemed to be a member of a Scheduled Caste or a<br />

Scheduled Tribe merely because he or she had married a person belonging to a<br />

Scheduled Caste or a Schedule Tribe. Similarly a person who is a member of<br />

Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe would continue to be a member of that<br />

Scheduled caste or Scheduled Tribe as the case may be, even after his or her<br />

marriage with a person who does not belong to a Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled<br />

tribe.<br />

145<br />



4. Case of Conversion and Reconversion<br />

Cases of Adoption<br />

(i) Where a Scheduled caste person gets converted to a religion other than<br />

Hinduism or Sikhism and then reconverts himself back to Hinduism or Sikhism,<br />

he will be deemed to have reverted to his original Scheduled Caste, if he is<br />

accepted by the member of that particular caste as one among them.<br />

(ii) in the case of a descendant of a Scheduled caste convert, the mere fact or<br />

conversion to Hinduism or Sikhism will not be sufficient to entitled him to be<br />

regarded as a member of the Scheduled Caste or which his forefathers belonged.<br />

It will have to be established that such a convert has been accepted by the<br />

members of the caste claimed as one among themselves and has thus become a<br />

member of the caste.<br />

Great care has to be exercised in dealing with cases where a persons claims to be<br />

Scheduled Caste on the ground that he has been adopted by a Scheduled Caste person. The<br />

validity of the adoption has to be clearly established before any caste certificate can be given. It<br />

is for the party to prove his claim by cognate and reliable evidence :-<br />

(i) The requirements of valid adoption are given in Section 6 to 11 of the<br />

Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act, 1956. The actual giving and taking of<br />

the child in adoption is a mandatory requirement and there-after the adopted<br />

child is deemed to be the child of his or her adoptive father or mother for all<br />

purposes and the child serves all ties with the family of his or her birth.<br />

Ordinarily, no child who has attained the age of 15 years or who is married can<br />

be given in adoption unless there is a custom or usage applicable to the parties.<br />

(ii) In deciding whether an adoption is valid, the certificate issuing authority<br />

should satisfy himself that all the requirements of Law have been complied with.<br />

He should also take into account the behaviour of the child after adoption<br />

whether he physically lives with and is supported by his adoptive parents and<br />

receives no financial help from his original parents. In case these conditions are<br />

not satisfied, the certificate should be refused.<br />

(iii) Where the case relates to an adoption of a married person or of a person<br />

of the age of 15 years and above, the certificate shall be required to be given by<br />

the Distt Magistrate who shall after making due enquiries as to the validity of the<br />

adoption and as to whether such adoption is permitted by a custom or usage<br />

applicable to the parties, make an endorsement to that effect on certificate. Such<br />

custom or usage should have been continuously and uniformly observed for a<br />

long time and obtained the force of law among the Hindus of that particular area,<br />

or that community group of family provided that the custom or usage is certain<br />

and not unreasonable or opposed to public policy and in the case of custom or<br />

usage in respect of particular family that the custom or usage has not been<br />

146<br />



discontinued. In addition it should be verified that all other conditions for a valid<br />

adoption, including the physical transfer of the adopted person to the family of<br />

the adoptive parents and that he has served all ties with the original parents are<br />

fulfilled.<br />

Recruitment<br />

Ministry of Home Resolution No 15/1/55-SCT, dated 30 April 1955<br />

1. In order to secure greater representation of the Scheduled castes and Scheduled Tribes in<br />

the public Services, the maximum age limit prescribed for appointment to a non-Gazetted<br />

service or post was increased by 5 years in the case of candidates belonging to these castes and<br />

Tribes vide Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs resolution No. 42/19/51/NGS,<br />

dated the 25 th June, 1952. It has now been decided that this concession should be extended to<br />

appointments to gazetted posts in the Central services. The application of these orders to<br />

recruitment to all India servies is separately under consideration.<br />

2. The above decision will take effect immediately. The Union Public Service Commission<br />

have agreed that where the advertisements issued by them require that applications from the<br />

candidates should reach the Commission on a date falling within 15 days from the date of this<br />

Resolution, the last date for the receipt of applications from Scheduled Caste and Scheduled<br />

Tribe candidates will be extended by two weeks. Other recruiting authorities for posts under the<br />

Government of India will also take similar action wherever necessary.<br />

Copy of Deptt, of Peresonnel & AR OM No 36011/9/76-Estt. (SCT), dated 14.7.76 to all<br />

Ministries etc.<br />

The undersigned is directed to refer to the instructions contained in the Ministry of<br />

Home Affrairs OM No 42/19/51/NGS dated 25.6.1952 and No.15/1/55-SCT dt 30.4.1955<br />

according to which the maximum age limit prescribed for direct recruitment to a service or post<br />

is increased by five years in the case of candidates belonging to Scheduled castes and Scheduled<br />

Tribes. Further according to the instructions in Department of Personnel and AR OM No<br />

21/9/70-Estt (SCT) dated 8.12.1971 where an upper age limit not exceeding 50 years is<br />

prescribed for promotion to a service/post, it shall be relaxed by 5 years in the case of<br />

candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes, except in posts which have<br />

arduous field duties or are meant for operational safety and in posts in para-military<br />

organiations. The maximum age limit prescribed for direct recruitment to a service or post is<br />

also relaxable in the case of certain special categories of persons eg. Migrant from East Pakistan<br />

(now Bangladesh), Migrants from East African countries, Ex-servicemen in certain cases etc.<br />

according to the various orders issued in this regard. According to the instructions in the<br />

Ministry Of Home Affairs OM No 4/1/55-RPS dated 12 th February, 1955, relaxation of age<br />

limit should normally be made only where the recruitment rules provide for such relaxation. The<br />

recruitment rules which inter-alia prescribe the age limit for a post/service, should, therefore,<br />

contain the following proviso :-<br />

147<br />



“Provided that the upper age limit prescribed may be relaxed in the case of candidates<br />

belonging to the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and other special categories of<br />

persons in accordance with the orders issued from time to time by the Central<br />

Government”.<br />

The committee on Subordinate Legislation has however pointed out in para 182 of its<br />

12 th report that the Recruitment Rules for posts under certain Ministries/Departments did not<br />

contain the above mentioned proviso. The committee has desired that all<br />

Ministries/Departments should take necessary action to amend their recruitment rules so as to<br />

incorporate theirin the proviso on the above mentioned lines, wherever it has not already been<br />

done. The recommendation of the committee is accordingly brought to the notice of the<br />

Ministries/Departments for implementation. Ministries/Departments are requested to review the<br />

recruitment rules in respect of posts under them and to include a proviso therein on the above<br />

mentioned lines, wherever necessary.<br />

(b)<br />

Promotion<br />

Copy of Department of Personnel OM No 21/9/70-Estt(SCT) dated 8 th December, 1971 to<br />

all Ministries etc.<br />

In accordance with the Ministry of Home Affairs Resolution No 42/19/51-NGS, dated<br />

the 25 th June, 1952 and No. 15/1/55-SCT, dated the 30 th April, 1955, the maximum age limit<br />

prescribed for appointment to a service or post is to be increased by 5 years in the case of<br />

candidates belonging to SC/ST. This relaxation is being granted in all services/posts filled by<br />

direct recruitment. Enquiries made from different Ministries/Departments regarding the upper<br />

age limit prescribed for post/services filled by promotion reveal, that for a large number of<br />

posts/services, either no upper age limit has been prescribed or where such limit is prescribed a<br />

relaxation of 5 years is already being granted in favour scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes<br />

employees. The question whether the upper age limit prescribed in posts/services filled by<br />

promotion should be relaxed in favour of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes where such<br />

relaxation is at present not available has been under the consideration of the Government. It has<br />

now been decided that where an upper age limit not exceeding 50 years is prescribed for<br />

promotion to a service post, it shall be relaxed by 5 years in favour of Scheduled castes and<br />

Scheduled Tribes. This decision, however, would not apply to posts which have arduous field<br />

duties or are meant for operational safety and to posts in para military organisations.<br />

148<br />



Ministry of Finance etc. are requested to bring the above decision to the notice of all<br />

authorities under them and take appropriate action for amending the recruitment rules, wherever<br />

necessary.<br />

Copy of Department, of Peresonnel & AR OM No 15012/2/81-Estt. (d), dated 8-4-81<br />

In terms of this Departments OM No 4/4-74-Estt. (D) dated the 20 th July‟ 1976 for direct<br />

recruitment in Group C and D posts/Services, the upper age limit will be relaxable upto the age<br />

of 35 years in respect of persons who are working in posts which are in the same line or allied<br />

cadre and where a relationship could be established that the service rendered in the Department<br />

will be useful for efficient discharge of the duties in other categories of posts in the same<br />

Department, provided the age concession will be admissible only where an employee has<br />

rendered not less than three years continuous service in the same Department.<br />

An enquiry has been made as to whether departmental candidate belonging to SC/ST<br />

would be eligible for a concession of 5 years over the age of 35 years for purpose of recruitment<br />

terms of the OM No. quoted above. It is clarified that for Departmental SC/ST candidates<br />

satisfying the above conditions, the upper age limt will be relaxable upto 40 years.<br />

-------------------------------------------<br />

3. Relaxation of experience qualification<br />

Copy of Department, of Personnel & AR OM No 27/10/71-Estt. (SCT),<br />

dated the 5 th September, 1975 to all Ministries etc.<br />

In this Department‟s Office Memorandum No 27/10/71-Estt. (SCT), dated the 28 th<br />

August, 1971, views of the Ministries/Departments were invited on the question of relaxation of<br />

the requirement regarding experience in the particular field or post for recruitment to<br />

posts/services under the Govt in the case of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribes candidates. This<br />

matter has been carefully considered in the light of the views of the Ministries/Departments, and<br />

in consultation with the Union Public Service Commission. It has now been decided that where<br />

some period of experience is prescribed as an essential qualification for direct recruitment to a<br />

post and where, in the opinion of the Ministry/Department concerned, the relaxation of the<br />

experience qualification will not be inconsistent with efficiency, a provision should be inserted<br />

under the „Essential‟ qualification in column 7 of the Schedule to the relevant Recruitment<br />

Rules, as indicated at (a) or (b) below, to enable the UPSC/Competent authrority to relax the<br />

„experience‟ qualification in the case of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes candidates in the<br />

circumstance mentioned in the provisions :-<br />

149<br />



(a) Where the post is filled by direct recruitment through the Union Public Service<br />

Commmission, the provision to be inserted will be :-<br />

“The qualification regarding experience is relaxable at the discretion of the<br />

Union Public Service commission in the case of candidates belonging to the<br />

Schedule Castes or Schedule tribes, if at any stage of selection the Union Public<br />

Service Commission is of the opinion that sufficient number of candidates from<br />

these communities possessing the requisite experience are not likely to be<br />

available to fill up the vacancies reserved for them”<br />

(b) Where the post is filled by direct recruitment otherwise than through the UPSC,<br />

the provision to be inserted will be :-<br />

“The qualification regarding experience is relaxable at the discretion of<br />

the competent authority in the case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled<br />

Castes or Scheduled Tribes, if at any stage of selection, the competent authority<br />

is of the opinion that sufficient number of candidates from these communities<br />

possessing the requisite experience are not likely to be available to fill up the<br />

vacancies reserved for them”.<br />

2. The ministry of Finance, etc, are accordingly requested to review the recruitment rules<br />

of all the posts in Class I, Class II, Class III and Class IV under them, and to make suitable<br />

provision, wherever, necessary, in the Recruitment Rules as mentioned in the preceding<br />

paragraph.<br />

3. When any vacancies reserved for Scheduled castes and Scheduled Tribes are advertised<br />

or intimated to the Employment Exchange, it should be specifically mentioned in the<br />

advertisement/requisition that the period of experience prescribed is relaxable, at the discretion<br />

of the UPSC or the competent authority, as the case may be, in the case of Scheduled<br />

caste/Tribes candidates as provided in the recruitment rules. This is intended to ensure that the<br />

aspirants who may fall slightly short of the requisite experience come to know above the<br />

possibility of relaxation in their regard.<br />

4. Ministry of Finance, etc.are requested to bring the above instructions to the notice of all<br />

concerned.<br />

Copy of Department, of Peresonnel & AR OM No D.1458/81-Estt. (SCT), dated 21-5-81<br />

Attention is invited to Department of Personnel & AR OM No. 21/10/71-Estt(SCT),<br />

dated 5 th September, 1975 on the above subject by which a provision should be inserted under<br />

the „essential‟ qualification in column 7 of the scheduled to the relevant recruitment rules for<br />

relaxing the essential qualification in favour of SC/ST candidates in direct recruitment to a<br />

post. The committee on subordinate Legislation has recommended that the foot-note in column<br />

7 of the Recruitment Rules should be further expanded by adding the following sentence.<br />

150<br />



“the appointing authority shall record the reasons for relaxing the qualifications<br />

regarding experience in writing while doing Ministries/Departments etc. are requested to<br />

bring the above recommendation to the notice of all concerned.<br />

4. Relaxation of Standard of suitability<br />

Copy of Ministry of Home Affairs OM No 1/1/70-Estt. (SCT), dated<br />

25 th July, 70 to all Ministries etc.<br />

1. According to the instruction in this Ministry‟s Office Memorandum No 8/10/66-Estt(C),<br />

dated the 15 th May 1967 read with Office Memorandum No 16/17/67-Estt(C), dated the 8 th<br />

February, 1968 if Scheduled Caste/Tribe candidates obtained, according to their normal position<br />

in the examination for direct recruitment, less vacancies than the number reserved for them the<br />

selecting authorities have discretion, in order to make up the deficiency to select candidates<br />

belonging to these communities who may have obtained low place in the examination, provided<br />

that such authorities are satisfied that the minimum standard necessary for maintenance of<br />

efficiency of administration has been reached in their cases. Similarly, in direct recruitment<br />

otherwise than by examination, if Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribes candidates obtain, on the<br />

basis of the general standard, less vacancies than the number reserved for the selecting<br />

authorities can, in order so make up the deficiency, select Scheduled Caste/Tribes candidates<br />

who may be of a lower strandard than candidates of other communities, provided such<br />

candidates satisfy the maximum standard necessary for maintenance of efficiency of<br />

administration. The extent of relaxation of standard, while judging the suitability of Scheduled<br />

Caste/Tribe candidates, both in direct recruitment by examination and otherwise than by<br />

examination is thus at present decided by the selecting authority in the case of each category of<br />

post or posts. It has now been decieded that, in the case of direct recruitment, whether by<br />

examination or otherwise, if sufficient number of Scheduled Caste/Tribe candidates are not<br />

available on the basis of the general standard to fill all the vacancies reserved for them,<br />

candidates belonging to these communities may be selected to fill up the remaining vacancies<br />

reserved for them provided they are not found unfit for such post or posts. Thus, to the extent<br />

the number of vacancies reserved for scheduled castes and scheduled tribes can not be filled on<br />

the basis of the general standard candidates belonging to these communities will, as at present,<br />

be taken by relaxed standard to make up the deficiency in the reserved quota, subject to the<br />

fitness of these candidates for appointment to the post/posts in question.<br />

2. Ministry of Finance etc. are requested to bring the above instructions to the notice of all<br />

appointing authorities under them including public section undertakings and statutory, semi<br />

Government and autonomous bodies.<br />

151<br />



5. Further relaxation of standard for non-tech<br />

Copy of Ministry of Home Affairs OM No 24/7(I-Estt. (SCT), dated the<br />

24 th September, 1968 to all Ministries etc.<br />

1. The working Group set-up under the Chairmanship of Shri MR Yardi, Additional<br />

Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs, to study the progress of measures for land allotment to<br />

Scheduled Caste and their representation in service has inter-alia made the following<br />

recommendation :-<br />

Recommendation No 13<br />

„As an experimental measure, it would be desirable to select the best among the<br />

candidates being considered for selection, give them in service training and confirm<br />

them only after they have acquired the requisite proficiency. In the initial stages this<br />

could be confined to the non-technical and quasi-technical posts‟.<br />

2. Under the existing orders in respect of direct recruitment by competitive examination or<br />

by qualifying examination, the recruiting authorities have the discretion to select Scheduled<br />

Caste/Scheduled Tribes candidates by applying relaxed standards. The exact position in this<br />

regard has been explained in paragraph 3 and 4 of this Ministry‟s Office Memorandun No<br />

16/1/67/Estt (C), dated the 8 th February, 1968. The provisions of these paragraphs are again<br />

brought to the notice of Ministries/ Departments and other recuiting authorities with the request<br />

to ensure that the orders in this regard are strictly complied with.<br />

3. The Government have considered the recommendation of the working Group<br />

reproduced in paragraph 1 above and it has been decided to accept it in regard to non-technical<br />

and quasi technical Class III and Class IV services/posts filled by direct recruitment other wise<br />

than through a written examination ie. by direct recruitment on the basis of applications,<br />

nominations form Employment Exchange, whether followed by interview or not. Accordingly,<br />

in addition to the existing concessions referred to in para 2 above it has been decided that with<br />

effect from the date of issue of this office memorandum until further orders in cases where the<br />

requisite number of Scheduled Casts/Scheduled Tribe candidated fulfilling even the lower<br />

standards are not available to fill the vacancies reserved for them, selecting authorities should,<br />

to the extent of the vacancies reserved for Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribes in non-technical<br />

and quasi-technical Class III and Class IV Services/posts requiring to be filled by direct<br />

recruitment otherwise than by written examination, select for appointment the best among the<br />

Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe candidates who fulfill the minimum standard necessary for<br />

the posts and for the maintenance of efficiency of administration, they should be given inservice<br />

training. The in-service training will be provided by the appointing authorities within<br />

their own offices. Such candidates will, on their appointment, be placed on probation and the<br />

rules/orders regarding probation will apply to them.<br />

152<br />



4. All Ministries/Department are requested to bring these instruction to the notice of all<br />

authorities under them.<br />

Ministry of Home Affairs OM No 16/8/69-Estt. (SCT), dated 31 st October, 1969 to all<br />

Ministries etc. According to para 2 (c) of this Ministry‟s office Memorandum No 1/12/67-Estt.<br />

(C), dated the 11 th Jul 1968, while there is no reservation for Scheduled castes and Scheduled<br />

tribes in appointments made by promotion on the basis of seniority subject to fitness, cases<br />

involving supersession of Scheduled castes and Scheduled Tribes Officers in Class I and II<br />

appointments are required to be submitted for prior approval to the Minister or Deputy Minister<br />

concerned and cases involving supersession of Officers belonging to these categories in Class<br />

III and IV appointment are required to be reported within a month to the Minister or Deputy<br />

Minister concerned for information. It has been brought to the notice of this Ministry that some<br />

cases of supersession of Scheduled Caste/Tribes Officers were not submitted or reported to the<br />

Minister as required under the instructions referred to above. It is, therefore, requested that all<br />

the Ministries and departments may enjoin on the authorities under their control to ensure that<br />

the prescribed procedure in this regard is strictly observed. The Liaison Officers who have been<br />

nominated in the Ministries/Departments and in the Offices under the Heads of Departments for<br />

the purpose of ensuring proper compliance of the orders relating to reservation of Scheduled<br />

Castes and Scheduled Tribes may specially watch proper implementation of the aforesaid orders<br />

in the offices under their charge.<br />

6. Relaxation of Standards in Departments Competitive Examination and<br />

Confirmation Examinations.<br />

Copy of Department of Personnel OM No 8/12/69-Estt. (SCT), dated<br />

23 rd December, 1970 to all Ministries etc.<br />

Attention of the Ministry of Finance etc. is invited to Ministry of Home Affairs OM No.<br />

1/1/70-Estt. (SCT), dated 25 th July, 1970 in which it has been provided that in the case of direct<br />

recruitment, whether by examination or otherwise, if sufficient number of Scheduled<br />

caste/Scheduled Tribes candidates are not available on the basis of the general standard to fill all<br />

the vacancies reserved for them, candidates belonging to these communities may be selected to<br />

fill up the remaining vacancies reserved for them provided they are not found unfit for<br />

appointment to such post or posts. A question has been raised whether relaxation in the<br />

qualifying standards could be granted to Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes candidates on the<br />

same basis in promotions made through departmental competitive examinations and in<br />

departmental confirmation examinations where such examinations re-prescribed to determine<br />

the suitability of candidates for confirmations. The matter has been carefully considered and it<br />

has been decided that in promotions confirmations made through such examinations, Scheduled<br />

Caste/Scheduled Tribes candidates who have not acquired the general qualification standard in<br />

such examinations could also be considered for promotion/confirmations. In other words, the<br />

qualifying standards in these examinations could be relaxed in favour of scheduled<br />

castes/scheduled tribes candidates in keeping with the above criterion.<br />

***<br />

153<br />



7. Relaxation of Standard in Departmental Qualifying Examination for Promotion to<br />

Higher Grade<br />

Copy of Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms OM No 36021/10/76-Estt. (SCT),<br />

dated 21 st January, 1977 to all Ministries etc.<br />

The undersigned in directed to refer to this Department‟s Office Memorandum No.<br />

8/12/69-Estt. (SCT), dated 23 rd December, 1970 in which it has been provided that in<br />

promotions made through departmental competitive examinations and in departmental<br />

confirmation examinations, if sufficient number of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribes<br />

Candidates are not available on the basis of the general standard to fill the vacancies reserved<br />

for them, candidates belonging to these communities who have not acquired the general<br />

qualifying standard should also be considered for promotion/confirmation provided they are not<br />

found unfit for such promotion/confirmation. A question has been raised whether relaxation in<br />

qualifying standards should be granted to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes candidates,<br />

on the same basis, in promotions on the basis of seniority subject to fitness is decided on the<br />

basis of qualifying examination. The matter has been carefully examined and it has now been<br />

decided that in promotions made on the basis of seniority subject to fitness in which there is<br />

reservation for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in accordance with this department‟s<br />

Office Memorandum No 27/2/71-Estt. (SCT), dated 27 th November, 1972, and where a<br />

qualifying examination is held to determine the fitness of candidates for such promotion suitable<br />

relaxation in the qualifying standard in such examinations should be made in the case of<br />

Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe candidates. The extent of relaxation should however, be<br />

decided on each occasion whenever such an examination is held taking into account all relevant<br />

factors including<br />

(i)<br />

the number of vacancies reserved,<br />

(ii) the performance of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribes as well as general<br />

candidates in that examinations,<br />

(iii)<br />

the minimum standard of fitness for appointment to the post and also<br />

(iv) the overall strength of the cadre and that of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled<br />

Tribes in that cadre.<br />

2. The ministry of Finance etc. are requested to bring the above decision to the notice of all<br />

authorities concerned.<br />

154<br />



8. Relaxation of Standards<br />

Copy of Department of Personnel & AR OM No 36011/6/79-Estt (SCT), dated 19 th April 1979<br />

to all Ministries etc.<br />

The undersigned is directed to refer to this department‟s OM No 36021/10/76-Estt<br />

(SCT) dated 21.01.1977 in which it has been provided that in promotions made on the basis of<br />

seniority subject to fitness where there is reservation for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes<br />

in accordance with the Department of personnel & AR OM No 27/2/71-Estt. (SCT), dated 27 th<br />

November 1972, and where a qualifying examination is held to determine the fitness of<br />

candidates for such promotion, suitable relaxation in the qualifying standards in such<br />

examinations should be made in the case Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribes candidates. The<br />

extent of relaxation in such case is to be decided on each occasion taking into account all<br />

relevant factors including (i) the number of vacancies reserved; (ii) the performances of<br />

Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes candidates as well as general candidates in that examination<br />

(iii) the minimum standard of fitness for appointment to the post, and also (iv) the overall<br />

strength of the cadre and that of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in that cadre. A<br />

question has been raised whether similar relaxation of standards could be made by selection<br />

(and not on the basis of seniority subject to fitness), It has now been decided that in the case<br />

also of departmental qualifying examinations held for promotion to be made on the basis of<br />

selection in which there is reservation for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in accordance<br />

with Para 2(B) (b) of this Deptt OM No.1/12/67 Estt(C) dated 11.7.68 and 10/41/73-Estt. (SCT),<br />

dated 25.2.76) suitable relaxation should be made in the case of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled<br />

Tribe candidates in the Departmental qualifying examinations in question. In such cases the<br />

extent of relaxation should be decided on each occasion whenever a qualifying examination is<br />

held taking into account all relevant factors such as those refers to at times (i) to (iv) in this<br />

office memorandum.<br />

9. Number of candidates<br />

Copy of Department of Personnel OM No 27/14/71-Estt. (SCT), dated 30 th<br />

January 1973 to all Ministries etc.<br />

The undersigned is directed to say that according to para 2 (c) of Ministry of Home<br />

Affairs Office Memorandum No 1/1/70-Estt. (SCT), dated the 31 st July, 1970, in direct<br />

recruitment made through examinations alongwith interview or in direct recruitment made<br />

otherwise than through examination the interview of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe<br />

candidates should be held on separate day or sitting of the Selection Committee so that the<br />

Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe candidates are not judged in comparison with general<br />

candidates and the Interviewing authority/board is/are prominently aware of the need for<br />

judging the Scheduled Caste /Scheduled Tribe candidates by relaxed standards. It has been<br />

brought to the notice of this Department that candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste/<br />

155<br />



Scheduled Tribes through fulfilling all the prescribed qualifications were some times not called<br />

for interview. This matter has been considered and it has been decide that in posts filled<br />

otherwise than through examination normally, six to seven candidates belonging to the<br />

community for which the post reserved may be called for interview for each reserved vacancy,<br />

subject to availability of such candidates fulfilling the qualifications prescribed for the post.<br />

Where the response from the Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe candidates in exceptionally<br />

good, the recruiting authority may, having regard to the merits of each case, call as may as 10 to<br />

12 candidates of the respective category for each reserved vacancy for purpose of<br />

interview/selection.<br />

2. Ministry of Finance etc, are requested to bring the above instructions to the notice of all<br />

the appointing authorities under them.<br />

10. Travelling allowance<br />

Copy of Office Memorandum No F.5/25/FIV(B)/60, dated the 6 th May, 1960 from the Ministry<br />

of Finance (Department of Expenditure), to all Ministries of the Government of India etc.<br />

The undersigned is directed to invite a reference to the Ministy of Home affairs Office<br />

Memorandum No 5/5(2)/59/SCT(I), dated 18 th November, 1959, addressed to all Ministries etc,<br />

of the Government of India on the above subject, and to say that the question of grant of TA to<br />

Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe candidates called for interview in connection with their<br />

appointment to posts under Government has been considered in consultation with Controller<br />

and Auditor General. The President has been pleased to decide that when Scheduled<br />

Caste/Scheduled Tribes candidates are called for interview for appointment to Class III and IV<br />

advertised posts, recruitment to which is made departmentally, (i.e otherwise than through the<br />

UPSC), the recruiting authority may allow such candidates single 3 rd Class rail fares, chargeable<br />

by passenger train, by the shortest route from the railway station nearest to their normal place of<br />

residence, or from which they actually performed the journey, whichever is nearer to the place<br />

of interview, and back to the same station provided the distance travelled by rail each way<br />

exceeds fifty miles. No extra charge if any, incurred for reserving seat/sleeping berth in the train<br />

will however, be re-imbursed to the candidates.<br />

156<br />



(ii)<br />

Copy of Office Memorandum No F.5/25/E, IV (B)/60, dated the 21 st September,<br />

1960 from Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) to all Ministries etc.<br />

The undersigned is directed to invite a reference to this Ministry‟s Office<br />

Memorandum No F.5/25/E.IV (B)/60, dated the 6 th May, 1960 on the above subject and<br />

to say that a question has been raised whether road mileage will be admissible to<br />

Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes Candidates called for interview for appointment to<br />

Class III and Class IV advertised posts if the journeys are made between stations not<br />

connected by rail. It has been decide for road journeys between stations not connected<br />

by rail, the recruiting authority may allow such candidates actual bus fare or road<br />

mileage at the lowest rate for Govt servants as admissible under the Supplementary<br />

Rules, whichever is less provided the distance covered by road is more than 20 miles<br />

each way.<br />

It has also been decided that the provisions of this Ministry‟s Office<br />

Memorandum No 5/25/EIV (B)/60, dated the 6 th May 1960 and Para 1 above will apply<br />

to the Scheduled Caste/Schedule Tribes Candidates called for a written test on the basis<br />

of which appointment to such Class III and Class IV advertised posts are made. The<br />

traveling allowance to the candidates called for a written test will, however, be<br />

admissible subject to the condition that the written test any interview that may also be<br />

necessary would be held at one and the same station and on the same or adjacent days so<br />

that the candidates would get Travelling Allowance for only one journey to and from the<br />

place of selection.<br />

***<br />

(iii) Copy of Office Memorandum No 5(25)E IV(B)-60, dated the 23 rd November,<br />

1960, from the Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure), to all<br />

Ministries of the Government of India etc.<br />

The undersigned is directed to invite reference to this Ministry‟s Office<br />

Memorandum No F.5/25-E IV/60, dated the 6 th May 1960 and 21 st September 1960<br />

wherein orders were issued for the payment of traveling allowance to the Scheduled<br />

Caste/Scheduled Tribes candidates called for interview/written test by the recruiting<br />

authorities for appointment to Class III and Class IV advertised posts recruitment to<br />

which is made departmentally. Enquiries have been received from certain quarters<br />

whether the concession under those orders may also be allowed to the candidates called<br />

by the recruiting authority for interview/written test, through the Employment<br />

Exchanges. It has been decided that the orders mentioned above should apply also to the<br />

candidates of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes called through the Employment<br />

Exchanges, for interview/ written test for appointment to Class III and Class IV posts,<br />

recruitment to which is made departmentally.<br />

157<br />



(iv) Copy of Office Memorandum No F 5(25)EIV(B)/60, dated the 22 nd July,1963,<br />

from the Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure), to all Ministries of<br />

the Government of India, etc.<br />

The undersigned is directed to invite reference to this Ministry‟s Office<br />

Memorandum of even number dated that 6 th May, 1960, the 21st September, 1960 and<br />

the 23 rd November, 1960 on the subject mentioned above and to state that a question has<br />

been raised as to whether the concessions sanctioned therein are admissible also to<br />

Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribes candidates who are already in Central/State<br />

Government services. It is hereby clarified that the terms „candidates‟ in the Office<br />

Memorandum cited above does not include those who are already in Central/State<br />

Government service. Accordingly the concessions in question are not admissible to<br />

those candidates who are already in Central/State Government service.<br />

These orders have effect from the respective dates of the orders mentioned above<br />

but past cases in which payments have been made under these orders to the candidates,<br />

who were in the Central/State Governments service, need not be reopened.<br />

(v)<br />

Copy of Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) OM No 5(25) EIV<br />

(B)/60 dated 19.6.72 to all Ministries/Departments etc.<br />

The undersigned is directed to invite reference to this Ministry‟s Office<br />

Memorandum of even number dated the 6 th May 1960 and 21 st September, 1960 wherein<br />

orders were issued for the payment of traveling allowance to the Scheduled<br />

Castes/Scheduled Tribes Candidates called for interview/written test by the recruiting<br />

authorities for appointment to Class III and IV advertised posts recruitment to which is<br />

made departmentally.<br />

A question has been raised as to what travelling allowance should be allowed for<br />

sea-journey performed by the Scheduled Tribes candidates from the Union Territories of<br />

LMA Islands to attend interview/test for recruitment to Class III and Class IV posts on<br />

the mainland as well as in the Islands centres. It has been decided that for the above<br />

mentioned sea-journeys, the sea-passage by the Lowest class (exclusive of diet charges)<br />

may be reimbursed provided the distance covered by sea is more than thirty Kilometers<br />

each way.<br />

In their application to the Indian audit and accounts department these orders<br />

issued after consultation with the controller and Auditor General of India.<br />

158<br />



(vi) Copy of Ministry of Finance OM No 19014/(2)/EIV(B)/74, dated 25-1-75<br />

to all Ministries/Department etc.<br />

The undersigned is directed to invite attention to this Ministry‟s<br />

OM No F 5. (25)-EIVF(B)/60, dated 22.7.1963, which clarifies that SC/ST<br />

candidates already in service under Central/State Government will not be<br />

entitled to the concessions granted in this Ministry‟s Office Memorandum No<br />

F (25)-EIV(B)/60 dated 6.5.1960 and the 23.11.1960.<br />

It is now further clarified that the concessions will also not be admissible to<br />

SC/ST candidates who are already in service in central/State Government, Corporations,<br />

Public Undertakings, local Government, Institutions and Panchayats.<br />

Past cases in which payments have already been made need not be reopened.<br />

159<br />





Introduction<br />

1. The cases are increasing where SC/ST candidates recruited on relaxed conditions as per<br />

existing Govt orders who do not qualify the typing test are required to be trained so as to enable<br />

them to pass the test within the prescribed time.<br />

Aim<br />

2. Aim of the ROI is to lay down the procedure to be followed on conduction of trade<br />

test/written counselling to them.<br />

Procedure<br />

3. As per Para 3 (a) and (b) of Govt orders incorporated at Page 279 in „Swamy‟s<br />

Complete Manual on Establishment and Administration for Central Govt Offices‟, relaxation<br />

are to be given to SC/ST candidates in appointment. However SC/ST candidates in recruitment<br />

should qualify the test i.e. upto the marks given in relaxation i.e. not found unfit to hold the<br />

post.<br />

4. Projects where they are posted should be asked to test/train these individuals. The test<br />

should be carried out every two months and written counselling given up to the stage they come<br />

up to the required standard and no relaxation is to be given in such cases. This counselling<br />

should be given to the individuals concerned after each test i.e. 2 months. If the individual do<br />

not pick up, they should be placed under another officer for 3-6 months. If they do no show any<br />

improvement, then action to discharge them will be taken by the competent authority after 2<br />

years based on number of counselling letters and recommendation of the Board of Officers.<br />

Authy : HQ DGBR letter No 12401/Gen/DGBR/EG2 (Rtg) dated 03 Jan 96.<br />

160<br />



Introduction<br />


GROUP „C‟ & „D‟ IN GREF<br />

1. Various ROIs and instructions concerning the subject matter have been issued in the past<br />

with reference to the instructions received from the higher authorities. Consolidation of these<br />

instructions contained in the various GREF ROIs are felt necessary for references.<br />

2. The procedure, which is being followed for appointment/re-appointment/promotion in<br />

respect of GROUP „C‟ and „D‟ employees in GREF, and the same is narrated in the succeeding<br />

paragraphs.<br />

Appointment<br />

3. As per recruitment programme, vacancies are advertised by GREF Centre in the relevant<br />

news papers and applications are invited from the candidates for the trade (s) for appointment in<br />

Group „C‟ & „D‟ posts.<br />

Competent Authority Empowered to make Appointment Gp „C‟ & „D‟<br />

4. The officers authorised to make appointment to Group „C‟ and „D‟ in the General<br />

Reserve Engineer Force are specified in DGBR letter NO. 70542/DGBR/E2A(T&C) dated<br />

19.1.73. At present Commander GREF Centre is empowered to make appointment to the said<br />

posts.<br />

5. The appointing/recruiting authorities will be personally responsible to ensure that<br />

personnel recruited by them are in possession of all requisite educational/technical<br />

qualifications and experience certificates as prescribed in Recruitment and Promotion Rules-<br />

1982 of Group „C‟ & „D‟ and where doubt arises for the genuineness, such certificates must<br />

invariably be referred to the Government Education Board (s) concerned for verification. Cases<br />

warranting relaxation, if any, will be referred to DGBR for prior approval before the recruitment<br />

of any candidate is actually carried out.<br />

6. The candidates, who possess original education/technical certificates and fulfill the<br />

conditions as per GREF Recruitment & Promotion Rules-1982 of Group „C‟ & „D‟ may be<br />

asked to appear for test/interview for selection. The candidates with provisional certificates may<br />

also be accepted, if they have passed the requisite educational/technical examinations within the<br />

last five years of recruitment, if the reasons in obtaining the original certificates are beyond the<br />

control of the individual (s) and there is adequate collateral evidence for non-issue of the<br />

certificate (original) available with candidate (s). The candidates who are in possession of<br />

provisional certificates of more than five years and do not posses any evidence for non-issue of<br />

original certificate, should not be entertained. The fresh graduates or Diploma holder candidates<br />

can also be recruited, if they fulfill the requisitie conditions laid down in GREF Recruitment &<br />

Promotion Rules-1982 for Group „C‟ and „D‟, on the basis of provisional certificate issued by<br />

the competent authority/recognised University/College/Institution. However, the recruitment on<br />

provisional certificates may be restricted to the barest minimum.<br />

161<br />



7. On selection of a candidate for appointment, the appointing/recruiting authority will<br />

prepare the following documents and dispose off as shown against each.Two sets of service<br />

documents will be prepared (Unit set and Records set) and the documents earmarked for unit<br />

and Record will be placed in them :-<br />

(a) Appointment form : 3 copies - Original copy to individual<br />

concerned, duplicate to unit and<br />

triplicate to GREF Records.<br />

(b) Trade Test Sheet : 2 copies - Original to unit concerned and<br />

duplicate to GREF Records.<br />

(Guidelines for completion of TT Sheet are incorporated in Appendix „AH‟)<br />

(c) Medical form/sheet : 3 copies - Original and duplicate to unit<br />

concerned and triplicate to<br />

GREF Records.<br />

(d) Kindred roll and : 2 copies - Original to unit concerned and<br />

Next of Kin form<br />

duplicate to GREF Records<br />

(e) Certificate regard- : 2 copies - -doing<br />

Nationality<br />

(f) Declaration regarding : 2 copies - -domarriage<br />

(alongwith joint<br />

passport size photograph<br />

of husband and wife duly<br />

attested by village<br />

Sarpanch or a Gazetted<br />

Officer where applicable).<br />

(g) Statement of movable/ 2 copies - -doimmovable<br />

property<br />

162<br />



(h) Extract form discharge 2 copies - Original to unit concerned and<br />

certificate in r/o ex-armed<br />

duplicate to GREF Records<br />

forces/GREF/TA<br />

personnel<br />

(j) Photostat copies : 2 copies - -doof<br />

original/provisional<br />

educational/technical<br />

qualification certificates<br />

(k) CTC of SC/ST : 2 copies - -docertificates<br />

(l) CTC of experience : 2 copies - -docertificates<br />

(m)<br />

Verification roll<br />

(n) Photograph : 3 copies - One to unit, one to<br />

(passport size)<br />

Record Office and one<br />

copy to be affixed in<br />

GREF personal Book.<br />

(o) Oath/affirmation : 2 copies - One copy to unit and<br />

(as per Appx „AJ‟)<br />

one for Record Office.<br />

(A register as per Appx „AK‟ will also be maintained by the authority, which<br />

will adminster the Oath/affirmation).<br />

8. Each individual on his appointment will be allotted with a GREF number by the Record<br />

Office. Casualty regarding appointment of an individual interalia indicating date of birth etc will<br />

also be published by GREF Centre and recorded in both sets of service documents (ATC-4).<br />

9. GREF Centre will prepare an allocation chart and sent the same to Record Office for<br />

issuing necessary posting orders. The personnel posted to the units will be TOS by them from<br />

the date of appointment.<br />

Recruitment on Provisional Certificate<br />

10. DGBR‟s letter NO 67043/Pro-Cert/DGBR/EG2(Rtg) dated 20 Aug 87 clarifies that nonproduction<br />

of original certificate of educational/technical qualifications by an individual at the<br />

time of appointment are of two types :-<br />

(a) Where non-production is due to inaction of individual. Therefore the furnishing of<br />

diploma/certificate is within the control of the individual concerned.<br />

163<br />



(b) Where non-production is due to the competent authority for not having yet issued<br />

the diploma/certificate and as such it is beyond the control of the individual concerned.<br />

11. In both cases (1) (a) & (b) above), Unit/TF/ (P), to whom the candidate recruited on<br />

provisional certificate, is posted, should take steps to verify the fact of the individual having<br />

passed the requisite qualification by writing to the Institution and to the State Government<br />

authorities concerned, if they have not in actual fact issued the diploma/certificate also asking<br />

for the probable date by which they will be able to issue the certificate/ diploma in question.<br />

Record Office ‟GREF‟ should be then informed accordingly and the name of the particular<br />

individual should, therefore, not be shown in the list of defaulters but proper track of the case is<br />

to be kept so that at the appropriate time, the individual is asked to procure the certificate and is<br />

also given full assistance/facilities (like leave official letter etc) required in obtaining it.<br />

12. However, cases where the institutes have issued certificate (original) upto the date of the<br />

passing the individual but where the failure is on the part of the individual in procuring and<br />

producing it at his own, are to be shown as outstanding.<br />

Action by Recruiting Officer<br />

13. The Recruiting Officer must personally scrutinise the original certificates before an<br />

individual is selected for appointment. The following certificates will be furnished by the<br />

Recruiting Officer and undertaking obtained by him from the newly appointed individuals and<br />

kept with relevant records where original copies of certificates are not produced :-<br />

(a)<br />

In the case of the candidate appointed on original education/technical<br />

qualifications certificates.<br />

“Certified that I have personally verified the following Degree/diploma certificates<br />

in respect of Shri …………. S/O Shri ……………. Who has been selected for<br />

appointment as ……..<br />

(i)<br />

(ii)<br />

(iii)<br />

The Degree/Diploma/Certificate has been issued by the recognised institution”<br />

Place :<br />

Date :<br />

(Signature of Recruiting Officer)<br />

164<br />



(b)<br />

In the case of candidate recruited on provisional certificate in the absence of<br />

any collateral evidence from the concerned University/College/Govt Edn<br />

Boards.<br />

“Certified that I have personally verified the following provisional certificates<br />

in respect of Shri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S/O Shri . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

who has been selected for appointment as . . . . . . . . . . . and the certificates have<br />

been issued by the recognised institution/competent authority :-<br />

(i)<br />

(ii)<br />

(iii)<br />

The individual has been instructed by me to produce original certificates<br />

within two years from the date of recruitment, failing which he will be discharged<br />

from service”.<br />

Place :<br />

Date :<br />

(Signature of Recruiting Officer)<br />


(By the individual)<br />

“ I hereby undertake to produce original copies of my following<br />

Degree/Diploma within two years from the date of recruitment :-<br />

(i)<br />

(ii)<br />

(iii)<br />

I understand that I shall be discharged from service in case I fail to produce<br />

the above original Degree/Diploma/certificates within two years from the date of<br />

my recruitment”.<br />

Place :<br />

Date :<br />

(Signature of the individual)<br />


Place :<br />

Date :<br />

(Recruiting Officer)<br />

165<br />



14. Apart from the above, the Recruiting Officer will also endorse the following in the call<br />

letter issued to candidates to avoid hardship to the individual :-<br />

“All the selected candidates are required to produce original Degree/Diploma<br />

certificate before they can be recruited.Cases of only those who have acquired the<br />

essential qualifications for the post within past 3 years and do not possess and collateral<br />

evidence from the concerned University/College/State Edn Boards for non-issue of<br />

original educational/technical qualification as prescribed in the advertisement in<br />

operation can be considered on provisional certificate if found genuine, for recruitment<br />

subject to the production of the original certificate within 2 years from the date of<br />

recruitment failing which their service will be terminated”.<br />

15. The fact that the recruitment is provisional will be stamped on the outer cover of service<br />

documents and will also be mentioned in the movement order by GREF Centre to enable the<br />

Units to easily identify such cases and to take appropriate action as and when required.<br />

Action by Project Units<br />

16. The following action will be taken by the Projects/Units concerned in respect of the<br />

individuals, those who are appointed on provisional certificate :-<br />

(a) OC unit will issue written reminders to the individual in the first week of every<br />

quarter for furnishing the original Degree/Diploma certificates.<br />

(b) On receipt of the required Degree/Diploma certificates, unit will forward CTC of<br />

the said certificates alongwith the following certificates under his signature to Record<br />

Office for keeping with record set of service documents. Photostat copy should also be<br />

certified by OsC Units.<br />

“Certified that :-<br />

I have personally checked the original High School/Intermediate/Diploma in<br />

____ Engineering certificate of GS _______Trade________Name___________<br />

and I certify that it is genuine and issued by the recognised<br />

body/institutute/university/organisation. A certified true copy of the each certificate<br />

is enclosed.<br />

(ii) The certificates issued by the _______ (State name of Institutes/Govt<br />

Edn Board etc as the case may be) is recognised by Govt of India for the purpose of<br />

recruitment in Central subordinate posts and service.”<br />

166<br />



17. GREF Records will maintain a running register in respect of all cases of provisional<br />

recruitment and they will update the same on receipt of CTC of original certificate from unit(s).<br />

However, confirmation obtained from concerned educational/technical institutes that the<br />

required certificates have not been issued to the individuals so far, their names will not be<br />

shown as outstanding but CTC of the original certificate will be watched.<br />

18. Where the original certificates have not been received from the individual(s) despite<br />

quarterly reminders, six months before the expiry of 2 years (24 months) period, written notice<br />

be issued to the individual by the competent authority to the effect that his service will be<br />

terminated, if the requisite certificate are not received by _______(give date). In such cases also<br />

OsC units will provide all help/facilities (like leave/official letter etc) to the individuals<br />

concerned for obtaining the same before giving the notice.<br />

19. CEs will render half yearly reports in respect of all the candidates those who have not<br />

produced the required original certificates or any proof for non-issue of the certificate by the<br />

concerned institutes by due date to DGBR with a copy to Record Office GREF, categorywise<br />

showing position of outstanding cases of provisional recruitment as on 30 Jun and 31 Dec every<br />

year. It will be the responsibility of GREF Records to check these from the running register<br />

maintained by them and bring out discrepancy, if any.<br />

Re-Appointment<br />

20. Earlier, remustering were done at TF/Project level from one post to another, which were<br />

later on termed as re-appointment vide DGBR letter No 67043/A/Policy/DGBR/EG2 (Rtg)<br />

dated 22 Oct 74 as amended vide their letter of Even No dated 15 Mar 76. The re-appointment<br />

will be done at GREF Centre only in the same manners as appointment in accordance with the<br />

conditions laid down in GREF R&P Rules 1982 for Group „C‟ and „D‟. The serving GREF<br />

personnel, who are desirous for re-appointment have to qualify and compete with open market<br />

candidates during written test/interview. No concession is given to the departmental personnel<br />

except medical examination, which is not done in the case of re-appointment being individual<br />

still in service. However, fresh medical examination should be conducted in the case of reappointment<br />

of serving GREF personnel as MT DVRs, since special standard of eye sight has<br />

been prescribed for this category, as clarified vide DGBR letter No 67043/Policy/DGBR/EG2<br />

(Rtg) dated 28 Jul 75. The following should also be fulfilled by the serving GREF personnel<br />

who apply for re-appointment :-<br />

(a) The individuals of general quota/unreserved and SC/ST should not be over 40<br />

years and 45 years respectively (the age limit of the individual is considered on the<br />

closing date of receipt of application).<br />

(b) Minimum one year service in GREF for those individuals, who are below 25/28,<br />

30 years of age i.e maximum age prescribed in R&P Rules as the case may be and apply<br />

for re-appointment, while 3 years minimum service in GREF is required for the<br />

individuals, who are above 25/28/30 years age as the case may be, and apply for reappointment.<br />

167<br />



21. The vacancies are advertised in the relevant News papers/ Employment News as per<br />

recruitment programme. GREF employees desirous of getting re-appointment to a suitable post<br />

have to apply specifically with respect to a particular advertisement in operation, which is<br />

published from time to time. In case, the individual satisfies all conditions particularly with<br />

reference to qualifications, experience etc and conditions laid down in Para 20 above he can<br />

apply. Weightage of 15 percent will be added to the percentage of marks obtained in the<br />

minimum qualifying examination in comparison to other open market applicants/candidates.<br />

22. Application (specimen attached as Appendix AL) alongwith the following documents is<br />

required to be submitted by the individual :-<br />

(a) Willingness certificate - Ty pers (Appendix AM)<br />

(b) Willingness certificate - Pmt pers (Appx AN)<br />

(c) Experience certificate - Appendix AO<br />

(Copy of willingness certificate will also be retained by the unit for records)<br />

23. On publication of advertisement, applications in respect of all GREF employees desirous<br />

of re-appointment will be submitted by them to their respective units alongwith undertaking as<br />

stated above. “On receipt of applications from GREF personnel, proper scrutiny will be carried<br />

out regarding eligibility of the candidates and then the applications will be submitted to GREF<br />

Centre duly recommended by OC unit in one lot alongwith a consolidated nominal roll<br />

(Specimen attached as Appx AP) by due date as advance copy followed by through proper<br />

channel”. Submission of application in piecemeal will not be entertained. Before submission of<br />

applications, the following should be explained to the individuals, who apply for re-appointment<br />

as laid down in DGBR letter No 67043-A/Policy/DGBR/EG2 (Rtg) dt 01 Jun 88.<br />

(a) Temporary personnel<br />

(i) Seniority in the new trade will be determined by the order of merit in which they<br />

are selected for re-appointment.<br />

(ii) Will have to resign from the previous post at the time of re-appointment.<br />

However, past continuous service will count for pension, carry forward of leave and<br />

pay fixation.<br />

(iii) Will have no option to come back in the original trade.<br />

(iv) Will not be entitled to permanency in their previous trade.<br />

168<br />



(b)<br />

Permanent Personnel<br />

(i) Seniority – Seniority in the new trade will be determined by the order of merit in<br />

which they are selected for re-appt. Past continuous service will count for pension, carry<br />

forward of leave and pay fixation, and individuals will be allowed to retain a lien on<br />

permanent appointments when released for appointment within or outside department.<br />

(ii) Lien – As regards lien for pmt Govt employees, it is an accepted principle that<br />

the lien of a Government servant may not be terminated against his will. The Lien means<br />

the title of a Govt servant to hold on regular basis either immediately or on the<br />

termination of periods of absence, a post including a tenure post to which he has been<br />

appointed on regular basis and on which he is not on probation as on a transfer of Govt<br />

servant to another post / organisation he is not required to be kept on probation, he<br />

requires lien on the new post from the date of his transfer. His lien in the previous<br />

organisation stands terminated automatically and he has no option for reversion to the<br />

earlier organisation. Authy. FR.9 (13) and clarification of DOP&T circulated vide Addl<br />

director General of Manpower/ MP4 (Civil), AG‟s Branch letter NO. 15590/1/MP4(Civ)<br />

dated 13 Feb 2008.<br />

24. Re-appointment applications, on receipt from unit will be scrutinised by Recruiting Sec<br />

(GREF Centre) and eligibility checked by ER Group of GREF Records for finalisation. Based<br />

on recruitment programme, call letters will be issued to the eligible candidates for attending the<br />

interview/trade test by the GREF Centre.<br />

25. As brought out above, departmental candidates have to compete with open market<br />

candidates during the written test/interview. Even at the scrutiny stage, before a call letter is<br />

issued, applications with particular reference to qualification, percentage or marks and<br />

experience are considered in details vis-à-vis the open market candidates, call letters are issued<br />

after taking all these factors into consideration. Therefore, merely applying for re-appointment<br />

with a merit of say 40% marks at the matriculation/graduation level examination does not<br />

automatically make the departmental candidates eligible for the post of LDC/UDC when a<br />

criteria of minimum 60% marks is fixed for open market candidates. While some weightage is<br />

given to the fact that departmental candidates have gained some experience and knowledge of<br />

working in department, merit of the candidate based on his performance in qualifying<br />

examination mainly forms the basis for considering him for a call letter. This aspect may also be<br />

impressed upon the candidates when they apply for re-appointment.<br />

26. On re-appointment of an individual, posting order will be issued accordingly. But<br />

posting of the re-appointed individual will be implemented when re-appointment orders and TT<br />

sheets duly signed and approved by the appointing authority i.e Cdr GREF Centre are received<br />

by the unit.<br />

169<br />



Departmental Promotion<br />

27. In accordance with DGBR letter No. 25201/77/DGBR/E1D dated 31.10.70, CEs<br />

Projects and TF Commanders were authorised to hold DPC for certain categories of GREF<br />

personnel. As a result of the above, it was experienced that DPC quota / vacancies in some<br />

categories remained unfilled due to one reason or the other. In order to obviate the above<br />

situation, DGBR vide their letter No. 25211/GC/795/E1D dated 27/30 Jul 74 have decided that<br />

in future all promotions DPCs will be centrally held at GREF Records every year as detailed by<br />

the DGBR. A tentative programme for DPC promotion is prepared by GREF Records every<br />

year well in advance and programme is circulated to the Project for necessary action to furnish<br />

requisite information / documents by the due date. The DPC is conducted by GREF Records<br />

strictly according to the programme after obtaining approval from DGBR and the DPC<br />

proceedings are finalised in the light of documents and information available with Records<br />

Office. After the recommendation of DPC, the Board proceedings are submitted to OIC<br />

Records for approval. On receipt of approved board proceedings, DPC (P) Section will intimate<br />

the names of personnel approved for promotion to Posting Section for issue of promotion-cumposting<br />

order immediately. But, in order to avoid irregular promotion, certain aspects, which<br />

required re-checking and compliance by units for implementing the promotion are stipulated in<br />

each promotion-cum-posting orders. Inter seniority of promotees will reckon from the date<br />

mentioned under column “date of DPC held” where the period of service in the grade required<br />

for further promotion as per Recruitment & Promotion Rules reckon from the date of<br />

assumption in the present grade. Pay and allowances will be admissible from the date of<br />

assuming the charge of higher appointment.<br />

Claim for being Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe for Promotion<br />

28. Before entertaining the claim regarding Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe, it is of<br />

paramount importance for the appointing authority at the time of initial appointment or by the<br />

OC unit in case of a claim after entering into Govt. service to verify the correctness of caste<br />

certificate in accordance with the instructions in vogue. Claim of Scheduled Caste / Scheduled<br />

Tribe is to be accepted only if the same is certified by the Competent Authority of the State /<br />

Union Territory to which the individual belongs. In this regard it is stated that any laxity or<br />

mistake in establishing the claim of an individual for being SC/ST not only cause erroneous<br />

promotion to NON-ENTITLED PERSONS but also invite adverse criticism / representations /<br />

remedial measure through Court of Law.<br />

29. If a serving person claims to belong to SC/ST, preliminary enquiries in this regard will<br />

be conducted by OsC unit. After the OsC unit having fully satisfied themselves with the<br />

genuineness of the cases, a reference will be made to GREF Records for approval and Part II<br />

Orders will be issued only after receipt of confirmation from Records Office. Such DO Part II<br />

will contain reference of GREF Records and will be duly supported with valid documentary<br />

proof.<br />

170<br />



30. Inspite of all these precautions, if any, individual is promoted erroneously, action should<br />

be taken to revert the individual to the post he was holding immediately prior to such irregular<br />

promotion as soon as the fact comes to the notice as per rules. Sanction of the Competent<br />

Authority would be required to regularise all the cases of irregular promotion. In this<br />

connection attention is invited to FR-31A. Therefore, it is pertinent to mention that as and when<br />

Projects are approached by GREF Records to furnish the required confirmation / informations /<br />

documents etc. for DPC, they must submit the same by due date, accurately after exercising<br />

proper checks of relevant documents to avoid set back of phased programme, discontentment<br />

amongst the affected officials and to avoid irregular promotion. In this regard DGBR letter No.<br />

25211/77-78/DGBR/E1D dated 15/20 Dec 77 refers. Select panels drawn by Departmental<br />

Promotion Committee for promotion to Selection Grade categories will be circulated to all<br />

Projects and units for general information.<br />

31. Promotion orders are issued by GREF Records for implementation by the units<br />

concerned, subject to fulfillment of conditions stipulated therein. The following instructions<br />

will be complied with by both dispatching / receiving unit before the individual is allowed to<br />

assume the charge of higher grade :-<br />

(a) Ensure that there is no disciplinary / vigilance case against the individual under<br />

promotion. If the individual is involved in such cases, he will not be dispatched to his<br />

new unit / allowed to assume promotion. Such cases will be reported to Record Office<br />

by the unit through Project Headquarters.<br />

(b) Ensure that the individual under promotion fulfils all the conditions laid down in<br />

the latest Recruitment & Promotion Rules 1982 and as amended from time to time and<br />

that the certificate of academic / technical qualification possessed by the individual are<br />

genuine and issued by the recognised University / Institutions.<br />

(c)<br />

Ensure that the individual‟s appointment is not irregular.<br />

(d) Caste of the individual, who is promoted against reserved quota (marked as SC /<br />

ST in the promotion orders) should be checked and ensured that the caste of the<br />

individual mentioned in the caste certificate is recognised as SC / ST as the case may be<br />

by the Govt. of India and the certificate has been issued by the competent authority.<br />

(e)<br />

Promotions are made only against the authorised higher officiating posts.<br />

(f) The receiving unit will forward an assumption report to this office (Record<br />

Office MSL Section) immediately on implementation of promotion.<br />

(g) In case any individual is on deputation / lien, his promotion order will not be<br />

affected and intimation to this effect may be given to Record Office (GREF).<br />

(h) Ensure that character and antecedents of the individual have been verified and<br />

found in order.<br />

171<br />



32. (a) The names of the Officers who are on deputation, either on their own volition or<br />

in public interest (including foreign service), should also be included in the list<br />

submitted to DPC for consideration for promotion in case they come within the field of<br />

choice for promotion and fulfil the prescribed eligibility conditions.<br />

(b) Very often a certain number of years of service in the lower grade is prescribed<br />

as a condition for becoming eligible for consideration for promotion to higher post /<br />

grade. In such cases, the period of service rendered by an officer on deputation / foreign<br />

service, should be treated as comparable service in his parent department for the purpose<br />

of promotion as well as confirmation. This is subject to the condition that the<br />

deputation / foreign service, is with the approval of the Competent Authority and it is<br />

certified by the Competent Authority that but for deputation / foreign service, the officer<br />

would have continued to hold the relevant post in his parent department. Such a<br />

certificate would not be necessary if he was holding the departmental post in a<br />

substantive capacity.<br />

(c) If the panel contains the name of a person who has gone on deputation or on<br />

foreign service in the public interest including a person who has gone on study leave,<br />

provision should be made for his regaining the temporarily lost seniority in the higher<br />

grade on his return to the cadre. Therefore, such an officer need not be reconsidered by<br />

a fresh DPC if any subsequently held, while he continues to be on deputation / foreign<br />

service / study leave so long as any officer junior to him in the panel is not required to be<br />

so considered by a fresh DPC irrespective of the fact whether he got the benefit of<br />

proforma promotion under the NBR or otherwise. The same treatment will be given to<br />

an officer included in the panel who could have been promoted within the currency of<br />

the panel but for his being away on deputation.<br />

(d) In case the officer is serving on an ex-cadre post on his own volition by applying<br />

in response to an advertisement, he should be required to revert to his parent cadre<br />

immediately when due for promotion, failing which his name shall be removed from the<br />

panel. On his reverting to the parent cadre after a period of two years, he will have no<br />

claim for promotion to the higher grade on the basis of that panel. He should be<br />

considered in the normal course alongwith other eligible officers when the next panel is<br />

prepared and he should be promoted to the higher grade according to his position in the<br />

fresh panel. His seniority in that event, shall be determined on the basis of the position<br />

assigned to him in the fresh panel with reference to which he is promoted to higher<br />

grade. (If the panel contains the name of an officer on study leave, he should be<br />

promoted to the higher post on return from the study leave). He should also be given<br />

seniority according to his position in the present panel and not on the basis on the date of<br />

promotion.<br />

(e) Individual on lien will be considered for promotion on reversion to this<br />

department on the date they physically assume the appointment.<br />

172<br />



33. In case, an individual is posted to another unit on promotion, it is not possible for the<br />

receiving unit to ensure correctness of the points mentioned in para 31 (a) to (e) & (h) above till<br />

receipt of service documents of the individual. As such the dispatching unit should furnish<br />

certificate covering these aspects in the movement order for information and action by the<br />

receiving unit before allowing the individual to assume higher appointment.<br />

173<br />



Introduction<br />


1. There may be cases where a Govt. Servant, ordered to be promoted to a higher grade,<br />

refuse to accept the same. Action to be taken in such cases is given in CPRO 46/60 and Govt.<br />

of India No. 1 in Appendix-16 of CSR (Vol-II), Rule 11 of CCS (CC&A) Rules 1965.<br />

Procedure<br />

2. When a Govt. servant does not accept promotion to a higher post which is offered to<br />

him, he may make a written request that he may not be promoted and the request may be<br />

considered by the appointing authority taking relevant aspects into consideration, as under :-<br />

(a) If the reasons put forth by the individual are not acceptable to the appointing<br />

authority, it will constitute a good and sufficient reason for taking disciplinary action<br />

against him to impose any of the penalties specified in Rule 11 of CCS (CC&A) Rules<br />

1965. Where the appointing authority is of the opinion that public interest will suffer by<br />

refusal of promotion, there would be no question of accepting the reasons for refusal of<br />

promotion. Accordingly, he will be informed and he will assume charge of the duties of<br />

higher post otherwise will have to face the consequence under Rule quoted above.<br />

(b)<br />

If the competent authority is satisfied of the genuineness of the case and feels<br />

refusal of promotion does not suffer public interest, a suitable endorsement of this effect<br />

will be made in the relevant file to cancel the promotion order. Then the next man in the<br />

approved panel will be promoted subject to fulfillment all condition. However, the<br />

individual‟s name will not be deleted from the approved list. Since it may not be<br />

administratively possible or desirable to offer appointments to the persons who initially<br />

refused promotion on very occasion on which a vacancy arises during the period of<br />

validity of the panel, no fresh offer of appointment on promotion should be made in such<br />

cases for a period of one year of the date of refusal of first promotion or till a next<br />

vacancy arises whichever is later. Govt. servants refusing a promotion for reasons<br />

acceptable to the appointing authority will, on eventual promotion to the higher grade,<br />

loss seniority vis-a-vis, their erstwhile juniors promoted to the higher grade earlier than<br />

them irrespective of whether the posts in question are filled by selection or other wise.<br />

3. The above mentioned policy will not apply where adhoc promotions against short term<br />

vacancies are refused.<br />

4. However, there should be no ban for consideration of his promotion by the next DPC.<br />

Authority :- Govt. of India, Dept of Pers and Administrative Reforms<br />

OM No. 1/3/69-Estt(D) dated 22 Nov 75.<br />

174<br />




Introduction.<br />

1. Confirmation means grant of permanency in the Department. This is an important event in<br />

the service, which makes an individual eligible for promotion, pensionery benefits besides<br />

privileges like seniority, maintenance of lien etc. It is granted once in entire service in initially<br />

appointed post/trade. Confirmation is essential in another trade also in which an individual has<br />

been re-appointed, although, he is already confirmed in his previous category.<br />

Eligibility.<br />

2. A Government servant is eligible for confirmation after successful completion of<br />

probationary period of 2 years.<br />

Procedure.<br />

3. DPC (Confirmation) is done once in a year during Apr/May vide HQ DGBR letter<br />

No.12611/DPC/VOL-07/DGBR/222/EG2 dt 14 Mar 2008 so that personnel of all categories are<br />

considered at least once during the year. A list of categories to be considered in each year is<br />

chalked out and sent annually in January every year to HQ DGBR for perusal, approval and<br />

issue to convening order at the appropriate time as per HQ DGBR letter No<br />

25211/DPC/1989/DGBR/EG2 dated 08 Mar 89. In the meantime, the action as enumerated<br />

below is taken by DPC (Confirmation) Cell :-<br />

(a) Issue a detailed letter to Projects in the beginning of each year indicating,<br />

interalia, the categories to be considered and the date of seniority. Besides, following<br />

certificate and details of personnel not to be considered is also asked from them :-<br />

(i) All direct recruits including re-appointed cases of respective categories<br />

with seniority upto………have successfully completed the probationary period.<br />

(ii) No one is involved in Disciplinary/Vigilance Case/Court of Inquiry.<br />

(iii)<br />

No one is left whose character and antecedents have been verified.<br />

(b) An eligibility list for confirmation in respect of the particular category is<br />

prepared from the MSL in quadruplicate.<br />

(c) After exercise of proper check of the list, the Unit/Project is marked from the<br />

location and computer section with a view to collect record set of service documents<br />

from ER Group.ACRs are also collected from ACR Section.<br />

175<br />



(d) Date of successful completion of probation period is checked from the Record<br />

Set of service documents and entry made in the eligibility list against each individual.<br />

(e) A certificate to the effect that the particulars mentioned in the eligibility list have<br />

been verified from the MSL and are correct in all respects is annexed to other<br />

certificates being furnished to the DPC Board.<br />

(f) A check list as introduced is signed by all concerned for each category and kept<br />

in the office copy of DPC proceedings<br />

(g) The board proceedings (IAFD- 931) and panel are typed after marking serial<br />

numbers as per ascending order of date of completion of probation period and got<br />

signed from the board.<br />

(h) Orders of Competent Authority is also typed and kept ready.<br />

4. The Dte convenes DPC board comprising of Chairman not below the rank of Lt Col/SE<br />

and one member of Major/EE/SAO rank as per R&P Rules 1982 and one member from outside<br />

the Deptt for each year. The board verifies the entry regarding successful completion of<br />

probation period in record set of service documents and reports from the Projects regarding<br />

fitness based on the MSL centrally maintained and makes the recommendations for fitness for<br />

confirmation on the proceedings. The instructions contained in G of I, Min of Pers, Public<br />

Grievances & Pension( Deptt of Pers & Trg) OM No 18011/86 Estt (D) dt 28 Mar 88 are strictly<br />

adhered to.<br />

5. The Board Proceedings of the DPC are then submitted to competent authority for<br />

approval. On receipt of approved copy of the proceedings, the confirmation order are finally<br />

issued under the signature of CRO to all projects and HQ TFs for onward circulation to units<br />

under their command for publication of casualty in the daily order Part II and thereby entry<br />

recorded in the service documents of the individual concerned.<br />

Action by Units.<br />

6. Units are expected to ensure that entry regarding successful completion of probation<br />

period is notified in DO Part II in time, besides initiating ACRs, where applicable, well in time<br />

and rendition of certificates vide Para 3 above by due date. In the event of absence of the any of<br />

the requirements, an employee is likely to be debarred from confirmation and his juniors<br />

declared so.<br />

176<br />





Introduction<br />

1. As per provision contained in Govt of India, Deptt of Pers & Trg OM No. 14014/6/86-<br />

Estt(D) dt 30 Jun 1987, as amended from time to time, compassionate appointment in Gp „C‟ &<br />

„D‟ post under Central Govt of one dependent of GREF Employee who dies in harness, can be<br />

made.<br />

2. However, near relatives are not entitled for compassionate appointment as per<br />

Judgement dated 08 Apr 1993 promulgated by Hon‟ble Supreme Court.<br />

3. The Hon‟ble Supreme Court, in its judgement date 08 Apr 1993 has held that if the<br />

appointments are confined to the son/daughter or widow of the deceased Government employee<br />

who died in harness and who needs immediate appointment on grounds of immediate need of<br />

assistance in the event of there being no other earning member in the family to supplement the<br />

loss of income from the bread winner to relieve the economic distress of the members of the<br />

family, it is un-exceptionable. But in other cases, it can not be a rule to take advantage of the<br />

memorandum to appoint the persons to these posts on the grounds of compassion. Accordingly,<br />

we allow the appeal in part and hold that the appointment in Para 1 of the Memo No<br />

14014/6/86-Estt(D) dated 30 Jun 1987 as amended is upheld and that appointment on<br />

compassionate grounds to a son/daughter or widow to assist the family to relieve economic<br />

distress by sudden demise in harness of Govt employee is valid. It is not on the grounds descent<br />

simpliciter, but exceptional circumstances for the grounds mentioned. It should be<br />

circumscribed with suitable modification by an appropriate amendment to the memorandum<br />

limiting to relieve the members of the deceased employee who died in harness, from economic<br />

distress. In other respects Article 16 (2) clearly attracted.<br />

4. The implications of the above observations/directions of the Supreme Court of the<br />

existing scheme of compassionate appointment have been examined in consultation with the<br />

Min of Law (Deptt of Legal Affairs). It has been decided to delete the provision in the existing<br />

scheme providing for appointment on compassionate ground of near relatives. In other words,<br />

no near relative will henceforth be eligible for appointment on compassionate grounds and it is<br />

only a widow or son or daughter (or adopted son or adopted daughter) of a deceased<br />

Government servant who can be considered for appointment on compassionate grounds.<br />

However if a Government servant is retired on medical grounds under Rule 38 of Central Civil<br />

Service (Pension) Rules 1972, or corresponding revision in the Central Civil Service<br />

Regulation, before attaining the age of 55 years (57 for group „D‟) and the Ministry/Department<br />

is satisfied that the family is in great economic distress his wife or son or daughter may also be<br />

considered for appointment on compassionate grounds.<br />

177<br />



5. While considering a request for compassionate appointment it may be kept in view that<br />

the purpose is to relieve the family members from economic distress due to sudden demise in<br />

harness of the Govt servant as observed by the Supreme Court.<br />

6. In a case where any member of the family of the deceased servant is already an<br />

employee and is not supporting the other members of family of the deceased, extreme caution<br />

has to be observed in ascertaining the economic distress of the members of the family of the<br />

deceased so that the facility of appointment on compassionate grounds is not circumvented and<br />

misused by making grounds that the members of the family already employed is not supporting<br />

the family.<br />

Authy :- Govt of India, Min of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions<br />

(Department of Personnel and Training) Letter No. 14014/20/90/Estt(D) dated 09-12-93.<br />

Recruitment of Females<br />

7. The recruitment of females has been banned in GREF as intimated vide Dte letter No.<br />

67043-A/Ladies/DGBR/EG2 of 17 Jan 1985. However, AG‟s Branch, Army HQrs vide their<br />

letter No. 93791/1/Org 4 (Civ) (a) dt 22 Jun 1990 have issued directives to all Command HQrs<br />

to consider and accommodate cases of female wards of deceased/medically boarded out GREF<br />

employees for compassionate appointment in lower formations of the Army to the extent<br />

feasible.<br />

Authy :- Dte letter No. 12702/Dep/L/DGBR/EG2 dt 18 Jul 1990.<br />

Compassionate Appointment in the case of Govt servants who are unmarried at the time<br />

of death and retirement on Medical grounds<br />

8. As per Govt of India, Min of Pers, PG & Pensions (Deptt of Pers & Trg) OM No<br />

14014/9/94-Estt(D) dated 22 Jun 95 received under Dte letter No<br />

12701/Dep/Policy/DGBR/EG2 dated 03 Aug 95, one of the dependent brother/sisters of such<br />

Govt servant will be eligible for consideration for appointment on compassionate grounds, if<br />

he/she gives an undertaking that he/she will look after the other family members who were<br />

dependent on the Govt servant.<br />

178<br />




TITLE<br />

1. The fund shall be called “GREF Benevolent Fund”, herein after referred to as „GBF‟.<br />


2. (a) GREF Personnel. GREF personnel shall include men and women other than<br />

officers of GREF, subject to the Army Act 1950, and governed by Civil Service<br />

Regulations.<br />

(b) GREF Officers. Those GREF Officers who are promoted to Officer‟s rank from<br />

Gp „C‟ are also included.<br />

(c) Family. For the purpose of grant of relief from GBF, the family shall include the<br />

following relatives of the deceased or missing person in order of priority.<br />

(i)<br />

(ii)<br />

(iii)<br />

(iv)<br />

Husband/ Wife in the case of female/male members of the Force.<br />

Failing (i) above, the eldest surviving son including adopted son.<br />

Failing(ii) above, the eldest unmarried daughter including adopted<br />

daughter.<br />

Failing (iii) above, the eldest surviving widowed daughter.<br />

(d) If there is no surviving member of the family as in clause 2(c) above, the family<br />

shall include :-<br />

(i)<br />

(ii)<br />

(iii)<br />

(iv)<br />

Parents (Father or Mother).<br />

Failing (i) above, eldest surviving brother below the age of 25 years.<br />

Failing (ii) above, the eldest surviving unmarried sister.<br />

Failing (iii) above, the eldest surviving widowed sister.<br />

(e) Governing Council. Governing Council is the Council of Members appointed<br />

herein as per Para 7 of this SOP.<br />

(f) Workmen Compensation Act 1923. The act which authorises compensation<br />

from the Govt for various categories of working in road construction activities. Hence<br />

for the will be called WCA 1923.<br />

179<br />




3. (a) Eligibility. „The membership of the fund shall be for all employees of the GREF‟<br />

(b) Application. Application form as prescribed in Apeendix „A‟ shall be filled by<br />

every member and forwarded to GREF Records.<br />


(c) Cessation. A person shall cease to be a member of the GBF in the event of<br />

retirement/dismissal/death/resignation/invalidment.<br />

4. The objects of the fund is to relieve the family of member from financial distress and to<br />

provide financial assistance to the employees in the following circumstances.<br />

(a) When a member dies while in service leaving his/her dependents in indigent<br />

circumstances.<br />

(b)<br />

When a member is invalided with prolonged illness.<br />

(c) When a member is invalided out of service on medical grounds or premature<br />

retirement due to illness/other unforeseen circumstances<br />

(d) When a member is declared „missing‟ and later presumed „dead‟ as per laid<br />

down policy.<br />


5. The fund shall be generated/created by means of :-<br />

(a)<br />

Annual subscription @ Rs 100/- per annum from all members of GBF<br />

(b) Grant-in-aid @ Rs 1/- per annum per sanctioned strength as sanctioned by the<br />

Govt vide Min of Home Affairs O.M No. 2(I)/1/78/Welfare dated 13 Mar 78.<br />

(c)<br />

Any other donation/grant received from Central or State Govts.<br />

180<br />



6. Initial Subscription from Newly Appointed GREF Perssonnel . Subscription @ Rs<br />

100/- per head from newly appointed GREF personnel will be collected by GREF Centre (ITW)<br />

and remitted to Secretary, GBF within one month of their appointment. An endorsement to this<br />

effect will also be made in the movement order at the time of dispatch of these pers to their<br />

units.<br />


7. Governing Council. The fund will be maintained and controlled by a Governing<br />

Council consisting of 7 ex-officio members as follows :-<br />

Chairman : DDG (Pers) HQ DGBR<br />

Dy Chairman : Commandant GREF Centre<br />

Members : 1. CRO, GREF Records (Secretary)<br />

2. RMO, GREF Centre<br />

3. Accts Offr, GBF<br />

4. Senior most Supvr from B/R or E/M cadre in<br />

GREF Centre<br />

5. Senior most Supdt from Clerical or Store Cadre in<br />

GREF Centre<br />

8. Functions of the office bearers<br />

Chairman<br />

Dy Chairman<br />

Members 1.<br />

Member 2.<br />

Member 3<br />

Member 4.<br />

Member 5<br />

He will preside over the meeting of the Governing Council.<br />

Commandant GREF Centre and Officer-in-Charge GREF<br />

Records. In the absence of Chairman, he will preside over the<br />

meeting.<br />

He will perform the duties of the Secretary of the Governing<br />

Council.<br />

Medical Officer in attendance who will examine the cases<br />

sponsored for financial assistance from the medical point of view.<br />

He will act as Accounts Officer of the GREF Benevolent Fund, as<br />

nominated by Deputy Chairman and will be responsible to<br />

maintain the accts and all connected documents pertaining to the<br />

Fund.<br />

He will act as representative of the subordinate staff in connection<br />

with sanction of grants.<br />

He will maintain all documents pertaining to the Fund and will<br />

assist the Accts Officer in maintaining the documents and cash<br />

books.<br />

181<br />



9. Powers of the Governing Council.<br />

(a) The Governing Council shall carry out the objects of the GBF and generally<br />

exercise all powers in furtherance thereof.<br />

(b) Quorum. Minimum five members of the Governing Council shall form the<br />

quorum at any meeting to consider applications for grants to the members and/or their<br />

dependents.<br />

(c)<br />

The council shall have power to frame and amend By-laws and Rules of GBF.<br />


10. Beneficiaries. The benefits of the GBF shall be for all those.<br />

(a) members who are enrolled as members of the GBF, as defined in para 2(a) and<br />

(b) above.<br />

(b)<br />

(c)<br />

members of the families as defined in para 2(c) and (d) above.<br />

loans for marriage/debt etc will not be granted from GBF.<br />

11. Scale of Financial Assistance. The quantum and nature of benefits shall be determined<br />

by the Governing Council, subject to instructions received from the Govt based on the merits of<br />

each case and further subject to limitation of such aid as laid down below :-<br />

(a) Death cases not covered by WCA-1923 - Rs 20,000/-<br />

(b) Death cases covered by WCA-1923 - Rs 16,000/-<br />

(c) Invalidment cases not covered by WCA-1923 - Rs 16,000/-<br />

(d) Invalidment cases covered by WCA-1923 - Rs 12,000/-<br />

12. When a member is prematurely retired due to sickness or is on prolonged leave without<br />

pay or on reduced pay or suffers other unforeseen misfortunes and in any other such cases, as<br />

may be deemed fit by the Governing Council, a sum not exceeding Rs 5,000/- may be<br />

sanctioned to that member.<br />

182<br />



13. A person who has subscribed to the fund as a subordinate and is later promoted to the<br />

rank of an officer in the department will be entitled to the assistance as per paras 11 and 12<br />

above, but the same will be proportionately reduced by a multiplying factor as give below.<br />

Number of years the indl has subscribed to the fund (any figure exceeding 90 days<br />

will be rounded off to next higher year)<br />

The total number of years of service of the indl up to the time he becomes eligible<br />

or applies for relief/assistance rounded off to the nearest higher year.<br />


14. The Governing Council will meet at GREF Centre once in every quarter. The quorum<br />

for meeting will be five. All cases received for grant of assistance from the GBF during the<br />

quarter will be put up for consideration and sanction by Governing Council.<br />

15. Dy Chairman is empowered to sanction the following payments to the NOK/legal<br />

heir/individual concerned immediately on receipt of intimation.<br />

(a) Death cases not covered by WCA-1923 - Rs 20,000/-<br />

(b) Death cases covered by WCA-1923 - Rs 16,000/-<br />

(c) Invalidment cases not covered by WCA-1923 - Rs 16,000/-<br />

(d) Invalidment cases covered by WCA-1923 - Rs 12,000/-<br />

16. Payment out of Regimental Fund. Financial assistance may be given immediately on<br />

occurrence of death/medical invalidment, directly by OC Unit/TF Cdr/CE Project to the<br />

concerned NOK/individual out of their Regimental fund, through a representative generally sent<br />

alongwith the personal belongings.<br />

17. Urgency. Emergent and unforeseen situations, like sudden and serious illness of the<br />

Govt servant, sometimes coupled with absence from duty without pay for long periods on<br />

account of such illness or his/her death in harness may leave the families of such Govt servants<br />

in great financial distress. At such times, the financial assistance must be readily available to<br />

enable the family to tide over the genuine financial stringency. Therefore, the urgency of<br />

financial assistance to the family of the deceased must be appreciated and action to make<br />

payment to the NOK of the deceased taken promptly. In cases of any delay, the matter shall be<br />

brought to the notice of Chairman.<br />

18. Reimbursement from GBF. The amount so paid by the unit will be reimbursed from the<br />

GBF as per Rules, on production of proof of amount having been received by the NOK/indl.<br />

183<br />



19. Claiming Procedure. CE Project/TF Cdr/OC Unit should submit claim for<br />

reimbursement of financial assistance from GBF paid out of their Regtl Fund to “The Secretary,<br />

GBF, GREF Records” alongwith the following certificates.<br />

(a) Application as per Appx „A‟ to ROI 2/70 dated 21 Jul 70 (for medical<br />

invalidment cases only). Form is enclosed at Appx „B‟.<br />

(b)<br />

Medical Board Proceedings (AFMSF-15) (for medical invalidment cases only).<br />

(c) Cash receipt from NOK of deceased duly countersigned by OC unit affixed with<br />

Re. 1/- revenue stamp as per specimen attached as per Appx „C‟.<br />

(d)<br />

Certificate as per Appx „D‟.<br />

20. Periodicity for submission of claims by units. The periodicity for submission of claims<br />

for reimbursement is given below. Every Endeavour must be made to comply with the framed<br />

time schedule.<br />

Ser<br />

No<br />

Occurrence Time period Claim to be<br />

initiated by<br />

(a) Death cases Within 3 months from the date of death<br />

of indl/receipt of money receipt from<br />

NOK<br />

Units<br />

(b)<br />

Medically<br />

invalided cases<br />

Within 3 months from the date of<br />

invalidment<br />

Units<br />

(c)<br />

Prematurely<br />

retired Pers due to<br />

illness/Other<br />

unforeseen<br />

circumstances<br />

Within one year of occurrence by the<br />

concerned member through his last unit.<br />

Advance copy will be sent directly to<br />

GREF Centre<br />

Member<br />

(d)<br />

Missing/Presumed<br />

Dead cases<br />

Within 3 months of declaring “Missing”<br />

of “Presumed Dead”<br />

Unit<br />


21. Opening of A/C in SBI. The account shall be opened in SBI or any other Nationalised<br />

Bank.<br />

184<br />



22. Operation of Account. Cash Book will be maintained/operated by the Acct Offr GBF<br />

as nominated by the Dy Chairman. However, bank account will be jointly operated by the Ist &<br />

3 rd members of the Governing Council.<br />

23. Investment of the Fund. The fund shall be invested in PSU/Nationalised Banks/UTI etc,<br />

after concurrence by the Governing Council. No amount shall be invested in a loss making PSU<br />

or <strong>Organisation</strong>.<br />

24. System of Accounting. Proper accounts shall be kept by the Secretary Accts Offr of the<br />

fund. By the 10 th of each month the accounts will be put up to Dy Chairman through GBF<br />

Secretary/Accts Offr. The accounting year will be the same as the financial year viz from Ist<br />

April of calendar year to 31 st March of the following year. A consolidated annual account for<br />

the year ending 31 st March shall be prepared by the Secretary/Accts Offr showing receipts and<br />

payments during the year supported by their relevant documents and shall be submitted to the<br />

Chairman of the fund by 30 th Jun for producing the same to the Governing Council. The<br />

Governing Council shall ensure that the registers for withdrawal and payments are properly<br />

maintained and adequate provisions are made for systematic internal check for the regular<br />

accounting of the disbursements.<br />

25. Bank Draft Charges & MO Commission. Mode of payment will be decided by the<br />

Secretary GBF. MO commission and charges for bank drafts as applicable will be met from the<br />

fund and will not be deducted from the benefits sanctioned.<br />

26. Expenditure on Stationery. Expenditure on stationery required for documentation<br />

exclusively pertaining to GBF, which cannot be met from any Government sources may be met<br />

out of this fund. The following members of the Council can sanction expenditure for purchase<br />

of stationery on this account :-<br />

(a) Upto Rs 3,000/- per annum - Dy Chairman of Governing Council.<br />

(b) Beyond Rs 3,000/- and upto - Chairman of Governing Council<br />

Rs 5,000/- per annum<br />

27. Auditing of Accounts. Accounts shall be made available by the Secretary for audit by<br />

the Quarterly Audit Board to be appointed for the purpose by the Governing Council. In<br />

addition, the accounts will be got audited by Chartered Accountant where the annual assets<br />

exceed Rupees five lakhs expenditure.<br />

185<br />



28. Powers and Duties of the Governing Council. The Governing Council may frame rules<br />

to regulate the following :-<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

(c)<br />

(d)<br />

Receipts and Grants<br />

Collection of contribution and subscription.<br />

Maintenance of Accounts<br />

Investment of money of the fund<br />

(e) The quantum of the amount to be disbursed annually in relief and otherwise<br />

generally to give effect to the objects of the fund.<br />


29. Registration of the fund. The GBF has been registered vide Srl No S/9261 dated 27 Apr<br />

78 under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860.<br />


30. Suitable administrative instructions based on the Rules as above will be issued by<br />

Commandant GREF Centre to all concerned.<br />

31. Approved by the Ministry of Home Affairs, Department of Personnel and<br />

Administrative Reforms U.O. No.3002/77-W dated 09 Aug 77 and Sectt BRDB Note No<br />

F.81/5/69-Pers dated 29 Aug 77.<br />

32. As the Governing Council of GREF Benevolent Fund is affiliated to Registrar of<br />

Societies , the following provisions of the Societies Act 1860 will be incumbent upon the said<br />

Governing Council.<br />

(a) Annual List of Managing Body to be filed. The Society shall file a list of<br />

Governing Council in the Office of Registrar every year in compliance will Sec 4 of the<br />

Societies Act, 1860.<br />

(b) Societies enabled to alter, extend or abridge their purposes. Whenever it shall<br />

appear to the Governing Council that it is advisable to alter, amend, extend the<br />

provisions of the rules of the GREF Benevolent Fund or to amalgamate this with other<br />

body, the Governing Council may convene a special meeting for the purpose. In this<br />

connection the provisions of Sec 12 of the Societies Registration Act will be kept in<br />

view.<br />

186<br />



(c) Dissolution of Funds. In the event of the dissolution of the Governing Council<br />

or the fund, any number not less than three-fifths of the members of the Council may<br />

determine to dissolve. In case of dissolution of funds, the residual amount then existing<br />

will be distributed among the beneficiaries sponsored at that time. Before taking steps<br />

for dissolution the procedure laid down in Sec 13 and 14 of the said Act will be<br />

followed.<br />

33. In addition to above, all provisions of the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860, as<br />

extended to the Union Territory of Delhi will apply to the Rules and Regulations of the GREF<br />

Benevolent Fund stipulated above and amendments if any effected in future.<br />

34. These rules will be effective with effect from 01 Apr 2001 vide HQ HQ DGBR letter No<br />

11497/GBF/DGBR/EG 1 and amended time to time vide HQ DGBR letter No<br />

11497/GBF/DGBR/110/EG1 dt 11 Feb 02, 11512/P/DGBR/158/EG1 dt 16 Jun 03 and<br />

114987/GBF/DGBR/87/EG1 dt 06 Jun 08.<br />

35. This supersedes all previous rules/orders/instructions on the subject.<br />

Authority :-<br />

GREF Benevolent Fund Rules 1988 as amended from time to time by<br />

Dte GBR vide HQ DGBR letter No. 11497/GBF/DGBR/EGI,<br />

11497/GBF/DGBR/ 110/EGI dt 11 Feb 2002, 11512/P/DGBR/158/EGI<br />

dt 16 Jun 2003 and 114987/GBF/ DGBR/87/EGI dt -6 Jun 2008.<br />

187<br />



Appendix “A”<br />


1. Name (in full)<br />

Designation<br />

Shri/Smt.Kum___________________________________<br />

2. Father‟s/Husband‟sName<br />

3. Date of birth/retirement<br />

4. Whether permanent or<br />

Temporary<br />

5. Name of the<br />

section/office, where<br />

working<br />

I hereby declare that I have read the Model Rules of the Benevolent Fund and am<br />

desirous of becoming a member of this Fund. I agree to pay Rs ____________ (Rupees<br />

_____________________________________ only) annually towards the subscription of this<br />

fund.<br />

Signature ____________________________<br />

Dated_______________________________<br />

Verification certificate from Administration Wing of the Department/office.<br />

Certified that Shri/Smt/Kum. __________________________ son/wife/daughter of<br />

____________________________________________________ is a regular/permanent servant<br />

in the grade of ________________________________ in this Ministry/Department/Office.<br />

Signature of the OC Unit/TF/CE<br />

188<br />



Appendix “B”<br />

Part I<br />




(To be sent to Record Office in triplicate)<br />

1. GREF No ____________ Rank_____________Name _________________________<br />

Unit ____________________ Task Force ____________ Project _____________<br />

2. Date of Appointment :<br />

3. Date of discharge on medical grounds :<br />

4. Disease due to which discharged :<br />

from service on Medical Grounds<br />

5. Period spent in Hospital : Date of admission & Date of Discharge<br />

6. Whether served in the GREF for : Yes/No<br />

more than a year free of disease<br />

(delete whichever is not applicable)<br />

7. Address of the individual at which grant is to be remitted :<br />

8. Recommendation of OC Unit<br />

(Signature of OC unit)<br />

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

9. Recommendation of Commander Task Force<br />

(Signature of Commander TF)<br />

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

10. Recommendation of CE Project<br />

(Signature of Chief Engineer)<br />

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Part-II<br />

11. Recommendation of Secretary GREF Benevolent Fund<br />

(Secretary of GREF Benevolent Fund<br />

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

12. Orders of the Sanctioning Authority.<br />

189<br />



Appendix “C”<br />


Received a sum of Rs __________________ (Rupees<br />

_____________________________________________________________ only) on account of<br />

financial assistance from GBF through Regimental Fund (unit Name)<br />

___________________________________ through an account payee cheque/bank draft No<br />

__________________________ dated __________________________ payable at SBI<br />

___________________________<br />

Rs ______________________<br />

Place :<br />

Date<br />

GS No _______________ Trade _______<br />

Name _____________________________<br />

Address___________________________<br />


_______________________<br />

_______________________<br />

_______________________<br />

Dated :<br />

190<br />



Appendix “D”<br />


1. It is certified that Ex/GS ____________________ Trade __________________<br />

Name _____________________________________ of _______________________________<br />

(unit) died/was medically boarded out on _______________________ due to<br />

__________________________________ (name of disease) while on duty/leave.<br />

2. He is covered/not covered by WCA 1923.<br />

3. He is eligible for compensation in terms of Chapter I of Sec 2 (I) (n) of Schedule II and<br />

Chapter II, Sec 3(I) read with parts A to C of Schedule III of WCA-1923 and the same has been<br />

paid/being paid to his NOK.<br />

4. He is not eligible for compensation under WCA as cause of death does not fall under the<br />

provisions of Chapter I of Sec 2 (I) (n) of Schedule II and Chapter II, Sec 3 (I) read with parts<br />

A to C schedule III of WCA, 1923, hence the compensation has not been paid to NOK.<br />

Station :<br />

(with round stamp)<br />

Dated : (Signature of OC Unit)<br />

191<br />



<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 17<br />




Introduction<br />

1. During the SO I/II (P) conference held at GREF Centre, a point was discussed for<br />

revision of existing formats of DOs Part II given in the Manual of Documentation GREF<br />

Personnel 1985. The formats so identified by GREF Records after consultation with PAO<br />

(GREF), CDA (SC) Pune and the same were approved by HQ DGBR.<br />

Revised Format<br />

2. Based on the points discussed in the SOI/II (P) conference held at GREF Centre during<br />

1995, GREF Records has been able to identify some existing Part II order formats as given<br />

below which require immediate revision so as to include some information that is considered<br />

necessary to streamline the publication of personal occurrences by units/Fmns and facilitating<br />

correct entry in service documents of GREF subordinates and data capturing by Computer :-<br />

(a) Recruitment/Appointment Appendix „AQ‟<br />

(b)<br />

(c)<br />

Successful completion of probation period Appendix „AR‟<br />

(Appointment/Re-appointment)<br />

Medical categorisation/Review Med board Appendix „AS‟<br />

(d) Productivity test for Pioneers and yearly Appendix „AT‟<br />

extension of service after attaining<br />

the age of 50 years<br />

3. The DOs Part II formats mentioned above have since been approved by HQ DGBR for<br />

implementation and use of revised formats by Projects/Units with immediate effect.<br />

4. Other formats as given in Manual of Documentation GREF pers 1985 as amended vide<br />

Special <strong>Border</strong> <strong>Roads</strong> Office Order No. 01/91 will continue to be followed. OsC Unit will<br />

ensure hundred percent accuracy and correctness in publication of DOs Part II.<br />

Authority : HQ DGBR letter No 17621/Manual/Docs/DGBR/E2A (Procedure)<br />

dated 09 Oct 96.<br />

192<br />



5. DOs Part II will be issued strictly in accordance with laid formats (Refer Manual of<br />

Documentation, BROO 1/91 and DDG (Pers) DO letter No 17621/Manual Doc/DGBR/E2A<br />

(Proc) dated 11 Dec 1996). Incorrect DOs Part II will not be adjusted by PAO GREF and thus<br />

payments due thereon will not be made.<br />

6. PAO GREF will send a summary containing general short comings on DOs Part II to<br />

Pers Dte with copy to all Chief Engineers every quarter. System for feed back to the Projects<br />

on discrepant DOs Part II will be worked out by PAO GREF in consulation with CDA (SC) and<br />

intimated to Pers Dte and CEs on TOP PRIORITY.<br />

Authority : HQ DGBR letter No 17621/Manual/Docs/DGBR/E2A (Procedure) dated<br />

09 Oct 96.<br />

7. Format of personal occurrences : Formats of personal occurrence for publicationof Part<br />

II Order (refer to para 5 above) issued by HQ DGBR as amended from time to time is<br />

reproduced at Appendix „AAO‟<br />

193<br />



<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 18<br />




Introduction<br />

1. Pension awards in respect of GREF personnel are contained in the CCS (pen) Rules,<br />

1972 and Govt of India letters issued from time to time.<br />

Types of pensionary Awards<br />

2. The pensionary awards are of following types:-<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

(c)<br />

(d)<br />

(e)<br />

(f)<br />

(g)<br />

(h)<br />

Superannuation Pension.<br />

Retiring Pension<br />

Pension on absorption in or under a Corporation, Company or body.<br />

Invalid Pension.<br />

Compensation Pension<br />

Compulsory retirement Pension.<br />

Compassionate allowance<br />

Family Pension<br />

Verification of Qualifying Service after 25 Years or 5 Years before retirement<br />

3. Strict compliance of the requirements of Sub-rule (1) of Rule 32 of the CCS (Pension)<br />

Rules, 1972, provides that on a Govt servant completing twenty five years of service, or on his<br />

being left with five years of service before the date of retirement, whichever is earlier, the Head<br />

of Office in consultation with the Accounts officer shall in accordance with the rules for the<br />

time being in force, verify the service rendered by such a Govt servant, determine the qualifying<br />

service and communicate to him, in Form 24, the period of qualifying service so determined.<br />

Emoluments<br />

4. The term Emoluments means pay as defined in Rule 9 (21) of the Fundamental Rules<br />

which a Govt servant was receiving immediately before his retirement or on the date of his<br />

death and will also include non-practicing allowance granted to medical officer in lieu of private<br />

practice<br />

194<br />



5. Average emoluments determined with reference to the emoluments drawn by a Govt<br />

servant during the last ten month service.<br />

Superannuation Pension<br />

6. A superannuation Pension shall be granted to a Govt servant who is retiring on attaining<br />

the prescribed age of superannuation.<br />

7. Government servent shall retire from service wef the afternoon of the last day of the<br />

month in which their date of retirement falls. However, a person whose date of birth is 1st of a<br />

month shall retire on the last day of preceeding month.<br />

Reckoning of date of birth when exact/month is not known<br />

8. If a Govt servant is unable to state his exact date of birth but can state the year or year<br />

and month of birth, the 1 St Jul or 16 th of the month, respectively, shall be treated as the date of<br />

his birth. If he is only able to state his approximate age, his date of birth shall be assumed to be<br />

the corresponding date after deducting the number of years representing his age from his date of<br />

appointment.<br />

Retiring Pension<br />

9. A retiring pension shall be granted:-<br />

(a) to a Govt servant who retires, or is retired, in advance of the age of compulsory<br />

retirement in accordance with the provisions of Rule 48 or 48A of CCS (pension) Rules<br />

1972 or Rule 56 of the Fundamental Rules of Article 459 of the civil service<br />

Regulations and,<br />

(b) to a Govt servant who, on being declared surplus opts for Voluntary retirement in<br />

accordance with the provisions of Rule 29 of CCS (pension) Rules, 1972.<br />

10. Linkage of full pension with 33 years of qualifying serving shall be dispensed with once<br />

a Govt servant has rendered the minimum qualifying service of 20 years, pension shall be paid<br />

at 50% of the emoluments or average emoluments, which ever is more beneficial to the Govt<br />

servant. The amount of pension shall be subject to minimum of Rs. 3500/- pm.<br />

11. In cases where Govt servant becomes entitled to pension on completion of 10 years of<br />

qualifying service in accordance with Rule 49 (2) of the CCS (pension) Rules 1972, pension in<br />

those case shall also be paid at 50% of the emoluments or average emoluments which ever is<br />

more beneficial to the Govt servant<br />



195<br />

12. The revised provisions for calculations for pension in para 10 & 11 above shall come<br />

with force with effect from the date of issue of Min of Pers, Public Grievances & pensions OM<br />

No. F.No. 38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 2 nd Sep 2008 and shall be applicable to Govt servants<br />

retiring on or after that date. The Govt servants who have retired on or after 01.01.2006 but<br />

before the date of issue of above OM will continue to be governed by the rules/orders which<br />

were in force immediately before coming with effect of these orders.<br />

Date of effect.<br />

13. The orders regarding retirement on the last day of the month will not apply to the cases<br />

of premature retirement.<br />

Pension on Absorption in or under a Corporation Company<br />

14. A Govt servant who has been permitted to be absorbed in a service or post in or under a<br />

Corporation or company wholly or substantially owned or controlled by the Central Govt or a<br />

State Govt or in or under a body controlled or financed by the Central Government or a State<br />

Govt, shall be deemed to have retired from service from the date of such absorption and he shall<br />

be eligible to receive retirement benefits which he may have elected or deemed to have elected<br />

and from such date as may be determined, in accordance with the orders of the Central Govt<br />

applicable to him.<br />

Invalid Pension<br />

15. Invalid pension may be granted if a Govt servant retires from the service on account of<br />

any bodily or mental infirmity which permanently incapacitates him for the service.<br />

16. A Govt servant applying for an invalid pension shall submit a medical certificate of<br />

incapacity from the following medical authority, namely:-<br />

(a) A medical Board in the case of a Gazetted Govt servant and of a non-gazetted<br />

Govt servant whose pay, as defined in Rule 9 (21) of the Fundamental Rules, exceeds<br />

two thousand and two hundred rupees per mention.<br />

(b) Civil Surgeon or a District Medical Officer or Medical Officer of equivalent<br />

status in other cases.<br />

Compensation Pension<br />

17 If a Government servant is selected for discharge owing to the abolition of his<br />

permanent post, he shall, unless he is appointed to another post the conditions of which are<br />

deemed by the authority competent to discharge him to be at least equal to those of his own,<br />

have the option:-<br />

(a)<br />

Of taking compensation pension to which entitled for the service he had<br />



rendered, or<br />

(b) Of accepting another appointment on such pay as may be offered and continuing<br />

to count his previous service for pension.<br />

(c) Notice of at least three months shall be given to Government servant in<br />

permanent employment before his service are dispensed with on the abolition of his<br />

permanent post.<br />

196<br />

(d) Where notice of at least three months is not given and the Government servant<br />

has not been provided with other employment on the date on which his service are<br />

dispensed with, the authority competent to dispense with his services may sanction the<br />

payment of a sum not exceeding the pay and allowances for the period by which the<br />

notice actually given to him falls short of three months.<br />

(e) No compensation pension shall be payable for the period in respect of which he<br />

received pay and allowances in lieu of notice.<br />

18. In case a Govt Servant is granted pay and allowances for the period by which the notice<br />

given to him falls short of three months and he is re-employed before the expiry of the period<br />

for which he has received pay and allowances he shall refund the pay and allowances so<br />

received for the period following his re-employment.<br />

19. If a Govt Servant who is entitled to compensation pension accepts instead another<br />

appointment under the Government and subsequently becomes entitled to receive a pension of<br />

any class, the amount of such pension shall not be less than the compensation pension which he<br />

could have claimed if he had not accepted the appointment.<br />

Compulsory Retirement Pension<br />

20. A Government servant compulsorily retired from service as a penalty may be granted,<br />

by the authority competent to impose such penalty, pension or gratuity or both at a rate not less<br />

than two-thirds and not more than full compensation pension gratuity or both admissible to him<br />

on the date of his compulsory retirement.<br />

21. Whenever in the case of a Government servant the President passes an order (whether<br />

original, appellate or in exercise or power or review) awarding a pension less than the full<br />

compensation pension admissible under these rules, the Union Public Commission shall be<br />

consulted before such order is passed.<br />



22. A pension granted or awarded under sub-rule(1) of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 or, as the<br />

case may be, under sub-rule(2) of the said rules, shall not be less than the amount of Rupees<br />

three thousand five hundred per mensem.<br />

Compassionate Allowance<br />

23. A Government servant who is dismissed or removed from service shall forfeit his<br />

pension and gratuity:-<br />

(a) Provided that the authority competent to dismiss or remove him from service<br />

may, if the case is deserving of special consideration, sanction a compassionate<br />

allowance not exceeding two-thirds of pension or gratuity or both which would have<br />

been admissible to him if he had retired on compensation pension.<br />

Compassionate Allowance<br />

197<br />

24. A Compassionate allowance sanctioned under the provision to sub rule (1) shall not be<br />

less than the amount of Rupees three thousandand five hundred per mensem.<br />

Commutation of Compassionate Allowance permissible<br />

25. Govt servant drawing Compassionate Allowance under Rule 41 of the Central Civil<br />

Service (Pension) Rules, 1972, are entitled to commute a part of Compassionate Allowance as<br />

in the case of other kinds of pension. Since Compassionate Allowance is one of the various<br />

kinds of pensions enumerated in the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972, and as such the CCS<br />

(Commutation of Pension) Rules, 1981, would apply to the Compassionate Allowance in the<br />

same manner as in respect of any other class of pension.<br />

Procedure for the grant of Compassionate Allowance<br />

26. In order to avoid delay in the payment of compassionate allowance, the following<br />

procedure should be adopted in cases relating to officers removed from service:-<br />

(a) On receipt of the orders of the competent authority removing an officer from<br />

service for misconduct, insolvency or inefficiency, the Head of the Office, if proposes to<br />

recommend the grant of a compassionate allowance, should fill in the application for<br />

pension and send it to the Accounts Officer concerned for report on the title to pension.<br />

The Head of the Office should not wait for an application from the officer.<br />

(b) If the competent authority in issuing orders of removal states that a certain<br />

proportion of the compensation pension is to be granted as compassionate allowance, no<br />

further sanction to pension is necessary, and all that is required is that the Accounts<br />

Officer should certify to the admissibility of the pension on a pension application<br />

completed and signed by the Head of the Officer as provided in para (a) above.<br />



1. The Provisions of this rule shall apply:-<br />

198<br />

FAMILY PENSION: 1964<br />

(a) To a Govt servant entering service in a Pensionable establishment on or after the<br />

1 st January 1964.<br />

(b) To a Govt servant who was in service on the 31 st December 1963 and came to be<br />

governed by the provisions of the Family Pension Scheme for Central Government<br />

Employees 1964, contained in the Ministry of Finance, Office Memorandum No 9(16)-<br />

E(A)/63 dated 31 Dec 63 as in force immediately before the commencement of these<br />

rules.<br />

Note: - The provisions of this rule will also extend, from 22 Sep 77 to Government<br />

servants on pensionable establishments who retired/died before 31 Dec 63 as also to<br />

those who were alive on 31 Dec 63 but had opted out of 1964 Scheme.<br />

2. Without prejudice to the provisions contained in sub rule (3), where a Government<br />

servant dies:-<br />

(a) after completion of one year of continuous service, or before completion of one<br />

year of continuous service provided the deceased Government servant concerned<br />

immediately prior to his appointment to the service or post was examined by the<br />

appropriate medical authority and declared fit by that authority for Government service;<br />

or<br />

(b) After retirement from service and was on the date of death in receipt of a<br />

pension, or compassionate allowance, the family of the deceased shall be entitled to<br />

Family Pension 1964 the amount of which shall be uniform rate of 30% of emoluments<br />

in all cases, subject to minimum of Rs.3500.00 pm and maximum of 30% of the highest<br />

pay.<br />

3. The amount of family pension shall be fixed at monthly rates and be expressed in<br />

whole rupees and where the family pension contains a fraction of a rupee, it shall be rounded off<br />

to the next higher rupee, provided that in no case a family pension in excess of the maximum<br />

prescribed under this rule shall be allowed.<br />

(a) Where a Govt servant, who is governed by the Workmen‟s Compensation Act,<br />

1923 (8 of 1923), dies while in service after having rendered not less than seven years<br />

continuous service, the rate of family pension payable to the family shall be equal to 50<br />

percent of the pay last drawn twice the family pension admissible under sub-rule (2),<br />

whichever is less, and the amount so admissible shall be payable from the date following<br />

the date of death of the Govt servent for a period of seven years, or for a period upto the<br />

date on which the deceased Govt servant would have attained the age of 65 years had he<br />

survived, whichever is less.<br />



199<br />



(b) In the event of death of a Govt Servant after retirement the family pension as determined<br />

under sub clause(i) shall be payable for a period of seven years, or for a period upto the date on<br />

which the retired deceased Govt servant would have attained the age of 65 years had he<br />

survived, whichever is less.<br />

200<br />




1. With effect from 01 Dec 83, the Discharge Certificate form to be issued in GREF has<br />

been revised as per format enclosed at Appendix „AU‟.<br />


2. It has been observed that the number of non-effective persons applying for duplicate<br />

discharge certificate is on the increase. It is noticed from the reasons quoted for the loss in the<br />

applications that no proper care is taken to safeguard the Discharge certificate issued.<br />

3. Duplicate discharge certificate cannot be issued as a routine but only in exceptional<br />

cases. It has accordingly been decided that with immediate effect the format of GREF discharge<br />

certificate promulgated under ROI 1998 dated 18 Jan 1999 should have the endorsement on the<br />

reverse as under:-<br />

Note 4: No duplicate discharge certificate will be issued in place of the lost one except<br />

in very exceptional cases. The individual should therefore ensure the safe custody of the<br />

certificate in his own interest.<br />

4. All units will disseminate the contents of this ROI to the persons serving under them.<br />

Authority:- HQ DGBR letter No.69564/DGBR-E1C dated 08 May 85.<br />

201<br />






Introduction<br />

1. Ex-GREF Personnel discharged due to various reasons are also being re-employed in<br />

GREF, if they fulfill the criteria for such appointments. To safeguard against re-employment of<br />

ex-GREF personnel, who are dismissed under CCS (CC&A) Rule 11 (ix) and those discharged<br />

due to adverse police verification, certain precautionary steps needs to be taken.<br />

Precautionary steps to be adopted<br />

2. (a) Officer Commanding units will furnish to Record Office the particulars as per<br />

Appendix „AV‟, in duplicate, in respect of such personnel immediately the dismissal<br />

/discharge is sanctioned by the competent authority and Part-II Order published.<br />

(b) Record Office on receipt of particulars, will forward the copy of the same<br />

together with photograph of the individuals involved, where held, to GREF Centre and<br />

other copy will be retained with record set of service documents duly endorsing an entry<br />

in Appendix „AV‟. GREF Records will also circulate names of dismissed GREF<br />

personnel to all Projects/TF/Units quarterly.<br />

(c) GREF Centre (EI Rtg) will maintain a permanent register giving the information<br />

as per the appendix duly pasted the photograph against the entries of the individual.<br />

3. Instruction on prohibition against the re-employment of Ex- GREF personnel dismissed<br />

from service for civil offences contained in Record Office letter No 0003/195/ AR-I dated<br />

17 May 80 will continue to be followed.<br />

202<br />





1. Ex-GREF personnel once they have left the unit on release, discharge or<br />

Superannuation, have on many occasion generated false hopes or have been the cause of<br />

creating apprehension in the mind of these personnel.<br />

2. The unit usually send a routine reply to the individuals that his claims are either under<br />

preparation or submitted to the higher authorities for finalisation. This creates an impression<br />

that the individual is entitled for pensionary or other benefits and it is only a matter of time<br />

when these claims would be sanctioned. In many of such cases a careful study of the rules<br />

would indicate that he is not so entitled. As a consequence, when the claims are rejected by the<br />

audit, an embrrassing situation airses.<br />

3. Basically representations received from the individuals can be divided in two categories<br />

:-<br />

(a) Those Claims where Rule Position is Clear<br />

Where rule position is clear, specific reply should be given at the earliest,<br />

however, caution may be shown in indicating a time frame for payment where<br />

procedural delays like obtaining waival of time barred limits, pay fixation or audit<br />

verifications are anticipated.<br />

(b)<br />

Those Claims where the Rule Position is not Clear<br />

In these cases there is a necessity of drafting reply memorandums with care so as<br />

not to generate any false hopes in the mind of Ex-Servicemen.<br />

4. The following points should be kept in mind while answering representations received<br />

from individuals :-<br />

(a) Copies of letters regarding forwarding applications of the individuals to the<br />

higher authorities must not be endorsed to them. If need be a separate memorandum be<br />

sent to the individuals which may indicate the position ie. the case has been forwarded to<br />

the Task Force Commander/Chief Engineer or higher authorities for due consideration.<br />

(b) Memorandums or replies must be carefully worded and it should not be a source<br />

of generating a false hope or not be worded in such a manner which can later be<br />

misconstrued as an assurance. If any doubt exists, it should be indicated that the dues not<br />

appear to be entitled for the pension or other benefits under the rules and his case has<br />

been referred to the appropriate authorities for determination of eligibility in accordance<br />

with the rules.<br />

203<br />



5. Particular care must be taken while answering petitions dealing with following cases<br />

where eligibility may be in doubt :-<br />

(a) EOP. Here the two points which should be specifically checked are :<br />

(i) Is the category of the individual covered under WCA 1923 If so, he is<br />

not entitled for EOP.<br />

(ii) It the diseases are listed under Schedule I, IA Appendix 12 to CSR Vol-II <br />

(b) Invalid Pension. In the invalid pension cases, the following points need to be<br />

checked :-<br />

(i) Has individual been confirmed <br />

(ii) Has he completed 10 years service <br />

(iii) Has the incapacity from service been certified by the medical board<br />

(iv) The incapacity has not been directly caused due to the irregular or<br />

intemperate habits of a Govt servant.<br />

(c) Workmen‟s Compensation. While granting Workmen‟s Compensation, three<br />

basic factors determining eligibility must be carefully checked :-<br />

(i) Is the category of the GREF person to be treated as Workmen under<br />

WCA 1923 The doubts will arise with regard to the categories not directly<br />

working on road.<br />

(ii) Did the person sustain injury as a consequence of and in the course of his<br />

employment <br />

(iii) Is the disease listed under Schedule III of WCA 1923 <br />

6. Even if doubts arise the replies of the representation to individuals should be prompt and<br />

specific, so that the personnel feel that their representations are receiving proper attention.<br />

7. It has also been decided that, in future copies of all reply memorandums to Ex GREF<br />

personnel on their representations sent by units should be endorsed to respective Task Force<br />

Commanders or equivalent. This will serve a dual purpose :-<br />

(a) Keep the respective Task Force Commanders acquainted with the specific<br />

problems of Ex GREF personnel of their Task Force and enable them to take special<br />

steps to expedite progress in cases where appears to be unduly delayed.<br />

(b) Enable the Task Force Commanders to decide action to rectify any irregularities<br />

which may have been committed by the unit and conveyed in their replies.<br />

Authority : HQ DGBR letter No 11464-B/DGBR/EIC dated 25 Apr 81<br />

204<br />



<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 19<br />




Introduction<br />

1. Personnel (including Female GREF Employees) of <strong>Border</strong> <strong>Roads</strong> Orgainsation have all<br />

India Service liability in the matter of postings as contained in appointment letter, the basic<br />

contract between the individual and the State signed at the time of joining the Force. The tenure<br />

of stay and turnover of GREF subordinates will be regulated by GREF Records in accordance<br />

with the instructions contained in this ROI.<br />

General Principles<br />

2. The following general principles have been considered in the formation of turnover<br />

policy:-<br />

(a) Personnel will be required to complete the prescribed tenure except for the<br />

contingencies to meet organisational/functional requirements. In such eventuality<br />

decision of OIC Records will be final and no representation will be<br />

entertained/accepted.<br />

(b) Tenure between East and West will normally be balanced subject to change in<br />

deployment pattern of the units and availability of vacancy.<br />

(c) As far as possible, bulk posting orders will be issued keeping academic session<br />

in view. However, the posting from/to HAA/EHA/BCA/MCA as well as to meet certain<br />

organisational requirements may be ordered at any time during the year.<br />

(d) Posting to/from the following areas will not generally be issued :-<br />

(i)<br />

(ii)<br />

(iii)<br />

(iv)<br />

From MAS to MAS and vice-versa.<br />

From MAS to SA and vice-versa.<br />

From EHA to HAA/EHA to HHA/HAA to HHA and vice-versa.<br />

From BCA/MCA to MAS/SA and vice-versa.<br />

(e)<br />

(f)<br />

GREF personnel are not eligible for mutual posting.<br />

Exigencies of service will have over-riding priority.<br />

(g) Tenures laid down in these instructions are guidelines for the purpose of cadre<br />

management and do not entitle any person to claim these as a matter of right.<br />

205<br />



(h) Choice postings will be given to the extent possible in respect of the personnel<br />

after completion of tenure in the following areas:-<br />

(i)<br />

High Altitude Areas, Indo China <strong>Border</strong> roads with HAA.<br />

(ii) For this purpose, five choice in different Projects inclusive of both the<br />

sectors (Eastern & Western) will be forwarded by the individuals who have<br />

completed the prescribed physical service in HAA to GREF Records six months<br />

prior to completion of physical tenure in HAA for consideration of one choice<br />

subject to the availability of vacancy. In case of violation, individual will forfeit<br />

this privilege and will be posted to any units according to the area classification.<br />

(j) Requests from Officers other than Task force Commanders will be termed as<br />

circumventing the normal channel of correspondence and will not be taken cognisance<br />

of.<br />

(k) Efforts will be made to give one last leg posting for minimum tenure of two<br />

years to the extent possible in the last 4 years. Any individual seeking compassionate<br />

posting in the last 10 years will forfeit last leg posting.<br />

(l) Extension of tenure beyond the laid down period will generally not be allowed.<br />

Exceptions, if any, may be given under orders of OIC Records in the interest of the<br />

organisation in exceptional cases. Requests for extension received after issue of PO may<br />

be rejected summarily. Applications for extensions duly recommended by CEs Projects<br />

must be forwarded to GREF Records at least six months prior to completion of tenure.<br />

No extension in respect of personnel serving in BCA/MCA will be granted.<br />

(m) One compassionate posting will be for a maximum period of 2 years, and will<br />

normally not be extended barring exceptional circumstances<br />

(n) Personnel reverting to Department after deputation will not be posted to<br />

MAS/SA.<br />

Criteria for Routine Turnovers<br />

3. Hardness index will be main factor to be considered for routine turnover. Ideally, it<br />

would provide an individual with one tenure in all types of areas, during each of his two service<br />

cycles. The other factors to be considered for a routine turnover would be :-<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

Qualification and experience of the individual.<br />

<strong>Organisation</strong>al requirement.<br />

Criteria for posting to BCA/MCA areas<br />

206<br />



4. The number of vacancies available for Bhutan Compensatory Area (BCA)/Myanmar<br />

Compensatory Area (MCA) being restricted, it is near impossible to consider all personnel in<br />

the BRO for each vacancy, as and when the same arises. It is, therefore, necessary to short list<br />

personnel based on some criteria before final selection is carried out.<br />

5. A minimum criteria is required to be applied for short listing of GREF personnel for<br />

BCA/MCA postings. These may be diluted only in most exceptional cases with prior approval<br />

of the DGBR, when adequate eligible personnel are not available. The minimum criteria to be<br />

applied, is as follows :-<br />

(a) HAA Tenure : Should have already done 22 months physical service in HAA<br />

before 01 Jan 2009 or done 26 months physical service those who are posted to/serving<br />

in HAA for the first tenure on 01 Jan 2009 or thereafter, i.e the date from which revised<br />

HAA posting policy has come in force.<br />

(b) (i) “Viable Tenure : Should have completed a minimum viable tenure of 6<br />

months in the present unit to qualify for consideration”.<br />

(ii) “Postings to BCA be planned quarterly for vacancies likely to occur. The<br />

respective candidates found suitable for BCA may be delayed in the current unit<br />

to avoid double move”.<br />

(iii) In case the most eligible person for posting to BCA has not completed 6<br />

months tenure in present unit, he will be given an option to go to BCA provided<br />

he voluntarily foregoes all transfer incidentals including TA/DA/Transfer grant<br />

and joining time. In case, however, he does not agree to forego such claims, he<br />

will not be posted to BCA and will be considered on merit when the next<br />

vacancy arises in BCA after he completes 06 months of viable tenure in the<br />

present unit.<br />

(c)<br />

Minimum Service : Should have completed minimum 15 years of service.<br />

(d) Age limit at the time of entry into BCA/MCA area :-<br />

(i) GREF Personnel other than Pioneers : 55 years.<br />

(ii) Pioneers : 50 years of age<br />

(e) Medical Category :<br />

207<br />



(i)<br />

Medical category of personnel will be GREF- I<br />

(ii) In case any individual becomes LMC while in BCA area, Foreign Country<br />

he will be moved out to Non BCA area, subject to completion of one year in<br />

BCA area. Projects must intimate Records regarding down-categorisation by<br />

telex alongwith proposal for adjustment within project.<br />

(f) Punishment : No major punishment during the entire service and no minor<br />

punishment during the last ten years.<br />

(g) ACR Gradings : An individual should have earned a minimum of four “VERY<br />

GOOD” and one “GOOD” ACR grading in the last five years.<br />

“Selection of personnel belonging to categories/trades when ACR is not<br />

applicable will be in accordance with the minimum eligibility criteria and as per<br />

Hardness index formulated here in after”.<br />

(h) Vigilance Clearance : No vigilance/disciplinary case should be pending or<br />

contemplated against the individual..<br />

(j) Spoken Reputation : Person should have good spoken reputation. An Officer of<br />

the rank of Chief Engineer/Commander TF should personally interview personnel who<br />

are selected for posting to BCA/MCA/Foreign posting and consider all available inpute<br />

to judge their spoken reputation before despatch. The following note will be<br />

incorporated in the movement order to indicate that this requirement has been complied<br />

with.<br />

“Spoken reputation has been checked/carried out by CE/Commander TF<br />

and declared FIT”.<br />

208<br />



5A. Second Stage Selection : Number of personnel to be considered for 2 nd stage selection<br />

against available vacancies will be in the ratio of 3 : 1 (i.e. 3 individuals for each vacancy)<br />

strictly based on the total length of service from the date of appointment in GREF will be<br />

counted. Further, the personnel who meet all the QRs/minimum eligibility criteria mentioned<br />

above, will be further shortlisted by granting Grace Marks as follows :-<br />

(i) Marks for ACRs - Outstanding – 3 marks, Very Good – 2 marks<br />

(Last 10 years) and Good – 1 mark. (Individuals with Average<br />

ACR grading will not be considered in panel).<br />

Personnel promoted from Gp „D‟ to „C‟ should have earned minimum three<br />

ACRs, of which two should be „Very Good‟ and one „Good‟.<br />

(ii) Marks for Courses - Distinction -2, Alfa – 1, Bravo – 0.5<br />

(Subject to maximum 3 marks)<br />

(iii) Marks for Honours - Gallantry/VSM - 3 Marks<br />

& Awards Gol‟s/COAS CC - 2 Marks<br />

DG‟s/VCOAS CC - 1 Mark<br />

(If any indvl has got more than one award, then mark shall be granted only for<br />

any one such award which is maximum).<br />

(iv) After 15 years service (which is minimum service required), for each completed<br />

five years service, one mark will be added to the grace marks.<br />

Factors Debarring Consideration :<br />

6. Factors debarring a person from being considered for posting to BCA/MCA areas are as<br />

follows :-<br />

(a)<br />

Has had a foreign tenure ever for more than six months during entire service.<br />

(b) Has availed a compassionate posting or deputation during last ten years (TORS<br />

date will be reckoned for computing 10 years at the time of selection).<br />

(c) Any recovery from pay and allowances ordered after a Court of Inquiry under<br />

Section 160 FR, Section 90 (g) or 91 (g) of AA 1950 will be a disqualification barring<br />

an individual‟s entry to BCA/MCA/any foreign tenure.<br />

209<br />



Final Selection<br />

7. Personnel who have got through the first stage (i.e. minimum eligibility criteria) and<br />

second stage, will finally be shorlisted based on the percentile collation of above Grace Marks<br />

and Hardness Index in the ratio of 40% : 60% as per the following formula, to select the highest<br />

scores :-<br />

Final marks = 0.4 x Grace Marks + [0.6 x (100-HI)]<br />

The methodology for computing the hardness profile is given in succeeding paragraphs.<br />

Calculation of Hardness Index<br />

Calculation of Hardness Profile<br />

8. The service profile of every individual needs to be quantified mathematically so as to<br />

bring all persons belonging to various service groups to the same datum for fair comparison.<br />

The quantification of service profile of any individual will be done as given in succeeding paras.<br />

Conversion Factor<br />

9. The Conversion Factor (CF) is used to convert the number of months into years ie the<br />

number of months divided by 12. The CF for each months is listed as follows :-<br />

Month<br />

CF<br />

(a) 01 0.08<br />

(b) 02 0.16<br />

(c) 03 0.25<br />

(d) 04 0.33<br />

(e) 05 0.42<br />

(f) 06 0.50<br />

(g) 07 0.58<br />

(h) 08 0.67<br />

(j) 09 0.75<br />

(k) 10 0.83<br />

(l) 11 0.92<br />

(m) 12 1.00<br />

210<br />



Equivalency Factor<br />

10. The Equivalency Factor (EF) is used to equate the service of an individual in areas<br />

having a different degree of difficulty and bringing it down to a common datum. The EF for<br />

different areas are as follows :-<br />

Area No of Percentage EF<br />

Years Credit Laid Down<br />

(a) HAA/EHA 1 + 0.8 1.2<br />

4<br />

(b) EHA/HHA 0.8 + 0.7 0.975<br />

4<br />

(c) EHA/HA 0.8 + 0.6 0.950<br />

4<br />

(d) EHA/SA 0.8 + 0.5 0.925<br />

4<br />

(e) EHA/MAA 0.8 + 0.4 0.900<br />

4<br />

(f) HAA 01 90% 0.900<br />

(g) EHA 01 80% 0.800<br />

(h) HHA 01 70% 0.700<br />

(j) HA 01 60% 0.600<br />

(k) SA 01 50% 0.500<br />

(l) MAA 01 40% 0.400<br />

(m) DI (OEM Course) 01 40% 0.400<br />

(n) BCA/MCA 01 10% 0.100<br />

211<br />



(o)<br />

Deputation<br />

11. Ideal Tenure Cycle<br />

(i) RT(E)/RE(W),RT(C) 01 60% 0.600<br />

(ii) CME,TE/DTE 01 40% 0.400<br />

(iii) NEC Sectt 01 40% 0.400<br />

(iv) PG Course 01 10% 0.100<br />

(v) All other 01 10% 0.100<br />

Deputation<br />

(vi) Foreign Service/ 01 0% 0.000<br />

IRCC<br />

(a) An Ideal Cycle includes one tenure each in all types of areas starting from HAA<br />

to MAS as follows :-<br />

Area Tenure Considered for Cycle<br />

(i) HAA1 & - 2 Years 2<br />

HAA2<br />

(ii) EHA - 3 Years 3<br />

(iii) HHA - 3-3 ½ Years 3.25<br />

(iv) HA - 3-3 ½ Years 3.25<br />

(v) SA - 3-3 ½ Years 3.25<br />

(vi) MAS - 2 ½ - 3 Years 2.75<br />

(b)<br />

BRO.<br />

At an average, a GREF employee puts in a maximum service of 35 Years in<br />

(c) Every individual should therefore repeat the ideal tenure cycle after 17.5 Years<br />

namely, every person would ideally serve two tenures in all types of areas during his<br />

entire service of 35 Years.<br />

212<br />



12. Equivalent Service<br />

(a) Equivalent Service is the product of the years of service of an individual in any<br />

area and the EF of that area, i.e. the ES of a GREF employee who has served in HAA2 is<br />

2x0.9 = 1.8 Years.<br />

(b) The equivalent service of an ideal tenure cycle will be 11.15 and the same is<br />

calculated as under :-<br />

Area Tenure Considered EF ES<br />

for Cycle<br />

(i) HAA - 2 Years 2 0.9 1.8<br />

(ii) EHA - 3 Years 3 0.8 2.4<br />

(iii) HHA - 3-3 ½ Years 3.25 0.7 2.275<br />

(iv) HA - 3-3 ½ Years 3.25 0.6 1.95<br />

(v) SA - 3-3 ½ Years 3.25 0.5 1.625<br />

(vi) MAS - 2 ½ - 3 Years 2.75 0.4 1.1<br />

_____<br />

______<br />

17.50 11.15<br />

_____<br />

______<br />

(c) Thus every individual should ideally do an Equivalent Service of 22.3 Years in<br />

35 Years of service, at an Average Equivalent Service (AES) of 0.6371 (11.15/17.5).<br />

Maximum Service<br />

13. In actual fact, it is not possible for every individual to put in a total service of 35 Years<br />

in BRO. His maximum service would depend on the date of birth, age at retirement and date of<br />

entry into service.<br />

Maximum Equivalent Service<br />

14. Maximum Equivalent Service is the product of the Maximum Service and the Average<br />

Equivalent Service. This would be the target that an individual should ideally achieve before he<br />

superannuates at the age of 60 Years.<br />

213<br />



15. Hardness Index<br />

(a) The balance Equivalent Service required to be achieved by any person at any<br />

point during his service, quantifies the service profile an individual has undergone till<br />

then. It also gives an indication of the service profile due for him in his balance service.<br />

(b) An increment element of 0.25 for every year of service put in by each individual<br />

will be added to the total equivalent service achieved by him.<br />

(c) The Hardness Index (HI) is calculated based on the quantum of equivalent<br />

service any individual is required to achieve in his balance service.<br />

HI=(Maximum Eqvt Service) – [(Eqvt Service Achvd)+(0.25xPresent Service)]x100<br />

(Maximum Service) – (Present Service).<br />

(d)<br />

Tenure of posting for personnel so selected shall continue to be 24 months.<br />

(e) These instructions shall come into force wef 01 Apr 2009 for all vacancies<br />

occurring in BCA/MCA on or after 01 Apr 2009.<br />

f) Considering the hardships involved, following extra credit to the services<br />

rendered by personnel on Indo-China <strong>Border</strong> <strong>Roads</strong> sector will be given:-<br />

(a) A Factor of 0.1 to the existing EF of the area where the individual is<br />

serving will be added for serving in indo-China <strong>Border</strong> Road sectors.<br />

b) Personnel who have not rendered HAA tenure but spent an equivalent<br />

tenure on Indo-China road sector ie 22 months physical ser would be eligible for<br />

consideration of BCA/MCA or foreign posting subject to fulfillment of other<br />

relevant criteria ie. Hardness index ACRs and spoken reputation.<br />

c) (c) As per existing policy two HAA tenures have been earmarked in<br />

one‟s service cycle. If an employ has rendered one HAA tenure and one Indo-<br />

China sector tenure or two Indo-China tenure in one‟s service cycle the same will<br />

be treated at par with two HAA tenures.<br />

d) Choice postings as admissible at present for HAA tenure, will also be<br />

admissible for Indo-China sector tenure.<br />

e) The consideration of BCA or foreign posting as mentioned at (b) above,<br />

would not however be admissible if the performance during deployment is found<br />

to be average or below average.<br />



Area Classification<br />

214<br />

In the context of (e) mentioned above, it is necessary to rate the<br />

performance of the individuals. Therefore, a performance rating certificate for all<br />

the personnel deployed on ICB roads will be initiated and reviewed by Chief<br />

Engineer. It will be forwarded to GREF Records and copy to be kept in the ACR<br />

Dossier or service documents of individual (for whom ACR is not applicable).<br />

Format of performance certificate is attached at appendix „B‟.<br />

16. Classification of areas for deployment of BRO Personnel will be notified by HQ DGBR<br />

from time to time as under :-<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

(c)<br />

(d)<br />

(e)<br />

(f)<br />

(g)<br />

(h)<br />

(j)<br />

High Altitude Areas (HAA1 & HAA2)<br />

Hard Hard Area (HHA)<br />

Hard Area (HA)<br />

Soft Area (SA)<br />

Most attractive station (MAS)<br />

Bhutan compensatory allowance area (BCA)<br />

Myanmar compensatory allowance area (MCA)<br />

Extreme hostile area (EHA)<br />

Moderate hostile area (MHA)<br />

Tenure of Stay<br />

17. Barring organisation and administrative requirements, which may necessitate<br />

enhancement/curtailment of these tenures, generally the length of tenure in the following areas<br />

(for all pers incl PNR) will be as under:-<br />

(a) HQ DGBR - 2 ½ to 3 Years<br />

(b) GREF Centre/GREF Records - 2 ½ to 3 Years<br />

(c) High Altitude Area (HAA) - 26 Months for 1 st tenure<br />

22 Months for 2 nd tenure<br />

(d) Hard Hard Area (HHA) - 3 to 3 ½ Years<br />

(e) Hard Area (HA) - 3 to 3 ½ Years<br />

(f) Soft Area (SA) - 3 to 3 ½ Years<br />

(g) Most attractive station (MAS) - 2 ½ to 3 Years<br />

(h) BCA area - 2 Years<br />

(j) MCA area - 2 Years<br />

(k) Extremely hostile area (EHA) - 3 Years<br />

(l) Moderately hostile area (MHA) - 3 to 3 ½ Years<br />



(m) Compassionate postings - 2 Years<br />

18. Premature posting are unavoidable in the larger interest of the <strong>Organisation</strong> due to<br />

shorter tenures in HAA, BCA, MCA and compassionate cases, disciplinary cases and on<br />

promotion to higher posts.<br />

19. Tenure of sensitive appointments as mentioned here under will be restricted to three<br />

years. Where the normal specified tenure in a particular area is less than three years, these<br />

categories will also move as per tenures specified for that area. Normally, their tenure will not<br />

be extended:-<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

(c)<br />

(d)<br />

SS Gde I/II<br />

SKT<br />

Storeman<br />

Supvr Cipher I/II<br />

20. It has been noticed that posting of individuals to difficult area get delayed or some flaws<br />

are pointed out by indls in posting on the basis of their service in HAA/EHA areas. When these<br />

cases are analysed, almost invariably it is found that units have failed to publish Part II orders,<br />

leading to aberration. Indls should be encouraged in GREF Sammelans to get their<br />

documentations updated to avoid any hardship at the later stage while the indl is proceeding on<br />

Pension/retirement etc.<br />

21. All ranks should be prepared to take their share of good/not-so-good stations and not<br />

resort to representations. GREF Records will be fair and transparent in matters of posting.<br />

Towards this end, postings have been computerised.<br />

Average Service<br />

215<br />

22. Pioneers are enrolled into BRO at an average age of 20 years. Pioneers enrolled prior to<br />

25 Sep 1993 are to retire between the age of 50 to 60 years. These pioneers can serve in BRO<br />

for a maximum period of 28 to 30 years. On attaining the age of 50 years, these pioneers are<br />

required to undergo Annual Physical fitness Productivity Test as per the procedure laid down in<br />

GSR-477.<br />

23. Pioneers enrolled on or after 25 Sep 93 will however retire at the age of 50 years. These<br />

pioneers can serve for a maximum tenure of about 28 years.<br />

24. About 90% of the total pioneers held as on date are recruited prior to Sep 1993.<br />

Tenure :<br />

25. The tenure of pioneers will be as under :-<br />



(a) Posted to Pioneer Coys: - Pioneers posted to Pioneer Coys will have a tenure<br />

cycle as given below:-<br />

(i) Located in HHA – One tenure of 6 years.<br />

(ii) Located in HA _ One tenure of 8 years.<br />

(iii) Located in SA – One tenure of 8 years.<br />

(iv) Located in HAA – Two tenures of 2 years each.<br />

(v) Located in EHA – One tenure of 3 years.<br />

(vi) Located in MAS – One tenure of 3 years.<br />

(b) Posted to units other than Pioneer Coys – Pioneers posted to units other than<br />

Pioneer Coys will be turned over as per the tenures of areas where the respective units<br />

are located.<br />

26. Service Profile:<br />

(a) The service profile of pioneers, subject to organisational requirement is expected<br />

to be as under :-<br />

Area Length of<br />

Tenure (Yrs)<br />

No of Tenure<br />

(Nos)<br />

Total Service<br />

(Yrs)<br />

(i) HAA 2 2 4<br />

(ii) EHA 3 1 3<br />

(iii) HHA 6 1 6<br />

(iv) HA 8 1 8<br />

(v) SA 8 1 8<br />

(vi) MAS 3 1 3<br />

Total 32 Years<br />



216<br />

(b) The balance span of service will be adjusted for posting on account of<br />

deputation, foreign postings, compassionate/medical, last leg posting subject to meeting<br />

the QR for the same and availability of vacancies.<br />

27. Nominal roll of personnel attached from units located in soft area to the units deployed<br />

in HAA and EHA, indicating the period of deployment in such areas giving reference and copy<br />

of relevant DO Part II Order will be forwarded to GREF Records to consider posting to the<br />

choice stations to the extent feasible, provided it does not imbalance the overall sector profile of<br />

the individual.<br />

Postings-HAA/EHA/HHA/BCA/MCA<br />

28. In order to facilitate GREF Records to turnover all the pers serving in HAA, BCA,<br />

MCA etc well within the stipulated period, the concerned projects will forward nominal roll of<br />

personnel completing physical service in HAA/HHA/BCA/MCA etc., to Record Office as per<br />

the following schedule on the format at Appendix „AW‟ :-<br />

S/No<br />

Pers completing their<br />

tenure during<br />

Date at which Nominal Roll<br />

to be submitted to Records<br />

(a) 01 Jan to 30 Jun 01 Sep of preceding year<br />

(b) 01 Jul to 31 Dec 01 Mar of current year<br />

BCA posting is computerized and all personnel are being selected based on meeting the<br />

HI and required QR. The personnel are sending applications and approaching through VIPs for<br />

BCA/MCA/Foreign posting. The personnel will be selected automatically on meeting the<br />

required QR and subject to availability of vacancy. Hence no application/request will be made<br />

through VVIPs/individual to Grievance Cell/this Dte directly failing which necessary<br />

disciplinary action will be taken as per Dte letter No. 12520/Policy/DGBR/06/ EG2 dated 19<br />

Aug 2008.<br />

29. Personnel serving in HAAwill give three choice stations (and not units) in different<br />

projects and the same will be reflected in half yearly nominal rolls to be submitted as per<br />

schedule mentioned in para 28 above. Individuals are advised to ensure this action in their own<br />

interest. By and large, it should be possible for GREF Records to accommodate the individual<br />

in one of his choice stations subject to the individual having balanced sector profile and<br />

organisational constraints such as availability of vacancies, job requirement etc. In case of nonavailability<br />

of vacancy in any of the choice stations, alternative choice may be ascertained from<br />

the affected indls telegraphically. Persons posted in HHA and MHA have no right for any<br />

choice station and their tenure will be atleast three years. No congnizance will be given to<br />

particular choice station except projects, because of limitations of vacancies and large number<br />

of personnel to be considered for choice station from units located in HAA.<br />



( a) On completion of BCA/MCA tenure, in case Army/GREF Pers could not<br />

be dispatched in time, they will be attached immediately with non BCA unit to avoid<br />

over drawn of BCA.<br />

217<br />

30. The following points will be observed while posting personnel to HAA :-<br />

(a) LMC personnel with employment restrictions for high altitude areas will not be<br />

posted to these areas.<br />

(b) Pnrs over 50 years and personnel of other categories over 52 years will not be<br />

posted to HAA.<br />

(c)<br />

Personnel can be posted from EHA/HHA to HAA and vice versa.<br />

(d) Personnel will not be posted to HAA more than two tenures during their entire<br />

service. Individuals can be posted again to HAA after a cooling period of six years. The<br />

first tenure will be for a period of 30 months with physical mandatory service of 26<br />

months. The second tenure will be for a period of 2 years (24 months) with physical<br />

mandatory service of 22 months.<br />

e) Personnel who become LMC during their tenure at HAA will be adjusted in HA/<br />

HHA/HA, keeping their Medical category in mind. On completion of Physical tenure,<br />

the persons will be dispatched immediately. In case the person have not completed their<br />

physical tenure of 30/24 months in their viable tenure, they will be dispatched<br />

immediately on completion of their viable tenure either if they have not completed their<br />

physical tenure.<br />

Posting-Hard Hard Area<br />

31. The salient features for posting to HHA are as follows:-<br />

(a)<br />

Two tenures each of 3 to 3 ½ years.<br />



(b) Personnel in low medical category can be posted to HHA provided there is no<br />

employment restrictions for a particular area.<br />

(c) No age bar.<br />

Posting from and to SA/HA<br />

32. The following points will govern the posting from and to Hard/Soft areas:-<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

(c)<br />

(d)<br />

Separate two tenures each of 3 to 3 ½ years in SA/HA.<br />

No medical bar.<br />

No age bar.<br />

Not entitled to choice posting.<br />

218<br />

Posting to BRDB, DGBR, GREF Centre & GREF Records<br />

33. Posting of personnel from/to BRDB, DGBR, GREF Centre and Records will be<br />

approved by OIC Records. ACR gradings for the last five years, age factor, non involvement in<br />

disciplinary cases and sector profile will be the basis for posting to the above Establishments.<br />

The personnel should be generally in “VERY GOOD‟ ACR bracket. In case of different<br />

gradings awarded by IO, RO and SRO for particular ACR, the grading given by seniormost<br />

officer will be considered. No person other than clerical/steno cat will be posted to HQ<br />

DGBR/Sectt BRDB/GREF Centre/GREF Records for a second tenure, unless it is necessary in<br />

<strong>Organisation</strong>al interest, with prior approval of DDG (Pers).<br />

Authy : HQ DGBR letter No. 12520/PP/DGBR/75/EG2 dt 28 Jul 2004<br />

34. Personnel other than clerical/steno cat posted to BRDB, HQ DGBR, GREF Centre and<br />

GREF Records must have atleast 6 years service left before proceeding on superannuation and<br />

their posting out order from these office should be issued on completion of 2 to 2 ½ yrs so that<br />

these personnel move out to new unit on completion of 2 ½ years to 3 years, enabling them to<br />

have a full tenure of 3 yrs in the new unit before proceeding on superannuation.<br />

Posting of personnel on the verge of retirement:<br />

35. Personnel who have completed their prescribed tenure in a unit and are due for posting<br />

out will not be disturbed if they are left with only 2 yrs or less service before proceeding on<br />

superannuation. The policy of minimum 2 Yrs service in the new unit before superannuation<br />

will be strictly followed. In cases where postings could not be affected in time resulting into a<br />



person left with less than 2 yrs service he will normally be allowed to retire from that unit<br />

unless it is located in HAA/EHA.<br />

36. While a person who is being posted for the first time will always be given preference, a<br />

minimum essential cooling period for second tenure (except in disciplinary cases) will be as<br />

under :-<br />

(a) Sectt BRDB/HQ DGBR/GREF Centre/Records - 6 Years<br />

(b) HAA - 6 Years<br />

(c) MAS - 6 Years<br />

(d) Compassionate medical cases - Once during whole<br />

service<br />

(e) Deputation - 10 Years<br />

Deputation GREF Personnel<br />

219<br />

37. Deputation is permissible only to other Ministries/Govt Depts. Deputation to public<br />

sector undertakings/Autonomous bodies/Corpns is not permissible unless specifically notified<br />

by Govt. Only pers who have completed minimum 10 years service in GREF in the present<br />

rank will be considered for deputation.<br />

38. Projects can sponsor person for deputation only when Force and Project deficiency in<br />

those trades is less than 5%. GREF Records will circulate Force deficiency to projects every<br />

quarter. Individuals whose posting orders have been issued for HAA/EHA/HHA are not to be<br />

considered for deputation. HQ CEs (P) will keep this aspect in mind while forwarding<br />

applications to HQ DGBR/advertising deptts. Applications for deputation will be sent only to<br />

HQ DGBR against the vacancies circulated by Dte. However, in case of Newspaper<br />

advertisement, applications can be forwarded by the projects directly to the borrowing depts.<br />

under intimation to HQ DGBR. In the event of any individual‟s posting order being received<br />

for HAA/EHA/HHA subsequent to the forwarding of his application, his application for<br />

deputation would stand cancelled and the individual will be moved on posting and the<br />

borrowing dept informed accordingly.<br />

39. Once selected, individuals will have to move and will not be allowed to withdraw their<br />

names. Necessary undertaking in this regard will be obtained/countersigned by OC unit and<br />

forwarded alongwith the application. In case of refusal, their cases for deputation will not be<br />

considered in ensuing three years.<br />



40. With a view to give a chance to maximum individuals to go on deputation, the normal<br />

deputation period will be three years. In exceptional cases, it may be extended to 4 years by HQ<br />

DGBR provided the case is initiated minimum 4 months prior to completion of tenure. For<br />

extension of period, the borrowing dept, after taking consent of the individual is required to<br />

apply four months in advance to HQ DGBR so that concurrence for extension is granted prior to<br />

expiry of the sanctioned period and their posting orders can be issued in time in case extension<br />

is not granted. Extension of deputation beyond 4 years will not be permitted under any<br />

circumstances.<br />

41. Posting orders of GREF deputationist due for reversion after completing their approved<br />

term of deputation will be issued at least two months in advance.<br />

42. On reversion from deputation, indl will be posted strictly as per his service profile. For<br />

this purpose, deputation will be treated as MAS. As far as feasible, the pers reverting from<br />

deputation will be posted to a unit/Fmn where clear vacancy is available so that no chain moves<br />

are affected. The defs caused due to deputation will be filled up as low priority in the projects.<br />

43. Requests for deputation from pers serving in HAA/HHA/EHA will be accepted only on<br />

completion of minimum one and half year service. Requests for deputation from pers serving in<br />

most attractive stations (MAS) will be considered only within the first 6 months of posting to<br />

that station.<br />

220<br />

44. Other things being equal, preference for deputation will be given to pers on completion<br />

of HAA/HHA/EHA tenure, to those in the last 10 years of their service before superannuation<br />

and to the female GREF employees. Detailed instrs on deputation are issued by HQ DGBR<br />

from time to time based on Govt of India Orders.<br />

45. Intimation regarding deputation should be sent to PAO (GREF) also since they have to<br />

close the IRLA of the indl. Same applies to repatriation of deputationists.<br />

46. In accordance with HQ DGBR letter No. 12874/SOs (P) Conf /DGBR/EG2 dated<br />

10 Oct 95 the following will be kept in view while forwarding the applications for deputation:-<br />

(a) Two deputations will be permitted. Second deputation will be accepted<br />

provided the official had not exceeded the first deputation beyond 3 yrs. Cooling off<br />

period between two deputations will be 10 yrs for subordinates. Last leg deputation can<br />

be considered in special cases provided the official did not enjoy any deputation earlier.<br />

Cases of Personnel attaining 55 yrs may also be considered.<br />

(b) Maximum ceiling of 100 UDCs and 80 LDCs has been fixed for deputation at<br />

any given time.<br />

(c) Pers serving in HAA/HHA/EHA can apply only on completion of 18 months<br />

service in these areas.<br />

(d) Personnel serving in MAS can apply only before completing 06 months i.e. no<br />

application will be accepted if a person has completed 6 months in MAS- However pers<br />



of stagnating categories can apply any time provided they have put atleast 15 years<br />

service in the present rank. Stagnating categories have been defined in Dte letter No.<br />

12318/Policy/Depu/DGBR/EG2 of 01 Jan 93.<br />

(e) From all other areas personnel can apply any time provided they have completed<br />

10 years service.<br />

(f)<br />

UDCs can apply for higher grade/scale of pay only.<br />

(g) While recommending application of UDCs/LDCs for deputation following<br />

factors will also be taken into account:-<br />

(i) Total length of service.<br />

(ii) Total service in field unit specially those who did not get an opportunity<br />

to serve in HQ DGBR/GREF Centre and Record etc during entire service.<br />

(iii) Nature of performance in different assignments/duties in hazardous area<br />

during entire service<br />

(iv)<br />

Academic qualifications and experience in the relevant posts.<br />

(v) Deputation is not a right. <strong>Organisation</strong>al need override all other<br />

considerations.<br />

221<br />

(h) Ration Money, in lieu of Free ration will not be admissible to the GREF pers sent<br />

on deputation/while on deputation with other Govt Department/<strong>Organisation</strong>. Similarly,<br />

clothing items will be fully withdrawn from the GREF personnel while proceeding on<br />

deputation to other Government Department/<strong>Organisation</strong>s, where they are not required<br />

to wear the uniform and as such officers and personnel of GREF are not entitled to<br />

Washing Allowance/UMA during period of deputation.<br />

Posting Femal GREF Employees<br />

47. (a) Female employees will be asked three choice stations in three different projects<br />

and efforts will be made to post them to one of the choice station. Present system of<br />

staying in one station for a very long duration will be discouraged.<br />

(b) Case for widows having School going children (below 15 years of age) will be<br />

considered on merit and efforts will be made to post them to the units where schooling<br />

facilities are available, to the extent possible.<br />

(c) As far as possible, female employees on turn over shall be posted to places where<br />

family accommodation is available, which may be in any area classification keeping in<br />

view the increasing strength of lady employees.<br />



(d) Female employees who have completed their prescribed tenure in a unit and due<br />

for posting out will not be disturbed if they are left with less than 02 years service for<br />

proceeding on superannuation.<br />

(e) Turnover posting of female GREF employees will also be done in the same<br />

manner as is being done for others. However, efforts will be made to the extent possible<br />

to post husband and wife in the same Station/Unit/Formation if both of them are GREF<br />

employees.<br />

Premature Posting<br />

48. Premature posting will normally not be issued except to meet organisational<br />

requirements.<br />

Locational Weightage<br />

49. For the purpose of tenure, physical stay in the area will be considered except in case of<br />

BCA/MCA.<br />

50. With a view to adjust surplus/deficiencies, personnel junior in stay will be turned over<br />

within the same project and senior in stay will be posted out. However, no one will normally be<br />

moved out of project before completion of a minimum of six months period after reporting on<br />

posting.<br />

Turnover<br />

222<br />

51. The turnover policy will be implemented as under:-<br />

(a) The posting will be issued by name giving the date of move against each<br />

individual and efforts will be made to provide replacement in the same posting orders. In<br />

case the replacement could not be provided in the same posting order, the same will be<br />

provided immediately to implement posting orders within the stipulated time given in<br />

the posting orders.<br />

(b)<br />

Longest stayees will normally be turned over first.<br />

(c) The personnel posted to HAA/EHA will be moved first even without relief.<br />

HQ CE projects will ensure that such moves are not held up by the units under their<br />

command. Personnel serving in BCA/MCA will be moved on posting on completion of<br />

specified tenure without awaiting relief. In case for any reason their posting orders are<br />

not received they will be side stepped to a unit located at Non BCA/MCA area within<br />

the Project on attachment.<br />



(d) No unit/Task Force will issue directions to withhold the move of individuals<br />

dues in from other units at their level. For reasons of no vacancy, representation by the<br />

individual etc, such cases will be referred to GREF Records through Project HQ.<br />

(e)<br />

The target date will invariably be adhered to for carrying out posting.<br />

(f) Forthwith posting, as far as possible will be issued through telex and be carried<br />

out within seven days of receipt. No representation will be made by the present unit<br />

except where the individual himself is involved in a disciplinary case or admitted to the<br />

hospital for long term treatment.<br />

Representation against Posting<br />

52. Representation against posting issued, if any from the unit as well as from the individual<br />

will be initiated within 30 days from the date of receipt of the posting order in the unit. All<br />

diversion/cancellation of posting orders will be issued only after the approval of Dte which<br />

do not cover under Para 52 of ROI. Representation against posting order will only be<br />

addressed and forwarded to OIC Records by the Project HQs/Dte duly endorsed with<br />

recommendations of the Project/Dte on the body of the representation itself. It will be ensured<br />

that such representations reach GREF Records within 60 days on receipt of the posting order in<br />

the unit. GREF Records will not entertain onus of delay on any pretext. No representation from<br />

Task Force/units on a DO letter from any officer other than Chief Engineer will be entertained<br />

by OIC Records for change/diversion/choice pos/deferment of posting and extension of<br />

tenure in organisational requirement or otherwise. OIC GREF Records will be the competent<br />

authority to take decision on these representations/ applications/requests and his decision will be<br />

final and binding. However, in the eventuality of any ambiguity, OIC Records with his specific<br />

recommendations, may refer the case to HQ DGBR for further decision. Any<br />

representation/request for change of posting on medical grounds will be treated as<br />

compassionate grounds and the same will be endorsed in index card of the individual for<br />

deciding service profile factor. Any application forwarded without adhering to the aforesaid<br />

channel will render it null and void. In case the unit does not hear from GREF Records within<br />

one month, the representation would be assumed to have been rejected and the individual will<br />

be moved immediately. Non-receipt of reply from GREF Records or non availability of rail/air<br />

reservation will not be cited as reasons to delay the move of the individual. OC unit will be held<br />

personally responsible for lapse in this regard.<br />

Deployment and adjustment of low medical category personnel<br />

53. A number of personnel get themselves down-graded to low medical category after<br />

receipt of their posting to a difficult station. Such an act will be considered highly objectionable<br />

as it makes the task of management more difficult, and in addition harms the cause of comrades<br />

whose cases may be highly deserving.<br />

54. While issuing the posting orders of Pers of Low Medical Category (LMC), the<br />

recommendations of Med auth available in the service documents are taken into consideration<br />

and personnel are posted to a place where the requisite medical facilities are available.<br />



55. If the indl is placed in low medical category, the unit should immediately inform the<br />

Records to take appropriate action to post the indl as per recommendation of medical board<br />

instead of sending the application through HQ DGBR.<br />

Personnel involved in Disciplinary/Court Cases<br />

56. Cases of posting of personnel involved in disciplinary cases/court cases will be dealt<br />

with as under:-<br />

(a) In the case of a person against whom disciplinary case has been<br />

initiated/contemplated, the project/unit will intimate the complete details immediately.<br />

The guidelines contained in SOP on finalisation of disciplinary cases issued to all<br />

projects under HQ DGBR letter No.17001/P/DGBR/195/E1E dated 02 Dec 1993 and<br />

HQ DGBR letter No.12520/PP/DGBR/EG2 of 23 Feb 1998 will be kept in view while<br />

referring cases of personnel involved in disciplinary cases.<br />

(b) If the individual is a witness in a court of inquiry, efforts to be made to finalise<br />

the same at an early date and move of such individuals will not be got delayed. In case<br />

of their requirement at the later stage, they may be recalled to give their evidence and<br />

witness when required.<br />

(c) In case, the individual is involved in disciplinary/court of inquiry/vigilance case<br />

after issue of posting order and unit concerned is not in a position to despatch the<br />

individual to new unit, complete details are to be forwarded to GREF Records for<br />

consideration and if genuine posting order may be cancelled and endorsement made on<br />

his index card so that case can be pursued accordingly as per the circumstances arises.<br />

224<br />

(d) If a person involved in a C of I has given his evidence, he should be moved to his<br />

new unit. In any case he must be moved within six months and if required again can be<br />

recalled.<br />

(e) If the effected person is in BCA, he should, as far as administratively feasible, be<br />

attached to any other place in project area, (Non BCA)/repatriated to India so that, he is<br />

not unnecessarily allowed to avail the BCA facilities attached to these areas.<br />

(e) In case of involvement of a person under orders of posting in a court case where<br />

organisational interest is involved, his posting order will be held in abeyance till final<br />

decision by the Hon‟ble court.<br />

(g) On receipt of cases of personnel involved in disciplinary cases, they will be<br />

posted back to the unit where the incident took place to enable the unit concerned to<br />

finalise the cases expeditiously. Such personnel will be immediately relieved and<br />

despatched to the unit/project dealing with the cases.<br />



(h) In case any individual involved in disciplinary cases/court if inquiry is moved in<br />

contravention of the instructions of posting order, OC unit will be personally held<br />

responsible. When the individuals concerned have completed their tenure at the present<br />

duty station, their cases will be referred to HQ DGBR and GREF Records for obtaining<br />

specific orders regarding their move.<br />

(j) Cases of personnel whose cases are processed under Army Act will be dealt with<br />

as per Para 4 of SOP for temporary attachments.<br />

(k) In case the person involved in court case where organisational interest is not<br />

involved, the person will be posted out as per posting policy.<br />

(l) In case the person is required as a witness in a court case involving<br />

organisational interest, he will be posted out on completion of his nominal tenure to a<br />

nearby project from where he can attend the court as and when called for.<br />

(m) When the person is involved in a MACT case, he will be posted out on<br />

completion of his tenure to nearby project to ensure his availability as and when required<br />

if otherwise not specifically required by the concerned Court.<br />

(n) When the move of a person is withheld by the court/petition admitted for<br />

deferment of posting by a court pending final orders, he will not be moved out till<br />

clearance from the court to avoid contempt of court.<br />

(o) When the person who have gone to court against the department and where no<br />

embargo is laid down by the court, he will be moved as per posting orders.<br />

Promotion-cum-Posting Order<br />

225<br />

57. On approval of DPC proceedings by the Competent auth, Promotion-cum-posting orders<br />

will be issued by CRO GREF Records as early as possible. Affected personnel will be adjusted<br />

within the projects subject to availability to vacancy, if the individual has not completed the<br />

prescribed tenure and those completed prescribed tenure will be posted out of the Project.<br />

Promotion cum posting orders will be carried out immediately as per instructions.<br />

58. Assumption certificate on account of promotion or reappointment as per Appendix<br />

„AX‟ and „AY‟ to this ROI will be forwarded by the units/Projects to MSL section of GREF<br />

Records immediately. In case non-assumption of higher rank by the individual within one<br />

month of receipt of promotion cum posting order, the matter will be brought to the notice of<br />

GREF Records office by concerned projects. Case where assumption certificates are not<br />

received within three months of issue of promotion cum posting order will be reported to DGBR<br />

by GREF Records.<br />



59. Non implementation of promotion cum posting order is bound to create lot of legal<br />

complications at later stage. CEs project and TF Cdrs should pay particular attention towards<br />

this aspect, as non implementation/delayed implementation is neither in the interest of<br />

organisation, nor the concerned individual. However, genuine problem if any, with regard to<br />

non-implementation of promotion cum posting orders, will be referred to GREF Records<br />

without loss of time.<br />

Proforma posting<br />

60. Proforma posting will be resorted to as an exception. Prior sanction of OIC Records will<br />

invariably be obtained for proforma adjustment of the individual in vacant posts in the projects.<br />

61. Internal Posting Orders<br />

(a) It may sometimes become necessary to adjust the personnel within the projects<br />

mainly in the eventualities of disbandments, reorganisation, under posting, reduction in<br />

authorisation or to meet specific organisational requirements. In such cases, proposal for<br />

posting within the project should be initiated by CE (P) well in advance for ractification<br />

by GREF Records. Detailed justification should accompany the case.<br />

(b) Internal POs may also be needed for project Dantak and Sewak to adjust<br />

personnel for giving equitable share of BCA/MCA in case of decrease of<br />

vacancies in BCA/MCA area due to reduction in work load.<br />

226<br />



62. The following points will be kept in mind while proposing internal posting/adjustments:-<br />

(a)<br />

Longest stayee will be proposed for posting out of projects.<br />

(b) To minimise the expenditure on move, as far as possible personnel be proposed<br />

for adjustment where distance involved is less than 20 Km. However, to improve<br />

satisfaction level transfer incidentals will be paid for any move beyond 20 Kms carried<br />

out in organisational interest, even if it is premature and within the project. If the move<br />

is on the request of the individual, transfer incidentals will not be paid.<br />

(c) Shifting of personnel within the project will not be undertaken to extend the<br />

overall tenure of the individual in project beyond the prescribed tenure limits.<br />

63. Projects will not implement internal posting order in anticipation of approval from<br />

GREF Records. Efforts will, however, be made to favourably consider the recommendation of<br />

CEs provided the above guidelines have been observed.<br />

64. Non-compliance of these instructions may cause irregular move and extra expenditure to<br />

the state which will attract criticism from higher authorities.<br />

New Raising/Disbandment/Underposting<br />

65. On receipt of orders regarding new raising of unit, GREF Records will issue posting<br />

orders on priority. For this purpose, they will take into account the surplus within the project<br />

and make up the balance manpower from other projects.<br />

66. Move of personnel posted to newly raised units will not be withheld on any account.<br />

Their moves will be carried out as per the dates mentioned in posting orders.<br />

67. Immediately on receipt of disbandment order, the concerned project HQ will forward<br />

adjustment plan giving details of personnel to be adjusted within the project and to be posted<br />

out to other projects. It will be ensured that the longest stayees are offered to be posted out.<br />

68. On receipt of orders regarding underposting, the concerned project will forward<br />

adjustment plan to Records immediately for issue of posting orders in keeping with service<br />

profile of concerned individuals.<br />

Posting on Compassionate Ground<br />

69. The word „compassion‟ means a case of pity which needs to be helped/treated<br />

mercifully. It has been experienced that the purpose of compassionate posting has sometimes<br />

been misconstrued. It will be appreciated that every human problem/grievance cannot be<br />

brought within the purview of compassion and be treated accordingly. It may adversely affect<br />

many genuine cases and debar them from availaling this facility. Since the number of vacancies<br />

in good station is limited, compassion of one indl is bound to be at the cost of another. This<br />

needs to be avoided as much as feasible in the interest of good discipline.<br />

227<br />



70. In order to restrict such cases to the barest minimum, requests falling under the<br />

following categories shall not constitute grounds for compassionate posting:-<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

(c)<br />

(d)<br />

(e)<br />

(f)<br />

(g)<br />

(h)<br />

Old age and infirmity of parents.<br />

To look after landed property<br />

Separation from combined family.<br />

Construction of house.<br />

Pregnancy of wife/birth of a child<br />

Marriage/betrothals of brothers/sisters/children, or arranging the same.<br />

Employee pursuing higher education.<br />

Education of children.<br />

71. The following points will be borne in mind by the projects/units while accepting and<br />

forwarding applications for compassionate posting to GREF Records:-<br />

(a) Cases of those falling under the clauses mentioned above are not included.<br />

Otherwise the case will stand summarily rejected.<br />

(b) Applications for compassionate posting in initial 10 years service will generally<br />

not be forwarded. Where an exception to this is considered necessary for any special<br />

reasons, specific recommendations to this effect should be incorporated by the<br />

authorities recommending the case while submitting application for consideration by<br />

board of officers.<br />

(c) Request for posting on compassionate grounds after receipt of posting order will<br />

not be entertained.<br />

(d) Incomplete application will be liable for summary rejection. HQ (P) should<br />

make check list for compliance of these orders.<br />

(e) Applications for compassionate grounds posting received by GREF Records upto<br />

14 th and 28 th of each month will be placed before the Board of officers meant for<br />

compassionate posting for consideration to be held on 16 th of the same or 1 st of the<br />

following month at GREF Centre.<br />

(f) Personnel transferred after completion of full tenure are entitled to transfer<br />

incidentals even if they are posted to the place of their choice. Personnel who are posted<br />

on compassionate/medical grounds to choice stations and those on last leg posting after<br />

completion of their prescribed tenure will be eligible for transfer incidentials. However<br />

individuals posted to choice station on compassionate/medical grounds before<br />

completion of full tenure are not entitled for transfer incidentals.<br />

228<br />



72. The tenure of compassionate posting will be two years.<br />

73. The application for compassionate posting will be prepared as per Appendix „AZ‟ by the<br />

individual and routed through his project. The application will be scrutinised at all levels with<br />

reference to facts as well as compassion and definite recommendations will be given by each<br />

intermediate authority.<br />

74. GREF Records will check the details furnished in applications fortnightly and place the<br />

same before the Board of officers for consideration.<br />

75. The composition of Board of Officers considering the compassionate/medical cases<br />

which will be held fortnightly at GREF Centre, will be as under :-<br />

PO : CRO/SRO<br />

Members : 1. One Offr from GREF Centre<br />

2. One Offr from GREF Records<br />

3. RMO GREF Centre<br />

76. The Board of Officers will consider the cases on merit and endorse its decision against<br />

each case. Due Weightage will be given to the recommendation of the CE as also to the<br />

service/sector profile of the individual and availability of vacancies in the station. The Board<br />

Proceeding will approved by OIC Records, and expeditious action will be taken to implement<br />

the decision taken there in. On finalisation of the Board Proceedings, the decision will be<br />

communicated to the Project concerned.<br />

77. The applications for medical case pertaining to dependents of GREF Personnel will be<br />

prepared as per Appendix „AZ‟ by the individual. The Project HQs/Dte will forward these<br />

applications, directly to OIC Records with the specific recommendations of Project/Dte. GREF<br />

Records will include these cases for consideration by the Board of Officers detailed by them.<br />

Based on the recommendations of the Board of Officers, OIC Records will decide the posting<br />

and his decision will be final and binding.<br />

78. On receipt of applications from HQ DGBR/EG-2 alongwith their recommendations,<br />

GREF Records will include these cases for consideration by the BOO. In their own interest,<br />

applications should enclose all relevant supporting documents with the application in the first<br />

instance. Applications not accompanied by supporting documents are liable to be rejected.<br />

79. Endorsement regarding application for posting on compassionate/medical grounds as<br />

also the Board‟s decision will be made on the Index Card of the concerned individuals for future<br />

reference. The application will be passed into the documents section for retention with Record<br />

set of documents of the individual.<br />

80. No representation on the decision of the compassionate/medical Board will be<br />

entertained except where new facts warrant reconsideration.<br />

229<br />



81. Once the case on compassionate/medical grounds is initiated by the unit/project, it<br />

should not be pursued separately through other media i.e DO letter, telephonic call/telex, etc, as<br />

each case is dispassionately gone into by the Board of Officers.<br />

Last Leg Posting<br />

82. As far as possible the GREF Personnel will be posted nearer to their home as last leg<br />

posting depending upon availability of vacancies to enable them to settle down after retirement.<br />

Projects HQrs will forward the particulars of the indls who are due for retirement within the<br />

next 4 years (i.e. within two viable tenures) to GREF Records alongwith the recommended<br />

place for posting identified in proximity of home station to accommodate them nearer to their<br />

station to the extent feasible.<br />

83. The following cases are NOT eligible for last leg posting:-<br />

(a) Personnel due for turn over from Project/Task Force/Units on completion of<br />

tenure, but are left with only two years or less service for superannuations will not<br />

disturbed, and allowed to continue till they retire unless it is their last leg posting or they<br />

are located in HAA/EHA.<br />

(b) Personnel who have availed compassionate posting or deputation in last 8 years<br />

of their service.<br />

Posting Newly Recruited Personnel<br />

84. Newly recruited personnel will preferably be posted to HAA/EHA/HHA. In case they are<br />

not given first tenure in HAA they will be given a tenure in HAA at the earliest opportunity as<br />

far as possible to make him eligible for foreign postings.<br />

Posting of Pers on Promotion (Approved by DPC)/Re-Appointment<br />

85. Personnel who have not completed project tenure will be adjusted in-situ/within the<br />

project if vacancy exists. Those who have completed their tenure will be posted out as per<br />

hardness profile.<br />

Posting of Personnel undergoing Diploma Course at CME<br />

86. Immediately on their selection for undergoing Diploma course at CME, GREF Centre<br />

(Trg School) will forward particulars of individuals to GREF Records showing following<br />

details:-<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

(c)<br />

GS/NO, Rank/Category and Name.<br />

Unit/Project.<br />

Name of the course and its duration.<br />

230<br />



87. On receipt of these details, GREF Records will take following action:-<br />

(a)<br />

Make endorsement to this effect on Index Card of the affected individuals.<br />

(b) Cancel posting orders, if already issued reflecting reasons for cancellation of<br />

posting.<br />

(c)<br />

Posting of these personnel are not issued till Diploma courses are over.<br />

(d) Details of such personnel be maintained separately in registers by the concerned<br />

group of posting section.<br />

88. In case of premature reversion from course/change in duration of course, parent unit as<br />

well as GREF Centre (Trg School) will inform GREF Records accordingly.<br />

89. The course tenure in respect of the personnel selected for CME course for a period of<br />

more than three months from the units located in HAA/EHA and other difficult areas will be<br />

termed as Soft Area tenure. On completion of course such personnel will have no claim for<br />

choice posting.<br />

Posting of Specialised Categories<br />

90. A panel of the following specialised categories will be maintained at GREF Records :-<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

(c)<br />

(d)<br />

(e)<br />

(f)<br />

(g)<br />

(h)<br />

(j)<br />

(k)<br />

(l)<br />

(m)<br />

Bridge construction specialised personnel<br />

Hot Mix Plant expert personnel<br />

Snow clearance specialised personnel<br />

Building construction specialised personnel<br />

Experience in Budget/Contract sections<br />

Experience in Lab and quality control<br />

EDP qualified personnel<br />

Trained on Electronic equipment<br />

Pioneers knowing the job of Radio Operator, OEM and RR DVR etc.<br />

Law qualified personnel<br />

Staff Car Drivers<br />

Officer‟s Mess Staff (Good Cooks and Mess Waiters) etc.<br />

231<br />



Rotation of Technical Staff within BCCs<br />

91. The supervisory staff involved in bridging activities in various BCCs, who are<br />

undertaking physical execution of the bridges to form a core group to develop expertise in the<br />

organisation. Therefore posting of technical staff of BCCs, will normally be rotated amongst<br />

BCCs, and atleast 40% technical staff of BCCs will be those rotated from other BCCs on<br />

completion of prescribed tenure.<br />

92. It will be the endeavour of Records that no exceptions are made except for<br />

organizational requirement. Such cases must be approved by OIC Records.<br />

93. Keeping the job requirement in view, it may not be possible to apply the sector<br />

profile/tenure rigidly for the turnover of the personnel of the following categories:-<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

(c)<br />

(d)<br />

(e)<br />

(f)<br />

(g)<br />

(h)<br />

(j)<br />

Supdt/Assistant/Steno of all grades<br />

D/Man category<br />

Hindi Translator/Hindi Typist (LDC)<br />

Driller/Mason/Moulder/Upholster<br />

Fire staff<br />

Machinists/OTRP<br />

Sanitary Inspector<br />

E&M Gde I<br />

SS Gde I<br />

Issue of posting order on account of Wastage/Disciplinary Cases<br />

94. In order to avoid issue of posting order in respect of personnel wasted/likely to be<br />

wasted out, all units will immediately inform Record Office (Posting Section) by signal on<br />

occurrence of the following :-<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

(c)<br />

(d)<br />

(e)<br />

(f)<br />

(g)<br />

(h)<br />

Deaths<br />

Desertion and rejoining from desertions<br />

Removal from service on disciplinary cases<br />

Voluntary Retirement/Premature discharges<br />

Invalidments<br />

Involvement in disciplinary cases<br />

Wastage due to other reasons including Superannuation etc.<br />

Downgradation/upgradation of medical category<br />

95. Replacement of voluntary retirement/discharge cases will be provided once manpower<br />

trained as a result of such wastage becomes available. This is because the vacancies created are<br />

unanticipated and adequate manpower is not catered for to make up such deficiency. Projects<br />

should, therefore, refrain from making an issue of these deficiencies.<br />

232<br />



Initiation of ACR/ICR<br />

96. All concerned will ensure that ACRs/ICRs where due, are invariably initiated before an<br />

individual moves out to another unit on permanent posting. Endorsement to this effect will be<br />

made in the movement order by the despatching unit.<br />

Attachment<br />

97. Attachment of personnel outside the projects will be ordered by HQ DGBR. Therefore,<br />

cases for attachment will be projected by the projects to HQ DGBR giving full justification of<br />

the case.<br />

Delays in carrying out posting<br />

98. With a view to curb the tendency of delay in carrying out posting, the following<br />

instructions will be adhered to:-<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

All posting orders will be implemented by target dates.<br />

Delays due to leave/payment will not be accepted.<br />

(c) Withholding the move of individuals unless they are involved in C of I as<br />

important witness, will not be a valid reason to delay the posting.<br />

(d) Personnel ordered to move on posting to units located as under will be moved<br />

first without waiting for relief. Posting orders will indicate such moves as to move<br />

without relief :-<br />

(i)<br />

(ii)<br />

(iii)<br />

time.<br />

To units located in HAA<br />

To units located in EHA<br />

To units entrusted with important works as per instructions from time to<br />

(e) Earned leave beyond 15 days will not be granted to an individual after receipt of<br />

posting order without prior concurrence of the receiving unit. However, leave upto 15<br />

days can be granted to the individual to dispose off the family or for similar<br />

administrative reason with the approval of OC Unit. In such cases, personnel should<br />

move on leave cum-posting and should be SOS accordingly.<br />

233<br />



Reliefs<br />

99. All possible efforts are made by GREF Records to provide relief in the same posting<br />

order except in exceptional cases such as non-availability of personnel for turnover or<br />

rationalisation of force deficiency. Move will not be delayed for want of relief in such cases.<br />

Compliance of Posting Orders<br />

100. It will be the personal responsibility of OsC units to ensure that posting orders are<br />

carried out as ordered and as per the schedule. OsC Units will also include the information on<br />

number of posting orders delayed with reasons thereto in the brief for inspection/visit of OIC<br />

Records, concerned CE projects and DDG (Pers).<br />

101. It has been observed in the past that there is general reluctance on the part of units to<br />

move their personnel on posting before arrival of relief. To overcome this difficulty all postings<br />

will contain specific date by which move is to be implemented. Units will ensure compliance of<br />

move dates as stipulated in the Posting order. Instructions contained in Appendix „AAA‟ to this<br />

ROI will be complied with by all the units in connection with carrying out the move of the<br />

individuals on posting.<br />

Progress on implementation of Posting Orders<br />

102. Projects will forward to HQ DGBR, with copy to Records, details of posting orders<br />

which have not been implemented for over three months. The details will include posting issued<br />

upto 28 Feb and 31 Aug and reach HQ DGBR/GREF Records by 20 May and 20 Nov.<br />

Movement Orders<br />

103. In order to enable GREF Records to maintain upto date record of outstanding posting<br />

orders, copies of movement orders will invariably be forwarded to GREF Records immediately<br />

on move of the individual.<br />

104. In the movement order, the original posting order number and date with amendment, if<br />

any, issued to the original posting order will invariably be quoted for easy linking and updation<br />

of records.<br />

Admissibility of Transfer Incidentals on Move of Units<br />

105. As per Rule 3 (c) of CCS (Joining Time) Rules, “Joining Time” means time allowed to a<br />

Govt. servant in which to join a new post or to travel to a station to which he is posted. But,<br />

while on move of a unit, no time factor is involved as a whole unit together with personnel<br />

move to another station utilising means of travel provided by the Govt. Hence, joining time is<br />

not admissible when Unit moves enblock and Govt. transport is provided.<br />

Authority : CDA (BR) No. AT/BR/8/X dated 18 Aug 1998<br />

234<br />



Posting/Transfer Army Personnel<br />

106. Army personnel are authorised to this organisation from various Corps and Regiments of<br />

Army. Their posting/transfer are being issued by their respective Records as per posting policy<br />

applicable to them. Whenever any army person is posted out from GREF units/formations, he<br />

will be relieved/despatched only after his relief has reported. In this connection HQ DGBR<br />

letter No. 12217/Army/DGBR/EG2 of 08 Nov 93 refers.<br />

107. Copy of posting orders in respect of Army personnel are not being endorsed to GREF<br />

Records by respective Army Records in many cases owing to which the correct statistical data<br />

of Army personnel can not be maintained. In order to overcome this lacunae, Projects will<br />

forward a quarterly report to GREF Records as on 31 Mar, 30 Jun, 30 Sep and 31 Dec<br />

containing the details of dues in/out duly incorporating posting orders recd by them from<br />

respective Army Records. A copy of movement order will also be endorsed to GREF Records<br />

for updating records. The details of Army personnel will also be shown in monthly change<br />

report separately.<br />

Request/Pressure for Posting from Politicians/VIPs<br />

108. A large number of requests are received from various politicians/VIPs for posting of<br />

subordinate staff. This hampers implementation of laid down posting policy and leads to<br />

frustration amongst subordinates. Whenever such request is received, a communication to this<br />

effect will be sent to the concerned CE to ascertain in writing whether the individual has made<br />

the request to CE through proper channel. If the case is in affirmative, the original reply<br />

alongwith the comments of CE regarding action taken on his request will be sent to HQ DGBR<br />

and GREF Records for necessary action. In case the reply is negative, disciplinary<br />

administrative action against the individual will be initiated. An endorsement to this effect will<br />

also be made on the Index Card of the concerned individual by GREF Records for future<br />

reference. Reply to the VIP will be sent separately. In this context, HQ DGBR letter No,.<br />

12520/PP/DGBR/EG2 dated 05 May 1994 may be referred.<br />

Conclusion<br />

109. Posting policy should be seen in totality. It is our attempt not only to be transparent, fair<br />

and just but also to be received/seen as such. These instructions have been formulated with a<br />

view to give equal opportunity to all the personnel to serve in different areas. Personnel of BRO<br />

have All India Service liability in the matter of posting and are bound to be posted to any place<br />

in the specified areas as per service/sector profile keeping in view the administrative and<br />

functional requirements. It should, therefore be impressed upon all Ranks that redressal of<br />

grievances if any, in this regard should be sought through departmental channels. The<br />

instructions contained in the posting policy should be implemented in letter and spirit to achieve<br />

greater satisfaction level amongst the subordinate staff and to discourage a section of our<br />

personnel, who have a tendency to resort to recommendation from VIPs/Politicians, to obtain<br />

235<br />



good posting at the cost of deserving personnel. All personnel should be educated in GREF<br />

Sammelans to willingly accept their share of good and not-so-good stations. The posting policy<br />

will be implemented in letter and spirit and with all compassion so long as it does not unfairly<br />

tread on due share of others. Exceptions will not be the rule and will be avoided as far as<br />

possible, and when that happens, it should be accepted in the larger interest of the organisation.<br />

110. Action will be taken only on the applications of GREF individuals through proper<br />

channel. Request received on their behalf from relatives or politicians will be disposed of in<br />

accordance with the provisions of Dte letter quoted at para 108 above. All ranks should be<br />

educated on this aspect and apprised that bringing outside pressure regarding service matters<br />

renders them liable for disciplinary action.<br />

111. Strict implementation of the above posting policy coupled with the co-operation from<br />

CEs/TF Cdrs/OsC units and subordinates staff will enable us to achieve higher satisfaction level<br />

in BRO.<br />

236<br />



<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 20<br />




Introduction<br />

1. MSL is a vital document, based on which the cases of promotion and confirmation etc.<br />

are finalised by respective DPCs. In order to avoid complications as far as promotion and<br />

confirmation are concerned, due care be given in the preparation of MSLs. Incorrect preparation<br />

of MSL will, therefore, lead to a number of complications as far as grant of promotion and<br />

confirmation are concerned and result into unwarranted appeals/ representations.<br />

Preparation and Maintenance<br />

2. The instructions regarding preparations of MSL are contained in GREF Records letter<br />

No. 1238/MSL/Vol-II/33/SR dated 15 Mar 78. The MSLs are maintained strictly according to<br />

seniority in the rank/grade and contains service particulars like GS No, Rank, date of initial<br />

appointment, present rank, status, education and technical qualifications etc. According to quota<br />

of DR and DPC, the vacancies allotted are also shown in MSL and inserted/filled up on<br />

availability of candidates through recruitment as well as promotion.<br />

3. The relative seniority of all direct recruits is determined by the order of merit in which<br />

they are selected for such appointment on the recommendation of selecting authority, persons<br />

appointed as a result of an earlier selection being senior to those appointed as a result of<br />

subsequent selection.<br />

4. Where promotions are made on the basis of selection by a DPC, the seniority of such<br />

promotees shall be in the order in which they are recommended for such promotion by the<br />

Committee. Where promotions are made on the basis of seniority, subject to the rejection of the<br />

unfit, the seniority of persons considered fit for promotion at the same time shall be the same as<br />

the relative seniority in the lower grade from which they are promoted. Where however, a<br />

person is considered as unfit for promotion and is superseded by a junior, such persons shall<br />

not, if he is subsequently found suitable and promoted, take seniority in the higher grade over<br />

the junior person who had superseded him.<br />

5. Where persons recruited or promoted initially on a temporary basis are confirmed<br />

subsequently in an order different from the order of merit indicated at the time of their<br />

appointment, seniority shall follow the order of confirmation and not the original order of merit.<br />

6. The relative seniority of direct recruits and promotees is determined according to the<br />

rotation of vacancies between direct recruits and promotees, which is based on the quotas of<br />

vacancies for them respectively in the Recruitment Rules.<br />

Auth : for Para 3 to 6 : - Govt of India, Min of Personnel, Public Grievances and<br />

Pensions (Deptt of Pers and Trg ) letter No. 22011/7/86-Est (D) of 03 Jul 86).<br />

237<br />



7. In other words, it is illustrated that, where 75% of the vacancies are meant for promotion<br />

and 25% for direct recruitment, each direct recruit is placed in the seniority below three<br />

promotees. Where appointment to grade is to be made 50% by direct recruitment and 50% by<br />

promotion from lower post, the inter- se-seniority of direct recruits and promotees is determined<br />

1:1 basis.<br />

Amendment/Revision /Addition<br />

8. An amendment to MSL necessitates when an individual acquires higher academic<br />

/technical qualification, promotions. In the event of promotion and re-appointment from one<br />

trade to other, the name of the promoted/re-appointed individual is deleted in the existing MSL<br />

and inserted in the MSLs of promoted/re-appointed categories. An index is maintained on the<br />

front page of respective MSLs and amendments carried out to the MSL are authenticated by<br />

dealing clerk, I/C Sec and OIC MSL Section. The inputs received from units will be transcribed<br />

to the MSL immediately so as to keep the MSL upto date at all times. All inputs for amendment<br />

to MSL are unit Part II orders published for the purpose.<br />

9. MSLs are to be revised after every 5 years on rotation basis and on the requirement of<br />

DGBR at any time. Obsolete MSL is kept in safe custody for reference at a later date specially<br />

in connection with Court Cases.<br />

Conclusion<br />

10. This is published and circulated for guidance of Formations/Units, who are also<br />

expected to render assumption certificate and Part II Orders published for the personal<br />

occurrences and to their relevant reports in time so that MSLs are kept upto-date at all times<br />

being very sensitive and useful documents in the GREF Records. Revised MSLs will be<br />

circulated to Projects every after 5 years once all MSLs are circulated.<br />

238<br />



<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 21<br />




1. Certain provisions of Army Act 1950 and Army Rules 1954 have been made applicable<br />

to the members of GREF vide SRO 329 and 330 both dated 23 rd Sep 1960 with following<br />

exceptions and modifications :-<br />

Army Act 1950<br />

(a) Exceptions : Section 10,11,13 to 17,20,22 to 24,43,44, Clause (d) (e), (f), (g)<br />

and (k) of Section 71,74 to 78, Clause (e), (f) and (j) of Section 80 and clause (a) of<br />

Section 84.<br />

(b)<br />

Modification<br />

(I) In section 3 for clause (v) the following shall be substituted namely :-<br />

“ Commanding Officer” when used in any provision of this Act with<br />

reference to any separate portion of the General Reserve Engineer Force means<br />

the person in actual command of that portion and include a person duly<br />

authorised by such person to exercise the powers of a Commanding Officer in<br />

respect of that portion of the Force.<br />

(II) In clause (XII), after the words “or the Territorial Army” the words “or a<br />

person belonging to the General Reserve Engineer Force holding therein a<br />

position equivalent to that of Junior Commissioned Officer of the regular Army”<br />

shall be inserted.<br />

(III) In clause (xv) after the words “or the Territorial Army” the words “or a<br />

person belonging to the General Reserve Engineer Force holding therein a<br />

position equivalent to that of Non Commissioned Officer of the regular Army”<br />

shall be inserted.<br />

(IV) In clause (viii) after sub-clause (f), the following sub-clause<br />

shall be inserted namely :-<br />

(g) “ A person belonging to the General Reserve Engineer Force<br />

holding therein a position equivalent to that of an Officer of the<br />

regular Army who is for the time being subject to this act” and<br />

(V) In clause (xxiv), after the words or of the Territorial Army the words “or<br />

person belonging to the General Reserve Engineer Force holding therein a<br />

position equivalent to that of a Warrant Officer of the regular Army” shall be<br />

inserted.<br />

239<br />



(VI) In Section 63, for the words “Military discipline” the word “discipline”<br />

shall be substituted.<br />

(VII) In section 73<br />

(aa) The words “the punishment” specified in clause (d) or clause (e)<br />

of Section 71 shall be omitted and (b) for the words, brackets and letters<br />

“Clauses (f) to (I) of that Section words brackets and letters clause (h)”<br />

clause (I) or Clause (j) clause (1) of Section 71 shall be substituted.<br />

(VIII) In sub-section (4) of Section 81, for the words brackets and letters “<br />

Clause (a),(b),(c) and (j) “ the words brackets and letters “Clause (a), (b) and (c)<br />

shall be substituted.<br />

(IX) In Section 113, the words “each of whom has held a commission for not<br />

less than three whole years and” shall be omitted.<br />

(X) In Section 114, the words “each of whom has held a commission for not<br />

less than two whole years” shall be omitted.<br />

(XI) In sub-section (I) of section 116, the words “of any corps, department or<br />

detachment of the regular army” shall be omitted.<br />

ARMY RULES-1954<br />

(a) Exceptions - Rule 7 to 18, 168,172 to 176, 190 and 191.<br />

2. At the same time CCS (CC&A) Rules 1965 are also applicable to the members of the<br />

Force. In other words GREF personnel can be tried under Army Act and under CCS (CC&A)<br />

Rules 1965 both. The sentence of dismissal from service by court martial, however, cannot be<br />

awarded vide Army Act Section 71 (e). If it is intended to dismiss an individual sentenced to<br />

imprisonment by Court Martial, simultaneous action should be taken by the appointing authority<br />

after following the procedural instructions as laid down in Rule 19 of CCS (CC&A) Rules 1965.<br />

In the event of failure to comply with this requirement, the award of dismissal is likely to be set<br />

aside on review by the competent authority and thus giving the accused the benefit of continued<br />

status of an employee in GREF after completion of sentence of imprisonment, having not been<br />

dismissed/removed from the service by the competent authority.<br />

3. The disciplinary power have been delegated to OC units of the GREF, TF commanders,<br />

and CEs vide Annexure II para 20 of BR Regulations and HQ DGBR letter No<br />

69546/(P)/DGBR/E1E dated 11 Jan 73, Even No dated 31 Mar 73 and<br />

70541/DGBR/E2A(T&C) dated 23 Feb 77.<br />

240<br />



4. Inspite of clear policies laid down on the disciplinary powers by the various authorities<br />

in GREF, there appears to be doubt regarding exercising of the powers of the OCs by the Task<br />

Force Commanders under Army Act. The Task Force Commanders can only exercise<br />

disciplinary powers in respect of personnel of their own HQs. They have no jurisdiction<br />

whatever the case may be to try a person under Army Act, of a Unit/Estt which is an<br />

independent establishment authorised /sanctioned, unless and otherwise such persons have been<br />

attached with HQ Task Force for disciplinary purpose by the competent authorities as contained<br />

in HQ DGBR letter No. 695460(P)/DGBR/E1E dated 26 Nov 80 and AI 106/60 and 153/69.<br />

5. The case has been discussed with the JAG Deptt and it has been clarified that the powers<br />

of OC units as defined in sub sec (v) of Sec 3 of the Army Act, 1950, are to be exercised by OC<br />

RCCs and other equal independent units and not by the Task Force Commanders in the normal<br />

course. Whenever for administrative or disciplinary reasons, it is desired/essential that the<br />

individual be tried by the Task Force Commander, then such a person should be attached to HQ<br />

TF for disciplinary purpose by issue of a specific order before initiating the disciplinary action.<br />

This may please be brought to the notice of all Task Force Commanders, and Unit Commanders<br />

to ensure that the cases are dealt with by officers having legal jurisdiction and do not in any way<br />

lead to miscarriage of justice.<br />

6. Vide Para 4 of Dte letter No.70511/DGBR/E2A(T&C) dated 21 Feb 77, it has been<br />

clearly stated that officiating incumbents are not competent to exercise the powers of appointing<br />

authority and hence they do not enjoy the disciplinary powers under CCS (CC&A) Rules 1965.<br />

Hence initiation of any proceedings including suspension by the officiating incumbents become<br />

illegal nullify the entire proceedings for want of jurisdiction. Tn this connection, please refer to<br />

Govt of India, Notification No. F 18(16)/1969 Rectt dated 15 Mar 73 as amended/superseded<br />

vide BRDB Order No. BRDB/13(53)/99-GE-II dt 16 May 2000 read in conjunction with<br />

schedule to CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965. which lays down the disciplinary powers vested in various<br />

authorities while exercising disciplinary powers. As per the delegation of disciplinary Powers<br />

made vide above referred notification, a Task Force Commander of the rank of Col/SE is<br />

competent to impose only minor penalty on Gp „C‟ and „D‟ employees.<br />

7. The proceedings of a Court Martial (other than) Summary Court Martial shall after<br />

promulgation, forwarded to the CE (P) concerned for further action.<br />

8. Summary Court Martial proceedings after having been countersigned by the competent<br />

authority be forwarded to GREF Records office as per Army Rule 146(2) for further action.<br />

9. Since no time limit has been laid down for submission of an appeal against the sentence<br />

awarded by court martial and until AA Sec 164 is suitably amended to provide a statutory time<br />

limit for the exercise of the right of the appeal preferred under the aforesaid AA Section, an<br />

extract from the Summary Court Martial proceedings (IAFD-904) such of conviction by court<br />

martial alongwith the following additional details attested by the Record Office will be<br />

maintained by the record office before these proceedings are destroyed with reference to Army<br />

Rules 146(2) :-<br />

(a)<br />

Plea of the accused<br />



241<br />

(b)<br />

(c)<br />

Result of the appeal submitted by the accused, if any, and<br />

Character of the accused at the time of trial.<br />

10. When a person subject to the Army Act is sentenced to a term of imprisonment and<br />

committed to a civil jail, a copy of the warrant of commitment (shown at Appendix „AAB‟)<br />

will be attached to the Court Martial proceedings before forwarding to Record Office (GREF).<br />

11. While taking disciplinary action under CCS (CC&A) Rules 1965, competent authority<br />

should ensure that procedure laid down in Rules 14 and 16 is meticulously followed. The<br />

proceedings under CCS (CC&A) rules are quasi-judicial and can be set aside if the procedures<br />

as laid down are not followed.<br />

12. Before initiating action under CCS (CC&A) Rules 1965 or Army Act 1950, instructions<br />

issued from time to time by Dte General <strong>Border</strong> <strong>Roads</strong> should also be kept in mind.<br />

13. Once the disciplinary action is initiated under one act or rules can not be changed or<br />

switched over in between<br />

14. Individuals can not be temporary attached with another unit for initiating disciplinary<br />

action under CCS (CC&A) Rules 1965, due to policy constraints and administrative reasons.<br />



242<br />


Introduction<br />

1. The following penalties for good and sufficient reasons and as here-in-after provided can<br />

be imposed on GREF personnel<br />

Minor Penalties<br />

2. (a) Censure<br />

(b)<br />

Withholding of promotion<br />

(c) Recovery from his pay of the whole or part of any pecuniary loss caused by him<br />

to the Government by negligence or breach of orders.<br />

(d) Reduction to a lower stage in the time-scale of pay by one stage for a period not<br />

exceeding three years, without cumulative effect and not adversely affecting his pension<br />

(e)<br />

Withholding of increments of pay.<br />

3. Minor punishments of reprimand and severe reprimand having no affect on the pay and<br />

allowances awarded to GREF Personnel equated to the rank of NCOs and JCOs vide Min of<br />

Def Notification No 1001 dated 20 May 61 (Annexure 6 of BR Regs) will not be published in<br />

Part II Orders. On finalisation of primary trial papers, Officer Commanding unit will record the<br />

charges framed, findings and punishment awarded as a result in the Service book of the<br />

individual as red/black ink entry. Summary disposal documents will then be kept in the<br />

individuals confidential reports file by the unit concerned.<br />

Major Penalties<br />

4. (a) Reduction to a lower stage in the time-scale of pay for a specified period, with<br />

further directions as to whether or not the Govt servant will earn increments of pay<br />

during the period of such reduction and whether on the expiry of such period, the<br />

reduction will or will not have the effect of postponing the future increments of pay.<br />

(b) Reduction to lower time-scale of pay, grade post or service which shall ordinarily<br />

be a bar to the promotion of the Government servant to the time-scale of pay grade, post<br />

or service from which he was reduced with or without further directions regarding<br />

conditions of restoration to the grade or post or service from which he was reduced and<br />

his seniority and pay on such restriction to that grade, post or service.<br />



(c)<br />

Compulsory retirement.<br />

243<br />

(d) Removal from service which shall not be a disqualification for future employment<br />

under the Government.<br />

(e) Dismissal from service which shall ordinarily be a disqualification for future<br />

employment under the Government.<br />

5. Provided that, in every case in which the charge of acceptance from any person of any<br />

gratification other than doing or fore bearing to do any official act is established, the penalty<br />

mentioned in clause (d) or (e) of para (4) above shall be imposed.<br />

6. Provided further that in any exceptional case and for special reasons recorded in writing,<br />

any other penalty may be imposed.<br />

7. The following shall not amount to a penalty within meaning of this rule, namely:-<br />

(a) Withholding of increment of a government servant for his failure to pass any<br />

departmental examination in accordance with the rules or orders governing the service to<br />

which he belongs or post which he holds or the terms of his appointment.<br />

(b) Non-promotion of a government servant, whether in a substantive or officiating<br />

capacity, after consideration of his case, to a service grade or post for promotion to which<br />

he is eligible.<br />

(c) Reversion of a Government servant officiating in a higher service, grade or post<br />

to a lower service, grade or post, on the ground that he is considered to be unsuitable for<br />

such higher service, grade or post or on any administrative ground unconnected with his<br />

conduct.<br />

(d) Reversion of government servant, appointed on probation to any other service,<br />

grade or post, to his permanent service, grade or post during or at the end of the period of<br />

probation in accordance with the term of his appointment or the rules and orders<br />

governing such probation.<br />

(e) Replacement of the services of a Government servant, whose services had been<br />

borrowed from a State Government or any authority under the control of a state<br />

Government, at the disposal of the State Government, or the authority from which the<br />

services of such Government servant had been borrowed.<br />

(f) Compulsory retirement of a Government servant in accordance with the<br />

provisions relating to his superannuation or retirement.<br />



244<br />

(g)<br />

Termination of the Services:-<br />

(i) of a Government Servant appointed on probation during or at the end of the<br />

period of his probation, in accordance with the terms of his appointment or the<br />

rules and orders governing such probation or.<br />

(ii) of a temporary Government Servant in accordance with the provisions of sub<br />

rule (1) of Rule 5 of the Central Civil Services (Temporary Service) Rules,1965,or.<br />

(iii) of a Government servant, employed under an agreement in accordance<br />

with the terms of such agreement.<br />

8. Other punishments as per Section 80 of Army Act 1950 with the exception of (e), (f) & (j)<br />

will apply to GREF personnel also.<br />

Authority:<br />

Rule 11 of CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965, G of I, MHA Notn No 35012/2/80 Estt (A)<br />

dt 07 Sep 81, Dept of per & trg Notn No 11012/4/86 Estt(A) dt 13 Jul 90,<br />

11012/4/86-Estt(A) dt 28 May 92, 11012/11/86-Estt(A) dt 10 Jun 87, Gazette of<br />

India SO No 1591 dt 27 Jun 87 and SRO 329 as amended vide SRO 364.<br />



Section<br />

of Army<br />

Act -<br />

1950<br />

245<br />


Details of offences<br />

34 Offence in relation to the enemy and<br />

punishable with death.<br />

35 Offence in relation to the enemy and not<br />

punishable with death.<br />

36 Offences punishable more severely on active<br />

service than at other times.<br />

To be tried<br />

under Army<br />

Act<br />

To be tried<br />

under<br />

CCS(CC&A)<br />

Rules, 1965<br />

Remarks<br />

Yes - -<br />

Yes - -<br />

Yes - -<br />

37 Mutiny Yes - -<br />

38 Desertion and aiding desertion Yes - -<br />

39 Absence without leave Yes Yes Note 1<br />

40 Striking or threatening superior Officers Yes - -<br />

41 Disobedience to superior Officers Yes - -<br />

42 Insubordination and obstruction Yes - -<br />

45 Unbecoming conduct - Yes Note 2<br />

46 Certain forms of disgraceful conduct - Yes Note 2<br />

47 Ill- treating a subordinate Yes - -<br />

48 Intoxication Yes Yes Note 1<br />

49 Permitting escape of person in custody Yes - -<br />

50 Irregularity in connection with arrest or<br />

Yes - -<br />

confinement<br />

51 Escape from custody Yes - -<br />

52 Offences in respect of property Yes Yes Note 1<br />

53 Extortion and corruption - Yes Note 2<br />

54 Making away with equipment Yes Yes Note 1<br />

55 Injury to property - Yes Note 2<br />

56 False accusation Yes Yes Note 1<br />

57 Falsifying official documents and false<br />

declaration<br />

- Yes Note 2<br />



246<br />



58 Signing in blank and failure to report - Yes Note 2<br />

59 Offences relating Court Martial Yes - -<br />

60 False evidence Yes - -<br />

61 Unlawful detention of pay - Yes Note 2<br />

62 Offences in relation to airport and flying Yes - -<br />

63 Violation of good order and discipline Yes - -<br />

64 Miscellaneous offences Yes Yes Note 1<br />

65 Attempt - - Note 3<br />

66 Abetment of offences that have been<br />

- - Note 3<br />

committed<br />

67 Abetment of offences punishable with death - - Note 3<br />

and not committed<br />

68 Abetment of offences punishable with<br />

- - Note 3<br />

imprisonment and not committed<br />

69 Civil offences Yes (a & b) - -<br />

70 Civil offences not triable by Court Martial Yes (a & b) - -<br />

Note: 1. Minor offences under Army Act. Repeated offences of this nature and other<br />

offences deserving removal/dismissal from service or withholding of increment, may be<br />

dealt with under CCS (CC&A), Rules.<br />

2. Under normal circumstances to be dealt with under the CCS (CC&A), Rules.<br />

However, if for any reason the disciplinary authority considers it more expedient in the<br />

interest of discipline to deal with the offences under the Army Act, he will record in<br />

writing his reason for doing so and will proceed accordingly after taking prior approval<br />

of his next superior authority.<br />

3. Should be dealt with depending on the guidelines given against corresponding<br />

charges.<br />

Authority: HQ DGBR Letter No.69589/AA/DGBR/EiE dated 14 Apr 80<br />

247<br />




1. Army Act 1950 and Army Rule 1954 have been made applicable to GREF vide SRO<br />

329 and 330 both dated 23 Sep 60 with certain exceptions and that Army Act Sec 71 (e) is one<br />

of these i.e. the sentence of dismissal from service by Court Martial is not awardable to GREF<br />

personnel. In this connection a reference is also invited to Schedule „B‟ of SRO 329 dated 23<br />

Sep 60 (modification) (iii) (a) where Army Act Sec 71(e) has been omitted.<br />

2. Position being such, if it is intended to dismiss the individual sentenced to imprisonment<br />

by Court-Martial, simultaneous action should be taken by following the procedure laid down in<br />

Rule 19 of CCS (CC&A) Rules 1965. If this requirement is not complied with, the award of<br />

dismissal is likely to be set aside on review by the competent authority and thus giving the<br />

accused the benefit of continued status of an employee in GREF after completing the sentence<br />

of imprisonment, having not been dismissed/removed from the service by the competent<br />

authority.<br />

3. The procedure of a Court Martial (other than Summary Court Martial) shall after<br />

promulgation, be forwarded to the Office of the Chief Engineer Project concerned for their<br />

further action.<br />

4. Summary Court Martial Proceedings after having been countersigned by the Competent<br />

Authority will be forwarded to GREF Record Office as per Army Rule 146 (2).<br />

5. Since no time limit has been laid down for submission of an appeal against the sentence<br />

awarded by Court Martial and until AA Sec 164 is suitably amended to provide a statutory time<br />

limit for the exercise of the right of the appeal conferred under the aforesaid AA Section, an<br />

extract from the Summary Court Martial Proceedings ( On IAFD-904, schedule of Conviction<br />

by Court Martial) along with the following additional details duly attested by the Record Officer<br />

will be maintained by the Record Office before these proceedings are destroyed with reference<br />

to Army Rule 146(2):-<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

(c)<br />

Plea of the accused.<br />

Result of the appeal submitted by the accused, if any, and<br />

Character of the accused at the time of trial.<br />

6. When a person subject to the Army Act is sentenced to a term of imprisonment and<br />

committed to a civil jail, a copy of the warrant of commitment (specimen Appendix ‟AAB‟)<br />

will be attached to the Court Martial Proceedings before forwarding to Record Office GREF.<br />

248<br />



<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 22<br />




Introduction<br />

1. Monthly strength return to be submitted by the Units/TFs/Projects, are the basic data<br />

required by GREF Records to maintain the man power state. Late submission and non<br />

submission of the reports not only involves unnecessary correspondence but also dislocate the<br />

work in Record office. Unless the deficiencies arising in the force due to various reason, are<br />

reflected in the strength return, action for provisioning the category through recruitment or DPC<br />

for making up the deficiency of the units/TF/Project concerned is delayed. Therefore necessity<br />

for timely submission of the strength return showing authorisation, holding, under posting, dues<br />

in/dues out and net deficiencies, need no over emphasis. Detailed instruction for submission of<br />

strength return was circulated to all Projects, TFs and units vide GREF Record office letter No<br />

1285/217/Stats dated 06 Mar 92.<br />

2. Monthly Strength Return (IAFF-3009)<br />

Instruction for Compilation<br />

This return contains three parts i.e Appendix „A „ Annexure-1 to Appendix „A‟ and<br />

Annexure –II to Appendix „A‟ (Attached as Anndexure-I of this instruction).<br />

(a)<br />

Appendix „A‟<br />

Column 2 :<br />

Column 3 :<br />

Column 4 :<br />

Column 5 :<br />

Column 6 :<br />

Column 7 :<br />

Column 8 :<br />

Column 9 :<br />

The category shown in Appx „A‟ to be exactly as per<br />

Establishment sanctioned by the Govt.<br />

Authorisation should be the strength actually sanctioned as per<br />

establishment and under-postings should not be deducted.<br />

Held – Strength of Army pers allocated to unit/formations should<br />

be shown in this column.<br />

Held – No of GREF pers held should be shown in the column.<br />

Total held (Army & GREF) should not exceed the posts<br />

sanctioned as per establishment by the Govt.<br />

Deficiency should be Auth minus total held.<br />

Dues in – No of personnel stand posted, but not reported to be<br />

shown under the column.<br />

Dues Out – No of pers stand posted out but not moved out to be<br />

shown in this column.<br />

249<br />



Column 10:<br />

Under postings ordered by Min of Finance, BRDB and DGBR to<br />

be shown in this column.<br />

Column 11 : Deficiencies arisen due to wastages through retirements, Vol<br />

retirements, resignations, removal, death and posting out without<br />

replacement etc to be shown in the column.<br />

Column 12 : Net deficiency, after taking into account dues in/dues out, under<br />

postings and wastages to be shown in the column.<br />

Column 13 : Reasons for increase/decrease of def may be shown in the column.<br />

(b)<br />


Details of personnel stand posted in from various Units/Projects and on reversion<br />

from deputation to be shown under column „dues in‟. Details of personnel stand posted<br />

out but not moved, indicating reason for non implementation of PO to be shown under<br />

column „dues out‟<br />

(c)<br />


Details of personnel proceeded on discharge, retirement, deaths, invalidments<br />

and wastages due to various other reasons, indicating reasons of wastages be shown in<br />

the column. Reference of unit part II order No & date under which personal occurrence<br />

published should also be indicated.<br />

Auth : GREF Records letter No 1285/217/Stats of 06 Mar 92.<br />

250<br />



<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 23<br />



Introduction<br />



1. The bulk of the Force today is of Group „C‟ & „D‟ employees. Group „D‟ PNRs & other<br />

similar categories form practically 90% of the Force with PNR leading with 40%. To improve<br />

the lot of the bulk of the force, it has been considered at HQ DGBR to give them ample<br />

chance/avenues for promotion and to inspire them to improve their capabilities and<br />

employability and subsequently promotion prospects. With this view, the case was taken up<br />

with IHQ of MoD (Army) and Govt. for imparting training to various categories of GREF pers<br />

at various Army Regimental Centres, CME Pune and AMC School Lucknow and our proposal<br />

was accepted.<br />

2. Initially sanction for detailment of Pers for the following categories has been accorded<br />

by Govt. as shown against each :-<br />

(a) Diploma in Civil Engineering - 20 pers<br />

(b) Diploma in D‟Man Estimating - 10 pers<br />

and Design<br />

(c) Diploma in Mechanical Engineering - 10 pers<br />

(BRDB No F. 104(i)/964-Pers/VI/10587/DGBR/EG dt 08 Apr 83.)<br />

(d) O.E.M - 45 pers<br />

(BRDB letter No F.104(i)/64-Pers/10408/51/DGBR/EG-1 dt 21 Dec 82.)<br />

(e) Nursing Assistant - 120 pers<br />

(BRDB letter No No. F.104(i)/1964-pers/VII/67114/IA/DGBR/EG1 dt 22 Mar 83.)<br />

(f) D.E.S - 40 pers<br />

(g) RR Dvr - 40 pers<br />

(h) W/Opr - 40 pers<br />

(BRDB No F 104(i)/1964 Pers/VI/10587/DGBR/EG1 dt 08 Apr 83.)<br />

251<br />



2A. Sanctions to continue various courses have been/are being received from time to time.<br />

3. This will now entitle a sub-overseer/other eligible categories in EM/Draughtsman with 2<br />

years services to be detailed for the courses and acquired a Diploma recognised in terms of AO<br />

313/74. With this qualification these categories would be eligible for promotion or<br />

re-appointment to BR Gde II, E/M-II and Draughtsman Gde II. Having acquired the<br />

qualification he could be promoted upto the rank of Executive Engineer depending upon the<br />

capabilities and performance. To ensure that the suitable and eligible candidates are detailed on<br />

the courses, there is a need to lay down a definite policy with regard to the qualification<br />

required and the method of selection.<br />

Courses<br />

4. The Courses and the duration to be conducted at various centres are given at Appendix<br />

„AAC‟ and „AAD‟ to this ROI. The Appendices also indicate the vacancies and the number of<br />

courses.<br />

Medical Fitness<br />

5. All personnel nominated for pre-test will be in medical category GREF-I. Temporary<br />

medical category pers will not be nominated for the pre-test.<br />

Bond/Certificate<br />

6. Personnel detailed on Diploma Courses will be required to serve the Force for a<br />

minimum of 5 years on reappointment/promotion after completion of the course. An<br />

undertaking as per enclosed Appendix „AAE‟ will be signed by each candidates before<br />

proceeding on pre-course training.<br />

7. In addition to the liability of serving the <strong>Organisation</strong> for 5 years, personnel having<br />

completed the diploma and other courses will not be eligible for deputations and outside<br />

employment for 5 years. A Bond/Certificate as per Appendix „AAF‟ will be signed by each<br />

candidate before proceeding on pre-course/training. Reappointment is not guaranteed and this<br />

Department is not responsible for the same.<br />

Promotion<br />

8. All personnel on successful completion of the course, will be promoted in<br />

seniority/reappointed to the next higher rank on availability of vacancies/suitability as per R&P<br />

Rules.<br />

Administrative Instructions<br />

9. Detailed administrative instructions regarding the course will be issued by the GREF<br />

Centre on directions from HQ DGBR.<br />



Medical<br />

252<br />

10. Student who fail to attend pre-course Diploma Classes, on medical grounds for a period<br />

more than 15 days will be withdrawn.<br />

Discipline<br />

11. All students, during pre-course training are under command of Cdr GREF Centre. Any<br />

student whose discipline is considered to be detrimental to others study and who is not likely to<br />

get through will be withdrawn.<br />

12. The trainees will remain under the administrative control of the following authorities<br />

during the period of course :-<br />

(a) Cdr GREF Centre - During pre-course training<br />

(b) Commandant CME/ - During the period of course<br />

Cdr GREF Centre<br />

(c) Commandant AMC Centre - During the period of course<br />

/Regimental Centre<br />

Leave on long absence<br />

13. During pre-course training, a student desirous of availing long leave of more than 15<br />

days on any grounds, will be withdrawn.<br />

Officers Empowered to Authorise Withdrawals<br />

14. The Cdr GREF Centre in consultation with HQ DGBR will be final authority for<br />

ordering withdrawal of a student in relation to all the aspects mentioned in para 13 and 14<br />

above. The withdrawals of a student from the course will be approved by HQ DGBR in respect<br />

of the student based on the recommendations made by the Cdr GREF Centre.<br />

Family Permission<br />

15. Due to acute shortage of family accommodation in GREF Centre, individuals detailed<br />

for pre-course training are not allowed to take their families to CME/GREF Centre without prior<br />

permission from Cdr GREF Centre/institution of the training.<br />



253<br />



Pay and Allowance and issue of Railway Warrant<br />

16. Personnel detailed on training/course at CME Pune, will remain attached with GREF<br />

Centre for the following purposes :-<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

Pay and Allowance including TA/DA and LTC.<br />

Issue of Railway Warrant.<br />

17. To enable GREF Centre to disburse pay and allowances and to issue Railway Warrant,<br />

OC Unit will furnish the following docus/info to GREF Centre :-<br />

(a) A Certificate regarding details of pay and allowances and recoveries including<br />

date of annual increment.<br />

(b)<br />

credit.<br />

A Certificate showing details of last LTC availed, declaring NRS and the leave at<br />

(c) Any change on above will also be intimated to GREF Centre as and when occurs.<br />

The pay book should be completed and should be in possession of the individual.<br />

Ration<br />

18. The trainees will be authorised to free rations at Army scale in peace station, wherever<br />

authorised.<br />

TA/DA<br />

19. TA/DA during journey period will be admissible to the trainees under normal rules.<br />

Clothing<br />

20. The trainees undergoing Diploma Course, will remain attached with GREF Centre for<br />

the purpose of replacement of their kit items. The clothing issue voucher/kit inventory should be<br />

forwarded to GREF Centre for acceptance. Pre-Course trainees will however depend on their<br />

parent unit for clothing. Items of clothing not authorised at GREF Centre will be withdrawn by<br />

units/Base Depots before their departure on course.<br />

254<br />



Project Responsibilities<br />

21. The Projects are requested to encourage Group „C‟ & „D‟ personnel to avail of this<br />

opportunity and detail suitable candidates for various courses strictly as per the guide lines in<br />

Appendix „AAC & AAD‟.<br />

22. After completion of courses the Projects should keep a tag on these personnel so that<br />

they are suitably employed and opportunity of re-appointment is offered to them in their own<br />

turn. The Projects should ensure that all personnel are kept informed of the re-appointment<br />

facilities and the advertisement for recruitment being published from time to time in the<br />

Employment News. They should keep the Record Office/GREF Centre Training School<br />

informed of all such cases where the individuals have completed their training but have not<br />

offered themselves for re-appointment for whatsoever reasons.<br />

Conclusion<br />

23. The vacancies mentioned above are expected to be available depending on the<br />

utilisation. Therefore, all personnel should be encouraged and Formations/Units should<br />

recommend the personnel from feeding categories for these courses.<br />

255<br />



<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 24<br />




Introduction<br />

1. Consequent upon the revision of the existing ACR forms BRDB-22 for Tech/Non Tech<br />

(Non-Gazetted) Group „C‟ and BRDB-23 for Group‟D‟ the ACRs in respect of Group „C‟ and<br />

„D‟ employees are required to be written on the following forms wef 01 Jan 1988 :-<br />

(a) BRDB-22A – for Technical and Non Technical (Non Gazetted staff)<br />

(Revised/1987) Including Nursing Asst and Storeman excluding PAs and Stenographers.<br />

(b) BRDB-22B- for PAs and Stenographers.(Revised/1987)<br />

2. Broadly speaking the aim of initiation of Confidential Reports is to have an objective<br />

assessment of Group „C‟ and „D‟ employees‟ professional competence, personal qualities,<br />

employability and potentialities. It is a vital document, as far as a Govt employee is concerned.<br />

The employee‟s career prospects entirely depend upon the ACR. In a nutshell, ACRs are the<br />

criteria to arrive at the employees suitability for consideration for the following:-<br />

Periodicity<br />

(a) Promotion<br />

(b) Confirmation<br />

(c) Extension of service beyond the age of 55 years/Completion of 30 Years service.<br />

(d) Selection of personnel for specialised assignments/deputation.<br />

3. The period covered should be clearly indicated on top of the form. This period should<br />

not be less than 90 days . However, the reporting period of ACR is from 01 Jan to 31 Dec.<br />

General<br />

4. Annual Confidential Report in respect of GREF personnel will be initiated in duplicate<br />

annually on 01 Jan every year by reporting officer (under whom the individual has last served<br />

for a minimum period of 90 days during the year) on the specified form as per time schedule<br />

attached at Appendix „AAG‟. Generally, no officer should take more than 15 days in<br />

completing the ACRs and in case of undue delay in initiation/review, the concerned Reporting<br />

Officer should be issued with a performance counselling or warning by the Reviewing<br />

officer/Accepting officer (NHO) in writing for delay in completion of CRs.<br />

256<br />



5. Where an individual of selection post is either recommended for “Outstanding / Out of<br />

Turn Promotion” or graded “Below Average/Not Yet Fit”, endorsement of CE Project/DDG<br />

(Pers) as the case may be, is required in part V and in the case of individuals on non-selection<br />

categories, endorsement of the next officer superior to the reviewing officer in the chain of<br />

initiation of the ACR is required under Part V of the ACR form.<br />

6. In the case of Selection Grade categories, if the accepting authority is below the rank of<br />

CE/DDG (Pers), an additional column as Part VI will be added to the existing form after Part V<br />

for the remarks of Chief Engineer/DDG (Pers) as the case may be as per directions issued by<br />

HQ DGBR vide their letter No 25211/ACR/DGBR/EG2 dated 09 Jun 1982.<br />

7. Under serial No 7 of the revised ACR form, the details of only these appointments are to<br />

be reflected which have been held by the individual during the period for which the CR/ICR is<br />

being initiated.<br />

ACRs PF Pers GREF Centre/Records<br />

8. Commander GREF Centre is the competent authority to dispose off all the ACRs of pers<br />

of GREF Centre/Records, initiated under him, in respect of Selection/Non-selection categories.<br />

Initiation of ACR Stenographers<br />

9. The following instructions will be followed in initiation and review of ACRs in respects<br />

of Stenographers :-<br />

(a) In the case of Stenographers working with DG, Addl DG, DDGs in Dte and CEs,<br />

the IO and RO will be the same.<br />

(b) In case of stenographers working with officers other than those shown in Para 9(a)<br />

above, it will be a 2 (two) tier ACR except that an outstanding/below average ACR<br />

which will be a 3 (three) tier report and it will be finally reviewed at the level of<br />

CE/DDG.<br />

Authy : HQ DGBR letter No.12622/ACR/DGBR/EG2 dated 05 Feb 2003.<br />

(c) In case of stenographers working with Cdr GREF Centre, IO and RO will be the<br />

same except that when it is an outstanding/below average ACR, the ACR will be<br />

reviewed by DDG (Pers), he being the next superior Officer in the chain of command.<br />

257<br />



Submission of Nominal Roll<br />

10. In order to watch the progress of receipt of ACRs from Projects/TFs/units, a nominal<br />

roll of GREF personnel, whose ACRs are to be initiated and who are borne on the effective<br />

strength as on 01 Oct of each year should be prepared and submitted to GREF Records in the<br />

form at Appendix „AAH‟. While preparing the nominal roll, the dispatching unit will ensure<br />

that the individuals, who have been moved out to other units on permanent posting during the<br />

month of Sep but could not physically report there by Ist Oct will be included in the dispatching<br />

unit nominal roll with suitable remarks against them. The individuals, who are not likely to<br />

complete 90 days physically service in the new units, their ACRs will invariably be initiated by<br />

the dispatching units.<br />

Computing Physical Service of 90 Days<br />

11. It has been clarified by the Department of Personnel and Training that the primary<br />

propose of 90 days experience required for initiation of ACRs by Officer is to ensure that the<br />

reporting officer is capable for forming an opinion about the official reported upon. This<br />

physical service of 90 days mentioned above need not be continuous. Any temporary absence<br />

due to leave or temporary duty beyond a maximum of 10 days at a time either by the Initiating<br />

Officer or the officer reported upon will be deducted while computing the physical service. The<br />

stipulation of 90 days experience applies to assessment by Reviewing Officer as well. In case<br />

the individual reported upon has not served under Reviewing Officer for 90 days, the report will<br />

be reviewed by next superior officer upto the level of CE. In case the report cannot be reviewed<br />

upto the level of CE, a certificate as under will be pasted against the column meant for<br />

Reviewing Officer :-<br />

“The report for the period from _________to_________ could not be reviewed<br />

as the individual reported upon has not served atleast for 90 days under<br />

Reviewing Officer”.<br />

12. Where a person not completing 90 days physical service under any Initiating Officer<br />

during the period under report, his ACR may be initiated by Reviewing Officer as an Initiating<br />

Officer provided such ratee completes 90 days physical service under him and RO is in a<br />

position to complete Part III of the ACR form. In such cases the ACR/ICR will be reviewed by<br />

next Superior Officer in the chain of command upto the level of CE. In case the ACR cannot be<br />

reviewed upto the level of CE, necessary certificate as given below Para 11 above will be pasted<br />

and overall grading of initiating officer will be treated as final.<br />

258<br />



Initiation of ACRs of Pers Placed under Suspension<br />

13. No ACR will be initiated on individuals for the period of their suspension since such<br />

individuals are not assigned any responsibility during the period of their suspension. However<br />

ACR/ICR as the case may be initiated for the period (excluding of suspension period) during<br />

which the individual has served but only when the official reported upon has physically served<br />

for a period of 90 days under any reporting offr. In case any individual is not entitled for an<br />

ACR due to the reason that he is under suspension, a certificate to this effect stating that he is<br />

under suspension from…….to…….is to be rendered to Record Office.<br />

Initiation of ICR<br />

14. “Interim confidential Reports in respect of Group ”B” (Non Gazetted ) categories<br />

carrying the pay scale of Rs 5500-175-9000 will be initiated whenever the ratee or the initiating<br />

officer is transferred/posted out during the reporting year. In such cases the Annual Confidential<br />

Report/Interim Confidential Report for the longest period will be considered final. In case of<br />

other categories carrying the pay scale of Rs. 5000-150-8000 and below the Annual<br />

Confidential Report will be initiated by the Formation/Unit where the individual has served for<br />

a longer period after 15 May of the year”.<br />

Auth : HQ DGBR letter No.12622/ACR/DGBR/33/EG2 dt 13.8.2004.<br />

15. Henceforth a certificate to the effect that ACR/ICR/NIC has been initiated for the period<br />

from……….to …….will also be endorsed by dispatching unit in their movement orders.<br />

Writing of ACRs by the Officer under Suspension<br />

16. If the IO/RO is under suspension when the confidential report in respect of subordinates<br />

working under him has become due, it may be got written/reviewed by the officer concerned<br />

within two months from the date of his having been placed under suspension or within one<br />

month from the date on which the report was due whichever is later. An officer under<br />

suspension shall not be asked to write/review confidential reports after the time limit specified<br />

above as per Deptt of Pers AR OM No 21011/2/78-Estt (A) dated 01 Aug 78.<br />

Confidential Reports on Retired and Deceased Officers and their Disposal<br />

17. Confidential Report or copies thereon should not be given to a retired officer or<br />

anybody who has otherwise relinquished Government service. However, on request from such a<br />

person, there should be no objection to the issue of an objective testimonial based on his work<br />

and conduct.<br />

18. Confidential reports relating to a deceased officer may be destroyed after a period of two<br />

years from the date of his death and that of a retired Govt servant, five years after his date of<br />

retirement.<br />

259<br />



Training/Course<br />

19. Whenever an individual attends an approved course of study or training, the fact of his<br />

having done so should be entered in his confidential report with the grading obtained.<br />

20. No ACR is required to be initiated on GREF Officers/personnel attending long duration<br />

course at CME Pune or elsewhere if they have not physically served under any of the Reporting<br />

Officer for minimum period of 90 days. In such cases only NIC/No ACR certificate is to be<br />

prepared indicating reasons for non-initiation of ACR as per HQ DGBR letter No<br />

25001/P/Gen/FRI/DGBR/EID dated 11 Jan 85.<br />

21. In case assessment of the RO is widely at variance with the assessment of the IO i.e.<br />

difference of more than three points in the figurative assessment and more than two steps in<br />

overall grading the RO will elaborate the variation and endorse full justification for his<br />

assessment in the pen picture. If the assessment is “Average NR or Lower” full justification<br />

supported by periodical warning (s) performance counseling (s) given to the individual will be<br />

recorded in ACR.<br />

Auth : HQ DGBR letter No.12622/ACR/DGBR//EG2 dt 23.6.2004.<br />


22. A letter communicating the adverse entries in the CR be made out by the Reviewing<br />

Officer and sent to the Accepting Officer alongwith the ACR for his perusal. In case, the<br />

countersigning/Accepting Authority accepts the adverse entries made in the CR by the IO/RO,<br />

the letter containing the remarks will be communicated to the concerned individuals by the RO<br />

within one month of the completion of CR i.e. after endorsement of remarks by the Accepting<br />

Authority. The letter No and date under which the adverse remarks are to be communicated will<br />

be entered in the CR form against item No. 31 by the Accepting Authority. In case, the adverse<br />

remarks made in the CR are not acceptable by him, the letter communicating the adverse<br />

remarks will be cancelled. Where there is no Reviewing Officer, the adverse entries will be<br />

communicated by the Reporting Officer himself. In all such cases, the substance of the entire<br />

report, including what may have been said in praise of the official should also be<br />

communicated. Time limit of six weeks for making representation against adverse remarks, if<br />

any, should also be brought to the notice of Government servant reported upon. While<br />

communicating adverse remarks to the Government servant reported upon, the grading and the<br />

identity of the reporting officer should not be disclosed.<br />

260<br />



23. All representations, against adverse remarks, will be examined by an authority superior<br />

to the Reviewing Officer and such representations should be expeditiously disposed off, at any<br />

rate within three months, complete the CR sets where adverse remarks are recorded, a note as<br />

under duly signed by the competent authority or the Staff Officer to the said authority will be<br />

placed alongwith the said CR.<br />

“Shri<br />

did not submit any representation against adverse<br />

remarks conveyed to him under letter No ________ date _________ for<br />

ACR/ICR of the period from __________ to ______________ .”<br />

OR<br />

The representation dated _________ of Shree___________ against adverse<br />

remarks contained in ACR/ICR for the period from _____ to_________<br />

was examined by the competent authority and rejected. The decision<br />

of competent authority communicated vide letter No _______ dated<br />

__________ of unit/HQ ___________<br />

OR<br />

On representation of Shri __________ against adverse remarks contained<br />

in ACR/ICR of the period from ___________ to __________ competent<br />

authority expunged/toned down certain/all adverse entries as would be<br />

evident from the said CR/ICR”.<br />

24. The competent authority may at its discretion entertain a representation made beyond the<br />

time limit, if there is justification for the delay.<br />

25. No request or appeal against rejection of the representation against adverse entries should be<br />

allowed after six months of his rejection.<br />

Maintenance of ACRs in respect of Deputationist/Lien Holders<br />

26. The responsibility to maintain Unit set of ACR, in respect of personnel proceeded on<br />

deputation, rests with the last unit, where the individual had served, prior to his proceeding on<br />

deputation. Hence the Annual Confidential Reports of such personnel will be obtained on the form<br />

in vogue in this <strong>Organisation</strong>. The Formations/Units will, therefore, submit a separate nominal roll<br />

of the deputationists as in the case of other unit personnel to GREF Records. In case any change<br />

takes place, after rendition of the nominal roll, the same will also be communicated to Record<br />

Office (HQ DGBR letter No. 69564/IRCC/POLICY/DGBR/EG2 dated 18.8.84 refers). The ACR of<br />

lien holder will be maintained by GREF Records.<br />

261<br />



Initiation of ACRs of Subordinates by Close Relative Officers<br />

27. The following points will be strictly adhered to when an individual is placed under the direct<br />

charge of an official who happens to be his close relative :-<br />

(a) The administrative authority may take care that to the extent possible a close relative<br />

of an official is not placed under the direct charge of that official where the latter has to<br />

write his ACR.<br />

(b) Should such a situation become inescapable, it should not be allowed to continue<br />

beyond barest minimum time possible.<br />

(c) In such a situation, the employee should abstain from writing the Annual confidential<br />

report of the employee who is his close relative and instead, the Reviewing Officer should<br />

take on the roll of the Reporting Officer.<br />

(d) If a similar relationship exist between officer on one hand and the officer reported<br />

upon on the other, the same would apply in respect of Reviewing Officer also and the role<br />

of the Reviewing Officer would be transferred to the authority next higher up.<br />

(e) In cases of this nature, where there is any doubt, it would be incumbent upon the<br />

reporting officer to consult the next higher authority before he writes confidential report.<br />

Initiation of NICs<br />

28. (a) If the gap of two intervening reports is less than 90 days, no NIC is required to be<br />

initiated.<br />

(b) If the gap period of two intervening reports is more than 90 days, but the ratee does<br />

not completed minimum 90 days physical service under IO, NIC is required to be<br />

initiated in this case, explaining the reasons thereof viz Ratee/ IO on lve / course /temp<br />

duty/ hospitalisation etc with period of absence.<br />

Auth : HQ DGBR letter No.12622/DGBR/54/EG2 dt 11.11.2004.<br />

Disposal of ACRs<br />

29. The original copy of the ACRs, will be forwarded to the Records Office immediately<br />

after the GREF personnel become non–effective.<br />

262<br />



Silent Feature<br />

30. While initiating ACRs, the following points may be borne in mind so as to obviate<br />

numerous difficulties :-<br />

(a) GREF number is the only source to identify an individual. Hence it is needless to<br />

say that proper attention is paid while typing the GREF number. The GREF number,<br />

trade and Name of the individual and Unit/Project should be superscribed on the top side<br />

left corner of the ACR forms.<br />

(b) Alternations, if any, are to be authenticated.<br />

(c) No column will be left blank.<br />

(d) Name and designation of reporting, Reviewing and Accepting Officer will be<br />

written/typed or affixed with seal thereof.<br />

(e) ACRs once submitted to Record Office will not be returned to any formation/unit at<br />

any cost. Additions/deletions, if any, found after despatching duplicate copy of ACR to<br />

Record Office, will be made in a separate sheet of paper in each case and forwarded to<br />

Record Office for pasting the same in the appropriate place of duplicate copy after<br />

making corresponding entries in the original copy. Such sheets should bear the GREF<br />

Number, Trade and Name of the individual and the signatures of reporting officer,<br />

reviewing officer and the accepting officer wherever necessary.<br />

(f) All sheets of individual ACR will be neatly stapled/stitched so as to ensure that no<br />

sheet is left clubbed with each other. Also each page should bear the initial in addition to<br />

GREF Number, Trade and Name of the individual.<br />

(g) All IOs and ROs are duty bound to initiate and review the ACRs by due date as<br />

stated in para 4 above. However, where delay has been caused beyond 15 Apr necessary<br />

approval to be obtained from the competent authority ie. CE and the same to be fwd to<br />

Record Office alongwith delay report.<br />

(h) Meticulous care to be taken to communicate the adverse remarks to ratee within<br />

stipulate period of time i.e. one month from the date of acceptance/countersigning by<br />

Next Superior Officer of Confidential Reports. However in exceptional cases, where<br />

delay has been caused, necessary approval of the competent authority to be obtained i.e<br />

CE and the same to be submitted alongwith ACRs to Records Office.<br />

(j) ACR is a confidential document. The loss of ACR is invariably required to be<br />

investigated by means of conducting C of I at appropriate level. Under no circumstances,<br />

copies of the ACRs for lost cases will be supplied to units until unless the loss is<br />

regularised through C of I proceedings which are to be submitted to this office for<br />

obtaining further approval from DGBR to construct the duplicate copies of such ACRs.<br />

263<br />



Holding of ACR<br />

31. ACRs are confidential documents and will be handled as per instructions contained in<br />

pamphlet “Classifications and handling of classified documents 1966”. Steps will be taken to<br />

ensure that ACR is not accessible to any unauthorised person including the individual whose<br />

own ACR is involved. ACR once initiated and received in the Record Office will, under no<br />

circumstances be allowed to be revised.<br />

Despensing with Initiation of ACR<br />

32. When the initiation of ACR has been much/abnormally delayed and IO/RO cannot be<br />

located/traced physically for finalisation of ACR duly endorsed with remarks of IO/RO, a<br />

suitable action for dispensing with ACR by OIC Records is to be contemplated through chain of<br />

Command duly recommended by CE/DDG(Pers). A copy of such order be maintained in<br />

original/duplicate copy of ACR.<br />

Refusal to Sign and Accept Extract of ACR<br />

33. GREF personnel are not permitted to write any remarks on the extract of ACR being<br />

communicated to them. Refusal on the part of the individual not to sign/accept or endorsing<br />

remarks thereon will render him liable to disciplinary action. This fact may be clearly made<br />

understood to the individual and even the individual keeps on insisting on this plea as well as<br />

action, the RO will endorse it suitable in the ACR. The extract of ACR is to be despatched to<br />

ratee on present address under Registered cover.<br />

Exercise of Check<br />

34. Proper attention to exercise a thorough check by dealing staff before submission to<br />

Records Office is to be carried out to check personal data filled in Part-I and all columns have<br />

been remarked suitably as per requirement thereof.<br />

35. Check list to this effect must be attached with each ACRs duly signed by IO and RO as<br />

per format given at Appendix „AAM‟.<br />

Loss of ACRs<br />

36. As and when the loss of ACR (by any means) comes to light immediately it should be<br />

brought to the notice of competent authority by the OC Unit where it is being maintained for<br />

order to convene a Court of Inquiry to investigate circumstances of loss and advise as to what<br />

further steps to be taken and the proceedings to be finalised by the competent authority. The<br />

orders of the authority to be fully implemented. On finalisation of C of I proceedings, OC Unit<br />

will approach Record office for getting a duplicate/Photostat copy of ACR duly supported with<br />

a copy of C of I proceedings. Record Office will initiate the case with HQ DGBR to obtain their<br />

approval for re-constructing the copies of lost ACRs.<br />

264<br />



Responsibility of Record Office<br />

37. It will be ensured by Record Office that on receipt duplicate copy of ACRs from the<br />

Project/Units, these are checked 100% as per the check list and discrepancies, if any, will be<br />

brought to the notice of concerned formation/Unit. Adverse remarks/below average grading ,<br />

where given, should invariably be pasted on the ACR form.<br />

Conclusion<br />

38. Instructions contained on the respective CRs forms are attached as per Appendix<br />

„AAK‟ & „AAL‟ BRDB forms 22A and 22B respectively which may be strictly followed while<br />

writing the CRs. DOs and DONTs are also enclosed as per Appendix „AAN‟.<br />

Auth : DGBR letter No 16801/P/57/DGBR/EG2 dated 25 Sep 90, Govt of India, Min of<br />

Home Affairs Deptt of Pers and AR letter No 21001/5/76-Estt(A) dt 31 May 78,<br />

HQ DGBR letter No 25002/Policy/Vol-II/185/DGBR/E1D of 25211/ACR/DGBR/EG2<br />

dated 09 Jun 82, No 69564/IRCC/Policy/DGBR/EG2 dated 18 Aug 84,<br />

No 25002/P/Gen/46/DGBR/EID dated 27 Jan 88, No 25001/P/Gen/FR1/DGBR/EID, dt<br />

11 Jan 85, No. 12622/ACR/DGBR/EG2 dt 05 Feb 03, 12622/ACR/DGBR/33/EG2 dt<br />

13.8.2004, 12622/ACR/DGBR/EG2 dt 23 June 2004, and 12622/DGBR/54/EG2 at<br />

11.11.2004.<br />

265<br />



<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 25<br />




General<br />

1. A large number of GREF personnel opt for deputation to other Central/State<br />

Government Departments within the country. Due to overwhelming response of our personnel<br />

for deputation due to obvious reasons, it is considered essential to lay down policy guidelines<br />

with a view to ensure that right type of personnel only are given chance and deserving personnel<br />

are not overlooked.<br />

Aim<br />

2. To evolve a uniform policy in selecting deserving candidates for deputation and lay<br />

down policy guidelines on deputation of subordinate staff of BRO.<br />

Deputation versus Outside Employment<br />

3. Outside employment and deputation are two different matters and are governed by<br />

separate set of rules. Central Government employees are permitted to proceed on deputation to<br />

Central/State Governments only. However, they may also be permitted to such Government<br />

Bodies which have been exempted from the provision of immediate absorption by the<br />

concerned Ministry. Deputation to Central Public Enterprises and Central Autonomous Bodies<br />

has been banned vide Ministry of Finance [Bureau of Public Enterprises] OM No.5 (25)/83-<br />

B.P.E(PESB] of 06 Mar 1985 and Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions [Department of<br />

Pension and Pensioner‟s Welfare] OM No. 4(12)/85-P&PW of 31 Mar 1987 respectively.<br />

However, assignments in Public Undertakings and Autonomous Bodies can only be approved<br />

on immediate absorption basis after quitting the Government service. Necessary undertakings to<br />

this effect are required to be obtained from the individual and kept on record while forwarding<br />

applications to these establishments.<br />

Deputation<br />

4. The rules for deputation are laid down in Government of India Ministry of Personnel,<br />

Public Grievances and Pensions [Deptt. of Pers and Trg] letter No. 2/29/91-Est[Pay-II] dated 05<br />

Jan 94 [copy attached].<br />

5. Personnel on deputation shall not be entitled to ration money as well as washing<br />

allowance vide Sectt BRDB letter No.F.45(2)/BRDB/90-Estt.I dated 21 Aug 98 and circulated<br />

vide Dte letter No. 12316/Deput/DGBR/Policy/231/EG2 dated 31 Aug 98.<br />

6. Deputation is not a right. <strong>Organisation</strong>s need over rides all other considerations.<br />

266<br />



Procedure for Selection of Individual for Deputation while allowing GREF Personnel to<br />

proceed on Deputation :-<br />

7. It is necessary to ensure that all personnel get equal opportunity for betterment of their<br />

career/posting to a choice station and at the same time, it must be ensured that borrowing and<br />

lending departments are not put to administrative inconvenience.<br />

8. The following principles will govern the deputation cases:-<br />

(a) Personnel are permitted to apply for deputation to Central/State Government<br />

Departments against the posts circulated by this Dte/various department or advertised in<br />

News Papers/Employment News.<br />

(b) Applications will be screened thoroughly at Task Force/Project level to ensure<br />

that the applicant is fully eligible for the post applied for. The following points will be<br />

kept in mind:-<br />

(i) Personnel who have put in minimum 10 years service in the <strong>Organisation</strong><br />

having 3 years in their present grade in case of promotee are eligible for<br />

proceeding on deputation.<br />

(ii) Ex-deputationists and personnel served in BCA/MCA will be sponsored<br />

after a cooling off period of Ten years.<br />

(iii)<br />

Preference will be given to the individuals applying for the first time.<br />

(iv) Applications in respect of personnel serving in MAS/SOFT areas will be<br />

forwarded only after completion of six months and before 18 months stay in<br />

present unit.<br />

(v) Personnel posted to HAA/HHA from MAS/SOFT area other than<br />

returning from deputation will be permitted to apply for deputation only on<br />

completion of minimum 1½ years service in HHA/HAA and Kashmir<br />

Valley/Insurgency Area.<br />

(vi) Personnel in the zone of promotion will not be considered unless the post<br />

applied for is higher than the present appointment. A period of less than one year<br />

will be reckoned for this purpose.<br />

(vii) Service profile of the individuals be gone through while deciding the<br />

application to ensure that undue advantage is not taken by anybody.<br />

(viii) Personnel who are in low medical category and whose cases for review<br />

on completion of 30 years of service or on attaining the age of 55 years of age<br />

are due during the next one year will be sent on deputation upon giving an<br />

undertaking to get the review papers initiated in time while on deputation.<br />

267<br />



(ix) Special condition if any imposed by this Dte from time to time will be<br />

meticulously followed.<br />

(c) Personnel will not be considered for deputation where trade deficiency is 5% or<br />

more in Project concerned. This aspect will be checked before processing the<br />

application.<br />

(d)<br />

No one will be eligible for deputation for more than 2 occasions in service.<br />

(e) Individuals should be sponsored for higher post only. However, LDCs are<br />

permitted to apply for same grade in other departments. Applications for lower post are<br />

not to be entertained.<br />

(f)<br />

Deficiency caused due to deputation will be filled up as a last priority.<br />

(g) The general performance of the individual should be satisfactory and he should<br />

not have been involved in C of I/Disciplinary/Vigilance case etc.<br />

(h) Personnel will not be considered for deputation once their posting orders have<br />

been issued to HHA/HAA/Insurgency Area/Kashmir Valley.<br />

(j) If the individual selected for deputation is due for review on completion of 30<br />

years of service or on completion of 55 years of age during the currency of the<br />

deputation, it will be ensured that review papers are initiated well in advance (i.e six<br />

months) by the dispatching unit. An undertaking will be obtained from the individual<br />

concerned that he is aware of his review to be made duing the currency of deputation<br />

period and it shall be his responsibility to get the case initiated in time. Service<br />

documents of the individual in such cases may be retained/not to be sent to borrowing<br />

department as per the requirement but it will be ensured that necessary retention of<br />

service documents do not create administrative problems in updating of service<br />

documents by the borrowing department.<br />

(k) Conditions laid down by the borrowing department be fully met with before<br />

forwarding the application.<br />

(l) Individual will also ensure that his ACR is initiated/reviewed timely and returned<br />

to GREF Records. For this also he will render an undertaking.<br />

268<br />



Procedure<br />

9. The following procedure will be followed by Projects :-<br />

(a) Application will be forwarded to Borrowing Department directly by HQ Project,<br />

except those vacancies sponsored by this Dte, after thorough scrutiny as per the guiding<br />

principles laid down in the preceding paras. In case of shortage of time, HQ TF can<br />

forward the application with copy to concerned HQ Project. Copies of forwarding letter,<br />

Newspapers cuttings and its enclosures except copy of ACRs will invariably be sent to<br />

DGBR/EG2. However, applications are to be routed through Dte only when Dte<br />

circulates the vacancies.<br />

(b) Projects will ensure that while sponsoring names for deputation, personal biodata,<br />

ACRs and Vigilance clearance certificates are only to be sent to the borrowing<br />

department. Other additional undertaking/certificates prescribed by this HQ will only be<br />

forwarded against the vacancies notified by this HQ.<br />

(c) On selection CE will submit case to this Dte. Individuals will be relieved only<br />

after sanction accorded by this Dte. While requesting for sanction Projects should<br />

categorically confirm that :-<br />

(i) Person for whom sanction for deputation is being sought for is fully<br />

eligible as per DGBR policy and other instructions issued from time to time.<br />

(ii) Department to which the individual is proceeding on deputation is a<br />

Central/State Government Department.<br />

(iii) Individual is not proceeding to take up job in an Autonomous<br />

<strong>Organisation</strong>/Public Sector Undertaking.<br />

(d) Departure report of each individual will invariably be rendered to all concerned,<br />

including this Dte.<br />

(e) Service documents of the individual duly completed in all respects will be<br />

forwarded to the borrowing department for maintenance.<br />

(f) The individual will hold GREF Identity Card while on deputation and in the<br />

event of permanent absorption the same will be returned to the unit for their action<br />

similar to that of retirement. Necessary endorsement in the Movement order be made<br />

and in addition an undertaking be obtained from the individual to this effect before<br />

proceeding on deputation.<br />

(g) GREF Personal Book [Pay Book] be completed/closed in all respect and sent to<br />

PAO [GREF] for their record/retention.<br />

269<br />



(h) GREF Clothing Cards be got finally audited and kept by the concerned unit till<br />

the completion of prescribed life term as applicable to other auditable documents.<br />

Conditions to be fulfilled by the Candidates/Units<br />

10. Following conditions will be accepted by the candidates/units while considering case of<br />

deputation.<br />

(a) Once selected, individuals will have to move and they will not be allowed to<br />

withdraw their names. Necessary undertaking in this regard be obtained and kept on<br />

record while forwarding the application. In case of refusal, their cases for deputation will<br />

not be considered in ensuing three years.<br />

(b) The period of deputation should not normally exceed three years. Undertaking to<br />

the effect that the individual will submit an application to the borrowing department<br />

expressing his request to be repatriated to his parent department showing his unwilling<br />

for extension of term of deputation will be obtained from the individual while processing<br />

the application. “However, inspite of unwillingness from the individual should a request<br />

that the individual‟s service on deputation are required for fourth year in public interest<br />

received from the borrowing departments with approval of their Secretary, such request<br />

will be considered on merit”.<br />

(c) Overstayal with the borrowing department beyond the approved deputation term<br />

will be treated as “dies-non”. This provision will be explained to the affected individual<br />

and an undertaking obtained before sending on deputation.<br />

(d) Individual selected will be advised to undertake that in case he is promoted while<br />

on deputation, he will report back within 60 days from the date of receipt of information<br />

failing which he will have no claim over the promotion/seniority etc. However, benefits<br />

under Next Below Rule will be granted on receipt of request from the borrowing<br />

department.<br />

(e) Deputatioinsts are not permitted to apply for further deputation while on<br />

deputation without the approval of this Dte. However, the overall absence from the<br />

parent department at a stretch will not exceed three years.<br />

(f) DGBR/EG2/GREF Records will watch the deputation term of each individual<br />

and ensure timely action for extension of term up to three years or for reversion on due<br />

date.<br />

(g) An individual posted from MAS and wants to come on deputation to MAS will<br />

require a cooling off period of six years after posting out from MAS.<br />

270<br />



Leave Salary and Pension Contribution<br />

11. As at present allocation of leave salary and pension contribution between different<br />

Ministries/Departments of Central Government, and between Central and State Government has<br />

been dispensed with. In such cases of deputation from Central Government to State Government<br />

and vice versa, liability for bearing leave salary rests with the department from which the officer<br />

proceeds on leave or which sanctions leave and no contributions are payable to the lending<br />

<strong>Organisation</strong>. Liability for Pension will be borne by the parent department, to which the officer<br />

permanently belongs at the time of retirement and no proportionate contribution will be<br />

recovered.<br />

12. In case of deputation of Central Government Employees on foreign services to<br />

Central/State Public Sector Undertakings and Autonomous Bodies, etc., leave salary<br />

contribution (except for the period of leave availed on foreign service) and pension<br />

contribution/CPF (Employer‟s Share) contribution are required to be paid either by the<br />

employee himself or by the borrowing <strong>Organisation</strong> to the Central Government.<br />

13. In case of reversion from deputation from Central Public Sector Undertakings/State<br />

Public Sector Undertakings, Autonomous Bodies to Central Government, the question regarding<br />

leave salary and pension contribution will be decided by mutual consent.<br />

Posting on Reversion from Deputation<br />

14. On reversion from deputation, individuals will be posted strictly as per the service<br />

profile. No application for choice station will be entertained as the deputation is treated as a soft<br />

posting. Project will render an arrival report showing date of TOS of deputationist immediately<br />

on reporting to unit for completion of records/updating the computer data.<br />

15. GREF Records will ensure that posting orders are issued at least three months in<br />

advance in case of GREF deputationists due for reversion on completion of initial period of<br />

deputation. In case of extension of period of deputation, posting order will be issued in same<br />

manner. i.e. before completion of term of extension period of deputation.<br />

Reports and Returns<br />

16. DGBR/EG2, HQ Project and GREF Records will maintain statistical records of<br />

deputationists as per proforma supplied vide Appendix „A‟ to this Dte‟s No.<br />

69564/Depu/Policy/DGBR/EG2 dated 08 Feb 1989.<br />

17. The above instructions will be disseminated to the units under command for strict<br />

compliance.<br />

18. All the previous instructions on the subject stand amended to above extent.<br />

Authority : HQ DGBR letter No. 12318/Deput/Policy/DGBR/EG2 dated 04 Jan 99.<br />

271<br />




I, GS/No ______________Rank_______Name_____________________Unit______ do<br />

hereby undertake that :-<br />

(a) My review case on completion of 30 years service or on attaining the age of 55<br />

years of age is due during the next one year. I will ensure that the review case is initiated<br />

in time while on deputation.<br />

(b)<br />

I undertake to initiate ACRs in time while on deputation.<br />

(c) I undertake that in the event of my selection, I will not withdraw my name and in<br />

case of refusal my case for deputation will not be considered in ensuing three years.<br />

(d) I am fully aware that maximum period of deputation is three years and I shall<br />

revert to my parent department on expiry of three years/approved deputation or earlier if<br />

reverted by the borrowing department.<br />

(e) I am also aware that overstayal of deputation beyond the sanctioned period will<br />

be treated as “Dies-Non”.<br />

(f) In case I am promoted while on deputation I will report back within 60 days from<br />

the date of receipt of intimation, failing which I will have no claim over that<br />

promotion/seniority etc.<br />

Date :<br />

(Signature of individual)<br />


272<br />




Certified that :-<br />

(a) GS/No _____________Rank___________Name_________Unit__________ is<br />

not involved in any Court of Inquiry/disciplinary/vigilance case and no disciplinary<br />

action is contemplated against him as on date.<br />

(b)<br />

His service particulars have been verified and are correct as shown in the Bio-<br />

(c)<br />

data.<br />

As per all available records his general performance is satisfactory.<br />

Date :<br />

(Signature of OC Unit)<br />

273<br />




It is confirmed that :-<br />

(a) GS/No _____________ Rank ________Name _________Unit ____________ is<br />

eligible for deputation as per DGBR/EG2 policy.<br />

(b) Department to which individual is proceeding on deputation is Central/State<br />

Government.<br />

(c) The individual is not proceeding to take up job in an autonomous<br />

<strong>Organisation</strong>/Public Sector Undertaking.<br />

274<br />





OF UNIT__________________(P)_______________<br />

S/No POINT<br />

1. Has the application been made in response to a circular<br />

forwarded by HQ DGBR/Advertisement in newspaper In case<br />

the application is in response to a newspaper advertisement,<br />

newspaper cutting should be enclosed.<br />

2. Is the individual eligible for the post circulated/advertaised as per<br />

QR prescribed by the borrowing department<br />

3. Has the application been correctly filled in completed on the<br />

Proforma prescribed by the borrowing department<br />

4. Is the borrowing department a Central/State/Autonomous<br />

body/Public Undertaking (In case the borrowing department is a<br />

Government of India Autonomous body/Undertaking, the<br />

persons can proceed only on outright absorption basis, unless<br />

relaxation to existing orders has been obtained).<br />

5. Has the individual completed minimum 10 years service and<br />

three years in the present rank<br />

6. Has the individual applied for deputation earlier during the<br />

calender year If so, how many applications have been<br />

forwarded earlier As per Art 67 (decision No. 11) of CSR Vol.I,<br />

individual can make 4 applications for outside<br />

employment/depuation during a year.<br />

7. Has the individual served on deputation during the last 10 years<br />

(Cooling off period of 10 years is essential).<br />

8. Is the individual put in more than 20% of his total service in<br />

appointment other than BRO If so, he is not eligible for<br />

deputation.<br />

9. Is the applicant serving in MAS/SOFT AREA If so, has he<br />

completed more than 6 months but less that 1 ½ year service in<br />

that unit<br />

10. If the individual is serving in a HAA/HHA/IA Unit, has he<br />

completed18 months physical service in his present unit<br />

11. Is the individual in low medical category If so, his application<br />

can be forwarded only if his medical review is not due in the<br />

next one year<br />


275<br />



S/No POINT<br />

12. Is the individual completing 30 years of service or 55 years of<br />

age during the next one year Has the undertaking from him<br />

obtained that he will get his papers initiated 8 months before<br />

completion of 30 years service or 55 years age.<br />


13. Does the Project deficiency of the category of individual exceed<br />

5% If so, his application is not to be forwarded<br />

14. Will the work presently handled by individual suffer unduly on<br />

his sudden departure If so, his application is not to be<br />

forwarded.<br />

15. IN THE CASE OF HQ DGBR :- Will the individual be relieved<br />

for proceeding on deputation without asking relief If so, attach<br />

a certificate duly signed by Director of the concerned Dte.<br />

16. In case of UDC, does the post carry a higher grade/Scale of<br />

Pay<br />

17. Has the Project/Task Force/Unit taken note of the fact that def<br />

caused due to deputation will be filled as last priority<br />

18. Is the individual involved in Court of Inquiry, disciplinary or<br />

vigilance case If so, his application is not to be forwarded.<br />

19. Is the individual due for retirement during the currency of<br />

deputation If so, his application is not to be forwarded.<br />

20. Is the individual under orders of posting to HAA/HHA/IA Unit<br />

If so, his application is not to be forwarded. (It is made clear<br />

that even in case posting order to a HAA/HHA/IA unit is<br />

received subsequent to the forwarding of his application/receipt<br />

of selection orders from the borrowing department, his<br />

deputation would stand cancelled and he would move on<br />

posting.<br />

21. Has it been clear to the applicant that if he is posted to a station<br />

other than that mentioned in item No. 20 above, he will not be<br />

permitted to move on deputation if the deputation sanction is<br />

not received before the date of move as per the posting order<br />

22. Has the individual served in BCA/MCA area (He can apply for<br />

deputation after expiry of 10 years of his BCA/MCA tenure).<br />

276<br />



Appendix „A‟<br />


S/N<br />

o<br />

GS/No<br />

Rank<br />

Name<br />

&<br />

Unit<br />

from<br />

where<br />

Proceeded<br />

Date<br />

Proceeding<br />

on<br />

deputa-<br />

Tion<br />

Initial<br />

period<br />

of<br />

deputation<br />

Extension<br />

Ist Yr 2 nd Yr<br />

From To From To<br />

3rd Yr<br />

From To<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8<br />

Authority PO No. and date Remarks<br />

9 10 11<br />

277<br />


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