Perfect Storm - Congregation Yeshuat Yisrael

Perfect Storm - Congregation Yeshuat Yisrael

Perfect Storm - Congregation Yeshuat Yisrael


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The <strong>Perfect</strong> <strong>Storm</strong>!<br />

By Rabbi Ken Gibbs<br />

<strong>Congregation</strong><br />

<strong>Yeshuat</strong> <strong>Yisrael</strong><br />

Franklin, Tennessee<br />


Hurricane Sandy <strong>Perfect</strong> <strong>Storm</strong> #3<br />

October 30, 2012

The United Nations, New York, NY



Exactly 21 years ago today<br />

October 30, 1991<br />

The <strong>Perfect</strong> <strong>Storm</strong>#1

In the Eyes of the Gentile Nations!<br />

7<br />

How beautiful upon the mountains<br />

Are the feet of him who brings good news,<br />

Who proclaims peace,<br />

Who brings glad tidings of good things,<br />

Who proclaims salvation,<br />

Who says to Zion,<br />

“Your God reigns!”<br />

8<br />

Your watchmen shall lift up their voices,<br />

With their voices they shall sing together;<br />

For they shall see eye to eye<br />

When the Lord brings back Zion.<br />

9<br />

Break forth into joy, sing together,<br />

You waste places of Jerusalem!<br />

For the Lord has comforted His people,<br />

He has redeemed Jerusalem.<br />

10<br />

The Lord has made bare His holy arm<br />

In the eyes of all the nations;<br />

And all the ends of the earth shall see<br />

The salvation of our God. ISAIAH 52:7-10.

Shalom,<br />

The recent hurricane events have compelled me to prepare this<br />

study to show the relationship that we have with the God of Israel<br />

and the Jewish People.<br />

Some will say that God is through with the Jews and the modern<br />

State of Israel is no different than any other nation. I believe that<br />

“Those who bless Israel will be blessed and those who curse<br />

Israel will be cursed!” a promise given by the Almighty Promise<br />

Keeper.<br />

The United States has been blessed by supporting Israel. After<br />

World War II, Israel was founded as a modern nation and the<br />

United States was the first to recognize this tiny struggling state.<br />

The United States has prospered greatly in the last 50 years.<br />

As a student of the Bible, I am skeptical of comparing events in<br />

the news to Biblical Prophecy.

As a student of the Bible, I am skeptical of comparing events in<br />

the news to Biblical Prophecy. I am not one to sensationalize<br />

God, because the Holy One, Blessed be He! is Sensational! There<br />

is no need to “magnify” the Lord, He is already magnificent.<br />

Without resorting to newspaper exegesis, I am compelled to share<br />

this information with you. There is a relationship with the recent<br />

natural disasters and our treatment of Israel.<br />

I do believe that there will be no “real” peace until Messiah<br />

Yeshua (Jesus) returns. God will judge mankind on their<br />

treatment of “the least of these My Brethren”, the Jewish people.<br />

(Matthew 24:23-40). Pro-Semitic Sheep “Gentiles” will enter the<br />

Kingdom, while Anti-Semitic “Goat” Gentiles will be punished. This<br />

includes dividing the land promised to the Jews!

Joel 3:1-2<br />

I will also gather all nations,<br />

And bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat;<br />

And I will enter into judgment with them there<br />

On account of My people, My heritage Israel,<br />

Whom they have scattered among the nations;<br />

They have also divided up My land.<br />

At the end of this Age, Gentile Nations will be Judged by<br />

their treatment of Israel! This is a biblical fact.

Deuteronomy 11:13 – Human Behavior changes the<br />

affects the weather.<br />

13<br />

‘And it shall be that if you earnestly obey My<br />

commandments which I command you today, to love<br />

the Lord your God and serve Him with all your heart and<br />

with all your soul, 14 then I will give you the rain for<br />

your land in its season, the early rain and the latter<br />

rain, that you may gather in your grain, your new wine,<br />

and your oil. 15 And I will send grass in your fields for<br />

your livestock, that you may eat and be filled.’ 16 Take<br />

heed to yourselves, lest your heart be deceived, and<br />

you turn aside and serve other gods and worship them,<br />

17<br />

lest the Lord’s anger be aroused against you, and He<br />

shut up the heavens so that there be no<br />

rain, and the land yield no produce, and you perish<br />

quickly from the good land which the Lord is giving you.

The United States Government has place pressure on Israel to<br />

give up land for peace. The Land of Israel was promised to<br />

Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and their descendants. This pressure<br />

has resulted in judgment on the United States.<br />

Recent Hurricanes and the major evacuations are a result of<br />

forcing the Jewish people out of the areas of Gush Katif. On the<br />

day that the Gaza Strip was declared 'Judenrein‘ “Jewish Free”<br />

meaning the area was now removed of the impurity.<br />

Please consider this information prayerfully and note that God is<br />

as active in the lives of the Jewish people today as he was in the<br />

days of Moses.<br />

Ken Gibbs, Messianic Rabbi<br />

<strong>Congregation</strong> <strong>Yeshuat</strong> <strong>Yisrael</strong>

Genesis 12:1 Promises to Abram<br />

12 Now the Lord had said to Abram:<br />

“Get out of your country,<br />

From your family<br />

And from your father’s house,<br />

To a land that I will show you.<br />

I will make you a great nation;<br />

I will bless you<br />

And make your name great;<br />

And you shall be a blessing.<br />

I will bless those who bless you,<br />

And I will curse him who curses you;<br />

And in you all the families of the earth<br />

shall be blessed.”

Genesis 15:14 LAND Promise<br />

14 And the Lord said to Abram, after Lot had<br />

separated from him: “Lift your eyes now and look<br />

from the place where you are— northward,<br />

southward, eastward, and westward; 15 for all the<br />

land which you see I give to you and your<br />

descendants forever. 16 And I will make your<br />

descendants as the dust of the earth; so that if a<br />

man could number the dust of the earth, then<br />

your descendants also could be numbered. 17<br />

Arise, walk in the land through its length and its<br />

width, for I give it to you.”

Genesis 15:14 LAND Promise<br />

14<br />

And the Lord said to Abram… “Lift your eyes now and look from the<br />

place where you are— northward, southward, eastward, and<br />

westward; 15 for all the land which you see I give to you and your<br />

descendants forever.<br />

This promise was reiterated to:<br />

To Isaac not Ishmael Genesis 24:3<br />

To Jacob not Esau Genesis 28:4

October 30, 1991<br />

The <strong>Perfect</strong> <strong>Storm</strong>#1

The <strong>Perfect</strong> <strong>Storm</strong>!

This information is based on a book by John McTernan and Bill<br />

Koenig. These are excellent books but will need to be updated to<br />

include the recent events which are more convincing than the<br />

events of the past!

What do these major record-setting events have in common<br />

* The ten costliest insurance events in U.S. history<br />

* The Seven costliest hurricanes in U.S. history<br />

* Three of the four largest tornado outbreaks in U.S. history<br />

* The top ten natural disasters in U.S. history ranked by FEMA<br />

relief coasts.<br />

* The two largest terrorism events in U.S. history. (Sept. 11 and<br />

Waco Texas.)<br />

All of these major catastrophes transpired on the very same day<br />

or within 24-hours of U.S. presidents Bush, Clinton and Bush<br />

applying pressure on Israel to trade her land for promises of<br />

"peace and security," sponsoring major "land for peace" meetings,<br />

making major public statements pertaining to Israel's covenant<br />

land and/or calling for a Palestinian state.

October 30, 1991

October 30, 1991<br />

1991: George Bush opens historic Mid East peace<br />

conference US President George Bush has encouraged<br />

Arabs and Israelis to "lay down the past" in his opening<br />

speech to the Middle East peace conference in Spain. It<br />

is the first time in 43 years that Israel has sat down with<br />

all its Arab neighbors to discuss peace.<br />

"Territorial compromise is essential for peace," said<br />

President Bush. "We seek peace, real peace. And by real<br />

peace I mean treaties. If we cannot summon the<br />

courage to lay down the past for ourselves then let us do<br />

it for the children."

October 30, 1991<br />

The invitation, an outcome of compromises by all sides,<br />

detailed the structure of the Madrid process:<br />

•An opening conference having no power to impose<br />

solutions<br />

•Bilateral talks with the Arab states bordering Israel<br />

•Talks with the Palestinians on 5-year interim self-rule,<br />

to be followed by talks on the permanent status<br />

•Multilateral talks on key regional issues, like refugees.

October 30, 1991<br />

The <strong>Perfect</strong> <strong>Storm</strong><br />

Have you seen the Movie<br />

“The <strong>Perfect</strong> <strong>Storm</strong>” it is<br />

based on this “freak” storm<br />

that occurred in the North<br />

Atlantic on the exact day the<br />

Madrid “Land for Peace”<br />

Conference was convened.<br />

Then largest ocean waves<br />

ever were on this date!

October 30, 1991

October 30, 1991<br />

As President George H. W. Bush is opening the Madrid (Spain)<br />

Conference to consider “Land for Peace” in Israel’s Middle East<br />

role, the“perfect storm” develops in the North Atlantic, creating the<br />

largest waves ever recorded in that region. The storm travels<br />

1000 miles from “east to west” instead of the normal “west to east”<br />

pattern and crashes into the New England Coast.<br />

Thirty-five foot waves crash into the Kennebunkport home of<br />

President Bush.

October 30, 1991<br />

http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/oa/satelli<br />

te/satelliteseye/cyclones/pfctstorm9<br />


October 30, 1991<br />

Home of President George H. W. Bush in Kenebunkport, Maine<br />

Most of the interior was rebuilt after The <strong>Perfect</strong> <strong>Storm</strong>


http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/oa/satellite/satelliteseye/cyclones/pfctst<br />


October 30, 1991<br />

A state by state damage summary reveals the widespread and<br />

extensive damage caused by the storm and accompanying seas.<br />

Beach erosion and coastal flooding was severe and widespread,<br />

even causing damage to lighthouses. Hundreds of homes and<br />

businesses were either knocked from their foundations or simply<br />

disappeared. Sea walls, boardwalks, bulkheads, and piers were<br />

reduced to rubble over a wide area. Numerous small boats were<br />

sunk at their berths. Flooding was extensive invading homes and<br />

closing roads and airports. Former President Bush's home in<br />

Kennebunkport, ME suffered severe damage as windows were<br />

blown out, water flooded the building, and some structural<br />

damage also occurred.

August 23, 1992

August 23, 1992<br />

August 23, 1992: Hurricane Andrew—When the Madrid<br />

Conference moves to Washington DC and the peace talks<br />

resume, Hurricane Andrew, one of the worst natural disaster<br />

ever to hit America, comes ashore and produces an<br />

estimated $30 billion in damage and leaving 180,000<br />

homeless in Florida.

August 23, 1992<br />

Hurricane Andrew was one of the most destructive and<br />

expensive hurricanes to hit the United States. It raged<br />

from August 16 to August 28, 1992.<br />

This tropical cyclone affected the northwestern Bahamas,<br />

then southern Florida in the greater Miami area, doing<br />

much damage, crossing the Florida peninsula and the<br />

Gulf of Mexico before again making landfall in southcentral<br />

Louisiana where it caused further damage.<br />

Andrew is second only to Hurricane Katrina in financial<br />


January 16, 1994<br />

January 16, 1994: Northridge Earthquake, California—<br />

President Bill Clinton meets with Syria's President Hafez<br />

el-Assad in Geneva. They talk about a peace agreement<br />

with Israel that includes giving up the Golan Heights.<br />

Within 24 hours, a powerful 6.9 earthquake rocks<br />

Southern California, This quake, centered in Northridge,<br />

becomes the third most destructive natural disaster to hit<br />

the United States, behind Hurricane Andrew, and<br />


January 16, 1994<br />

Clinton's decision to meet one-on-one with Hafiz al-Asad<br />

the Father of Bashir Asad of Syria, on January 16th.<br />

That meeting is a terrible idea. It ignores the fact that<br />

Asad responds to U.S. concessions by thumbing his nose<br />

in our face. It rewards him for sponsoring a dozen<br />

Palestinian groups trying to destroy Israel. But what to do<br />

now After all, the Clinton-Asad meeting is already in the<br />

works. January 16th would be a great date for President<br />

Clinton to come down with a sudden case of the<br />

diplomatic flu.

Same day<br />

January 16, 1994

January 16, 1994

January 16, 1994

September 28, 1998<br />

Hurricane George

September 28, 1998<br />

Hurricane George—As Secretary of State Albright works on the<br />

final details of an agreement in which Israel would give up 13<br />

percent of Yesha (Judah and Samaria), Hurricane George slams<br />

into the United States Gulf Coast with 110 mph winds and gusts<br />

up to 175 mph. The hurricane hits the coast and stalled. On<br />

September 28, Clinton meets with Yasser Arafat and Netanyahu at<br />

the White House to finalize this land deal. Later, Arafat addresses<br />

the United Nations about declaring an independent Palestinian<br />

state by May 1999, as Hurricane George pounds the Gulf Coast,<br />

causing $1 billion in damage. At the exact time that Arafat departs<br />

the country, the storm begins to dissipate.

September 28, 1998<br />

Hurricane George—As Secretary of State Albright works on the<br />

final details of an agreement in which Israel would give up 13<br />

percent of Yesha (Judah and Samaria), Hurricane George slams<br />

into the United States Gulf Coast with 110 mph winds and gusts<br />

up to 175 mph. The hurricane hits the coast and stalled. On<br />

September 28, Clinton meets with Yasser Arafat and Netanyahu at<br />

the White House to finalize this land deal. Later, Arafat addresses<br />

the United Nations about declaring an independent Palestinian<br />

state by May 1999, as Hurricane George pounds the Gulf Coast,<br />

causing $1 billion in damage. At the exact time that Arafat departs<br />

the country, the storm begins to dissipate.

October 15, 1998<br />

Texas Floods<br />

October 15-22, 1998:—On October 15, 1998, Arafat and<br />

Netanyahu meet at the Wye River Plantation in Maryland. The<br />

talks are scheduled to last five days with the focus on Israel giving<br />

up 13 percent of Yesha. The talks are extended and conclude on<br />

October 23. On October 17, awesome rains and<br />

tornadoes hit southern Texas. The San Antonio area is deluged<br />

with rain. The rain and flooding in Texas continue until October 22<br />

and then subside. The floods ravage 25 percent of Texas and<br />

leave over one billion dollars in damage. On October 21, Clinton<br />

declares this section of Texas a major disaster area.

October 15, 1998<br />

Torrential rains over south and southeast Texas during the<br />

weekend of October 17-18, 1998, led to widespread and deadly<br />

flooding. A total of 31 people died during this event, and property<br />

damage estimates approached three quarters of a billion dollars.

May 3, 1999

May 3, 1999<br />

May 3, 1999: The Powerful Super Tornado—On the day<br />

that Yasser Arafat is scheduled to declare a Palestinian state with<br />

Jerusalem as the capital, the most powerful tornado storm system<br />

ever to hit the United States sweeps across Oklahoma and<br />

Kansas. The winds are clocked at 316 mph the fastest wind speed<br />

ever recorded. The declaration is postponed to December 1999 at<br />

the request of President Clinton, whose letter to Arafat<br />

encourages him in his "aspirations for his own land." He also<br />

writes that the Palestinians have a right to "determine their own<br />

future on their own land" and that they deserve to"live free, today,<br />

tomorrow and forever."

May 3, 1999

August 15th, 2005<br />

The United States Department of State has<br />

made it clear to Prime Minister Ariel<br />

Sharon. It wants the Jews out of the Katif<br />

district of Gaza by August 15th, with no<br />

excuses.<br />

Sharon's answer: "This is what the US<br />

State Department is demanding that I do<br />

and I must do it."

Jewish<br />

State<br />

declared in<br />

1948<br />

Recognized<br />

by the UN

War of Independence 1948-49<br />

Zionist leader David Ben-Gurion's<br />

declaration in Tel Aviv on May 14, 1948,<br />

that Israel was an independent state<br />

triggered an invasion by Egypt, Syria,<br />

Transjordan, Lebanon and Iraq. Over the<br />

next 15 months, the Israelis expanded their<br />

holdings to northern Galilee and southern<br />

Negev. The ensuing armistice divided<br />

Jerusalem between Israel and Transjordan,<br />

but the fate of 400,000 Palestinian Arabs<br />

who fled Israel during the fighting and were<br />

in camps near the border was not resolved.<br />

Transjordan annexex the area known as<br />

the West Bank (west bank of the Jordan<br />

River) later changes it’s name to Jordan.

Six-Day War 1967<br />

In May 1967, Egypt closed the Gulf of<br />

Aqaba to Israeli shipping and began<br />

mobilizing its forces to attack Israel. Syria<br />

and Jordan also mobilized against Israel. In<br />

response, Israel launched a strike. Starting<br />

June 5, the Israeli air force destroyed<br />

Egypt's planes on the ground. Enabled by<br />

air superiority throughout the region, Israeli<br />

tank columns and infantry captured the<br />

Sinai Peninsula in three days. Elsewhere,<br />

the Israelis overran the Golan Heights, the<br />

West Bank of the Jordan River, including<br />

the Old City of Jerusalem (which Israel later<br />

annexed), and Gaza. The war was over by<br />

June 10, ended by a U.N.-arranged ceasefire.


Before the Six Day War, the Gaza Strip was<br />

under Egyptian rule, and Judea & Samaria<br />

(the West Bank) were under Jordanian Rule.<br />

The Palestinians never had an autonomy in<br />

these areas (or in any other area, for that<br />

matter). They didn’t start an uprising against<br />

Egypt or Jordan.

Jews are forced out of their<br />

homes in Gush Katif, GAZA

Gush Katif<br />

The Jewish communities in the<br />

Gaza Strip were forced out of<br />

their homes in August of 2005<br />

The United States caved in to<br />

terrorism by putting pressure on<br />

Ariel Sharon to force the Israeli<br />

military to remove Jews from<br />

land for a future Palestinian<br />

State. George W. Bush has<br />

declared he wanted to see a<br />

Palestinian State by 2005.<br />

Even if this happens, does the<br />

area have to be free of Jews

Gush Katif

August 15th, 2005<br />

Gush Katif<br />

The Jewish communities in Gaza could be compared to the resort<br />

communities in Scottsdale, Arizona. These people have lived here for<br />

over 50 years. They do not live in tents or trailers. These were beautiful<br />

communities providing Israel with a buffer from it’s hostile neighbors.

Gush Katif<br />

August 15th, 2005

Gush Katif

Gush Katif<br />

August 15th, 2005

Gush Katif<br />

Let’s Compare the area of Gush Katif,<br />

Israel with New Orleans, Louisiana.<br />

Gulf Coast

Gush Katif<br />

Gulf Coast

Gush Katif<br />

Anguish is the emotion from being<br />

removed from your home!<br />

Gulf Coast

Gush Katif<br />

Gulf Coast

Gush Katif<br />

Palestinian looters ravished<br />

the area and burned the<br />

synagogues.<br />

New Orleans looters ravished<br />

the city and halted rescue<br />

efforts.<br />

Gulf Coast

Gush Katif<br />

Gulf Coast

Gush Katif,<br />

Gaza<br />

Gulf<br />


Gush Katif, GAZA<br />

August 15th, 2005<br />

Gulf Coast, USA

PERFECT STORM #2 Hurricane<br />


Gulf coast,<br />


Gush Katif,<br />

Israel<br />

The beautiful homes in Gush Katif,<br />

Israel no longer exist. They were<br />

destroyed a few days before Hurricane<br />

Katrina. The Synagogues were burned<br />

by the Palestinians.

Gulf coast,<br />


Gush Katif,<br />


Gulf coast,<br />


Gush Katif,<br />


Gulf coast,<br />


Gulf coast,<br />


Gush Katif,<br />

Israel<br />

Gulf coast,<br />


Gush Katif,<br />

Israel<br />

Gulf coast,<br />


Gush Katif,<br />

Israel<br />

Gulf coast,<br />


Gush Katif,<br />


Gush Katif, Israel<br />

In line with Sharon and Bush's decree for making Gush Katif<br />

'Judenrein‘ Jewish Free- on Sunday 28 August Gush Katif was<br />

declared "empty of (Jewish) residents,"<br />

Most of Gush Katif's some 10,000 evicted residents found<br />

themselves without homes or jobs, without money, and their<br />

assets either in military stores in containers somewhere in the<br />

desert or exposed to looting in their abandoned homes, They<br />

found themselves virtually on Israeli streets, irrespective of<br />

government claims to the contrary .

Gush Katif, Israel<br />

In line with Sharon and Bush's decree for making Gush Katif<br />

'Judenrein‘ Jewish Free- on Sunday 28 August Gush Katif was<br />

declared "empty of (Jewish) residents,"<br />

Most of Gush Katif's some 10,000 evicted residents found<br />

themselves without homes or jobs, without money, and their<br />

assets either in military stores in containers somewhere in the<br />

desert or exposed to looting in their abandoned homes, They<br />

found themselves virtually on Israeli streets, irrespective of<br />

government claims to the contrary .<br />

The next day Katrina struck New Orleans, and 2 days later New<br />

Orleans was declared 'uninhabitable', leaving up to 500 000<br />

people (in the greater area) homeless. Looting was rife in the<br />

devastated areas, with police running out of fuel for their vehicles<br />

and no jails for locking up looters!

Gulf Coast, USA<br />

Aug 29, 2005 — As Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans<br />

on Monday, it has turned one of America's most charming<br />

cities into a vast cesspool tainted with toxic chemicals,<br />

human waste and even coffins released by floodwaters<br />

from the city's legendary cemeteries. The above-ground<br />

tombs of New Orleans, the origin of the nickname "City of<br />

the Dead" have an interesting history. Early settlers in the<br />

area struggled with different methods to bury the dead<br />

who never seemed to want to stay below the ground. The<br />

city's high water table means that holes more than a few<br />

feet deep fill with water - causing an airtight casket to<br />

literally float and eventually push its way back out of the<br />


Gush Katif, Israel<br />

The bodies of the dead were dug up, against Jewish Law, and<br />

reburied outside of Gush Katif .<br />

The Jews were FORCED to remove the dead from their cemeteries<br />

because the Palestinians did not even want dead Jews in the Gaza Strip.<br />

Jewish Biblical Law prevents the disturbance of a grave. Regardless,<br />

pressure from the United States resulted in violation of this Biblical Law.<br />

Imagine digging up your relatives that have been dead for the past 50<br />

years This is an outrage!

Gush Katif, Israel<br />

The bodies of the dead were dug up, against Jewish Law, and<br />

reburied outside of Gush Katif .<br />

Gulf Coast, USA<br />

Dead bodies were floating in the<br />

streets, even coffins in the historic<br />

grave yard were washed up!<br />

Coffins were floating in the street.

Hurricane Sandy<br />

October 30 2012

October 30 2012

October 30 2012

October 30 2012

The Messiah Yeshua<br />

can calm the<br />

<strong>Perfect</strong> <strong>Storm</strong>

The <strong>Perfect</strong> <strong>Storm</strong><br />

Mark 4:35<br />

35<br />

On the same day, when evening had come, He said to<br />

them, “Let us cross over to the other side.” 36 Now when<br />

they had left the multitude, they took Him along in the boat<br />

as He was. And other little boats were also with Him. 37 And<br />

a great windstorm arose, and the waves beat into the boat,<br />

so that it was already filling. 38 But He was in the stern,<br />

asleep on a pillow. And they awoke Him and said to Him,<br />

“Teacher, do You not care that we are perishing”<br />

39<br />

Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea,<br />

“Peace, be still!” And the wind ceased and there was a great<br />

calm. 40 But He said to them, “Why are you so fearful How<br />

is it that you have no faith” 41 And they feared exceedingly,<br />

and said to one another, “Who can this be, that even the<br />

wind and the sea obey Him!”

Put your trust in the<br />

King of the Jews!<br />

If you want God to Bless<br />

America!<br />

America must Bless Israel

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