A bibliography of English military books up to 1642 and of ...

A bibliography of English military books up to 1642 and of ...

A bibliography of English military books up to 1642 and of ...


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72. Sixteen-hundred. Edmonds, Sir Clement.<br />

The Maner <strong>of</strong> Our Moderne Training, Or Tadticke Prac-<br />

:<br />

in 4', 3 fF. <strong>to</strong> H <strong>and</strong> Bb, no G, Cc4 blank ; Bks. VI.-VIL, b-r in 4*, r4<br />

blank; "Moderne Training", f (6 fF.) "<br />

; Civill Warres ", B <strong>and</strong> C in 4%<br />

D-V in 6*. Separate pag. <strong>to</strong> all but " Moderne Training ", which follows<br />

Bk. VII. The names <strong>of</strong> the successive owners entered in MS. They were<br />

Ben Jonson, <strong>to</strong> whom the copy was presented by the author, Henry<br />

Theobald, Richard Stevens, Edward Cudworth, Berkhenstead, John<br />

Martin, Thomas Rookwood, <strong>and</strong> Sir Thomas Gage in 1807. Au<strong>to</strong>graph<br />

<strong>of</strong> Edmonds.<br />

Some copies were sent out under the same tp., with the imprint "<br />

: 1609.<br />

London Printedfor Math. Lownes.'* But all <strong>of</strong> Bks. I.- V., between F6 <strong>and</strong> Cc<br />

is from a fresh set-<strong>up</strong> [sigs. G-R in 6% <strong>and</strong> S (5 fF.)], while the "Second<br />

Observation " on chap, vii., Bk. V., is replaced by an epistle <strong>to</strong> Sir Robert<br />

Drury. Bks. VI. -VII. <strong>and</strong> the " Moderne Training" are omitted al<strong>to</strong>gether.<br />

Other eds. : London. R. Daniel. 16^$. /hi. ; London. Tho Newcomb for<br />

Jonathan Edwin. ib']'j. fol.-y London. i6g^./ol.-y all with the "Moderne<br />

Training", <strong>and</strong> the last with de Rohan's "Observations'* <strong>up</strong>on each chapter,<br />

tise.<br />

Folio.<br />

Included in the Second Part <strong>of</strong> the " Observations on Caesar's Commentaries"<br />

(ed, 1604, pp. 129-138); <strong>and</strong> in all subsequent eds. except the dated<br />

ed. <strong>of</strong> 1609. In everything but portability, it is the earliest example in<br />

<strong>English</strong> <strong>of</strong> anything approaching our " Drill Book." Edmonds says <strong>of</strong> it<br />

" For as much as my purpose was <strong>to</strong> make this taske <strong>of</strong> Obseruations as a<br />

paralel <strong>to</strong> our moderne Discipline, I did not think it fit <strong>to</strong> mingle the<br />

Ta6licke Praftise <strong>of</strong> these times with the vse <strong>of</strong> foregoing ages,<br />

but rather<br />

<strong>to</strong> shut vp these discourses therwith as the second line <strong>of</strong> this warlike paralell,<br />

which is thus drawne in the best fashion <strong>of</strong> moderne Art." [V. No. 71.]<br />

73. Sixteen-hundred. Smith, Thomas.<br />

The Art <strong>of</strong> Gvnnery. Wherein is set forth a number<br />

| | |<br />

<strong>of</strong> ser- uiceable secrets, <strong>and</strong> prad:icall conclusions, be-<br />

I<br />

|<br />

longing <strong>to</strong> the Art <strong>of</strong> Gunnerie, by Arithmeticke skill<br />

| |<br />

<strong>to</strong><br />

be accomplished : both pretie, pleasant, <strong>and</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>itable for all<br />

|<br />

such as are pr<strong>of</strong>essors <strong>of</strong> the same facultie.<br />

| |<br />

Compiled by<br />

Thomas Smith <strong>of</strong> Barwicke vpon Tweed Souldier.<br />

| |<br />

London,<br />

Printedfor William Ponsonhy. 1600,<br />

I<br />

|<br />


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