A bibliography of English military books up to 1642 and of ...

A bibliography of English military books up to 1642 and of ...

A bibliography of English military books up to 1642 and of ...


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'<br />

'<br />

|<br />

Mac-Keyes Regiment) levied in August 1626.<br />

ment (called |<br />

by S"" Donald Mac-Key Lord Rhees,Colonell for<br />

|<br />

his Majesties<br />

service <strong>of</strong> Denmark, <strong>and</strong> reduced<br />

|<br />

after the Battaile <strong>of</strong> Nerling,<br />

<strong>to</strong> one Com- pany in September 1634. at<br />

|<br />

|<br />

Wormes in<br />

the Paltz. Discharged in severall duties <strong>and</strong> Observations <strong>of</strong><br />

service ; |<br />

I<br />

first under the magnanimous King <strong>of</strong> Denmark,<br />

Robert<br />

during his warres<br />

|<br />

against the Emperour ; afterward, under<br />

the Invincible King <strong>of</strong><br />

|<br />

Sweden, during his Majesties life<br />

time; <strong>and</strong> since, under the<br />

|<br />

Dired:our Generall, the Rexchancellor<br />

Oxensterne |<br />

<strong>and</strong> his Generalls. Collected <strong>and</strong><br />

|<br />

gathered <strong>to</strong>gether at spare-houres, by Colonell<br />

|<br />

Monro, at first Lievetenant under the<br />

|<br />

said Regiment, <strong>to</strong> the<br />

Noble <strong>and</strong> worthy Captaine,<br />

|<br />

Thomas Mac-Kenyee, <strong>of</strong> Kil-<br />

|<br />

don, Bro-<br />

|<br />

ther <strong>to</strong> the noble Lord, the Lord Earle <strong>of</strong><br />

|<br />

Sea-<br />

"-' fort; for the use <strong>of</strong> all worthie<br />

|<br />

Cavaliers favouring the<br />

laudable<br />

|<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>ession <strong>of</strong> Armes.<br />

|<br />

To which is annexed the<br />

Abridgement <strong>of</strong> Exercise, <strong>and</strong> di- vers prafticall Observations,<br />

for the younger Officer<br />

|<br />

his Consideration ; ending<br />

with the Souldiers Meditations going on service.<br />

| |<br />

London<br />

Printed by William Jones in Red-Crosse streete.<br />

|<br />

1637.<br />

|<br />

''<br />

•'<br />

^<br />

Folio.<br />

Collation. In 2 pts., each with separate Tps., Cts., <strong>and</strong> Pag.—Ded. <strong>to</strong><br />

the Eled<strong>to</strong>r Palatine, )(2-3.— Pref. <strong>and</strong> Verses, )(4-A4.—Cts., etc., N2-P4<br />

<strong>and</strong> FfF-Hhhi.—Imprimatur, dated from Hamp<strong>to</strong>n Court, Dec. 8. 1636,<br />

Hhhia.—R.H. : "Monro his Expedition <strong>and</strong> Observations", " Prafticall<br />

Observations", "An Abridgement <strong>of</strong> Exercise", <strong>and</strong> "Souldiers Meditations."—<br />

Sigs. in 4», )(, A-P, Aa-Zz, Aaa-Hhh2.<br />

Copies. B.M. ; R.A.I.<br />

Contents.<br />

Robert Munro, a cousin <strong>of</strong> Robert, Lord Foulis, had, in his youth,<br />

served in the Scots Guards <strong>of</strong> the King <strong>of</strong> France.<br />

In 1626, the ninth year<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Thirty Years' War, he <strong>to</strong>ok service with the Scots Regiment under<br />

t Christian IV. <strong>of</strong> Denmark. He quitted it in 1633 <strong>to</strong> beat <strong>up</strong> recruits in<br />

Engl<strong>and</strong>, but before his return the regiment had been cut <strong>to</strong> pieces at Nerlin.<br />

Included in the *' Practical<br />

Observations " are some remarks on regulations<br />

<strong>to</strong> be observed in a garrison <strong>to</strong>wn, on treaties, <strong>and</strong> on artillery. In the<br />

chapter on artillery is a list <strong>of</strong> <strong>books</strong> in which references <strong>to</strong> gunpowder <strong>and</strong><br />

~^o'' cannon are <strong>to</strong> be found. Sigs. O2-P4 contain a list <strong>of</strong> the British <strong>of</strong>ficers in<br />

I 10

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