Principles and Practice of Clinical Bacteriology Second Edition - Free

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18 β-HAEMOLYTIC STREPTOCOCCI HPA (2003b) Pyogenic and non-pyogenic streptococcal bacteraemias, England, Wales, and Northern Ireland: 2002. CDR Weekly, 13(16). (25 August 2004). HPA (2004a) Statutory Notifications of Infectious Diseases (NOIDs)—Annual Totals 1991 to 2003—England and Wales. Health Protection Agency. (25 August 2004). HPA (2004b) Laboratory reports of bacteraemias, England, Wales, and Northern Ireland: 2002 and 2003. CDR Weekly, 14(3). www.hpa. cdr/archives/archive04/bacteraemia04.htm#bact_02/03 (25 August 2004). HPA (2004c) Pyogenic and non-pyogenic streptococcal bacteraemias, England, Wales, and Northern Ireland: 2003. CDR Weekly, 14(16). cdr/PDFfiles/2004/bact_1604.pdf (25 August 2004). Hsueh PR, Wu JJ, Tsai PJ et al. (1998) Invasive group A streptococcal disease in Taiwan is not associated with the presence of streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxin genes. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 26, 584–589. Hughes MJ, Moore JC, Lane JD et al. (2002) Identification of major outer surface proteins of Streptococcus agalactiae. Infection and Immunity, 70, 1254–1259. Ikebe T, Murayama S, Saitoh K et al. (2004) Surveillance of severe invasive group-G streptococcal infections and molecular typing of the isolates in Japan. Epidemiology and Infection, 132, 145–149. Ji Y, Schnitzler N, DeMaster E, Cleary P (1998) Impact of M49, Mrp, Enn, and C5a peptidase proteins on colonization of the mouse oral mucosa by Streptococcus pyogenes. Infection and Immunity, 66, 5399–6405. Johnson DR, Kaplan EL (1993) A review of the correlation of T-agglutination patterns and M-protein typing and opacity factor production in the identification of group A streptococci. Journal of Medical Microbiology, 38, 311–315. Jones N, Bohnsack JF, Takahashi S et al. (2003) Multilocus sequence typing system for group B streptococcus. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 41, 2530–2536. Kalia A, Bessen DE (2003) Presence of streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxin A and C genes in human isolates of group G streptococci. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 219, 291–295. Kalia A, Enright MC, Spratt BG, Bessen DE (2001) Directional gene movement from human-pathogenic to commensal-like streptococci. Infection and Immunity, 69, 4858–4869. Kalliola S, Vuopio-Varkila J, Takala AK, Eskola J (1999) Neonatal group B streptococcal disease in Finland: a ten-year nationwide study. The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, 18, 806–810. Kaplan EL, Johnson DR (2001) Unexplained reduced microbiological efficacy of intramuscular benzathine penicillin G and of oral penicillin V in eradication of group A streptococci from children with acute pharyngitis. Pediatrics, 108, 1180–1186. Kaplan EL, Wotton JT, Johnson DR (2001) Dynamic epidemiology of group A streptococcal serotypes associated with pharyngitis. Lancet, 358, 1334–1337. Kataja J, Huovinen P, Seppala H (2000) Erythromycin resistance genes in group A streptococci of different geographical origins. The Macrolide Resistance Study Group. The Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 46, 789–792. Katz AR, Morens DM (1992) Severe streptococcal infections in historical perspective. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 14, 298–307. Kaul R, McGeer A, Low DE et al. (1997) Population-based surveillance for group A streptococcal necrotizing fasciitis: clinical features, prognostic indicators, and microbiologic analysis of seventy-seven cases. Ontario Group A Streptococcal Study. The American Journal of Medicine, 103, 18–24. Kaul R, McGeer A, Norrby-Teglund A et al. (1999) Intravenous immunoglobulin therapy for streptococcal toxic shock syndrome—a comparative observational study. The Canadian Streptococcal Study Group. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 28, 800–807. Kawamura Y, Hou XG, Sultana F et al. (1995) Determination of 16S rRNA sequences of Streptococcus mitis and Streptococcus gordonii and phylogenetic relationships among members of the genus Streptococcus. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology, 45, 406–408. Kong F, Martin D, James G, Gilbert GL (2003) Towards a genotyping system for Streptococcus agalactiae (group B streptococcus): use of mobile genetic elements in Australasian invasive isolates. Journal of Medical Microbiology, 52, 337–344. Kotloff KL, Corretti M, Palmer K et al. (2004) Safety and immunogenicity of a recombinant multivalent group A streptococcal vaccine in healthy adults: phase 1 trial. The Journal of the American Medical Association, 292, 709–715. Kozlov RS, Bogdanovitch TM, Appelbaum PC et al. (2002) Antistreptococcal activity of telithromycin compared with seven other drugs in relation to macrolide resistance mechanisms in Russia. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 46, 2963–2968. Kreikemeyer B, McIver KS, Podbielski A (2003) Virulence factor regulation and regulatory networks in Streptococcus pyogenes and their impact on pathogen–host interactions. Trends in Microbiology, 11, 224–232. Kristensen B, Schonheyder HC (1995) A 13-year survey of bacteraemia due to beta-haemolytic streptococci in a Danish county. Journal of Medical Microbiology, 43, 63–67. Lamagni TL, Neal S, Alhaddad N, Efstratiou A (2004) Results from the first six months of enhanced surveillance of severe Streptococcus pyogenes disease in England and Wales. 14th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Prague, Czech Republic, 1–4 May 2004. Clinical Microbiology and Infection, 10(Suppl. 3), 1–86 [abstract O199]. Lamothe F, D’Amico P, Ghosn P et al. (1995) Clinical usefulness of intravenous human immunoglobulins in invasive group A streptococcal infections: case report and review. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 21, 1469–1470. Lancefield RC (1962) Current knowledge of type specific M antigen of group A streptococci. Journal of Immunology, 89, 307–313. Larppanichpoonphol P, Watanakunakorn C (2001) Group B streptococcal bacteremia in nonpregnant adults at a community teaching hospital. Southern Medical Journal, 94, 1206–1211. Lawrence DN, Facklam RR, Sottnek FO et al. (1979) Epidemiologic studies among Amerindian populations of Amazonia. I. Pyoderma: prevalence and associated pathogens. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 28, 548–558. Le Bouguenec C, de Cespedes G, Horaud T (1990) Presence of chromosomal elements resembling the composite structure Tn3701 in streptococci. Journal of Bacteriology, 172, 727–734. Leclercq R (2002) Mechanisms of resistance to macrolides and lincosamides: nature of the resistance elements and their clinical implications. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 34, 482–492. Levy SB, McMurry LM, Barbosa TM et al. (1999) Nomenclature for new tetracycline resistance determinants. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 43, 1523–1524. Lipsitch M (1999) Bacterial vaccines and serotype replacement: lessons from Haemophilus influenzae and prospects for Streptococcus pneumoniae. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 5, 336–345. Llewelyn M, Cohen J (2002) Superantigens: microbial agents that corrupt immunity. The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 2, 156–162. Lukomski S, Nakashima K, Abdi I et al. (2000) Identification and characterization of the scl gene encoding a group A streptococcus extracellular protein virulence factor with similarity to human collagen. Infection and Immunity, 68, 6542–6553. Madhi SA, Radebe K, Crewe-Brown H et al. (2003) High burden of invasive Streptococcus agalactiae disease in South African infants. Annals of Tropical Paediatrics, 23, 15–23. Majeed HA, Batnager S, Yousof AM et al. (1992) Acute rheumatic fever and the evolution of rheumatic heart disease: a prospective 12 year follow-up report. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 45, 871–875. Marques MB, Kasper DL, Pangburn MK, Wessels MR (1992) Prevention of C3 deposition by capsular polysaccharide is a virulence mechanism of type III group B streptococci. Infection and Immunity, 60, 3986–3993. Martin PR, Høiby EA (1990) Streptococcal serogroup A epidemic in Norway 1987–1988. Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases, 22, 421–429. Matsumoto M, Hoe NP, Liu M et al. (2003) Intrahost sequence variation in the streptococcal inhibitor of complement gene in patients with human pharyngitis. The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 187, 604–612. McGregor KF, Spratt BG, Kalia A et al. (2004) Multilocus sequence typing of Streptococcus pyogenes representing most known emm types and distinctions among subpopulation genetic structures. Journal of Bacteriology, 186, 4285–4294. Mogielnicki NP, Schwartzman JD, Elliott JA (2000) Perineal group A streptococcal disease in a pediatric practice. Pediatrics, 106, 276–281. Musser JM, Kapur V, Kanjilal S et al. (1993) Geographic and temporal distribution and molecular characterization of two highly pathogenic clones of Streptococcus pyogenes expressing allelic variants of pyrogenic exotoxin A (scarlet fever toxin). The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 167, 337–346. Nakagawa I, Kurokawa K, Yamashita A et al. (2003) Genome sequence of an M3 strain of Streptococcus pyogenes reveals a large-scale genomic rearrangement in invasive strains and new insights into phage evolution. Genome Research, 13, 1042–1055.

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HPA (2003b) Pyogenic <strong>and</strong> non-pyogenic streptococcal bacteraemias,<br />

Engl<strong>and</strong>, Wales, <strong>and</strong> Northern Irel<strong>and</strong>: 2002. CDR Weekly, 13(16).<br /> (25 August 2004).<br />

HPA (2004a) Statutory Notifications <strong>of</strong> Infectious Diseases (NOIDs)—Annual<br />

Totals 1991 to 2003—Engl<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> Wales. Health Protection Agency.<br /> (25 August<br />

2004).<br />

HPA (2004b) Laboratory reports <strong>of</strong> bacteraemias, Engl<strong>and</strong>, Wales, <strong>and</strong><br />

Northern Irel<strong>and</strong>: 2002 <strong>and</strong> 2003. CDR Weekly, 14(3). www.hpa.<br />

cdr/archives/archive04/bacteraemia04.htm#bact_02/03 (25 August 2004).<br />

HPA (2004c) Pyogenic <strong>and</strong> non-pyogenic streptococcal bacteraemias, Engl<strong>and</strong>,<br />

Wales, <strong>and</strong> Northern Irel<strong>and</strong>: 2003. CDR Weekly, 14(16).<br />

cdr/PDFfiles/2004/bact_1604.pdf (25 August 2004).<br />

Hsueh PR, Wu JJ, Tsai PJ et al. (1998) Invasive group A streptococcal disease<br />

in Taiwan is not associated with the presence <strong>of</strong> streptococcal pyrogenic<br />

exotoxin genes. <strong>Clinical</strong> Infectious Diseases, 26, 584–589.<br />

Hughes MJ, Moore JC, Lane JD et al. (2002) Identification <strong>of</strong> major outer<br />

surface proteins <strong>of</strong> Streptococcus agalactiae. Infection <strong>and</strong> Immunity, 70,<br />

1254–1259.<br />

Ikebe T, Murayama S, Saitoh K et al. (2004) Surveillance <strong>of</strong> severe invasive<br />

group-G streptococcal infections <strong>and</strong> molecular typing <strong>of</strong> the isolates in<br />

Japan. Epidemiology <strong>and</strong> Infection, 132, 145–149.<br />

Ji Y, Schnitzler N, DeMaster E, Cleary P (1998) Impact <strong>of</strong> M49, Mrp, Enn,<br />

<strong>and</strong> C5a peptidase proteins on colonization <strong>of</strong> the mouse oral mucosa by<br />

Streptococcus pyogenes. Infection <strong>and</strong> Immunity, 66, 5399–6405.<br />

Johnson DR, Kaplan EL (1993) A review <strong>of</strong> the correlation <strong>of</strong> T-agglutination<br />

patterns <strong>and</strong> M-protein typing <strong>and</strong> opacity factor production in the<br />

identification <strong>of</strong> group A streptococci. Journal <strong>of</strong> Medical Microbiology,<br />

38, 311–315.<br />

Jones N, Bohnsack JF, Takahashi S et al. (2003) Multilocus sequence typing<br />

system for group B streptococcus. Journal <strong>of</strong> <strong>Clinical</strong> Microbiology, 41,<br />

2530–2536.<br />

Kalia A, Bessen DE (2003) Presence <strong>of</strong> streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxin A<br />

<strong>and</strong> C genes in human isolates <strong>of</strong> group G streptococci. FEMS Microbiology<br />

Letters, 219, 291–295.<br />

Kalia A, Enright MC, Spratt BG, Bessen DE (2001) Directional gene<br />

movement from human-pathogenic to commensal-like streptococci.<br />

Infection <strong>and</strong> Immunity, 69, 4858–4869.<br />

Kalliola S, Vuopio-Varkila J, Takala AK, Eskola J (1999) Neonatal group<br />

B streptococcal disease in Finl<strong>and</strong>: a ten-year nationwide study. The<br />

Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, 18, 806–810.<br />

Kaplan EL, Johnson DR (2001) Unexplained reduced microbiological efficacy<br />

<strong>of</strong> intramuscular benzathine penicillin G <strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong> oral penicillin V in<br />

eradication <strong>of</strong> group A streptococci from children with acute pharyngitis.<br />

Pediatrics, 108, 1180–1186.<br />

Kaplan EL, Wotton JT, Johnson DR (2001) Dynamic epidemiology <strong>of</strong> group<br />

A streptococcal serotypes associated with pharyngitis. Lancet, 358,<br />

1334–1337.<br />

Kataja J, Huovinen P, Seppala H (2000) Erythromycin resistance genes in<br />

group A streptococci <strong>of</strong> different geographical origins. The Macrolide<br />

Resistance Study Group. The Journal <strong>of</strong> Antimicrobial Chemotherapy,<br />

46, 789–792.<br />

Katz AR, Morens DM (1992) Severe streptococcal infections in historical<br />

perspective. <strong>Clinical</strong> Infectious Diseases, 14, 298–307.<br />

Kaul R, McGeer A, Low DE et al. (1997) Population-based surveillance for<br />

group A streptococcal necrotizing fasciitis: clinical features, prognostic<br />

indicators, <strong>and</strong> microbiologic analysis <strong>of</strong> seventy-seven cases. Ontario<br />

Group A Streptococcal Study. The American Journal <strong>of</strong> Medicine, 103,<br />

18–24.<br />

Kaul R, McGeer A, Norrby-Teglund A et al. (1999) Intravenous immunoglobulin<br />

therapy for streptococcal toxic shock syndrome—a comparative observational<br />

study. The Canadian Streptococcal Study Group. <strong>Clinical</strong> Infectious<br />

Diseases, 28, 800–807.<br />

Kawamura Y, Hou XG, Sultana F et al. (1995) Determination <strong>of</strong> 16S rRNA<br />

sequences <strong>of</strong> Streptococcus mitis <strong>and</strong> Streptococcus gordonii <strong>and</strong> phylogenetic<br />

relationships among members <strong>of</strong> the genus Streptococcus. International<br />

Journal <strong>of</strong> Systematic <strong>Bacteriology</strong>, 45, 406–408.<br />

Kong F, Martin D, James G, Gilbert GL (2003) Towards a genotyping system<br />

for Streptococcus agalactiae (group B streptococcus): use <strong>of</strong> mobile<br />

genetic elements in Australasian invasive isolates. Journal <strong>of</strong> Medical<br />

Microbiology, 52, 337–344.<br />

Kotl<strong>of</strong>f KL, Corretti M, Palmer K et al. (2004) Safety <strong>and</strong> immunogenicity <strong>of</strong> a<br />

recombinant multivalent group A streptococcal vaccine in healthy adults:<br />

phase 1 trial. The Journal <strong>of</strong> the American Medical Association, 292, 709–715.<br />

Kozlov RS, Bogdanovitch TM, Appelbaum PC et al. (2002) Antistreptococcal<br />

activity <strong>of</strong> telithromycin compared with seven other drugs in relation to<br />

macrolide resistance mechanisms in Russia. Antimicrobial Agents <strong>and</strong><br />

Chemotherapy, 46, 2963–2968.<br />

Kreikemeyer B, McIver KS, Podbielski A (2003) Virulence factor regulation<br />

<strong>and</strong> regulatory networks in Streptococcus pyogenes <strong>and</strong> their impact on<br />

pathogen–host interactions. Trends in Microbiology, 11, 224–232.<br />

Kristensen B, Schonheyder HC (1995) A 13-year survey <strong>of</strong> bacteraemia due to<br />

beta-haemolytic streptococci in a Danish county. Journal <strong>of</strong> Medical<br />

Microbiology, 43, 63–67.<br />

Lamagni TL, Neal S, Alhaddad N, Efstratiou A (2004) Results from the first<br />

six months <strong>of</strong> enhanced surveillance <strong>of</strong> severe Streptococcus pyogenes<br />

disease in Engl<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> Wales. 14th European Congress <strong>of</strong> <strong>Clinical</strong> Microbiology<br />

<strong>and</strong> Infectious Diseases, Prague, Czech Republic, 1–4 May 2004.<br />

<strong>Clinical</strong> Microbiology <strong>and</strong> Infection, 10(Suppl. 3), 1–86 [abstract O199].<br />

Lamothe F, D’Amico P, Ghosn P et al. (1995) <strong>Clinical</strong> usefulness <strong>of</strong> intravenous<br />

human immunoglobulins in invasive group A streptococcal infections: case<br />

report <strong>and</strong> review. <strong>Clinical</strong> Infectious Diseases, 21, 1469–1470.<br />

Lancefield RC (1962) Current knowledge <strong>of</strong> type specific M antigen <strong>of</strong> group<br />

A streptococci. Journal <strong>of</strong> Immunology, 89, 307–313.<br />

Larppanichpoonphol P, Watanakunakorn C (2001) Group B streptococcal<br />

bacteremia in nonpregnant adults at a community teaching hospital.<br />

Southern Medical Journal, 94, 1206–1211.<br />

Lawrence DN, Facklam RR, Sottnek FO et al. (1979) Epidemiologic studies<br />

among Amerindian populations <strong>of</strong> Amazonia. I. Pyoderma: prevalence <strong>and</strong><br />

associated pathogens. The American Journal <strong>of</strong> Tropical Medicine <strong>and</strong><br />

Hygiene, 28, 548–558.<br />

Le Bouguenec C, de Cespedes G, Horaud T (1990) Presence <strong>of</strong> chromosomal<br />

elements resembling the composite structure Tn3701 in streptococci.<br />

Journal <strong>of</strong> <strong>Bacteriology</strong>, 172, 727–734.<br />

Leclercq R (2002) Mechanisms <strong>of</strong> resistance to macrolides <strong>and</strong> lincosamides:<br />

nature <strong>of</strong> the resistance elements <strong>and</strong> their clinical implications. <strong>Clinical</strong><br />

Infectious Diseases, 34, 482–492.<br />

Levy SB, McMurry LM, Barbosa TM et al. (1999) Nomenclature for new<br />

tetracycline resistance determinants. Antimicrobial Agents <strong>and</strong> Chemotherapy,<br />

43, 1523–1524.<br />

Lipsitch M (1999) Bacterial vaccines <strong>and</strong> serotype replacement: lessons from<br />

Haemophilus influenzae <strong>and</strong> prospects for Streptococcus pneumoniae.<br />

Emerging Infectious Diseases, 5, 336–345.<br />

Llewelyn M, Cohen J (2002) Superantigens: microbial agents that corrupt<br />

immunity. The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 2, 156–162.<br />

Lukomski S, Nakashima K, Abdi I et al. (2000) Identification <strong>and</strong> characterization<br />

<strong>of</strong> the scl gene encoding a group A streptococcus extracellular protein<br />

virulence factor with similarity to human collagen. Infection <strong>and</strong> Immunity,<br />

68, 6542–6553.<br />

Madhi SA, Radebe K, Crewe-Brown H et al. (2003) High burden <strong>of</strong> invasive<br />

Streptococcus agalactiae disease in South African infants. Annals <strong>of</strong> Tropical<br />

Paediatrics, 23, 15–23.<br />

Majeed HA, Batnager S, Yous<strong>of</strong> AM et al. (1992) Acute rheumatic fever <strong>and</strong><br />

the evolution <strong>of</strong> rheumatic heart disease: a prospective 12 year follow-up<br />

report. Journal <strong>of</strong> <strong>Clinical</strong> Epidemiology, 45, 871–875.<br />

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