Wrekinoitre No 196 - Wrekin Orienteers

Wrekinoitre No 196 - Wrekin Orienteers

Wrekinoitre No 196 - Wrekin Orienteers


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<strong><strong>Wrekin</strong>oitre</strong> <strong>No</strong> <strong>196</strong><br />

www.wrekinorienteers.co.uk<br />

Graham pondering what might have been had he not mispunched at<br />

<strong>No</strong> 10<br />

<strong><strong>Wrekin</strong>oitre</strong> <strong>196</strong> March 2011 Page 1

<strong>Wrekin</strong> <strong>Orienteers</strong><br />

www.wrekinorienteers.co.uk<br />

Chairman: Richard Lewis 01948 840428<br />

Secretary Mike Callow 01952 412314<br />

Treasurer: & membership matters<br />

Brian Morris 01952 770308<br />

Orchard Lea, Rodington, Shrewsbury, SY4 4QX<br />

Captain: Andrew Clough 01743 246639<br />

Training Co-ordinator: Tony Callow 01743 884219<br />

Fixtures: Jill Leventon 01743 289946<br />

Electronic Equipment :<br />

Jill Leventon<br />

Website<br />

Editor <strong><strong>Wrekin</strong>oitre</strong> Brian Morris<br />

See <strong><strong>Wrekin</strong>oitre</strong> Editor<br />

See treasurer above<br />

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Chairman’s Page Richard Lewis 4<br />

Choc “O” 2010/11 Andrew Clough 5—6<br />

To Go or <strong>No</strong>t to Go Mike Callow 7—8<br />

Never say die Brian Morris 9<br />

Winter/ Summer Training <strong>No</strong>tes 10<br />

Club Training Day Andrew Clough 11<br />

Photo Gallery 12—13<br />

Members Profile Pat Pay 14—15<br />

Training Day Comments Derek Lloyd 16<br />

Harverster & British Relays Clive Richardson 17<br />

South Shropshire Circular<br />

Clive & Sharron richardson<br />

18—19<br />

Haywood (Mud Frolics) Richard Lewis 20—21<br />

Charlton School Mike Callow 22<br />

West Midlands Training Day 23<br />

Events Diary 24<br />

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Chairman’s Chat<br />

This year started off with our New Years day event at Twemlows which<br />

now seems a like a long time ago. It went very well and <strong>Wrekin</strong> did well to<br />

finish runners up this year. Then we had our postponed club Champs at<br />

Bishops Wood on a nice crisp Saturday morning, again a well attended<br />

club event with thanks to Pete Jones for mapping and planning the<br />

courses, Derek, <strong>No</strong>reen, Brian, Roy and all others who helped make it a<br />

very successful champs. Congratulations again to all the club champions.<br />

In between these events and since, we have had visits to Much Wenlock,<br />

Ironbridge Shrewsbury and Ellesmere for our Tuesday night events<br />

which have become more popular as the winter went on. It is interesting<br />

to run around places like Much Wenlock at night with a torch, it gives it<br />

a totally different view rather than driving in daylight hours in the car<br />

and those hills in Ironbridge phew!<br />

By the time you read this our club captain Andy Clough will have had us<br />

all brushing up our navigation skills in Twemlows wood, this will be followed<br />

by Roy’s map of Bayston Hill and we finish off the winter training<br />

before back to summer events with Brian’s Map of Sundorne.<br />

The West mid league has already started with its first event at ODs Hay<br />

Wood and more about my run later. Before we know it SINS will be here<br />

which is an important event for the club and this year we are lucky that<br />

the car park and assembly are in the same location we will need all the<br />

help we can to put the event on and Brian M and Mike C would appreciate<br />

early volunteers. If you intend to run ask the organisers for the special<br />

entry code before you enter to ensure you get the helpers discount.<br />

I don’t know where the year has gone so far but with the events we have<br />

planned as well as SINs there should be plenty to do and if you would like<br />

to organise an event or plan courses please give me a bell.<br />

Richard<br />

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Choc O 2010 Andrew Clough<br />

Womerton proved a popular location for the start and finish of this<br />

year’s Choc O challenge. There was ample parking space, easy access<br />

from the A49, great views across the Long Mynd and a different location<br />

for the organiser from which to plan his courses.<br />

I will not ramble on too much as I hope somebody will have written of<br />

their experiences this year. However as I collected the pegs in late on a<br />

sunny afternoon I realised that this year the event had had its usual<br />

amount of memorable moments for all concerned.<br />

Snow and Debbie prevented me from putting out the pegs as scheduled<br />

and encouraged me to add a touch of red paint to the top of each peg.<br />

Mike and Tony Callow assisted me in putting the pegs out on an absolutely<br />

Arctic 23 rd December. The pegs were hammered in the frozen ground<br />

after a hole had been made with an old ice axe. If you thought the<br />

routes were a little easier this year then ask Tony or Mike what they<br />

would have been like in the weather conditions of the 23 rd . We wondered<br />

if anyone in their right mind would venture out in the days to come. They<br />

certainly did.<br />

Lawrie, always one of the first to tackle the Choc O was a little late this<br />

year. On 30 th of December my text message bleeped as I was driving<br />

south over Shap Fells on the M6. Could I text him the grid ref for the<br />

first peg! He was already at Womerton but had forgotten this vital<br />

piece of information when setting off from home. I stopped at the next<br />

junction and managed to dig out an old OS map of the Long Mynd from<br />

my O bag. The request was duly sent via text. All part of the service you<br />

understand. Minutes later the text bleeped again indicating a happy Orienteer<br />

off in search of chocs. Lawrie even managed to get his picture at<br />

the penultimate control on the Mercia fell runners web page.<br />

The second control for both courses was a pond. If any peg was going to<br />

catch people out this was the one. The map is good here but there are<br />

one or two smaller ponds in the area. Mike and Tony were both spot on in<br />

finding it when the pegs were being planted. The heather over there is<br />

tough but then these chocolates have to be earned.<br />

Locating a suitable site for the cache of chocolates is not always easy. A<br />

runner or walker arriving at the last peg should not be faced with disap-<br />

(Continued on page 6)<br />

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(Continued from page 5)<br />

pointment when finding the chocs. At the same time the public should<br />

not be able to help themselves to a freebie. Initially I had settled on a<br />

rootstock further up the fence. Here there was plenty of opportunity to<br />

secret away the goodies. I was satisfied with this location until, when<br />

driving away from Womerton I could clearly see the rootstock across the<br />

field. Imagine driving up to the start and looking across the field you saw<br />

a runner replacing the tin of choc back under the rootstock. <strong>No</strong>, I<br />

needed somewhere else. The fence junction eventually chosen was close<br />

to a public footpath but it would need a very inquisitive rambler to locate<br />

the cache.<br />

I often get feedback from folk about their experiences on the Long<br />

Mynd. They tell me if the cache needs topping up! Part of the fun is refuelling<br />

the tin of chocs without being spotted. On one fine late afternoon<br />

I dropped Debbie off from the car just below Womerton. She followed<br />

the footpaths across fields to the crossing point. I walked down<br />

from Womerton and dropped another selection of chocs in the tin. My<br />

determined wife then managed to walk uphill along the fence back to the<br />

car. A year ago this would not have been achievable.<br />

The cache was finally emptied on Saturday 8 th January. I had a ‘phone<br />

call from a cheery John Broadhead who informed me that Rebecca had<br />

eaten the last of the chocs. With our chairman planning to complete the<br />

course the next day I resisted the temptation not to let him know and<br />

duly informed him to take his own chocolates if required.<br />

Chewy bars and other food item often appear in the tin. Perhaps people<br />

swap leftover food from their trip. On the last day there were a few<br />

peeled carrots left in a freezer bag. The note attached that they were<br />

for people who’d eaten too much chocolate over the festive season.<br />

Often people will use a photocopy of the map rather than take the original.<br />

OK if you have all the area to be used on the copy. Alan Morris didn’t<br />

have the precise section of map for the last control but managed by a<br />

process of local knowledge, guesswork and luck to find the chocs.<br />

106 people were recorded in the log book. This made the joint efforts of<br />

Callows and Clough on the 23 rd well worthwhile.<br />

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To Go or <strong>No</strong>t to Go<br />

Mike Callow<br />

That's a dilemma we've all wrestled with during the snowy weather. Pete<br />

had already put out some of the controls in Bishop's Wood, the boxes<br />

were programmed and I had got the mince pies and mulled wine ready,<br />

but..... after trying the route out and several phone calls Organiser<br />

Derek and Planner Pete made the right choice as road conditions were<br />

treacherous, so Brian fired up the faithful e mails and website and I<br />

phoned Shropshire Radio. We hope everyone was reached. There's always<br />

another day.<br />

For many years I was a member of Shrewsbury Canoe Club and we did<br />

lots of harum scarum things, but the thing I valued most was sometimes<br />

we said no, we're not going in these conditions.<br />

Next up was the Choc O.<br />

Andy and family drove from Manchester into Shropshire's blizzards so<br />

we delayed putting out stakes. Thursday looked possible if only the road<br />

up to the car park at Womerton was ok. It was, so in full winter gear we<br />

set off with Tony and Andy carrying the stakes and me carrying ....me.<br />

The snow on the paths was easy walking, the trog across the heather to<br />

the pond was taxing, hope some of you found our tracks to follow. Still it<br />

was better than some days last time when a crust on the snow made<br />

walking and running difficult.... except for the wind which whistled out of<br />

the north east with a nasty chill. Short course done and chocs in place<br />

there were just a couple of controls to put out from Carding Mill. I left<br />

these to the young(er) and strong(er) with a time guestimate of 1 1/2<br />

hours. Just time for me to skive off into Church Stretton for a quick<br />

steam pudding and custard!<br />

2 hours later, after spending time in the Information Centre checking<br />

our Permanent Course maps and poster were displayed (they were) and<br />

nipping into the loo for a warm up I phoned Tony. "We're just on top of<br />

Yearlet - it's very windy up here and the snow's deep."<br />

I was glad I'd missed this bit of the Long Course.<br />

Job done, in cold conditions. Hope the sun shone for your Choc O.<br />

Next was the Christmas Eve Fun Run.<br />

Dave Gittus had checked the footpaths and planned 3 routes before<br />

(wisely) departing for a family Christmas.... in the Phillipines.<br />

(Continued on page 8)<br />

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(Continued from page 7)<br />

Rod had produced his usual clear map, but was the event on We at <strong>Wrekin</strong><br />

used to run this event, but passed it on to Newport Running Club, so I<br />

checked their web site. Consternation, Fun Run Cancelled glared out in<br />

red letters, but their earlier note had called it the Christmas Eve Escapade<br />

so a hasty call to the organiser confirmed it was on and their cancelled<br />

'fun run' was a different event.<br />

Moreton Village Hall is a good HQ and their were lots of happy Christmas<br />

greetings.<br />

Stuart and Derek Turner remembered they'd been doing the run for 20<br />

years! Rod, Lesley and Martin were for the walk, as were the Broadheads<br />

and friends, except James who was up for the 8k as was I despite Alan,<br />

Clive, Sharon and Paul claiming they were only going to go slowly and I<br />

should go with them.<br />

Off we went in bright sun, all on the same route to start with and seeing<br />

the'slow' runners disappearing into the distance, I knew I'd made the<br />

right choice. The bright sun and crisp snow made it a splendid day if you<br />

could ignore the cold air rasping into your lungs and your legs saying they<br />

needed to walk. Fortunately the many stiles provided a brief respite and<br />

there were even a few downhill stretches.<br />

Hot soup, tea, mince pies and the bar were very welcome and gave us a<br />

chance to chat and catch up on news afterwards.<br />

I'd put out <strong>Wrekin</strong> flyers on all the tables hoping that the 'road runners'<br />

would be flushed with success at following a map. They all went, so<br />

who knows, some may get interested in orienteering<br />

Mike C<br />

Please remember that we shall need all the<br />

help we can get at SINS come the end of May.<br />

Volunteer now and get your discount code by<br />

emailing Brian or Mike, address’s on page 2<br />

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Never Say Die<br />

Brian Morris<br />

This is a saying that can sum up many orienteering efforts, especially night<br />

orienteering events.<br />

The recent British Night Championships at Bentley Woods near Atherstone is<br />

a classic case in point. The M70L course at 4.6km was only being competed by<br />

five of us, as Pat Pay had decided to take on the M70S instead and ended up<br />

winning the class.<br />

The navigation in this wood was never going to be easy at night yet the first<br />

four controls were picked off without too much trouble. The trouble started<br />

on the longer leg to five, which had no obvious path running possibility, I arrived<br />

in the control vicinity OK but failed to locate the ditch bend, this resulted<br />

in a bit of headless chicken milling about amongst the holly bushes until<br />

the elusive flag appeared, it seemed so obvious that I cannot understand why<br />

I failed to see it. A quick dash,(stagger), up the hill to a thicket for <strong>No</strong> 6.<br />

The next leg looked quite easy, out to the path run a few yards then turn<br />

right, and drop in “simples”, well it would have been if the path junction had<br />

not been missed and my wheels had not fallen off. About fifteen minutes<br />

later I found myself back at five, well at least I now knew where I was even<br />

if it was some distance from where I needed to be. <strong>No</strong>t being willing to give<br />

up at this point I pressed on and eventually located the flag. This is where<br />

the “Never Say Die” part comes in and I just put my head down and fired on<br />

as fast as possible. The next eight controls were knocked off quite comfortably<br />

with a final uphill burst to the finish.<br />

<strong>No</strong>t even bothering to check the results I slunk off to the car. Derek,<br />

<strong>No</strong>reen & Clive returned shortly, all with similar stories of “What If” or “If<br />

Only”.<br />

Checking the results on Sunday, after another sortie through the brambles at<br />

Hawkbatch, I found that I had somehow managed second place the night before,<br />

losing fourteen minutes to Arthur Boyt, but clearing the third place<br />

runner by over two minutes.<br />

I could apply all the adages to this run, what if I had not lost 5 minutes at <strong>No</strong><br />

5 and if only I had kept my brain in gear and not lost 15 minutes at <strong>No</strong>7, but<br />

if I had not decided to never say die I would not have made second place.<br />

<strong>No</strong> matter how bad you think you may be doing just keep plugging away and<br />

don’t let the dreaded retirement gremlins invade your thinking.<br />

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By the time you read this our winter series of street events will be<br />

completed, and we shall be looking forward to another spring/summer<br />

of Tuesday evening training events.<br />

The committee want to thank everyone who organised and planned<br />

these winter events, they have certainly brightened up some drab winter<br />

evenings<br />

The initial details below spell out the general terms for this year.<br />

Summer Training<br />

Agreed<br />

1. We pay the Forestry fee for Shawbury Heath<br />

2. Members pay £1, visitors £2, Juniors free<br />

3. <strong>No</strong> event in SINS week ie Tuesday 31st May<br />

4. Lead Planner to return monies to Brian with a pay slip,<br />

leaving only the original float in the box.<br />

5. We should try to build a coaching activity into these events.<br />

6. A pub/social after training would be welcome.<br />

This is a summary taken from the minutes of the March committee<br />

meeting, the full text is available in the members area of<br />

the website.<br />

If you have forgotten the user name and/or password just drop<br />

me an email.<br />

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Club Training Day<br />

Twemlows Big Wood<br />

Saturday 5 th March 2011<br />

It was at some point during the New Years Day Score Event when the<br />

thought of organising a coaching day on Twemlows drifted into my mind.<br />

Concentration was then inevitably lost and I was off in search of a feature<br />

to relocate myself.<br />

After the club champs and Sutton Park events, several folk said to me<br />

they could do with practice using compass bearings to find point features.<br />

At this time of year the wood is free from the dreaded brambles and<br />

bracken that infect many west midland woods. It is also fairly “white” in<br />

terms of vegetation.<br />

So with these thoughts in mind I ventured back up the A41 and started<br />

to work through a few exercises. These included, pace counting, aiming<br />

off, compass work, relocation and a corridor exercise. The latter gives<br />

me chance to blank out all the map apart from a 50m wide strip alongside<br />

the straight line linking controls. Got to go straight, and accurately!<br />

The other benefit of Twemlows is that it is not that physical. Previous<br />

training days on Cannock Chase and further afield in the Lakes have involved<br />

many more contours. All who came yesterday managed to complete<br />

all exercises without being clapped out at the end.<br />

About twenty members and a trio of young ladies from the Shufflers<br />

turned out ready for some practice. I was fortunate to have Mike and<br />

Tony on hand to help give advice and follow people in the wood. I can’t be<br />

in 20 places at once.<br />

Having the club chairman living nearby with a photographic memory of<br />

the wood was useful. If you need a tripod re-building, just drop an email<br />

to Richard and he’ll dash out across the main road and the job’s done.<br />

The question is IS IT 20M FROM THE RIGHT PLACE!<br />

What was encouraging to see yesterday was the number of newcomers to<br />

the club attending coaching for the first time and going home with a real<br />

buzz and enthusiasm having learnt something new.<br />

<strong>No</strong>w, Richard, about this tripod!<br />

Andrew Clough<br />

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Another champs success for<br />

Molly<br />

Where did you say you hid<br />

it<br />

Smiles all round on a cold<br />

day at Bishops Wood.<br />

Does Colin<br />

have a cunning<br />

plan, or<br />

is he just<br />

trying to<br />

confuse the<br />

following<br />

hordes.<br />

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More fun &<br />

games for the<br />

Choc “O”<br />

Planner and<br />

assistants<br />

Have you checked out the event calendar on the club website.<br />

You will find a lot of local, and not so local events listed. A<br />

click on the listing will bring up a bit more detail and a link to<br />

the organising club.<br />

Yours Truly will endeavour to keep the item updated by adding<br />

additional events on a regular basis<br />

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Member Profile<br />

Pet Pay<br />

Mike has started to buttonhole club members to provide some insight as<br />

to what makes orienteers tick.<br />

The first input is from our much travelled veteran orienteer Pat pay.<br />

I began orienteering in April <strong>196</strong>8, when I phoned WMOA and was asked<br />

to come and help at the Midland Championships being held on Bringewood<br />

Chase, Ludlow, the scene of this years SINS.<br />

I had no transport in those days and I remember trying to hitch a lift to<br />

Ludlow on a Sunday morning, I got to the event at noon only to be told by<br />

the organiser that the competition was all over. I had to catch a bus<br />

home. I had read about "O" in the colour supplement in the Observer,<br />

written by Chris Brasher, even before I tried it out I felt it might be<br />

for me using my military training.<br />

My first event was with Harlequins in Kinver million, I took 3 hours for<br />

2.5km! I remember crawling about in young fir trees 3ft high without<br />

finding anything. Those trees are about forty feet high now and as I<br />

drive by on the Bridgnorth/Stourbridge road I look at them and smile.<br />

Harry Price was our leader in HOC and Chris Schaaning one of the first<br />

members. I saw Chris at Hawkbatch and he is still going strong at the<br />

age of 83. Ken Broad was also around in the early days. I was newsletter<br />

editor and secretary for several years. We had one or two juniors. Our<br />

son Richard was M12 British Champion and with the two Maynard boys<br />

won Both the British and JK Relays, how we could do with them now.<br />

Eventually, in 1985 I decided to join <strong>Wrekin</strong> OC as their base was nearer<br />

home and they had regular training which was a positive for me. Each initial<br />

year of the 5 year age group I try to make more effort to get fit<br />

and concentrate, I have managed Championship standard on two occasions.<br />

My best result was 6/70 in the British Champs at Penhale Sands a few<br />

years ago. I like sand dunes, and on that day was caught by a good W50<br />

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and we helped each other through to the finish. This year’s JK in <strong>No</strong>rthern<br />

Ireland is similar terrain and I am hoping to see that lady again!<br />

There was an area in Somerset last year which was dreadful. Wet slimy<br />

ditches and windblown and I broke my compass, least said the better.<br />

That is the fascination of orienteering. It’s a puzzle to pick up and solve.<br />

It’s the same for everyone whatever the conditions, we are all seeking<br />

the perfect run when everything fits into place.<br />

I try to keep all my maps and record comments on each event, filed annually.<br />

Whenever there is an event planned where I have been before, I get<br />

the maps our and have a look. It does me no good but it is good fun anticipating<br />

what might happen. Each year since I retired I try to attend<br />

the Swedish O Ringen. I’ve been 8 times now but will not go this year as<br />

there is an overlap with the Scottish 6 day. It is well worth the effort<br />

to visit the capital and home of Orienteering.<br />

This year has not been very successful so far, my run at the British<br />

Nights at Bentley Wood (M70) short contained a 30 minute tour round<br />

the middle of the map. Quite a few others had similar problems so now I<br />

don't feel so bad. Most years I compete in 70-80 events and I never<br />

grow tired of the sport. I like to train twice a week on terrain but preferably<br />

on paths. I try to find some O each weekend. If not I will find a<br />

Should you find a membership renewal form in<br />

your envelope with this copy of <strong><strong>Wrekin</strong>oitre</strong>, it<br />

means you have not renewed and this will be your<br />

last newsletter.<br />

So if you wish to remain<br />

members please let me have your renewal<br />

ASAP.<br />

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Hi Andy/Deb you asked for comments from Twemlows well here are mine,<br />

please edit it as you think.<br />

I went to the club training event at Twemlows on 5th March and what an<br />

eye opener it was and very informative .<br />

Orienteering has always been a mystery in some departments for me and<br />

club events such as these that Andy and Debbie laid on was a great opportunity<br />

to learn some of the tricky bits when map reading and realise<br />

some of the important skills that are necessary to compete.<br />

I had picked up very little experience in the past to navigate around a<br />

course and settling for a direct route using only the compass reading,<br />

what a mistake to make.<br />

Being in the company of experienced orienteers like Mike and Sandra to<br />

explain the importance of using attack points at a slow pace instead going<br />

head first into it using only the compass bearing with a hit and miss result.<br />

I would also like to add that the maps that were prepared by Andy<br />

clough were a tremendous help describing the recommended attack<br />

routes to take for any budding orienteer, (a great learning idea) I think<br />

it would be a great idea for any beginners that they could taken around a<br />

course such as Twemlows at a jog/ walking pace with an experienced orienteer/coach<br />

and be given an explanation how and why to handle attack<br />

points and map reading.<br />

I believe that if we are to attract more beginners to join the club this<br />

kind of introduction must be made more readily available and more frequent.<br />

Tuesday training nights are very good for the regulars who value these<br />

sessions but are far too short for beginners to be of value I have been<br />

with the Shropshire shufflers for many years and I am continually trying<br />

to encourage the runners to give orienteering a go but always get the<br />

feeling from them that they consider the sport too technical to take on.<br />

I realise that the coaches do make themselves available on Tuesday<br />

nights but as I said they are too short for beginners and that they need<br />

this kind of club event to get started and understand the basics of the<br />

sport I would like to finish this comment by saying that we have to be<br />

patient and be available to put on events like Twemlows and I am sure it<br />

will bring results in the long run for the club<br />

Derek Lloyd<br />

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The Harvester relay returns to Ecclesall Woods near<br />

Sheffield on the 16 & 17 July<br />

This is an overnight relay for teams of 7 or 5 orienteers depending on<br />

which class we go for. I think that if there is enough interest we can enter<br />

at least 1 team, perhaps 2 in the B class (handicap)<br />

Starts at 01:30 hrs with 2 night legs, 1 at dawn and 2 in the morning,<br />

courses are between 4 and 7 km, full details on SHUOC web site.<br />

This is a great relay to experience based on a very famous Swedish relay<br />

and <strong>Wrekin</strong> will pay half the entry fee, we need to get a team (s) sorted<br />

before the end of April so if you are interested call or E- mail Clive.<br />

<strong>No</strong>w for the interesting bit ! -<br />

<strong>Wrekin</strong> is organising the Shrewsbury urban ‘o’ on the 17 July.<br />

BUT we should be able to make it back for those who want to take part<br />

even if you are half asleep – it has been done before when a <strong>Wrekin</strong> team<br />

‘stopped off’ at Lickey hills for a warm down after Star posts (ask Brian)<br />

Clive 01952 771137<br />

British relays<br />

These will take place on Sunday 15 May, the day after the British champs<br />

in Warncliffe woods.<br />

They will be held in Tankersley woods, near Sheffield, these are normal<br />

relays held in the daylight<br />

And as not many of us are going to Ireland for the JK then we should get<br />

a good turn out ! so give Pat Pay a call before the end of March – I’m<br />

going and don’t want to have to run all 3 legs.<br />

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South Shropshire Circular<br />

This year the SSC went ‘on tour’as Shropshire is hosting the Housman<br />

100 mile challenge walk later in the year and so at 7 am on Saturday<br />

morning we descended on Glyn Ceiriog community centre to mark the<br />

checkpoints and route on our maps – you bring the OS map of the area<br />

but aren’t given details of the route until the day of the event. I think<br />

this makes these sorts of events much more fun rather than being able<br />

to go and rece. the route weeks in advance ! Neil Fullwood (organiser and<br />

all round nice guy) advised that due to the nature of the area we need to<br />

carry more food and water than normal as there would be great difficulty<br />

in placing enough feed stations along the route. We were also advised<br />

to look at the mountain weather forecast a few days before the<br />

event, perhaps not such good advice as I think there were around 50 no<br />

shows on the day!<br />

Traditionally a number of <strong>Wrekin</strong> orienteers have taken part and this<br />

year Sharron, myself,Brian and Alan went along with a few Shufflers<br />

that we had talked into running (<strong>Orienteers</strong> are often overheard at<br />

training discussing events !) so we had the company of Dave Woodvine,<br />

Libby Collins and Helena Bramwell as well as others from the club.<br />

The route started on tarmac and headed gently uphill to the first check<br />

point on Vivod mountain and then on to the second above Llangollen on<br />

the corner of Ceiriog forest, at this point it had started to rain a little<br />

We then ran on to the third at the cairn on Moel Fferna, the same check<br />

point used for the last Berwyn challenge, then we carried on through<br />

what felt like a very cold shower to the memorial stone on the Wayfarer,at<br />

this point Brian made a very good decision and turned left down<br />

the Wayfarer to Llanarmon Dyffryn Ceiriog and hot drinks and food in<br />

someone’s conservatory. The rest of us in, different groups, carried on<br />

through more interesting weather heading for the summit of the Berwyns<br />

( about 15 km’s away) The route between each control was very easy<br />

navigation mostly following fences and the ridge along the top of the<br />

mountain but the conditions under foot were very wet and boggy – lovely !<br />

The route up to the summit involved a couple of steep climbs, the last<br />

going past the point that we needed to return to on our we off the moun-<br />

<strong><strong>Wrekin</strong>oitre</strong> <strong>196</strong> March 2011 Page 18

tain (some people choose to turn left here rather than face the climb – a<br />

good decision)<br />

We carried on ! At this point I had to put my gloves on, unheard of as I<br />

don’t feel the cold. Took me 20 minutes but at least my feet were warm<br />

unlike the 3 girls with me, one had lost a glove and so had a plastic bag<br />

over one hand still with half a banana in the bottom (a hand warmer perhaps)<br />

They all looked like drowned rats – me as well I expect ! Our<br />

faces were that numb that we couldn’t speak properly (so they had<br />

stopped yakking anyway !)<br />

The hail that was hitting us horizontally stung and the wind was trying to<br />

blow us off the ridge but we kept going anyway as there wasn’t much we<br />

could do about it and as soon as we got off the top the weather improved<br />

and the wind meant we were dry in minutes. We then had a long decent<br />

To the conservatory mentioned earlier which was in just the right place<br />

to refuel and recover, we then headed north along the Upper Ceiriog<br />

Way up a very steep hill that some will remember as the finish of the<br />

Berwyn challenge, it was as hard going up as going down – work that out !<br />

We eventually started to descend into the next valley and a short but<br />

pleasant run alongside the river Teirw, through a wood and on to the next<br />

check point, after this we followed some lovely old drovers roads to another<br />

farm and downhill to the road and a short tarmac run to the finish.<br />

As usual we were supplied with a full meal and as much tea and coffee as<br />

you could drink. This is such a great event to take part in, the organisation<br />

and the friendly and laidback approach works so well – I had a bacon<br />

buttie at a check point a few years ago although I did get some abuse<br />

from other runners. We will try a get others to take part next year although<br />

this event is now so popular that it is full by the time of the Long<br />

Mynd Hike.<br />

For all those who hear beeping and bleeping on any training night we ran<br />

26 miles with about 5000 ft of climb and I burnt 3500 calories.<br />

Clive & Sharron<br />

(The bleeping is not Clive swearing, it his fancy wrist GPS)<br />

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Hay Wood 27 th Feb<br />

This year my challenge is to try and do all the West Mid League events.<br />

The first one being ODs Hay Wood just <strong>No</strong>rth of Warwick not an event<br />

I would normally go to as its long way south of Whitchurch and not being<br />

too technical more a runners area.<br />

Encouraged by Tom and Di Jacks that we should go we left at 8.15 to get<br />

an early start picking up Tom and Pam on the way. It had rained heavy<br />

during the night but we had a fairly dry and easy run down passing the<br />

odd Birmingham City supports coaches on their way to Wembley.<br />

When we arrived at the car park field there was only about 8 cars but<br />

already the field looked to cutting up badly at this point I should explain<br />

that certain Prestige German rear wheel drive cars are fantastic to drive<br />

on Tarmac but far from happy on ice, snow or very wet fields so I followed<br />

instructions from the Marshall and Parked as he wished, as I got<br />

out my feet sank in what can only be described as a green sponge full of<br />

water oh dear looking at the car wheels they were already up to the<br />

metal rims without moving and the Renault parked next to us had sunk<br />

already up to its bumper.<br />

Forget the car lets enjoy the event, I give the passengers the instructions<br />

not to get changed after their run until we get the car out. So off<br />

we go to the punching start the four of us closely followed by Clive and<br />

Sharron who assured me with big grins they had a tow rope. The path to<br />

the start was also just a very muddy track with some large puddles it was<br />

as we were approaching one of these mud puddles at a slow jog I managed<br />

to trip over a tree stump and land in sight of the start on the edge<br />

of this puddle getting very wet and muddy and filling the emit card with<br />

mud. The comments at the start ranged from they will need to re map to<br />

put that depression on now, to have you run once already fortunately<br />

Clive and Sharron missed it. I enjoyed the run just not fast enough seem<br />

to be going backwards, but back to the car I was first back so I put my<br />

coat on and thought I would see if I could drive out and Park on the lane<br />

or road which is where the rest of the cars had been directed too. <strong>No</strong><br />

chance wheels just sunk further into the muddy field I was beginning to<br />

get worried but had Clive and the 4x4 with tow rope as back up. The others<br />

came back up to 40minutes later no one was getting out of the field<br />

unless you had 4x4 and having tried Towing the car out with Clive’s 4x4<br />

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the rear bumper was now touching the ground, so wind all the windows<br />

down fill the ruts with stones and get 20 pushers and lift it rock it kick<br />

it and eventually we get the car out. <strong>No</strong> stopping I drive to the first gate<br />

on the road about half a mile from the car park to wait for the others<br />

and get changed. The car was covered inside and out in mud and from<br />

having the windows down to give more pushing leverage the inside had got<br />

plastered from the spinning wheels as had the passengers.<br />

Special mentions, thanks to Clive and Sharon and all pushers The valetors<br />

who spent all morning on the Monday cleaning the car and to the Guy who<br />

bought the car in the afternoon I hope you’re not an Orienteer. And well<br />

done to Di who beat me by 2 seconds<br />

<strong>No</strong>t sure why I should have paid a £1.00 to park still I have ordered a<br />

4x4 next with 4 doors and a tow rope.<br />

Richard Lewis<br />

This is not Richard, but just an example of how to get everyone else<br />

thoroughly filthy whilst relaxing behind the wheel.<br />

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" So, for getting low marks in the Incomprehensible Test.....<br />

you have to go on two 2 Day expeditions with overnight camps"<br />

This got me off to a cheery start with 28 students at Charlton School<br />

who had in fact opted for the Duke of Edinburgh Expeditions and who<br />

might benefit from some map reading skills.<br />

Having endured (oops, sorry, enjoyed) over 20 Mountain Marathons and<br />

Polaris Mountain Bike Trails (or should that be trials) I spoke about energy<br />

requirements, calorie intake, clothing and comradeship for a while<br />

before we got onto the map reading.<br />

With the benefit of Rod's survey and Lesley's map, plus our punches<br />

neatly inscribed WRE (thanks Pete and Dave) and plundering some of<br />

our stash of punch cards, I was all set for an orienteering session. Tony<br />

had showed me the British Orienteering dvd so I picked up some ideas<br />

from that and we were off- set the map, lay it on the floor and walk<br />

around it to face different directions then do the same with it in your<br />

hand, looking at the map to see what's ahead then looking ahead to identify<br />

features. This seemed to work quite well for everyone.<br />

Next it was time to put out the controls, my flat red/white plates with<br />

punches on. A pair of students put out a control, then a pair of<br />

'controllers' checked it was correct - if they disagreed, all four would go<br />

together, but this was rarely needed.<br />

Then it was break time .... so collect them all back just in case.<br />

After this, with everything set up again, it was time to tackle mini course<br />

of 4-5 controls as many as they wished. Some speedy teams did the lot,<br />

finding 25 controls on 5 courses, so not wanting them to get bored while<br />

others took their time I resorted to something we did on one of our<br />

training nights, A puts out a marker and returns, shows B on the map<br />

where to find it. B returns with the control, than has a turn.<br />

I really enjoyed this morning of coaching. There was lots of enthusiasm<br />

and I hope we can all do a bit to encourage newcomers to our summer<br />

training events.<br />

Mike Callow<br />

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WMOA training day<br />

Courses: 1. BO safety course<br />

2. Event organisers course.<br />

Date: Saturday April 16th, both courses.<br />

Venue : Adcote School, Little Ness (Nesscliffe)<br />

Cost: Free<br />

Lunch: Yes<br />

Exciting filler 'O' 'activity' : Yes<br />

The BO event safety course will be delivered by Hilary Palmer and is the<br />

one that organisers of all events (levels A-C) and controllers will eventually<br />

need to take.<br />

We will be sending 'cascade tutors' (Tony + any other volunteer) to<br />

learn the course for future delivery at club level as and when needed.<br />

Any volunteer club 'cascade tutor' (please check you are suitably qualified<br />

with tony), can claim travel expenses back via Helen Errington.<br />

Those wanting to do the basic 'event organisers' course will be able to<br />

take the 'safety course' on the same day as they will run one after another.<br />

The organisers course will be tutored by Henry Morgan assisted by the<br />

glamorous ......errr.......tony......who will also be i/c biscuits and activity<br />

'coach'.<br />

Lots of further details on the rationale for the event safety course in<br />

Winter edition of FOCUS.<br />

Please let Tony or a committee member know if you intend to<br />

partake of either, or both, courses.<br />

Tony can be contacted on (01743)884219<br />

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WRE website www.wrekinorienteers.co.uk (look for the “event calendar” link)<br />

HOC website www.harlequins.org.uk<br />

OD website www.octavian-droobers.org<br />

COBOC website www.coboc.org.uk/<br />

WCH website www.walton-chasers.co.uk<br />

March<br />

27th WCH Sherbrook & Wolseley WM League<br />

Park SJ995209 between Stafford & Rugeley<br />

EOD £10 less £2 if BOF member SI electronic punching<br />

APRIL<br />







MAY<br />



22ND (SUN) OD WM LEAGUE ELMDON PARK SP 168833 park £1<br />

EOD £9 less £2 if BOF member. Emit punching card hire £1<br />

28th Weekend SINS<br />

www.sins.org.uk<br />

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