National Project Implementation Plan - NVBDCP

National Project Implementation Plan - NVBDCP

National Project Implementation Plan - NVBDCP


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Inadequate attention to mosquitogenic conditions by local selfgovernment<br />

as well as private corporate sector and weak coordination<br />

between concerned authorities resulting in man made malaria<br />

1. 4. 2. Key Program constraints – Kala-azar<br />

a) Technical<br />

Active Case Search which is done only through Kala-azar fortnight is<br />

labor intensive and generally the yield of cases is very low.<br />

Continued dependence on Napier’s Aldehyde test for diagnosis of Kalaazar<br />

except in pilot districts.<br />

There is an emerging trend of poor response to first line drug Sodium<br />

Stibo Gluconate (SSG) in North Bihar which is also toxic when the<br />

prescribed regime for 28 days treatment is strictly followed.<br />

Despite clear guidelines from GOI, indiscriminate use of medicines and<br />

incomplete treatment are common among both public as well as private<br />

sector health service providers.<br />

Treatment protocols are not followed properly. Treatment cards<br />

recommended for use under the Programme often are not filled<br />

adequately.<br />

Detection of Post Kala-azar Dermal Leishmaniasiss (PKDL) and its<br />

treatment are not satisfactory. The treatment is prolonged and patients<br />

have no motivation to follow the treatment since they do not suffer any<br />

ill health except for the skin problems.<br />

Coverage and quality of IRS is unsatisfactory.<br />

Emergence of HIV-Kala-azar and TB-Kala-azar co-infections.<br />

b) Operational<br />

Political commitment exists but insufficient monitoring of control<br />

interventions and resource utilization; variable absorption capacity of<br />

states in relation to utilization of funds/commodities.<br />

A large number of patients receive treatment through private sector<br />

which does not report these cases and treatment outcomes to the<br />

government. Though Kala-azar is included under the notifiable Diseases<br />

in Bihar, enforcement has been ineffective.<br />

A large number of patients do not complete the recommended 28 days<br />

treatment because of poverty, side effects of medicine and weak<br />

supervision by the health care providers.<br />

Limited social mobilization due to inadequate BCC efforts with low<br />

resource allocation.<br />

c) Management<br />

Non-receipt of funds by the Districts/PHCs due to administrative delays<br />

or non-release of funds by states.<br />

Non-submission of SOEs & UCs by the States thus hampering release of<br />

funds by the GOI.<br />


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