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II.<br />




F'rom tho School of Tropical Medicine of the University of Po rt o Rico und er<br />

th e auspices of Columbia Unlv eraity,<br />

Last year the authors (1) published data on the chemical COIlstituents<br />

of th e blood in leprosy. Determinations were made on nonprotein<br />

nitrogen, urea nitrogen, uric acid, creatinine and sugar.<br />

Proceeding further in our studies we have made determinations on<br />

serum calcium , cholesterol, chlorides, phosphorus, and icteric index.<br />


Determinations of serum calcium in leprosy have been made previously<br />

by other authors. Cruz, Lara and Paras f") , working in the<br />

Philippine Islands, found normal valu es in patients suffering fro m<br />

leprosy, Typ e, duration, stage of lesions and antileprosy tr eatm ent<br />

did not affect the serum calcium values of th eir cases. They thought,<br />

however, that the serum calcium values were lowered in lepra fever.<br />

Und erhill, Honij and Bogert(3) found that th ere is a definite<br />

retention of calcium in leprosy. The more advanced the disease the<br />

. greater the r etention, conclude the authors. Moreover. they are of<br />

th e opinion that this behavior in part of the leprous individual may<br />

be taken as an indication that th e organism is in need of calcium.<br />

The result of this investigation suggests, the au thors concluded, that<br />

in leprosy, administration of calcium may be of benefit as an additional<br />

therapeut ic measure to r etard or arrest the progress of the<br />

hone changes characteristic of the disease.<br />

Lemann, Liles and -Iohansen (~) , studying fifty -four cases in the<br />

National Leprosarium, r eached th e conclusion, that blood-serum calcium<br />

in lepers is normal ; that there is no relation between the calcium<br />

content of the blood and bone absorption in leprosy. That the cal~<br />

-cium content of blood in lepers is not affected by lepra fever nor by<br />

the administration of chaulmoogra oil.<br />

Boulay an d Lager-C") after studying three cases report a marked<br />

retention of calcium in the less-advanced cases and a notable loss of<br />

calcium in those far-advanced.<br />

Conception and Saleedo t") studying the same problem conclude<br />



in their work that serum calcium is within normal limits in leprosy,<br />

that it is not affected by ty pe, duration or treatment of the disease,<br />

but it is 'slightly increased in recovered cases.<br />

The writers believe that the difference of opinions between th e<br />

investigators cited is of interest and leaves the subjec t open to further<br />

study.<br />

Gomez, Leitas, Pereira and Wancollecr) studying the cholesterol<br />

content of the blood in leprosy found a reduction proportional to<br />

the gravity of the case and a further decrease in febrile reerudescense :<br />

they observed further that chaulmoogra-oil treatment increased<br />

cholesterol and that patients with high cholesterol rarely developed<br />

severe forms of leprosy.<br />

Boyd and Roy (8), working in India, found that cholesterol was<br />

reduced in the early st ages of the disease and that in advanced cases<br />

ciphers were still lower. They observed further that in advancedtreated<br />

cases cholesterol does not return to normal.<br />

'We have found only OD e study in the literature where the chloride<br />

eontent of lepers' blood was 'studied. This was mad e by P aras f")<br />

who found them normal.<br />

In the literature available we have been unable to obtain data<br />

as to the phosphorus content and icteric index in leprosy.<br />

METHODS.<br />

The det erminations were done on blood serums only. <strong>Blood</strong><br />

samples were conveniently collected and allowed to coagulate at room<br />

temperature. The blood clot was removed bv centrifu gation and<br />

pipetting th e clear supernatant blood serum.<br />

In determining serum calcium , Clark and Collips f!") modification<br />

of the Kramer method WBS used. For cholesterol determinations,<br />

Sackett's(ll) modification of Bloor's method. The chlori des were determined<br />

by the Van Slyke method as modified by Wilson and<br />

Ball. (1%)<br />

For phosphorus Brigg's modification of tb e Bell and Doisv<br />

method was used and the Icteric Index was determined by the<br />

Jfeul engoraeht method.<br />

Pindings are correlated with abnormalities in th e nrines, type of<br />

leprosy, and extent and duration of the disease. Diet and drug<br />

therapy are also taken into consideration.<br />

As controls, a group of apparently normal persons is studied. A<br />

~peon d group was selected among non-lepers with nephritis.<br />

The data is presented in thirteen tables . In tables I to III lepers


are classified as to ty pe of the disease. I n tabl es IV to VI they are<br />

classified as to th e extent of their lesions. Tables VII and Vln<br />

show findings in lepers treated with mer eurochrome or ethyl ester of<br />

chau lmoogra oil. Tables IX and X include leper: with normal urines<br />

and lepers with nephritis. Table XI show's findings in non-lepers<br />

with nephritis. Table XII shows finding in apparently normal p eople<br />

and in table XIII th e group aver ages are summarized,<br />

If we compare tables I , II. and III representing types of leprosy<br />

we see that th ere are wide individual variations. If "'e compare<br />

group aver ages of th e same tables, cholesterol seems to be slightly<br />

ligher in the mixed and neural groups, while the icteric index seems<br />

to be higher in the nodular and mixed groups . th e group averages<br />

of th e oth er ingredients stu died remaine about th e same.<br />

I n table, IV, V and VI in which classification of cases is made<br />

on the basis of the degree of leprous envolvernent we again noti ce wide<br />

individual variations. If we compare th e group avera ges of th ese<br />

thr ee tables we find that the cholesterol ciphers are higher in the<br />

g-roup of cases with slight lesions and lower in the advanced and<br />

moderate cases. Ciph ers for chlorides, serum calcium and phosphorus<br />

ar e about the same in all the th ree groups.<br />

.Comparing th e group averages of those t reated with mercurochome<br />

and those treate d with th e ethyl esters we find that cholesterol<br />

is s l i g'h tl ~· higher in the cases that arc treated with Chaulmoogra oil.<br />

F igures for serum calcium chlorides, and phosphorus are about the<br />

same in both groups.<br />

Compar ing tables IX, X. and XI which show findings in lepers<br />

with normal urines, lepers with nepln-it u and non-lepers apparently<br />

normal, we oh erve about the same figures for serum calcium and<br />

phosphorus. 1'11t' chloride RI'e increased in the group of lepers with<br />

nephritis while th ey remain about normal in th e group of I pel'S with<br />

normal urines and non-Iepei- ap pnrent lv normal. In spite of th e<br />

fact th at some of the lepers have kidn ey impairment. cholesterol is<br />

diminished in th e group of lepers as compared to th e group of<br />

normal cases. Table XTI, which shows the findin g of non-lepers with<br />

nephritis, also shows that figur es fOl' chlorides, cholesterol and phosphorus<br />

art' increased and seru m calcium remain s about normal. If<br />

th ese figures are compared with table X, that. is, lepers with nephritis,<br />

n wide difference may be not iced in th e choler terol ciphers, indicating<br />

that cholesterol is much lowered in th e group of lepers wit h nephr itis<br />

than in th e gronp of non-lepers with nephritis. in spite of th e fact<br />

th at chlorides and phosphoru s values are increased in both groups<br />

of cases.


SlJ1lD[A~.<br />

'I'hs results of chemical 'studies of the blood of fifty lepers with<br />

regard to chlorides, cholesterol, serum calcium, phosphorus, Icteric<br />

Index is reported.<br />

Lepers are classified as to type, extent of the disease, treatment<br />

of the disease and urinary findings.<br />

Two control groups, one of apparently normal persons with normal<br />

urines and one of non-lepers with nephritis are also studied.<br />

The results arc tabulated separately and II table of group average<br />

is also published.<br />


1. Leprosy in itself all'ects very little, if at all, the concentration<br />

of serum calcium, blood chlorides or phosphorus, regardless of the<br />

type extent, or duration of the disease.<br />

2. If a definite increase of these ingredients is found in leprosy<br />

it is usually due to some other concurrent condition.<br />

3. Cholesterol was found to be slightly reduced in lepers when<br />

compared with normal groups. Usually the group of cases treated<br />

with the ethyl esters of chaulmoogra oil had slightly higher cholesterol<br />

values than the untreated cases or those treated by other methods.<br />


1. Morales-Otero and Hernandez. (1928) Porto Rico Review of<br />

Public Health & Trop. Med. 3: 507.<br />

2. Cruz. Lara and Paras. (1928) Jour. Philippine Island Med.<br />

Assoc., 8: 216.<br />

3. Underhill, Honeij and Bogert. (1920) Jour. Exper. Med., 32: 41.<br />

4. Lemann, Liles, Johansen. (1927) Am. Jour. Trop. Med. 7: 61.<br />

5. Boulay and Leger. (1922) Bul, Soc. Path. exot., Paris, 15: 86)').<br />

6. Concepcion and Salcedo. (1926) Jour. Philippine Island Med.<br />

Assoe., 9: 151.<br />

7. G6mez, Leitao, Pereira, Wancolle. (1927) Rev. Biol. e Hyg., Sao<br />

Paulo, 1: 39.<br />

8. Boyd and Roy. (1927-28) Indian Jonr. Med. Research, 115: 643.<br />

9. Paras. (1926) Philippine -Iour, Sc., 30: 219.<br />

10. Clark and CoUip. (1925) Jour. BioI. Chem., 63: 461.<br />

11. Sackett. (1925) Jour. BioI. Chern. 64: 203.<br />

.12. Wilson and Ball. (1928) Jour. Biol, Ohem., 79: 221.<br />

13. Brigg'S. (1922) Jour. Biol. Ohem., 53: 13.<br />

14. Meulengrackt. (1926) Deutsche Arch. f. Klin. Moo., 132: 285.


447<br />

TABLE No. I<br />


I<br />

.!i e "2 rJ<br />

I;<br />

! ~ " 21<br />

~ -§" .c<br />

c, u ::I ri ne<br />

i'lJ.itlal s<br />

" if '" 5 ] I:l "<br />

- '0<br />

0 ::l ";<br />

" ]<br />

~ ,!l, "" tl :a .c l;J " E.:l<br />

w -< 0 ;;" A c I'< ~ Alb . Casts<br />

~<br />

'"<br />

H. M .. .. .. F 42 Neural Adv.. . IS 4\/S.9 105.2 8 .0 5.0 4. 2 N egat i" e Negative<br />

C.R. .. . .. . F 41 Neural Bligh t . 19 68.~ . 0 135.0 12.0 3.1 6.8 P ositive P ositive<br />

R. C .. .. . .. M III Neural Mod . . 7 004.5 HI .3 8.4 2.9 6.1 Posit tve . P ositive<br />

E . M . .. . .. M 21 N eu ral Mo d .. 7 469. 1 211. 1 9.7 4 .8 3 .2 Ne gntl " e :-IegaUv e<br />

P . E . .. .. .. M 35 Ne ural SlIgb t. 9 525.8 100.6 10. 1 3.9 3.9 Negative Negatlve<br />

C. M ... .. .. F 50 Neural Slight . I M9.9 142.9 8. 2 3.3 2.1 P osit ive . P ositive<br />

E . L . . .. .. . F 44 N eural Ad'·.. . 24 514.8 19\. 9 10.6 2.9 2.11 Negat ive Negativ8<br />

E.S.. . .. . .. M 52 Neural Adv . . . a ~03 . 1 111.4 11,3 2.5 1.8 P ositi ve . Poslt.ive<br />

L. V..... .. F 50 Ne ura l All\'" . ~O 506.0 118.2 10. 1 2.1 2.9 Negative Negatlv<br />

A ,·& ags .. .... .... ........ .... .... .... . 517.3 IW .4 9 .8 3.3 3.7<br />

I\Ig. per 100 ce, 01hlood.<br />

TABLE No . II<br />


::l<br />

.. '0 '" ..<br />

"§<br />

~ 8<br />

]<br />

" .. Ur ine<br />

"",<br />

Initial,<br />

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e OJ] -­<br />

,!l, "" " ~ '" 1:1 :a t;:::~ ..c<br />

w<br />

---- - '"<br />

-< A c 0 25 I'< Alh. Casts<br />

'" --- '" - - -­ '" - - - - - ---<br />

L .B . . .. . . . F 27 M ixed Ad v .. . 11 526.5 158.5 9.3 4.5 3.4 Posit ive . P oslth'e<br />

L . B.. .. ... . F 23 M ixed M od . . II 667. 4 115.8 9.5 3.5 4 .7 P ositive. P ositive<br />

J . T .. .... .. F 27 Mil ell Mod . . II 571.6 161.6 10.:1 3.8 5 .9 Postt ive. Pos it ive<br />

.,. S.. .. . .. F 35 ~1i18 d Adv.. . 29 ,1)15 . 1 150.0 8.9 4.9 .1.i P ositi ve. P ositive<br />

F. R .. ... .. :-'1 25 Mixed Blight. 7 4Y8. 8 IU.'. ~ 9. 1 2.9 3.9 Negat ive Negati ve<br />

J .O.... .. .. F 55 Mixed Mod .. 4 1i79 .7 llil .4 9 .6 3.7 6.8 P oslt ive . Postt lve<br />

M. lt .. . . . . p U M ixed Ad v,. . 16 505.4 209 .4 9.2 2.8 2.5 P o.il tl vc. P osltlve<br />

....'·emgo. . .... .... ........ .. .. .. . ...... 543.5 163.5 9.4 s .7 4.5<br />

Mg . per 100 ce, 01 blood.<br />

'I'ABLE No. III<br />


'" 1::<br />

~<br />

~ ] a<br />

::l<br />

~ .c " Urine<br />

DO><br />



T ABLE xo. IV<br />


., '2<br />

r:l<br />

,5 " -0 :3" ~ .. Tr ine<br />

,, 0<br />

:::l<br />

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Erti ~<br />

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----- " -.-. :5 ~ 0 0 E; ~ Alb. Casts<br />

'" - - - '" --- - -- tn<br />

- - - - ----<br />

C . B . . . . . . . F 10 ~o J. Slight . 1 502.5 1 .7 7.6 4.5 7.9 Nega tive Negative<br />

R . ;\1. .. . .. }' 41 ~ od .. : Slight . S 458.4 112.9 9.1 2.1 Nega t l...e Tegat h' e<br />

r.. R F 41 • eura l Sllg h t . 19 585.0 t35 .0 12.0 3.1 ~ : ~ Posit l...e . P osi tive<br />

c.n.::::.. I' 39 • TO


TABL E No. VII<br />


'" ~ e 2'"<br />

0<br />

~ .s= 'C'" ::l .; ... Crine<br />

't: i c.."<br />

.. .. a .. 0<br />

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~ A C o<br />

- G ~<br />

- - -- .... Al b. C"sl.:;<br />

"" '" '" " - ----- -<br />

In it ials .. ;;; -"'='<br />

J,. S. . .. . . . . F 23 Mixed Mod .. 9 607.4 115 .8 9.5 3. 5 4.7 P oslt lve. P ositi ve<br />

E. I\I . .. . .. . M 21 Neural :\1od . . 7 469. 1 111.1 9.7 4.8 3.2 Nellath'e X egat lve<br />

A. S.... .. .. F 35 Mixed Adv... 29 I ~ O 8 .9 4.9 .\.i Po sitive. Posittve<br />

P.E... .. .. . M 35 Neural SlighI. 9 m:J 166 .6 10 .1 3.9 3.9 Ne~ ati\"e Negative<br />

F. R . .. .. .. :\1 17 Nod.. . :\[od .. 8 573.3 124.6 10.6 3 .6 8 .1 Posltlve. Positive<br />

A verage.. ... . .... ........ ........ ..... . 538.1 133 .6 9 .7 4 . 1 4.9<br />

Mg. per 100 cc, 01 b lood .<br />

l u lUllls ...<br />

'"<br />

T A BL E No. Yill<br />


. ~<br />

C::I<br />

~ ~ ..<br />

< is -<br />

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§ ~<br />

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Urine<br />

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2i! .-0<br />

I ---~---<br />

Jj<br />

Alb. Cl\.m<br />

-­e<br />

E3<br />

­ -­- - -­-<br />

C. B .. F 10 Nod SlIgb t . 1 ~2 .5 198.7 7.6 4.5 7.9 Negative Negath'e<br />

0 .1\1. .. F so Nod Adv.. ; 12 525.9 142.5 10.7 2.9 3.1 P ositive. Positive<br />

J . R .. F 30 Nod :\1od .. 6 549.9 132.4 9 .4 2.R 2.3 P ositi ve . Postt fve<br />

L. B .. F 2. Mixed Adv.. ; 14 .';26.5 158.5 9 .3 4. 5 3.4 PosItive. Posltlve<br />

C.R<br />

C.R<br />

J . La T<br />

L. R<br />

F. R<br />

E . B<br />

F. C<br />

E . ~I..<br />

A.S<br />

D. O<br />

P. V<br />

C.:\L<br />

L .l.<br />

F. R<br />

J.O<br />

J. C<br />

G. D<br />

S. R<br />

M . R<br />

..<br />

.<br />

. .<br />

..<br />

..<br />

F<br />

F<br />

F<br />

M<br />

M<br />

xr<br />

41<br />

39<br />

27<br />

22<br />

Ii<br />

18<br />

62<br />

M<br />

. M 21<br />

.. F 35<br />

.. M 60<br />

.. M 13<br />

. F 50<br />

.. M 45<br />

. M 25<br />

. F 55<br />

.. M 18<br />

.. M ao<br />

.. ),1 23<br />

.. F 41<br />

Neural<br />

Nod.. .<br />

Mixed<br />

Nod<br />

Nod<br />

Nod<br />

N od<br />

N eural<br />

Mixed<br />

Nod. ..<br />

Nod. ..<br />

,'eu ra l<br />

Nod...<br />

Mixed<br />

M ixed<br />

Nod. ..<br />

Nod<br />

Nod<br />

M ixed<br />

~Ill . per 100 ec, of blood.<br />

Sli ght.<br />

SlIgbt.<br />

:\lod..<br />

Adv. . ;<br />



TABLE No, X<br />


:g<br />

.l!l 2 e 8<br />

is .s" 3 ::I i!J<br />

,,0><br />

Urine<br />

c .. ṣ. l!l 8 'u<br />

.t:l<br />

- '0<br />

"<br />

0> ~ 0<br />

"0 ::lc 0<br />

I nitials .. .,; ~ '" :a .1<br />

In ltiRI. '" .~ .;j !f;;; c.<br />

0<br />

:a .a ~5 ]]<br />

.t:l<br />

-_.__. 0 0 ell Po< ...<br />

"<br />

R. O. R.. . .. 407.5 180.0 8.4 2.1 3.1<br />

L . R. No.. .. 4118 .0 IllO.0 8.8 2.9 4.5<br />

A.deL.. ... 4llO.2 123.0 10.0 2.5 4.2<br />

M . T.A .. .. 510.0 1114 .0 8 .4 2.1 5.1<br />

P.C.M. 50ll.4 119.9 9 .8 3.3 4 .8<br />

M.O.O .. : : 487.9 128.0 8 .9 2 .9 4.9<br />

J. M . J,.. . .. 427.1 1112 .0 8 .4 2.8 4 .4<br />

J . fl. '1'.. .. .. 444.6 135.9 9 .1 3 .4 4 .9<br />

R.V.M. .. . 4~9.2 117 4 9 .2 2.1 4.1<br />

J.A. A .. . .. 468.8 129.4 8 .1\ 3.5 4 .1<br />

L. V.A... .. «4.0 115.0 9.6 2.1 a.s<br />

P. J . 8 .. .... 458.9 125.3 9.2 3.1 2.9<br />

L. C. D ..... ~211 . 5 125.6 8.4 2.3 2.1<br />

F.R.D.. .. 497.3 171.5 9.7 2.7 4.1<br />

R. F .. .. .... 540.4 129.4 9.2 2.9 5.7<br />

D. M. O, .. . 538.2 198. 4 8.9 2.6 4.6<br />

J. M. L.. .. 536.5 102. 9 8.8 2.3 4.2<br />

E.W L .. 542.9 129. 4 9.1 2.9 3.2<br />

E.L. 5014 .1 214. 2 9.8 2.2 6.1<br />

J.M.. ::::: : 49CU 122.9 8.4 2.5 6.8<br />

M .L. M ... 468.4 1~2.3 9 .1 2.1 8.6<br />

E . MeR .. .. 525.9 142.8 9.1 2.7 6.3<br />

C. P . 4n.2 111.1 8.7 2.8 6.2<br />

A. H .. :: : :: : 473.e 106.5 8.7 2.1 3.2<br />

1. P... . .. . .. 443.9 142.3 9.5 2.8 3.1<br />

.4.ver.llle.. 484.7 148.2 9.0 2.6 4.4


TABLE No. XII<br />

OaleB of nephr1ttB or nephrOlI1I<br />

'0<br />

al g e<br />

'Q ..<br />

Q,<br />

-., 'Q "'<br />

~ ".. II<br />

:a ..a :;S" .c ~.9 .,<br />

0 0 ell p.., ...<br />

InlUa ls ~ El "Q ""<br />

-----'- ----------­<br />

F. B . . . . . . . . 59S.4 272.3 7. 1 7.1 5.4<br />

II. F.. . .. ... &78.9 260 .4 7.6 6 .3 4.8<br />

D.O. D . . .. 615.4 m.9 8 .5 7.2 5.Y<br />

1.1. S .. ... . . . 601.0 278 .3 8 .1 6.4 4.2<br />

A. I. .. .. .... 568 3 254.3 7.Y 5.4 ' .3<br />

c. J......... 638 .3 22;;.8 R.9 3.1 a.a<br />

c. 7. ..... ... ~ .O 26~ .3 8.3 4.6 3.8<br />

A. M .. .. .. . 575.7 209.0 9.2 3.2 4.1<br />

P.II. .... ... 60«. 4 241.3 s.a 4 5 s.IS<br />

C. R . .. . . . . 552.8 221 9 R.6 4.7 5.1<br />

AVfrage.. . 681. 7 252.1 8.2 5.2 4 . .5<br />

Mi. per 100ce. of blood.<br />

TABLE No. xrn<br />


Ch lor- Ch olll'l- Serum Pb o;l· Icteric<br />

Gro ups Ide' terol cslctnm phorus I ndex<br />

- - - -<br />

~ pare ntly N orm al P e....ons ... ...... .. . .. ..... ... 486.7 14 ~ 2 9 .0 2.6 4.4<br />

on lepe rs nephr it is or nephrosis ... ... . .. :....... 681.7 252.1 8 .2 6.2 4.6<br />

Group of Neural Cas es.... . . . . .. . ....... ...... . .. . 517.3 150.4 9 .8 3 .3 3.7<br />

Group 01 M ixed Cases ... . . .. . .. .. .. .. . ..... .. . .. . 543.5 163.5 \/.4 3.7 4. 5<br />

Uroup 01Nodular C9.Ses . . .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . 542.1 131U 9.4 3.5 4.3<br />

Gr oup 01 C.Se3 with Blight Lesions . .. ..•.•.... . . ~. 6 151. 9 II 3 3 .6 4.6<br />

Group 01 Case. with Moderate Lesions . ...... .. .. 556.0 133.9 9.3 3.6 4.4<br />

OrOUI' 01 Ceses wit h Advanced Leslons. . . ...... . . 523. 1 140.1 9.8 3.3 3.7<br />

Group 01Cases T re'\l"d wit h mercur echrome . ... . 538.1 133 .1.' 9.7 4. t 4 .9<br />

Group 01 Cas e~ Treated wi th Ethyl E sters. ..... . . MI. O 145.8 9.6 3 .5 4.2<br />

O roup 01 Oases with Normal Urlnes . .. . .... .. . .. . 489.7 147.7 9.2 3.4 4.1<br />

O roup of Onses with Nephritis.. .. . . .... . .. . .. . . . . 555.8 139.6 9 .6 2.8 2.6<br />

Mg . per 100ce. of blood .

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