A bibliography of English military books up to 1642 and of ...

A bibliography of English military books up to 1642 and of ...

A bibliography of English military books up to 1642 and of ...


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.^4<br />

FENCING.<br />

744. Venetia. 1517- Marozzo, Achille.<br />

Opera nova de Achille Marozzo, bolognese, mastro generale<br />

de larte de larmi.<br />

Appresso gli eredi di Marchio Sessa.<br />

—Gelli. This is the ist ed., discovered by Tribolati in the Library <strong>of</strong><br />

Pisa. Ayala, <strong>to</strong>o, mentions it, " Tribolati's discovery," says Gelli (" Bib.<br />

della Scherma", p. 131), "gives <strong>to</strong> Marozzi the post <strong>of</strong> honour in the his<strong>to</strong>ry<br />

<strong>of</strong> fencing in Europe, his being the most ancient work known on the subjed:."<br />

The 2nd ed., in B.M., is as follows<br />

Mutinae. 1536.<br />

Opera nova [chiamata duello . . . che tratta de casi occoreti<br />

ne I'arte militare etc.^<br />

In aedibus D. An<strong>to</strong>nio Bergola Sacerdotis.<br />

Quar<strong>to</strong>. 7 fF., then A-T in 4% including woodcuts.<br />

Other eds. : [Modena, 1540] 4°; Venetia, G. Padouam, 1550, 4**;<br />

Venetia, J. Plnargenti^ 1568, 4°, entitled " Arte dell' Armi ", with colophon<br />

dated 1569, <strong>and</strong> plates by Fontana, all preceding eds. having same woodcuts.<br />

Copies. B.M. (all but ist ed.) ; Bod. (1536) ; R.U.S.I. (1568).<br />

745. Roma. 1553. Agrippa, Camillo.<br />

Tratta<strong>to</strong> di scientia d'Arme, con un Dialogo di Filos<strong>of</strong>ia.<br />

An<strong>to</strong>nio Blado.<br />

Quar<strong>to</strong>. 70 pp., including 57 copper-plates.<br />

Other eds.: Venetia, A. Pinargenti^ 1568, 4°, <strong>and</strong> ib., R. Meglietti, 1604, 4%<br />

with 51 <strong>and</strong> 52 copper-plates respectively, reproduced by Fontana from those<br />

<strong>of</strong> the ist ed. The two large plates in the ist ed. have been ascribed <strong>to</strong><br />

Michelangelo, <strong>to</strong> da Vinci, <strong>and</strong> <strong>to</strong> Stradano (Gelli).<br />

Ayala, on the authority<br />

<strong>of</strong> Giacomini, says that Agrippa also wrote some dialogues entitled :<br />

" De<br />

muniendis arcibus et inexpugnabilibus adversus quorumcumque hostium<br />

impetum reddendis."<br />

Copies. B.M. (1553, 1588, 1604) i Bod. (1553, 1604) ; Roy. Art. Inst.<br />

(1553)-<br />

192<br />


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