Budget Message / Highlights - Metropolitan Water Reclamation ...

Budget Message / Highlights - Metropolitan Water Reclamation ... Budget Message / Highlights - Metropolitan Water Reclamation ...


METROPOLITAN WATER RECLAMATION DISTRICT OF GREATER CHICAGO 2009 BUDGET prosecutes all Sewage and Waste Control Ordinance, Sewer Permit Ordinance, and User Charge Ordinance violation cases, both administratively and in the courts. This Division will continue to provide legal support and counsel to the District and the governmental bodies in Cook County as implementation of the District’s Stormwater Management activities increase. 3. Utilize the Law Department’s resources in support of the District’s mission. The Contract and Finance Division continues to actively work with the District’s Contract Committee reviewing and revising contract language in an effort to standardize District contracts, including sole source, professional services contracts. This standardization effort will continue in 2009, and has resulted in a decrease in contract-related litigation. 4. Administer a cost-effective real estate program. The Real Estate Division has continued to pursue a multipronged approach to the administration of District lands not currently required for its corporate purposes. This balanced program seeks to: maximize rental income in those instances where District land is made available for private use in accordance with state law; improve the aesthetics and create greater opportunity for public access and use of District land located along its waterways; and ensure the protection of District lands including, but not limited to, environmental remediation where appropriate. The District’s rental revenues continue to increase due to the application of innovative appraisal techniques to unique properties, increased marketing efforts, and re-leasing expired and remediated leaseholds at higher rentals. While maximizing rentals from private use of District land, the Division has remained committed to improving the aesthetics, public access and public recreational opportunities along its waterways. Toward that end, the District continues to lease some of its land, for a nominal fee, to local Park Districts, the Forest Preserve District, and municipalities for the specific purpose of providing the general public with greater access to recreational opportunities along the waterways including, but not limited to, athletic fields, biking and jogging paths, canoe and boat launches, and nature preserves. While maximizing rental revenue and creating greater opportunities for public access and use of the waterways, the Division maintains an aggressive enforcement program to ensure that District lands are protected and that its lease provisions are complied with. In some cases, the Division has been successful in requiring private parties to voluntarily complete their remediation obligations. In other instances, the Division has pursued and will continue to aggressively pursue litigation through special counsel when Asset Real Estate Management Income Land Sales, Leases, Easements, 16.4% & Permits voluntary measures do not produce the desired results. As an important part of its enforcement program, the Division will more aggressively monitor and prosecute violations of its Waterway Strategy Resolution, which imposes requirements for maintaining and improving the aesthetics along the District’s waterways. The year 2009 will see the Real Estate Division undertaking even more aggressive and intensive marketing and policing strategies to maximize rental income, increase public access, and ensure the aesthetics and protection of District lands. A comprehensive review of the Real Estate program will be initiated to analyze the operations of the Division with a view toward streamlining activities and increasing productivity. 5. Develop the necessary level of staff and appropriation to meet functional responsibilities. A staffing plan has been developed to meet the department’s objectives while maintaining current service levels. When caseloads exceed department resources, or specific subject matter expertise is required, the department will outsource this work to legal firms. M illions $10 $9 $8 $7 $6 $5 $4 $3 $2 $1 $0 Environmental Assessment 33.2% Land Sales Land Rentals Sale of 9.6 Acre Bus Barn Site 2009 Real Estate Program Budget Total $3,034,974 General Operations 15.1% Sale of 1,458.6 Acres in Fulton County Tax Payments 22.1% Leases 4.7% Easements 4.0% Permits 4.5% 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Est. Proj. 216 216

METROPOLITAN WATER RECLAMATION DISTRICT OF GREATER CHICAGO 2009 BUDGET 30000 LAW OBJECTIVES AND PROGRAM SUMMARY OBJECTIVES BY PRIORITY: Cost Percent 1. Provide prosecution, defense, and appellate services in litigation. Provide other direct legal services and counseling, as necessary, to the Board of Commissioners, the Executive Director , and the Officers of the District to further the corporate purposes and protect the interests of the District. $2,220,245 27.1% 2. Monitor all state legislation and legislative activities. $259,813 3.2% 3. Review and revise contract language in an effort to standardize District contracts. $242,194 3.0% 4. Work with other departments to manage legal aspects of employment related matters and litigation before the Civil Service Board and in the State and Federal Courts. $692,493 8.4% 5. Provide for the administration of all vacant and unoccupied District real estate; administer the leasing and disposition or other use of District real estate when not presently needed for its corporate purposes; assist in and administer the acquisition of right-of-way for District construction and improvement projects and other corporate uses; administer environmental and remediation activities; supervise real estate tax litigation; provide assistance in developing and processing the real estate agenda for meetings of the Board of Commissioners. 6. Through its leasing, permit, and easement grant activities, the Real Estate Division will generate approximately $10.5 million income in 2009. $3,034,974 37.0% 7. Provide legal services to ensure the proper disposal of wastes through the sewer systems in the Chicagoland area. Oversee the diversion of water from Lake Michigan for water quality services. Provide legal representation, counseling, and administrative support in connection with enforcement of the Sewage and Waste Control Ordinance, Sewer Permit Ordinance, and User Charge Ordinance of the District. $748,823 9.1% 8. Sewer Rehabilitation. Upon referral from the Engineering Department, the Law Department conducts administrative hearings to enforce compliance with the Sewer Permit Ordinance and the Manual of Procedures. $40,654 0.5% 9. Investigate and process all liability claims and employee injury claims against the District. $956,804 11.7% Total $8,196,000 100.0% MEASURABLE GOALS: 2007 2008 2009 Unit of Measure Actual Estimated Proposed 1. Revise lease procedures and policies to enhance marketability of District real estate. $6.4 million $9.0 million $10.5 million 2. Replace below market value expiring leases with new interim short term occupancy permits requiring payment of fair market value upon expiration of lease and during pendency of compliance review. Interim permits 9 3 5 3. Expedite compliance review for expiring leases or interim permits in order to advertise an increased number of new long term leases. New leases 5 7 5 4. Resolve unpaid user charge cases to increase collections and District revenue. Cases 7 10 12 217 217


2009 BUDGET<br />



1. Provide prosecution, defense, and appellate services in litigation. Provide other direct legal services and<br />

counseling, as necessary, to the Board of Commissioners, the Executive Director , and the Officers of<br />

the District to further the corporate purposes and protect the interests of the District. $2,220,245 27.1%<br />

2. Monitor all state legislation and legislative activities. $259,813 3.2%<br />

3. Review and revise contract language in an effort to standardize District contracts. $242,194 3.0%<br />

4. Work with other departments to manage legal aspects of employment related matters and litigation<br />

before the Civil Service Board and in the State and Federal Courts. $692,493 8.4%<br />

5. Provide for the administration of all vacant and unoccupied District real estate; administer the leasing and<br />

disposition or other use of District real estate when not presently needed for its corporate purposes; assist<br />

in and administer the acquisition of right-of-way for District construction and improvement projects and<br />

other corporate uses; administer environmental and remediation activities; supervise real estate tax<br />

litigation; provide assistance in developing and processing the real estate agenda for meetings of the Board<br />

of Commissioners.<br />

6. Through its leasing, permit, and easement grant activities, the Real Estate Division will generate<br />

approximately $10.5 million income in 2009. $3,034,974 37.0%<br />

7. Provide legal services to ensure the proper disposal of wastes through the sewer systems in the Chicagoland<br />

area. Oversee the diversion of water from Lake Michigan for water quality services. Provide legal<br />

representation, counseling, and administrative support in connection with enforcement of the Sewage and<br />

Waste Control Ordinance, Sewer Permit Ordinance, and User Charge Ordinance of the District. $748,823 9.1%<br />

8. Sewer Rehabilitation. Upon referral from the Engineering Department, the Law Department conducts<br />

administrative hearings to enforce compliance with the Sewer Permit Ordinance and the Manual of Procedures. $40,654 0.5%<br />

9. Investigate and process all liability claims and employee injury claims against the District. $956,804 11.7%<br />

Total $8,196,000 100.0%<br />

MEASURABLE GOALS: 2007 2008 2009<br />

Unit of Measure Actual Estimated Proposed<br />

1. Revise lease procedures and policies to enhance marketability of District<br />

real estate. $6.4 million $9.0 million $10.5 million<br />

2. Replace below market value expiring leases with new interim short term<br />

occupancy permits requiring payment of fair market value upon expiration<br />

of lease and during pendency of compliance review. Interim permits 9 3 5<br />

3. Expedite compliance review for expiring leases or interim permits in<br />

order to advertise an increased number of new long term leases. New leases 5 7 5<br />

4. Resolve unpaid user charge cases to increase collections and District<br />

revenue. Cases 7 10 12<br />

217<br />


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