4.2.Afroasiatic - Kinship Studies

4.2.Afroasiatic - Kinship Studies

4.2.Afroasiatic - Kinship Studies


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1984. The Arbore Language: A First Investigation, including a vocabulary. Hamburg:<br />

Helmut Buske.<br />

BAYSO<br />

Hayward, Richard J.<br />

HAVE<br />

1979. Bayso Revisited: Some Preliminary Linguistic Observations – II. Bulletin of the<br />

School of Oriental and African <strong>Studies</strong> 42 (1): 101-132. [P. 105: the brother-sister pair.]<br />


Almagor, Uri.<br />

1978. Pastoral Partners: Affinity and Bond Partnership among the Dassanetch of South-<br />

West Ethiopia. Manchester: Manchester University Press; Africana Publishing Company.<br />

[Pp. 14-35: “Sections, Clans, Moieties and Generation Sets.” P. 23: use of kin terms<br />

within and between moieties.]<br />

HAVE<br />

Almagor, Uri.<br />

HAVE<br />

1983a. Alternation Endogamy in the Dassanetch Generation-Set System. Ethnology 22<br />

(2): 93-108.<br />

Almagor, Uri.<br />

1983b. Charisma Fatigue in an East African Generation-Set System. American<br />

Ethnologist 10 (4): 635-649.<br />

HAVE<br />

Almagor, Uri.<br />

1989. The Dialectic of Generation Moieties in an East African Society. In The Attraction<br />

of Opposites: Thought and Society in the Dualistic Mode, edited by David Maybury-<br />

Lewis and Uri Almagor. Pp. 143-169. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.<br />

TOSCO<br />

Tosco, Mauro.<br />

2001. The Dhaasanac Language: Grammar, Texts, Vocabulary of a Cushitic Language of<br />

Ethiopia. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe.<br />


Greenberg, Joseph H.<br />

1963. The Mogogodo, a Forgotten Cushitic People. Journal of African Languages 2 (1):<br />

29-43. [P. 35 (nos. 115, 116): suppletive terms for ‘mother’.]<br />

Heine, Bernd.<br />

1974-1975a. Notes on the Yaaku Language (Kenya). Afrika und Übersee 58 (2): 119-138.<br />

NORTH<br />


Almkvist, Herman.<br />

1881. Die Bischari-Sprache. Tū-Bedāwie in Nordost-Afrika. Upsala: Gesellschaft der<br />

Wissenschaften zu Upsala. [Bd. 1, pp. 86-87: kinship possession.]<br />

HAVE<br />

Lucas, Louis.

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