A bibliography of English military books up to 1642 and of ...

A bibliography of English military books up to 1642 and of ...

A bibliography of English military books up to 1642 and of ...


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Art 608. Franc<strong>of</strong>urti ad Moenum. 1609. Reusnerus, Elias Leorlnus.<br />

^*<br />

Stratagema<strong>to</strong>graphia<br />

Siue Thesavrvs bellicvs, docens, qvomodo<br />

bella . . . suscipi, . . . administrari, commode &<br />

sapienter confici debeant : etc. E collegio Paltheniano.<br />

Quar<strong>to</strong>. 18 fF. j then A-ZZZ in 4% 292 fF.<br />

Copies.<br />

B.M.; Bod.<br />

609. Anversa. 16 10. Brancaccio, Lelio.<br />

I Carichi Militari. loachimo Trognesio.<br />

Quar<strong>to</strong>. *, », A-Z, AA-NN6 in 4^.<br />

Eds.: Venetia, E. Deuchino, 1620, 4°; also, ib., ib., 1626, ib., Giunta,<br />

1641, <strong>and</strong> Milano, G. Bidelli, 1620, 8"; all three with the title : "I carichi<br />

militari, fucina di Marte."—Ayala. Span, trans, by Scavino, Barcelona,<br />

S. y /. Matevad, 1639, 4".<br />

Copies. B.M. ; W.O. (1620) i<br />

Bod. (1610).<br />

610. Napoli. 1610. Stilliola, Modestino.<br />

Proposta di ordinar battaglie conforme alia vera disciplina<br />

degli antichi Greci et Romani, accomodata all' uso dell' armi<br />

che hora si costumano, nella quale si promet<strong>to</strong>no infiniti<br />

vantaggi, oltre la maniera osservata da moderni.<br />

This work is not known <strong>to</strong> exist, either in MS. or in print, but it is<br />

announced, under this title, in an MS. <strong>of</strong> Stilliola, entitled, " Arte della guerra<br />

di vari" (MS. Sanese, L. v. 19), as shortly <strong>to</strong> be published, "In Napoli, per<br />

Gio. Domenico Roncagliolo, 1610."—Ayala, p. 61.<br />

611. Paris. 1 6 10. Baccellini, Matteo.<br />

Aforismi politici e militari . . . con la militia et I'arte di<br />

creare un esserci<strong>to</strong>, d'armarlo, d'essercitarlo, alloggiarlo e<br />

condurlo alia giornata : il mode di edificare terre e fortezze<br />

etc,<br />

Jean de la Haye.<br />

—Ayala. *'The author states that he has reduced in<strong>to</strong> 174 aphorisms,<br />

a tedious work in seven <strong>books</strong>."<br />

612. Paris. 1 610. Montgommery, Louis de.<br />

La Milice Francoise, redvite a I'ancien ordre et discipline<br />


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