A bibliography of English military books up to 1642 and of ...

A bibliography of English military books up to 1642 and of ...

A bibliography of English military books up to 1642 and of ...


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by Peter |<br />

Whyte- home<br />

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Willyam Seres. ^ Cum priuilegio ad impri-<br />

I<br />

| |<br />

mendum<br />

Imprinted at London, by<br />

solum.<br />

I<br />

Anno. 1563.<br />

I<br />

Black letter.<br />

Collation.<br />

Ocaavo.<br />

Tp., Ai.—Ded. <strong>to</strong> Thomas, Duke <strong>of</strong> Norfolk, A 2-4.—Cts.,<br />

K1-3.—Col. :<br />

" t[ Imprynted at London, by Wyllyam Seres, dwellinge at<br />

the West end <strong>of</strong> Paules, at the sygne <strong>of</strong> the Hedgehogge (.•.) 1 Cum<br />

privilegio ad imprimendum solum. Anno 1 563.**, K4.—R.H. : "Onos<strong>and</strong>ro<br />

Pla<strong>to</strong>nico."—Sigs. in 8', A-K4. — 30 11. <strong>to</strong> p.<br />

Copies. B.M.i Bod.<br />

Contents. Strangely varying opinions have been held <strong>of</strong> Onos<strong>and</strong>er;<br />

Guischardt calls him a foolish dreamer, <strong>and</strong> considers that he must have lived<br />

in the time <strong>of</strong> Vegetius, for the sole reason that, had he written after that<br />

author, he would most certainly have copied from him j on the other h<strong>and</strong>.<br />

Marshal Saxe regarded him with the greatest reverence. " It is only just,"<br />

says Almirante, in reviewing these opinions, " <strong>to</strong> allow <strong>to</strong> Onos<strong>and</strong>er the<br />

Pla<strong>to</strong>nic a priority in treating <strong>military</strong> affairs<br />

from a moral <strong>and</strong> elevated or,<br />

as one might say, from a philosophic point <strong>of</strong> view ; for which it is not<br />

indispensably necessary <strong>to</strong> have passed one's life in a camp ; <strong>and</strong> this being<br />

granted, we may <strong>to</strong>lerate a few technical errors, as well as some confusion in<br />

chronology."<br />

Onos<strong>and</strong>er was first put in<strong>to</strong> a modern <strong>to</strong>ngue by Fabio, or Tobia, Cotta<br />

in 1546 J<br />

<strong>and</strong> it is this translation^ that Peter Whitehorne turned in<strong>to</strong> <strong>English</strong>.<br />

Whitehorne had gained some <strong>military</strong> knowledge while in Turkey, by<br />

looking on at the " martiall affayres <strong>and</strong> doings <strong>of</strong> the Turks." In his<br />

version, Onos<strong>and</strong>er's suggestions for a sham fight run as follows :<br />

" I<br />

woulde deuide [the army] in two partes, <strong>and</strong> then without weapon bring<br />

them close <strong>to</strong>gether <strong>to</strong> fayght, distributinge the light dartes, <strong>and</strong> the slite<br />

partisans : <strong>and</strong> if paraduenture there shalbe nere some plowed fielde, lette<br />

theym faight wyth the cloddes <strong>of</strong> earth, <strong>and</strong> let the souldiers use harnes <strong>of</strong><br />

Bulles lether, if they may haue it." The contents <strong>of</strong> the treatise may be<br />

put under the heads : choice <strong>of</strong> the general j councils <strong>of</strong> war j declaration<br />

<strong>of</strong> war ; marches j camps ; drilling j forages ; spies ;<br />

guards <strong>and</strong> sentries j<br />

sacrifices ;<br />

pursuit j<br />

gaining information ; hours for meals ; encouraging<br />

troops J<br />

battle formations ; signals <strong>to</strong> be used in reconnoitring j<br />

preparations<br />

for, <strong>and</strong> after, a battle ;<br />

sieges.<br />

Earliest printed eds.: in Gr. <strong>and</strong> Lat.—Romae, 1494, 4°; Parrhisiis [1506],<br />

8° (the Pref. <strong>of</strong> this ed. bears date 1506 <strong>and</strong> the Col., 1504, probably that <strong>of</strong><br />

trans.); Basileae, 1541, 8°; ibid., 1558, 8"; Noribergae, 1595, 8°; Lutetiae<br />

Parisiorum, 1598-99, 4°: in Fr.—Paris, 1546, fol.j Paris, 1605,<br />

4** (by de<br />

Vigen^re): in Germ.—Meiiitz, 1532, fol.; <strong>and</strong> others more recent.<br />

* Reprinted, Milano, 1862, 8°.<br />


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