January 2009 (PDF) - Antigravity Magazine

January 2009 (PDF) - Antigravity Magazine

January 2009 (PDF) - Antigravity Magazine


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vol.6 no.3 jan. ’09<br />

your new orleans music and culture alternative<br />



www.antigravitymagazine.com<br />



STAFF<br />


Leo McGovern<br />

leo@antigravitymagazine.com<br />


Dan Fox<br />

fox@antigravitymagazine.com<br />


Nancy Kang, M.D.<br />

nancy@antigravitymagazine.com<br />

Jacob Mazer<br />

jacob.mazer@gmail.com<br />

Dan Mitchell<br />

dmitchel@tulane.edu<br />

AuraLee Petzko<br />

auralee@antigravitymagazine.com<br />

Sara Pic<br />

sarapic@antigravitymagazine.com<br />

Mike Rodgers<br />

mike@antigravitymagazine.com<br />

Brett Schwaner<br />

brett@antigravitymagazine.com<br />

Jason Songe<br />

jasonsonge@antigravitymagazine.com<br />

Colby Spath<br />

colbito@gmail.com<br />

J.W. Spitalny<br />

jw@antigravitymagazine.com<br />

Mallory Whitfield<br />

mallory@antigravitymagazine.com<br />

AD SALES:<br />

ads@antigravitymagazine.com<br />

504-881-7508<br />

Cover Photo by Dan Fox<br />

Outlaw Order Photo by Gary<br />

LoVerde<br />

We like stuff! Send it to:<br />

111 South Alexander St.<br />

New Orleans, La. 70119<br />

Have listings Send them to:<br />

events@antigravity<br />

magazine.com<br />

ANTIGRAVITY is a publication<br />



Homepage:<br />

www.antigravitymagazine.com<br />

MySpace:<br />

www.myspace.com/<br />

antigravitymagazine<br />

Outlaw Order_page 18<br />

Not your grandfather’s sludge-core.<br />

INTRO<br />


ANTI-News_page<br />

Some of the news that’s fit to print.<br />

Face First_page 14<br />

The singers of Dixie come back for more.<br />

Photo Review_page 26<br />

The month in photos.<br />

COLUMNS:<br />

Homefield Advantage_page 10<br />

What should the Saints do with Reggie<br />

Guidance Counseling_page 11<br />

Patrick Strange dishes advice.<br />

Dr. Feelgood_page 12<br />

*Cough* *Cough*<br />

The Goods_page 13<br />

Are you familiar with Avantgarb<br />

REVIEWS:<br />

Music and Film_page 19<br />

Guns N’ Roses, Encounters at the End<br />

of the World, DJMC Microphone, more...<br />

EVENTS:<br />

Listings_page 21<br />

<strong>January</strong> events in New Orleans<br />

COMICS:<br />

Illustrations_page 24<br />

Qomix, How To Be Happy, The<br />

K Chronicles, Firesquito, Load.<br />

Happy New Year. I don’t know about you, but I’m<br />

happy to have closed the books on 2008. A bunch<br />

of fucked up shit happened to me this year—like<br />

the FBI raiding my house—but the worst thing by far was<br />

losing my long-time friend and companion, Uno. One of<br />

the few “dog-cats” out there, he was a feline with a lot<br />

of personality and was beloved by many, including a few<br />

folks overseas. He disappeared a week before Gustav<br />

and never returned. If you’re still out there, buddy, I<br />

hope you’re living it up like you always did. Anyways,<br />

2008 is out and the start of <strong>2009</strong> is as good a time as<br />

any to shake things up here at AG. You’ll notice some<br />

changes in our format, like our super-expanded-deluxe<br />

news section, letting us cover and keep you updated on<br />

more artists and events. Good job, New Orleans, on<br />

keeping us busier than ever. We’re also happy to have<br />

some new blood join our family of contributors, such as Gary LoVerde and his excellent photography as well as Colby<br />

Spath, who used to run one of New Orleans’ best record stores, Rocks Off. He’ll be helping us with record reviews. For<br />

all the new twists, though, we’re keeping a lot of AG intact, like our feature interviews. This month Brett Schwaner<br />

talks to Face First, a band that’s been through enough shit to earn our due respect and attention. We also have the<br />

columns you know and love, such as Dr. Nancy Kang’s medical advice (thanks for the earplugs you gave me at the<br />

Spickle show!) and our sports column Homefield Advantage, newly helmed by our own EIC Leo McGovern since the<br />

untimely demise of Nicholas Simmons. So enjoy the new year, the new ANTIGRAVITY and, as always, thank you for<br />

reading. —Dan Fox, Associate Editor<br />

4_antigravity: your new orleans music and culture alternative



How does a perennial local favorite rock<br />

band bridge the gap between a wellreceived<br />

third album and a highly<br />

anticipated fourth full-length If you’re Rotary<br />

Downs, you create one last epic music video<br />

from Chained to the Chariot to whet fans’ appetites<br />

while they await a new record set to hit sometime<br />

before Jazz Fest. “Body of An Outlaw” is the third<br />

Downs video to be directed by Jonathan David<br />

Evans and features the story of real-life Oklahoman<br />

outlaw Elmer McCurdy, whose mummified body<br />

was found, nearly seventy years after he died, at<br />

an amusement park in 1976. The video features<br />

appearances by numerous New Orleans musicians<br />

like Luke Allen (The Happy Talk Band), Brooke<br />

Lamm (Black Mountain) and Mike Brueggen<br />

(Supagroup). And the new, yet-to-be-titled record<br />

According to drummer Zack Smith, it’s already<br />

shaping up to be different from anything the<br />

band’s previously created. “Not that Chained is<br />

less superior, but the songs on that record had been<br />

evolving for so long [before being recorded] and<br />

the recording process was pecked at for years.”<br />

“The big difference,” Smith told ANTIGRAVITY,<br />

“is that we’re recording at Chris George’s Living<br />

Room Studio over two or three weekends with<br />

songs that are more realized and the whole thing<br />

is more of a group effort.” Speaking of the group,<br />

fans that haven’t seen a Rotary Downs show in awhile will notice two of the newer members, Cory Shultz<br />

(trumpet, keyboards and guitar) and Tiffany Lamson (vocals and percussion) play a big role in both the live<br />

show and the new recording, which features less of the pedal steel sound that previously accentuated many<br />

Rotary Downs songs and instead highlights more trumpet and keyboards. Look for an ANTIGRAVITY fulllength<br />

feature on Rotary Downs in Spring <strong>2009</strong>. —Leo McGovern; Photo by Zack Smith<br />

Rotary Downs debuts the video for “Body of An Outlaw” at One Eyed Jacks on Friday, <strong>January</strong> 30th.<br />

The Happy Talk band opens. For more info on Rotary Downs, go to myspace.com/rotarydowns.<br />


Seriously, when was<br />

the last time you saw<br />

a drummer emerge<br />

from a giant, paper-mâché<br />

egg Or found yourself<br />

spellbound as a singer was<br />

mounted by a tangled fiber<br />

optic department store<br />

mannequin Or watched<br />

helplessly as the stage at<br />

your favorite local music<br />

club was menaced by a<br />

hovering flying saucer<br />

If you’ve yet to behold<br />

the megalomaniacal<br />

awesomeness that is Sick<br />

Like Sinatra, then it’s<br />

time to get it together,<br />

friend, because you’ve<br />

been missing out. Sick Like<br />

Sinatra, New Orleans’ self-proclaimed trio of “sex rock crusaders,” has been leaving behind sweaty puddles<br />

in local venues since 2007 and we here at ANTIGRAVITY think that it’s time you got a piece of their action.<br />

“Within our set, we go through several tiers of different themes,” Sick Like Sinatra bassist and sex-rock<br />

dancer Danny Salzer told ANTIGRAVITY. “Really, the whole set is about sex and rock n’ roll, but we drift<br />

off into pretty random tangents about space travel and inner-city living. We’re working on a new song right<br />

now about the hassle of trying to find drugs and what a big waste of time it is. But mostly, our show is all<br />

about the sex.” And also about the props. Salzer and bandmates Ted Dunaway and Chris Buller spend their<br />

time between shows hand-crafting all of the props, costumes, and bizarre devices which highlight Sick Like<br />

Sinatra’s live performances. “Right now, ‘Electric Girlfriend’ is really the biggest new thing we have going,”<br />

said Salzer. “She’s basically a mannequin that we wired with fiber optics that we interact with during the<br />

show. Unfortunately, she didn’t work out as planned when we debuted her at our last show at the Hi-Ho, so<br />

we’re still tooling around with how to better work with her on stage.” Sick Like Sinatra’s “Electric Girlfriend”<br />

will get another tryout when the band takes the stage at The Blue Nile later this month. —Brett Schwaner<br />

Sick Like Sinatra plays The Blue Nile on Wednesday, <strong>January</strong> 14th at 10pm. Curious Sick Like Sinatra virgins may<br />

fulfill their suppressed desires at myspace.com/sicklikesinatra.<br />


ON THE SCENE...<br />

On October<br />

19th, planet<br />

Earth lost<br />

the late, great Rudy<br />

Ray Moore. Rudy<br />

Ray, poet of trash<br />

talk, buddha of kungfu<br />

pimpdom! Moore<br />

began his career in<br />

the late ’50s singing<br />

R&B and spouting<br />

q u i n t u p l e - X - r a t e d<br />

standup comedy.<br />

In 1975, as the<br />

blaxploitation form<br />

was beginning to sag<br />

beneath the weight<br />

of its self-repetition,<br />

Moore appeared as the title character in Dolemite and blasted the<br />

genre into glorious hyperbole on a trail of reefer smoke and swagger.<br />

A pimp fresh out of jail, Dolemite and his army of kung fu babes<br />

took on crooks and crooked cops to rightfully reclaim his nightclub,<br />

toasting endlessly along the way (toasting, for all the jive-ass squares,<br />

is a traditional African American form of rhythmic, rhymed talking).<br />

The film was embraced as a cult favorite, and enshrined in both form<br />

and iconography in hip-hop. One Eyed Jacks properly sees Moore<br />

off to the pimp’s Valhalla with the two-night Rudy Ray Moore Film<br />

Festival, hosted by local soul samurai DJ Soul Sister. The first night<br />

features Dolemite and the disco-crime-comedy Disco Godfather. The<br />

second night features occult-martial arts-revenge-domestic dramedy<br />

Petey Wheatstraw: The Devil’s Son in Law is followed by The Human<br />

Tornado (aka Dolemite II). Ass-kicking, booty-shaking, soul-selling,<br />

roller skates, disco balls...sounds like the best film festival of all time<br />

to us. —Jacob Mazer<br />

The Rudy Ray Moore Film Festival will be held on Tuesday, <strong>January</strong> 13th<br />

and Wednesday, <strong>January</strong> 14th at One Eyed Jacks. For more info about the<br />

film festival, go to myspace.com/djsoulsis.<br />



For the past<br />

five years, In<br />

Tomorrow’s<br />

Shadow has been<br />

a constant and<br />

remarkably resilient<br />

presence in the<br />

New Orleans metal<br />

scene. Following<br />

two album releases,<br />

numerous tours, and<br />

more lineup changes<br />

than you can shake a stick at, one of the city’s first metal-core bands<br />

remains energized and ready to break new ground in <strong>2009</strong>. “The basic<br />

sound of the stuff that we’re playing now is like night and day from what<br />

we were doing two years ago when we put out our last EP,” vocalist<br />

Mike Karayane told ANTIGRAVITY. “We’re not a metal-core band<br />

anymore. Honestly, I don’t even listen to that stuff anymore. We’re<br />

putting a lot more emotion and passion into our songs, but it’s still hard<br />

and loud. It’s just a little more “weird”-sounding, I guess you could say.<br />

I’d hate to call it “experimental,” because you hear that term get tossed<br />

around so much that it almost has no meaning.” Karayane says that the<br />

group plans to begin recording their third EP in <strong>January</strong>, with a release<br />

date scheduled for sometime in the spring. “I think that our new sound<br />

will surprise people a bit. We are in no way the same band we were five<br />

years ago when we started out.” Fans who haven’t seen In Tomorrows<br />

Shadow in awhile can catch them performing at the High Ground early<br />

this month. —Brett Schwaner<br />

In Tomorrow’s Shadow plays The High Ground on Saturday, <strong>January</strong> 10th<br />

with Pacifist. For more info on In Tomorrow’s Shadow, go to myspace.com/<br />

intomorrowsshadow.<br />

6_antigravity: your new orleans music and culture alternative



Canada has always been a nation of fucked up ideas.<br />

Canadians are notorious and numerous radical<br />

notions including things like “universal health care”<br />

and “adequate public education.” Here in America, we<br />

thankfully brush such crazy ideologies aside while focusing<br />

our attention on the important things in life, such as finding<br />

new ways to cram cheese inside of our pizza crust. And also:<br />

building better bombs. On <strong>January</strong> 29th, the nation of Canada<br />

will be aiming one of its latest radical exports straight at the<br />

Crescent City when thrash-rock collective Fucked Up makes<br />

a tour stop in the Marigny. Fucked Up has been making fans and enemies and enemies<br />

of their fans since 2001, creating controversy through their use of occult imagery, penning<br />

their own interviews in rags like Maximum Rock n’ Roll, pissing off hardcore purists by<br />

recording a seventy-four-minute long album, and also inspiring their fans to cause<br />

thousands of dollars worth of damages during an appearance on MTV Live in Canada.<br />

Thankfully, those damages were charged in Canadian currency. In an interview last year,<br />

Fucked Up told NME that their shows were “orgies of destruction,” so please expect no less<br />

when the band makes its way to New Orleans along with their touring buddies from Iron<br />

Age. They’ll also be joined by recently-formed local rockers the Necro Hippies, as well<br />

as Haarp, reigning local warlords of demonic metal. This family-friendly extravaganza is<br />

scheduled to take place at the warehouse located at 2728 N. Derbigny, although the actual<br />

entrance is located around the corner at 1616 Ferdinand. Mapquest.com is your friend.<br />

—Brett Schwaner<br />

Fucked Up will play 2728 N. Derbigny with Iron Age, The Necro Hippies and Haarp on<br />

Thursday, <strong>January</strong> 29th at 7pm. Cover is $5. Find out more about Fucked Up at lookingforgold.<br />

blogspot.com.<br />


Since forming in late 2007, the guys in<br />

Covington’s Miles and Minutes have had<br />

a singular focus in mind. “Our goal has<br />

always been to make really good pop-rock songs,”<br />

Miles and Minutes vocalist Marty Turlington<br />

told ANTIGRAVITY. “Stylistically, nothing<br />

has really changed since the get-go. We’ve been<br />

headed in a steady direction.” In the past year,<br />

that direction has led the band on a steady stream<br />

of gigs on both sides of Lake Ponchartrain, as well<br />

as their first tour last fall. Miles and Minutes plans to cap off their first year together with the<br />

release of their debut album, Electric City, this month. “We finished recording and mixing<br />

the entire album with David Troia back around Halloween,” said Turlington. “Since then,<br />

we’ve just been working on putting it all together and we’ll have it out on iTunes in mid-<br />

<strong>January</strong>, with a record release party sometime after that. We’re working on booking our<br />

spring tour right now, which should be a lot of fun. My good friend John Manza, who used<br />

to be in a band called Glory of This on Indianola Records, is going to join us out on the<br />

road and possibly joining Miles and Minutes on a full-time basis after that.” After a year of<br />

playing both locally and out on the road, Turlington said that Miles and Minutes has found<br />

one new focus for <strong>2009</strong>: “We’re all really interested in playing more all ages shows. We’ve<br />

played a lot of gigs to the bar crowd, but all ages shows are always the most fun. It just<br />

seems to me that younger people are more enthusiastic when it comes to live music. They’re<br />

the ones who are always dancing in front and having a good time when there’s a live band<br />

playing.” —Brett Schwaner<br />

For more on Miles and Minutes and to preview tracks from Electric City, check out myspace.<br />

com/milesandminutes.<br />



For many New Orleans families who were affected by<br />

Katrina’s floodwaters, treasured photographs often<br />

represent the most heartbreaking and enduring loss.<br />

While most ruined original photos can’t be reprinted, one<br />

artist from New York aims to replace a few families’ lost<br />

images with new, painted portraits. Jenna Gribbon is seeking<br />

out people who lost family photos, and the accomplished New<br />

York artist is willing to paint a new picture for free. Gribbon is<br />

in New Orleans until the end of <strong>January</strong>, and all participants<br />



If you’d happened to have caught one of Further Reasoning’s live sets around this<br />

time last year, you’d probably have walked away from it saying to yourself: “Geez,<br />

these kids have loads of energy. They just need to stop listening to Blink-182.” A year<br />

of practice can make a world of difference, and the New Orleans pop-punks of Further<br />

Reasoning may finally be hitting their stride. “All throughout 2008, we’ve been working<br />

towards a sound that’s more pop-based, but also heavier,” Further Reasoning vocalist<br />

Brian Pretus told ANTIGRAVITY. “It’s definitely more mature and more intricate than<br />

what we were playing a year or so ago. As individual musicians, we all have our own<br />

influences, and it’s a good feeling to see all of our individuals styles coming together and<br />

growing together to make Further Reasoning what it is. As a whole, we’re trying to move<br />

away from silly, generic, high school-ish stuff. I will say this: we probably spend a lot more<br />

time crafting our songs than the average pop-punk band. It’s not just a flat three-chord<br />

sound.” Further Reasoning plans to head into the studio this month to record their debut<br />

full-length album, an accomplishment that Pretus calls “a long time in the making.” The<br />

group will follow-up a December gig at the Howlin’ Wolf with an appearance at Keystones Lounge. —Brett Schwaner<br />

Further Reasoning will play Keystones Lounge on Sunday, <strong>January</strong> 18th at 6pm. For more info, go to myspace.com/<br />

furtherreasoning.<br />

need to do is have their picture taken for reference—the actual<br />

painting will be done in New York. Gribbon will actually<br />

do two versions, with one being shipped to the participant<br />

upon completion and the other being shown in galleries and<br />

available through standard art channels. Gribbon says the dual<br />

aspect of the portrait project is “an interesting opportunity to<br />

compare the context of a virtually identical object, one which<br />

becomes a part of a family’s history, and one which is collected<br />

as a cultural object.” Those interested in having their portraits<br />

painted should e-mail Gribbon at jennagribbon @mac.com.<br />

—Leo McGovern<br />

Jenna Gribbon has shown her work at Shoshana Wayne Gallery<br />

in Santa Monica, CA, The Athens Institute of Contemporary Art<br />

and New York’s National Academy Museum & School of Fine<br />

Arts, among others. For more info, go to jennagribbon.com.<br />


Los Campesinos! are the<br />

happiest sad people you’ve<br />

ever seen. These seven bratty<br />

kids from Cardiff, Wales wrap tales<br />

of kitchen sink boredom and misery<br />

in sunny, high energy pop songs<br />

filled with upbeat synths, noodling<br />

guitars and plenty of “ooohs” and<br />

“aaahs.” They are touring on the<br />

U.S. in support of their well-received<br />

sophomore record We Are Beautiful,<br />

We Are Doomed along with fellow<br />

ecstatic pessimists Titus Andronicus.<br />

These boys are from New Jersey and<br />

clearly well steeped in The Boss.<br />

Their literary, tuneful anthems are<br />

also infused with a Pogues-esque<br />

reeling blackout-drunk revelry. Dry<br />

your eyes and check it out. —Jacob<br />

Mazer; Photo by Grace deVille<br />

Los Campesinos! plays One Eyed Jacks on Tuesday, <strong>January</strong> 27th with Titus Andronicus. For more info on Los Campesinos!, go<br />

to loscampesinos.com.<br />




Angry Banana may have conquered<br />

the New Orleans ska scene with<br />

the well-received release of their<br />

sophomore album last November,<br />

but they’re not content to stop there.<br />

Heading into the early months of ’09,<br />

Angry Banana plans to spread some<br />

of the energy of New Orleans’ ska<br />

scene across the entire Gulf Coast<br />

by helping to coordinate a series<br />

of “Ska Revival” shows. Angry<br />

Banana’s Tom Chichilla explained to<br />

ANTIGRAVITY: “The idea for the<br />

Revival Series kind of spurs from the idea that the ska scene here in New Orleans is great, but<br />

it‘s been dead across the southeast for awhile now. Touring across the region, we’ve found that<br />

it’s really hit or miss as far as ska shows go. Being out on tour, we’ve also come in contact with<br />

a lot of other bands and fans in the region who feel the same way. So, what we’re planning on<br />

doing is sort of uniting bands and cities where there is interest in ska, even if it’s just a blip right<br />

now.” The group started the revival in Birmingham on December 30th, with other planned<br />

shows on the horizon. “Birmingham has been one of those cities where we’ve gotten emails<br />

from fans asking us to play before, but we’ve never actually had a chance to do so,” Chichilla<br />

elaborated. “After going out to Birmingham and talking with some people, we arranged for<br />

a show out there with Shut Up Travis, a ska band from Mobile, and a couple of others.”<br />

Other like-minded artists from around the region collaborating on the Ska Revival Series effort<br />

include Bay St. Louis’s Stereohype, Baton Rouge’s The Stellaphonics, and Florida’s Out of<br />

Nothing. “The idea is to jump-start the ska scenes in towns all across the southeast,” Chichilla<br />

said. “After Birmingham, we’re going to look at doing the same thing in any city within a<br />

six-hour drive of New Orleans, anywhere from Houston to Tallahassee. If it gives bands the<br />

chance to play in new towns and helps fans in those places hear live ska music, then it’ll be<br />

worth it.” —Brett Schwaner<br />

For more info on Angry Banana, go to myspace.com/angrybananaska.<br />


After a brief disappearing act, the guys from Black<br />

Belt will make a return to live performing this<br />

<strong>January</strong>. Formed after the breakup of the progrock<br />

group Community, Black Belt has since emerged as<br />

a respected and influential presence in their own right.<br />

“We have a lot of anticipation for this coming year,”<br />

Black Belt’s Kevin Comarda told ANTIGRAVITY.<br />

“After working things out for the past year and finishing<br />

up with recording, I think that we’re ready to move<br />

forward and progress just a little bit more.” Since their<br />

last performance back in September, Black Belt spent time<br />

recording their new album, A New Community, with Chris<br />

George at The Living Room Studio. They’ll release the<br />

album sometime this spring through Chicago-based Sick<br />

Room Records. In the meantime, Comarda says that he’s<br />

looking forward to getting out of the studio and back onto<br />

the live stage. “In the last year, we’ve just tried to get back<br />

to basics, strip things down, and rely less on programmed<br />

beats and loops. When we first started playing, I think that we were trying to put on too<br />

much of a “rock show,” so our songwriting became confined by whatever loops we’d put<br />

together. Moving away from this, I think, will make our live performances go just a little<br />

smoother. We’re also going to be playing with my friend Shea Mansfield from Raja Gaj.<br />

Shea came in to help us with some of the additional instrumental parts of A New Community.<br />

Right now, we feel like everything’s coming together really well. We’re looking forward to<br />

getting back to playing more shows, playing South By Southwest in March, and hopefully<br />

booking a tour this summer.” Black Belt is scheduled to perform on Saturday, <strong>January</strong> 17 th<br />

at One Eyed Jacks. Showtime is 10pm. Experimental indie-rockers Smiley With A Knife<br />

and Man Plus Building are also scheduled to appear. Check out more from Black Belt at<br />

myspace.com/blackbeltband. —Brett Schwaner<br />

Black Belt plays One Eyed Jacks on Saturday, <strong>January</strong> 17th with Smiley With a Knife and Man<br />

Plus Building. For more info on Black Belt, go to myspace.com/blackbeltband.<br />

8_antigravity: your new orleans music and culture alternative



NO OTHER<br />

Artists from across Louisiana and the<br />

rest of the world will come together<br />

this winter when the first copies<br />

of A Compilation Like No Other begin to<br />

circulate across the globe. The compilation<br />

is the brainchild of Baton Rouge-based<br />

Hungry Ghost Collective, but the collection<br />

is anything but your basic run-of-the-mill<br />

patchwork assortment of indie tracks. While<br />

the collection features nineteen cuts from<br />

Louisiana artists including Thou, Fatter<br />

Than Albert, Party Time, and Justinbailey,<br />

a variety of national and international artists<br />

are also present, including Pianos Become<br />

The Teeth, The Caution Children, Single<br />

State of Man, and Lion of the North. Adding<br />

to the diverse nature of A Compilation Like No<br />

Other is the fact that each artist present on<br />

the collection will create their own unique<br />

artwork for the album, meaning that at least<br />

nineteen different versions of the collection<br />

will find their way from southeast Louisiana to<br />

Europe and beyond. “Punk rock has changed<br />

so much since its origins and it is almost the<br />

complete opposite of what it once was. It has<br />

been cooked down and reduced in order to<br />

survive,” Hungry Ghost Collective’s Billy<br />

Thompson told ANTIGRAVITY. “Punk<br />

rock has become contemplative, I think. It is<br />

aware of its own mortality and it embraces<br />

it. It is existential in the same way that the<br />

beat poets like Kerouac and Ginsberg were.<br />

It just makes stuff now and what they inspires<br />

others to make stuff. This was an exercise<br />

in dharma art for me. I just let it happen by<br />

doing.” Thompson stresses that there is no<br />

“official” release schedule for A Compilation<br />

Like No Other, as each participating band will<br />

gradually make their personalized version of<br />

the album available in the coming weeks and<br />

months, some on compact disc, others on<br />

cassette. —Brett Schwaner<br />

For more info on A Compilation Like No Other,<br />

go to myspace.com/hungryghostcollective.<br />



The guys in Meadow Flow are big on the idea of creating art<br />

and atmosphere. Their sound is sometimes anchored in the<br />

intentionally-simplistic realm of minimalism, while other times<br />

wired into a universe of manic, hectic, obsessive attention to detail. Just<br />

think of Meadow Flow as a Kazimir Malevich painting set to music. Or<br />

maybe a vintage Jim Lee X-Men issue, depending on their mood. On<br />

the topic of Meadow Flow’s next record, guitarist Pat Bailey set things<br />

up a bit more simply when he recently spoke with ANTIGRAVITY:<br />

“With the new record, we’re hoping to put together something more<br />

progressive. I did most of our older recordings by myself and I was just<br />

looking to make them as catchy as possible. This will be the first record<br />

we’ve release together, as an entire band, so I’m optimistic that we’re<br />

ready to take the next step.” Bailey said that Meadow Flow hopes to<br />

begin recording in early <strong>January</strong>, with an eye on an official record release<br />

sometime in <strong>2009</strong>. In the meantime, Meadow Flow will be performing<br />

along with Empire At Sea and Birdfight at The Banks Street Bar later<br />

this month. —Brett Schwaner<br />

Meadow Flow will play The Banks Street Bar & Grill on Friday, <strong>January</strong> 23rd<br />

at 10pm with Empire At Sea and Birdfight. For more info, go to myspace.com/<br />

meadowflow.<br />



After having spent time in fringe-rock groups Sam<br />

Sarah and Hi Five in recent years, vocalist Jeff<br />

Aymond is optimistic that his current group,<br />

Isabella, is primed and ready to release their debut<br />

album this spring. “We’re aiming to have our record out<br />

by March,” Aymond told ANTIGRAVITY. “We started<br />

tracking it back in mid-October with Chris George<br />

over at The Living<br />

Room, but it’s been<br />

a slow process. We<br />

tend to work very<br />

meticulously on<br />

what we do, so<br />

we’re not finished<br />

with a track until<br />

we’ve got it just<br />

right. Every song<br />

that we’ve been<br />

working on is like<br />

a different chapter<br />

in an overall<br />

story. I hate to<br />

say it, but the<br />

sound is probably<br />

overly dramatic<br />

and maybe a<br />

little depressing.”<br />

Before the record release, Isabella is scheduled for<br />

a tune-up performance with Lafayette’s Pharmacist<br />

Always On Duty and The White Horse Tabernacle at<br />

The Circle Bar. “This will be my first show with those<br />

two bands,” Aymond said, “but I’m looking forward to<br />

the opportunity to finally play alongside them.” —Brett<br />

Schwaner<br />

Isabella plays The Circle Bar on Friday, <strong>January</strong> 9th<br />

with Pharmacist Always On Duty and The White Horse<br />

Tabernacle. For more info on Isabella, go to myspace.com/<br />

isabellatheband.<br />



by leo mcgovern leo@antigravitymagazine.com<br />

Well, as it turns out we should’ve written that obituary to the Saints’ 2008 season<br />

last month after all. Oh, wait a minute—you’re probably wondering what this<br />

is and where Nicholas Simmons is. This is the first column version of Homefield<br />

Advantage, which replaces the former monthly Saints/New Orleans sports column, St. Nick.<br />

The Homefield Advantage sports section is on hiatus until September ’09, when the Saints<br />

play their next meaningful game. It was fun to put the section together for this 2008 football<br />

season, and I have to thank all the great New Orleans sports celebrities who lent me their<br />

time and voices over the past few months, and in no particular order they are: Supa Saint,<br />

Optimus Saint, Hornets color analyst Gerry Vaillancourt and Saints play-by-play announcer<br />

Jim Henderson. Great interviews all, and I can’t think of a better lineup for the first season<br />

of HA. Maybe next year we’ll get some Saints! As for Nicholas Simmons, he’ll be missed but<br />

will always be closer than you think.<br />


The Saints are in a precarious position going into the offseason. Their 2008 record is better<br />

than their ’07 effort, yet it still wasn’t enough to eke into the postseason. If only the Saints<br />

resided in the NFC West, so they could’ve beaten up the 49ers, Seahawks and Rams twice<br />

each, like the Cardinals did (and the Cards still went just 9-7!). Alas, the NFC South turned<br />

out to be the most competitive division in the NFL, where no team lost at home to a division<br />

rival all season (until the Saints lost to Carolina in Week 17) and the woeful-in-’07 Atlanta<br />

Falcons wove some Saints-circa-2006 magic to firmly insert themselves into the playoffs.<br />

So what went wrong, and how does it get fixed for <strong>2009</strong> From my perspective, it all begins<br />

with a focus on two areas—running back and defensive back. Reggie Bush is a great, versatile<br />

player, and had the Saints been able to capitalize on a couple of his game-changing plays on<br />

special teams we’d be planning a playoff party instead of talking about next season (see the<br />

Washington Redskins and Minnesota Vikings games). Part of the problem, however, is Bush’s<br />

(in)ability in the position he was drafted at, namely running back. Even in his third NFL<br />

season, Bush seemed unwilling to display the sort of north/south running that a big time RB<br />

needs to succeed (he finished ’08 with 106 rushes for 404 yards and 2 TDs, averaging a paltry<br />

3.8 yards per rush). Bush led the NFL in receptions early in the season, however, as Saints<br />

coach Sean Payton took advantage of his skills as a pass catcher. Which is fine, until you’re<br />

faced with a 3rd and 1 and can’t convert. The answer—Bush is great as a receiver and a return<br />

guy, but playing him mostly at running back is not getting the most out of him. Allow him to<br />

have the full-time return duties on both punts and kickoffs and play him exclusively as a wide<br />

receiver (he can’t be any more inconsistent than Devery Henderson). Bush being a full-time<br />

receiver opens up the possibility of a solid, between the tackles running game that simply is<br />

not there with him in the backfield. If Bush isn’t okay with that Trade him, plain and simple.<br />

Recoup some draft picks for ’09 (the football gods certainly know we need them, after the<br />

Jeremy Shockey trade) or net a starter on defense.<br />

Now, I’m a Pierre Thomas fan who thinks the little guy gave as much effort as any Saint<br />

did in 2008. But he’s not starter material—Thomas is more like a quicker version of ex-LSU<br />

standout and current New England Patriots third down back Kevin Faulk. And if that’s all<br />

Pierre Thomas is he has a solid NFL career in front of him, but a Brandon Jacobs he’s not,<br />

or an Adrian Peterson, or a DeAngelo Williams, for that matter. The Saints need a fulltime<br />

running back that can take the bulk of the carries while being spelled by Thomas (and<br />

hopefully Deuce McAllister, but we’ll get to that next month). One thing’s for sure, though,<br />

and it’s that the running back we need is not currently on the Saints roster.<br />

The other position the Saints most need to bolster is their defensive backfield. Safeties<br />

Kevin Kaesviharn and Josh Bullocks aren’t worth keeping around, while if Roman Harper<br />

could just hold on to the ball he’d be a playmaker. Injuries certainly took their toll on these<br />

guys, but how much better would the back half of ’08 been for the Saints had Mike McKenzie<br />

and Tracy Porter been healthy McKenzie was solid (but not great) after coming back from<br />

his ’07 knee injury and Porter was a rookie who showed promise in the four-plus games he<br />

played. Plus, as solid a free agent acquisition as he was, Randall Gay showed why he was<br />

rarely a starter for the always-corner-strapped Patriots (just fourteen in four seasons). The<br />

Saints need better play in their pass coverage, and it begins with a new cornerback and a new<br />

safety. McKenzie won’t be back in ’09 and Porter will in effect be playing out his rookie year.<br />

While it would perhaps not be the worst situation if the two starting corners wound up being<br />

Gay and Porter, replacing Bullocks/Kaesviharn at safety is an inarguable priority. You can’t<br />

even blame Jason David for all the big pass plays the Saints gave up because of the brainfarts<br />

our safeties had in coverage.<br />


SPORTS<br />



Saints With Bush (10 Games)<br />

Saints Without Bush (6 Games)<br />

Avg. Offensive yards: 391 Avg. Offensive yards: 444<br />

Avg. Points Per Game: 25.2 Avg. Points Per Game: 35.1<br />

It’s been a long, up and down season. You did your part—you went to the games, cheered<br />

when you had to, believed when every iota of your instinct told you not to. So, as disappointed<br />

as everyone is in an 8-8 team, take a breath and remember that in an NFL where the Miami<br />

Dolphins can go from 1-15 to 11-5, the Atlanta Falcons can come back from a fly-by-night<br />

coach and a star QB being sent to jail and go to the playoffs, and the Arizona Cardinals can<br />

“earn” a home playoff game, the Saints are a new safety and a big running back away from<br />

being legit contenders. Yeah, an even record isn’t what we expected or hoped for, but hey,<br />

at least we’re not fans of the Detroit Lions, right Next month we’ll look at some free agents<br />

that look good for the Saints and react to any changes that may happen with the coaching<br />

staff—until then, take a break, because you’ve earned it.<br />

10_antigravity: your new orleans music and culture alternative


ADVICE<br />


this month’s trusted advisor: patrick strange<br />


When he’s not jet-setting across the country (and abroad!) to interview bands like<br />

Flight of The Concords, The Features or Of Montreal as Managing Editor of<br />

the preeminent music magazine Filter, this former ANTIGRAVITY editor made<br />

good helps head up the New Orleans-based art and literary journal Constance,<br />

makes babies and throws up in Superdome garbage cans. [Note: one of the previous three<br />

examples is false.] We thought it’d be a good idea for this month’s advice-giver to have the<br />

insight of a New Orleanian transplanted to Los Angeles, so who else would we get to give our<br />

brand of strange advice—get it—than one Patrick Strange<br />

Dear AG,<br />

My current boyfriend had a beagle (that was shared with his ex-girlfriend) that absolutely hated my guts<br />

when we met—I couldn’t walk into his apartment without “Doug” pouncing on me, growling and biting at<br />

my ankles. When I would go to his place, my boyfriend would have to lock up Doug because he hated me so<br />

much. I was lucky enough that my boyfriend’s ex took Doug for two years, but now she’s moving away and<br />

can’t take Doug—so guess who’s coming home When I moved in a year ago I never thought Doug would<br />

be an issue again, but even though I know it’ll suck I’d feel horrible if I asked my boyfriend to give away his<br />

dog. Is there a New Orleans version of The Dog Whisperer What should I do<br />

I seriously doubt that New Orleans has a dog whisperer, and even if it did, I equate dog whispering<br />

with fortune telling or dowsing or some other similar hoodoo. Nope, this would best be handled<br />

practically. Beagles are known the world over for their cute countenances and spunky attitudes...<br />

and their incessant howling. Not to mention that “Doug” also belonged to your boyfriend’s<br />

ex, and apparently, the dog hates your guts. My advice: you can’t really ask your boyfriend to<br />

abandon his love child (you’d just look trite and pathetic), but what you can do is either feign a<br />

sudden allergy to all things canine—a simple sneezing and rubbing of the eyes will do—and hope<br />

that your boyfriend gets the hint and gets rid of the dog himself, or do what you probably have<br />

already thought of but have been too timid to give serious consideration...leave the gate open and<br />

let Doug take his chances on a busy street. Besides, who wants to own a dog that has been in the<br />

same room as your current lover when he was giving the dog bone to his ex<br />

Dear AG,<br />

I go to this little coffeeshop all the time to work on my computer or just hang out. Nearly all of the customers<br />

are so regular that we’ve all taken to sitting in the same spot—it’s basically become assigned seating. Anyway,<br />

the guy who always sits directly in front of me has a farting problem—less of a noisy one, way more of an<br />

odoriferous one. I can smell it over my coffee! I’ve tried making a “pee-yew” noise to cue him into it, and<br />

given him a blatant “who farted” face when he’s turned around, but the guy continues to rip one at least<br />

twice in a three-hour span. Besides wearing a breathing mask at the coffeeshop, what can I do about it<br />

Um, really The fact that you have taken the time to write for advice on such an obviously simple<br />

problem gives me pause. But if you must, my advice is this. The next time Mr. Loose Butt sits in<br />

front of you and takes liberty with his ass, stand up, walk over to him, and in the most innocently<br />

polite voice, say, “I’m sorry sir, but you seem to have forgotten that not only do your farts stink,<br />

but that other people can smell them. I’d appreciate it if, in the future, you would kindly excuse<br />

yourself outside instead of flagellating all over my fresh brew. And if you can’t do that, change<br />

your diet or cut down on the caffeine...you disgusting, vile little twit.”<br />

Dear AG,<br />

The release of Chinese Democracy has re-released my inner Guns ‘N Roses fanboy. I recently dropped all of<br />

GNR’s older (and better!) albums onto my iPod and for weeks now I’ve just had them all on shuffle while<br />

in the car. My problem is I hate getting caught singing along, especially to lame, cliche Axl Rose lyrics like,<br />

“We take for granted we know the whole story / We judge a book by its cover / And read what we want /<br />

Between selected lines,” (from “Don’t Damn Me”) or anything from “Don’t Cry.” I was at a stop light the<br />

other day and actually saw someone in the car next to me pointing and laughing. Should I be worried about<br />

my taste in music<br />

As an editor at a music magazine, I know above all else that one’s taste in music is about 99<br />

percent subjective. Does your taste in music pale to those of others Probably. Should it stop you<br />

from jamming out to cat-squealing vocals above meandering, laughable guitar solos and cookie<br />

cutter cymbal crashes Absolutely not. As long as you’re listening to things like Chinese Democracy<br />

and “Don’t Cry,” you should get used to strangers heckling you and pointing their fingers. Hell,<br />

even I danced slow with my first girlfriend to GNR ballads and considered “Don’t Cry” God’s<br />

gift to makeout in the 5th grade, but if I was listening to it now, I’d be sure to do it behind closed<br />

doors. Just roll up your car windows, or stop paying attention to other drivers and focus on the<br />

road. (P.S. Chinese Democracy might be the most idiotic album title ever.)<br />

Dear AG,<br />

Recently my boss has started lecturing me on what to do with my life, which is weird because not even my<br />

parents do that. How can I tell him to fuck off without losing my job<br />

This may be the perfect opportunity for you to both better your life and get your nosey boss off<br />

your back. The next time he tries to give you advice, wait until the conversation inevitably leads<br />

to taking time for yourself and enjoying the better things in life. When that happens, ask him if<br />

he knows of anyone who could possibly help you advance your career or discover ways for you<br />

to increase your bank account and therefore give you the money to take exciting vacations and<br />

visit fancy desert spas. Unless your boss is a total dimwit, he will take the hint and realize that<br />

the more he asks questions, the more he has to lose. And if he doesn’t, just kick him in the groin.<br />

You shouldn’t be working for him anyway.<br />



by nancy kang, m.d. nancy@antigravitymagazine.com<br />



You haven’t been reading these columns! Or, if you have you did not follow my advice.<br />

You haven’t started training for the Mardi Gras Marathon; you are deaf from neglecting<br />

your eardrums (I saw you stumble out of the Saturn Bar without earplugs); you are feeling<br />

blue because you finally got dumped for bringing home so many sexually transmitted infections.<br />

And now you are feeling sick, so you come crawling back to this column for bona fide medical<br />

advice. Hah. Since I selflessly serve you, the New Orleans music-making, music-appreciating<br />

public, I concede. Let’s talk about the flu. You are more tired than usual, feverish. Your throat is<br />

dry, scratchy. You ache in muscles that you haven’t used since Physical Education class back at<br />

W.A.R. Junior High. Could you have the flu<br />


Influenza (the flu) is a contagious respiratory illness caused by a virus. Every year in the United<br />

States, up to 20% of the population gets the flu; more than 200,000 people are hospitalized from<br />

flu complications and about 36,000 people DIE from it. Some people, such as older people, young<br />

children and those with certain health conditions, like asthma or diabetes, are at high risk for<br />

serious complications such as pneumonia.<br />


Influenza usually starts suddenly and may include the following symptoms: fever (usually high),<br />

headache, tiredness (can be extreme), cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose and/or body aches.<br />

Even if you have some of these symptoms, you may not have genuine influenza. Many different<br />

illnesses, including the common cold, have similar symptoms.<br />


The flu and the common cold are both respiratory illnesses but they are caused by different viruses.<br />

Because flu and common cold have similar symptoms, it can be difficult to tell the differences<br />

between them. In general, the flu is worse than the common cold, and symptoms such as fever are<br />

more intense. Colds are usually milder. People with colds are more likely to have a runny nose.<br />

Colds generally do not result in serious health problems, such as pneumonia or hospitalizations.<br />


The flu spreads from person to person in droplets of spit or snot when people who are infected<br />

cough or sneeze. People occasionally become infected by touching something with influenza virus<br />

on it and then touching their mouth, nose or eyes. Healthy adults can infect others 1 day before<br />

getting symptoms and up to 5 days after getting sick. You can give someone the flu before you<br />

know you are sick as well as while you are sick.<br />


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says “Take 3” steps to fight the flu! Step 1: Get a<br />

flu vaccine. A yearly flu vaccine is the first and most important step in prevention. The more people<br />

that get the flu shot, the better. Our community can avoid a serious outbreak; this is known as herd<br />

immunity (mooo). The flu vaccine protects against the three main flu strains, the strains most likely<br />

to cause illness that year. The vaccine can protect you from these three viruses or it can make your<br />

illness milder if you get a different flu virus. Fear of needles is no longer an excuse. There is now<br />

a needle-less flu vaccine that you spray up your nose called FluMist®. Step 2: Use common sense<br />

prevention everyday. Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw<br />

away the tissue after you use it. Wash your hands often, especially after you cough or sneeze. Try<br />

to avoid close contact with sick people. Step 3: Take antiviral flu medicines if recommended by<br />

your doctor. If you do get the flu, there are antiviral prescription medicines that stop flu viruses<br />

from reproducing in your body. These medicines can make your illness milder and make you feel<br />

better faster. They work best if started soon after getting sick (within two days of symptoms). These<br />

prescription medicines have names like Tamiflu® or Relenza®, among others.<br />


Stay home, get lots of rest and drink plenty of liquids. There are over-the-counter medications to<br />

relieve the symptoms of the flu. Remember that serious illness from the flu is more likely in certain<br />

groups of people including older people, pregnant women, people with certain chronic medical<br />

conditions and young children. Consult your doctor early on for the best treatment, but be aware<br />

of emergency warning signs that require urgent medical attention.<br />

In adults, emergency warning signs that need urgent medical attention include difficulty<br />

breathing or shortness of breath, pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen, sudden dizziness,<br />

confusion and/or severe or persistent vomiting. If you experience these symptoms, seek medical<br />

care immediately.<br />

Happy Flu Year! Make some easy New Year’s Resolutions: get a flu shot, use a tissue, wash your<br />

hands and stay healthy.<br />

Got health questions Email nancy@antigravitymagazine.com<br />

Remember Dr. Feelgood’s column from December<br />

Are you guys exercising Meet us at The Circle Bar at 10pm Sunday, February 1st for an Exercise Dance Party<br />

with Glorybee and other local entertainers. After that morning’s Mardi Gras Marathon, Half-Marathon and<br />

5K, wear your medal to get in free. Come enjoy a variety of delicious refreshments-on-a-stick. Come hang out<br />

with me!<br />

This column serves the public health interest of New Orleans’ music community and is not meant as medical<br />

advice. For medical treatment or counseling, seek care from a medical professional.<br />

12_antigravity: your new orleans music and culture alternative


by miss malaprop mallory@antigravitymagazine.com<br />




Textile artist Christine Wright has thrilled fans both locally and around the world<br />

with her one-of-a-kind recycled clothing creations. The feedback section of her Etsy<br />

shop, avantegarb.etsy.com, is filled with rave reviews from customers, many of<br />

whom can’t stop coming back for more of Christine’s quirky, reworked vintage designs. I<br />

caught up with Christine to find out more about where she gets her inspiration and finds all<br />

of those funky vintage fabrics.<br />

How did you get started as a clothing artist<br />

Technically I am a self-taught re-designer and have honed my craft by trial and error for<br />

years, but I learned to sew in the 4-H when I was ten years old. I grew up with a crafty<br />

family in the middle of farming country in Michigan. My older sister is a great painter, my<br />

younger sister makes sculptures, my mother has done just about every craft there is. We<br />

had a kiln and two throwing wheels in our barn. My Mom used to own a little shop where<br />

she sold her pottery, macramé, and weaving projects along with other artists she would<br />

consign. She even made us clothes, much to my chagrin at the time. So I have always<br />

done lots of different forms of art, and I guess sewing and “re-threading” grew out of my<br />

adoration for unique and funky clothes.<br />

I had been coming to New Orleans for years, visiting my sister (usually around Mardi<br />

Gras) and I just fell in love with the freedom of style and fashion down here! The Midwest<br />

is way more conservative, so it is hard to get away with different styles, though I always<br />

tried to incorporate them into my wardrobe regardless. I decided to try and make a business<br />

of selling my craft after Katrina; moving here permanently into the heart of New Orleans<br />

sealed a new profession for me.<br />

What inspires your work<br />

I am totally inspired by just living in New<br />

Orleans. Costuming is paramount in my<br />

love of oddities in garb, and there are so<br />

many occasions where I glean inspiration<br />

by just keeping an eye open. I am crazy<br />

about color, so vintage fabrics and<br />

clothing have great potential and I use it<br />

with abandon to create new designs. Also,<br />

making “green” clothing in this consumerdriven<br />

society makes me feel like I am<br />

doing my part, though small, to keep our<br />

waste down and our planet healthy.<br />

What’s your favorite thing that you’ve<br />

ever made<br />

My favorite design is an outfit I made for<br />

the Worn Again, Recycle for the Arts fashion show. I called it “Queen Fleur De Lis.” It was<br />

made from 100% recycled fabrics and clothing and made a great costume for waltzing down<br />

the runway. It took me approximately fifty hours to design and create from conception to<br />

finishing, but every minute was worth it!<br />

What do you do when you’re not creating<br />

I love spending time with my dog Sabine, or as I call her, Beans, and taking long walks on<br />

the levee and through the streets. I also enjoy dancing, riding my bike, hanging with friends<br />

and family, and of course seeking out new raw materials to create with in thrift stores or<br />

yard sales. The finding is half the fun!<br />

Where are your favorite places to shop in New Orleans<br />

I really like Glue (a resale store on Oak Street), which is in my neighborhood. I often trade<br />

clothes with Jeff, the owner, recycling items that I find no inspiration in with ones I do. Of<br />

course, there is also the Red White and Blue, Salvation Army, and St Vincent’s, which offer<br />

me great items as well.<br />

How does living in New Orleans influence your designs<br />

I am so influenced by many souls here, from costuming to everyday wear. Innately spawned<br />

with an off-the-wall fashion sense, I absolutely appreciate the free flowing creativity of so<br />

many folks here, not just in costuming but in every day wear as well. It has inspired me to<br />

go with my urges to combine funky patterns and colors and still make pieces that are viable<br />

and completely market worthy.<br />

Any advice for aspiring designers<br />

Make what you love—it really shows in the end product. If I tried to make business suits,<br />

they would be all wrong. The love of your craft is what makes your creation unique, no<br />

matter what it is you make.<br />

Where can people find your work locally<br />

I currently sell my works at a French Quarter store called the Lost and Found, located at<br />

323 Chartres Street. I also sell locally at the Freret Market (on the first Saturday of every<br />

month) and the Broad Street Market (the last Saturday of every month). I am working on<br />

getting into some new markets, perhaps the Bywater and even the French Market would<br />

be fun to try.<br />


FACE<br />

FIRST<br />



PHOTOS BY DAN FOX (PGS 14 & 15)<br />

AND SARAH MOLEA (16 & 17)<br />

Ten years ago, something incredibly<br />

loud and violent reared its ugly<br />

head in New Orleans. Before<br />

Haarp, before Thou, before A<br />

Hanging, before We Need to Talk, Toxic<br />

Rott, and Hellkontroll, before the era of<br />

Hello Asphalt, Antarctica vs. the World, and<br />

The Ghostwood, before you were punk and<br />

probably before you discovered the meaning<br />

of “real metal,” Face First was raising Hell in<br />

the Crescent City.<br />

14_antigravity: your new orleans music and culture alternative


MUSIC<br />

Late in the summer of 2005, The Dixie Taverne (on Canal Street and<br />

Jefferson Davis) was still the city’s most beloved hole-in-the-wall punk and<br />

metal bar—beloved mostly by those who didn’t mind wading through pools<br />

of broken glass and raw sewage to experience some of the city’s best and<br />

loudest rock music. Standing on the corner that night in early August was<br />

really the only way to experience Face First, not that a short distance from<br />

the stage mattered—they probably could have been heard loud and clear for<br />

blocks away. The overflow that crowded onto the sidewalk told the story,<br />

as a beyond-capacity crowd sent waves of humidity through the Taverne’s<br />

doors and Face First’s set paved the way for the legendary hardcore artists<br />

Poison Idea. That balmy summer night was the last time I saw Face First for<br />

over three years.<br />

Throughout their ten-year history, Face First has endured a number of<br />

controversies, breakups and changes in both lineup and style. While the<br />

band’s sound has always been in a constant state of evolution, drifting from<br />

the realm of artists like Bad Religion and Black Flag in their early days to a<br />

decidedly more “metal” sound by 2005, the one constant of Face First has<br />

always been that nothing remains constant.<br />

In December, ANTIGRAVITY had the opportunity to sit in on a practice<br />

session with the recently-reformed lineup of Face First, which features<br />

original vocalist Bobby Last and returning longtime drummer Mark Anteé,<br />

along with former Antarctica vs. The World guitarist Kevin Dredge and<br />

bassist Bobby Bergeron, publisher of the long-running underground metal<br />

’zine Paranoize. After watching the group rip through a blistering mini-set of<br />

three songs in four-and-a-half minutes, there was little doubt that this Face<br />

First is faster, louder, more punk-sounding than they’d ever been in the past<br />

and more than ready to mark their debut at One Eyed Jacks on <strong>January</strong> 9th,<br />

alongside Outlaw Order and Evil Army. ANTIGRAVITY got the inside<br />

scoop from the current members of Face First on what looks to be one hell<br />

of a comeback…<br />

It’s been awhile since anyone in NOLA has seen or heard from Face First. What’s<br />

new and what should we expect<br />

Bobby Last: Kevin and Bobby are new, for sure. We’re playing a lot of old songs right<br />

now and we’ve got a few new songs. I figure that we’ll work on writing new songs<br />

until we can work all of our older songs out of the set list. Overall, I’d really say that<br />

everything sounds ten times better than it ever has before in the past.<br />

Kevin Dredge: I think that it sounds more so like “old Face First” than what the band<br />

sounded like back in 2005. That incarnation of Face First, to me, had this weird sound<br />

that was tuned down really low and more metal than anything else.<br />

For people who may have missed out on your early years, back in 1998-2000, how<br />

does that compare to where Face First is now<br />

Mark Anteé: We like to stick to our punk rock roots. We probably sound more punk<br />

now than we did way back when.<br />

BL: It was definitely more of an old-school sound, in the vain of Poison Idea or old<br />

GBH. Mark’s into a lot of older hardcore bands, so having someone in the band that’s<br />

into music like that helps to set the tone of our songs now. To have people in the<br />

band who have varying music tastes really helps out because when I come up with<br />

something, they’ll call me out on it and tell me that it sounds too much like something<br />

else. Usually, I’ve never heard whatever it is they’re accusing me of sounding like, but<br />

it really helps to keep everything sounding original. I think that Face First now sounds<br />

more like a crossover band. Not necessarily a metal band, but more of a punk/thrash<br />

band. When I think of punk rock, I think of stuff like [Black Flag’s] The First Four<br />

Years and [The Descendents’] Milo Goes to College. But when I think of thrash, I think<br />

of stuff like D.R.I., Poison Idea, and Venom.<br />

Since it’s been so long since your last show, can you give us a timeline on what’s<br />

gone on with Face First since those last shows in 2005<br />

BL: We had a new drummer back in 2005, we were getting our stuff together, and then<br />

the storm came and everyone in the band went somewhere different. Our drummer<br />

went to Dallas, our bass player and guitarist went to Opelousas, and I stayed here.<br />

The band went on hiatus for about six months before starting to practice again in<br />

2006. Our last show was in early 2007 at Banks Street Bar and Grill.<br />

Bobby Bergeron: Back in 2005, I was just working on putting out Paranoize and booking<br />

shows at the Dixie Taverne. Paranoize started in 1989 as a ’zine called Thrashcore. I<br />



MUSIC<br />

didn’t like the name, so it changed to Paranoize around<br />

1992. Back then, some of the local bands that I was<br />

writing about were Catch 22, Incubus, Exhorder…<br />

Shellshock had broken up just before the first issue came<br />

out. Soilent Green had just started. I was playing guitar<br />

in a thrash band called SIK, which lasted until about<br />

1992. That was the last time I played in a band before I<br />

joined Face First.<br />

BL: I drug him out of retirement.<br />

MA: I was living in Lakeview on Catina Street when the<br />

storm hit. I came back and the house was a gone pecan.<br />

I lost everything I had except for my drums, and that’s<br />

only because they were up in our practice space.<br />

KD: The first band I was ever in was Antarctica vs. the<br />

World. I played in that band<br />

for six years. I played in The<br />

Picts for four years and then<br />

Katrina killed The Picts.<br />

After that, I played in Dead<br />

On, which was a reformation<br />

of The Picts that only lasted<br />

for three shows. We had ten<br />

songs and never did any<br />

recordings, so that band<br />

never really went anywhere.<br />

During Katrina, I stayed in<br />

town in the French Quarter<br />

and eventually went to<br />

Shreveport and then Houston.<br />

I came back to New Orleans<br />

on October 2nd, 2005. I was<br />

the first person to return<br />

from of either of my bands<br />

at the time. I went back to<br />

the house in Lakeview where<br />

we practiced to find all of<br />

our equipment completely<br />

destroyed. There was still<br />

standing water in the house.<br />

Soon after that, we got<br />

in touch with a couple of<br />

different guitar and amplifier<br />

companies who ended up<br />

endorsing us and replacing<br />

all of our equipment. Monson<br />

Guitars and Madison<br />

Amplifiers really helped us<br />

out because we didn’t have<br />

shit at the time.<br />

Was there ever a point<br />

where you thought that<br />

Katrina, having destroyed<br />

so many bands’ equipment<br />

and also having destroyed<br />

The Dixie Taverne, was the end of the city’s punk and<br />

metal scene<br />

BB: I never thought that Katrina was the end of it. I knew<br />

that we wouldn’t let it be. Everyone knew that it would<br />

come back. One of my favorite bands at the time, Rat In<br />

a Bucket, split up because of Katrina. Two other bands<br />

broke up around that time and some of their members<br />

got together and started jamming, and that’s how Haarp<br />

came about.<br />

KD: Since Dixie Taverne is gone, there is no “home base”<br />

for punk and metal in this city and it really is absolutely<br />

fucking horrible. I’m serious. Dixie Taverne really was<br />

our home base and now that it’s gone, we’re all just kind<br />

of scattered around at whatever venues will have us. I<br />

don’t know if there ever will be another Dixie.<br />

BL: I don’t know about that, junior. People used to say<br />

that there would never be another Monaco Bob’s. Or<br />

another Fauborg Center. Or another Abstract Café. Or<br />

another Jimmy’s. That was the “old days” for me. Dixie<br />

Taverne may be gone, but there’s always somewhere else<br />

that comes around.<br />

After all of that, how did this line-up of Face First<br />

begin to come together<br />

MA: Me and Bobby started playing together first.<br />

BL: And then I rescued Bobby Bergeron and we found<br />

our bass guitarist.<br />

BB: [Laughs] I was working on my lunch break one day<br />

and I’d locked my keys in my car. I called Pop-A-Lock,<br />

which Bobby [Last] was working for. He asked me if I<br />

knew any bass players who played fast music. And that<br />

was it. I was in Face First. I didn’t think that he’d really<br />

let me in the band at first because I hadn’t played in a<br />

band since ’92 or ’93. I was definitely a little rusty.<br />

BL: I wanted to be in a band with people I could be<br />

friends with and relate to. I never wanted to be in a band<br />

with people who were “all-business, all the time” with<br />

the band.<br />

“I never thought that Katrina was<br />

the end [of the local punk and metal<br />

scene]. I knew we wouldn’t let it be.”<br />

KD: I got into the band because I ran into both of the<br />

Bobbys at a Hawg Jaw show at Checkpoint Charlie’s. At<br />

the time, I had no intention to play in a band. At the time,<br />

Dead On had just broken up and being in a band wasn’t<br />

even something that I was thinking about. We had a really<br />

short conversation, I met up with them at band practice and<br />

that was it. Bobby knew me from my time in The Picts,<br />

really from as far back as the time I started playing in that<br />

band. At first, I wasn’t sure what to think about [joining<br />

Face First]. I wasn’t sure if it was going to work out. But<br />

after the first practice, I knew that it would work out.<br />

MA: When I left the band the first time, I always knew<br />

I would eventually come back. I told Bobby when I quit<br />

that we’d always play music together, whether it’s in<br />

Face First, something else or whatever.<br />

BL: Asking Mark to be in the band again was a given for<br />

me when things went awry with the old lineup. It worked<br />

out really well because Mark had already been in the<br />

band for a few years before.<br />

Face First spent most of 2008 practicing, but with no<br />

shows until now. What took so long<br />

BL: The reason that it’s taken so long is because it has to<br />

be done right.<br />

KD: We don’t want anything to be half-assed. We didn’t<br />

want to play any shows until we were absolutely ready.<br />

MA: We finally decided to do the show in <strong>January</strong><br />

because Gary from Outlaw Order came to us and we<br />

couldn’t pass up the offer. We’re also going to be playing<br />

with Evil Army and those guys are great. We weren’t<br />

going to pass up the chance to play with them. It’s going<br />

to be loud and fast. That’s the main thing people should<br />

look forward to.<br />

BL: I think that we’re ready to play now. I’d like to have<br />

a few more new songs, but I think the time is right.<br />

Face First’s reputation has always been as a “hardcore”<br />

band. Early hardcore bands in the 1980s were influenced<br />

by the social and political<br />

conflicts of that era. Where<br />

does a hardcore band in draw<br />

influence from in <strong>2009</strong><br />

MA: It was cool to hate Ronald<br />

Reagan back then, right Listening<br />

to 80’s hardcore, it sounds like all<br />

these guys got together and said,<br />

“Okay, it’s cool to hate Reagan.<br />

Okay, cool. Let’s start a band.”<br />

We’re not too political. That’s<br />

not us.<br />

BL: I write songs about personal<br />

things that happen to me. I try to<br />

draw from personal experiences.<br />

Every now and then, I’ll write<br />

a song about something that’s<br />

in the news, but it’s never with<br />

politics in mind.<br />

Most of your songs still clock<br />

in under two minutes, which<br />

is pretty standard for an oldschool<br />

hardcore band. How does<br />

Face First generally approach<br />

songwriting<br />

BL: We’re trying not to just stand<br />

around and write the hardest shit<br />

we can think of. I think there are<br />

lots of bands that are just trying<br />

to impress each other. That’s<br />

not us. That’s not what we’re<br />

into. I want to write songs that<br />

have groove and that have some<br />

substance to them. I want to<br />

write songs that people will listen<br />

to and remember. I’m not here<br />

to write some Dillinger Escape<br />

Plan-inspired bullshit that you’ll<br />

just listen to and forget because it<br />

has empty meaning.<br />

KD: I get so bored with bands that write songs that are<br />

so overboard and have a million different parts to them.<br />

I think that musicians can sometimes forget the value of<br />

simplicity. I think that some bands just get so involved<br />

with the technical side of what they’re playing and they<br />

just assume that everyone should be amazed by it. To<br />

me, it’s just boring.<br />

BL: Look, I respect the technical aspects of songwriting, I<br />

do. But if the whole song is nothing but a big mathematical<br />

equation, that’s almost like overdoing it.<br />

KD: I will say that Face First is the most technical band<br />

I’ve ever been in. I’ve never played music like this, ever.<br />

When I was in Antarctica vs. The World and The Picts,<br />

everything we did was just “verse, chorus, verse, chorus,<br />

end.” Face First has more changeups than any band I’ve<br />

ever played with—and I think it’s taken me awhile to get<br />

used to that. I do think that there are some local bands that<br />

are incredibly effective at what they do without getting<br />

wrapped up in the technical side of things. A Hanging, I<br />

think, is one of the best local bands to come out in a long<br />

time. They just get out there and do what they do. It’s<br />

hard as fuck and there’s no bullshit pretense to it.<br />

BL: When I was a kid and I first started going to shows, at<br />

every show it seemed like there was a singer who would<br />

16_antigravity: your new orleans music and culture alternative


get up on stage and tell the crowd, “This song is about this,<br />

and this is the meaning of it, and blah, blah, blah.” And<br />

they’d do this between every song. There was no flow to<br />

their set because they’d waste half their time running their<br />

mouths between songs. That’s not something I’m here to<br />

do.<br />

KD: Personally, I’m not there to talk to anyone. I’m<br />

going out there to fucking annihilate and mop the floor.<br />

BL: We play our songs in sets of three, uninterrupted,<br />

because it eliminates all the unnecessary dead time<br />

inbetween. We keep our sets at thirty minutes. I like to<br />

cater to people’s short attention spans.<br />

MA: Unless you’re Iron Maiden and you’ve got<br />

three epic guitar players. People love that shit. [Anteé<br />

drifts off into a prolonged Iron Maiden-inspired air guitar<br />

session.]<br />

“People used to say there<br />

would never be another<br />

Monaco Bob’s. Or another<br />

Fauborg Center. Or another<br />

Abstract Café. Or another<br />

Jimmy’s. Dixie Taverne may<br />

be gone, but there’s always<br />

somewhere else that comes<br />

around. “<br />

BL: I’m just looking to keep playing good shows and<br />

writing good songs, man. I’ve been doing this for ten<br />

years now. If people look back on it and say that I wrote<br />

some good songs or if people still have our records twenty<br />

years from now, that’ll be enough for me.<br />

After your debut in <strong>January</strong>, what’s in store for Face<br />

First throughout the rest of <strong>2009</strong><br />

MA: It’ll probably be awhile before we record any new<br />

material.<br />

BL: We really don’t want to rehash the same old thing<br />

over again. I want to have a set of at least thirty minutes<br />

worth of all-new songs before we record again. I don’t<br />

want to record anything with our new lineup until we’re<br />

all ready to go into the studio and record something that<br />

each of us will be proud of. We’re going to try to play<br />

at least one local show per month and then some short<br />

weekend tours over the summer.<br />

In the early days, you guys sometimes had kind of a<br />

rough reputation. Is there any truth to that What’s the<br />

most fucked up thing that’s ever happened at a Face<br />

First show<br />

MA: [Laughs] It’s usually not at the shows when the<br />

fucked up shit happens. It’s usually afterwards or between<br />

shows.<br />

BL: This is as “rough” as it usually gets for Face First:<br />

I remember this one time, we were out on tour in<br />

Spartanburg, North Carolina, and I got hit in the nuts<br />

with a football, denied water by a sound guy, and stung<br />

by bees, all within thirty seconds. It sucked at the time,<br />

but it’s funny to look back on now. It’s the terrible times<br />

in life that really define who we are.<br />

Face First plays One Eyed Jacks at 10pm on Friday, <strong>January</strong><br />

9th with Outlaw Order and Evil Army. For more info on<br />

Face First, go to myspace.com/facefirstignorantassholes.<br />







by dan fox; photo by gary loverde<br />

Fans of Eyehategod are<br />

going to have to think a<br />

little harder on this one.<br />

Though composed largely of<br />

members of that permanent resin stain on NOLA’s music<br />

history, including singer Mike Williams, guitarist Brian<br />

Patton and the supremely unique drummer Joey LaCaze,<br />

Outlaw Order is officially a different animal—a predator, to<br />

be more specific. Lurking in the shadows these past several<br />

years, due in part to the myriad other bands the members are<br />

involved in, Outlaw Order is ready to pounce with their first<br />

full-length release. Dragging Down the Enforcer starts literally<br />

with a declaration of war, and that could partially be on the<br />

people expecting more of the same. The first thing to wake you<br />

from the substance-aided nod you think you’re about to go on<br />

is the crisp, hi-definition sound of the production, something<br />

hinted at in the CD’s packaging: a tin case with full color,<br />

raised artwork. It takes a little getting used to; the guitars cut<br />

through sharply as do the drums, which doesn’t necessarily<br />

lend itself to Outlaw Order’s kind of music, but this is easily<br />

rectified by playing the album on a cheap stereo; taken down<br />

a notch, the sound gets a lot meaner. More surprising than<br />

the quality of the recording, however, is the speed and scope<br />

of each song; rather than droning on and on, Dragging is a<br />

full-on sprint of intricate guitar riffs, winding song structures<br />

and even a few guitar leads. ANTIGRAVITY talked with<br />

guitarist Gary Mader about Dragging Down the Enforcer, some<br />

of its riddles and how to hash out where one band ends and<br />

another begins. Siamese twins, they are not.<br />

Can you shed some light on the intro to Dragging Down the<br />

Enforcer Who is that talking<br />

The dialogue is taken from a documentary on The Weather<br />

Underground. Joey [LaCaze] found it and thought it would<br />

set the tone right for the album; it comes across like an<br />

underclass uprising preface. Mike came up with “Dragging<br />

Down the Enforcer” years before and that monologue seemed<br />

to belong on the beginning of a record by that name.<br />

Outlaw Order has more of a violent streak in it than<br />

Eyehategod, which is more about drugs and sickness,<br />

more personal things rather than aggressive. Is there any<br />

particular reason for that<br />

Yeah, we wanted there to be a different vibe about this band.<br />

We were all anticipating the Eyehategod comparisons, so we<br />

figured let’s start by leaving the drug and sickness with EHG.<br />

We wanted to develop an identity with this band that was<br />

distinctly its own. We threw around some band names, Mike<br />

came up with Outlaw Order, and we expanded on the crime/<br />

degeneracy theme. The violence/aggression comes across<br />

in the music structurally and that was because in this band<br />

we wanted to make it sound as fed up and in your face as<br />

possible. Not that that wasn’t conveyed in EHG as well, but<br />

done with a different interpretation in Outlaw Order.<br />

Can you tell us a little bit about the recording process This<br />

album sounds a lot more polished than EHG fans might<br />

expect.<br />

Part of our separating this band from Eyehategod was the<br />

way this was recorded. You might find about two seconds of<br />

feedback—literally—and we did strive to make the production<br />

cleaner, yet still thick and raw. We didn’t do anything different<br />

to record; it’s how we mixed it that makes it different.<br />

Also, the packaging is deluxe; is that something that came<br />

from the label What do you all think about it<br />

Yeah, the label hooked that up for us. They wanted this<br />

release to have some kind of cool packaging for the first press<br />

of the CD. We were more than grateful.<br />

On that same tip, D.B.S.E., for the clueless, means what,<br />

exactly<br />

It means double barrel solves everything; a lot of our fans use<br />

it, kind of like F.T.W.<br />

Can Outlaw Order and EHG coexist at the same time, or<br />

does one have to take the other over<br />

Both can coexist. We’ve all put a lot of heart into both bands,<br />

so to do one or the other is not an option. We feel like even<br />

though we share four out of five members [Jimmy Bower,<br />

EHG’s guitarist, is not in Outlaw Order], these bands are so<br />

different that it doesn’t seem necessary that it be that way.<br />

Everybody jokes about this being “Eyehatejimmy” and<br />

we’ve even heard stupid shit like we’re trying to be the new<br />

Eyehategod, but it’s nothing like that. We treat Outlaw Order<br />

like Soilent Green, Hawg Jaw or Crowbar; we have about nine<br />

months to tour in a year, so we just coordinate our schedules<br />

so that everyone has a chance to get on the road and write. It<br />

can be tedious, but it’s not impossible. For almost half of next<br />

year, we will be out touring for the Outlaw Order record, and<br />

Jimmy is going to be out with Down. We get together with<br />

Eyehategod here and there now, but once we get a break, we<br />

are all set on finishing a new Eyehategod record.<br />

What else is in the near future for Outlaw Order<br />

We are doing our CD release party at One Eyed Jack’s here<br />

in New Orleans. After that, we are doing some shows in<br />

Texas and a few other regional shows in the early part of the<br />

year. We’ll also be part of a documentary on bands within<br />

our genre called Slow Southern Steel, a project headed by CT<br />

of Rwake. In late March/early April, we are doing the first<br />

set of shows in support of our new record, doing shows in the<br />

Midwest and down the East Coast. At the end of April we are<br />

doing a week with Anal Cunt and Strong Intention. For May,<br />

there is talk of us doing the Murderfest in L.A., and in June<br />

we head to France for the Hellfest Open Air Fest, where we’ll<br />

be sharing the stage with Voivod and Sacred Reich.<br />

Outlaw Order officially releases Dragging Down the Enforcer<br />

at One Eyed Jacks on Friday, <strong>January</strong> 9th. For more info on<br />

Outlaw Order, go to myspace.com/outlaworder.<br />

“Everybody jokes about this being ‘Eyehatejimmy,’ but it’s nothing like that.”<br />

18_antigravity: your new orleans music and culture alternative








David Byrne and Brian Eno<br />

need not do anything more;<br />

both artists have had such an<br />

impact on popular music over the past four decades that<br />

countless generations to come will undoubtedly reap what<br />

they have sown. So think of this new album, their second<br />

proper collaboration after 1981’s My Life in the Bush of Ghosts,<br />

as a little gift for all of us music enthusiasts out there. While<br />

Everything sounds nothing like its predecessor, it does bear<br />

the marks of classic Eno production we know and love: his<br />

“inhuman piano,” “snout keyboard” and “virtual guitar”<br />

all surface. But perhaps the most recognizable difference<br />

between the two albums is David Byrne’s singing, his most<br />

sincere and confident to date. Byrne writes in the liner notes<br />

that he had recently finished reading Dave Eggers’ new book<br />

What is The What, which he describes as being “harrowing<br />

but also beautiful, uplifting, and at times even funny.” This<br />

description is also appropriate in describing Byrne’s own<br />

lyrical approach. With lines like “Ev’rybody says that the<br />

living is easy / I can barely see ‘cause my head’s in the way<br />

/ Tigers walk behind me—they are to remind me / That I’m<br />

lost—but I’m not afraid,” it’s hard to argue otherwise. These<br />

two men, with the help of a cast of friends including Robert<br />

Wyatt, Steve Jones, Leo Abrahams and Phil Manzenera,<br />

have made yet another classic record and quite possibly<br />

the least polarizing work in either of their deep catalogs.<br />

It is both celebratory and meditative, much like life itself.<br />

Let’s let Eno and Byrne do the talking from here on out…<br />

“Life is Long” (hopefully) and full of “Strange Overtones,”<br />

“Home” is the place where “there is nothing to hide;” “Poor<br />

Boy,” ride “The River,” where Everything That Happens Will<br />

Happen Today. —Dan Mitchell<br />


PHONE<br />


(SAY, I SAY)<br />

DJMC Microphone is New<br />

Orleans’ own Ghettotech<br />

extraordinaire, a twenty-five-yearold<br />

multi-instrumentalist whose<br />

debut release, Greatest Hits Vol. 9,<br />

hit the stores in time for holiday season. Already active on the<br />

local scene as the bassist for the rock outfit Snuff Sugar, which<br />

features his brother Alex Price on guitar and Dustin DiSalvo<br />

on drums, DJMC Microphone is a busy man these days. If<br />

there is one word to describe his new album and him as a<br />

person, it is “irreverence.” But in a day and age when hip-hop<br />

seems to be moving towards homogenization—when even<br />

the self-proclaimed “voice of this generation, of this decade”<br />

is now rocking the Vocoder almost exclusively on his newest<br />

effort (y’all know who I’m talking about)—this flippancy spins<br />

like a breath of fresh air. Not so much because the music exists<br />

in uncharted territory, but because this is the type of DIY fuckoff<br />

the genre needs right now. When was the last time you<br />

heard a sample of a 9/11 news report juxtaposed with a snippet<br />

from a one thousand-person Japanese warehouse gangbang<br />

Some may call this disrespectful or even unpatriotic, but I<br />

can assure that he couldn’t care less, as evidenced on “Turn<br />

Me On Deadman.” Musically, Microphone exhibits a wide<br />

range of influences: compressed percussion via Aphex Twin<br />

surfaces as regularly as New Orleans Bounce and UGK-esque<br />

sizzurp, while on “Gibberish Toon” he nods Daptone soul<br />

and “Cuttin’ It For Real” industrializes an otherwise poppy<br />

fuzz-key line. When paying mind to his lyrics, it is imperative<br />

to note that he considers himself a member of the “purple<br />

race” and therefore above common prejudices associated with<br />

everyday racism: “The third eye sees what it’s like and it’s not<br />

what’s likely.” No matter what you may take from this album,<br />

DJMC Microphone is out there hustlin’ his steez and it seems<br />

unlikely that this man and the crew of Say, I Say Productions<br />

are going anywhere but up from here. —Dan Mitchell<br />



(GEFFEN)<br />

There’s absolutely no way that<br />

the album Chinese Democracy<br />

could have stood up to the myth<br />

of Chinese Democracy. Over a<br />

decade in the making and plagued<br />

with rumors, out of control<br />

budgets and ever-shifting lineups, the record’s reception had<br />

virtually been set in stone before its actual release. So now<br />

that I have the album in hand, have given it a few listens and<br />

scraped away all the preconceived notions from my brain,<br />

the question remains: How is it The answer is that it’s<br />

surprisingly pretty good. In essence, it’s an amalgamation<br />

of every form of rock music since the 1970s, pouring grunge,<br />

AOR, L.A. gutter sleaze, industrialized metal, punk and<br />

even some electro and vaguely hip-hop elements into one<br />

massive stew. The record feels busy from the word go; each<br />

song doesn’t seem content unless it’s trying to do everything<br />

that the band is capable of. Much has been made of the<br />

processed guitars that make up much of Chinese Democracy’s<br />

meat, some complaining that the record sounds hopelessly<br />

’90s. In actuality, the album does so much more than ape<br />

mid-’90s metal—there’s just as much tinkly piano balladry<br />

as proto-industrial shred, but I don’t see detractors lining up<br />

to say the record is stuck in the arena rock of the ’70s. Truth<br />

be told, the songs are good. “Street of Dreams” is Elton John<br />

by way of heavy rock, “If the World” is a funky mishmash of<br />

trip-hop and movie score, and the blister of “Scraped” comes<br />

closest to rekindling the ferocity of Appetite For Destruction.<br />

Some of the tracks are downright great: the heroic chorus of<br />

“Shacklers Revenge” more than makes up for its chugging<br />

midsection, “There Was A Time” is a triumphant revamp<br />

of classics like Use Your Illusion II’s “Estranged,” and the<br />

swagger of “Better” feels more like rock and roll than almost<br />

everything released this year. The playing is generally good,<br />

the guitar work more interesting than anything Slash has<br />

squeezed out since he left the band and, if anything, Axl’s<br />

voice sounds stronger and more varied now than it did in<br />

1995. Some people may be turned away by the mountainous<br />

production, and it’s true: Chinese Democracy is full to bursting<br />

with layer after layer of sound. But I would argue that, in a<br />

time where people are lamenting the death of rock music,<br />

we need someone like Axl Rose, someone who doesn’t shy<br />

away from trying to build a classic rock album. Truly, this<br />

new version of GNR was in a lose-lose situation no matter<br />

what side they erred on—a barebones album would have<br />

been derided as an aging rocker’s attempt at youthful fire,<br />

just as the actual final product is being considered a Jurassic<br />

fossil of a comeback. What it breaks down to is that Chinese<br />

Democracy is a solid album with some infinitely pleasurable<br />

Le Grand Rock moments, and some unnecessarily baroque<br />

moments, with your listening enjoyment dependant entirely<br />

on whether or not you like your music served up sparingly or<br />

as an overly sweet confection. —Mike Rodgers<br />



(VIVA)<br />

By the time Klaus Dinger<br />

started La Dusseldorf in<br />

late 1975, he had already been a<br />

part of two seminal “krautrock”<br />

bands, Kraftwerk and Neu! and<br />

helped create the beat known as<br />

“Motorik.” Parting ways with his partner in Neu! (Michael<br />

Rother, who would go on to the great Harmonia), Dinger<br />

went on to record music with various collaborators,<br />

including his brother Thomas, that can best be described as<br />

poppier and happier than his previous two bands. In fact,<br />

if you had to boil La Dusseldorf down to one word, the<br />

most poignant would be “joyful.” The first two releases, La<br />

Dusseldorf and Viva, have been re-released by the amazing<br />

reissue label Water (you should honestly buy everything<br />

they reissue—they do it for a reason!). It’s impossible to sit<br />

still while listening to these two records, with the driving<br />

beats, dirty guitars and crescendos of keyboards—in short,<br />

they rock. While barely registering in the U.S., these releases<br />

had an amazing impact upon the music of Europe (techno,<br />

electro, rave) and artists such as Brian Eno and David Bowie.<br />

Listen to the track “Time” from the self-titled record or “Cha<br />

Cha 2000” from Viva and you will begin to understand that<br />

Klaus Dinger, in any incarnation, is on par—if not ahead<br />

of—bands such as Kraftwerk, Can, early Tangerine Dream<br />

and Faust. —Colby Spath<br />



(ALIVE)<br />

T<br />

he pan never did flash for The<br />

Nerves, arguably the best nohit<br />

wonder power pop band ever.<br />

This trio lasted little more than a<br />

year and released one four-song<br />

EP when they were around, but<br />

it seems anyone who heard them went on to form a band.<br />

Largely unknown outside of “Nuggets” music junkies, their<br />




only possible claim to fame was being the originators of “Hanging on the<br />

Telephone,” a hit for Blondie a few years later. After the band’s quick demise,<br />

the members went on to other longer lasting ventures: Jack Lee to a solo career,<br />

Peter Case to The Plimsouls (of Valley Girl soundtrack fame) and Paul Collins<br />

to The Beat. Despite their short lifetime, the band produced a good handful of<br />

amazing songs, all of which are here and some for the very first time officially.<br />

Tracks such as “Paper Dolls” and “Working Too Hard” will make you dance<br />

and melt with joy, and the original version of “Hanging on the Telephone” will<br />

have you arguing with your friends whether the original version is better than<br />

Blondie’s great cover. The release is rounded out by a couple of other demos<br />

and post-Lee tracks as well as seven songs from a live Chicago show from 1977<br />

of average sound quality, but way better than nothing!!! —Colby Spath<br />




(MATADOR)<br />

We can’t count on these great deluxe reissues<br />

of Pavement records forever. It would seem<br />

like only one more is coming after this one, logically<br />

in 2010. Brighten The Corners, in its original form,<br />

sometimes seems like the forgotten Pavement record.<br />

Neither the famous seminal tomes that are Slanted & Enchanted or Crooked Rain,<br />

Crooked Rain nor the swan song of brilliance that is Terror Twilight, Brighten The<br />

Corners in its original form is a really good record. That being said, the “new”<br />

material unearthed on this reissue might be leveling the Pavement playing field.<br />

Songs such as “Harness Your Hopes” and “The Hexx” are so good they make<br />

you wonder why they weren’t on the original. Live radio tracks from the BBC<br />

and KCRW, such as “Neil Hagerty Meets Jon Spencer in a Non-Alcoholic<br />

Bar,” “Destroy Mater Dei” and a cover of Echo’s “The Killing Moon” make<br />

the discoveries on the second disc as much fun as the re-discoveries on the first.<br />

A must-have for any Pavement fan. —Colby Spath<br />

Take 1: Studio Notes<br />

Compiled by Dan Fox<br />

—You’ve already read Chris George and<br />

Daniel Majorie’s name a lot this month.<br />

Since they’ve opened The Living Room<br />

Studio in their Algiers dreamspace-cometrue,<br />

they’ve been booked solid. Fatter<br />

than Albert, Rotary Downs, Isabella<br />

and (the) Black Belt (band) have all logged time there; Majorie and George<br />

also worked on a Glasgow record, which, in George’s words, “Seemed like a<br />

vacation because everything went so smoothly.” How many records can you<br />

say about that<br />

—Way up yonder in Bogalusa, at The Studio in the Country, Ben Mumphrey<br />

has had his hands full with the Morning 40 Federation, Narcissy, The Bruisers,<br />

PROMIS (featuring Eric Martinez!) and Garage a Trois, who was up there<br />

with Mike Napolitano producing.<br />

—Greg Stein, who also spends a lot of time at The Studio in the Country,<br />

recently wrapped up the tracking of a new Haarp EP and possibly some material<br />

for a split with Thou.<br />

—J. Yuenger, credited on both a King Louie record and Ballzack’s latest, has<br />

also been busy, working with The Switchblade Combs, MC Odoms and Brick<br />

War, which is basically the same line-up as The Black Rose Band but with Die<br />

Rotzz’s Paul Artigues on drums.<br />

That’s it for this month. If you’re a band, producer, engineer, studio manager or just keep showing up<br />

to gigs with your four-track, let us know what you’re capturing at fox@antigravitymagazine.com.<br />



1. Earth, The Bees Made Honey in the Lion’s<br />

Skull. No other band sounds as much like<br />

I want life to sound like than Earth. A<br />

monolithic approach to Americana, The Bees<br />

Made Honey in the Lion’s Skull is an wonderful,<br />

sad, content album that defies genre and<br />

evokes emotion as much as intellect.<br />

2. Portishead, Third. Was there a comeback<br />

more unexpectedly amazing than this<br />

Sidestepping the rotting corpse of trip-hop,<br />

Portishead instead made an album so laden<br />

with icy beats, ethereal vocals and border<br />

smashing sounds that it deserves the moniker<br />

of “timeless.”<br />

3. Leviathan, Massive Conspiracy Against All<br />

Life. Evil, pure and simple. A guitar sound<br />

like a swarm of bees and vocals that growl and<br />

thunder like the unholy dead. No other metal<br />

record comes close to this punishingly heavy<br />

album. Even the title is despairingly viscious.<br />

4. Lil Wayne, Tha Carter III. The best rapper<br />

alive creates an uneven album of mixed<br />

up pop hooks and syrupy madness, sells<br />

billions of copies of it and manages to blow<br />

everyone’s socks off. Sure, the record has<br />

its ups and downs, but those highs are pretty<br />

fucking high.<br />

5. Nine Inch Nails, Ghosts I-IV. Proving that<br />

rock stars don’t have to stay within their limits,<br />

Trent Reznor used the NIN name to unleash<br />

a mountain of instrumentals. Ranging from<br />

aggressive synthetics to dreary daydreams,<br />

Ghosts I-IV was a piece of art in a world of<br />

commerce.<br />

6. Girl Talk, Feed the Animals. Nothing was<br />

better this year than hearing this album for<br />

the first time. If you can’t derive at least some<br />

enjoyment from naming each sample as it flies<br />

by then you have no soul.<br />

7. Vampire Weekend, Vampire Weekend.<br />

What can I say, Vampire Weekend’s playful<br />

mix of preppy youthfulness and colorful<br />

appropriations of afro/indie music won me<br />

over. Indie pop hasn’t sounded this charming<br />

in a while.<br />

8. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds, Dig!!! Lazarus<br />

Dig!!!. Recapturing the fire of old, Cave and<br />

Co. unleashed a rawer version of themselves<br />

in 2008. The result is their best work since the<br />

90s, combining the humor and intelligence of<br />

new Cave with the ferocity of old.<br />

9. M83, Saturdays=Youth. The words “retro”<br />

and “dreamy” get tossed around quite a bit,<br />

but M83 actually demands them. Evoking<br />

the ’80s styles of my childhood by actually<br />

sounding like them, albeit filtered through<br />

French, indie-pop sensibilities, Saturdays is a<br />

surefire way into my heart.<br />

10. Kanye West, 808s & Heartbreak. What I<br />

hope to be the seed of a new music revolution,<br />

Kanye West’s sour note minor opus is a<br />

gloomy, unconventional new animal. A rare<br />

breed of interesting, emotional pop.<br />





Werner Herzog is as known<br />

for his thoughtful and<br />

often strange documentaries<br />

as much as for his iconoclastic<br />

feature films. His last piece of<br />

non-fiction was Grizzly Man,<br />

a look at what happens when<br />

man reaches too far outside of<br />

his own world. The biggest<br />

difference between that film and Encounters at the End of<br />

the World, which also tells the stories of people reaching to<br />

the extremes of the earth, in this case the frozen mountains<br />

and ice plains of Antarctica, is that Encounters maintains<br />

a never endingly lighthearted approach to its subjects.<br />

The men and women presented living on the research<br />

station/ shanty town McMurdo are all dreamers, and the<br />

film frequently shifts from languid shots of underwater<br />

majesties to dirt caked tin buildings to maintain that type<br />

of dream language. The structure of the movie is very<br />

loose, and its narrative focus is sacrificed somewhat in<br />

favor of a lax pace. This is fitting as McMurdo presents<br />

itself through Herzog’s eyes as a study in juxtaposition<br />

and oddity. Even in their eccentricities the residents living<br />

in the ice all shine as optimistic, positive and interesting<br />

people: the freelance plumber enthralled by his ancestry,<br />

the philosophizing forklift driver and the iceberg geologist<br />

who relays his awing dream of riding a glacier and feeling<br />

its sounds reverberate through him. Instead of focusing<br />

on a single man’s obsession, the film holds its lens at a<br />

slight distance and paints a portrait of a spot on the bottom<br />

of the Earth where dreamers and travelers fall. Always a<br />

drawing factor in his documentaries, Herzog’s narration is<br />

at once pensive, puzzled and satirical. At times he speaks<br />

passionately about his feelings for the cold continent, at<br />

others he wonders why people feel the need to reach new<br />

places just for the sake of doing it, and at others even he<br />

cuts off his subjects with obviously false information or<br />

odd questions. The film’s most obvious humor comes<br />

from Herzog’s questioning of a biologist about penguin<br />

homosexuality and madness. The filmmaker himself has<br />

said that when they arrived in Antarctica they had no film<br />

and only found the movie through their shoots, and as<br />

such it’s easy to see how a darkly humorous tone crept in<br />

throughout the film. One thing to keep in mind though is<br />

how exquisitely beautiful the movie is. The sometimes trite<br />

nature of the narrative in no way detracts from the splendor<br />

found in every frame. Whether it’s ethereal, otherworldly<br />

shots of the cathedral of the deep, buildings piled around<br />

muddy roads or vast expanses of blinding ice each frame is<br />

full of color, life and wonderful imagery. Though its less<br />

than serious tone and loosely defined subject matter keep it<br />

from standing neck and neck with some of his past classics,<br />

in essence Encounters at the End of the World is yet another<br />

entry in what is surely an astounding catalogue of great<br />

films in Werner Herzog’s repertoire. —Mike Rodgers<br />

20_antigravity: your new orleans music and culture alternative

EVENTS<br />


45 Tchoup, 4529 Tchoupitoulas (504) 891-9066<br />

Banks St. Bar And Grill, 4401 Banks St., (504)<br />

486-0258, www.banksstreetbar.com<br />

Barrister’s Art Gallery, 2331 St. Claude Ave.<br />

The Big Top, 1638 Clio St., (504) 569-2700,<br />

www.3ringcircusproductions.com<br />

The Blue Nile, 534 Frenchmen St., (504) 948-2583<br />

Broadmoor House, 4127 Walmsley, (504) 821-<br />

2434<br />

Cafe Brasil, 2100 Chartres St., (504) 947-9386<br />

Candle Factory, 4537 N. Robertson St.<br />

Carrollton Station, 8140 Willow St., (504) 865-<br />

9190, www.carrolltonstation.com<br />

Checkpoint Charlie’s, 501 Esplanade Ave.,<br />

(504) 947-0979<br />

Chickie Wah Wah, 2828 Canal Street (504)<br />

304-4714, www.chickiewahwah.com<br />

Circle Bar, 1032 St. Charles Ave., (504) 588-<br />

2616, www.circlebar.net<br />

Club 300, 300 Decatur Street, www.<br />

neworleansjazzbistro.com<br />

Coach’s Haus, 616 N. Solomon<br />

The Country Club, 634 Louisa St., (504) 945-<br />

0742, www.countryclubneworleans.com<br />

d.b.a., 618 Frenchmen St., (504) 942-373, www.<br />

drinkgoodstuff.com/no<br />

Der Rathskeller (Tulane’s Campus), McAlister<br />

Dr., http://wtul.fm<br />

Dragon’s Den, 435 Esplanade Ave., http://<br />

myspace.com/dragonsdennola<br />

Eldon’s House, 3055 Royal Street,<br />

arlovanderbel@hotmail.com<br />

Ernie K-Doe’s Mother-in-Law Lounge, 1500<br />

N. Claiborne Ave.<br />

Fair Grinds Coffee House, 3133 Ponce de<br />

Leon, (504) 913-9072, www.fairgrinds.com<br />

Fuel Coffee House, 4807 <strong>Magazine</strong> St. (504)<br />

895-5757<br />

Goldmine Saloon, 701 Dauphine St., (504) 586-<br />

0745, www.goldminesaloon.net<br />

The Green Space, 2831 Marais Street (504) 945-<br />

0240, www.thegreenproject.org<br />

Handsome Willy’s, 218 S. Robertson St., (504)<br />

525-0377, http://handsomewillys.com<br />

Hi-Ho Lounge, 2239 St. Claude Ave. (504) 945-<br />

4446, www.myspace.com/hiholounge<br />

Hot Iron Press Plant, 1420 Kentucky Ave.,<br />

hotironpress@hotmail.com<br />

House Of Blues / The Parish, 225 Decatur,<br />

(504)310-4999, www.hob.com/neworleans<br />

The Howlin’ Wolf, 907 S. Peters, (504) 522-<br />

WOLF, www.thehowlinwolf.com<br />

Kajun’s Pub, 2256 St. Claude Avenue (504) 947-<br />

3735, www.myspace.com/kajunspub<br />

Kim’s 940, 940 Elysian Fields, (504) 844-4888<br />

The Kingpin, 1307 Lyons St., (504) 891-2373<br />

Le Bon Temps Roule, 4801 <strong>Magazine</strong> St., (504)<br />

895-8117<br />

Le Chat Noir, 715 St. Charles Ave., (504) 581-<br />

5812, www.cabaretlechatnoir.com<br />

Lyceum Central, 618 City Park Ave., (410) 523-<br />

4182, http://lyceumproject.com<br />

Lyon’s Club, 2920 Arlington St.<br />

Mama’s Blues, 616 N. Rampart St., (504) 453-9290<br />

Maple Leaf, 8316 Oak St., (504) 866-9359<br />

Marlene’s Place, 3715 Tchoupitoulas, (504)<br />

897-3415, www.myspace.com/marlenesplace<br />

McKeown’s Books, 4737 Tchoupitoulas, (504)<br />

895-1954, http://mckeownsbooks.net<br />

Melvin’s, 2112 St. Claude Ave.<br />

NEW ORLEANS (Cont.)<br />

MVC, 9800 Westbank Expressway, (504) 234-<br />

2331, www.themvc.net<br />

Neutral Ground Coffee House, 5110 Danneel St.,<br />

(504) 891-3381, www.neutralground.org<br />

Nowe Miasto, 223 Jane Pl., (504) 821-6721<br />

Ogden Museum, 925 Camp St., (504) 539-9600<br />

One Eyed Jacks, 615 Toulouse St., (504) 569-<br />

8361, www.oneeyedjacks.net<br />

Outer Banks, 2401 Palmyra (at S. Tonti),<br />

(504) 628-5976, www.myspace.com/<br />

outerbanksmidcity<br />

Republic, 828 S. Peters St., (504) 528-8282,<br />

www.republicnola.com<br />

Rusty Nail, 1100 Constance Street (504) 525-<br />

5515, www.therustynail.org/<br />

The Saturn Bar, 3067 St. Claude Ave., www.<br />

myspace.com/saturnbar<br />

Side Arm Gallery, 1122 St. Roch Ave., (504)<br />

218-8379, www.sidearmgallery.org<br />

Southport Hall, 200 Monticello Ave., (504) 835-<br />

2903, www.newsouthport.com<br />

The Spellcaster Lodge, 3052 St. Claude<br />

Avenue, www.quintonandmisspussycat.com/<br />

tourdates.html<br />

St. Roch Taverne, 1200 St. Roch Ave., (504)<br />

945-0194<br />

Tipitina’s, (Uptown) 501 Napoleon Ave., (504)<br />

895-8477 (Downtown) 233 N. Peters, www.<br />

tipitinas.com<br />

The Zeitgeist, 1618 Oretha Castle Haley Blvd.,<br />

(504) 827-5858, www.zeitgeistinc.net<br />

Vintage Uptown, 4523 <strong>Magazine</strong> St.,<br />

askmexico@gmail.com<br />


Airline Lion’s Home, 3110 Division St.<br />

Badabing’s, 3515 Hessmer, (504) 454-1120<br />

The Bar, 3224 Edenborn<br />

Hammerhead’s, 1300 N Causeway Blvd, (504)<br />

834-6474<br />

The High Ground, 3612 Hessmer<br />

Ave., Metairie, (504) 525-0377, www.<br />

thehighgroundvenue.com<br />

Keystone’s Lounge, 3408 28 th Street, www.<br />

myspace.com/keystoneslounge<br />

Stitches, 3941 Houma Blvd., www.myspace.<br />

com/stitchesbar<br />


The Caterie, 3617 Perkins Rd., www.thecaterie.com<br />

Chelsea’s Café, 2857 Perkins Rd., (225) 387-<br />

3679, www.chelseascafe.com<br />

Dragonfly’s, 124 West Chimes<br />

The Darkroom, 10450 Florida Blvd., (225) 274-<br />

1111, www.darkroombatonrouge.com<br />

Government St., 3864 Government St., www.<br />

myspace.com/rcpzine<br />

Junkyard House, 3299 Ivanhoe St.<br />

North Gate Tavern, 136 W. Chimes St.<br />

(225)346-6784, www.northgatetavern.com<br />

Red Star Bar, 222 Laurel St., (225) 346-8454,<br />

www.redstarbar.com<br />

Rotolos, 1125 Bob Pettit Blvd. (225) 761-1999,<br />

www.myspace.com/rotolosallages<br />

The Spanish Moon, 1109 Highland Rd., (225)<br />

383-MOON, www.thespanishmoon.com<br />

The Varsity, 3353 Highland Rd., (225)383-7018,<br />

www.varsitytheatre.com<br />

THURSDAY 1/1<br />

Die Kappa Die, Dragon’s Den (Upstairs), 10pm<br />

Groovesect, d.b.a., 10pm, $5<br />

Paul Sanchez, d.b.a., 7pm<br />

FRIDAY 1/2<br />

ActionActionReaction Indie Rock Dance Party,<br />

Circle Bar<br />

An Evening w/ Dave Matthews Tribute Band,<br />

House Of Blues<br />

Craig Paddock, Eric Fausch, Carrollton Station<br />

Hot Club of New Orleans, d.b.a., 6pm<br />

Papa Grows Funk, d.b.a., 10pm, $10<br />

Paul Orbell Trio, Dragon’s Den (Upstairs), 7pm<br />

Pure w/ DJs Paul B, Josh Sense, SIo2, Dragon’s<br />

Den (Downstairs), 10pm<br />

Schatzy, The Union Line, Dragon’s Den (Upstairs),<br />

10pm<br />

Stevie’s Birthday w/ Brickwar, TireFire, Wizzard<br />

Sleeve, Amber Alerts, The Saturn Bar, 10pm<br />

SATURDAY 1/3<br />

Abaddon, Jude Fawley, Raum, Thou, Dragon’s<br />

Den, 6pm, $5<br />

Big Sam’s Funky Nation, House Of Blues<br />

The Converts, A Hanging, Face First, Banks St.<br />

Bar & Grill, 10pm<br />

Grass Roots w/ Truth Universal, Dragon’s Den<br />

(Downstairs), 10pm<br />

Little Freddie King, d.b.a., 11pm, $5<br />

Nick Krill of The Spinto Band, John Michael, Leo<br />

DeJesus, Carrollton Station<br />

Robin Kinchen & The Voodoo Revue, Half a<br />

Million Strangers, The Parish @ House Of Blues<br />

Sick Like Sinatra, Circle Bar<br />

Soul Rebels, Dragon’s Den (Upstairs), 10pm<br />

SUNDAY 1/4<br />

DJ Damage Delite, Fischer Cat, Realicide, Evolve,<br />

Spirit Horizen, Dragon’s Den (Downstairs), 10pm<br />

Fleur de Tease, One Eyed Jacks, 8pm, 10pm<br />

The Homewreckers, Stephen Smith, Lenny Jorns,<br />

Circle Bar<br />

MONDAY 1/5<br />

The Round Pegs, Felix, Circle Bar<br />

TUESDAY 1/6<br />

The 3rd Annual Mr. Mustachios Winter Gala:<br />

New Orleans Premiere Mustache Celebration<br />

f/ Mr. Mustachio, Kid Midi, DJ Rusty Lazer,<br />

Dragon’s Den (Upstairs), 10pm<br />

Johnny Vidacovich Trio, d.b.a., 10pm<br />

Paper Scissors Rocketpack, The Deadly Fist of<br />

Kung Fu, Half a Million Strangers, Circle Bar<br />

Reggae All-Star Jam w/ The Uppressors, Dave<br />

Jordan, John Lisi, Mike B3 Burkart, Banks St. Bar<br />

& Grill, 10pm<br />

WEDNESDAY 1/7<br />

All Rise, Zombie Killer, Dragon’s Den (Upstairs), 7pm<br />

Dead Man’s Carnival, Ducbo<br />

Ratty Scurvics’ Singularity, Scrapyard Sideshow,<br />

Hi-Ho Lounge, 10pm<br />

Ruby Rendrag, Circle Bar<br />

THURSDAY 1/8<br />

Carey Hudson, d.b.a., 7pm<br />

Jump Back Jake, Jonathan Terrell, Country Fried,<br />

Circle Bar<br />

King James and Guitar Lightnin’ Lee, d.b.a.,<br />

10pm, $5<br />

Modo, David Shaw (of The Revivalists), Dragon’s<br />

Den (Upstairs), 10pm<br />

Mosquitosophagus, Steve Eck, I Octopus, Hi-Ho<br />

Lounge, 10pm<br />

Southern Troubadors f/ Anders Osborne,<br />

Grayson Capps, Mike Zito, Tipitina’s, 9pm, $10<br />

FRIDAY 1/9<br />

All NOTOS Eve w/ The Revivalists, Howlin’ Wolf,<br />

10pm<br />

Doomsday Device Album Release Party, Arajay,<br />

MC/VL, Unicord Basement, Hi-Ho Lounge, 10pm<br />

Ingrid Lucia, d.b.a., 6pm<br />

Isabella, Pharmacist Always on Duty, White<br />

Horse Tabernacle, Circle Bar<br />

John Mooney, d.b.a., 10pm, $5<br />

Ottomatic: An Electro Event, Dragon’s Den<br />

(Upstairs), 10pm<br />

Outlaw Order Album Release Party w/ Evil Army<br />

and Face First, One Eyed Jacks, 10pm<br />

Spring Break Shark Attack, Simon Lott, Dragon’s<br />

Den (Downstairs), 10pm<br />

Swampgrease f/ Terence Higgins, Floopy Head,<br />

Tipitina’s, 10pm, $10<br />

Zoso: The Ultimate Led Zeppelin Experience,<br />

House Of Blues<br />

SATURDAY 1/10<br />

Bo Dollis Jr. and The Wild Magnolias, Tipitina’s,<br />

10pm, $10<br />

DJ Rootz, Dragon’s Den (Downstairs), 10pm<br />

Felix, The Kickback, Dragon’s Den (Upstairs), 10pm<br />

Hot 8 Brass Band, Free Agents Brass Band,<br />

Stooges Music Group, Shamaar Allen, TBC Brass<br />

Band, Howlin’ Wolf, 10pm<br />

Illuminasty Trio f/ James Singleton, Mike Dillon,<br />

Skerik, Hi-Ho Lounge, 10pm<br />

Paul Sanchez, The Rolling Road Show, Carrollton<br />

Station<br />

Rik Slave and The Phantoms, Circle Bar<br />

Sister Hazel, Nelo, House Of Blues<br />

Zydepunks, d.b.a., 11pm, $5<br />

SUNDAY 1/11<br />

Beth Patterson, Circle Bar<br />

Maddie Ruthless, The Have Nots, Dragon’s Den<br />

(Downstairs), 10pm<br />

Shamarr Allen, d.b.a., 10pm<br />

Wonderfarm Cabaret Variety Show, Hi-Ho Lounge,<br />

10pm<br />

MONDAY 1/12<br />

BlownUPNihilist, Abominable Iron Sloth, Raum,<br />

High Priest, The Saturn Bar, 10pm<br />

The Deaf Children, The Melters, Circle Bar<br />

Mike Dillon & Skerik, Dragon’s Den (Upstairs),<br />

10pm<br />

TUESDAY 1/13<br />

Brian Prunka, Dragon’s Den (Upstairs), 10pm<br />

Illuminasti Trio (Mike Dillon, Skerik, James<br />

Singleton), d.b.a., 10pm<br />

The Mike Darby Band, Circle Bar<br />

Soul Sister Presents: The Rudy Ray Moore Film<br />

Festival, One Eyed Jacks, 8pm<br />

WEDNESDAY 1/14<br />

Liteworks, The Donkeys, Circle Bar<br />

Midnite Disturbers, 504 Brass Band, Tipitina’s,<br />

10pm, $12<br />

The Rooks, Landlord, Royal City Riot, The<br />

Buzzkillers, Dragon’s Den (Upstairs), 7pm<br />

Soul Sister Presents: The Rudy Ray Moore Film<br />

Festival, One Eyed Jacks, 8pm<br />

Tin Men, d.b.a., 7pm<br />

THURSDAY 1/15<br />

Good Enough For Good Times, Johnny Sketch<br />

and The Dirty Notes, Tipitina’s, 10pm, $12<br />

Hammer On, Mean Machine, Hi-Ho Lounge, 10pm<br />

Have Soul Will Travel f/ Rich Vogel and Bert<br />

Cotten, d.b.a., 10pm<br />

The Kinky Tuscaderos, Ruby Rendrag, Circle Bar<br />

NOSACONN Cultural Recovery Concert Series<br />

Presents: Funkadesi w/ The Batiste Experience,<br />

House Of Blues<br />

Paul Sanchez, d.b.a., 7pm<br />


EVENTS<br />

THURSDAY 1/15 (Cont.)<br />

She Rides, Hangtime, Dragon’s Den (Upstairs),<br />

10pm<br />

FRIDAY 1/16<br />

American Routes With Nick Spitzer 10th<br />

Anniversary Extravaganza f/ Deacon John and<br />

The Ivories, Dr. Michael White and The Originals<br />

Liberty Jazz Band, Feufollet, Al “Carnival Time”<br />

Johnson, Topsy Chapman, House Of Blues<br />

Chicago Zoo (DJ White Shadow, De’Mar<br />

Hamilton of Plain White Tees), Republic, 10pm, $5<br />

Hot Club of New Orleans, d.b.a., 6pm<br />

GNO Fair Housing Action Center Presents:<br />

Bonerama, Soul Rebels, Howlin’ Wolf, 10pm<br />

The Irene Sage Band, Banks St. Bar & Grill, 10pm<br />

Lux, The Swip, Circle Bar<br />

Otra, d.b.a., 10pm, $5<br />

The Pallbearers, We’re Only In It For the Honey,<br />

Hi-Ho Lounge, 10pm<br />

The Pharmacy, The Saturn Bar<br />

Shadow Gallery, Dragon’s Den (Upstairs), 10pm<br />

Silent Cinema Album Release Party w/ Half a<br />

Million Strangers, One Eyed Jacks, 10pm<br />

Tipitina’s 31st Anniversary Bash w/ Tipitina’s<br />

All-Stars f/ Ivan Neville and Friends, Billy Iuso<br />

and Restless Natives, Tipitina’s, 10pm, $15<br />

SATURDAY 1/17<br />

am540, Carrollton Station<br />

Black Belt, Smiley With a Knife, Man Plus<br />

Building, One Eyed Jacks, 10pm<br />

DJ EF Cuttin, Dragon’s Den (Upstairs), 10pm<br />

DJ Frenzi, Dragon’s Den (Downstairs), 10pm<br />

Gal Holiday and The Honky Tonk Revue, Circle<br />

Bar<br />

From Legends to Nancy, Confessor, Hey Caesar!,<br />

In Every Nightmare, House Of Blues<br />

Good Enough for Good Times, d.b.a., 11pm, $5<br />

Jon McLaughlin, The Parish @ House Of Blues<br />

PBS f/ Porter, Batiste and Stoltz, Groovesect,<br />

Tipitina’s, $20<br />

The Zydepunks, Felix, Hi-Ho Lounge, 10pm<br />

SUNDAY 1/18<br />

Beautiful Bells, Circle Bar<br />

I Octopus, Starfish HQ, Dragon’s Den (Downstairs),<br />

10pm<br />

Mike Hood, d.b.a., 10pm<br />

Yo Majesty!, Natalie “The Floacist” Stewart, The<br />

Parish @ House Of Blues<br />

MONDAY 1/19<br />

Glen David Andrews, Paul Sanchez Rolling Rock<br />

Show, Tipitina’s, 9pm, $10<br />

Jack Topht and The Vegetables, Circle Bar<br />

Shameus, Dragon’s Den (Upstairs), 10pm<br />

TUESDAY 1/20<br />

Johnny Vidacovich Duo, d.b.a., 10pm<br />

Obama Inaguration Party w/ Shamarr Allen and<br />

The Underdawgs, Hot 8 Brass Band, Soul Rebels,<br />

Tipitina’s, 10pm, $10<br />

WEDNESDAY 1/21<br />

Bad Fish: A Tribute To Sublime, Scotty Don’t,<br />

House Of Blues<br />

Brett Dennen, Erin McCarley, The Parish @ House<br />

Of Blues<br />

Homegrown Night, Tipitina’s, 8:30pm, FREE<br />

Red Carpet Reflection, Circle Bar<br />

Surf Night w/ The Unnaturals, Hi-Ho Lounge, 9pm<br />

Tin Men, d.b.a., 7pm<br />

THURSDAY 1/22<br />

Bipolaroid, d.b.a., 10pm, $5<br />

Colin Lake, d.b.a., 7pm<br />

Doomsday Device, Dragon’s Den (Upstairs), 10pm<br />

Jealous Monk, Derrick Freeman’s Smoker’s<br />

World, Tipitina’s, 10pm, $10<br />

Sarah Quintana and The Soft Shoes, Circle Bar<br />

FRIDAY 1/23<br />

The Bad Off, Charmed I’m Sure, The War Office,<br />

Hi-Ho Lounge, 10pm<br />

The Bruisers, Circle Bar<br />

Camel Toe Lady Steppers Fundraiser, One Eyed<br />

Jacks, 10pm<br />

The English Beat, Bad Manners, House Of Blues<br />

Flesh Parade, Hawg Jaw, A Hanging, Haarp, The<br />

Devil and the Sea, The Bar, 10pm<br />

Free Jazz, Brah!, Dragon’s Den (Downstairs), 10pm<br />

Ingrid Lucia, d.b.a., 6pm<br />

Kirk Joseph’s Backyard Groove, d.b.a., 10pm, $5<br />

Meadow Flow, An Empire at Sea, Birdfight,<br />

Banks St. Bar & Grill, 10pm<br />

Mojo Method, Caddywhompus, Friends of Fire,<br />

Howlin’ Wolf, 10pm<br />

No Babies, Roman Gabriel Todd’s Beast Rising<br />

Up Out of the Sea, The Saturn Bar, 10pm<br />

The Radiators 31st Anniversary Party, Tipitina’s,<br />

10pm, $15<br />

Ruby Rendrag and Suki Kuehn, The Kinky<br />

Tuscaderos, Carrollton Station<br />

The Tomatoes, Pumpkin, Head Trip, Conception,<br />

Dragon’s Den (Upstairs), 10pm<br />

SATURDAY 1/24<br />

Courtland Burke, Tony Italiano, Carrollton Station<br />

Hammer-On, No Room for Saints, Grayskull,<br />

Banks St. Bar & Grill, 10pm<br />

I Octopus, The Good Captain, Circle Bar<br />

Invoke the Nightmare, Sustenance, Innermost,<br />

Celestial Mechanics, Howlin’ Wolf, 10pm<br />

Pine Leaf Boys, d.b.a., 11pm, $5<br />

The Radiators 31st Anniversary Party, Tipitina’s,<br />

10pm, $15<br />

The Reverend Spooky LeStrange’s Church of<br />

Burlesque, Hi-Ho Lounge, 10pm<br />

Suplecs, Collapsar, Thou, The Bar, 10pm<br />

Two Floors of Drum N Bass, Dragon’s Den, 10pm<br />

Wayne “The Train” Hancock, One Eyed Jacks,<br />

10pm<br />

SUNDAY 1/25<br />

Bourbon Cowboys, Circle Bar<br />

Rick Trolsen, Brian Coogan, Matt Perrine, Hi-Ho<br />

Lounge, 10pm<br />

Washboard Chaz Blues Trio, d.b.a., 10pm<br />

MONDAY 1/26<br />

Michael Hornsby, Circle Bar<br />

Tarik Hassan, Dragon’s Den (Upstairs), 10pm<br />

TUESDAY 1/27<br />

Linnzi Zaorski, d.b.a., 10pm<br />

Los Campesinos!, Titus Andronicus, One Eyed<br />

Jacks, 10pm<br />

WEDNESDAY 1/28<br />

Homegrown Night, Tipitina’s, 8:30pm, FREE<br />

JJ Grey and MOFRO, Jonathan Tyler and The<br />

Northern Lights, House Of Blues<br />

Tin Men, d.b.a., 7pm<br />

THURSDAY 1/29<br />

Fucked Up, Iron Age, Haarp, Necro Hippies,<br />

Ducbo, 7pm, $5<br />

Germain Bazzle w/ Todd Duke, Eric Traub and<br />

Peter Harris, d.b.a., 7pm<br />

KB, What da Fuk, Dragon’s Den (Upstairs), 10pm<br />

Kirk Joseph’s Backyard Groove, Kevin O’Day’s<br />

Hip-Hop Alive!, Tipitina’s, 10pm, $10<br />

The Magnolia Sons, Circle Bar<br />

Mas Mamones, d.b.a., 10pm<br />

Reverend Dead Eye, Hi-Ho Lounge, 10pm<br />

22_antigravity: your new orleans music and culture alternative

EVENTS<br />

FRIDAY 1/30<br />

Alexandra Scott, Circle Bar<br />

Andrew Duhon Album Release, d.b.a., 10pm, $5<br />

Bustout Burlesque f/ Catherine D’Lish, House Of<br />

Blues, 7pm, 9:30pm<br />

Country Fried, Burning Castles, Hi-Ho Lounge, 10pm<br />

Dough Stackin’ Up All-Stars, Dragon’s Den<br />

(Downstairs), 10pm<br />

Dave Jordan’s Birthday Bash w/ Juice!, Banks St.<br />

Bar & Grill, 11pm<br />

Grammy U. Launch Party (Benefiting<br />

Tipitina’s Foundation Internship Program) f/<br />

MyNameIsJohnMichael, Dee 1, Caddywhompus,<br />

Soul Capital, Tipitina’s, 10pm, $10<br />

Microshards, Rotten Milk, DJ Rusty Lazer,<br />

Dragon’s Den (Upstairs), 10pm<br />

Papa Grows Funk, Howlin’ Wolf, 10pm<br />

Rotary Downs, The Happy Talk Band, One Eyed<br />

Jacks, 10pm<br />

Sole Pursuit, Touching the Absolute, Parallel the<br />

Sky, The Parish @ House Of Blues<br />

SATURDAY 1/31<br />

Brah, Centerpunch, Runoft, One Eyed Jacks, 10pm<br />

Concrete Shoes Album Release Party, Hi-Ho<br />

Lounge, 10pm<br />

House of Blues & Offbeat Present: The Best of the<br />

Beat Awards, House Of Blues<br />

John Boutte, d.b.a., 7pm<br />

Rebirth Brass Band, Howlin’ Wolf, 10pm<br />

The Revivalists, Flow Tribe, Funk.Soul.Family,<br />

Hightide Blues, Tipitina’s, 9pm, $10<br />

Roddie Romero and The Hub City All-Stars,<br />

d.b.a., 11pm, $5<br />

SUNDAY 2/1<br />

Glorybee, Circle Bar<br />



Beacoup Crasseaux w/ Free Jambalaya, Banks St.<br />

Bar and Grill, 10pm<br />

Blue Grass Pickin’ Party, Hi-Ho Lounge, 8pm<br />

Glen David Andrews, d.b.a., 10pm<br />

Justin Peake’s Acoustic Trio, Dragon’s Den<br />

(Downstairs), 8pm, FREE<br />

Mad Mike, Checkpoint Charlie’s, 8pm<br />

Missy Meatlocker, Circle Bar, 5pm<br />

Van Halen II: Rise of the Machines, Dragon’s Den<br />

(Downstairs), 10pm<br />


Acoustic Night, Dragon’s Den (Downstairs), 7pm;<br />

[Beginning 1/13]<br />

Acoustic Open Mic, Carrollton Station, 9pm<br />

Acoustic Open Mic w/ Jim Smith, Checkpoint<br />

Charlie’s, 10pm<br />

Jonathan Freilich and Alex McMurray, Circle Bar,<br />

6pm<br />

Open Mic w/ Whiskey T., Rusty Nail, 8pm<br />

Reggae Jam with The Uppressors, Banks St. Bar<br />

and Grill, 10pm<br />


DJ T-Roy Presents: Dancehall Classics, Dragon’s<br />

Den (Upstairs), 10pm, $5<br />

Gravity A, Banks St. Bar and Grill, 11pm<br />

Jim O. and The No Shows, Circle Bar, 6pm<br />

Kenny holiday and the Rolling Blackouts,<br />

Checkpoint Charlie’s, 9pm<br />

Mojotoro Tango Trio, Yuki (525 Frenchmen St.),<br />

8pm<br />

Walter Wolfman Washington and The<br />

Roadmasters, d.b.a., 10pm, $5<br />


DJ Kemistry, Republic, 11pm<br />

DJ Proppa Bear Presents: Bassbin Safari, Dragon’s<br />

Den (Downstairs), 10pm<br />

Fast Times ‘80s Dance Night, One Eyed Jacks<br />

The Fens w/ Sneaky Pete, Checkpoint Charlie’s, 10pm<br />

Sam and Boone, Circle Bar, 6pm<br />

Soul Rebels, Les Bon Temps Roule, 11pm<br />

Sweet Home New Orleans R&B Heritage Night,<br />

Banks St. Bar & Grill, 9pm<br />


Friday Night Music Camp, The Big Top, 5pm;<br />

1/9 w/ Jonathan Freilich & Friends; 1/23 w/ Good<br />

Enough For Good Times<br />

Throwback, Republic<br />

Tipitina’s Foundation Free Friday!, Tipitina’s, 10pm<br />


DJ Damion Yancy, Republic, 11pm<br />

John Boutte’, d.b.a., 7pm<br />


Acoustic Open Mic w/ Jim Smith, Checkpoint<br />

Charlie’s, 7pm<br />

Cajun Fais Do Do f/ Bruce Danigerpoint,<br />

Tipitina’s, 5:30pm, $7 (N/A on 12/14)<br />

Corrosion, Dragon’s Den (Upstairs), 10pm<br />

Linnzi Zaorski, d.b.a., 6pm<br />

Music Workshop Series, Tipitina’s, 12:30pm<br />

Latin Dance Nite w/ Los Pinginos, Banks St. Bar<br />

and Grill<br />

The Palmetto Bug Stompers, d.b.a., 6pm<br />

The Sunday Gospel Brunch, House Of Blues<br />

COMEDY<br />


Standup Comedy Open Mic, Carrollton Station, 9pm<br />


Karaoke Fury, La Nuit Comedy Theater, 10pm<br />

Rabbit Hole, La Nuit Comedy Theater, 8:30<br />


God’s Been Drinking, La Nuit Comedy Theater,<br />

8:30pm, $10<br />

Open Mic Stand-Up, La Nuit Comedy Theater,<br />

10pm, $5<br />


ComedySportz: All-Ages Comedy Show, La Nuit<br />

Comedy Theater, 7pm, $10<br />

Jonah’s Variety Hour, La Nuit Comedy Theater, 10pm<br />


2/09: Agnostic Front, The Mongoloids, Hammer-<br />

On, The Parish @ House Of Blues<br />

2/10: Annuals, Jessica Lea Mayfield, What Laura<br />

Says, The Parish @ House Of Blues<br />

2/11: The Physics of Meaning, Circle Bar<br />

2/17: Dr. Dog, One Eyed Jacks<br />

2/23: Quintron, Andrew W.K., One Eyed Jacks<br />

3/01 & 3/02: Flogging Molly: Green 17 Tour,<br />

House Of Blues<br />

3/02: Dead Friends, Mordechai, Necro Hippies,<br />

Nowe Miasto, 7pm, $5<br />

3/10: Tokyo Police Club, Ra Ra Riot, House Of<br />

Blues<br />

3/15: King Khan and The Shrines, One Eyed Jacks<br />

3/20: The Alternative Media Expo ’09 Fashion<br />

Show Presented by Dirty Coast, One Eyed Jacks<br />

3/21: The Alternative Media Expo ’09, The<br />

Warehouse at the Contemporary Arts Center, 12pm-<br />

6pm, $5<br />

3/21: The Alternative Media Expo ’09 Post-Party<br />

w/ Ballzack, The Buttons, One Eyed Jacks<br />

3/23: The Black Lips, One Eyed Jacks<br />

3/25: Ani DiFranco, House Of Blues<br />

3/28: MyNameIsJohnMichael Album Release<br />

Party, One Eyed Jacks<br />

4/13: Dan Deacon, Heavy Metal Parking Lot<br />


COMICS<br />

24_antigravity: your new orleans music and culture alternative

COMICS<br />


PHOTOS<br />

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PHOTOS<br />


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