Budget Message / Highlights - Metropolitan Water Reclamation ...

Budget Message / Highlights - Metropolitan Water Reclamation ... Budget Message / Highlights - Metropolitan Water Reclamation ...


METROPOLITAN WATER RECLAMATION DISTRICT OF GREATER CHICAGO 2009 BUDGET MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS – CALUMET SERVICE AREA 2009 BUDGET NARRATIVE The 2009 appropriation request for the Calumet Service Area is $44,690,900, an increase of $2,205,400 or 5.2 percent more than 2008. The staffing level of 238 represents an increase of three (3) positions, transferred, from the General Division, a Management Analyst I and Management Analyst II, and one Electrical Mechanic returning to work. There are no positions budgeted in the Stormwater Management Fund managed by this division. HIGHLIGHTS/ACHIEVEMENTS/GOALS The 2009 Calumet budget requests reflect efforts to address a number of important objectives: • 100 percent NPDES permit compliance. Both the Calumet WRP and Lemont WRP met 100 percent of all permit requirements in 2007 and in 2008; • Continued implementation of the Engineering program consistent with the Master Plan; • Continued emphasis on maintaining and improving security and emergency response capabilities; • Continued rehabilitation and improvements to facilities and equipment. Calumet continues to address, in particular, the digital control system and its performance and reliability issues, with Foxboro and local area network upgrades, and the completion of phase three at Lemont WRP, 95 th Street Pump Station, and the 125 th Street Pump Station. This will complete three of the total of five phases to replace obsolete and unreliable equipment. Improvements to our gas alarm annunciators and evacuation alarm system will be undertaken; • Continued emphasis in reducing fossil fuel energy consumption by controlling our natural gas usage/expenditures by maintaining an aggressive control and monitoring program with continuous review and adjustments to meet current actual needs. However, due to the new central boiler facility coming on line in 2009 and the fact that it will take some period of time to fine tune the system for optimum operation, we anticipate gas usage will go up temporarily, until fine tuning is complete. The ultimate goal has been, and continues to be, to reduce overall gas usage by 60 percent from our long-term average of 500,000 therms per year. We anticipate that we will attain this goal by the year 2010. Calumet is exploring various ways to reduce the use of coal generated electricity, possibly supplementing with solar energy, and also cutting back on our usage of diesel and gasoline fuels by making adjustments to operations and replacing equipment with much more environmentally responsible equipment, such as electric powered cars and trucks; • Work is in progress to hire a Licensed Professional Farm Manager for the 5,334 acres of cropland on the Fulton County property. Use of a Professional Farm Manager will allow the District to maximize revenue from this property. BUDGET SUMMARY Some of the major new M&O initiatives affecting our 2009 budget request are: • $820,000 for phase three of the installation of new Foxboro equipment to replace the existing obsolete equipment which no longer can be counted on to provide reliable process control data and information; • $600,000 to overhaul one preliminary tank and rehabilitate two other preliminary tanks. Rehabilitating these tanks will allow us to resume our schedule of rehabilitating two tanks per year. The bids for the current contract, 08-880-12, came in higher than anticipated resulting in only one tank overhaul done per year. After completing the scheduled two tanks in 2009, partial rehabilitations will be done until the new preliminary tanks are on line. Although these tanks will eventually be replaced under the Master Plan, they need to continue to provide reliable service to meet the NPDES permit until they are actually replaced; • $340,000 to replace the existing centrifuge conveyor assembly. The conveyor assembly is worn and is structurally unsound and beyond repair; • $250,000 for replacement of the variable frequency drives for the low level pumps and return sludge pumps. The existing drives are obsolete and will no longer be supported by the manufacturer. This item is being funded by the Capital Improvements Bond Fund; • $250,000 to replace three existing sludge transfer pumps in digesters cluster #2, that are worn out, with new direct coupled and mechanical seal pumps, and replace sections of sludge and effluent piping. This item is being funded by the Capital Improvements Bond Fund; • $140,000 to rebuild a centrifuge rotating element. The existing rotating element is beyond in-house repair and requires repairs by the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) to return it to the original specifications. A complete rebuild by the manufacturer is more cost effective than purchasing a replacement; 288 288

METROPOLITAN WATER RECLAMATION DISTRICT OF GREATER CHICAGO 2009 BUDGET • $130,000 to rebuild two existing centrifuge gear boxes, which are currently past their useful service lives and require original equipment manufacturer (OEM) rebuild services. The existing gear boxes can be rebuilt by the OEM to the original specifications; • $120,000 to rehabilitate pump rotating assemblies. We currently do not have any spare rotating assemblies for our main sewage pumps. This contract will allow us to have enough spares available for our four main sewage pumps, until the new pumping station is on line. The purpose for the partial rehabilitation of the smaller rotating assembly is to have spares available for our return sludge pumps, along with the smaller pumps at 95th Street Pumping Station; • $120,000 to upgrade the waste gas flare system at the digesters. The existing system/controls are obsolete and need to be upgraded. The upgrade will allow us to install a new Foxboro control system for this equipment that will be compatible with the existing plant wide process control system. The largest impact on our 2009 budget request is an additional $877,500 for the anticipated increased cost of electricity, due to renegotiation of our rates in 2009, and $350,000 for natural gas, for a total utility increase of $1,227,500. We are working with the Energy Conservation committee to identify, minimize and reduce our energy unit consumption, with a goal of reducing consumption up to 5 percent District wide by 2013. Reduced consumption is not anticipated to reduce associated dollars due to the high volatility of electricity and natural gas costs seen in recent years. THE CALUMET MASTER PLAN The Calumet Master Plan, developed jointly by the M&O and Engineering departments, has projected plant process needs through the year 2040. Major construction projects recommended and in process are: • Hydraulic Improvements (High Level Influent Pumping Station), Contract 93-232-2M. This new pumping station construction is in progress and our expectation is that this contract will be completed in 2010; • Central Boiler Facility, Contract 03-296-3M. To meet demands for process and building heating and cooling is currently under construction. This contract is tentatively scheduled for completion in 2009; • Two additional 75,000 standard cubic feet per minute Blowers, Contract 06-218-2M. To provide all process and auxiliary air needs from the existing Blower Building and eliminate the existing blowers located in the Pump and Blower Building, soon to be replaced by the new Pumping Station. We anticipate this contract to be awarded in 2009; • Preliminary Treatment Facilities (grit facilities and primary settling tanks), Contract 07-220-3P. This will provide new updated and appropriately sized grit removal facilities and new primary settling tanks with primary sludge and scum systems. The existing aerated grit, preliminary settling tanks, primary sludge concentration tanks, and primary pumping system will be removed from service. This contract was awarded in 2008; • Pre-Digestion Sludge Thickening Facilities, Contract 96-251-2P. This is a modification and upgrade to the facilities for better process and control. Anticipated construction period is to be 2009. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT PROJECTS The following projects are currently on-going Engineering contracts, not part of the Master Plan. • 00-275-2V, Research and Development Facility. This provides for a state of the art lab facility; • 04-294-3M, Calumet TARP Valve Isolation and Pump Station Upgrade. This replaces four (4) of the larger existing pumps, installation of emergency dewatering systems, and replacement of switchgear; • 00-809-1E, Installation of Remote Monitors for Unmanned Sites. This provides for equipment to remotely monitor for intrusion, smoke/fire, loss of power, etc. at the various pump stations, reservoirs, SEPA stations, and gate chambers located throughout the District. ENGINEERING PROGRAM PROJECTS BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION IN 2009 INCLUDE: • 06-212-3M, E1 and W1 Pump Modifications. This contract provides for the replacement of the existing 28.8 million gallons per day (MGD) pumps with larger 72 MGD pumps controlled by variable frequency drives; • 98-260-2M, Coarse Screen Replacement, Piping, and Electrical work at 95 th Street and 125 th Street Pumping Stations. This contract provides for the replacement of the old bar screens, along with the installation of a conveyor system for the collection and disposal of debris that has been collected by the coarse bar screens. There will also be some replacement of suction and discharge piping at the 125 th Street Pump Station. 289 289


2009 BUDGET<br />

• $130,000 to rebuild two existing centrifuge gear boxes, which are currently past their useful service lives and require<br />

original equipment manufacturer (OEM) rebuild services. The existing gear boxes can be rebuilt by the OEM to the<br />

original specifications;<br />

• $120,000 to rehabilitate pump rotating assemblies. We currently do not have any spare rotating assemblies for our main<br />

sewage pumps. This contract will allow us to have enough spares available for our four main sewage pumps, until the new<br />

pumping station is on line. The purpose for the partial rehabilitation of the smaller rotating assembly is to have spares<br />

available for our return sludge pumps, along with the smaller pumps at 95th Street Pumping Station;<br />

• $120,000 to upgrade the waste gas flare system at the digesters. The existing system/controls are obsolete and need to be<br />

upgraded. The upgrade will allow us to install a new Foxboro control system for this equipment that will be compatible<br />

with the existing plant wide process control system.<br />

The largest impact on our 2009 budget request is an additional $877,500 for the anticipated increased cost of electricity, due to<br />

renegotiation of our rates in 2009, and $350,000 for natural gas, for a total utility increase of $1,227,500. We are working with<br />

the Energy Conservation committee to identify, minimize and reduce our energy unit consumption, with a goal of reducing<br />

consumption up to 5 percent District wide by 2013. Reduced consumption is not anticipated to reduce associated dollars due to<br />

the high volatility of electricity and natural gas costs seen in recent years.<br />


The Calumet Master Plan, developed jointly by the M&O and Engineering departments, has projected plant process needs<br />

through the year 2040. Major construction projects recommended and in process are:<br />

• Hydraulic Improvements (High Level Influent Pumping Station), Contract 93-232-2M. This new pumping station<br />

construction is in progress and our expectation is that this contract will be completed in 2010;<br />

• Central Boiler Facility, Contract 03-296-3M. To meet demands for process and building heating and cooling is currently<br />

under construction. This contract is tentatively scheduled for completion in 2009;<br />

• Two additional 75,000 standard cubic feet per minute Blowers, Contract 06-218-2M. To provide all process and auxiliary<br />

air needs from the existing Blower Building and eliminate the existing blowers located in the Pump and Blower Building,<br />

soon to be replaced by the new Pumping Station. We anticipate this contract to be awarded in 2009;<br />

• Preliminary Treatment Facilities (grit facilities and primary settling tanks), Contract 07-220-3P. This will provide new<br />

updated and appropriately sized grit removal facilities and new primary settling tanks with primary sludge and scum<br />

systems. The existing aerated grit, preliminary settling tanks, primary sludge concentration tanks, and primary pumping<br />

system will be removed from service. This contract was awarded in 2008;<br />

• Pre-Digestion Sludge Thickening Facilities, Contract 96-251-2P. This is a modification and upgrade to the facilities for<br />

better process and control. Anticipated construction period is to be 2009.<br />


The following projects are currently on-going Engineering contracts, not part of the Master Plan.<br />

• 00-275-2V, Research and Development Facility. This provides for a state of the art lab facility;<br />

• 04-294-3M, Calumet TARP Valve Isolation and Pump Station Upgrade. This replaces four (4) of the larger existing<br />

pumps, installation of emergency dewatering systems, and replacement of switchgear;<br />

• 00-809-1E, Installation of Remote Monitors for Unmanned Sites. This provides for equipment to remotely monitor for<br />

intrusion, smoke/fire, loss of power, etc. at the various pump stations, reservoirs, SEPA stations, and gate chambers<br />

located throughout the District.<br />


• 06-212-3M, E1 and W1 Pump Modifications. This contract provides for the replacement of the existing 28.8 million<br />

gallons per day (MGD) pumps with larger 72 MGD pumps controlled by variable frequency drives;<br />

• 98-260-2M, Coarse Screen Replacement, Piping, and Electrical work at 95 th Street and 125 th Street Pumping Stations. This<br />

contract provides for the replacement of the old bar screens, along with the installation of a conveyor system for the<br />

collection and disposal of debris that has been collected by the coarse bar screens. There will also be some replacement of<br />

suction and discharge piping at the 125 th Street Pump Station.<br />

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