A bibliography of English military books up to 1642 and of ...

A bibliography of English military books up to 1642 and of ...

A bibliography of English military books up to 1642 and of ...


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Fortifica- luoghi, et a quelli che dopo costruiti detti luoghi, acettano<br />

carico di difenderii contro le tremende <strong>of</strong>Fese oggidi usate da*<br />

Maomettani, cioe de' cannoni, colubrine, basilischi, zappe e<br />

pale.<br />

Benacci.<br />

Quar<strong>to</strong>.<br />

—Ayala, p. 104. Very rare.<br />

781. Anvers. 1579- Pasino <strong>of</strong> Ferrara, Aurelio di.<br />

Discours Sur plusieurs poin6ls de I'architedvre de gverre,<br />

Concernants les fortifications tant anciennes que modernes.<br />

Ensemble le moyen de bastir & fortifier vne place de laquelle<br />

les<br />

murailles ne pourront aucunement estre endommagees de<br />

I'artillerie.<br />

Christ<strong>of</strong>le Plantin.<br />

Folio. A-M in 4*. 4 separate plates.<br />

Pasino was archite6l <strong>to</strong> the Duke de Bouillon. He wrote this work in<br />

French, dedicating it <strong>to</strong> William <strong>of</strong> Orange.<br />

Copies. B.M. ; Bod.<br />

782. Parigi. 1581. Barozzi, Giacin<strong>to</strong>.<br />

Seconda proposta in materia d'una difesa per debi<strong>to</strong> cristiano<br />

con queir ordine che si puo vedere, e sino a quel segno che<br />

per ora puo convenientemente bastare.<br />

Quar<strong>to</strong>.<br />

—Marini, on the authority <strong>of</strong> Tiraboschi.<br />

783. Fiorenza. 1582. L<strong>up</strong>icini, An<strong>to</strong>nio.<br />

Architettvra militare Con altri Auuertimenti appartenenti<br />

alia Guerra.<br />

Giorgio Marescotti.<br />

Quar<strong>to</strong>. A-L4 in 4^.<br />

At the end is an Addition with continuous sigs., entitled "Discorsi<br />

Militari " (not the same with No. 787), dated 1578, <strong>and</strong> having a Ded. affixed,<br />

dated 1576 (15 pp.). Another ed., Torino, 1585.—Ayala. Reprinted,<br />

Venetia, R. Meietti^ 1601, 4°, <strong>and</strong> issued by Baglioni with Nos. 767 <strong>and</strong> 769.<br />

Copies. B.M. (1582, 1601) ; Bod. (1582).<br />

784. Venetia. 1584. Barbaro, Daniele.<br />

I dieci libri dell' Architettvra di M. Vitrvvio, tradotti et<br />


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