A bibliography of English military books up to 1642 and of ...

A bibliography of English military books up to 1642 and of ...

A bibliography of English military books up to 1642 and of ...


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Contents. A st<strong>and</strong>ard work <strong>of</strong> the time. It was published without the<br />

knowledge or permission <strong>of</strong> the author, being coUedled <strong>and</strong> digested in<strong>to</strong> one<br />

volume, out <strong>of</strong> a heap <strong>of</strong> waste paper, by his friend, M. de Fresnes, whom the<br />

troubles in France had enforced <strong>to</strong> keep company, for eight or nine months,<br />

as a banished man, with de La Noue, during his captivity in the Low<br />

Countries,<br />

Liberty had been <strong>of</strong>fered <strong>to</strong> the great general by Philip IL, if he<br />

would, by consenting <strong>to</strong> the putting out <strong>of</strong> his eyes, render himself incapable<br />

<strong>of</strong> ever again serving against Spain. These terms were rejedled, <strong>and</strong> de La<br />

Noue wiled away some <strong>of</strong> the hours <strong>of</strong> his five years' imprisonment in writing<br />

these Discourses, which, esteemed by himself as mere scribblings, not worth<br />

the reading, have gained him an assured place among the writers <strong>of</strong> his<br />

century.^ La Noue was nicknamed by his contemporaries, " Bras de fer.**<br />

Discourses: XIIL pp. 169-176. On the necessity <strong>of</strong> a st<strong>and</strong>ing army <strong>of</strong>, at<br />

least, four regiments <strong>of</strong> foot. XIV. pp. 177-184. Of the French Legionaries<br />

J<br />

their numbers, pay, composition, training <strong>and</strong> choice <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficers.<br />

XV. pp. 184-190. On Cavalry; their arms, formations, etc. ; the necessity<br />

<strong>of</strong> forming them in<strong>to</strong> squadrons for fighting purposes. XVI. pp. 190-194.<br />

On " Camarades " or special followers <strong>of</strong> Captains. XVII. pp. 194-197. On<br />

rewards <strong>to</strong> soldiers. Discourse XVIII. (pp. 198-203) contains Four Military<br />

Paradoxes : I. That a squadron <strong>of</strong> Reisters should beat a squadron <strong>of</strong> spears ;<br />

II. That 2,500 Corselets <strong>and</strong> 1,500 Harquebusiers may more- easily retire<br />

three French leagues in a plain than 2,000 spears ; III. That it is expedient<br />

for a Captain <strong>to</strong> have sustained an overthrow ; IV. That daily experience<br />

have taught such means <strong>to</strong> fortify Holds, as are more pr<strong>of</strong>itable in respedl <strong>of</strong><br />

the small charge there<strong>of</strong>, <strong>and</strong> no less defensible than such stately ones as the<br />

Engineers have aforetime invented. Page 346 <strong>to</strong> end. Certain observations<br />

<strong>of</strong> divers things that happened in the three first troubles <strong>of</strong> France, with a<br />

true report <strong>of</strong> the same.<br />

Three more French technical treatises <strong>of</strong> about this time have been unfortunately<br />

lost. They were written by Sully, the minister <strong>and</strong> "maitre<br />

d'artillerie " <strong>of</strong> Henry IV. (1553-1610), <strong>and</strong> were entitled "Trait^ de la<br />

guerre ", " Le Mar6chal de Camp ", <strong>and</strong> " Instru6tions de milice et de police.'*<br />

—Karcher, " Ecrivains Militaires."<br />

Edward Aggas, who was a stationer, translated many French pamphlets.<br />

[V. Orig. 560.]<br />

38. Fifteen-eighty-eight. Tartaglia, Niccolo.<br />

Three bookes <strong>of</strong> Colloquies con-<br />

| |<br />

cerning the arte <strong>of</strong>shooting<br />

in<br />

I<br />

great <strong>and</strong> small peeces <strong>of</strong> artillerie, variable |<br />

r<strong>and</strong>ges,<br />

^<br />

For an account <strong>of</strong> de La Noue see " Correspondance de Francois de la Noue," by<br />

Philip Kervyn de Volkersbaersbeke, Paris, 1854.<br />


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