1915-1916 - Chautauqua-Cattaraugus Library System

1915-1916 - Chautauqua-Cattaraugus Library System

1915-1916 - Chautauqua-Cattaraugus Library System


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Silks, Satins, Velvets and Trimmings THE A. D. SHARPE CO. H<br />

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PEARL CITY PAINT & GLASS CO., 15 Main Street _*<br />


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Myers, Mildred Milford, S., farmer, r. 45 r. East Central Harrison. Ave.<br />

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Neate, Carrie P.,—asst. cashier First National Bank—r. Levant. m\<br />

Neate, Menzo W., (Blanche)—pres. First National Bank—h. Levant.<br />

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Nelson, Amil A., (Flora), stationary engineer, h. 28 East Harrison. m*<br />

Nelson, August, (Ellen), brick yard worker, h. East Harrison.<br />

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Nelson, Charles, (Bessie), carpenter, h. Harmon Ave.<br />

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Nelson, Edith L., r. East Harrison. 2<br />

Nelson, Edna, domestic, East Harrison.<br />

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Nelson, Gladys V., r. Harmon Ave.<br />

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Newman, William M., (Grace), lumber inspector, h. East Harrison. J~,<br />

Newton, Archie R., (Mary)—groceries, 9 East Main—h. over do.<br />

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New York Central R. R. Station—C. J. Reed, station master1—East Everett. ^j<br />

Nichols, May, domestic, 8 East Main.<br />

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Nicosio, Frances, student, r. 215 West Main.<br />

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Nicosio, Sam, (Sana), wool handler, h. 215 West Main.<br />

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North, Beulah, winder, r. over 135 North Dow.<br />

North, Clarence H., wood worker, r. over 135 North Dow.<br />

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North, Clifford B., wood worker, r. over 135 North Main.<br />

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North, Elmer, asst. processer, r. over 135 North Dow.<br />

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North, Eugene, farmer, h. over 135 North Dow.<br />

North, Gurney, (Bessie), bartender, h. West Main.<br />

Novitske, Vincent, (Mary), stationary fireman,h. North Dow.<br />

Odsonia Worsted Mills—branch Cleveland Worsted Mills, Cleveland, Ohio— .<br />

F. W. Dixon, local mgr.—mfrs. worsted yarns, South Dow.<br />

Ohm, Herbert A., (Jennie), wood worker, h. over 211 East Falconer.<br />

Olson, Albin, (Hilma), wood turner, h. over West Main.<br />

Olson, Alex, h. 271 East Harrison.<br />

Olson, Andrew, (Nettie), loom fixer, h. 226 West Main. {^<br />

Olson, Edwin T., (Agnes), milkman, h. 300 South Work. 53<br />

Olson, Fredericka, r. 271 East Harrison.<br />

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Olson, Gust, machine hand, bds. South Work.<br />

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Olson, John A., (Jennie), lumber handler, h. East Pearl.<br />

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Olson, John A., gluer, h. 205 East Falconer.<br />

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Olson, Olaus, (Carolina), machine hand, h. Cross.<br />

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Olson, Ollie, (Elva), wood worker, h. Homestead.<br />

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