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<strong>WI</strong> <strong>LD</strong> R <strong>LATI\IES</strong><br />

OF<br />

<strong>CROP</strong> <strong>PLANTS</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>IN</strong>DIA

First Printed 1984<br />

All Rights Reserved<br />

© 1984, National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources<br />

This Publication is brought out to mark the Tenth Anniversary of<br />

the International Board for Plant Genetic Resources, Rome, Italy.<br />

Copies available from :<br />

Director<br />

National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources<br />

New Delhi-UO 012<br />

Published by the Director, National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi and<br />

Printed at Kapoor Art Press, A 38/3, Mayapuri Industrial Area, New Delhi-l 10 064


The International Board for Plant Genetic Resources is delighted to<br />

note this important work on the Wild Relatives of Cuitivated Plants of<br />

India, issued to coincide with the Board's lO-year anniversary.<br />

When the !BPG R started a planning exercise to assess the areas which<br />

should receive emphasis during the next decade, two such were identified:<br />

firstly, more emphasis should be given to the wild relatives of crop plants<br />

so that the now substantial holdings are made more representative of the<br />

total variability by including wider parts of the erop gcnepools; and<br />

secondly, much of the collecting in the past for crop germplasm has not<br />

adequateJy laid stress on ecogeograpbical principles and this should be<br />

Changed.<br />

This book stemmed from the inspiration of Dr. R. K. Arora, who is<br />

an acknowledged expert in his field. The IBPGR trusts that the book<br />

will be usefull to all interested in crop germplasm, especially to students<br />

of crop evolution.<br />

August, 1984<br />

J. T. <strong>WI</strong>LLIAMS<br />

Executive Secretary<br />

International Board for Plant Genetic<br />

Resources, Rome, Italy,


The wild relatives of crop plants and related species assume great<br />

significance in crop improvement and crop evolutionary studies. Though<br />

India is floristically very rich and genetic wealth of species related to crop<br />

plants occurs here, as components of primary and secondary gene pools<br />

and other distant types yet, no account of such diversity has so far been<br />

written. The primary aim of thi-s study has been to synthesize such information.<br />

This write-up provides a floristic list of species of wild relatives and<br />

related types category-wise i.e. cereals and millets, legumes, vegetable and<br />

fruit types, oilseeds, fibre types and spices and condiments, with notes on<br />

their distribution and ecology. Over 300 species are listed, of which about<br />

100 are of taxa more closely related to cultivated forms, for which information<br />

is also available on morphology, cytology and crossability studies<br />

which help in elucidating species interrelationships.<br />

Apart from the direct relationships, distribution-details provide<br />

useful information on plants growing in stress-habitats and their utility<br />

like-wise in crop improvement viz., to induce drought hardiness, cold<br />

adaptability, adaptability to particular edaphic situations, and their use as<br />

root-stocks i.e. Citrus, Prunus and Pyrus. .<br />

A brief account is also provided on the distribution of such useful<br />

flora in different vegetation types, as components of climax, biotic and<br />

bioedaphic communities, and ecologically, as associates of the tree, shrub/<br />

undergrowth vegetation, in disturbed grass-mixed habitats.<br />

In the over-all perspective, this account pinpoints to the distribution<br />

and di\'ersity of wild relatives of crop plants and their concentration<br />

in different phytogeographical zones of India. The distribution maps as<br />

given, further elucidate this. Emphasis has also been laid on rare and<br />

endemic species and their zones of diversity. This information thus, will<br />

be of great help at national level in screening of the areas of diversity,<br />

vis-a-vis preservation of such useful floristic elements of Indian vegetation.<br />

It would emphasize in situ conservation measures for such species, in<br />

their zone(s) of occurrence. The preponderance of such useful species .in<br />

biotic/bioedaphic-ecoiogically disturbed sites, particularly of the annJaI<br />

and perennial non-tree components, would demand their conservation in<br />

botanical/genetic gardens/gene sanctuaries and in seed repositories.<br />

Finally, we hope that this effort on our part, to pool in all available<br />

jnformation of the wild relatives and related species from a phytogeogra-

VI<br />

phicaljecological/crop-evolutionaryjbreeding stand-point, would be of<br />

great use to botanists, plant breeders, biosystematists, plant explorers and<br />

conse.rvationists.<br />

We express our gratitude to Dr. O. P. Gautam, Director General<br />

and Dr. M. V. Rao, Deputy Director General, ICAR, for their advice and<br />

encouragement, and to Dr. K. L. Mehra, former Director, National Bureau<br />

of Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi for his help and' suggestions. We<br />

are equally indebted to Dr. T. N. Khoshoo, Secretary, Deptt. of Environment,<br />

Govt. of India, Dr. S. K. Jain, ex-Director, Botanical Survey of India,<br />

Howrah, Dr. J. T. Williams, Executive Secretary and Dr. N. Murthi<br />

Anishetty, Asst. Executive Secretary, International Board of Plant Genetic<br />

Resources, Rome, Italy, for their interest in this work. We also wish to<br />

record our thanks to Shri G. Srivastava, for making available several of<br />

the photographs from the official collection, to our colleagues at N.B.P.G.R.<br />

headquarters and Regional Stations and to Mrs. Rita Rani, Artist, for<br />

'" preparing distribution maps.<br />

Division of Plant Exploration and Collection,<br />

National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources,<br />

New Delhi, 1984.<br />

R. K. ARORA<br />



Foreword<br />

Preface<br />

Introduction<br />

Wild relatives and related taxa-synthesis of information<br />

Wild relatives as genetic sources of economic utility-analysis<br />

of information<br />

Wild relatives and gene-pool concept·<br />

Wild relatives-their diversity and distribution ~<br />

I. Cereals and Millets<br />

II. Legumes<br />

III. Fruits<br />

IV. Vegetables,<br />

V. Oilseeds<br />

VI. Fibres<br />

VII. Spices and Condiments<br />

VIII. Miscellaneous<br />

General Considerations<br />

Tabulated Information<br />

Table I-Genera of wild relatives and related types<br />

Tab Ie 2-Genera of wild relatives according to economic<br />

plant groups<br />

Table 3-EndemicJrare species and over-exploited types<br />

Table 4-Distribution of wild relatives in different phytogeographical<br />

zones<br />

Table 5-lmportant wild relatives and related types in<br />

different phytogeographical zones<br />

Table 6-Wild relatives of crop plants and related taxagrouping<br />

according to biosystematic evidences<br />

Bibliography<br />

A. General References<br />

B. Crop-specific References<br />

iii<br />

v<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

13<br />

19<br />

29'<br />

41<br />

43<br />

46'<br />

50'<br />

54<br />

61<br />

63<br />

64<br />

65<br />

69<br />

72<br />

85<br />


<strong>IN</strong>TRODUCTION<br />

The wild relatives of crop-plants are of considerable importance in<br />

crop-improvement studies, as a source of disease and pest resistance, stress<br />

tolerance etc., in providing basic information on &pecies relationship<br />

and giving clues to crop-evolution patterns. The concentration of these<br />

wild taxa lies mainly in the centres of diversity of crop plants, though<br />

many of these exhibit interesting distribution patterns away from their<br />

seat of diversification too. The Indian sub-continent forms part of such a<br />

centre of diversity ~ Vavilov, 1950; Zeven & Zhukovsky, 1975). Further,<br />

this diversity has also been enriched due to active gene exchange with<br />

the surrounding regions (Chatterjee, 1939). A synthesis of available information<br />

on the distribution, habitat preferences/ecology, utility, diversity<br />

etc., of such plant wealth is attempted with the following objectives:<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

to provide a cechk-list of species of wild relatives and related taxa<br />

of economic plants grouped on the basis of possible utility: cereals<br />

and millets, legumes, fruit and vegetable types, oilseeds and fibre<br />

types, etc. (with notes on their distribution in different phytogeographical<br />

zones of the country and information on their maturity<br />

season, flowering/fruiting) as an aid to collectors in phmning explorations<br />

for germplasm collection;<br />

to pin-point the areas of concentration of these species so that this<br />

information proves useful to plant explorers, collecting a wide array<br />

of diversity from a particular phytogeographical zone;<br />

(c) to pin-point the rare/endemic taxa of wild useful plants;<br />

(d)<br />

(e)<br />

to give details of the species relationships from their use in breeding<br />

programmes, crossability studies or, through known distribution<br />

data, their possible utility, traits/desirable attributes like drought<br />

hardiness, cold adaptability, usefulness as root stocks, etc.;<br />

based on the available information, to pin-point areas for conserving<br />

such native flora as ecological niches, floristically rich and<br />

diverse, within the biosphere reserves or gene sanctuaries, as also<br />

the rare species both for in situ and ex situ conservation.<br />

<strong>WI</strong><strong>LD</strong> RELATIVES AND RELATED TAXA<br />

(SYNTHESIS OF <strong>IN</strong>FORMATION)<br />

The basic information on this aspect was synthesized from all the<br />

relevant literature listed under general references in bibliography. At


first, generic lists of wild taxa of agri-horticultural importance was prepared.<br />

Th en, for each genus, information was noted on index cards for<br />

distribution, ecology, habitat and other notes on utility aspects (for<br />

all species within that genus). This was further supplemented through<br />

accounts dealing with domestication, evolution and related studies on<br />

crop plants (Anon.b, 1951; Hutchinson, 1974; Ramanujam and lyer,<br />

1974) and other treatises on economic plants (Anon.a; 1976; Santapau<br />

and Henry, 1973; Watts,1892). These index cards numbering over 1200<br />

were further screened and only taxa of relatively more importance,<br />

numbering about 300 species, were retained for detailed analysis.<br />

The genera of different categories of economic plants, major<br />

families of these taxa (cereals and millets, legumes, fruit and vegetable<br />

types, fibre types, oilseeds, etc.) and the number of species for each genus,<br />

are listed in Tables 1 and 2. For each group/category, a separate account<br />

is given laying emphasis On the distribution of species in different phytogeographical<br />

zones, followed by the floristic list (check-list) of all such<br />

species, with their distribution. From the above distribution data, information<br />

was synthesised on the rare/endemic taxa of wild relatives of<br />

crop plants and the wild forms of the native domesticates (listed in<br />

Table 3).<br />

The category-wise distribution of species in the different phytographical<br />

zones listed in Tables 4 and 5, pinpointed the areas of concentratiori<br />

of various economic plants. Fruiting period for each zone was<br />

also worked out. The closely related wild taxa were delineated on the<br />

basis of evidences from morphology, cytology, crossability, utility etc., and<br />

were grouped into two classes (Table 6).<br />

<strong>WI</strong><strong>LD</strong> RELATIVES AS GENETIC SOURCES<br />


(ANALYSIS OF <strong>IN</strong>FORMATION)<br />

The wild relatives of crop plants and related species of agri-horticultural<br />

importance, by and large, occur as members of disturbed, bio-edaphic<br />

communities within the major vegetation types. Disturbed grasslands<br />

and scrub vegetation and similar open forest areas are rich in such components<br />

except for fruit trees which are Jargely associates of the semievergreen,<br />

sub-humid/humid tropical and temperate forests. Few taxa<br />

occur widely, e.g. Echinochloa, Coix, Oryza and Carthamus. The diversity<br />

of plant resources in India and its distribution in different categories of<br />

crop plants as given above is discllssed here with emphasis on taxa more<br />

related to the cultivated types.

<strong>WI</strong><strong>LD</strong> RELATIVES OF <strong>CROP</strong> <strong>PLANTS</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>IN</strong>DIA 3<br />

Detailed investigations have been carried out on few of the Indian<br />

wild types of agri-horticultural importance.<br />

Morphological and cytological evidences (Govindaswamy et. a/.,<br />

1966) help in pinpointing areas of diversity in Oryza: from Jeypore tract,<br />

intermediate types are known between Oryza nivara and spontanea types<br />

of a. sativa (Oka et. a/., 1959); spontaneous hybrids of O. perennis group<br />

with O. satira are available from the Godavari district, Andhra Pradesh<br />

(Morishima and Oka, 1960); in red-coloured rices, O. rujipogol1, with<br />

similar distribution as O. sath'a, shows spontaneous hybridization in<br />

nature (Sastry and Sharma, 1974). E/eusine indica, morphologically and<br />

cytologically, is similar to E. coracana (Krishnaswamy, 1951); the<br />

diploid form is of Indian origin and E. indica may be the immediate<br />

ancestor of it (Mehra, 1963). The closely related species of Setaria<br />

italica on the basis of crossability and morphology is S. viridis (Anon. a.,<br />

1972). In Coix lacryma-jobi, 'cultivated and wild types form a euploid<br />

series' (Kaul, 1974). Natural hybrids between Saccharum sponlaneum and<br />

S. officinarum have been reported (ParthasarathY, 195'1).<br />

In the legumes, karyomorphologically, Aty/osia sericea and A. lineata<br />

are similar to Cajanus cajan (Dcodikar and Thakur, 1956). A. scarabaeoides<br />

is related to these two species based on chromosome numbers (De, 1974).<br />

Among Vigna species with a build-up of diversity in India of wild and<br />

cultivated types (Sharma, 1979), V. radiata var. sublobata and V. mungo<br />

var. sylvestris are related morphologically and cytogenetically to cultivated<br />

taxa, V. radiata and V. mungo (Arora et. at., 1973; Jain and Mehra, 1980).<br />

Very few examples of such relationships and/or build up of variability<br />

are on record in other groups. Among fruit types, cytogenetical<br />

studies in Mangifera show that there is similarity between M. indica and<br />

M. sylvatica (Mukerjee, 1951). In Citrus, natural hybridization has been<br />

recorded (Bhattacharya and Dutta, 1951) between related forms co-occurring<br />

in the north-eastern region (Bhag Singh, 1981). Musa superba, karyomorphologically,<br />

is related to M. acuminata (Chakravorti, 1948). In<br />

temperate types, high degree of interrelationship occurs in Prullus, Pyrus and<br />

others; Pyrus pyrifolia shows much morphological variation and crosses<br />

with P. communis; closely related forms have been separated even at generic<br />

levels viz. Sorbus and Malus. (Anon.a., 1978).<br />

V Among vegetables, Abelmoschus tuberculattls on the basis of chromosome<br />

number and homology is related to A. esculentus (Arora and Singh,<br />

1973) and successful hybridization is possible (Gadwal et. al., 1968). In<br />

Solanum, crosses have been attempted between S. melongena and S. incanum<br />

(Bhaduri, 1951). S. incanum, S. indicum and S. melongena (Swaminathan,<br />

1949; Mittal, 1950) are cytogenetically less close and differences exist in


cyto-morphology (Rao and Kumar, 1980). Crossability studies in LufJa<br />

indicate , that L. graveo/ens is closely related to L. echinata on the one hand<br />

and to L. cylindrica on the other (Dutta and Roy, 1969; 1971). Amaranthus<br />

species have a high degree of outcrossing (Khoshoo and Pal, 1971) and<br />

interspecific hybridization in nature as well as in experimental conditions<br />

is commonly recorded (Khanna et. a/., 1960). Among !he tuberous types,<br />

wild forms in C%casia esculenta exhibit variation in cytology correlated<br />

with the morphology (Sharma and Das, 1956).<br />

In oilseed types, Brassica tournefortii, morphologically, on the basis of<br />

karyo-morphology and in pairing relationships (Sikka, 1940) is closer to<br />

oleiferous B. eampestris (Narain, 1974). Wild species of Sesamum, S.<br />

prostratum-and S. /aciniatum, are allied (Ramanujam,1941; Ramanujam<br />

and Joshi, 1951), the cultivated types being closer to S. prostratllm (Anon.<br />

b, 1972). S. malabaricum also shows similar relationships (Ramanujam<br />

and Joshi, 1951) and produces fertile hybrids with cultivated sesame.<br />

Experimental hybridization of Camellia irrawadiensis (Wight and Barua,<br />

1957; Bezbarua, 1971; 1974) is indicative of the potential importance and<br />

closeness of this species with Camellia sinensis.<br />

Some examples where crosses have been established between related<br />

genera are of Saccharum constituting a hybrid complex of Ripidium, Sclerostachya<br />

and Miscallthus (Rao et. al., 1979); fertile hybrids between Sclerostachya<br />

and Narenga have been recorded (Parthasarthy and Rao, 1948);<br />

similarly, Hordeum agriocrithon is related to Elymus, on basis of crossability<br />

relationships (Bor, 1960; Briggs, 1978).<br />

Some taxa, based on their distribution, are important as possible<br />

donors of drought hardiness, adaptability to cold and to certain exacting<br />

edaphic situations e.g. Oryza coaf( tata in the brackish waters of<br />

Sundarban delta; Oryza nil'ara, the annual wild rice, for resistance to<br />

rice tungro virus; Vigna mango var. sy/vestris and V. radiata var.<br />

sub/obata exhibiting tolerance to yellow mosaic virus; Abelmoschus t".berelilatus<br />

has contributed one genome to our present day cultivars of A.<br />

esculentus and is important in providing material tolerant to yellow-veinmosaic<br />

virus; wild type of Sesamum laciniatum has been used for studies in<br />

the disease resistance of sesame, S. indicum.<br />

As sources of potential rootstocks and as breeding materials, the<br />

rich diversity in wild fruits needs to be studied in detail. More important<br />

genetic resources here (as examples) are of Artocarpus, Mangifera, Citrus and<br />

Musa species e.g. Musa balbisiana, M. acuminata, Citrus indica, Mangifera<br />

sylvatiea and Artocarpus heterophylla in the sub-tropical belt and of pome<br />

a nd stone fruits (Docynia, Pyrus, Prunus, Rubus, Ribes, Sorbus etc.) in sub-

<strong>WI</strong><strong>LD</strong> RELATIVES OF <strong>CROP</strong> <strong>PLANTS</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>IN</strong>DIA 5<br />

temperate/temperate belt. Musa germplasm from north-eastern region<br />

could prove to be drought and fire resistant, being subject to high bioedaphic<br />

stress under jh11m (shifting) cultivation.<br />

Rich diversity occurs in the wild relatives of Maydeae (groep to<br />

which maize belongs). This Asiatic group of species of Co ix, Poly toea,<br />

Trilobaehne and Chionaehne, needs more thorough study for traits like<br />

adaptability and disease resistance. Equally important are the wild<br />

Triticeae, mainly occurring in the Himalaya, including ElymtLS and<br />

Eremopyrum and the wild types in Hordeum.<br />

v/'Among cucurbits, rich diversity occurs in wild types in LujJa,<br />

Momordiea and Triehosanlhes. Detailed studies are yet to be carried out<br />

on species relationships in Cucurbitaceae, rarticularly among those which<br />

are morphologically close to cultivated forms such as TrieilOsanthes bracteata<br />

and T. cueumerina. Similar situation exists in wild species of tuberous<br />

crops, ginger, Curcuma and related taxa, for which rich diversity exists in<br />

India.<br />

Besides, wild tea genetic stocks occurring in the forests of northeastern<br />

region, related Camellia species and even taxa like Eurya may be<br />

important. Some of these could provide hardy root-stocks and even be<br />

used as sources of cold tolerance. Wild species of coffee-CojJea bengalensis<br />

and others, from the humid tropical belt, also need to be assessed for<br />

their use.<br />

<strong>WI</strong><strong>LD</strong> RELATIVES AND GENE-POOL CONCEPT<br />

[The genepool concept as proposed by Harlan and de Wet (1971)<br />

although excellent when used to show general relationships, is not a<br />

classification as such. This system can only be explained when a great<br />

deal of information at all levels of organisation of plant has been gained on<br />

the group under examination. In Harlan and de Wet's system, GP-I<br />

includes spontaneous races, GP-2, all species that can be crossed with<br />

GP-J (cultivated races) with at least some fertility in F-I (gene transfer is<br />

possible but may be difficult), and G P-3, hybridized with GP-I, and also<br />

includes lethal or completel~ sterile types (gene transfer is not possible<br />

or requires special techniques).) Such intensive study has not been done<br />

for majority of the wild taxa and because of the gaps in our knowledge in<br />

the biology of wild relatives, no strict classification of all these wild t taxa<br />

can be attempted. However, using the currently available information<br />

on morphology/experimental data, distribution and such other criteria,<br />

possible grouping into closely related and distantly related taxa within<br />

the purview of the above concepts, has been attempted (Table 6: class-!<br />

and class-II).

<strong>WI</strong><strong>LD</strong> RELATIVES-THEIR DIVERSITY<br />


In the account that follows, wild relatives of crop plants are discussed<br />

group-wise-cereals and millets, legumes, fruit-types, vegetable-types, oi.lseeds,<br />

fibres, spices and condiments, and miscellaneous group including<br />

Saccharum and related types and beverage yielding plants. For each<br />

such group, Dased on the distribution and diversity and available evidences<br />

on relationships, more important diversity in wild types is discussed, in<br />

different botanical/phytogeographical regions tfol1owing broadly the<br />

arrangement of Hooker, 1907 and of Chatterjee, 1939). Finally, a checklist<br />

of such species is also given with details of distribution and habitat<br />

preferences where available.<br />

For each group, the genera/species are dealt with alphabetically.<br />

Also, within each genus, different species follow a similar arrangement.<br />

The distribution of wild relatives and related types within each group is<br />

illustrated by two types of maps :<br />

(a) maps exhibiting overall distribution of the group i.e. cereals and<br />

millets, legumes, fruit-types etc.<br />

(b) map(s) illustrating distribution of more important species of wild<br />

relatives of crop· plants i.e. genus-wise maps, as of Oryza.<br />

In these maps, the areas of concentration, where richness of wild<br />

species occurs, are specifically marked out. These areas, incidentally<br />

synchronize wholly or partly with the specific phytogeographical zones<br />

falling within the seven such zones as given in Fig. 22, viz. I. Western<br />

Himalaya; II. Eastern Himalaya; III. North-eastern region; IV. Gangetic<br />

Plains; V. Indus Plains; VI. Eastern peninsular regi.on and VII. Western<br />

peninsular region/Malabar. These maps, however, do not give the distribution<br />

of species of wild relatives in Lakshadweep islands and the Andaman<br />

& Nicobar Islands, as very little is known about the genetic diversity of<br />

wild types in these regions.<br />

As far as possible, latest valid names are given in the floristic list<br />

of species; for some taxa, old names as given in Indian floras, have been<br />

retained (or given as synonym).


The Indian diversity in the wild related taxa of rice, wheat, barley,<br />

Coix, finger millet and fox-tail millet, occurs more in the humid tropicalJ<br />

sub-tropical and the temperate areas (Fig. 1). Maximum diversity occurs<br />

in the Oryza species largely in the eastern peninsular tract: Oryza nivara<br />

(annual), O. rujipogon (perennial), the weedy spontanea type in the indica<br />

cultivars (Fig. 2). Other members of Oryzeae of potential importance are<br />

Hygroryza aristata, Leersia hexandra and L. hackelii, a cold tolerant<br />

species. Several members of the Maydeae, viz. Poly/oca digitata, P.<br />

wallichiana and Trilobachne cookei as also of Coix, C. aqll.atica and C. gigantea,<br />

P<br />

o<br />

Ae - AEGILOPS<br />

C - COIX<br />

o - DIGITARIA<br />

E - ECH<strong>IN</strong>OCHLOA<br />

Eu- ELEUS<strong>IN</strong>E<br />


Et- ELYMUS<br />


LEGEND<br />

H - HORDEUM<br />

Hy - HYGRORYZA<br />

L - LEERSIA<br />

o - ORYZA<br />

Po - POLYTQCA<br />

P - PANICUM<br />

Po. -<br />




5 - SETARIA<br />

Fig I. Distribution of diversity in wild relatives of cereals and millets.


are chiefly distributed in the eastern or western peninsular humid/subhumid<br />

tracts, extending to north-eastern or, occasionally, as in Coix<br />

gigantea, to southern region. Among others, important types are the wild<br />

form's of Digitaria cruciata and Coix lacryma-jobi, domesticated in the Indo­<br />

Burmese region; in the north-eastern parts and neighbouring hills, wild<br />

related types of millet Panicum miliare, in tarai range, and of the allied<br />

taxon, P. psilopodium in hills of Tamil Nadu. Much variability occurs of<br />

taxa related to the fox-tail millet, Setaria italica, viz: S. verticellata and<br />

S. viridis, both in the plains and the hills. Among the wild related types<br />

of finger millet (Elellsine coracana), annual type Eleusine indica has a wider<br />

distribution as compared to the perennial type, E. compressa, of northwestern<br />

plains. The allied species of barnyard millet (Echiflochloa frll mentacea),<br />

E. crusgal/ii, is widely distributed and several variants of this occur<br />

in rice fields and elsewhere mainly in water-logged habitats.<br />

The wild Triticeae are mostly distributed in the HimaJayan region,<br />

mainly in Western/north-western Himalaya such as species of Aegilops,<br />

Hordeum, Elymus, Elymordelln1, and Eremopyrum; of the five species of<br />

Avena, A. ludoviciana occurs in cultivated fields. A sterile intergeneric<br />

hybrid Elymordeum schmidii (Elymus X Hordeum), a product of crossing<br />

of Elymus nlltans X Hordeum turkestanicum (habit of Hordellm with long,<br />

awned spikes and 2-rowed arrangement like Elymus) also occurs here<br />

(Bor, 1960). Wild species related to barley, Hordeum spontaneum and<br />

. others, occur mainly in Western Himalaya; there is a possibility of occurrence<br />

of Hordeum agriocrithon in the Sikkim region. Types related to<br />

wheat occurring here are Elymus dahuricus (in fields), E. dasystachys and<br />

E. nutans.<br />

The major distribution areas of wild types in cereals/millets are the<br />

the Western Himalaya, the north-eastern region and eastern peninsular<br />

tracts (Fig. 1), from the point of view of availability of high native variability,<br />

though north-eastern parts and Western Ghats also have a high<br />

concentration of these important wild types (Table 4).<br />

Check-list of species<br />

Aegilops tauschii Cosson. North-western Himalaya, Kashmir; stony alpine<br />

habitats.<br />

Avella barbata Pott. ex Link.<br />

Himalaya.<br />

North western India, upto KUmaon<br />

Avena fatua var.fatua Linn. A weedy type; mainly in north-western<br />

Himalaya; var. pi/osa Syme occurs in north-western<br />

Himalaya while var. glabrata Petern. extends to<br />

Sikkim Himalaya.

<strong>WI</strong><strong>LD</strong> RELATIVES OF <strong>CROP</strong> <strong>PLANTS</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>IN</strong>DIA 9<br />

Avena llldoviciana Dur. A weedy type in Kumaon Himalaya (considered<br />

a sub-species of A. sterilis).<br />

Chionachne koenigii (Spreng.) Thw. More variability in Western Ghats,<br />

Maharashtra and southwards; sporadic distribution in<br />

tarai region, Dehradun valley and eastwards.<br />

Chionaclme semiteres (Benth.) Henr. Localized distribution in Tamil Nadu,<br />

in moist deciduous forest openings.<br />

/<br />

fCOiX aqllatica Roxb. In marshy habitats, central peninsular tract extending<br />

to Western Ghats.<br />

Coix gigantea Koenig ex Roxb. In marshy, hygrophytichabitats, sporadic<br />

distribution in peninsular tract.<br />

Coix lacryma-jobi Linn. Widely distributed in peninsular and north-eastern<br />

tract in lowlands, water-logged, marshy habitats/<br />

rice-field borders; more variability in hard-shelled,<br />

wild forms in north-eastern hills. (Thin-shelled edible<br />

types have been derived from these wild forms).<br />

Digitaria crt/ciata (Nees) A. Camus. Eastern Himalaya, north-eastern hills;<br />

in Khasi hills, variability occurs in the wild and<br />

domesticated var. esculenta Bor.<br />

Digitaria sanguinalis (Linn.) Scop. Western Himalaya, in Kashmir; types<br />

related to subsp. aegyptiaca var. jrumentacea occur.<br />

Widespread distribution as weed.<br />

Echillochloa c%nllm (Linn.) Link. Widespread in wastelands on wet soils,<br />

more in rice fields.<br />

Echinochloacrusgalli (Linn.) P. Beauv. Widely occurring type in lowlands<br />

in water-logged rice fields; more variation in eastern<br />

peninsular tract, Bengal plains and north-eastern<br />

region particularly Assam valley.<br />

Echinochloa stagnina<br />

(Rctz.) P. Bcauv. Peninsular tract and north-eastern<br />

parts.<br />

Elellsine compressa (Forssk.) Aschers et Schwein. f. ex C. Christenson. A<br />

hardy, drought-tolerant type distributed mainly in<br />

north-western arid tracts.<br />

Eleusine indica (Linn.) Gaertn. Widely occurring type, more abundant<br />

in plains; related to E. coracana; hill forms are more<br />

robust.<br />

Elymus dahul'icus Turcz. North-western Himalaya. Cold dry tract, in<br />

barley/wheat fields; two varieties occur, var. dahuricus<br />

var. micranthus Melderis.


Elymus dasystachys Trin. North-western Himalaya, in high elevation zone<br />

midst grasses and forbs in open exposed slopes.<br />

Elymus nutans<br />

Griseb. North-western Himalaya, in high elevation zone,<br />

grass-mixed alpine desert vegetation; several forms<br />

occur.<br />

Eremopymm buonapartis (Spreng.) Nevski.· Western Himalaya, higher<br />

elevations, alpine meadows or alpine stony habitats.<br />

Eremopyrum distans (C. Koch) Nevski. Western Himalaya, in alpine,<br />

stony habitats.<br />

Eremopyrum orientale (Linn.) Jaub. et Spach. Western Himalaya, grassmixed<br />

alpine vegetation.<br />

Hordeum aegiceras Nees ex Royle. North-western Himalaya; open,<br />

exposed grass-mixed vegetation.<br />

Hordeum agriocrithon<br />

Hordeum glaucum<br />

Hordeum /eporinum<br />

Aberg. Doubtfully in Sikkim, Eastern Himalaya;<br />

more common in China/Tibet zone; ancestral form<br />

of cultivated barley.<br />

Steud. North-western Himalaya, exposed alpine grassmixed<br />

vegetation.<br />

Link. North-western Himalaya, alpine grass-mixed<br />

vegeta tion.<br />

Hordeum spontaneunl Koch. North-western Himalaya, in grass-mixed<br />

vegetation mainly in high elevation zone (resembles<br />

cultivated barley).<br />

Hordeum turkestanicum Nevski. North-western Himalaya, Kashmir, in<br />

higher elevation \3000 m) midst grasses.<br />

Hygroryza aristata<br />

(Retz.) Nees ex Wight & Am. Southern India, Western<br />

Ghats, more in hygrophytic habitats; also eastern<br />

India.<br />

Leersia hackelii Keng. Kashmir Himalaya, in grassy meadows.<br />

Leersia hexandra Swartz. North-eastern hills, Manipur; amidst grasses<br />

near lakes.<br />

Oryza coarctata Roxb. Syn. Sclerophyllum coarctatum(Roxb.) Griff. Lower<br />

Gangetic plains in Sundarbans, eastern India in<br />

Orissa, Andhra Pradesh; occurs in estuarine deltas<br />

along river margins, in saline water in tidal swamps.<br />

Oryza granulata<br />

Nees et Arn. ex Steud. Occurs in the foothills and plains<br />

of eastern India.

<strong>WI</strong><strong>LD</strong> RELATIVES OF <strong>CROP</strong> <strong>PLANTS</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>IN</strong>DIA 11<br />

LEGEND<br />


N O. NIVARA<br />



Fig. 2.<br />

Distribution of wild Oryza species; more variation occurs in the hilly tracts<br />

of Orissa.<br />

Oryza nivara Sastry et Sharma. Annual wild rice, peninsular region,<br />

near water-logged fields, ponds etc. (closely related<br />

to cult iva ted rice).<br />

Oryza rujipogon<br />

Oryza sativa<br />

Griff. Perennial wild rice, much variability in peninsular<br />

tract extending north-east, Bengal plains, Assam<br />

valley and bordering areas; closely related to cultivated<br />

rice, often occurring as a weed near ricy field<br />

borders, neighbouring ponds.<br />

I<br />

Linn. var. spontanea. (annual type of O. perennis) in rice<br />

fields in the eastern plains and peninsular tracts;<br />

minuta types occur in Assam valley.<br />

Panicum hippothrix K. Schum. Tn Deccan peninsula; grain cooked like rice.<br />

Panicum psilopodium<br />

Trin. (Related to P. millare) Two forms occur; var.<br />

psilopodium is distributed in peninsular tract in Tamil


Nadu and var. eoloratum largely in tarai range in<br />

Western Himalaya, at lower elevations.<br />

Panieum sumatrense Roth. ex Roem. et Schult. Syn. P. miliare Lam. Occurs<br />

wild in northern India, in tarai range upto moderate<br />

elevations (1500 m) in the Himalaya; cultivated<br />

forms are related to this.<br />

Panicum trypheron<br />

Schult. In Deccan peninsula; grains cooked like rice.<br />

Paspalum scrobiculatum Linn. More variability occurs in drier, rainfed<br />

pockets of upper Gangetic plains/peninsular region<br />

on drier slopes, bordering forests.<br />

~Pennisetum orientale L. C. Rich. Sporadic distribution in Concan (Western<br />

Ghats), eastern peninsular hills, Bihar and in the<br />

Western Himalaya.<br />

Poly toea digitata<br />

(Linn.) Druce. Distributed in eastern India, in open<br />

forests.<br />

Poly toea wallieliiana (Nees) Benth. Occurring in north-eastern region, in<br />

Sikkim and Assam valley; in open forest or in plains<br />

near water-logged areas.<br />

Setaria glcuea (Linn.) P. Beauv. Wild type occurs in nortilern parts of<br />

Maharashtra often along field borders; cultivated<br />

types related to this also occur.<br />

Setaria pallide-fusea (Sch.) Stapf. et C. E. Hubb. Widely occurring weed;<br />

sporadic variability in inflorescence in Maharashtra,<br />

northern/north-eastern foothills and in peninsular<br />

hills up to 2100 m.<br />

Setaria sphaeelata<br />

(Sch.) Stapf. et C. E. Hubb. ex M. B. Moss. All<br />

over plains and hills, particularly in upper Gangetic<br />

plains.<br />

Setaria tomentosa (Roxb.) Kunth. Sporadic in distribution in plains and<br />

hills, occupying damp, shady habitats bordering<br />

forests.<br />

Setaria verticellata<br />

(Linn.) P. Beauv. Widely distributed in plains and<br />

hills, more in humid areas.<br />

Setaria viridis (Linn.) P. Beauv. A weed of north-western Himalaya<br />

adapted to colder tracts extending upto 3300 m.<br />

Trilobaehne cooke; (Stapf.) Schenck ex Henrard. Occurs in Concan in<br />

Western Ghats, in open scrub forests/along openings<br />

of forests.

lI. LEGUMES<br />

Diversity in legume-crops and their wild related types is high in India<br />

(Fig. 3). Of relatively greater importance are those related to the grain<br />

legumes particularly the Asia tic Vigna species, for which India is a centre<br />

of diversity (Fig. 4). These wild taxa include Vigna mungo var. syh'estris<br />

related to black gram, distributed in Khandala Ghats and the Concan<br />

belt in the Western Ghats; V. radiata var. sublobata in tarai range,<br />

sub-Himalayan tract and sporadically in western and eastern peninsular<br />

tracts; Vigna grandis akin to V. radiata, is confined to hills of<br />

Khandala Ghats and the Concan belt; Vigna dalzellialla, akin to the<br />

cultivated V. angularis and V. umbel/ata, occurs in the Western Ghats; wild<br />

V. umbel/ala types, akin to their cultivated forms, occur in peninsular<br />

Fig. 3.<br />

LEGEND<br />



Ci - CICER<br />

M - MUCUNA<br />


G - GLYC<strong>IN</strong>E V - VIGNA<br />

Mo - MOGHANIA<br />

Distribution of diversity in wild relatives of legume crops.


hills, the sub-Himalayan tract and in the north-eastern hills. Among<br />

others, the wild forms of moth bean, Vigna aconitifolia occurs sporadically,<br />

ml\inly in the northern or north-western plains and in the Deccan<br />

plateau, while those of V. tri/obata, besides occurring in these areas, also<br />

extend to the sub-Himalayan tract. Yet another species is Vigna capensis,<br />

occurring in the sub-tropical Himalaya and in peninsular hills, extending<br />

to the north-eastern region.<br />

Tn general, a wide array of diversity in wild Atylosia species occurs<br />

in India (Fig. 5), with maximum concentration in the Western Ghats and<br />

in the north-eastern region. In the area of variability of pigeonpea<br />

(Cajanus cajan), the eastern penisular tract, occurs its closest wild counterpart,<br />

Aty!osia cajanifolia, endemic to Belladilla range in Orissa.<br />

In the humid tropical belt of Western Ghats, wild types of Canavalia<br />

. occur, particularly in the lowland forests along the coastal belt-C. virosa<br />

and C. obtusifolia; the latter is related to C. gladiata, the cultivated type.<br />

Apparently endemic to this region is C. stocksii in the Western Ghats of<br />

Maharashtra. Yet another area of diversity, both for cultivated and<br />

wild forms of sword bean is the north-eastern region, particularly the<br />

hills of Manipur and Mizoram.<br />

In Mucuna, while maximum diversity in cultivated types occurs in<br />

the eastern peninsular tract, the wild types exhibit a wider range of<br />

distribution (Fig. 6). M. pruriens related to M. cochinchinensis, the cultivated<br />

form, occurs in the western and eastern peninsular belt, extending<br />

to the north-eastern parts, where also occurs M. bracteata.<br />

Cicer microphyllum, the Indian wild relative of chick pea, is a<br />

semi-prostrate type occurring in the high elevation zones (2700-3500 m) in<br />

the north-western Himalaya.<br />

The major botanical/phytogeographical areas of distribution of<br />

wild related taxa of cultivated legume crops, corresponding to the areas<br />

with maximum species concentration (Table 4) are the eastern and western<br />

peninsular tracts, the north-eastern parts and the Western Himalaya<br />

(Fig. 3).<br />

Check-list of species<br />

Aty!osia cajanifolia<br />

Aty!osia candollei<br />

Haines. ·Endemic to Orissa (Mahendragiri, Belladilla<br />

range).<br />

Wight & Arn. Nilgiris.<br />

Atylosia volnbilis (Blanco) Gamble. Syn. A. crassa Prain. Siwalik range,<br />

central India in plains eastwards to West Bengal/<br />

Assam and southwards to Tamil Nadu/~erala.

<strong>WI</strong><strong>LD</strong> RELATIVESOF <strong>CROP</strong> <strong>PLANTS</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>IN</strong>DIA<br />

15<br />

LEGEND<br />


B - A. BARBATA L -A .L<strong>IN</strong>EATA<br />

C - A CANDOLLEI M -A .MOlLiS<br />

C - A. CAJANIFa...IA P -A. PlATYCARPI<<br />



G - A GEM<strong>IN</strong>I FLORA 5 -A. 5CARABAEOIOE5<br />


V-A.VlllOSA<br />

Fig. 4.<br />

Distribution of Arylosia species; rich diversity occurs in the eastern and<br />

western peninsular regions.<br />

Atylosia lineata<br />

Atylosia sericea<br />

Wight & Arn. In hills of Western Ghats.<br />

Benth. Concan.<br />

Atylosia scarabaeoides (Linn.) Benth. Throughout plains of India upto<br />

1800 m. in the Western Himalaya.<br />

Canavalia l'irosa<br />

Canavaiia maritima<br />

Wight & Am. Syn. C. ensiformis var. virosa (Linn.)<br />

Wight & Am. Occurs in north-eastern region;<br />

Manipur, Mizoram and other areas, apparently I wild;<br />

also sporadically in Western Ghats.<br />

(Aubl.) Thou. Western peninsular region, in coastal<br />

habitats (related to C. gladiata).<br />

Canal'a!ia stocksii Dalz. Apparently endemic to Deccan peninsula; rare<br />

(possibly a variant of C. ~nsiformis).


Cicer mierophy/lum Royle. Syn. C. soongarieum Steph. ex DC. Northwestern<br />

Himalaya, in higher elevations (2700 m-<br />

3500 m), in Lahaul, Ladakh and adjoining cold stony<br />

deserts.<br />

Doliehos ulliflorus<br />

Lam. Wild in Western Ghats, Khandala southwards.<br />

DolicllOS braeteatus Baker. Confined largely to COQ,can hills; rare (appa­<br />

. rentlyallied to Lablab niger).<br />

Glycine javaniea Linn. Western Ghats, Khandala southwards in hills of<br />

Mysore, Nilgiris and Pulneys upto altitude of 2100 m.<br />

Glycine pentapftylla Dalz. Western Ghats, largely Concan, northern<br />

Karnataka, Wynad etc.<br />

Lablab niger Medik. var. /ignosus (Linn.) Prain. Occurs wild in eastern<br />

coast, in Andhra Pradesh. Small podded drought<br />

hardy types occur in scrub jungles. Var. typicus<br />

Prain is more restricted in occurrence.<br />

Lathyrus apilaca<br />

Linn. Weed of northern plains/upper Gangetic plains;<br />

also in temperate zone with other species.<br />

Lathyrus sativus Linn. A weed in northern, central and western India<br />

upto an altitude of 1200 m.<br />

Mucuna bracteata DC. North-eastern hills; common in Khasi hills, allied<br />

to M. pruriens.<br />

Mucuna capitata Wight & Arn. Tarai range, Western and Eastern<br />

Himalaya, Chota Nagpur.<br />

Mucuna deeringiana (Bort) Merrill. Northern plains mainly western parts;<br />

semi-wild types.<br />

Mucuna pruriens (Linn.) DC. Peninsular region, sporadically in the subtropical/temperate<br />

Himalayan belt, more variability<br />

in Concan, Khandala and other humid areas of<br />

Western Ghats.<br />

Trigonella eorniculata Linn. Weed in northern plains/upper Gangetic<br />

plains; occurs in Western Himalaya upto 3600 m<br />

(allied to T. emodi).<br />

Trigonella emodi Benth. Western Himalaya, Kashmir up to 3000 m<br />

(morphologically akin to T. corniclilata).<br />

Trigonella polycerata Linn. Weed in northern plains, upper Gangetic<br />

tract; in Western Himalaya upto 1800 m .<br />

..- Vigna capensis (Thunb.) Burt-Davy. More variability in sub-temperate<br />

Himalaya and in Western and Eastern Ghats and<br />

north-eastern hills.

<strong>WI</strong><strong>LD</strong> RELATIVES OF <strong>CROP</strong> <strong>PLANTS</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>IN</strong>DIA 17<br />

LEGEND<br />


to BRACT£ATA<br />

C M. CAPITAT"<br />

N M. NIGRICAN5<br />



H M. HIRSUTA<br />


MD M. MON05PERMA<br />

Fig. 5.<br />

Distribution of wild Mucuna species; more diversity occurs in the eastern/<br />

north-eastern region.<br />

Vigna dalzelliana (Kuntze) Verde. Syn. Phaseolus dalzellianus Kuntz.<br />

Khandala southwards, Western Ghats, in Concan.<br />

Vigna grandis (Dalz. & Gibbs.) Verde. Khandala Ghats/Western Ghats,<br />

sporadic; pods like those of Vigna radiata.<br />

Vigna mungo<br />

(Linn.) Hepper var. sy/vestris<br />

Otoul. Khandala Ghats,<br />

Ghats.<br />

Lukoki, Marechal and<br />

Concan range/Western<br />

I<br />

Vigna radiata (Linn.) Wilczek var. sublobata (Roxb.) Verde. Tarai range,<br />

Siwalik hills, Kumaon up to 1200 m., sporadic in<br />

peninsular tract in Chota Nagpur and south of it in<br />

Khandala Ghats; Western Ghats in Concan, extending<br />

southwards. Plant /pods/seeds like V. radiata.<br />

Var. setulosus (Dalz.) Ohwi & Ohashi (Syn.


Fig. 6.<br />

LEGEND<br />

---;;CciNjnFoL 1.1.<br />


c _ V. CAPENSI!'><br />

0- V OALZ£LLIANA<br />

G - V. GRANOIS<br />


L - V LUTEQLA<br />

M - V. MUNGO ..... R. 5YLlIESTRIS<br />

M - V. MAR<strong>IN</strong>A<br />

P - V. PILOSA<br />

R - V<br />

RADIATA VAR. SUB<strong>LD</strong>BATA,VAR.<br />

!'>ETUlOSA<br />

T - V. TRILOI!>ATA<br />

U - V. UMI!>ELLATA<br />

W - V. <strong>WI</strong>C,HTII<br />

Distribution of wild Vigna species; more concentration occurs in the<br />

western peninsular tract, particularly in the Western Ghats.<br />

V. radiata (L.) Wilczek var. setulosa (Dalz.) Ohwi<br />

& Ohashi) is a more hairy form and occurs in<br />

Concan.<br />

Vigna tri/obara (Linn.) Verde. Syn. Phaseolus trilobus Ait. Western<br />

Himalaya, sub-temperate/tropical zone, sporadic in<br />

peninsular region, particularly in Western Ghats<br />

and Eastern Ghats in coastal tracts.<br />

Vigna umbel/ata<br />

(Thunb.) Ohwi & Ohashi Syn. Phaseo/us calcaratus Roxb.<br />

Western and Eastern Himalaya and north-eastern<br />

hills; Western and Eastern Ghats in peninsular India,<br />

often in hilly tracts.

III.<br />

FRUITS<br />

Rich diversity Occurs in the wild relatives of tropical, sub-tropical and<br />

temperate types (Fig. 7). Maximum concentration of wild species in<br />

Citrus (Fig. 8) and Musa (Fig. 9) occurs in the north-eastern region. In<br />

Shillong plateau, Citrus assamellsis, C.latipes, C. macroptera and C. medica<br />

occur. Citrus indica has sporadic distribution around Tura range and<br />

Khasi hills in Meghalaya and in the foothills of Nagaland, where C.<br />

ichangensis-a cold tolerant type, also occurs (possibly a hybrid of C.latipes).<br />

Citrus jambhiri (considered a variety of C. limon) is found sporadically in<br />

the peninsular hills and is used as rootstock. C. aurantifolia, compara-<br />

LEGEND<br />

f - fiCUS "" - FHOEN:X<br />

f. - fRAGARIA PI' - PRUN\.lS<br />

C - CAPPARIS G - c.ARC<strong>IN</strong>IA '" • PUNICA<br />

G. - GRE<strong>WI</strong>A po, - PYRUS<br />


c. - CORDIA M.- MADHUCA r.a _ Rueus<br />


0. - DOCYNIA Mo- MORUS 5t - SPONDIAS I<br />

E - EMeliCA M~ - MIM.USOPS So, - SYZYGIUM<br />

r. - EL AEOCARPUS .." - MALUS V - VITIS<br />


Eo. - ElI'HORIA My _ MYRICA<br />

Fig. 7.<br />

Distribution of diversity in wild relatives of fruit crops; the Himalayan<br />

region and the humid peninsular tract present more variation.

20 ARORA Al"D NAYAR<br />

tively, has a wider distribution occurring in the sub-Himalayan tract<br />

extending eastwards to Khasi hills, and southwards in Nilgiris. Similarly,<br />

in MtlSa, maximum variability occurs in the north-east, in the wild types<br />

of M. balbisiana and M. acuminata. Musa f1aviflora (M. thomsonii) is<br />

confined to Manipur and Meghalaya, and At. nagensium is endemic to Naga<br />

hills. M. sikkimensis occurs in north Bengal, Sikkim, Khasi hills and<br />

Manipur. Among others, Musa superba occurs in .Western Ghats and in<br />

Assam. In the foothills of Assam also occur M. cheesmanii, M. mannii and<br />

M. velutina.<br />

The north-eastern region also has diversity in other wild fruits such as<br />

Mangifera sylvatica, Elaeocarpus f1oribllndus, Myrica escu/enta, Docynia<br />

indica and D. hookeriana.<br />

The humid tropical zone of the Western Ghats is another region of<br />

concentration of wild related taxa of cultivated fruits such as Artocarpus<br />

heterophyl/us and A. lakoocha, wild forms of Garcinia indica, Mimusops<br />

elengii and Euphoria longen. With ccmparatively wider distribution in<br />

peninsular tracts are species of Diospyros, Syzygium and Vitis. Spondias<br />

pinnata also exhibits much variability in this tract.<br />

Comparatively few species occur in the northern and north-western<br />

plains and the Aravalli hills viz. Carissa congesta, Capparis decidua,<br />

Grewia asiatica and Zizyphus spp. (Z. mauritiana, Z. nummularia). Though<br />

Zizyphus mauritiana, in cultivation, exhibits maximum variability in the<br />

semi-arid plains, wild types occur in humid peninsular region, viz.<br />

Z. oenoplia and Z. rugosa. Z. vulgaris is confined exclusively to the northwestern<br />

Himalayan sub-temperate zone. Variation in Ficus palmata, the<br />

Indian fig, (related to F. carica) is also represented in the north-western<br />

zone.<br />

Among wild relatives of temperate fruits, species of Pyrus, Prunus,<br />

Rubus, Sorbus and Ribes occur in the Himalaya. Some of these like<br />

Prunus prostrata and P. tomentosa are confined to the Western Himalaya;<br />

P. jenkinsii occurs in the eastern belt, but other species are widely distribubuted<br />

in the Himalayan zone such as P. cornuta, P. napaulensis, allied to<br />

P. padus and P. aCl/minata. In Pyrus, likewise, P. communis, occurs largely<br />

in Kashmir; P. kumaoni is localised in the Western Himalaya but P. pashia<br />

and'; P. baecala occur in the Western Himalaya and eastwards in subtropical<br />

zone of the north-eastern hills. Pyrus pyrifolia is naturalized in<br />

the Khasi hills and is found in Nilgiris and used as a rootstock. Sorbus<br />

aueuparia occurs in the Western and the Eastern Himalaya and S. vestita<br />

extends its distribution range from Eastern Himalaya to north-eastern<br />

sub-tropical belt. The species of Rubus also exhibit similar distribution<br />

patterns; R. fruticosus is confined to Western Himalaya; R. lineatus to the

<strong>WI</strong><strong>LD</strong> RELATIVES OF <strong>CROP</strong> <strong>PLANTS</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>IN</strong>DIA 21<br />

Eastern Himalaya; R. lanatlts, R. lasiocarpus, R. moluccanus, R. niveus and<br />

R. reticulatus show widespread distribution in the Himalaya; Rubus ellipticus<br />

and R. lasiocarpus extend south to peninsular hills. In Ribes, R. nigrum<br />

occurs in Western Himalaya, and R. gracilis and R. aCliminatum in Eastern<br />

Himalaya.<br />

The diversity in wild related types in fruit trees is seen to be high in<br />

all the phytogeographical zones, except the Gangetic plains with comparatively<br />

less variability (Fig. 7).<br />

Check-list of species<br />

Aegle marme/os (Linn.) Corr. (Rutaceae). Drier areas, particularly in<br />

northern/central peninsular region.<br />

Artocarpus heterophyl/us Lam. (Moraceae). Western Ghats, in evergreen<br />

forests.<br />

Artocarplls lakoocha<br />

Roxb. CMoraceae). Western sub-Himalayan tract<br />

and in humid peninsular region.<br />

Cr/pparis decidua (Forsk.) Edgew. (Capparidaceae). Common in drier parts<br />

of north-western plains and also in Deccan peninsula.<br />

Carissa congesta Wight. (Apocynaceae). North-western India, Western<br />

Ghats in Maharashtra.<br />

Citrus assamensis<br />

Citrus aurantifolia<br />

Citrus aurantium<br />

Citrus ichangensis<br />

Citrus indica<br />

Dutta & Bhattacharya. (Rutaceae). Southern slopes<br />

of Khasi hills-SheIla area, Shillong plateau.<br />

Sw. (Rutaceae). Occurs wild in the warm valleys of<br />

sub-Himalayan tracts.<br />

Linn. (Rutaceae). SUb-Himalayan tract. Garhwal eastwards<br />

to Sikkim, and in Khasi hills; more in warm<br />

valleys in the foothills of the Himalaya; it also<br />

occurs in Nilgiris.<br />

Sw. (Rutaceae). Nagaland, of restricted distribution in<br />

north-eastern hills.<br />

Tanaka (Rutaceae). Tura range, Meghalaya; also sporadic<br />

distribution in Khasi range in Assam, and near<br />

Dimapur, Nagaland.<br />

I<br />

Citrus jcmbhiri Lush. (Rutaceae). Considered a variety of C. limon.<br />

Occurs in eastern parts of Punjab near Pathankot.<br />

Citrus latipes<br />

(Sw.) Tanaka. (Rutaceae). Shillong plateau, Khasi hills,<br />

upto 1800 m; cold resistant.


Me<br />

LEGEND<br />

A - C ASSAMEN515<br />


Au.-C. AURANTIUM<br />


I .. - C. <strong>IN</strong>DICA<br />

J - C. JAMBHIRI<br />

L - C. LATIPE5<br />

Li.- C LIMON<br />

M-C MA<strong>CROP</strong>TERA<br />

M~- C MEDICA<br />

Fig. 8.<br />

Distribution of wild Citrus species; more concentration occurs in the<br />

north-eastern region.<br />

Citrus limon (Linn.) Burm. (Rutaceae). North-west India, in sub­<br />

Himalayan belt.<br />

Citrus macroptera<br />

Montr. (Rutaceae). Shella area, Shillong plateau,<br />

Khasi hills.<br />

Citrus medica Linn. (Rutaceae). Possibly wild in Khasi and Garo hills.<br />

Cordia myxa Linn. (Boraginaceae). Variability in north-western and<br />

central plains; two forms are available in northwestern<br />

hills.<br />

Cordia rothii Roem. & Schult. (Boraginaceae). Similar distribution range<br />

as of C. myxa.<br />

Diospyros chloroxyloll Roxb. (Ebenaceae). Peninsular region.<br />

Diospyros lotus Linn. (Ebenaceae). North-eastern hills.

<strong>WI</strong><strong>LD</strong> RELATIVES OF <strong>CROP</strong> <strong>PLANTS</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>IN</strong>DIA<br />

23<br />

Diospyros melanoxylon Roxb.<br />

')<br />

Diospyros peregrina (Gaertn.) Gurke. I<br />

~ (Ebenaceae). Peninsular region.<br />

Diospyros sylvatica Roxb. I<br />

Diospyros tomentosa Roxb. J<br />

Docynia hookeriana Decne. (Rosaceae). North-eastern hills, evergreen<br />

and semi-evergreen forests.<br />

Docynia indica Decne. (Rosaceae). North-eastern hins, evergreen and<br />

semi-evergreen forests.<br />

Duchesnea indica Focke. Syn. Fragaria indica Andr. (Rosaceae). Western<br />

and Eastern Himalaya, also hills of peninsular India,<br />

in Nilgiris.<br />

Elaeagnus angustijolia Linn. (EJaeagnaceae). Western Himalaya, 1800-<br />

2000 m.; wild forms occur in forest openings.<br />

Elaeocarpus floribundus Blume. (Elaeocarpaceae). North-eastern region­<br />

Assam plains, Khasi hills. Wild types occur in<br />

forest area.<br />

Emblica ojficinalis Gaertn. Syn. Phyllanthus emblica Linn. (Euphorbiaceae).<br />

Throughout tropical India, also in hills at lower<br />

elevation in open forests.<br />

Euphoria Tongan Steud. (Sapindaceae). Western Ghats from Concan<br />

southwards upto Tinevelly hills upto 1200 m. Common<br />

in evergreen forests of north eastern hills upto<br />

1000 m. and cultivated in plains ~related to Litchi<br />

chinensis).<br />

Ficuspalmata Forsk. (Moraceae). Sub-Himalayan tract, Western Himalaya<br />

(related to F. carica).<br />

Fragaria nilgerrensis Schlecht. (Rosaceae). Nilgiris, Western Ghats and<br />

in Khasi hills.<br />

Garcinia atroviridis<br />

Garcinia cambogia<br />

Griff. (Guttiferae): Eastern and north-eastern humid<br />

belt.<br />

Desr. (Guttiferae). Western humid tract.<br />

Western<br />

,<br />

I<br />

Pierre (Guttiferae). Coastal area, Nicobar Islands<br />

Garcinia COIVa Roxb. (Gu ttiferae). Distributed in Eastern and<br />

Ghats as also north-eastern hills.<br />

Garcinia hombroniana<br />

Garcinia indica<br />

(allied to mangosteen and the eastern Himalayan<br />

G. paniculata).<br />

Choisy. (Guttiferae). Wild types occur in humid evergreen<br />

forests with acidic, juicy fruits.


Garcinia lanceae/olia Roxo. (Guttiferae). Occurs in Eastern and Western<br />

Ghats and in north-eastern hills.<br />

Ga"cinia pedunculata Roxb. (Guttiferae). Eastern and north-eastern<br />

tracts.<br />

Garcinia spicata<br />

Hook. f. (Guttiferae). Occurs in Eastern and Western<br />

Ghats and in north-eastern hills.<br />

Garcinia tinctoria Dunn. Syn. G. xallthochymus H~ok. f. (Guttiferae).<br />

In humid tropical forests; can be used as rootstock.<br />

Grewia asiatica<br />

Mast. (Tiliaceae). Wild types occur in semi-dry western<br />

India, foot hills of the Siwalik range, upper Gangetic<br />

plains, Western Himalaya and in Western Ghats, in<br />

Maharashtra.<br />

Grewia damine Gaertn. Syn. G. sa/vi/olia Mast. (Tiliaceae). Sub-Himalayan<br />

tract; central India; also in Western Ghats.<br />

GrelVia tenax (Forsk.) Aschers & Schwl. Syn. G. populi/olia Yah!.<br />

(Tiliaceae). Mainly distributed in central and western<br />

India, also Deccan plateau, southwards.<br />

Grewia villosa Willd. (Tiliaceae). Central/western India, extending<br />

southwards in Deccan plateau and westwards to<br />

Maharashtra in dry locations. Fruit quality is<br />

better.<br />

Madhuca indica J. F. Gmel. Syn. Bassia lati/olia Roxb. (Sapotaceae).<br />

Maximum variability occurs in central peninsular<br />

region.<br />

Malus baccata (Linn.) Borkh. var. himalaica (Maxim.) Schneid. (Rosaceae).<br />

Wild in temperate Western and Eastern Himalaya and<br />

in north-eastern hills between 1800-3000 m.<br />

Mangi/era indica<br />

Linn. (Anacardiaceae). Wild in peninsular tract, in<br />

evergreen forests; also in north-east and in tarai<br />

ranges, with more variation in the former region.<br />

Mangifera syll'atica Roxb. (Anacardiaceae). Largely in north-eastern<br />

region, in Shillong plateau; elsewhere sporadic; also<br />

in Andaman Islands.<br />

Manilkara Izexandra (Roxb.) Dub. Syn. Mimusops hexandra Roxb.<br />

(Sapotaceae). Central and western India; wild types<br />

with large size fruits Occur in Gujarat.<br />

Mimusops elengi Linn. (Sapotaceae). Western Ghats, in disturbed evergreen<br />


<strong>WI</strong><strong>LD</strong> RELATIVES OF <strong>CROP</strong> <strong>PLANTS</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>IN</strong>DIA 25<br />

Morus alba Linn. (Moraceae). Sub· Himalayan tract upto 2200 m.<br />

Morus australis Poir. (Moraceae). Himalaya,<br />

north-eastern hills.<br />

MorllS serrata<br />

Kashmir eastwards in<br />

Roxb. (Moraceae). Temperate Himalaya, Kumaon westwards,<br />

upto 2700 m. (cultivated in Kunawar).<br />

Musa aCl/minata Colla. (Musaceae). Wild in north-eastern hill regions,<br />

commonly in cleared forests and also in the Ghats.<br />

Musa balbisiana Colla. (Musaceae). Wild in north-eastern hill region,<br />

in cleared forests.<br />

Musa cheesmanii Simmonds. (Musaceae). Assam; seeded banana, seeds<br />

bigger than those of M. balbisiana.<br />

Musaftaviflora Simmonds Syn. M. thomsonii King ex Cowan. (Musaceae).<br />

Assam, Khasi hills, Manipur.<br />

5~<br />

LEGEND<br />

A M ACUM<strong>IN</strong>ATA<br />



F M. FLAVIF<strong>LD</strong>RA<br />

M. IT<strong>IN</strong>ERAN5<br />

M M. MANNII<br />

N M NAGEN51UM<br />

S M. SIKKIMEN51S<br />

5, M. 5UPER61<br />

M. VELUTfNA<br />

Fig. 9. Distribution of wild Musa species; more concentration occurs in northeastern<br />

region.<br />


26<br />


lv/usa itinerans<br />

\<br />

Cheesman. (Musaceae).<br />

may be a variant;<br />

parts.<br />

Resembles M. aCliminata and<br />

occurring in the north-eastern<br />

Mlisa mannii Wend!. ex Baker. (Musaceae). Assam, occurs in hilly tracts.<br />

Musa nagensium<br />

Prain. (Musaceae). Naga hills (seeds like Ensete gillettii).<br />

Musa sikkimensis Kurz. (Musaceae). Sikkim, nor.th Bengal, Khasi hills.<br />

Musa superba<br />

Roxb. Syn. Ensete sllperba (Roxb.) Cheesman. (Musaceae).<br />

Seeds like M. nagensium,1 Western Ghats, in Assam,<br />

Khasi hills and Manipur.<br />

Musa velutina Wend!. & Drude. (Musaceae). Assam.<br />

Myrica eSClJlolta<br />

Phoenix acaulis<br />

Buch.-Ham. (Myricaceae). Much variability in northeastern<br />

hills but distributed throughout Central and<br />

Eastern Himalaya, 1300 m-2100 m.<br />

Buch.-Ham. ex Roxb. (Palmae). Peninsular hilly tracts;<br />

in sub-Himalayan belt and north-eastern region.<br />

Phoenix Izumilis Royle var. pedunculata Becc. (Palmae). Peninsular<br />

hilly tracts, a dwarf type.<br />

Phoenix robllsta Hook. f. (Palmae). Bihar, Deccan peninsula, eastern region.<br />

Phoenix syfloestris<br />

Roxb. (Palmae). Central peninsular tract, and north/<br />

north-western plains.<br />

Prunlls cerasioides D. Don. (Rosaceae). Temperate Himalaya, Kashmir<br />

to Khasi hills extending to hills of Assam and<br />

Manipur.<br />

Prunus cornllta<br />

(Wall. ex Royle) Steud. (Rosaceae). Temperate Himalaya<br />

eastwards to Assam, upto 3600 m., cold adaptable;<br />

(closely allied to P. padus).<br />

Prunusjenkinsii Hook. f. (Rosaceae). Upper Assam, Arunachal Pradesh<br />

and sporadically in other parts of north-eastern<br />

hills.<br />

Prunus napan/ensis (Ser.) Steud. (Rosaceae). Temperate Himalaya upto<br />

3000 m. Kumaon, eastwards to Sikkim, Khasi hills,<br />

Manipur and Assam (allied to P. padlls).<br />

Prunus prostrata Labill. (Rosaceae). Temperate Western Himalaya.<br />

Prunus tomentosa<br />

Thunb. (Rosaceae). North-western Himalaya, Kashmir,<br />


<strong>WI</strong><strong>LD</strong> RELATIVES OF <strong>CROP</strong> <strong>PLANTS</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>IN</strong>DIA 27<br />

PrUl1l1S wallichii Steud. Syn. P. acuminata Dietr. non Michx. (Rosaceae).<br />

Central and Eastern Himalaya, particularly Khasi<br />

and Mishmi hills and Sikkim.<br />

Punica granatllm Linn. (Punicaceae). Western Himalaya, semi-wild!<br />

naturalized in hills of Himachal Pradesh and<br />

J. & K. around 1200-1500 m.<br />

Pyrus communis Linn. (Rosaceae).<br />

Possibly wild in Kashmir.<br />

Pyrlls leumaoni Dcne. (Rosaceae). Western Himalaya, Kashmir to<br />

Kumaon, upto 2400 m.<br />

Pyrus pashia Ham. ex D. Don. (Rosaceae). Suo-temperate to temperate<br />

Himalaya from Kashmir to north-eastern hills, Khasi<br />

mountains.<br />

Pyrus pyrifolia<br />

(Burm. f.) Nakai. (Rosaceae). Naturalized in Khasi hills;<br />

semi-wild in Nilgiris. Preferred as a root stock.<br />

Ribes graciale Wall. (Saxifragaceae). Temperate to alpine Himalaya<br />

from Kashmir to Assam upto 3500 m. (used for<br />

breeding immunity to CronartitJm ribicola as also<br />

of R. orientale).<br />

Ribes nigrum Linn. (Saxifragaceae). Temperate Western Himalaya,<br />

Kunawar to Kashmir, uptQ 3600 m ..<br />

Rubus ellipticus Smith. (Rosaceae). Shiwalik range, common in Western<br />

Himalaya extending eastwards to Sikkim, Khasi<br />

hills and in peninsular hills.<br />

Rubus fruticosus<br />

Linn. (Rosaceae). Western Himalaya, upto 2100 m, in<br />

Kashmir.<br />

Rubus lanatlls Wall. (Rosaceae). Central and Western Hif!1alaya, from<br />

Kumaon to Sikkim.<br />

Rubus lasiocarplls Smith. (Rosaceae). Temperate Himalaya, Kashmir to<br />

KumaonjSikkim, upto 3000 m; in hills of peninsular<br />

India, Kanara southwards, also in Mahabaleshwar.<br />

Rubus lineatus Reinw. (Rosaceae). Sikkim, 1800-2700 m; much variable.<br />

(Natural hybrids available with R. splendidissimus<br />

Hara).<br />

I<br />

Rubus moluccanus Linn. (Rosaceae). Central and eastern tropical and<br />

temperate Himalaya, Assam, Khasi hills, Sikkim.<br />

Rubus nivells Thunb. non Wall. (Rosaceae). Temperate Himalaya,<br />

Kahsmir eastwards; several varieties occur.<br />

Rubus llutans<br />

Wall. (Rosaceae). Western Himalaya.


Rubus paniculatus Smith (Rosaceae). Temperate Himalaya; east of Khasi<br />

hills.<br />

Rubus reticulatus Wall. ex Hook. f. (Rosaceae). Temperate Himalaya,<br />

Kumaon, 2000-2400 m. up to Sikkim; may only be a<br />

form of R. moluccanus of higher elevation zone;<br />

resembles R. panicliialus.<br />

Rubus rosaefol;us<br />

Sorbus aucuparia<br />

Smith. (Rosaceae). Temperate Himalaya eastwards to<br />

Khasi hills.<br />

Linn. Syn. Pyrus aucupariaGaertn. (Rosaceae). Kashmir<br />

to Kumaon, and in north-eastern region.<br />

Sorbus rest ita (Spech.) Hedl. Syn. Pyrus vestila Wall. (Rosaceae). Eastern<br />

Himalaya and north-eastern hills.<br />

Spondias pinnata (Linn.) Kurz. Syn. S. mang~rera WiIld. (Anacardiaceae).<br />

Moist deciduous forests in northern, peninsular and<br />

eastern region.<br />

Syzygium arnoflianum Walp. Syn. Eugenia arnottiana Wight. (Myrtaceae).<br />

Western Ghats.<br />

Syzygium cumini; (Linn.) Skeels. Syn. Eugenia jambolana Lam. (Myrtaceae).<br />

Peninsular region mainly; elsewhere sporadic.<br />

Syzygium heyneanum Wall. Syn. Eugenia heyneana Duthie. (Myrtaceae).<br />

Peninsular region.<br />

Syzygium samaragense Merr. & Perry. Syn. Eugenia javanica Lam.<br />

(Myrtaceae). Andaman and Nicobar Islands, is<br />

related to S aqueum.<br />

Vilis lanata Roxb. (Vitaceae). Occurs in Western and Eastern Himalaya<br />

in colder tracts; fruits edible.<br />

Vitis parvifolia Roxb. (Vitaceae). North-western Himalaya from Kashmir<br />

eastwards, 600-1800 m.<br />

Zizyph!ls mauritiana Linn. Syn. Z. jujuba Lam. (Rhamnaceae). Wild<br />

particularly in semi-dry north-western plains.<br />

Zizyphus nummularia Wight & Arn. Syn. Z. rotundifolia Lam. (Rhamnaceae).<br />

In drier tracts, particularly north-western plains and<br />

central India; extending to dry areas in south; used<br />

as rootstock.<br />

Zizyphus oenoplia Mill. (Rhamnaceae). Northern and peninsular tract,<br />

extending north-east.<br />

Zizyphus rugosa Lam. (Rhamnaceae). Particularly common in humid<br />

tracts in Western/Eastern Ghats.<br />

Zizyphus vulgaris Lam. Syn. Z. jujuba Mill. (Rhamnaceae). Wild in Western<br />




Diversity occurs in India in the wild relatives of Okra (Abelmoschus<br />

esculentus), non-tuberiferous So/anums, including the wild types in<br />

Solanum melongena (var. insanum) and several wild taxa in cucurbits:<br />

Luf/a, Momordic t, Citrullus, Cucumis, Coccinia and Trichosantlzes (Fig. 10).<br />

Among the tuberous types more variability occurs in Amorphopha/lus,<br />

Dioscorea and C%casia (Fig. I 1).<br />

The nearest wild related species to cultivated okra (Fig. 12) is Abelmoschus<br />

tube rCli/atlis which sporadically occurs in fields/field margins.<br />

A. tuberculatus is confined to north/north-western plains, often along<br />

.LEGEND<br />

A - ABELMOSCHUS L - LUff A<br />

Fig. 10.<br />



Ci - CITRULlUS<br />

C. - COCC<strong>IN</strong>IA<br />

C,,-CUCUMIS<br />



Ml- MALVA<br />

R - RUMEX<br />

S - SOLANVM<br />


N - NEOLUffA<br />

Distribution of diversity in wild relatives of vegetable types; zones of<br />

maximum concentration are the western and eastern peninsular region,<br />

the north-eastern region and the Western Himalaya (medium elevation<br />

range). Sporadic pockets of diversity also occur in the Gangetic plains.


LEGEND<br />

A - ALO:::A5IA<br />


C - COLEU::;<br />

ct - COLOCA&IA<br />

o - DI05COREA<br />


Fig. II. Distribution of diversity in wild tuberous types; more diversity occurs in<br />

the western and eastern peninsular region and in the north-easte:n region.<br />

field borders and except for its tuberculate hard fruits (upto 8 cm long)<br />

looks unmistakably like the cultivated okra. Variability in A. pungens<br />

and A. heterophylius occurs in the sub-Himalayan range, for the former in<br />

north-eastern belt and for the latter, in the north-western tarai re&ion. Wild<br />

Abelmoschus species are also available in the Western Ghats (3 of the<br />

6 spp.); A. 01lgUIOSllS, a polymorphic taxon with more variation in<br />

Karnataka and Nilgiri hills; A monihot (including A. pungens) and<br />

A. ficulneus occur here.<br />

Among the cucurbitaceous types, in Luffa (Fig. 14) most of the<br />

species occur in disturbed sites, forest openings etc. Luffa acutangula var.<br />

amara occurs in peninsular India and is the wild related type of the cultivated<br />

smooth gourd. Lujfa echinata occurs in the Western Himalaya, central<br />

India, and the upper Gangetic plains, and L. graveolens (considered a wild<br />

progenitor of L. hermaphrodita), in Bihar and northwards to Sikkim, and<br />

south of it to Tamil Nadu. L. umbellata is confined to the eastern coast.

<strong>WI</strong><strong>LD</strong> RELATIVES OF <strong>CROP</strong> <strong>PLANTS</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>IN</strong>DIA 31<br />

In Momordica (Fig. 15), M. balsamina occurs in semi-dry northwestern<br />

plains, and only sporadically elsewhere in upper Gangetic region<br />

and in the northern parts of Western and Eastern Ghats. Momordica<br />

dioica and M. cochinchinensis occur wild/semi-wild in the Gangetic<br />

plains extending eastwards. M. cymbalaria is restricted to the Western<br />

Gha ts, Maharashtra southwards, with only sporadic occurrence in the<br />

eastern peninsular region. M. subangulata and M. macrophylla occur<br />

largely in the north-eastern region; M. subanglllata also exhibits sporadic<br />

distribution in Deccan plateau, extending to the Eastern Ghats. M.<br />

denudata is largely confined to eastern peninsular tract.<br />

Trichosanthes has 21 species occurring in India (Fig. 17) and the<br />

major zones of species concentration are: (a) along the Malabar coast in<br />

Western Ghats and (b) low and medium elevation zones (upto 1500 m) in<br />

Eastern Ghats and north-eastern region. Contiguous areas are major<br />

areas of distribution of the wild types of potential importance. T. CliCUmer<br />

ina occurs in the north-eastern region, along with semi-wild T. dioica.<br />

A widely distributed species is T. bracteata occurring in eastern<br />

India, ext(nding to the south, and sporadically in the Himalaya (1500 m).<br />

T. cordata (related to T. anguina), occurs in the peninsular region<br />

ex tending to north-eastern plains and hills.<br />

Citrullus colocynthis exhibits much variation in north-western plains.<br />

In Cucamis (Fig•.l.1), for C bardwickii and C. trigflll11S...- much ~i_lj_ty<br />

occurs in the Himalaya, for the former in the West~rn I-limala'y~ and for<br />

the htter all though the Himalayan belt and in the peninsular hills. While<br />

C. setoslls is restricted to eastern plains, C. hystrix extends its range<br />

from eastern plains to north-eastern hills in Assam, Tura range in<br />

Meghalaya and Mishmi hills. By and large, the wild types related to<br />

cultivated cucumber (Cucumis sath,lts), C. trigon us and C. hardwick ii, occur<br />

mostly in the Himalayan belt. Localized variability at species level occurs<br />

in the Western Ghats for C. hystrix and C. setosus in comparison to drier<br />

north-western plains, where only C. prophetarum occurs.<br />

In SolanuIn (Fig. 16), important wild species are available in the<br />

Western and Eastern Ghats, north-eastern hills/plains and in the tarai<br />

range. So/anum incanllm (S. coagalans) and S. melongena var. insanum,<br />

are closely related to cultivated S. melongena. More variability in<br />

S. incanllm occurs in tarai range and in insanum types in eastern peninsular<br />

tract, wherein also occurs the primitive cultivated form, the potangi<br />

type of S. melongena.<br />

Among leafy types, northern plains are the major area of variability,<br />

where wild types of 4maranthas, Chenopodium, Rumex and Malva


are common weeds: Amaranthus spp. particularly A. spinosus, Malva<br />

rotlllldifolia, M. sylrestris and Chenopodium album.<br />

\ Among the tuberous types, Amorphophallus bulbifer occurs more<br />

in north-eastern region and A. campanu!atus is confined to the Deccan<br />

plateau. In Dioscorea several species occur with concentration in both<br />

the Western and Eastern Ghats; in the north-eastern region, wild, deeprooted<br />

types in D. alma, D. ham-iltonU and others occur. Wild forms of<br />

Colocasia and Alocasia occur more in Bengal plains, Assam valley and<br />

the neighbouring hills while more variation in wild types in Moghania<br />

vest ita occurs in Western Himalaya (1800 m), though the seat of domestication<br />

is located in the Khasi hills. Thus, the maximum species<br />

concentration of tuberous types is in the north-eastern region and to a<br />

lesser extent in the southern parts (Fig. 11).<br />

Check-Jist of species<br />

Abelmoschus angulosus Mast. (Malvaccae). Western Ghats mainly;<br />

variable, several types exist in Karnataka and<br />

Nilgiris, upto 1600 m, in forest openings.<br />

Abelmoschus fielllneus Wight & Am. (Malvaceae). Mainly Deccan<br />

plateau. extending south.<br />

Abelmoschus tubercu/atlfs Pal & Singh. (Malvaceae). North/north-western<br />

plains and parts of D.P., often along field borders<br />

(tolerant to yellow-vein mosaic virus and fruit borer<br />

attack; used in hybridization with A. esculentus).<br />

Amaranthus blitum<br />

Linn. (Amaranthaceae). Weed throughout India with<br />

various forms.<br />

Amarathlls caudatus Linn. (Amaranthaceae). Wild forms of the plant<br />

availahle in similar areas as the former and resembling<br />

it.<br />

Amaranthus gangeticus ,Linn. (Amaranthaceae). Throughout warmer<br />

parts of India as a weed of cultivation; variants<br />

are numerous sl1ch as A. mangostanus.<br />

As escape from culti­<br />

Amaranthus paniculatus Linn. (Amaranthaceae).<br />

vation in the warmer parts.<br />

Amarant/zus spinoslls<br />

Linn. (Amaranthaceae). Weed throughout India;<br />

common, particularly in fallow places in the upper<br />

Gangetic plams.<br />

Bryollopsis laciniosa (Linn.) Naud. (Cucurbitaceae). All over the<br />

warmer parts of India.

<strong>WI</strong><strong>LD</strong> RELATIVES OF <strong>CROP</strong> <strong>PLANTS</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>IN</strong>DIA 33<br />

C<br />

F M.<br />

LEGEND<br />

A A. ANGUL05U5<br />

C A. CR<strong>IN</strong>ITU5<br />

F A. FICULNEU5<br />

M. A. M05CHATU5<br />


M A. MANIHOT<br />

Fig. 12. Distribution of wild Abelmoschus species; wild types more closely related<br />

to cultivated okra occur in northern plains, with more species diversity<br />

in the Western Ghats.<br />

Chenopodium album Linn. (Chenopodiaceae). Occurs as weed in plains<br />

and C. marale in hills upto 3000 m, more variability<br />

in upper Gangetic plains, extending to northern .<br />

hills; elsewhere only sporadic distribution.<br />

Citrullus colocynthis (Linn.) Schrad. (Cucurbitaceae). North-western<br />

plains, fallow lands/fields, drought hardy type. Good<br />

variability in Rajasthan and Gujarat.<br />

Coccinia indica<br />

Wight and Arn. (Cucurbitaceae). Northern plains, tarai<br />

range, extending to peninsular region.<br />

Cucumis hardwickii Royle. (Cucurbitaceae). Wild type (related to<br />

C. salivas), confined to Western Himalaya; cold<br />



LEGEND<br />

H C. HARD<strong>WI</strong>CKII<br />

Hy C. HYSTRIX<br />

M C. MELO<br />


5 C. 5ETOSUS<br />

T C. TRI60NU5<br />

Fig. 13.<br />

Distribution of wild Cucumis species; types closely related to cucumber<br />

occur in the Himalaya (upto 1800 m).<br />

Cucumis /zystrix Chak. (Cucurbitaceae). Plains of eastern India, northeastern<br />

hills and Assam valley.<br />

Cucumis prophetarum Linn. (Cucurbitaceae). Largely distributed in the<br />

dry north-western plains, Rajasthan and adjoining<br />

belt.<br />

Cucumis setosus<br />

Cucumis trigon us<br />

Cogn. (Cucurbitaceae). Eastern India, upper Gangetic<br />

plains, West Bengal and peninsular region.<br />

Roxb. Syn. C. callosus (RottI.) Cogn. (Cucurbitaceae).<br />

Widely distributed in Eastem and Western Ghats,<br />

north-eastern region, extending to the Himalaya;<br />

turbinatus types possess fdible fruits.<br />

Luffa acutangula var. amara (Roxb.) Clarke. (Cucurbitaceae). Mainly distributed<br />

in peninsular tract.

<strong>WI</strong><strong>LD</strong> RELATIVFS OF <strong>CROP</strong> <strong>PLANTS</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>IN</strong>DIA<br />

35<br />

LEGEND<br />


'" L. ACUTANGULA<br />

A .. L. AEGYPTIACA<br />

E L. ECH<strong>IN</strong>ATA<br />

G l. GRAVEOLEN5<br />

U l. UMBELLATA<br />

Fig. 14.<br />

Distribution of wild Luffa species; more concentration occurs in the<br />

eastern peninsular tract.<br />

Luffa echinata var. longistylis (Edur.) Clarke. (Cucurbitaceae). Widely<br />

distributed, north-western Himalaya, ,upper Gangetic<br />

plains.<br />

LujJa graveolens Roxb. (Cucurbitaceae). Widely distributed, north-easterlJ.<br />

plains, extending south to Tamil Nadu; sporadic J<br />

elsewhere in Eastern Himalaya .•<br />

LujJa umbellata M. (Klein) Roem. (Cucurbitaceae). Confined largely to<br />

the eastern coast/Coromandal b~lt.<br />

Malva rotundifolia Linn. (Malvaceae). Western Himalaya, northern<br />

plains and the Deccan peninsula.<br />

Malva sylvestris Linn. (Malvaceae). Western Himalaya upto an altitude<br />

of 2400 m and as a weed in Bihar and parts of<br />

Deccan pellinsula.


Malva verticil/ata Linn. (Malvaceae). Temperate Himalaya upto 3600 m;<br />

also in Nilgiris, as a weed of cultivation.<br />

\<br />

Momordica balsamina Linn. (Cucurbitaceae). North-western, Indo-<br />

Gangetic plains, adapted to dry sandy soils.<br />

Momordica cochinchinensis (Lour.) Spr. (Cucurbitaceae). Peninsular<br />

region, humid tropical forests, in openings, also<br />

north-eastern region.<br />

Momordica cymbalaria Fenzl. ex Hook. f. (Cucurbitaceae). Mainly in<br />

Western Ghats, Maharashtra southwards, and in<br />

eastern peninsular tract.<br />

Momordica denudata (Thwait.) C. B. Clarke. (Cucurbitaceae). Mainly in<br />

eastern peninsular tract.<br />

,.j. D<br />

,.<br />

,.<br />

....<br />

, ...._.I B<br />

,.<br />

"'"..<br />

~<br />

.,._. .. •<br />

.",.<br />

LEGEND<br />

B ..... BALSAM~~A<br />

C ..... COCH<strong>IN</strong>CH<strong>IN</strong>ENSIS<br />



DO. M. DIOICA<br />

M M. MA<strong>CROP</strong>HYLLA<br />


Fig. 15.<br />

Distribution of wild Momordica species; more diversity occurs in the<br />

eastern peninsular region and the north-eastern region.

Momordica dioica<br />

Momordica macroplzylla<br />

<strong>WI</strong><strong>LD</strong> RELATIVES OF <strong>CROP</strong> <strong>PLANTS</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>IN</strong>DIA 37<br />

Roxb. ex Willd. (Cucurbitaceae). Occurs wild near<br />

habitations, open forests, cleared sites in central<br />

peninsular tract, extending north-east.<br />

Gage. (Cucurbitaceae). North-eastern region.<br />

Momordica subangulata Blume (Cucurbitaceae). North-eastern hills,<br />

Eastern Ghats, Deccan peninsula.<br />

Neoluffa sikkimensis Chak. (Cucurbitaceae). Sikkim Himalaya, (allied<br />

to L. acutangula var. amara).<br />

Rumex dentalus Linn. (Polygonaceae). North-western Himalaya, also in<br />

northern and central plains; more variability in<br />

hills, extending to eastern region; forms from plains<br />

are akin to R. nigricans.<br />

Solanum incanum Linn. Syn. S. coagulans Forsk. (Solanaceae). Throughout<br />

India; in the west in the Shiwalik ranges, lower<br />

hills of the Western Himalaya, plains of the east;<br />

lower elevation areas in the south.<br />

Solanum indicum Linn. Syn. S. anguil'i Lam. (Solanaceae). Throughout<br />

tropical India; common in southern and eastern<br />

parts upto 1200 m.<br />

Solanum melongena<br />

Linn var. insanum. (Solanaceae). Wild all over particularly<br />

the eastern and southern parts with local<br />

pockets of variability.<br />

Solanum surattense Burm. Syn. S. xantlzocarpum Schrad. (Solanaceae).<br />

Common throughout India upto 2000 m in the<br />

warmer parts.<br />

Solanum torvum<br />

Swartz. (Solanaceae). Throughout Indian tropics except<br />

western desert area; common in the eastern plains.<br />

Trichosantlzes bracteata (Lam.) Voigt. var. tomentosa (Heyne ex Clarke)<br />

Chak. (Cucurbitaceae). Occurs in the peninsular<br />

region and north-eastern zone; var. bracteata occurs<br />

all over, largely in eastern India, in the Himalaya<br />

up to an elevation of 1500 m and extending so·6.thwards<br />

to the Andaman Islands.<br />

Trichosanthes cordata Roxb. (Cucurbitaceae). Occurs in peninsular<br />

India and north-eastern plains and hills.<br />

Trichosanthes cucumerina Linn. (Cucurbitaceae). Occurs throughout India<br />

and may be the wild form Of T. anguina.

38<br />


LEGEND<br />



1" 5. <strong>IN</strong>DICUM ~S. C,RAC ILIPES 5 S. 5URATTENSE<br />

A ... S. ARUNDO<br />


~<br />

~ :). BAR615ETUM h S. HISPIDUM Sy S. 51 SYMaRllFOLIUM<br />

D S. DUBIUM I s. <strong>IN</strong>CANUM T 5. TORVUM<br />



E<br />

"'<br />

~. ERIANTHUM N 5. NIGRUM <strong>IN</strong>SANUM<br />

Fig. 16.<br />

Distribution of wild Solanum (non-tuberiferous) species; the western<br />

peninsular region, the eastern peninsular region and the north-eastern<br />

region exhibit more species diversity.<br />

Trichosanthes dioica Roxb. (Cucurbitaceae). Semi-wild populations occur<br />

in Assam plains, Brahmaputra valley.<br />

Tuberous types<br />

Alocasia macrorhiza Schott. (Araceae). Sub-Himalayan tract, northeastern<br />

region, and peninsular humid tract.

<strong>WI</strong><strong>LD</strong> RELATIVES OF <strong>CROP</strong> <strong>PLANTS</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>IN</strong>DIA 39<br />

Ol.<br />

CIL<br />

C<br />

Pa<br />

II<br />

Dt.<br />

C ...<br />

C<br />

t><br />

P.<br />

II<br />

le<br />

Fig. 17.<br />

LEGEND<br />



T. CORDATA<br />


CUCUMER<strong>IN</strong>A ° T OVATA<br />






L. T LEP<strong>IN</strong>IANA<br />

L T L1STERI<br />

V T VILL05ULA<br />


Distribution of wild Trichosanthes species; the western peninsular region<br />

and the north-eastern region exhibit more diversity. with more closely<br />

related types in the latter region.<br />

Amorphophallus bulbifer Bl. (Araceae). Eastern peninsular tract, West<br />

Bengal, north-eastern region, Khasi Hills, Eastern<br />

Himalaya in Sikkim.<br />

Amorphophallus campanulatus (Roxb.) Bl. ex Decne. (Araceae). Wild types<br />

occur in Deccan plateau.<br />

Coleus forskohlii (Willd.) Briq. (Labiatae). SUb-tropical Western and<br />

Central Himalaya upto 2500 m and on dry'l barren<br />

hills in north-eastern regions in the Deccan peninsula.<br />

Colocasia esculenta (Linn.) Schott. Syn. C. antiqltorum Schott. (Araceae).<br />

Sub-Himalayan tract, peninsular region, and northeastern<br />

region, in water-logged humid tropical belt;<br />

more variability in eastern region.


Dioscorea alata Linn. (Dioscoreaceae). Western Himalaya, also in<br />

eastern and north-eastern region.<br />

Dio'scorea bulbi/era Linn. (Dioscoreaceae). Western and Eastern<br />

Himalaya.<br />

Dioscorea hamiltonii Hook. (Dioscoreaceae). Eastern Himalaya, Sikkim­<br />

Assam; Bihar, Chota Nagpuf plateau, southern<br />

peninsular tt'act.<br />

Dioscorea !zispida<br />

Dennst. (Dioscoreaceae). ThrOUghout India upto an<br />

altitude of 1200 m, in Sikkim Himalaya and Khasi<br />

Hills.<br />

Dioscorea pentaphylla Linn. (Dioscoreaceae). T hrcughout India ascending<br />

upto 1800 m in Himalaya; Andaman Islands.<br />

Moglzania vestita (Linn.) O. Kuntze (Leguminoseae). North-eastern<br />

region, SUb-Himalayan tract all through; as forest<br />

undergrowth or in grassy patches.


Wild types of oilseed crops are available only in a few genera such<br />

as Sesannlm, Brassica, Lepidillm and Carthamus. While the wild species<br />

of Sesamum are distributed in the southern peninsular tract, naturalized<br />

populations of S. indicum occur sporadically in northern plains and in the<br />

Aravalli ranges. In Brassiccae, two wild species occur in northern plains;<br />

B. trilocularis and B. quadrivalvis, also considered VarIetles of<br />

B. campestris var. sarson. While the former is distributed largely in Central<br />

and Eastern Himalaya and in the sub-hilly tracts of Assam, the quadrivalvis<br />

types occur in the fields of B. campestris in the upper Gangetic<br />

plains. Another wild or spontaneous type is B. tournefortii occurring in<br />

northern India. Carthamus oxycantha, related to the cultivated C. tinctoria<br />

(of which it may be a wild form), is a weed of the nothern plains.<br />

Further, in the Himalaya, much species diversity occurs in Lepidium spp.,<br />

L. capitatum, L. latijo!ium, L. ruderale and L. draba. Overall, the major<br />

distribution areas of these wild .species of oilseed types are the Indo­<br />

Gangetic plains and the Western Himalaya and to a lesser extent the<br />

southern parts (Fig. 18).<br />

Check-list of species<br />

Brossica quadrivalvis Hook. f. & Thorn. (Cruciferae). In fie Ids of B. campestris<br />

in upper Gangetic plains. This and B. trilocularis<br />

are considered varieties of B. campestris var.<br />

sarson Prain; (3.valved-trilocularis types and 4-<br />

valved-quadril·alvis types).<br />

Brassica toarnejortif Gouan. (Cruciferae). Western India, semi-dry<br />

plains.<br />

Brassica trilocularis Hook. f. & Thom. (Cruciferae). Central and Eastern<br />

Himalaya, Sikkim, anj in sub-hilly tracts of Assam,<br />

in fields.<br />

Carthamus lanatus<br />

Linn. (Compositae). North-western Himalaya.<br />

Carthamus oxycantha Bieb. (Compositae). Northern plains, weed m<br />

winter crops; possibly a wild form of C. tinct()ria.<br />

Lepidium capitatu»l Hook. f. & Thorn. (Cruciferae). Temperate Himalaya,<br />

Kumaon to Sikkim, upto 4000 m.<br />

Lepidium draba Linn. (Cruciferae). A weed of cultivation, Punjab/<br />

northern hills.


LEGEND<br />

& - &FlASS ICA<br />


l - lEPIDIUM<br />

S - SESAMUM<br />

Fig. 18.<br />

Distribution of wild relatives of oilseed crops. Sporadic pockets of<br />

diversity occur in the Himalayan region, north-eastern region, Gangetic<br />

plains and in the south-eastern peninsular region.<br />

Lepidium latifolium Linn. (Cruciferae). Kashmir westwards, largely<br />

north-western Himalaya.<br />

Lepidium ruderale<br />

Sesamum indicum<br />

Linn. (Cruciferae). Kashmir to Kumaon, Western<br />

Himalaya.<br />

Linn. Syn. S. orientale Linn. (Pedaliaceae). Natura­<br />

.lized in parts of northern plains; common around<br />

Delhi; sporadically all through the Aravalli range.<br />

Sesamum laciniatum Klein. (Pedaliaceae). Southern parts of Deccan peninsula,<br />

extending to Cochin.<br />

Sesamum prostratum Retz. (Pedaliaceae). Coastal Andhra Pradesh to<br />

Tamil Nadll, sandy hills near the sea; allied to<br />

S. laciniatum.

VI.<br />

FIBRES<br />

Diversity in wild types of major and minor fibre yielding plants is<br />

high though, in most of the taxa, relationships with the cultivated species<br />

is not known. Corchorus exhibits considerable diversity. The wild lelated<br />

species of Corchorus oUtodus, C. acutangulus and C. trilocular is are largely<br />

distributed in the peninsular tract, while the wild forms of C. capsularis<br />

occur mainly in the upper Brahmaputra valley/Assam valley and the<br />

neighbouring north-eastern hills, an area of variability of this cultigen.<br />

The wild related type of sunnhemp (Crotalaria jtlllcea), C. relusa, occurs<br />

mainly in the Western Ghats in disturbed forests while another species<br />

C. striata, occurs as a weed and yields fibre similar to sunnhemp. In<br />

Gossypium, truly wild types are not known from India but in the area of<br />

variability of Gossypium arboreum, the north-eastern region, primitive<br />

branched/shrubby types occur; similarly, in the area of variability of kenaf<br />

i.e. central/eastern peninsular tract, tall, tomentose plants of Hibiscus<br />

call1labinus are found near habitations. The species of the Western Ghats,<br />

Linum mysorense is related to L. llsitatissimum and its distribution extends<br />

to Western Himalaya and in western India to Mt. Abu in Rajasthan and<br />

the Aravallis. This is however different from the cold hardy L. perenne<br />

types available in Western Himalaya, in Lahaul.<br />

Urena labata, as a fibre crop, is of African origin but in India it<br />

occurs wild as forest undergrowth all through the tropical/sub-tropical<br />

be'lt, barring arid habitats. Urena sinuata may be a form of this species.<br />

U. repanda, yielding better quality fibre is confined to the upper Gangetic<br />

plains, with sporadic distribution in the tarai range and in western and<br />

southern India. The major areas/phytogeographical regions, of diversity<br />

comprise of the southern and eastern plains and the hilly parts in tbe<br />

western and north eastern region (Fig. 19).<br />

Check-list of species<br />

Boehmeria malabarica Wedd. (U rticaceae). Eastern Himalaya, upto 1500 ill,<br />

north-eastern region.<br />

Boehmeria platyphylla D. Don. (Urticaceae). Considerable variability<br />

in tropical and sub-tropical Himalaya, Deccan<br />

peninsula.<br />

Corchorus acutangulus Lam. (Tiliaceae). Hotter parts of India; common<br />

weed in western peninsular tract.<br />



LEGEND<br />


H - HIBISCUS<br />


L - LlNUM<br />


U - UFIENA<br />


Fig. 19.<br />

Distribution of wild relatives of fibre yielding crops; only sporadic<br />

diversity occurs.<br />

Corchorus antichorus Raeuch. Syn. C. depressus (Linn.) C. Chr. (Tiliaceae).<br />

H otter/drier parts, Deccan; drought/heat tolerant type.<br />

Corchorus capsularis Linn. (Tiliaceae). Wild/semi-wild forms in northeastern,<br />

Assam plains and bordering hills upto<br />

Tripura region. Bushy/branched shrubby types occur.<br />

Corclzorus fascicularis Lamk. (Tiliaceae). Hotter parts of central and<br />

peninsular region; drought/heat adaptable.<br />

Corchorus tridens Linn. (Tiliaceae). Hotter parts of central peninsular<br />

tract.<br />

Corchorus trilocularis Linn. (Tiliaceae). Adaptable to dry lands. Hotter<br />

parts of upper Gangetic plains, down south to<br />

Nilgiris.<br />

Corchorus urticaefolius Wight & Arn. (Tiliaceae). Mainly confined to<br />

western peninsular tract in south.

<strong>WI</strong><strong>LD</strong> RELATIVES OF <strong>CROP</strong> <strong>PLANTS</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>IN</strong>DIA 45<br />

Crotalaria retusa Linn. (Leguminoseae). Widely distributed in hotter<br />

parts of India, extending to hills. Much variability<br />

in Western Ghats.<br />

Crotalaria striata DC. Syn. C. mucronata Desv. (Leguminoseae). More<br />

common in western peninsular tract (yields fibre<br />

similar to sunnhemp).<br />

Gossypium arboreum Linn. (Malvaceae). Wild types reported from Chittagong<br />

hills; possibility of wild types in hills of<br />

Tripura and Mizoram.<br />

Hibiscus cannabinus Linn. (Malvaceae). Semi-wild mainly in Deccan<br />

peninsula, Western Ghats; occurs all over the country<br />

upto an elevation of 1000 m. in the lower Himalaya.<br />

Hibiscus eriocarpus DC. (Malvl'.ceae).<br />

Western peninsula.<br />

Hibiscus ficlllneus Linn. (Malvaceae). Throughout the plains of India.<br />

Hibiscus furcatus Roxb. (Malvaceae). North-eastern region, Eastern<br />

and Western Ghats.<br />

Hibiscus radiatus Cay. (Malvaceae). Throughout India in the plains.<br />

Hibiscus surattensis Linn. (Malvaceae). Upper Gangetic plains, Deccan<br />

peninsula and Western Ghats.<br />

Hibiscus tiliaceus Linn. (Malvaceae). Common in eastern and western<br />

coasts of India near backwaters arid banks of tidal<br />

streams and mangloves particularly in Sundarbans<br />

and Andaman Islands.<br />

Linum mysorense Heyne ex Wall. (Linaceae). Common in Western Ghats,<br />

Ratnagiri, Deccan hills, Mahabaleshwar/Khandala<br />

Ghats down south to Nilgiris in grass-mixed open<br />

slopes upto 1800 m, also sporadically distributed in<br />

Western Himalaya and in western India in Mt. Abu.<br />

Linum perenne Linn. (Linaceae). Confined to Lahaul in north-western<br />

Himalaya upto 4000 m; cold hardy type.<br />

Linum strictum Linn. (Linaceae). Occurs in the north-western plains<br />

and Western Himalaya.<br />

Urena lobata Linn. (Malvaceae). Hotter parts ofIndia, extending southwards,<br />

commonly as forest undergrowth; a \ hardy<br />

type.<br />

Urena repanda Roxb. ex Sm. (Malvaceae). More confined to upper<br />

Gangetic plains with sporadic occurrence in south<br />

India, westem peninsula and in the foothills of<br />


VII.<br />


Diversity in wild types occurs in the humid sub-tropical/tropical<br />

belts for Amomum, Curcuma, Piper and Zingiber. Variability occurs in<br />

Amomum subulatum, a substitute for cardamom, in ~he Eastern Himalaya.<br />

Alpinia speciosa, a substitute for ginger, is also available here. Eastern<br />

peninsular tract has more diversity in Curcuma: C. angllsti/olia, C. amada,<br />

C. lati/olia (allied to C. zeodoaria, C. aromatica) and C. montana; the wild<br />

forms of C. domesticeJ occur in the Chota Nagpur plateau. In Zingiber<br />

however, variability in wild and primitive forms of Z. officinale occurs<br />

·in the Western Ghats. Other species like Zingiber cassumUllar and Z.<br />

zerumbet are sporadically distributed in the sub-Himalayan tracts.<br />

In the humid tropical region, Piper nigrum occurs in the Western<br />

Ghats, P. [ollgum and P. peepuloides in the north-eastern region, whereas<br />

P. schmidtii occurs in the Western Ghats in Nilgiris and also sporadically<br />

in the north-eastern region.<br />

In contrast to these, Allium is largely concentrated in the Western<br />

Himalaya, where several useful species like A. rubellum, A. schoenoprasum<br />

and A. tuberosllm occur. Good variability also occurs here in Carum<br />

bulbocastanum, at higher elevations (3000 - 3600 m) in cold arid habitats,<br />

and occasionally in C. carvi. Hilly tracts of the tropical/sub-tropical<br />

Himalaya and Western and Eastern Ghats are thus the major areas of<br />

concentration of wild types of spices and condiments yielding plants<br />

(Fig. 20).<br />

Check-list .of species<br />

Allium rubellum M. Bieb. (Liliaceae). Western Himalaya, Kashmir to<br />

Kumaon upto 2400 m, on exposed hillocks. Much<br />

variation occurs; used locally as flavouring type and<br />

as vegetable in curries and grown in kitchen gardens<br />

in the Western Himalaya; domestication trends are<br />

evident.<br />

Allium schoenoprasum Linn. (Liliaceae). Western Himalaya, Kashmir<br />

to Kumaon upto 3300 m, in alpine meadows.<br />

Allium tuberosum<br />

Roxb. (Liliaceae). Western Himalaya to north-eastern<br />

hills, sporadic, upto 1800 m, apparently wild on<br />

exposed hills etc.

<strong>WI</strong><strong>LD</strong> RELATIVES OF <strong>CROP</strong> <strong>PLANTS</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>IN</strong>DIA 47<br />

..... Y" ...._".....<br />

....<br />

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. '~'. t .•. _ •. !


Kumaon, 2000 - 3500 m, particularly abundant in<br />

alpine stony meadows with grasses.<br />

carum corvi Linn. (Umbelliferae). Wild in northern Himalaya; plains<br />

and hills of Kashmir, to Kumaon, much variability<br />

in alpine meadows up~o 3600 m.<br />

Cinnamomum impressinen'ium Meissn. (Lauracea~). Occurs in Eastern<br />

Himalaya.<br />

Cil1namomum zeyZanicum Breyn. (Lauraceae). More in humid tropical<br />

forests with much variation III flavour. Possibly<br />

indigenous to Western Ghats.<br />

Curcuma am ada Roxb. (Zingiberaceae). More variability in West<br />

Bengal and Assam; wild in north-eastern tract in<br />

disturbed forests.<br />

Curcuma angllstijolia Roxb. (Zingiberaceae). Widely distributed in sub­<br />

Himalayan tract, Kumaon eastwards to north<br />

Bengal and also in peninsular region.<br />

CUrcuma latijolia Roxb. (Zingiberaceae). Occurs in north-eastern region;<br />

allied to C. zeodoaria and C. aromatica.<br />

Curcuma Zonga Linn. Syn. C. domestica Valeton. (Zingiberaceae). Wild<br />

forms occur in Chota Nagpur area as undergrowth<br />

in forests.<br />

CUrcuma montana Roxb. (Zingiberaceae). Concan and Circars; wild/<br />

semi·wild types occur in northern foothills around<br />

Dehradun.<br />

Curcuma zeodoaria Rosc. (Zingiberaceae). Eastern Himalaya, northeastern<br />

region-wild/ 'Semi-protected.<br />

Myristica beddomei King. (Myristicaceae).<br />

Anamalai.<br />

In southern hills, Nilgiris and<br />

Myristica malabarica Lam. (Myristicaceae). Humid tropical forests<br />

of southern peninsular region.<br />

Piper longum Linn. (Piperaceae). Wild in eastern peninsular tract, and<br />

north-eastern hills, in evergreen forests.<br />

Piper nigrullI Linn. (Piperaceae). Wild in evergreen forest of Western<br />

Ghats; wild forms are mostly dioecious.<br />

Piper peepuloides Roxb. (Piperaceae). Tropical Himalaya particularly in<br />

north-eastern region in evergreen forests.

<strong>WI</strong><strong>LD</strong> RELATIVES OF <strong>CROP</strong> <strong>PLANTS</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>IN</strong>DIA 49<br />

Piper schmidtii Hook. (Piperaceae). More variability in Western Ghats<br />

in evergreen forests, upto Nilgiris; also in Assam;<br />

used locally as spice.<br />

Zingiber capitat!lm Roxb. (Zingiheraceae). K umaon to Sikkim and Khasi<br />

hills; in Chota Nagpur plateau as forest undergrowth.<br />

Zingiber cassumunar Roxb. (Zingiberaceae). Sub-Himalayan tract to<br />

southern region as forest undergrowth.<br />

Zingiber officinale Rosc. (Zingiberaceae). Doubtfully wild in southern<br />

peninsular region, as undergowth in evergreen forests.<br />

Zingiber zerumbet (Linn.) Sm. (Zingiberaceae).<br />

peninsular region.<br />

Sub-Himalayan tract to


Saccharum and reJated types<br />

This group includes Saccharum/Erianthus/Ripidium, Narenga, and<br />

Miscanthus. In Saccharum, both S. arundinaceum ahd S. spontanelml are<br />

widely distributed while S. bengalense and S. ravennae are more confined<br />

to northern plains. Among others, S. rztjipilum occurs in hills of<br />

northern and north-eastern region while S. filifolium is confined to the<br />

Western Himalaya (1500 - 2500 m). Species with concentration in<br />

north-eastern region include S. longisetosum in Eastern Himalaya, S.<br />

procerllm in Manipur and westwards to Si~kim, and S. sikkimense<br />

confined to Sikkim Himalaya. S. williamsii from Nepal, could pos-<br />

LEGENO<br />


SIft _ S. MAC RAN THE Rut..,<br />

Mil - M N[PAlENS~~ 5" _ 5 PROcmUM<br />

,..,.., - M WA.RD!! SI' _ S RAV£'N~jE<br />

F - SCLEROSTACHYA fL6CA 5. - 5. 5IKKlt1[NSE<br />


51 - S. SPOIITANI.1nd<br />

s .. - S ARUND<strong>IN</strong>ACEUM<br />

Su. - S RUJ:'IPlll,.,r·1<br />

s~ - 5 BENGALENSE NAi1Et~GA<br />

Sl - S .F'IUFOlJUM tJ - N .fALLA.l<br />

St - S LONGISETOSu..<br />


Fig. 21.<br />

Distribution of Saccharum and related species; more diversity occurs in<br />

the eastern and north-eastern regions, the tara; range and in the middle<br />

elevation zone of the Western Himalaya. A localized pocket adapted to<br />

semi-arid zone occurs in northern/north-western plains.

<strong>WI</strong><strong>LD</strong> RELATIVES OF <strong>CROP</strong> <strong>PLANTS</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>IN</strong>DIA 51<br />

sibly be available in the border areas in Sikkim, north Bengal and<br />

adjoining hills. Some of the above species are treated under Erianthus<br />

as E.filifolius (S.jilijolium), E. ravennae (S. ravennae) and £.longisetos1ls<br />

(S. /ongisetoszan); Ripidium is also treated under Eriantlz.1s: E. ravennae<br />

(Ripidium ravennae). Another genus related to Saccharum is Narenga, of<br />

which N. porphyrocoma is distributed mainly in the peninsular tract and<br />

N.fallax in Khasi and Naga hills, in the north-eastern region. Miscanthus<br />

is also close to Saccharum and most of 'its species are confined to the<br />

north-eastern region: M. nepalellsis (Khasi and Naga hills), M. nudipus and<br />

M. tay/orii (Sikkim) and M. wardii (Assam valley and Lohit in Arunachal<br />

Pradesh).<br />

Indo-Gangetic plains thus have the maximum species concentration<br />

of wild types related to Saccharum; north-eastern parts are particularly<br />

important as areas of high variability (Fig. 21).<br />

Beverage yielding plants<br />

The related types of major beverage yieiding plants-Camellia and<br />

CojJea species, occur wild in the humid tropical parts of eastern and<br />

north-eastern India as also the southern parts. The north-eastern parts,<br />

a major area of variability of cultivated tea, also has species used as<br />

substitutes on a local scale: Camellia cal/data and C. kissi. In CojJea,<br />

related species, C. bellgalensis and C. jragrans, occur in the north-eastern<br />

region and the southern parts; C. jenkensii and C. khasiana are endemic<br />

to the Khasi and Jaintia hills in the north.east, C. travancorensis,<br />

related to C. jragrans and C. crassifo/ia, localized in the Western Ghats;<br />

plants used as substitutes for the major ones such as Euryajaponica, are<br />

also available in these areas. Cichorium endivia and wild types of<br />

C. intybus are concentrated in the northern and north·western India.<br />

Thus, wild types related to the beverage yielding plants are mostly<br />

tropical sub-tropical types. Indigenous variability in the temperate<br />

types is comparatively low.<br />

Check-list of species<br />

Camellia caudata Wall. (Theaceae). Eastern Himalaya, north· eastern<br />

region.<br />

Camellia kissi Wall.<br />

(Theaceae). Eastern and Central Himalaya, Deccan<br />

peninsula and Andaman Islands.<br />

Cichorium endivia Linn. (Compositae). Northern and north-western India,<br />

both in the hills and the plains.


Cichorium inlybus Linn. (Compositae). Wild in north-western plains, upper<br />

Gangetic plains, Deccan.<br />

CoJfea bengaiensis Heyne & WiIId. (Rubiaceae). Tropical Himalaya<br />

ascending upto 1000 m, north-eastern region, Deccan<br />

peninsula.<br />

Coffea crassifolia Gamble. (Rubiaceae). Western Gijats in the Anamalai<br />

hills and hills of Travancore at an altitude of 1300 m.<br />

Coffeafragrans Wall. (Rubiaceae). North-eastern region and in the<br />

Western Ghats; morphological similarity to C.<br />

bengalensis in flowers.<br />

Coffea jenkensii Hook. f. (Rubiaceae).<br />

Khasi hills.<br />

Coffea khasiana Hook. f. (Rubiaceae). Frequent in Khasi and Jaintia<br />

hills.<br />

Coffea tral'ancorensis Wight & Am. (Rubiaceae). Western peninsula in<br />

moist areas; close to C. fragrans.<br />

Eurya japonica<br />

Thunb. (Ternstromiaceae). Eastern Himalaya and Western<br />

Ghats from Concan southwards.<br />

Fagopyrum cymosllm Meissn. (Polygonaceae). Temperate Himalaya,<br />

Kashmir to Kumaon,' 2400 m, in forest clearings as<br />

under-growth.<br />

Miscanthus nepaiensis (Trin.) Hack. (Poaceae). All along Himalaya and<br />

north-eastern hills.<br />

Miscanthus wardii Bor. (Poaceae). North-eastern region, Assam.<br />

Narenga Jallax (Palansa) Bor. Syn. Saccharum longifolium Munro ex<br />

Benth. (Poaceae). North-eastern region. Khasi and<br />

Naga hills, cleared forest sites.<br />

Narenga porphyrocoma (Hance) Bor. (Poaceae).<br />

region in open habitats.<br />

Mainly in peninsular<br />

Saccharum arllndinaceum Retz. (Poaceae). In plains, adaptable to dry<br />

habitats, on sandy soils.<br />

Saccharum bengalense Retz. (Poaceae). North-western plains mainly,<br />

extending (eastwards/southwards, on dry sandy soils<br />

and other open habitats.<br />

Saccharum filifolillm Steud. (Poaceae). North-western Himalaya, 1500-<br />

2500 m; sub-temperate type in forest edges, and<br />

bordering sandy river banks.

<strong>WI</strong><strong>LD</strong> RELATIVES OF <strong>CROP</strong> <strong>PLANTS</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>IN</strong>DIA 53<br />

Saccharum longisetosum (And.) Narayanaswami ex Bor. (Poaceae).<br />

E astern Himalaya; var. hookeri is widely distributed<br />

in Sikkim, U.P. hills along river banks, forest edges<br />

and cleared sites.<br />

Saccharum procerum<br />

Roxb. (Poaceae). North-eastern hill region, Sikkim<br />

Himalaya in Manipur, in cleared forest in jhwn.<br />

Saccharwn ravelllwe (Linn.) Murray. (Poaceae). Mainly north Indian<br />

plains; tarai region, along river banks; much variability<br />

available.<br />

Saccharum rlljipilum Steud. (Poaceae). Hills of north/north-eastern<br />

India; along sandy river banks, other cleared sites/<br />

open habitats.<br />

Saccharum sikkimense (Hook. f) Narayanaswami ex Bor. (Poaceae).<br />

Eastern Himalaya; Sikkim, along forest edges/cleared<br />

sites; river banks, also occurs in medium/high elevations,<br />

upto 1800 m.<br />

Saccharum spontaneum linn. (Poaceae). Widely distributed in north/northwestern<br />

plains, in tarai range and further down<br />

south, in sandy river banks and open lowland.<br />

waterlogged habitats particularly distur.bed sites.<br />

Sclerostachyafusca<br />

(Roxb.) A. Camus. (Poaceae). Upper Gangetic plains<br />

and north-eastern region.


The foregoing account brings forth the extent -of floristic diversity<br />

available in the wild relatives and related taxa of cultivated plants in<br />

India. Based on the economic plant groups, as discussed above, categorywise,<br />

t11e species of agri-horticultural importance are as follows:<br />

Crop groups<br />

Species no.<br />

Cereals and millets 51<br />

Legumes 31<br />

Fruits 109<br />

Vegetables 54<br />

Oilseeds 12<br />

Fibre plants 24<br />

Spices and condiments 27<br />

Others 26<br />

Botanically, this diversity, apart from grasses and legumes, occurs for<br />

the fruit types-in Rutaceae, Rosaceae, Musaceae, Anacardiaceae, Rhamnaceae,<br />

Myrtaceae and Moraceae; for vegetable types-in Araceae,<br />

Dioscoreaceae, Compositae, Malvaceae, Solanaceae and Cucurbitaceae;<br />

for oil seeds-in Cruciferae and Pedaliaceae; for fibre crops-in Tiliaceae<br />

and Malvaceae, for spices and condiments-in Liliaceae, Zingiberaceae,<br />

Piperaceae and among others, in Theaceae.<br />

The phytogeographical distribution of this diversity in different<br />

botanical regions pinpoints to the concentration of this genetic wealth in<br />

the warm humid tropical, sub-tropical regions and in the Western<br />

Himalaya, with low representation in the drier north-western region. The<br />

number of species occurring in each botanical zone is as follows:<br />

Phytogeographical zone,<br />

Western Himalaya<br />

Eastern Himalaya<br />

North-eastern region<br />

Gangetic plains<br />

Indus plains (north-western plains)<br />

Malabar/Western peninsular region<br />

Deccan/Eastern peninsular region<br />

Wild relatives<br />

(species no.)<br />

125<br />

82<br />

132<br />

66<br />

45<br />

145<br />


<strong>WI</strong><strong>LD</strong> RELATIVES OF <strong>CROP</strong> PLA]\,'TS <strong>IN</strong> <strong>IN</strong>DIA<br />

S5<br />

Ecologically, such species occur as components (in specific habitats)<br />

of the different vegetation types i.e. climatic, edaphic, biotic or bioedaphic,<br />

within the above botanical regions. It is evident that:<br />

1. The tropical moist evergreen/semi-evergreen climax forests in<br />

the western and eastern peninsular tracts and in north-eastern region<br />

possess rIch diversity in wild relatives occurring as tree components.<br />

Some of the major taxa available in this area are:<br />

(a) Fruit trees: Artocarpus, Citrus, Garcinia, Diospyros, Elaeocarpus,<br />

Euphoria/Nephelium, Syzygium, Spondias, Mimusops and Mangifera spp.,<br />

with Musa at lower altitudes;<br />

(b) Trees of value as spices/condiments like Cinnamomum and<br />

Myristica species;<br />

(c) As undergrowth in these forests occur Amomum, Piper,<br />

Zingiber and others, Piper spp. being mostly viny; often on the outskirts<br />

MORE DIVER SIT'!' <strong>IN</strong> W<br />

I<br />

ARTOGARPU5, GARC<strong>IN</strong>IA • SllYGllJ'o1,<br />



i.. C:f-llO),lACH»"E.1R1LObAC~[. POlY1OcA.<br />

HYGRORrZA, ORYl.,A<br />







of forest openings occur many wild relatives particularly legumes and<br />

cucurbits : Vigna, Pueraria, Canarafia, Atylosia, Moghania~ Doliehos, with<br />

huffa, Triehosanthes; Momordiea, Cucumis, Coeeinia, non-tuberiferous<br />


<strong>WI</strong><strong>LD</strong> RELATIVES OF <strong>CROP</strong> <strong>PLANTS</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>IN</strong>DIA 57<br />

(ii) Rich undergrowth of Rubus, Solanum and several species of<br />

genera listed above, under humid tropical type;<br />

(iii) In the biotic vegetation type i.e. Nilgiri sub-tropical hill<br />

savannah-locally called Shulas (grasslands at 1800 m), more cold adaptable<br />

subtropical components occur i.e. Vigna, Atylosia, Trichosanthes, Abelmoscllus,<br />

Solanum, Dolichos, Setaria and undergrowth of Fragaria.<br />

5. The montane temperate vegetation types occupy the Himalayan<br />

zone. Rich diversity occurs here in :<br />

(a) Fruit tree types-pome and stone fruits related to cultivated<br />

types - Pyrus, Prunus and Maills; and others - Myrica and M orus spp;<br />

(b) Rubus and Ribes spp. in the lower storey and undergrowth of<br />

Fragaria, Lathyrlls, Linllm, Allium, Hordeum, Digitaria and Elymlls as<br />

common components of bioedaphic/biotic temperate habitats;<br />

(c) Forest openings/outskirts are floristically rich in Vitis spp. and<br />

cucurbits, such as Cucumis trigonus, C. hardwickii and Trichosantlzes spp.<br />

6. In contrast to montane temperate vegetation, the alpine vegetation,<br />

characteristic of higher elevation zone of the Himalaya-ca 2100-3300 m;<br />

are poor in wild relatives; very few tree/shrubby components oc:;ur i.e.<br />

Sorbus, Prunus, Armaniaca, Ribes and Rubus. The alpine meadows and<br />

alpine scrub are bioedaphic types wherein occur Allium, Avena, Aegi/ops,<br />

Eremopyrum, Elymus, Ho rde un, Trigonella, Lathyrus and Cicer species.<br />

These represent extremely cold-hardy/drought-tolerant germplasm. Some<br />

of these i.e. Hordeum, Elymus, Avena, Brassicae and Trigollella interestingly<br />

occur as weeds of fields too.<br />

7. Among the wild relatives dealt with in this account almost a third<br />

of the total 320 spp. (approximately) are taxa more closely related to the<br />

cultivated types (Table 6). Analysis of the distribution patterns of these<br />

species shows that certain specific areas/habitat types within the above<br />

phytogeographic regions, possess high variability in these. Some examples<br />

of important taxa are given: Hordeum spp., Elymus and Eremopyrum as<br />

weeds in the north-western Himalayan region, in and along barley fields;<br />

Saccharum cytotypes from the Indo-Gangetic plains; the widely distributed<br />

and highly variable, wild forms in Vigna umbel/ala and V. radial a var.<br />

sublobata from tropical and sub-tropical parts; the annual types available<br />

in the extreme ranges of distribution of the species, such as Digitaria spp.<br />

in the frost zone of the north-eastern region, Emblica officinalis in the<br />

foothills of the Himalaya and Echinoclzloa, Elellsine and Coix spp. in the<br />

comparatively drier tracts in the eastern parts of the country; and Citrus<br />

indica and C. latipes in the north-eastern region.


From the above, it is evident that:<br />

(i) Maximum variability in fruit tree components occurs in the humid<br />

'tropical/sub-tropical zone of peninsular region and in the northeast; and<br />

for pome and stone fruits, in the Western and Eastern Himalaya in<br />

montane temperate forests.<br />

(ii) A large proportion of diversity in wild relatives of cereals and<br />

millets occurs in biotic/bioedaphic habitats-both in tropical/sub-tropical<br />

and temperate/alpine regions.<br />

(iii) Maximum variability in legumes and cucurbits, occurs in<br />

bioedaphic types either within the moist-tropical zone of peninsular<br />

region and in the north-eastern region, or in the climax forest along<br />

openings or in cleared sites as secondary components.<br />

(iv) Several of these also OCCUr as undergrowth in climax forest<br />

types, evergreen forests i.e. Piper spp. (cli mbing on Garcinia and others),<br />

Curcuma, Zingiber, Dioscorea and Solanum spp.<br />

(v) Only a few species occur in sp;ecialized habitats as components<br />

of primary edaphic types i.e. Vignaluteola in beach forests; Oryza rujipogon<br />

along margin of ponds; o. coarctata and Canavalia virosa as components<br />

of brackish water, the latter as a component of coastal strand vegetation.<br />

(vi) As compared to the wild types occurring as components of<br />

climax forests, more prevalence of wild relatives occurs in disturbed,<br />

bioedaphic habitats; these species exhibit wider ecological/distributional<br />

range.<br />

(vii) By and large, for all groups of plants (wild relatives), disturbed<br />

areas as referred to above (vi) i.e. forest openings/forest margins, comprise<br />

a distinct type of habitat, different from primary/climax vegetation. These<br />

species occurring in disturbed habitats include weeds either of cultivated<br />

areas (species closer to cultivated types, class T, Table 6) or of wastelands,<br />

serving as indicators of disturbance (species of class II, Table 6).<br />

(viii) The floristic element represented exhibits good degree of<br />

endemism. For different genera, species exhibit both continuous and<br />

disjunct distribution. Sympatric distribution is found in closely related<br />

taxa, as in species of Vigna, Atylosia, Qryza, Saccharum and Solanum.<br />

The above information on the phytogeographical and ecological<br />

synthesis of the wild relatives of crop plants can be effectively used in<br />

in situ conservation measures along with information on their. endemism.

<strong>WI</strong><strong>LD</strong> RELATIVES OF <strong>CROP</strong> <strong>PLANTS</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>IN</strong>DIA 59<br />

Maximum endemic species occur in the Western Ghats, north· eastern<br />

region and in the high elevation zone of the Western Himalaya.<br />

At the national level, 12 biosphere reserves have been proposed:<br />

(1) Mysore Plateau-Wynad-Nilgiri (Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil<br />

Nadu); (2) Gulf of Mannar (Tamil Nadu); (3) Simplipal and Jeypore Hill<br />

forests (Orissa); (4) North Islands of Andamans and Jarawa Tribal<br />

Reserves (Andaman & Nicobar Islands); (5) Sundarbans (West Bengal); (6)<br />

Kanha National Park (M.P.); (7) Valley of Flowers and Kedarnath (U.P.);<br />

(8) The Nanda Devi Sanctuary (U.P.); (9) Khangchendzonga National<br />

Park (Sikkim); (10) Lalichopri (Arunachal Pradesh); (11) Namdapha<br />

(Arunachal Pradesh) and (12) Tura range (Meghalaya). Excepting Tura<br />

(Garo hills, Meghalaya) and Namdapha which have been partly surveyed,<br />

other reserves have not been explored specifically for the nature and<br />

extent of their plant genetic resources. However, considering the overall<br />

vegetational zones within each reserve, and the range of climate, soil, and<br />

physiography, some of these would be rich in genetic wealth of the<br />

following wild types:<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

(c)<br />

(d)<br />

Mysore Plateau-Wynad-Nilgiris; particularly for legumes, Canavalia<br />

virosa, C. ensi/ormis, Dolichos unijiorus, D. bracteatus, Vigna radiata<br />

var. sublobala, V. dalzelliana, V. bourneae, V. wightii, V. umbel/ata,<br />

V. aconitifolia, V. trilobata, V. capensis, V. pilosa; wild population of<br />

fruit trees, Artocarpus heterophy/lus, M angifera indica, Euphoria longan,<br />

Zizyphzes rugosa, Z. xylopyra, and others; Solanum spp., Momordica<br />

cochinc/tinensis, Trichosanthes spp.; tuberous types, Amorphophallus<br />

campanulatus and A. bulbifer; oilseed types, Sesamum laciniatum and<br />

S. prostratum; and others, like Cillnam omum zeylanicllm, Knema<br />

attenuata, Curcuma zeodoaria, Zingiber cassumunar, Saccharum spp;<br />

Coix gigantea, C. lacryma-jobi and Panicum psilopodium.<br />

Simlipal and Jeypore Hill Forests (Orissa): Oryza nivara, weedy<br />

type-sponlanea, O. rujipogon; legumes-Aty/osia spp., Mucuna pruriens,<br />

M. uti/is, Vigna umbel/ata, V. radiata var. sub/obara, V. capensis,<br />

V. trilobata, V. aconiti/olia; species of Syzygiunt, Zizyphus, Abe/moschus,<br />

Solanum (including primitive potangi type), Luffa, Saccharum<br />

and related types.<br />

The biD-sphere reserves in the north-western Himalaya would hold<br />

diversity in Elymlls dahl/riclls, Hordeum spontalleum, Ficlis pallmata,<br />

Bunium persicum, Vigna umbellata, Cucumis hardwickii, C. trigonus<br />

and species of Eremopyrum, Setaria, Rubus, Ribes, Pyrus, Zizyphus,<br />

Solanum, Coleus, Linum, Amaranlhus, Chenopodium and Allium.<br />

The biosphere reserves in north-eastern region would hold rich<br />

diversity in Mucuna braeteala, Vigna umbel/ala, V. pilosa, V. capensis,


v. radiata var. sub/obata, Citrus assamensis and other species, e.g.<br />

Myrica esculellla, Mlisa spp., and warm sub-temperate types like Pyrlls,<br />

Prunlls, Rubus and others. Rich variability would be available in<br />

certain endemic sp~cies of Trichosanthes, Neoluffa sikkimensis and<br />

others like Piper, Curcuma, Dioscorea, Alpinia and Camellia, and wild<br />

types in Alocasia and C%casia. Also the variability In Saccharum,<br />

Erianthus and related types is well represented here.<br />

The wild relatives and related types exhibit paucity in other biophere<br />

reserves, like the Gulf of Mannar and in the Sundarbans (Vigna<br />

luteola, Oryza rufipogon, O. coarctata and Hygroryza aristata). Similar distributionql<br />

pattern would prevail over the rest of the area with more<br />

diversity in wild genetic wealth occurring in the humid tropical/subtropical<br />

and temperate zones.<br />

Of equal concern in conservation of plant genetic wealth are the<br />

species listed in Table 3, distributional area for many of which, for various<br />

bio-edaphicJecological/socio-economic reasons, is shrinking fast. Rehabilitation<br />

of such flora by adopting ex-situ measures or through protection<br />

of habitats etc. i.e. in-situ measures, is important. Particular emphasis<br />

will have to be given to unique element of such flora/rare endemic species<br />

in particular zones like Citrus and Musa spp. of the north-eastern region.<br />

Thus, it is felt that this floristic treatment of wild relatives of agri-horticultural<br />

plants of India, would prove useful in sorting out the priority<br />

areas/plants for conservation vis-a-vis management of conservation strategies<br />

in national perspective.

Table 1.<br />

TABULATED <strong>IN</strong>FORMATION<br />

Genera of wild relatives and related types· of agri-horticultural plants in<br />

India (Families listed according to Bentham & Hooker's system),<br />

Cruciferae<br />

Capparidaceae<br />

Guttiferae<br />

Ternstromiaceae<br />

Tbeaceae<br />

Malvaceae<br />

Tiliaceae<br />

Elaeocarpaceae<br />

Linaceae<br />

Rutaceae<br />

Rhamnaceae<br />

Vitaceae<br />

Sapindaceae<br />

Anacardiaceae<br />

Leguminoseae<br />

Rosaceae<br />

Saxifragaceae<br />

Myrtaceae<br />

Lythraceae<br />

Cucurbitaceae<br />

Umbelliferae<br />

Rubiaceae<br />

Compositae<br />

Sapotaceae<br />

Ebenaceae<br />

Apocynaceae<br />

Solanaceae<br />

Boraginaceae<br />

Pedaliaceae<br />

Labiatae<br />

A maran thaceae<br />

Cheno podiaceae<br />

Polygonaceae<br />

Piperaceae<br />

Myris ticaceae<br />

Lauraceae<br />

Elaeagnaceae<br />

Euphorbiaceae<br />

Brassica, Lepidium<br />

Cappar;s<br />

Gatcinia<br />

Eurya<br />

Came(lia<br />

AbelmoJchus, Gossypium, HibiJcus, Mall'a, Urena<br />

Corchorus, Grell'ia<br />

Elaeocarpus<br />

Linum<br />

Aegie, Citrus<br />

Zizyp/llIs<br />

Vilis<br />

Euphoria<br />

Mangijera, Rhus, Spondias<br />

Atylosia, Canavalia, Cicer, Crotalaria, Dolichos, Glycine,<br />

Lablab, l-athyrus, Moghania, Mucuna, Trigonella, Vigna<br />

Docynia, DUchesnea, Eriobo(rya, Fragaria, Malus, Prunus,<br />

Pyrus, Rubus, Sorb us<br />

Ribes<br />

Syzygium<br />

Punica<br />

Bryonopsis, Glrullus, Coccinia, CUcumis, Luffa, Momordica,<br />

Neoluffa, Trichosanthes<br />

Carum<br />

Coffea<br />

Carthamus, Cic/lOrium<br />

Madhuca, Manilkara, Mimusops<br />

Diospyros<br />

Carissa<br />

So/anum<br />

Cordia<br />

Sesamum<br />

Coleus<br />

Amaranthus<br />

Chenopodium<br />

Fagopyrum, Rumex<br />

Piper<br />

Myristica<br />

Cinnamomum<br />

Elaeagnus<br />

Emblica<br />

*(Forage & Medicinal plants are excluded)

62<br />

Moraceae<br />

Urticaceae<br />

Myricaceae<br />

Musaceae<br />

Zingiberaceae<br />

Dioscoreaceae<br />

Liliaceae<br />

Araceae<br />

Palmae<br />

Poaceae/Gramineae<br />


Arlocarplls, Ficus, Morus<br />

Boehmeria<br />

Myrica<br />

Musa<br />

Alpinia, Amomum, Curcuma, Zingiber<br />

Dioscorea<br />

Allium<br />

Alocasia, A/llOJphop/zallus, Colocas/a<br />

Phoenix<br />

Aegilops, Avena, C/zionachne, Coix, Digifaria, Echinochloa,<br />

Eleusine, Elymus, Eremopyrum, Hordeum, Hygroryza,<br />

Leersia, Miscan/hlls, Narenga, Oryza, Panicllm, Paspalum,<br />

Penniserulll, Polytoca, Saccharum, Sclerostachya, Setaria,<br />


Table 2.<br />

<strong>WI</strong><strong>LD</strong> RELATIVES OF <strong>CROP</strong> <strong>PLANTS</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>IN</strong>DIA 63<br />

Genera of wild relatives of crop plants arranged according to economic plant<br />

groups (no. of species for each genus occurring in India. in given in parenthesis)<br />

I. Cereals & Millets<br />

Aegilops (I). AVena (5), Chionachne (2), Coix (4), Digitaria (29), Echinochloa (6),<br />

Eleusine (3), Elymus (2), Eremopyrum (3), Hordeum (4), Hygroryza (I), Leersia<br />

(2), Oryza (7), Panicum (29), Paspalum (14), Pennisetum (16), Poly toea (2),<br />

Setaria (17), Trilobachne (I).<br />

II. Legumes<br />

Alylosia (16), Canavalia (4), Cicer (I), Dolichos (7), Glycine (2), Lab/ab(I),<br />

Lathyrus (9). Mucuna (14), Trigonella (12), Vigna (19).<br />

III. Fruits<br />

Aegle (1), Arfocarpus (18), Capparis (26), Carissa (12), Citrus (17), Cordia (16),<br />

Diospyros (44), Doeynia (2), Duchesnea (2), Elaeagnus (8), Elaeoearpus (26),<br />

Emblica (2), Ensele (3), Euphoria (1), Ficus (70), Fragaria (4), Garcinia (22),<br />

Grewia (42), Madhuca (4), Malus.(4), Mangifera (4), Mani/kara (4), Mimusops<br />

(2), Morus (5), Musa (14), Myrica (I), Phoenix (7), Prunus (19), Punica (1),<br />

pYI"US (5), Rhus (13), Ribes (9), Rubus (50), Sorbus (7), Spondias (4), Syzygium<br />

(50), Zizyphus (17).<br />

IV.<br />

Vegetables<br />

Abelmoschus (6), A [ocasia (I), Amaranrhus (10), Bryonopsis (1), Chenopodium (8),<br />

Citrullus (2), Coccinia (I), Coleus (6), Colocasia (I), Cucumis (5), Dioscorea (45),<br />

Luffa (3), Malva (5), Moghania (26), Momordica (4), Neoluffa (I), Rumex (13),<br />

Solanum (40), TridlOsamhes (21).<br />

V. Oilseeds<br />

VI.<br />

Brassica (3), Carthamus (2), Lepidium (4), Sesamum (3).<br />

Fibre types<br />

Boehmeria (12), COl'chorus (8), Crotalaria (56), Gossypium (3), Hibiscus (30),<br />

Linum (4), Urena (2).<br />

vn. Spices & Condiments<br />

Allium (30), Alpinia (15), Amomum (10), Carum (3), Cichorium (3), Cinnamomum<br />

(J 6), Curcuma (18), Myristica (5), Piper (50), Zingiber (14).<br />

VIII. Others<br />

Camellia (7), Coffea (8), Erianthus (8), Eurya (5), Fagopyrum (2), Miscanthus (4),<br />

Narenga (2), Saccharum (15), Sclerostachya (2).


Table 3.<br />

Cc.reals & Millets<br />

Legumes<br />

Fruit types<br />

Vegetable types<br />

Oilseed types<br />

Miscellaneous<br />

Wild relatives and related endemic/rare species and over-exploited types<br />

(arranged according to economic-plant categories)<br />

Coix lacryma·jobi var. ma-yuan, Digitaria cruciata var. esculenta,<br />

Digitaria sanguina/is subsp. aeg),ptiaca var. frumentacea,<br />

Oryza nivara.<br />

Atylosia cajanifolia, Atylosia gralldijlora, Atylosia nh'ea,<br />

Canavalia stocksii, Cieer microphyUum, Dolichos bracteatus,<br />

Dolichos purpureus-wild lignosus forms, Lathyrus altaiClIs.<br />

Vigna mungo var. sylvestris, Vigna radiata (setulosus forms),<br />

Vigna grandis, Vigna vexillata var. stocksi;-under Vigna<br />

capensis.<br />

: Citrus assamensis, Citrus ic/zangensis, Citrus indica, Citrus<br />

laripes, Docynia Izookeriana, Malus baccata var. Izimalaica,<br />

Musa cheesmanii, Nfusa glauca, Musa jlavijlora, Musa<br />

itinerans, Musa nagensium, Musa sikkimensis, Musa mann ii,<br />

Musa velutino, Prunus ocuminota, Prunus jenkinsii, Prunus<br />

tomentosa, Pyras kumaoni, Rubus lineatus.<br />

Abelmoschus tuberculat,(~. Allium rubellum, Cucumis hardwickii,<br />

Curcuma amarissima, Luffa hermaphrodita, Luffa umbel/ata,<br />

Moghania vestita, Neoluffa sikkimensis, Solanum melongena<br />

var. insanum, S. melongena var. potangi, Trichosonthes<br />

khasiana, Trichosanthes mojuscula, Tricllosanthes ovata, Trichosanthes<br />

tomentosa, Zingiber intermedium.<br />

Sesamuln laciniotum, S. prostratum.<br />

Carum bulbocastallu11l, Camellia drupi/era, Camel/ia lutescens.

<strong>WI</strong><strong>LD</strong> RELATIVES OF <strong>CROP</strong> <strong>PLANTS</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>IN</strong>DIA 65<br />

Table 4.<br />

Distribution of wild relatives in different phytogeographical zones (Categorywise<br />

arrangement is followed).<br />

Crop/Genus<br />

PhytogeographIcal zones·<br />

2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

I. Cereals & MiIlets<br />

Aegi/ops<br />

Avella<br />

Chiollae/me<br />

Coix<br />

Digitaria<br />

Eehillochloa<br />

E/ellsille<br />

E/ymus<br />

Eremopyrum<br />

Hordeum<br />

Hygroryza<br />

Leersia<br />

Oryza<br />

Pmlicul1l<br />

Paspa/ulIl<br />

Penniseillm<br />

Po/ytoca<br />

Setaria<br />

Trilobac/me<br />

1<br />

3<br />

1<br />

1 2 2<br />

2 2 2<br />

3<br />

3<br />

5<br />

1 .<br />

3 2 4<br />

2 3 2<br />

2<br />

5 4 4 4 4 5 4<br />

1<br />

--------------------------<br />

29<br />

7<br />

16 9<br />

2<br />

3<br />

5 22<br />

12<br />

II.<br />

Legumes<br />

Afylosia<br />

Canavalia<br />

eieer<br />

Doliehos<br />

Glycine<br />

Lablab<br />

Lathyrus<br />

MueuIlG<br />

Trigoncl/a<br />

Vigna<br />

1<br />

2<br />

2<br />

3<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2 2<br />

2<br />

----------------------------<br />

9 5 6 4 2 20 9<br />

------------_ .. _ _...,----------------<br />

4<br />

4<br />

2<br />

2<br />

7<br />

4<br />



Phytogeographical zones"<br />

Crop/Genus ------~----<br />

\ 2 3 4 5 5 7<br />

III. Fruits<br />

Aegie<br />

Artocarpus 2<br />

Capparis<br />

Carissa<br />

Citrus 5 4 5<br />

Cordia 2<br />

Diospyros 6<br />

Docynia 2<br />

Duchesnea<br />

Elaeagnus<br />

E/aeocarpus<br />

Emb/ica<br />

Euphoria<br />

Ficus<br />

Fragaria 1<br />

Garcinia 5 7 3<br />

Grewia 4 3 2 4 2<br />

Madhuca<br />

Malus<br />

Mangifera 2 2 2<br />

Manilkara<br />

Mimusops<br />

Morus 3 3<br />

Musa 10<br />

Myrica 1 1<br />

Phoenix 1 5 2 3<br />

Prunus 6 5 5<br />

Punica 1<br />

pyrus 3<br />

Ribes 2 1 1<br />

Rubus 8 4 3<br />

Spondias 1<br />

Sorb us 2<br />

Syzygium 1 3 2<br />

Vitis 2<br />

Zizyphus 3 3 3 2<br />

-------------------------.--<br />

37 32 51 13 10 4S 19

<strong>WI</strong><strong>LD</strong> RELATIVES OF <strong>CROP</strong> <strong>PLANTS</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>IN</strong>DIA 67<br />

Crop/Genus<br />

Phytogeographical zones·<br />

2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

IV. Vegetables<br />

Abelmoschus 2 3 2 3 2<br />

Alocasia 1<br />

Amarallthus 3 3<br />

Amorphophallus 2<br />

Bryonopsis<br />

J<br />

Chenopodium 3 3<br />

Citrullus<br />

Coccinia<br />

Coleus<br />

Colocasia J 1<br />

Cucumis 2 3 2 1 1<br />

Dioscorea 2 2 3 3<br />

LUffa 2<br />

:Malva<br />

Moghallia 1<br />

Momordica 3 4 5<br />

Neoluffa<br />

Rumex J J<br />

Solanum 2 5 4 2 5 5<br />

Trichosanthes 2 2 4 2 2 3 3<br />

V. Oilseeds<br />

25 12 27 22 11 27 27<br />

----------<br />

Brassica 1<br />

Carthamlls 1 1<br />

Lepidium 4 2 t<br />

Sesamum 2<br />

-----<br />

6 3 4 4 2<br />

VI.<br />

Fibre types<br />

Boehmeria 2 1<br />

Corchorus 3 3 6 3<br />

Crotalaria 2<br />

Go ssypium<br />

Hibiscus<br />

Linum 1 1 1<br />

Urena 2 2 2 1 2 2<br />

------<br />

4 4 5 5 6 J1 8


Crop/Genus<br />

Phytogeographical zones·<br />

2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

\<br />

VII. Spices & Condiments<br />

Allium 3 1<br />

A lpin ia 2<br />

Amomum 2<br />

Carum 2<br />

Cillnamomum 2<br />

Curcuma 2 2 5 2 2<br />

Myristica 2 2<br />

Piper 3 2 2<br />

Zillgiber 2 2 1 3 3<br />

VIII.<br />

Miscellaneous<br />

-----------.....-----------------<br />

10 9 13 10 9<br />

-----<br />

Camellia 2<br />

Cichoriu/II 2 2<br />

Coffea 4 3<br />

Eurya<br />

Fagopyrum<br />

Miscanthus 2<br />

Narellga I 1 I<br />

Saccharum 2 4 4 5 5 2 2<br />

Sclerostachya<br />

5 10 13 8 7 8 6<br />

Fruiting period<br />

(i) Herbaceous types/allnuals : zones 1 & 2 - 3000-4000 m, Mid. August-September:<br />

zone 3, September-October; zones 4 & 5, September; zone 6, Mid. August­<br />

September; zone 7, Mid. September-November.<br />

(ii) Perellnials-shrubs/trees: zones) & 2, temperate trees, July-August and subtemperate<br />

trees up to mid. September; zones- 3 & 7-tropical trees, December­<br />

February; zone 6-arid zone types, September/March.<br />

(In general, wild types mature late in humid tropical/sub-tropical habitats and relatively<br />

early in temperate and alpine habitats and in the arid, desert belt).<br />

"Phytogeographical zones: 1. North-western Himalaya, 2. Eastern Himalaya,<br />

3. North eastern region, 4. Gangetic plains, 5. Indus plains, 6. Western peninsular<br />

region, 7. Eastern peninsular region.

<strong>WI</strong><strong>LD</strong> RELATIVES OF <strong>CROP</strong> <strong>PLANTS</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>IN</strong>DIA 69<br />

Table 5.<br />

Important wild relatives and related types in different phytogeographical<br />

zones<br />

I. Cereals and millets<br />

Western Himalaya: Avena/atua, A. /udoviciana, A. barbata, Aegilops tauschii,<br />

Digitaria sanguinalis, Hordeum spontaneum, H. glaucum, H. turkesta1licum, E/ymus<br />

dahuricus, E. dasystachys, E. nuta1ls, Eremopyrurn buo1laparfis, E. dista1ls, E.<br />

orientale, Pennisetum orielltale.<br />

Fastern Himalaya: Hordeum agriocrithon.<br />

North-eastern region: Digitaria cruciata, Coix lacryma-jobi,<br />

C. aquatica, Oryza rujipogon, Poly toea wa/lichiana.<br />

C. gigalltea,<br />

Gangetic plains: Panicum miliare, Paspalulll scrobiculatum, Chionaclme koenigii.<br />

Western peninsular tract: Panicum psi/opodium, Oryza coarctata, Setaria glauca,<br />

Chio1lachne koenigii, C. semiteres, Coix gigantea, Tri/obachne cookei.<br />

Eastern peninsular tract: Oryza nivara, O. rujipogon, O. granu!ata, O. coarctata,<br />

Polytoca digitata.<br />

Widely distributed: E/eusine indica, E. compressa, Echinochloa crusgalli, Setaria<br />

tomentosa, S.pallide-jusco, S. verticillata, S. I'iridis.<br />

II. Legumes<br />

Western Himalaya: Cicer micropilyllum, Lathyrus aphaca, Moghania vesfita,<br />

Mucuna capitata, Trigo1lella emodi, Vigna capensis, V. radiata var. sub/obata,<br />

V. umbel/ata.<br />

Eastern Himalaya: Mogllania vestita, M. bracteata, Vig1la capensis, V. umbel/ata,<br />

V.pi/osa.<br />

North-eastern region: Atylosia barbata, A. scarabaeoides, A. vi/losa, Canavalia<br />

ensijormis, Moghania vest ita, !.fucuna bracteata, Vigna umbe/lata, V. radiata var.<br />

sub/obata, V. pilosa.<br />

Gangetic plains: At.vlosia mollis, A. platycarpa, A. scarabaeoides, A. villosa,<br />

Trigonella cornicu/ata, T. poJycerata, T. occulfa, Lath}'! us aphaca, Vicia sativa,<br />

Vigna aconitijolia, V. radiata var. subJobata.<br />

Indus plains: Vigna aconitijolia, V. tri/obata, Trigone/la occulta, Atylosia scarabaeoides,<br />

Lathyrus aphaca.<br />

Western peninsular tract: Atylosia a/bieans, A. barbata, A. candollei, A. e/ongata,<br />

A. gemini/fora, A. grandi/olia, A. kulne1lsis, A. lineota, A. mollis, A. niveo,<br />

A. platycarpa, A. rugosa, A. rostrata, A. scarabaeoides, A. serieea, A. villosa.<br />

Canavalia ensi/ormis var. virosa, C. obtusijolia, nolichos IIni/forus, D. bracteatus,<br />

Mucuna pruriens, Vigna radiata var. sublobata, V. capellsis, V. pilosa, V. umbel/(ua,<br />

V. dalzelliana (V, mllllgo var. syil'estris, V. radiata var. setulosa, V. grandis+in<br />

north).<br />

Eastern peninsular tract: Aty/osia albicans, A. cando/lei, A. barbata (southern<br />

part), A. cajani/olia, A. geminif/ora, A. ku/nensis (southern. parts), A. mollis,<br />

A. rostrata, A. rugosa, A. scarabaeoides, Dolichos purpureus-lig1losus types, Vigna<br />

radiata var. sublobata, V. capensis, V. trilobata, V. aconitijolia.


III. Fruits<br />

Western Himalaya: Duchesnea indica, Efaeagnus hortensis, Ficus palmata, Morus<br />

, spp., PrwllIs acuminata, P. cerasioides, P. cornuta, P. napaulensis, P. prostrata,<br />

P. tomentosa, Pyrus baccata, P. communis, P. kumaoni, P. pashia, Ribes graciale,<br />

R. nigrum, RlIbus ellipticus, R. mofuccanus, R. /ruticosus, R. lasiocarpus, R.<br />

lanatus, R. nil'eus. R. reticulatus, Zizyphus vulgaris.<br />

IV.<br />

Eastern Himalaya: Duchesnea indica, Moms spp., Myrica esculenta, Prunus<br />

acumillata, P. cerasioides, P. cornllta, P. jellkinsii, P.llapaulensis, pyrus pashia, Ribes<br />

graciale, Rllblls Iineatus, R. ellipticlls, R. lasiocarpus, R. moluccanus, R. reticulatus.<br />

North-eastern region: Citrus assamensis, C. ichangensis, C. indica, C. jamhhiri,<br />

C. latipes, C. macroptera, C. medica, C. aurantium, Docynia indica, D. hookeriana,<br />

Eriobotrya angustifo/ia, Mangifera syil-arica, Musa acuminata/ M. balbisiana<br />

complex, M. mann;;, M. sikkimensis, M. superba, M. velutina, Pyrus pyri/o/ia, pyrus<br />

pas/zia, Prunus cerasioides, P. jenkins;;, Ribes graciale, Rubus el/ipticus, R. moluccanus,<br />

R. reticulatus, R. lasioearpus, Myrica esculenta.<br />

Gangetic plains: Aegle marmelos, Cordia myxa, C. rolhii, Emb/ica ojJicina/is,<br />

Grewia asiatica, Morus spp., Phoenix spp., Syzygium spp., Zizyphus nummularia<br />

and other species; and Mani/kara hexandra (more in north·western plains).<br />

Indus plains: low occurrence of Syzygium, rich variation in Carissa cOIlgesta;<br />

other diversity like in Gangetic plains.<br />

Western peninsular tract: Arlocarpus heterophyl/us, A. fakoocha, Garcinia indica,<br />

Diospyros spp., Ensete superba, Mangi/era indica, Mimosops elengii, Spondias<br />

pilmata, Vilis spp., Zizyphus oenop/ia, Z. rugosa, Rubus ellipticus, R. lasiocarpus,<br />

R. moluccanlls.<br />

Vegetables<br />

Western Himalaya: Abelmoschus manihot (tetraphyllus forms), Cucumis hardwick ii,<br />

C. trigonus, LujJa echinata, L, gral'eoiens, Solanum incanum, Trichosanthes<br />

multi/aba, T. himalensis.<br />

Eastern Himalaya: Abelmosclllls manihot, Cucumis trigonus, LujJa graveolens,<br />

NeolujJa sikkimensis.<br />

North-eastern region: .4belmoschus manihot (pungens forms), Alocasia macrorhiza,<br />

Amorplzophallus bulbi/er, Colocasia escuienta, Cucumis hystrix, C. trigonus,<br />

Dioscorea alata, LujJa graveolens, Moghania vestita, Momordica eoehinehinensis,<br />

M. maerophylla, M. subangulata, Triehosanthes eucumerina, T. dioiea,<br />

T. dicaeiosperma, T. khasiana, T. orata, T. truncata, Solanum indicum.<br />

Gangetic plains: Abelmoschus lubereuialus, A. manihot (Ielraphyllus forms),<br />

LujJa echinala, Momordica cymbalaria, M. dioica, M. cochinchinensis, Solanum<br />

incanum, S. indieum.<br />

Indus plains: Momordica balsamina, Citrll/lus colocynth is, Cucumis prophefarum.<br />

Western peninsular tract: Abelmosehus angulosus, A. moschatus, A. manihot<br />

(pungens forms), A. fieulneus, Amorplzophallus campanulaflls. Cucumis setosus,<br />

C. trigOIllIS, LujJa graveolens, Momordica eochinchinensis, M. subanglliata,<br />

Solanllm indicum, Trichosanthes anamaiaiensis, T. bracteata, T. euspidata, T.<br />

horsfieidii, T, perotlitiana, T. neriifolia, T. vil/osa.

<strong>WI</strong><strong>LD</strong> RELATIVES OF <strong>CROP</strong> <strong>PLANTS</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>IN</strong>DIA 71<br />

Eastern peninsular tract: Amorphophallus campanulatlls, Abelmoschus mallihot,<br />

A. moschatus, Colocasia antiquorum, Cucumis Izystrix, C. setosus, Luffa acutangula<br />

var. amara, L. graveolens, L. umbellata, Momordica cymbalaria, M. denticulata,<br />

M. dioica, M. cochinchinensis, M. subangu/ata, Solallllm indicum, S. me/ollgena<br />

(insanum types), Trielzosanthes bracteata, T. cordata, T. lepiniana, T. himalensis,<br />

T. multi/oba.<br />

V. Oilseed types<br />

Western Himalaya: Lepidium capitatum, L. draba, L. lati/o!ium, L. ruderale.<br />

Eastern Himalaya: Brassiea tri/ocularis types.<br />

North-eastern region: Brassica tri/ocu/aris types.<br />

Gangetic plains: Brassica qlladriva/vis types, B. tournefortii, Carthamus oxycamha,<br />

Sesamum indicllm (naturalized), Lepidium spp. (L. draba).<br />

Western peninsular tract: Sesamllm laciniatum, S. prostratum.<br />

Eastern peninsular tract: Sesamum prostratum.<br />

VI. Fibre types<br />

Western Himalaya: Linum perenne.<br />

North-eastern region: Corelzorus eapsularis, Gossypium arboreum (primitive types).<br />

Gangetic plains: Corehorus tri/oeu/aris, C. tridens, Urena repanda.<br />

Western peninsular tract: Corehorus aeutangulus, C. antiehorus, C. faseicu/aris,<br />

C. urticaefolius, Crotalaria retusa, C. striata, Linul1l mysorense.<br />

Eastern peninsular tract: Hibiscus cannabinus.<br />

Widely occurring : Urena lobata.<br />

VII. Spices and condiments<br />

Western Himalaya: Allium spp. (A. rubellum, A. schoelloprasum, A. tuberosum<br />

and others), Carum bulbocastinum.<br />

Eastern Himalaya: Allium tuberosum, Amomum subulatul1l, CurculIla zeodoaria.<br />

North-eastern region : Alpillia ga/allga, A. speciosa, Amomum aromaticum,<br />

Curcuma amada, C. zeodoaria, Piper /ongum, Piper peepuloides.<br />

Western peninsular tract: Cinnamomum zey/anicum, Curcuma montana, Myristica<br />

beddomei, M. malabarica, Piper nigrum, P. sehmidtii, Zingiber eassumunar,<br />

Z. officinale, Z. zerumbat.<br />

Eastern peninsular tract: Curcuma amada, Curcuma angusti/o/ia, C. aromatiea<br />

(wild forms occur in Chota-Nag pur plateau), Piper longum, Zingiber zerumbat.<br />

VIII. Miscellaneous<br />

Western Himalaya: SaeehaTllm jili/o/ium, Miscanthus nepa/ensis.<br />

Eastern Himalaya: Saccharum /ongisetosum, S. sikkimellse (Erialltlzus), MiSCGlIthus<br />

nndipus, M. tay/orii, Camellia spp.<br />

I<br />

North·eastern region: Narenga fallax, Saccharum rm'ennae, S. [ongisetosum,<br />

S. procerum, S. rujipilum, S. sikkimensis, Miscanthus nepa/ensis, M. lIudiplIS,<br />

M. taylorii, M. wardii, Camellia spp.<br />

Gangetic plains: Saccharum rufipi/um, S. ravennae, S. arundinaceum, S. benga­<br />

/ellse, S. spontaneum.<br />

Indus plains: Saccharum /ongisetosum var. hookeri.<br />

Western peninsular tract: Narenga prophyrocoma.<br />

Eastern peninsular tract: Narengaporphyrocoma, Saccharum ravellllae.

72<br />


<strong>WI</strong><strong>LD</strong> RELATIVES OF <strong>CROP</strong> <strong>PLANTS</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>IN</strong>DIA 73<br />

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<strong>WI</strong><strong>LD</strong> RELATIVES OF <strong>CROP</strong> <strong>PLANTS</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>IN</strong>DIA 75

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<strong>WI</strong><strong>LD</strong> RELATIVES OF <strong>CROP</strong> <strong>PLANTS</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>IN</strong>DIA 77<br />

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<strong>WI</strong><strong>LD</strong> RELATIVES OF <strong>CROP</strong> <strong>PLANTS</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>IN</strong>DIA<br />

79<br />

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82<br />


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<strong>WI</strong><strong>LD</strong> RELATIVES OF <strong>CROP</strong> <strong>PLANTS</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>IN</strong>DIA 83<br />

II) '"<br />

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84<br />


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Anon. a (1948-1970)<br />



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,<br />

\<br />

/<br />

1. Coix lacryma-jobi: hard-shelled wild form from north-eastern hills related<br />

to cultivated var. mayuan (soft-shelled types).<br />

"<br />

-<br />

'.<br />

2. Coix lacryma-jobi; variability in wild and cultivated forms-hard-shelled and<br />

soft-shelled types.

3. Hordeum spp. (Hordeum Spolltalleum); Wild barley in a field cf wheat in<br />

north-western Himalaya.<br />

4. Hordeum spp.-spike and spikelels of wild barley.

50 Vigna dlllzel/iaaa from Khandala Ghats, Maharashtra related to Vo umbellalao<br />

60 Vigna gralldis from Khandala Ghats, Maharashtra related to Vo radiata.

\<br />

7. Vigna mungo var. syivestris from Khandala Ghats, Maharashtra; related to<br />

black gram.

, ) \t. III I<br />

8 Vigna radiata var. slIblobata and var. sylvestris; variation in pod characters<br />

types related to green gram.<br />

9. Cicer micl'ophy/llim from Ladakh, Western Himalaya.

10. Cicer microp:zylllllll-pods and seeds .<br />

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<strong>WI</strong><strong>LD</strong><br />

II.<br />

Vigna IImbellata; variability in wi!d and cultivated types.

'2. Cnppal'is decidua wild types grow in arid/semi-arid habitats in north-western, ;.11<br />


13. Cordia myxa wild types occur as components of deciduous forests.<br />

14. Spondias pinnata occurs wild in semi-evergreen forests and possibly, is<br />

distantly related to Mangifera; also used as root-stock for M. indica.

15 . Ar/ocarpus lakoocha wild types occur in semi-evergreen/evergreen forests,<br />

mainly in the Western Ghats.<br />

16. Elaeocarpus jloribulldlls wild types are confined to north-eastern hills.

17. Citrus lalipes wild types occur only in north-eastern hills.<br />

18 . Myrica esculenta wild types are more common in sub-Himalayan tract (Western,<br />

Central and Eastern Himalaya); cultivated types are restricted to north-eastern hills.

19. Pyrus pashia: wild type from Western Himalaya-a hardy root-stock for pear.<br />

20. Fragaria indica wild types are common as forest undergrowth in the Western<br />


21. Docynia illdica apparently akin to Malus; also used as a root-stock for pear<br />

and apple in north-eastern hills.<br />

22. TricllOsantlzes bracteata from tarai region- related to T. dioica.

23. Cirrullus colocynthis from north-western semi-arid plains.<br />

24. Solanum melollgena var. insanum from Dehradun valley-related to<br />

S. melongena.

25. So/al1ulI1 lor VI/in- wild type from northern plains.<br />

26. Salal1um sUraltense occurs wild in the semi-arid habitats and is distantly<br />

related to melongena complex.

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29. Moghania vesfifa wild type from the Eastern Himalaya with esculent tubers.<br />

30. Dioscorea a/ala wild types with broad tubers occur in the humid tropical<br />

forests of western and eastern peninsular tracts.

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