Bangladesh Social Enterprise Project - Bangladesh Enterprise Institute

Bangladesh Social Enterprise Project - Bangladesh Enterprise Institute Bangladesh Social Enterprise Project - Bangladesh Enterprise Institute


with concessional tax treatment, be able to unfairly compete with conventional businesses, and we believe that this is a reasonable concern. As identified earlier, conventional businesses play a key role in value creation and economic development and should not be crowded out by social enterprise, which should play a quite distinct role rather than competing directly for markets, resources and Government support. We also believe that the lack of consensus on a definition of social enterprise in Bangladesh (and elsewhere) means that much time could be wasted, by entrepreneurs and Government alike, in trying to enshrine a definition in law, lobbying, and skewing business structures to qualify for particular benefits. 3. We recommend that the Government does not consider any changes in current company law to provide separate and distinct provisions for business organisations, whether for‐profit or not‐for‐profit, which may be deemed informally or formally as social enterprises. 4. Instead, we recommend that the Government, in concert with civil society and the private sector, and teamed with a suitable not‐for‐profit organisation, support the creation of a “brand” or “label” that, through meeting various criteria, may allow entities to be badged by an independent source (perhaps the centre for excellence) as a recognised social enterprise. 5. We recommend that Government plays a role in encouraging large Bangladeshi companies and multinationals to engage more with local small and medium enterprises, primarily through a “light‐touch” approach of setting expectations that large companies will contribute to economic development and playing a convening role to overcome the information gap faced by SMEs. This might be best achieved through an annual dialogue and “reporting back” process led by Government and the various business chambers. BSEP: Policy Brief Page 12

ANNEXURE BSEP: Policy Brief Page 13


BSEP: Policy Brief<br />

Page 13

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