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1pracs<strong>2005</strong><br />


<strong>YEAR</strong> <strong>11</strong><br />

<strong>UNIT</strong> <strong>ONE</strong> <strong>CHEMISTRY</strong><br />

<strong>2005</strong><br />

<strong>PRACTICAL</strong> <strong>WORK</strong><br />

Name<br />

Teacher<br />

_______________________________________<br />

_______________________________________<br />

<strong>1.</strong> <strong>All</strong> entries in this document must be made in ink.<br />

2. Apart from recording observations and results,<br />

instructions for marked pracs are NOT TO BE<br />

ANNOTATED in any way whatsoever.<br />

3. Replacement copies of this booklet (and the<br />

marked prac report booklet) are available on the<br />

Chemistry web page.<br />

This booklet contains the following practical exercises:<br />

• material analysis (E Glo)<br />

• modifying metals (marked prac)<br />

• structure of materials (conductivity)<br />

• modelling structures<br />

• molecular models<br />

• alcohols<br />

• investigating hydrocarbons (marked prac)<br />

• linking of polymer chains<br />

• tangling of polymer chains<br />

• making polymers<br />

• deriving a solubility curve (marked prac)<br />

• precipitation reactions (marked prac)<br />

• surface chemistry<br />

NOTE : This booklet has:<br />

• instructions and blank report forms for non-marked pracs<br />

• instructions and results tables or results spaces but not the report forms for marked pracs

2<br />

Before any practical exercise ensure that you:<br />

• have read the exercise thoroughly and completely<br />

• understand the theory behind the exercise<br />

• are aware of the safety instructions relevant to the exercise<br />

• have completed any necessary pre-prac calculations or predictions<br />

(if there are any for that particular exercise)<br />

• realised that, unless you have already had two pre-prac tests in the<br />

semester, any exercise is fair game for an unannounced pre-prac<br />


3<br />

<strong>2005</strong> MATERIAL ANALYSIS (E Glo)<br />

E Glo is a newly-developed 'glow in the dark' silicone rubber. It is a polymer consisting of long chains<br />

of covalently bonded alternating silicon and oxygen atoms with hydrocarbon side groups bonded to the<br />

Si atoms. The glow is produced by impregnating the polymer with very small amounts of strontium.<br />

The development of a wide range of products from E Glo is only possible if extensive experimentation<br />

is carried out in order to determine the range of properties of the material. The test kit contains E Glo<br />

in various forms and shapes, including off-cuts that come in their raw state directly from the machine<br />

that produced the polymer. The Glo Doh is a silicone rubber that has not been placed under high<br />

pressure to create shapes. <strong>All</strong> samples contain the same percentage of strontium.<br />

Materials and Apparatus<br />

Investigation<br />

• safety goggles • hammer<br />

• apron • scalpel or knife<br />

• E Glo test kit • box with blackened interior<br />

• cement bench mat • apparatus in the bench cupboard<br />

Working in pairs, you are to:<br />

• develop and trial a range of experiments to determine the properties of E Glo<br />

• suggest a number of uses for this material<br />

You will be using an E Glo test kit consisting of a variety of product samples and other materials that<br />

will assist you in determining the properties of E Glo. The contents of the bench cupboards may be<br />

used.<br />

NOTE: Destructive tests must only be performed on very small samples of the<br />

off-cuts.<br />

Aim<br />

Method<br />

Results<br />


4<br />

Discussion<br />

Possible uses for E Glo<br />

Conclusion<br />

End of experimental work and report

5<br />

Background<br />

<strong>2005</strong> MODIFYING METALS<br />

The properties of metals may be modified in various ways.<br />

treatment and alloying.<br />

Two commonly used ways are heat<br />

The macroscopic properties of a metal will depend on its microstructure - the arrangement of its atoms<br />

into crystals and the elements involved (ie atomic size).<br />

When a metal is cooled slowly, the atoms have time (and sufficient energy during that time) to<br />

rearrange themselves into larger crystals. When a metal is cooled quickly, it forms small crystals<br />

instead. There are weaknesses where these small crystals adjoin one another and hence quenched<br />

metals tend to be more brittle than those cooled slowly.<br />

<strong>All</strong>oys exist either as atoms of similar size replacing some of the original atoms in the lattice or, if<br />

significantly smaller, occupying the existing spaces in the lattice. Consequently, these alloys have<br />

different properties.<br />

Safety<br />

• goggles and an apron must be worn when handling needles and hot metals<br />

• use metal tongs when handling hot objects<br />

• disposal of used solids into the bins is vital – be especially careful of the needles<br />

• lead is toxic ∴ wash hands more thoroughly than usual after handling lead and solder<br />

Materials and Apparatus<br />

Method<br />

• safety goggles • spatula<br />

• apron • metal tongs<br />

• 4 g lead • matches<br />

• 6 g tin • hammer<br />

• 3 identical needles • bunsen burner, tripod and pipeclay<br />

• 100 mL beaker triangle<br />

• crucible (without lid) • 2 bench mats<br />

• aluminium tray • tap water<br />

Note: the tin and lead may already be weighed out for you and placed in plastic bags.<br />

Heat treatment<br />

<strong>1.</strong> Obtain three identical needles and put one needle aside as a control.<br />

2. Using a non-luminous flame (blue), strongly heat another needle for about 1_ minutes then<br />

place it on the cement bench mat and allow it to cool slowly.<br />

3. Heat the remaining needle for a similar time. Then drop it into a 100 mL beaker of cold tap<br />

water.<br />

4. CARE! GOGGLES MUST BE WORN. When the needles are quite cool, try to bend and<br />

break all three. Record your observations.<br />

<strong>All</strong>oying – solder production<br />

<strong>1.</strong> Observe and record the properties listed in the results table (on the next page).<br />

2. Check that your crucible sits in the pipeclay triangle and does not fall through.<br />

3. Roll the tin and lead together into a ball and place it in the crucible.<br />

4. Heat the crucible briefly using the non-luminous flame until a uniform molten mixture is<br />

obtained. Stir the molten metal with a spatula and remove any oxide coating from the top of<br />

the molten metal. [NB: one end of the spatula will become very hot!]<br />

5. Using metal tongs, carefully pour the molten solder into an aluminium tray that is sitting on a<br />

second bench mat. If necessary, flatten the solder with a hammer. When cool, check the<br />

solder and add its properties to your results table.<br />

6. Arrange a small piece of each metal and solder in an equilateral triangle on the aluminium<br />

tray. Heat the centre of the tray and record the order of melting.<br />

7.<br />

.../over<br />


6<br />

Heat treatment<br />

Needle<br />

Observations<br />

control<br />

slow cooling<br />

rapid cooling<br />

<strong>All</strong>oying<br />

Metal Hardness Appearance Other observations<br />

tin<br />

(Sn)<br />

lead<br />

(Pb)<br />

solder<br />

Order of melting: 1st _______________ 2nd _______________ 3rd _______________<br />

End of experimental work<br />


7<br />

Background<br />

Metals and non metals combine in various ways to form 5 kinds of structures:<br />

• metallic elements<br />

• non metallic elements<br />

• compounds of non metallic elements<br />

• compounds of metallic and non metallic elements<br />

• compounds of metallic elements (alloys)<br />

This exercise investigates 4 of these 5 categories of substances.<br />

These categories may be distinguished according to different combinations of their physical properties,<br />

especially their melting temperatures and electrical conductivities. These properties are explained in<br />

terms of the bonding present in the substance.<br />

This exercise investigates the electrical conductivity of selected substances in one or more phases:<br />

• solid<br />

• liquid (referred to as molten if the substance is not a liquid at room temperature)<br />

• aqueous solution (dissolved in water)<br />

• organic solution (dissolved in an organic solvent)<br />

Safety<br />

• sulfur and naphthalene must be heated carefully in a fume cupboard and not in the open<br />

laboratory - both are flammable<br />

• solid iodine is corrosive and stains; iodine solution stains and the vapours are toxic - do<br />

not inhale<br />

• cracked test tubes - if any - must be disposed of as directed<br />

• power packs must be switched off before moving to the next location<br />

Materials and Apparatus<br />

Method and results<br />

• power packs • copper foil<br />

• alligator clips • tin foil<br />

• leads • ethanol<br />

• ammeters and/or milliammeters • sucrose (solid and aqueous solution)<br />

• 100 mL beakers • iodine (solid and organic solution)<br />

• large paper clips (for use as electrodes) • sulfur (solid and molten)<br />

• meker burner • naphthalene (solid and molten)<br />

• bunsen burner, bench mats, matches • potassium iodide (solid, molten and<br />

• wire coat hanger electrodes aqueous solution)<br />

• display galvanometer or ammeter • copper(II) sulfate (solid and aqueous<br />

• separators solution)<br />

Note:<br />

If you get all substances to conduct electricity in all the phases tested, then something is<br />

seriously wrong with the exercise!<br />

The various materials are set up at stations around the room - sulfur and naphthalene are in the rear<br />

fume cupboard and molten potassium iodide will be done as a teacher demonstration.<br />

Move around the room to each station. At each station, switch the power pack on, record the current<br />

flow, switch off the power pack and move to another station. Remember to check whether an ammeter<br />

or a milliammeter is in use a particular station and record the appropriate unit for the current.<br />


8<br />

When at the fume cupboard, test the conductivity of the solids and leave the power pack on when<br />

heating the solids. The substances may shrink when heated so ensure that the electrodes remain in the<br />

liquid. As soon as you've checked the conductivity of the molten materials, turn the bunsen burner off.<br />

Substance and<br />

Ability to conduct electricity when<br />

formula solid liquid/molten dissolved in<br />

solution<br />

copper (Cu)<br />

copper(II) sulfate (CuSO 4 )<br />

ethanol (CH 3 CH 2 OH)<br />

iodine (I 2 )<br />

naphthalene (C 10 H 8 )<br />

potassium iodide (KI)<br />

sucrose (C 12 H 22 O <strong>11</strong> )<br />

sulfur (S)<br />

tin (Sn)<br />

metallic elements<br />

melting temp.<br />

electrical conductivity<br />

(high or low) solid liquid/molten solution<br />

non metallic elements<br />

compounds of<br />

non metals<br />

compounds of metals<br />

and non metals<br />

Questions<br />

<strong>1.</strong> Which substance had mobile charges in the liquid and solution phases but not in the solid state<br />

Explain this in terms of the structure of the substance.<br />

2. What type of melting point did those substances that did not conduct in any state tested exhibit<br />

Why is this the case<br />

3. In which category/ies of substances are there particles that are held together only weakly<br />

End of experimental work and report<br />

<strong>2005</strong> MODELLING STRUCTURES

9<br />

Atomic structure<br />

Brief description and/or diagram of the model:<br />

What are the limitations of this model<br />

Metal structure<br />

Brief description and/or diagram of the model:<br />

What properties of metals may be explained by this model<br />

What are its limitations (ie what properties can't it explain)<br />

NaCl structure<br />

Brief description and/or diagram of the model:<br />

What type of bonding is represented<br />

__________________________________<br />

What properties of NaCl may be explained by this model<br />

What are its limitations<br />

CO 2 structures (2 models)<br />


10<br />

Brief description and/or diagram of the models:<br />

What type(s) of bonding is/are represented _____________________________________________<br />

What properties of CO 2 may be explained by these models<br />

What are their limitations<br />

Diamond structure<br />

Brief description and/or diagram of the model:<br />

What type of bonding is represented ______________________________________<br />

What properties of diamond may be explained by this model<br />

What are its limitations<br />

Graphite structure<br />

Brief description and/or diagram of the model:<br />

What type(s) of bonding is/are represented _____________________________________________<br />

What properties of graphite may be explained by this model<br />

What are its limitations<br />

End of exercise<br />

<strong>2005</strong> MOLECULAR MODELS

<strong>11</strong><br />

Standard colour coding for molecular models:<br />

• hydrogen - white • carbon - black • oxygen - red<br />

• sulfur - yellow • nitrogen - blue • halogens - green<br />

Number of prongs on clusters:<br />

• 1 - linear (one covalent bond only) • 2 - linear (may represent a triple bond)<br />

• 3 - triangular planar (may represent a<br />

double bond)<br />

• 4 - tetrahedral<br />

Length of straws:<br />

• long - lone pair or single bond representing 1 pair of electrons<br />

• medium - double bond representing 2 pairs of electrons<br />

• short - triple bond representing 3 pairs of electrons<br />

Hints for determining molecular shape:<br />

<strong>1.</strong> Decide which is the central atom; write out its configuration.<br />

2. Write out the configuration of the other elements; determine the number of electrons these<br />

atoms need to share in order to obtain a stable configuration.<br />

3. Determine how many electrons the central atom contributes.<br />

4. Decide whether bonds are single, double or triple and whether there are lone pair(s).<br />

5. When deciding the shape, remember that the electron pairs will be as far away from each other<br />

in 3-dimensional space as possible and that only the relative positions of the nuclei are used to<br />

define the shape.<br />

6. Use the shape chart to determine the molecular shape. [Note that lone pairs are omitted from<br />

the diagrams.]<br />

Method<br />

<strong>1.</strong> Check that the jar containing the model components is complete according to the list on the<br />

jar.<br />

2. Construct each model and draw the structural formula in the space provided in the table on the<br />

next page - use chemical symbols rather than circles to represent nuclei and inner shell non<br />

bonding electrons. [Lone pairs must be included where they affect the shape of the species.]<br />

3. Where possible, determine the shape of the molecule and write it in the structural formula box.<br />

4. Dismantle all components and check that the contents of the jar are still correct.<br />

…/over<br />


12<br />

H 2 O<br />

CH 4<br />

NF 3<br />

shape:<br />

N 2<br />

shape:<br />

CO 2<br />

shape:<br />

HCl<br />

shape:<br />

BF 3<br />

shape:<br />

H 2<br />

shape:<br />

O 2<br />

shape:<br />

C 2 H 6<br />

shape:<br />

C 2 H 4<br />

shape:<br />

CHCl 3<br />

Question<br />

shape: not possible<br />

shape:<br />

shape:<br />

Why is it not possible to describe the shape of the ethane molecule<br />

End of exercise and report<br />

<strong>2005</strong> ALCOHOLS

13<br />

Alcohols are characterised by the presence of the hydroxy group, ⎯OH. The parent alcohol is<br />

methanol, CH 3 OH, and the most common one (and least toxic one, too) is ethanol, CH 3 CH 2 OH.<br />

As the length of the carbon chain increases, the solubility of the alcohol in water decreases.<br />

Models<br />

<strong>1.</strong> Check that the jar containing the model components is complete according to the list on the<br />

jar.<br />

2. Construct models of methanol and ethanol and draw their structural formulae in the space<br />

provided in the table. [Lone pairs must be included where they affect the shape of the<br />

species.]<br />

3. There are two structural isomers of propanol, ie propan-1-ol and propan-2-ol. Both have the<br />

molecular formula C 3 H 8 O. Construct models of the isomers of propanol and draw their<br />

structural formulae.<br />

4. Dismantle all components and check that the contents of the jar are still correct.<br />

propan-1-ol<br />

propan-2-ol<br />

semistructural<br />

formula:<br />

semistructural<br />

formula:<br />

Experimental<br />

Safety<br />

• an apron must be worn<br />

• alcohols are both toxic and flammable<br />

• sulfuric acid is corrosive<br />

• potassium dichromate is an oxidising agent<br />

• food colouring will stain clothes, paper, skin, the bench, reputations, etc.<br />

Materials and Apparatus<br />

Method<br />

• apron • food colouring<br />

• ordinary test tubes and rack • methanol<br />

• micro test tubes, rack and brush • ethanol<br />

• 100 mL beaker • 0.1 M K 2 Cr 2 O 7 solution<br />

• hot water • dilute sulfuric acid<br />

<strong>1.</strong> Solubility in water<br />

* Place a few drops of methanol and ethanol into separate micro test tubes. Add 2 drops of<br />

food colouring to each. Shake.<br />

* Are methanol and ethanol soluble in water Yes / No (strike out the incorrect answer)<br />

* Empty the micro test tubes and clean with the small brush.<br />

2. Reaction with acidified potassium dichromate solution - this reaction is the breathalyser<br />

reaction for the detection of drunk drivers.<br />


14<br />

* place potassium dichromate solution in an ordinary sized test tube to a depth of about 2 cm.<br />

Carefully add about 1 cm in depth of dilute sulfuric acid. Next add a few drops of ethanol.<br />

Shake the test tube carefully then place it in a 100 mL beaker of warm to hot water.<br />

* record colour changes over about 5 minutes.<br />

* using one hand, waft some vapour from the test tube to your nose. Do not snort! Record<br />

odour changes over time.<br />

* rinse the test tube and put all equipment away.<br />

Colour changes: ____________________________________________________________________<br />

Odour changes:<br />

____________________________________________________________________<br />

Questions<br />

<strong>1.</strong> Can you write an equation that explains the reaction between ethanol and acidified potassium<br />

dichromate solution Yes / No (There is no penalty for being honest, only for lying.)<br />

My attempt is: (Your teacher may assist you.)<br />

________________________________________________________________________________<br />

Working space for your equation:<br />

2. Why does the solubility of alcohols in water decrease as the length of the hydrocarbon chain<br />

increases<br />

3. Why is ethanol soluble in water whereas ethane is not<br />

End of experimental work and report<br />

Background<br />


15<br />

Hydrocarbons are organic compounds composed only of carbon and hydrogen. They are non-polar<br />

molecules are therefore are soluble in non-polar solvents. Hydrocarbons have no functional groups.<br />

When they undergo complete combustion, they form only carbon dioxide and water. However, if the<br />

combustion is incomplete, they form carbon (or carbon monoxide) and water. The main component of<br />

natural gas is methane, CH 4 .<br />

A saturated hydrocarbon has only single covalent bonds between the carbon atoms. If a hydrocarbon<br />

is unsaturated, then it has a double or triple bond between at least two of the carbon atoms. If bromine<br />

solution reacts rapidly with a hydrocarbon, then the hydrocarbon must be unsaturated. The distinctive<br />

colour of the bromine disappears as the double (or triple) bond in the hydrocarbon is converted to a<br />

single bond and a bromine atom is added to each of the carbon atoms that were originally involved in<br />

the double bond.<br />

Safety<br />

• bunsen burners must be used first and put away before any liquid or solid<br />

hydrocarbons are used by any student<br />

• hydrocarbon residues must be poured into the organic residue bottle in the fume<br />

cupboard and NOT poured down the sink<br />

• bromine solution is corrosive and readily absorbed through the skin<br />

• organic bromine compounds may cause impotence (and we don’t want any embarrassment)<br />

• goggles and aprons must be worn<br />

• exhaust fans should be switched on (NOT the normal ceiling fans - why not)<br />

Materials and Apparatus<br />

Method and Results<br />

• small bunsen burner • cement bench mat<br />

• cyclohexane • test tubes and rack (for bunsen test)<br />

• cyclohexene • micro test tubes and rack (for<br />

• naphthalene hydrocarbons tests)<br />

• dropping bottle of food colouring • wooden test tube holder<br />

• bromine dissolved in hexane or • matches<br />

heptane • goggles<br />

• small spatula • apron<br />

• organic residue bottle<br />

A. Combustion of hydrocarbons<br />

Light a small bunsen burner with the air hole closed so that a luminous (yellow safety) flame is<br />

obtained. Using a wooden test tube holder in the prescribed manner (ie with the holder close to the<br />

open end and the test tube inclined at an angle of about 45 o ), hold the test tube in the flame for about<br />

30 s. Record your observations. Open the air hole and heat the test tube for a couple of minutes in<br />

the non-luminous (blue) flame. Record your observations.<br />

ALL students must return the bunsen burner, etc., to the correct place in<br />

the cupboard BEFORE ANY<strong>ONE</strong> starts parts B and C.<br />

Air hole<br />

Observations<br />

closed<br />

open<br />

.../over<br />

B. Solubility of hydrocarbons in water

16<br />

Mix 10 drops of drops of each liquid hydrocarbon or a tiny piece of a solid hydrocarbon separately<br />

with 10 drops of coloured water in micro test tubes.<br />

Hydrocarbon<br />

Observations<br />

cyclohexane<br />

C 6 H 12 (l)<br />

cyclohexene<br />

C 6 H 10 (l)<br />

naphthalene<br />

C 10 H 8 (s)<br />

C. Saturation and unsaturation in hydrocarbons<br />

Place 10 drops of drops of each liquid hydrocarbon or a tiny piece of a solid hydrocarbon separately in<br />

micro test tubes. Add a few drops of bromine solution to each test tube.<br />

Return all cleaned apparatus, chemicals, etc., to the correct place and clean the bench.<br />

Hydrocarbon<br />

Observations<br />

cyclohexane<br />

C 6 H 12 (l)<br />

cyclohexene<br />

C 6 H 10 (l)<br />

naphthalene<br />

C 10 H 8 (s)<br />

End of experimental work<br />

Background<br />

<strong>2005</strong> LINKING POLYMER CHAINS (SLIME)

17<br />

Polyvinyl alcohol is an addition polymer formed from vinyl alcohol (its systematic name is ethenol).<br />

The polymer dissolves in water because the ⎯OH groups form hydrogen bonds with the water<br />

molecules.<br />

The addition of borax solution to a polyvinyl alcohol solution creates cross-links between the alcohol<br />

chains and the tetraborate ions, B(OH) 4 - , present in the borax solution.<br />

The result is a gel (pronounced "jell") in which the water molecules are trapped between the polymer<br />

chains - about 95% of the gel is water.<br />

Unlike the cross-links formed by covalent bonds, the links in the gel break and reform easily giving the<br />

material some interesting physical properties. The gel behaves as a non-Newtonian liquid - it flows<br />

when pulled gently apart and snaps if pulled sharply. If the slime is poured from its container and the<br />

container tipped upwards slightly, the gel self-siphons. A lump of slime placed in a container slowly<br />

flows to fit the container and one placed on the bench slowly spreads out.<br />

The food colouring is used simply to improve the appearance of the slime.<br />

H H H H H H H H H H<br />

⏐ ⏐ ⏐ ⏐ ⏐ ⏐ ⏐ ⏐ ⏐ ⏐<br />

Polyvinyl alcohol is ⎯ C ⎯ C ⎯ C ⎯ C ⎯ C ⎯ C ⎯ C ⎯ C ⎯ C ⎯ C ⎯<br />

⏐ ⏐ ⏐ ⏐ ⏐ ⏐ ⏐ ⏐ ⏐ ⏐<br />

H OH H OH H OH H OH H OH<br />

Safety<br />

• borax is toxic - it is used as an ant killer<br />

• food colouring stains clothes, paper, skin, the bench, etc., as it is a dye<br />

• hands must be washed more thoroughly than usual at the end of the exercise<br />

• aprons must be worn<br />

Materials and Apparatus<br />

• apron • 100mL measuring cylinder<br />

• 100 mL beaker • 4% borax solution<br />

• glass stirring rod • 6% polyvinyl alcohol solution<br />

• 10mL measuring cylinder • red or green food colouring<br />

NOTE: The polyvinyl alcohol solution may be labelled Solution A, the borax solution may<br />

be labelled Solution B and the food colouring may be labelled Solution C.<br />

Method<br />

.../over<br />

*** In this exercise, the proportions of the solutions used must be adhered to or your slime will be

18<br />

less than perfect (and rather messy, too)<br />

<strong>1.</strong> Use the 100 mL measuring cylinder to add 20 mL of polyvinyl alcohol solution to a 100 mL<br />

beaker. Add 3 drops of food colouring.<br />

2. Use the 10 mL measuring cylinder to add 4 mL of borax solution to the beaker. Stir the<br />

mixture thoroughly to produce your slime.<br />

3. Remove the slime from the beaker and explore its properties - the slime will be less sticky if<br />

your hands are clean and dry.<br />

4. Clean the beaker, both measuring cylinders and stirring rod, invert the beaker in your<br />

cupboard, return solutions to the designated place, wipe down the bench and wash your hands<br />

more thoroughly than usual.<br />

Observations and questions<br />

<strong>1.</strong> Compare the properties of polyvinyl alcohol solution and slime:<br />

Properties of polyvinyl alcohol solution<br />

Properties of slime<br />

2. Why is polyvinyl alcohol soluble in water<br />

3. Compare the physical properties of polymers that are cross-linked by frequent covalent bonds<br />

with those of slime.<br />

4. What common polymers contain hydrogen bonds between their chains<br />

End of experimental work and report<br />

<strong>2005</strong> TANGLING OF POLYMER CHAINS<br />

The amount of tangling that occurs between polymer chains depends on the size of the polymer.

19<br />

Materials and Apparatus<br />

Method<br />

• reel of cotton • metre rule<br />

• 2 × 250 mL conical flasks with • tweezers<br />

stoppers • 100 mL measuring cylinder<br />

• scissors • tap water<br />

• glass stirring rod<br />

<strong>1.</strong> Cut 24 pieces of cotton 10 cm in length and 6 pieces 40 cm in length.<br />

2. Place the short lengths of cotton in one conical flask and the long pieces in the other conical<br />

flask. Add 100 mL of tap water to each flask, stopper the flasks and shake each one for 90 s.<br />

3. Use the glass rod to remove the cotton from each conical flask and gentle squeeze out the<br />

excess water from each bundle. Using the tweezers only, separate the treads of cotton in each<br />

of the bundles.<br />

4. Place used cotton in the bin, return the apparatus to the correct place and wipe down the<br />

bench.<br />

Questions<br />

<strong>1.</strong> What effect does the length of the treads have on the ease of removal of the cotton pieces<br />

from the bundle<br />

2. What difference would you expect between the tangling of large and small polymers<br />

End of experimental work and report<br />

A. Urea-formaldehyde plastic<br />

<strong>2005</strong> MAKING POLYMERS

20<br />

NOTE: Due to health concerns with the use of methanal (formaldehyde), this part of the exercise will<br />

be done as a teacher demonstration. However, students are required to answer the questions.<br />

If a polymer does not melt on heating but only chars, then it is a crosslinked (covalent bonding and no<br />

discrete chains) thermosetting polymer. If it softens when heated and hardens again on cooling, then it<br />

is a thermosoftening (thermoplastic) polymer with only weak interchain bonding (dispersion forces,<br />

hydrogen bonding, tangling).<br />

Safety<br />

• methanal (formaldehyde) is a suspected carcinogen<br />

• large amounts of heat and very unpleasant fumes are released when the reaction occurs<br />

• concentrated sulfuric acid is an excellent dehydrating agent - it will dehydrate and<br />

severely burn you if it comes into contact with your skin, clothes, etc. The bench will<br />

also be damaged. If any is spilt, flood it immediately with vast amounts of water,<br />

advise your teacher and then clean up the mess.<br />

• aprons and goggles must be worn<br />

Materials and Apparatus - teacher demo only<br />

Method and Results<br />

• goggles • electronic balance<br />

• apron • 10 mL measuring cylinder<br />

• heat resistant container • metal tongs<br />

• stirring rod • urea<br />

• spatula • formaldehyde solution (methanal)<br />

• watch glass • dropping bottle of concentrated<br />

• bench mat sulfuric acid<br />

<strong>1.</strong> Pour 6 mL of methanal (formaldehyde) solution into a suitable heat resistant container. Add<br />

3 g of urea and stir until a saturated solution is obtained.<br />

2. Carefully add a few drops of concentrated sulfuric acid and stir the mixture. The mixture<br />

should harden quite suddenly.<br />

3. Thoroughly wash and dry the solid.<br />

4. Use tongs to hold a small piece of the dried solid in a bunsen flame.<br />

a/ i. What colour is the polymer ________________________________<br />

ii. Is the polymer hard or soft<br />

iii. What type of polymer is urea-formaldehyde<br />

________________________________<br />

________________________________<br />

iv. Does this polymer contain linear or crosslinked chains How do you know<br />

b/ Draw the structural formula of:<br />

i. urea CO(NH 2 ) 2 ii. methanal (formaldehyde) HCHO<br />

c/ Methanal reacts with water to form methandiol, CH 2 (OH) 2 , which is the species that reacts directly<br />

with the urea molecules.<br />

i. Draw the structural formula of methandiol.<br />


21<br />

ii. What structural feature (relevant to polymerisation) is exhibited by both urea and<br />

methandiol molecules<br />

B. Making nylon: preparation of a synthetic fibre<br />

A fibre is composed of polymer molecules aligned so that effective forces of attraction exist along<br />

significant portions of its length. A fibre is at least 100 times long as it is wide.<br />

One of the first fully synthetic fibres was nylon. There are several varieties of nylon, each having<br />

slightly different monomers and, therefore, slightly different properties. Normally, nylon is made by<br />

reacting 1,6-diaminohexane (hexamethylene diamine) with a diacid such as sebacic acid. However, to<br />

increase the reaction rate, we will use decan-1,10-dioyl chloride (sebacoyl chloride), which is similar in<br />

structure, in place of sebacic acid.<br />

Hexamethylene diamine is H 2 N.(CH 2 ) 6 .NH 2 and sebacoyl chloride is ClOC.(CH 2 ) 8 .COCl.<br />

Nylon is a condensation polymer. As suggested by the numbers, nylon 6,10 is made from a six-carbon<br />

and a ten-carbon monomer. When these combine, HCl is the small molecule eliminated.<br />

Safety<br />

• gloves, aprons and goggles must be worn<br />

• both monomers (hexamethylene diamine and sebacoyl chloride) are skin irritants<br />

• used solutions must be placed in the organic residue bottle<br />

• hand must be washed more thoroughly than usual at the end of the exercise<br />

Materials and Apparatus<br />

• goggles • organic residue bottle<br />

• apron • sebacoyl chloride solution (dissolved<br />

• gloves in an organic solvent)<br />

• 100 mL beaker • hexamethylene diamine solution<br />

• 2 × 10 mL measuring cylinders (dissolved in water)<br />

• glass stirring rod • tray for drying nylon<br />

• tweezers<br />

Method<br />

.../over<br />

<strong>1.</strong> Using a 10 mL measuring cylinder, transfer 10 mL of hexamethylene diamine solution into a<br />

100 mL beaker. Using a different 10 mL measuring cylinder, measure out 10 mL of sebacoyl<br />

chloride solution.

22<br />

2. Hold the beaker at an angle of about 45 o . Slowly and carefully pour the sebacoyl chloride<br />

solution down the side of the beaker so that it forms a layer on top of the hexamethylene<br />

diamine solution . The solutions do not mix but a small amount of solid will form at the<br />

interface.<br />

3. Using a pair of tweezers, pull out a little of this solid and wind this nylon fibre along the<br />

length of a glass rod - do not let the any of the fibre overlap. Wind as much nylon from the<br />

interface as possible. Carefully rinse the nylon with tap water, remove it from the rod and<br />

place it on the tray, as directed, to dry.<br />

4. Stir the used solution and a lump of nylon may form. Rinse it and add it to your fibre on the<br />

tray.<br />

5. The used solution must be poured into the organic residue bottle in the fume cupboard and<br />

not down the sink.<br />

6. Clear away the equipment. rinsing the measuring cylinders very thoroughly. Wash your<br />

hands more thoroughly than usual before leaving.<br />

7. When dry, heat a small amount of your nylon in a bunsen flame.<br />

Questions<br />

<strong>1.</strong> Both monomer molecules are polar and have large non-polar regions, so why is the sebacoyl<br />

chloride solution made up in an organic solvent whereas the hexamethylene diamine solutions<br />

uses water as the solvent<br />

2. Use the formulae of the nylon 6, 10 monomers to draw a section of the nylon polymer<br />

showing three (3) amide linkages.<br />

3. What happened when the nylon was heated<br />

4. What is the major type of bonding found between nylons chains Why is this the case<br />

End of experimental work and report<br />

<strong>2005</strong> DERIVING A SOLUBILITY CURVE<br />

The solubility of a solute tells us the maximum amount of solute that can dissolve in a given amount of<br />

solvent at a given temperature.

23<br />

In this exercise, you will be determining the solubility of potassium nitrate (in g of potassium nitrate<br />

per 100 g of water) at various temperatures and graph the results.<br />

You will need to assume that the density of water 1 g mL -1 at all temperatures. Although the density<br />

of water does vary with temperature, it is a reasonable approximation to make in view of the other<br />

errors associated with this determination. Therefore, when 5.00 mL of water is added to the solute, it<br />

can be said to be equivalent to the addition of 5.00 g of water, and so on.<br />

Safety<br />

• aprons must be worn<br />

• the test tube must be heated in a water bath and not directly in a bunsen flame<br />

• self-emptying test tubes indicate carelessness - wipe up any spillage immediately and<br />

put the damaged test tube in the glass bin<br />

Materials and Apparatus<br />

Method<br />

• apron • bunsen burner, tripod, gauze<br />

• large test tube • spatula<br />

• burette, stand and small funnel • KNO 3 crystals<br />

• 500 mL beaker • ice<br />

• -10 - <strong>11</strong>0 o C thermometer • deionised water<br />

• electronic balance • tap water<br />

• bench mat • matches<br />

• large jar for collecting the used KNO 3 solution<br />

<strong>1.</strong> Weigh accurately approximately 6.5 g of solid potassium nitrate into a large test tube.<br />

Record the mass to 3 decimal places.<br />

2. Use a burette to deliver exactly 5.00 mL of deionised water into the test tube.<br />

3. Immerse the test tube in a large beaker containing about 250 mL of boiling tap water and<br />

gently stir the contents using the thermometer until all the crystals have dissolved.<br />

4. Remove the test tube from the boiling water and continue to stir gently until the first signs of<br />

crystallisation are detected. Record the temperature at which the crystals start to form.<br />

5. Add a further 3.00 mL of deionised water from the burette into the test tube and repeat Steps 3<br />

and 4.<br />

6. Repeat Step 5 as many times as necessary until the stage is reached that crystallisation won't<br />

occur even when ice is used to cool the solution.<br />

7. Pour your KNO 3 solution into the large collection jar provided.<br />

8. Leave the burette set up on the bench, clean away all other equipment and wipe down the<br />

bench.<br />

Results and Calculations<br />

*** the results table is on the next page<br />

• the solubility of, say, 6.500 g of potassium nitrate dissolved in 5.00 g of water is equivalent to<br />

as solubility of (6.500 × 100) ÷ 5.00 = 130 g per 100g<br />

• complete your results table on the report form<br />

• draw your graph with the independent variable (temperature) on the horizontal axis<br />

Mass of KNO 3<br />

(g)<br />

(constant)<br />

Total volume of water<br />

(mL)<br />

Temperature at which<br />

crystals first form<br />

( o C)<br />


24<br />

End of experimental work<br />

<strong>2005</strong> PRECIPITATION REACTIONS<br />

When two solutions of ions are mixed, the resulting solution may instantaneously become<br />

supersaturated with a newly formed compound. If this occurs, a precipitate will form. For example, if<br />

a solution of Ba 2+ 2-<br />

ions (eg BaCl 2 ) is added to a solution of SO 4 ions (eg Na 2 SO 4 ), the resulting

25<br />

mixture will be supersaturated with respect to BaSO 4 . A precipitate of BaSO 4 will form until the<br />

solution is saturated. The ionic equation for the reaction is:<br />

Ba 2+ (aq) + SO 2- 4 (aq) → BaSO 4 (s)<br />

Safety<br />

• aprons must be worn<br />

• compounds of lead and barium are toxic<br />

• silver nitrate solution stains, clothes, paper, skin, the bench, etc., but it does so slowly<br />

and not obviously<br />

• silver nitrate crystals can burn the skin<br />

• any spillages - especially silver nitrate solution - must be cleaned up immediately<br />

Materials and Apparatus<br />

Method<br />

• apron • 0.1 M potassium iodide<br />

• micro test tubes and rack • 0.1 M silver nitrate<br />

• micro test tube brush • 0.1 M potassium chromate<br />

dropping bottles containing: • 0.1 M copper(II) sulfate<br />

• 0.1 M sodium carbonate • 0.1 M barium chloride<br />

• 0.1 M lead(II) nitrate<br />

Precipitate predictions must be made in INK prior to<br />

the exercise being done in class. No alteration to<br />

your predictions will be permitted.<br />

<strong>1.</strong> Before the prac class, predict the precipitate, if any, that will form when the following<br />

solutions are mixed and record your predictions in the table on the next page:<br />

• lead(II) nitrate and sodium carbonate<br />

• lead(II) nitrate and potassium iodide<br />

• sodium carbonate and potassium iodide<br />

• silver nitrate and potassium iodide<br />

• silver nitrate and potassium chromate<br />

• lead(II) nitrate and silver chromate<br />

• copper(II) sulfate and sodium carbonate<br />

• copper(II) sulfate and barium chloride<br />

• lead(II) nitrate and barium chloride<br />

• barium chloride and potassium chromate<br />

• barium chloride and silver nitrate<br />

• copper(II) sulfate and lead (II) nitrate<br />

2. Mix the pairs of compounds by adding a few drops of each to separate clean micro test tubes.<br />

Record your observations.<br />

3. Use the micro test tube brush to thoroughly clean the micro test tubes and, when clean, place<br />

them upside down in the micro test tube rack to drain.<br />

4. Return the dropping bottles to the correct container on the side bench.<br />

*** the predictions and results table is on the next page<br />

.../over<br />

Results<br />

Reagents Predicted ppt. Observations

26<br />

Pb(NO 3 ) 2<br />

and<br />

Na 2 CO 3<br />

Pb(NO 3 ) 2<br />

and<br />

KI<br />

Na 2 CO 3<br />

and<br />

KI<br />

AgNO 3<br />

and<br />

KI<br />

AgNO 3<br />

and<br />

K 2 CrO 4<br />

Pb(NO 3 ) 2<br />

and<br />

K 2 CrO 4<br />

CuSO 4<br />

and<br />

Na 2 CO 3<br />

CuSO 4<br />

and<br />

BaCl 2<br />

Pb(NO 3 ) 2<br />

and<br />

BaCl 2<br />

BaCl 2<br />

and<br />

K 2 CrO 4<br />

BaCl 2<br />

and<br />

AgNO 3<br />

CuSO 4<br />

and<br />

Pb(NO 3 ) 2<br />

Note :<br />

If a precipitate is formed in the third test, then either you have the wrong solution(s) or your<br />

test tube has not been thoroughly cleaned.<br />

End of experimental work<br />

<strong>2005</strong> SURFACE <strong>CHEMISTRY</strong><br />

Safety<br />

• an apron must be worn

27<br />

• as this exercise is rather messy, a clean and safe working environment is even more<br />

important than usual<br />

• capillary tubes are fragile<br />

• the dye mixture will stain skin, clothes, the bench, paper, etc.<br />

• use the organic residue bottle as directed<br />

Materials and Apparatus<br />

• apron • butter, milk, shaving cream<br />

• deionised water • paraffin oil<br />

• detergent solution • stoppers for test tubes<br />

• cooking oil • tweezers<br />

• microscope slides • capillary tubes<br />

• pieces of ceramic • metal washers<br />

• wax • disposable plastic petri dishes<br />

• lycopodium or sulfur powder • droppers<br />

• powdered dye mixture containing • small spatula<br />

methylene blue and Sudan IV • organic residue bottle<br />

Method<br />

A. Wetting<br />

Place one drop of the liquids listed in the results table on the surface specified. Draw the appearance<br />

of the liquid drop when it is on the surface.<br />

deionised water<br />

glass ceramic wax<br />

detergent solution<br />

cooking oil<br />

B. Surfactants<br />

<strong>1.</strong> Fill a beaker with water. Sprinkle lycopodium powder or powdered sulfur on the surface of the<br />

water. Add 1 drop of detergent to the centre of the water.<br />

2. Fill a petri dish to overflowing with water. Use a ruler to quickly scrape off the liquid from the top<br />

of the petri dish (and wipe up any mess!) . Record the number of metal washers that can be added<br />

using tweezers before the water overflows. Repeat but add 6 drops of detergent to the water before<br />

adding the washers.<br />

3. Carefully position a capillary tube so that one end is just below the surface of water and measure the<br />

height of the water in the capillary. Do the same using concentrated detergent solution.<br />

*** The results table is on the next page.<br />

Test Observations Explanation<br />

.../over<br />

lycopodium or<br />

sulfur powder

28<br />

washers<br />

number in water =<br />

number in detergent =<br />

capillary tubes<br />

height in water =<br />

height in detergent =<br />

C. Emulsions<br />

• The dye mixture contains a water-soluble blue dye and an oil-soluble red dye. [Of necessity,<br />

the dye mixture will stain everything! You have been warned - twice.]<br />

<strong>1.</strong> Measure 3 mL of water and 3mL of paraffin oil into the same test tube. Stopper and shake<br />

vigorously. <strong>All</strong>ow to stand for a brief period and record observations. Add 3 drops of detergent and a<br />

tiny amount of the dye mixture, stopper, shake, allow to stand and record observations.<br />

2. Using a glass stirring rod, mix a tiny amount of the dye mixture with a small amount of each of the<br />

emulsions listed into the one petri dish and hence determine the type of emulsion.<br />

3. Dispose of the used petri dish into the rubbish bin<br />

Test Observations Explanation<br />

water and paraffin oil<br />

water, paraffin oil and<br />

detergent<br />

emulsions:<br />

type of emulsion:<br />

butter<br />

milk<br />

shaving cream<br />

End of experimental work and report

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