Budget Message / Highlights - Metropolitan Water Reclamation ...

Budget Message / Highlights - Metropolitan Water Reclamation ... Budget Message / Highlights - Metropolitan Water Reclamation ...


METROPOLITAN WATER RECLAMATION DISTRICT OF GREATER CHICAGO 2009 BUDGET TARP PHASE 2 PROJECT COSTS Though only partially complete, TARP has already been effective in reducing pollution and flooding. In order to substantially resolve the pollution and flooding problems in the Chicagoland combined sewer area, the reservoirs component of TARP must be completed. The O'Hare Reservoir is completed and functional, and the larger two reservoirs, McCook and Thornton, are under design and construction. McCook and Thornton Reservoir project costs are shown in the tables below. McCook Reservoir Estimated Cost ($1,000s) Project Outside Engineering Construction Eligible for Federal Cost Sharing Project Name Number Total Status McCook Reservoir - Army Corps Work 73-161-2H $93,662 $339,866 $433,528 $433,528 Army Corps Projects, MWRD pays 25% Conveyance Tunnel 73-161-AH 891 4,537 5,428 0 Completed Site Preparation 73-161-BH 0 889 889 307 Completed Overburden Removal 73-161-CH 500 63,618 64,118 0 Construction to be Completed in 2009 Expanded Stage 2 Overburden Removal 73-161-DH 0 23,000 23,000 0 Replaced Stage 3 Vulcan Excavation Agreement Hard Costs 73-161-EH 46 57,444 57,490 0 Stage 1 Mining Underway through 2013 Expanded Stage 2 Hard Costs - 0 8,200 8,200 0 To be Negotiated with Vulcan Vulcan Conveyor & Maintenance Facilities 73-161-FH 1,832 30,303 32,135 1,753 Completed Vulcan Miscellaneous Mining Vehicles 73-161-GH 0 6,200 6,200 0 Completed Vulcan Mining Trucks and Loaders 73-161-HH 0 11,105 11,105 0 Completed Furnish and Deliver Primary Crusher PO3030920 0 1,626 1,626 0 Completed Willow Springs Berm 96-249-2P 0 3,593 3,593 0 Completed 73rd Street Tunnel Relocation 97-156-2H 129 15,003 15,132 15,132 Completed MWRD Land Value - 30 8,250 8,280 8,280 Appraisal Under Review by Corps Total Project Cost $97,089 $573,634 $670,723 $459,000 Total McCook Reservoir Project Costs $670,723 -Amount Ineligible for Cost Sharing 211,724 -Amount Eligible for Cost Sharing 459,000 Corps Share (75%) 344,250 MWRD Share (25%) 114,750 MWRD Cash Payments to Date 39,895 MWRD Estimated Credits 25,472 Estimated Remaining Payments to Corps 49,383 Thornton Reservoir Estimated Cost ($1,000s) Project Outside Engineering Construction Eligible for Federal Cost Sharing Project Name Number Total Status Vincennes Avenue Relocation 77-235-AF $467 $3,931 $4,398 $4,398 Completed Thornton Transitional Reservoir 77-235-BF 2,970 51,737 54,707 32,079 Completed Transitional Reservoir GW Monitoring Wells 77-235-CF 0 529 529 0 Completed Overburden Removal and Berm Construction JOC 0 1,674 1,674 0 Completed Chain Link Fence 77-235-2F 0 140 140 140 Completed MSC Hard Costs 77-235-2F 0 22,483 22,483 12,525 Mining to be Completed in 2011 MSC Lost Reserves/Hard Costs 77-235-2F 0 21,199 21,199 15,485 Completed Other Lands and Easements 77-235-2F 0 7,260 7,260 7,260 Mostly Completed Corps of Engineers LRR (Planning) 77-235-2F 6,345 0 6,345 6,345 Completed Groundwater Protection System 05-208-4F 4,440 62,000 66,440 66,440 Under Design Tollway Dam and Grout Curtain 04-201-4F 3,480 43,000 46,480 46,480 Under Design TARP Connecting Tunnels and Gates 04-202-4F 5,367 202,000 207,367 207,367 Under Design Final Reservoir Preparation 04-203-4F 5,987 33,000 38,987 38,987 Under Design Total Project Costs $29,057 $448,953 $478,010 $437,507 Total Thornton Reservoir Project Costs $478,010 -Amount Ineligible for Cost Sharing 40,503 -Amount Eligible for Cost Sharing 437,507 Corps Share (75%) 328,130 MWRD Share (25%) 109,377 Note 1: Hard costs are incremental costs of mining incurred when excavating the reservoirs compared to typical mining costs at the quarries. Note 2: MWRD will receive royalties for sale of rock from the McCook Reservior site. Note 3: The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is anticipated to reimburse the District $23,571,000 for the Thornton Transitional Reservoir. 373 373

METROPOLITAN WATER RECLAMATION DISTRICT OF GREATER CHICAGO 2009 BUDGET Capital Improvements Bond Fund Program Impacts Justification Impact # Project Name Awards in 2009 Project Number 1 Distributed Control System for Solids Processes at SWRP, 91-177-CE x + = = MSPS and other Remote Stations, SSA 2 R&D Building, HVAC Improvements, SWRP 07-163-3M x x = + = 3 ∴ Diffuser Plate Replacement - Batteries C & D, SWRP 06-157-3P x = = = 4 Harms Road 2 Rehabilitation, NSA 07-028-3S x = = = 5 Upper Des Plaines Intercepting Sewers 12 & 13B 03-122-3S x = = = Rehabilitation, SSA 6 Summit Conduit Rehabilitation, SSA 06-154-3S x = = = 7 ∴ Blower Nos. 9 & 10 and Air Main Installation, CWRP 06-218-3M x x = + = 8 Scum Concentration, Post Centrifuge Building, Preliminary 07-168-3P x = = = Tank and Elevator Improvements, SWRP Racine Avenue Pumping Station 9 Upper Des Plaines Intercepting Sewer 14A Rehabilitation, NSA 06-359-3S x = = = 10 Calumet TARP Pumping Station Pumps E1/W1 Improvements, 06-212-3M x - = = CWRP 11 Connecting Tunnel and Gates, Thornton Composite 04-202-4F x x - - = Reservoir, CSA 12 Sludge Thickening Facilities, CWRP 96-251-2P x - - - 13 Evanston Intercepting Sewer Orrington Avenue Leg 02-010-3S x = = = Rehabilitation, NSA 14 Tollway Dam, Grout Curtain & Quarry Plugs, Thornton 04-201-4F x x x = = = Composite Reservoir, CSA 15 TARP Pumps Rehabilitation in North Pump House, MSPS 02-111-3M x = = = 16 Salt Creek Intercepting Sewer 2 Rehabilitation, SSA 06-155-3S x -- = = 17 Biosolids Processing Facility - Pelletizer Plant, SWRP 01-101-1M x = = = 18 Rehabilitation of Fine Bubble Diffuser System, NSWRP 08-040-3P x x = = = 19 Switchgear Replacement at Devon & Webster Instream 06-843-3E x = = = Aeration Stations and O'Hare CUP Reservoir & Emergency Generator Installation at LASMA and Bartlett Pumping Station 20 C/D Service Tunnel Rehabilitation Phase 1, SWRP 04-131-2D x = = = 21 North Side Sludge Pipeline Replacement - Section 1, NSA 07-027-3S x = = = 22 Sewer & Structure Rehabilitation NSA, SSA 05-018-2S x x x = = = 23 TARP Radio Upgrade and Backup Antenna, CSA, SSA, NSA 06-839-3E x = = = 24 Westside Imhoff Battery A and Skimming Tank Demolition, 08-171-3P x = = = SWRP 25 Aeration Tanks and Elevators Rehabilitation, NSWRP, KWRP, 08-865-3P x = = = EWRP 26 Office and Locker Room Improvements for M&O Department 00-273-1V x x = - = and Engineering/Construction Division, and New Security Facilities for Calumet and Stickney WRPs 27 Office, Shop & Storage Facility Service Tunnel Rehabilitation 08-170-3D x = = = and Paving of B & F Streets, SWRP 28 DCS and Electrical Work HPWRP, KWRP, EWRP 06-842-3E x = = = 29 Sludge Thickening Facilities, SWRP 96-114-2P x x + + = 30 O'Hare CUP Reservoir Repair & Rehabilitation, NSA 06-363-3D x = = = 31 Centrifuge Building & Sludge Loading System Upgrades, 06-494-3P x + = = EWRP 32 Electrical Upgrades CWRP, CSA 06-216-3E x x = = = Projects Under Development 33 Hanover Park Master Plan Projects, HPWRP 06-526-3P 34 Reservoir, LWRP 05-711-3P x + + = 35 Inverted Siphon Reconstruction, NSA 08-034-3S x = = = 36 Storage Building, NSWRP 04-015-3V x = - = 37 ∴ Stop Logs and Diversion Pumps at Wilmette Pumping Station 06-023-3P x = = = and Evanston Pumping Station Repairs, NSA 38 ∴ Data Center, North Side WRP 08-035-3V x = -- = 39 Final Reservoir Preparation, Thornton Composite Reservoir, CSA 04-203-4F x x - - = 374 Capacity Needs Useful Life Economic Benefit Safety/Regulatory Manpower Energy Chemical 374


2009 BUDGET<br />

Capital Improvements Bond Fund Program Impacts<br />

Justification<br />

Impact<br />

# Project Name<br />

Awards in 2009<br />

Project<br />

Number<br />

1 Distributed Control System for Solids Processes at SWRP, 91-177-CE x + = =<br />

MSPS and other Remote Stations, SSA<br />

2 R&D Building, HVAC Improvements, SWRP 07-163-3M x x = + =<br />

3 ∴ Diffuser Plate Replacement - Batteries C & D, SWRP 06-157-3P x = = =<br />

4 Harms Road 2 Rehabilitation, NSA 07-028-3S x = = =<br />

5 Upper Des Plaines Intercepting Sewers 12 & 13B<br />

03-122-3S x = = =<br />

Rehabilitation, SSA<br />

6 Summit Conduit Rehabilitation, SSA 06-154-3S x = = =<br />

7 ∴ Blower Nos. 9 & 10 and Air Main Installation, CWRP 06-218-3M x x = + =<br />

8 Scum Concentration, Post Centrifuge Building, Preliminary 07-168-3P x = = =<br />

Tank and Elevator Improvements, SWRP Racine Avenue<br />

Pumping Station<br />

9 Upper Des Plaines Intercepting Sewer 14A Rehabilitation, NSA 06-359-3S x = = =<br />

10 Calumet TARP Pumping Station Pumps E1/W1 Improvements, 06-212-3M x - = =<br />

CWRP<br />

11 Connecting Tunnel and Gates, Thornton Composite 04-202-4F x x - - =<br />

Reservoir, CSA<br />

12 Sludge Thickening Facilities, CWRP 96-251-2P x - - -<br />

13 Evanston Intercepting Sewer Orrington Avenue Leg<br />

02-010-3S x = = =<br />

Rehabilitation, NSA<br />

14 Tollway Dam, Grout Curtain & Quarry Plugs, Thornton 04-201-4F x x x = = =<br />

Composite Reservoir, CSA<br />

15 TARP Pumps Rehabilitation in North Pump House, MSPS 02-111-3M x = = =<br />

16 Salt Creek Intercepting Sewer 2 Rehabilitation, SSA 06-155-3S x -- = =<br />

17 Biosolids Processing Facility - Pelletizer Plant, SWRP 01-101-1M x = = =<br />

18 Rehabilitation of Fine Bubble Diffuser System, NSWRP 08-040-3P x x = = =<br />

19 Switchgear Replacement at Devon & Webster Instream 06-843-3E x = = =<br />

Aeration Stations and O'Hare CUP Reservoir & Emergency<br />

Generator Installation at LASMA and Bartlett Pumping Station<br />

20 C/D Service Tunnel Rehabilitation Phase 1, SWRP 04-131-2D x = = =<br />

21 North Side Sludge Pipeline Replacement - Section 1, NSA 07-027-3S x = = =<br />

22 Sewer & Structure Rehabilitation NSA, SSA 05-018-2S x x x = = =<br />

23 TARP Radio Upgrade and Backup Antenna, CSA, SSA, NSA 06-839-3E x = = =<br />

24 Westside Imhoff Battery A and Skimming Tank Demolition, 08-171-3P x = = =<br />

SWRP<br />

25 Aeration Tanks and Elevators Rehabilitation, NSWRP, KWRP, 08-865-3P x = = =<br />

EWRP<br />

26 Office and Locker Room Improvements for M&O Department 00-273-1V x x = - =<br />

and Engineering/Construction Division, and New Security<br />

Facilities for Calumet and Stickney WRPs<br />

27 Office, Shop & Storage Facility Service Tunnel Rehabilitation 08-170-3D x = = =<br />

and Paving of B & F Streets, SWRP<br />

28 DCS and Electrical Work HPWRP, KWRP, EWRP 06-842-3E x = = =<br />

29 Sludge Thickening Facilities, SWRP 96-114-2P x x + + =<br />

30 O'Hare CUP Reservoir Repair & Rehabilitation, NSA 06-363-3D x = = =<br />

31 Centrifuge Building & Sludge Loading System Upgrades, 06-494-3P x + = =<br />

EWRP<br />

32 Electrical Upgrades CWRP, CSA 06-216-3E x x = = =<br />

Projects Under Development<br />

33 Hanover Park Master Plan Projects, HPWRP 06-526-3P<br />

34 Reservoir, LWRP 05-711-3P x + + =<br />

35 Inverted Siphon Reconstruction, NSA 08-034-3S x = = =<br />

36 Storage Building, NSWRP 04-015-3V x = - =<br />

37 ∴ Stop Logs and Diversion Pumps at Wilmette Pumping Station 06-023-3P x = = =<br />

and Evanston Pumping Station Repairs, NSA<br />

38 ∴ Data Center, North Side WRP 08-035-3V x = -- =<br />

39 Final Reservoir Preparation, Thornton Composite Reservoir,<br />

CSA<br />

04-203-4F x x - - =<br />

374<br />

Capacity Needs<br />

Useful Life<br />

Economic Benefit<br />

Safety/Regulatory<br />

Manpower<br />

Energy<br />

Chemical<br />


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