List of Ideas - SGI-UK E-Bulletin and Podcast

List of Ideas - SGI-UK E-Bulletin and Podcast

List of Ideas - SGI-UK E-Bulletin and Podcast


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PartNewSyste<br />

mRelatesTo Index_name The<strong>Ideas</strong> TheSource<br />

<br />

I think the current method <strong>of</strong> new people contacting districts is good as it <strong>of</strong>fers protection for<br />

members holding meetings in their own homes.<br />

email118<br />

Skype<br />

Its good to make effort to go to meetings. But sometimes its not sensible….or you may be<br />

caring for someone who is ill or you have responsibility for young children…its very difficult to<br />

travel. So obviously you don’t want have a skype call to the discussion meeting to be the norm.<br />

But there are occasions when it is better to do it that way than not do it at all. Its better than<br />

feeling excluded.<br />

SLNC Open Mtg<br />

Train pick ups TC<br />

For Taplow Court a train pick ups booking system A advance booking system would require the<br />

booker to give the exact time <strong>of</strong> arrival <strong>of</strong> the train at the station potentially days in advance.<br />

Potential mistakes in train times from a complicated timetable or last minute change <strong>of</strong><br />

schedule could cause many problems. The system <strong>of</strong> telephoning on the day <strong>of</strong> arrival when<br />

you have confirmed train arrival time is the simplest way <strong>of</strong> booking the minibus<br />

VET2<br />

Future Division Youth should lead <strong>SGI</strong>-<strong>UK</strong> Technology Approaches VET1<br />

Publication <strong>of</strong> the reading age <strong>of</strong> the AoL is too high. email23<br />

Communication anything which will improve communications here would be a tremendous benefit. email25<br />

don’t do internet In the Chorus we post CDs to people who don’t do internet Taplow Court Open Mtg<br />

app<br />

Usability tablets smartphones<br />

our approach with apps is to use mobile targetted html5..interacts like an app but not on app<br />

store; modern web tech pretty amazing; gps, cameras, multiswipe; really good stuff without an<br />

app but that gives that interaction;<br />

email112<br />

app Study A Sokka Gakkai app could be a great resource for study for the existing members. email38<br />

app<br />

Publication<br />

An app version <strong>of</strong> the 'Art <strong>of</strong> Living magazine' would reach a br<strong>and</strong> new audience <strong>of</strong> young<br />

people<br />

email38<br />

app<br />

3 practices<br />

the use <strong>of</strong> IT would be fantastic for the <strong>SGI</strong> community. I think that an app would be a great<br />

extension - especially with regards to kosen-rufu. The 3 pillars <strong>of</strong> our Buddhism are practice,<br />

faith <strong>and</strong> study. A website, app or electronic media should be a portal to experience those<br />

pillars, in the context <strong>of</strong> the individual user <strong>and</strong> our community. Looking at those individual<br />

factors we can spin out ideas:Practice - chanting / varying speeds / duration / morning <strong>and</strong><br />

evening. I for one use Youtube to help me sometimes <strong>and</strong> I have the DVD from the Acton<br />

centre. But there should also be information about beads for example - why do some people<br />

use them, in what way What about fruit <strong>of</strong>ferings... these may seem unimportant but they<br />

provide a whole context. Faith - actual pro<strong>of</strong> is very important. At the start <strong>of</strong> the year we were<br />

given a chart to log our chanting units, <strong>and</strong> individual determinations. I am not sure if it is too<br />

ambitious but there may be scope to have this online or on an app so people can keep a daily<br />

log - actually this may well crossreference with practice. It would be great to have a message email49<br />

app<br />

NMRK app<br />

An Application ('Ap') designed for Smartphones that allow beginners the correct pronunciation<br />

<strong>of</strong> Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo <strong>and</strong> a tool to chant along with, which already exists on CD. A brief<br />

background <strong>of</strong> Nichiren Daishonin<br />

VET3<br />

connectivity Centres open WiFi connection around Taplow please email13<br />

1 <strong>of</strong> 31

there are people who just cant do internet even if they want to..so could we have a laptop in<br />

each centre. People who don’t have access at home are welcome to come to the centre <strong>and</strong><br />

use it ..to search….A machine that has controls..you cant install s<strong>of</strong>tware on it, like a Google<br />

Chrome book Its just got a browser <strong>and</strong> nothing else. You turn it on <strong>and</strong> its immediately<br />

available. You can access browser based email, the <strong>SGI</strong> website, the <strong>SGI</strong>-<strong>UK</strong> system etc You<br />

connectivity<br />

don’t do internet-inclusion<br />

centres<br />

could even set controls to only be able to visit certain sites. Privacy, inappropriate content would<br />

all be legitimate concerns which a machine like that could be set to address.<br />

SLNC Open Mtg<br />

connectivity Chanting<br />

whoever feels like chanting can just dial in <strong>and</strong> not be chanting alone. I think this would be<br />

great for people in remote areas.<br />

VET3<br />

connectivity Centres All centres with wifi Wifi all over would be great VET7<br />

connectivity<br />

connectivity<br />

connectivity<br />

connectivity<br />

dbase<br />

dbase<br />

Centres<br />

Centres<br />

Centres<br />

Accessibility<br />

member homepage<br />

don’t do internet-inclusion<br />

wouldn't it be great if our London centres had screens that could broadcast meetings in A1 at<br />

Taplow Court Then London members could join in the Kosen-rufu Summit or HQLA or<br />

whatever develops from these meetings or in fact any meetings, in their own centres.<br />

VET7<br />

I think a screen on either side at the beginning <strong>of</strong> A2 would be beneficial, as if you are sitting at<br />

the back, you can’t really see what is happening at the front. And the back <strong>of</strong> A1 (A2) would<br />

benefit from screens, like you have at gigs, as the speakers are quite far away over many<br />

heads<br />

VET7<br />

t Taplow Court, please can we have a screen in the children’s room, or a portable big screen,<br />

so that people not in the INCH can see what is going on inside the room as well as hear it The<br />

children's room is a space that parents do use at the moment. Conference Services have set<br />

up a speaker in there so you can hear what is going on in A1, but it would be even better to be<br />

able to see<br />

VET7<br />

Loops should be available for courses <strong>and</strong> other activities where there are people using hearing<br />

aids. Loops enable the person with the hearing aid to simply hear what the speaker is saying<br />

without the background noise….the idea about a kit for the use <strong>of</strong> small groups at Taplow could<br />

work well. Are you thinking <strong>of</strong> the Portable ones They are not usually powerful enough for<br />

me, but would work for a lot <strong>of</strong> people. They do need regularly checking <strong>and</strong> recharging so<br />

someone would need to be responsible for them. Maybe Keibi could put them on charge<br />

daily. I know on our WD Summer Course last year, I wanted a separate room for the World<br />

Cafe exercise thinking there would be me <strong>and</strong> maybe a couple <strong>of</strong> others. It turned out there<br />

were 8 <strong>of</strong> us with hearing loss <strong>of</strong> varying degrees, who needed to be in a quiet space so as to<br />

communicate well.<br />

VET7<br />

My personal pr<strong>of</strong>ile page…there I can change my email address…email address phone number<br />

etc..communication options…don’t email me but use my mob … In their personal pr<strong>of</strong>ile in the<br />

database, through their home page a member might say they like to use skype, FB <strong>and</strong> twitter.<br />

Not everybody is logged on all the time.<br />

Birmingham Open Mtg<br />

for the members that don’t do technology..something out by paper at the start which comes<br />

back in<br />

Birmingham Open Mtg<br />

2 <strong>of</strong> 31

dbase<br />

don’t do internet-inclusion<br />

I haven’t seen the principle <strong>of</strong> inclusivity mentioned here….people who cant or wont engage<br />

digitally….this isn’t about moving to a technology only some people can use…..whats the best<br />

way How can they continue to remain informed Chapter study or district discussion meeting<br />

organisers can make sure that information is made available. somebody in each district who<br />

takes 100% responsibility for inclusivity …..we are going to embrace new forms <strong>of</strong> technology<br />

but we have to make 100% sure everyone is included…Inclusivity is bigger than accessibility…it<br />

is ALWAYS possible that you are included…. if we have a database <strong>and</strong> there are people who<br />

don’t do technology, they are on the database…that the initial sign up for the database gives<br />

different options for communication… its an overhead to come from the centre <strong>of</strong> the<br />

organisation to have that reliability..with perhaps volunteers stuffing envelopes..or could it just<br />

be there at the discussion or the study meeting People need to choose…how do you want to<br />

receive this information Direct from <strong>SGI</strong>-<strong>UK</strong> or via your district<br />

Birmingham Open Mtg<br />

dbase member homepage<br />

I think our members would find it incomprehensible if we developed a system which didn’t give<br />

them their own user account ..so there is the option <strong>of</strong> updating their own personal data. Not<br />

necessarily which district, chapter , HQ etc they are in ..or were part <strong>of</strong> Soka or Lilac..but email,<br />

telephone number, maybe skype address, maybe their facebook address.<br />

Bristol Open Mtg<br />

dbase<br />

authorisation members from<br />

overseas<br />

What about people coming <strong>and</strong> not being here for more than a few months..will they go on the<br />

new system To have your own home page You can tell us when you are going <strong>and</strong> when you<br />

are coming back If the id number can be generated locally.<br />

Bristol Open Mtg<br />

dbase Discussion meeting figures It would be great if each district could put its own discussion meeting stats on. Bristol Open Mtg<br />

dbase<br />

dbase<br />

dbase<br />

dbase<br />

dbase<br />

dbase<br />

Reports<br />

Reports Discussion meeting<br />

figures<br />

Reports<br />

Publication<br />

member homepage<br />

don’t do internet-inclusion<br />

What would you be happy with in terms <strong>of</strong> the reports going back to leaders If Im a mens<br />

district leader I definitely want to see the contact details for the men in the district ..ditto for the<br />

other divisions. I don’t want to be seeing the WD <strong>and</strong> YWD contact details . Even though Im the<br />

mens district leader I want to have a sense <strong>of</strong> who is in the district …maybe the names <strong>and</strong> the<br />

divisions for all the members without the contact details..Those two reports seem to make a lot<br />

<strong>of</strong> sense. You don’t get to see equivalent lists for other districts ..showing you what directly<br />

relates to your responsibility makes perfect sense. This is a `need to know` basis.<br />

Bristol Open Mtg<br />

But as well as the two reports we have so far…we also have comprehensive reports showing<br />

the results <strong>of</strong> discussion meetings across the country..Promote humanitarian competition….Yes<br />

you can see how people are doing across the country . You can narrow it down to your area,<br />

HQ, chapter.<br />

Bristol Open Mtg<br />

The new database will need to say whether a member is active or inactive. For district, chapter,<br />

HQ lists we cant have non practising <strong>and</strong> practising listed together. So for the first two reports<br />

above there needs to be the option <strong>of</strong> a practising version <strong>of</strong> the list <strong>and</strong> a non practising<br />

version <strong>of</strong> the list.<br />

Bristol Open Mtg<br />

There are many members who spend protracted periods overseas who would benefit from a<br />

digital AOL<br />

Bristol Open Mtg<br />

We should be able to maintain our details…if I move out <strong>of</strong> the area I put in my new contact<br />

info….you are responsible for your changes. You could input your communication preferences<br />

You shouldn’t get a home page until you become a practising member.<br />

Some <strong>of</strong> our members who don’t do the internet will want the paper version <strong>of</strong> their `home<br />

page`..somebody has to prepare it for them <strong>and</strong> get it to them.<br />

3 <strong>of</strong> 31<br />

Edinburgh Open Mtg<br />

Edinburgh Open Mtg

dbase don’t do internet-inclusion<br />

"You have said I don’t do the internet please post me the details held on me once a year, <strong>and</strong><br />

send me the ebulletin regularly<br />

Edinburgh Open Mtg<br />

dbase Discussion meeting figures<br />

We should not tick who came to the discussion meeting. None <strong>of</strong> the members at this open<br />

meeting felt we should be doing this: its `big brother`. Leaders should know who came to the<br />

discussion meeting <strong>and</strong> who didn’t. It doesn’t need to be on a system.<br />

Edinburgh Open Mtg<br />

dbase Discussion meeting categories<br />

People coming regularly not receiving Gohonzon but chanting regularly..not members<br />

….coming for a while…they are not naitoku….naitoku for 10 years…..Naitoku not in the <strong>UK</strong><br />

stats… …but as observers <strong>and</strong> on the stats<br />

Edinburgh Open Mtg<br />

dbase Discussion meeting categories<br />

Also a member visiting other discussion meetings..they are not a guest..what is s/he… Is he a<br />

visiting member I travel around a lot..surely I'm on that districts discussion meeting stats. Its<br />

another column `visiting member` from another district…<br />

Edinburgh Open Mtg<br />

dbase Email Everyone seemed to favour being able to arrive at a point when there are no bulk emails Edinburgh Open Mtg<br />

dbase Data Transfer<br />

How to implement the new database in such a way it reduces the transient: all newly created<br />

accounts (except future division), cross matched with transient…if find a match delete that entry<br />

in transient; And since we are asking districts to created a single post code for mapping, can we<br />

ask the district to click <strong>and</strong> select post code areas that the district covers AND corss refrence<br />

these post codes with the transient district <strong>and</strong> where there are matches put these transients<br />

into that district for those district leaders to confirm or otherwise.<br />

email102<br />

dbase Reports<br />

2 co-ordinators per chapter…if leaders being asked to take it on What about locally the<br />

leaders having one <strong>of</strong> their number who has extra privileges to do limited ad hoc queries like<br />

searching on skills to find members who can support a local activity<br />

email104<br />

dbase Usability In a future database: Ability to maximise the window. email109<br />

dbase Usability folders<br />

IN a future database Folders- My HQ could be a folder containing a transient folder, chapter<br />

folders which in turn contain district folders containing the members. My HQ folder could be<br />

connected via cloud storage, as in a program like “Dropbox”, to Taplow so that any changes I<br />

make would also be changed in the Taplow folder<br />

email109<br />

dbase Usability transfers<br />

In a future database Using this more modern approach I could move members from one district<br />

to another or to Transient just by cut <strong>and</strong> paste or drag <strong>and</strong> drop.<br />

email109<br />

dbase Usability change details<br />

In a future database I would also like to be able to change member details by double clicking<br />

their name <strong>and</strong> changing the detail, as required, in the window that opens. Plus by right clicking<br />

a person’s name I could choose an option to make a change.<br />

email109<br />

dbase Special Groups<br />

The Chorus needs to be a `special group` <strong>and</strong> people like Denise <strong>and</strong> Howard need to be able<br />

to access the details <strong>of</strong> the membership <strong>of</strong> the Chrous. They will also need to indicate people<br />

with responsibilities within the functioning <strong>of</strong> the Chorus. D/H will need to be able to<br />

input/amend detaills-they <strong>of</strong>ten have more accurate contact info than HQAs<br />

email11<br />

dbase Reports<br />

Accurate up to date lists to be accessible to district, chapter <strong>and</strong> HQ leaders for their HQ.<br />

District leaders should be able to amend details but not remove members.<br />

email113<br />

dbase Reports A place on the list to record Naitoku details. email114<br />

dbase Reports<br />

The lists should be easily sorted by division/district/chapter etc. It should be possible to print<br />

them easily with or without personal information such as email addresses <strong>and</strong> phone numbers.<br />

( data protection) email115<br />

dbase Reports Courses It would be useful if there was a record <strong>of</strong> courses attended. email116<br />

4 <strong>of</strong> 31

dbase<br />

dbase<br />

dbase<br />

Special Groups<br />

Database admin<br />

Sovereign groups<br />

I would like members to be able to join interest groups such as the Education Division through<br />

the members' website. Then leaders <strong>of</strong> those groups should be able to email them or post info<br />

via the new system.<br />

A mix <strong>of</strong> Brazil <strong>and</strong> India…we ask all leaders to take it on like in brazil AND have 1 HQ leadel<br />

person to support them all, who is well trained in DP, can fill gaps where leaders arent yet<br />

appointed, can encourage districts to create their page on the website <strong>and</strong> fill in the mapping<br />

info, can use a tick box flexible search tool for extra reports, <strong>and</strong> get lists <strong>of</strong> people with specific<br />

skills to support local events<br />

email117<br />

email119<br />

The Lilac application process is completely unweildy <strong>and</strong> taking far too much time to administer.<br />

They upload paperforms to google doc to share in the team <strong>of</strong> 6 admin; create book in sheets<br />

for a series <strong>of</strong> meetings, phon each YW to get dates. They are desperate to make the process<br />

easier: they suggest- a web form for YW to input their details coupled with a link to a doodle poll<br />

to enable the YW to express preferences for meetings. They need the incoming information<br />

sorting into a spreadsheet by area, with phone no <strong>and</strong> email, been called, did they attend their<br />

meeting, are they now in the new intake group They would really like to prototype something<br />

along these lines ready for use in December when the next batch <strong>of</strong> applications come in email12<br />

dbase<br />

Publication<br />

WE should publish the AOL on the new info system as pdf where we flag whether the person<br />

who logged onto the info system has a subscription or not on the database (<strong>and</strong> can therefore<br />

access it) <strong>and</strong> we need to crack puttinginto a pdf blocks on it being copied to another person.<br />

With a condensed version for everyone, plus a FB page in which people can access the<br />

condensed version plus a campaign to promote AOL we should increase sales<br />

email120<br />

dbase<br />

dbase<br />

dbase<br />

Search<br />

Future division Search<br />

Sovereign groups<br />

Is there a legal alternative to QAS which costs because PO updates postcodes…whereas our<br />

database will allow districts to upload poscodes <strong>and</strong> find the nearest to from our own data email132<br />

possible to have the contents <strong>of</strong> “The Way <strong>of</strong> Youth” up on our <strong>SGI</strong> site so that when a young<br />

person ‘ should type in a question, for instance “ I broke up with someone…”. The answer<br />

would pop up from the “The Way <strong>of</strong> Youth’ HANDLING HEARTBREAK. Then they have instant<br />

access to Daisaku Ikeda’s response<br />

email157<br />

Hope you get this additional suggestion. May I ask if it would be possible to develop some sort<br />

<strong>of</strong> KB <strong>and</strong> Guardian or other group reporting system so sovereign group coordinators can get a<br />

clear underst<strong>and</strong>ing <strong>of</strong> how to approach their responsibility - for instance KB <strong>and</strong> Guardian are<br />

<strong>of</strong>ten under provisioned. Allowing KB to report that perhaps they are on their own or for instance<br />

there is no Guardian will generate stats that can help focus a group leader's determination. email19<br />

5 <strong>of</strong> 31

dbase Publication<br />

to enabling the AOL mag to be published digitally. Which means that it is easily accessible on<br />

peoples iPads/ iPhones/laptops or whatever. This was under the heading ‘AOL – everything<br />

everywhere’ The basic process is that you use InDesign to great the AOL mag <strong>and</strong> the PDF<br />

goes <strong>of</strong>f to the Printer, why not to the browser but at a lower DPI. Of course a PDF is clickable<br />

<strong>and</strong> zoomable (<strong>and</strong> I would be able to read it), but its searchable, tagable <strong>and</strong> translatable. You<br />

could have a mobile app that can be a wrapper abound a browser that can display a PDF <strong>and</strong><br />

control access. The main goal, is on your iPad you can view magazines/ newspapers from<br />

around the world so why not AOL. You can get the pdf along with your paper copy. You can buy<br />

a pdf subscription for others where posting to them would be too expensive (eg Africa). The<br />

back catalog <strong>of</strong> AOLs could be linked <strong>and</strong> searchable<br />

email2<br />

dbase Transfers It is London members who are moving in <strong>and</strong> out <strong>of</strong> districts a lot-transfer functionality email7<br />

dbase Discussion meeting figures<br />

Plenty <strong>of</strong> evidence that exp<strong>and</strong>ing from strict definition <strong>of</strong> discussion meeting to include others<br />

in figures is divisive..some do <strong>and</strong> some don’t…the donts want to protect the accuracy <strong>of</strong> this<br />

one indicator<br />

email98<br />

dbase member homepage<br />

Would the strongest form <strong>of</strong> engagement be for individual members to have their own home<br />

page in the new database With a communication option for those who just don’t do<br />

technology…….on their individual home page we could ensure the name/phone or email <strong>of</strong><br />

their immediate leader is there….so you know who to contact.......It would be a more permanent<br />

system if the members get engaged with it. If members can update their own data rather than<br />

depending on an HQ admin…or a co-ordinator in a district..it’s a much better thing to own your<br />

own data. It is really really important.<br />

Ipswich Open Mtg<br />

dbase Database admin<br />

So should the leaders take it on rather than appointing lots <strong>of</strong> co-ordinators Yes its got to be<br />

the leaders: a new <strong>SGI</strong>-<strong>UK</strong> info system maintained by the entire leadership <strong>of</strong> the movement.<br />

There are going to be people in districts who aren’t going to update their details. So leaders<br />

take responsibility where the member cant…..It might be combination <strong>of</strong> both…i.e. some coordinators<br />

supplementing the leaders Airlines you have to do it all on line now ….So in some<br />

cases you go round to your district leader sit beside them at their computer <strong>and</strong> fill in the <strong>SGI</strong>-<br />

<strong>UK</strong> `airline stuff`! Perhaps the one to one discussions with district leaders what can help<br />

illuminate this.<br />

Ipswich Open Mtg<br />

dbase District leaders<br />

I think it is quite difficult at the district level to maintain lists..to maintain all your email lists <strong>and</strong><br />

to consistently communicate ….effectively including new people who are coming along . It’s a<br />

challenge <strong>and</strong> part <strong>of</strong> our human revolution…to make that happen in the best way but if there is<br />

any way we can support district leaders in doing that.<br />

Ipswich Open Mtg<br />

dbase<br />

member homepage<br />

I really like the idea <strong>of</strong> the home page . The idea that you can go through a website connected<br />

to your home page <strong>and</strong> find study material, save it to your home page, so when you log on to<br />

your home page, you can click on to something <strong>and</strong> carry on with that point <strong>of</strong> study. That’s the<br />

kind <strong>of</strong> thing that can happen when you have a home page. You could save it as a link.<br />

SLNC Open Mtg<br />

dbase<br />

member homepage<br />

A lot <strong>of</strong> members don’t know who their leaders are….could we make it so your home page<br />

shows you who the nearest divisional leader to you is. That might just be their email address.<br />

SLNC Open Mtg<br />

6 <strong>of</strong> 31

dbase<br />

member homepage<br />

With a home page for each member there is potential for a skype connection via each home<br />

page as well. Facebook page. Can you share your social media Twitter…the full range…If you<br />

want to share your social media addresses they are there for you to share..if not you don’t have<br />

to.<br />

SLNC Open Mtg<br />

dbase<br />

Structure<br />

the Brazilian system shows the structure. So you click on their equivalent <strong>of</strong> say London <strong>and</strong> all<br />

the areas are shown, you click on an area, its HQs are shown, you click on an HQ its chapters<br />

are shown, you click on a chapter its districts are shown. If we made ALL structure information<br />

available to all members in the new <strong>SGI</strong>-<strong>UK</strong> information system, that as well as having maps,<br />

you can find districts, chapters, HQs etc right across the country<br />

SLNC Open Mtg<br />

dbase<br />

dbase<br />

dbase<br />

dbase<br />

dbase<br />

dbase<br />

dbase<br />

District leaders<br />

Sovereign groups reporting<br />

member homepage<br />

members from overseas<br />

discussion meeting categories<br />

Publication<br />

Structure<br />

I have a few friends who are district leaders <strong>and</strong> they really struggle with juggling all this<br />

information, email addresses, contact details, where people live. If I can log in <strong>and</strong> there are all<br />

the people I am looking after straightaway. So I don’t have to sift through emails etc<br />

How about different divisions, lilacs, sokas maybe That members could use a tabular form <strong>of</strong><br />

filtering the database as well as mapping….<strong>and</strong> that tabular form could give access to lilacs in a<br />

part <strong>of</strong> the structure for the lilac chief for that part <strong>of</strong> the structure etc. So perhaps whose<br />

contact details are seen relates to which sovereign groups in <strong>SGI</strong>-<strong>UK</strong> the member is part <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>and</strong> that the leaders <strong>of</strong> those groups are able to make sure everybody in those groups is shown<br />

as being in those groups on the database.<br />

Half the time over my years<strong>of</strong> practice I didn’t know who my leaders were. It was a never<br />

changing l<strong>and</strong>scape I could never get my head around. Whats your district called I don’t know.<br />

I`ve been in this house for 16 years that’s all I know.<br />

When people want to find the local Budddhist meeting or they`ve moved district..there are a lot<br />

<strong>of</strong> people who move to the <strong>UK</strong>…that there is a very simple system where you can leave your<br />

postcode, <strong>and</strong> an HQ leader can contact you <strong>and</strong> have a talk.<br />

My Muslim friend cam to two different discussion meetings. No way is she going to practice<br />

Buddhism but she could go down as an observer.<br />

I would love an e version <strong>of</strong> the AOL. There already is an audio version. (which I would also like<br />

to download so I can listen to it in the bath) The <strong>SGI</strong> Canada newsletter comes out in very nice<br />

format electronically. I don’t need to scroll through it. Lots <strong>of</strong> devices read to you <strong>and</strong> in quite a<br />

reasonable voice. That would help my mum<br />

a clear picture how the organisation is structured. what the various grops are, what are the<br />

various district are <strong>and</strong> what they are up to. A sort <strong>of</strong> Family Tree<br />

SLNC Open Mtg<br />

SLNC Open Mtg<br />

Taplow Court Open Mtg<br />

Taplow Court Open Mtg<br />

Taplow Court Open Mtg<br />

Taplow Court Open Mtg<br />

VET1<br />

7 <strong>of</strong> 31

dbase<br />

dbase<br />

dbase<br />

dbase<br />

don’t do internet-inclusion<br />

Email<br />

Data Protection<br />

Local relevance<br />

Some members/leaders are very very adverse to technology-don’t want learn about it. Sending<br />

attachment by email is major challenge. ---Any future developments should take into account<br />

the less technical members <strong>of</strong> the <strong>SGI</strong> after this consultation we are not all suddenly going to<br />

become communication wizards, this needs to be taken into account wherever the consultation<br />

leads Options for how want to be communicated with…<strong>and</strong> you have said I don’t do the internet<br />

please post me the details held on me once a year, <strong>and</strong> send me the ebulletin regularly…It’s a<br />

resource judgment does the district leader do it or Taplow Court. It should be Taplow<br />

Court..district leaders may forget, be away, send wrong info etc Choosing to print attachments<br />

<strong>and</strong> h<strong>and</strong> delivering them to members <strong>and</strong> leaders who don't have access to digital<br />

technologies is a one way to overcome this challenge. Also conveying information verbally is<br />

brilliant too. We can choose to use a variety ways to communicate with everyone - I think it's<br />

great if we (sgi-uk) can enable individuals to have a choice over how they receive information VET1<br />

Over use <strong>of</strong> email erodes family life, meal times, stresses people out, people dont get a decent<br />

break....it is a problem in <strong>SGI</strong>-<strong>UK</strong>. Email is the easiest way to communicate non-critical<br />

information to a large membership. Either that or a membership portal that everyone has<br />

access to, but even then you still need to be notified when there is something new to view, in<br />

which case email has a huge role to play.I personally find that if I don't get sent things by email I<br />

never hear about them.<br />

VET1<br />

People are very unsure <strong>of</strong> themselves about the sharing <strong>of</strong> data. They tend to be conservative.<br />

To give people confidence we need to be very clear where the boundaries are in terms <strong>of</strong> how<br />

we share data<br />

VET1<br />

For Kosen rufu to be exp<strong>and</strong>ing our membership system has to <strong>of</strong>fer lots locally <strong>and</strong> be<br />

maintained <strong>and</strong> used locally….we dipped our toe in the water with Charisma now we need to go<br />

the whole hog<br />

VET4<br />

dbase<br />

Discussion meeting categories<br />

People coming regularly not receiving Gohonzon but chanting regularly..not members<br />

….coming for a while…is this naitoku….naitoku for 10 years…..Naitoku not in the <strong>UK</strong> stats…<br />

…but as observers Also a member visiting other discussion meetings..they are not a<br />

guest..what is s/he… Is he a visiting member I travel around a lot..surely I'm on that districts<br />

discussion meeting stats. Its another column `visiting member` from another district…<br />

VET4<br />

dbase<br />

Transparency<br />

What ever database system is in place, there needs to be complete transparency as to where<br />

changes are reported. ie. Should a member be able to change his/her address online, then it<br />

should be made clear (to them) that this information is being passed to leader x or y etc<br />

VET4<br />

dbase<br />

Reports<br />

What I'd like is pretty simple. Yes district leaders to access (read only) their lists, also chapter<br />

<strong>and</strong> hq. they should be able to see their own lists, <strong>and</strong> update via hq admin person. They must<br />

not be able to delete people, as Sgi has a policynaboutntaiten <strong>and</strong> sleeping members.<br />

VET4<br />

dbase<br />

dbase<br />

Discussion meeting figures<br />

Courses<br />

Each district can get a login to report attendance <strong>of</strong> discussion <strong>and</strong> other meetings. After each<br />

meeting you get the list to click <strong>and</strong> clarify the attendance with names. This will help dynamic<br />

update <strong>of</strong> the entire numbers <strong>and</strong> also all leaders can use this data to make targets.<br />

The new system should help us with courses. For example, to print <strong>of</strong>f lists for courses <strong>and</strong><br />

badges <strong>and</strong> have an online form. Courses put too much info on member machines<br />

VET4<br />

VET4<br />

8 <strong>of</strong> 31

dbase<br />

dbase<br />

dbase<br />

dbase<br />

dbase<br />

dbase<br />

dbase<br />

dbase<br />

dbase<br />

Reports<br />

Discussion meeting figures<br />

Member home page<br />

Local relevance<br />

Reports<br />

Reports<br />

Reports<br />

Reports<br />

Local relevance<br />

soka, lilac, transport, keibi, guardian, sunflower leaders need access to the most up to date<br />

information about the members in their group including previous history in their <strong>and</strong> other<br />

sovereign groups……..It will NEVER be up,to date as always last minute changes - a waste <strong>of</strong><br />

time!<br />

VET4<br />

Enabling leaders to track attendances at meetings so they can pick up trends when people stop<br />

attending or are having problems………………….They should know anyway. A<br />

misunderst<strong>and</strong>ing <strong>of</strong> what itc is for in my view…..There could be an anon code so you would<br />

know how many <strong>of</strong> the practising members went. The current stats don’t tell you if it’s the same<br />

people or half the district isn’t practising…..Anonymising isn’t big brother but you get an idea <strong>of</strong><br />

how many are regularly attending etc....this is `big brother`. The support between leaders <strong>and</strong> to<br />

members……that support <strong>and</strong> care …we don’t want big brother in the <strong>UK</strong>…its like the truant<br />

<strong>of</strong>ficer coming round!<br />

VET4<br />

Individual members should have their own account in the new membership system <strong>and</strong> have<br />

access to <strong>and</strong> be able to update their own personal information………….This should include<br />

access to personalised pages to manages subscriptions to publications, kosen-rufu fund<br />

statements <strong>and</strong> online contribution etc. It should be possible to see all info held by Sgi on me<br />

<strong>and</strong> to edit / correct etc.............….maintain our details…if move out <strong>of</strong> the area put in own<br />

details….you are responsible for your changes ..some people are not into the internet so we will<br />

still need some peoples details to be input locally You could input your level <strong>of</strong> communication<br />

requirements Whether you want to receive emails or not . Then you get the information sent to<br />

the people who are asking for it..............yes with public <strong>and</strong> private parts really underst<strong>and</strong>able VET4<br />

Having to send in a form every time someone is appointed to a leadership position is timeconsuming<br />

VET4<br />

The reporting side needs to be visual because people grasp things quicker if it’s a visual image<br />

rather than numbers you have to analyse..Not everyone!……….Graphs <strong>and</strong> numbers would<br />

help everyone<br />

VET4<br />

The new system should help me see how our discussion meetings <strong>and</strong> Gohonzon receiving are<br />

doing compared with others….Why not if easily done……...We are interested to see the<br />

discussion meeting stats about the rest <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> the country there`s a friendly competition thing<br />

about it ….but it also lets people see across the HQ whats happening..matters to district<br />

leaders. If a district is down can <strong>of</strong>fer support..................<br />

VET4<br />

I think district chapter <strong>and</strong> hq leaders should be able to see their own relevant info.<strong>and</strong> I would<br />

like it to be sortable by division, district, chapter etc<br />

VET4<br />

Nearly every year we bestow Tokuso or omomori Gohonzons, so local report on length practice<br />

/responsibility <strong>and</strong> whether they already have one would be helpful<br />

VET4<br />

Faith leaders need to see the information about their members, the results <strong>of</strong> discussion<br />

<strong>and</strong> study <strong>and</strong> meetings in their part <strong>of</strong> the organisation <strong>and</strong> be able to query the system VET4<br />

dbase<br />

Skype<br />

The new membership system should record people's skype address………...yes - but only if<br />

they tick a box agreeing to it - <strong>and</strong> what they are agreeing to needs to be carefully explained<br />

VET4<br />

9 <strong>of</strong> 31

dbase<br />

dbase<br />

dbase<br />

dbase<br />

Member moves district<br />

Security<br />

Publication<br />

Sovereign Groups<br />

s a district leader, when a member leaves the district to go to another part <strong>of</strong> the country, I<br />

would like the membership system to help me ensure they arrive safely in their new<br />

district…….hether we keep people not seen for a while, then find out they have moved. They<br />

vanish. There`s a hole in it. Major limitation is not having functionality to transfer member to<br />

another district….It is London members who are moving in <strong>and</strong> out <strong>of</strong> districts a lot-transfer<br />

functionality<br />

VET4<br />

Only keep <strong>and</strong> change member data within a secure <strong>of</strong>ficial <strong>SGI</strong>-<strong>UK</strong> data store…….<strong>and</strong> allow<br />

me (as a member) to be in charge <strong>of</strong> entering <strong>and</strong> updating my own details on this system - not<br />

an HQ representative. I prefer to make my own typos ;o)……..As an HQ administrator, I'm all in<br />

favour <strong>of</strong> members being able to update their own contact details but tight security would be<br />

needed to ensure only their own details are visible.<br />

VET5<br />

AOL magazine to be published digitally as another subscription option………...Yes to digital<br />

copies, not sure about cost savings but definitely would use less resources. Then there is the<br />

savings in postage. ….Would be good too if they were "searchable"…….. am for the use <strong>of</strong> this,<br />

but we would need to include DRM, this would mean that people would need to respect the<br />

AOL <strong>and</strong> its team. By sharing around digital copies, you would be disrespecting them.........Big<br />

yes to a digital aol (<strong>and</strong> maintaining printed AOL too).........es! This is long overdue...........Great<br />

idea especially with the advent <strong>of</strong> smartphone <strong>and</strong> reading electronic devices. This could also<br />

save paper printing etc... possibly cost.......gree - with more people using tablets such as the<br />

Galaxy, Surface or iPad, having access to not only the current AOL, but historical ones without<br />

needing to carry a suitcase everywhere would be a great bonus. It may also be easier to get<br />

more overseas subscribers too with a digital version.............ould be really useful for people who<br />

dont spent a lot <strong>of</strong> time at their residential address (having to wait to read) or for boat dwellers - like VET7 me with no postal address! also, for t<br />

For national <strong>and</strong> regional lilac cover we currently have a system <strong>of</strong> manually distributing cover<br />

dates via email. When there are gaps in the schedule, emails need to be circulated to inform<br />

lilacs <strong>of</strong> available opportunities. It would be great to centralise the lilac cover scheduling as a<br />

more efficient way to share information about lilacing opportunities. The same could apply for<br />

Soka too. Perhaps the schedule system can be used to send alerts via email or text when there<br />

are opportunities to lilac The visual representation <strong>of</strong> all the opportunities to lilac or soka -<br />

along with details <strong>of</strong> who to contact in their district or HQ - may act as an encouragement for<br />

young women <strong>and</strong> men. This doesn't replace dialogue, but acts as a way to encourage<br />

questions.<br />

VET7<br />

dbase helpfile<br />

Data protection<br />

In theUk I receive Gohonzon <strong>and</strong> my details are put on Charisma without me being asked. I<br />

move to the <strong>UK</strong> as a member with Gohonzon. Am asked if is OK to be put on dbase!!<br />

email88<br />

dbase helpfile<br />

Data protection<br />

Request comes to a member <strong>of</strong> staff for contact information for member X. Staf give it out OR<br />

give the person they want to contact the details <strong>of</strong> the person who wants to contact them.<br />

Needs consistency <strong>and</strong> is a data protection part <strong>of</strong> being clear about the use <strong>of</strong> your data<br />

Very simple language DP on not requiring permission, what actually is sensitive information,<br />

exceptions (e.g. religious organisations-give the source for this), childrens information (not DP<br />

requirement but good educational practice)<br />

email89<br />

dbase helpfile Data protection<br />

email90<br />

dbase member<br />

webpages Search google is expensive if you put it behind a password email112<br />

10 <strong>of</strong> 31

dbase mmedia<br />

member<br />

webpages Special Groups<br />

If the Chorus were functionality in a new membership website, how would I have the flexibility to<br />

use the data as circumstances arise.<br />

email27<br />

feedback <br />

What about a feedback corner Using something like VocalEyes to get feedback from<br />

members using Taplow Court…the other centres could do the same. Feedback for the AOL.<br />

Ongoing feedback on infotech issues.<br />

Bristol Open Mtg<br />

feedback Governance <strong>SGI</strong>-Uks Trustees would like feedback from members email127<br />

feedback<br />

Reporting Misused <strong>SGI</strong><br />

content<br />

In new It system should be link so members can report misused sgi content on the internet that<br />

they have found; give examples, Lisa can report to <strong>SGI</strong> monitoring team<br />

email162<br />

feedback Centres<br />

Gradually make centres acceissible <strong>and</strong> used, esp for cultural events get the intention or heart<br />

right at the start <strong>and</strong> not just a practical focus..support movement towards this with web pages<br />

like LIPC for all 4 centres, <strong>and</strong> also interactive feedback owned <strong>and</strong> responded too using a tool<br />

like Vocal Eyes<br />

email162<br />

feedback <br />

feedback <br />

feedback Centres<br />

If we have a feedback corner on the new sgi-<strong>UK</strong> system For centres, re AOL, info tech issues,<br />

<strong>and</strong> a built in ongoing feedback process. not just a button which says leave your feedback but<br />

something visible in a dynamic blog..what is the buzz…not just your personal views <strong>and</strong> not<br />

engaging with others feedback…one person might put up one thought <strong>and</strong> then another<br />

comments well if you do that …..this is why we have been using vocal eyes….<br />

So people are going to want to feel responded to…if you provide some feedback. If we are<br />

going to make a comment we need people to come back to us. This is about human<br />

involvement . If we have a feedback tool for a specific centre or for Taplow court or for the<br />

AOL….Then that involves a key person with responsibility. Vocal Eyes has built into it, ideas,<br />

proposals, actions <strong>and</strong> outcomes.<br />

Taplow Court is a facility for members to use for training courses <strong>and</strong> activities. To be able to<br />

efficiently collect their suggestions, comments <strong>and</strong> feedback from their experience <strong>of</strong> using<br />

Taplow Court would greatly aid the process <strong>of</strong> improving how the centre is administrated <strong>and</strong><br />

run.<br />

Ipswich Open Mtg<br />

SLNC Open Mtg<br />

VET7<br />

help desk<br />

helpfiles<br />

helpfiles<br />

helpfiles<br />

helpfiles<br />

Usability<br />

Usability<br />

Usability<br />

Usability<br />

Something like the Brazilian system needs people you can ring up <strong>and</strong> ask questions. One <strong>of</strong><br />

the banes <strong>of</strong> modern technology is the inability to get a person to speak to. This must NOT<br />

happen. But we shouldn’t centralise it. We should be training people around the country to be<br />

able to answer questions. Maybe in the HQ there is one leader who is the superuser, has a<br />

broader view, can get more reports out if need be. Perhaps can support some <strong>of</strong> the other<br />

leaders. They can direct people to a `how to` video. Documentation is tedious. The new <strong>SGI</strong>-<strong>UK</strong><br />

information system will need a take the tour initial video. If you were an advanced user you<br />

could watch the advanced videos if you were a simple user watch the simple videos.<br />

SLNC Open Mtg<br />

To make the new <strong>SGI</strong>-<strong>UK</strong> system easy to use-have a help tool comes up <strong>and</strong> takes you round<br />

the system with a voice over..last 2 minutes <strong>and</strong> fires up every time first log on..can decide to<br />

cancel <strong>and</strong> take the tour at any time later! Plus guidelines <strong>and</strong> an audio version <strong>of</strong> our creating<br />

value on the internet approach<br />

email101<br />

Helping to make the system easy to use ..hover cursor over fields so get explanation <strong>of</strong> what<br />

they are<br />

email106<br />

The Charisma help file headings would be good as the start <strong>of</strong> wizards when we wish to do<br />

something. So I would like to see any future system employ this method.<br />

email111<br />

11 <strong>of</strong> 31

helpfiles FB twitter email<br />

<strong>SGI</strong> uk member should be encouraged <strong>and</strong> trained on how to deal with online sl<strong>and</strong>er <strong>and</strong> at<br />

the same time try through ICT to spread our message related to the importance <strong>of</strong> the one to<br />

one face to face dialogue<br />

VET1<br />

helpfiles Security Help members to underst<strong>and</strong> in terms <strong>of</strong> IT security why we do what we do VET5<br />

helpfiles Usability<br />

Help files could be created <strong>and</strong> made available for new members <strong>and</strong> aimed at complete<br />

beginners to the practice. These would cover subjects that more experienced users take for<br />

granted.<br />

VET6<br />

helpfiles<br />

Usability<br />

We will need an enormous help section...loads <strong>of</strong> very simple help files……..his is good but the<br />

files need to be thought through in detail so that they are clearly understood <strong>and</strong> possibily<br />

supported by a contact email or telephone just in case users get stuck or confused.<br />

VET6<br />

helpfiles Security<br />

Clear information re: password security to members, changing it, what is a weak password etc<br />

OR prompt to do so every few months. It only takes a few minutes to hack a weak password<br />

which can then be used across sites (if the same is used)…...whats https is, virus scans etc VET7<br />

internet tools Study Skype<br />

To alleviate the struggle to travel long distances when our agenda's are already extremely<br />

challenging we are endeavouring to use techno stuff ie skype to get more people involved in<br />

study prep. At the same time on Sunday 19th we will be trying to get one step ahead by doing<br />

prep for June <strong>and</strong> July at set times, still to confirm. The thing with skype is we can share two<br />

screens for free <strong>and</strong> I think we can join with voices outside <strong>of</strong> those screens. We will chant in<br />

our seperate gatherings <strong>and</strong> then link the screens <strong>and</strong> voices. We had a trial run <strong>and</strong> although<br />

<strong>of</strong> course there are limitations I believe with practise we can get real value out <strong>of</strong> it. I will let you<br />

know the times <strong>and</strong> venues. One screen will be at my place. By the way we can link more<br />

screens but at a price. I will be trying out things later in the week so please watch this space<br />

!!!!!!!!!!!!! email 103<br />

internet tools Facebook I would like a Facebook district... With topic <strong>of</strong> the month for people to comment on. email149<br />

internet tools Facebook<br />

Our local fb "Buddhist Friends" closed group is, I think, working very well, for daily guidance<br />

from Sensei, encouraging <strong>and</strong> communicating with each other - over 750 members now. Also<br />

great to be directly linked to members around the world. There have been a couple <strong>of</strong> issues<br />

which have been quickly sorted.<br />

email28<br />

internet tools Facebook<br />

We are also experimenting with an open fb page for our chapter which is slowly growing <strong>and</strong><br />

attracting interest from non-members all over the world, if in small numbers. We are "creating<br />

events" for upcoming meetings.<br />

email29<br />

internet tools Facebook<br />

A number <strong>of</strong> us are finding that fb is the most effective way to reach some people. Having daily<br />

/ very frequent contact with each other is transforming my experience <strong>of</strong> our local organisation<br />

from isolated <strong>and</strong> dry to warm <strong>and</strong> bouncy.<br />

email30<br />

internet tools Facebook<br />

I am interested that sgi info is now posting on fb regularly - people, including non-members,<br />

respond very well to the photos. It is amazing how many people don't seem to know that sgi.org<br />

exists, let alone is full <strong>of</strong> resource material in all sorts <strong>of</strong> areas.<br />

email31<br />

12 <strong>of</strong> 31

internet tools<br />

internet tools<br />

internet tools<br />

internet tools<br />

internet tools<br />

internet tools<br />

internet tools<br />

Facebook<br />

Facebook<br />

Twitter search<br />

Photos/Video<br />

Skype<br />

Skype<br />

Skype<br />

I think that <strong>SGI</strong>-<strong>UK</strong> is really behind in the use <strong>of</strong> modern technology. Social media is where it's<br />

at in 2013. This will help this organisation to exp<strong>and</strong> ( kosenrufu) <strong>and</strong> it could also reinforce the<br />

bonds within the tissue <strong>of</strong> the organisation. hrough Facebook <strong>SGI</strong> will in the near future reach<br />

many new people. I am aware that it sounds like a strange idea. But many people are time poor<br />

these days, they only socialise online or plan events well in advance. Yet they all spend an<br />

extraordinary amount <strong>of</strong> time on their smart phones <strong>and</strong> Ipads.<br />

email35<br />

Facebook groups should be created for each district. The groups are 'closed', so there is still<br />

this notion <strong>of</strong> confidentiality. The subject <strong>of</strong> the meeting could be announced well in advance for<br />

each quarter. It gives the opportunity for members to bounce back ideas <strong>and</strong> experiences<br />

online before the meeting. The members who feel a bit shy about speaking in public would feel<br />

more confident to express themselves. As a matter <strong>of</strong> fact, the members would naturally feel<br />

inclined to invite friends from within their own contacts lists to upcoming meetings. Some<br />

people cannot make it to meetings because <strong>of</strong> poor health,babysitting issues or work<br />

commitments.<br />

email35<br />

Twitter will be brilliant too. Ashtags ( # ) could effortlessly make people more aware <strong>of</strong> this<br />

organisation : when people google a specific topic. A <strong>SGI</strong> ashtag would appear .It gives another<br />

perspective on modern topics. It is also an effortless way to make people more aware <strong>of</strong> this<br />

Buddhist organisation. 1.Let me explain a bit more about # hastags . The humble #hashtag<br />

emerged as a grassroots invention by Twitter users, for categorizing <strong>and</strong> sharing tweets. Now,<br />

viral hashtags are a major way to follow top news stories, celebrities, products <strong>and</strong> trends. Lets<br />

say that <strong>SGI</strong> as an organisation focuses for example to devote one year to the topic <strong>of</strong> change<br />

or youth or even hope. Or an article entitled 'Hope makes people invincible' appears in AOL.<br />

The tweets would appear for example with # change or # faith # hope. There could be videos<br />

about experiences or more prosaic Lotus Sutra extracts. Anybody interested in such a topic<br />

could come across this article while researching such a theme on twitter. Many people just<br />

check Twitter before even reading a newspaper online (or in the real world) .This would introduce email36 people to this Buddhist practice by sho<br />

Video calls on Ipad (or even Skype) could be used as a tool for leaders to reach more members<br />

for a few minutes or even for long distance guidance.<br />

email37<br />

I had just started to support a new district when I had to stay at home due to having men<br />

working on my central heating. I was able to Skype so could participate in the meeting <strong>and</strong> we<br />

all thought it was great. I am not advocating Skyping instead <strong>of</strong> going to meetings but there are<br />

times when it is impossible for us to get to a particular meeting for a variety <strong>of</strong> reasons. email53<br />

In one district there is a member who has to travel for work reasons <strong>and</strong> had asked if he could<br />

participate in his district meetings whilst elsewhere. He was reasonably new to the practice at<br />

the stage he asked but one leader in the district adamantly refused to allow this to happen.<br />

Luckily the member was strong enough to manage on his own bur he misses out on many<br />

meetings due to this refusal.<br />

email53<br />

Mother with young children <strong>and</strong> husb<strong>and</strong>s who work late can <strong>of</strong>ten not get to meetings <strong>and</strong> I<br />

have had many such mothers feeling isolated because <strong>of</strong> this. They have usually been very<br />

active Young Women <strong>and</strong>, suddenly, cannot participate as they used to <strong>and</strong> they feel this<br />

badly. Skype is such a brilliant way <strong>of</strong> keeping in touch <strong>and</strong> being able to be part <strong>of</strong> meetings if<br />

not physically able toget to them.<br />

email53<br />

13 <strong>of</strong> 31

internet tools<br />

Facebook Linked in<br />

A member saying to me that for serious use by <strong>SGI</strong>-<strong>UK</strong> Facebook has a big problem that you<br />

cant control who becomes a friend...that individuals can sign up their entire following to a<br />

persons page.....Does linked in <strong>of</strong>fer more control who actually gets access to a persons page<br />

Linked in does <strong>of</strong>fer additional control <strong>and</strong> allows the group moderator to decide which requests<br />

are accepted. On FB you can control who becomes a friend <strong>of</strong> your personal page, but not who<br />

‘likes’ an organisation, but you can create groups <strong>and</strong> restrict access.<br />

email54<br />

internet tools Everyme<br />

A member said they thought it would be great for <strong>SGI</strong> to have its own version <strong>of</strong> facebook!!! a<br />

bold thought....could linked in provide something close to this for <strong>SGI</strong>-<strong>UK</strong> There are a couple<br />

<strong>of</strong> systems that allow you to create your own private social network with many characteristics<br />

similar to FB:-Yammer;Ning (we used this for our Masters degree students <strong>and</strong> alumni, but it<br />

has pretty much fallen out <strong>of</strong> use in the last couple <strong>of</strong> years); I heard <strong>of</strong> one on the BBC news<br />

‘click’ programme called everyme.com which looks very interesting<br />

email55<br />

internet tools Linked in Can `linked in` be something we recommend rather than facebook email6<br />

Elluminate Live! communication tools include integrated Voice over IP <strong>and</strong> teleconferencing,<br />

public <strong>and</strong> private chat, quizzing <strong>and</strong> polling, emoticons, <strong>and</strong> a webcam tool. The s<strong>of</strong>tware<br />

includes several visual tools, including whiteboard, application sharing, file transfer, <strong>and</strong> web<br />

tour. The s<strong>of</strong>tware also includes a record feature that allows the moderator to record the class<br />

for others to watch later as well as a graphing tool, breakout rooms for group work, <strong>and</strong> timer.<br />

The whiteboard supports the uploading <strong>of</strong> presentations for viewing on the whiteboard for class<br />

internet tools<br />

internet tools<br />

internet tools<br />

Elluminate Live<br />

Facebook Creating Value<br />

Online<br />

Facebook<br />

or meeting<br />

I am a member <strong>of</strong> the Advisory Council on youth <strong>of</strong> the Council <strong>of</strong> Europe which at the moment<br />

is running <strong>and</strong> promoting the ''NO HATE SPEECH MOVEMENT'' related to all the form <strong>of</strong><br />

human right violation on line <strong>and</strong> the effect that it is having into society.here the link:<br />

http://www.nohatespeechmovement.org/I do believe we have a role to play here in term <strong>of</strong><br />

advancing for kosen rufu.I am chanting for <strong>SGI</strong> to get involved in this movement, because I<br />

believe we can do a lot as we already do in other contexts <strong>and</strong> international<br />

organization.Furthermore, I think that <strong>SGI</strong> uk member should be encouraged <strong>and</strong> trained on<br />

how to deal with online sl<strong>and</strong>er <strong>and</strong> at the same time try through ICT to spread our message<br />

related to the importance <strong>of</strong> the one to one face to face dialogue which no application can<br />

honestly substitute,but maybe help or complement the will <strong>of</strong> our purpose<br />

Please could we have a social media presence Being able to follow <strong>SGI</strong>-<strong>UK</strong> on twitter <strong>and</strong><br />

facebook is not only wonderful from a support/guidance perspective, liking <strong>and</strong> re-tweeting<br />

posts would be a great cause for Kosen-rufu.<br />

email9<br />

email91<br />

email92<br />

14 <strong>of</strong> 31

internet tools<br />

internet tools<br />

internet tools<br />

internet tools<br />

Facebook<br />

FB twitter<br />

FB websites twitter accounts<br />

Google tools<br />

what about the comments about <strong>SGI</strong> creating its own version <strong>of</strong> Facebook Opportunities for<br />

bullying, victimising <strong>and</strong> general nastiness are incredible. Who is administrator for a FB page is<br />

crucial. Crucial to when people are having a go at each other. There are example <strong>of</strong> very s<strong>of</strong>t<br />

positive use within <strong>SGI</strong>-<strong>UK</strong> in encouraging people, keeping in touch <strong>and</strong> even enabling non<br />

members to get to their first discussion meeting. It can remind some members they are not<br />

alone. If an <strong>SGI</strong> organisation put themselves in the h<strong>and</strong>s <strong>of</strong> FB big time, they would be putting<br />

a lot at risk, because FB may in future impose all kinds <strong>of</strong> controls ..basically that organisation<br />

would not be able to control what FB enabled them to do...I have met people through courses<br />

<strong>and</strong> introduced people …..<strong>and</strong> I might find them again through FB etc And they ask about my<br />

practice. Its keeping those links going.<br />

Taplow Court Open Mtg<br />

t is quite hard to protect the information on there <strong>and</strong> make sure people don’t use it the wrong<br />

way. With Facebook there is no dialogue or human interaction. That can be dangerous- being<br />

led by a technological way <strong>of</strong> thinking-------Social media tools such as FB <strong>and</strong> Twitter are now a<br />

major part <strong>of</strong> life on the internet. To fear such invaluable tools due to a perception <strong>of</strong> no human<br />

interaction is I feel a reluctance to find out more about the power <strong>of</strong> social media to an<br />

organisation <strong>of</strong> the people such as <strong>SGI</strong>-<strong>UK</strong>. Human interaction happens in real time.-------We<br />

need to embrace technology not fear it. We should be creating support groups at local chapter<br />

or area level so we can support each member in the way they wish. And this can only help<br />

communication at those levels, whcih can somtimes be a little slapdash.We've moved beyond<br />

email now, FB <strong>and</strong> twitter must be used too, embracing the technology while being aware <strong>of</strong> the<br />

downsides. We could create local groups on twitter, FB, maybe even google + at area or<br />

chapter level so we can support each other much more easily. Our local closed "friends" group VET1<br />

Un<strong>of</strong>ficial sites which could be taken as <strong>of</strong>focial <strong>SGI</strong>(<strong>UK</strong>) sites he danger <strong>of</strong> information being<br />

put out there that is perceived as an <strong>SGI</strong> position when it may be one person’s opinion. Most<br />

people, my self included who have <strong>SGI</strong> content online, <strong>of</strong>ten make a point <strong>of</strong> saying we are not<br />

<strong>of</strong>ficial <strong>SGI</strong> pages. THere are however quite a few people online who say they are <strong>SGI</strong> <strong>and</strong> try<br />

to take money from people etc, so we have to all be aware <strong>of</strong> this stuff. IT is up to us as<br />

members to protect our organisation. his is already happening - quite a lot. I believe it is wellintentioned<br />

(eg someone feels safe hiding behind a twitter name <strong>of</strong> @SokaSpirit <strong>and</strong> feel proud<br />

to link to an <strong>SGI</strong> website not realising that it makes them look <strong>of</strong>ficial. I think this needs to be<br />

tidied up but dealt with very delicately.<br />

VET1<br />

Google has many tools facilitating joined up communication. All these tools are Free to Use <strong>and</strong><br />

could resolve many issues on this site: Google Talk: A telephone system that allows people<br />

with a Google pr<strong>of</strong>ile to call each other for free. It also has audio conferencing features. Using a<br />

Google+ Hangout enables this to be done as a video chat, so that all participants can actually<br />

see each other. This then caters for face-to-face meetings. Google Drive: The ability to centrally<br />

store documents <strong>and</strong> automatically share them with the membership without having to send<br />

emails. Create a "Newsletter" folder which is shared with someone, every time a new newsletter<br />

is put into the folder everyone has instant access to it. Google Calendar: All districts/chapters<br />

could enter basic details <strong>of</strong> meetings into a calendar, so that people with smart phones can<br />

subscribe <strong>and</strong> have the meeting details automatically appear in their phone calendars. It also<br />

means that District/Chapter/HQ leaders view whether meetings clash I personally would be very<br />

reluctant to allow Google access to any personal data These are free apps so what is the actual "cost" VET3 Does that mean that Google will<br />

15 <strong>of</strong> 31

internet tools Linked in<br />

it may be useful to have a presence on linked-in, particularly something that members <strong>of</strong> the<br />

academic community can connect with <strong>and</strong> follow. Significant events such as Sensei's peace<br />

proposals, environmental proposals or when he receives an academic or other recognition<br />

could be reported through this resource<br />

VET3<br />

internet tools Survey monkey Survey monkey might find a use for getting views online That is what this site is for VET3<br />

internet tools Conference calls<br />

Conference calls by telephone are more reliable than Skype but will cost a small amount<br />

(compared with the cost <strong>of</strong> petrol, loss <strong>of</strong> time while driving etc): powwownow, conference genie<br />

<strong>and</strong> hellomail are examples<br />

VET3<br />

internet tools Skype<br />

internet tools Drop box<br />

internet tools Doodle<br />

internet tools Chant Buddy<br />

internet tools Eventbrite<br />

internet tools Basecamp s<strong>of</strong>tware<br />

internet tools <br />

internet tools Schedule creator<br />

or making free phone calls or having more than two people talking together in a conference call.<br />

Can be problems with the quality <strong>of</strong> the call…. had just started to support a new district when I<br />

had to stay at home due to having men working on my central heating. I was able to Skype so<br />

could participate in the meeting <strong>and</strong> we all thought it was great.In one district there is a member<br />

who has to travel for work reasons <strong>and</strong> had asked if he could participate in his district meetings<br />

whilst elsewhere. He was reasonably new to the practice at the stage he asked but one leader<br />

in the district adamantly refused to allow this to happen. I can see that some <strong>of</strong> our older<br />

members, myself included, will get to the stage where getting out in the evenings may become<br />

difficult <strong>and</strong> even impossible. Mother with young children <strong>and</strong> husb<strong>and</strong>s who work late can<br />

<strong>of</strong>ten not get to meetings <strong>and</strong> I have had many such mothers feeling isolated because <strong>of</strong> this.<br />

They have usually been very active Young Women <strong>and</strong>, suddenly, cannot participate as they<br />

used to <strong>and</strong> they feel this badly. Skype is such a brilliant way <strong>of</strong> keeping in touch <strong>and</strong> being able VET3 to be part <strong>of</strong> meetings if not physically a<br />

Drop box is a way <strong>of</strong> sharing files. We used it to put together this years grade 1 <strong>and</strong> 2 study<br />

material. We used it to make sure everyone was working from the same versions..good<br />

system.<br />

VET3<br />

Doodle s a way <strong>of</strong> setting up meetings especially leaders meetings. It enables you to suggest a<br />

number <strong>of</strong> dates/times/places. These get emailed to everyone invited to the meeting <strong>and</strong> they<br />

click on dates <strong>and</strong> times they can do.<br />

VET3<br />

Chant buddy is an app you can download <strong>and</strong> put in your own goals, log your daimoku <strong>and</strong> it<br />

works out how much you have done towards that<br />

VET3<br />

s free s<strong>of</strong>tware for organising ticketed events. It has been used for kayo kai event ticketing..at a<br />

university they use it for events…I've used it…very useful…very simple<br />

VET3<br />

Email's not going away any time soon, but it's very messy. Online project management systems<br />

like Basecamp, which I use a lot, help teams keep emails in organised threads, post documents<br />

for restricted access, maintain diaries <strong>and</strong> keep named people updated. A similar facility for us<br />

would help enormously.<br />

VET4<br />

A page on the new member website which recommends free s<strong>of</strong>tware tools on the internet for<br />

use within <strong>SGI</strong>-Uks activities……..that is something to be very careful about - we are<br />

responsible for all <strong>of</strong> our "published" recommendations<br />

VET6<br />

I have developed 2 tools which make schedule creation easier ( for me anyway! ). 1) A cloudbased<br />

shared monthly diary which Chapter/District leaders fill in <strong>and</strong> edit at their leisure. 2) A<br />

spreadsheet-based program which captures the shared diary <strong>and</strong> generates a formatted<br />

monthly schedule in Word format. It also underst<strong>and</strong>s recurring items such as "3rd Wednesday<br />

in the month" which potentially avoids much duplication. I would be happy to discuss these tools<br />

with anyone interested.<br />

VET7<br />

16 <strong>of</strong> 31

internet tools<br />

Teamspeak<br />

Use a TeamSpeak client to communicate with a TeamSpeak server to hold<br />

local/regional/national/international discussion meetings. Obeying the principle <strong>of</strong> the voice<br />

does the Buddha's work<br />

VET7<br />

internet tools<br />

Study<br />

s there a way - for Chapter study given at one venue to be available in maybe 2 or 3 other<br />

venues. I don't think you should be able to access it athome for personal use but if you could go<br />

to District meeting to watch the lecture that is given more people could access this. Sometimes<br />

we have to travel 2hrs to get to a venue <strong>and</strong> then <strong>of</strong> course lectures are not well attended. The<br />

District is the perfect place to listen together <strong>and</strong> then discuss ready for the discussion meeting.<br />

Not sure <strong>of</strong> technolgoy involved as a bit <strong>of</strong> a techno dimbo myself - it's taken me ages to get in<br />

here <strong>and</strong> make this comment!........I feel this is a good concept, especially for districts that are<br />

spread out so far distance. It can also aid those who are too ill to attend. They can therefore,<br />

access the guidance in these lectures<br />

VET7<br />

internet tools<br />

Searching<br />

Searching Buddhism in Google When you do this <strong>SGI</strong> should come up...can we make this<br />

happen…..I nice idea, but not really feasible. The topic is wy too broad <strong>and</strong> we cant really<br />

stake claim over a keyword that encompasses many many other forms <strong>of</strong> Buddhism :)<br />

Twitter will be brilliant too. Hashtags ( # ) could effortlessly make people more aware <strong>of</strong> this<br />

organisation : when people google a specific topic. An <strong>SGI</strong> hashtag would appear .It gives<br />

another perspective on modern topics. It is also an effortless way to make people more aware<br />

<strong>of</strong> this Buddhist organisation. Lets say that <strong>SGI</strong> as an organisation focuses for example to<br />

devote one year to the topic <strong>of</strong> change or youth or even hope. Or an article entitled 'Hope<br />

makes people invincible' appears in AOL. The tweets would appear for example with # change<br />

or # faith # hope. There could be videos about experiences or more prosaic Lotus Sutra<br />

extracts. Anybody interested in such a topic could come across this article while researching<br />

such a theme on twitter. Many people just check Twitter before even reading a newspaper<br />

online (or in the real world) .This would introduce people to this Buddhist practice by showing<br />

them what <strong>SGI</strong> is all about.....I think we need to very wary <strong>of</strong> using social media to promote <strong>SGI</strong>internet<br />

tools Twitter<br />

<strong>UK</strong> or our activities. There is already plenty <strong>of</strong> stuff about <strong>SGI</strong> online (good <strong>and</strong> bad). The VET7<br />

internet tools<br />

member<br />

webpages Event brite Lou Marin<strong>of</strong>f-is ticketed event did we use event brite email96<br />

internet tools<br />

mmedia<br />

Districts skype video<br />

VET7<br />

I went to the discussion meeting here (Carolina) last Saturday ….a lady on Skype from<br />

Singapore, There are few members here <strong>and</strong> have to travel long distances to get to larger<br />

meetings. As it was May contribution month the had streaming from the general director a<br />

followed by the ywd explaining how contribution had been used over the last year. Then there<br />

were two amazing experience around contribution <strong>and</strong> a comedy sketch from the youth division.<br />

It was interesting how they are using technology to reach everyone every state even if there are<br />

only a few members there.<br />

email95<br />

17 <strong>of</strong> 31

internet tools<br />

policies<br />

mapping<br />

mapping<br />

Facebook<br />

Mapping<br />

Mapping<br />

<strong>SGI</strong>-<strong>UK</strong> to have an <strong>of</strong>ficial presence on Facebook which is properly supported <strong>and</strong> able to<br />

respond/participate...There might be some value in an <strong>of</strong>ficial <strong>SGI</strong>-<strong>UK</strong> facebook page as part <strong>of</strong><br />

our efforts to engage with wider society. I dont think it would move KR forward its own though.<br />

In my experience the organisation grows when we challenge ourselves through human<br />

revolution <strong>and</strong> become more capable <strong>of</strong> supporting new members. For local facebook pages<br />

where they are a reflection <strong>of</strong> those members' autonomous determination to promote KR,<br />

based on the wisdom gained from taking responsibility in that area they can create the most<br />

value............Hello, There is already a <strong>SGI</strong> Facebook page -<br />

https://www.facebook.com/sgiusa.info as well as many <strong>of</strong> these other groups -<br />

https://www.facebook.com/groups/<strong>SGI</strong><strong>UK</strong>LONDONMEMBERS/ where people from all over the<br />

country connect. However, I think a <strong>UK</strong> <strong>SGI</strong> page would be a good idea, it could integrate in to<br />

the <strong>UK</strong> Members site, <strong>and</strong> events, updates can be pushed to it. CLOSED Facebook groups are<br />

necessary for local areas, as they protect members. But a National Page would be a great idea, just VET7 remember all these things take man<br />

At the front <strong>of</strong> the system there should be a map from which you can find activities nearest to<br />

you. Im beginning to see in the database a few fields for districts……here is the postcode we<br />

would like used on the map…..here is the email so when people click on that point on the map<br />

<strong>and</strong> want to make contact.<br />

Birmingham Open Mtg<br />

A picture paints a 1000 words. So the power <strong>of</strong> seeing the membership on a map <strong>of</strong> the <strong>UK</strong>, but<br />

you cant see WHO they are from any <strong>of</strong> the points on the map (the points don’t carry any<br />

information)…but you can see where the membership is on a map system ….when I have<br />

discovered there are 15 member 5 miles from me..then I need to get the district contact<br />

details….to be able to wind back five years <strong>and</strong> ten years <strong>and</strong> then to look today….to be able to<br />

see the growth <strong>of</strong> the movement..THAT is encouraging<br />

Birmingham Open Mtg<br />

Some people have been suggesting one <strong>of</strong> the things you get when you enter the new info<br />

system is a map <strong>of</strong> the <strong>UK</strong> ..that you can use to find activities anywhere all over the<br />

country….that you can find what the district have decided to put up as an email address <strong>and</strong> the<br />

postcode it has decided to use. So in the new member database, at the district level, someone<br />

has got to decide what to put into that table that the map draws from. For some people emails<br />

easily get buried but if somebody rang me it would be in my life far easier. Human<br />

contact….just different….Its time too. If you haven’t done it instantly gets put on the back<br />

burner. The choice for the district could therefore be an email or a phone number (to put on the<br />

map). Why not decentralise this straight to districts. That’s where Kosen rufu is. Keeping it<br />

mapping Mapping<br />

central means the caseload is going to go up <strong>and</strong> up.<br />

Bristol Open Mtg<br />

When you get to the <strong>SGI</strong>-<strong>UK</strong> site there is no place where you can just click <strong>and</strong> get info about<br />

`this is in my area` <strong>and</strong> to show where districts are. Ah that’s my district click <strong>and</strong> get more<br />

information. There are people in Cumbria, there are people in Edinburgh I`ll click on these.<br />

Then you bring up some more localised information..almost a calendar page saying we have a<br />

meeting here <strong>and</strong> here. If you want to get in touch click this link. . Better to make the informed<br />

choice yourself say on a map <strong>of</strong> the <strong>UK</strong>. It would be great to have a map <strong>of</strong> the <strong>UK</strong> like google<br />

maps…it’s a real support thing…just to know there are people practising here here <strong>and</strong> here.<br />

mapping Mapping<br />

We cover the whole <strong>of</strong> the <strong>UK</strong>.<br />

Edinburgh Open Mtg<br />

mapping Websnaps web snaps is to present data; built on mapping platform see co-operative web website email112<br />

18 <strong>of</strong> 31

mapping<br />

mapping<br />

mapping<br />

Mapping<br />

mapping/memb<br />

er webpages<br />

mapping/memb<br />

er webpages<br />

mapping/memb<br />

er webpages<br />

Mapping daimoku<br />

Mapping<br />

Mapping<br />

Mapping<br />

Mapping<br />

Mapping<br />

Mapping<br />

All the YWD doing daimoku in the <strong>UK</strong> <strong>and</strong> its been travelling from the north to the south….we<br />

are showing the YW using email how its passing from one area to the next ….it would have<br />

been great to be able to just go <strong>and</strong> see on a map on the YWD page in the member website. Ipswich Open Mtg<br />

Can we have an Interactive map showing the organisation so you can actually see where the<br />

different areas are. It is actually really useful to be able to see visually for example what the<br />

South <strong>of</strong> Engl<strong>and</strong> covers.<br />

VET2<br />

Map where the membership is it’s a real support thing…just to know there are people practising<br />

here here <strong>and</strong> here. We cover the whole <strong>of</strong> the <strong>UK</strong><br />

Digital map <strong>of</strong> discussion meeting locations-a district discussion meeting is held in a private<br />

home -the address <strong>of</strong> the members' house should not be published<br />

VET2<br />

Map where districts are to show where districts are. Ah that’s my district click <strong>and</strong> get more<br />

information. Then you bring up some more localised information..almost a calendar page<br />

saying we have a meeting here <strong>and</strong> here. If you want to get in touch click this link.<br />

VET2<br />

a list/map <strong>of</strong> the HQ's within <strong>SGI</strong>-<strong>UK</strong> <strong>and</strong> who the leaders are. It helps to get a sense <strong>of</strong> how the<br />

organisation is growing <strong>and</strong> it demystifies the whole organisational structure<br />

VET2<br />

It is great when you take on a responsibility within <strong>SGI</strong>, but would be great if you could see a<br />

geographical representation <strong>of</strong> the area/hq/chapter/district that you are responsible<br />

VET2<br />

member<br />

webpages<br />

ebulletin don’t do internetinclusion<br />

For people who are not connected with the internet the thought is that the ebulletin would be<br />

transformed into something that is viewable in a browser but that we figure out a way to also<br />

compile it on a monthly basis so it will go on enough double sided A4 to go in a 60p stamp<br />

envelop, say. And on a monthly basis we have some choices. Either it goes out by post<br />

centrally or it goes out electronically <strong>and</strong> the district undertakes to pass it on.<br />

Bristol Open Mtg<br />

member<br />

webpages<br />

member<br />

webpages<br />

member<br />

webpages<br />

Senseis newsletter<br />

<strong>SGI</strong>-<strong>UK</strong> schedule<br />

Centres<br />

It would be wonderful if you could search the Sensei newsletter repository online. ...One <strong>of</strong> the<br />

really big areas on the internet is web databases..it’s a search tool with an enormous amount <strong>of</strong><br />

data sitting behind which you don’t have access to directly. You have some search boxes for<br />

you to use to find things IN that data….Enabling people to access <strong>and</strong> use that huge repository Bristol Open Mtg<br />

We discussed getting ahead <strong>of</strong> the coming annual sgi-uk schedule-speakers didn’t think about<br />

the member website!<br />

email101<br />

put the "Centre Manager / Faith Leader's H<strong>and</strong>book for LIPC" online <strong>and</strong> accessible to the<br />

relevant members (but not all members) via the website. The booklet is put together by the<br />

committee responsible for LIPC - Pete Morris, Cath Cinnamon, etc - <strong>and</strong> then distributed via<br />

Area leaders to HQ leaders down to the District leaders that do the actual activity. This means<br />

that the information is invariably out <strong>of</strong> date by the time a centre manager actually receives it<br />

<strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong>ten new information about the centre doesn't actually filter down through this system <strong>of</strong><br />

communication at all.<br />

email123<br />

19 <strong>of</strong> 31

member<br />

webpages<br />

member<br />

webpages<br />

member<br />

webpages<br />

member<br />

webpages<br />

member<br />

webpages<br />

member<br />

webpages<br />

member<br />

webpages<br />

member<br />

webpages<br />

Centres<br />

Search<br />

Photos text<br />

Courses<br />

Publication<br />

As a regular Centre Manager, it would be great if I could log on to the system <strong>and</strong>: - see in a<br />

shared online diary when I was next booked in to do my responsibility- see what activities were<br />

booked in - see who else was booked in for the same shift (ie keibi, faith leader, lilac, soka<br />

guardian)- be instantly alerted to any new info on both my next shift <strong>and</strong> LIPC in general (eg<br />

how to light the new electronic c<strong>and</strong>les etc)- be able to access all relevant information to my<br />

responsibility (ie everything in the current h<strong>and</strong>book + maybe extra stuff)- be able to send a<br />

message instantly to the LIPC committee if I have a question or if I have feedback about<br />

something that happened when I was responsible for the centre<br />

N Irel<strong>and</strong> WD area ;leader-they want a `link` to stop people going south <strong>and</strong> assuming there<br />

isnt anybody in the north. So when search on Norther Irel<strong>and</strong> something comes up!! Yes maps<br />

could help<br />

Idea <strong>of</strong> a web page on member website for member to upload text <strong>and</strong> photios for<br />

authorisation, <strong>and</strong> that it allows them to tag it to the correct destination around the site (by<br />

default it will go to the national pages equivalent <strong>of</strong> ebulletin)<br />

my suggestion is to include the provision <strong>of</strong> some online tool that can be used to create forms<br />

online (for instance based on survey monkey or vovici) for use at courses. this would save<br />

much paper work <strong>and</strong> possibly the cutting down <strong>of</strong> trees. ideally this online tool should also<br />

allow payment for, say, course fees. a link to an online course form could be easily shared with<br />

members that would prefer to use that, not to fully replace paper <strong>of</strong> course if some do not have<br />

access to the internet or a computer. but i think it would make managing member course<br />

information easier. this is based on my own experince <strong>of</strong> supporting a few course, currently our<br />

family course.<br />

Why does the e-bulletin have to be so Loooo Res Is just one case in point - I dont just<br />

highlight it because I was on the course - can you see the chains in the image the report<br />

mentions No probably not unless you have 20:20 vision!!! I've mentioned it before I admit. But<br />

please can the image resolution be increased <strong>and</strong> if not why not<br />

I notice that many <strong>of</strong> the members are suffering through lack <strong>of</strong> “up-to-date” guidance. They<br />

are stuck! I know some effort is required on their part – but hunting down the right person has<br />

email124<br />

email128<br />

email131<br />

email152<br />

email20<br />

member<br />

webpages Guidance<br />

proved to be a long task for me.<br />

email22<br />

member<br />

Websites have to be compliant for people w disabilities. RNIB example. Use Direct.info website<br />

webpages Accessibility<br />

which is about travel as a model<br />

email26<br />

member<br />

webpages Guidance receiving "To My Friends" by email every other day from Japan is also a massive boost. email33<br />

member<br />

Can we get a package to use to book spaces in our centres to save building it into the website <br />

webpages Centres<br />

Can use the Brazil system as a guide<br />

email41<br />

I <strong>of</strong>ten chant domei daimoku <strong>and</strong> wondered if we should use dial in numbers or Skype to hear<br />

the other people who are chanting with us at the same time so that we are really supporting<br />

each other. I <strong>of</strong>ten use these for work <strong>and</strong> they <strong>of</strong>ten have a free 0800 number <strong>and</strong> should be<br />

Daimoku<br />

inexpensive to run.<br />

email43<br />

Facebook<br />

Districts<br />

Regarding Facebook, on reflection, I think an <strong>of</strong>ficial English language online message board<br />

would probably be better than Facebook<br />

it would be great to see a website which allows people to see what is going on in neighbouring<br />

districts,<br />

20 <strong>of</strong> 31<br />

email47<br />


member<br />

webpages Experiences it would be great to see a website which allows people to to share experiences email47<br />

member<br />

webpages<br />

member<br />

webpages<br />

Daimoku<br />

Reporting Misused Content<br />

I recently had a challenging period with my partner being seriously ill in hospital <strong>and</strong> my district<br />

leader texted me whenever he was chanting. His doing that encouraged me to chant when he<br />

was chanting <strong>and</strong> I otherwise would not have chanted at that time. So it made me think that a<br />

website where people could just post to say they are going to do an hour or whatever may<br />

encourage people to go to the gohonzon when they are feeling low.<br />

My other comment is that browsing the web can be dangerous. The false <strong>and</strong> misleading<br />

information freely published about the <strong>SGI</strong>, including <strong>SGI</strong> <strong>UK</strong> should I feel be a major concern.<br />

Unsuspecting browsers with a genuine interest in Buddhism could,getting a false impression <strong>of</strong><br />

the <strong>SGI</strong>, more than simply fall by the wayside end up suffering as a result. Perhaps we could<br />

look for a way to monitor these sites <strong>and</strong> take appropriate action to counter what they to say.I<br />

underst<strong>and</strong> that it is possible in consultation with the service providers to have inaccurate <strong>and</strong><br />

<strong>of</strong>fensive sites closed<br />

email47<br />

email5<br />

member<br />

webpages<br />

member<br />

webpages<br />

member<br />

webpages<br />

member<br />

webpages<br />

member<br />

webpages<br />

Study<br />

districts<br />

District schedules<br />

districts structure<br />

Ebooks<br />

<strong>Podcast</strong>s: Members are always asking me where they can download the Study <strong>Podcast</strong>s (hint, I<br />

can't do this myself). I underst<strong>and</strong> that at present, they only go to leaders who are doing<br />

Chapter Study. It would be great to make the material available to all members.<br />

email94<br />

What I do think would be fantastic is a web page for each district…so the district has an<br />

identity…..that is accessible from the internet. So people who want to find <strong>SGI</strong>-<strong>UK</strong> can find a<br />

district page..<strong>and</strong> can leave a message…so district can get back in touch <strong>and</strong> welcome<br />

them….it could be about putting the schedule up, upcoming meeting, reports from previous<br />

meeting, welcoming new people A district web presence..it should be a facility/choice not a<br />

requirement for a district leader to maintain..a choice….<br />

Ipswich Open Mtg<br />

You can go onto your district web page ..<strong>and</strong> there`s a tool to make a district schedule which<br />

can seen online <strong>and</strong> it makes a nice print ready pdf. Rather than members ferreting around we<br />

actually provide templates which immediately can be put online. "Can you take responsibility for<br />

the schedule" <strong>and</strong> all you have got is Excel.<br />

Taplow Court Open Mtg<br />

We are quite migratory people. Even around the <strong>UK</strong> "Oh Im in Norwich next week there`s a the<br />

schedule <strong>and</strong> its telling me when the meetings are!"….So we have the mapping which shows<br />

where district are <strong>and</strong> gives a contact …then we have the structure tool which shows all the<br />

different parts <strong>of</strong> the structure across the Uk . But then in the geographical web pages we have<br />

districts putting up their schedules.<br />

Taplow Court Open Mtg<br />

Where are we with ebooks Why is it so slow. There is one book in the shop I feel OK reading<br />

because <strong>of</strong> the font etc..as someone with dyslexia. I`ve even tried scanning books to get them<br />

into a format that I want. So all our study material should be in ebook formats as well. That<br />

could be an easy start point There is s<strong>of</strong>tware design to create ebooks just like we create pdfs.<br />

There are so many people I know desperate for that. We could also get it going through our<br />

divisional pages That means chucking out much less old <strong>SGI</strong>-<strong>UK</strong> paper in future.<br />

Taplow Court Open Mtg<br />

21 <strong>of</strong> 31

member<br />

webpages<br />

member<br />

webpages<br />

member<br />

webpages<br />

Overseas travel by sgi-uk<br />

members<br />

We do live in a global world. So is this about the level <strong>of</strong> information the <strong>SGI</strong> put up on their<br />

international site Would be good to have a service that you can contact which tells you<br />

whether the country you are going to has an <strong>of</strong>ficial <strong>SGI</strong>-<strong>UK</strong> organisation <strong>and</strong> the contact details<br />

<strong>and</strong> if not whether there is a contact person <strong>and</strong> their contact details. For every single country in<br />

the world there could be a simple instruction. Sometimes it might simply be to phone Taplow<br />

Court <strong>and</strong> speak to X. The <strong>SGI</strong> web pages at present only covers countries with organisations:<br />

80 or so. Loads missing. Taplow Court Open Mtg<br />

we could have online resources to help in the planning <strong>and</strong> staging <strong>of</strong> exhibitions.<br />

Downloadable press packs, with valuable essential information regarding each <strong>SGI</strong> exhibition<br />

could be available for members organising events on line, also children's packs, info packs<br />

etc... which would greatly assist in helping publicise local events <strong>and</strong> maintain a consistent <strong>and</strong><br />

'<strong>of</strong>ficial' flow <strong>of</strong> information.<br />

VET2<br />

member<br />

webpages Exhibitions<br />

member<br />

webpages Ebulletin Make it a blog VET2<br />

putting stuff online is a form <strong>of</strong> "publishing". I am pretty sure we would need permission (to be<br />

strict it should be in the form <strong>of</strong> a model release form) for anyone appearing in the published<br />

Data Protection<br />

videos - or else <strong>SGI</strong>-<strong>UK</strong> could potentially get in to trouble.<br />

VET2<br />

member<br />

webpages<br />

member<br />

webpages<br />

member<br />

webpages<br />

member<br />

webpages<br />

Divisions<br />

Senseis newsletter<br />

Courses<br />

Study<br />

Meeting places<br />

It would be great to have divisional blogs or info-sites with information about national<br />

activities/campaigns <strong>and</strong> how to get in touch with a particular division new members etc.<br />

The site should help give members better access to Sensei`s newsletters Years <strong>of</strong> material<br />

accessible in one click. reduce the amount <strong>of</strong> emails that get sent around One repository would<br />

eliminate the need for everyone to have a local copy ould also stop issues <strong>of</strong> people "being<br />

forgotten" on mailing lists <strong>and</strong> hours spent checking valid email addresses et An indexed<br />

collection <strong>of</strong> the newletters would be a great study tool<br />

When organising courses there are some generic guidelines which it would be good to be able<br />

to download<br />

It would be good to use the website to support the study lectures, helping Hqs <strong>and</strong> areas keep<br />

track <strong>of</strong> who is lecturing when <strong>and</strong> where <strong>and</strong> also with study preparation (who is doing it when<br />

<strong>and</strong> where)<br />

In our area I want a part <strong>of</strong> the new site to have the meeting places that we normally use <strong>and</strong><br />

how to book them<br />

The <strong>UK</strong> website could include slow gongyo <strong>and</strong> other resources for new members new<br />

members do need support preferably from there district leader or the person who introduced<br />

them to the practice<br />

member<br />

webpages New member resources<br />

VET2<br />

member<br />

webpages Youth Future Division website within <strong>SGI</strong>-<strong>UK</strong> main members website VET2<br />

member<br />

webpages District leaders <strong>SGI</strong>-USA where they have a fantastic district leaders resource pages VET2<br />

member<br />

webpages Study<br />

<strong>SGI</strong>-USA in depth briefing <strong>of</strong> study lectures for assistant lecturers <strong>and</strong> lecturers done by a<br />

senior leader<br />

VET2<br />

member<br />

webpages Communication A page at the front listing all the updated info in the last month VET2<br />

member<br />

webpages Statistics<br />

There should be a statistics page summarising membership, discussion meeting attendance,<br />

AOL subscription etc……...I do not see the need for this at all<br />

VET2<br />

22 <strong>of</strong> 31<br />

VET2<br />

VET2<br />

VET2<br />

VET2<br />


member<br />

webpages Forms There should be a page where members/leaders can find important forms VET2<br />

member<br />

webpages Email Archive <strong>SGI</strong>-<strong>UK</strong> email so it canbe searched on line VET2<br />

People should be able to book guidance more easily ….<strong>and</strong> know what it is…….Looking for<br />

guidance online would be fantastic..to find a list <strong>of</strong> who is available hunting down the right<br />

person has proved to be a long task for me. good to have a website that explains exactly what<br />

guidance is, ie. it is not counselling. Also what the participant needs to bring to the session in<br />

terms <strong>of</strong> preparation <strong>and</strong> daimoku. Also what is really important is to underst<strong>and</strong> that the<br />

member<br />

webpages Guidance<br />

guidance is based on both participants chanting together before h<strong>and</strong> to discuss <strong>and</strong> issue <strong>and</strong><br />

is not based on the specific personality or qualities <strong>of</strong> the person giving the guidance.<br />

VET2<br />

member<br />

webpages Courses<br />

Should be possible electronically; to pay for these events on-line <strong>and</strong> get a receipt without<br />

needing to pass on any sensitive information to third parties.<br />

VET2<br />

member<br />

webpages HQs HQs have own area on the website VET2<br />

member<br />

webpages Centres<br />

here should be a webpage showing all the centres room availability <strong>and</strong> allowing you to book<br />

rooms not already booked<br />

VET2<br />

member<br />

webpages<br />

member<br />

webpages<br />

member<br />

webpages<br />

Study<br />

<strong>SGI</strong>-<strong>UK</strong> Schedule<br />

Priesthood<br />

There needs to be a study page on the member site, <strong>of</strong>fering, for example, Grade 1,2,3<br />

materials, dates <strong>and</strong> stats from past exams More study material in addition to the Gosho - vol.<br />

2; Records <strong>of</strong> the OTT; Buddhist Dictionary; etc. as well as more general stuff. VET2<br />

Having the annual <strong>SGI</strong>-<strong>UK</strong> schedule on the site is a very good idea: it can be modified during<br />

the year so everyone sees the most up to date version; It would be great to have an electronic<br />

calendar to download to save manually entering anniversary's <strong>and</strong> dates for meetings----This<br />

could be a shared calendar. Really like this idea<br />

omewhere on the new member site we should have something about the priesthood issue:<br />

summary materials <strong>and</strong> then the current situation---- question why does this keep coming up <br />

as an organisation we should be moving forward for kozen rufu not back.; really the more<br />

attention we give this the more importance it gets. There is a lot <strong>of</strong> info available <strong>of</strong> the history<br />

<strong>of</strong> the split. I do not really care what they are doing now it happened get over it & move on. feel<br />

it is time for the <strong>SGI</strong> to move on from this issue.<br />

VET2<br />

VET2<br />

member<br />

webpages<br />

member<br />

webpages<br />

member<br />

webpages<br />

District schedules<br />

Study<br />

Centres<br />

(using google calendar)Each district could have its own calender, documents, etc. <strong>and</strong> local<br />

members could have access to it. Schedules that are sent out using word, <strong>and</strong> various other<br />

tools, take far too much time <strong>and</strong> are rather cumbersome for people creating the schedules. VET3<br />

Putting the level 1 & 2 exams online so they can be taken @ anytime…..I also think it is a really<br />

bad idea - the exam doesn't matter - the study does…...I don't think this is a good idea - what<br />

would be the point <strong>of</strong> doing that It is not the exams that are important it is the studying that we<br />

do together on the course. But exams need to be invigilated so you would still need to be in a<br />

room that was supervised in order to sit an exam.<br />

VET7<br />

http://www.sgi-uk-lipc.com/ is pretty comprehensive for LIPC. Cant we extend this to cover<br />

Acton, South London <strong>and</strong> Taplow Court…...this would be very useful. Also to have a membersonly<br />

area for the centres with the most up-to-date information on things like Centre Manager<br />

duties so that we are not always referring to out-<strong>of</strong>-date information passed down through our<br />

HQ leaders.<br />

VET7<br />

23 <strong>of</strong> 31

member<br />

webpages<br />

member<br />

webpages<br />

member<br />

webpages<br />

member<br />

webpages<br />

member<br />

webpages<br />

member<br />

webpages<br />

member<br />

webpages<br />

member<br />

webpages<br />

Ebooks<br />

Accessibility<br />

Study<br />

Study<br />

Online contribution<br />

Centres Accessibility<br />

Centres<br />

Accessibility<br />

Can we make <strong>SGI</strong> books <strong>and</strong> documents available for download in the .mobi format in the near<br />

future an Ebook website (with english books) was recently launched by <strong>SGI</strong> in Japan but I<br />

cannot remember the address. We actually do not publish many books in this country but for<br />

those that we do it would be a good idea<br />

VET7<br />

New website should be fully compliant with DDA/RNIB <strong>and</strong> other accessibility st<strong>and</strong>ards. May<br />

be an issue with s<strong>of</strong>tware compatibility with readers for the partially sighted (can be expensive)<br />

Suitable example I have worked on is www.transportdirect.info<br />

VET7<br />

It would be really useful to have a searchable database <strong>of</strong> all <strong>SGI</strong> newsletters, a bit like exists<br />

already for the Gosho. This would be a really useful resource for preparing lectures or basic<br />

study meetings or for members who want to share a quote <strong>of</strong> Sensei's guidance in the<br />

discussion meeting.......Having a searchable database <strong>of</strong> <strong>SGI</strong> Newsletters is a great idea. For<br />

the version produced in English possibly this could be worked on by the <strong>SGI</strong> communications<br />

team in Tokyo (english speaking team) <strong>and</strong> then circulated worldwide.............I think having a<br />

searchable database <strong>of</strong> all <strong>SGI</strong> Newsletters is a great idea. If it's going to be produced in<br />

english then possibly this could be done by the <strong>SGI</strong> communications team in Tokyo <strong>and</strong> then<br />

made available worldwide..................Definitely as I feel it is really wise to be able to back up<br />

information with data source to help subdue the tendency for whispers to become the<br />

norm....Definitely. I don't receive them consistently <strong>and</strong> so quite <strong>of</strong>ten miss out on great bits <strong>of</strong><br />

guidance. Making all newsletters available online (including the historical newsletters) would be a VET7 great benefit to members... agree with<br />

I suggest naming the Gosho in the subject line <strong>of</strong> the email itself as this would enable easier<br />

filing <strong>of</strong> the material <strong>and</strong>, most importantly, easier searching later.<br />

VET7<br />

It would be great to make a system that allows members to make a one <strong>of</strong>f kosen-rufu fund<br />

contribution online <strong>and</strong> also set up direct debits for regular contribution online…. dont think<br />

direct debits are the right approach because it becomes too automated. We should always<br />

chant about contributing <strong>and</strong> do it with sincerity. Direct debits would not necessarily equal less<br />

sincerity <strong>of</strong> course, but it would be much easier for the spirit <strong>of</strong> contribution to slip <strong>of</strong>f our radar<br />

as automated bank payments require no effort on our part. Great point already made about the<br />

value <strong>of</strong> getting together to contribute. A one <strong>of</strong>f payment facility to be used occasionally (I<br />

didn't have the time to make that particular contribution meeting) may have some value but<br />

could suffer from the same drawbacks too. Its about challenging the causes that make<br />

attending those meetings difficult...........I think that the Kosen Rufu issue is part <strong>of</strong> a wider<br />

discussion. I feel that there is not enough information for <strong>UK</strong> members about the fund, what its<br />

for, where it goes <strong>and</strong> how the money is spent. I feel very strongly that if <strong>UK</strong> members understood VET7 it a bit better they would be more inclin<br />

Use technology to help make <strong>SGI</strong>-<strong>UK</strong> centres as accessible as possible for people who are<br />

Deaf, hard <strong>of</strong> hearing, visually impaired, or who use wheelchairs or scooters to get around. VET7<br />

Use technology to help regional members know what is going on at the centres! Use technology<br />

to let members know what activities they could be attending at centres <strong>and</strong> when, for example,<br />

exhibitions<br />

VET7<br />

For Deaf people who use BSL, English is not a good medium <strong>and</strong> many will not read text on our<br />

website. We need BSL in video clips on our website...I think this is a fantastic idea. It's so<br />

important for <strong>SGI</strong>-<strong>UK</strong> to be accessible as possible to as many people as possible. Video clips<br />

linking to explanations <strong>of</strong> key concepts such as Gohonzon etc would be great.<br />

24 <strong>of</strong> 31<br />


member<br />

webpages<br />

dbase<br />

member<br />

webpages<br />

dbase<br />

Discussion meeting figures<br />

membership total no received<br />

Gohonzon<br />

Skills exchange<br />

Could we put the no <strong>of</strong> sgi-uk members, the number receiving Gohonzon so far in the year <strong>and</strong><br />

the number at the previous months discussion meetings as single figures at the top <strong>of</strong> the sgi<br />

uk page like Brazil does for hvs<br />

With youth festivals etc <strong>and</strong> the summer courses, organisers will want to know <strong>of</strong> members who<br />

can run various workshops….is skill exchange info on members home page<br />

email99<br />

email100<br />

mmedia<br />

mmedia<br />

Video podcasts<br />

Courses<br />

Could there be a part <strong>of</strong> the system where you listen rather than read If you want a podcast..if<br />

you want to listen to it..or you want a video or you want pictures …So that could be another part<br />

<strong>of</strong> this interesting system...Why I was pushing the spoken word is because being dyslexic I find<br />

it quite a trial on the computer to read…Did you know that at the moment every study lecture<br />

prep is being podcaste No….But in a new more interesting <strong>SGI</strong>-<strong>UK</strong> info system with a multi<br />

media corner..you can find the podcasts (Which is a newsletter!!!). Partially sighted like to<br />

listen..so too many people who can read….they take in more by listening. There is something<br />

about listening to something read aloud. The Daishonin asked that his letter be read out on<br />

many occasions. Why not some video as well<br />

Members <strong>of</strong> the area are going to Florence centre for a course. Members staying in <strong>UK</strong><br />

wondering about streaming the content <strong>of</strong> the course to see it in the <strong>UK</strong>. Discussion leads to a<br />

different concept because will streaming mean people actually watch it live If you are not there<br />

the experience wont be as if you are. Can members spend such a long time doing this-it would<br />

be different if there were a specific time <strong>UK</strong> members could assemble! How about<br />

capturing still images <strong>and</strong> video with a camera <strong>and</strong> the leaders <strong>of</strong> the course logging time into<br />






Bristol Open Mtg<br />

email10<br />

mmedia<br />

Future division Video<br />

a DVD to showcase our children’s natural gifts, un-rehearsed. In the <strong>UK</strong> State School systems<br />

RE, (religious education) they embark on the study <strong>of</strong> ‘Buddhism’. This is a part <strong>of</strong> the<br />

curriculum in Year 4 when the children are age 8-9 years old. My question is why they haven’t<br />

‘heard <strong>of</strong>; “This Buddhism”, Nichiren Daishonin Buddhism The key being Future Groups,<br />

Lilacs, Mimosa’s <strong>and</strong> Young Eagles share their knowledge – styled like the New Voices section<br />

from the Art <strong>of</strong> Living, <strong>of</strong>fering their perspective <strong>and</strong> the chance to see through their eyes.<br />

Thus, it removes the ‘adult’ approach. I suggest opening this up across the districts in the <strong>UK</strong>,<br />

Scotl<strong>and</strong>, Irel<strong>and</strong> to send in photographs <strong>of</strong> themselves (perhaps in line with our October<br />

children’s cultural festivals), <strong>and</strong> then lay the voice-over the snap-shots where the children can<br />

explain “This Buddhism” in there own terminology <strong>and</strong> dialect.<br />

email156<br />

mmedia<br />

Video<br />

our students attending the <strong>SGI</strong> Universities could start there own ‘video-diaries’, in which they<br />

talk directly to the camera about what their lives are like now as they are attending University.<br />

They could also talk about events they experienced in their own teenage years. This<br />

information will reach out to the teenagers that are struggling with those same issues.<br />

email158<br />

25 <strong>of</strong> 31

mmedia<br />

Photos<br />

Send us your images, right now via the ebulletin <strong>and</strong> the sgi-uk.info site, we can be putting out a<br />

call to members for their images `send us your images`. Using instagram <strong>and</strong> #tag so the<br />

system can be searched…some disclaimer points: will use in articles, not everything you submit<br />

will be used, clear re faces <strong>and</strong> br<strong>and</strong> names<br />

email161<br />

mmedia Study<br />

I am 68 next month <strong>and</strong> don’t have much stamina for a long haul as a passenger to Taplow to<br />

see Mrs Takahashi lecture. Would it not be possible to televise it on a <strong>UK</strong> website as they do in<br />

America on the <strong>SGI</strong>-USA website please This would be for the benefit <strong>of</strong> all members. email21<br />

mmedia Study<br />

Lecture preparation. In the old days we were sent a disc or tape which I think is preferable to<br />

receiving written guidance on the Chapter Topic. My personal experience has been that I was<br />

unable to attend the two meetings to discuss my topic last year. The problem being<br />

communications which are somewhat difficult here.<br />

email24<br />

mmedia Photos/Video The great advantage <strong>of</strong> the net is the ability to use lots <strong>of</strong> visual images, not just words. email32<br />

mmedia Experiences<br />

I would love to see <strong>UK</strong> experiences <strong>and</strong> videos online. I love watching videos on sgi.org <strong>and</strong><br />

would love to see <strong>UK</strong> activities online.<br />

email34<br />

mmedia Video<br />

what about joining meetings using technology…just being able to see..so if there is a camera in<br />

Ikeda new century hall, being able to ask questions…these are the sorts <strong>of</strong> things that do<br />

happen elsewhere normally….But not as an excuse not to go for a meeting <strong>and</strong> sit at home <strong>and</strong><br />

watch it…not getting into that mindset…<br />

Ipswich Open Mtg<br />

mmedia Video podcasts<br />

Quite a number <strong>of</strong> people don’t do reading. I`m dyslexic. I like video <strong>and</strong> sound ..a multi media<br />

corner in our new sgi-<strong>UK</strong> info system….not you tube…a secure place where multi media files<br />

can be accessed/viewed/ listened to but not downloaded.<br />

Ipswich Open Mtg<br />

mmedia Video<br />

Previous meetings….there are some fantastic experiences from the HQLA which I think<br />

everyone could benefit from hearing …but not necessarily video the whole meeting. You can<br />

edit out what you want to show<br />

Ipswich Open Mtg<br />

mmedia<br />

mmedia<br />

mmedia<br />

Video<br />

Video<br />

special groups video<br />

Gosho lectures are fantastic things to take around with you ….that <strong>SGI</strong>-<strong>UK</strong> generates that kind<br />

<strong>of</strong> material …..to hear somebody give a gosho lecture…actually brings something to it…it<br />

brings heart, personal experiences, maybe its there for a certain time <strong>and</strong> has an expiry<br />

date….a broader range <strong>of</strong> material in video <strong>and</strong> podcast form. It could be the sgi-uk senior<br />

lecturers…that the lecture they have done..the one they have prepared goes out ….<br />

Ipswich Open Mtg<br />

Shrinking time <strong>and</strong> the generation under me don’t want to read they want to listen….more <strong>and</strong><br />

more kids are listening. They're not reading. Theres a lot <strong>of</strong> dyslexia. There have always been<br />

stories. The voice does the Buddhas work.<br />

SLNC Open Mtg<br />

The way we run the Chorus or the education group…people that are pushing it forward..really<br />

want to engage with it….With Chorus we are shooting our rehearsals (video) ..its video, audio,<br />

discussion meeting, experiences…the whole multi media thing..study that our songs are based<br />

on. Multi media coverage <strong>of</strong> a Chorus performance….The Education Division organises a one<br />

day conference <strong>and</strong> undoubtedly will want that videod. There are permission issues with this but<br />

they can be h<strong>and</strong>led<br />

Taplow Court Open Mtg<br />

26 <strong>of</strong> 31

mmedia<br />

mmedia<br />

mmedia<br />

sensei`s video<br />

Video<br />

Study/Video<br />

I don’t think enough members can access with only 2 laptops in one area, really restricted in<br />

terms <strong>of</strong> districts showing video, this is the biggest thing Having more licences wasn’t the issue<br />

it was how to get enough b<strong>and</strong>width in a lot <strong>of</strong> places so it can be downloaded in the current<br />

system. Why cant the system in Japan use something like the BBCs iplayer which has a code<br />

embedded in the file which stops it working after a period <strong>of</strong> time, <strong>and</strong> that file could then be<br />

used on a DVD (up till the expiry date) the loss <strong>of</strong> monthly videos has had a negative impact<br />

on members being able to see HQL videos / stay up to date with <strong>SGI</strong>. I would like to see a full<br />

digital film archive <strong>of</strong> videos <strong>of</strong> past lectures over the years on different subjects. As a visual<br />

learner, I take in information much better this way.Perhaps we can find a secure way <strong>of</strong><br />

accessing the video through the website i.e members portal,<br />

I would love to see <strong>UK</strong> experiences <strong>and</strong> videos online. I love watching videos on sgi.org <strong>and</strong><br />

would love to see <strong>UK</strong> activities online<br />

Mrs Takahashi`s study seminar could be available in this form <strong>and</strong> members logging on can<br />

also ask questions I am 68 next month <strong>and</strong> don’t have much stamina for a long haul as a<br />

passenger to Taplow to see Mrs Takahashi lecture. Would it not be possible to televise it on a<br />

<strong>UK</strong> website as they do in America on the <strong>SGI</strong>-USA website please This would be for the<br />

benefit <strong>of</strong> all members<br />

VET1<br />

VET2<br />

VET3<br />

policies Future Division<br />

Have clear policy regarding child protection <strong>and</strong> also make it available at all levels <strong>of</strong> the<br />

organisation……...Youth division has a child protection policy. Shout about this more. I didn’t<br />

know about this. Its reassuring to a lot <strong>of</strong> people especially parents. When their child has just<br />

got into college or uni. The first thing they think about: "It’s a cult". Its having that transparency.<br />

The information is available. There are these stringent measures in place. Very helpful for the<br />

MD <strong>and</strong> WD to see these guidelines. Does the policy cover members entering peoples homes<br />

for discussion meetings where children live in that home..we have had issues<br />

VET5<br />

policies social networking Publicise <strong>and</strong> use the <strong>SGI</strong> guidelines on social networking VET5<br />

policies Email<br />

Policies which clarify our approach to the use <strong>of</strong> email <strong>and</strong> include reaffirming the importance<br />

BCC……...I think this is very important - we are an organisation <strong>of</strong> lovely well meaning<br />

members who generally think the best <strong>of</strong> people. I don't think we realise how much we put our<br />

members at risk by our current use <strong>of</strong> email - eg certainly in our HQ many <strong>of</strong> the leaders are<br />

quite old <strong>and</strong> afraid <strong>of</strong> technology so always use the cc button instead <strong>of</strong> bcc every time the<br />

send an email to all the HQ or Chapter or District members. Quite <strong>of</strong>ten they have absolutely no<br />

idea who they are sending the email to orif everyone on the list is still interested in the<br />

information.<br />

VET5<br />

policies Data Use Data Management<br />

A clear written policy <strong>of</strong> data use <strong>and</strong> data management agreed by directorate. i.e how we use<br />

email, how discussion meeting stats are collected, who is included on the database, when to<br />

remove someone, clarity what leaders can <strong>and</strong> they cant do<br />

VET5<br />

policies Data protection Security<br />

Having a genuinely shared approach as an organisation on data protection <strong>and</strong> security issues<br />

is most important.<br />

VET5<br />

27 <strong>of</strong> 31

policies<br />

policies<br />

Information Division<br />

Future Division Data protection<br />

The running <strong>of</strong> the information system should be in the h<strong>and</strong>s <strong>of</strong> a faith organisation, analogous<br />

to keibi…………a proper statistics organisation <strong>of</strong> information division. So starting from the<br />

point <strong>of</strong> view <strong>of</strong> faith there should be national statistics leaders.........I agree with this. Japan has<br />

this, <strong>and</strong> it is really good to accurately assess what is happening, but <strong>of</strong> course relies on<br />

individuals to do the data entry <strong>and</strong> analysis etc... I also think this group could extend to<br />

managing the database <strong>and</strong> ensure it's regular update<br />

Partly related to other comment about people under 18 in terms <strong>of</strong> data <strong>and</strong> child protection.<br />

We have DPA in <strong>UK</strong> so need written consent from adult to keep data, hence issue with people<br />

under 18 being members in the database. Recurring issue in this HQ with members keeping<br />

<strong>and</strong> sharing inappropriate <strong>and</strong> , in my view illegal, data on children. Specific example where<br />

names <strong>and</strong> ages <strong>of</strong> children <strong>of</strong> members <strong>and</strong> non-members emailed across the leaders relating<br />

to an activity. Issues for members copied in to this re their pr<strong>of</strong>essional <strong>and</strong> legal positions if<br />

one <strong>of</strong> the parents takes issue with this ( I certainly would as a non-member!). Guidelines <strong>and</strong><br />

censure need to be very strong on this issue in order to properly protect members , nonmembers<br />

<strong>and</strong> the <strong>SGI</strong>.<br />

VET5<br />

VET7<br />

policies/dbase<br />

Future Division<br />

children on the system….Spain counts people from age 6 as members!!!!Lots <strong>of</strong> children <strong>and</strong><br />

young people are involved in activities in Spain. They need to be on the information system.<br />

VET5<br />

policies/mmedia Photos/Video Clear policy on the use <strong>of</strong> photos/video <strong>and</strong> not just putting them up on facebook. VET5<br />

public facing<br />

Maybe the map to find local activities serves a dual purpose <strong>and</strong> we put it on the front <strong>of</strong> the<br />

site<br />

Mapping<br />

public facing website as well<br />

Ipswich Open Mtg<br />

rota<br />

<strong>SGI</strong>-Uk info<br />

system<br />

<strong>SGI</strong>-Uk info<br />

system<br />

Centres<br />

Creating Value online<br />

Usability<br />

it would be great if an activity like the shop rota could be loaded onto the site <strong>and</strong> everybody<br />

could add their names when they see a space it would save so much time. one thought though<br />

how do we stop someone removing what has previously been added<br />

VET7<br />

In the material world we are encouraged not to go around with `Buddhist` tattooed on our<br />

forehead………that should be the same for virtual space….colonise this territory with the kinds<br />

<strong>of</strong> human relationships we are trying to build. It could be a very simple statement to act as a<br />

moral compass "Trust Through Friendship Peace Through Trust"…just apply this litmus test to<br />

whatever you are doing …..go to FB or twitter but apply this litmus test.. Are you creating KR<br />

We cant just throw this open…there has to be a moral compass in there..it’s the ethical<br />

things…. There might be an icon which is a graphic equivalent <strong>of</strong> trust through friendship peace<br />

through trust that we might want to develop….<strong>and</strong> this helps differentiate the member portal<br />

from the public facing website….the icon <strong>and</strong> the slogan reminds people this is about<br />

relationships <strong>and</strong> connection for KR. <strong>SGI</strong>-<strong>UK</strong> may need to be bold <strong>and</strong> actually ask members to<br />

engage with this digital l<strong>and</strong>scape. Not we are providing this in case it is useful but rather we<br />

actively WANT you to engage..Just as much as we say we want you to engage in everyday life Birmingham Open Mtg<br />

The appearance <strong>and</strong> the graphics <strong>and</strong> the useability is an extremely important area to get<br />

right…especially if we want engagement<br />

Birmingham Open Mtg<br />

28 <strong>of</strong> 31

<strong>SGI</strong>-Uk info<br />

system<br />

Transparency<br />

we are in battle with the negative force <strong>of</strong> life <strong>and</strong> we have a movement with a lot <strong>of</strong> leaders so<br />

the influence <strong>of</strong> the negative force does not get out <strong>of</strong> h<strong>and</strong> ….so there needs to be some kind<br />

<strong>of</strong> structure <strong>and</strong> process which makes decisions, moderation decisions…founded on openness<br />

<strong>and</strong> transparency…if something gets pulled <strong>of</strong>f a website it gets put in a bin…somewhere<br />

where people can still access it..this is in the bin because <strong>of</strong> A B C D. So youre not trying to<br />

brush it under the carpet or hide something ..we've put it in the bin for this reason…<br />

Birmingham Open Mtg<br />

<strong>SGI</strong>-Uk info<br />

system<br />

<strong>SGI</strong>-Uk info<br />

system<br />

Align to leadership structure<br />

Creating Value online<br />

lets have a look at how support through the leadership structure works now <strong>and</strong> align tools to<br />

support that to start with…It gives all the leaders an easy route in… we should find parts <strong>of</strong> the<br />

country where we go through what we have in mind <strong>and</strong> see how feel about it. Whats your<br />

reaction to this…do this aligning business before the new system gets built…<br />

An ethos in <strong>SGI</strong>-<strong>UK</strong> that this virtual space, however you use it, you can use for trust through<br />

friendship peace through trust, to create value ..a bit like we do in our daily life. Funnily enough<br />

the virtual space has all 10 worlds. But we haven’t said to our members-this is no different from<br />

everyday life..the value you create there will need daimoku, wise judgement, wisdom…I would<br />

find it quite strange to have an <strong>SGI</strong>-<strong>UK</strong> policy on FB <strong>and</strong> Twitter. Our guidelines are our faith<br />

are they not Respect for people <strong>and</strong> to try to develop that wisdom. Its how we develop as<br />

individuals through our faith.<br />

Birmingham Open Mtg<br />

Bristol Open Mtg<br />

<strong>SGI</strong>-Uk info<br />

system<br />

<strong>SGI</strong>-Uk info<br />

system<br />

<strong>SGI</strong>-Uk info<br />

system<br />

<strong>SGI</strong>-Uk info<br />

system<br />

Future pro<strong>of</strong><br />

Usability<br />

Usability<br />

discussion meetings<br />

We also need to look at this system from the st<strong>and</strong>point <strong>of</strong> where <strong>SGI</strong>-<strong>UK</strong> is going to be in the<br />

future…Our vision. Where are we going to be in 5 or 10 years time ….so far as districts <strong>and</strong><br />

areas etc…. We try <strong>and</strong> future pro<strong>of</strong> the technology ….AND we should try <strong>and</strong> future pro<strong>of</strong> the<br />

design…the concepts…More regional centres, more areas, lot more older people, lot more<br />

younger people, different languages (but wont be like USA with Spanish as a second<br />

language)-but we do have Welsh, accessibility-disability-deafness.. Deepak Chopra..part <strong>of</strong><br />

the brain…. growing faster than ever before involved in using tablets etc at younger <strong>and</strong><br />

younger ages…..B<strong>and</strong>width increases so using video a lot more. Three dimensional Video in<br />

the new centres!! There will be more video in future.<br />

Pay a lot <strong>of</strong> attention to useability. Get the user interface right so its easy to use <strong>and</strong> looks<br />

friendly.<br />

One <strong>of</strong> the experiences <strong>of</strong> having Charisma is that when we replace it that new system has got<br />

to be much much easier to use…really really simple….Don’t h<strong>and</strong> over to technology people<br />

who don’t have an appreciation for design …really underst<strong>and</strong> what you want on your interface<br />

<strong>and</strong> appreciate the useability <strong>of</strong> the interface …<strong>and</strong> how you want it accessed before the<br />

system starts to be developed…The aesthetic needs to be attractive if you want it to be<br />

engaging<br />

It’s a personal philosophy that you have to get involved with. For some members<br />

communicating via facebook is totally superficial <strong>and</strong> means nothing at all. Are we running the<br />

risk <strong>of</strong> people logging in rather than going to meetings I`ll just skype the meeting. I don’t need<br />

to go. Its too far away..but there are all sorts <strong>of</strong> things involved in making the cause to go to that<br />

meeting. In the end its not too far away <strong>and</strong> you can go there. When someone really struggles<br />

to go they feel so much better once they've got there. We must make it absolutely clear that the<br />

discussion meeting happens in the districts <strong>and</strong> we must never take away from that with a<br />

system…<br />

29 <strong>of</strong> 31<br />

Bristol Open Mtg<br />

Edinburgh Open Mtg<br />

Ipswich Open Mtg<br />

SLNC Open Mtg

<strong>SGI</strong>-Uk info<br />

system<br />

<strong>SGI</strong>-Uk info<br />

system<br />

<strong>SGI</strong>-Uk info<br />

system<br />

<strong>SGI</strong>-Uk info<br />

system<br />

communication<br />

How easy is it to set up instant messaging Could it be part <strong>of</strong> the members home page When<br />

you log in you have a messaging in box <strong>and</strong> can message each other…It would be a secure<br />

space on the site. It is adding another level <strong>of</strong> communication to your email, your text , your<br />

phone. Do you really want another box to check I get enough email text <strong>and</strong> calls…maybe I<br />

could get a reminder by text<br />

SLNC Open Mtg<br />

Accessibility is about BSL signed video clips on web pages for Deaf people; also RNID<br />

st<strong>and</strong>ards for the browser as a reader for blind <strong>and</strong> partially sighted. Then physical<br />

measurements <strong>and</strong> details access info <strong>and</strong> picture for wheelchair users to access our<br />

Accessibility<br />

centres…these are the sorts <strong>of</strong> things a real accessibility policy would translate into<br />

SLNC Open Mtg<br />

Reporting content needs<br />

looking at perhaps we need a report button on all our content to say `this needs to be looked at`. SLNC Open Mtg<br />

That there is a responsible body <strong>of</strong> people overlooking this whole system trying to keep it in<br />

good shape for all <strong>of</strong> us to use. There is a human filter where its needed. If something is<br />

removed there is discussion. Some people will always be spontaneous <strong>and</strong> just put their<br />

Transparency<br />

thoughts up.<br />

SLNC Open Mtg<br />

<strong>SGI</strong>-Uk info<br />

system Transparency governance<br />

We should make absolutely transparent the governance <strong>of</strong> this information system. If members<br />

feel uncomfortable about this system they must speak out <strong>and</strong> they will be heard.<br />

SLNC Open Mtg<br />

<strong>SGI</strong>-Uk info<br />

system Usability Wherever you are on the site there`s a big button `get help`. SLNC Open Mtg<br />

<strong>SGI</strong>-Uk info<br />

system Database admin<br />

..its creating a system that isn’t going to swallow up hours <strong>of</strong> time….basing it around leaders<br />

rather than an army <strong>of</strong> inputters or co-ordinators we st<strong>and</strong> a better chance. Our leadership has<br />

had to engage with email.<br />

<strong>SGI</strong>-Uk info<br />

system<br />

<strong>SGI</strong>-Uk info<br />

system<br />

<strong>SGI</strong>-Uk info<br />

system<br />

<strong>SGI</strong>-Uk info<br />

system<br />

<strong>SGI</strong>-Uk info<br />

system<br />

Creating Value Online<br />

Usability<br />

Communication<br />

Communication<br />

Communication<br />

Trust <strong>and</strong> friendship are key for me I kept chanting because <strong>of</strong> trust <strong>and</strong> the friendship <strong>of</strong> the<br />

members around me. When you take on responsibility that’s what you have to do…win the trust<br />

<strong>of</strong> your members <strong>and</strong> make friends. Technology is one more thing to use to build trust <strong>and</strong><br />

friendship<br />

For help we have lots <strong>of</strong> options like entry level video or advanced user video. So we have a<br />

battery <strong>of</strong> materials that diminishes the need for using the help desk. On start up that you get a<br />

tour <strong>of</strong> the site: an interesting voice following a cursor around a screen <strong>and</strong> you can see what<br />

the system is. There`s a lot we can do to make it user friendly but the design has got to be dead<br />

right.<br />

It seems each area/ chapter communicates differently. Communication across areas <strong>and</strong> down<br />

to chapter level would be easier if there were established set ways <strong>of</strong> doing things <strong>and</strong><br />

collecting people's contact details; Each chapter <strong>and</strong> district has its own experience <strong>of</strong><br />

communicating with its members based on the underst<strong>and</strong>ing <strong>of</strong> the individuals who practice<br />

<strong>and</strong> the lives they lead on the day to day basis. To create a centralised method <strong>of</strong><br />

communication may be <strong>of</strong> the detriment to the members.<br />

We have so much info to convey to members...what we are struggling to do is filter that<br />

information <strong>and</strong> to know which info needs to go to who. This worries me. Who is filtering <strong>and</strong><br />

who is deciding what info I need<br />

There is a huge amount <strong>of</strong> information to access but that doesn't mean that everyone needs it<br />

all <strong>of</strong> the time. I think selected weekly guidance from the district leaders by email, verbally,<br />

by phone or post is goodfor the general run <strong>of</strong> things. Those who want to access more can go<br />

on the website<br />

30 <strong>of</strong> 31<br />

Taplow Court Open Mtg<br />

Taplow Court Open Mtg<br />

Taplow Court Open Mtg<br />

VET1<br />

VET1<br />


<strong>SGI</strong>-Uk info<br />

system Tablets smartphones Make (everything we develop) tablet <strong>and</strong> smartphone friendly VET2<br />

<strong>SGI</strong>-Uk info<br />

system Usability<br />

With everything we develop pay a lot <strong>of</strong> attention to useability. Get the user interface right as its<br />

easy to use , looks friendly<br />

VET2<br />

<strong>SGI</strong>-Uk info<br />

system One system Unity means having one system to do everything! VET2<br />

<strong>SGI</strong>-Uk info<br />

system Security<br />

security could be an issue with both systems being intergrated I.e. the public facing website <strong>and</strong><br />

the pwd protected member site/future <strong>SGI</strong>-<strong>UK</strong> info system<br />

VET2<br />

<strong>SGI</strong>-Uk info<br />

system dbase<br />

shared space<br />

shared space<br />

s<strong>of</strong>tware<br />

Evaluation<br />

districts<br />

Future Division<br />

S<strong>of</strong>tware licences<br />

Communication<br />

Online contribution<br />

interview district leaders….in depth interviews with district leaders in completely diverse areas<br />

because they are front line, they distribute information to members. Just knowing what thy<br />

struggle with on a daily basis <strong>and</strong> in a meeting like this you don’t get the nuances.<br />

Can we create a space for districts Any district which wishes to be part <strong>of</strong> that subscribes <strong>and</strong><br />

then its got access to put up information that other districts might be interested in …pictures,<br />

stories. Probably moderated. Essentially something in the system that districts have got<br />

ownership <strong>of</strong> AND if individual districts want to share things within their own district they can<br />

create a space on the system too.<br />

safe place for future group or 12+ could be created to contact each other safely they already<br />

exchange telephone numbers <strong>and</strong> are able to contact each other direct without use <strong>of</strong><br />

computers.<br />

S<strong>of</strong>tware in general: I have already mentioned to Munish the following<br />

organisation:http://www.ncvo-vol.org.uk/join-ncvo. If we qualify as members, we can get very<br />

substantial discounts on a widerange <strong>of</strong> s<strong>of</strong>tware <strong>and</strong> other services etc.<br />

Communication within the <strong>SGI</strong> is very poor, <strong>and</strong> ANYTHING that can be done to improve it<br />

should be done.<br />

With the new membership system there should be a way for members who wish to to be able to<br />

make a make a one-<strong>of</strong>f contribution without going to a centre<br />

Ipswich Open Mtg<br />

Bristol Open Mtg<br />

VET1<br />

email93<br />

VET1<br />

VET4<br />

31 <strong>of</strong> 31

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