4.2.Afroasiatic - Kinship Studies

4.2.Afroasiatic - Kinship Studies

4.2.Afroasiatic - Kinship Studies


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2004. Prohibition de l’inceste, mariage entre très proches parents et place de la femme<br />

dans les rapports entre les sexes: Le cas de l’ancienne Égypte. La Pensée 339: 117-134.<br />

Vernus, P.<br />

1981. Production-pouvoir et parenté dans l’Egypte pharaonique. In Production-Pouvoir<br />

et Parenté dans le Monde Mediterraneen de Sumer à Nos Jours, edité par Claude-H<br />

Breteau et Nello Zagnoli. Paris: Librarie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner.<br />

Whale, Sheila.<br />

1989. The Family in the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt: A Study of the Representation of<br />

the Family in Private Tombs. Sydney: Australian Centre for Egyptology.<br />

Willems, Harco O.<br />

HAVE<br />

1983. A Description of Egyptian <strong>Kinship</strong> Terminology of the Middle Kingdom, c. 2000-<br />

1650 B.C. Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 139: 152-168.<br />

MODERN<br />



Abu-Zahra, Nadia.<br />

HAVE<br />

1983. A Comment on Some Kuwaiti and Egyptian Arabic Anthropological Writings on<br />

Kuwait. International Journal of Middle East <strong>Studies</strong> 15 (3): 398-410. [P. 404-405: some<br />

Kuwaiti kin terms in the work of the Kuwaiti scholar Ahmad Khamid.]<br />

Altorki, Soraya.<br />

1980. Milk-<strong>Kinship</strong> in Arab Society: An Unexplored Problem in the Ethnography of<br />

Marriage. Ethnology 19 (2): 233-244.<br />

Ayoub, Millicent R.<br />

1962. Bi-Polarity in Arabic <strong>Kinship</strong> Terms. Publications of the Fels Research Institute<br />

for the Study of Human Development 1: 1-11. Yellow Springs, OH.<br />

Ayoub, Millicent R.<br />

1964. Bi-Polarity in Arabic <strong>Kinship</strong> Terms. In Proceedings of the Ninth International<br />

Congress of Linguists, Cambridge, Mass., August 27-31, 1962, edited by Horace G. Lunt.<br />

Pp. 1100-1106. The Hague: Mouton.<br />

Barry, Laurent S.<br />

HAVE<br />

1998. Les modes de composition de l’alliance. Le “mariage arabe.” L’Homme 38: 17-50.<br />

Bédoucha, Geneviève.<br />

1994. Le cercle des proches: La consanguinité et ses détours (Tunisie, Yémen). In<br />

Épouser au Plus Proche: Inceste, Prohibitions et Stratégies Matrimoniales autour de la<br />

Méditerrannée, edited by Pierre Bonte. Pp. 189-220. Paris: Éditions de l’École des<br />

Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales.<br />

Brown, Cecil H.<br />

1978. Finite State Analysis of Arabic Kin Terms: Some Issues in Formal Semantic<br />

Analysis. Journal of Anthropology 1 (1): 17-33. Dekalb.<br />

Brown, Cecil H., and Saad Sawoyan.<br />

HAVE<br />

1977. Descent and Alliance in an Endogamous Society: A Structural Analysis of Arab<br />

<strong>Kinship</strong>. Social Science Information 16 (5): 581-599.

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