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5–6 August 2013

Contents<br />

Officials of the Combined Services 4<br />

Lawn Tennis Association 2013<br />

Officials of the Single Service 5<br />

Lawn Tennis Associations<br />

Tournament Executive 5<br />

Inter Service Championship Rules 6<br />

Referee’s Notes for Players 9<br />

Championship Notes 10<br />

Singles Matches Men 12<br />

Singles Matches Women 13<br />

Veterans Matches Men 14<br />

Veterans Matches Women 15<br />

Doubles Matches Men 16<br />

Doubles Matches Women 17<br />

Map 18<br />

Singles Teams Men & Women 21<br />

Veterans Teams Men & Women 22<br />

Doubles Teams Men & Women 24<br />

RN LTA Update – <strong>Royal</strong> Navy Tennis 26<br />

Army LTA Update – Life as a Tennis Player 28<br />

RAF LTA Update – All Change at the Top 30<br />

Championship Rolls 32<br />

Forthcoming Events 35<br />

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Inter Service Lawn Tennis Championships 2013 | 3

Officials of the Combined Services<br />

Lawn Tennis Association 2013<br />

Officials of the Single Service<br />

Lawn Tennis Associations<br />

President<br />

Admiral Sir George Zambellas KCB DSC<br />

Chairman<br />

Brigadier D P Amison OBE<br />

Secretary<br />

Wing Commander G W K Gault BA MA RAF<br />

Treasurer<br />

Wing Commander S M Wood RAF<br />

Referee<br />

Commander RG Bosshardt BSc MSc RN (Retired)<br />

<strong>Royal</strong> Navy Lawn Tennis Association<br />

President – Admiral Sir George Zambellas KCB DSC<br />

Chairman – Commander S J Winkle RN<br />

Honorary Secretary – Mr S R Lemon<br />

Army Lawn Tennis Association<br />

President – Major General Tim Radford DSO OBE<br />

Chairman – Brigadier D P Amison OBE<br />

Secretary – Lieutenant Colonel WG Herlihy MBE (Retired)<br />

<strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Force</strong> Lawn Tennis Association<br />

President – <strong>Air</strong> Vice Marshal A Mozumder QHP, MSc, MBBS, MRCGP, DRCOG,<br />

DTM&H, DAvMED, DMCC Dip, IoD RAF<br />

Chairman – Wing Commander G W K Gault BA MA RAF<br />

Secretary – Squadron Leader Chris Enock BA RAF<br />

Tournament Executive<br />

Club Secretary AELTC<br />

Mr M Guntrip<br />

Referee<br />

Commander RG Bosshardt BSc MSc RN (Retired)<br />

Representing RN LTA<br />

Commander S J Winkle RN<br />

Representing Army LTA<br />

Brigadier D P Amison OBE<br />

Representing RAF LTA<br />

Wing Commander G W K Gault BA MA RAF<br />

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Inter Service Lawn Tennis Championships 2013 | 5

Inter Service Championship Rules<br />

The Inter Service Championships<br />

1. The Championships shall comprise:<br />

a. The Men’s Championship; inaugurated in 1920 and played for a trophy<br />

presented by the Lawn Tennis Association.<br />

b. The Women’s Championship; inaugurated in 1952 and played for a trophy<br />

presented by the Women’s <strong>Royal</strong> Naval Service Training Establishment,<br />

Burghfield.<br />

c. The Men’s Veterans’ Championship; inaugurated in 1947 and played for a<br />

trophy known as the Glengyle Cup presented by Captain C H Petrie <strong>Royal</strong><br />

Navy (Retired).<br />

d. The Women’s Veterans’ Championship; inaugurated in 1993 and played for<br />

a trophy presented by the <strong>Royal</strong> Navy Women’s Lawn Tennis Association.<br />

And shall be played annually, at a venue and on dates to be decided by the<br />

Committee of the Combined Services LTA.<br />

Executive Committee<br />

2. The Executive committee will consist of the Chairman, the Honorary Secretary<br />

and Honorary Treasurer of the <strong>Royal</strong> Navy LTA as standing officers and from<br />

the other two Services their Chairman & Honorary Secretaries, the Inter Service<br />

Referee and the Combined Services Sports Board Secretary. This committee<br />

shall be empowered to suspend or modify any rules relating to the<br />

Championships as special circumstances may require.<br />

The Men’s and Women’s Championships<br />

3. The <strong>Royal</strong> Navy, Army and <strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Force</strong> shall each nominate three singles<br />

players and three doubles pairs. Reserves may also be nominated (see paragraph<br />

6). Nominations for both singles and doubles teams are to be made not less<br />

than 45 minutes before the singles and doubles matches respectively are due to<br />

start. First strings of each Service shall play each other; similarly the second and<br />

third of each Service will play the second and third strings respectively of the<br />

other two Services. The same procedure shall be adopted in the doubles. The<br />

first pairs of the three Services will play each other and the second and third<br />

pairs play the second and third pairs respectively of the other Services.<br />

4. The Championship will t<strong>here</strong>fore comprise three men’s matches and three<br />

women’s matches. In each match a Service will play three singles and three<br />

doubles rubbers against the other Service. Each rubber shall be for the best<br />

of three sets, with a tie-break (if required) played in all sets. A Service which<br />

has beaten both other Services in the rubbers, shall be adjudged the winner.<br />

If that is not the case, the Championships shall be won by the Service winning<br />

the greatest number of rubbers overall. If t<strong>here</strong> is equality in the rubbers, the<br />

Championships shall be won by the Service winning the greatest number of<br />

sets overall. If t<strong>here</strong> is equality in both rubbers and sets, the Championships<br />

shall be shared between the Services concerned, without reference to the<br />

number of games won.<br />

5. Singles players shall be placed by the respective Service in bona fide order of<br />

merit and this order shall not be varied once play has begun in the first singles<br />

rubber. Doubles pairs shall likewise be placed in bona fide order of merit and<br />

this order shall not be varied once play has begun in the first doubles rubber.<br />

6. If a player is injured during a singles rubber and is unable to continue, the<br />

rubber shall be forfeited. One reserve, nominated before the singles rubbers<br />

begin, may be substituted to take the place of the injured player in any<br />

subsequent singles rubber. If a player is injured during a doubles rubber and<br />

is unable to continue, the rubber shall be forfeited. One reserve, nominated<br />

before the doubles rubbers begin, may be substituted to take the place of the<br />

injured player in any subsequent rubber; alternatively a reserve pair, nominated<br />

before the doubles rubbers begin, may be substituted.<br />

7. The Rules of Tennis, for the time being approved by the International Tennis<br />

Federation, shall be observed.<br />

The Veterans’ and Women Veterans’ Championships<br />

8. Paragraphs 3 to 7 shall apply in all respects, to the Veterans’ and Women<br />

Veterans’ Championships, except that t<strong>here</strong> shall be no singles rubbers. When<br />

the score in the rubber is one set all, a one match tie-break (10 pts) game shall<br />

be played to decide the rubber.<br />

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Referee’s Notes for Players<br />

9. The lower age limit shall be 45 years (Veterans), or 40 years (Women Veterans),<br />

during the calendar year of the Inter Service Championships.<br />

10. For those players who are no longer serving t<strong>here</strong> is no time qualification<br />

attached to their eligibility for selection.<br />

The Inter Service ‘B’ Championships<br />

11. The Inter Service ‘B’ Championships, inaugurated in 1976 shall comprise:<br />

a. The Men’s Championship<br />

b. The Women’s Championship<br />

Shall be played annually at a venue and on dates to be decided by the<br />

Committee of the Combined Services LTA.<br />

12. These Championships shall be organised by an Executive Committee,<br />

appointed by the Committee of the Combined Services LTA and with the<br />

powers specified in paragraph 2.<br />

13. Paragraphs 3 to 7 shall apply in all respects to these Championships except that:<br />

a. Teams shall consist of two singles players and two doubles pairs.<br />

b. Teams may not include any player who has played for his or her Service<br />

in the previous year’s main Inter Service Championships.<br />

c. A tie-break (if required) shall be played in every set.<br />

Combined Service Matches<br />

14. The selection of players for representative Combined Services matches shall<br />

be the responsibility of the Committee of the Combined Services LTA who may<br />

delegate this responsibility.<br />

15. The principle underlying the selection of Combined Services teams will be to<br />

field the strongest possible teams, without regard to equal representation from<br />

all three Services.<br />

1. First Matches. Players for the first matches each day should assemble outside<br />

the Referee’s Office ready to go on court by no later than 15 minutes before<br />

the advertised time for the start of play.<br />

2. Subsequent Matches. Players coming off court and due to play again in the<br />

next rubber should see me straight away to confirm the time of their next<br />

match (normally this will be on a ‘not before…’ basis). Once a time has been<br />

agreed and announced, players should be outside the Referee’s Office – and<br />

not at the court – at that time to meet up with their opponent(s) and the<br />

Chair Umpire. Note that we do not have a formal break for lunch on the<br />

second day.<br />

3. Referee’s Notice Board. The notice board enables me to keep everyone<br />

informed. Please keep your eye on it in case t<strong>here</strong> are any messages or<br />

programme changes, and make sure you are ready to play when needed.<br />

This is particularly important if play is delayed, interrupted, or forced indoors<br />

due to wet weather.<br />

4. Practice Courts. Please help me to avoid any embarrassment with the All<br />

England Club by not using any court for practice without first checking with<br />

me. Also remember that the ‘predominantly white’ clothing rule applies at<br />

all times on every court. Single-Services are to provide their own practice<br />

tennis balls.<br />

5. Inclement Weather. If inclement weather precludes the use of the grass<br />

courts, matches will be played on the hard courts and/or the indoor<br />

courts. Under these circumstances, it may not be possible to complete the<br />

veterans’ events within the time available although we will of course make<br />

every effort to do so.<br />

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Inter Service Lawn Tennis Championships 2013 | 9

Championship Notes<br />

1. Team Photographs<br />

A RN Photographer has been arranged to take team photographs in front of<br />

Centre Court, these will take place as follows: Mon 5 Aug 0930 Army (Men,<br />

Ladies & Men’s Vets) 0940 (approx) RAF (Men, Ladies & Men’s Vets) 0950<br />

(approx) RN (Men, Ladies & Men’s Vets) Tue 6 Aug 0930 RAF (Ladies Vets) 0935<br />

RN (Ladies Vets) 0940 Army (Ladies Vets). Teams are requested to muster<br />

5 minutes prior to their allotted time. Players not arriving on time will be<br />

omitted from the photograph.<br />

2. Team Declarations<br />

Team nominations are to be handed to the tournament referee in duplicate<br />

by 1015 on the first day of play. (Day 1: Singles and Men’s Veterans<br />

Doubles. Day 2: Doubles and Ladies Veterans Doubles). Team lists<br />

will be placed on the notice board by 1030.<br />

3. Refreshments<br />

Refreshments will be available from the restaurant on both days of the<br />

Championships. Players may use this facility without changing out of tennis kit.<br />

4. Personal Accident Insurance<br />

a. Injuries in the course of sporting activities properly organised by the<br />

appropriate Service Authority, would normally be considered attributable<br />

to Service. Non service veteran players are to ensure that they have<br />

personal injury insurance as the MOD will not accept liability for any<br />

injury sustained whilst representing service teams.<br />

b. In their own interests, all those who take part in sport, recreational<br />

and other sponsored activities are advised to ensure that they are<br />

adequately covered by personal insurance, or by arrangements made<br />

through a sports club or association. It would be unwise to rely<br />

solely on the possibility of compensation under the Department of<br />

Health’s Pension Scheme. In particular those taking part in ‘Off Duty’<br />

sporting activities, whose injuries would not be attributed to service,<br />

should ensure that the future for themselves and their dependants is<br />

adequately covered by insurance arrangements.<br />

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Inter Service Lawn Tennis Championships 2013 | 11

Singles Matches Men<br />

Monday 5 August 2013<br />

Singles Matches Women<br />

Monday 5 August 2013<br />

Players are to be assembled at the Referee’s Office at 1030 for preliminary<br />

arrangements. Play will commence at 1100.<br />

Intended order of play<br />

ROUND 1<br />

RN 1 v RAF 1 Army 2 v RAF 2 RN 3 v Army 3<br />

Players are to be assembled at the Referee’s Office at 1030 for preliminary<br />

arrangements. Play will commence at 1100.<br />

Intended order of play<br />

ROUND 1<br />

RN(W) 1 v RAF(W) 1 Army(W) 2 v RAF(W) 2 RN(W) 3 v Army(W) 3<br />

ROUND 2<br />

RN 1 v Army 1 RN 2 v RAF 2 Army 3 v RAF 3<br />

ROUND 2<br />

RN(W) 1 v Army(W) 1 RN(W) 2 v RAF(W) 2 Army(W) 3 v RAF(W) 3<br />

ROUND 3<br />

Army 1 v RAF 1 RN 2 v Army 2 RN 3 v RAF 3<br />

ROUND 3<br />

Army(W) 1 v RAF(W) 1 RN(W) 2 v Army(W) 2 RN(W) 3 v RAF(W) 3<br />

Results<br />

Men’s Singles<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

3.<br />

Results<br />

Women’s Singles<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

3.<br />

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Inter Service Lawn Tennis Championships 2013 | 13

Veterans Matches Men<br />

Monday 5 August 2013<br />

Veterans Matches Women<br />

Tuesday 6 August 2013<br />

Players are to be assembled at the Referee’s Office at 1030 for preliminary<br />

arrangements. Play will commence at 1100.<br />

Intended order of play<br />

ROUND 1<br />

RN(V) 1 v RAF(V) 1 Army(V) 2 v RAF(V) 2 RN(V) 3 v Army(V) 3<br />

Players are to be assembled at the Referee’s Office at 1030 for preliminary<br />

arrangements. Play will commence at 1100.<br />

Intended order of play<br />

ROUND 1<br />

RN(WV) 1 v RAF(WV) 1 Army(WV) 2 v RAF(WV) 2 RN(WV) 3 v Army(WV) 3<br />

ROUND 2<br />

RN(V) 1 v Army(V) 1 RN(V) 2 v RAF(V) 2 Army(V) 3 v RAF(V) 3<br />

ROUND 2<br />

RN(WV) 1 v Army(WV) 1 RN(WV) 2 v RAF(WV) 2 Army(WV)3 v RAF(WV)3<br />

ROUND 3<br />

Army(V) 1 v RAF(V) 1 RN(V) 2 v Army(V) 2 RN(V) 3 v RAF(V) 3<br />

ROUND 3<br />

Army(WV) 1 v RAF(WV) 1 RN(WV) 2 v Army(WV) 2 RN(WV) 3 v RAF(WV) 3<br />

Results<br />

Veteran Men<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

3.<br />

Results<br />

Veteran Women<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

3.<br />

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Inter Service Lawn Tennis Championships 2013 | 15

Doubles Matches Men<br />

Tuesday 6 August 2013<br />

Doubles Matches Women<br />

Tuesday 6 August 2013<br />

Players are to be assembled at the Referee’s Office at 1030 for preliminary<br />

arrangements. Play will commence at 1100.<br />

Intended order of play<br />

ROUND 1<br />

RN 1 v RAF 1 Army 2 v RAF 2 RN 3 v Army 3<br />

Players are to be assembled at the Referee’s Office at 1030 for preliminary<br />

arrangements. Play will commence at 1100.<br />

Intended order of play<br />

ROUND 1<br />

RN(W) 1 v RAF(W) 1 Army(W) 2 v RAF(W) 2 RN(W) 3 v Army(W) 3<br />

ROUND 2<br />

RN 1 v Army 1 RN 2 v RAF 2 Army 3 v RAF 3<br />

ROUND 2<br />

RN(W) 1 v Army(W) 1 RN(W) 2 v RAF(W) 2 Army(W) 3 v RAF(W) 3<br />

ROUND 3<br />

Army 1 v RAF 1 RN 2 v Army 2 RN 3 v RAF 3<br />

ROUND 3<br />

Army(W) 1 v RAF(W) 1 RN(W) 2 v Army(W) 2 RN(W) 3 v RAF(W) 3<br />

Results<br />

Men’s Doubles<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

3.<br />

Results<br />

Women’s Doubles<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

3.<br />

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Inter Service Lawn Tennis Championships 2013 | 17

The All England Tennis Club, Wimbledon<br />

Map<br />


13<br />


COURTS<br />

CAR PARK<br />

1<br />


YARDS 50<br />

100<br />

R O A D<br />

R O A D<br />

S O M E R S E T<br />

S O M E R S E T<br />

TO<br />


COMMON<br />

CAR PARK<br />

3<br />




GATE 13<br />



All spectators are respectfully asked to treat the areas<br />

in grey as out of bounds for the duration of the event.<br />

Thank you.<br />

S O M E R S E T R O A D<br />

No.2<br />

C H U R C H R O A D<br />

12<br />

AELTC<br />

No.3<br />


4 5 6 7<br />

8 9 10 11<br />


5 GATE 5<br />

CENTRE<br />

COURT<br />



FRED<br />

PERRY<br />

STATUE<br />



14<br />

15 16 17<br />

18 19<br />

D<br />

No.1<br />

COURT<br />


C H U R C H R O A D<br />


18 | Inter Service Lawn Tennis Championships 2013<br />

Inter Service Lawn Tennis Championships 2013 | 19

Single Teams Men & Women<br />

Monday 5 August 2013<br />


Men<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

3.<br />

Reserve<br />

Women<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

3.<br />

Reserve<br />

ARMY<br />

Men<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

3.<br />

Reserve<br />

Women<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

3.<br />

Reserve<br />


Men<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

3.<br />

Reserve<br />

Women<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

3.<br />

Reserve<br />

20 | Inter Service Lawn Tennis Championships 2013<br />

Inter Service Lawn Tennis Championships 2013 | 21

Veterans Teams Men & Women<br />

Monday 5/Tuesday 6 August 2013<br />


Men<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

3.<br />

Reserve<br />

Women<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

3.<br />

Reserve<br />

ARMY<br />

Men<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

3.<br />

Reserve<br />

Women<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

3.<br />

Reserve<br />


Men<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

3.<br />

Reserve<br />

Women<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

3.<br />

Reserve<br />

22 | Inter Service Lawn Tennis Championships 2013<br />

Inter Service Lawn Tennis Championships 2013 | 23

Doubles Teams Men & Women<br />

Tuesday 6 August 2013<br />


Men<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

3.<br />

Reserve<br />

Women<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

3.<br />

Reserve<br />

ARMY<br />

Men<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

3.<br />

Reserve<br />

Women<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

3.<br />

Reserve<br />


Men<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

3.<br />

Reserve<br />

Women<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

3.<br />

Reserve<br />

24 | Inter Service Lawn Tennis Championships 2013<br />

Inter Service Lawn Tennis Championships 2013 | 25

RN LTA Update – <strong>Royal</strong> Navy Tennis<br />

This has been a hugely busy 12 months for Navy tennis. It’s been all change<br />

at the top as Commander Sean Winkle took over from Captain Simon Brand<br />

as Chairman in September and a month later Admiral Zambellas took over<br />

from Charles Montgomery as the RNLTA and CSLTA President. We are now<br />

in the wonderful position of having both First and Second Sea Lords as our<br />

patrons. Indeed both came together in May this year to jointly open the<br />

Navy’s newly refurbished indoor tennis centre and Astro tennis courts on<br />

Burnaby Road.<br />

This exciting project was completed in<br />

double quick time thanks to the RNLTA<br />

taking direct project management of<br />

the £500k works as the ‘Dome’ received<br />

a total makeover resulting in a virtually<br />

new centre. Our coach, Mr Kevin Baker<br />

and his company Portsmouth Tennis<br />

Academy, also put in a significant<br />

investment to replace the cafeteria/<br />

changing room area, and now run<br />

the centre on our behalf. We have<br />

also replaced 3 of our 5 grass courts<br />

with very high quality astro turf and<br />

floodlights which will enable year round<br />

tennis on this site for the first time.<br />

In the meantime, we got the season off<br />

to a good start with a thrilling win for<br />

the Men’s B team in the IS B champs at<br />

RAF Halton.<br />

RN Men’s Team<br />

The <strong>Royal</strong> Navy men's squad continues<br />

to enjoy success. In the past four years<br />

the team has won 6 out of 9 Inter<br />

Services tournaments; the other three<br />

were all second position results also.<br />

This has been due to the hard work of<br />

team captain, Cdr Nigel Bowen who<br />

has engendered an ‘all of one squad’<br />

attitude and ensured that they meet<br />

and train regularly throughout the year.<br />

That training is run by Kevin Baker who<br />

is a level 5 coach and as a player has<br />

been ranked within the top 100 in the<br />

world on the ITF Seniors tour. His highly<br />

successful Portsmouth Tennis Academy<br />

is rated by the LTA as the top in the<br />

Hampshire and IOW region.<br />

The Men’s team’s number one player,<br />

Leading Weapons Engineer Technician<br />

(Submarines) Scott Nicholls is also the<br />

Combined Services No 1 player.<br />

Despite our success, the thirst for<br />

improvement and desire to win just<br />

becomes more infectious. This year,<br />

we are aiming to achieve the ‘Double’<br />

by winning the Inter Services A<br />

tournament.<br />

RN Ladies Team<br />

The RN Ladies Team is currently going<br />

through a period of consolidation. The<br />

core of players who have been playing<br />

representative tennis for some years<br />

remains intact but whilst keen to recruit<br />

new younger talent, we are finding<br />

this problematic as the Navy shrinks,<br />

jobs get busier and opportunities for<br />

alternative sports and AT attract our<br />

people away from the more traditional<br />

synopsis sports. However we hope that<br />

the opening of our fantastic new and<br />

refurbished facilities in Portsmouth and<br />

a positive recruiting drive will attract<br />



YOU CAN<br />


The <strong>Royal</strong> Navy and <strong>Royal</strong> Marines Charity makes<br />

grants to boost morale, motivation and physical<br />

and mental well-being to the serving and veteran<br />

communities and families.<br />

With a schedule of celebrations and socials – Trafalgar<br />

Night, the Corps Birthday, fireworks night, pantos and<br />

Christmas balls to name a few – you could help raise<br />

funds at these events which will help us maintain our<br />

crucial support now and for years to come.<br />

To join our ‘celebrations and socials’ campaign,<br />

contact 023 9254 8289 or fundraising@rnrmc.org.uk<br />

The <strong>Royal</strong> Navy and <strong>Royal</strong> Marines Charity is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales<br />

(no. 6047294) and is a registered charity (no.1117794) and Scotland (SC041898)<br />



more players, particularly at grassroots<br />

level, to help bolster the player base<br />

over the next few years.<br />

The Ladies Vets continues to thrive<br />

and both the Ladies Open and Vets<br />

Teams regularly train and play matches<br />

together, which has benefited both<br />

teams. With the better weather this<br />

season we have managed a number<br />

of grass court matches against testing<br />

opposition in several of the London and<br />

local clubs, all of which will hopefully<br />

prepare us for a successful tournament<br />

at this years Inter Service A competition.<br />

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Inter Service Lawn Tennis Championships 2013 | 27

Army LTA Update – Life as a Tennis Player in<br />

the Armed <strong>Force</strong>s<br />

2012 Army Men’s Singles Champion Warrant Officer<br />

Jamie Friend, <strong>Royal</strong> Logistic Corps<br />

As with any occupation, the majority of people have to find the right balance<br />

with their jobs, against the balance of family life before they can even think<br />

about the joys of spending more time on the sports field of their chosen<br />

discipline. It's a struggle that every single one of us can relate to, and the<br />

majority of us would all generally agree that we would all like to spend more<br />

time playing and enjoying our chosen sport.<br />

Life in the Armed <strong>Force</strong>s is extremely<br />

fast paced as one would expect. I have<br />

just completed 21 years service within<br />

HM <strong>Force</strong>s (Army), and the task of trying<br />

to strike the right balance between work,<br />

family and my tennis commitments has<br />

always been a challenging task. Sport<br />

in general within the Armed <strong>Force</strong>s<br />

plays a huge part of day to day life,<br />

both, on Operations and within the<br />

'home base'. The Chain of Command<br />

actively promote and encourage service<br />

personnel to participate and engage in<br />

the sports available to service personnel.<br />

The biggest hurdle put in the way<br />

of service personnel is 'continuity'.<br />

Continuity to maintain some stability<br />

in one location in order to join a club<br />

and, be in a position to get access to<br />

regular tennis. Most tennis clubs have<br />

a minimum contract period which<br />

service personnel are understandably<br />

reluctant to commit to, when t<strong>here</strong> is<br />

no guarantee they'll get value for money<br />

due to their work commitments. Soldiers<br />

often move mid-posting due to various<br />

reasons; promotion, or to coincide with<br />

deployments on Operations, or just<br />

simply to meet the needs of the service.<br />

I personally have had 5 postings since<br />

2001, including twice moving to<br />

Germany. Add the Operational tours<br />

to Northern Ireland, twice to Iraq and<br />

Afghanistan, exercises, courses and<br />

Operational deployment training, it<br />

begins to paint a real time picture<br />

of the limited free time available to<br />

service personnel. Prior to moving to my<br />

current posting in Ipswich, I had gone 18<br />

months without hitting a tennis ball due<br />

to my recent deployment training prior<br />

to 7 months in Afghanistan. However,<br />

my posting to Ipswich was about to turn<br />

my tennis career around.<br />

It has always been a distant dream to<br />

win the prestigious Army Lawn Tennis<br />

Championships. Year after year, failure<br />

after failure, watching the beaming<br />

newly crowned Men's champions<br />

collect the magnificent trophy – a<br />

trophy which wouldn't look out of<br />

place being presented at a Grand-Slam<br />

Final, wondering if my time would ever<br />

come. With more singles semi-final &<br />

final losses than I care to remember,<br />

my time, I felt, would never come, and<br />

winning the tournament would remain<br />

a distant dream.<br />

After returning from Afghanistan in<br />

late 2010, I was posted to Ipswich for<br />

an attachment to the Territorial Army<br />

(TA). The stability of a non-deployable<br />

posting (my first in the British Army)<br />

meant I could find a club and try to play<br />

some regular tennis. A chance meeting<br />

with the then British female No.1 Elena<br />

Baltacha presented an opportunity to<br />

train with a top professional British<br />

Tennis player. One training session<br />

led to another, and soon after I was<br />

fortunate enough to become a regular<br />

hitting partner. During the 2012 season<br />

I was extremely privileged to travel with<br />

Elena on the tour when work permitted.<br />

The experience gained through hitting<br />

and travelling has had a huge impact<br />

on my game, and the 2012 Army Tennis<br />

Championships finally became an event<br />

to remember after winning the Mens<br />

Open Singles Title for the very first time.<br />

T<strong>here</strong> is still the everyday challenge<br />

of balancing work, family and<br />

tennis commitments. Tennis playing<br />

commitments have slightly reduced as<br />

I'm working my way through the LTA<br />

Coaching pathway (currently attending<br />

the Level 3 course), and coaching parttime<br />

at Elena's Academy (EBAT) which<br />

is based at Ipswich Sports Club. With a<br />

recent addition to the family, 5 month<br />

old Maisie (possibly the LTA's youngest<br />

member) life is certainly busy.<br />

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Inter Service Lawn Tennis Championships 2013 | 29

RAF LTA Update – All Change at the Top – RAF<br />

LTA Reconfigures for 2013 and Beyond<br />

A charity<br />

with a heart<br />

“After I lost my leg in an IED explosion<br />

in Afghanistan, the RAF Benevolent Fund<br />

helped me to get my independence back.”<br />

Former SAC Michael Goody<br />

It has been a roller coaster journey for <strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Force</strong> Tennis over the past<br />

few years. After the triumph of the Inter Service Championships in 2011,<br />

w<strong>here</strong> the RAF Teams swept the board and secured all 4 titles, 2012 was<br />

much more subdued, with only the Ladies’ Team able to retain their crown<br />

at the temporary home of the A Championships at the National Tennis<br />

Centre, Roehampton. However, on the back of a very successful overseas<br />

training camp at La Manga, in Spain, t<strong>here</strong> is cause for much optimism for<br />

2013 – particularly as the A Championships return to the All England Club<br />

at Wimbledon, a venue w<strong>here</strong> the light blue Service has enjoyed plenty of<br />

success in the past.<br />

However, within RAF Tennis circles it is<br />

not just the venue of the major Inter<br />

Service tournament that is changing.<br />

The Summer of 2013 will see some<br />

landmark changes on the RAF LTA<br />

Committee, with some key personnel<br />

changes in those behind the scenes who<br />

work so hard to support the players and<br />

ensure that all the <strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Force</strong> teams<br />

can concentrate on the playing aspect of<br />

the game, while the administration and<br />

support functions are handled without<br />

fuss, and in the background.<br />

First and foremost, at the end of last<br />

month the RAF LTA said farewell to<br />

its President, Chief of the <strong>Air</strong> Staff, <strong>Air</strong><br />

Chief Marshal Sir Stephen Dalton. Sir<br />

Stephen has been the President of the<br />

Association for 6 years, during which<br />

time the RAF teams have thrived,<br />

benefiting hugely from this support<br />

from the very top of the Service. Sir<br />

Stephen is a very keen player, having<br />

been a member of the All England Club<br />

since 2009, and he shares a genuine<br />

passion for the game with all of the RAF<br />

players. Although he retired from the<br />

Service at the end of July, Sir Stephen<br />

has kindly agreed to remain involved<br />

with RAF Tennis and has assumed the<br />

role of Honorary Lifetime Vice President,<br />

a role in which his enthusiastic support<br />

and comprehensive knowledge of the<br />

game and will continue to benefit the<br />

RAF teams.<br />

Sir Stephen’s replacement as RAF<br />

LTA President will be <strong>Air</strong> Vice Marshal<br />

Aroop Mozumder, the Director General<br />

of Medical Services in the RAF. AVM<br />

Mozumder is no stranger to RAF Tennis,<br />

having served for over 5 years as the<br />

RAF LTA President until June this year,<br />

giving him an excellent knowledge of<br />

the players and coaches, as well as a<br />

comprehensive understanding of the<br />

RAF LTA’s set-up. AVM Mozumder’s<br />

Founded a year after the <strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Force</strong>, the RAF<br />

Benevolent Fund has a long and proud history of<br />

supporting serving personnel, past and present, and<br />

their families. We’re t<strong>here</strong> for any member of the RAF<br />

family who is in need of financial, practical or emotional<br />

support – from the youngest child to the oldest veteran.<br />

In 2012 the charity spent almost £22 million supporting<br />

more than 68,000 members of the RAF family with a<br />

wide range of issues from childcare, relationship<br />

difficulties and debt, to injury, disability and bereavement.<br />

To find out more,<br />

or to donate, visit<br />

www.rafbf.org<br />

greatest achievement during his<br />

tenure has been the success of the<br />

RAF’s initiative to support Disability<br />

or ‘Adaptive’ Tennis w<strong>here</strong> he has used<br />

his contacts at the Defence Medical<br />

Rehabilitation Unit at Headley Court to<br />

drive forward this increasingly popular<br />

branch of the sport.<br />

Finally, three of the most critical and<br />

involved positions on the Committee<br />

have also changed hands over the past<br />

6 months. First, Wing Commander Lyn<br />

MacManus has stepped down as the<br />

Service’s Director of Tennis, handing<br />

the reins over to the RAF Men’s No 1<br />

player, FLt Lt Chris Evans. Lyn has been<br />

in the role for a couple of years and<br />

had been instrumental in providing<br />

the drive and direction for the playing<br />

set-up, including co-ordinating training<br />

camps and organising coaching<br />

sessions. Second, last month marked<br />

the end of Sqn Ldr Ash Cudlipp’s 5<br />

year tenure as Honorary Secretary.<br />

A real force for change within the<br />

organisation, Ash worked tirelessly to<br />

modernise the RAF LTA and to organise<br />

tournaments for both the Service,<br />

and the Combined Services. Last, but<br />

by no means least, Wing Commander<br />

(Ret’d) Ray Greenhall said farewell as<br />

the RAF LTA referee at the end of the<br />

2013 RAF Championships. Formerly<br />

also the Combined Services referee, Ray<br />

has supported RAF tournaments for a<br />

great many years and his sage guidance<br />

and even-handed justice will be sorely<br />

missed.<br />

I know all of the current Committee<br />

and the RAF Teams would like to wish<br />

these departing Committee members<br />

the very best for the future, and hope<br />

to welcome them back as guests of RAF<br />

Tennis for many years to come.<br />

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Inter Service Lawn Tennis Championships 2013 | 31

Championship Rolls<br />

Championship Rolls<br />

Men’s Women’s Men’s Veterans Women’s Veterans<br />

Years<br />

Wins to<br />

each Service<br />

Years<br />

Wins to<br />

each Service<br />

Years<br />

Wins to<br />

each Service<br />

Years<br />

Wins to<br />

each Service<br />

RN Army RAF<br />

RN Army RAF<br />

RN Army RAF<br />

RN Army RAF<br />

1920–1939 4 16 0<br />

1952–1994 14 8 24<br />

1948–1994 8 25 15<br />

1948–1992 No Competition<br />

1940–1945 No Competition<br />

1946–1994 2 5 42<br />

1993–1994 0 0 2<br />

Winner RN Army RAF<br />

Winner RN Army RAF<br />

Winner RN Army RAF<br />

Winner RN Army RAF<br />

1995 RAF 1 8 9<br />

1995 ARMY 2 9 7<br />

1995 RAF 2 1 6<br />

1995 RAF 3 2 4<br />

1996 RAF 2 5 11<br />

1996 ARMY 6 7 5<br />

1996 RAF 2 1 6<br />

1996 RN 4 2 3<br />

1997 ARMY 0 10 8<br />

1997 ARMY 4 9 5<br />

1997 RAF 1 2 6<br />

1997 RAF 2 3 4<br />

1998 ARMY 4 9 5<br />

1998 RN*<br />

11 2 5<br />

1998 RAF 0 3 6<br />

1998 ARMY 2 6 1<br />

1999 ARMY 0 11 7<br />

1999 ARMY 1 10 7<br />

1999 RAF 2 1 6<br />

1999 RAF 0 4 5<br />

2000 ARMY 3 8 7<br />

2000 RAF 5 6 7<br />

2000 RAF 0 4 5<br />

2000 ARMY 2 5 2<br />

2001 RAF 0 7 11<br />

2001 ARMY 2 9 7<br />

2001 RAF 2 2 5<br />

2001 RN 5 4 0<br />

2002 ARMY 2 11 6<br />

2002 ARMY 4 12 2<br />

2002 ARMY 1 4 4<br />

2002 RN 5 3 1<br />

2003 ARMY 5 8 5<br />

2003 ARMY 1 12 5<br />

2003 RAF 1 2 6<br />

2003 ARMY 5 1 3<br />

2004 ARMY 2 9 7<br />

2004 ARMY 9 3 3<br />

2004 RAF 1 4 4<br />

2004 ARMY 4 1 1<br />

2005 ARMY 4 7 7<br />

2005 RN 10 4 4<br />

2005 ARMY 0 5 4<br />

2005 RN 4 1 4<br />

2006 ARMY 5 8 5<br />

2007 RAF 0 8 10<br />

2006 RN 10 5 3<br />

2006 RAF 1 3 5 2006 RN 5 3 1<br />

2007** ARMY 5 10 3<br />

2007 ARMY 2 4 3 2007**<br />

RN 4 3 2<br />

2008 RAF 0 7 11<br />

2008 ARMY 1 12 5<br />

2008 ARMY 0 5 4<br />

2008 RAF 3 2 4<br />

2009 RN 8 6 4<br />

2009 ARMY 7 7* 4<br />

2009 RAF 0 3 6<br />

2009 RN 6 1 2<br />

2010 RN 9 7 2<br />

2010 RN 11 3 4<br />

2010 RAF 1 2 6<br />

2010 RAF 4 1 4<br />

2011 RAF 5 5 8<br />

2012 ARMY 8 10 0<br />

2011 RAF 5 5 8<br />

2012 RAF 6 5 7<br />

2011 RAF 2 3 4<br />

2012 RN 5 1 3<br />

2011 RAF 3 1 5<br />

2012 RN 4 2 3<br />

* In 2009 the Army Women won by 16 sets to 15<br />

†<br />

In 1994 Women changed to 3 pairs format<br />

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Inter Service Lawn Tennis Championships 2013 | 33

Forthcoming Events<br />

A formal calling notice will be issued on completion of the 2013 Inter Service<br />

Championships following the announcement of those players selected to represent<br />

the Combined Services.<br />

Notes<br />

Cardio Tennis will get you<br />

bouncing to the beat<br />

Find your nearest session<br />

at allplaytennis.com<br />

Tell us what tennis means to you #TennisIs<br />

The Combined Services Lawn Tennis Association would like to thank the AELTC,<br />

the Lawn Tennis Association and the Bank of England for allowing the use of their<br />

facilities and courts to host the 2013 Inter Service Lawn tennis Championships.<br />

Tenn-is_AD_195x265_V1.indd 2 14/05/2013 17:13<br />

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Inter Service Lawn Tennis Championships 2013 | 35

Notes<br />

Notes<br />

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Inter Service Lawn Tennis Championships 2013 | 37

Do your bit –<br />

Help our Heroes<br />

To donate by phone, please call 01725 514 130<br />

or Text ‘Hero’ to 70900 to donate £5*<br />

www.helpforheroes.org.uk<br />

Registered charity number 1120920<br />

*You will be charged £5 plus your standard network rate. £5 goes directly to Help for Heroes. Helpline 01494 750 500.<br />

38 | Inter Service Lawn Tennis Championships 2013<br />

Inter Service Lawn Tennis Championships 2013 | 39

CDS is proud to sponsor the<br />

Inter Service Lawn Tennis<br />

Championships 2013<br />

Working together<br />

• Our Digital team developed the Army’s website (www.army.mod.uk) and the<br />

Defence Suppliers Research Information Portal (www.science.mod.uk).<br />

• Our Defence Support team provides equipment and systems support for both<br />

long-term projects and Urgent Operational Requirements. We are on the FATS/4<br />

framework contract.<br />

• We provide design, journalism and print for the MOD’s Codex magazine and design<br />

services to the MOD in general.<br />

• We are currently delivering the Army’s new social media recruitment initiative.<br />

Use our services with confidence. We have secure sites, security cleared<br />

staff, the flexibility to work remotely and the resilience to meet the<br />

toughest requirements.<br />

To find out more call Paul Meersman on 0800 138 4308<br />

or email paul.meersman@cds.co.uk (ref. tennis)<br />

www.cds.co.uk<br />

@C_D_S<br />

www.facebook.com/digital<br />

Follow all the Inter Service Tennis Championships action live in our<br />

Twitter feed: www.cds.co.uk/tennis

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