A bibliography of English military books up to 1642 and of ...

A bibliography of English military books up to 1642 and of ...

A bibliography of English military books up to 1642 and of ...


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—<br />

15. Fifteen-sixty-three. Gale, Thomas.<br />

I<br />

An<br />

I<br />

excellent |<br />

Treatise <strong>of</strong> wounds made with Gonneshot,<br />

in which is confuted bothe the grose |<br />

errour <strong>of</strong> Jerome<br />

Brunswicke, John Vigo, |<br />

Alfonse Ferrius, <strong>and</strong> others : in that<br />

they make the |<br />

wounde venemous, whiche commeth through<br />

the common pouder <strong>and</strong> shotte : And also there is |<br />

set out<br />

I<br />

aperfe6l<strong>and</strong>trewmethode<strong>of</strong>curyng<br />

|<br />

these woundes. Newly<br />

compiled <strong>and</strong> pu- |<br />

Wished by Thomas Gale Maister |<br />

in<br />

Chirurgerie. |<br />

Printed at Lon- \<br />

don by Roul<strong>and</strong> Hall, for<br />

\<br />

Thomas Gale. | 1563.<br />

|<br />

06tavo.<br />

Collation, Tp., Ai, has Hall's device; A 1 2, woodcut <strong>of</strong> a man wounded<br />

by bullets, arrows, knives, etc.—Portrait <strong>of</strong> Author, Azg.—Pref., A3.<br />

R.H. "<br />

: A treatise <strong>of</strong> Gonneshotte."—Nums. <strong>to</strong> ff. 1-19.—Sigs. in 8%<br />

A-C ; Cji <strong>and</strong> 81, woodcuts.<br />

This is one <strong>of</strong> 4 treatises included in a volume printed by Rowl<strong>and</strong> Hall,<br />

with the title, " Certaine Workes <strong>of</strong> Chirurgerie newly compiled ... by<br />

Thomas Gale ....*' It was included also in the colle6ted ed. <strong>of</strong> John<br />

Vigo's works, London, 1586, 4° (Thomas East).<br />

Copies, B.M.<br />

Contents. Thomas Gale was the first <strong>English</strong>man <strong>to</strong> write a treatise on<br />

gun-shot wounds. As early as 1497 ^ German, Brunswick, had mentioned<br />

a treatment for such wounds, <strong>and</strong> Vigo, some years later, another ;<br />

is<br />

the first monograph on the subjedl.<br />

but Park's<br />

1 6. Fifteen-seventy-one. Digges, Leonard, <strong>and</strong> Thomas.<br />

A Geometrical<br />

|<br />

Pra6lise, named Pan<strong>to</strong>metria, |<br />

diuided<br />

in<strong>to</strong> three Bookes, Longimetra, |<br />

Planimetra <strong>and</strong> Stereometria,<br />

containing Rules manifolde |<br />

for mensuration <strong>of</strong> all lines.<br />

S<strong>up</strong>erficies <strong>and</strong> Solides : with<br />

|<br />

sundry<br />

straunge conclusions<br />

both by instrument |<br />

<strong>and</strong> without, <strong>and</strong> also by Perspe6live<br />

glasses, <strong>to</strong> |<br />

set forth the true description or exadt plat <strong>of</strong> |<br />

an<br />

whole Region : framed by Leonard |<br />

Digges Gentleman,<br />

lately finished |<br />

by Thomas Digges his |<br />

sonne. |<br />

Who hath<br />

also thereun<strong>to</strong> adioyned a Mathematicall treatise |<br />

• . . Imprinted<br />

at London by Henrie Bynneman \<br />

Anno, 1571. |<br />

Black letter. Quar<strong>to</strong>.<br />

H<br />

. )<br />


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