韓国人留学生文学青年たちの 日本近代詩理解および ... - 東京成徳大学

韓国人留学生文学青年たちの 日本近代詩理解および ... - 東京成徳大学

韓国人留学生文学青年たちの 日本近代詩理解および ... - 東京成徳大学


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Unjon KIM Asian Course, Department of International Studies in<br />

Language and Culture

Unjon KIM Asian Course, Department of International Studies in<br />

Language and Culture

Byron Childe Herald’s Pilgrimage The Ocean


S.Mallarmé<br />

P.Verlaine W.B.Yeats <br />

Yeats Yeats <br />

The Symbolism of Poetry Symbolism in Painting <br />

Allegory <br />

Intellectual Symbolism <br />

Emotional Symbolism Yeats

S.Mallarmé<br />

P.Verlaine W.B.Yeats <br />

Yeats Yeats <br />

The Symbolism of Poetry Symbolism in Painting <br />

Allegory <br />

Intellectual Symbolism <br />

Emotional Symbolism Yeats

S.Mallarmé<br />

P.Verlaine W.B.Yeats <br />

Yeats Yeats <br />

The Symbolism of Poetry Symbolism in Painting <br />

Allegory <br />

Intellectual Symbolism <br />

Emotional Symbolism Yeats

C.Baudelaire Les Chats Les Fleurs du mal <br />

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something meaningful

Baudelaire <br />

Les amoureux fervents et les savants austères<br />

Aiment également, dans leur mûre saison,<br />

Les chats puissants et doux, orgueil de la maison,<br />

Qui comme eux sont frileux et comme eux sédentaires.<br />

Amis de la science et de la volupté,<br />

Ils cherchent le silence et I’horreur des ténèbres ;<br />

L’Érèbe les eût pris pour ses coursiers funèbres,<br />

S’ils pouvaient au servage incliner leur fierté.<br />

Ils prennent en songeant les nobles attitudes<br />

Des grands sphinx allongés au fond des solitudes,<br />

Qui semblent s’endormir dans un rêve sans fin ;<br />

Leurs reins féconds sont pleins d’étincelles magiques,<br />

Et des parcelles d’or, ainsi qu'un sable fin,<br />

Étoilent vaguement leurs prunelles mystiques.<br />

Baudelaire, Les Chats

Ripe lovers and philosophers both love<br />

The strong and gentle cat, pride of the home,<br />

For he, like them, is wont to keep his room,<br />

And, sensitive to cold, is loath to move.<br />

A devotee of thought and ecstasy,<br />

He seeks the haunts of silence, dark and lonely,<br />

Fit steed of gloom for Erebus, if only<br />

He could have bent his pride to slavery !<br />

Stretched pensively in noble attitudes,<br />

Like sphinxes dreaming in their solitudes,<br />

He seems to ponder in an endless trance;<br />

With magic sparks his fecund loins are filled,<br />

And, like fine sand, bright golden atoms gild<br />

With vague and starry rays his mystic glance.<br />

Alan Conder CATS <br />


E.A.Poe <br />

Baudelaire Le Chat;Les Chats P.Verlaine Femme<br />

et chatte Baudelaire Poe

Baudelaire <br />

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Hegel Aesthetics <br />

Hegel Sphinx Sphinx Oedipus <br />

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W.B.Yeats The Lake of Innisfree I will arise and go now,and go<br />

to Innisfree

Yeats Innisfree <br />

And evening full of the linnet’s wing<br />

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Baudelaire Les<br />

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Correspondances <br />

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Verlaine Chançon d’automne <br />

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reonciler<br />

symbol <br />

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Rodenbach Bruges-la-morte <br />

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Baudelaire <br />

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Paul Fort<br />

Sur le Pont au change

Paul-Fort <br />

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Charles Guérin Au Bout de chemin

Guerin <br />

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Guérin Tout<br />

etre a son reflet et son echo<br />

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Guérin, Andre Ferdinand Herord <br />

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G.Walch <br />

Anthologie des poètes Francaise contempolains


Marthiel and Jackson Metthews selected and Edited,Charles Baudelaire, The Flowers of Evil A New<br />

Direction Book, <br />

<br />

Hegel, Vorlesung uber die Asthetik T.M.Knox, Aesthetics by Hegel Oxford Univ. Press,

Marthiel and Jackson Metthews selected and Edited,Charles Baudelaire, The Flowers of Evil A New<br />

Direction Book, <br />

<br />

Hegel, Vorlesung uber die Asthetik T.M.Knox, Aesthetics by Hegel Oxford Univ. Press,

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