4.2.Afroasiatic - Kinship Studies

4.2.Afroasiatic - Kinship Studies

4.2.Afroasiatic - Kinship Studies


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Fortier, Corinne.<br />

2001. Le lait, le sperme, le dos. Et le sang Représentation physiologique de la filiation et<br />

de la parenté de lait en islam malékite et dans la société maure de Mauritanie. Cahiers<br />

d’Études Africaines 41 (1): 97-138.<br />


Chiapuris, John.<br />

1979. The Ait Ayash of the High Moulouya Plain: Rural Social Organization in Morocco.<br />

Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.<br />

Reviews: Seddon 1981; Doxsee 1982.<br />

Combs-Schilling, M. Elaine.<br />

1985. Family and Friend in a Moroccan Boom Town: The Segmentary Debate<br />

Reconsidered. American Ethnologist 12: 659-675.<br />

Ensel, Remco.<br />

2002. Colactation and Fictive <strong>Kinship</strong> as Rites of Incorporation and Reversal in Morocco.<br />

Journal of North African <strong>Studies</strong> 77 (4): 83-96.<br />

Geertz, Hildred.<br />

1979a. The Meaning of Family Ties. In Meaning and Order in Moroccan Society: Three<br />

Essays in Cultural Analysis, by Clifford Geertz, Hildred Geertz, and Lawrence Rosen.<br />

Pp. 315-391. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.<br />

Geertz, Hildred.<br />

1979b. Moroccan <strong>Kinship</strong> Terms of Reference. In Meaning and Order in Moroccan<br />

Society: Three Essays in Cultural Analysis, by Clifford Geertz, Hildred Geertz, and<br />

Lawrence Rosen. Pp. 380-385. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.<br />

Gellner, Ernest.<br />

1969. Saints of the Atlas. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. [Saintliness and<br />

segmentarity.]<br />

Reviews: Hart 1970; Rosen 1970; Fernea 1971.<br />

Gellner, Ernest.<br />

HAVE<br />

1995. Segmentation: Reality or Myth Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 1<br />

(4): 821-829. [Reply to Munson 1993.]<br />

See also Munson 1995.<br />

Hammoudi, A.<br />

1974. Segmentarité, stratification sociale, pouvoir politique et sainteté: Réflexions sur les<br />

thèses de Gellner. Hespéris 15: 147-180.<br />

Translated as “Segmentarity, Social Stratification, Political Power and Sainthood:<br />

Reflections on Gellner’s Theses. The Social Philosophy of Ernest Gellner, edited by J. A.<br />

Hall and I. Jarvie. Pp. 265-289. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1996.

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