Budget Message / Highlights - Metropolitan Water Reclamation ...

Budget Message / Highlights - Metropolitan Water Reclamation ... Budget Message / Highlights - Metropolitan Water Reclamation ...


METROPOLITAN WATER RECLAMATION DISTRICT OF GREATER CHICAGO 2009 BUDGET 50000 ENGINEERING - BOND AND CONSTRUCTION FUNDS OBJECTIVES AND PROGRAM SUMMARY PROGRAMS BY PRIORITY: 2007 Budgeted Change Number Name Actuals Positions Dollars Dollars Percent 4700 Flood & Pollution Control Design $3,579,912 2009 8 $7,640,845 ($8,955,468) (54.0) a) 2008 7 $16,596,313 4800 Flood & Pollution Control Construction $51,633,139 2009 18 $351,070,889 $165,716,175 89.4 b) 2008 19 $185,354,714 1700 Collection Design $2,500,433 2009 12 $5,666,169 $2,629,798 86.6 c) 2008 12 $3,036,371 1800 Collection Construction $18,267,198 2009 23 $83,432,107 ($16,398,974) (16.4) d) 2008 22 $99,831,081 2400 Wetlands $0 2009 0 $30,900 ($1,898,280) (98.4) e) 2008 0 $1,929,180 2700 Treatment Design $12,204,439 2009 51 $30,304,967 ($27,762,284) (47.8) f) 2008 47 $58,067,251 2800 Treatment Construction $87,269,434 2009 51 $179,244,216 ($84,323,771) (32.0) g) 2008 44 $263,567,987 3700 Solids Processing Design $4,818,102 2009 25 $2,485,874 ($1,510,455) (37.8) h) 2008 23 $3,996,329 3800 Solids Processing Construction $4,933,835 2009 21 $214,433,924 $186,213,012 659.8 i) 2008 20 $28,220,912 5700 Solids Disposal Design $684,511 2009 8 $834,805 $65,642 8.5 2008 8 $769,163 5800 Solids Disposal Construction $195,223 2009 2 $89,610,140 ($12,815,421) (12.5) j) 2008 2 $102,425,561 7360 Real Estate Operations $251,607 2009 2 $324,358 $83,679 34.8 k) 2008 3 $240,679 a) Decrease due to reduction in required outside consultant work for final contract plans and specifications. b) Increase due to the planned awards in 2009 of project 04-202-4F Connecting Tunnels and Gates, Thornton Composite Reservoir, CSA. c) Increase for consultant costs associated with 08-866-3S, Inverted Siphon Reconstruction. d) Decrease due to the reduction in planned awards in 2009 for collection system construction projects. e) Decrease due to award of consultant contract 07-846-3S Treatment Wetlands at Lockport Powerhouse Marsh. f) Decrease due to reduction in required outside consultant work for final contract plans and specifications. g) Decrease due to the reduction in planned awards in 2009 for treatment construction projects. h) Decrease due to the reassignment of the consultant contract for Sludge Concentration Tanks Improvements at North Side WRP to functional area 2700. i) Increase due to the planned award of project 96-114-2P Sludge Thickening Facilities, Stickney WRP. j) Decrease due to reduction of planned awards in 2009 for solids disposal construction projects. k) Increase due to project 07-165-2C Utilization Study Main Office Building, Main Office Building Annex. 345 345

METROPOLITAN WATER RECLAMATION DISTRICT OF GREATER CHICAGO 2009 BUDGET 50000 ENGINEERING - BOND AND CONSTRUCTION FUNDS OBJECTIVES AND PROGRAM SUMMARY PROGRAMS BY PRIORITY: 2007 Budgeted Change Number Name Actuals Positions Dollars Dollars Percent 7740 Land and Easements $36,109 2009 8 $2,431,641 $481,203 24.7 l) 2008 9 $1,950,438 7700 Grants, Permits, and Government Operations $10,770,255 2009 7 $527,956 ($8,216,665) (94.0) m) 2008 6 $8,744,621 7760 Environmental Planning $195,591 2009 0 $411,809 ($367,791) (47.2) n) 2008 0 $779,600 Totals $197,339,788 2009 236 $968,450,600 $192,940,400 24.9% 2008 222 $775,510,200 l) Increase due to a greater requirement for easements. m) Decrease due to the one-time equity transfer to the Reserve Claim Fund in 2008. n) Decrease due to expected completion of 06-022-2P Master Underground Process Piping Survey (MUPPS), North Side WRP. 346 346


2009 BUDGET<br />


PROGRAMS BY PRIORITY: 2007 <strong>Budget</strong>ed Change<br />

Number Name Actuals Positions Dollars Dollars Percent<br />

7740 Land and Easements $36,109 2009 8 $2,431,641 $481,203 24.7 l)<br />

2008 9 $1,950,438<br />

7700 Grants, Permits, and Government Operations $10,770,255 2009 7 $527,956 ($8,216,665) (94.0) m)<br />

2008 6 $8,744,621<br />

7760 Environmental Planning $195,591 2009 0 $411,809 ($367,791) (47.2) n)<br />

2008 0 $779,600<br />

Totals $197,339,788 2009 236 $968,450,600 $192,940,400 24.9%<br />

2008 222 $775,510,200<br />

l) Increase due to a greater requirement for easements.<br />

m) Decrease due to the one-time equity transfer to the Reserve Claim Fund in 2008.<br />

n) Decrease due to expected completion of 06-022-2P Master Underground Process Piping Survey (MUPPS), North Side WRP.<br />

346<br />


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