Principles and Practice of Clinical Bacteriology Second Edition - Free

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4 β-HAEMOLYTIC STREPTOCOCCI Table 1.2 Cell-surface molecules Putative virulence factors of group A streptococcus (GAS) M-protein family (Emm, Mrp, Enn) Fibronectin-binding proteins (multiple) C5a peptidase Hyaluronic acid capsule Excreted molecules Streptolysin O/streptolysin S Streptokinase Superantigens (multiple) Protein Sic SpeB (cysteine protease) literature in this area. For a more encompassing view, readers are referred to the many excellent reviews covering the role of putative virulence factors identified in GAS (Cunningham 2000; Nizet 2002; Bisno, Brito and Collins 2003; Collin and Olsén 2003). Throughout the ensuing section the reader should bear in mind that the repertoire of putative virulence factors is now known to vary between strains and that even when the same factors are present there may be extensive genotypic and phenotypic diversity. It is thus increasingly apparent that GAS pathogenesis involves a complex and interacting array of molecules and that the fine details may vary between different strains. The best-studied virulence factors are listed in Table 1.2, though this table is far from exhaustive as there are numerous less-well-characterised molecules that could be involved in pathogenesis. Cell-Associated Molecules Major function(s)/role Resistance to phagocytosis Multiple ligand-binding capacities Adhesion, invasion Inhibits leukocyte recruitment Resistance to phagocytosis Adherence Probable function/role Haemolytic toxins Lysis of blood clots and tissue spread Nonspecific immune stimulation Inhibitor of complement Generates biologically active molecules Inflammation, shock and tissue damage The M protein has long been considered the major cell-surface protein of GAS. M protein was originally defined as an antiphagocytic protein that determines the serotype of a strain and evokes serotype-specific antibody that promotes phagocytosis by neutrophils in fresh human blood. Despite extensive antigenic variation all M proteins have an α-helical coiled–coil conformation and possess an array of properties that may be important in their antiphagocytic role. The best-characterised activities are binding of factor H, a regulatory component of complement control system, and binding of fibrinogen that diminishes alternate complement pathway-mediated binding of C3b to bacterial cells, thus impeding recognition by polymorpholeukocytes (PMLs). The M-protein-encoding gene (emm) is now known to belong to a family of so-called M-like genes linked in a cluster that appear to have evolved by gene duplication and intergenic recombination (Whatmore and Kehoe 1994). A variety of genomic arrangements of this family has been identified, the simplest of which consists of only an emm gene flanked by a regulatory gene mga (multiple gene activator) and scpA (see Virulence Gene Regulators). However, many isolates contain an upstream gene (usually designated mrp) and/or a downstream gene (usually designated enn), and several members of the M-like gene family have been found to bind a whole array of moieties including various immunoglobulin A (IgA) and IgG subclasses, albumin, plasminogen and the factor H-like protein C4bBP. In recent years it has become clear that resistance to phagocytosis is not solely dependent on the M protein itself. For example, inactivation of emm49 has little impact on resistance to phagocytosis, with mrp49, emm49 and enn49 all appearing to be required (Podbielski et al. 1996; Ji et al. 1998). The capacity of some strains (notably M18) to resist phagocytosis is virtually entirely dependent on the extracellular nonantigenic hyaluronic acid capsule (Wessels and Bronze 1994). Many clinical isolates, particularly those epidemiologically associated with severe disease or RF, produce large mucoid capsules. These may act to mask streptococcal antigens or may act as a physical barrier preventing access of phagocytes to opsonic complement proteins at the bacterial cell surface, as well as being involved in adherence. In addition to the antiphagocytic molecules described above many other cellular components have postulated roles in pathogenesis. All GAS harbour scpA mentioned above that encodes a C5a peptidase. This protein destroys C5a complement protein that is a chemotactic signal that initially attracts neutrophils to sites of infection. GAS have been shown to possess an array of fibronectin-binding proteins, indicating the importance of interactions with this molecule. Fibronectin is a Principal glycoprotein in plasma, body fluids and the extracellular matrix. Perhaps the best-characterised GAS fibronectinbinding protein is protein F (SfbI) that has roles in adherence and invasion (see Adherence, Colonisation and Internalisation). However, an ever-expanding array of other molecules has been shown to possess this activity, including proteins such as SfbII, SOF, proteinF2, M3, SDH, FBP-51, PFBP, Fba and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase. With the recent completion of genome sequencing projects many novel cell-surface proteins have been identified. Most remain to be fully characterised, but their surface location facilitates potential roles in host interaction. Examples include Slr, a leucine-rich repeat protein, isogenic mutants of which are less virulent in an intraperitoneal mouse model and more susceptible to phagocytosis by human PMLs (Reid et al. 2003). Two novel collagen-like proteins, SclA and SclB, have also been identified. Their function is unclear, but they may be important in adherence and are of potential interest in the pathogenesis of autoimmune sequelae (Lukomski et al. 2000; Rasmussen, Eden and Bjorck 2000; Whatmore 2001). A further potential virulence factor identified from the genome sequence is protein GRAB, present in most GAS and possessing high-affinity binding capacity for the dominant proteinase inhibitor of human plasma α2-macroglobulin. Again, mutants are attenuated in mice and it has been suggested that α2-macroglobulin bound to the bacterial surface via protein GRAB entraps and inhibits the activity of GAS and host proteinases, thereby protecting other virulence determinants from proteolytic degradation (Rasmussen, Muller and Bjorck 1999). Excreted Products Most GAS produce two distinct haemolysins, streptolysin O (SLO) and streptolysin S (SLS). SLO is an oxygen-labile member of the cholesterol-binding thiol-activated toxin family that elicits antibodies useful for documenting recent exposure and is toxic to a variety of cells. SLS belongs to the bacteriocin family of microbial toxins and is not immunogenic in natural infection but shares similar toxic activities to SLO. Streptokinase facilitates the spread of organisms by promoting the lysis of blood clots. Streptokinase binds to mammalian plasminogen, and this complex then converts other plasminogen molecules to the serum protease plasmin that subsequently acts on a variety of proteins including fibrin. GAS have cell-surface receptors capable of binding plasminogen, which following conversion to plasmin in the presence of streptokinase may generate cell-associated proteolytic enzyme capable of causing tissue destruction. GAS produce an array of superantigens. These protein exotoxins have the ability to trigger excessive and aberrant activation of T cells by bypassing conventional major histocompatibility complex (MHC)- restricted antigen processing (Llewelyn and Cohen 2002). Subsequent excessive and uncoordinated release of inflammatory cytokines such as tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin-2 (IL-2) and interferon-γ (IFN-γ) results in many of the symptoms consistent with toxic shock

PATHOGENESIS AND VIRULENCE FACTORS 5 syndrome. Over a dozen distinct superantigens have now been recognised in GAS, and many appear to be located on mobile genetic elements. Different isolates possess distinct arrays of superantigens with subtly different specificities and activities. SpeB was initially thought to be a superantigen, but it is now thought that its disease contribution is related to protease activity. SpeB is a chromosomally encoded cysteine proteinase that acts on many targets including various Ig classes and generates biologically active molecules by activities that include cleaving IL-1β precursor to an active form and releasing bradykinin from a precursor form. These activities generate reactive molecules with roles in inflammation, shock and tissue destruction. A further proposed secreted virulence factor is the streptococcal inhibitor of complement (Sic) protein found predominantly in M1 strains which binds to components of the complement membrane attack complex (C5b-C9) and thus inhibits complement-mediated lysis in vitro. The in vivo function of Sic is not clear, but it appears to be rapidly internalised by human epithelial cells and PMLs where specific interactions result in the paralysis of the actin cytoskeleton and significantly decreased opsonophagocytosis and killing of GAS. Sic is one of the most variable bacterial proteins known, and variants arise rapidly in vivo (Matsumoto et al. 2003), suggesting an important role for this molecule in M1 isolates. Adherence, Colonisation and Internalisation The GAS infectious process entails several steps proceeding from initial adherence to mucosal cells to subsequent invasion of deeper tissue, leading to occasional penetration of the bloodstream. The strategies by which GAS adhere and invade are multiple and complex and vary between strains and between host cell types, with the potential involvement of multiple adhesins and invasins. An astonishing array of putative adhesins has been described (reviewed by Courtney, Hasty and Dale 2002), although only the roles of lipoteichoic acid (LTA), M protein and some fibronectin-binding proteins have been studied in any great detail. LTA adheres to fibronectin on buccal epithelial cells, an interaction that is blocked by excess LTA or anti-LTA antibody, and this serves as a first step in adhesion with secondary adhesins, thus facilitating stronger and more specific binding. Many studies have implicated M protein in adhesion, although observations vary greatly from strain to strain and depend on the in vitro model and tissue type studied. However, there is evidence that M protein mediates adherence to skin keratinocytes via CD46. There is substantial evidence that fibronectin-binding proteins such as SfbI and related proteins are important in adhesion. SfbI mediates adherence to respiratory epithelial cells and cutaneous Langerhans cells. Expression is environmentally regulated, being enhanced in oxygen-rich atmospheres, in contrast to that of M protein. Following adhesion GAS must maintain itself on the pharynx. The capsule may be important at this stage as encapsulation facilitates more persistent colonisation and leads to higher mortality in animal models than is seen in isogenic acapsular mutants. Although not generally considered intracellular pathogens, GAS have been shown to penetrate and, in some cases, multiply within a variety of epithelial cell lines in vitro. Both M protein and SfbI are implicated in internalisation because of their fibronectin-binding capacities that bridge GAS to integrin receptors, promoting actin rearrangement by independent mechanisms and leading to invasion. The biological significance of these interactions is unclear, but they may facilitate deep-tissue invasion or be important in the persistence of GAS in the face of host defences or therapy. Virulence Gene Regulators In recent years it has become clear that complex regulatory circuits control virulence factor expression in GAS, allowing it to respond to environmental signals and adapt to various niches (reviewed by Kreikemeyer, McIver and Podbielski 2003). The multiple gene regulator Mga is located upstream of the emm gene cassette and is thought to form part of a classic two-component regulatory signal transduction system, though the sensor remains unidentified. It controls transcription of itself and a variety of other genes including those encoding M and M-like proteins, C5a peptidase, SclA and Sic. Mga positively regulates itself and binds to a consensus sequence upstream of the gene it regulates, increasing expression in response to increased carbon dioxide concentrations, increased temperature and iron limitation. A further two-component system known as CsrRS (capsule synthesis regulator) or CovRS (control of virulence genes) has also been identified. This system represses the synthesis of capsule and several other virulence factors including streptokinase, SpeB and SLO and the CovRS operon itself. Recent microarray studies have indicated that this system may influence transcription directly or indirectly of as many as 15% of GAS genes (Graham et al. 2002). A further regulator, RofA, was first identified in an M6 strain as a positive regulator of SfbI in response to reduced oxygen, but it also negatively regulates SLS, SpeB and Mga. Nra, identified in an M49 strain shares 62% identity with RofA and shares many of its activities. A global regulator Rgg or RopB homologous to transcriptional regulators in other Gram-positive organisms has been identified and appears to affect the transcription of multiple virulence genes genome-wide through modulation of existing regulatory networks (Chaussee et al. 2003). Studies carried out to date have highlighted the complexity and interdependence of GAS regulatory circuits. The understanding of these is clearly in its infancy, and it will be crucial for a fuller understanding of GAS pathogenesis. Host Immune Response to Infection Protective immunity against GAS correlates with the presence of opsonising antibody against type-specific M protein. However, the paucity of infection in adults relative to children suggests that other mechanisms help to protect against infection. Secretory IgA against nonserotype-specific regions of M protein plays a role in host protection by preventing adhesion to mucosal surfaces. In addition, it is likely that immune responses to other streptococcal molecules have roles in protection. Thus, for example, a novel antigen generating opsonising protective antibody (Dale et al. 1999) has been reported in an M18 isolate, and surface molecules such as the C5a peptidase, SOF and the group A carbohydrate induce protective immune responses. Furthermore, antibodies against the GAS superantigens may be important in neutralising the toxic activity of these molecules. Pathogenesis of Sequelae Although a close link between GAS and rheumatic fever (RF) has been established for many years, the exact mechanism by which GAS evokes RF remains elusive. Molecular mimicry is assumed to be the reason for RF, and antigenic similarity between various GAS components, notably M protein, and components of human tissues such as heart, synovium, and the basal ganglia of brain could theoretically account for most manifestations of RF (Ayoub, Kotb and Cunningham 2000). Only certain strains of GAS appear capable of initiating the immune-mediated inflammatory reaction, related either to cross-reacting antibodies generated against streptococcal components or to the stimulation of cell-mediated immunity that leads to disease in susceptible hosts. Like RF, acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis (APSGN) is associated with only some GAS strains and certain susceptible hosts. Again, the precise causative mechanisms are not clear. Renal injury associated with APSGN appears to be immunologically mediated, and antigenic similarities between human kidney and various streptococcal constituents (particularly M protein and fragments of the streptococcal cell membrane) that could generate cross-reactive antibodies have been investigated. However, other nonmutually exclusive mechanisms


Table 1.2<br />

Cell-surface molecules<br />

Putative virulence factors <strong>of</strong> group A streptococcus (GAS)<br />

M-protein family (Emm, Mrp, Enn)<br />

Fibronectin-binding proteins<br />

(multiple)<br />

C5a peptidase<br />

Hyaluronic acid capsule<br />

Excreted molecules<br />

Streptolysin O/streptolysin S<br />

Streptokinase<br />

Superantigens (multiple)<br />

Protein Sic<br />

SpeB (cysteine protease)<br />

literature in this area. For a more encompassing view, readers are<br />

referred to the many excellent reviews covering the role <strong>of</strong> putative<br />

virulence factors identified in GAS (Cunningham 2000; Nizet 2002;<br />

Bisno, Brito <strong>and</strong> Collins 2003; Collin <strong>and</strong> Olsén 2003). Throughout<br />

the ensuing section the reader should bear in mind that the repertoire<br />

<strong>of</strong> putative virulence factors is now known to vary between strains <strong>and</strong><br />

that even when the same factors are present there may be extensive<br />

genotypic <strong>and</strong> phenotypic diversity. It is thus increasingly apparent<br />

that GAS pathogenesis involves a complex <strong>and</strong> interacting array <strong>of</strong><br />

molecules <strong>and</strong> that the fine details may vary between different strains.<br />

The best-studied virulence factors are listed in Table 1.2, though this table<br />

is far from exhaustive as there are numerous less-well-characterised<br />

molecules that could be involved in pathogenesis.<br />

Cell-Associated Molecules<br />

Major function(s)/role<br />

Resistance to phagocytosis<br />

Multiple lig<strong>and</strong>-binding capacities<br />

Adhesion, invasion<br />

Inhibits leukocyte recruitment<br />

Resistance to phagocytosis<br />

Adherence<br />

Probable function/role<br />

Haemolytic toxins<br />

Lysis <strong>of</strong> blood clots <strong>and</strong> tissue spread<br />

Nonspecific immune stimulation<br />

Inhibitor <strong>of</strong> complement<br />

Generates biologically active<br />

molecules<br />

Inflammation, shock <strong>and</strong> tissue<br />

damage<br />

The M protein has long been considered the major cell-surface protein<br />

<strong>of</strong> GAS. M protein was originally defined as an antiphagocytic protein<br />

that determines the serotype <strong>of</strong> a strain <strong>and</strong> evokes serotype-specific<br />

antibody that promotes phagocytosis by neutrophils in fresh human<br />

blood. Despite extensive antigenic variation all M proteins have an<br />

α-helical coiled–coil conformation <strong>and</strong> possess an array <strong>of</strong> properties<br />

that may be important in their antiphagocytic role. The best-characterised<br />

activities are binding <strong>of</strong> factor H, a regulatory component <strong>of</strong> complement<br />

control system, <strong>and</strong> binding <strong>of</strong> fibrinogen that diminishes alternate<br />

complement pathway-mediated binding <strong>of</strong> C3b to bacterial cells,<br />

thus impeding recognition by polymorpholeukocytes (PMLs). The<br />

M-protein-encoding gene (emm) is now known to belong to a family<br />

<strong>of</strong> so-called M-like genes linked in a cluster that appear to have<br />

evolved by gene duplication <strong>and</strong> intergenic recombination (Whatmore<br />

<strong>and</strong> Kehoe 1994). A variety <strong>of</strong> genomic arrangements <strong>of</strong> this family<br />

has been identified, the simplest <strong>of</strong> which consists <strong>of</strong> only an emm<br />

gene flanked by a regulatory gene mga (multiple gene activator) <strong>and</strong><br />

scpA (see Virulence Gene Regulators). However, many isolates contain<br />

an upstream gene (usually designated mrp) <strong>and</strong>/or a downstream gene<br />

(usually designated enn), <strong>and</strong> several members <strong>of</strong> the M-like gene<br />

family have been found to bind a whole array <strong>of</strong> moieties including<br />

various immunoglobulin A (IgA) <strong>and</strong> IgG subclasses, albumin,<br />

plasminogen <strong>and</strong> the factor H-like protein C4bBP. In recent years<br />

it has become clear that resistance to phagocytosis is not solely<br />

dependent on the M protein itself. For example, inactivation <strong>of</strong> emm49<br />

has little impact on resistance to phagocytosis, with mrp49, emm49 <strong>and</strong><br />

enn49 all appearing to be required (Podbielski et al. 1996; Ji et al. 1998).<br />

The capacity <strong>of</strong> some strains (notably M18) to resist phagocytosis<br />

is virtually entirely dependent on the extracellular nonantigenic<br />

hyaluronic acid capsule (Wessels <strong>and</strong> Bronze 1994). Many clinical<br />

isolates, particularly those epidemiologically associated with severe<br />

disease or RF, produce large mucoid capsules. These may act to mask<br />

streptococcal antigens or may act as a physical barrier preventing<br />

access <strong>of</strong> phagocytes to opsonic complement proteins at the bacterial<br />

cell surface, as well as being involved in adherence.<br />

In addition to the antiphagocytic molecules described above many<br />

other cellular components have postulated roles in pathogenesis. All<br />

GAS harbour scpA mentioned above that encodes a C5a peptidase.<br />

This protein destroys C5a complement protein that is a chemotactic<br />

signal that initially attracts neutrophils to sites <strong>of</strong> infection. GAS have<br />

been shown to possess an array <strong>of</strong> fibronectin-binding proteins,<br />

indicating the importance <strong>of</strong> interactions with this molecule.<br />

Fibronectin is a Principal glycoprotein in plasma, body fluids <strong>and</strong> the<br />

extracellular matrix. Perhaps the best-characterised GAS fibronectinbinding<br />

protein is protein F (SfbI) that has roles in adherence <strong>and</strong><br />

invasion (see Adherence, Colonisation <strong>and</strong> Internalisation). However,<br />

an ever-exp<strong>and</strong>ing array <strong>of</strong> other molecules has been shown to<br />

possess this activity, including proteins such as SfbII, SOF, proteinF2,<br />

M3, SDH, FBP-51, PFBP, Fba <strong>and</strong> glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate<br />

dehydrogenase.<br />

With the recent completion <strong>of</strong> genome sequencing projects many<br />

novel cell-surface proteins have been identified. Most remain to be<br />

fully characterised, but their surface location facilitates potential roles<br />

in host interaction. Examples include Slr, a leucine-rich repeat protein,<br />

isogenic mutants <strong>of</strong> which are less virulent in an intraperitoneal mouse<br />

model <strong>and</strong> more susceptible to phagocytosis by human PMLs (Reid<br />

et al. 2003). Two novel collagen-like proteins, SclA <strong>and</strong> SclB, have<br />

also been identified. Their function is unclear, but they may be<br />

important in adherence <strong>and</strong> are <strong>of</strong> potential interest in the pathogenesis<br />

<strong>of</strong> autoimmune sequelae (Lukomski et al. 2000; Rasmussen, Eden <strong>and</strong><br />

Bjorck 2000; Whatmore 2001). A further potential virulence factor<br />

identified from the genome sequence is protein GRAB, present in most<br />

GAS <strong>and</strong> possessing high-affinity binding capacity for the dominant<br />

proteinase inhibitor <strong>of</strong> human plasma α2-macroglobulin. Again, mutants<br />

are attenuated in mice <strong>and</strong> it has been suggested that α2-macroglobulin<br />

bound to the bacterial surface via protein GRAB entraps <strong>and</strong> inhibits<br />

the activity <strong>of</strong> GAS <strong>and</strong> host proteinases, thereby protecting other<br />

virulence determinants from proteolytic degradation (Rasmussen,<br />

Muller <strong>and</strong> Bjorck 1999).<br />

Excreted Products<br />

Most GAS produce two distinct haemolysins, streptolysin O (SLO)<br />

<strong>and</strong> streptolysin S (SLS). SLO is an oxygen-labile member <strong>of</strong> the<br />

cholesterol-binding thiol-activated toxin family that elicits antibodies<br />

useful for documenting recent exposure <strong>and</strong> is toxic to a variety <strong>of</strong><br />

cells. SLS belongs to the bacteriocin family <strong>of</strong> microbial toxins <strong>and</strong> is<br />

not immunogenic in natural infection but shares similar toxic activities to<br />

SLO. Streptokinase facilitates the spread <strong>of</strong> organisms by promoting<br />

the lysis <strong>of</strong> blood clots. Streptokinase binds to mammalian plasminogen,<br />

<strong>and</strong> this complex then converts other plasminogen molecules to the<br />

serum protease plasmin that subsequently acts on a variety <strong>of</strong> proteins<br />

including fibrin. GAS have cell-surface receptors capable <strong>of</strong> binding<br />

plasminogen, which following conversion to plasmin in the presence<br />

<strong>of</strong> streptokinase may generate cell-associated proteolytic enzyme capable<br />

<strong>of</strong> causing tissue destruction.<br />

GAS produce an array <strong>of</strong> superantigens. These protein exotoxins<br />

have the ability to trigger excessive <strong>and</strong> aberrant activation <strong>of</strong> T cells<br />

by bypassing conventional major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-<br />

restricted antigen processing (Llewelyn <strong>and</strong> Cohen 2002). Subsequent<br />

excessive <strong>and</strong> uncoordinated release <strong>of</strong> inflammatory cytokines such as<br />

tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin-2 (IL-2) <strong>and</strong> interferon-γ<br />

(IFN-γ) results in many <strong>of</strong> the symptoms consistent with toxic shock

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