E:\History & Citizenship units 2 - WP\H503 Irish ... - Ireland in Schools

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E:\History & Citizenship units 2 - WP\H503 Irish ... - Ireland in Schools


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History at A-level<br />

NEAB syllabus A/C<br />

Alternative M (part one)<br />

The age of reform<br />

Brita<strong>in</strong>, 1830-51<br />

Investigat<strong>in</strong>g the condition of towns<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migrants <strong>in</strong> early Victorian Brita<strong>in</strong><br />

Produced by<br />

’<strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>in</strong> schools<br />

for<br />

The Warr<strong>in</strong>gton Project<br />

<strong>in</strong> association with<br />

The Institute of <strong>Irish</strong> Studies, The University of Liverpool<br />


History at A-level<br />

NEAB syllabus A/C<br />

Alternative M (part one)<br />

The age of reform<br />

Brita<strong>in</strong>, 1830-51<br />

Investigat<strong>in</strong>g the condition of towns<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migrants <strong>in</strong> early Victorian Brita<strong>in</strong><br />

Produced by<br />

’<strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>in</strong> schools<br />

for<br />

The Warr<strong>in</strong>gton Project<br />

<strong>in</strong> association with<br />

The Institute of <strong>Irish</strong> Studies, The University of Liverpool<br />


The Warr<strong>in</strong>gton Project, June 1998<br />

The copyright for this Study Unit rests with The Warr<strong>in</strong>gton<br />

Project.<br />

However, the materials <strong>in</strong> this unit may be photocopied without<br />

charge or restriction by schools and colleges teach<strong>in</strong>g the NEAB<br />

History A-level Syllabus A/C, Alternative M (part one): The age<br />

of reform: Brita<strong>in</strong>, 1830-51.<br />

The Warr<strong>in</strong>gton Project<br />

PO Box 282<br />

Warr<strong>in</strong>gton<br />

WA1 1UH<br />

Tel: 01925 442233<br />

Fax: 01925 231077

Contents<br />

Preface and acknowledgements<br />

Introductory note<br />

’<strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>in</strong> schools— and the study <strong>units</strong><br />

1. Address<strong>in</strong>g the syllabus<br />

2. Teach<strong>in</strong>g with the study unit<br />

3. Student booklet<br />

4. Teachers— guide to <strong>in</strong>vestigations<br />

a Population growths and shifts with<strong>in</strong> the British Isles, 1841-1861<br />

(test<strong>in</strong>g knowledge and understand<strong>in</strong>g of chapters 1 and 2 of the commentary <strong>in</strong><br />

Part I of the studentÓs booklet)<br />

b Mark<strong>in</strong>g scheme : document question<br />

Contemporary accounts of <strong>Irish</strong> immigration to Manchester<br />

<strong>in</strong> the 1830s and 1840s<br />

(test<strong>in</strong>g knowledge and understand<strong>in</strong>g of chapters 3 and 4 of the commentary <strong>in</strong><br />

Part I of the studentÓs booklet)<br />

5. Student work<br />

a<br />

b<br />

Sample of work<br />

Assessment<br />

6. Read<strong>in</strong>g - level A<br />

7. Level B<br />

a<br />

b<br />

Appendix<br />

Further read<strong>in</strong>g<br />

Additional <strong>in</strong>vestigation<br />

’The <strong>Irish</strong> <strong>in</strong> Bristol <strong>in</strong> 1851 : A census enumeration—<br />

A. Article by David Large - the basis for the additional <strong>in</strong>vestigation on Bristol<br />

’The <strong>Irish</strong> <strong>in</strong> Bristol <strong>in</strong> 1851: A Census Enumeration— <strong>in</strong> The <strong>Irish</strong> <strong>in</strong> the Victorian<br />

City, edited by R. Swift & S. Gilley, London 1985, pp 37-58<br />

B. NEAB History A-level Syllabus A/C<br />

Alternative M (part two)/Alternative L (part three)<br />

Early <strong>in</strong>dustrial Brita<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong> war and peace 1783-1830<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page iii

Preface and acknowledgements<br />

This Study Unit, ’<strong>Irish</strong> migrants <strong>in</strong> early Victorian Brita<strong>in</strong>—, is one of a series of such <strong>units</strong> <strong>in</strong>tended to offer<br />

a new, dynamic and excit<strong>in</strong>g opportunity to study <strong>Irish</strong> history with<strong>in</strong> the present NEAB History Syllabus A/C<br />

Alternative M (Brita<strong>in</strong>,1783-1906) - and parts of Alternatives L and N.<br />

The basic premise of the Study Units is that the so-called ’<strong>Irish</strong> Question— is central to the historian—s<br />

understand<strong>in</strong>g of n<strong>in</strong>eteenth century Brita<strong>in</strong>. The accepted Anglo-centric orthodoxy with London as<br />

its centre needs to be challenged and placed <strong>in</strong> a wider context. <strong>Ireland</strong> was a part of the Union from<br />

1 January 1801 and hence should be an <strong>in</strong>tegral, rather than a marg<strong>in</strong>al, part of British n<strong>in</strong>eteenth<br />

century history.<br />

For the A-level students, the <strong>units</strong> have a direct relevance to the Modern World and shed light on<br />

modern issues <strong>in</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>. In addition, many people <strong>in</strong> Brita<strong>in</strong> are descended from <strong>Irish</strong> immigrants and<br />

people of <strong>Irish</strong> descent have had a large impact upon the economy and culture here.<br />

The <strong>units</strong> are also designed to facilitate the delivery of the syllabus. All activities are related to NEAB<br />

Assessment Objectives and standard mark schemes are provided. The <strong>units</strong> provide sources for study<br />

and bibliographies for students and teachers alike. The allocation of time is flexible, so that teachers<br />

can offer a rich curriculum with<strong>in</strong> the constra<strong>in</strong>ts of ord<strong>in</strong>ary A-level teach<strong>in</strong>g.<br />

My own <strong>in</strong>volvement <strong>in</strong> prepar<strong>in</strong>g the Study Units and that of Great Sankey High School resulted from<br />

the IRA bomb<strong>in</strong>g of Warr<strong>in</strong>gton <strong>in</strong> 1993. By promot<strong>in</strong>g better knowledge and understand<strong>in</strong>g of <strong>Ireland</strong><br />

<strong>in</strong> Brita<strong>in</strong> through education, these Study Units form part of the wider process of peace and<br />

reconciliation which is essential to turn the long-relationship between Brita<strong>in</strong> and <strong>Ireland</strong> from mutual<br />

suspicion to mutual enrichment.<br />

I thoroughly enjoyed the challenge of prepar<strong>in</strong>g this and the other Study Units, <strong>in</strong> conjunction with Professor<br />

Patrick Buckland, formerly Director of the Institute of <strong>Irish</strong> Studies at the University of Liverpool. I am also<br />

grateful to the Trustees of Warr<strong>in</strong>gton Project and Great Sankey—s Board of Governors for giv<strong>in</strong>g me the time<br />

to develop the <strong>units</strong> over the last three years.<br />

I should also like to thank the NEAB for its cooperation, especially the support provided by Mr Terry Myers,<br />

who looks after History at the Board, Mr Roy Whittle, Chair of Exam<strong>in</strong>ers, A-level History, and Mrs Paula<br />

McClive, Assistant Chair Exam<strong>in</strong>ers and Chief Exam<strong>in</strong>er, A-level History, and the History staff and sixthform<br />

students of a number of schools who helped me ref<strong>in</strong>e the <strong>units</strong>.<br />

Above all, I wish to thank my students. Their help has been the most gratify<strong>in</strong>g of all the assistance I have<br />

received. Orig<strong>in</strong>ally sceptical, they quickly began to enjoy look<strong>in</strong>g at <strong>Ireland</strong> and to appreciate its relevance<br />

both to the syllabus and to their own position as young British citizens - it was important for them to know<br />

about <strong>Ireland</strong>.<br />

Such a positive response has encouraged the Warr<strong>in</strong>gton Project to make this and the other Study Units widely<br />

available free of charge to NEAB centres.<br />

Peter Mulholland<br />

Head of History<br />

Great Sankey High School<br />

Warr<strong>in</strong>gton<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page iv

Introductory note<br />

’<strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>in</strong> schools and the study <strong>units</strong><br />

Three Study Units are now available for distribution to centres study<strong>in</strong>g the NEAB A-level British history<br />

syllabus A/C <strong>in</strong> the n<strong>in</strong>eteenth century:<br />

1. Understand<strong>in</strong>g Anglo-<strong>Irish</strong> relations: Catholic Emancipation, 1823-1829 & the role of Daniel OÓConnell<br />

Alternative M (part two)/Alternative L (part three) - ’Early <strong>in</strong>dustrial Brita<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong> war and peace, 1783-1830—<br />

2. Understand<strong>in</strong>g Anglo-<strong>Irish</strong> relations: Gladstone & <strong>Ireland</strong>, 1868-1893<br />

Alternative M (part three)/Alternative N (part two) - ’A modern society and a world power Brita<strong>in</strong> : 1851-1906—<br />

3. Investigat<strong>in</strong>g the condition of towns: <strong>Irish</strong> migrants <strong>in</strong> early Victorian Brita<strong>in</strong><br />

Alternative M (part one) - ’The age of reform: Brita<strong>in</strong>, 1830-51—.<br />


The Study Units form part of the programme ’<strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>Schools</strong>—. The programme is run by the Warr<strong>in</strong>gton<br />

Project <strong>in</strong> association with the Institute of <strong>Irish</strong> Studies at the University of Liverpool and aims to promote<br />

the study of <strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>in</strong> schools <strong>in</strong> Brita<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong> order to foster better understand<strong>in</strong>g between the peoples of Brita<strong>in</strong><br />

and the island of <strong>Ireland</strong>.<br />

They were orig<strong>in</strong>ally developed over a period of three years <strong>in</strong> a number of Year 12-13 classes at Great<br />

Sankey High School, Warr<strong>in</strong>gton, tak<strong>in</strong>g NEAB History Syllabus A/C Alternative M (Brita<strong>in</strong>,1783-1906) as<br />

a pilot scheme test<strong>in</strong>g the validity of programme ’<strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>Schools</strong>— <strong>in</strong> sixth-forms and at A-level.<br />

They ’launched— at a conference of A-level teachers at Great Sankey High School on 19 March 1997, which<br />

was chaired by Mrs Paula McClive, Assistant Chair Exam<strong>in</strong>ers and Chief Exam<strong>in</strong>er, A-level History, NEAB,<br />

and addressed by Mr Roy Whittle, Chair of Exam<strong>in</strong>ers, A-level History, NEAB. The <strong>units</strong> were then further<br />

tested <strong>in</strong> a number of other schools.<br />

AIMS<br />

The ma<strong>in</strong> aim was to establish <strong>Irish</strong> history as a key and valid part of the history of the British Isles from 1800<br />

to 1906, especially at A-level.<br />

The Study Units thus seek to develop the <strong>in</strong>tellectual rigour and skills and concepts required for successful<br />

A-level study, while address<strong>in</strong>g the specific demands of the syllabus.<br />

The <strong>units</strong> on Catholic Emancipation and Gladstone attempt to offer both <strong>Irish</strong> and British perspectives and to<br />

place each issue firmly <strong>in</strong> the context of current historical debates. The role of <strong>in</strong>dividuals such as O—Connell<br />

and Gladstone can be balanced with other factors such as social and economic conditions, political pressures<br />

with<strong>in</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> and the attitudes/policies of the majority of British politicians.<br />

However, ’<strong>Irish</strong> migrants <strong>in</strong> mid-Victorian Brita<strong>in</strong>—, address<strong>in</strong>g ’the nature and pace of economic and social<br />

change— <strong>in</strong> the period 1830-51, adopts a more <strong>in</strong>vestigative approach to an important area of historical debate<br />

about the impact of <strong>Irish</strong> migrants on British towns and cities. Students are <strong>in</strong>troduced to some common<br />

myths and op<strong>in</strong>ions surround<strong>in</strong>g these topics and are given modern data and contemporary perspectives to help<br />

them understand the orig<strong>in</strong>s and nature of these myths and op<strong>in</strong>ions and to refute them where appropriate.<br />


They are <strong>in</strong>tended assist teachers as far as possible. Each <strong>in</strong>cludes:<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page v

a clear statement of the relevance of the unit to the syllabus;<br />

a student booklet (outl<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g the topic under review);<br />

various teach<strong>in</strong>g aids, such as def<strong>in</strong>itions of the key terms and concepts and biographical notes;<br />

exercises for students and mark<strong>in</strong>g schemes, either specially devised or taken from past exam<strong>in</strong>ation<br />

papers;<br />

examples of student work with the comments of the ’exam<strong>in</strong>ers—; and<br />

read<strong>in</strong>g lists.<br />


The <strong>units</strong> can occupy between three and six teach<strong>in</strong>g hours. They have been written to enable teachers to<br />

<strong>in</strong>vestigate a topic at two possible levels, as their <strong>in</strong>terest or students— needs dictate.<br />

Level ’A— allows teachers to <strong>in</strong>tegrate the <strong>units</strong> <strong>in</strong>to their schemes of work without <strong>in</strong>volv<strong>in</strong>g too much<br />

preparation time. Level ’B— provides the framework for a deeper exploration of the issues <strong>in</strong>volved and<br />

references for the most important historiographical debates.<br />


Promot<strong>in</strong>g knowledge and understand<strong>in</strong>g of <strong>Ireland</strong><br />

The Study Units did succeed <strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>g knowledge and understand<strong>in</strong>g of <strong>Ireland</strong> and the complexity of the<br />

relationship between Brita<strong>in</strong> and <strong>Ireland</strong>.<br />

Orig<strong>in</strong>ally students at Great Sankey High School were sceptical of the relevance and value of study<strong>in</strong>g any<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> topic both from the po<strong>in</strong>t of view of personal growth and for the sake of do<strong>in</strong>g well <strong>in</strong> their History A-<br />

level.<br />

Quickly, however, they began to enjoy look<strong>in</strong>g at <strong>Ireland</strong> and to appreciate its relevance both to the syllabus<br />

and to their own position as young British citizens - it was important for them to know about <strong>Ireland</strong>. Their<br />

enthusiasm and <strong>in</strong>terest may be judged from the high proportion tak<strong>in</strong>g an <strong>Irish</strong> topic for their Personal Studies<br />

and the care they took <strong>in</strong> mak<strong>in</strong>g suggestions as to how the teach<strong>in</strong>g materials and assessment exercises <strong>in</strong> the<br />

Study Units might be improved.<br />

Deliver<strong>in</strong>g the syllabus<br />

The Study Units also succeeded <strong>in</strong> help<strong>in</strong>g to deliver the syllabus. The <strong>in</strong>formation and the exercises did<br />

address the demands of the syllabus and thus won the confidence of both students and colleagues. The ’<strong>Irish</strong><br />

experiment— was not seen as some idiosyncrasy but rather as mak<strong>in</strong>g an important contribution to success <strong>in</strong><br />

A-level History.<br />

Indeed, Mr Roy Whittle, Chair of Exam<strong>in</strong>ers, A-level History, NEAB, warmly commended them as a model<br />

not only for deliver<strong>in</strong>g the NEAB History A-level syllabuses but also for study<strong>in</strong>g the history of other migrant<br />

and m<strong>in</strong>ority groups and their relationship with, and impact upon, Brita<strong>in</strong>.<br />

INSET<br />

There were also benefits for the History Department of Great Sankey High School as a whole. The Study<br />

Units on <strong>Ireland</strong> became the focus of <strong>in</strong>-house INSET, particularly on mark<strong>in</strong>g A-level History.<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page vi

1. Address<strong>in</strong>g the syllabus<br />


Like the syllabuses this Study Unit poses its own three key questions. Each question relates to the<br />

specific parts of the contents and assessment objectives of ’<strong>Irish</strong> migrants <strong>in</strong> early Victorian Brita<strong>in</strong>—,<br />

as set out <strong>in</strong> appendix B.<br />

Study unit<br />

NEAB syllabus<br />

Key questions Contents Assessment objectives<br />

1. What were the major<br />

trends and shifts <strong>in</strong><br />

population growth<br />

from 1830-1861<br />

How important was<br />

<strong>in</strong>ternal migration<br />

and <strong>Irish</strong><br />

immigration<br />

Relates to Key Question b:<br />

’In what ways, and to<br />

what extent, did <strong>in</strong>dustrial,<br />

commercial and social<br />

developments <strong>in</strong> this<br />

period contribute to<br />

demands for reform—<br />

Nature and pace of<br />

economic and social<br />

change <strong>in</strong> this period as<br />

exemplified <strong>in</strong> ...urban<br />

development and<br />

condition of towns<br />

Population growth<br />

Develops students—<br />

<strong>in</strong>vestigative skill<br />

(assessment objective bv).<br />

Through an <strong>in</strong>vestigation of<br />

statistics from Census<br />

material and maps, students<br />

can develop and test their<br />

own hypotheses. The<br />

subtleties of regional<br />

variations can also be<br />

explored.<br />

2. How accurate are<br />

common<br />

generalisations about<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> immigration<br />

from 1830-51<br />

Relates to Key Question b<br />

(above) and c: ’Why, and<br />

how, did governments,<br />

parliament and parties<br />

embark on political and<br />

social reforms and how<br />

successful, <strong>in</strong> this period,<br />

did these reforms prove to<br />

be—<br />

Nature and extent of<br />

responses of government,<br />

parliament and the parties<br />

to changes and challenges<br />

as exemplified <strong>in</strong> the<br />

major ... social reforms<br />

of the period.<br />

Addresses assessment<br />

objectives (aiii) -<br />

historiography - and (bv) and<br />

(bvi) - <strong>in</strong>vestigation.<br />

It <strong>in</strong>troduces <strong>in</strong>terpretations<br />

of <strong>Irish</strong> immigration and<br />

explores current<br />

controversies (such as the<br />

Great <strong>Irish</strong> Fam<strong>in</strong>e as a<br />

major watershed and the<br />

ghettoisation of <strong>Irish</strong><br />

immigrants <strong>in</strong> the factory<br />

towns of the North West)<br />

through Census material<br />

from David Large—s study of<br />

Bristol.<br />

3. How were <strong>Irish</strong><br />

immigrants viewed by<br />

contemporaries<br />

Ditto<br />

Nature and pace of<br />

economic and social<br />

change <strong>in</strong> this period as<br />

exemplified <strong>in</strong> ...urban<br />

development and<br />

condition of towns<br />

As above. Re-<strong>in</strong>forces<br />

historiographical and<br />

<strong>in</strong>vestigative skills by<br />

allow<strong>in</strong>g a comparison of<br />

contemporary views of the<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> immigrants <strong>in</strong><br />

Manchester with f<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>gs<br />

from the Bristol Census.<br />

The experience of <strong>Irish</strong><br />

immigrants can be contrasted<br />

to the experience of other<br />

urban <strong>in</strong>habitants <strong>in</strong> this<br />

period, thereby directly<br />

follow<strong>in</strong>g the Part Two<br />

syllabus.<br />


This Study Unit enables students to prepare for undertak<strong>in</strong>g an <strong>in</strong>vestigative Personal Study while<br />

at the same time handl<strong>in</strong>g document questions based upon NEAB practice, complete with mark<br />

schemes and samples of student responses.<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 1

2. Teach<strong>in</strong>g with the study unit<br />

The Study Unit, along with others <strong>in</strong> the series, was piloted <strong>in</strong> a number of Year 12-13 classes at<br />

Great Sankey High School tak<strong>in</strong>g Alternative M. The follow<strong>in</strong>g notes show how the staff at Great<br />

Sankey used the material with their students.<br />


Rather unexpectedly, ’<strong>Irish</strong> migrants <strong>in</strong> early Victorian Brita<strong>in</strong>— <strong>in</strong>spired immediate <strong>in</strong>terest, but the<br />

nature of the <strong>in</strong>vestigations, particularly the presentation of the material, had to be adapted <strong>in</strong> the light<br />

of students— reviews. Students found the Document Question on contemporary views of <strong>Irish</strong><br />

immigrants <strong>in</strong> Manchester valuable and coherent, as it pursued the theme of English attitudes raised<br />

<strong>in</strong> earlier discussions on Catholic Emancipation. At their suggestion, the Bristol <strong>in</strong>vestigation was<br />

made more ’user-friendly— and <strong>in</strong>vestigative <strong>in</strong> order to allow students to focus on small sections of<br />

relevant statistics to exam<strong>in</strong>e each ’myth—.<br />


Students need to be aware of the ma<strong>in</strong> trends of urbanisation <strong>in</strong> the period and the impact upon liv<strong>in</strong>g<br />

and work<strong>in</strong>g conditions. A basic knowledge of the key aspects of <strong>Irish</strong> migration is useful, although<br />

the student booklet is adequate for this purpose. Wider read<strong>in</strong>g from Levels A and B can be<br />

<strong>in</strong>troduced accord<strong>in</strong>g to the demands of time, and the <strong>in</strong>terests of students. It is not necessary to<br />

complete all the case studies.<br />


Phase one : understand<strong>in</strong>g<br />

c.1 hour<br />

It is important to discuss the causation and trends of <strong>Irish</strong> migration us<strong>in</strong>g the student booklet and<br />

document pack as stimulus before tackl<strong>in</strong>g the case studies. At this stage it is worthwhile<br />

differentiat<strong>in</strong>g between what is actually known and the myths that surround migration trends.<br />

Phase two: <strong>in</strong>vestigation<br />

c.1-3 hours<br />

Investigations A and C are <strong>in</strong>tended to <strong>in</strong>troduce students to the practical work of the historian.<br />

Investigation A can be used as a small group or large group activity, and with relatively short<br />

preparation students can construct and test hypotheses.<br />

Wider read<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> Investigation C can then be used to develop students— <strong>in</strong>terests further. For<br />

Investigation C, it is best to allocate a myth for a small group of students to explore. Large—s article<br />

can be <strong>in</strong>troduced either <strong>in</strong> full or as a summary for each myth explored by the students. This<br />

activity is particularly suited to students who are about to embark on a Personal Study. Time spent<br />

on this depends on the <strong>in</strong>terest of the students and the constra<strong>in</strong>ts of the rest of the syllabus.<br />

Phase Three: assessment<br />

c.1 hour<br />

The Document Question re-<strong>in</strong>forces the skills and techniques <strong>in</strong>troduced <strong>in</strong> the unit on Catholic<br />

Emancipation. Similarly, there is a mark<strong>in</strong>g exercise which students can try themselves to appreciate<br />

what is required by each question.<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 2

3. Student booklet<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 3

History at A-level<br />

NEAB syllabus A/C<br />

Alternative M (part one)<br />

The age of reform<br />

Brita<strong>in</strong>, 1830-51<br />

Investigat<strong>in</strong>g the condition of towns<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migrants <strong>in</strong> early Victorian Brita<strong>in</strong><br />

Student booklet<br />

Produced by<br />

’<strong>Ireland</strong> <strong>in</strong> schools<br />

for<br />

The Warr<strong>in</strong>gton Project<br />

<strong>in</strong> association with<br />

The Institute of <strong>Irish</strong> Studies, The University of Liverpool

Contents<br />


1. Immigrants or Migrants SB5<br />

2. Ma<strong>in</strong> Areas of Settlement SB7<br />

3. Liv<strong>in</strong>g and Work<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> Brita<strong>in</strong> SB8<br />

4. Relations with the ’Host Community— SB9<br />

PART II<br />

A<br />

B<br />


Population Growths and Shifts with<strong>in</strong> the British<br />

Isles, 1841-1861<br />

(test<strong>in</strong>g understand<strong>in</strong>g of 1 and 2 above)<br />

Document Question<br />

Contemporary Accounts of <strong>Irish</strong> Immigration to<br />

Manchester <strong>in</strong> the 1830s and 1840s<br />

(test<strong>in</strong>g understand<strong>in</strong>g of 3 and 4 above)<br />

SB12<br />

SB17<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 5 (SB2)

Part I<br />

Commentary<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 6 (SB3)

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 7 (SB4)

1. Immigrants or migrants<br />


<strong>Irish</strong> emigration to Brita<strong>in</strong> had occurred on a small scale for centuries. Indeed,<br />

agricultural workers had undertaken seasonal work before return<strong>in</strong>g to <strong>Ireland</strong>. By<br />

the late eighteenth century there were large <strong>Irish</strong> settlements <strong>in</strong> London and other<br />

large towns and cities especially <strong>in</strong> Lancashire.<br />

Emigration to Brita<strong>in</strong> accelerated between 1815 and 1845, and reached a peak dur<strong>in</strong>g<br />

and after the Fam<strong>in</strong>e of 1845-52. Hence by 1841 there were 419,256 <strong>Irish</strong>-born<br />

residents <strong>in</strong> Brita<strong>in</strong>, and 727,326 by 1851.<br />

This graph shows how many people emigrated from <strong>Ireland</strong><br />

dur<strong>in</strong>g the years 1835-1905.<br />


The vast majority of these emigrants came from rural <strong>Ireland</strong>, although there were<br />

artisan and middle class emigrants. The three ma<strong>in</strong> emigrant routes were:<br />

Northern Route Midland Route Southern Route<br />

Ulster and N Connacht<br />

to Scotland<br />

Connacht, Le<strong>in</strong>ster via<br />

Dubl<strong>in</strong> to N. England<br />

& Midlands<br />

S. Le<strong>in</strong>ster, Munster to<br />

London (via Bristol)<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 8 (SB5)


Emigrants to Brita<strong>in</strong> tended to be less well-off than those to America until the 1860s:<br />

and typically were young, s<strong>in</strong>gle (often male) between 15 and 40, and of young<br />

families. Their aim was to escape rural poverty and take advantage of job<br />

opportunities <strong>in</strong> a rapidly expand<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>dustrial British ma<strong>in</strong>land.<br />

Many desperate victims tried to escape the fam<strong>in</strong>e by emigrat<strong>in</strong>g to North America.<br />

Conditions on board were often so grim that the vessels were known as ’coff<strong>in</strong> shipsÓ.<br />

The scene shows Liverpool docks (from the Illustrated London News)<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 9 (SB6)

2. Ma<strong>in</strong> areas of settlement<br />


The ma<strong>in</strong> concentrations of <strong>Irish</strong> immigrants were London and the <strong>in</strong>dustrial areas of<br />

Lancaster, Yorkshire, Midlands and Scotland. In 1861, 25 per cent of the population<br />

of Liverpool was <strong>Irish</strong>-born, although numerically most <strong>Irish</strong> immigrants settled <strong>in</strong><br />

London. By 1851, more than 80 per cent of the 727,325 <strong>Irish</strong> born residents <strong>in</strong><br />

Brita<strong>in</strong> lived <strong>in</strong> towns with more than 10,000 people. However, it should be noted<br />

that there were c.60-100,000 seasonal labourers and many navvies whose residence<br />

was only short-term <strong>in</strong> a particular area.<br />


Many commentators have claimed that the <strong>Irish</strong> lived <strong>in</strong> ghettos <strong>in</strong> British towns.<br />

This has been shown to be untrue. Nevertheless, although not ghettoised, most <strong>Irish</strong><br />

migrants tended to live <strong>in</strong> the more disadvantaged areas of these towns and cities.<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 10 (SB7)

3. Liv<strong>in</strong>g and work<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> Brita<strong>in</strong><br />


There were some notorious <strong>Irish</strong> slums such as ’Little <strong>Ireland</strong>— <strong>in</strong> Manchester,<br />

Liverpool cellars and Glasgow tenements. These atypical areas commanded the<br />

attention and <strong>in</strong>voked the horror of contemporary observers such as Engels, Kay and<br />

Carlyle. The high <strong>in</strong>cidences of squalor, disease, vagrancy and alcoholism were<br />

assumed, wrongly, to characterise the lifestyles of the majority of <strong>Irish</strong>-born<br />

residents.<br />


<strong>Irish</strong> immigrants were generally absorbed <strong>in</strong>to the semi-skilled and unskilled casual<br />

labour force. Construction, transportation, dockside labour, food distribution and<br />

work<strong>in</strong>g on the railways were the most popular <strong>Irish</strong> occupations. With<strong>in</strong> the textiles<br />

<strong>in</strong>dustry, <strong>Irish</strong> immigrants tended to be ’sweated labour— <strong>in</strong> decl<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g trades while<br />

there was also a strong <strong>Irish</strong> presence <strong>in</strong> the coalfields of South Wales, West Scotland<br />

and unskilled sectors of heavy <strong>in</strong>dustry. The army and navy recruited widely amongst<br />

the <strong>Irish</strong> born, who accounted for 42 per cent of the non-commissioned ranks of the<br />

British Army <strong>in</strong> 1830.<br />

Female occupations which were most popular <strong>in</strong>cluded work<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> textile factories,<br />

laundry work and domestic service. Hawk<strong>in</strong>g, street-trad<strong>in</strong>g and tak<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> lodgers<br />

were also regular features of <strong>Irish</strong> immigrant culture.<br />

Middle class <strong>Irish</strong> people tended to be Protestant, or were only a small m<strong>in</strong>ority of the<br />

Catholic community. Upward social mobility was a gradual process, but open<strong>in</strong>gs to<br />

white-collar work did emerge more frequently towards the end of the n<strong>in</strong>eteenth<br />

century.<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 11 (SB8)

4. Relations with the ’host community<br />


Initially <strong>Irish</strong> immigrants sought familiar faces, accents, culture and rout<strong>in</strong>e - often<br />

settl<strong>in</strong>g with or near other <strong>Irish</strong> born people. Relations with the ever-chang<strong>in</strong>g nature<br />

of the ’host community— varied considerably from place to place and over time. Dr<br />

Gilley has argued that <strong>Irish</strong> immigrants faced prejudice for four reasons:<br />

1. Their religion Catholicism<br />

2. Their race Celtic<br />

3. Their poverty Supposed acceptance of low wages<br />

4. Their nationalism Evident <strong>in</strong> the repeal movement of the 1840s<br />


In some cases the <strong>Irish</strong> were considered as hav<strong>in</strong>g a detrimental affect on the lifestyle<br />

of ’British— workers, and there is evidence of considerable social tensions <strong>in</strong> the 1850s<br />

and 60s between <strong>Irish</strong> Catholics and English workers - notably <strong>in</strong> Stockport <strong>in</strong> 1852.<br />

A Punch cartoon attempts to suggest that<br />

Brita<strong>in</strong>Ós concern for conditions <strong>in</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> was genu<strong>in</strong>ely humanitarian.<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 12 (SB9)


However, there is also evidence of considerable <strong>Irish</strong> <strong>in</strong>volvement <strong>in</strong> Chartism,<br />

especially the campaigns of 1848. Hence class and ethnic loyalties and divisions did<br />

not follow a set pattern, or conform to the stereotyped images which many<br />

contemporary historians have assumed.<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 13 (SB10)

Part II<br />

Investigations<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 14 (SB11)

Investigation A<br />

Population Growth and Shifts with<strong>in</strong> the British Isles, 1841-<br />

1861<br />

(Based on G. O Tuathaigh, ’The <strong>Irish</strong> <strong>in</strong> n<strong>in</strong>eteenth century Brita<strong>in</strong>: some problems of<br />

<strong>in</strong>tegrationÓ, <strong>in</strong> The <strong>Irish</strong> <strong>in</strong> the Victorian City, edited by R. Swift & S. Gilley, London,<br />

Croom Helm 1885)<br />

AIMS<br />

1. To construct hypotheses based upon maps and statistical evidence.<br />

2. To show awareness of the limitations of the evidence provided.<br />

3. To l<strong>in</strong>k to assessment objective (bv):<br />

’abstraction of <strong>in</strong>formation and appraisal of historical sources <strong>in</strong> order to def<strong>in</strong>e<br />

and analyse the problems presented by an historical issue.—<br />


1. Put forward and support hypotheses to expla<strong>in</strong> the follow<strong>in</strong>g themes:<br />

(a) Shifts of population with<strong>in</strong> the British Isles up to 1861.<br />

(b) Focus of the majority of <strong>Irish</strong> immigrants <strong>in</strong> 1851.<br />

(c) Likely occupants and liv<strong>in</strong>g standards of <strong>Irish</strong> immigrants <strong>in</strong> 1851.<br />

2. Assess the problems and limitations of us<strong>in</strong>g the follow<strong>in</strong>g as a basis<br />

for your hypotheses:<br />

(a) Statistics<br />

(b) Maps<br />

3. Outl<strong>in</strong>e the evidence and sources required to substantiate your<br />

hypotheses.<br />

Justify your choices fully.<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 15 (SB12)

Extract A:<br />

Patterns of <strong>Irish</strong> immigration to Brita<strong>in</strong><br />

Date England & Wales Scotland Total<br />

1841 291,000 128,000 419,000<br />

1851 520,000 207,000 727,000<br />

1861 602,000 204,000 806,000<br />

(3.5%)<br />

Extract B: Regional variations <strong>in</strong> settlement (percentage of <strong>Irish</strong> born <strong>in</strong> 1851)<br />

Liverpool 22.3%<br />

Dundee 18.9%<br />

Glasgow 18.2%<br />

Manchester & Salford 13.1%<br />

Paisley 12.7%<br />

London 4.6%<br />

Bristol 3.4%<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 16 (SB13)

Extract C: Growth of towns 1801 - 1861<br />

Town 1801 1821 1841 1861<br />

Bath 33 47 53 53<br />

Birm<strong>in</strong>gham* 71 102 202 351<br />

Blackpool - 1 2 4<br />

Bolton 18 32 51 70<br />

Bradford 13 26 67 106<br />

Bristol 61 85 124 154<br />

Cardiff 2 4 10 33<br />

Exeter 17 23 31 34<br />

Glasgow* 77 147 287 443<br />

Halifax 12 17 28 37<br />

K<strong>in</strong>gs Lynn 10 12 16 16<br />

Liverpool* 82 138 299 472<br />

Manchester* 75 135 252 399<br />

Middlesbrough - - 6 19<br />

Northampton 7 11 21 33<br />

Norwich 36 50 62 75<br />

Oxford 12 16 24 28<br />

Sheffield 46 65 111 185<br />

Southampton 8 13 28 47<br />

York 17 22 29 40<br />

Greater London 1,117 1,600 2,239 3,227<br />

* <strong>in</strong>cludes surround<strong>in</strong>g area<br />

Figures of population <strong>in</strong> Thousands<br />

SOURCE: Mitchell and Dean, 1962, pp 19, 24-7<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 17 (SB14)

Map E. Migration to Liverpool, Manchester and Bolton (1851 census)<br />

Each dot represents 100 migrants to one of the three towns, lettered L, M, B.<br />

From London there were 10,300 migrants.<br />

Map D. Migration between counties (1851 census)<br />

Crosses represent balance of <strong>in</strong>ward migration and dots balance of outward migration.<br />

Each dot and cross represents 500 migrants. Figures give actual balance of migration.<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 18 (SB15)

Maps F1 and F2 (opposite)<br />

Distribution of <strong>Irish</strong>-born residents <strong>in</strong> Great Brita<strong>in</strong>, (1851 (census).<br />

The figures give the actual numbers of immigrants to the various areas.<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 19 (SB16)

Investigation B<br />

Document Question<br />

Contemporary Accounts of <strong>Irish</strong> Immigration to Manchester<br />

<strong>in</strong> the 1830s and 1840s<br />

Extract A:<br />

Report to magistrates of the District by the Sub-Committee<br />

of the Board of Health on ’Little <strong>Ireland</strong> (c.1832)<br />


The undersigned hav<strong>in</strong>g been deputed by the Special Board of Health to <strong>in</strong>quire <strong>in</strong>to<br />

the state of Little <strong>Ireland</strong>, beg to report that <strong>in</strong> the ma<strong>in</strong> street and courts abutt<strong>in</strong>g, the<br />

sewers are all <strong>in</strong> a most wretched state, and quite <strong>in</strong>adequate to carry off the surface<br />

water, not to mention the slops thrown down by the <strong>in</strong>habitants <strong>in</strong> about two hundred<br />

houses.<br />

The privies are <strong>in</strong> a most disgraceful state, <strong>in</strong>accessible from filth, and too few for the<br />

accommodation of the number of people - the average number be<strong>in</strong>g two to two<br />

hundred and fifty people. The upper rooms are, with few exceptions, very dirty, and<br />

the cellars much worse; all damp, and some occasionally overflowed. The cellars<br />

consist of two rooms on a floor, each n<strong>in</strong>e to ten feet square, some <strong>in</strong>habited by ten<br />

persons, others by more: <strong>in</strong> many, the people have no beds, and keep each other<br />

warm by close stowage on shav<strong>in</strong>gs, straw, etc; a change of l<strong>in</strong>en or clothes is an<br />

exception to the common practice. Many of the back rooms where they sleep have<br />

no other means of ventilation than from the front rooms.<br />

Some of the cellars on the lower ground were once filled up as un<strong>in</strong>habitable; but one<br />

is now occupied by a weaver, and he has stopped up the dra<strong>in</strong> with clay, to prevent<br />

the water flow<strong>in</strong>g from it <strong>in</strong>to his cellar, and mops up the water every morn<strong>in</strong>g.<br />

We conceive it will be impossible effectually to remove the evils enumerated; and<br />

offer the follow<strong>in</strong>g suggestions with a view to their partial amelioration.<br />

First, to open up the ma<strong>in</strong> sewer from the bottom, and to relay it.<br />

Secondly, to open and unchoke the lateral dra<strong>in</strong>s, and secure a regular discharge of<br />

the water, etc., <strong>in</strong>to the ma<strong>in</strong> sewer.<br />

Thirdly, to enforce the weekly cleans<strong>in</strong>g and purification of the privies.<br />

Fourthly, if practicable, to fill up the cellars.<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 20 (SB17)

Fifthly, to provide the <strong>in</strong>habitants with quicklime, and <strong>in</strong>duce them to whitewash their<br />

rooms, where it can be done with safety.<br />

Sixthly, if possible, to <strong>in</strong>duce the <strong>in</strong>habitants to observe greater cleanl<strong>in</strong>ess <strong>in</strong> their<br />

houses and persons.<br />

In conclusion, we are decidedly of op<strong>in</strong>ion that should Cholera visit this<br />

neighbourhood, a more suitable soil and situation for its malignant development<br />

cannot be found than that described and commonly known by the name of Little<br />

<strong>Ireland</strong>.<br />

Extract B:<br />

From The Moral and Physical Condition of the Work<strong>in</strong>g<br />

Classes by J.P.K. Shuttleworth (1832)<br />

The great and sudden fluctuations to which trade is liable, are often the sources of<br />

severe embarrassment. Sometimes the demand for labour dim<strong>in</strong>ishes, and its price<br />

consequently falls <strong>in</strong> a correspond<strong>in</strong>g ratio. On the other hand, the exist<strong>in</strong>g<br />

population has often been totally <strong>in</strong>adequate to the required production; and capitalists<br />

have eagerly <strong>in</strong>vited a supply of labour from distant counties, and the sister k<strong>in</strong>gdom.<br />

The colonization of the <strong>Irish</strong> was thus first encouraged; and has proved one chief<br />

source of the demoralization, and consequent physical depression of the people.<br />

The effects of this immigration, even when regarded as a simple economical question,<br />

do not merely <strong>in</strong>clude an equation of the comparative cheapness of labour; its<br />

<strong>in</strong>fluence on civilization and morals, as they tend to affect the production of wealth,<br />

cannot be neglected.<br />

Extract C: A view of <strong>Irish</strong> immigrants by Thomas Carlyle (1840)<br />

He is the sorest evil this country has to strive with. In his rags and laugh<strong>in</strong>g<br />

savagery, he is there to undertake all work that can be done by mere strength of hand<br />

and back - for wages that will purchase him potatoes. He needs only salt for<br />

condiment, he lodges to his m<strong>in</strong>d <strong>in</strong> any pig-hutch or dog-hutch, roosts <strong>in</strong> outhouses,<br />

and wears a suit of tatters, the gett<strong>in</strong>g on and off of which is said to be a difficult<br />

operation, transacted only <strong>in</strong> festivals and the high tides of the calendar. The Saxonman,<br />

if he cannot work on these terms, f<strong>in</strong>ds no work. The uncivilised <strong>Irish</strong>man, not<br />

by his strength, but by the opposite of strength, drives the Saxon native out, takes<br />

possession <strong>in</strong> his room. There abides he, <strong>in</strong> his squalor and unreason, <strong>in</strong> his falsity<br />

and drunken violence, as the ready-made nucleus of degradation and disorder.<br />

Whoever struggles, swimm<strong>in</strong>g with difficulty, may now f<strong>in</strong>d an example how the<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 21 (SB18)

human be<strong>in</strong>g can exist not swimm<strong>in</strong>g, but sunk. That the condition of the lower<br />

multitude of English labourers approximates more and more to that of the <strong>Irish</strong>,<br />

compet<strong>in</strong>g with them <strong>in</strong> all the markets: that whatsoever labour, to which mere<br />

strength with little skill will suffice, is to be done, will be done not at the English<br />

price, but at an approximation to the <strong>Irish</strong> price; at a price superior as yet to the <strong>Irish</strong>,<br />

that is, superior to scarcity of potatoes for thirty weeks yearly; superior, yet hourly,<br />

with the arrival of every new steamboat, s<strong>in</strong>k<strong>in</strong>g nearer to an equality with that.<br />

Extract D:<br />

From The Condition of the Work<strong>in</strong>g Class <strong>in</strong> England by<br />

Engels (1844)<br />

With such a competitor the English work<strong>in</strong>g man has to struggle, with a competitor<br />

upon the lowest plane possible <strong>in</strong> a civilized country, who for this very reason<br />

requires less wages than any other. Noth<strong>in</strong>g else is therefore possible than that, as<br />

Carlyle says, the wages of the English work<strong>in</strong>g man should be forced down further<br />

and further <strong>in</strong> every branch <strong>in</strong> which the <strong>Irish</strong> compete with him. And these branches<br />

are many. All such as demand little or no skill are open to the <strong>Irish</strong>. For work which<br />

requires long tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g or regular, pert<strong>in</strong>acious application, the dissolute, unsteady,<br />

drunken <strong>Irish</strong>man is on too low a plane. To become a mechanic, a mill-hand, he<br />

would have to adopt the English civilization, the English customs, become, <strong>in</strong> the<br />

ma<strong>in</strong>, an Englishman. But for all simple, less exact work, wherever it is a question<br />

more of strength than skill, the <strong>Irish</strong>man is as good as the Englishman. Such<br />

occupations are therefore especially overcrowded with <strong>Irish</strong>men: hand-weavers,<br />

bricklayers, porters, jobbers, and such workers, count hordes of <strong>Irish</strong>men among their<br />

number, and the pressure of this race has done much to depress wages and lower the<br />

work<strong>in</strong>g class. And even if the <strong>Irish</strong>, who have forced their way <strong>in</strong>to other<br />

occupations, should become more civilized, enough of the old habits would cl<strong>in</strong>g to<br />

them to have a strong degrad<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>fluence upon their English companions <strong>in</strong> toil,<br />

especially <strong>in</strong> view of the general effect of be<strong>in</strong>g surrounded by the <strong>Irish</strong>. For when,<br />

<strong>in</strong> almost every great city, a fifth or a quarter of the workers are <strong>Irish</strong>, or children of<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> parents, who have grown up among <strong>Irish</strong> filth, no one can wonder if the life,<br />

habits, <strong>in</strong>telligence, moral status - <strong>in</strong> short, the whole character of the work<strong>in</strong>g class<br />

assimilates a great part of the <strong>Irish</strong> characteristics. On the contrary, it is easy to<br />

understand how the degrad<strong>in</strong>g position of the English workers, engendered by our<br />

modern history, and its immediate consequences, has been still more degraded by the<br />

presence of <strong>Irish</strong> competition.<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 22 (SB19)


(a)<br />

With reference to extracts B and C, and to your own knowledge, expla<strong>in</strong> what<br />

was meant by the follow<strong>in</strong>g phrases as they applied to debates on the Condition<br />

of English Towns <strong>in</strong> the 1830s and 1840s:<br />

(i) ’the uncivilized <strong>Irish</strong>man— (extract C)<br />

(ii) ’the physical depression of the people— (extract B) 6<br />

(b) Consult extracts C and D.<br />

How far does Engels agree with Carlyle—s depiction of the typical <strong>Irish</strong><br />

immigrant 4<br />

(c)<br />

Consult all the extracts, and use your own knowledge.<br />

’The <strong>Irish</strong> immigrants of the 1830s and 40s were used as scapegoats for the<br />

appall<strong>in</strong>g social and economic conditions <strong>in</strong> Manchester—.<br />

With reference to the three extracts and us<strong>in</strong>g your own knowledge, to what<br />

extent do you agree with this statement 10<br />

20<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 23 (SB20)

4. Teacher s guide to <strong>in</strong>vestigations<br />

Part II of the student s booklet<br />

a Population growths and shifts with<strong>in</strong> the British Isles, 1841-1861**<br />

(test<strong>in</strong>g knowledge and understand<strong>in</strong>g of chapters 1 and 2 of the commentary <strong>in</strong> Part I of the<br />

student—s booklet)<br />

b<br />

Mark<strong>in</strong>g scheme<br />

Document question<br />

Contemporary Accounts of <strong>Irish</strong> immigration to Manchester <strong>in</strong> the 1830s and<br />

1840s<br />

(test<strong>in</strong>g knowledge and understand<strong>in</strong>g of chapters 3 and 4 of the commentary <strong>in</strong> Part I of the<br />

student—s booklet)<br />

** Adapted ma<strong>in</strong>ly from G. O Tuathaigh, —The <strong>Irish</strong> <strong>in</strong> n<strong>in</strong>eteenth century Brita<strong>in</strong>: some problems of<br />

<strong>in</strong>tegrationÓ, <strong>in</strong> The <strong>Irish</strong> <strong>in</strong> the Victorian City, edited by R. Swift & S. Gilley, London, Croom Helm 1885<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 24

4a<br />

Investigation A<br />

Population growths and shifts with<strong>in</strong> the British Isles, 1841-1861<br />

This exercise is <strong>in</strong>tended for use as an <strong>in</strong>dividual or small group <strong>in</strong>vestigation. The follow<strong>in</strong>g po<strong>in</strong>ts<br />

are for possible outcomes of the <strong>in</strong>vestigation.<br />

1. Students can construct and support hypotheses relat<strong>in</strong>g to:<br />

a) (i) Shift towards major <strong>in</strong>dustrial towns and ports due to relatively higher growth rate <strong>in</strong><br />

these urban centres (C)<br />

(ii) Pace of <strong>Irish</strong> immigration is faster from 1841 to 1851 and <strong>in</strong>deed decl<strong>in</strong>es <strong>in</strong> Scotland<br />

from 1851 to 1861 (A/B)<br />

(iii) Local migration implies movement from rural to <strong>in</strong>dustrial areas (Map D/E) - but E<br />

especially highlights the short distances <strong>in</strong>volved <strong>in</strong> the majority of cases.<br />

b) (i) <strong>Irish</strong> immigrants are concentrated <strong>in</strong> London, Glasgow & Clydeside, Manchester,<br />

Liverpool and Lancashire.<br />

(ii) This trend can be related to general shifts <strong>in</strong> population towards these areas of higher<br />

employment opportunities.<br />

(iii) <strong>Irish</strong> immigration did reach all areas of Brita<strong>in</strong> to some degree (Maps F1/F2).<br />

c) (i) Likely employment to be <strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>dustry or docks given major settlement patterns of<br />

immigrants from <strong>Ireland</strong>.<br />

(ii) Status as immigrants likely to result <strong>in</strong> hav<strong>in</strong>g to accept low paid, unskilled/semi-skilled<br />

work and poor hous<strong>in</strong>g.<br />

2 Problems and limitations of statistics given for hypothesis <strong>in</strong>clude:<br />

(i) Difficulty of trac<strong>in</strong>g second and third generations <strong>in</strong> <strong>Irish</strong> families for long-term trends<br />

of <strong>Irish</strong> employment/liv<strong>in</strong>g conditions.<br />

(ii) Problem of Census accuracy, given rapid shifts <strong>in</strong> population and regional variations <strong>in</strong><br />

collection methods.<br />

(iii) Decennial statistics deny historians access to specific tim<strong>in</strong>gs of shifts <strong>in</strong> immigration.<br />

(iv) No <strong>in</strong>formation on employment/liv<strong>in</strong>g conditions.<br />

(v) Relatively small sample of towns given <strong>in</strong> B and C.<br />

(vi) Maps rely on Census <strong>in</strong>formation, therefore possible <strong>in</strong>accuracy <strong>in</strong> statistics and problem<br />

of tim<strong>in</strong>g/place of shifts (see above).<br />

(vii) No <strong>in</strong>formation on religious or employment background of <strong>Irish</strong> immigrants <strong>in</strong> F1 and<br />

F2.<br />

3 Further evidence and sources might <strong>in</strong>clude:<br />

(i)<br />

Detailed Census statistics across period of two to three decades show<strong>in</strong>g trends <strong>in</strong><br />

population shifts/immigration and patterns of hous<strong>in</strong>g/employment amongst <strong>Irish</strong><br />


(ii)<br />

Contemporary accounts of <strong>Irish</strong> immigration:<br />

eg Social observers (SEE MANCHESTER INVESTIGATION)<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 25

(iii)<br />

Public Health Records<br />

Committees of Enquiry (eg Fam<strong>in</strong>e & Immigration, <strong>Irish</strong> Poor <strong>in</strong> Brita<strong>in</strong>)<br />

Newspapers (local/national)<br />

Politicians attitudes (biographies/Hansard)<br />

Work<strong>in</strong>g class publications (eg Chartist papers/pamphlets)<br />

Secondary studies of contemporary studies/statistics<br />

eg Swift & Gilley collection of essays<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 26

4b. Investigation B<br />

Mark<strong>in</strong>g scheme<br />

Document question (Pilot Scheme 1994)<br />

Contemporary accounts of <strong>Irish</strong> immigration to Manchester<br />

<strong>in</strong> the 1830s and 1840s<br />

(a) (i) Level One<br />

(1)<br />

Level Two<br />

(2-3)<br />

Provides basic understand<strong>in</strong>g/def<strong>in</strong>ition with limited elaboration<br />

eg <strong>Irish</strong>man is less civilised than Englishman<br />

<strong>Irish</strong>man satisfied with low standard of liv<strong>in</strong>g/poor conditions.<br />

Provides a developed understand<strong>in</strong>g with support<strong>in</strong>g detail to set the term <strong>in</strong><br />

context<br />

eg Expla<strong>in</strong> racial orig<strong>in</strong>s of <strong>Irish</strong>man (Celtic) and adverse effect upon English<br />

workers of his lifestyle/habits<br />

Expla<strong>in</strong> poor conditions that <strong>Irish</strong> immigrants would suffer ref stereotypes<br />

of drunkenness/violence/rural practices such as keep<strong>in</strong>g of pigs<br />

Expla<strong>in</strong> moral tone of author us<strong>in</strong>g poverty/race/culture of <strong>Irish</strong>man to<br />

justify ’reputation—<br />

Any 2 for top of level; or third po<strong>in</strong>t well expla<strong>in</strong>ed.<br />

(ii)<br />

Level One<br />

(1)<br />

Level Two<br />

(2-3)<br />

Provides basic understand<strong>in</strong>g/def<strong>in</strong>ition with limited elaboration<br />

eg Poor liv<strong>in</strong>g and work<strong>in</strong>g conditions of towns <strong>Irish</strong> immigrants blamed for<br />

poverty.<br />

Provides a developed understand<strong>in</strong>g with support<strong>in</strong>g detail to set the term <strong>in</strong><br />

context.<br />

eg Expla<strong>in</strong> blame accorded to <strong>Irish</strong> immigrants for lower<strong>in</strong>g English<br />

liv<strong>in</strong>g/work<strong>in</strong>g conditions<br />

ie ’cheap— labour of <strong>Irish</strong> workers<br />

violence/drunkenness of <strong>Irish</strong> culture<br />

Expla<strong>in</strong> trade fluctuations and their role <strong>in</strong> lower<strong>in</strong>g liv<strong>in</strong>g standards <strong>in</strong><br />

towns.<br />

Both po<strong>in</strong>ts expla<strong>in</strong>ed for top of level; or first po<strong>in</strong>t well expla<strong>in</strong>ed.<br />

(b)<br />

Level One<br />

(1-2)<br />

Level Two<br />

(3-4)<br />

Gives examples of how C and D agree with relevant support<strong>in</strong>g evidence<br />

eg Depress<strong>in</strong>g wages of English workers by <strong>Irish</strong> immigrants<br />

Drunkenness of <strong>Irish</strong> workers<br />

Cultural degradation caused by <strong>Irish</strong> immigrants.<br />

Gives an account of how far the extracts agree and cites evidence of agreement<br />

and disagreement<br />

eg Engels does give occupations for which <strong>Irish</strong> workers are suited (build<strong>in</strong>g,<br />

porters, handloom weavers, etc)<br />

Engels has more sympathetic understand<strong>in</strong>g of why <strong>Irish</strong> liv<strong>in</strong>g standards<br />

might be so low (ref conditions <strong>in</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>)<br />

Both difference and examples of emphases required for top of level.<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 27

(c)<br />

Targets assessment objectives i, iii and v, but also ii<br />

Level One<br />

(1-3)<br />

Is able to demonstrate, by relevant selection of material either from<br />

appropriate sources or from own knowledge, implicit understand<strong>in</strong>g of the<br />

question. Answers will be predom<strong>in</strong>antly, or wholly, narrative<br />

Level Two<br />

(4-5)<br />

Either<br />

Demonstrates, by relevant selection of material either from the sources or from<br />

own knowledge, some understand<strong>in</strong>g of a range of relevant issues. (Most such<br />

answers will show understand<strong>in</strong>g of the analytical demands but will lack weight<br />

and balance.)<br />

Or<br />

Demonstrates, by relevant selection of material either from the sources or from<br />

own knowledge, implicit understand<strong>in</strong>g of a wide range of relevant issues.<br />

(Most such answers will be dependent on descriptions, but will have valid<br />

l<strong>in</strong>ks.)<br />

Or<br />

Demonstrates, by limited selection of material both from the sources and<br />

from own knowledge, implicit understand<strong>in</strong>g of the relevant issues. These<br />

answers, while relevant, will lack both range and depth and will conta<strong>in</strong> some<br />

assertion.<br />

Level Three<br />

(6-7)<br />

Is able to demonstrate, by relevant selection of material both from the sources<br />

and own knowledge, explicit understand<strong>in</strong>g of the issues relevant to the<br />

question. Judgement, as demanded by the question, may be implicit or partial.<br />

Level Four<br />

(8-9)<br />

Demonstrates, by selection of a wide range of precisely selected material both<br />

from the sources and own knowledge, explicit understand<strong>in</strong>g of the demands of<br />

the question and provides a consistently analytical response to it. Judgement,<br />

as demanded by the question, will be explicit but may be limited <strong>in</strong> scope.<br />

Level Five<br />

(10)<br />

As Level Four, but also shows appropriate conceptual awareness which,<br />

together with the selection of a wide range of precisely selected evidence,<br />

offers <strong>in</strong>dependent and effectively susta<strong>in</strong>ed judgement appropriate to the full<br />

demands of the question.<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 28


Sources<br />

A cites evidence of environmental problems <strong>in</strong> ’Little <strong>Ireland</strong>— Manchester,<br />

such as<br />

sewers <strong>in</strong> wretched state }<br />

dra<strong>in</strong>s blocked<br />

} all ’breed<strong>in</strong>g-ground— for<br />

privies not cleaned or purified } cholera.<br />

Yet only <strong>in</strong>cludes <strong>Irish</strong> lack of cleanl<strong>in</strong>ess as its f<strong>in</strong>al po<strong>in</strong>t <strong>in</strong> Recommendations.<br />

B expla<strong>in</strong>s how <strong>Irish</strong> labour is partly responsible for physical depression of<br />

people - due to culture/lack of civilisation/acceptance of low wages.<br />

C expla<strong>in</strong>s how <strong>Irish</strong> workers undercut English rivals therefore br<strong>in</strong>gs English<br />

workers down to their level - cheap/unskilled and poor liv<strong>in</strong>g standards. See<br />

this as develop<strong>in</strong>g process.<br />

D expla<strong>in</strong>s how <strong>Irish</strong> only suited to heavy labour - not skilled. Pressure of <strong>Irish</strong><br />

labour has depressed wages/lifestyles but h<strong>in</strong>ts that degradation was a general<br />

trend - only accelerated by <strong>Irish</strong> immigrants.<br />

Own knowledge<br />

Discussion of general urban conditions with specific examples such as hous<strong>in</strong>g,<br />

sanitation, spread of diseases (typhus, cholera), poor plann<strong>in</strong>g, lack of<br />

education, factory discipl<strong>in</strong>e.<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 29

5. Student work<br />

a<br />

b<br />

Sample of work<br />

Assessment<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 30

5a. Student work<br />

Samples<br />

Students undertook the document question on contemporary accounts of <strong>Irish</strong> immigration to<br />

Manchester <strong>in</strong> the 1830s and 1840s as a homework exercise. Three of their responses are reproduced<br />

here verbatim, illustrat<strong>in</strong>g different levels of response.<br />


a) (i) ’the uncivilized <strong>Irish</strong>man— (extract C) - This refers to the uncultured and aggressive behaviour<br />

of the <strong>Irish</strong> people and that they don—t conform to the bounds of society, but are very different.<br />

They allow unsanitary conditions and are very poverty stricken because of the menial wages<br />

given to them <strong>in</strong> return for their labour. This is a racial view however and all the <strong>Irish</strong> are<br />

branded together and stereotyped as one ’type—. This view was widespread though <strong>in</strong> the<br />

1830—s and 1840—s.<br />

(ii) ’the physical depression of the people— (extract B) _ This depression has occurred because of<br />

trade fluctuations and slumps and also because of <strong>Irish</strong> immigration lower<strong>in</strong>g Brita<strong>in</strong>—s liv<strong>in</strong>g<br />

standards. A lot of unemployment <strong>in</strong> Brita<strong>in</strong> would have occurred because Shuttleworth felt<br />

that the <strong>Irish</strong> people would accept lower wages and conditions compared tot he English worker<br />

and so therefore be more appeal<strong>in</strong>g to the employer, who would save money. People—s general<br />

liv<strong>in</strong>g conditions and social standards had dropped and this was easily usable to Historians such<br />

as J.P.K. Shuttleworth.<br />

b) Engels does partly agree with Carlyle—s description of a typical <strong>Irish</strong> immigrant and both<br />

writer/historians do feel that the <strong>Irish</strong> could only ever f<strong>in</strong>d and carry out simple, unskilled work<br />

that required merely ’strength of hand and back. They could compete with the English at this<br />

level and were <strong>in</strong>deed ’as good as the Englishman—. Both historians agree that the <strong>Irish</strong> were<br />

uncivilised and driv<strong>in</strong>g the country—s natives out. These English workers were be<strong>in</strong>g ’degraded<br />

by the presence of this <strong>Irish</strong> competition—. Both historians also agree that the <strong>Irish</strong> survive<br />

amongst filth and squalor and often drunk. However, there are areas of disagreement with<strong>in</strong><br />

the writ<strong>in</strong>gs of Engels and Carlyle and Carlyle appears to latch upon stereotypical ideas<br />

frequently. He does this by describ<strong>in</strong>g him liv<strong>in</strong>g outside and never ever chang<strong>in</strong>g clothes<br />

except ’for festivals and high tides of the calender.— He also appears to blame the <strong>Irish</strong> for the<br />

disorder and violence with<strong>in</strong> the country. Engels however appears to go a little further than<br />

Carlyle and say th<strong>in</strong>gs which Carlyle doesn—t admit and does give specific examples of the jobs<br />

which most <strong>Irish</strong> people do such as bricklayers and handweavers unlike Carlyle who just states<br />

them <strong>in</strong> general as ’unskilled— jobs. Engels also attempts to give us an idea of the actual figure<br />

of <strong>Irish</strong> resident <strong>in</strong> Brita<strong>in</strong> at that period and quotes this figure as a fifth or a quarter. Engels<br />

even goes on to partially blame the <strong>Irish</strong> for the ’degrad<strong>in</strong>g position of the English workers—,<br />

which Carlyle doesn—t fully admit to. Engels once more goes further than Carlyle upon stat<strong>in</strong>g<br />

that the <strong>Irish</strong> man is on ’too low a plane— to compete with the English, which Carlyle only<br />

implies and doesn—t directly say. Engels also appears to put more blame upon environmental<br />

problems than the <strong>Irish</strong>. The two extracts do agree to a large extent concern<strong>in</strong>g the typical <strong>Irish</strong><br />

immigrant but do have smaller areas of disagreement. Engels and Carlyle both reflect their<br />

somewhat anti-<strong>Irish</strong> views with<strong>in</strong> these extracts however.<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 31

c) I partially agree with the statement that the conditions were appall<strong>in</strong>g and the <strong>Irish</strong> were<br />

responsible for these conditions <strong>in</strong> the 1830—s and 40—s.<br />

Source A does support the view that there were appall<strong>in</strong>g conditions with<strong>in</strong> Brita<strong>in</strong>, <strong>in</strong><br />

particular there was an <strong>Irish</strong> ghetto <strong>in</strong> a part of Manchester, dubbed ’Little <strong>Ireland</strong>—. This<br />

source doesn—t really place the blame upon the <strong>Irish</strong> however, but only to a small degree. It<br />

generally puts the blame upon the government by say<strong>in</strong>g that they spend little amounts of<br />

money to improve the conditions and there are few civil servants anyway.<br />

Source B also h<strong>in</strong>ts at the bad conditions with<strong>in</strong> Manchester but doesn—t really go on to describe<br />

them as particularly appall<strong>in</strong>g. This source does partly blame the <strong>Irish</strong> but to a greater extent<br />

blames the trade cycle and fluctuations <strong>in</strong> this. He shows these trade problems as caus<strong>in</strong>g a<br />

deterioration <strong>in</strong> the physical depression of the people. The source therefore doesn—t really say<br />

the problems are the fault of the <strong>Irish</strong>, but <strong>in</strong>stead shows them to be somewhat exploited.<br />

Source C does show the appall<strong>in</strong>g conditions with<strong>in</strong> Manchester and certa<strong>in</strong>ly puts a large<br />

amount of blame upon the <strong>Irish</strong> for moral and economic deterioration. It shows the general<br />

morality and liv<strong>in</strong>g standards to have fallen because of the <strong>Irish</strong> immigrants and def<strong>in</strong>itely holds<br />

them responsible by frequently criticis<strong>in</strong>g and stereotyp<strong>in</strong>g them. This source doesn—t appear<br />

to have any methods of relief like source A and B however, but just states the problems and<br />

blames the uncivilised <strong>Irish</strong> immigrants as a whole.<br />

Source D also shows the bad conditions with<strong>in</strong> Manchester and describes the conditions of the<br />

English workers as ’degrad<strong>in</strong>g—. This source does talk about the competition problem posed<br />

by the <strong>Irish</strong> workers <strong>in</strong> great depth and it states that this is because of their tendency to accept<br />

less wages and worse work<strong>in</strong>g conditions, and that this causes huge problems for the English<br />

work<strong>in</strong>g class <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g large numbers of unemployment. The source, doesn—t put the blame<br />

directly onto the <strong>Irish</strong> however but holds the environmental condition problems more<br />

responsible than the <strong>Irish</strong>. It is quite anti-<strong>Irish</strong> but doesn—t hold them completely responsible<br />

for the appall<strong>in</strong>g social and economic conditions with<strong>in</strong> Manchester.<br />

The <strong>Irish</strong> were often used as scapegoats for the appall<strong>in</strong>g conditions with<strong>in</strong> Manchester as the<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> <strong>in</strong>cidence of squalor, disease, vagrancy, alcoholism and a lot more were quite often<br />

wrongly assumed to characterise the lifestyles of the majority of <strong>Irish</strong> immigrants. Due to their<br />

poverty-stricken native homeland of <strong>Ireland</strong>, which had previously been hit by a disastrous<br />

fam<strong>in</strong>e, many <strong>Irish</strong> immigrants were will<strong>in</strong>g to take unskilled work on for less wages and <strong>in</strong><br />

lesser conditions and this has also been used to direct criticism towards the <strong>Irish</strong> for tak<strong>in</strong>g<br />

work away from the English work<strong>in</strong>g class.<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> immigrants faced this prejudice with<strong>in</strong> the 1830—s and 40—s for four ma<strong>in</strong> reasons. Their<br />

religion was Catholicism. Their race was Celtic. Their poverty caused them to accept low<br />

wages. Their nationalism from the repeal movement of the 1840—s. There was thus<br />

considerable tensions between <strong>Irish</strong> Catholics and English workers and this resulted <strong>in</strong><br />

confrontations most notably <strong>in</strong> Stockport <strong>in</strong> 1852.<br />

Although <strong>Irish</strong> class and ethnic loyalties and divisions were stereotyped to follow a set pattern,<br />

they <strong>in</strong> fact didn—t and this is illustrated by the <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>g <strong>Irish</strong> <strong>in</strong>volvement <strong>in</strong> Chartism,<br />

especially <strong>in</strong> the campaigns of 1848.<br />

In 1851, of 6.6 million residents of the 72 largest towns with<strong>in</strong> Brita<strong>in</strong>, 3 million were<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 32

migrants, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g the <strong>Irish</strong>. This resulted <strong>in</strong> many social problems <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g high density<br />

hous<strong>in</strong>g, no effective social policy, no fall-back for weekly wages, rigid factory discipl<strong>in</strong>e and<br />

the spread of diseases. These problems were frequently blamed upon the <strong>Irish</strong> although they<br />

made up only a small proportion <strong>in</strong> the number of migrants. This aga<strong>in</strong> resulted <strong>in</strong> fights and<br />

confrontations.<br />

Historians such as Hobsbawm stress that the relationships between employer and employee<br />

were harsher with<strong>in</strong> this period, thus caus<strong>in</strong>g the workers to put the blame on someone, and<br />

the <strong>Irish</strong> were quite often used as scapegoats for this.<br />

These appall<strong>in</strong>g conditions with<strong>in</strong> Brita<strong>in</strong> caused various acts and commissions to be <strong>in</strong>troduced<br />

<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g ’the Royal Commission on the health of towns— <strong>in</strong> 1844 and ’the Public Health act—<br />

<strong>in</strong> 1848 these show<strong>in</strong>g the drastic measures that had to be taken to try and mitigate the worst<br />

factors of the conditions, particularly with<strong>in</strong> Manchester.<br />

In general, there were poor conditions with<strong>in</strong> Brita<strong>in</strong> but these poorer conditions must be<br />

balanced out aga<strong>in</strong>st the better rural areas and the higher <strong>in</strong>comes from better work where<br />

conditions and <strong>in</strong>deed medical provision were quite good. This view is also stressed by<br />

Mathias who shows the importance of economic growth <strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>dustrial areas, balanc<strong>in</strong>g the poor<br />

conditions <strong>in</strong> towns with the <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>g wage and profit <strong>in</strong> the work place. The <strong>Irish</strong><br />

immigrants were frequently used as scapegoats for these appall<strong>in</strong>g conditions and although were<br />

partially to blame by putt<strong>in</strong>g some English work<strong>in</strong>g class labourers out of work it was only<br />

because there was no work for them to do and the fam<strong>in</strong>e of 1844 that they were <strong>in</strong> England<br />

search<strong>in</strong>g for <strong>in</strong>creased prosperity anyway. Although will<strong>in</strong>g to use their strength with<strong>in</strong> their<br />

jobs, and for low wages, this was also frequently used aga<strong>in</strong>st them and stereotypical images<br />

are somewhat unfairly occasionally used to describe the <strong>Irish</strong>, such as always be<strong>in</strong>g drunk and<br />

violent, never chang<strong>in</strong>g clothes, and generally caus<strong>in</strong>g disorder to the country.<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 33


a) i ’the uncivilized <strong>Irish</strong>man— (Extract C) - Taken from extract C, written by Thomas Carlyle, a<br />

social observer of this period. In general, he want—s to improve work<strong>in</strong>g class standards both<br />

of work and at home. Carlyle can see the decl<strong>in</strong>e of liv<strong>in</strong>g and work<strong>in</strong>g standards, the scarcity<br />

of employment and he used the <strong>Irish</strong> as a scapegoat for these problems. Carlyle s<strong>in</strong>ks to<br />

racism, imply<strong>in</strong>g that the Kelts were <strong>in</strong>ferior to Anglo-Saxons.<br />

The view expressed by Carlyle is stereotypical: that they all accept lower wages, lower liv<strong>in</strong>g<br />

conditions and dr<strong>in</strong>k all the time. Carlyle is putt<strong>in</strong>g the responsibility of moral and economic<br />

deterioration onto the <strong>Irish</strong> immigrants. These immigrants are seen as not conform<strong>in</strong>g to<br />

societies ’rule—. Their pressure has broken the natural order, thus result<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> chaos.<br />

ii<br />

’the physical depression of the people— (Extract B) - Taken from extract B, from J.P.K.<br />

Shuttleworth, very <strong>in</strong>fluential amongst the middle class. Shuttleworth openly blames the <strong>Irish</strong><br />

for all ’present— moral, social and economic problems, he—s more subtler than Carlyle.<br />

Shuttleworth has mixed views concern<strong>in</strong>g the use for the <strong>Irish</strong>, through this he often contradicts<br />

himself. Even though Shuttleworth dislikes the <strong>Irish</strong> he still conveys how exploited they are.<br />

b<br />

Engels and Carlyle generally agree on the <strong>in</strong>fluence and effect of the work<strong>in</strong>g <strong>Irish</strong> immigrants.<br />

They both see the difference that the <strong>Irish</strong> presence has made but <strong>in</strong>terpret this differently.<br />

Both sources agree that the <strong>Irish</strong> caused an <strong>in</strong>creased competition for jobs because of their<br />

tendency to accept lower wages and standards and also the liklihood of them to opt for unskilled<br />

jobs. Engels expresses that the <strong>Irish</strong> presence caused more of a problem than an aid to the<br />

British workforce, and he believed that this consequete was responsible on the <strong>Irish</strong>. Carlyle<br />

admits that through <strong>Irish</strong> immigration more competition was posed for jobs, however he puts<br />

most of the blame on the environment rather than people.<br />

Both historians agree that the <strong>Irish</strong> caused a vast change <strong>in</strong> both liv<strong>in</strong>g and work<strong>in</strong>g conditions.<br />

However, they <strong>in</strong>terpret the blame and extent <strong>in</strong> different ways.<br />

c<br />

The Immigrants of the 1830s and 40s were generally used as an excuse for the decl<strong>in</strong>e <strong>in</strong><br />

standards. Source A is a burocratic report try<strong>in</strong>g to highlight health hazards. Basically it gives<br />

a summary of problems and then cont<strong>in</strong>ues as to their method of retification. These ’solutions—<br />

are ma<strong>in</strong>ly seen as responsibility of the authorities rather than the <strong>in</strong>dividual. The government<br />

is seen as ma<strong>in</strong>ly as the sole benefactor of these notorious slums. They don—t have to live <strong>in</strong><br />

the squalor and they aren—t pay<strong>in</strong>g for such places e.g. ’Little <strong>Ireland</strong>—. This report seen the<br />

government for how cheap they were and only partially blames the <strong>Irish</strong>.<br />

Source B, based on a survey of Manchester by Shuttleworth, shows that there was a general<br />

decl<strong>in</strong>e <strong>in</strong> liv<strong>in</strong>g standards. This decl<strong>in</strong>e was due to the trade fluctuations and the <strong>in</strong>crease <strong>in</strong><br />

<strong>Irish</strong>. Even though the <strong>Irish</strong> were used as excuses for the deterioration they were at the same<br />

time be<strong>in</strong>g exploited.<br />

Source C totally damns the <strong>Irish</strong> and their effect. They are criticised for accept<strong>in</strong>g lower wages<br />

and are blamed for caus<strong>in</strong>g moral, social and economic deterioration. Instead of look<strong>in</strong>g at<br />

other mitigat<strong>in</strong>g factors they just tar the <strong>Irish</strong> as a problem. This view is prejudiced and sees<br />

the <strong>Irish</strong> as people who were try<strong>in</strong>g to liquidate the work<strong>in</strong>g class.<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 34

Source D re<strong>in</strong>forces the theme of <strong>in</strong>vasion of <strong>Irish</strong> upon the work<strong>in</strong>g class. Engels shows<br />

concern not only for the present but how the future will look with this high population<br />

percentage of <strong>Irish</strong>. He also expresses that even though the <strong>Irish</strong> are to blame, that if they<br />

weren—t so concentrated the decl<strong>in</strong>e wouldn—t be so great.<br />

In general, the extracts all agree that there was a decl<strong>in</strong>e <strong>in</strong> standards. Each puts responsibility<br />

on the <strong>Irish</strong> yet offers another cause for the deterioration. At this time there would have been<br />

more regular and higher wages with people compet<strong>in</strong>g for factory work. One would assume<br />

that liv<strong>in</strong>g standards would therefore have <strong>in</strong>creased. In contrast to some rural areas, which<br />

wouldn—t necessarily attract <strong>Irish</strong> because there was no security of employment, there were<br />

areas which were just as bad if not worse.<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 35


ai<br />

The ’uncivilized <strong>Irish</strong>man— was a term used by Thomas Carlyle to expla<strong>in</strong> the <strong>Irish</strong> which had<br />

come from <strong>Ireland</strong>. In particular the <strong>Irish</strong> which came over to Brita<strong>in</strong> and took over the jobs<br />

of the British workers by work<strong>in</strong>g for less money. Also, this is aimed at be<strong>in</strong>g a racist<br />

statement because he stereotypes the <strong>Irish</strong> by say<strong>in</strong>g that they are all dirty, bad mannered,<br />

drunk and liv<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> ’any pig-hatch or dog-hutch—. He also says that the <strong>Irish</strong> will work <strong>in</strong> any<br />

conditions and for any small amount of pay, whereas the saxon-man will not work at all if he<br />

cannot have reasonable conditions because unlike the <strong>Irish</strong> man he is civilized.<br />

ii<br />

b<br />

The ’physical depression of the people— refers to the general liv<strong>in</strong>g standards of people.<br />

Shuttleworth saw a decl<strong>in</strong>e <strong>in</strong> liv<strong>in</strong>g conditions for two reasons. The first was trade fluctuations<br />

and slumps. The second was the migration of <strong>Irish</strong> workers <strong>in</strong>to Brita<strong>in</strong> which made British<br />

workers poorer. Fluctuations and slumps <strong>in</strong> trade occurred when demand for labour decreased<br />

caus<strong>in</strong>g prices to fall. This l<strong>in</strong>ks <strong>in</strong> with the second reason because it was the <strong>Irish</strong> who were<br />

tak<strong>in</strong>g the jobs and caus<strong>in</strong>g the trade fluctuations and slumps.<br />

Engels tends to both agree and disagree with Carlyle—s depiction of the typical <strong>Irish</strong> immigrant.<br />

Both agree that the <strong>Irish</strong> are tak<strong>in</strong>g over the Englishman—s work by undercutt<strong>in</strong>g their wages.<br />

Engels says that the <strong>Irish</strong>man ’requires less wages than any other—. Carlyle puts the same<br />

phrase <strong>in</strong>to a different context by say<strong>in</strong>g ’if he [the Englishman] cannot work on these terms,<br />

f<strong>in</strong>ds no work—. Both statements mean that the <strong>Irish</strong> worker will have lower work<strong>in</strong>g and liv<strong>in</strong>g<br />

standards and Carlyle says this is because the <strong>Irish</strong>man is ’uncivilized—.<br />

Engels says that the <strong>Irish</strong> have problems which are beyond their control. These <strong>in</strong>cluded their<br />

work conditions because Engels says they are forced to work for less because of their<br />

background and therefore doesn—t completely blame the <strong>Irish</strong> for their own conditions. One the<br />

other hand, Carlyle is too stereotypical of the <strong>Irish</strong> by say<strong>in</strong>g that they are all dirty, uncivilized<br />

and drunk, when really some were fairly rich and few had very good jobs. I th<strong>in</strong>k that this is<br />

where they disagree because Carlyle blames the <strong>Irish</strong> completely for their liv<strong>in</strong>g conditions.<br />

c<br />

I th<strong>in</strong>k that the statement ’The <strong>Irish</strong> immigrants of the 1830—s and 40—s were used as scapegoats<br />

for the appall<strong>in</strong>g social and economic conditions <strong>in</strong> Manchester— is, aga<strong>in</strong>, very stereotypical<br />

because it is try<strong>in</strong>g to say that all of the <strong>Irish</strong> lived <strong>in</strong> these appall<strong>in</strong>g conditions when actually,<br />

not all <strong>Irish</strong> lived like this. It is true that the majority lived <strong>in</strong> these conditions. In extract A<br />

it expla<strong>in</strong>s the problems which most people had to live <strong>in</strong>. The Sub-Committee of the Board<br />

of Health which did the study refers to the liv<strong>in</strong>g conditions us<strong>in</strong>g words such as dirty,<br />

un<strong>in</strong>habitable, overflow<strong>in</strong>g, and damp. Although it expla<strong>in</strong>s these appall<strong>in</strong>g conditions it<br />

doesn—t really blame the owners of the build<strong>in</strong>gs for the problems. Instead it blames the <strong>Irish</strong><br />

and the common workers who live there. This is probably due to the fact that most of the<br />

slums were actually owned by rich people and it would be better for them if they were not<br />

blamed for the conditions.<br />

It blames the <strong>Irish</strong> for the conditions of ’Little <strong>Ireland</strong>— when, <strong>in</strong> reality this is one aspect of<br />

their life which is really beyond their control because they cannot afford any repairs and they<br />

cannot live anywhere else because they cannot afford anyth<strong>in</strong>g else due to their low wages.<br />

Therefore I th<strong>in</strong>k that the <strong>Irish</strong> were used as scapegoats for the social and economic conditions<br />

<strong>in</strong> Manchester.<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 36

They cannot be blamed for the social and liv<strong>in</strong>g conditions but also they should not have be<br />

blamed for the economic conditions. This is because the <strong>Irish</strong> did the same work as the English<br />

but for a lower wage and I th<strong>in</strong>k that this should make the economy better and not worse. In<br />

extract D, Engels, who worked ma<strong>in</strong>ly <strong>in</strong> Manchester says that <strong>in</strong> Manchester the <strong>Irish</strong> were<br />

able to work for less, ma<strong>in</strong>ly <strong>in</strong> the physical jobs were no tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g was needed. This would<br />

have enabled the owners of the factories to make more money and this would therefore make<br />

the economy better.<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 37

5b. Student work<br />

Assessment<br />


Student a(i) a(ii) b c Total<br />

Level Mark Level Mark Level Mark Level Mark<br />

Candidate A Two 2 Two 2 Two 4 Four 8 16<br />

Candidate B Two 3 One 1 Two 2 Two 5 11<br />

Candidate C Two 2 One 1 Two 3 One 2 8<br />


Question A<br />

The phrases chosen need to be placed firmly with<strong>in</strong> a valid historical context, and the full<br />

implications of the phrases need to be appreciated to reach full marks.<br />

(i)<br />

(ii)<br />

Candidate A places the phrase <strong>in</strong> context with regard to the poor social conditions and<br />

stereotypes of <strong>Irish</strong> immigrants. The reference to racial orig<strong>in</strong>s requires elaboration, while<br />

Candidate B does achieve both references and hence is a top Level 2. Candidate C reaches<br />

Level 2 by appreciat<strong>in</strong>g the stereotypical image of the <strong>Irish</strong> Celt, but the po<strong>in</strong>t needs more<br />

substantiation for the response to reach the top of Level 2.<br />

Candidate A has appreciated the role of trade fluctuation and the weaker barga<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g power of<br />

immigrants to expla<strong>in</strong> Shuttleworth—s comments. Candidate B concentrates more on<br />

Shuttleworth—s motives and hence rema<strong>in</strong>s at Level 1. Candidate C h<strong>in</strong>ts at AÓs argument on<br />

trade but the connection is implicit and thus the response is a Level 1.<br />

Question B<br />

The question demands a direct comparison and Level 2 responses must give specific references to<br />

show the extent to which the extracts agree on the ’typical— <strong>Irish</strong> immigrant.<br />

Candidate A beg<strong>in</strong>s by giv<strong>in</strong>g examples of agreement on employment and the ’degrad<strong>in</strong>g— effect that<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> workers had on the <strong>in</strong>digenous population. However, the candidate clearly shows he subtle<br />

differences with regard to precise occupations for which the <strong>Irish</strong> were suited and the impact of the<br />

wider environment. This is just enough to merit top Level 2.<br />

Candidate B—s comparison is more implicit and focuses ma<strong>in</strong>ly on competition for work and the<br />

problems for English workers as a result. Hence, this response just reaches top Level 1.<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 38

Candidate C shows a good understand<strong>in</strong>g of the agreement with regard to job competition, yet the<br />

second paragraph alludes to the different emphasis placed by Engels on environment rather than<br />

stereotypes, and merits a low Level 2 mark.<br />

Question C<br />

The key objective here is to construct a coherent argument which enters the historical debate over<br />

whether <strong>Irish</strong> immigrants depressed liv<strong>in</strong>g standards <strong>in</strong> Manchester. Both material from the sources<br />

and the students— own knowledge are necessary to reach Level 3, while the top level requires a<br />

mature and subtle understand<strong>in</strong>g of the historiographical issues <strong>in</strong>volved.<br />

Candidate A shows immediate, if implicit, awareness that there is an historical debated over this<br />

question. The candidate analyses the material provided <strong>in</strong> extracts A to D to balance evidence for<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> immorality and general environmental decl<strong>in</strong>e. The candidate then utilises ’own knowledge—<br />

to exam<strong>in</strong>e the wider context of urban conditions and why stereotypes of <strong>Irish</strong> workers emerged <strong>in</strong><br />

the form they did, conclud<strong>in</strong>g by challeng<strong>in</strong>g the validity of the conclusions of Shuttleworth and<br />

Engels. This response deserves a low Level 4 mark, but needed to demonstrate a deeper conceptual<br />

awareness and sharper analysis to reach Level 5.<br />

Candidate B offers critical overviews of the four sources and br<strong>in</strong>gs out some key historiographical<br />

issues, such as the role of government, trade and prejudice <strong>in</strong> expla<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g views of <strong>Irish</strong> immigrants.<br />

There is sufficient analysis of the sources to reach high Level 2, but the lack of further knowledge<br />

means that the wider context provided by Candidate A is not provided.<br />

Candidate C offers a rather limited survey of extracts A and D. While some promis<strong>in</strong>g po<strong>in</strong>ts are<br />

deduced, there is little depth and the response, therefore, reaches only a mid-Level 1.<br />


The standard of answers was consistently higher than on the Daniel O—Connell question, the first<br />

’<strong>Irish</strong>— exercise attempted by this particular set. The answers displayed a higher level of historical<br />

skills <strong>in</strong> the handl<strong>in</strong>g of sources and a good understand<strong>in</strong>g of the issues <strong>in</strong>volved <strong>in</strong> assess<strong>in</strong>g the<br />

impact of <strong>Irish</strong> migration on social and economic conditions <strong>in</strong> English towns. There were two very<br />

good answers, which just fell short of be<strong>in</strong>g excellent. What both lacked was that greater conceptual<br />

awareness necessary to place the issues <strong>in</strong> a broader framework address<strong>in</strong>g the question of<br />

immigration <strong>in</strong> general.<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 39

6. Read<strong>in</strong>g - level A<br />

Swift, R.<br />

Swift, R.<br />

& Gilley, S.<br />

The <strong>Irish</strong> <strong>in</strong> Brita<strong>in</strong> 1815-1914. Perspectives and sources<br />

London, The Historical Association 1990<br />

The <strong>Irish</strong> <strong>in</strong> Brita<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong> the 19th Century<br />

London, Sussex Tapes 1988<br />

Swift, R<br />

& Gilley, S. (eds) The <strong>Irish</strong> <strong>in</strong> Brita<strong>in</strong> 1815-1939<br />

London, P<strong>in</strong>ter 1989<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 40

7. Level B<br />

a<br />

b<br />

Further read<strong>in</strong>g<br />

Additional <strong>in</strong>vestigation: Bristol<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 41

7a<br />

Further read<strong>in</strong>g<br />

The further suggestions for read<strong>in</strong>g are <strong>in</strong>tended to help teachers and, where appropriate, students<br />

who wish to study <strong>in</strong> greater depth <strong>Irish</strong> migration and its impact on British town <strong>in</strong> the middle of the<br />

n<strong>in</strong>eteenth century.<br />

Busteed, M. et al.<br />

’The myth and reality of <strong>Irish</strong> migrants <strong>in</strong> mid-n<strong>in</strong>eteenth century<br />

Manchester—<br />

The <strong>Irish</strong> <strong>in</strong> the new communities, Vol. 2<br />

Leicester, Leicester University Press 1992<br />

F<strong>in</strong>negan, F. Poverty and prejudice. A study of <strong>Irish</strong> immigration <strong>in</strong> York 1840-<br />

75<br />

Cork, Cork University Press 1982<br />

Large, D.<br />

’The <strong>Irish</strong> <strong>in</strong> Bristol <strong>in</strong> 1851 : A Census Enumeration—<br />

The <strong>Irish</strong> <strong>in</strong> the Victorian City, edited by R. Swift & S. Gilley<br />

London, Croom Helm 1985, pp 37-58<br />

Lees, L.H.<br />

Exiles of Er<strong>in</strong>. <strong>Irish</strong> migrants <strong>in</strong> Victorian London<br />

Manchester, Manchester University Press 1979<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 42

7b<br />

Additional <strong>in</strong>vestigation<br />

’The <strong>Irish</strong> <strong>in</strong> Bristol <strong>in</strong> 1851 : A Census Enumeration<br />

An article by David Large <strong>in</strong> The <strong>Irish</strong> <strong>in</strong> the Victorian City<br />

edited by R. Swift & S. Gilley, London 1985, pp 37-58<br />

Aims, Rationale, Activities<br />

Enquiries<br />

1. Did immigration always <strong>in</strong>creased markedly after the fam<strong>in</strong>e of 1845-51<br />

2. Did <strong>Irish</strong>-born immigrants form ghettos of absolute poverty<br />

3. Were all <strong>Irish</strong> immigrants poor and Roman Catholic<br />

4. Were <strong>Irish</strong> settlers reluctant to marry <strong>in</strong>to other ethnic groups<br />

5. Was a disproportionate number of <strong>Irish</strong> immigrants dependent upon poor relief and responsible<br />

for <strong>in</strong>creased crime<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 43


1. To encourage and develop <strong>in</strong>vestigative skills as outl<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> assessment objective bv:<br />

’abstraction of <strong>in</strong>formation and appraisal of historical sources <strong>in</strong> order to def<strong>in</strong>e and analyse the<br />

problems presented by an historical issue—.<br />

2. To focus upon the Census <strong>in</strong>formation to question historiographical <strong>in</strong>terpretations of <strong>Irish</strong><br />

settlement <strong>in</strong> Brita<strong>in</strong> (assessment objective aiii).<br />


1. This case study consists of a series of enquiries based upon Dr Large—s analysis of the 1851<br />

Census for Bristol. It can be used as a comparison to the case study of Manchester (given <strong>in</strong><br />

the ma<strong>in</strong> booklet), and hence to question some common ’myths— and generalisations about the<br />

nature of <strong>Irish</strong> immigration; i.e.<br />

Did <strong>Irish</strong> immigration always <strong>in</strong>crease markedly after the Fam<strong>in</strong>e of 1845-6<br />

Did ’<strong>Irish</strong>-born— immigrants form ghettoes of absolute poverty<br />

Were all <strong>Irish</strong> immigrants poor and Catholic<br />

Were a disproportionate number of <strong>Irish</strong> immigrants dependent on Poor Relief and responsible<br />

for <strong>in</strong>creased crime<br />

Were <strong>Irish</strong> settlers reluctant to marry <strong>in</strong>to other ethnic groups<br />

2. The case study can be studied as a whole or selected parts can be used to focus on one or more<br />

of the above debates. Conclusions about general urban conditions can also be questioned by<br />

this statistics-based approach if appropriate.<br />


For each historical enquiry, the follow<strong>in</strong>g format can be used:<br />

1. What deductions can be made from the sources<br />

2. What support<strong>in</strong>g evidence can be provided from the sources<br />

3. What questions need to be asked of the sources<br />

4. What other sources would be useful <strong>in</strong> this enquiry<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 44

1. Did immigration always <strong>in</strong>crease markedly after the Fam<strong>in</strong>e of 1845-<br />

51<br />


(Large, Table i)<br />

Census Year <strong>Irish</strong>-born Total Population % of <strong>Irish</strong>-born<br />

1841 4,039 122,296 3.3<br />

1851 4645 137,328 3.4<br />

1861 4,363 154,093 2.8<br />

1871 3,876 182,552 2.1<br />

1881 3,204 206,874 1.5<br />

1891 2,511 221,578 1.1<br />


(Large Table iii - see next page for a map show<strong>in</strong>g the counties of <strong>Ireland</strong>)<br />

County Number County Number<br />

Cork 987 Kerry 43<br />

Dubl<strong>in</strong> 238 Belfast 38<br />

Waterford 186 Wexford 29<br />

Limerick 115 Down 26<br />

Tipperary 79<br />

Counties with fewer than 25 entries have been omitted.<br />

Total <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g counties with fewer than 25 entries 1,936<br />

Total <strong>Irish</strong>-born 4,299<br />

Other useful <strong>in</strong>formation<br />

(i) The steam packet connections ran from Cork, Dubl<strong>in</strong> and Waterford to Bristol.<br />

(ii) Only 45 per cent of <strong>Irish</strong> born people can be traced to their county of orig<strong>in</strong>.<br />

(iii) Bristol—s population of <strong>Irish</strong>-born <strong>in</strong> 1851 can be compared to that of other major cities where<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> people settled (Investigation A) and to<br />

Birm<strong>in</strong>gham only 4683 <strong>in</strong> 1841<br />

Newport only 2069 <strong>in</strong> 1851.<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 45

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 46

2. Did <strong>Irish</strong>-born immigrants form ghettos of absolute poverty<br />


(Large, Table ii)<br />

Parish Population <strong>Irish</strong>-born<br />

All Sa<strong>in</strong>ts 154 1<br />

August<strong>in</strong>e, St, the Less 9,891 475<br />

Castle Prec<strong>in</strong>cts 1,825 48<br />

Christchurch 1,079 102<br />

Ew<strong>in</strong>, St 52 nil<br />

James, St (with<strong>in</strong>) 10,658 1,109<br />

John, St 1,190 51<br />

Leonard, St 123 6<br />

Mary, St, le-Port 230 nil<br />

Mary, St, Redcliffe 6,812 79<br />

Michael, St 4,431 226<br />

Nicholas, St 2,076 108<br />

Paul, St (with<strong>in</strong>) 10,750 177<br />

Peter, St 1,000 12<br />

Philip, St & Jacob (with<strong>in</strong>) 4,522 82<br />

Stephen, St 2,778 332<br />

Temple 6,060 93<br />

Thomas, St 1,508 14<br />

Werburgh, St 99 1<br />

Exclud<strong>in</strong>g 14 <strong>in</strong> St Peter—s Hospital.<br />

Other useful <strong>in</strong>formation<br />

(i) There is no mention of <strong>Irish</strong> <strong>in</strong> records of Bristol—s Local Board of Health 1851-72, or <strong>in</strong><br />

Report on State of <strong>Irish</strong> Poor <strong>in</strong> Brita<strong>in</strong> (1836).<br />

(ii) About two-thirds did live <strong>in</strong> the ancient city.<br />

(iii) There is some evidence that close-knit <strong>Irish</strong> communities did exist:<br />

St Michael Parish 135 <strong>Irish</strong> born lived <strong>in</strong> three streets<br />

St James Parish 511 <strong>Irish</strong> born lived <strong>in</strong> seven streets/courts<br />

St August<strong>in</strong>e the Less <strong>Irish</strong> dwell<strong>in</strong>gs reportedly <strong>in</strong> most unsanitary areas of the parish.<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 47

(iv)<br />

(v)<br />

Other evidence is contradictory:<br />

St Philip & Jacob spread over large number of streets/lanes/courts.<br />

Bristol was the third most unhealthy prov<strong>in</strong>cial city <strong>in</strong> 1845 (after Liverpool and Manchester).<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 48

3. Were all <strong>Irish</strong> immigrants poor and Catholic<br />


(Large, Table iv)<br />

Occupations Number % of total<br />

(2,237)<br />

Labour<strong>in</strong>g and porter<strong>in</strong>g (all types) 813 36<br />

Tradesmen 363 16<br />

Domestic servants (<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g errand boys, gardeners<br />

and wheel-chairmen) 87 4<br />

Hawk<strong>in</strong>g, deal<strong>in</strong>g, sell<strong>in</strong>g, travell<strong>in</strong>g, scaveng<strong>in</strong>g and<br />

begg<strong>in</strong>g 75 3<br />

Commercial pursuits, exclud<strong>in</strong>g hawk<strong>in</strong>g etc 48 2<br />

Professional men 42 2<br />

Armed Services, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g pensioners 39 2<br />

Seamen (all types) 33 1<br />

Government and local officials <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g retired 28 1<br />

Others 745 33<br />


IN BRISTOL, 1851<br />

(Large, Table v)<br />

Occupation<br />

Number of<br />

<strong>Irish</strong><br />

Occupation<br />

Number of<br />

<strong>Irish</strong><br />

Labourer 397 Mar<strong>in</strong>er 17<br />

Mason—s labourer 155 Quay porter 17<br />

Tailor 101 Errand boy 16<br />

General labourer 54 Hawker 14<br />

Shoemaker 32 Cattle dealer 12<br />

Quarry labourer 31 Porter 12<br />

Gardener 24 Plasterer 12<br />

Farm labourer 22 Accountant 11<br />

Mason 24 Sawyer 11<br />

Carpenter 20 Landholder 11<br />

Chelsea pensioner 20 Hatter 10<br />

Journeyman tailor 19 Clerk 10<br />

Servant (general) 18 Ship—s labourer 10<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 49


(Large, Table vi)<br />

Trades<br />

Males employed<br />

(all ages)<br />

Number of<br />

<strong>Irish</strong><br />

Bakers and confectioners 832 2<br />

Blacksmiths 687 4<br />

Brassfounders 168 nil<br />

Butchers 529 9<br />

Cab<strong>in</strong>et makers and upholsterers 506 7<br />

Coachmakers 315 3<br />

Coal m<strong>in</strong>ers 321 1<br />

Coopers 369 3<br />

Grocers 639 3<br />

Hairdressers 150 nil<br />

Pr<strong>in</strong>ters 273 1<br />

Ropemakers 188 nil<br />

Shipwrights and shipbuilders 482 1<br />

Watchmakers 155 1<br />

Wheelwrights 116 1<br />


(Large, Table vii)<br />

Occupation Number % of total<br />

(871)<br />

Servants (all types) 305 35<br />

Charwomen, laundress, washerwomen, ironer<br />

and mangler 161 18<br />

Dressmaker, tailoress, seamstress, mill<strong>in</strong>er and<br />

allied occupations 126 15<br />

Annuitants, fundholders, gentlewomen, landed<br />

proprietors and others subsist<strong>in</strong>g on unearned <strong>in</strong>come 89 10<br />

Hawk<strong>in</strong>g, deal<strong>in</strong>g, sell<strong>in</strong>g, travell<strong>in</strong>g, scaveng<strong>in</strong>g<br />

and begg<strong>in</strong>g 52 6<br />

Trades 36 4<br />

Nurses and midwives 19 2<br />

Others 85 10<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 50


BRISTOL, 1851<br />

(Large, Table viii)<br />

Occupation<br />

Number of<br />

<strong>Irish</strong><br />

Occupation<br />

Number of<br />

<strong>Irish</strong><br />

Servant 136 Seamstress 19<br />

House servant 93 Nurse 17<br />

Charwoman 63 Lodg<strong>in</strong>ghouse keeper 16<br />

Laundress 59 Fruit seller 13<br />

Annuitant 45 Gentlewoman 13<br />

Dressmaker 39 Housekeeper 12<br />

Washerwoman 33 Fundholder 12<br />

General servant 30 Hawker 11<br />

Tailoress 26 Landed proprietor 11<br />


IN BRISTOL, 1851<br />

(Large, Table ix)<br />

Category Number % of total<br />

(1,171)<br />

At work 43 4<br />

Scholars 567 48<br />

Scholars at home 27 2<br />

Pupils at board<strong>in</strong>g school 20 2<br />

No occupation and neither scholar nor pupil 514 44<br />

Other useful <strong>in</strong>formation<br />

(i) There was only 1 <strong>Irish</strong> schoolmistress/governess out of 687.<br />

(ii) Mill<strong>in</strong>ery employed only 9 <strong>Irish</strong> women out of 3,378 women.<br />

(iii) There were only 11 <strong>Irish</strong> female shoemakers out of 1,508 women.<br />

(iv) <strong>Irish</strong> males made up 10 per cent of British male tailors.<br />

(v) Only 6 <strong>Irish</strong>men were master traders.<br />

(vi) Most of <strong>Irish</strong>-born clergy were Anglican not Catholic.<br />

(vii) The city—s ’blue coat— school had <strong>Irish</strong> born headteacher.<br />

(ix) A lead<strong>in</strong>g newspaper owner was <strong>Irish</strong>-born.<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 51

4. Were <strong>Irish</strong> settlers reluctant to marry <strong>in</strong>to other ethnic groups<br />


(Large, Table xi)<br />

Category Number % of total exist<strong>in</strong>g<br />

marriages<br />

(1,420)<br />

% of total<br />

18 years and over<br />

(2,778)<br />

<strong>Irish</strong>-born married to <strong>Irish</strong>born<br />

707 50 25<br />

<strong>Irish</strong>-born men married to<br />

non-<strong>Irish</strong>-born wives 290<br />

<strong>Irish</strong>-born women married<br />

to non-<strong>Irish</strong>-born husbands 199 489 49 18<br />

<strong>Irish</strong>-born men on whom<br />

there is no data on the<br />

birth-place of their wives 95 7 3<br />

<strong>Irish</strong>-born women on whom<br />

there is no data on the<br />

birth-place of their husbands 129 9 5<br />

A.<br />

Total of exist<strong>in</strong>g marriages 1420<br />

<strong>Irish</strong>-born widows 311<br />

<strong>Irish</strong>-born widowers 122 433 16<br />

Unmarried <strong>Irish</strong>-born men<br />

of 18 and over 408<br />

Unmarried <strong>Irish</strong>-born<br />

women of 18 and over 517 925 33<br />

B.<br />

Total number of s<strong>in</strong>gle<br />

and previously married 1358<br />

Total number of all <strong>Irish</strong>born<br />

of 18 years and over<br />

(A + B) 2778<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 52


(Large, Table xii)<br />

Age Number % of total<br />

number of<br />

widows (321)<br />

20-29 17 5<br />

30-39 14 13<br />

40-49 63 20<br />

50-59 75 23<br />

60-69 83 26<br />

70-79 34 11<br />

80-89 6 2<br />

90 and over 2 nil<br />


(Large, Table xiii)<br />

Category<br />

Number<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> lodgers <strong>in</strong> non-<strong>Irish</strong> households 268<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> wives of non-<strong>Irish</strong> heads of households 199<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> servants liv<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> non-<strong>Irish</strong> households 154<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> visitors <strong>in</strong> non-<strong>Irish</strong> households 81<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> relatives liv<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> non-<strong>Irish</strong> households 96<br />

Total 798<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 53


(Large, Table xiv)<br />

Type Number % of the whole<br />

(1,292)<br />

S<strong>in</strong>gle persons 3 6<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> husbands and their wives only 162 13<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> one-parent families 166 13<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> husbands and their wives and children 477 37<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> households with co-resident k<strong>in</strong> 151 12<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> households with lodgers 169 13<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> households with visitors 90 7<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> households with lodgers and visitors 15 1<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> households with co-resident k<strong>in</strong> and lodgers 33 3<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> households with co-resident k<strong>in</strong> and visitors 24 2<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> households with co-resident k<strong>in</strong>, lodgers and<br />

visitors 5 nil<br />

Total households 1,292<br />

Other useful <strong>in</strong>formation<br />

(i)<br />

(ii)<br />

(iii)<br />

(iv)<br />

Two-thirds of <strong>Irish</strong> over 18 were married or had been married (widows/widowers).<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> widows were most likely supported with<strong>in</strong> <strong>Irish</strong> households.<br />

The parishes where most <strong>Irish</strong> only marriages took place were: St August<strong>in</strong>e, St Michael, St<br />

James, St Stephen (61 per cent). Very few took place <strong>in</strong> St Paul and St Mary Redcliffe.<br />

Therefore, a pattern emerges of <strong>in</strong>ter-marriage where <strong>Irish</strong> communities were less concentrated.<br />

The number of <strong>Irish</strong> lodgers <strong>in</strong> <strong>Irish</strong> and non-<strong>Irish</strong> households needs to be compared (268 <strong>in</strong><br />

non-<strong>Irish</strong>; 451 <strong>in</strong> <strong>Irish</strong> households).<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 54

5. Was a disproportionate number of <strong>Irish</strong> immigrants dependent upon Poor<br />

Relief and responsible for <strong>in</strong>creased crime<br />


(Large, Table xv)<br />

Workhouse Number of paupers Number of paupers<br />

who were <strong>Irish</strong><br />

Bedm<strong>in</strong>ster (Farleigh) 311 3 1%<br />

Clifton (Stapleton) 641 10 2%<br />

Bristol (St Peter—s Hospital) 246 14 6%<br />

Subtotal 1,916 49 2.5%<br />

Subtract paupers with unrecorded birth<br />

places 224<br />

1,692 49 3%<br />

Other useful <strong>in</strong>formation<br />

(i) This percentage should be compared to overall percentage of <strong>Irish</strong>-born <strong>in</strong> Bristol—s population<br />

(3.4 per cent).<br />

(ii) The numbers of <strong>Irish</strong>-born <strong>in</strong> Bristol prisons <strong>in</strong> 1851 were:<br />

Bristol Gaol<br />

Lawfords Gate Prison<br />

Bridewell Prison<br />

8 out of 184 <strong>in</strong>mates<br />

2 out of 24 <strong>in</strong>mates<br />

4 out of 52 <strong>in</strong>mates<br />

(iii)<br />

14 of the 52 <strong>in</strong>mates of the Refuge for Homeless Poor <strong>in</strong> St John s Parish were <strong>Irish</strong>-born.<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 55

Appendix<br />

D. Large<br />

’The <strong>Irish</strong> <strong>in</strong> Bristol <strong>in</strong> 1851 : A Census Enumeration<br />

<strong>in</strong> The <strong>Irish</strong> <strong>in</strong> the Victorian City, edited by R. Swift & S. Gilley London,<br />

Croom Helm 1985, pp 37-58<br />

We wish to thank Dr Large for generously allow<strong>in</strong>g this article to be reproduced<br />

<strong>in</strong> this study unit.<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 56

The <strong>Irish</strong>-born <strong>in</strong>habitants of n<strong>in</strong>eteenth-century Bristol have received no attention from historians, and the<br />

history of its n<strong>in</strong>eteenth-century Catholicism has yet to be written. Nor did the <strong>Irish</strong> attract more than pass<strong>in</strong>g<br />

mention from contemporary observers. Andrew Carrick and John Add<strong>in</strong>gton Symonds (father of the<br />

well-known Victorian man of letters of the same name), two lead<strong>in</strong>g Bristol doctors, who compiled a medical<br />

topography of the city <strong>in</strong> 1833, referred to ’hordes of <strong>Irish</strong> adventurers— liv<strong>in</strong>g among Bristol—s poor and<br />

display<strong>in</strong>g a supremacy <strong>in</strong> the art of pack<strong>in</strong>g themselves <strong>in</strong>to extremely exiguous accommodation. ’On one<br />

occasion—, they wrote, ’it happened to us to discover that thirty <strong>in</strong>dividuals, on one night, slept <strong>in</strong> a room the<br />

measurements of which did not exceed 20ft. by 16. The people thus congregated were <strong>Irish</strong>; they chanced to<br />

be on their way from London to their native country. At that period cholera was hover<strong>in</strong>g over us, and on the<br />

night to which we refer, it swooped down on n<strong>in</strong>e out of the thirty, and seven became corpses <strong>in</strong> the course<br />

of a few hours.— 1 The well-known Report on the State of the <strong>Irish</strong> Poor <strong>in</strong> Great Brita<strong>in</strong> of 1836 did not deign<br />

to mention the Bristol <strong>Irish</strong>, nor did Sir Henry de la Beche <strong>in</strong> his report on Bristol to the Health of Towns<br />

Commission <strong>in</strong> 1845. 2 George Clark, <strong>in</strong> his much more detailed <strong>in</strong>quiry of 1850 <strong>in</strong>to the sanitary conditions<br />

of the city for the General Board of Health, made just a few casual references to the <strong>Irish</strong> liv<strong>in</strong>g In very<br />

overcrowded cottages <strong>in</strong> Cannon—s Court off Lew<strong>in</strong>—s Mead <strong>in</strong> the parish of St. James and to the ’low <strong>Irish</strong>—<br />

as be<strong>in</strong>g particularly numerous <strong>in</strong> certa<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>salubrious houses <strong>in</strong> Marsh Street <strong>in</strong> the parish of St. Stephen. 3<br />

But the <strong>Irish</strong> received not a mention <strong>in</strong> the 1,500 manuscript pages which record the proceed<strong>in</strong>gs of Bristol—s<br />

Local Board of Health (1851-1872) 4 or <strong>in</strong> the lengthy Report on the condition of the Bristol poor of 1884<br />

<strong>in</strong>itiated by the Bristol press. 5<br />

Nonetheless, as Table i shows, the <strong>Irish</strong>-born were a sizeable m<strong>in</strong>ority throughout the n<strong>in</strong>eteenth century:<br />

Table i<br />

<strong>Irish</strong>-born <strong>in</strong> Bristol<br />

Census Year <strong>Irish</strong>-born Total Population % of <strong>Irish</strong>-born<br />

1841 4,039 122,296 3.3<br />

1851 4645 137,328 3.4<br />

1861 4,363 154,093 2.8<br />

1871 3,876 182,552 2.1<br />

1881 3,204 206,874 1.5<br />

1891 2,511 221,578 1.1<br />

In the early Victorian age, the Bristol <strong>Irish</strong> were the largest <strong>Irish</strong> group throughout the south-west, south<br />

Wales and much of the midlands. When the first enumeration of the <strong>Irish</strong>-born was made <strong>in</strong> 1841 there were<br />

almost as many (4,039) as <strong>in</strong> Birm<strong>in</strong>gham (4,683) or <strong>in</strong> the whole of Devon (4,084) and many more than <strong>in</strong><br />

other ports <strong>in</strong> south-western and southern England such as Portsmouth (937), Southampton (420), Plymouth<br />

(1,000) and Devonport (1,302). Likewise <strong>in</strong> 1851, Bristol—s 4,645 <strong>Irish</strong>-born outnumbered those <strong>in</strong> Newport<br />

(2,069), Merthyr Tydvil (3,051) and Swansea (1,333). 7<br />

The raw figures of Table i <strong>in</strong>dicate that before the great hunger of the late forties <strong>in</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> there was a<br />

sizeable <strong>Irish</strong>-born population <strong>in</strong> Bristol. Communication between <strong>Ireland</strong> and Bristol substantiality improved<br />

<strong>in</strong> the 1820s: regular steam packet services were <strong>in</strong>stituted between Bristol and Cork, Dubl<strong>in</strong> and Waterford<br />

<strong>in</strong> 1821, 1822 and 1826 respectively. 8 Fares were low, and there was no great travell<strong>in</strong>g obstacle to <strong>Irish</strong><br />

migration. However the <strong>in</strong>centive to migrate, so forcibly posed by the Great Fam<strong>in</strong>e, which was particularly<br />

severe <strong>in</strong> Co. Cork from which so many of the Bristol <strong>Irish</strong> hailed did not swell their numbers significantly.<br />

This was not surpris<strong>in</strong>g: Bristol—s economy scarcely flourished <strong>in</strong> the first half of the n<strong>in</strong>eteenth century. Nor<br />

did the city exert any great magnetic attraction as a source of employment <strong>in</strong> the latter half of the century, so<br />

that it is not surpris<strong>in</strong>g that its <strong>Irish</strong>-born population gradually decl<strong>in</strong>ed both absolutely and as a proportion<br />

of the grow<strong>in</strong>g total population of the city. 9<br />

S<strong>in</strong>ce the Bristol <strong>Irish</strong> were relatively <strong>in</strong>conspicuous, it is far from easy to discover them. This essay is a<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 57

sight<strong>in</strong>g shot, and further <strong>in</strong>vestigation is needed if a full picture is to emerge. As the peak <strong>in</strong> numbers of the<br />

<strong>Irish</strong>-born <strong>in</strong> the city was recorded <strong>in</strong> the 1851 census, it seemed best to beg<strong>in</strong> def<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g their characteristics<br />

from the returns of the census enumerators of that year. An attempt has therefore been made to collect the<br />

<strong>in</strong>formation <strong>in</strong> the surviv<strong>in</strong>g manuscript enumerator—s books for all <strong>in</strong>dividuals whose birthplace was returned<br />

as <strong>Ireland</strong>. In all, <strong>in</strong>formation for 4,299 <strong>in</strong>dividuals was assembled. This falls a little short of the published<br />

figure of 4,645 <strong>in</strong> the pr<strong>in</strong>ted volumes of the 1851 census, and one can only speculate why this is so. One<br />

possible explanation is that the notes <strong>in</strong> these volumes on the Bristol registration district refer to 770 persons<br />

on board vessels <strong>in</strong> the Float<strong>in</strong>g Harbour and the river Avon be<strong>in</strong>g counted as liv<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the parish of St.<br />

Stephen. Enumerator—s books for these do not appear to have survived. There may well have been numbers<br />

of <strong>Irish</strong>-born among them. Nevertheless 4,299 returns provided reasonably firm data for analysis.<br />

Why was a sampl<strong>in</strong>g technique not adopted to lighten the labour This was because it became apparent that<br />

there was no concentration of <strong>Irish</strong> <strong>in</strong> a limited district In Bristol among whom sampl<strong>in</strong>g could usefully be<br />

conducted. There was no <strong>Irish</strong> ghetto. While the <strong>Irish</strong> were concentrated In particular streets and courts, they<br />

were also widely scattered throughout the city, and spanned the whole range of class difference, from the two<br />

ladles who returned their occupations as ’earl—s daughters— to the four <strong>in</strong>dividuals who said they were beggars.<br />

Moreover. ’<strong>Irish</strong>-born— cannot be equated with ’Catholic—. The role of the smarter parts of Clifton as a<br />

holiday or retirement resort for the leisured classes complicates any exam<strong>in</strong>ation of the Bristol <strong>Irish</strong>, s<strong>in</strong>ce it<br />

housed a significant if <strong>in</strong>determ<strong>in</strong>ate m<strong>in</strong>ority who were Protestants. There were more <strong>Irish</strong>-born Anglican<br />

clergy than <strong>Irish</strong>-born Roman Catholic priests among Bristol—s <strong>Irish</strong>, and among the <strong>Irish</strong>-born were the<br />

headmaster of the city—s ’blue coat— school, Queen Elizabeth—s Hospital, the Pr<strong>in</strong>cipal of the Western<br />

Institution for the Deaf and Dumb and the proprietor of one of its lead<strong>in</strong>g newspapers, 10 all of whom were<br />

almost certa<strong>in</strong>ly Protestant.<br />

If there was no ’little <strong>Ireland</strong>— <strong>in</strong> Bristol, where did the <strong>Irish</strong> live The ’Bristol— of this essay is the municipal<br />

and parliamentary borough whose boundaries s<strong>in</strong>ce 1835 were coterm<strong>in</strong>ous. Population growth outside these<br />

boundaries <strong>in</strong> 1851 was still small except <strong>in</strong> the Gloucestershire parishes of St. George with 8,905 <strong>in</strong>habitants 11<br />

and Stapleton with 4,840 of whom 1,387 were <strong>in</strong>mates of two large workhouses, so that it is realistic to regard<br />

the parliamentary and municipal borough <strong>in</strong> 1851 as ’Bristol—. In subsequent years this becomes less and less<br />

realistic, as the city—s population <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>gly spilled over its political boundaries, which were not extended<br />

significantly to take account of this until 1897. 12 For census purposes the municipal and parliamentary<br />

borough was covered by three registration districts: Bristol, no.329, Clifton, no.330, Bedm<strong>in</strong>ster, no.328.<br />

Registration district [329] Bristol comprised the ancient city with its 18 parishes and one extra-parochial<br />

district (Castle Prec<strong>in</strong>cts). Almost two-thirds of the <strong>Irish</strong>-born (3,284) lived <strong>in</strong> the ancient city <strong>in</strong> 1851.<br />

Scarcely any lived <strong>in</strong> the small and well-to-do parishes <strong>in</strong> the commercial centre none <strong>in</strong> St. Ew<strong>in</strong> or St.<br />

Mary-le-Port, only one each <strong>in</strong> St. Werburgh and All Sa<strong>in</strong>ts, six <strong>in</strong> St. Leonard, twelve <strong>in</strong> St. Peter (exclud<strong>in</strong>g<br />

<strong>in</strong>mates of the Corporation of the Poor—s hospital) and fourteen <strong>in</strong> St. Thomas, just south of Bristol bridge.<br />

Altogether, however, these seven parishes only numbered 3,636 <strong>in</strong>habitants and the first five only mustered<br />

658. If the rema<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g eleven parishes and one extra-parochial district are ranked In order of the greatest<br />

number of <strong>Irish</strong> among their <strong>in</strong>habitants, it becomes clear that they had a dist<strong>in</strong>ct tendency to settle close to<br />

the waterfront of the Float<strong>in</strong>g Harbour, particularly on its northern side, and to be more th<strong>in</strong>ly scattered <strong>in</strong><br />

the districts south of the harbour or east of the castle. Of the three parishes of about ten thousand <strong>in</strong>habitants,<br />

the <strong>Irish</strong> were considerably more numerous <strong>in</strong> St. James (1,109) and St. August<strong>in</strong>e the Less (475), which were<br />

closer to the harbour than St. Paul, which had only 177 <strong>Irish</strong>-born residents. Likewise the parishes of St.<br />

Michael and St. Stephen, the first with rather over 4,000 <strong>in</strong>habitants and the second with rather less than<br />

3,000, but both near the Float<strong>in</strong>g Harbour, had 225 and 332 <strong>Irish</strong> respectively, while St. Philip and Jacob<br />

(with<strong>in</strong>), east of the castle and comparable <strong>in</strong> population with St. Michael, had only 82. Temple (93) and St.<br />

Mary Redcliffe (79), both south of the harbour and with populations more than twice as great as St. Stephen,<br />

had fewer than one-third <strong>Irish</strong>.<br />

Table ii summarizes the distribution by parish of the <strong>Irish</strong> <strong>in</strong> the ancient city:<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 58

Table ii<br />

Distribution of the <strong>Irish</strong> <strong>in</strong> the ancient city of Bristol, 1851<br />

Parish Population <strong>Irish</strong>-born<br />

All Sa<strong>in</strong>ts 154 1<br />

August<strong>in</strong>e, St, the Less 9,891 475<br />

Castle Prec<strong>in</strong>cts 1,825 48<br />

Christchurch 1,079 102<br />

Ew<strong>in</strong>, St 52 nil<br />

James, St (with<strong>in</strong>) 10,658 1,109<br />

John, St 1,190 51<br />

Leonard, St 123 6<br />

Mary, St, le-Port 230 nil<br />

Mary, St, Redcliffe 6,812 79<br />

Michael, St 4,431 226<br />

Nicholas, St 2,076 108<br />

Paul, St (with<strong>in</strong>) 10,750 177<br />

Peter, St 1,000 12<br />

Philip, St & Jacob (with<strong>in</strong>) 4,522 82<br />

Stephen, St 2,778 332<br />

Temple 6,060 93<br />

Thomas, St 1,508 14<br />

Werburgh, St 99 1<br />

Exclud<strong>in</strong>g 14 <strong>in</strong> St Peter—s Hospital.<br />

A glance at the very mixed registration district [no.3301] of Clifton shows that it is easy to exaggerate the<br />

tendency of the <strong>Irish</strong> to live close to the harbour. The registration district stretched outside the boundaries of<br />

the municipal and parliamentary borough to Gloucestershire villages like Shirehampton, Westbury-on-Trym<br />

and Henbury, though the great bulk of its population <strong>in</strong> 1851 lived with<strong>in</strong> the boundaries of the city and<br />

county of Bristol. This population <strong>in</strong>cluded the wealthy parish of Clifton with 17,634 <strong>in</strong>habitants, and, <strong>in</strong> dire<br />

contrast, what Mr. Chick, who had been its assistant overseer of the poor for twenty-three years, described<br />

<strong>in</strong> 1854 as ’the very poor parish— 13 of St Philip and Jacob without, <strong>in</strong> east Bristol, with 24,961 residents. The<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> <strong>in</strong> the parish of Clifton numbered 580, while those <strong>in</strong> St Philip and Jacob without totalled 419, to which<br />

should be added another 96 dwell<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the united out parish of St. James and St. Paul which, had a population<br />

of one-third of that of St. Philip and Jacob without. In short, there were appreciable numbers of <strong>Irish</strong> <strong>in</strong> the<br />

outer eastern and western parts of the city away from the harbour.<br />

F<strong>in</strong>ally part of the Somerset registration district of Bedm<strong>in</strong>ster, ly<strong>in</strong>g south of the New Cut <strong>in</strong> which the river<br />

Avon had flowed s<strong>in</strong>ce the mak<strong>in</strong>g of the Float<strong>in</strong>g Harbour <strong>in</strong> the first decade of the n<strong>in</strong>eteenth century, fell<br />

with<strong>in</strong> the boundaries of the municipal and parliamentary borough of Bristol. In this very neglected district,<br />

there were 157 <strong>Irish</strong>-born.<br />

There was, therefore, no s<strong>in</strong>gle well-def<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>Irish</strong> ghetto <strong>in</strong> mid-n<strong>in</strong>eteenth-century Bristol. Further analysis<br />

does show that <strong>in</strong> three parishes the <strong>Irish</strong> were heavily concentrated <strong>in</strong> particular streets and courts. In St.<br />

Stephen, Little Tower court with 65 <strong>Irish</strong> and Marsh Street, Marsh Street Court and Founta<strong>in</strong>s Entry where<br />

147 <strong>Irish</strong> dwelt conta<strong>in</strong>ed two-thirds of the <strong>Irish</strong> <strong>in</strong> this parish (332). In St. Michael, Host Street sheltered<br />

62 <strong>Irish</strong>, Narrow Lew<strong>in</strong>s Mead 32 and Steep Street 41, that is over half the <strong>Irish</strong> <strong>in</strong> the parish (225). Likewise<br />

<strong>in</strong> St. James nearly half (511) of the 1,109 <strong>Irish</strong> lived <strong>in</strong> Lew<strong>in</strong>s Mead (202) and six courts, Cannon (23),<br />

Greyfriars (30), Greyhound (51), Fox (147), K<strong>in</strong>g—s Head (32) and Providence (26). But such a degree of<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 59

concentration did not exist elsewhere <strong>in</strong> the city. The 419 <strong>Irish</strong>-born <strong>in</strong> the parish of St. Philip and Jacob<br />

without were spread over 106 streets, lanes and courts and the 580 <strong>in</strong> the parish of Clifton were to be found<br />

<strong>in</strong> 149 different locations.<br />

But as might be expected from the occupational structure of the <strong>Irish</strong>, there was considerable correlation<br />

between the locations picked out by George Clark <strong>in</strong> his Report to the General Board of Health on a<br />

prelim<strong>in</strong>ary <strong>in</strong>quiry <strong>in</strong>to . . . the sanitary condition . . . of Bristol <strong>in</strong> 1850 as be<strong>in</strong>g particularly filthy and<br />

<strong>in</strong>sanitary, and many of the dwell<strong>in</strong>g places of the <strong>Irish</strong>. When Clark <strong>in</strong>spected the parish of St. August<strong>in</strong>e<br />

the Less he listed Lamb Street, Warren—s Court, Anchor Lane, Stephen—s Court and Limekiln Lane for<br />

adverse comment - as well as other streets and courts. 14 Lamb Street conta<strong>in</strong>ed 25 <strong>Irish</strong>; Warren s Court 14;<br />

Anchor Lane 18; Stephen—s Court 8; and Limekiln Lane 31. Clark—s report and the census enumerator—s<br />

returns together show that many <strong>Irish</strong> lived <strong>in</strong> streets and courts which had experienced the ravages of the<br />

cholera epidemic <strong>in</strong> Bristol <strong>in</strong> 1849. Nevertheless because the <strong>Irish</strong> were spread widely throughout the city<br />

as well as <strong>in</strong> a small number of m<strong>in</strong>iature ’little <strong>Ireland</strong>s— there was an appreciable number not dwell<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the<br />

most unhealthy parts of a city which <strong>in</strong> 1845, by the general mortality rate, had an unenviable record as the<br />

third most unhealthy prov<strong>in</strong>cial city <strong>in</strong> England next to Liverpool and Manchester.<br />

Where did they hail from <strong>in</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> The only quantitative evidence arises from the practice of a considerable<br />

number of enumerators of record<strong>in</strong>g not simply that an <strong>in</strong>dividual was born In <strong>Ireland</strong> but also <strong>in</strong> what county<br />

and <strong>in</strong> a few cases <strong>in</strong> what parish or town, although this last was too <strong>in</strong>frequently recorded to provide any<br />

statistically valid <strong>in</strong>formation. This was not the case with the nam<strong>in</strong>g of counties. 45% (1,936) of the<br />

<strong>Irish</strong>-born can be ascribed to their counties of orig<strong>in</strong>. Table iii shows that just over half orig<strong>in</strong>ated <strong>in</strong> Co.<br />

Cork and almost a quarter from Dubl<strong>in</strong> and Waterford, demonstrat<strong>in</strong>g that the steam packet connections of<br />

Bristol with these three ports played a major role <strong>in</strong> <strong>Irish</strong> migration to Bristol. Clearly, too, there was an<br />

understandably heavy bias of migration from the south-west of <strong>Ireland</strong>: men from Connaught and Ulster were<br />

comparatively rare among the Bristol <strong>Irish</strong>.<br />

Table iii<br />

Counties of orig<strong>in</strong> of <strong>Irish</strong>-born In Bristol <strong>in</strong> 1851<br />

County <strong>Irish</strong>-born County % of <strong>Irish</strong>-born<br />

Cork 987 Kerry 43<br />

Dubl<strong>in</strong> 238 Belfast 38<br />

Waterford 186 Wexford 29<br />

Limerick 115 Down 26<br />

Tipperary 79<br />

Counties with fewer than 25 entries have been omitted <strong>in</strong> the above<br />

Total <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g counties with fewer than 25 entries<br />

Total <strong>Irish</strong> born<br />

1,936<br />

4,299<br />

The census enumerators— books show that 2,237 males of all ages born <strong>in</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> returned themselves as<br />

follow<strong>in</strong>g 392 separate occupations, on the pr<strong>in</strong>ciple that any difference <strong>in</strong> word<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the occupational column<br />

is counted as differentiat<strong>in</strong>g one occupation from another, however slight or non-existent the difference may<br />

seem today. The total also <strong>in</strong>cludes entries which should more properly be called status rather than job<br />

description, such as eleven who called themselves ’landholders—, four who said they were ’gentlemen— and<br />

one each whose occupation was listed as ’fundholder— and ’railway shareholder—. It is difficult to devise a<br />

simple classification of these 392 occupations as a guide to <strong>Irish</strong> occupations, particularly s<strong>in</strong>ce the<br />

classification used by the census takers of 1851 has many limitations and later recast<strong>in</strong>gs of it have not always<br />

been satisfactory either. What is presented <strong>in</strong> Table iv is an attempt to preserve the mid-Victorian flavour<br />

without resort<strong>in</strong>g to the artificial devices of the 1851 census takers, as <strong>in</strong> classify<strong>in</strong>g occupations by the<br />

materials such as wood, iron, wool etc. used by practitioners.<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 60

Table iv<br />

Occupations of male <strong>Irish</strong> (all ages)<br />

Occupations Number % of total<br />

(2,237)<br />

Labour<strong>in</strong>g and porter<strong>in</strong>g (all types) 813 36<br />

Tradesmen 363 16<br />

Domestic servants (<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g errand boys, gardeners<br />

Hawk<strong>in</strong>g, deal<strong>in</strong>g, sell<strong>in</strong>g, travell<strong>in</strong>g, scaven<strong>in</strong>g and<br />

Commercial pursuits, exclud<strong>in</strong>g hawk<strong>in</strong>g etc 48 2<br />

Professional men 42 2<br />

Armed Services, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g pensioners 39 2<br />

Seamen (all types) 33 1<br />

Government and local officials <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g retired 28 1<br />

Others 745 33<br />

Occupation<br />

Table v<br />

Rank order of occupations of the male <strong>Irish</strong> (all ages)<br />

Number of<br />

<strong>Irish</strong><br />

Occupation<br />

Number of<br />

<strong>Irish</strong><br />

Labourer 397 Mar<strong>in</strong>er 17<br />

Mason—s labourer 155 Quay porter 17<br />

Tailor 101 Errand boy 16<br />

General labourer 54 Hawker 14<br />

Shoemaker 32 Cattle dealer 12<br />

Quarry labourer 31 Porter 12<br />

Gardener 24 Plasterer 12<br />

Farm labourer 22 Accountant 11<br />

Mason 24 Sawyer 11<br />

Carpenter 20 Landholder 11<br />

Chelsea pensioner 20 Hatter 10<br />

Journeyman tailor 19 Clerk 10<br />

Servant (general) 18 Ship—s labourer 10<br />

Labour<strong>in</strong>g and porter<strong>in</strong>g were predictably the chief occupations of <strong>Irish</strong>men <strong>in</strong> Bristol, even though only three<br />

of them described themselves as ’navigators—. Indeed, <strong>in</strong> addition to the labour<strong>in</strong>g and porter<strong>in</strong>g occupations<br />

pursued by more than ten <strong>Irish</strong>men <strong>in</strong> Table v, there were another 115 labourers and porters distributed <strong>in</strong><br />

packets of fewer than ten who added their place of work or their employer—s occupation to the designation<br />

’labourer— or ’porter—. Some of these men can be ascribed a niche, however humble <strong>in</strong> Bristol—s <strong>in</strong>dustries<br />

and enterprises, such as the n<strong>in</strong>e <strong>Irish</strong>men who were labourers at sugar ref<strong>in</strong>eries, seven at the Gas Works,<br />

three at a lumber yard, two at a soap factory and one each at a v<strong>in</strong>egar works, a fruit warehouse, a vitriol<br />

works and a steam packet yard. Only small numbers of <strong>Irish</strong>men found employment <strong>in</strong> the characteristically<br />

’modern— enterprises of mid-Victorian <strong>in</strong>dustry - eight <strong>in</strong> eng<strong>in</strong>eer<strong>in</strong>g, seven with the railways, five <strong>in</strong> cotton,<br />

two <strong>in</strong> coal and one as an iron founder. On the other hand, few were <strong>in</strong>volved <strong>in</strong> decl<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g activities: there<br />

were just two <strong>Irish</strong> male handloom weavers and five nailmakers <strong>in</strong> Bristol.<br />

If an <strong>Irish</strong>man was not a labourer or porter he was likely to be a tradesman. work<strong>in</strong>g at the cheap end of the<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 61

trade where rewards were likely to be low. 121 <strong>Irish</strong>men stated their occupation as tailor<strong>in</strong>g. They formed<br />

one <strong>in</strong> ten of Bristol—s male tailors, and it was by far the most popular trade among <strong>Irish</strong>men. Only one of<br />

the 121 tailors called himself a master tailor and only 19 said they were journeymen. <strong>Irish</strong> shoemakers (32),<br />

masons (24), carpenters (20), plasterers (12), sawyers (11), hatters (11), cordwa<strong>in</strong>ers (8), were to be found<br />

<strong>in</strong> smaller numbers, but masters and journeymen were few and far between among them. No <strong>Irish</strong>man<br />

described himself as a master carpenter, jo<strong>in</strong>er cordwa<strong>in</strong>er, pa<strong>in</strong>ter or plasterer and of the 363 tradesmen only<br />

six were masters, thirty-four journeymen (n<strong>in</strong>eteen of these were tailors) and six apprentices. In short, even<br />

<strong>in</strong> the cloth<strong>in</strong>g and build<strong>in</strong>g trades <strong>in</strong> which the <strong>Irish</strong> chiefly figured, they seem to have occupied a fairly<br />

humble position. There were also important trades <strong>in</strong> the city, often followed by several hundreds of people,<br />

<strong>in</strong> which the <strong>Irish</strong> were not numbered, or only to a very small extent, as Table vi illustrates:<br />

Trades<br />

Table vi<br />

Number of <strong>Irish</strong>men <strong>in</strong> selected trades 15<br />

Males employed<br />

(all ages)<br />

Number of<br />

<strong>Irish</strong><br />

Bakers and confectioners 832 2<br />

Blacksmiths 687 4<br />

Brassfounders 168 nil<br />

Butchers 529 9<br />

Cab<strong>in</strong>et makers and upholsterers 506 7<br />

Coachmakers 315 3<br />

Coal m<strong>in</strong>ers 321 1<br />

Coopers 369 3<br />

Grocers 639 3<br />

Hairdressers 150 nil<br />

Pr<strong>in</strong>ters 273 1<br />

Ropemakers 188 nil<br />

Shipwrights and shipbuilders 482 1<br />

Watchmakers 155 1<br />

Wheelwrights 116 1<br />

Some features of male occupations deserve brief comment. First, the considerable part played by the <strong>Irish</strong>born<br />

<strong>in</strong> the British army is certa<strong>in</strong>ly reflected <strong>in</strong> the numbers of Bristol <strong>Irish</strong> Chelsea pensioners (20), and to<br />

these should be added a couple of Greenwich pensioners and one from Woolwich, not to mention five half-pay<br />

army officers, a staff sergeant and three soldiers. Secondly, as some evidence that <strong>Irish</strong> birth was not such<br />

a barrier, as has sometimes been suggested, to acceptance <strong>in</strong> English society, seven Bristol <strong>Irish</strong> had become<br />

policemen <strong>in</strong> the recently formed borough police, and one had ga<strong>in</strong>ed admission to the new railway police.<br />

Thirdly, and no doubt largely and probably exclusively drawn from the Protestant <strong>Irish</strong>, there were men of<br />

some social stand<strong>in</strong>g among the Bristol <strong>Irish</strong> - eleven who described them as landholders, four who said they<br />

were ’gentlemen—, a Vice-Admiral R.N., a banker, four East India Company pensioners and perhaps most<br />

unusual of all, Samuel Lover, pa<strong>in</strong>ter, song-writer, novelist, author of Handy Andy, liv<strong>in</strong>g with his daughter<br />

at 29 Royal York Crescent, Clifton.<br />

The range of occupations pursued by <strong>Irish</strong> women was much smaller than tor <strong>Irish</strong> men, and proportionately<br />

fewer of them had occupations other than domestic duties, to use the term sometimes listed <strong>in</strong> the enumerator<br />

s books <strong>in</strong> the occupation column, usually <strong>in</strong> reference to married women. 871 <strong>Irish</strong>-born women of all ages<br />

returned themselves as hav<strong>in</strong>g 131 separate occupations, us<strong>in</strong>g the same def<strong>in</strong>ition of a separate occupation<br />

as was used for the men. Table vii seeks to classify the 131 occupations and to <strong>in</strong>dicate the proportions of<br />

women engaged <strong>in</strong> each category.<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 62

Table vii<br />

Occupations of female <strong>Irish</strong> (all ages)<br />

Occupation Number % of total<br />

(871)<br />

Servants (all types) 305 35<br />

Charwomen, laundress, washerwomen, ironer<br />

and mangler 161 18<br />

Dressmaker, tailoress, seamstress, mill<strong>in</strong>er and<br />

allied occupations 126 15<br />

Annuitants, fundholders, gentlewomen, landed<br />

proprietors and others subsist<strong>in</strong>g on unearned <strong>in</strong>come 89 10<br />

Hawk<strong>in</strong>g, deal<strong>in</strong>g, sell<strong>in</strong>g, travell<strong>in</strong>g, scaveng<strong>in</strong>g<br />

and begg<strong>in</strong>g 52 6<br />

Trades 36 4<br />

Nurses and midwives 19 2<br />

Others 85 10<br />

Another way of <strong>in</strong>dicat<strong>in</strong>g the occupational structure of the female <strong>Irish</strong> is to list their occupation <strong>in</strong> rank order<br />

beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g with the commonest and exclud<strong>in</strong>g any occupation followed by fewer than ten <strong>Irish</strong> women. Table<br />

viii sets out the result.<br />

Domestic service was predictably the chief occupation of <strong>Irish</strong> women, divid<strong>in</strong>g approximately one third as<br />

house servants liv<strong>in</strong>g-<strong>in</strong> with their employers and two thirds at their own homes or <strong>in</strong> lodg<strong>in</strong>g houses, thus<br />

bear<strong>in</strong>g out a recent observation of Dr. Higgs that many domestic servants, contrary to the popular image,<br />

did not live <strong>in</strong> the homes of pay<strong>in</strong>g employers. 16 Nearly every species of domestic servant was represented<br />

among <strong>Irish</strong> women but it was only a small m<strong>in</strong>ority who described themselves by the terms <strong>in</strong> general use<br />

among the middle and upper classes such as ’parlour maid— or ’lady—s maid—, the great majority be<strong>in</strong>g content<br />

to call themselves ’servant—, ’house servant— or ’general servant—, which suggests that the one <strong>Irish</strong> woman<br />

who called herself ’a maid of all work— was probably describ<strong>in</strong>g accurately what most <strong>Irish</strong> domestics <strong>in</strong> fact<br />

did.<br />

Occupation<br />

Table viii<br />

Rank order of the occupations of the female <strong>Irish</strong> (all ages)<br />

Number of<br />

<strong>Irish</strong><br />

Occupation<br />

Number of<br />

<strong>Irish</strong><br />

Servant 136 Seamstress 19<br />

House servant 93 Nurse 17<br />

Charwoman 63 Lodg<strong>in</strong>ghouse keeper 16<br />

Laundress 59 Fruit seller 13<br />

Annuitant 45 Gentlewoman 13<br />

Dressmaker 39 Housekeeper 12<br />

Washerwoman 33 Fundholder 12<br />

General servant 30 Hawker 11<br />

Tailoress 26 Landed proprietor 11<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 63

In some respects the occupational pattern of <strong>Irish</strong> women resembled that of women <strong>in</strong> general <strong>in</strong> Bristol.<br />

Domestic service employed far and away the largest number of women <strong>in</strong> the city, followed by the bus<strong>in</strong>ess<br />

of wash<strong>in</strong>g clothes and clean<strong>in</strong>g houses, as was the case with <strong>Irish</strong> women. There was also a considerable<br />

workforce employed <strong>in</strong> the Bristol rag trade, particularly mill<strong>in</strong>ery, which occupied 3,378 women, but <strong>in</strong> this<br />

trade <strong>Irish</strong> women were scarcely noticeable - only n<strong>in</strong>e described themselves as mill<strong>in</strong>ers. Indeed, the paucity<br />

of <strong>Irish</strong> women practis<strong>in</strong>g a trade is noteworthy. Shoemak<strong>in</strong>g employed 1,508 women <strong>in</strong> the city and among<br />

them there were only eleven <strong>Irish</strong>, yet this was the trade with the largest number of <strong>Irish</strong> women. There was<br />

virtually no evidence that <strong>Irish</strong> women entered the professions. There were 687 schoolmistresses and<br />

governesses <strong>in</strong> Bristol <strong>in</strong> 1851: only one was <strong>Irish</strong>-born. The great majority of <strong>Irish</strong> women who declared<br />

an occupation probably occupied the lowest range of the employment ladder, the one exception be<strong>in</strong>g most<br />

of those liv<strong>in</strong>g off rents, dividends and annuities, the majority of whom had Clifton addresses and were most<br />

probably Anglo-<strong>Irish</strong> Protestants.<br />

It is mislead<strong>in</strong>g, however, to consider <strong>Irish</strong> women solely <strong>in</strong> terms of their occupation, for though so many<br />

of them were married to men of low earn<strong>in</strong>g power, particularly labourers and porters, they were rarely able<br />

to supplement the family <strong>in</strong>come by work outside the home. No fewer than 792 <strong>Irish</strong>-born wives had no<br />

occupation other than ’domestic duties—, while 21 of the 871 who stated an occupation did so by a status<br />

statement such as ’labourer—s wife—, ’sailor—s wife—, ’clockseller—s wife—, ’valet—s wife— gentleman s wife and<br />

so forth. The number of <strong>Irish</strong> women who returned no occupation was also swelled by a considerable number<br />

of elderly women usually liv<strong>in</strong>g with grown-up children support<strong>in</strong>g them, and by an appreciable number of<br />

daughters of work<strong>in</strong>g age who seem to have been absorbed <strong>in</strong> domestic duties or, <strong>in</strong> some Clifton families,<br />

<strong>in</strong> the social round pend<strong>in</strong>g marriage. It was a m<strong>in</strong>ority rather than a majority of <strong>Irish</strong> women who had a job,<br />

however humble.<br />

F<strong>in</strong>ally children should also be taken <strong>in</strong>to account <strong>in</strong> any consideration of <strong>Irish</strong> occupations. Did <strong>Irish</strong><br />

children work or go to school, or neither A prelim<strong>in</strong>ary problem is how to def<strong>in</strong>e a chid. The age at which<br />

attendance at school might be expected has to be decided and also the age at which a child ceases to be one.<br />

Should just those children who were born <strong>in</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> be considered or <strong>in</strong> addition those born <strong>in</strong> Brita<strong>in</strong> but of<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> parentage It seemed reasonable <strong>in</strong> the light of contemporary assumptions to fix the years 5-12 <strong>in</strong>clusive<br />

as constitut<strong>in</strong>g childhood, and to <strong>in</strong>clude children of this age-range born <strong>in</strong> Brita<strong>in</strong> as well as those born <strong>in</strong><br />

<strong>Ireland</strong>, provided one or both parents were <strong>Irish</strong>-born. Table ix sets out the proportion of children so def<strong>in</strong>ed<br />

who were at work, <strong>in</strong> the sense of hav<strong>in</strong>g an occupation <strong>in</strong> the relevant column <strong>in</strong> the enumerator—s book,<br />

those who were designated scholars, those called ’scholars at home—, those who were pupils at a board<strong>in</strong>g<br />

school, and those who had no occupation and were not designated either scholars or pupils, it be<strong>in</strong>g assumed<br />

that such children were not on the rolls of any school.<br />

Table ix<br />

Educational and work experience of <strong>Irish</strong> children aged 5 12<br />

Category Number % of total<br />

(1,171)<br />

At work 43 4<br />

Scholars 567 48<br />

Scholars at home 27 2<br />

Pupils at board<strong>in</strong>g school 20 2<br />

No occupation and neither scholar nor pupil 514 44<br />

Remarkably few <strong>Irish</strong> children were reported to the census takers as hav<strong>in</strong>g a job, and of the 43 who were<br />

so returned, fifteen were errand boys, ten were servants (eight of them girls), n<strong>in</strong>e were labourers and four<br />

were beggars, hawkers or scavengers. The rema<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g five <strong>in</strong>cluded an apprentice, a match seller, a<br />

charwoman and just two girls who probably worked <strong>in</strong> Bristol—s cotton mill and were described as cotton<br />

weavers. Evidently opportunities for employment for <strong>Irish</strong> children were very limited. Nor can it be said<br />

that they were all dutifully attend<strong>in</strong>g school. Table ix shows a substantial number were returned to the censustakers<br />

as ’at home— rather than as scholars, that is on a school roll. Furthermore, if we are to believe Mary<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 64

Carpenter, a highly prejudiced witness who resented the way <strong>in</strong> which the Catholic school <strong>in</strong> Trenchard Street<br />

drew <strong>Irish</strong> children away from the Ragged <strong>Schools</strong> and the reformatory <strong>in</strong>stitution with which she was<br />

associated, there were many <strong>Irish</strong> children on the school roll who did not attend school. Her evidence to the<br />

parliamentary Select Committee on the Education of Destitute Children <strong>in</strong> 1861 pa<strong>in</strong>ted a fearsome picture<br />

of these children. They were she said, ’the very lowest class of population which can be found anywhere—<br />

conta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g ’some of the lowest and most active class of juvenile offenders—, accord<strong>in</strong>g to a Bristol police<br />

<strong>in</strong>vestigator. The master at the Trenchard Street school told Mary Carpenter that he could do little with the<br />

younger children who lived with their parents <strong>in</strong> clans <strong>in</strong> Host and Marsh streets which were ’no go— areas<br />

for the police. The children often deserted school, sometimes to go hop-pick<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the surround<strong>in</strong>g<br />

countryside, and when the priest provided clothes for the children to come to school their parents promptly<br />

pawned them. Mary Carpenter believed that what the children needed was not <strong>in</strong>struction <strong>in</strong> the 3Rs but<br />

’moral and religious <strong>in</strong>struction to teach them to labour and feel a pleasure <strong>in</strong> labour<strong>in</strong>g—. 17<br />

In fact it would appear that the opportunities for labour<strong>in</strong>g were not great, as analysis of the work pattern of<br />

young people (13-18 years old) from <strong>Irish</strong> households suggests. Almost a half of the girls of this age group<br />

either had no occupations or rema<strong>in</strong>ed at school and the same was true of a third of the boys. As Table x<br />

shows, for those who had work there is no sign among the girls that the jobs they did differed <strong>in</strong> any way<br />

from those of adult women. The most popular was domestic service. The same was broadly true of the boys<br />

labour<strong>in</strong>g be<strong>in</strong>g the most usual occupation.<br />

Table x<br />

Occupations of young people (13-18 yrs) <strong>in</strong> <strong>Irish</strong> households<br />

Male<br />

Occupation Number % of whole<br />

(308)<br />

Female<br />

Occupation Number % of whole<br />

(293)<br />

None 50 16 None 113 39<br />

Scholar 48 16 Scholar 30 10<br />

Labourer 60 19 Servant 50 17<br />

Errand boy 16 5 Tailoress 11 4<br />

Mason lab—r 10 3 Dressmaker 11 4<br />

Porter 8 2 Laundress 7 2<br />

Others 101 33 Others 70 24<br />

The census not only provides much basic <strong>in</strong>formation on <strong>Irish</strong> occupations but also on the structure of the<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> household. Thus it enables us to be precise about <strong>in</strong>termarriage. Did <strong>Irish</strong> men or women frequently<br />

or only rarely marry natives of Brita<strong>in</strong> or were the overwhelm<strong>in</strong>g bulk of marriages between <strong>Irish</strong> folk If<br />

there was much <strong>in</strong>termarriage it was more likely that the ’<strong>Irish</strong>— characteristics of the <strong>Irish</strong> <strong>in</strong> Bristol would<br />

be considerably diluted, at least <strong>in</strong> time. To <strong>in</strong>vestigate this, the number of marriages made by the <strong>Irish</strong>-born<br />

has to be ascerta<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> order to obta<strong>in</strong> an <strong>in</strong>dex of the popularity of marriage among the <strong>Irish</strong>. Were there<br />

many s<strong>in</strong>gle <strong>Irish</strong> men or women And what about the frequent allegations that the <strong>Irish</strong> produced large<br />

families Did they generally live as a nuclear or as an extended family or was the characteristic unit a nuclear<br />

family with a lodger or two To what extent was ’home— for many <strong>Irish</strong> a place <strong>in</strong> some wretched, <strong>in</strong>sanitary<br />

and overcrowded lodg<strong>in</strong>g house The census can at least provide hard if limited <strong>in</strong>formation on these matters.<br />

In <strong>in</strong>vestigat<strong>in</strong>g the marital state of the <strong>Irish</strong>, it has been assumed that the marriageable population among<br />

them consisted of the 2,778 of the total of 4,299 who returned their ages as 18 or over. S<strong>in</strong>ce no example<br />

has been found of anyone marry<strong>in</strong>g below that age although there are <strong>in</strong>stances of <strong>in</strong>dividuals marry<strong>in</strong>g at 18.<br />

Table xi summarises the various categories <strong>in</strong>to which the 2,878 naturally fall.<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 65

Table xi<br />

Marital condition of the <strong>Irish</strong> <strong>in</strong> Bristol <strong>in</strong> 1851<br />

Category Number % of total exist<strong>in</strong>g<br />

marriages<br />

(1,420)<br />

% of total<br />

18 years and<br />

over<br />

(2,778)<br />

<strong>Irish</strong>-born married to <strong>Irish</strong>born<br />

707 50 25<br />

<strong>Irish</strong>-born men married to<br />

non-<strong>Irish</strong>-born wives 290<br />

<strong>Irish</strong>-born women married<br />

to non-<strong>Irish</strong>-born husbands 199489 49 18<br />

<strong>Irish</strong>-born men on whom<br />

there is no data on the<br />

birth-place of their wives 95 7 3<br />

<strong>Irish</strong>-born women on whom<br />

there is no data on the<br />

birth-place of their husbands 129 9 5<br />

A.<br />

Total of exist<strong>in</strong>g marriages 1420<br />

<strong>Irish</strong>-born widows 311<br />

<strong>Irish</strong>-born widowers 122433 16<br />

Unmarried <strong>Irish</strong>-born men<br />

of 18 and over 408<br />

Unmarried <strong>Irish</strong>-born<br />

women of 18 and over 517925 33<br />

B.<br />

Total number of s<strong>in</strong>gle<br />

and previously married 1358<br />

Total number of all <strong>Irish</strong>born<br />

of 18 years and over<br />

(A + B) 2778<br />

As the table shows, two-thirds (67%) of the <strong>Irish</strong> <strong>in</strong> Bristol married, 1 although 16% had suffered a dissolution<br />

of marriage by death, an experience three times as likely to be experienced by women as men, so that there<br />

was an appreciable population of <strong>Irish</strong> widows. A break-down by age of these 321 widows - almost one <strong>in</strong><br />

twelve of the whole <strong>Irish</strong> population - shows that a high proportion (62%) were 50 or over. In mid-Victorian<br />

conditions this meant that they were elderly, and were often unable to earn a liv<strong>in</strong>g. The most aged, Cather<strong>in</strong>e<br />

McGrath claimed to be 91. These elderly <strong>Irish</strong> women were often dependent for support and lived with their<br />

children. How some of the children managed to support an elderly widow given that the children were often<br />

low-earn<strong>in</strong>g labourers or porters, beggars the imag<strong>in</strong>ation, but somehow they did, for only a small percentage<br />

of the <strong>Irish</strong> were <strong>in</strong> receipt of poor relief and, as Table xii shows, many <strong>Irish</strong> widows lived to a considerable<br />

age:<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 66

<strong>Irish</strong><br />

Table xii<br />

born widows by age cohort<br />

Age Number % of total<br />

number of<br />

widows (321)<br />

20-29 17 5<br />

30-39 14 13<br />

40-49 63 20<br />

50-59 75 23<br />

60-69 83 26<br />

70-79 34 11<br />

80-89 6 2<br />

90 and over 2 nil<br />

A strik<strong>in</strong>g feature of the marital pattern of the <strong>Irish</strong> <strong>in</strong> Bristol was the high degree of <strong>in</strong>termarriage between<br />

the <strong>Irish</strong> and the non-<strong>Irish</strong>. For those marriages <strong>in</strong> which the birthplace of both partners is known and the<br />

marriage had not yet been broken by death - 1,196 <strong>in</strong> all - 707 were between <strong>Irish</strong>men and <strong>Irish</strong> women but<br />

no fewer than 489 were matches <strong>in</strong> which only one partner was <strong>Irish</strong>. <strong>Irish</strong> males showed a greater disposition<br />

to f<strong>in</strong>d non-<strong>Irish</strong> partners than <strong>Irish</strong> women. In many cases it was a matter of an <strong>Irish</strong>man marry<strong>in</strong>g a Bristol<br />

girl or one born <strong>in</strong> one of Bristol—s neighbour<strong>in</strong>g counties. The extent of this <strong>in</strong>termarriage must cast doubt<br />

on notions that English hostility to the <strong>Irish</strong> was so great that they were beyond the pale. Yet some<br />

qualification is necessary. There were particular parishes <strong>in</strong> which marriages between <strong>Irish</strong>-born men and<br />

women were a good deal commoner than elsewhere. Nearly two-thirds (61%) of these 707 matches were to<br />

be found among the <strong>Irish</strong> <strong>in</strong> the four parishes close to the Float<strong>in</strong>g Harbour of St. August<strong>in</strong>e, St. Michael, St.<br />

James and St. Stephen, while there were relatively few <strong>in</strong> Clifton, St. Mary Redcliffe and St. Paul.<br />

Intermarriage with the natives, as might be expected, was more common <strong>in</strong> parishes where the <strong>Irish</strong> were less<br />

concentrated <strong>in</strong> particular streets or courts.<br />

The Census therefore throws light on the household structure of the <strong>Irish</strong> as it was <strong>in</strong> 1851. although to report<br />

the result succ<strong>in</strong>ctly is far from easy s<strong>in</strong>ce the variety of liv<strong>in</strong>g patterns was substantial. At one extreme, a<br />

s<strong>in</strong>gle person household was that of Anna O—Lochlan, a 57 year-old widow who was born <strong>in</strong> Loughrea, Co.<br />

Galway, gave her occupation as laundress and lived at 6 Marlborough Hill, St. James. At the furthest<br />

extreme, <strong>in</strong> Pithay, St. James, there lived Bartholomew Murphy of <strong>Irish</strong> birth, head of a household with no<br />

fewer than 41 persons on the census schedule which was not treated as an <strong>in</strong>stitution. These 41 <strong>in</strong>cluded<br />

Bartholomew—s wife and mother, two servants, a cous<strong>in</strong> and thirty-five lodgers, a dozen of whom were <strong>Irish</strong>;<br />

the rest were a party of German musicians visit<strong>in</strong>g Bristol. Thus the number of categories <strong>in</strong>to which<br />

households can be grouped is considerable.<br />

First an <strong>Irish</strong> household has to be def<strong>in</strong>ed: it is taken to be one <strong>in</strong> which the head for census purposes is<br />

<strong>Irish</strong>-born and <strong>in</strong>cludes <strong>in</strong> it all the <strong>in</strong>dividuals who are named on the census schedule, whether born <strong>in</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong><br />

or not. By this def<strong>in</strong>ition there is left on one side a considerable number of <strong>Irish</strong> (698) who did not live <strong>in</strong> an<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> household. They can be categorised, as Table xiii <strong>in</strong>dicates:<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 67

Category<br />

Table xiii<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> dwell<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> non-<strong>Irish</strong> households<br />

Number<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> lodgers <strong>in</strong> non-<strong>Irish</strong> households 268<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> wives of non-<strong>Irish</strong> heads of households 199<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> servants liv<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> non-<strong>Irish</strong> households 154<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> visitors <strong>in</strong> non-<strong>Irish</strong> households 81<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> relatives liv<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> non-<strong>Irish</strong> households 96<br />

Total 798<br />

The <strong>Irish</strong> not liv<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> <strong>Irish</strong> households represented 16% of the whole <strong>Irish</strong> population <strong>in</strong> Bristol (4,299) and<br />

it is particularly note-worthy how many of them were to be found lodg<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> non-<strong>Irish</strong> households. Fewer than<br />

twice as many (451 as aga<strong>in</strong>st 268) lodged <strong>in</strong> <strong>Irish</strong> households thus provid<strong>in</strong>g further evidence that there was<br />

not such a rigid separation between the <strong>Irish</strong> and the local <strong>in</strong>habitants as has often been claimed<br />

The <strong>Irish</strong> households themselves totalled 1,292. Table xiv sets out the basic facts about the types of household<br />

which existed and their proportions to the total.<br />

Table xiv<br />

Types of <strong>Irish</strong> households<br />

Type Number % of the whole<br />

(1,292)<br />

S<strong>in</strong>gle persons 3 6<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> husbands and their wives only 162 13<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> one-parent families 166 13<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> husbands and their wives and children 477 37<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> households with co-resident k<strong>in</strong> 151 12<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> households with lodgers 169 13<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> households with visitors 90 7<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> households with lodgers and visitors 15 1<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> households with co-resident k<strong>in</strong> and lodgers 33 3<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> households with co-resident k<strong>in</strong> and visitors 24 2<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> households with co-resident k<strong>in</strong>, lodgers and<br />

visitors 5 nil<br />

Total households 1,292<br />

It is immediately strik<strong>in</strong>g to f<strong>in</strong>d the conventional nuclear family mak<strong>in</strong>g up only a m<strong>in</strong>ority (37%) of all<br />

households. On the one hand there were substantial numbers of households lack<strong>in</strong>g either children (162) or<br />

one parent (166) or consist<strong>in</strong>g of s<strong>in</strong>gle persons (83), mak<strong>in</strong>g up 32% of the whole and, on the other, complex<br />

households conta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g various comb<strong>in</strong>ations of lodgers, visitors and co-resident k<strong>in</strong> as well as an <strong>Irish</strong> head<br />

of household, which represented 38% of the whole. Quite clearly there was no typical <strong>Irish</strong> household but a<br />

great variety of patterns, for reasons which it is easy to propose but which are difficult to p<strong>in</strong> down with<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 68

precise evidence.<br />

Certa<strong>in</strong>ty between 20 and 30 of the larger more complex households represent enterprises <strong>in</strong> the form of<br />

lodg<strong>in</strong>g houses run and patronised by the <strong>Irish</strong>, particularly by s<strong>in</strong>gle male labourers. It is also probable that<br />

some of the households swelled by lodgers were temporary extensions of the nuclear family provid<strong>in</strong>g shelter<br />

tor couples, sometimes with a young child, who had yet to f<strong>in</strong>d a home of their own. In other cases it seems<br />

likely that the presence of lodgers <strong>in</strong>dicated a need by the host family to supplement its <strong>in</strong>come. The total<br />

number of <strong>Irish</strong> households with lodgers is 222, 17% of the total, a percentage much <strong>in</strong> l<strong>in</strong>e with Professor<br />

Lees—s f<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>g for her London sample (18.5%) which, as she remarked, was much higher than that for the<br />

native population <strong>in</strong> the metropolis yet lower than that found by Professor Anderson—s <strong>in</strong>vestigation of the<br />

<strong>in</strong>dustrial town of Preston. 19 As for the presence of co-resident k<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong> the <strong>Irish</strong> households - so often the result<br />

of the destruction of a nuclear family by the death of the wage earner - the proportion conta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g k<strong>in</strong> was<br />

almost the same as those with lodgers (213 or 16%). This was a little higher than the proportion <strong>in</strong> the London<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> sample (13%) but much below figures for Preston (23%), York (22%) or the native population of London<br />

(19%). 20 About twice as many co-resident k<strong>in</strong> were <strong>in</strong> the 15-45 age bracket with almost equal numbers of<br />

under 15s and over 45s. Certa<strong>in</strong>ly it was more likely that additional members of <strong>Irish</strong> households would be<br />

lodgers or co-resident k<strong>in</strong> than servants. Only 10% (124) of <strong>Irish</strong> households could afford to keep servants,<br />

a figure which was, however, almost twice as high as among the London <strong>Irish</strong>. 21<br />

Just under three-quarters (915 or 71%) of the Bristol <strong>Irish</strong> households were headed by a married man and just<br />

under a quarter (281 or 22%) by a woman, the rema<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g 96 (7%) by a s<strong>in</strong>gle man, figures which compare<br />

fairly closely with the London <strong>Irish</strong> sample, although the percentage of women head<strong>in</strong>g households <strong>in</strong> Bristol<br />

was significantly higher at 22% than the figure of 17% <strong>in</strong> the capital. 22 Two-thirds of the females head<strong>in</strong>g<br />

households were widows (186 or 66%) the rest be<strong>in</strong>g nearly equally divided between s<strong>in</strong>gle women (40 or<br />

14%) and married women (55 or 20%), some of whom <strong>in</strong>dicated that their husbands were sailors and away<br />

from home on census day. Most of the widows dwelt with their unmarried children, either young or adult,<br />

and it was rare to f<strong>in</strong>d a widow liv<strong>in</strong>g alone without k<strong>in</strong>, lodgers or visitors.<br />

What of the size of the <strong>Irish</strong> household Tak<strong>in</strong>g first the nuclear family - parents and children only - it would<br />

be wrong to imag<strong>in</strong>e a typical <strong>Irish</strong> family as large. If a nuclear family of 6 and over (<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g the parents)<br />

deserves this description, a mere 194 or 15% fell <strong>in</strong>to this category. 85% consisted of 5 persons or less. It<br />

would of, a course, be <strong>in</strong>correct to suggest that this tells us much about fertility among the <strong>Irish</strong> <strong>in</strong> Bristol.<br />

Pla<strong>in</strong>ly the hazards of child-rear<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> such an unhealthy place as mid-Victorian Bristol must have led to the<br />

truncat<strong>in</strong>g of <strong>Irish</strong> family by premature death. but on what scale it is impossible to say, such is the difficulty<br />

of obta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g satisfactory vital statistics for the Bristol <strong>Irish</strong>.<br />

Household size, swelled by co-resident k<strong>in</strong>, lodgers and visitors, was on average significantly greater than for<br />

the nuclear family. But, the proportion of large households of 6 persons or more was not very great (385 or<br />

30%), still leav<strong>in</strong>g 70% of households consist<strong>in</strong>g of 5 persons or fewer, and if we take 8 or more as a very<br />

large household, then this percentage falls to 12%.<br />

Hav<strong>in</strong>g exam<strong>in</strong>ed where the <strong>Irish</strong> <strong>in</strong> Bristol lived where they came from <strong>in</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>, what jobs they had and<br />

the structure of their households, it is possible to consult census returns for further clues to the <strong>Irish</strong> impact<br />

on Bristol. It is apparent that the <strong>Irish</strong> made no serious <strong>in</strong>roads <strong>in</strong>to either rate-f<strong>in</strong>anced poor relief or privately<br />

funded charity. In the census year 1851 there were four workhouses which catered for the destitute of Bristol.<br />

The Bedm<strong>in</strong>ster Union, which <strong>in</strong>cluded that part of Bedm<strong>in</strong>ster with<strong>in</strong> the municipal and parliamentary<br />

boundaries of Bristol, had its workhouse at Farlelgh <strong>in</strong> Long Ashton parish immediately to the west of the city;<br />

Clifton Union had established a large house at Stapleton some three miles from the city centre, and so had the<br />

Bristol Corporation of the Poor which had adm<strong>in</strong>istered poor relief <strong>in</strong> the ancient city s<strong>in</strong>ce 1696, where it also<br />

had St. Peter—s Hospital which was used for the destitute sick, the mentally ill and the able-bodied destitute.<br />

The <strong>Irish</strong> were not conspicuous for their number <strong>in</strong> any of these <strong>in</strong>stitutions <strong>in</strong> 1851, as Table xv <strong>in</strong>dicates.<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 69

Table xv<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> on Indoor Relief, 1851<br />

Workhouse Number of paupers Number of paupers<br />

who were <strong>Irish</strong><br />

Bedm<strong>in</strong>ster (Farleigh) 311 3 1%<br />

Clifton (Stapleton) 641 10 2%<br />

Bristol (St Peter—s Hospital) 246 14 6%<br />

Subtotal 1,916 49 2.5%<br />

Subtract paupers with unrecorded birth<br />

places 224<br />

1,692 49 3%<br />

The number of <strong>Irish</strong> returned to the census enumerators as paupers on outdoor relief was also small, only 53<br />

of 4,299 or just over 1% of all the <strong>Irish</strong>, and if one adds to these those on <strong>in</strong>door relief enumerated above (49)<br />

we have a total of 102 (2% of all the <strong>Irish</strong>) <strong>in</strong> receipt of aid from the poor rates. Such figures, if reliable<br />

scarcely justify any accusation that poverty-stricken <strong>Irish</strong> folk were eat<strong>in</strong>g ratepayers out of house and home. 24<br />

Nor with one significant exception, were they mak<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>roads <strong>in</strong>to the resources of philanthropy. None of<br />

the residents In Bristol s almshouses was <strong>Irish</strong>. The same was true of the 299 ’orphan scholars— <strong>in</strong> Muller—s<br />

famous orphanage and the 40 <strong>in</strong>mates of the Ashley Hill orphan asylum while among the 299 residents of the<br />

New Orphanage, Ashley Down, there were just two <strong>Irish</strong> girls. There was just one <strong>Irish</strong> charity boy at<br />

Pennywell Road Industrial School, none among the 27 residents of the Western <strong>in</strong>stitution tor the Deaf and<br />

Dumb <strong>in</strong> Park Row and only two out of 30 patients at the city—s General Hospital. At the other older and<br />

larger voluntary hospital, the Bristol Royal Infirmary, however, 19 of the 231 patients were <strong>Irish</strong> and, most<br />

strik<strong>in</strong>gly, of the 52 <strong>in</strong>mates of the Refuge for the Homeless Poor, <strong>in</strong> St. John s parish, 14 were <strong>Irish</strong>. No<br />

doubt this was a sign of extreme poverty among the Bristol <strong>Irish</strong>, as was the fact that of the 1,819 clients for<br />

whom the Bristol and Clifton Mendicity Society provided meals dur<strong>in</strong>g 1851, 721 were <strong>Irish</strong>-born.<br />

While the <strong>Irish</strong> <strong>in</strong> Victorian Brita<strong>in</strong> often had an unenviable reputation as law-breakers, there is not much<br />

evidence to substantiate this from the census returns of the <strong>in</strong>habitants of Bristol—s gaols. Of the 184 prisoners<br />

<strong>in</strong> Bristol gaol (situated <strong>in</strong> the Bedm<strong>in</strong>ster registration district), only eight were <strong>Irish</strong>-born, five women and<br />

three men; two of the 24 prisoners at Lawfords Gate prison were <strong>Irish</strong> and four out of the 52 held at the city—s<br />

Bridewell. Such evidence is <strong>in</strong>sufficient as a measure of the degree to which the <strong>Irish</strong> broke the law and<br />

reflects the limitations of the whole <strong>in</strong>vestigation of the 4,299 Bristol <strong>Irish</strong> through the census returns.<br />

A little more <strong>in</strong>formation can be gleaned from the separate religious and education census of 1851 though it<br />

has to be noted that the manuscript versions of the religious returns for Bristol have not been preserved at the<br />

P.R.O., leav<strong>in</strong>g only the bare facts of the pr<strong>in</strong>ted return. 26 This shows that the Catholic Church <strong>in</strong> Bristol<br />

could provide chapel accommodation. In the coterm<strong>in</strong>ous municipal and parliamentary borough there were<br />

seven Catholic chapels, three <strong>in</strong> the ancient city and four <strong>in</strong> the Clifton registration district, which were<br />

returned as hav<strong>in</strong>g 2,254 sitt<strong>in</strong>gs. That this was <strong>in</strong>sufficient to accommodate all the Catholics <strong>in</strong> the city is<br />

clear from the morn<strong>in</strong>g attendance figure of 2,782. Nevertheless, the shortfall was by no means substantial,<br />

and it is probably a fair <strong>in</strong>ference that a considerable proportion of the Bristol <strong>Irish</strong> were provided with the<br />

means of worship if they so desired, and the attendance figures suggest that many did so, though it needs to<br />

be remembered that there was certa<strong>in</strong>ly an English Catholic body <strong>in</strong> the city of long stand<strong>in</strong>g and of by no<br />

means negligible if <strong>in</strong>determ<strong>in</strong>ate size. 27 There were also Catholic visitors to Clifton: <strong>in</strong>deed one of them.<br />

Mrs. Charlton, a Northumbrian gentlewoman, <strong>in</strong> the late 1850s commented most disparag<strong>in</strong>gly on her fellow<br />

worshippers: ’I never knew—, she wrote, ’to what degree of perfection <strong>Irish</strong> filth could be raised until I visited<br />

the Hibernian colony <strong>in</strong> Bristol, and duplicity went hand <strong>in</strong> hand with dirt.— 28 As for schools, the provision<br />

accord<strong>in</strong>g to the census appears not very satisfactory. 29 There were only five Catholic schools, four <strong>in</strong> the<br />

ancient city and one <strong>in</strong> the Clifton registration district, and scholars on the books numbered 564, a figure<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 70

which corresponds very closely with the number of 5-12 year olds returned as ’scholars— <strong>in</strong> the enumerators<br />

books (567) which, as we have seen, leaves almost as many <strong>in</strong> this age group (514) who were neither scholars<br />

nor had a specific occupation<br />

In essence, this exam<strong>in</strong>ation of the 1851 census provides a snapshot of the Bristol <strong>Irish</strong> at a particular time.<br />

The census returns of 1861, 1871 and 1881 need to be analysed to explore the changes they underwent as time<br />

passed on. Was there any change <strong>in</strong> their geographical location Was there any evidence of upward social<br />

mobility Did they become better educated Were there fewer general labourers and domestic servants<br />

among them These are but a few of the questions which further research might illum<strong>in</strong>ate. Needless to say<br />

there is much scope for extend<strong>in</strong>g this survey by <strong>in</strong>vestigat<strong>in</strong>g the records of the Catholic Church <strong>in</strong> Bristol. 30<br />

Similarly, no firm conclusions can be reached about the relations of the <strong>Irish</strong> with the law without consider<strong>in</strong>g<br />

the evidence from the police and the courts. F<strong>in</strong>ally, there rema<strong>in</strong>s the enormous task of comb<strong>in</strong>g the<br />

extensive Bristol press for evidence of the role of the <strong>Irish</strong> with<strong>in</strong> the city 31 and of how others saw them.<br />

Notes<br />

1. A. Carrick and J.A. Symonds. ’Medical Topography of Bristol—, Transactions of the Prov<strong>in</strong>cial Medical and Surgical<br />

Association, vol.2, no.2 (1833), p.168.<br />

2. Sir Henry T. de la Beche, Report on the state of Bristol and other large towns (London, 1845).<br />

3. G.T. Clark, Report to the General Board of Health . . . on Bristol (London, 1845), pp.22, 67.<br />

4. Extracts from these will appear <strong>in</strong> a forthcom<strong>in</strong>g volume of the Bristol Records Society.<br />

5. Report of the Committee to <strong>in</strong>quire <strong>in</strong>to the condition of the Bristol Poor presented to the Bishop of the Diocese<br />

(London, 1885).<br />

6. The 1841 figure is to be found <strong>in</strong> the Census of <strong>Ireland</strong>, 1841, Appendix to the Report of the Commissioners,<br />

p.lxxxciii and the rema<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g figures <strong>in</strong> the Census of Great Brita<strong>in</strong>.<br />

7. Census of <strong>Ireland</strong> (1841), Appendix, p.lxxxviii.<br />

8. G. Farr, West country passenger steamers, 3nd edn. (Prescot, Lancs., 1967), Ch.2.<br />

9. For a review of the economic development of Bristol see B.W.E. Alford, ’The economic development of Bristol<br />

<strong>in</strong> the n<strong>in</strong>eteenth century: an enigma— <strong>in</strong> P. McGrath and J. Cannon (eds.), Essays <strong>in</strong> Bristol and Gloucestershire<br />

History (Bristol, 1976), pp.252-283.<br />

10. This was Joseph Leech, owner of the Bristol Times for whom see A. Sutton, (ed.), Rural rides of the Bristol<br />

Churchgoer (Gloucester 1982), pp ix-xiii.<br />

11. There were only 19 <strong>Irish</strong>-born <strong>in</strong> this parish <strong>in</strong> 1851.<br />

12. For an analysis of this process see F. Hewitt, Population and Urban Growth <strong>in</strong> East Bristol, 1800-1914<br />

(unpublished Ph.D. thesis, University of Bristol, 1965).<br />

13. Select Committee on Medical Relief, P.P. (1854), vol.xii, p.78. Mr. Chick said that average wages <strong>in</strong> the parish<br />

were 10/- to 15/- a week and the 10/- a week man would pay 1s 9d to 2/- a week rent.<br />

14. G.T. Clark, Report, pp.58-60.<br />

15. Figures from Census of Great Brita<strong>in</strong> (1851).<br />

16. E. Higgs, ’Domestic servants and households <strong>in</strong> Victorian England—, Social History, vol.8, no.2, p.205.<br />

17. Select Committee on the education of destitute children. P.P. (1861), vol.vii, pp.96-103.<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 71

18. This figure corresponded closely with the marital condition of the <strong>in</strong>habitants of Bristol and Clifton registration<br />

districts as a whole. 70% of those of 20 years and upwards were either married or had been married.<br />

19. Lynn Hollen Lees, Exiles of Er<strong>in</strong> (Manchester 1979), p.135.<br />

20. Ibid., p.134.<br />

21. Ibid.<br />

22. Ibid., p.130.<br />

23. One of the barriers to further <strong>in</strong>vestigation of poor relief <strong>in</strong> Bristol is that the records of the Poor Law Unions<br />

cover<strong>in</strong>g the city were eventually centralized at St. Peter—s Hospital which was totally destroyed <strong>in</strong> the blitz.<br />

24. Of course the impact of the <strong>Irish</strong> on poor relief is not exhausted by the above observations e.g. Thomas Rank<strong>in</strong>,<br />

Governor of St. Peter—s Hospital, reported <strong>in</strong> 1834, that the Corporation of the Poor had the burden of either<br />

return<strong>in</strong>g back to <strong>Ireland</strong> destitute <strong>Irish</strong> emigrants who wound up <strong>in</strong> Bristol or at times, because it was cheaper,<br />

giv<strong>in</strong>g them temporary relief. (See Report of The Poor Law Commissioners, P.P. (1834), vol.xxxviii(i), p.61.<br />

25. Bristol Mirror, 21 February 1852, quot<strong>in</strong>g the Annual Report of the Society for 1851.<br />

26. Census of Great Brita<strong>in</strong> (1851), Religious Worship, England and Wales.<br />

27. Some evidence of this is provided by the Registers of St. JosephÓs Chapel, Trenchard Lane (now Street), Bristol<br />

1777 1808 published by the Catholic Record Society, vol.iii (1806), pp.181-329.<br />

28. L.E.O. Charlton, The Recollections of a Northumbrian Lady (London, 1949), p.228.<br />

29. Census of Great Brita<strong>in</strong> (1851), Education, England and Wales.<br />

30. Recently these have been listed by Miss Judith Close, formerly of the Bristol Record Office. She has been engaged<br />

on their study for some years.<br />

31. Not to mention newspaper sources outside the city. e.g. Northern Star, 10 January 1848, tells us that there was<br />

an <strong>Irish</strong> Confederate Club <strong>in</strong> Bristol called the Er<strong>in</strong>-go-Bragh Club which met at Rebbeck—s Coffee and Read<strong>in</strong>g<br />

Rooms, 1 Tower Hill, Old Market.<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 72

Appendix B<br />

NEAB History A-level Syllabus A/C<br />

Alternative M (part one)<br />

The Age of Reform <strong>in</strong> Brita<strong>in</strong>, 1830-51<br />

(Reproduced by k<strong>in</strong>d permission of the NEAB)<br />


It is not <strong>in</strong>tended that all aspects of Brita<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong> the years<br />

1830-51 will be exam<strong>in</strong>ed. Rather, the content<br />

specified for Part One will be addressed through three<br />

<strong>in</strong>ter-related key questions:<br />

In this part of the written paper, and <strong>in</strong> relation to the<br />

three <strong>in</strong>ter-related key questions, candidates will be<br />

required to have knowledge and understand<strong>in</strong>g of the<br />

follow<strong>in</strong>g:<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

(c)<br />

How, why, and to what extent, did the nature of<br />

extra-parliamentary activity challenge the<br />

established political system at this time<br />

In what ways, and to what extent, did <strong>in</strong>dustrial,<br />

commercial and social developments <strong>in</strong> this<br />

period contribute to demands for reform<br />

Why, and how, did governments, parliament and<br />

parties embark on political and social reforms<br />

and how successful, <strong>in</strong> this period, did these<br />

reforms prove to be<br />

Nature and extent of extra-parliamentary activity <strong>in</strong> this<br />

period as exemplified <strong>in</strong> parliamentary reform agitation,<br />

1830-32; the Factory reform movement; anti-poor law<br />

activity; Chartism; the Anti-Corn Law League.<br />

Nature and pace of economic and social change <strong>in</strong> this<br />

period as exemplified <strong>in</strong> unrest <strong>in</strong> rural society; urban<br />

development and condition of towns; population<br />

growth; and the railways, 1830-51. The Great<br />

Exhibition as a symbol of Brita<strong>in</strong>—s <strong>in</strong>dustrial preem<strong>in</strong>ence.<br />

Nature and extent of responses of government,<br />

parliament and the parties to changes and challenges as<br />

exemplified <strong>in</strong> the major political and social reforms of<br />

the period.<br />


Candidates will be expected to show sufficient knowledge of the syllabus to enable them to demonstrate those<br />

aspects of historical understand<strong>in</strong>g and the skills of <strong>in</strong>vestigation and communication which are listed below.<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

(c)<br />

Understand<strong>in</strong>g<br />

(i) the factors affect<strong>in</strong>g change and cont<strong>in</strong>uity <strong>in</strong> the past;<br />

(ii) that the process of historical change cannot be understood entirely with<strong>in</strong> a narrow political<br />

framework but needs also to be understood <strong>in</strong> cultural, economic, social, religious, constitutional and<br />

technological terms;<br />

(iii) that history is concerned with judgement, argument and debate based on available evidence;<br />

conclusions are provisional; and there are different <strong>in</strong>terpretations of historical events;<br />

(iv) the concepts and terms appropriate to and aris<strong>in</strong>g from the history studied, as used <strong>in</strong> past societies<br />

and by historians, recognis<strong>in</strong>g that past societies had their own dist<strong>in</strong>ctive values and assumptions and<br />

cannot be entirely understood <strong>in</strong> terms of present-day values and assumptions.<br />

Investigation<br />

(v) the abstraction of <strong>in</strong>formation from and appraisal of historical sources <strong>in</strong> order to def<strong>in</strong>e and analyse<br />

the problems presented by an historical issues;<br />

(vi) undertak<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>dependent <strong>in</strong>vestigation and enquiry.<br />

Communication<br />

(vii) draw<strong>in</strong>g together the components elements of a topic or argument <strong>in</strong> order to present a coherent and<br />

susta<strong>in</strong>ed case.<br />

gshs598/10ssmigration.wpd<br />

24 August 2001 (9:33pm)<br />

<strong>Irish</strong> migration, page 73

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