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Australia High grade copper results from Sandy Creek ASSAY results from a reverse circulation drill program at Breakaway Resources’ Sandy Creek Copper-Gold Project in northwest Queensland reveal high grade copper mineralization over 600 metres strike length. Results from 12 of 16 holes confirm the internal continuity of the shearhosted mineralization and indicate potential for extensions along strike and down-dip. Highlights from the drill holes include 1 metre from 65 metres @ 6.23% copper, 0.52 grams/tonne gold and 23 grams/tonne silver, and 2 metres from 37 metres @ 2.08% copper, 5.23 grams/tonne gold and 8.3 grams/tonne silver. The company says these high grade results were supported by broader intersections including 45 metres from 36 metres @ 0.66% copper, 0.14 grams/tonne gold and 2.7 grams/tonne silver. The project is in the world-class Cloncurry mineral district within the Eloise exploration area, and is about 20km west of FMR Investments’ Eloise copper mine and about 100km south of Xstrata’s Ernest Henry copper mine. Breakaway Resources’ managing director David Hutton says the proximity to these projects is positive for Sandy Creek, with potential to make use of the existing infrastructure. “We’re right up hard against existing infrastructure, so obviously it works in our favour regarding the potential economics of anything we might find. Like any mine site, Eloise has mining and milling infrastructure, it has accommodation, it has power, and so potentially we could transport the ore to that mine, that milling facility.” David Hutton has not ruled out joining forces with Breakaway’s second largest investor FMR Investments to continue exploration and development of Sandy Creek. “There are no immediate plans to enter into a partnership, I think FMR is certainly aware of what we’re doing, I think we’re very much on their radar, they’re watching what’s going on and I think they’re seeking to strengthen that relationship because it will just give people options down the track.” Surface mapping and rock chip sampling have identified semi-continuous sub-crops of secondary copper mineralization to the north of Sandy Creek. The company says surface mineralization that stretches for more than 125km strike length is yet to be drill tested. A share placement was recently completed to raise $1.1 million and increase the company’s cash reserves to $3.3 million which will go into exploration at Sandy Creek. David Hutton says the proceeds will reinforce Breakaway’s focus on exploration of Eloise, including follow up reverse circulation diamond drilling and developing the priority drill targets for 2012. “Previously we had focused a little on the exploration perhaps, but also heavily on a suite of nickel assets in Western Australia, so we made a strategic decision in the first half of 2011 to change the focus of the company. Osborne production to begin in March PRODUCTION at Ivanhoe Australia’s Osborne Copper-Gold Project in the Cloncurry tenement in northwest Queensland is expected to begin in March 2012. A preliminary economic assessment confirms that Ivanhoe is on track to mark a major milestone in its evolution from explorer to producer. Ivanhoe Australia’s Osborne Copper-Gold Project in northwest Queensland. “A great deal has been accomplished since we purchased Osborne from Barrick Australia one year ago. A principal focus for Ivanhoe now is to achieve producer status through the re-launch of Osborne,” says the company’s managing director Peter Reeve. Osborne is about 50km from Mount Dore and includes mining and processing facilities from a recently operating copper and gold mine. It is currently under care and maintenance. During 2011 Ivanhoe implemented a $30 million capital development program for the Osborne and Kulthor underground resources. The measured and indicated mineral resources total 13.1 million tonnes @ 1.4% copper and 0.9 grams/tonne gold while inferred mineral resources total 7.9 million tonnes @ 1.3% copper and 1.0 grams/tonne gold. Ivanhoe is targeting a mine life of up to 20 years, with a number of prospects identified as potential ore sources across the company’s tenements. Ore supply for the initial four year mine plan is to be sourced from the Osborne, Starra 276 and Kulthor underground mines. The company also plans to start processing molybdenum/rhenium ore from its Merlin deposit at the Osborne processing facility. Ore will be treated at the existing processing facility with annually capacity of 2 million tonne. Ivanhoe expects to annually produce 21,000 tonnes of copper and 34,000 ounces of gold. The company has also started an underground drilling program in a bid to extend the Osborne and Kulthor resources. Drill holes will test for significant extensions of the Osborne Deeps mineralization immediately north of the planned mining area and existing decline, where recent interpretations allow for a steep body of mineralization to exist and where no previous drilling has been undertaken. At Kulthor, the underground drilling program will define stoping blocks within the known resource. A surface drilling program to test the southwest strike and down-plunge extension of the Kulthor mineralization at depth and outside the known resource began in late 2011. Exploration is focused on a number of highly prospective target areas, with the goal of extending the mine plan of the Osborne project beyond the initial four years detailed in the copper-gold study. The initial target is to identify additional ore sources around the existing complex. The concentrator at the mill of Ivanhoe Australia’s Osborne project. 24 | ASIA Miner | January/February 2012

SANDFIRE Resources has reached a milestone in development of the DeGrussa Copper-Gold Project in Western Australia, completing the first drawdown of cash from the $390 million project fund. The company has drawn $190 million with the majority to be spent on project development and construction costs in the first quarter of 2012. Sandfire’s managing director Karl Simich says he’s excited by the milestone: “The De- Grussa site is a hive of activity, with more than 475 people on site and the overall project now more than 40% complete. The satisfaction of conditions precedent for the main project financing facility enables us to repay the initial mine development facility and ensures that funding is in place for the balance of the construction phase.” Sandfire is undertaking concurrent development of an open pit and a longer term underground mine at DeGrussa. The stage 1 open pit is on schedule, with more than 3.5 million bank cubic metres of material mined, while the Evans Decline has progressed beyond 700 metres from the portal. Construction of the 1.5 million tonne De- Grussa Concentrator began towards the end of the September quarter, marking the beginning of the most significant construction phase for the project. Sandfire remains on target to achieve its MINOTAUR Exploration has been granted $62,500 by the South Australian Government to undertake a three dimensional magnetotelluric (MT) survey at its Aphrodite iron oxide and copper-gold (IOCG) target within the state’s Gawler Craton. The use of 3D MT is not yet routinely applied to exploring these types of targets but Minotaur is hopeful the new geophysical technology will help confirm positive results. Aphrodite is about 30km southeast of Olympic Dam. The region is known for its iron oxide and copper gold mineralization with significant prospects nearby at Acropolis, Wirrda Well and Emmie Bluff. Despite this, the discovery rate for IOCG deposits is low because of very thick sedimentary cover. Minotaur’s last drill hole at the site in 2010 did not resolve the target which was identified DeGrussa development is well on track Australia key project milestones of first direct shipping ore (DSO) from the open pit in quarter 1 of 2012, first underground ore on the ROM stockpile in the first half of 2012 and first ore in the SAG mill in quarter 3 of 2012. The DeGrussa project is 900km north of Perth and it is within the Doolgunna tenement package, which includes six exploration licences and covers 400sqkm within an emerging copper-gold mineralized belt. The project area lies close to a number of existing and historic gold mines and infrastructure. In April 2009, Sandfire discovered the highgrade DeGrussa VMS (volcanogenic massive sulphide) copper-gold deposit in the northeastern part of the Doolgunna tenements. Since then, the company has completed more than 100,000 metres of diamond drilling resulting in the discovery and delineation of the DeGrussa deposit. The JORC-compliant estimate includes an indicated and inferred resource of 10.67 million tonnes @ 5.6% copper, 1.9 grams/ tonne gold and 15 grams/tonne silver containing 600,000 tonnes of copper, 660,000 ounces of gold and 5.1 million ounces of silver. Preliminary open pit optimizations and design have resulted in identification of a component of direct shipping material as part of the mineral resource. Development of the stage 1 open pit at Sandfire Resources’ DeGrussa Copper-Gold Project in Western Australia. Government funds for Aphrodite 3D MT survey in 2008 after hematite-chalcopyrite and calcite-dolomite-bornite veins were intersected. The company says the $167,000 3D MT survey around previous drill holes will map the deep bedrock conductance and test how effective this method is for exploration of concealed IOCG-style mineralization. Magnetotelluric surveys use a passive surface geophysical technique which determines electrical conductance of the sub-surface to great depth. An initial MT survey line across the Aphrodite target has indicated good bedrock response and resolution. Minotaur has also announced its maiden JORC inferred resource at its Muster Dam magnetite deposit in South Australia. Independent consultants for the project have estimated it contains 1.5 billion tonnes at a Davis Tube Recovery (DTR) rate of 15.2% magnetite. The joint venture is about 100km southwest of Broken Hill near the South Australia and New South Wales border Minotaur’s exploration director Tony Belperio says the issue of a JORC resource is a major milestone for the project. “It confirms the Muster Dam deposit has the scale and grade to produce the required throughput of a high quality magnetite concentrate. In particular, the extremely low level of deleterious elements measured in the concentrate suggests that the product will be attractive to blast furnace consumers.” The resource estimate is based on results 3000 DTR analyses from 59 diamond core and reverse circulation drill holes. Metallurgical test work on diamond drill samples continues for a project scoping study, with completion due in the first quarter of 2012. January/February 2012 | ASIA Miner | 25

SANDFIRE Resources has reached a milestone<br />

in development of the DeGrussa Copper-Gold<br />

Project in Western Australia,<br />

completing the first drawdown of cash from<br />

the $390 million project fund. <strong>The</strong> company<br />

has drawn $190 million with the majority to<br />

be spent on project development and construction<br />

costs in the first quarter of 2012.<br />

Sandfire’s managing director Karl Simich<br />

says he’s excited by the milestone: “<strong>The</strong> De-<br />

Grussa site is a hive of activity, with more than<br />

475 people on site and the overall project<br />

now more than 40% complete. <strong>The</strong> satisfaction<br />

of conditions precedent for the main project<br />

financing facility enables us to repay the<br />

initial mine development facility and ensures<br />

that funding is in place for the balance of the<br />

construction phase.”<br />

Sandfire is undertaking concurrent development<br />

of an open pit and a longer term underground<br />

mine at DeGrussa. <strong>The</strong> stage 1<br />

open pit is on schedule, with more than 3.5<br />

million bank cubic metres of material mined,<br />

while the Evans Decline has progressed beyond<br />

700 metres from the portal.<br />

Construction of the 1.5 million tonne De-<br />

Grussa Concentrator began towards the end<br />

of the September quarter, marking the beginning<br />

of the most significant construction<br />

phase for the project.<br />

Sandfire remains on target to achieve its<br />

MINOTAUR Exploration has been granted<br />

$62,500 by the South Australian Government<br />

to undertake a three dimensional magnetotelluric<br />

(MT) survey at its Aphrodite iron oxide<br />

and copper-gold (IOCG) target within the<br />

state’s Gawler Craton. <strong>The</strong> use of 3D MT is<br />

not yet routinely applied to exploring these<br />

types of targets but Minotaur is hopeful the<br />

new geophysical technology will help confirm<br />

positive results.<br />

Aphrodite is about 30km southeast of<br />

Olympic Dam. <strong>The</strong> region is known for its iron<br />

oxide and copper gold mineralization with<br />

significant prospects nearby at Acropolis,<br />

Wirrda Well and Emmie Bluff. Despite this,<br />

the discovery rate for IOCG deposits is low<br />

because of very thick sedimentary cover.<br />

Minotaur’s last drill hole at the site in 2010<br />

did not resolve the target which was identified<br />

DeGrussa development is well on track<br />

Australia<br />

key project milestones of first direct shipping<br />

ore (DSO) from the open pit in quarter 1 of<br />

2012, first underground ore on the ROM<br />

stockpile in the first half of 2012 and first ore<br />

in the SAG mill in quarter 3 of 2012.<br />

<strong>The</strong> DeGrussa project is 900km north of<br />

Perth and it is within the Doolgunna tenement<br />

package, which includes six exploration licences<br />

and covers 400sqkm within an<br />

emerging copper-gold mineralized belt. <strong>The</strong><br />

project area lies close to a number of existing<br />

and historic gold mines and infrastructure.<br />

In April 2009, Sandfire discovered the highgrade<br />

DeGrussa VMS (volcanogenic massive<br />

sulphide) copper-gold deposit in the northeastern<br />

part of the Doolgunna tenements.<br />

Since then, the company has completed<br />

more than 100,000 metres of diamond<br />

drilling resulting in the discovery and delineation<br />

of the DeGrussa deposit.<br />

<strong>The</strong> JORC-compliant estimate includes an<br />

indicated and inferred resource of 10.67 million<br />

tonnes @ 5.6% copper, 1.9 grams/<br />

tonne gold and 15 grams/tonne silver containing<br />

600,000 tonnes of copper, 660,000<br />

ounces of gold and 5.1 million ounces of silver.<br />

Preliminary open pit optimizations and<br />

design have resulted in identification of a<br />

component of direct shipping material as<br />

part of the mineral resource.<br />

Development of the stage 1 open pit at Sandfire Resources’ DeGrussa Copper-Gold Project in Western Australia.<br />

Government funds for Aphrodite 3D MT survey<br />

in 2008 after hematite-chalcopyrite and calcite-dolomite-bornite<br />

veins were intersected.<br />

<strong>The</strong> company says the $167,000 3D MT survey<br />

around previous drill holes will map the<br />

deep bedrock conductance and test how effective<br />

this method is for exploration of concealed<br />

IOCG-style mineralization.<br />

Magnetotelluric surveys use a passive surface<br />

geophysical technique which determines<br />

electrical conductance of the sub-surface to<br />

great depth. An initial MT survey line across<br />

the Aphrodite target has indicated good<br />

bedrock response and resolution.<br />

Minotaur has also announced its maiden<br />

JORC inferred resource at its Muster Dam<br />

magnetite deposit in South Australia. Independent<br />

consultants for the project have estimated<br />

it contains 1.5 billion tonnes at a<br />

Davis Tube Recovery (DTR) rate of 15.2%<br />

magnetite. <strong>The</strong> joint venture is about 100km<br />

southwest of Broken Hill near the South Australia<br />

and New South Wales border<br />

Minotaur’s exploration director Tony Belperio<br />

says the issue of a JORC resource is a<br />

major milestone for the project. “It confirms<br />

the Muster Dam deposit has the scale and<br />

grade to produce the required throughput of<br />

a high quality magnetite concentrate. In particular,<br />

the extremely low level of deleterious<br />

elements measured in the concentrate suggests<br />

that the product will be attractive to<br />

blast furnace consumers.”<br />

<strong>The</strong> resource estimate is based on results<br />

3000 DTR analyses from 59 diamond core<br />

and reverse circulation drill holes. Metallurgical<br />

test work on diamond drill samples continues<br />

for a project scoping study, with<br />

completion due in the first quarter of 2012.<br />

January/February 2012 | <strong>ASIA</strong> <strong>Miner</strong> | 25

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