Principles and Practice of Clinical Bacteriology Second Edition - Free

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28 ORAL AND OTHER NON-β-HAEMOLYTIC STREPTOCOCCI Under certain conditions (Table 2.5) a 2-week course of treatment with penicillin and gentamycin is adequate for endocarditis caused by fully sensitive organisms. Infective endocarditis occurs less frequently in children than in adults, although the frequency of disease in children appears to be increasing since the 1980s despite a decline in the incidence of rheumatic fever, a major predisposing factor in the past. This is due, at least in part, to improved survival of children who are at risk, such as those with congenital heart disease. In children over 1 year old with endocarditis, the oral streptococci are the most frequently isolated organisms (32–43% of patients; reviewed by Ferrieri et al., 2002). In general, the principles of antibiotic treatment of paediatric endocarditis are similar to those for the treatment of adults. Prevention and Control When patients are known to have predisposing cardiac abnormalities, great care should be taken to protect them from the risk of endocarditis when undergoing any dental, surgical or investigational procedures which might induce a transient bacteraemia. However, even if carried out perfectly, this approach is not likely to prevent all episodes of endocarditis since up to 50% of cases occur in individuals without previously diagnosed cardiac abnormalities (Hoen et al., 2002). For the identified at-risk group, the appropriate antibiotic prophylaxis is summarized in Table 2.6. The main principle governing these prophylactic regimens is that a high circulating blood level of a suitable bactericidal agent should be achieved at a time when the bacteraemia would occur. For bacteraemia arising during dental surgery, additional protection may be achieved by supplementing the use of systemic antibiotics with locally applied chlorhexidine gluconate gel (1%) or chlorhexidine gluconate mouthwash (0.2%) 5 min before the procedure. Dental procedures that require antibiotic prophylaxis include extractions, scaling and surgery involving gingival tissues. A most important consideration for patients who are at risk of endocarditis is that their dental treatment be planned in such a way that the need for frequent antibiotic prophylaxis and the consequent selection for resistant bacteria among the resident flora is avoided. For multistage dental procedures, a maximum of two single doses of penicillin may be given in a month and alternative drugs should be used for further treatment, and penicillin should not be used again for 3–4 months. Abscesses Caused by Non-b-Haemolytic Streptococci Streptococci are frequently isolated from purulent infections in various parts of the body, including dental, central nervous system (CNS), liver and lung abscesses. Commonly, there is a mixture of several organisms in the pus, which may contain obligate anaerobes as well as streptococci and other facultative anaerobes. Consequently, it may be difficult to determine the contribution that any single strain or species is making to the infectious process. The source of these bacteria is usually the patient’s own commensal microflora and may be derived from the mouth, upper respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract or genitourinary tract. Members of the anginosus group of streptococci (previously known as S. milleri group, or SMG, streptococci) have a particular propensity to cause abscesses. The development of reliable identification and speciation methods for this group of streptococci has allowed epidemiological analysis to determine whether there is a correlation between species and anatomical site of infection (reviewed by Belko et al., 2002). Studies indicate that S. intermedius was more frequently isolated from infections of the CNS and liver, S. constellatus was more frequently isolated from lung infections, whereas S. anginosus was more frequently associated with infections of the gastrointestinal and genitourinary tracts and with soft-tissue infections. Although studies have identified several virulence determinants of anginosus Table 2.6 group streptococci (see Pathogenesis), we have little understanding of the bacterial–host interactions that define the body-site specificity identified by these epidemiological studies. Pathogenesis Recommended antibiotic prophylaxis for endocarditis Dental procedures under local or no anaesthesia Patients who have not received more than a single dose of a penicillin in the previous month, including those with a prosthetic valve (but not those who have had endocarditis) • Oral amoxicillin 3 g 1 h before procedure (children under 5 years, quarter adult dose; 5–10 years, half adult dose) Patients who are penicillin-allergic or have received more than a single dose of a penicillin in the previous month • Oral clindamycin 600 mg 1 h before procedure (children under 5 years, clindamycin quarter adult dose or azithromycin 200 mg; 5–10 years, clindamycin half adult dose or azithromycin 300 mg) Patients who have had endocarditis • Amoxicillin plus gentamycin, as under general anaesthesia Dental procedures under general anaesthesia No special risk (including patients who have not received more than a single dose of a penicillin in the previous month) Either • Intravenous amoxicillin 1 g at induction, then oral amoxicillin 500 mg 6 hours later (children under 5 years, quarter adult dose; 5–10 years, half adult dose) Or • Oral amoxicillin 3 g 4 h before induction, then oral amoxicillin 3 g as soon as possible after procedure (children under 5 years, quarter adult dose; 5–10 years, half adult dose) Special risk (patients with a prosthetic valve or who have had endocarditis) • Intravenous amoxicillin 1 g plus intravenous gentamicin 120 mg at induction, then oral amoxicillin 500 mg 6 h later (children under 5 years, amoxicillin quarter adult dose, gentamicin 2 mg/kg; 5–10 years, amoxicillin half adult dose, gentamicin 2 mg/kg) Patients who are penicillin-allergic or who have received more than a single dose of a penicillin in the previous month • Intravenous vancomycin 1 g over at least 100 min, then intravenous gentamycin 120 mg at induction or 15 min before procedure (children under 10 years, vancomycin 20 mg/kg, gentamicin 2 mg/kg) Or • Intravenous teicoplanin 400 mg plus gentamicin 120 mg at induction or 15 min before procedure (children under 14 years, teicoplanin 6 mg/kg, gentamicin 2 mg/kg) Or • Intravenous clindamycin 300 mg over at least 10 min at induction or 15 min before procedure, then oral or intravenous clindamycin 150 mg 6 h later (children under 5 years, quarter adult dose; 5–10 years, half adult dose) Table adapted from the British National Formulary (2003), based on Recommendations of the Endocarditis Working Party of the British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. Members of the anginosus group of streptococci possess multiple pathogenic properties that may contribute to disease. These include adhesion to host tissue components such as fibronectin, fibrinogen and fibrin–platelet clots (Willcox, 1995; Willcox et al., 1995) and the aggregation of platelets (Willcox et al., 1994; Kitada, Inoue and Kitano, 1997) (Table 2.7). Abscesses are frequently polymicrobial in nature, and studies suggest that coinfection of streptococci with strict anaerobes such as Fusobacterium nucleatum and Prevotella intermedia, both common oral isolates, enhanced pathology. Thus, coinfection of anginosus group streptococci with F. nucleatum in a mouse subcutaneous abscess model resulted in increased bacterial survival and increased abscess size compared with abscesses formed following monoculture inoculation of streptococcus or F. nucleatum alone (Nagashima,

INFECTIONS CAUSED BY NON-β-HAEMOLYTIC STREPTOCOCCI 29 Table 2.7 Property Pathogenic properties of anginosus group streptococci Reference Adhesion to host components Willcox (1995), Willcox et al. (1995) Platelet aggregation Willcox et al. (1994), Kitada, Inoue and Kitano (1997) Synergistic interactions with Shinzato and Saito (1994, 1995), anaerobes Nagashima, Takao and Maeda (1999) Production of hydrolytic Unsworth (1989), Jacobs and Stobberingh enzymes (1995), Shain, Homer and Beighton (1996) Intermedilysin-specific Nagamune et al. (1996) haemolytic activity Takao and Maeda, 1999). In a second study, coinfection of S. constellatus with P. intermedia resulted in an increased mortality rate in mouse pulmonary infection model (Shinzato and Saito, 1994). In both cases in vitro studies indicated that coculture enhanced the growth of the streptococcus and suggested that secreted factors produced by the anaerobic bacteria suppressed host bactericidal activity. The streptococci themselves may secrete enzymes capable of degrading host tissue components including chondroitin sulphate and hyaluronic acid (Unsworth, 1989; Jacobs and Stobberingh, 1995; Shain, Homer and Beighton, 1996). In one clinical study most (85%) of the anginosus group streptococci isolated from abscesses produced hyaluronidase compared with only 25% of strains isolated from the normal flora of healthy sites (Unsworth, 1989). Despite such epidemiological evidence, the role of hydrolytic enzymes in the disease process has not yet been investigated in any detail. In 1996, Nagamune and coworkers reported on a human-specific cytolysin, intermedilysin, that was secreted by a strain of S. intermedius isolated from a human liver abscess and shown to be able to directly damage host cells including polymorphonuclear cells (Nagamune et al., 1996; Macey et al., 2001). Intermedilysin-specific haemolytic activity is distinct from the haemolytic activity found on blood agar with some anginosus group streptococci. The 54-kDa protein is a member of cholesterol-binding cytolysin family of pore-forming toxins expressed by a range of Gram-positive bacteria (Billington, Jost and Songer, 2000) including S. pneumoniae (pneumolysin). PCR amplification studies demonstrated that the intermedilysin gene, ily, is restricted to typical S. intermedius isolates and is absent from S. anginosus and S. constellatus strains (Nagamune et al., 2000). The occurrence of human-specific haemolysis and/or the presence of the ily gene consequently offers a useful marker of S. intermedius (Jacobs, Schot and Schouls, 2000; Nagamune et al., 2000). In the study by Nagamune et al. (2000), intermedilysin-specific haemolytic activity was approximately 6–10-fold higher in brain abscess or abdominal infection strains compared with S. intermedius isolates from dental plaque. In contrast, in this study no apparent association was observed between the degree of hydrolytic activity and site of infection, and dental plaque isolates demonstrated comparable chondroitin sulphatase, hyaluronidase and sialidase (neuraminidase) activity (Nagamune et al., 2000). Clinical and Laboratory Considerations There are no particular features that clearly distinguish abscesses associated with non-β-haemolytic streptococci from those caused by other microorganisms. The actual presentation depends upon the site and extent of the abscess as well as upon the nature of the causative organism(s). Since the infections are often polymicrobial, sometimes with obligate anaerobes, streptococci may be isolated from foul-smelling, apparently anaerobic pus. Successful diagnosis depends to a large extent on obtaining adequate clinical material that has not been contaminated with normal commensal bacteria from the skin or mucosal surfaces. Whenever possible, aspirated pus samples should be collected and inoculated into appropriate culture media for aerobic, microaerophilic and anaerobic incubation. Isolates of presumptive streptococci should be identified, as described in the section Laboratory Diagnosis, and tested for antibiotic sensitivity. The clinical management of all abscesses, whether or not streptococci are involved, requires both surgical drainage and antimicrobial chemotherapy. Since the infection is frequently mixed, a combination of agents may be indicated to combat the different species present. For example, a combination of penicillin and metronidazole may be appropriate for abscesses caused by streptococci in conjunction with one or more strict anaerobes, as is often the case with infections around the head and neck. Streptococcal Infections in the Immunocompromised Advances in organ transplantation and the treatment of patients with cancer have resulted in increased numbers of immunocompromised individuals at risk of infection from endogenous organisms. Between 1970 and 2000, the non-β-haemolytic streptococci have emerged as significant pathogens in these patients, capable of causing septicaemia, acute respiratory distress syndrome and pneumonia. Non-β-haemolytic streptococci are also implicated in neonatal septicaemia and meningitis. Centres in North America and Europe have reported variable experiences with infection by these species in cancer and transplant patients, with a mortality rate of up to 50% (reviewed by Shenep, 2000). The source of infection is generally the oral cavity or gastrointestinal tract, and risk factors, in addition to profound neutropenia, include chemotherapy-induced mucositis, use of cytosine arabinoside (over and above its association with mucositis) and the use of certain prophylactic antimicrobial therapies (quinolones and cotrimoxazole) with reduced activity against the non-β-haemolytic streptococci (Kennedy and Smith, 2000; Shenep, 2000). The species which are most commonly associated with infection in immunocompromised individuals are S. oralis, S. mitis and S. sanguis; however, little is known regarding the virulence determinants or pathogenic mechanisms involved in these infections beyond the ability of the streptococci to induce the production of proinflammatory cytokines (Vernier et al., 1996; Scannapieco, Wang and Shiau, 2001). Clinical and Laboratory Considerations The initial clinical feature of septicaemia is typically fever, which is generally at least 39°C and may persist for several days despite clearance of cultivable organisms from the blood. Most patients respond to appropriate antibiotic therapy; however, in few cases there is progression to fulminant septicaemia associated with prolonged fever and severe respiratory distress, some 2–3 days after the initial bacteraemia. Identification of the causative organism is routinely by culture of blood or other normally sterile tissue. Empiric antimicrobial therapy for episodes of febrile neutropenia should ideally have activity against both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria, and consequently, combination therapy or use of a broadspectrum antibiotic is recommended. As discussed in the section Antibiotic Susceptibility, some streptococcal isolates from neutropenic patients are found to be relatively resistant to penicillin and other antibiotics, and the choice of empiric therapy where infection by non-β-haemolytic streptococci is suspected should take into account the local pattern of antibiotic susceptibilities among recent isolates. For endocarditis prophylaxis, the establishment and maintenance of good oral hygiene is an important preventative measure both before and during the period of neutropenia. Caries Dental caries is a disease that destroys the hard tissues of the teeth. If unchecked, the disease may progress to involve the pulp of the tooth and, eventually, the periapical tissues surrounding the roots. Once the


Under certain conditions (Table 2.5) a 2-week course <strong>of</strong> treatment<br />

with penicillin <strong>and</strong> gentamycin is adequate for endocarditis caused by<br />

fully sensitive organisms.<br />

Infective endocarditis occurs less frequently in children than in<br />

adults, although the frequency <strong>of</strong> disease in children appears to be<br />

increasing since the 1980s despite a decline in the incidence <strong>of</strong> rheumatic<br />

fever, a major predisposing factor in the past. This is due, at least in<br />

part, to improved survival <strong>of</strong> children who are at risk, such as those<br />

with congenital heart disease. In children over 1 year old with<br />

endocarditis, the oral streptococci are the most frequently isolated<br />

organisms (32–43% <strong>of</strong> patients; reviewed by Ferrieri et al., 2002). In<br />

general, the principles <strong>of</strong> antibiotic treatment <strong>of</strong> paediatric endocarditis<br />

are similar to those for the treatment <strong>of</strong> adults.<br />

Prevention <strong>and</strong> Control<br />

When patients are known to have predisposing cardiac abnormalities,<br />

great care should be taken to protect them from the risk <strong>of</strong> endocarditis<br />

when undergoing any dental, surgical or investigational procedures<br />

which might induce a transient bacteraemia. However, even if carried<br />

out perfectly, this approach is not likely to prevent all episodes <strong>of</strong><br />

endocarditis since up to 50% <strong>of</strong> cases occur in individuals without<br />

previously diagnosed cardiac abnormalities (Hoen et al., 2002). For<br />

the identified at-risk group, the appropriate antibiotic prophylaxis is<br />

summarized in Table 2.6.<br />

The main principle governing these prophylactic regimens is that a<br />

high circulating blood level <strong>of</strong> a suitable bactericidal agent should be<br />

achieved at a time when the bacteraemia would occur. For bacteraemia<br />

arising during dental surgery, additional protection may be<br />

achieved by supplementing the use <strong>of</strong> systemic antibiotics with locally<br />

applied chlorhexidine gluconate gel (1%) or chlorhexidine gluconate<br />

mouthwash (0.2%) 5 min before the procedure. Dental procedures that<br />

require antibiotic prophylaxis include extractions, scaling <strong>and</strong> surgery<br />

involving gingival tissues. A most important consideration for<br />

patients who are at risk <strong>of</strong> endocarditis is that their dental treatment be<br />

planned in such a way that the need for frequent antibiotic prophylaxis<br />

<strong>and</strong> the consequent selection for resistant bacteria among the resident<br />

flora is avoided. For multistage dental procedures, a maximum <strong>of</strong> two<br />

single doses <strong>of</strong> penicillin may be given in a month <strong>and</strong> alternative<br />

drugs should be used for further treatment, <strong>and</strong> penicillin should not<br />

be used again for 3–4 months.<br />

Abscesses Caused by Non-b-Haemolytic Streptococci<br />

Streptococci are frequently isolated from purulent infections in<br />

various parts <strong>of</strong> the body, including dental, central nervous system<br />

(CNS), liver <strong>and</strong> lung abscesses. Commonly, there is a mixture <strong>of</strong><br />

several organisms in the pus, which may contain obligate anaerobes as<br />

well as streptococci <strong>and</strong> other facultative anaerobes. Consequently, it<br />

may be difficult to determine the contribution that any single strain or<br />

species is making to the infectious process. The source <strong>of</strong> these<br />

bacteria is usually the patient’s own commensal micr<strong>of</strong>lora <strong>and</strong> may<br />

be derived from the mouth, upper respiratory tract, gastrointestinal<br />

tract or genitourinary tract.<br />

Members <strong>of</strong> the anginosus group <strong>of</strong> streptococci (previously known<br />

as S. milleri group, or SMG, streptococci) have a particular propensity<br />

to cause abscesses. The development <strong>of</strong> reliable identification <strong>and</strong><br />

speciation methods for this group <strong>of</strong> streptococci has allowed<br />

epidemiological analysis to determine whether there is a correlation<br />

between species <strong>and</strong> anatomical site <strong>of</strong> infection (reviewed by Belko<br />

et al., 2002). Studies indicate that S. intermedius was more frequently<br />

isolated from infections <strong>of</strong> the CNS <strong>and</strong> liver, S. constellatus was<br />

more frequently isolated from lung infections, whereas S. anginosus<br />

was more frequently associated with infections <strong>of</strong> the gastrointestinal<br />

<strong>and</strong> genitourinary tracts <strong>and</strong> with s<strong>of</strong>t-tissue infections. Although<br />

studies have identified several virulence determinants <strong>of</strong> anginosus<br />

Table 2.6<br />

group streptococci (see Pathogenesis), we have little underst<strong>and</strong>ing <strong>of</strong><br />

the bacterial–host interactions that define the body-site specificity<br />

identified by these epidemiological studies.<br />

Pathogenesis<br />

Recommended antibiotic prophylaxis for endocarditis<br />

Dental procedures under local or no anaesthesia<br />

Patients who have not received more than a single dose <strong>of</strong> a penicillin in the<br />

previous month, including those with a prosthetic valve (but not those who<br />

have had endocarditis)<br />

• Oral amoxicillin 3 g 1 h before procedure (children under 5 years, quarter<br />

adult dose; 5–10 years, half adult dose)<br />

Patients who are penicillin-allergic or have received more than a single dose <strong>of</strong><br />

a penicillin in the previous month<br />

• Oral clindamycin 600 mg 1 h before procedure (children under 5 years,<br />

clindamycin quarter adult dose or azithromycin 200 mg; 5–10 years,<br />

clindamycin half adult dose or azithromycin 300 mg)<br />

Patients who have had endocarditis<br />

• Amoxicillin plus gentamycin, as under general anaesthesia<br />

Dental procedures under general anaesthesia<br />

No special risk (including patients who have not received more than a single<br />

dose <strong>of</strong> a penicillin in the previous month)<br />

Either<br />

• Intravenous amoxicillin 1 g at induction, then oral amoxicillin 500 mg 6 hours<br />

later (children under 5 years, quarter adult dose; 5–10 years, half adult dose)<br />

Or<br />

• Oral amoxicillin 3 g 4 h before induction, then oral amoxicillin 3 g as soon<br />

as possible after procedure (children under 5 years, quarter adult dose; 5–10<br />

years, half adult dose)<br />

Special risk (patients with a prosthetic valve or who have had endocarditis)<br />

• Intravenous amoxicillin 1 g plus intravenous gentamicin 120 mg at<br />

induction, then oral amoxicillin 500 mg 6 h later (children under 5 years,<br />

amoxicillin quarter adult dose, gentamicin 2 mg/kg; 5–10 years, amoxicillin<br />

half adult dose, gentamicin 2 mg/kg)<br />

Patients who are penicillin-allergic or who have received more than a single<br />

dose <strong>of</strong> a penicillin in the previous month<br />

• Intravenous vancomycin 1 g over at least 100 min, then intravenous<br />

gentamycin 120 mg at induction or 15 min before procedure (children under<br />

10 years, vancomycin 20 mg/kg, gentamicin 2 mg/kg)<br />

Or<br />

• Intravenous teicoplanin 400 mg plus gentamicin 120 mg at induction or<br />

15 min before procedure (children under 14 years, teicoplanin 6 mg/kg,<br />

gentamicin 2 mg/kg)<br />

Or<br />

• Intravenous clindamycin 300 mg over at least 10 min at induction or 15 min<br />

before procedure, then oral or intravenous clindamycin 150 mg 6 h later<br />

(children under 5 years, quarter adult dose; 5–10 years, half adult dose)<br />

Table adapted from the British National Formulary (2003), based on Recommendations <strong>of</strong><br />

the Endocarditis Working Party <strong>of</strong> the British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy.<br />

Members <strong>of</strong> the anginosus group <strong>of</strong> streptococci possess multiple<br />

pathogenic properties that may contribute to disease. These include<br />

adhesion to host tissue components such as fibronectin, fibrinogen<br />

<strong>and</strong> fibrin–platelet clots (Willcox, 1995; Willcox et al., 1995) <strong>and</strong> the<br />

aggregation <strong>of</strong> platelets (Willcox et al., 1994; Kitada, Inoue <strong>and</strong><br />

Kitano, 1997) (Table 2.7).<br />

Abscesses are frequently polymicrobial in nature, <strong>and</strong> studies<br />

suggest that coinfection <strong>of</strong> streptococci with strict anaerobes such as<br />

Fusobacterium nucleatum <strong>and</strong> Prevotella intermedia, both common<br />

oral isolates, enhanced pathology. Thus, coinfection <strong>of</strong> anginosus<br />

group streptococci with F. nucleatum in a mouse subcutaneous<br />

abscess model resulted in increased bacterial survival <strong>and</strong> increased<br />

abscess size compared with abscesses formed following monoculture<br />

inoculation <strong>of</strong> streptococcus or F. nucleatum alone (Nagashima,

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